Procurement Activity Report

Prepared by kNo1i Z?m4fi9l Wp5yC6tf5 Nunalingni Kavamatkunnilu Pivikhaqautikkut Department of Community and Government Services Ministere des Services Communautaires et Gouvernementaux

Fiscal Year 2017/18 GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Table of Contents ...... Purpose 2 ...... Objective 2 ...... Introduction 2 ...... Report Overview 3 ...... Sole Source Contract Observations 4 ...... General Observations 8 ...... Summary 11 ...... 1. All Contracts (> $5,000) 11 ...... 2. Contracting Types 16 ...... 3. Contracting Methods 21 ...... 4. Sole Source Contract Distribution 26

Appendices ...... Appendix A: Glossary and Definition of Terms 31 ...... Appendix B: Sole Source (> $5,000) 32 ...... Appendix C: Contract Detailed Listing (> $5,000) 36

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Purpose The Department of Community and Government Services (CGS) is pleased to present this report on the Government of Nunavut (GN's) procurement and contracting activities for the 2017/18 fiscal year.

Objective CGS is committed to ensuring fair value and ethical practices in meeting its responsibilities. This is accomplished through effective policies and procedures aimed at:

 Obtaining the best value for Nunavummiut overall;  Creating a fair and open environment for vendors;  Maintaining current and accurate information; and  Ensuring effective approaches to meet the GN's requirements.

Introduction The Procurement Activity Report presents statistical information and contract detail about GN contracts as reported by GN departments to CGS's Procurement, Logistics and Contract Support section.

Contracts entered into by the GN Crown agencies and the Legislative Assembly are not reported to CGS and are not included in this report.

Contract information provided in this report reflects contracts awarded and reported during the 2017/2018 fiscal year. CGS can not guarantee the accuracy of contract information reported by departments, however, CGS makes best efforts to verify the information and ensure departments are fully aware of the reporting requirements set out in the Nunavummi Nangminiqaqtunik Ikajuuti (NNI Regulations) and applicable GN policies and procedures.

Revised NNI Policy (Regulations)

On March 29, 2016, the Government of Nunavut approved a revised NNI Policy which came into effect as of September 7, 2017. The new NNI Regulations increased the total possible bid adjustments from 21% to 25%. This included an increase from 7% to 15% for 100% owned Inuit Firms. The statistics contained in this report include the new NNI Regulations for the 2017/18 fiscal year.

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Report Overview This report focuses on the distribution of contracts awarded to corporations, organizations and sole proprietors.

Charts and tables are used to illustrate the information presented.

CGS aims to enhance its reporting of the GN’s contracting activities each year as part of its commitment to ensure transparency and accountability. Many factors can influence the comparability of data. Unusually high or low values for a given year in reported data can result from a blend of several external factors that may not necessarily be obvious to a reader including such significant items as annual variations in operating budgets or capital budgets, policy revisions and one-time initiatives. Readers of this report should seek informed explanations respecting contributing factors before making judgments. Readers should not base judgments solely on the graphs and tables contained in this report, and consider the many other reports and published program information made available by the GN as well.

When viewing such comparative information, it is important to note that certain factors such as planned changes in the GN’s priorities from year to year can impact the annual results. For instance, a significant level of capital projects in one year would likely reveal a high level of Public Tendering which is the typical approach when awarding large value major works projects. A reduction in major works projects the following year, however, could reveal a related decrease in Public Tenders by value which is not necessarily indicative of any change in approach in the government’s procurement and contracting practices. Therefore it is important to consider the broader perspective and context before making conclusions when assessing the comparative information presented.

Each year there is a portion of contracting activities which relate directly to the GN’s ongoing role in maintaining essential services and basic programs. Other contracting activities are closely aligned to the cyclical nature of the GN’s capital spending commitments.

Major capital projects typically follow a period of planning which includes inception, planning and design phases prior to the period of intense construction activity. The following year would normally show a large reduction in contracting activity. Comparisons made across such years may reveal an unexpected change in the level of contracts which were competitively awarded as well as the relative percentage of contracting activities by type or method.

A year in which a number of large capital projects are entering their design phase would see an increase in the volume and value of spending activity on design contracts ("A/E"). Given that the design phases of capital projects are typically followed by construction, it would be logical to see corresponding increases in the number and value of major construction contracts awarded ("CON") in the following year.

Given that design and construction contracts are typically higher value contracts awarded through a Public RFP or Tender method, whereas other types of contracts are typically of

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smaller value awarded through an invitational process; a significant decrease in the infrastructure contract values with no change in the other contract values could imply an increase in Invited Tenders or Proposals even though there is no real increase in those activities.

Contract activities which relate to the GN’s ongoing responsibility for maintaining basic services and safeguarding the health and welfare of Nunavummiut may warrant special measures to ensure prompt attention and immediate action. Depending on the nature, this may warrant engagement of expertise or necessary services outside the normal competitive process. This can occur where a delay would be injurious to the public interest, or where there is only one vendor available and qualified enough to perform the contract. Therefore in a year in which the level of capital spending is low, the proportion of non-competitively awarded contracts may appear high even though there has been no underlying change to the GN’s procurement and contracting practices.

Readers are therefore cautioned from making specific conclusions upon reviewing the comparative information presented. As the GN’s primary Contracting Authority, CGS continues to monitor and assess annual indicators, enhance services offered to clients and client departments, and review its contracting activities regularly to ensure best practices across the GN.

Sole Source Contract Observations Sole Source contracting practices are monitored closely. The GN believes we get the best value for our money through competitive bidding processes, however, there are limited situations where the contracting regulations permit awarding contracts without competition. Section 3 of this report discusses the acceptable conditions for awarding contracts without competition.

The GN continues to review the contributing factors to contracts that have been Sole Sourced. CGS monitors the various types of contracts entered into without competition, and can offer strategic planning and other services to assist departments in decreasing their reliance on the Sole Sourcing methodology; especially where the permitted Sole Source criteria may not be met. For example, ‘delay would be injurious to the public interest’ is sometimes misunderstood, and the criterion ‘there is only one party capable and available’ is also sometimes relied upon without sufficient marketplace research or other appropriate data to support the request.

We will continue to work with departments towards reducing the use of this contracting method. In 2017/18 Sole Source contracts, decreased in volume by 8% and, decreased in value by 3%. The number of Sole Source contracts are more prevalent in contracts valued under $100,000.

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Not Included in These Statistics Note: The statistical numbers in this report do not include four (4) large categories of contracts. Those are:

2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 1. Scheduled Medical Travel $45M (est.) $44M (est.) $39M (est.)

2. Fuel (PPD) $137M (est.) $155M (est.) $180M (est.)

3. Police and Laboratory Services $41M (est.) $43M (est.) $37M (est.)

4. Physician Services $19M (est.) $23M (est.) $27M (est.)

These four high value categories total approximately $242 million in 2017/18. Medical Travel, Fuel Resupply and Physician Services are the result of a competitive process, Police and Laboratory Services is an extension of a previous contract with the RCMP. If we include these numbers, Sole Source contracts would value approximately 7% of total expenditures. Eliminating these numbers from statistical analysis allows for a more detailed and closer examination of Sole Source contracts. The total volume of Sole Source contracts continues to decrease over the last twelve years.

In 2017/18, we awarded a contract for the Supply and Delivery of Bulk Petroleum Fuel through a competitive procurement process. This contract is worth approximately $750 Million over 5 years. This contract was awarded to an Inuit owned firm, AV Nunavut Fuels. For the purpose of this report, we have chosen not to include this contract total in the statistics. If it were to be included, the percentage value of sole source contracts would be 3%. Removing this large contract value allows for continued tracking of contracting trends over the last 12 years.

Appendix A outlines the definitions of terms and abbreviations.

Appendix B entitled Sole Source Listing provides a listing of all Sole Sourced contracts by value (> $5,000) in ascending order.

Appendix C entitled Contract Detailed Listing provides a listing of all contracts (> $5,000) and is presented by Contract Type in ascending Award Value.

The intent of these appendices is to enhance transparency of GN contracting and procurement practices by presenting meaningful and useful information on a timely basis. A threshold of $5,000 has been established to provide focus on higher value contracts.

The contract details presented in this report reflect information recorded at the time of contract issuance. Information such as the award value represents the upper limit of a contract as established and agreed by the parties. It should be noted that the disclosure of proprietary information is typically restricted as the release of same may prove harmful to

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private sector interests and could expose the GN to legal and financial claims. CGS continues to operate under the advice and direction provided by the Department of Justice in this regard.

Scheduled Medical Travel The detailed lists in Appendices B and C do not include the value of Scheduled Medical Travel awarded by the Department of Health in 2017/18. At the request of Members of the Legislative Assembly, we are providing a breakdown of dollar amounts spent in each fiscal year with each of the carriers for non-emergency medical travel:

Airline 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 Calm Air $19,039,184 $18,217,234 $15,206,830 Canadian North $10,423,237 $11,544,597 $10,527,021 First Air $15,168,128 $13,897,082 $13,130,298 Keewatin Air Limited $573,009 $742,906 $871,507

Total: $45,203,558 $44,401,819 $39,735,656

Fuel Resupply The following companies were awarded contracts for the fuel re-supply:

Company 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 5140 Nunavut Ltd. $255,360 Arctic Fuel Services $328 Arqvartuuq Services Ltd. $577 Aulajuq Limited $150 Baffin Gas Bar $124,582 CAP Enterprises Ltd. $2,200 DAPA Enterprises Inc. $14,000 Eskimo Point Lumber Supply $3,312 $4,940 $910 Co-operative Ltd. $986,508 Ikaluktutiak Co Operative Ltd. $168,000 Gas Bar $21,053 JR Peyton Enterprises $1,333 Kikiak Contracting Ltd. $5,500 Kitnuna Expediting $235,573 Kitnuna Petroleum $976,703 Kitnuna Projects Inc. $6,672 Co-operative Ltd. $304,343 Lyall Construction $1,800 $300 M&T Enterprises $2,840 $290 Merkosak Construction Ltd. $5,585 Municipality of $1,667 Municipality of $35,182 Northern Networks $1,276 $2,610 Nunavut Eastern Arctic Shipping $17,667 $1,128 $154,602 Nunavut Sealink and Supply Inc. $303,959 $123,711 $155,433 Padlei Coop $228,016 $138,357 Paleajook Cooperative Ltd. $113,950

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Pangnirtung Eskimo Co Op Ltd. $1,250 Peters Expediting Ltd. $233 $300 Qikiqtaq Co Op Ltd. $375 $500 Qikiqtaq Equipment $4,816 $3,583 R&A Vehicle $2,100 R.L. Hanson Construction Ltd. $4,483 Sanavik Cooperative $104,512 $183,600 Savik Enterprises $10,728 $4,515 $3,519 Sudlik Developments Ltd. $3,698 $1,007 Tununiq Sauniq Co Op Ltd. $336,506 $417,200 Uqsuq Corporation $1,084 Woodwards $134,167,910 $153,754,175 $178,609,899

Contracts Awarded by Executive Council The Standing Committee on Government Operations and Accountability has recommended that Government record and disclose contracts entered into by Executive Council in this annual report. Government is able to confirm that there were no contracts awarded by Executive Council for the reporting period.

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General Observations This Procurement Activity Report (PAR) and the sister report; Contract Activity Report (CAR) are composed of data from the same database. Contract information is reported from all departments of the Government of Nunavut. It is quite possible that as the contract information is entered into the database, that some human error will occur. The Department of Community and Government Services (CGS) makes best efforts to verify the accuracy and completeness of the dataset. We use various sources of external information (Freebalance, Requisition Log and Contract Management Listing) to verify the data. It is virtually impossible to assure 100% accuracy. However, even though it is a less than perfect system, we can rely on many repetative, multi-year trends in the data analysis. This next section of the report will make a brief synopsys of the statistical results for the fiscal year 2017/18 and will also outline some of the multi-year trends.

The actual volume of contracts (number of contracts issued) increased by 4.6% from 2016/17 to 2017/18.

The actual value of contracts increased significantly by 43% from 2016/17 and up 35% from 2015/16.

The department with the largest volume of contracts is Community and Government Services (CGS) with 29% followed by Health (HLTH), at 24%.

In the last fiscal year 2017/18, the most common method of awarding contracts, by volume, is through Public and Invitational Tenders and RFP's (72%). This percentage was 75% in 2016/17.

85% of the total value of all contracts is the result of some form of competitive bidding in 2017/18. This is an increase of 3% from 2016/17.

In 2017/18 the combined volume of Sole Source and Sole Vendor contracts is up by 2% (or 12 contracts) but the value of combined Sole Source and Sole Supplier contracts is down by 17.6%, or $10.7 million dollars.

Multi-Year Trends

The volume of Sole Sourced contracts has decreased by 8% from the fiscal year 2016/2017 to 2017/2018 and the value of Sole Sources decreased by 3% over the same period. Over the last three years covered in this report, the value of Sole Source contracts has increased by 20% and the volume Sole Sourced contracts has decreased by 50%.

Emergencies in communities will always require the use of Sole Source contracts. In 2018, the Deparment of Health Sole Sourced many contracts for the establishment of a TB screening and treatment centre in Qikiqtarjuaq. If not for the emergency contracting provision of the government contracting regulations, Health would not have been able respond to the emergency without delay. This illustrates the correct and appropriate

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application of the Sole Source criterion “delay would be injurious to the public interest” and is precisely why the regulations permit such a practical approach. In this report, a contract awarded under the emergency award provisions of the contracting regulations are identified as “SE” in Appendix C, and are included with the Sole Source (SS) figures in the tables in section 4 (Sole Source contract distribution).

The contracting regulations also allow the Sole Sourcing of design services under $25,000 (AE), and any other type of contract under $5,000. This report does not analyse contracts under $5,000, however A/E contracts under $25,000 are identified as “SA” in Appendix C.

The final criterion in the contracting regulations where awarding contracts without competition is permitted, ‘SV’ or ‘only one qualified vendor is capable and available’ is more difficult to quantify, and therefore applied with the most subjectivity. CGS recommends that the best way to substantiate availability of qualified contractors and consultants, is to go to the marketplace and request competitive bids. Sole Source (SS) and Sole Vendor (SV) contracts often cancel each other out from year to year. As the volume of Sole Source contracts trends downwards, the volume of Sole Vendor contracts often increases. The values and volumes for these contracts are presented separately in the tables in section 3 and 4.

Sole Vendor (SV) contracts typically include orders for Alcohol Products (for resale), Corcan Office Furniture, Software Updates, Support Services and Intellectual Property such as Specialized Training Courses and Educational Materials.

Over the last eleven years, the volume and value of Sole Source (only) contracting has been generally decreasing. The volume is down by 89% (from 515 in 2007/08 to 59 in 2017/18) and the value is down by 80% (from $48 million in 2007/08 to $9.8 million in 2017/18). These are significant achievements in the government's committment to monitor and reduce its reliance on this contract awarding method.

A thirteen year average, since 2005/06, 520 contracts per year, or 30% of the total volume, are not competatively tendered. The yearly percentage of contracts not competitively tendered has been decreasing from a high of 38% in 2005/06 to 22% in 2017/18.

For contracting type by value, we see some eight and nine-year trends:  Architectural & Engineering composes 1-3% of total value.  Minor Construction and Maintenance composes 2-5% of total value.  Purchase Orders make up 7-11% of total value.

For contracting type by volume we see some 7-year trends:  Architectural & Engineering composes 1-2% of contract volume.  Minor Construction and Maintenance composes 3-5% of contract volume.  Air Charters compose 5-8% of contract volume.  Purchase Orders had been relatively consistant at 26-30% of volume of contracts however, in 2013/14 we saw a spike of up to 33%.  Major Construction contracts compose 1% of volume.

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Over the last eight (8) years, the volume of Air Charter contracts has been relatively consistant at 5-8% of the volume of all contracts.

Since 2013/14 to 2017/18, roughly 14-17% of the volume of all Service Contracts has been for employee relocation moving services.

For the last seven years Service Contracts and Purchase Orders combined represent the largest volume of contracts.

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1. All Contracts (> $5,000)

The charts below "Government of Nunavut Contracting Value " summarizes the distribution of contracts awarded by value (or contract dollars) and volume (or quantity).

Government of Nunavut Contracting Value & Volume 3 Year Comparison

The Procurement Activity Report has been produced for the past sixteen fiscal years. The two charts above illustrate how the GN's contracting activities have changed over the past three years and are further supported by the details provided in the following table. The total value of contracts for 2017/18 shows an increase from the previous year (43%). In terms of volume, the number of contracts issued in 2017/2018 represents a 4.6% increase compared to the number of contracts awarded in 2016/17. 2017/18 shows an increase in volume of 30% since 2015/16.

The following Average Contract Value shows that the average contract value has increased by $56,000 over the last fiscal year. An analysis of Appendix C compared to the charts presented in this report, and those from past fiscal years will indicate areas where spending has increased or decreased.

All Contracts

Type 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 Number of Contracts 2,563 2,450 1,978 Total Value (Thousands) $ 539,356 $ 376,225 $ 399,164 Avg Contract Value $ 210 $ 154 $ 202

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The chart below "Government of Nunavut Department Distribution ~ Value" summarizes the distribution of contracts by department.

Government of Nunavut Department Distribution - Value 2017/18

The chart above shows the level of contract activities each department engaged in during the 2017/2018 fiscal year. Not surprisingly, those departments with responsibility for overseeing Nunavut's infrastructure development, health, and emergency services engaged in higher levels of contract activities. Services are often needed in order to address the needs of Nunavummiut, fulfill departmental mandates and meet client service expectations and needs.

Note: For the purpose of tracking multi-year trends, in the fiscal year 2013/2014 the Government of Nunavut implemented some structural changes. These were as follows:

 Family Services became a new division, largely broken-off from Health.

 Human Resources no longer exists as a Department and those functions were adopted by Finance.

Generally, we saw the totals for Health decrease and those of Finance increased.

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Total Contract Distribution by Department ~ Value (Thousands) Department 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 Community and Government Services (CGS) $ 152,363 28 % $ 97,689 26 % $ 199,596 50 % Culture and Heritage (CH) 3,147 1 2,346 1 700 - Economic Development and Transportation (EDT) 9,548 2 26,463 7 30,865 8 Education (EDU) 62,368 12 74,988 20 15,700 4 Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs (EIA) 5,330 1 3,297 1 3,905 1 Environment (ENV) 10,133 2 8,356 2 6,488 2 Family Services (FS) 35,464 7 45,669 12 29,479 7 Finance (FIN) 6,845 1 8,154 2 9,303 2 Health (HLTH) 245,705 46 102,736 27 99,301 25 Justice (JUS) 8,453 2 6,528 2 3,829 1 Total $ 539,356 100 % $ 376,226 100 % $ 399,166 100 %

In 2017/18 we saw an increase of $163,130,000 and in 2016/17 we saw a decrease of $22,940,000 in total contract spending. Please reference the full list in Appendix C of this report.

In 2016/17 we see that the Departments of Education and Family Services had significant increases in the values of contracts awarded. In 2017/18, we saw the numbers drop, however, still above the 2015/16 numbers.

In 2016/17, the Department of Education awarded the Construction of a New High School in Igloolik and temporary Modular Classrooms in Cape Dorset. The contracts account for $26 million in the awards. We also see that the values of contracts awarded for CGS have returned to 2014/15 levels in 2016/17.

In 2017/18, we see significant increases in spending for the Departments of CGS and Health. CGS awarded contracts for a new Arena in and a new Water Treatment Plant in . For both the departments of Health and CGS, the volume of contracting activity has increased notably.

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The chart below "Government of Nunavut Department Distribution ~ Volume" illustrates the distribution of contracts by department.

Government of Nunavut Department Distribution - Volume 2017/18

We note that in the fiscal year 2017/18, the volume of contracts has increased by 4.6%. In 2016/17, we saw a significant increase of 24%. Over the 3 years covered by this report, we have seen a 30% increase in the volume of contracts.

The Departments of Health and Community and Government Services represent the highest level of contracting activity attributable to the Specialized Goods and Services required to meet the needs of Nunavummiut.

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Total Contract Distribution by Department ~ Volume

Department 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 Community and Government Services (CGS) 746 29 % 574 23 % 558 28 % Culture and Heritage (CH) 69 3 59 2 22 1 Economic Development and Transportation (EDT) 96 4 86 4 84 4 Education (EDU) 379 15 334 14 188 10 Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs (EIA) 73 3 81 3 74 4 Environment (ENV) 174 7 191 8 146 7 Family Services (FS) 166 6 293 12 226 11 Finance (FIN) 126 5 146 6 122 6 Health (HLTH) 622 24 567 23 449 23 Justice (JUS) 112 4 119 5 109 6 Total 2,563 100 % 2,450 100 % 1,978 100 %

During 2016/17 Community and Government Services processed over 60 As and When contracts.

Most of the contracts for CGS support the ongoing operations of Government departments. These include "As and When" contracts for building and vehicle maintenance, snow removal, fuel and a significant volume of contacts for ongoing Information Technology Services.

For the Department of Family Services, a majority of their contracts are composed of Specialized Residential Care Services for individual clients.

In 2016/17 all departments saw a increase in the volume of contracts. In 2017/18, we see that 5 of the 10 departments continue to see increases in their contract volumes.

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2. Contracting Types

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The chart below "Government of Nunavut Contracting Value " summarizes the distribution of contract values by type.

Government of Nunavut Contracting Types - Value 2017/18

The pie chart above shows that the categories of contracts that represent the largest spend are Service and Construction contracts. Appendix "C" lists all contracts over $5,000. In 2017/18 we see an increase in overall contract value by 43%. However over the three years of this report, the overall value of contracts has increased by 35%.

In 2015/16, Construction had the lowest spend compared to the previous 3 years. In 2016/17 Construction has increased by 102%. Some of the significant projects included a new High School in Igloolik, Water and Wastewater Upgrades in Igloolik, a New Hamlet Office in and a new Airport Terminal Building in . Together, these projects total over $50 million. In 2017/18, we see the value of construction dropped slightly however still remains high. Some of the larger contracts awarded include a new School in Kugaaruk, a new Arena in Rankin Inlet and a new Water Treatment Plant in Arviat. Together these projects total over $74 million.

In 2016/17 the value of Minor Construction and Maintenance Services has increased by 136% (this is largely due to the over 60 As and When contracts that were tendered). In 2017/18 the value is up by a further 17%.

In 2016/17 we also see a significant increase in Purchase Order vaue (41%). This is consistant with the overall increase in contract volumes. In 2017/18 we see a slight decrease of 7%.

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Air Charter contracts may include contracts for any of the following:

 Court Travel, 18% of volume in 2013/14, 26% in 2014/15, 19% in 2015/16, 33% in 2016/17 and 16% in 2017/18.

 In support of PPD operations, 14% of volume in 2013/14, 19% in 2014/15, 7% in 2015/16, 5% in 2016/17 and 9% in 2017/18.

 Dental/Medical charters, 11% of volume in 2013/14, 23% in 2014/15, 13% 2015/16, 10% in 2016/17 and 15% in 2017/18.

 Wildlife Surveys, 11% of volume in 2013/14. In 2014/15, the volume for ENV was 5%, 4% in 2015/16, 8% in 2016/17 and 9% in 2017/18.

Contracting Types ~ Value (Thousands) Type 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 Air Charter (AC) $ 6,465 1 % $ 5,693 2 % $ 6,167 2 % Architectural/Engineering (AE) 3,082 1 14,116 4 6,255 2 Construction (CON) 101,061 19 104,087 28 51,524 13 Consulting services (CS) 80,648 15 44,968 12 49,210 12 Minor Construction or Maintenance Services (MC) 22,904 4 19,508 5 8,242 2 Purchase Orders (PO) 38,675 7 41,627 11 29,532 7 Service Contracts (SC) 286,520 53 146,227 39 248,234 62 Total $ 539,355 100 % $ 376,226 100 % $ 399,164 100 %

Refer to Appendix "C" for a detailed contract listing.

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The chart below "Government of Nunavut Contracting Types ~ Volume" illustrates the distribution of contracts by type.

Government of Nunavut Contracting Types - Volume 2017/18

Contracting Types ~ Volume

Type 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 Air Charter (AC) 135 5 % 144 6 % 162 8 % Architectural/Engineering (AE) 29 1 34 1 18 1 Construction (CON) 15 1 23 1 20 1 Consulting services (CS) 687 27 403 16 382 19 Minor Construction or Maintenance Services (MC) 101 4 128 5 72 4 Purchase Orders (PO) 735 29 709 29 587 30 Service Contracts (SC) 861 34 1,009 41 737 37 Total 2,563 100 % 2,450 100 % 1,978 100 %

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Over the last ten (10) years, the volume of Air Charter contracts has been consistant at 5- 8% of the total of all contracts. However, the value has varried significantly from year to year.

Contracts for Residential Care Services are awarded by the Departments of Family Services and Health. In total, approximately 228 contracts were for this service in 2017/18. These made up 70% of Consulting Service contracts, (mostly awarded by Family Services) and 30% of Service Contracts (mostly awarded by Health). The total volume of Residential Care contracts has decreased by approximately 30%.

In 2013/14, 30% (255) of the volume of Service Contracts were for the Departments of Health and Family Services for Specialized Residential Care. In 2014/15 the percentage was similar at 31%. In 2015/16 there were approximately 255 contracts for Residential Care. This has been reported in both Consulting Services and Service Contracts.

In 2013/14, 14% (120) of the volume of Service Contracts were for employee relocation in and out of Nunavut. In 2014/15 the percentage was similar at 15%. In 2015/16 employee relocation was 12% of Service Contracts. In 2016/17, employee relocation was 15% of the volume or 150 contracts. In 2017/18 there were 148 Service Contracts for employee relocation which composed 17% of all Service Contracts.

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3. Contracting Methods

The chart below "Government of Nunavut Contracting Methods ~ Value" summarizes the distribution of contracting method by value.

Government of Nunavut Contracting Methods - Value 2017/18

The definitions for the various contracting methods can be found in Appendix A of this report.

Public Tenders and Request for Proposals processes continue to represent the most significant contracting method employed by the GN. The GN believes that best value is received for goods & services through the public competitive tender process.

As in most jurisdictions, the awarding of contracts on a non-competitive basis is understandably limited to specific situations and must be appropriately justified and approved.

Compared to other award methods, the values for Invitational Tenders and Invitational RFP's appears small because only contracts under $25,000 and Construction under $100,000 are awarded through an invitational process. Contracts of a higher value must be awarded through a public process, therefore values for Public Tender and Public RFP's are higher.

The Request for Proposals process is generally recommended to enter into Consultant and Service Contracts. Tender processes are used for Goods, Construction and Maintenance purchases.

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Contracting Methods ~ Value (Thousands) Method 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 Extentions (EXT) $ 28,981 5 % $ 5,374 1 % $ 3,723 1 % Invitational RFP (IRFP) 6,421 1 3,355 1 3,247 1 Invitational Tender (IT) 8,246 2 8,276 2 7,792 2 Public RFP (PRFP) 351,753 65 195,407 52 256,784 64 Public Tender (PT) 93,851 17 102,979 27 71,619 18 Sole Source (SS & SE) 9,869 2 10,171 3 8,221 2 Sole Supplier or Vendor (SV) 40,236 7 50,663 13 47,779 12 Total $ 539,357 100 % $ 376,225 100 % $ 399,165 100 %

Over the last eleven (11) years of this report, the overall volume and value of contracts that are not competitively tendered (SS, SE and SV) continues to decrease, as a percentage of the total. These contracts are classified as Sole Source (SS) and Sole Vendor (SV) Contracts generally continues to decrease. See trending figures below. The following figures represent the combined Sole Source and Sole Vendor (non-competitive) process.

In 2017/18 the value of contracts not competitively tendered is down by 18%. And the percentage volume of contracts is down by 1%. In 2017/18 we see that the percentage volume of Sole Source contracts has reached an eleven year low of 22% and the value has reached an overall low of 9%.

An eleven (11) year analysis shows, on average, the GN awards 545 contracts per year that are not competively tendered. These represent 29% of contract volumes.

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Sole Source and Sole Vendor Contract Trends The following is a list of combined Sole Source and Sole Vendor totals by volume and value over the last 13 years. These numbers do not include contract extensions. Many contract extensions are the result of an initial competitive procurement process. Year Volume % Value % 2017/18 576 22% 50,105 9%

2016/17 564 23% 60,834 16%

2015/16 520 26% 56,000 14%

2014/15 471 24% 53,511 19%

2013/14 550 29% 38,402 11%

2012/13 475 26% 42,258 12%

2011/12 530 28% 61,462 17%

2010/11 570 31% 58,114 21%

2009/10 597 33% 55,480 24%

2008/09 576 38% 61,409 22%

2007/08 563 39% 51,432 27%

2006/07 403 38% 33,454 26%

2005/06 370 38% 33,095 37%

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The volume of not competitively tendered contracts as a percentage of the total volume decreased from 2007/08 to 2012/13. However the volume increased by 3% in 2013/14. This is largely due to books and curriculum materials purchased by the Department of Education to support a new curriculum. These books and materials are protected by copyright. While the volume increased in 2013/14, the overall value as a percentage of the total decreased by 1% from 12% to 11%. In 2014/15 the volume continues to decrease however, the value had jumped to 19%. This is largely due to 34 contracts awarded by the Department of Economic Development and Transportation worth an estimated value of $16 million for Airport Operations and Maintenance and Aerodrome activities. All of these contracts, categorized as Sole Vendor (SV). In 2015/16 we see the volume increased to 26% but the value decreased to 14%. In 2016/17, the total volume and value have increased. However as a percentage of the volume of all contracts, the volume has continued to decrease.

The chart below Government of Nunavut Contracting Methods ~ Volume illustrates the distribution of contracting methodology.

Government of Nunavut Contracting Methods - Volume 2017/18

Generally, 60-70% (78% in 2017/18) of the volume of contracts are the result of a competitive process. Note that in some circumstances, extensions of contracts may be considered competitive process if they were originally part of a competitive process; therefore not all extensions are non-competitive.

It is also worthwhile to note that more departments are using the services of CGS Purchasing, Logistics and Contract Support to award their contracts through a competitive Tender or RFP process. CGS's Procurement, Logistics and Contract Support Services section continues to work with departments to decrease the use of Sole Source and Sole Vendor criteria to award contracts.

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Contracting Methods ~ Volume

Method 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 Extentions (EXT) 151 6 % 46 2 % 32 2 % Invitational RFP (IRFP) 129 5 61 2 38 2 Invitational Tender (IT) 247 10 241 10 281 14 Public RFP (PRFP) 1,222 48 1,277 52 907 46 Public Tender (PT) 238 9 261 11 200 10 Sole Source (SS) 59 2 64 3 118 6 Sole Supplier or Vendor (SV) 517 20 500 20 402 20 Total 2,563 100 % 2,450 100 % 1,978 100 %

Contracting without delay for competition, in emergency circumstances, where public safety and or continued service to public may otherwise be hampered, represents the proper use of the Sole Source contracting method. These emergencies are not predictable. Sole Source contracts are necessary for Goods and Services to avoid public harm.

Sole Source methods are of concern. Senior Managers and Directors need to continue to be conscious of this and plan to avoid Sole Source and Sole Vendor contracts where possible. GN Procurement Guidelines as well as the FAA (Financial Administration Act) clearly define the acceptable conditions for Sole Sourcing. Sole Sourcing is primarily a tool for dealing with emergency situations and public safety.

The next section of this report discusses the GN’s Sole Sourcing activities in further detail. A detailed review of Appendix B will indicate where GN departments are using Sole Sourcing to assist them with implementing their mandates.

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4. Sole Source Contract Distribution As a procurement section, we strive to achieve the maximum value for the Government of Nunavut. This is only possible through the competitive, public bidding process. GN procurement guidelines as well as the Government Contract Regulations set out the acceptable conditions for awarding contracts without competitive bidding (Sole Sourcing). Procurement guidelines explain the GN contracting regulations and provide restrictions for when a contract can be awarded without competition.

Sole Source contracting is allowed where a contract authority believes, on reasonable grounds, that one of the following conditions is applicable:

(a) the Goods, Services or Construction are urgently required and delay would be injurious to the public interest; or

(b) only one party is available and capable of performing the contract; or

(c) the contract is an architectural or engineering contract that will not exceed $25,000, or the contract is any type of contract that will not exceed $5,000 in value.

Section 4.3 (c) of the regulations is the easiest to implement because it requires only a ‘yes/no’ answer. Is the contract over $5,000? If not, it does not fall within the ‘under $5,000 criterion’. Is it a contract for Architectural/Engineering Services under $25,000? If not, then it does not fall within the ‘AE under $25,000’ criterion.

Sections 4.3 (a) and (b) of the regulations, however, are more difficult to implement because they are subject to interpretation of what constitutes ‘public injury’ or ‘capable and available’.

Section 4.3 (a) of the regulations can be somewhat tricky in that many contracting authorities believe that public well being, in addition to health and safety, are legitimate factors to consider when deciding not to go to competition. For example, it may be more beneficial to a community to Sole Source or Invite Tenders for Major Works contracts rather than Publicly Tender, when missing sealift can sometimes delay final delivery of a facility for 2 full years. In some cases, this may be a reasonable approach; however, it should not be the only alternative if project schedules fall behind due to a lack of strategic planning and project coordination.

In some situations it is not advisable to issue a competitive call for tenders or proposals, by invitation or advertisement. In these situations, the delay caused by the tender or RFP process would be harmful to person(s) or end users of the good or service. These are emergency situations where, if the government doesn't act immediately, there will be some form of public harm or injury. Where there is a true emergency, such as the risks to water supply or a search and rescue operation, it is quite easy to recognize, and reasonable to implement. In a true emergency, there is no time for a competitive procurement process. This

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is not to say that all emergencies or public harm is strictly a health and safety hazard. Indeed, many situations call for government action to improve the emotional health and well being of the public as well.

Section 4.3 (b) of the regulations on the other hand, can be especially difficult to manage as it is open to wider interpretation and, therefore, susceptible to much broader use. There are many circumstances, however, that do legitimately fall within the s.4.3 (b) criterion, and these are true “Sole Vendor” situations. Situations involving licenses, software maintenance, patents and intellectual property or the purchase of a part component for equipment, (such as a valve or pump to repair a fuel delivery truck or fire engine, or plow parts for snow clearing equipment). Situations that do not warrant a competitive process, because there are no other manufacturers or suppliers of the specific product, are true Sole Vendor circumstances. For instance, NorthwesTel is the Sole Vendor of land-line telephone services in Nunavut; QEC is the Sole Vendor of electricity. These are situations where there truly are no other service providers to engage in competition.

This is not to say that a 'Sole Vendor' situation applies when purchasing many commodities. In fact, when purchasing vehicles and or other products such as photocopiers and fax machines, etc., the GN must avoid the use of brand specific names. Requests for Tenders and Proposals must always indicate that the GN will accept bids for similar or equivalent products so long as they meet the quality and functional requirements that are established in the request.

In some cases, it may be perceived by departments to be reasonable to rely on this clause to maintain delivery of critical programs and services at levels expected by the public or internal client departments (specialized professional services; such as licenses, medical professionals and services). In many cases, departments need to bring in specialized skill sets to design programs to meet responsibilities owed to the public and oversee that program’s delivery. Sometimes departments simply need to keep up with demand in delivering basic services to internal clients. In this situation, the interpretation of ‘only one party capable and available’ can be too broad, and the criterion is likely being relied upon for convenience in lieu of a potentially lengthy and complex RFP process.

The GN believes that best value is received for public dollars through open, fair and transparent competitive procurement processes. Furthermore, CGS believes that the best way to determine a supplier’s qualifications, availability and value is to seek their proposals on solution, implementation and price, and to evaluate their past experience and qualifications against defined and measurable standards.

The public’s satisfaction with a department’s performance and service levels, in any given program at any given time, will always be an indicator of good value for public money. In all cases where a department is considering entering into a contract under s.4.3 (b) of the contracting regulations, CGS Purchasing, Logistics & Contracts Support is available to provide assistance on alternative contracting approaches. Where departments have already entered into s.4.3 (b) contracts, Purchasing recommends referring to the GN's Personal Service Contracts directive for further guidelines.

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The chart below "Government of Nunavut Sole Source Contract Distribution ~ Value" summarizes the distribution of contracting method by department.

Government of Nunavut Sole Source Contract Distribution - Value 2017/18

It should be noted that certain functions and responsibilities that are unique to certain departments lead to a higher propensity for this contracting method. Emergency situations with health and safety considerations or search and rescue may produce a need to enter into a contract quickly or limit alternatives or options for supply sources. Urgent situations involving the delivery of capital projects in the environmentally sensitive areas of sewage treatment, solid waste management, fuel spills and potable water have been contributing factors for Sole Source contracts on occasion. The arctic environment and a short Construction season serve to complicate project delivery and contracting options. Good planning and project management practices help to alleviate the necessity to rely on Sole Sourcing.

In 2017/18 the volume of Sole Source contracts continues to decline by 8% and the value is down by 3%.

Eleven Year Sole Source Trend - Decrease Value of Competitively Awarded Contracts (not including contract extensions) as a percent of all contracts: 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 53% 62% 70% 76% 79% 86% 83% 77% 85% 82% 85% Value of Sole Source Contracts as a percent of all contracts: 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 25% 17% 14% 13% 9% 7% 5% 4% 2% 3% 2% Volume of Competitively Awarded Contracts as a percent of all contracts: 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 59% 60% 63% 63% 68% 71% 64% 71% 72% 75% 72% Volume of Sole Source Contracts as a percent of all contracts: 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 36% 29% 23% 22% 20% 20% 14% 9% 6% 3% 2%

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The overall eleven year trend shows a significant decrease in both the value and volume of Sole Source contracts.

In 2017/18 the value of competitively awarded contracts as a percentage of all contracts is up slightly (3%) and the volume of Sole Sourced contracts is at an all time low of 2%.

Note that the "Sole Vendor" contracts are not included in this analysis. See section 3 of this report for analysis which includes "Sole Vendor" contracts. Extensions are a continuation of previously awarded contracts where the terms and conditions allow for the contract to be extended. These contracts are included in Appendix C.

Sole Source Contract Distribution ~ Value (Thousands) Department 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 Community and Government Services (CGS) $ 1,628 16 % $ 1,329 11 % $ 3,211 39 % Culture & Heritage (CH) - - - - 72 1 Economic Development and Transportation (EDT) 414 4 - 6 48 1 Education (EDU) 2,264 23 1,376 14 88 1 Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs (EIA) - - 28 4 - - Environment (ENV) 164 2 328 4 285 3 Family Services (FS) - - - - 260 3 Justice (JUS) 156 2 49 - 464 6 Health (HLTH) 5,243 53 7,061 69 3,794 46 Total $ 9,869 100 % $ 10,171 100 % $ 8,222 100 %

For the three years of this report, the Department of Community and Government Services (CGS) has the highest number of Sole Source contracts. CGS is responsible for delivering many of the basic services of Nunavummiut (water, sewage, fire protection, etc.). In the event of emergencies, CGS plays a major role in delivering solutions. In these emergencies, Sole Source contracts are expected. These emergencies usually involve issues with infrastructure such as water and sewage or search and rescue operations.

CGS responds to a number of emergencies in the territory each year. Various search and rescue operations, water emergencies and other issues to ensure continuity of basic services. CGS was able to immediately and practically respond to all these emergencies due to the emergency contract provision of the GN contracting regulations. CGS was also able to quickly replenish depleted fuel supplies in some Nunavut communities due to the GN contracting regulations emergency sole source provisions.

In 2017/18 Health had to Sole Source a $6 million dollar contract extension for Air Ambulance Services. If not for this contract, the value of Sole Source contracts would have been down.

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The chart below "Government of Nunavut Sole Source Contract Distribution ~ Volume" illustrates the distribution of contracting methodology.

Government of Nunavut Sole Source Contract Distribution - Volume 2017/18

Illustrated on the pie chart above on a proportionate basis in 2016/17, the Department of CGS issued the largest number of Sole Source contracts, followed by the Department of Health. For the three years covered by this report, the Departments of CGS and Health have had the highest volume of Sole Source contracts.

Sole Source Contract Distribution ~ Volume

Department 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 Community and Government Services (CGS) 27 46 % 32 50 % 47 40 % Culture and Heritage (CH) - - - - 6 5 Economic Development and Transportation (EDT) 3 5 - - 3 3 Education (EDU) 14 24 5 8 5 4 Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs (EIA) - - 1 2 - - Environment (ENV) 5 8 7 11 11 9 Family Services (FS) - - - - 2 2 Health (HLTH) 9 15 16 25 35 30 Justice (JUS) 1 2 3 5 9 8 Total 59 100 % 64 100 % 118 100 %

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Appendix A: Definition of Terms and Abbreviations


"Goods": In this report, "Goods" means contracts for the purchase of Goods that are primarily entered into by Procurement, Logistics and Contract Support Services on behalf of Government of Nunavut departments, generally referred to as Purchase Orders.

"Invitation": An Invitation is a contracting method where Tender or Request for Proposal documents are sent only to contractors or suppliers specifically selected to submit tenders or proposals.

"Invitational Tender": An Invitational Tender (IT) are those requests for which tender documents are sent only to contractors or suppliers specifically selected to submit competitive tenders. For readers not familiar with GN contracting practices, please note that outside Nunavut, Invitational Tenders are generally referred to as Solicited Tenders.

"Invitational Request For Proposal": An Invitational Request for Proposal (IRFP) are those requests which are sent to contractors or suppliers selected to submit competitive proposals.

"Purchase Orders": In this report, "Purchase Orders" means contracts for purchase of Goods, primarily entered into by the Department of Community and Government Services on behalf of Government of Nunavut departments.

"Public Tender": Public Tenders are those Request for Tenders which are publicly advertised. For readers not familiar with GN contracting practices, please note that outside Nunavut, Public Tenders are generally referred to as Invitational Tenders.

"Request For Proposal": A Request For Proposal (RFP) has been defined as follows, "when the government knows what end result should be, but not necessarily how best to achieve it; therefore Government seeks proposals on methods, ability, and price".

"Sole Source": A Sole Source is best defined by setting out the criteria. The Government of Nunavut Contract Regulations, under the Financial Administration Act, allow Sole Sourcing of contracts where a contract authority believes, on reasonable grounds, that one of the following conditions is applicable:

(a) the Goods, Services or Construction are urgently required and delay would be injurious to the public interest; or

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(b) only one party is available and capable of performing the contract; or

(c) the contract is an architectural or engineering contract that will not exceed $25,000; or

(d) the contract is any type of contract that will not exceed $5,000 in value.

"Request for Tender": Tenders may be obtained by public advertisement or private invitation. It should be noted that, generally, the value and type of contract will determine the type of tendering to be used.

Abbreviations Defined

Departments CGS Community & Government Services CH Culture and Heritage EDT Economic Development & Transportation EDU Education EIA Executive & Intergovernmental Affairs ENV Environment FS Family Services FIN Finance HLTH Health JUS Justice

Contracting Types AC Air Charter AE Architectural/Engineering CON Construction CS Consulting Services MC Minor Construction or Maintenance PO Purchase Orders SC Service Contracts

Contracting Methods IRFP Invitational Request For Proposals IT Invitational Tender PRFP Public Request For Proposals PT Public Tender SA Sole Source - Architectural/Engineering SE Sole Source - Emergency SV Sole Supplier or Vendor Appendix B:

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2017-18 SOLE SOURCE CONTRACTS (> $5,000)

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value B1 Safety Courses Iqaluit CGS Industrial Safety SE $5,785.00 Trainers Inc. B2 Compressor Sanikiluaq HSS Sinclair Dental Co. SE $6,535.00 Ltd. B3 Medical Supplies Qikiqtarjuaq HSS West Prime System SE $6,539.10 Inc. B4 Service Boilers at Sakku School Coral CGS Northern Networks SE $6,585.00 Harbour Ltd. B5 Kazan River Campsite Relocation Baker Lake ENV Peter's Expediting SE $7,801.50 B6 Air Search and Rescue Cape Dorset CGS Summit Air SE $9,511.85 B7 Bus Inspections & Repair EDU JB Cameron SE $10,000.00 Trucking Ltd. B8 Disposable Spit Test Qikiqtarjuaq HSS West Prime System SE $11,010.00 Inc. B9 American Sign Language Interpreter-Exam Baker Lake EDU Luvera Ranger SE $12,885.40 B10 Climate Change Adaption Course For Iqaluit ENV Yukon College SE $13,400.00 Nunavut B11 Petrographic Report Arviat EDT GeoConsult SE $14,290.00 B12 Air Search & Rescue Igloolik CGS Canadian SE $17,144.61 Helicopters Limited B13 Medical Supplies Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Hazmasters Inc. SE $17,681.80 B14 Install New Guards and Handrails Iqaluit EDU GC-North SE $18,677.00 Construction Inc. B15 Psychosocial Support for & Nunavut EDU Canadian Red Cross SE $20,000.00 Rankin Territory B16 Storage Tank Course Rankin Inlet CGS PEICE SA $21,420.00 B17 Boiler Section Replacement Baker Lake CGS BLCS Development SE $21,900.00 Ltd. B18 Enforcement Officer Uniform and Iqaluit ENV Nunatta SE $22,788.27 Equipment Environmental Services Inc. B19 Garage Rehabilitation - Geotech Cape Dorset CGS Canadrill Ltd. SA $24,950.00 Investigation B20 Investigate Pipeline Integrity Issues Iqaluit CGS RAE Enginerring SA $25,000.00 and Inspection Ltd. B21 Fuel Baker Lake ENV Ookpik Aviation SE $25,250.00 Inc. B22 WTP UV Repairs and Training Baker Lake CGS EDA Environmental SE $25,678.40 B23 School Bus Pond Inlet EDU Tununiq Sauniq Co- SE $28,208.22 operative Ltd. B24 BCA Training Iqaluit CGS EPIC Educational SA $30,700.00 Programs B25 Health Centre Thermosyphon Repair Cambridge HSS Arctic Foundation SE $31,000.00 Bay B26 Maintenance Supplies Hall Beach CGS Igloo Building SE $31,414.84 Supplies Group Ltd. B27 Regional Finance Relief Baker Lake EDU Swee Pin Wong SE $31,442.00 Financial Services B28 Security Services for W.G. Brown Iqaluit CGS C&K Services Ltd SE $31,581.38 Building Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies. Sole Vendor contracts are listed in Appendix C only.

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B29 Superintendent of Schools KITSO Kugluktuk EDU Paul Mooney SE $32,100.00 Education Services B30 Air Search and Rescue Hall Beach CGS Canadian SE $33,987.71 Helicopters Limited B31 Financial Services Iqaluit CGS The Right Door SE $39,000.00 Consulting Solutions Inc. B32 Boiled Water Emergency Supply Resolute Bay CGS ATCO Structures SE $39,538.11 and Logistics B33 Office of the Fire Marshall Plan Review Nunavut CGS Matt Langfrey SE $40,000.00 Territory B34 Quluaq School Security Clyde River CGS Hamlet Clyde River SE $40,000.00 B35 Water Filters Arviat CGS Northern Networks SE $41,021.00 Ltd. B36 PPD Minor Office Renovations Rankin Inlet CGS Curley Construction SE $41,730.00 B37 Electrical Main Power Line Replacement Igloolik CGS DY Electrical SE $44,000.00 B38 School Supplies Kugaaruk EDU Koomiut SE $45,386.06 Cooperative Association B39 Satellite Phone Service Fees Nunavut CGS Roadpost Inc. SE $51,177.00 Territory B40 Superintendent of Schools - Qikiqtani Pond Inlet EDU Paul Mooney SE $54,100.00 B41 Maintenance & Inspections of Treatment Baker Lake CGS BI Pure Water Inc. SE $57,082.00 Plant B42 Tuberculosis Physician Consultant Nunavut HSS Dr. Gonzalo Alvarez SE $60,000.00 Territory B43 Superintendent of Schools KITSO Kugluktuk EDU Paul Mooney SE $83,925.00 Education Services B44 Preliminary Stakeholder Consultation Nunavut HSS Context Research SE $85,706.00 Territory B45 Maintenance of Treatment Plant Baker Lake CGS BI Pure Water Inc. SE $89,458.70 B46 Spill Kit & Electric Pressure Washer Igloolik CGS Igloo Building SE $90,610.12 Supplies Group Ltd. B47 Identifying and Implementing Adaption Iqaluit ENV University of Laval SA $95,000.00 B48 Contaminated Soil Removal Arviat CGS BluMetric SE $97,274.50 Environmental Inc. B49 Support Service- Grays Bay Road Port Iqaluit EDT Jim Stevens SE $100,000.00 Project B50 Interim Warden Rankin Inlet JUS Doug Friesen SE $156,000.00 B51 School Chair Lifts Baker Lake EDU BLCS Development SE $158,650.00 Ltd. B52 Water Treatment Plant Optimization Whale Cove CGS FilterBoxx Water SE $206,800.00 Solutions Inc. B53 Deliver the Inspire Nunavut Entrepren Nunavut EDT Inspire Nunavut Inc. SE $300,000.00 Project Territory B54 Connected North Nunavut EDU TakingITGlobal SE $329,280.00 Territory B55 Water Treatment Plant Equipment Whale Cove CGS Filter Boxx Water SE $465,000.00 Solutions Inc. B56 Education Support Services/Baffin & Nunavut EDU Ongomiizwin - SE $544,509.75 Kivalliq Territory Health Services B57 School Chemical Management Nunavut EDU BluMetric SE $894,547.00 Territory Environmental Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies. Sole Vendor contracts are listed in Appendix C only.

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B58 Assisted Living Residential Care Services Baker Lake HSS Baker Lake Hospice SE $1,224,403.23 Society B59 Air Ambulance Services Qikiqtaaluk HSS Keewatin Air LP SE $3,800,000.00 Region Grand Total for Sole Source Contracts $9,869,465.55

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies. Sole Vendor contracts are listed in Appendix C only.

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Appendix C: 2017-18 CONTRACT DETAILED LISTING (> $5,000)

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value Air Charters C1 Court Circuit JUS 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $5,277.38 o/a Sarvaq Logistics C2 Court Circuit Kimmirut JUS 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $5,277.38 o/a Sarvaq Logistics C3 Year End Audit Kimmirut CGS 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $5,277.38 o/a Sarvaq Logistics C4 Asset Management Annual Inspections Kimmirut CGS 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $5,400.69 o/a Sarvaq Logistics C5 Community Consultations Kimmirut HSS 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $6,077.38 o/a Sarvaq Logistics C6 Court Circuit Kimmirut JUS 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $6,166.38 o/a Sarvaq Logistics C7 Transport of Lateral Insulated Cabinets Iqaluit FIN Nuna Link Ltd. IT $6,389.00 C8 Jury Trial Kugluktuk JUS Kitikmeot Air Ltd. IT $6,928.47 C9 Court Circuit Kugluktuk JUS Kitikmeot Air Ltd. IT $6,956.57 C10 Court Circuit Kugluktuk JUS Kitikmeot Air Ltd. IT $6,987.75 C11 Court Circuit Kugluktuk JUS Aqsaqniq Airways IT $7,107.48 Ltd. C12 Ship Equipment & Deploy New Network Qikiqtarjuaq CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $7,439.00 C13 Court Circuit Kugluktuk JUS Summit Air IT $7,778.00 Kitikmeot Ltd. C14 Community Consultations Cape Dorset HSS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $9,599.00 C15 TB Outbreak Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $9,824.00 C16 Meetings with School Officials Coral CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $10,724.00 Harbour C17 Court Circuit Clyde River JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $11,019.00 C18 Consultant/Engineering Services for Modulars Kugaaruk EDU 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $12,025.80 o/a Sarvaq Logistics C19 Site Visit Igloolik CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $12,209.00 C20 Cabinet Retreat Iqaluit EIA Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $12,209.00 C21 Public Community Consultation Igloolik FIN Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $12,284.00 C22 New High School Site Visit Igloolik EDU Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $12,315.00 C23 Premier and Ministers Community Visit Sanikiluaq EIA 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $12,463.98 o/a Sarvaq Logistics C24 Annual Baffin Mayors Forum Iqaluit CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $12,988.00 C25 Fuel Resupply Kugaaruk CGS Koomiut Co- IT $13,020.00 operative Association

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C26 Transport Freight Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Qikiqtani First IT $13,368.14 Aviation Ltd. C27 Transport Naphtha Fuel Coral CGS Katudgevik Co- IT $13,660.00 Harbour operative Association Limited C28 Freight Charter for Servers/Computers Kugaaruk CGS Qikiqtani First IT $13,983.98 Aviation Ltd. C29 Consultant/GN Site Visit Sanikiluaq CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $14,144.00 C30 Minister Visit Sanikiluaq EIA Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $14,144.00 C31 Court Circuit Pond Inlet JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $14,289.00 C32 District Education Authority Meeting Kugaaruk EDU Qikiqtani First IT $14,327.96 Aviation Ltd. C33 Water Treatment Plant Inspection Pond Inlet CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. SV $14,939.00 C34 Community Sustainability Plan Training Qikiqtaaluk CGS Mitiq Co-operative IT $15,290.00 Region Association Limited C35 Court Circuit Cape Dorset JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $15,558.00 C36 Installation of Servers & Telecoms for School Kugaaruk CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $16,164.00 C37 DEA Meeting Kugaaruk CGS Kitikmeot Air Ltd. IT $17,096.17 C38 Air Search & Rescue Igloolik CGS Canadian SE $17,144.61 Helicopters Limited C39 Operation Nanook Rankin Inlet HSS Kissarvik Co- IT $17,160.00 operative Association Ltd. C40 New School Construction Review Kugaaruk EDU Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $17,239.00 C41 Hamlet Inspection Kugaaruk CGS Kitikmeot Air Ltd. IT $17,296.17 C42 Classroom Occupancy Inspections Kugaaruk CGS Kitikmeot Air Ltd. IT $17,296.17 C43 Transport Freight Kugluktuk CGS Kitikmeot Air Ltd. IT $17,500.00 C44 Deployment of New Servers and Switches CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $17,899.00 C45 Stephen Lewis Guest Speaker Igloolik HSS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $17,933.00 C46 Duty Travel to NPC Public Housing Pond Inlet EDT Tununiq Sauniq IT $18,070.00 Co-operative Ltd. C47 Community Sustainability Plan Training Qikiqtaaluk CGS 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $18,557.58 Region o/a Sarvaq Logistics C48 Health Centre Grand Opening HSS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $18,994.00 C49 School Consultation Taloyoak CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $19,099.00 C50 Visit to the New Health Centre Arctic Bay CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $19,969.00 C51 South Baffin Tour, Building Inspections Qikiqtaaluk CGS Pangnirtung Inuit IT $21,210.00 Region Co-operative C52 Pre-Planning & Warranty Deficiencies Kitikmeot EDU Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $21,263.00 Region C53 New Services for GN Offices Taloyoak CGS Sarliaq Aviation IT $21,440.00 Ltd. C54 Building Condition Assessment Qikiqtaaluk CGS Sarliaq Aviation IT $21,679.93 Region Ltd. C55 Dental Charter Cambridge HSS Summit Air IT $21,869.50 Bay Kitikmeot Ltd. C56 Court Circuit Cambridge JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $23,358.00 Bay C57 Wellness Court Consultations Cambridge JUS Sarliaq Aviation IT $23,840.00 Bay Ltd. C58 Hardware Replacement Sanikiluaq CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $24,763.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______37 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C59 Building Condition Assessment Sanikiluaq CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $25,208.00 C60 Devolution Main Table Meetings Cambridge EIA 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $25,363.60 Bay o/a Sarvaq Logistics C61 Government Operations Meeting Greenland CLEY Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $25,436.00 C62 Marine Infrastructure Community Update Pond Inlet CGS Qikiqtani First IT $26,359.04 Aviation Ltd. C63 Annual Community Tour Qikiqtaaluk CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $26,367.00 Region C64 Court Circuit Pond Inlet JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $26,688.00 C65 Asset Management Annual Inspections Qikiqtaaluk CGS Sarliaq Aviation IT $27,000.00 Region Ltd. C66 Consultation Visits Kivalliq ENV 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $27,056.47 Region o/a Sarvaq Logistics C67 IQ Advisory Committee Management, West Nunavut EDU Sarliaq Aviation IT $27,480.00 Territory Ltd. C68 NIRB Final Hearing Baker Lake ENV Sanavik Co- IT $28,080.00 operative Association Limited C69 Community Sustainability Plan Training Qikiqtaaluk CGS Tununiq Sauniq IT $29,920.00 Region Co-operative Ltd. C70 Community Consultations Rankin Inlet HSS Kissarvik Co- IT $30,276.50 operative Association Ltd. C71 North Baffin Tour Iqaluit CGS Tununiq Sauniq IT $30,470.00 Co-operative Ltd. C72 Community Sustainability Plan Training Kitikmeot CGS 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $31,052.20 Region o/a Sarvaq Logistics C73 West Charter IQ Advisory Committee Arviat EDU Kitikmeot Air Ltd. IT $31,200.81 C74 Court Circuit Nunavut JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $31,383.00 Territory C75 Asset Management Annual Inspections Qikiqtaaluk CGS Sarliaq Aviation IT $31,760.11 Region Ltd. C76 IQ Advisory Committee Management, East Nunavut EDU Sarliaq Aviation IT $31,925.00 Territory Ltd. C77 Court Circuit Nunavut JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $32,592.00 Territory C78 Court Circuit Nunavut JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $33,492.00 Territory C79 Court Circuit Nunavut JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $33,942.00 Territory C80 Air Search and Rescue Hall Beach CGS Canadian SE $33,987.71 Helicopters Limited C81 Community Consultations Igloolik HSS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $34,192.00 C82 Dental Charter Northwest HSS Bradley Air SV $34,769.60 Territories Services Ltd. C83 Community Consultations Cambridge HSS Sarliaq Aviation IT $35,499.99 Bay Ltd. C84 Annual Kivalliq Tour Kivalliq CGS Peter's Expediting IT $35,589.73 Region Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______38 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C85 Dental Charter Other HSS Mitiq Co-operative IT $36,000.00 Association Limited C86 Transportation of Confidential Files Iqaluit CGS Summit Air IT $36,081.80 Kivalliq Ltd. C87 Community Sustainability Plan Training Kivalliq CGS 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $37,106.24 Region o/a Sarvaq Logistics C88 Court Circuit Clyde River JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $37,992.00 C89 Court Circuit Nunavut JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $37,992.00 Territory C90 Year End Audit Kitikmeot CGS Kitikmeot Air Ltd. IT $38,151.00 Region C91 Court Circuit Nunavut JUS Air Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $38,217.00 Territory C92 Community Consultations Nunavut ENV 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $42,000.00 Territory o/a Sarvaq Logistics C93 Dental Charter Southern HSS Air Nunavut Ltd. IT $43,033.00 Canada C94 Dental Charter Cambridge HSS Bradley Air IT $44,632.99 Bay Services Ltd. C95 East Charter IQ Advisory Committee Arviat EDU Tununiq Sauniq IT $44,955.00 Co-operative Ltd. C96 Year End Audit Kivalliq CGS Kitikmeot Air Ltd. IT $48,045.41 Region C97 Dental Charter Cambridge HSS Summit Air IT $49,072.21 Bay Kitikmeot Ltd. C98 Senior Management Conference 2017 Baker Lake EDU Sanavik Co- IT $52,437.00 operative Association Limited C99 Dental Charter Northwest HSS Summit Air IT $52,593.90 Territories Kitikmeot Ltd. C100 Year End Audit Qikiqtaaluk CGS Tununiq Sauniq IT $55,151.15 Region Co-operative Ltd. C101 Dental Charter Cambridge HSS Summit Air IT $59,509.17 Bay Kitikmeot Ltd. C102 Dental Charter Kitikmeot HSS Summit Air IT $60,154.24 Region Kitikmeot Ltd. C103 Fixed Wing Aerial Photography Survey Rankin Inlet ENV Geodesy Group Inc. IT $63,800.00 C104 AWG Team Nunavut Travel Northwest CGS Qikiqtani First IT $63,937.00 Territories Aviation Ltd. C105 Dental Charter Southern HSS Hall Beach Eskimo IT $65,790.00 Canada Co-operative Assoc. Ltd. C106 Dental Charter Cambridge HSS Aqsaqniq Airways IT $66,944.71 Bay Ltd. C107 Transport Freight Iqaluit FIN 4624 Nunavut Ltd. IT $67,500.00 C108 Dental Charter Southern HSS Qikiqtani First IT $68,811.80 Canada Aviation Ltd. C109 Dental Charter Cambridge HSS Ikaluktutiak Co- IT $70,035.00 Bay operative Limited

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______39 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C110 Professional Development Week Nunavut EDU Qikiqtani First IT $70,111.91 Territory Aviation Ltd. C111 Dental Charter Other HSS Paleajook Eskimo IT $70,587.00 Co-operative Limited C112 Rotary Wing Aerial Wildlife Survey Arviat ENV Northern Networks IT $73,150.00 Ltd. C113 Fuel to Support Beverly Caribou Survey Nunavut ENV 5244 Nunavut Ltd. IT $80,143.00 Territory o/a Sarvaq Logistics C114 Dental Charter Southern HSS Summit Air IT $84,684.84 Canada Kitikmeot Ltd. C115 Dental Charter Southern CGS Summit Air IT $84,711.31 Canada Kitikmeot Ltd. C116 Dental Charter Other HSS Ikaluktutiak Co- IT $89,930.00 operative Limited C117 Dental Charter Iqaluit HSS 4624 Nunavut Ltd. IT $90,732.43 o/a Iqaluit Gas Bar C118 Dental Charter Southern HSS Tununiq Sauniq IT $96,900.00 Canada Co-operative Ltd. C119 Dental Charter Southern HSS Paleajook Eskimo IT $101,955.00 Canada Co-operative Limited C120 Professional Development Week Nunavut EDU Summit Air Baffin IT $108,536.73 Territory Ltd. C121 Caribou Abundance Survey Rankin Inlet ENV Kivallingmiut IT $109,000.00 Aviation Inc. C122 Caribou Abundance Survey Rankin Inlet ENV Kivallingmiut IT $109,000.00 Aviation Inc. C123 Kivalliq Wildlife Monitoring Program Arviat ENV Northern Networks IT $130,350.00 Ltd. C124 Western Kitikmeot Muskox Survey Kugluktuk ENV Aqsaqniq Airways IT $131,000.00 Ltd. C125 Eastern Kitikmeot Muskox Abundance Survey Taloyoak ENV Aqsaqniq Airways IT $141,175.00 Ltd. C126 Caribou Composition Survey Iqaluit ENV Summit Air Baffin IT $144,173.62 Ltd. C127 Caribou Survey Coral ENV Kivallingmiut IT $149,275.00 Harbour Aviation Inc. C128 Caribou Composition Survey Iqaluit ENV C&K Services Ltd. IT $167,280.00 C129 Rotary Wing Wildlife Survey Arviat ENV Northern Networks IT $172,650.00 Ltd. C130 Arctic Winter Games Travel Northwest CGS Sarliaq Aviation IT $180,051.00 Territories Ltd. C131 Cargo Charter Nunavut CGS Summit Air Baffin IT $202,018.40 Territory Ltd. C132 Northern Kivalliq Muskox Survey Baker Lake ENV Kivallingmiut IT $215,000.00 Aviation Inc. C133 Transport Freight Iqaluit FIN Qikiqtani First IT $226,000.00 Aviation Ltd. C134 Arctic Winter Games Travel Northwest CGS Summit Air Baffin IT $227,356.83 Territories Ltd. C135 Beverly Caribou Abundance Survey Nunavut ENV Aqsaqniq Airways IT $328,300.00 Territory Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value Subtotal for Air Charters $6,465,394.30

Architectural / Engineering C136 Environmental Site Assessment, French School Iqaluit EDU Concentric PRFP $7,900.75 Associates International Inc. C137 Environmental Assessment - Health Facilities Cambridge HSS Pinchin Ltd. IRFP $8,725.00 Bay C138 Kivalliq Health Centre Repairs Rankin Inlet HSS Accutech IRFP $9,700.00 Engineering Inc. C139 French School Addition, Topographic Survey Iqaluit EDU Accutech PRFP $10,004.00 Engineering Inc. C140 Heating System Upgrades - HRT Office Coral JUS Accutech IRFP $11,500.00 Harbour Engineering Inc. C141 Maintenance Garage Floor & Roof Repairs Baker Lake CGS Accutech IRFP $16,850.00 Engineering Inc. C142 Advice & Support Energy Management Program Kivalliq CGS EnviroVest Energy PRFP $19,800.00 Region Ventures Inc. C143 Principal Office Reno and Security Measures Repulse Bay EDU Accutech IRFP $24,050.00 Engineering Inc. C144 Katimivik Office Tenant Improvements Arviat EDT Livingstone PRFP $24,950.00 Architect C145 Health Center Generator Replacement Kimmirut HSS Stantec PRFP $27,000.00 Architecture Limited C146 Qitiqliq Middle School Generator Replacement Arviat EDU Accutech IRFP $27,350.00 Engineering Inc. C147 1820 Warehouse Tenant Improvements Iqaluit HSS Livingstone PRFP $38,000.00 Architect C148 Kitikmeot Health Centre Exterior Upgrades Cambridge HSS Accutech IRFP $41,450.00 Bay Engineering Inc. C149 Upgrade Water Treatment Plant Chesterfield CGS Stantec IRFP $43,744.00 Inlet Architecture Limited C150 Upgrade Water Treatment Plant Chesterfield CGS Stantec IRFP $43,744.00 Inlet Architecture Ltd. C151 Traffic Study - Iqaluit Marine Infrastructure Iqaluit EDT Stantec Consulting PRFP $44,556.00 Ltd. C152 New Dental Office Baker Lake HSS Accutech IRFP $49,945.00 Engineering Inc. C153 Levi Angmak School Flooring Replacement Arviat EDU Accutech IRFP $51,810.00 Engineering Inc. C154 Coordinating Topographic Surveying Services Iqaluit EDT Accutech PRFP $55,237.50 Engineering Inc. C155 Health Centre Safety Upgrades Kugaaruk HSS Stantec IRFP $65,955.00 Architecture Ltd. C156 Crawlspace Soffit Upgrade/Construction Admin Kugluktuk EDU Stantec IRFP $75,332.00 Architecture Ltd. C157 Kugluktuk School Door Hardware Upgrades Kugluktuk EDU Stantec IRFP $75,332.00 Architecture Ltd. C158 JHI Crawlspace Upgrades & Construction Cambridge EDU Stantec IRFP $82,506.47 Bay Architecture Ltd. C159 Kitikmeot Health Centre Long Term Care Renos Cambridge HSS Stantec IRFP $97,652.40 Bay Architecture Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C160 Kullik Primary School Foundation Structural Cambridge EDU Accutech IRFP $138,100.00 Bay Engineering Inc. C161 Warehouse & Records Storage Facility Upgrade Cambridge CGS Accutech IRFP $157,000.00 Bay Engineering Inc. C162 Feasibility Study, Water Infrastructure Rankin Inlet CGS EXP Services Inc. PRFP $195,780.00 C163 Wastewater Treatment Berm Rehabilitation Kugaaruk CGS Dillon Consulting PRFP $395,074.00 Limited C164 Design Services for New Health Centre Sanikiluaq HSS Groupe Regis Cote PRFP $1,243,355.00 Inc. and WSP Canada Inc. Subtotal for Architectural / Engineering $3,082,403.12

Construction C165 Wildlife Office Renovation ENV 6999514 Canada PT $154,667.00 Inc. C166 Health Centre Fire Alarm Systems Upgrade Kugaaruk HSS Ryfan Kitikmeot PT $195,500.00 Inc. C167 School Door Replacement for Safety Repulse Bay CGS Rudy Couture dba PT $249,000.00 Matador Products C168 Airport Parking Garage Igloolik EDT Pilitak Enterprises PT $363,000.00 Ltd. C169 JA School & Community Library Partial Baker Lake EDU BLCS PT $391,890.00 Envelop Development Ltd. C170 Qikiqtani CHC Site Preparation Iqaluit JUS Kudlik PT $657,800.00 Construction Ltd. C171 Hamlet Warehouse Renovation & Addition Gjoa Haven CGS Sanaqatiit PT $1,360,375.00 Construction Ltd. C172 Air Terminal Building Renovation Baker Lake EDT Inukshuk PT $1,486,320.00 Construction Ltd. C173 Design/Build Community Learning Centre Grise Fiord CGS Pilitak Enterprises PRFP $1,976,000.00 Ltd. C174 Qikiqtani Healing Centre Pile Foundations Iqaluit JUS Canadrill Ltd. PT $3,780,000.00 C175 Modular Classrooms and Link Kugaaruk EDU GC-North PT $5,864,400.00 Construction Inc. C176 Bulk Fuel Storage Capacity Increase Gjoa Haven CGS Mosher PT $10,838,500.00 Engineering Ltd. C177 Water Treatment Plant and Reservoir Arviat CGS Tower Arctic Ltd. PT $12,897,690.00 C178 New Arena Rankin Inlet CGS Mosher PT $23,700,000.00 Engineering Ltd. C179 Design and Build New School Kugaaruk EDU Kudlik PRFP $37,146,000.00 Construction Ltd. Subtotal for Construction $101,061,142.00

Consulting Services C180 Survey Summary Report Design Nunavut HSS Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $5,060.00 Territory Ltd. C181 Awareness of Nunavut Artifacts - Second Video Iqaluit CLEY Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $5,126.00 C182 Education Timeline Poster Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $5,199.92 C183 Translations Iqaluit EDU Cuerrier & SV $5,204.50 Associates C184 Oral Health Promotion Resource Development Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $5,258.00 Territory

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C185 IUT Language Awards Iqaluit CLEY Ayaya PRFP $5,287.80 Communications Inc. C186 Technical and Interpretation Services Iqaluit HSS Innirvik Support PRFP $5,302.50 Services (2013) Ltd. C187 Translation Services Iqaluit CGS Ayaya PRFP $5,444.08 Communications Inc. C188 Dolphin Union Final Report Support Kugluktuk ENV Integrated PRFP $5,600.00 Ecological Research C189 Translations Iqaluit CGS Parenty Reitmeier PRFP $5,615.85 Inc. C190 Tuberculosis Manual Binder Design Nunavut HSS Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $5,635.00 Territory Ltd. C191 Class B Construction Estimate Iqaluit CGS Altus Group Ltd. PRFP $5,676.00 C192 Note Taking, Summary Report-Translators Conf. Iqaluit CLEY Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $5,712.50 Ltd. C193 Translation Services Iqaluit CGS Algu Consulting PRFP $5,845.50 and Training Inc. C194 Inuit Employee Training Brochures Iqaluit EIA Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $5,877.60 C195 Survey of Lot 15 Block 35 Baker Lake CGS Challenger SV $6,000.00 Geomatics C196 Mental Health - Addictions Rankin Inlet HSS Poundmaker's PRFP $6,300.00 Lodge Treatment Centre C197 Canada Day Ad Iqaluit EIA Ayaya PRFP $6,350.56 Communications Inc. C198 Residential Care Treatment Taloyoak HSS Poundmaker's PRFP $6,450.00 Lodge Treatment Center C199 Professional Consulting Services Nunavut FIN Imaginate PRFP $6,500.00 Territory C200 Group Process Posters Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $6,524.60 C201 Nunavut Online Hunter Education Brochures Iqaluit ENV Inhabit Education PRFP $6,645.00 Inc. C202 Translation Services Nunavut HSS Innirvik Support PRFP $6,860.00 Territory Services (2003) Ltd C203 EL2 Modules Reprint Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $6,998.40 C204 Residential Care Treatment Iqaluit HSS Royal Ottawa PRFP $7,200.00 Health Care Group C205 OHS Training Needs Analysis Iqaluit FIN Capavi Inc. SV $7,344.00 C206 Stars/Boats/Fish FR Modules Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $7,355.60 C207 Polar Bear Report Preparation Igloolik ENV Stephen Atkinson PRFP $7,425.00 C208 Printing & Assembly of the Qilaut Kit Folder Iqaluit CLEY Ayaya PRFP $7,615.00 Communications Inc. C209 Translation of Aboriginal Shield Program Book Nunavut HSS Innirvik Support PRFP $7,621.74 Territory Services (2003) Ltd. C210 Fire Hall Geo-technical Report Kugaaruk CGS Tetra Tech EBA PRFP $7,750.00 Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______43 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C211 Financial Audit 2016-17 Nunavut FIN Lester Landau PRFP $7,750.00 Territory Chartered Accountants C212 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Campaign Nunavut HSS Ayaya PRFP $7,921.00 Territory Communications Inc. C213 Long Sleeve T-Shirts Iqaluit CLEY Ayaya PRFP $7,930.00 Communications Inc. C214 Manuscripts Preparations Baffin/Kane Research Southern ENV Stephen Atkinson PRFP $8,100.00 Canada C215 Health Communicable Disease Manual Indexing Nunavut HSS Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $8,107.50 Territory Ltd. C216 AD Appointment to the Nunavut Water Board Iqaluit ENV Ayaya PRFP $8,280.45 Communications Inc C217 French Translation for Nursing Orientation Iqaluit HSS Ayaya PRFP $8,392.50 Communications Inc. C218 ISDS Training Nunavut FS Rogue Data IRFP $8,400.00 Territory Corporation C219 Printing Services for Post Partum Depression Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $8,433.40 Territory C220 Posts of the Territorial Public Service Iqaluit CLEY Edgar Inc. PRFP $8,450.00 C221 Speech and Language Assessment Iqaluit EDU Cabinet PRFP $8,500.00 d'orthophonie Vicki Laframboise C222 Mold Remediation - Middle School Iqaluit CGS Qikitaaluk PRFP $8,538.72 Environmental C223 Apataka Nunavut Literacy Website Iqaluit EDU eSolutionsGroup PRFP $8,550.00 Limited C224 Media Relation & Social Media Course Iqaluit ENV Tait PRFP $8,653.74 Communications and Consulting Inc. C225 Qilaut Promotional Items Iqaluit CLEY Ayaya PRFP $8,656.00 Communications Inc. C226 Communications Promotional Items Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $8,697.70 C227 Dealing with Difficult People Iqaluit EIA Beva Global PRFP $8,806.60 Management Inc. C228 Cost Estimate of Air Terminal Building Chesterfield EDT Altus Group Ltd. PRFP $9,036.00 Inlet C229 Contaminated Waste Disposal Iqaluit CGS Qikitaaluk PRFP $9,102.50 Environmental C230 Public Speaking Training Iqaluit EIA YAB Management PRFP $9,163.60 C231 Student Placement Guide Reprint Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $9,250.00 Inc. C232 Occupational Health & Safety Need Analysis Iqaluit FIN Redlands Group SV $9,347.00 Inc. C233 Creative Design Services Iqaluit HSS Ayaya PRFP $9,360.00 Communications Inc. C234 Facilitation of Workshop for Canadian Wildife Iqaluit ENV Stephen Atkinson PRFP $9,700.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______44 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C235 Family Engagement Website Translations Iqaluit EDU Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $9,736.74 Ltd. C236 Nunavut Exploration Magazine Iqaluit EDT Outcrop Nunavut IRFP $9,742.00 Ltd. C237 Construction Cost Estimate Grise Fiord CGS Altus Group Ltd. PRFP $9,960.00 C238 Landfarm Assessment Coral ENV Nunami Stantec PRFP $9,965.00 Harbour Limited C239 Qullunaat Island Monitoring Iqaluit CLEY Arctic UAV Inc. PRFP $10,000.00 C240 Qallunaat Island Aerial Survey Processing Iqaluit CLEY Arctic UAV Inc. PRFP $10,000.00 C241 Introduction to Project Management Iqaluit EIA Samson & PRFP $10,000.00 Associates C242 Cabinet Retreat Igloolik EIA Pirurvik Centre Inc. SV $10,000.00 C243 Forensic Audit Nunavut FS Grant Thornton SV $10,000.00 Territory LLP C244 Effectively Managing and Coaching Employees Iqaluit FS Performance PRFP $10,000.00 Management Consultants C245 Aulajaaqtut 10 Reprint Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $10,005.60 C246 Addiction and Drug Treatment Coral HSS Renascent PRFP $10,011.20 Harbour Foundation C247 Environmental Assessment of CGS Facilities Cambridge CGS Pinchin Ltd. IRFP $10,050.00 Bay C248 Dealing with Difficult People Iqaluit EIA Performance PRFP $10,061.00 Management Consultants C249 Retirement Planning Iqaluit EIA Crowe MacKay IRFP $10,080.00 LLP C250 Support Services Iqaluit EDT Project Nunavut IRFP $10,125.00 Limited C251 Provision of Standard Interpreting Services Iqaluit EDU Innirvik Support PRFP $10,250.00 Services (2003) Ltd. C252 UQ 2018 Poster (Inuit Myths & Beliefs) Iqaluit CLEY Inhabit Education PRFP $10,285.00 Inc. C253 Hazardous Waste Assessment Kivalliq CGS Nunatta IRFP $10,333.49 Region Environmental Services C254 French Language Program Training Iqaluit EIA Carrefour Nunavut PRFP $10,410.00 C255 Child Support Services Nunavut FS Practice and SV $10,500.00 Territory Research Together C256 Education Branding Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $10,560.00 C257 Copuediting - Northern Zone Documents Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $10,800.00 Inc. C258 Kivalliq Health Centre Repairs Rankin Inlet HSS Accutech PRFP $10,900.00 Engineering Inc. C259 Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer Iqaluit EIA YAB Management PRFP $10,901.64 C260 Northern Lights Trade Show-Design & Printing Nunavut FIN Ayaya PRFP $10,942.00 Territory Communications Inc. C261 Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer Iqaluit EIA YAB Management PRFP $11,173.04 C262 Rendez Vous Canada Designs and Prints Iqaluit EDT Outcrop Nunavut IRFP $11,187.49 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______45 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C263 Call for Members Ad Nunavut FS Ayaya PRFP $11,415.89 Territory Communications Inc. C264 Printing Services of Resources Iqaluit HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $11,758.00 C265 Project Management Kugluktuk EIA Performance PRFP $11,784.30 Management Consultants C266 Translate/Print Lease Activity Reports Iqaluit CGS Ayaya PRFP $12,092.50 Communications Inc. C267 Dealing with Difficult People Iqaluit EIA Beva Global PRFP $12,188.32 Management Inc. C268 Core Recipe Redesign Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $12,380.00 Territory C269 Document Branding Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $12,670.00 C270 Mental Health Treatment-Residential Care Coral HSS I Have A Chance EXT $12,905.73 Harbour Support Services Ltd. C271 Residential Care Cambridge FS Options Youth PRFP $12,936.00 Bay (Ontario) Inc. C272 IUT Annual Report Iqaluit CLEY Pirurvik Centre Inc. PRFP $13,000.00 C273 Labour Force Development Translation Iqaluit EDT Edgar Inc. PRFP $13,000.00 C274 Property Tax Arrears List - 2017 Nunavut FIN Ayaya PRFP $13,066.00 Territory Communications Inc. C275 Hazardous Materials Assessment Taloyoak EDU Pinchin Ltd. PRFP $13,427.00 C276 Ilinniarvimmi Inuusiliriji Nunavut Training Iqaluit EDU Innirvik Support PRFP $13,500.00 Services (2003) Ltd. C277 Analysis of Fuel Contracting Method Iqaluit CGS AECOM Canada PT $13,560.00 Ltd. C278 Printing and Distribution of K Cards Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $13,708.71 Territory C279 Media Spokesperson Presentation Skills Iqaluit EIA Rutherford McKay PRFP $13,732.10 Associates C280 Building Controls Assets Clyde River CGS Honeywell Canada PRFP $13,763.80 C281 Alcohol and Addiction Treatment Rankin Inlet HSS Renascent PRFP $13,820.00 Foundation C282 Cannabis Health Workshops Nunavut HSS Ayaya PRFP $13,886.00 Territory Communications Inc. C283 QCHC Design Reviews Support Iqaluit JUS Colliers Project PRFP $13,990.00 Leaders Inc. C284 Class B Cost Estimate Pond Inlet EDT Altus Group Ltd. PRFP $14,240.00 C285 Apataka Nunavut Literacy Website Iqaluit EDU eSolutions Group PRFP $14,270.00 Ltd. C286 Interpretation for Student Support Assistant Nunavut EDU Innirvik Support PRFP $14,580.00 Territory Services (2003) Ltd. C287 Residential Care Kugluktuk FS Independent PRFP $14,617.00 Advocacy 2010 Inc. C288 English Language Training Pond Inlet EIA University of PRFP $14,700.00 Alberta

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______46 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C289 Building Controls Assets Qikiqtarjuaq CGS Honeywell Canada PRFP $14,926.90 C290 Practical Time Management Iqaluit EIA Performance PRFP $14,937.60 Management Consultants C291 Drug and Alcohol Treatment Rankin Inlet HSS Renascent PRFP $14,976.66 Foundation C292 Warehouse Reorganization Cambridge HSS Chad Carroll SV $15,000.00 Bay C293 Addiction and Trauma Counselling Hall Beach HSS Heritage Home PRFP $15,000.00 Foundation C294 Airport Parking Shelter - Legal Survey Rankin Inlet EDT Ollerhead & IRFP $15,000.00 Associates Ltd. C295 Air Monitoring Trailer Electrical Service Cambridge ENV Stantec IRFP $15,014.00 Bay Architecture Ltd. C296 Residential Care Arviat FS Broken Arrow SV $15,155.00 Residential Treatment Services C297 GN-NEU Collective Agreement Printing Nunavut FIN Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $15,244.00 Territory Inc. C298 Developing a Project Charter for ILA Work Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $15,400.00 inc. C299 Kivalliq Hall Air Handling - Assessment Rankin Inlet CGS Guy Architects Ltd. IRFP $15,500.00 C300 Audit Services Iqaluit CLEY Lester Landau PRFP $15,515.00 Chartered Accountants C301 Addiction Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Renascent PRFP $15,598.00 Foundation C302 Team Building Workshop Iqaluit CLEY Innirvik Support PRFP $15,828.75 Services (2003) Ltd. C303 Tell Me A Story Canvas Bags Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $16,144.70 C304 Air Quality Training Iqaluit ENV SLR Consulting PRFP $16,164.00 (Canada) Ltd. C305 Building Controls Assets Pond Inlet CGS Honeywell Canada PRFP $16,671.50 C306 Quluaq School Mold Assessment Clyde River CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $16,767.33 Environmental Inc. C307 Research Analysis - Polar Bear Subpopulation Nunavut ENV Stephen Atkinson PRFP $17,000.00 Territory C308 Class D Estimate for Business Case Coral CGS Altus Group Ltd. PRFP $17,136.00 Harbour C309 Water Supply Improvements Kugluktuk CGS Williams IRFP $17,160.00 Engineering Canada Inc. C310 Operations Manual Update Southern ENV AECOM Canada PRFP $17,260.00 Canada Ltd. C311 IQ Division Phase 1- Poster & Pamphlet Design Iqaluit CLEY Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $17,297.72 C312 The Healthy Eating Storey Book Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $17,452.40 Territory C313 We Speak Inuktut Campaign Iqaluit CLEY Ayaya PRFP $17,510.00 Communications Inc. C314 Translation of Ethnographic Recordings Iqaluit EDU Cuerrier & SV $17,681.00 Associates

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______47 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C315 Conflict Resolution Iqaluit EIA Beva Global PRFP $17,729.46 Management Inc. C316 Construction Cost Estimates Resolute Bay CGS Altus Group Ltd. PRFP $17,868.00 C317 Effectively Managing People Cambridge EIA DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $17,868.00 Bay C318 UQ 2018 Newsletter Iqaluit CLEY Inhabit Education PRFP $18,000.00 Inc. C319 Marketing Consulting Design and Prints Iqaluit EDT Outcrop Nunavut IRFP $18,000.00 Ltd. C320 Healthy Living Website Phase 2 Nunavut HSS Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $18,005.00 Territory Ltd. C321 Feasibility Study to Relocate Gym at BCC Iqaluit JUS Dillon Consulting PRFP $18,304.20 Limited C322 Fundamentals of Supervision Iqaluit EIA DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $18,710.23 C323 Guardianship Assessments Nunavut FS Stirpe, Stones & SV $18,848.24 Territory Associates C324 Contaminated Waste Disposal Iqaluit CGS Qikitaaluk PRFP $18,850.00 Environmental C325 Course 1198 - ITIL Practioner Certification Iqaluit FIN Learning Tree PRFP $19,000.00 International C326 Powerful Coaching Skills Iqaluit EIA Performance PRFP $19,268.40 Management Consultants C327 Residential Care Cambridge FS Mary Homes Inc. SV $19,310.00 Bay C328 French Language Program Training Pond Inlet EIA Carrefour Nunavut PRFP $19,370.00 C329 Family Services Residence Renovation Rankin Inlet CGS Accutech IRFP $19,400.00 Engineering Inc. C330 Assessment for Learning Videography Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $19,536.00 C331 Media Training Nunavut HSS Rutherford McKay PRFP $19,871.00 Territory Associates C332 Air Quality Testing Resolute Bay CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $19,898.80 Environmental Inc. C333 Arctic College Indoor Air Quality Resolute Bay CGS Qikitaaluk PRFP $19,898.80 Environmental Inc. C334 Teacher Recruitment Campaign Nunavut EDU Day PRFP $20,000.00 Territory Communications Group Inc. C335 Community Toursim Brochure Project Qikiqtaaluk EDT Strong Coffee PRFP $20,000.00 Region Marketing C336 EBI Upgrades/Installation Rankin Inlet CGS Honeywell Limited IRFP $20,061.00 C337 Student Literacy Portfolio Reprint Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $20,225.00 Inc. C338 Closure Planning for Airport Southern ENV Dillon Consulting PRFP $20,326.00 Canada Limited C339 Senior Data Communications Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. PRFP $20,925.00 C340 Introduction to Frontline French Baker Lake EIA Carrefour Nunavut PRFP $21,077.00 C341 Nunavut Wildlife Harvest Reporting Atlas Igloolik ENV Caslys Consulting PRFP $21,262.50 Ltd. C342 Printing of Sexual Health Resources Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $21,623.99 Territory C343 Environmental Services Clyde River CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $21,667.15 Environmental Inc. C344 Objective Setting Iqaluit EIA DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $21,708.71

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C345 Manual Translation Iqaluit EDU Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $22,002.95 Ltd. C346 Upgrade Water Treatment Plant Chesterfield CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $22,095.45 Inlet Environmental Inc. C347 2017 Tobacco Reduction Resource Re-order Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $22,098.78 Territory C348 Arena/Office Renovations- Structural Engineer Cambridge CGS Accutech IRFP $22,250.00 Bay Engineering Inc. C349 Evaluation Essentials Iqaluit EIA Crowe MacKay PRFP $22,323.60 LLP C350 Char Lake Pump House Resolute Bay CGS EXP Services Inc. PRFP $22,400.00 C351 Destination Nunavut Digital Media Buy Iqaluit EDT Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $22,425.00 Ltd. C352 Addiction and Trauma Treatment Arviat HSS Homewood Health PRFP $22,470.00 Center C353 Financial Terminology Conference Interpreting Iqaluit CLEY Innirvik Support PRFP $22,520.00 Services 2003 Ltd. C354 Soper House Fuel Leak Kimmirut CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $22,588.89 Environmental Inc. C355 Creative Design Services for Flu Campaign Nunavut HSS Ayaya PRFP $22,869.20 Territory Communications Inc. C356 Outstanding Adminstrative Assistant Skills Cambridge EIA Performance PRFP $22,946.00 Bay Management Consultants C357 Inuktitut Keyboard Training Gjoa Haven EIA Pirurvik Centre Inc. PRFP $22,987.00 C358 Education Staff Certification Regulations Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $22,991.03 C359 Inuktitut Language Training Cambridge EIA Pirurvik Centre Inc. PRFP $23,345.00 Bay C360 English Grammer for Interpretors Igloolik EIA University of PRFP $23,450.00 Alberta C361 Tank Farm Code Compliance Phase 1A Kivalliq CGS Stantec PRFP $23,704.00 Region Architecture Ltd. C362 Guardianship Assessments Kitikmeot FS Stirpe Stones & IRFP $23,715.33 Region Associates C363 Course 1197 - ITIL Foundation Certification Iqaluit FIN Learning Tree PRFP $24,000.00 International C364 Course 2941 - Adobe Captivate Essentials Iqaluit FIN Learning Tree PRFP $24,000.00 International C365 Health Website Update Audit Nunavut HSS Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $24,000.00 Territory Ltd. C366 Dolphin /Union Population Analysis Southern ENV Casly's Consulting PRFP $24,000.00 Canada Ltd. C367 Managing and Leading Change Iqaluit EIA University of PRFP $24,038.14 Alberta C368 Medical Travel Client Manual Nunavut HSS Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $24,171.25 Territory Ltd. C369 Residential Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Heritage Home PRFP $24,420.00 Foundation C370 Specialized Residential Care Coral FS 6639977 Manitoba PRFP $24,450.00 Harbour Ltd. o/a The Massey Home C371 Chair Lift Installation Baker Lake EDU Accutech IRFP $24,530.00 Engineering Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C372 Statistical Support for Muskox and Caribou Igloolik ENV Integrated PRFP $24,600.00 Ecological Research C373 Fundamentals of Supervision 1 & 2 Iqaluit EIA DPRA Canada Inc. IRFP $24,843.30 C374 Strategic Plan Update Southern ENV AECOM Canada PRFP $24,990.00 Canada Ltd. C375 Translation Services - French Iqaluit CLEY Josée Vilandre PRFP $25,000.00 C376 Translation Services - French Iqaluit CLEY Josée Vilandre PRFP $25,000.00 C377 Airport Improvement-Referee Agreement Iqaluit EDT Fasken Martineau IRFP $25,000.00 Dumoulin LLP C378 Marine Cargo Survey and Consulting Nunavut CGS 9103-6350 Quebec SV $25,000.00 Territory Inc. C379 Quality Assurance Test, Airport Improvements Cambridge EDT EXP Services Inc. IRFP $25,000.00 Bay C380 Management Consulting Cambridge FIN Corporate SV $25,000.00 Bay Investigation Services C381 Media Spokesperson Presentation Skills Iqaluit EIA Rutherford McKay PRFP $25,074.20 Associates C382 Residential Care Pangnirtung FS Partners in IRFP $25,791.00 Parenting Inc. C383 Communications Grades 10-12 - Reprint Iqaluit EDU Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $25,812.00 C384 Family Literacy Packages Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $25,835.00 Inc. C385 Solid Waste Audit Grise Fiord CGS EXP Services Inc. PRFP $26,000.00 C386 Solid Waste Audit Clyde River CGS EXP Services Inc. PRFP $26,000.00 C387 Waste Audit Resolute Bay CGS EXP Services Inc. PRFP $26,000.00 C388 Project Management for Success Iqaluit EIA Learning Tree PRFP $26,000.00 International C389 Course 1540-Sharepoint 2016 Tec Introduction Iqaluit FIN Learning Tree PRFP $26,000.00 International C390 Furnace Replacement Gjoa Haven CGS Stantec PRFP $26,220.00 Architecture Limited C391 Environmental Assessments Coral CGS Dillon Consulting PRFP $26,419.00 Harbour Limited C392 Fuel Tank Life-Cycle Replacement Iqaluit CGS Accutech PRFP $26,500.00 Engineering Inc. C393 Soil Sampling Gjoa Haven CGS Nunatta IRFP $26,875.46 Environmental Services C394 Bathurst and Inspection Tour Bathurst CGS Nunatta IRFP $27,348.11 Inlet Environmental Services C395 ICI Style Guide Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Media Inc. PRFP $27,500.00 C396 Ad Placement Iqaluit CLEY Ayaya PRFP $27,686.40 Communications Inc. C397 Independent Economic Feasibility Report Iqaluit EDT Watt's, Griffis and PRFP $28,000.00 McOuat Limited C398 Legislation and Wildlife Management Advice Iqaluit ENV Arctic Raptors Inc. PRFP $28,000.00 C399 HazMat Assessment, New School Interior Site Kugaaruk EDU Concentric PRFP $28,175.00 Associates International Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C400 Educational Music CD's Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $28,575.00 Inc. C401 Senior Business Systems Analyst Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $28,771.00 C402 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Royal Ottawa PRFP $28,800.00 Health Care Group C403 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Stepping Stones PRFP $28,811.86 Foster Care Inc. C404 Biohazard Waste Disposal Iqaluit HSS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $28,937.33 Environment Inc. C405 Bio-Medical Waste Destruction Iqaluit HSS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $28,937.33 Environment Inc. C406 Radiology Technician Training Nunavut HSS Ontario Association PRFP $28,966.00 Territory of Medical Radiation C407 Financial Reporting 2017 Rankin Inlet FIN Lester Landau PRFP $29,100.00 Chartered Accountants C408 Tenant Improvements Building 5100 Iqaluit ENV Livingstone PRFP $29,340.00 Architect C409 Residential Care Taloyoak FS Bayfield Homes SV $29,394.00 Ltd. C410 CSSW Training Nunavut FS Child Welfare PRFP $29,952.78 Territory League of Canada C411 Forensic Audit Iqaluit EDT KPMG Forensic PRFP $29,981.00 C412 Cruise Nunavut Website Nunavut EDT Quantum IRFP $30,000.00 Territory Communications C413 Analyses Golf Boothia DNA Data Southern ENV Stephen Atkinson PRFP $30,000.00 Canada C414 Aviation Assistance for Air Ambulance Service Kivalliq HSS WSP Canada PRFP $30,000.00 Region Group Limited C415 Aviation Expert Assistance Qikiqtaaluk HSS WSP Canada PRFP $30,000.00 Region Group Limited C416 Food Pilot & Nunavut Food Safety Module Nunavut HSS Nvision Inside EXT $30,174.00 Territory Group Inc. C417 NACA Forensic Audit Iqaluit EDT KPMG Forensic IRFP $30,263.00 C418 On Site Geotechnical Investigation Rankin Inlet CGS Tetra Tech EBA PRFP $30,307.00 Inc. C419 Martha Taliruq Centre Condition Assessment Baker Lake CGS Accutech IRFP $30,310.00 Engineering Inc. C420 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Royal Ottawa PRFP $30,400.00 Health Care Group C421 Transitional Support Iqaluit EIA Moving Waters SV $30,450.00 Consulting Ltd. C422 Professional Services - Collective Bargaining Nunavut FIN McLennan Ross SV $30,508.00 Territory LLP C423 BCA Training Iqaluit CGS EPIC Educational SA $30,700.00 Programs C424 French Language Program Training Rankin Inlet EIA Carrefour Nunavut PRFP $30,741.00 C425 Residential Care - Mental Health Coral HSS Heritage Home EXT $30,840.00 Harbour Foundation C426 Accounting/Budgeting/Retirement Planning Iqaluit EIA Crowe MacKay PRFP $31,121.00 LLP

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C427 Statistical Support Caribou Survey Kivalliq ENV Integrated PRFP $31,280.00 Region Ecological Research C428 Handbook Translation Iqaluit EDU Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $31,410.88 Ltd. C429 Counselling and Therapeutic Support Services Gjoa Haven HSS Northern PRFP $31,575.75 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C430 Budgeting and Reporting Cambridge EIA Crowe MacKay PRFP $31,695.00 Bay LLP C431 Language Awards Advertisement Iqaluit CLEY Ayaya PRFP $31,813.20 Communications Inc. C432 Counselling and Crises Support Coral HSS Northern PRFP $32,037.50 Harbour Counselling and Therapeutic Services C433 Grammar Writing Iqaluit EIA University of PRFP $32,050.00 Alberta C434 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Hall Beach HSS Heritage Home PRFP $32,100.00 Foundation C435 Planning and Coordination Services Nunavut HSS Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $32,450.00 Territory Ltd. C436 Kugluktuk Plant Replacement Application Kugluktuk EIA Ayaya PRFP $32,466.72 Communications Inc. C437 Preparation Draft Heritage Appreciation Plan Iqaluit ENV Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $33,010.00 Ltd. C438 Basic Radiology Technician Training Nunavut HSS Ontario Association PRFP $33,059.20 Territory Of Medical Radiation C439 French Language Program Training Cambridge EIA Carrefour Nunavut PRFP $33,341.00 Bay C440 Dental Chair Suction Piping Design Iqaluit HSS Accutech PRFP $33,450.00 Engineering Inc. C441 Inuit Education Leave Program Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $33,628.44 C442 Community Engagement Policy and Procedure Iqaluit EDT EMR Consultants PRFP $33,671.00 Canada Ltd. C443 Design of Signage and Wayfinding Iqaluit HSS Western Health PRFP $33,707.50 Planning Associates Ltd. C444 Creative Designs and Promotional Items Nunavut HSS Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $33,843.17 Territory Ltd. C445 Ecological Risk Assessment Coral ENV Nunami Stantec PRFP $33,900.00 Harbour Limted C446 Biohazard Waste Disposal Iqaluit HSS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $33,902.00 Environment Inc. C447 Uqausivut 2.0 Implementation Planning Iqaluit CLEY NVision Insight PRFP $34,029.24 Group Inc. C448 Nunavut History and Governance Rankin Inlet EIA NVision Insight PRFP $34,100.00 Group Inc. C449 Printing Annual Report Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $34,398.00 Territory

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C450 Residential Care Cape Dorset FS Partners in PRFP $34,470.00 Parenting Inc. C451 Residential Care Treatment Igloolik HSS Heritage Home PRFP $34,500.00 Foundation C452 Support for Hivuliqtikhanut Leadership Iqaluit EIA Consulting Matrix PRFP $34,580.00 C453 Excavation and Soil Sampling of Fifty Piles Iqaluit CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $34,672.62 Environmental Inc. C454 2018/19 Annual Planning Pond Inlet EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $34,744.28 C455 Nunavut History and Governance Iqaluit EIA NVision Insight PRFP $34,800.00 Group Inc. C456 Mental Health Program and Treatment Gjoa Haven HSS Heritage Home PRFP $35,055.00 Foundation C457 Cannabis Social Media Campaign Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $35,102.76 Territory C458 Commitment Process for Fire Hall Arctic Bay CGS Tetra Tech EBA PRFP $35,200.00 Inc. C459 Mental Health Act Expert Consultant Nunavut HSS Dr. John E. Gray SV $35,345.20 Territory C460 Class B Cost Estimate Iqaluit EDT Altus Group Ltd. PRFP $35,592.00 C461 Occupational Hygiene Services Cape Dorset CGS BluMetric PRFP $35,700.00 Environmental Inc. C462 We Speak Inuktut Campaign Iqaluit CLEY Ayaya PRFP $35,885.00 Communications Inc. C463 Socio-Economic Monitoring Workshop Iqaluit EDT NVision Insight PRFP $36,000.00 Group Inc. C464 Mold Remediation in Building 619 Iqaluit CGS Qikitaaluk PRFP $36,242.43 Environmental C465 Topographic Survey, Small Craft Harbour Pond Inlet EDT Accutech PRFP $36,405.00 Engineering Inc. C466 Inuit Maligait, Policy Design, Manuscript Iqaluit CLEY Pirurvik Centre Inc. PRFP $36,500.00 C467 Design Services, Boardroom & New Offices Iqaluit JUS Livingstone PRFP $36,640.00 Architect C468 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Royal Ottawa PRFP $36,800.00 Health Care Group C469 Communication Plan - Let's Speak Inuktut Iqaluit CLEY Ayaya PRFP $36,925.00 Communications Inc. C470 Structural Investigation & Conceptual Design Clyde River EDU Accutech PRFP $37,375.00 Engineering Inc. C471 Destination Nunavut Branding Iqaluit EDT Outcrop Nunavut IRFP $37,418.31 Ltd. C472 Fire Hall Phase III ESA Kugaaruk CGS AMEC Earth & PRFP $37,612.00 Environment & Infrastructure C473 Community Energy Planning Workplan Iqaluit ENV Associated PRFP $37,700.00 Environmental Consultants Inc. C474 Preparation for Terminology Development Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Media Inc. PRFP $38,000.00 C475 Tulliniliara Book Printing Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $38,010.00 Inc. C476 Guardianship Assessments Nunavut FS Stirpe Stones & IRFP $38,315.15 Territory Associates C477 IUT Language Assessment Implementation Iqaluit CLEY Pirurvik Centre Inc. PRFP $38,375.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______53 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C478 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Royal Ottawa PRFP $38,400.00 Health Care Group C479 Translation of NCRI Reports Iqaluit ENV Parenty Reitmeier PRFP $38,830.00 inc. C480 Nunavut History and Governance/Microsoft Cape Dorset EIA NVision Insight PRFP $38,900.00 Word Group Inc. C481 Counselling and Crises Support Resolute Bay HSS Northern PRFP $39,038.00 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C482 Fuel Spill Cleanup-Hospital Cold Warehouse Iqaluit CGS Qikitaaluk PRFP $39,108.24 Environmental C483 EMMC Event Organization Iqaluit EDT Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $39,165.00 Ltd. C484 Ethics Officer - Professional Services Nunavut FIN Jeffrey Schnoor PRFP $39,497.00 Territory C485 Writing Briefing Notes Iqaluit EIA Performance PRFP $39,748.20 Management Consultants C486 Phase 2 Tourism Data Collection Benchmarking Nunavut EDT Creva Group Ltd. IRFP $40,000.00 Territory C487 Ringed Seal Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Study Southern ENV Parenty Reitmeier PRFP $40,000.00 Canada Inc. C488 Organizational Review Iqaluit CLEY Nvision Insight PRFP $40,260.00 Group Inc. C489 Managing Transitions Effectively Nunavut HSS Bricolage PRFP $40,450.00 Territory Leadership Development C490 Counselling and Therapeutic Support Services Baker Lake HSS Northern PRFP $40,515.00 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C491 Development of GN Mandate New Government Igloolik EIA Moving Waters SV $40,800.00 Consulting Ltd C492 Parent and Community Engagement Nunavut FS Qaujigiartiit Health SV $41,113.00 Territory Research Centre C493 Counselling and Crises Support Chesterfield HSS Northern PRFP $41,147.25 Inlet Counselling and Therapeutic Services C494 Planning and Development Meetings Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $41,500.00 Inc. C495 Project to Complete Job Description Nunavut HSS Karen Fingas PRFP $41,694.00 Territory Consulting C496 Dementia Care and Fall Risk Training Nunavut HSS Corvus Solutions PRFP $42,224.33 Territory C497 Engineering Services, Water Treatment Plant Kugluktuk CGS Williams IRFP $42,340.00 Engineering Canada Inc. C498 Official Language 5 Year Plan Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $43,472.23 C499 Mental Health Treatment Pond Inlet HSS Ontario Shores PRFP $43,780.00 Center for Mental Health C500 Sampling and Testing Concrete Igloolik EDU IMG Golder Corp. PRFP $44,117.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______54 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C501 Developing Project Charter for ILA Work Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $44,500.00 Inc. C502 Interim Program Manager: Country Food GF2 Iqaluit EDT Project Nunavut IRFP $44,520.00 Limited C503 Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Organization Review Iqaluit CLEY NVision Insight PRFP $44,548.86 Group Inc. C504 School Gym Flooring Replacement Chesterfield EDU Accutech IRFP $44,750.00 Inlet Engineering Inc. C505 Regional Services Office (RSO) Repairs Rankin Inlet CGS Stantec IRFP $44,983.00 Architecture Ltd. C506 Developing and Translation of 2015-16 Annual Iqaluit EDU Nvision Insight PRFP $45,036.00 Group Inc. C507 Specialized Residential Care Arviat FS Dana Ryz SV $45,230.00 C508 Residential Care Cape Dorset FS Bairn Croft IRFP $45,995.74 Residential Services Inc. C509 On-Site Geotechnical Investigation Coral CGS Tetra Tech EBA PRFP $46,041.00 Harbour Inc. C510 Residential Care Gjoa Haven FS Bayfield Treatment SV $46,096.30 Centres C511 Monitoring and Evaluating Consulting Services Nunavut HSS Lichen Consulting PRFP $46,410.00 Territory Inc. C512 NAC Trades Centre Roof Leak Rankin Inlet CGS Accutech IRFP $46,450.00 Engineering Inc. C513 Counselling and Crises Support Gjoa Haven HSS Northern PRFP $47,075.00 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C514 Layout and Printing of NCRI Reports Iqaluit ENV Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $47,141.35 C515 Guardianship Assessments Nunavut FS Dr. Emoke Jozsvai SV $47,202.23 Territory C516 Inspection for Removal of Lead Paint Baker Lake CGS Charter Coating SV $47,230.00 Services (2000) Ltd. C517 Legal Survey of KGAR-425(40-2)16-004 Kugaaruk CGS Ollerhead and PRFP $47,500.00 Associates C518 Counselling and Crises Support Baker Lake HSS Northern PRFP $47,588.00 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C519 Air Terminal Building-Environment Repulse Bay EDT Dillon Consulting PRFP $48,000.00 Assessments Limited C520 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Bairn Croft PRFP $48,007.02 Residential Services Inc. C521 Head Start Building Igloolik CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $48,188.22 Environmental Inc. C522 Photographic Art and Display Assistance Rankin Inlet CGS Know History Inc. PRFP $48,390.00 C523 Professional Development Framework Tools Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $48,418.13 C524 Specialized Residential Care Arviat FS 6639977 Manitoba PRFP $48,475.00 Ltd. o/a The Massey Home C525 Pigiarvik ISL, Traditional Knowledge Iqaluit EIA Pirurvik Centre Inc. PRFP $48,479.19

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______55 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C526 Clean Energy Capacity Building Workshop Iqaluit ENV Associated PRFP $49,000.00 Environmental Consultants Inc. C527 Guardianship Assessments Nunavut FS Stirpe, Stones & IRFP $49,140.53 Territory Associates C528 Potable Water System Cambridge CGS Stantec IRFP $49,186.36 Bay Architecture Ltd. C529 Mercury Remediation Arviat EDU BluMetric PRFP $49,200.00 Environmental Inc. C530 Staff Development Training Nunavut HSS Learning Tree PRFP $49,334.00 Territory International C531 Basic Radiological Technician Training Nunavut HSS Ontario Association PRFP $49,432.00 Territory of Medical Radiation C532 Maintenance Garage Floor and Roof Repairs Baker Lake CGS Accutech IRFP $49,440.00 Engineering Inc. C533 High-low Magazine Development Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $49,500.00 Inc. C534 School Addition - Geotech Investigation Iqaluit EDU Exp Services Inc. PRFP $49,606.02 C535 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Kimmirut HSS Heritage Home PRFP $49,950.00 Foundation C536 Residential Care Iqaluit FS I Have A Chance PRFP $49,965.60 Support Services Ltd. C537 Annual Membership and Service Fee Yellowknife ENV Arctic Energy SV $50,000.00 Alliance C538 Strategic Thinking for Operational Management Iqaluit EIA Learning Tree PRFP $50,000.00 International C539 Payroll Administration Manual Iqaluit FIN Sila Management PRFP $50,000.00 Services Inc. C540 Hybrid Business Accelerator Feasibility Study Iqaluit EDT Watson IRFP $50,000.00 Management Consultants Inc. C541 Mapping and GIS Support Iqaluit ENV Caslys Consulting PRFP $50,000.00 Ltd. C542 David Strait Polar Bear Survey Igloolik ENV Northern PRFP $50,000.00 Associates C543 Slope Stability Study Pond Inlet CGS AMEC Foster PRFP $50,200.00 Wheeler Environmental C544 Satellite Imagery and Base Mapping Nunavut CGS Aeroquest Mapcon PRFP $50,494.00 Territory Inc. C545 Guardianship Assessments Nunavut FS Stirpe, Stones & PRFP $50,605.48 Territory Associates C546 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Resolute Bay HSS Heritage Home PRFP $50,850.00 Foundation C547 Language Month Activities Iqaluit CLEY Inhabit Media Inc. PRFP $50,889.00 C548 Early Levelled Readers Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $50,960.00 Inc. C549 Counselling and Crisis Support Cambridge HSS Northern PRFP $51,086.00 Bay Counselling and Therapeutic Services

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______56 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C550 Country Food Demonstration and Video Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $51,137.90 Territory C551 Residential Care Cape Dorset FS Evelyn Daisy Isnor SV $51,375.00 C552 Counselling and Therapeutic Support Services Resolute Bay HSS Northern PRFP $51,455.00 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C553 Residential Care Transition Management Cambridge HSS Stephen Jackson EXT $52,000.00 Bay C554 Contaminated Sites Environmental Information Yellowknife ENV BluMetric PRFP $52,000.00 Environmental Inc. C555 Devolution Negotiations Strategic Support Iqaluit EIA Lochaber Policy PRFP $52,000.00 Consulting C556 Potential Mould Growth Assessment Coral CGS Dillon Consulting IRFP $52,035.00 Harbour Limited C557 In-service Workshops Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $52,150.00 Inc. C558 Creative Designs - Printing Services Nunavut HSS Ayaya PRFP $53,535.40 Territory Communications Inc. C559 Review Student Educator Ratio and Funding Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc PRFP $53,622.83 C560 Developing Project Charter Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $53,850.00 Inc. C561 Small Grant Advertisement Iqaluit CLEY Ayaya PRFP $54,225.65 Communications Inc. C562 Counselling and Therapeutic Support Services Gjoa Haven HSS Northern PRFP $54,235.00 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C563 Oil Spill Response Course Nunavut CGS Nunatta IRFP $54,370.98 Territory Environmental Services C564 2017 Country Food and Food Safety Project Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $54,472.80 Territory C565 Health Centre BAS Upgrade Rankin Inlet CGS Honeywell Limited IRFP $54,718.00 C566 Nunavut History and Governance Iqaluit EIA NVision Insight PRFP $54,960.00 Group Inc. C567 Counselling and Crises Support Nunavut HSS Northern PRFP $55,135.08 Territory Counselling and Therapeutic Services C568 Inuinnaqtun Language Application Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Media inc. PRFP $55,255.00 C569 Inuktitut Language Training Rankin Inlet EIA Pirurvik Centre Inc. PRFP $57,496.00 C570 Tobacco Free Health Centers Nunavut HSS NVision Insight PRFP $57,817.08 Territory Groups Inc. C571 Nicotine Replacement Therapy Stomp Video Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $58,864.30 Territory C572 Zero Based Budget Preparation Iqaluit CGS The Right Door PRFP $59,000.00 Consulting Solutions Inc. C573 Kimmirut Airport Relocation Study Phase 2 Iqaluit EDT WSP Canada IRFP $59,790.00 Group Limited

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______57 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C574 French Advertisement Strategy Nunavut CLEY Day PRFP $60,000.00 Territory Communications Group Inc. C575 Forensic Audit Nunavut FS Grant Thornton SV $60,000.00 Territory LLP C576 Addiction and Drug Treatment Arviat HSS Homewood Health EXT $60,420.00 Center C577 Counselling and Therapeutic Support Services Resolute Bay HSS Northern PRFP $60,968.26 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C578 Nunavut History and Governance Iqaluit EIA NVision Insight IRFP $61,200.00 Group Inc. C579 Health Canada Nursing Capacity Protocol Nunavut HSS DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $61,224.69 Territory C580 Martha Taliruq Elder's Centre Renovation Baker Lake HSS Accutech IRFP $61,280.00 Engineering Inc. C581 Evaluation Plan Report Nunavut HSS DPRA Canada Inc. EXT $61,894.00 Territory C582 Common Fish Of Nunavut Book Iqaluit ENV Inhabit Media Inc. PRFP $61,944.75 C583 Residential Care - Mental Health Pangnirtung HSS Homewood Health EXT $62,310.00 Centre C584 Senior Business Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. IRFP $62,325.00 C585 Grants and Contribution Policy Review Iqaluit CLEY Nvision Insight PRFP $62,376.35 Group Inc. C586 Uqausivut (Phase 2) Iqaluit CLEY Nvision Insight PRFP $62,686.45 Group Inc. C587 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $62,911.85 C588 Residential Care Kugluktuk FS Ben Calf Robe SV $63,321.00 Society C589 Senior Project Manager/Business Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $63,420.00 C590 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Richard Vine SV $63,620.30 C591 Inuinnaqtun Literacy Printing Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $63,777.00 Inc. C592 Counselling and Crises Support Cape Dorset HSS Northern PRFP $64,525.00 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C593 New CLC - Site Survey, Site Supervision Whale Cove CGS Accutech IRFP $65,195.00 Engineering Inc. C594 Nunavut Day Evening Northern Lights 2018 Ottawa EIA 888078 Canada Ltd SV $66,000.00 C595 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Arctic Bay HSS Heritage Home PRFP $66,600.00 Foundation C596 Pan Northern Hazard Mapping Iqaluit ENV Lichen Consulting PRFP $66,900.00 Inc. C597 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $66,930.00 C598 Fire Alarm Replacement Taloyoak EDU Stantec PRFP $67,250.00 Architecture Limited C599 Senior Technical Writer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. IRFP $67,500.00 C600 Developing and Translation of 2016-17 Annual Iqaluit EDU Nvision Insight PRFP $67,986.73 Group Inc. C601 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $68,120.55

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C602 THIF Evaluation Nunavut HSS DPRA Canada Inc. EXT $68,338.00 Territory C603 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $69,000.00 C604 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $69,000.00 C605 Locum Chief Medical Officer Iqaluit HSS Dr. Maureen SV $69,160.00 Mayhew C606 Preparation of Land Administration By-Law Chesterfield CGS DPRA PRFP $69,538.00 Inlet C607 Photography Project Nunavut EDU Arctic UAV Inc. PRFP $70,000.00 Territory C608 Genetic Analysis Polar Bear Biopsy Southern ENV Wildlife Genetics PRFP $70,000.00 Canada International Inc. C609 Residential Care Treatment Iqaluit FS March of Dimes PRFP $71,458.00 Canada C610 Phonics Printing Application Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $71,600.00 Inc. C611 Computer Foundations Excel and Word Nunavut EIA NVision Insight PRFP $72,600.00 Territory Group Inc. C612 Legal Survey Work Resolute Bay CGS Sun Arctic Surveys PRFP $73,200.00 C613 IUT Language Assessment Implementation Iqaluit CLEY Pirurvik Centre Inc. PRFP $73,925.00 C614 Employee Relations Consultation Services Nunavut FIN Emond Harnden PRFP $74,192.00 Territory LLP C615 Addiction and Drug Treatment Coral HSS Hetritage Home EXT $74,880.00 Harbour Foundation C616 Senior Marine Advisory Services Iqaluit EDT Sila Management IRFP $75,000.00 Services Inc. C617 Specialized Residential Care Arviat FS Alliance Youth SV $76,033.52 Services Inc. C618 Counselling and Crises Support Arviat HSS Northern PRFP $76,357.25 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C619 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $76,500.00 C620 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Bob Rumball SV $77,165.50 Canadian Centre of Excellence C621 Professional Support with Additional Engineer Kugluktuk CGS Williams IRFP $77,470.00 Engineering Canada Inc. C622 Review of the Nunavut Language File Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $77,607.33 C623 Residential Care Gjoa Haven FS Bayfield Treatment SV $77,631.80 Centres C624 Screening Soil Rankin Inlet CGS Nunatta PT $77,772.00 Environmental Services C625 ConShed Technical Condition Assessment Rankin Inlet CGS Accutech IRFP $79,500.00 Engineering Inc. C626 Devolution Negotiations Strategic Support Iqaluit EIA Robert Carson SV $80,000.00 C627 Devolution Negotiations Strategic Support Iqaluit EIA Alex Buchan SV $80,000.00 C628 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $80,313.00 C629 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. IRFP $80,313.00 C630 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $80,313.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C631 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Pangnirtung HSS Center for PRFP $81,000.00 Addiction and Mental Health C632 Residential Care Kugluktuk FS Stepping Stones PRFP $81,038.36 Foster Care Inc. C633 Counselling and Therapeutic Services Pond Inlet HSS Northern PRFP $81,100.00 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C634 Education Staff Certification Regulations Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $81,175.83 C635 Devolution Negotiations Strategic Support Iqaluit EIA Deborah Archibald SV $81,200.00 C636 Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $81,450.00 C637 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Royal Ottawa PRFP $81,600.00 Health Care Group C638 Human Resources Consult & Management Iqaluit CLEY Nvision Insight PRFP $81,790.80 Services Group Inc. C639 Flammable or Corrosive or General Use Cabinet Nunavut EDU BluMetric PRFP $82,000.00 Territory Environmental Inc. C640 Family Care Provider Repulse Bay FS Shelley Mathews & SV $82,950.00 Luc Bergeron C641 Communicable Disease Program Support Nunavut HSS Jennifer Armstrong SV $82,990.00 Territory C642 Specialized Residential Care Coral FS Macdonald Youth PRFP $83,822.45 Harbour Services C643 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Clyde River HSS Heritage Home PRFP $84,150.00 Foundation C644 Uqausivut 2.0 Implementation Planning Service Iqaluit CLEY Nvision Insight PRFP $85,700.00 Group Inc. C645 Business Systems Analyst Iqaluit CGS Bevertec CST Inc. EXT $86,100.00 C646 Business Systems Analyst Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $86,313.00 C647 Inuinnaqtun Working Group Part 2 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $86,500.00 inc. C648 Information Management Governance Specalist Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $88,200.00 C649 FAM Improvement Initiative Nunavut FIN Lester Landau, PRFP $88,550.00 Territory Chartered Accountants C650 Nunavut Chemical Management Nunavut EDU BluMetric PRFP $88,658.00 Territory Environmental Inc. C651 Senior Business Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $88,900.00 C652 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $89,100.00 C653 Public Health Strategic Writing Services Nunavut HSS DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $89,206.88 Territory C654 Resource Development Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $89,375.00 Inc. C655 Residential Care Hall Beach FS Annie's Haven Ltd. PRFP $89,421.25 C656 Senior Project Manager/Business Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $90,000.00 C657 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Roger & Suzanne SV $90,458.72 Sevigny C658 Leadership For Team Leaders Cambridge EIA Beva Global PRFP $91,509.00 Bay Management Inc. C659 RIHF Building Controls and Maintenance Rankin Inlet CGS CLOW Darling IRFP $91,530.84 Limited C660 Building Condition Assessment, NCC Office Kitikmeot CGS Stantec PRFP $91,619.00 Region Architecture Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C661 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Options Youth PRFP $91,859.00 (Ontario) Inc. C662 Strategic Planning Development Baker Lake EDU DPRA Canada Inc PRFP $91,863.55 C663 Senior Enterprise Architect Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $91,875.00 C664 French Language Program Training Iqaluit EIA Carrefour Nunavut SV $93,320.00 C665 Inuktut Grammar Dictionary & Enhancement Iqaluit CLEY Piruvik Centre Inc. PRFP $93,450.00 C666 Senior Enterprise Architect Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $94,500.00 C667 Residential Care Pangnirtung FS Options Youth PRFP $94,567.00 (Ontario) Inc. C668 Cost Consultant Sanikiluaq HSS Altus Group Ltd. IRFP $94,722.00 C669 In-service Videos Phase 2 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $94,800.00 Inc. C670 Inuit Tourism Framework/Implement Strategy Iqaluit EDT TTJ Tourism PRFP $95,000.00 C671 Scope and Sequence Development Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $95,650.00 Inc. C672 Tank Farm Technical Assessment Arviat CGS Worley Parsons IT $95,660.00 Canada C673 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $96,525.00 C674 Environmental Human Risk Assessment Cape Dorset HSS Concentric PRFP $97,125.00 Associates International Inc. C675 Contaminated Soil Removal Arviat CGS BluMetric SE $97,274.50 Environmental Inc. C676 Commissioning Agent Sanikiluaq HSS Stantec PRFP $97,689.00 Architecture Ltd. C677 Residential Care Treatment Pond Inlet FS Macdonald Youth PRFP $98,051.05 Services C678 GN Finance Strategic Plan Nunavut FIN AECOM Canada PRFP $98,180.00 Territory Ltd. C679 Arena Geotechnical Analysis Rankin Inlet CGS Accutech IRFP $98,625.00 Engineering Inc. C680 Building Code Implementation Services Nunavut CGS Christopher SV $100,000.00 Territory Michael Tye C681 QCHC Assessment & Planning Iqaluit JUS McCready SV $100,000.00 Consulting Ltd. C682 Translations, Interpretation and Editing Iqaluit CLEY Cuerrier & PRFP $100,000.00 Associates C683 French Translation/Interpretation & Editing Iqaluit CLEY Edgar Inc. PRFP $100,000.00 C684 Senior Advisory Services and Management Iqaluit EDT Sila Management IRFP $100,000.00 Services Inc. C685 Nunavut Economic Development Strategy Iqaluit EDT Sila Management IRFP $100,000.00 Renewal Services Inc. C686 Support Service- Grays Bay Road Port Project Iqaluit EDT Jim Stevens SE $100,000.00 C687 Residential Care Kugluktuk FS Options Youth PRFP $100,024.00 (Ontario) Inc. C688 Assistance in Year End Reporting Nunavut FIN Lester Landau, PRFP $101,200.00 Territory Chartered Accountants C689 Professional Support Services Kitikmeot HSS Northwest EXT $102,771.00 Region Terrritories Health & Social Servic C690 Classroom Book Sets Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Media Inc. PRFP $103,152.00 C691 Residential Care Treatment Igloolik HSS Heritage Home PRFP $103,500.00 Foundation

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C692 Residential Care Treatment Nunavut HSS Heritage Home PRFP $103,500.00 Territory Foundation C693 Specialized Residential Care Rankin Inlet FS 6639977 Manitoba PRFP $106,750.00 Ltd. o/a The Massey Home C694 Residential Care Gjoa Haven FS Options Youth PRFP $107,095.00 (Ontario) Inc. C695 Review of Nunavut Adult Learning Strategy Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $107,438.30 C696 Residential Care Cape Dorset FS I Have A Chance PRFP $109,291.17 Support Services Ltd. C697 Operational and Analytical Services Rankin Inlet CGS Right Door PRFP $110,000.00 Consulting & Solutions Inc. C698 Business Systems Analyst Iqaluit CGS Bevertec CST Inc. EXT $110,700.00 C699 Continuing Care Standard and Policy Manual Nunavut HSS Corvus Solutions PRFP $110,910.00 Territory C700 Balanced Literacy Teacher Resource Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $111,500.00 Inc. C701 Sampling Program for Drums Coral ENV Nunami Stantec PRFP $112,000.00 Harbour Limited C702 Residential Care Clyde River FS Sinclair Children's PRFP $112,397.20 Residence Inc. C703 Develop a Professional Development Framework Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $112,534.69 C704 Building Condition Assessment, NCC Offices Kivalliq CGS Stantec PRFP $113,509.00 Region Architectural Ltd. C705 Specialized Residential Care Sanikiluaq FS Sinclair Children's PRFP $114,227.20 Residence Inc. C706 Administrative Support Services Iqaluit CLEY Micheal Rudolph PRFP $116,100.00 Consulting C707 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Royal Ottawa PRFP $118,400.00 Health Care Group C708 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. IRFP $118,590.00 C709 Inuktitut Language Training Iqaluit EIA Pirurvik Centre Inc. PRFP $118,697.26 C710 Health Project Management Iqaluit HSS DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $119,400.80 C711 Inunnguiniq Training Nunavut FS Qaujigiartiit Health SV $120,000.00 Territory Research Centre C712 Specialized Residential Care Chesterfield FS Bairn Croft PRFP $120,245.28 Inlet Residential Services Inc. C713 Develop a Professional Development Framework Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $120,636.56 C714 Multi Tasks Services for Airport Improvements Cambridge EDT Worley Parsons IRFP $121,000.00 Bay Canada C715 Organizational Review Nunavut FS DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $121,000.00 Territory C716 Specialized Residential Care Repulse Bay FS Association for SV $121,621.65 Community Living C717 Business Case for New School Coral CGS Accutech PRFP $122,500.00 Harbour Engineering Inc. C718 Professional Development Framework Leader Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $123,314.06 C719 Residential Care Iqaluit FS I Have A Chance IRFP $123,946.28 Support Services Ltd. C720 Family Home Provider Kugluktuk FS Silvia Moreno SV $124,619.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C721 Taxidermy and Diorama Rankin Inlet CGS Robertson PRFP $125,525.00 Artworks C722 Site Supervision for Airport Improvements Cambridge EDT Worley Parsons IRFP $125,609.00 Bay Canada C723 Bereavement Support Facilitator Training Nunavut HSS Northern PRFP $126,061.44 Territory Counselling and Therapeutic Services C724 Inuinnaqtun Working Group Part 3 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $126,100.00 Inc. C725 Development of 3 Year Early Learning Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $129,683.90 C726 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Hall Beach HSS March of Dimes PRFP $131,135.00 Canada C727 Residential Care Hall Beach FS Community Living SV $131,445.00 Alternative Services Ltd. C728 Assessment for Addictions & Trauma Treatment Iqaluit HSS NVision Insight PRFP $131,660.00 Group Inc. C729 Residential Care Pond Inlet FS Marta Olvera SV $132,798.00 C730 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. IRFP $133,855.00 C731 Specialized Residential Care Arviat FS Lakeview PRFP $135,000.00 Community Living Inc. C732 Supported Living Care Kitikmeot FS Quest Support PRFP $136,933.87 Region Services Inc. C733 Advertising Iqaluit ENV Ayaya PRFP $137,732.66 Communications Inc. C734 Health Centre Oil Spill Remediation Grise Fiord CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $137,808.14 Environmental Inc. C735 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Royal Ottawa PRFP $140,800.00 Health Care Group C736 Counselling & Crisis Support Baker Lake HSS Northern PRFP $141,540.00 Counselling and Therapeutic Services C737 Nunavummi Levelled Books 5-11 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $141,925.00 Inc. C738 Professional Review Services Iqaluit EDT Colliers Project PRFP $143,220.00 Leaders Inc. C739 Business Systems Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $144,000.00 C740 Senior IT Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $146,500.00 C741 Family Care Provider Sanikiluaq FS Michelle Davison SV $147,100.00 C742 Fuel Oil Spill Remediation Arviat CGS BluMetric IRFP $147,274.50 Environmental Inc. C743 Community Planning and Geotechnical Analysis Qikiqtaaluk CGS Nunami Stantec PRFP $148,600.00 Region Limited C744 Mechanical Garage-Design for B and C Clyde River CGS Livingstone PRFP $148,775.00 Architect C745 Review Student Educator Ratio and Funding Iqaluit EDU DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $148,964.83 C746 Wellness Workers Compensation Manual Nunavut HSS Knowledge Council PRFP $149,100.00 Territory Inc. C747 Nuliajuk Annual Vessel Support Iqaluit ENV Glovertown PRFP $149,108.00 Shipyards Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C748 Health Project Management Iqaluit HSS DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $149,978.80 C749 Establishing Hiring Process for Nurses Nunavut HSS DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $149,982.00 Territory C750 Wildlife Office Renovations Resolute Bay ENV Livingstone PRFP $150,000.00 Architect C751 Senior IT Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $150,000.00 C752 Specialized Residential Care Sanikiluaq FS Parkland SV $150,276.00 Community Living & Supports Society C753 Residential Care Taloyoak FS Broken Arrow SV $151,210.00 Residential Treatment Services C754 Qikiqtani Chemical Management Qikiqtaaluk EDU BluMetric PRFP $152,374.00 Region Environmental Inc. C755 Residential Care Kugluktuk FS Parkland SV $154,030.00 Community Living & Supports Society C756 Senior Data Communications Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $154,200.00 C757 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $158,400.00 C758 Inuktut Language Assessment Implementation Iqaluit CLEY Pirurvik Centre Inc. PRFP $159,000.00 C759 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $160,626.00 C760 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $160,626.00 C761 Residential Care Pangnirtung FS I Have A Chance PRFP $162,147.51 Support Services Ltd. C762 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Kugluktuk HSS March of Dimes PRFP $164,006.00 Canada C763 Specialized Residential Care Coral FS 6639977 Manitoba PRFP $164,400.00 Harbour Ltd. o/a The Massey Home C764 Technical Review and Condition Assessment Rankin Inlet CGS Dillon Consulting PRFP $164,535.00 Limited C765 Senior Database Admin Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $167,318.75 C766 Senior Data Communications Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $171,600.00 C767 Senior Enterprise Architect Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $172,200.00 C768 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $172,200.00 C769 Senior IT Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $176,400.00 C770 Residential Care Qikiqtaaluk FS Partners in PRFP $177,025.00 Region Parenting Inc. C771 Family Care Provider Baker Lake FS Judy Borne SV $177,325.00 C772 Senior Database Admin Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $179,375.00 C773 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS March of Dimes EXT $179,602.50 Canada C774 Residential Care Treatment Grise Fiord HSS March of Dimes PRFP $179,602.50 Canada C775 Senior Project Manager/Business Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $181,125.00 C776 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS March of Dimes EXT $185,950.00 Canada C777 Mental Health-Residential Care Arctic Bay HSS March of Dimes EXT $185,950.00 Canada C778 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Hall Beach HSS March of Dimes EXT $185,950.00 Canada

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______64 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C779 Specialized Residential Care Rankin Inlet FS Parkland SV $187,548.00 Community Living & Supports Society C780 Annual Accounts 2017-18 Professional Services Nunavut FIN Claude Carter PRFP $190,013.00 Territory Consulting Inc. C781 Residential Care Qikiqtarjuaq FS Resourceful Futures PRFP $191,244.40 Community Support Service C782 Senior Data Communications Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $194,040.00 C783 Residential Care-Mental Health Hall Beach HSS Bairn Croft EXT $195,102.00 Residential Services Inc. C784 Residential Care Pond Inlet FS I Have A Chance PRFP $199,391.60 Support Services Ltd. C785 Residential Care Pond Inlet FS I Have A Chance PRFP $199,391.60 Support Services Ltd. C786 Residential Care Cambridge FS I Have A Chance PRFP $199,391.60 Bay Support Services Ltd. C787 French Translation / Interpretation & Editing Iqaluit CLEY Edgar Inc. PRFP $200,000.00 C788 Senior Telecomm Lineman Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $201,400.00 C789 Mental Health - Residential Care Cape Dorset HSS I Have A Chance SV $202,804.87 Support Services Ltd. C790 Translation Services - Inuktitut/Inuinnaqtun Iqaluit CLEY Aglu Consulting PRFP $205,000.00 and Training Inc. C791 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Options Youth PRFP $207,389.80 (Ontario) Inc. C792 Territorial Poison Control Centre Nunavut HSS The Hospital for EXT $208,628.40 Territory Sick Children C793 Family Care Provider Rankin Inlet FS Deanne Perry SV $210,846.00 C794 Mental Health Treatment Resolute Bay HSS March of Dimes EXT $210,885.00 Canada C795 Mental Health Treatment Grise Fiord HSS March of Dimes EXT $210,885.00 Canada C796 Senior Systems/Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $211,680.00 C797 Specialized Residential Care Coral FS Ranch Ehrlo PRFP $212,002.00 Harbour Society C798 Residential Care Cambridge FS Ranch Ehrlo PRFP $212,002.00 Bay Society C799 Residential Care Kugluktuk FS Bairn Croft PRFP $216,191.70 Residential Services Inc. C800 Residential Care Cambridge FS YWCA Edmonton SV $220,504.28 Bay C801 Residential Care - Mental Health Resolute Bay HSS March of Dimes PRFP $226,290.00 Canada C802 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Grise Fiord HSS March of Dimes PRFP $226,290.00 Canada C803 Residential Care Qikiqtaaluk FS Sinclair Children's PRFP $228,794.40 Region Residence Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C804 Decision Making Component Nunavut FS National Council SV $230,230.00 Territory on Crime & Delinquency C805 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS March of Dimes PRFP $236,150.00 Canada C806 Residential Care Iqaluit FS I Have A Chance PRFP $237,826.65 Support Services Ltd. C807 Operation Management of the QGH Nunavut HSS St Joseph's Health EXT $245,398.00 Territory Systems C808 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Independent PRFP $247,735.00 Advocacy 2010 Inc. C809 Specialized Residential Care Coral FS Independent PRFP $247,985.00 Harbour Advocacy 2010 Inc. C810 Residential Care Gjoa Haven FS Parkland SV $255,874.00 Community Living & Supports Society C811 Residential Care Gjoa Haven FS Parkland SV $259,570.00 Community Living & Supports Society C812 Professional Consulting Services Iqaluit HSS Maximus Canada SV $260,733.30 C813 Residential Care Cambridge FS Maryhomes Inc. SV $272,085.04 Bay C814 Specialized Residential Care Baker Lake FS Broken Arrow SV $273,140.00 Residential Treatment Services C815 Marine Cargo Survey & Consulting Services Southern CGS Kitnuna BBE PRFP $285,000.00 Canada Expediting Ltd. C816 Specialized Foster Care Kugluktuk FS Sinclair Children's PRFP $288,800.00 Residence Inc. C817 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Royal Ottawa PRFP $294,400.00 Health Care Group C818 Residential Mentaql Health Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS March of Dimes EXT $317,175.00 Canada C819 Residential Care Qikiqtaaluk FS Partners in PRFP $328,260.00 Region Parenting Inc. C820 Neocognitive Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS March of Dimes PRFP $337,685.00 Canada C821 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Partners in PRFP $340,780.00 Parenting Inc. C822 Specialized Residential Care Baker Lake FS Community Living SV $346,111.00 Alternative Services Ltd. C823 Nuliajuk Crewing and Supplies Southern ENV RCG Marine PRFP $350,000.00 Canada Consulting C824 Specialized Residential Services Kivalliq FS 6639977 Manitoba PRFP $358,697.50 Region Ltd o/a The Massey Home C825 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Iqaluit HSS Ontario Shores PRFP $363,175.00 Center for Mental Health C826 Residential Care Treatment Gjoa Haven HSS Waypoint Center PRFP $369,518.70 for Mental Health Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C827 Article 23 Implementation Iqaluit EIA Consulting Matrix PRFP $372,680.00 C828 Residential Care Kitikmeot FS YWCA Edmonton SV $374,630.53 Region C829 Residential Care Rankin Inlet FS Municipality of SV $377,988.72 Rankin Inlet C830 Residential Care Qikiqtaaluk FS Bairn Croft PRFP $395,318.60 Region Residential Services Inc. C831 Residential Care Qikiqtaaluk FS Sinclair Children's PRFP $409,700.00 Region Residence Inc. C832 Specialized Residential Care Rankin Inlet FS Municipality of SV $422,558.40 Rankin Inlet C833 Residential Care Iqaluit FS March of Dimes PRFP $440,315.00 Canada C834 Residential Care Cambridge FS I Have A Chance PRFP $443,609.27 Bay Support Services Ltd. C835 Ad Placement Nunavut FIN Day PRFP $450,000.00 Territory Communications Group Inc. C836 Specialized Residential Care Kivalliq FS Lakeview PRFP $456,492.62 Region Community Living Inc. C837 Specialized Residential Care Rankin Inlet FS Municipality of SV $495,616.00 Rankin Inlet C838 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Centre for PRFP $496,350.00 Addiction and Mental Health C839 Mental Health Forensic Rankin Inlet HSS Center for PRFP $496,350.00 Addiction and Mental Health C840 Residential Care Kugaaruk FS Quest Support PRFP $498,341.72 Services Inc. C841 Health Promotion Literacy Initiative Year 3 Nunavut HSS Inhabit Education SV $525,530.00 Territory Inc. C842 Specialized Residential Care Rankin Inlet FS Municipality of SV $543,063.40 Rankin Inlet C843 Residential Care Hall Beach FS Bairn Croft PRFP $543,667.00 Residential Services Inc. C844 NIHB Eye & Vision Care Services - Eyewear Nunavut HSS Polar Vision PRFP $559,841.00 Territory Centres Ltd. C845 Residential Care Qikiqtaaluk FS Options Youth PRFP $568,683.00 Region (Ontario) Inc. C846 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Sinclair Children's PRFP $592,642.40 Residence Inc. C847 Specialized Residential Care Chesterfield FS Bairn Croft PRFP $635,509.10 Inlet Residential Services Inc. C848 Residential Care - Mental Health Iqaluit HSS Centre for EXT $684,830.00 Addiction and Mental Health C849 Specialized Residential Care Kivalliq FS Vital Life SV $714,215.50 Region Incorporated

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______67 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C850 Residential Care Kitikmeot FS Independent PRFP $808,886.00 Region Advocacy 2010 Inc. C851 Residential Care Nunavut FS Yellowknife SV $822,186.00 Territory Association for Community Living C852 Residential Care Kitikmeot FS I Have A Chance PRFP $854,474.15 Region Support Services Ltd. C853 Client Information System Nunavut FS Run Straight PRFP $855,500.00 Territory Consulting Ltd. C854 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Ivik Enterprises SV $1,022,069.00 Ltd. C855 NIHB Eye & Vision Care Services - Eye Exams Nunavut HSS Stanton Territorial PRFP $1,056,000.00 Territory Hospital C856 Residential Care Kitikmeot FS I Have A Chance PRFP $1,094,639.75 Region Support Services Ltd. C857 Residential Care Iqaluit FS Bairn Croft PRFP $1,177,693.60 Residential Services Inc. C858 Specialized Residential Care Kivalliq FS March of Dimes PRFP $1,209,020.00 Region Canada C859 Legal Services Nunavut FS Lawson Lundell PRFP $1,250,000.00 Territory LLP C860 Specialized Residential Care Kivalliq FS Bairn Croft PRFP $1,268,205.70 Region Residential Services Inc. C861 Residential Care Kitikmeot FS March of Dimes PRFP $1,284,996.00 Region Canada C862 Airport Operations and Maintenance Arctic Bay EDT Arqvartuuq PRFP $1,297,992.00 Services Ltd. C863 Specialized Residential Care Kivalliq FS 5788847 MB Inc. PRFP $1,485,550.00 Region o/a Gloria's Place C864 Specialized Residential Care Kivalliq FS I Have A Chance PRFP $1,977,663.15 Region Support Services Ltd. C865 Training Program to Develop Policy Capacity Nunavut EIA PGF Consultants PRFP $2,766,050.00 Territory Inc. C866 Digital Imaging & Archive System/Solution Nunavut HSS Calico Medical Inc. PRFP $4,640,735.00 Territory Subtotal for Consulting Services $80,647,831.35

Minor Construction or Maintenance Services C867 Service Boilers at Sakku School Coral CGS Northern Networks SE $6,585.00 Harbour Ltd. C868 Pick Up Recycle Paper Rankin Inlet CGS M&T Enterprises PT $8,100.00 Ltd. C869 As & When Vehicle Inspections Qikiqtaaluk CGS C&R Mechanical SV $11,376.00 Region Ltd. C870 Fuel Re-Supply-Wolf Creek Arviat CGS Northern Networks PT $11,590.00 Ltd. C871 Chlorination Training Kivalliq CGS ATAP Infastructure SV $15,585.86 Region Management Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______68 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C872 SSAF New Community Learning Centre Whale Cove FIN Northern Networks SV $17,995.00 Ltd. C873 Garage Rehabilitation - Geotech Investigation Cape Dorset CGS Canadrill Ltd. SA $24,950.00 C874 WTP UV Repairs and Training Baker Lake CGS EDA SE $25,678.40 Environmental C875 A&W Iqalugaarjuup Nunanga Road Rankin Inlet ENV Nunavut PT $28,413.00 Maintenance Excavating 2007 Inc. C876 As & When Required Heating Repairs Baker Lake CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $28,650.00 Ltd. C877 As & When Snow Removal -Men's CHF Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PT $28,875.00 Ltd. C878 Health Centre Thermosyphon Repair Cambridge HSS Arctic Foundation SE $31,000.00 Bay C879 Placing Gravel on the Student Family Lot Rankin Inlet CGS Inukshuk IT $34,250.00 Construction Ltd. C880 Upgrade to Old Airport Doors & Security Iqaluit EDT K.R.T. Electrical PRFP $39,164.00 Ltd. C881 As & When Required Heating Under 750kW Arviat CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $40,000.00 Ltd. C882 As & When Carpentry Services Taloyoak CGS Kalvik Enterprises PT $40,500.00 Ltd. C883 PPD Minor Office Renovations Rankin Inlet CGS Curley SE $41,730.00 Construction C884 Annual Maintenance of Marine Facilities Iqaluit EDT 5550 Nunavut Ltd. PT $42,800.00 C885 Janitorial Services CGS Office & RSO Building Rankin Inlet CGS R&T Cleaning SV $43,500.00 Enterprise C886 Health Centre Interior Painting Resolute Bay HSS Helix Canada PT $47,501.92 C887 Install Dental Compressor & Suction Lines Iqaluit HSS Nuna Mechanical PT $48,550.00 Ltd. C888 Annual Fire Protection Systems Inspections Kitikmeot CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $50,592.50 Region Ltd. C889 Janitorial Services - Air Terminal Building Iqaluit CGS C&K Services Ltd. SV $54,070.00 C890 Flooring Replacement Iqaluit JUS GC-North PRFP $54,145.00 Construction Inc. C891 Maintenance & Inspections of Treatment Plant Baker Lake CGS BI Pure Water Inc. SE $57,082.00 C892 Health Centre Interior Painting Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Helix Canada PT $60,294.50 C893 As & When Required Vehicle Maintenance Kugluktuk CGS Kikiak Contracting PT $64,960.00 Ltd. C894 Nakashuk School Library Flooring Replacement Iqaluit EDU GC-North PT $64,980.00 Construction Inc. C895 Flood Remediation Qikiqtani General Hospital Iqaluit HSS GC North PRFP $67,492.20 Construction Inc. C896 Wildlife Office Boiler Replacement Gjoa Haven ENV Jago Services Inc. PT $68,500.00 C897 Janitorial Services, NCC Office Building Gjoa Haven CGS Rhoda's Janitorial PT $74,000.00 C898 Maintenance Shop Upgrades Gjoa Haven CGS Jago Services Inc. PT $74,600.00 C899 QGH Renovations for Rehabilitation Services Iqaluit HSS GC North PRFP $76,984.00 Construction Inc. C900 Electrical Work for Building 5100 Iqaluit ENV K.R.T Electrical PRFP $77,860.00 Ltd. C901 As & When Carpentry and Painting Services Baker Lake CGS Kivalliq Property PT $78,000.00 Maintenance Ltd. C902 Maintenance of Treatment Plant Baker Lake CGS BI Pure Water Inc. SE $89,458.70 C903 As & When Heating under 750kw Kugluktuk CGS Jago Services Inc. PT $91,330.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______69 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C904 Janitorial Services, Building 224 Iqaluit CGS E and L Janitorial PT $96,600.00 Services Ltd. C905 CCTV Arctic College, Kivallig Hall Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PT $98,000.00 Ltd. C906 Health Centre Repairs - AC Installation Rankin Inlet HSS Northern Networks PT $102,300.00 Ltd. C907 As & When Required Heating Services Kivalliq CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $102,425.00 Region Ltd. C908 Janitorial Services, NCC Office Building Kugluktuk CGS Kitikmeot Cleaning PT $104,920.00 Services C909 As & When Snow Removal Arviat CGS Northern Networks PT $105,400.00 Ltd. C910 As & When Heating under 750kw Cambridge CGS Jago Services Inc. PT $110,580.00 Bay C911 As and When Snow Removal Chesterfield CGS Aulajuq Limited PT $123,000.00 Inlet C912 As & When Sprinkler Inspections/Maintenance Kivalliq CGS Stonewall Sprinkler PT $124,500.00 Region Co. Ltd. C913 New CLC - Road Realignment & Development Whale Cove CGS Hamlet of Whale IT $125,000.00 Cove C914 Carpentry Work on Old Airport Doors Iqaluit EDT GC North PRFP $132,346.00 Construction Inc. C915 W.G. Brown Building Parking lot Expansion Iqaluit CGS Kudlik SV $138,873.23 Construction Ltd. C916 As and When Snow Removal Baker Lake CGS Peter's Expediting PT $139,050.00 Ltd. C917 Health Centre Fuel Tank Replacement Clyde River CGS Northern Networks PT $145,000.00 Ltd. C918 Janitorial Services, Visitors Centre Pangnirtung CGS Salummaqsai PT $145,100.00 C919 As & When Electrical Services Cambridge CGS Helix Canada PT $155,503.80 Bay C920 School Chair Lifts Baker Lake EDU BLCS SE $158,650.00 Development Ltd. C921 As & When Security Systems Maintenance Iqaluit CGS K.R.T. Electrical PT $160,510.00 Ltd. C922 Maintenance Garage Roof Repairs Baker Lake CGS BLCS PT $164,900.00 Development Ltd. C923 As & When Generator Inspections & Kitikmeot CGS Kikiak Contracting PT $168,200.00 Maintenance Region Ltd. C924 As & When Plumbing Services Baker Lake CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $171,900.00 Ltd. C925 As & When Plumbing Services Arviat CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $174,150.00 Ltd. C926 Repair Interior Walls & Painting Baker Lake EDU BLCS PT $180,000.00 Development Ltd. C927 As & When Elevators & Chairlifts Inspections Qikiqtaaluk CGS K.R.T Electrical PT $180,000.00 Region Ltd. C928 Wellness Centre Improvements Rankin Inlet HSS Matador Products PT $189,000.00 C929 As and When Snow Removal Kugluktuk CGS Kikiak Contracting PT $192,200.00 Ltd. C930 As & When Electrical Services Kitikmeot CGS Helix Canada PT $192,576.00 Region C931 Health Centre Flooring Replacement Kugluktuk HSS Matador Products PT $195,000.00 C932 As & When Carpentry and Painting Services Iqaluit CGS Tullik Contracting PT $200,000.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______70 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C933 Janitorial Services, NCC Building & Library Baker Lake CGS Kivalliq Property PT $205,200.00 Maintenance Ltd. C934 As & When Fire Protection Qikiqtaaluk CGS K.R.T. Electrical PT $209,061.00 Region Ltd. C935 Tusarvik School Principal Office Reno Repulse Bay EDU Arctic Circle PT $213,000.00 Construction Ltd. C936 School Gym Floor Replacement Chesterfield EDU Northern Networks PT $214,690.00 Inlet Ltd. C937 As & When Electrical Services Arviat CGS Illnik Electric PT $223,125.00 C938 As & When Required Plumbing Services Cambridge CGS Jago Services Inc. PT $237,850.00 Bay C939 School Door Replacement Arviat CGS Matador Products PT $238,000.00 C940 As & When Heating under 750kw Kitikmeot CGS Jago Services Inc. PT $238,700.00 Region C941 Department of Health Warehouse Renovation Cambridge HSS Jago Services Inc. PT $248,000.00 Bay C942 As & When Required Painting & Decorating Kivalliq CGS Steve Sayles PT $255,000.00 Region Contracting C943 Daily Maintenance & Repairs on GN Assets Resolute Bay CGS Atco Structures & PT $255,400.00 Logistics Services Ltd. C944 As & When Snow Removal, GN Facilities Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PT $257,500.00 Ltd. C945 As and When Snow Removal Gjoa Haven CGS Cap Enterprises PT $262,000.00 Ltd. C946 As & When Required Carpentry Maintenance Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PT $270,000.00 Ltd. C947 Daily Maintenance & Repairs on GN Assets Grise Fiord CGS Atco Structures & PT $276,570.00 Logistics Services Ltd. C948 As & When Plumbing Services Pond Inlet CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $278,000.00 Ltd. C949 As & When Plumbing Services Kitikmeot CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $310,800.00 Region Ltd. C950 As & When Heating & Plumbing Services Arviat CGS Northern Networks PT $362,300.04 Ltd. C951 As & When Carpentry and Painting Services Arviat CGS Arctic Traders PT $380,000.00 C952 As & When Plumbing Services Kivalliq CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $390,150.00 Region Ltd. C953 As and When Snow Removal Cambridge CGS 5140 Nunavut Ltd. PT $393,280.00 Bay C954 As & When Heating Under 750kW Qikiqtaaluk CGS C&R Mechanical PT $412,100.00 Region Ltd. C955 As & When Heating & Plumbing Services Baker Lake CGS BLCS PT $413,280.00 Development Ltd. C956 Inukshuk High School Tenant Improvements Iqaluit EDU GC-North PT $416,400.00 Construction Inc. C957 As & When Carpentry and Painting Services Qikiqtaaluk CGS 6999514 Canada PT $485,000.00 Region Inc. o/a KCM Maintenance C958 As & When Snow Removal, Schools Iqaluit CGS 5550 Nunavut Ltd. PT $516,500.00 C959 As & When Heating Under 750kW Iqaluit CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $533,300.00 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______71 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C960 As & When Heating Under 750kW Iqaluit CGS Nuna Mechanical PT $577,368.00 Ltd. C961 As & When Electrical Services Kivalliq CGS Electrix Ltd. PT $703,713.72 Region C962 As & When Snow Removal, NAC & Justice Iqaluit CGS Nunavut PT $799,000.00 Excavating 2007 Inc. C963 As & When Snow Removal Hospital Iqaluit CGS Qikitani Industry PT $851,800.00 Ltd. C964 As & When Snow Removal, GN Facilities Iqaluit CGS 5550 Nunavut Ltd. PT $1,118,000.00 C965 As & When Carpentry and Painting Services Iqaluit CGS 5550 Nunavut Ltd. PT $1,125,000.00 C966 As & When Utilidor Distribution System Repair Rankin Inlet CGS Nunavut PT $1,447,500.00 Excavating 2007 Inc. C967 As & When Utilidor Maintenance Resolute Bay CGS Atco Structures & PT $1,789,841.39 Logistics Services Ltd. Subtotal for Minor Construction or Maintenance Services $22,904,256.26

Purchase Orders C968 Cleaning Supplies Sanikiluaq HSS Wood Wyant Inc. PRFP $5,009.31 C969 School Equipment Cape Dorset EDU Canada Care SV $5,015.00 Medical Inc. C970 Health Centre Renovation Project Kimmirut CGS Sarvaq Logistics IT $5,071.34 C971 Plumbing Supplies Arviat CGS Padlei Co-operative IT $5,082.29 Association Ltd. C972 Office Supplies Iqaluit JUS Northern Networks PRFP $5,116.48 Ltd. C973 Toner Cartridges Cape Dorset HSS Northern Networks PRFP $5,118.18 Ltd. C974 Corning Cabling Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $5,160.00 Inc. C975 Office Supplies Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PRFP $5,173.91 Ltd. C976 Medical Supplies Pangnirtung HSS Cardinal Health PRFP $5,175.20 Canada Inc. C977 Cheques Iqaluit FS Ayaya IT $5,220.00 Communications Inc. C978 Office Supplies Iqaluit JUS Northern Networks PRFP $5,235.33 Ltd. C979 Fixer & Developer Igloolik HSS Sanaqatiit IT $5,240.05 Construction Ltd. C980 Carescape V100 and Supplies Cambridge HSS GE Healthcare SV $5,256.50 Bay Canada C981 Dental Supplies Arctic Bay HSS Medic North PT $5,271.42 Nunavut Inc. C982 Office Supplies - NLC Igloolik FIN Northern Networks PRFP $5,275.48 Ltd. C983 Posters Iqaluit ENV Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $5,306.40 C984 Registration Ottawa CGS Labrador North SV $5,327.95 Chamber of Conference C985 Centrifuge Replacement Rankin Inlet HSS Fisher Scientific SV $5,328.46

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______72 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C986 Sewing Machines Baker Lake CLEY Sanavik Co- IT $5,361.72 operative Association Limited C987 Data Cables Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $5,366.00 Inc. C988 Toner Cartridges Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $5,368.99 Ltd. C989 Medical Supplies Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Hospira Healthcare PRFP $5,394.00 Corporation C990 Fiber Modules Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $5,413.26 Co. C991 Office Supplies Cambridge FS Northern Networks PRFP $5,459.11 Bay Ltd. C992 Office Furniture Rankin Inlet HSS Northern Networks PRFP $5,496.55 Ltd. C993 Medical Supplies Whale Cove HSS Hospira Healthcare PRFP $5,497.08 Corporation C994 Tono-Pen Avia Tonometer Pond Inlet HSS Innoca Medical SV $5,510.00 Opthalmics Inc. C995 Medical Supplies Kimmirut HSS Cardinal Health PRFP $5,522.19 Canada Inc. C996 Office Supplies Iqaluit FS Northern Networks PRFP $5,538.97 Ltd. C997 Office Supplies Gjoa Haven JUS Northern Networks PRFP $5,544.79 Ltd. C998 Office Supplies Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PRFP $5,558.62 Ltd. C999 Ergotron Sit/Stand Desk Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks PRFP $5,560.73 Ltd. C1000 Toner Cartridges Pond Inlet EDT Northern Networks PRFP $5,572.40 Ltd. C1001 Moosehead Beer Iqaluit FIN Moosehead SV $5,580.00 Breweries Limited C1002 Copy Paper Cambridge CGS Northern Networks PRFP $5,580.00 Bay Ltd. C1003 Copy Paper Cambridge CGS Northern Networks PRFP $5,580.00 Bay Ltd. C1004 Boots Iqaluit JUS Fundy Tactical SV $5,600.00 C1005 Energy Wise at WMC Posters Iqaluit ENV Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $5,610.00 C1006 Dental Compressor Iqaluit HSS 8291292 Canada PT $5,625.00 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1007 HP Printer & Cartridges Cape Dorset CGS Northern Networks PRFP $5,647.90 Ltd. C1008 Maintenance Supplies Rankin Inlet CGS 5550 Nunavut Ltd. IT $5,721.50 C1009 SAS-Cloud Service Single Unit Capacity Iqaluit CGS ION United Inc. SV $5,735.00 C1010 Development/Reporting Maintenance Gjoa Haven EDT Unicom Systems SV $5,737.00 Inc. C1011 Defibrillator Supplies Iqaluit CGS Rescue7 IT $5,745.00 C1012 Safety Courses Iqaluit CGS Industrial Safety SE $5,785.00 Trainers Inc. C1013 Stretcher Iqaluit HSS Stryker Canada LP SV $5,806.00 C1014 Stretcher Hall Beach HSS Stryker Canada LP SV $5,806.01

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______73 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1015 Scanner Cambridge FIN Northern Networks PRFP $5,816.70 Bay Ltd. C1016 Liquor Order Rankin Inlet FIN Manitoba Liquor & SV $5,822.79 Lotteries C1017 Cleaning Supplies Igloolik HSS Wood Wyant Inc. PRFP $5,823.38 C1018 TV's Phones and Batteries Iqaluit JUS Ikpiaryuk Services SV $5,843.72 Ltd. C1019 Sodium Fluoride White Varnish Iqaluit HSS Ikpiaryuk Services PRFP $5,847.00 Ltd. C1020 Medical Supplies Kitikmeot HSS Northern Networks PRFP $5,854.28 Region Ltd. C1021 Office Supplies Igloolik FS Northern Networks PRFP $5,854.54 Ltd. C1022 Office Supplies Kugluktuk EDT Northern Networks PRFP $5,861.21 Ltd. C1023 Satellite Phone Iqaluit ENV Chroma IT $5,864.85 Communications Inc. C1024 Nunatsiaq News Ad's Iqaluit CGS Ayaya PRFP $5,866.28 Communications Inc. C1025 Office Chair Iqaluit ENV Northern Networks IT $5,869.00 Ltd. C1026 Translations Iqaluit CGS Ayaya PRFP $5,887.81 Communications Inc. C1027 Office Supplies Pond Inlet EDT Northern Networks PRFP $5,907.07 Ltd. C1028 1000 Base-T SFP Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $5,940.00 Co. C1029 Rubber Boots Iqaluit JUS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $5,969.40 Ltd. C1030 Medical Supplies Kimmirut HSS Wood Wyant Inc. PRFP $5,984.00 C1031 Lab Analyzer Iqaluit HSS Medical SV $6,000.00 Information Technologoy Inc. C1032 Registration Fee Iqaluit EDT Rendez-vous SV $6,020.25 Canada 2018 C1033 Priftin Tabs Iqaluit HSS Sanofi-Adventis SV $6,036.00 Canada Inc. C1034 Disinfectant Towelletes Rankin Inlet HSS Medical Mart PRFP $6,036.50 Supplies Ltd. C1035 Printer and Toners Rankin Inlet JUS Northern Networks PRFP $6,095.80 Ltd. C1036 Labour Relations Foundations Other CGS Queens University SV $6,096.35 IRC C1037 Work Fit Work Station Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $6,102.35 Ltd. C1038 Office Supplies Igloolik HSS Northern Networks PRFP $6,114.26 Ltd. C1039 TRC Final Report Iqaluit HSS Stephen Chase IT $6,115.00 Professional C1040 Printer & Cartridges Iqaluit JUS Northern Networks PRFP $6,115.26 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______74 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1041 Oxygen Blenders Iqaluit HSS Trudell Medical IT $6,142.80 Marketing Limited C1042 Dental Sterilizer Iqaluit HSS 8291292 Canada PT $6,144.19 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1043 Dell Monitors Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks IT $6,164.30 Ltd. C1044 Floor Scrubber and Supplies Pond Inlet HSS Sanikiluaq IT $6,185.24 Development Corporation C1045 Oxygen Mask Kugluktuk HSS VitalAire Canada PRFP $6,204.84 Inc. C1046 VHF Radio with Accessories Coral CGS Katudgevik Co- IT $6,229.80 Harbour operative Association Limited C1047 Food Pass with Lock Prep Iqaluit JUS Sanikiluaq IT $6,240.22 Development Corporation C1048 Toner Cartridges Rankin Inlet EDT Xerox Canada Ltd. PRFP $6,250.72 o/a Tootoo Consulting C1049 Membership Fees Iqaluit EDT Prospectors and SV $6,267.50 Developers Association C1050 Study of Decal Coliform Sewer Resolute Bay CGS Exp Services Inc. PRFP $6,300.00 C1051 Office Supplies Cape Dorset HSS Northern Networks PRFP $6,329.67 Ltd. C1052 Translations Iqaluit CGS Ayaya PRFP $6,336.70 Communications Inc. C1053 Custon Promotional Items Iqaluit FS 4imprint Canada IT $6,372.97 C1054 Art Supplies Hall Beach HSS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $6,401.75 Ltd. C1055 Cleaning Supplies Baker Lake HSS Wood Wyant Inc. PRFP $6,423.68 C1056 Gym Equipment Iqaluit JUS Ikpiaryuk Services SV $6,459.06 Ltd. C1057 DNA Darts Iqaluit ENV Pneu-Dart Inc. SV $6,479.80 C1058 Advertising Iqaluit EDT Horizon Travel & SV $6,500.00 Lifestyle Magazine C1059 Compressor Sanikiluaq HSS Sinclair Dental Co. SE $6,535.00 Ltd. C1060 Medical Supplies Qikiqtarjuaq HSS West Prime System SE $6,539.10 Inc. C1061 Women & Men's Tee Shirts Iqaluit CGS Sanikiluaq PT $6,540.00 Development Corporation C1062 Physiotherapy Treatment Tables Iqaluit HSS Medical Mart IT $6,540.00 Supplies Ltd. C1063 Office Supplies Baker Lake HSS Northern Networks PRFP $6,541.65 Ltd. C1064 Membership Dues Iqaluit EDT Commercial SV $6,550.00 Vehicle Safety Alliance

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______75 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1065 Office Supplies Arviat HSS Northern Networks PRFP $6,554.23 Ltd. C1066 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS Sysmex Canada PRFP $6,557.76 Inc. C1067 Telephone Equipment Iqaluit CGS Zayo PRFP $6,566.25 C1068 GIS Software Kugluktuk CGS ESRI Canada SV $6,580.00 C1069 Qiniq Accounts Iqaluit CGS Qiniq SV $6,596.00 C1070 Airlift Transfer of Coolers Rankin Inlet FIN Canadian North SV $6,596.86 Airlines C1071 Envelopes Iqaluit FIN Ayaya PRFP $6,618.00 Communications Inc. C1072 Medical Supplies Gjoa Haven HSS Cardinal Health PRFP $6,632.04 Canada Inc. C1073 Midmark Air Compressor Sanikiluaq HSS Patterson Dental SV $6,660.00 Canada Inc. C1074 Office Supplies Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $6,660.23 Ltd. C1075 Office Supplies Iqaluit FS Northern Networks PRFP $6,685.93 Ltd. C1076 Office Supplies Baker Lake HSS Northern Networks PRFP $6,717.86 Ltd. C1077 HP Digital Sender Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $6,722.86 Ltd. C1078 Medical Supplies Repulse Bay HSS Hospira Healthcare PRFP $6,726.88 Corporation C1079 Translation Services Iqaluit FS Innirvik Support PRFP $6,750.00 Services (2003) Ltd. C1080 Keychain, Totes & USB's w/ GN Logo Pangnirtung FS China Maple Leaf IT $6,768.00 Industrial C1081 Floatation Suits Arviat ENV Northern Networks IT $6,806.70 Ltd. C1082 Cleaning Supplies Cambridge HSS Wood Wyant Inc. PRFP $6,835.50 Bay C1083 HP Cartridges Iqaluit EDU Printer Works West IT $6,853.00 C1084 Office Supplies Rankin Inlet JUS Northern Networks PRFP $6,853.88 Ltd. C1085 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Creemore Springs SV $6,904.32 Brewery Ltd. C1086 Ad Design & Placement Iqaluit ENV Ayaya PRFP $6,908.84 Communications Inc. C1087 Subscription Fee Iqaluit ENV In Reach SV $6,925.45 C1088 Cleaning Supplies Rankin Inlet HSS Wood Wyant Inc. PRFP $6,949.30 C1089 Office Chairs Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks IT $7,008.05 Ltd. C1090 Food Order Igloolik HSS Recinos Ltd. IT $7,010.22 C1091 Room Rental Rankin Inlet EDU Siniktarvik Hotel SV $7,082.70 C1092 Remote Monitoring Licenses Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $7,084.66 Co. C1093 Promotional Products Iqaluit ENV Wintellect IT $7,084.82 Corporation

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______76 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1094 Office Supplies Iqaluit JUS Northern Networks PRFP $7,119.62 Ltd. C1095 Corcan Furniture Iqaluit FS CORCAN SV $7,136.00 C1096 Embroidered Toques & Gloves Iqaluit JUS Ikpiaryuk Services SV $7,137.75 Ltd. C1097 Cable Material Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $7,157.50 Inc. C1098 Office Supplies Gjoa Haven HSS Northern Networks PRFP $7,214.11 Ltd. C1099 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks IT $7,252.24 Ltd. C1100 Medical Equipment Iqaluit HSS GE Healthcare SV $7,255.00 Canada C1101 Mac ECG System Iqaluit HSS GE Healthcare SV $7,293.00 Canada C1102 Tasers Iqaluit JUS M.D. Charlton Co. IT $7,301.49 Ltd. C1103 Rediship Protector Premium Hood Kugluktuk ENV VWR International IT $7,324.16 Ltd. C1104 Catalyst Iqaluit FIN Compucom Canada PRFP $7,377.28 Co. C1105 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS Steris Canada Inc. SV $7,406.26 C1106 Coveralls Iqaluit JUS Emulsion SV $7,500.00 Serigraphie C1107 Jackets Iqaluit JUS Sanaqatiit IT $7,554.50 Construction Ltd. C1108 Dental Supplies Iqaluit HSS Nuna Link Ltd. PT $7,579.22 C1109 SimplyGo Mini Oxygen Concentrator Iqaluit HSS Philips Respironics SV $7,600.00 Inc. C1110 Cleaning Supplies Cambridge HSS Sikitu Sales & IT $7,614.50 Bay Services Ltd. C1111 Steam Generator Iqaluit HSS Steris Canada Inc. SV $7,616.54 C1112 Advertising Iqaluit JUS Ayaya PRFP $7,686.30 Communications Inc. C1113 Advertising Iqaluit JUS Ayaya PRFP $7,686.30 Communications Inc. C1114 Samsung Tablets Iqaluit ENV Sanikiluaq IT $7,719.00 Development Corporation C1115 Office Supplies Baker Lake HSS Northern Networks PRFP $7,729.51 Ltd. C1116 Cleaning Supplies Arctic Bay HSS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $7,744.64 Ltd. C1117 Pig Lung Comparison Kits and Crayons Iqaluit HSS 8291292 Canada IT $7,778.15 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1118 Catalyst Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $7,804.02 Co. C1119 Certification Tags Iqaluit ENV Atiigo Media Inc. IRFP $7,814.84 C1120 Dental Chair and Light Rankin Inlet HSS Henry Schein SV $7,835.94 Canada C1121 Boat Trailer Kimmirut ENV Nuna Link Ltd. IT $7,885.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______77 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1122 Corcan & Furniture Assembly Iqaluit CGS 4577 Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $7,900.00 o/a Baffin Building Systems C1123 Office Supplies Iqaluit JUS Northern Networks PRFP $7,960.27 Ltd. C1124 OfficeSupplies Rankin Inlet FIN Northern Networks PRFP $7,972.31 Ltd. C1125 Mac ECG Machine Cambridge HSS GE Healthcare SV $7,987.73 Bay Canada C1126 Medical Supplies Cambridge HSS Cardinal Health IT $7,991.80 Bay Canada Inc. C1127 Cadet Hall Rental Iqaluit CGS Royal Canadian SV $8,000.00 Legion C1128 Office Supplies Iqaluit FIN Northern Networks PRFP $8,107.71 Ltd. C1129 Medical Supplies Sanikiluaq HSS Hospira Healthcare PRFP $8,116.22 Corporation C1130 Safety Equipment Nunavut CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $8,118.40 Territory Ltd. C1131 Medical Supplies Cambridge HSS Medical Mart IT $8,125.60 Bay Supplies Ltd. C1132 Cisco TelePresence MX300 Gen2 Wheel Base Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada SV $8,131.20 Co. C1133 Beer Order Rankin Inlet FIN Labatt SV $8,204.04 C1134 Copper Fitting Arviat CGS Padlei Co-operative IT $8,239.58 Association Ltd. C1135 Cleaning Supplies Gjoa Haven HSS Wood Wyant Inc. PRFP $8,288.66 C1136 Dental Supplies Iqaluit HSS Medic North PRFP $8,323.40 Nunavut Inc. C1137 Hydronic Heating System Rankin Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $8,333.75 Ltd. C1138 Fluoride Vanish Iqaluit HSS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $8,350.70 Ltd. C1139 Office Supplies Pond Inlet FS Northern Networks PRFP $8,375.35 Ltd. C1140 Electric Coils Puncher Iqaluit FIN Peter's Expediting IT $8,385.00 Ltd. C1141 Aviation Fuel Sales Log Rankin Inlet CGS Ayaya PRFP $8,389.00 Communications Inc. C1142 Microsoft &Diamond Annual Enhancement Kugluktuk CGS Diamond SV $8,400.00 Renewal Municipal Solutions C1143 Transmitter Iqaluit JUS Senstar Corporation SV $8,402.01 C1144 Leadership Training Iqaluit CGS Smith School of SV $8,415.00 Business C1145 Adec Dental Cart Iqaluit HSS Patterson Dental SV $8,457.00 Canada Inc. C1146 Advertising Iqaluit ENV Ayaya PRFP $8,494.17 Communications Inc. C1147 Apple Products Kugluktuk EDU Apple Canada Inc. SV $8,530.85 C1148 Recreational Supplies Iqaluit JUS Sanaqatiit IT $8,549.88 Construction Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1149 Maintenance Supplies Rankin Inlet CGS Kissarvik Co- IT $8,582.72 operative Association Ltd. C1150 Dell Products Rankin Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $8,613.36 Ltd. C1151 VMWare Licenses Iqaluit EDT VMWare PRFP $8,638.30 International Ltd. C1152 Honda TRX 500 Baker Lake ENV Polar Tech PRFP $8,639.00 Recreation C1153 Office Supplies Iqaluit JUS Northern Networks PRFP $8,656.58 Ltd. C1154 Office Supplies Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks PRFP $8,671.94 Ltd. C1155 Dental Mouth Piece Iqaluit HSS 73719 IT $8,700.00 Newfoundland & Labrador Inc. C1156 File Folders Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $8,758.20 Ltd. C1157 Corning C 2FT Jumpers Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $8,774.25 Inc. C1158 Windows Node-Locked License Iqaluit EDT Exelis Visual SV $8,805.00 Information Solutions Inc. C1159 Search & Rescue Sweaters Iqaluit CGS Sanikiluaq IT $8,820.00 Development Corporation C1160 Therapy Enhancing Supplies Iqaluit HSS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $8,828.91 Ltd. C1161 Conference & Catering Rankin Inlet HSS Siniktarvik Hotel SV $8,896.10 C1162 Public Executive Development Program Other CGS Smith School of SV $8,900.00 Business C1163 Public Executive Development Program Iqaluit CGS Smith School of SV $8,900.00 Business C1164 Dental Supplies Iqaluit HSS Medic North IT $8,905.00 Nunavut Inc. C1165 Catalyst & Power Cord Iqaluit FS Compucom Canada PRFP $8,940.88 Co. C1166 Vacuum Pump Iqaluit HSS ON2 Solutions Inc. SV $8,953.00 C1167 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 & Cover Iqaluit JUS Northern Networks PRFP $8,983.14 Ltd. C1168 Security for Sealift Iqaluit CGS Neptune Security IT $9,000.00 Services Inc. C1169 Computer System Iqaluit ENV DR DAS Ltd. SV $9,027.68 C1170 Court Circuit Kugluktuk JUS Summit Air SV $9,056.40 Charters Ltd. C1171 Catalyst Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $9,077.98 Co. C1172 Medical Supplies Cambridge HSS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $9,168.40 Bay Ltd. C1173 HP Laserjet Printer Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $9,185.21 Ltd. C1174 Ergotron Work Station Baker Lake CGS Northern Networks PRFP $9,197.75 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1175 IP Phones & Headsets Iqaluit CGS Allstream Business PRFP $9,377.04 Inc. C1176 Vital Signs Monitor Gjoa Haven HSS GE Healthcare SV $9,415.00 Canada C1177 Vital Signs Monitor Kugaaruk HSS GE Healthcare SV $9,415.00 Canada C1178 Medical Supplies Igloolik HSS GE Healthcare SV $9,415.00 Canada C1179 Academic Search Premier Igloolik ENV EBSCO Canada SV $9,465.00 Ltd. C1180 HP LaserJet Printer and Cartridges Iqaluit FS Northern Networks PRFP $9,465.00 Ltd. C1181 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Sleeman Brasseries SV $9,504.00 C1182 Fuel Tanks Taloyoak CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $9,530.15 Ltd. C1183 Xerox Workcentre Arviat HSS Tootoo Consulting PRFP $9,540.00 Corp. o/a Xerox Canada C1184 Infant Vitamin Drops Iqaluit HSS DDrops Company SV $9,570.53 C1185 Piggistat 525 D1Digital Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Calico Medical Inc. SV $9,576.90 C1186 Dental Cart Iqaluit HSS Patterson Dental SV $9,583.00 Canada Inc. C1187 Patch Cables Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $9,591.88 Inc. C1188 Kitchen Supplies Iqaluit JUS 8291292 Canada IT $9,614.42 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1189 Memsource Subscription Iqaluit CLEY Memsource SV $9,720.00 C1190 Adobe Enterprise Term License Agreement Iqaluit CGS Adobe Systems SV $9,854.00 Incorporated C1191 Xerox Phaser Printer and Cartridges Rankin Inlet HSS Kissarvik Co- IT $9,870.00 operative Association Ltd. C1192 Infusion Pump Gjoa Haven HSS ICU Medical SV $9,900.00 Human Connections C1193 Furniture Arviat HSS Northern Networks PRFP $9,909.60 Ltd. C1194 Furniture Baker Lake HSS Northern Networks PRFP $9,909.60 Ltd. C1195 Food Order Rankin Inlet HSS Kitnuna Expediting IT $9,911.27 Services Ltd. C1196 Furniture Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks PRFP $9,917.60 Ltd. C1197 Surface Book Pro Iqaluit EIA Ikpiaryuk Services IT $9,926.44 Ltd. C1198 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Corby SV $9,936.90 C1199 ATV & Winch Kugluktuk ENV Polar Tech PRFP $9,953.00 Recreation C1200 ATV & Winch Cambridge ENV Polar Tech PRFP $9,953.00 Bay Recreation C1201 Clothing and Linens Iqaluit JUS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $9,960.95 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1202 Bus Inspections & Repair Pangnirtung EDU JB Cameron SE $10,000.00 Trucking Ltd. C1203 Electric Heavy Duty Range Igloolik HSS Igloolik Co- IT $10,052.63 operative Limited C1204 Garage Doors Gjoa Haven CGS NCC Development PT $10,075.17 Limited C1205 Hondas Arviat ENV Polar Tech PT $10,089.90 Recreation C1206 Office Supplies Cambridge EDT Northern Networks PRFP $10,109.64 Bay Ltd. C1207 Nitrile Gloves Rankin Inlet HSS Medline Canada PRFP $10,140.00 C1208 i-Stat 1 Analyzer Pangnirtung HSS Abbott Point of SV $10,192.79 Care C1209 Mitel Phone System Iqaluit FS Allstream Business PRFP $10,200.27 Inc. C1210 Hoodies, Baseball Tees & Travel Tumbler Iqaluit ENV EMI Promotional IT $10,232.65 Products C1211 Utilidor Project Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $10,250.00 Inc. C1212 Water Filters & Reverse Osmosis Sanikiluaq CGS Mitiq Co-operative IT $10,259.15 Association Limited C1213 Inuktitut & English Lettering Rankin Inlet CGS Rudy Couture o/a PRFP $10,585.64 Matador Products C1214 Ergotron Standing Workstations Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks PRFP $10,716.30 Ltd. C1215 Water Bottles & Soccer Balls Iqaluit HSS Akran Marketing IT $10,725.00 C1216 Neopost Inserter/Folder Iqaluit FS Milne Office SV $10,736.00 Systems C1217 Training Testing Lab Environment Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $10,802.88 Co. C1218 Fibre Cable Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $10,811.99 Inc. C1219 Wireless Access Points/Switch Iqaluit CLEY Compucom Canada PRFP $10,840.30 Co. C1220 Pump Replacement Arviat CGS Northern Networks IT $10,879.25 Ltd. C1221 Maintenance Supplies Rankin Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $10,947.00 Ltd. C1222 Shot Gun Supplies Iqaluit ENV 5550 Nunavut Ltd. PT $10,970.00 C1223 Dental Cart Iqaluit HSS SciCan Ltd. IT $10,972.18 C1224 Building Supplies Arviat CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $10,985.52 Ltd. C1225 Enamel Metal Mugs with GN Logo Iqaluit EIA T. Fox Graphics SV $10,991.00 C1226 Disposable Spit Test Qikiqtarjuaq HSS West Prime System SE $11,010.00 Inc. C1227 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS Philips Healthcare SV $11,030.14 CANADA C1228 Room Rental & Catering Iqaluit HSS Frobisher Inn PRFP $11,245.50 C1229 Medical Supplies Baker Lake HSS Hospira Healthcare PRFP $11,259.76 Corporation C1230 Office Supplies Pond Inlet FS Northern Networks PRFP $11,285.91 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1231 Outboard Boat Motor Kugluktuk JUS Kugluktuk Co- IT $11,328.31 operative Limited C1232 Honda ATV Rubicon 500 Kimmirut ENV Polar Tech PRFP $11,354.00 Recreation C1233 4G Modems Pond Inlet EDU SSI Micro SV $11,379.25 C1234 Radio Equipment Arviat ENV Prairie Mobile IT $11,427.82 Communications C1235 Advertising Iqaluit EDT Horizon Travel & SV $11,500.00 Lifestyle Magazine C1236 Boardroom Table and Chairs Iqaluit EDU Northern Networks PRFP $11,547.02 Ltd. C1237 Office Supplies Iqaluit FIN Northern Networks PRFP $11,556.93 Ltd. C1238 Dental Lip Balm & Floss Iqaluit HSS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $11,607.19 Ltd. C1239 Honda Iqaluit ENV Polar Tech PRFP $11,653.98 Recreation C1240 Software Licences Iqaluit JUS Sage Software Inc. SV $11,700.00 C1241 Office Supplies Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $11,705.36 Ltd. C1242 Replacement Switches Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $11,742.78 Co. C1243 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS ESBE Scientific SV $11,784.75 C1244 Medical Supplies Cambridge HSS Hospira Healthcare PRFP $11,810.50 Bay Corporation C1245 Office Furniture Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PRFP $11,845.67 Ltd. C1246 IP Phones & Headsets Iqaluit CGS Allstream Business PRFP $11,875.30 Inc. C1247 Office Supplies Kimmirut HSS Northern Networks PRFP $11,896.00 Ltd. C1248 Lab Freezer Iqaluit HSS Fisher Scientific SV $11,924.41 C1249 Delivery of Containers Cape Dorset CGS Property SV $11,985.00 Management Ltd. C1250 Compressor, Installation Parts & Hardware Rankin Inlet HSS ON2 Solutions Inc. SV $11,995.00 C1251 Adobe Creative Iqaluit EDU Adobe Systems SV $12,000.00 Incorporated C1252 Toner Cartridges Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PRFP $12,046.27 Ltd. C1253 Office Supplies Pangnirtung FS Northern Networks PRFP $12,046.69 Ltd. C1254 Clothing Iqaluit JUS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $12,140.00 Ltd. C1255 Magnetic Whiteboards Iqaluit EDU 8291292 Canada PT $12,172.00 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1256 Wall Mounts & Cables Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $12,185.88 Co. C1257 Core Business Network Rollout Project Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $12,200.00 Inc. C1258 Office Supplies Baker Lake CGS Northern Networks PRFP $12,303.90 Ltd. C1259 Cleaning Supplies Gjoa Haven HSS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $12,514.85 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1260 Dish and Modem Taloyoak CGS CasCom Ltd. SV $12,516.00 C1261 Review of Joint Use Applications Iqaluit CGS Qulliq Energy PRFP $12,517.12 Corporation C1262 Catalyst Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $12,578.80 Co. C1263 HR Support Document Iqaluit CGS HR Downloads Inc. SV $12,588.24 C1264 Jackets Iqaluit JUS Emulsion SV $12,591.00 Serigraphie C1265 Intraoral X-ray Unit Iqaluit HSS CMI Calico IT $12,617.57 Medical Inc. C1266 Snowmobile Kugluktuk JUS Polar Tech PRFP $12,670.00 Recreation C1267 Snowmobile Kimmirut HSS Polar Tech PRFP $12,804.00 Recreation C1268 Microsoft Surface Pro & Supplies Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks IT $12,820.99 Ltd. C1269 2017 CanAm ATV Outlander Kugluktuk JUS Polar Tech PRFP $12,914.00 Recreation C1270 Maintenance Supplies Arviat CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $12,984.75 Ltd. C1271 Repair of Defibrillators Rankin Inlet HSS Physio Control SV $13,016.30 Canada Inc. C1272 Dental Supplies Iqaluit HSS Medic North PRFP $13,029.45 Nunavut Inc. C1273 Smartsheet Annual Renewal Iqaluit EDU Smartsheet Inc. SV $13,044.00 C1274 HP Toner Cartridges Iqaluit JUS Northern Networks PRFP $13,076.32 Ltd. C1275 Office Supplies Pangnirtung FS Northern Networks PRFP $13,104.38 Ltd. C1276 CAN-QEST Software Training Iqaluit CGS Canadian Institute SV $13,125.00 for Energy Training C1277 Cisco Catalyst Iqaluit FS Compucom Canada PRFP $13,148.98 Co. C1278 Office Supplies Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks PT $13,176.30 Ltd. C1279 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS Abbott Laboratories PRFP $13,188.12 Ltd. C1280 Liquor Order Rankin Inlet FIN Molson Canada SV $13,242.96 C1281 Gorman Rupp Centrifugal Pumps Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks IT $13,385.60 Ltd. C1282 Cultural Activities & Food Iqaluit ENV Polar Outfitting SV $13,387.70 C1283 New Telephone Systems Nanisivik CGS Allstream Business PRFP $13,390.06 Inc. C1284 LED 15 Watt Instant Start Compatible Rankin Inlet CGS Kissarvik Co- PT $13,390.50 operative Association Ltd. C1285 Esri Canada Renewal Igloolik ENV ESRI Canada SV $13,445.00 C1286 MySQL Enterprise License Renewal Iqaluit CGS Oracle Corporation SV $13,484.00 Canada Inc. C1287 Fujitsu Scansnap Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PRFP $13,485.15 Ltd. C1288 Liquor Order Rankin Inlet FIN Molson Canada SV $13,503.24 C1289 Food Order Iqaluit HSS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $13,503.92 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______83 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1290 Batteries Rankin Inlet CGS Kissarvik Co- IT $13,520.00 operative Association Ltd. C1291 Reverse Osmosis System Iqaluit HSS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $13,523.35 Ltd. C1292 Medical Equipment Iqaluit HSS Physio-Control SV $13,531.00 Canada Inc. C1293 Centrifugal Pump Arviat CGS Northern Networks IT $13,638.94 Ltd. C1294 Meeting Room Fee Iqaluit CGS Frobisher Inn PRFP $13,745.55 C1295 Maintenance Supplies Gjoa Haven CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $13,776.47 Ltd. C1296 Furniture Cambridge HSS Ikaluktutiak Co- IT $13,787.52 Bay operative Limited C1297 Cisco Router Ottawa CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $13,852.08 Co. C1298 Powered Ambulance Cot Iqaluit JUS Advanced Medical IT $13,906.72 Solutions Inc. C1299 Washer and Dryers Iqaluit JUS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $13,924.69 Ltd. C1300 Breastfeeding T-shirts Iqaluit HSS 8291292 Canada IT $13,938.00 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1301 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 & Scanner Iqaluit CLEY Northern Networks IT $13,999.15 Ltd. C1302 2018 Fire Prevention Calendars Iqaluit CGS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $14,083.19 C1303 Medical Supplies Arviat HSS Hospira Healthcare PRFP $14,099.80 Corporation C1304 Carescape V100 Monitor Rollstand Clyde River HSS GE Healthcare SV $14,122.50 Canada C1305 Project Standard Enrollment Iqaluit CGS Microsoft PRFP $14,159.70 Licensing, GP C1306 Office Furniture Iqaluit CLEY Ikpiaryuk Services IT $14,240.56 Ltd. C1307 Petrographic Report Arviat EDT GeoConsult SE $14,290.00 C1308 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Waterloo Brewing SV $14,376.00 Company C1309 Meters and Tips Iqaluit HSS McArthur Medical SV $14,400.00 Sales Inc. C1310 AutoCAD LT & Revit LT Suite Iqaluit CGS Goldpals Inc. IT $14,452.00 C1311 CT Colonography Insufflator Iqaluit HSS GE Healthcare SV $14,530.38 Canada C1312 Hooded Pullover Sweatshirts Iqaluit HSS BLCS IT $14,650.00 Development Ltd. C1313 Core Business Network Expansion Project Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $14,696.00 Inc. C1314 Dental Chair Pond Inlet HSS Medic North IT $14,773.40 Nunavut Inc. C1315 Dental Chair Pangnirtung HSS Medic North IT $14,773.40 Nunavut Inc. C1316 Scanners and Printers Igloolik FIN Northern Networks PRFP $14,778.69 Ltd. C1317 Toners Iqaluit FS Northern Networks PRFP $14,780.70 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______84 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1318 Plum 360 IV Pump Clyde River HSS Hospira Healthcare SV $14,850.00 Corporation C1319 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Labatt . SV $14,928.00 C1320 Office Supplies Cambridge HSS Northern Networks PRFP $14,951.86 Bay Ltd. C1321 Flag Pole Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks IT $15,000.00 Ltd. C1322 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS Fisher & Paykel SV $15,059.15 C1323 Skidoo 900 Ace Repulse Bay ENV Polar Tech PRFP $15,099.75 Recreation C1324 Video Infrastructure Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $15,200.00 Co. C1325 Maintenance Shop Supplies Kugluktuk CGS Kugluktuk Co- IT $15,222.06 operative Limited C1326 Maintenance Supplies Arctic Bay CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $15,249.51 Ltd. C1327 Office Furniture Iqaluit FS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $15,492.67 Ltd. C1328 Telephone Systems Iqaluit HSS Allstream Business PRFP $15,661.84 Inc. C1329 Benches and Tables Kimmirut ENV Ikpiaryuk Services IT $15,724.10 Ltd. C1330 Supplies for a Coagulation Analyzer Cambridge HSS Siemens Healthcare SV $15,842.66 Bay Limited C1331 Lifepak 20 Defibrillator Monitor Rankin Inlet HSS Physio Control SV $15,875.30 Canada Inc. C1332 Steel Toe Boots Iqaluit JUS Winterbiz SV $15,955.65 C1333 Installation of Equipment Arctic Bay HSS Patterson Dental SV $15,992.40 Canada Inc. C1334 Shop Supplies Qikiqtarjuaq CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $16,018.08 Ltd. C1335 Yamaha Outboard & CanAm Outlander Arviat ENV Polar Tech PRFP $16,234.00 Recreation C1336 Office Chairs Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks PRFP $16,309.44 Ltd. C1337 Baby Boxes Iqaluit HSS The Baby Box Co. SV $16,370.50 C1338 Camping Equipment Iqaluit JUS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $16,432.89 Ltd. C1339 Receiving, Packaging and Shipping Services Iqaluit HSS Lowe Martin PT $16,476.00 C1340 Ink Cartridges Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $16,480.32 Ltd. C1341 Electrosurgical Unit Iqaluit HSS Coviden SV $16,500.00 C1342 Office Furniture Whale Cove CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $16,570.93 Ltd. C1343 Office Supplies Iqaluit FS Northern Networks PRFP $16,708.91 Ltd. C1344 Trigger Locks Iqaluit HSS 8291292 Canada IT $16,767.60 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1345 Skyjack Rankin Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $16,793.59 Ltd. C1346 Skyjack Arviat CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $16,793.59 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______85 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1347 Building Supplies Rankin Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $16,843.54 Ltd. C1348 Packing Boxes Nunavut HSS ESBE Scientific SV $16,854.00 Territory C1349 Liquor Order Rankin Inlet FIN Manitoba Liquor & SV $16,906.60 Lotteries C1350 Crash Carts Nunavut HSS Global Medical SV $16,925.00 Territory Products Inc. C1351 Furniture Cambridge HSS Northern Networks PRFP $16,950.87 Bay Ltd. C1352 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS Canadian Hospital SV $16,974.50 Specialties Ltd. C1353 Community Development Rankin Inlet CGS Air Nunavut Ltd. SV $17,079.00 C1354 Label Printers Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks PRFP $17,173.80 Ltd. C1355 Smokerlyzers Iqaluit HSS Sanaqatiit IT $17,206.80 Construction Ltd. C1356 Defibrillator Iqaluit HSS MSS. Ltd. SV $17,212.00 C1357 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Creemore Springs SV $17,260.80 Brewery Ltd. C1358 Door Hardware Rankin Inlet CGS BLCS PT $17,268.90 Development Ltd. C1359 Snowmobile Iqaluit ENV Polar Tech PRFP $17,418.75 Recreation C1360 Fuel Oil Storage Tank Taloyoak CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $17,493.03 Ltd. C1361 Bladder Scanning Equipment Iqaluit HSS Canadian Hospital SV $17,494.00 Specialties Ltd. C1362 Clothing Baker Lake CGS Sanikiluaq PT $17,536.06 Development Corporation C1363 Building Nunavut Tool Kit Enhancements Iqaluit CGS eSolutions Group SV $17,600.00 Limted C1364 Meeting Space and Catering Iqaluit EDU Frobisher Inn PRFP $17,654.25 C1365 Medical Supplies Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Hazmasters Inc. SE $17,681.80 C1366 Office Supplies Iqaluit JUS Northern Networks PRFP $17,757.76 Ltd. C1367 Ink Cartridges Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $17,859.66 Ltd. C1368 Chek Kit, Strips, Solution and Lancets Rankin Inlet HSS Roche Diagnostics SV $17,963.00 C1369 Annual Subscription for QS Software Rankin Inlet EDT Q5 Systems Ltd. SV $18,006.00 C1370 Office Furniture Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PRFP $18,084.65 Ltd. C1371 Office Supplies Cape Dorset HSS Northern Networks PRFP $18,137.94 Ltd. C1372 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS Canadian Hospital SV $18,318.50 Specialties Ltd. C1373 Office Supplies Pond Inlet EDU Northern Networks PRFP $18,338.45 Ltd. C1374 Clothing Iqaluit JUS Frontline Outfitters SV $18,351.80 Ltd. C1375 Mitel Supplies Iqaluit CGS Allstream Business PRFP $18,507.08 Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______86 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1376 Mixer, Transmitter & Earpiece Iqaluit JUS Quantum First IT $18,562.45 Automation C1377 1 Year Renewal Energize Update Nunavut CGS Securicore Inc. SV $18,610.98 Territory C1378 Solarwind Licenses Iqaluit CGS Solarwinds Inc. SV $18,799.00 C1379 Building Supplies Rankin Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $18,903.35 Ltd. C1380 Office Supplies Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks PRFP $18,922.30 Ltd. C1381 Maintenance Shop Supplies Chesterfield CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $18,938.42 Inlet Ltd. C1382 Meeting Space and Catering Iqaluit EDU Frobisher Inn PRFP $19,086.00 C1383 Dental Chair Coral HSS Medic North PT $19,195.40 Harbour Nunavut Inc. C1384 Food Order Kugluktuk JUS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $19,276.76 Ltd. C1385 Office Supplies Igloolik FIN Northern Networks PRFP $19,376.90 Ltd. C1386 Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Iqaluit CGS Nuna Link Ltd. IT $19,570.00 C1387 Dell Ultrasharp Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks IT $19,675.80 Ltd. C1388 Dental Supplies Iqaluit HSS 8291292 Canada PT $19,688.00 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1389 Pump & Motor Cables Rankin Inlet CGS BLCS PT $19,749.00 Development Ltd. C1390 Microsoft Surface Book Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PT $19,750.00 Ltd. C1391 IV Pump and Pole Igloolik HSS Hospira Healthcare SV $19,800.00 Corporation C1392 Core Business Network Expansion Project Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $19,866.50 Inc. C1393 Manage Engine Subscriptions Iqaluit CGS LegaSystems SV $19,890.00 C1394 Magnetic Steel Dry Brase Boards Iqaluit EDU Sanikiluaq PT $19,950.00 Development Corporation C1395 Office Supplies Iqaluit EIA Northern Networks PRFP $19,975.42 Ltd. C1396 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS GE Healthcare SV $20,096.00 Canada C1397 Office Supplies Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Northern Networks PRFP $20,233.15 Ltd. C1398 Maintenance Shop Supplies Iqaluit CGS Sikitu Sales & IT $20,259.07 Services Ltd. C1399 Symantec Licenses Iqaluit EDU Compucom Canada PRFP $20,372.00 Co. C1400 Cisco Supplies Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $20,585.70 Co. C1401 Playground Equipment Whale Cove EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $20,592.00 Building Supplies Inc. C1402 Building Supplies Repulse Bay CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $20,616.56 Ltd. C1403 Three Prism and Maintenance Renewal Iqaluit CGS Edgewave SV $20,683.83

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______87 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1404 Teleprecense System Iqaluit HSS Compucom Canada PRFP $20,731.08 Co. C1405 Installation of 2.4m Dish Iqaluit CGS Galaxy Broadband PRFP $21,000.00 Communication Inc. C1406 Birthing Bed Iqaluit HSS Hill-Rom Canada PRFP $21,214.00 C1407 Toothbrushes Iqaluit HSS Medic North PRFP $21,250.00 Nunavut Inc. C1408 Medical Supplies Rankin Inlet HSS Hospira Healthcare PRFP $21,308.96 Corporation C1409 Cloud Managed AP & License & Support Iqaluit EDU Compucom Canada SV $21,329.80 Co. C1410 Telecom Equipment Iqaluit EDU Zayo PRFP $21,731.22 C1411 Boiler Section Replacement Baker Lake CGS BLCS SE $21,900.00 Development Ltd. C1412 3rd Gen License Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $21,964.80 Co. C1413 Medical Stretcher Iqaluit HSS Meditek SV $21,980.00 C1414 Medical Supplies Cambridge HSS Ikaluktutiak Co- PT $21,994.91 Bay operative Limited C1415 Medical Supplies Gjoa Haven HSS The Stevens PT $22,070.64 Company Limited (W) C1416 Corning Materials Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $22,174.00 Inc. C1417 Video Conferencing Equipment Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $22,411.54 Co. C1418 Building Supplies Arviat CGS Northern Networks IT $22,459.92 Ltd. C1419 Wobbly Wheel Compactor Pangnirtung EDT Toromont Arctic PRFP $22,500.00 Ltd. C1420 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS Fisher Scientific SV $22,500.00 C1421 Carpet Tiles Iqaluit EDU Northern Networks IT $22,553.46 Ltd. C1422 Medical Supplies Rankin Inlet HSS Cardinal Health PRFP $22,679.28 Canada Inc. C1423 Adder License Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $22,733.50 Co. C1424 Standardized Equipment Iqaluit HSS Cardinal Health SV $22,795.40 Canada Inc. C1425 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Sleeman Brasseries SV $23,024.00 C1426 Building Supplies Whale Cove CGS 5550 Nunavut Ltd. IT $23,032.00 C1427 Open Gear for Console Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $23,250.00 Co. C1428 Long Term Care Beds Cambridge HSS Umano Medical PRFP $23,282.21 Bay C1429 DL/GIC Servers Iqaluit EDT Compucom Canada PRFP $23,332.58 Co. C1430 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Sleeman Brasseries SV $23,503.12 C1431 Surface Studio Computer Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks IT $23,714.00 Ltd. C1432 Translation Services Iqaluit CGS Innirvik Support PRFP $23,782.50 Services (2003) Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1433 Electrical Supplies Pond Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $23,803.76 Ltd. C1434 Motorola Pager with Charger & Battery Iqaluit CGS Turris IT $23,819.60 Communications C1435 Dell PowerEdge R430 Iqaluit CGS Dell Canada Inc. SV $23,975.14 C1436 Shop Supplies Pond Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $24,154.52 Ltd. C1437 Supplies For Coagulation Analyzer Rankin Inlet HSS Siemens Healthcare SV $24,266.56 Limited C1438 Equipment Rental Iqaluit ENV Innirvik Support PRFP $24,463.75 Services (2003) Ltd. C1439 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS Philips Healthcare SV $24,472.18 Canada C1440 Energy Engineering Training Iqaluit CGS Canadian Institute SV $24,500.00 for Energy Training C1441 Playground Equipment Kimmirut EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $24,673.00 Building Supplies Inc. C1442 Drafting of Arctic Re-Supply Dry Cargo Iqaluit CGS Advisian PRFP $24,900.00 C1443 Ground Transportation Iqaluit CGS Peter's Expediting PRFP $24,940.00 Ltd. C1444 Copy Paper Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $24,960.00 Ltd. C1445 Daycare Furniture Whale Cove CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $25,092.21 Ltd. C1446 Fuel Baker Lake ENV Ookpik Aviation SE $25,250.00 Inc. C1447 Baby Towels & Wash Cloths Ottawa HSS Kitnuna BBE IT $25,422.00 Expediting Ltd. C1448 MacBook Air Laptops Iqaluit EDU Apple Canada Inc. SV $25,475.00 C1449 Rabies Vaccine Nunavut HSS Merial Canada Inc. SV $25,512.50 Territory C1450 Building Supplies Pangnirtung CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $25,797.77 Ltd. C1451 Shelves & Pallets Yellowknife CGS Northern Networks PT $26,212.00 Ltd. C1452 Liquor Order Rankin Inlet FIN Corby SV $26,237.86 C1453 Go Pro Cameras Iqaluit CGS Nuna Link Ltd. IT $26,261.05 C1454 Dell Wyse Thin Client Igloolik CGS Dell Canada Inc. SV $26,349.60 C1455 Printers Iqaluit EDU Sanaqatiit PT $26,711.10 Construction Ltd. C1456 2018 Team Nunavut Arctic Winter Games Pin Baker Lake CGS Laurie Artiss - The PRFP $26,732.00 Set Pin People C1457 Building Supplies Arviat CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $27,008.33 Ltd. C1458 Skidoo Kugluktuk ENV Polar Tech PRFP $27,231.00 Recreation C1459 Display of Hazardous Materials Iqaluit CGS Sanexen PRFP $27,500.00 Environmental Services Inc. C1460 Annual Maintenance for ArcServe Iqaluit CGS Softchoice SV $27,594.88 Corporation Toronto

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1461 Clothing Iqaluit JUS SWS Detention SV $27,615.85 Group Inc. C1462 Heat Transfer Fluid Iqaluit CGS BLCS PT $27,913.20 Development Ltd. C1463 Creation of a Responsive Strategic Plan Iqaluit CGS DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $28,009.38 C1464 School Bus Pond Inlet EDU Tununiq Sauniq SE $28,208.22 Co-operative Ltd. C1465 Jet Fuel Drums Iqaluit ENV 5140 Nunavut Ltd. PT $28,315.00 o/a Qilliq Innovat C1466 Grundfos Pump Rankin Inlet CGS Kissarvik Co- IT $28,454.00 operative Association Ltd. C1467 SPOT Device & Iridium Grab & Go Kit Iqaluit CGS 5550 Nunavut Ltd. PT $28,470.00 C1468 Pump Replacement Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PT $28,727.53 Ltd. C1469 Liquor Order Rankin Inlet FIN Liquor Control SV $29,132.22 Board of Ontario C1470 Liquor Order Rankin Inlet FIN Labatt SV $29,658.24 C1471 Air Cleaners and Filters Coral EDU Northern Networks IT $29,820.42 Harbour Ltd. C1472 SOW VHF Repeater Iqaluit CGS Prairie Mobile PT $29,993.95 Communications C1473 On-call Call Backs Iqaluit CGS Zayo PRFP $30,000.00 C1474 Surface Book Iqaluit CGS Microsoft PRFP $30,540.60 Corporation C1475 Surface Book & Monitor Iqaluit CGS Microsoft PRFP $30,540.60 Corporation C1476 Beer Order Iqaluit FIN Molson Canada SV $30,807.36 C1477 Qiniq Services Iqaluit CGS SSI Micro SV $31,000.00 C1478 Playground Equipment & Works Whale Cove EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $31,225.12 Building Supplies Inc. C1479 Office Supplies Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PT $31,287.63 Ltd. C1480 Maintenance Supplies Hall Beach CGS Igloo Building SE $31,414.84 Supplies Group Ltd. C1481 Maintenance Supplies Cambridge CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $31,807.17 Bay Ltd. C1482 Plumbing Supplies Pond Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $31,877.47 Ltd. C1483 Heat Maintenance Iqaluit CGS Kifiniti Solutions SV $32,364.21 Inc. C1484 Skidoo & Windsheild Nunavut ENV Polar Tech PRFP $32,548.00 Territory Recreation C1485 Cabling Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $32,756.30 Inc. C1486 Bench & Picnic Table Iqaluit ENV Ikpiaryuk Services IT $32,815.70 Ltd. C1487 Barracuda Anti-Spam 3 Year Renewal Iqaluit CGS Securicore Inc. SV $32,959.30 C1488 Playground Equipment & Works Arviat EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $33,817.38 Building Supplies Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1489 Maintenance Shop Supplies Arviat CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $34,145.91 Ltd. C1490 Dental Clinic Upgrades Nunavut HSS Henry Schein SV $34,202.22 Territory Canada C1491 Cleaning Supplies Rankin Inlet JUS Mister Chemical PT $34,212.13 Ltd. C1492 Playground Materials Chesterfield EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $34,719.85 Inlet Building Supplies Inc. C1493 Liquor Order Rankin Inlet FIN Labatt SV $34,817.88 C1494 Corcan Supplies Iqaluit CGS CORCAN SV $35,042.00 C1495 Playground Equipment & Works Rankin Inlet EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $35,255.78 Building Supplies Inc. C1496 Food Order Igloolik HSS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $35,278.69 Ltd. C1497 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Sleeman Brasseries SV $35,468.80 C1498 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Societe Des Alcools SV $35,504.76 Du Quebec C1499 3 Day Training Nunavut EDU Crisis & Trauma SV $35,600.00 Territory Resource Institute C1500 Carpentry Supplies Pond Inlet CGS Northern Networks IT $35,769.18 Ltd. C1501 Ford F-150 Iqaluit EDU Ikpiaryuk Services PRFP $36,146.00 Ltd. C1502 Ford F-150 Kugluktuk JUS Ikpiaryuk Services PRFP $36,146.00 Ltd. C1503 Chevy Silverado Igloolik HSS R.L. Hanson PRFP $36,210.00 Construction Ltd. C1504 Cisco Products Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $36,455.88 Co. C1505 Cisco Products Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $36,604.90 Co. C1506 Building Supplies Sanikiluaq CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $37,196.06 Ltd. C1507 Epson Document Scanner Iqaluit EDU 8291292 Canada PT $37,262.50 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1508 Wildlife Deterrent Supplies Arviat ENV Ikpiaryuk Services PT $37,466.13 Ltd. C1509 Automatic Sterilizer & Adec Carts Cambridge HSS Patterson Dental SV $37,709.41 Bay Canada Inc. C1510 Ford F-150 Igloolik ENV R.L. Hanson PRFP $37,995.00 Construction Ltd. C1511 Inflatable Boat and Motor Iqaluit ENV Ikpiaryuk Services PT $38,182.23 Ltd. C1512 Think Pad Iqaluit EDU Ikpiaryuk Services IT $38,183.20 Ltd. C1513 Building Supplies Kimmirut CGS Northern Networks PT $38,194.29 Ltd. C1514 Maintenance Shop Supplies Kugaaruk CGS Northern Networks PT $38,540.41 Ltd. C1515 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Corby SV $38,691.90 C1516 Cables & Adapters Iqaluit CGS Nuna Link Ltd. PT $38,795.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1517 Ford Explorer Arctic Bay FS R.L. Hanson PRFP $38,925.00 Construction Ltd. C1518 Ford Explorer Qikiqtarjuaq FS R.L. Hanson PRFP $38,925.00 Construction Ltd. C1519 Ford Explorer Kugluktuk FS R.L. Hanson PRFP $38,925.00 Construction Ltd. C1520 Ford Explorer Gjoa Haven FS R.L. Hanson PRFP $38,925.00 Construction Ltd. C1521 Ford Explorer Arviat FS R.L. Hanson PRFP $38,925.00 Construction Ltd. C1522 Ford Explorer Gjoa Haven HSS R.L. Hanson PRFP $38,925.00 Construction Ltd. C1523 Ford Explorer Kugaaruk HSS R.L. Hanson PRFP $38,925.00 Construction Ltd. C1524 Ford Explorer Arviat HSS R.L. Hanson PRFP $38,925.00 Construction Ltd. C1525 Ford Explorer Clyde River HSS R.L. Hanson PRFP $38,925.00 Construction Ltd. C1526 Mattress Iqaluit JUS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $39,232.55 Ltd. C1527 Supply Resources for Fibre Optics Services Iqaluit CGS C3F Telecom Inc. PRFP $39,406.00 C1528 Supply Resources for Fibre Optics Services Kivalliq CGS C3F Telecom Inc. PRFP $39,406.00 Region C1529 Microsoft HUB & Wall Mount Iqaluit CGS Microsoft PRFP $39,594.00 Corporation C1530 Clearing Ramp Hog Cape Dorset EDT 8291292 Canada PRFP $40,520.84 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1531 Jackets & Winter Pants Iqaluit JUS 5550 Nunavut Ltd. PT $40,525.00 C1532 Liquor Order Rankin Inlet FIN Diageo SV $40,544.80 C1533 Dell Wyse Products Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PT $40,819.50 Ltd C1534 Roll Over Plow Pangnirtung EDT Pangnirtung Inuit PT $40,910.00 Co-operative Ltd. C1535 Ford F-150 Cape Dorset EDT Ikpiaryuk Services PRFP $40,932.00 Ltd. C1536 Water Filters Arviat CGS Northern Networks SE $41,021.00 Ltd. C1537 X-Ray Sensors & Sterilizer Rankin Inlet HSS Henry Schein SV $41,570.01 Canada C1538 Catalyst Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $41,801.00 Co. C1539 Birthing Beds Iqaluit HSS Hill-Rom Canada PRFP $42,428.00 C1540 Condoms Iqaluit HSS Pamco Distributing IT $43,153.75 Inc. C1541 SiPAP Equipment & Consumables Iqaluit HSS Cardinal Health SV $44,206.00 Canada Inc. C1542 Food Order Iqaluit JUS 8291292 Canada PT $44,490.98 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1543 Dental Supplies Iqaluit HSS Medic North PT $45,040.94 Nunavut Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1544 School Supplies Kugaaruk EDU Koomiut SE $45,386.06 Cooperative Association C1545 X-Ray, Dental Chair & Air Compressor Iqaluit HSS Henry Schein SV $45,745.97 Canada C1546 Think Centre Iqaluit EDU Goldpals Inc./ PT $45,790.00 Lenovo C1547 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Molson Canada SV $46,616.16 C1548 Playground Materials Qikiqtarjuaq EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $47,202.47 Building Supplies Inc. C1549 Ice Breaker Attachment Rankin Inlet EDT Team Eagle Ltd. PT $47,320.00 C1550 Phones, Wireless Headsets & Battery Packs Iqaluit CGS Allstream Business PRFP $47,648.64 Inc. C1551 Playground Materials Kimmirut EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $48,682.95 Building Supplies Inc. C1552 Support Renewal Iqaluit CGS ION United Inc. SV $49,050.61 C1553 Satellite Phones Iqaluit CGS Roadpost Inc. SV $49,164.00 C1554 12 Foot SM Outdoor Burial Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $49,446.23 Inc. C1555 Johnson's Baby Products Ottawa HSS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $49,749.00 Ltd. C1556 Kits & Toners Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $49,795.00 Inc. C1557 APC Back-Up Batteries Iqaluit CGS 8291292 Canada PT $49,965.00 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1558 BBM Enterprise Voice Subscription Iqaluit CGS Blackberry Limited SV $50,688.00 C1559 Ford F-250 Iqaluit HSS R.L. Hanson PRFP $52,050.00 Construction Ltd. C1560 Dental Chair & X-Ray Sensors Arctic Bay HSS Henry Schein SV $52,174.64 Canada C1561 Food Order Iqaluit HSS Kitnuna BBE PT $52,218.06 Expediting Ltd. C1562 Windows Server License Iqaluit EDU Insight Software SV $52,249.00 Canada Ltd. C1563 Shop Tools and Equipment Pond Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $52,536.91 Ltd. C1564 1 Lot Materials Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $52,871.32 Inc. C1565 Courses & Textbooks Iqaluit CGS Southern Alberta SV $53,416.00 Institute of Technology C1566 3/4 Ton Work Truck Rankin Inlet CGS Kissarvik Co- PT $53,937.76 operative Association Ltd. C1567 1 Year Energize Update & Instant Replacement Iqaluit CGS Securicore Inc. SV $55,296.40 C1568 Telephone Equipment Iqaluit JUS Allstream Business PRFP $55,718.21 Inc. C1569 Cisco Equipment Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $55,898.00 Co. C1570 2018 F-150 Kugluktuk ENV R.L. Hanson PRFP $56,050.00 Construction Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1571 Maintenance Supplies Pond Inlet CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $56,745.33 Ltd. C1572 Ford Expedition Hall Beach HSS R.L. Hanson PRFP $56,954.00 Construction Ltd. C1573 Recycled Bags & Beer Carriers Iqaluit FIN 4624 Nunavut Ltd. PT $57,479.40 o/a Tittaq Office Products C1574 Kitchen Equipment Iqaluit JUS Sanaqatiit IT $58,184.31 Construction Ltd. C1575 Clothing Iqaluit JUS 8291292 Canada IT $58,442.70 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1576 Core Business Network Expansion Project Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $59,100.00 Co. C1577 Info-Tech Subscription Annual Renewal Iqaluit CGS Info-Tech Research PRFP $60,000.00 Group C1578 Design, Layout & Print Various Items Rankin Inlet HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $60,812.46 C1579 Shredder/Baler Combination Iqaluit CGS Nuna Link Ltd. PT $61,230.00 C1580 Design Layout & Printing Iqaluit CGS Ayaya PRFP $62,549.00 Communications Inc. C1581 Food Order Rankin Inlet JUS Kissarvik Co- PT $62,972.87 operative Association Ltd. C1582 Building Supplies Baker Lake CGS Igloo Building SV $63,536.18 Supplies Group Ltd. C1583 Maintenance Supplies Cape Dorset CGS Ikpiaryuk Services IT $64,329.31 Ltd. C1584 Oxygen Compressor Iqaluit HSS ON2 Solutions Inc. SV $64,368.00 C1585 Cleaning Supplies Iqaluit JUS Sikitu Sales & PT $64,609.15 Services Ltd. C1586 Fujifilm Standard Colonoscope Iqaluit HSS Vantage Endoscopy SV $65,750.00 Inc. C1587 Snow Plow Nunavut EDT Padlei Co-operative PT $65,916.00 Territory Association Ltd. C1588 Coagulation Lab Analyzer Rankin Inlet HSS Siemens Healthcare SV $66,000.00 Limited C1589 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Labatt SV $66,681.12 C1590 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Corby SV $68,052.00 C1591 Transceiver Nodule Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $69,610.00 Co. C1592 Building and Maintenance Supplies Hall Beach CGS Hall Beach Eskimo PT $69,945.44 Co-operative Assoc. Ltd. C1593 Vehicle Iqaluit JUS Ikpiaryuk Services PRFP $71,542.49 Ltd. C1594 Macbook Air & Bretford Mobility Cart Iqaluit EDU Apple Canada Inc. SV $71,639.85 C1595 Building and Maintenance Supplies Sanikiluaq CGS Northern Networks PT $71,672.65 Ltd. C1596 Dental Cart, Chair, Sterilizer & X-ray System Arviat HSS Patterson Dental SV $71,912.33 Canada Inc. C1597 Video Conferencing Equipment Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $72,398.15 Co.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1598 Grocery and Household Items Iqaluit HSS Northern Networks IT $73,650.00 Ltd. C1599 Dell Server/Storage Upgrades Iqaluit CGS Teknicor SV $74,200.00 Corporation C1600 Repoint Dishes Nunavut CGS Galaxy Broad Band PRFP $75,665.00 Territory Communications Inc. C1601 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Liquor Control SV $76,291.56 Board of Ontario C1602 Warehouse Phone Order Iqaluit CGS Zayo PRFP $76,644.82 C1603 Chlorine Gas Cylinders Rankin Inlet CGS Northern Networks PT $77,284.06 Ltd. C1604 Mitsubishi Air Conditioning Units Iqaluit CGS 5026 Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $77,520.00 C1605 Playground Materials Coral EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $77,774.01 Harbour Building Supplies Inc. C1606 Ford Explorer Rankin Inlet HSS R.L. Hanson PRFP $77,850.00 Construction Ltd. C1607 Ford Explorer Pangnirtung HSS R.L. Hanson PRFP $77,850.00 Construction Ltd. C1608 Building and Maintenance Supplies Cape Dorset CGS Northern Networks PT $79,795.50 Ltd. C1609 Flooring Replacement Products Kugluktuk CGS Kitnuna BBE PT $79,997.00 Expediting Ltd. C1610 Microsoft Surface Hub Iqaluit CGS 8291292 Canada PT $80,358.98 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1611 50 Nodes Expansion Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $80,862.50 Co. C1612 Cisco Supplies Iqaluit HSS Compucom Canada PRFP $81,948.48 Co. C1613 Building Supplies Coral CGS BLCS PT $82,417.50 Harbour Development Ltd. C1614 Dell Optiplex & Monitor Iqaluit CGS Nuna Link Ltd. PRFP $83,160.00 C1615 Building and Maintenance Supplies Igloolik CGS Igloolik Co- PT $83,339.60 operative Ltd. C1616 Building and Maintenance Supplies Kimmirut CGS Northern Networks PT $83,600.80 Ltd. C1617 Building and Maintenance Supplies Pangnirtung CGS Pangnirtung Inuit PT $84,041.60 Co-operative Ltd. C1618 Specialized Air Quality Equipment Iqaluit ENV Pacwill SV $84,263.00 Environmental C1619 Adobe Enterprise Term License Renewal Iqaluit CGS Adobe Systems SV $86,793.08 Incorporated C1620 Forklift Rankin Inlet CGS Load Lifter PT $86,818.43 Manufacturing C1621 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Societe des Alcools SV $87,565.70 du Quebec C1622 Server & Memory Upgrade Iqaluit HSS Teknicor SV $87,723.23 Corporation C1623 Chevy Traverse & Chevy Silverado Iqaluit JUS R.L. Hanson PRFP $87,959.70 Construction Ltd. C1624 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Diageo SV $88,638.23

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______95 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1625 School Bus Coral EDU Ikpiaryuk Services PT $89,021.74 Harbour Ltd. C1626 School Bus Qikiqtarjuaq EDU Ikpiaryuk Services PT $89,021.74 Ltd. C1627 BrightLink Pro & Speakers Ottawa EDU 4624 Nunavut Ltd. PT $89,332.80 o/a Tittaq Office Products C1628 Lab Equipment Rankin Inlet HSS Ortho-Clinical SV $90,000.00 Diagnostics C1629 Spill Kit & Electric Pressure Washer Igloolik CGS Igloo Building SE $90,610.12 Supplies Group Ltd. C1630 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Manitoba Liquor & SV $93,248.64 Lotteries C1631 Dell Latitude 5580 XCTO Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PT $95,700.00 Ltd. C1632 Dell Latitude Iqaluit CGS Northern Networks PRFP $95,700.00 Ltd. C1633 Caribou Calving Ground Photo Interpretation Arviat ENV Greenlink Forestry PT $99,304.00 Inc. C1634 Boat Iqaluit ENV Northern Networks PT $99,781.21 Ltd. C1635 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS Henry Schein SV $99,783.84 Canada C1636 Point of Sale System Iqaluit FIN IdealPOS Ltd. SV $100,000.00 C1637 SPOT Activation Iqaluit CGS Globalstar Canada SV $101,243.25 Satellite Co. C1638 Cisco Products Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $104,667.76 Co. C1639 20ft. Containers Nunavut CGS Northern Networks PT $105,483.40 Territory Ltd. C1640 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Societe des Alcools SV $105,695.16 du Quebec C1641 Licensed Plates Gjoa Haven EDT Waldale SV $107,264.20 Manufacturing Ltd. C1642 Premium Service Manager Renewal Iqaluit CGS Blackberry Limited SV $107,415.72 C1643 Compact Truck Skid Steer Cambridge EDT Toromont Arctic PRFP $108,450.00 Bay Ltd. C1644 Ad Placement Services Kitikmeot FIN Ayaya PRFP $113,000.00 Region Communications Inc. C1645 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Corby SV $113,017.80 C1646 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Diageo SV $114,229.56 C1647 Intellicare Software Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $114,462.97 Co. C1648 Dental Supplies Iqaluit HSS Patterson Dental SV $115,440.11 Canada Inc. C1649 Pinnacle Prom D Iridium Satellite Collar Kugluktuk ENV Lotek Wireless SV $117,480.50 C1650 Food Order Iqaluit JUS Northern Networks PT $120,942.54 Ltd. C1651 Microsoft Premier Support Iqaluit CGS Microsoft PRFP $124,487.68 Licensing, GP C1652 Snow Blower Repulse Bay EDT J.A. Larue Inc. PT $126,736.00 C1653 Medical Supplies Iqaluit HSS KCI Medical PRFP $137,269.88

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1654 License Agreement Gjoa Haven EDT Canadian Bank SV $138,325.00 Note Company Ltd. C1655 Microsoft Products Iqaluit CGS Microsoft PRFP $146,386.00 Corporation C1656 Epson Projector and Speakers Iqaluit EDU 8291292 Canada PT $147,222.75 Ltd. o/a Arctic Ventures C1657 Cable Route Feasibility Study Nunavut CGS Kativik Regional SV $159,063.51 Territory Government C1658 Remove/Supply/Install Playground Equipment Igloolik EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $160,861.98 Building Supplies Inc. C1659 Remove/Supply/Install Playground Equipment Grise Fiord EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $160,861.98 Building Supplies Inc. C1660 Remove/Supply/Install Playground Equipment Resolute Bay EDU Illutsataarvik PRFP $160,861.98 Building Supplies Inc. C1661 TBAlll Support Iqaluit CGS EYVO Inc. SV $170,145.30 C1662 Beer Order Iqaluit FIN Labatt SV $182,388.00 C1663 Service Fire Trucks to ULC/NFPA Standards Nunavut CGS Fort Gary Fire PT $188,260.00 Territory Trucks C1664 Runway Inspection Vehicle Nunavut EDT R.L. Hanson PRFP $190,128.00 Territory Construction Ltd. C1665 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Liquor Control SV $192,606.93 Board of Ontario C1666 Supply Resources for Fibre Optics Services Kitikmeot CGS C3F Telecom Inc. PRFP $197,031.70 Region C1667 Water Treatment Plant Optimization Whale Cove CGS FilterBoxx Water SE $206,800.00 Solutions Inc. C1668 Liquor Order Iqaluit CGS Liquor Control PRFP $209,944.39 Board of Ontario C1669 Network Migration Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $213,446.88 Co. C1670 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Molson Canada SV $215,900.28 C1671 Ford F-150 XLT Nunavut CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PRFP $216,876.00 Territory Ltd. C1672 McAfee Inpoint Threat Defence Nunavut CGS Ion United Inc. PT $222,672.53 Territory C1673 Maintenance Shop Supplies Arviat CGS Ikpiaryuk Services PT $235,966.60 Ltd. C1674 Supply Resources for Fibre Optics Services Qikiqtaaluk CGS C3F Telecom Inc. PRFP $236,438.40 Region C1675 Supply Resources for Fibre Optics Services Qikiqtaaluk CGS C3F Telecom Inc. PRFP $236,438.40 Region C1676 Supply Resources for Fibre Optics Services Kivalliq CGS C3F Telecom Inc. PRFP $236,438.40 Region C1677 Telehandler Iqaluit CGS Toromont Arctic PT $238,979.00 Ltd. C1678 Network Migration Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $245,900.78 Co. C1679 Fuel Truck Iqaluit CGS 4624 Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $248,739.00 C1680 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Labatt SV $260,304.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______97 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1681 EMC Data Protection Software Iqaluit CGS Teknicor SV $269,541.89 Corporation C1682 Microsoft Products Iqaluit CGS Microsoft SV $270,079.00 Corporation C1683 Vehicles Nunavut CGS R.L. Hanson PRFP $298,095.00 Territory Construction Ltd. C1684 Mid-Sized Loader Purchases Qikiqtarjuaq EDT Toromont Arctic PRFP $314,750.00 Ltd. C1685 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Molson Canada SV $316,631.88 C1686 VMWare Software Iqaluit CGS VMware Canada SV $319,892.08 Inc. C1687 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Manitoba Liquor & SV $360,688.93 Lotteries C1688 Liquor Order Iqaluit FIN Labatt SV $416,724.96 C1689 Microsoft Hardware Iqaluit CGS Microsoft SV $420,084.18 Licensing GP C1690 Fire Truck Arviat CGS R.L. Hanson PRFP $421,815.10 Construction Ltd. C1691 Fire Truck Pangnirtung CGS R.L. Hanson PRFP $421,815.10 Construction Ltd. C1692 Dell Supplies Iqaluit CGS Nuna Link Ltd. PT $453,600.00 C1693 Water Treatment Plant Equipment Whale Cove CGS Filter Boxx Water SE $465,000.00 Solutions Inc. C1694 Cisco Licenses and Equipment Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $470,437.80 Co. C1695 Gartner Technical 2 Year Renewals Iqaluit CGS Gartner Canada Co. PRFP $714,324.00 C1696 EMC Unity Storage Iqaluit CGS Teknicor SV $862,991.92 Corporation C1697 ASR & ISR Routers Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $999,095.67 Co. C1698 Fuel Delivery Truck Nunavut CGS Kissarvik Co- PT $1,101,345.00 Territory operative Association Ltd. C1699 EMC Unity 450A11 Iqaluit CGS Teknicor SV $1,167,496.32 Corporation C1700 AWD Motor Grader Purchases Whale Cove EDT Toromont Arctic PRFP $1,221,810.00 Ltd. C1701 Cisco Equipment Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $1,997,059.47 Co. C1702 Annual Renewal of Bandwidth Iqaluit CGS Galaxy Broadband PRFP $2,627,100.00 Communication Inc. Subtotal for Purchase Orders $38,675,105.95

Service Contracts C1703 Wapos Bay DVD Series 1-3 2 Copies Baker Lake CLEY National Film SV $5,037.60 Board of Canada C1704 Relocation In - Teacher Arviat EDU Atlas Canada PRFP $5,081.72 C1705 Relocation Rankin Inlet FS Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,106.00 (Canada) Ltd. C1706 Relocation In - Teacher Gjoa Haven EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,117.91 (Canada) Ltd. C1707 Relocation Igloolik FS Mayflower Canada SV $5,137.00 C1708 Dinner Banquet for II Conference Iqaluit EDU Frobisher Inn PRFP $5,141.50

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1709 Relocation In - Teacher Cambridge EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,184.99 Bay (Canada) Ltd. C1710 Relocation In - Teacher Igloolik EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $5,196.75 C1711 Relocation In - Teacher Igloolik EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $5,199.62 C1712 Relocaiton In - Teacher Cape Dorset EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $5,207.17 C1713 Relocation In - Teacher Whale Cove EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,210.42 (Canada) Ltd. C1714 Relocation In - Teacher Repulse Bay EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,224.77 (Canada) Ltd. C1715 Subscription to Proprietary Database Baker Lake CLEY ProQuest LLC SV $5,230.00 C1716 Relocation In - Teacher Rankin Inlet EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,241.75 (Canada) Ltd. C1717 AEC Disbursement of Honorarium Cape Dorset FIN Hamlet of Cape SV $5,265.00 Dorset C1718 Relocation In - Teacher Qikiqtarjuaq EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $5,280.27 C1719 Relocation In - Teacher Repulse Bay EDU Atlas Canada PRFP $5,384.24 C1720 Relocation In - Teacher Kugluktuk EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,402.85 (Canada) Ltd. C1721 Relocation In - Teacher Cambridge EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,435.04 Bay (Canada) Ltd. C1722 Relocation Rankin Inlet HSS Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,447.00 (Canada) Ltd. C1723 Relocaiton In - Teacher Baker Lake EDU Atlas Canada PRFP $5,461.42 C1724 Relocation Cambridge HSS Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,498.00 Bay (Canada) Ltd. C1725 Relocation Iqaluit CGS J&N Moving PRFP $5,572.00 Services Ltd. C1726 Meter Repair Igloolik CGS ATCO Structures IRFP $5,612.90 and Logistics C1727 Relocation Out - Teacher Cambridge EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,658.49 Bay (Canada) Ltd. C1728 Relocation In - Teacher Pond Inlet EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $5,665.33 C1729 Relocation In - Teacher Gjoa Haven EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,687.29 (Canada) Ltd. C1730 Relocation In - Teacher Baker Lake EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $5,723.29 (Canada) Ltd. C1731 Replace Jet A-1 Filters Arctic Bay CGS ATCO Structures PT $5,725.00 and Logistics C1732 Software Platform for Strategy Implementation Nunavut HSS Cascade IRFP $5,760.00 Territory C1733 Relocation In - Teacher Arviat EDU Altas Canada PRFP $5,775.87 C1734 Relocation In - Teacher Cambridge EDU Atlas Canada PRFP $5,777.03 Bay C1735 Development: Label Making Solution Baker Lake CLEY Bywater Solutions SV $6,000.00 LLC C1736 Relocation In - Van Strien-IG Igloolik EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $6,007.27 C1737 Relocation In - Teacher Iqaluit EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $6,041.91 C1738 Relocation In - Teacher Cape Dorset EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $6,050.58 C1739 Carter Nozzle Fitting Cambridge CGS National Energy PT $6,073.00 Bay Equipment C1740 Structural Assessment for Audiology Room Iqaluit HSS Stantec PRFP $6,098.00 Architecture Ltd. C1741 Relocation In - Teacher Repulse Bay EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $6,133.28 (Canada) Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1742 Relocation In - Teacher Cape Dorset EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $6,160.86 C1743 Spare Pump and Motor Cambridge CGS Absolute Petroleum PRFP $6,195.80 Bay C1744 Relocation In - Teacher Rankin Inlet EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $6,203.97 (Canada) Ltd. C1745 Neonatal Resuscitation and Emergency Cambridge HSS Heather Martin SV $6,228.00 Workshop Bay C1746 Relocation Iqaluit JUS J&N Moving PRFP $6,251.00 Services Ltd. C1747 Relocaiton In - Teacher Iqaluit EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $6,276.59 C1748 Relocation In - Teacher Chesterfield EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $6,282.87 Inlet (Canada) Ltd. C1749 Relocation Out- Teacher Kugluktuk EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $6,300.32 (Canada) Ltd. C1750 Relocation Iqaluit FIN J&N Moving PRFP $6,323.00 Services Ltd. C1751 Relocation Iqaluit FS J&N Moving PRFP $6,352.00 Services Ltd C1752 Relocation Cambridge EDT Atlas Van Lines PRFP $6,383.00 Bay (Canada) Ltd. C1753 Oral Health Promotion Resource Development Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $6,408.16 Territory C1754 Replacement of Jet A-21 Filters Arctic Bay CGS ATCO Structures PT $6,416.67 and Logistics C1755 Relocation In - Teacher Whale Cove EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $6,461.89 (Canada) Ltd. C1756 Relocation In - Teacher Repulse Bay EDU Atlas Canada PRFP $6,472.30 C1757 Relocation In - Teacher Arviat EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $6,484.14 (Canada) Ltd. C1758 Relocation In - Teacher Iqaluit EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $6,519.69 C1759 Install Telephone System - Nanook School Iqaluit EDU Northwestel Inc. SV $6,523.00 C1760 Relocation Iqaluit FIN J&N Moving PRFP $6,527.00 Services Ltd. C1761 Relocation In - Teacher Arviat EDU Altas Canada PRFP $6,536.50 C1762 Relocation Arviat FS Atlas Van Lines PRFP $6,544.00 (Canada) Ltd. C1763 LUFKIN Tapes Rankin Inlet CGS Absolute Petroleum PT $6,742.00 C1764 Reagent Pricing Agreement Iqaluit HSS Bio-rad SV $6,742.35 C1765 Xerox Workcentre Other HSS Tootoo Consulting PRFP $6,750.00 Corp o/a Xerox Canada C1766 Relocation Iqaluit FIN J&N Moving PRFP $6,818.00 Services Ltd. C1767 Relocation Iqaluit JUS J&N Moving PRFP $6,818.00 Services Ltd. C1768 Relocation Igloolik FIN Mayflower Canada SV $6,841.00 C1769 Relocation In - Teacher Igloolik EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $6,897.98 C1770 Nunavut Immunization Programs Schedule Nunavut HSS Jennifer Armstrong SV $6,900.00 Territory C1771 Relocation Iqaluit FS J&N Moving PRFP $6,924.00 Services Ltd C1772 Relocation In - Teacher Igloolik EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $6,936.54 C1773 Security System Installation Iqaluit FS K.R.T. Electrical PRFP $6,952.00 Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1774 Fundamentals of Permafrost Science Southern ENV Universite Laval SV $6,993.64 Canada C1775 Relocation In - Teacher Kimmirut EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $6,999.83 C1776 GN Custom Logo Rankin Inlet CGS Accu-Flo Meter PRFP $7,000.00 Services Ltd. C1777 CD Manufacturing: Qilaut 2017 Project Iqaluit CLEY Nuvu Music SV $7,100.00 C1778 Mental Health Treatment - Addictions Rankin Inlet HSS Aventa Treatment SV $7,180.00 Center for Women C1779 Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Taloyoak HSS Aventa Treatment SV $7,180.00 Center for Women C1780 Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Taloyoak HSS Aventa Treatment SV $7,180.00 Center for Women C1781 Addiction and Trauma Counselling Whale Cove HSS Aventa Treatment SV $7,180.00 Center for Women C1782 Addiction and Trauma Counselling Clyde River HSS Aventa Treatment SV $7,180.00 Center for Women C1783 Relocation Baker Lake FS Atlas Van Lines PRFP $7,189.00 (Canada) Ltd. C1784 Relocation Baker Lake FS Atlas Van Lines PRFP $7,193.00 (Canada) Ltd. C1785 Addiction Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Fresh Start SV $7,230.00 Recovery C1786 Relocation In - Teacher Arviat EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $7,246.13 (Canada) Ltd. C1787 Relocation Iqaluit EDT J&N Moving PRFP $7,328.00 Services Ltd. C1788 Drug and Alcohol Program and Treatment Cambridge HSS Aventa Treatment SV $7,350.00 Bay Center for Women C1789 Operational and Analytical Services Iqaluit CLEY Sivummut PRFP $7,350.00 Solutions C1790 Replace Jet A-1 Filters Arctic Bay CGS ATCO Structures PT $7,424.71 and Logistics C1791 Nozzle Installation Cambridge CGS National Energy PT $7,443.70 Bay Equipment C1792 Locks and Cables Qikiqtaaluk CGS ATCO Structures PT $7,500.00 Region and Logistics C1793 Quebec Cinema Tournee Iqaluit CLEY Québec SV $7,500.00 Cinéma C1794 First Aid Kit and AED Equipment Igloolik ENV Sirius Wilderness SV $7,500.00 Medicine C1795 Relocation In - Teacher Clyde River EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $7,532.89 C1796 Relocation Igloolik FS Mayflower Canada SV $7,580.00 C1797 Relocation Igloolik FIN Mayflower Canada SV $7,619.00 C1798 GLO Conference Catering Iqaluit EIA Frobisher Inn PRFP $7,623.75 C1799 Meeting and Catering Services Nunavut HSS Discovery Lodge SV $7,642.00 Territory C1800 Vehicle Repairs Gjoa Haven HSS CAP Enterprise SV $7,700.00 Ltd. C1801 Relocation In - Teacher Pond Inlet EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $7,721.18 C1802 VIQ Encompass Software (Ongoing) Iqaluit JUS VIQ Solutions Inc. SV $7,730.10 C1803 AEC Disbursement of Honorarium Rankin Inlet FIN Hamlet of Clyde SV $7,750.00 River

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1804 2017 Qilaut Song Contest Winners Concerts Iqaluit CLEY Alianait SV $7,800.00 Entertainment Group C1805 Kazan River Campsite Relocation Baker Lake ENV Peter's Expediting SE $7,801.50 C1806 Relocation In - Teacher Kugluktuk EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $7,830.29 (Canada) Ltd. C1807 Health Centre Water Heater Sanikiluaq CGS 5426 Nunavut SV $7,875.00 Ltd/Naulak Enterprise C1808 Relocation In - Teacher Sanikiluaq EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $7,925.08 C1809 Relocaiton In - Teacher Pangnirtung EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $7,993.57 C1810 French Translation-Esther Lapointe Iqaluit JUS Esther Lapointe SV $8,000.00 C1811 Relocation In - Teacher Arviat EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $8,083.91 (Canada) Ltd.Atlas Canada C1812 Relocation In - Teacher Rankin Inlet EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $8,162.52 (Canada) Ltd. C1813 Relocation In - Teacher Pond Inlet EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $8,168.53 C1814 TB Drug Resource Design and Printing Nunavut HSS Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $8,209.95 Territory Ltd. C1815 Relocation In - Teacher Repulse Bay EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $8,214.03 (Canada) Ltd. C1816 Relocation Igloolik FIN Mayflower Canada SV $8,266.00 C1817 Audiology Equipment Calibration Iqaluit HSS Electro-Medical SV $8,297.40 Instrument Co. C1818 VIQ Encompass Software Iqaluit JUS VIQ Solutions Inc. SV $8,319.06 C1819 Plant Replacement Application Kugluktuk EIA Ayaya PRFP $8,423.36 Communications Inc. C1820 Relocation In - Teacher Igloolik EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $8,428.89 C1821 Relocation In - Teacher Taloyoak EDU Atlas Canada PRFP $8,487.91 C1822 Relocation In - Teacher Kugluktuk EDU Atlas Canada PRFP $8,493.59 C1823 Concurrent Disorder Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Behavioural Health SV $8,516.00 Foundation C1824 CCTV Installation in Building 1107 Iqaluit EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $8,588.68 C1825 Carter Underwing Nozzles and Fittings Rankin Inlet CGS National Energy PT $8,704.60 Equipment C1826 Relocation In - Teacher Whale Cove EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $8,726.57 (Canada) Ltd. C1827 Relocation In - Teacher Pond Inlet EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $8,750.78 C1828 Relocation Iqaluit JUS J&N Moving PRFP $8,753.00 Services Ltd. C1829 First Aid Training - Sanikiluaq Sanikiluaq FIN Boreal First Aid SV $8,816.00 Services C1830 Relocation In - Teacher Cape Dorset EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $8,820.12 C1831 Health Centre Fuel Tank Replacement Clyde River CGS Accutech PRFP $8,960.00 Engineering Inc. C1832 Relocation In - Teacher Whale Cove EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $9,011.65 (Canada) Ltd. C1833 Relocation Igloolik JUS Mayflower Canada SV $9,062.00 C1834 Relocation In - Teacher Taloyoak EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $9,063.14 C1835 Relocation Igloolik FS Mayflower Canada SV $9,123.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1836 Xerox Lease Iqaluit CGS Xerox Canada Ltd. PRFP $9,255.00 o/a Tootoo Consulting C1837 Installation and Configuration of Projectors Iqaluit EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $9,350.00 C1838 Supply and Delivery of Jet Shipping Supplies Rankin Inlet CGS Absolute Petroleum IRFP $9,355.00 C1839 Relocation In - Teacher Igloolik EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $9,385.42 C1840 Relocation In - Teacher Hall Beach EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $9,385.64 C1841 Catalyst Iqaluit CGS Compucom Canada PRFP $9,407.00 Company C1842 Relocation In - Teacher Cambridge EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $9,411.83 Bay C1843 Xerox Workcentre Iqaluit HSS Tootoo Consulting PRFP $9,444.00 Corp o/a Xerox Canada C1844 Relocation Kugluktuk FS Atlas Van Lines PRFP $9,457.00 (Canada) Ltd. C1845 Safety Training for Warehouse/Maintenance/IT Iqaluit CGS Toromont Cat SV $9,500.00 C1846 Air Search and Rescue Cape Dorset CGS Summit Air SE $9,511.85 C1847 Relocation In - Teacher Kugaaruk EDU Atlas Canada PRFP $9,532.76 C1848 Xerox Workcentre Whale Cove HSS Tootoo Consulting PRFP $9,540.00 Corp. o/a Xerox Canada C1849 Replacement of Xerox Machines Sanikiluaq HSS Tootoo Consulting PRFP $9,540.00 Corp. o/a Xerox Canada C1850 Relocation In - Teacher Cambridge EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $9,542.62 Bay (Canada) Ltd. C1851 Relocation In - Teacher Chesterfield EDU Altas Canada PRFP $9,567.74 Inlet C1852 Indigenous Cultural Competence Workshop Nunavut HSS Frobisher Inn SV $9,572.50 Territory C1853 Repair POS on Jet A Truck Sanikiluaq CGS Accu-Flo Meter IRFP $9,675.00 Services Ltd. C1854 Relocation Igloolik FIN Mayflower Canada SV $9,729.00 C1855 Relocation In - Teacher Igloolik EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $9,787.51 C1856 Relocation In - Teacher Arviat EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $9,792.39 (Canada) Ltd. C1857 Phonics Canvas Bags Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $9,857.00 Inc. C1858 Relocation In - Teacher Arviat EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $9,857.13 (Canada) Ltd. C1859 Relocation In - Teacher Arviat EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $9,865.77 (Canada) Ltd. C1860 Relocation In - Teacher Kugluktuk EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $9,872.67 (Canada) Ltd. C1861 Galaxy Dish Installation Iqaluit CGS K.R.T. Electrical EXT $9,875.50 Ltd C1862 Relocation In - Teacher Rankin Inlet EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $9,899.15 (Canada) Ltd. C1863 Legacy Solid Waste Management Support Iqaluit CGS plusArctic PRFP $10,000.00 Consulting C1864 Auditing the Public Trustee March 31 2017 Iqaluit JUS Lester Landau IRFP $10,000.00 Chartered Accountants

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1865 Auditing the Public Trustee March 31 2017 Iqaluit JUS Lester Landau IRFP $10,000.00 Chartered Accountants C1866 Facilitation Training Course - Climate Change Ottawa ENV Rutherford McKay PRFP $10,000.00 Associates Inc. C1867 Relocation In - Teacher Iqaluit EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $10,099.31 C1868 Relocation Iqaluit JUS J&N Moving PRFP $10,199.00 Services Ltd. C1869 Installation of Plumb Bob Pond Inlet CGS National Energy PT $10,230.60 Equipment C1870 Replace Jet A-1 Filters Arctic Bay CGS ATCO Structures PT $10,236.59 and Logistics C1871 Relocation In - Teacher Clyde River EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $10,396.65 C1872 Relocation Iqaluit CGS J&N Moving PRFP $10,505.00 Services Ltd C1873 Addiction and Trauma Counselling Pangnirtung HSS I Have a Chance SV $10,634.40 Support Services Ltd. C1874 Install Smart Boards - Sam Pudlat School Qikiqtarjuaq EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $10,657.50 C1875 Tank Farm - Pressure Relief Modification Cambridge CGS WorleyParsons PT $10,780.00 Bay Canada C1876 Relocaton In - Teacher Repulse Bay EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $10,828.19 (Canada) Ltd. C1877 Relocation In - Teacher Cambridge EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $10,844.69 Bay (Canada) Ltd. C1878 Augmented Adaptive Communication System Iqaluit HSS The Ottawa IRFP $10,845.00 Children's Treatment Center C1879 Relocation Igloolik CGS Mayflower Canada SV $10,904.00 C1880 Relocation Igloolik FIN Mayflower Canada SV $10,971.00 C1881 HazMat Trigram Building Phase II Iqaluit CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $11,000.00 Environmental Inc. C1882 Flex Line Repair Clyde River CGS ATCO Structures PT $11,050.00 and Logistics C1883 Explore Bursary 2018 Iqaluit EDU Nunavut News SV $11,094.00 North C1884 Projectors Install - Netsilik School Taloyoak EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $11,100.00 C1885 Install Projectors - Nasivvik School Pond Inlet EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $11,100.00 C1886 Install Projectors - Ulaajuk School Pond Inlet EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $11,100.00 C1887 Relocation In - Teacher Cape Dorset EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $11,154.84 C1888 Xerox Workcentre Iqaluit FIN Tootoo Consulting PRFP $11,202.00 Corp o/a Xerox Canada C1889 Services Multidisciplinaires de Parcours Iqaluit EDU Morneau Shepell PRFP $11,250.00 C1890 Nunavut Health Care Camp Nunavut HSS Northern Ontario SV $11,250.00 Territory School of Medicine C1891 Translation Services Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $11,286.50 Territory C1892 Valcom Paging Installation - Aloookie School Pangnirtung EDU DECK Electric Inc. SV $11,396.65 C1893 Relocation Iqaluit FS J&N Moving PRFP $11,460.00 Services Ltd C1894 Relocation Kugluktuk FIN Atlas Van Lines PRFP $11,635.00 (Canada) Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1895 Preventative Maintenance Iqaluit HSS Summit HealthCare SV $11,665.00 Services Inc. C1896 Install Projectors - Kullik School Cambridge EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $11,700.00 Bay C1897 Maintenance on PPD Equipment & Facilities Grise Fiord CGS ATCO Structures PT $11,889.15 and Logistics C1898 Group Process Guide Copy Editing Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $11,900.00 Inc. C1899 Relocation Igloolik EDT Mayflower Canada SV $11,964.00 C1900 Install Projectors - Kiilinik School Cambridge EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $12,000.00 Bay C1901 Hospital HazMat Assessment, Building 528 Iqaluit CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $12,000.00 Environmental Inc. C1902 Polar Bear Guard Training Course Whale Cove ENV Andy McMullin's SV $12,000.00 1511 Bearwise C1903 Relocation In - Teacher Pond Inlet EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $12,043.42 C1904 Financial Services Igloolik EDU Lester Landau PRFP $12,500.00 Chartered Accountants C1905 Install Projectors - Attagoyuk School Pangnirtung EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $12,600.00 C1906 Install Projectors - Alookie School Pangnirtung EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $12,600.00 C1907 Counselling Services Nunavut HSS Arctic Willow PRFP $12,675.00 Territory Consulting C1908 Relocation In - Teacher Kugaaruk EDU Atlas Canada PRFP $12,693.47 C1909 Liquor Permits 2017-18 Kugluktuk FIN Hamlet of SV $12,808.00 Kugluktuk C1910 American Sign Language Interpreter-Exam Baker Lake EDU Luvera Ranger SE $12,885.40 C1911 Relocation Iqaluit JUS J&N Moving PRFP $12,890.00 Services Ltd. C1912 Valcom Paging Installations - Nanook School Iqaluit EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $12,926.27 C1913 Relocation In - Teacher Kimmirut EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $13,015.22 C1914 Liquor Inspections Iqaluit FIN Michael Hatch SV $13,110.00 C1915 Relocation In - Teacher Kugaaruk EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $13,124.82 (Canada) Ltd. C1916 Xerox WorkCentre Rankin Inlet HSS Xerox Canada Ltd. PRFP $13,138.50 o/a Tootoo Consulting C1917 Software Meeting and Review Rankin Inlet CGS Accu-Flo Meter IRFP $13,184.40 Services Ltd. C1918 Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Training Nunavut HSS Selkirk Mental SV $13,198.75 Territory Health Center C1919 Replace Heater, Flang Boiler 208V Cambridge HSS Steris Canada Inc. SV $13,235.23 Bay C1920 Relocation In - Teacher Baker Lake EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $13,335.19 (Canada) Ltd. C1921 Climate Change Adaption Course For Nunavut Iqaluit ENV Yukon College SE $13,400.00 C1922 Subscription to Proprietary Database EBSCO Baker Lake CLEY Ebsco Canada Ltd. SV $13,492.50 C1923 Relocation In - Teacher Repulse Bay EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $13,506.41 (Canada) Ltd. C1924 Cannabis Program Consultation Plan Nunavut HSS Canadian Centre on SV $13,590.00 Territory Substance Use/ Addiction C1925 Relocation In - Teacher Taloyoak EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $13,621.08 (Canada) Ltd.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______105 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1926 Installation and Configuration of Projectors Iqaluit EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $13,750.00 C1927 Relocation In - Teacher Grise Fiord EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $13,780.01 C1928 Equipment Service & Maintenance Iqaluit HSS Facultatieve SV $13,784.89 Technologies C1929 5 Year Contract for Tower Use Rankin Inlet CGS CBC Canada SV $13,800.00 C1930 Install Whiteboard & Projector Quluaq School Iqaluit EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $13,800.00 C1931 Aviation Fuel Handling Course Cambridge CGS Kitnuna Group of PT $13,874.75 Bay Companies C1932 Relocation Kugluktuk EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $13,876.00 (Canada) Ltd. C1933 Relocation In - Teacher Rankin Inlet EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $13,998.17 (Canada) Ltd. C1934 Post-Partum Depression Resources Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $14,001.80 Territory C1935 CWDC Meeting and Catering Iqaluit ENV Frobisher Inn PRFP $14,050.00 C1936 Hose Reel Swivel Grise Fiord CGS ATCO Structures PT $14,115.75 and Logistics C1937 Relocation Cambridge CGS Atlas Van Lines PRFP $14,166.70 Bay (Canada) Ltd. C1938 Relocation Iqaluit FIN J&N Moving PRFP $14,295.00 Services Ltd C1939 Relocation Iqaluit FS J&N Moving PRFP $14,341.00 Services Ltd. C1940 Upgrade Wireless Modems Kivalliq CGS Accu-Flo Meter IRFP $14,475.00 Region Services Ltd. C1941 Projectors Install - Amarjuaq School Igloolik EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $14,550.00 C1942 Repair and Maintenance of System 1 Cambridge HSS Steris Canada SV $14,577.54 Bay C1943 Computer Hardware Iqaluit CGS Anixter Canada PRFP $14,681.00 Inc. C1944 Relocation Igloolik FIN Mayflower Canada SV $14,733.00 C1945 Spare Parts Cambridge CGS Accu-Flo Meter IT $14,789.00 Bay Services Ltd. C1946 Replacing Old Xerox Machine Cambridge HSS Xerox Canada Ltd. PRFP $14,914.50 Bay o/a Tootoo Consulting C1947 EIA Pride Development Advertisement Iqaluit EIA Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $14,916.00 C1948 Human Health Ecological Risk Assessment Cambridge ENV Dillon Consulting PRFP $14,980.00 Bay Ltd. C1949 Human Health & Ecological Assessment Kugaaruk ENV Dillon Consulting PRFP $14,980.00 Ltd. C1950 Kivalliq Raptor Monitoring Program Southern ENV Arctic Raptors Inc. PRFP $15,000.00 Canada C1951 Research/Analysis for Impact Assessment & Nunavut ENV Project Nunavut PRFP $15,000.00 LUP Territory Limited C1952 File Maker Training Rankin Inlet FIN CoreSolutions SV $15,000.00 Software Inc. C1953 Relocation Rankin Inlet FIN Mayflower Canada SV $15,050.00 C1954 Structural Assessment Iqaluit CGS Concentric SV $15,100.00 C1955 Projectors Install - Ataguttaaluk School Igloolik EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $15,150.00 C1956 Install Projectors and Whiteboards - School Chesterfield EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $15,500.00 Inlet C1957 Carter Nozzles Rankin Inlet CGS Absolute Petroleum IRFP $15,693.70

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______106 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1958 Xerox Workcentre Rankin Inlet CGS Tootoo Consulting PRFP $15,826.50 Corp o/a Xerox Canada C1959 Relocation Cambridge FIN Atlas Van Lines PRFP $15,908.00 Bay (Canada) Ltd. C1960 Nursing Certification Nunavut HSS Advanced Medical SV $16,000.00 Territory Solutions C1961 Relocation In - Teacher Coral EDU Altas Canada PRFP $16,161.09 Harbour C1962 Residential Care Treatment Clyde River HSS Aventa Treatment SV $16,200.00 Centre for Women C1963 Hyrovac Training and Maintenance Rankin Inlet CGS Joe Joh Equipment SV $16,200.00 C1964 Applied Behaviour Analysis Therapy Support Rankin Inlet EDU Centre for Autism SV $16,250.00 Services Alberta C1965 Xerox Workcentre Iqaluit CGS Tootoo Consulting PRFP $16,294.86 Corp. o/a Xerox Canada C1966 Paging System Installation Arctic Bay EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $16,316.67 C1967 Relocation In - Teacher Kugluktuk EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $16,537.87 (Canada) Ltd. C1968 Compensation Review Nunavut FIN Phelps Group Inc. PRFP $16,550.00 Territory C1969 Relocation In - Teacher Clyde River EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $16,600.12 C1970 Equipment Calibration Iqaluit HSS Electro-Medical SV $16,625.00 Instrument Co. C1971 Liquor Inspections - Iqaluit Iqaluit FIN Omer Pasalic SV $16,650.00 C1972 Nunavut Immunization Certification Program Nunavut HSS Jennifer Armstrong SV $16,790.00 Territory C1973 IUT Language Video Iqaluit CLEY Inhabit Education SV $16,800.00 Inc. C1974 Relocation In - Teacher Clyde River EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $16,828.84 C1975 NCL Subcontract Fuel Transfer Gjoa Haven CGS Kitnuna Group of PT $16,998.62 Companies C1976 Xerox Workcentre Iqaluit HSS Tootoo Consulting PRFP $17,012.88 Corp o/a Xerox Canada C1977 Projector Installations Qikiqtarjuaq EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $17,130.00 C1978 Mold Remediation - Young Offenders Iqaluit CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $17,349.01 Environmental C1979 MED2020 Software Iqaluit HSS MED2020 SV $17,382.00 Healthcare Software Inc. C1980 Water Plant Controls Servicing Rankin Inlet CGS Tulsar Canada Ltd. SV $17,588.00 C1981 Training Workshop Baker Lake HSS Baker Lake SV $17,600.00 Prenatal Nutrition Program C1982 Services d'Evaluation et d'Intervention Iqaluit EDU Cabinet PRFP $17,600.00 d'Orthophonie Vicki Laframboise C1983 Annual Subscription Iqaluit HSS UptoDate SV $17,668.00 C1984 Paging Installation - Simon Alaittuq School Rankin Inlet EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $17,676.27 C1985 Diabetic Booth Camp Nunavut HSS Harvey Graat SV $17,680.00 Territory

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C1986 Preparation and Delivery of Workshop Iqaluit ENV NVision Insight PRFP $17,696.15 Group Inc. C1987 External QC Program Subscription Iqaluit HSS Institute for Quality SV $17,759.74 Management in Healthcar C1988 Remedial Action Plan for Doctor's Residence Cambridge ENV Dillon Consulting PRFP $17,901.00 Bay Ltd. C1989 Relocation In - Teacher Cape Dorset EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $17,946.32 C1990 Bulk Facility Capacity Review Iqaluit CGS Stantec PT $18,000.00 Architecture Ltd. C1991 Gulf of Boothia 2017 Polar Bear Work Igloolik ENV Northern PRFP $18,000.00 Associates C1992 Preparation and Delivery of Workshop Iqaluit ENV Nvision Insight PRFP $18,074.10 Group Inc. C1993 Relocation Iqaluit HSS J&N Moving PRFP $18,261.00 Services Ltd C1994 CCTV System for Library Services Baker Lake CLEY Baker Lake SV $18,323.99 Contracting and Supplies Ltd. C1995 Relocation Iqaluit FIN J&N Moving PRFP $18,414.00 Services Ltd. C1996 Course Gravel Attagutaluk High School Igloolik CGS Hamlet Igloolik SV $18,420.00 C1997 Troubleshoot and Repair Grise Fiord CGS ATCO Structures PT $18,600.00 and Logistics C1998 Install New Guards and Handrails Iqaluit EDU GC-North SE $18,677.00 Construction Inc. C1999 Relocation Igloolik FIN Mayflower Canada SV $18,736.00 C2000 Air Ambulance Services Kitikmeot HSS Keewatin Air PRFP $18,736.69 Region Limited C2001 Fuel Transfer Kugluktuk CGS Kitnuna Group of PT $18,736.95 Companies C2002 Relocation Iqaluit FIN J&N Moving PRFP $18,814.00 Services Ltd. C2003 Iqaluit Elder's Home Audit Nunavut HSS Avery Cooper & PRFP $19,036.40 Territory Co. Ltd. C2004 Student Support Services Iqaluit EDU Cabinet PRFP $19,099.75 d'orthophonie Vicki Laframboise C2005 Remedial Action Plan Old Farm Tank Kugaaruk ENV Dillon Consulting PRFP $19,165.00 Ltd. C2006 Grizzly Bear Hair Snagging Study Southern ENV Wildlife Genetics PRFP $19,200.00 Canada International C2007 Equipment Service and Maintenance Iqaluit HSS Siemens Canada SV $19,236.33 C2008 Relocation Iqaluit FIN J&N Moving PRFP $19,405.00 Services Ltd C2009 Valcom Paging Installations - Quluaq School Clyde River EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $19,419.35 C2010 Classroom Book Sets Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Media Inc. PRFP $19,425.00 C2011 Relocation Cambridge HSS Atlas Van PRFP $19,499.00 Bay Lines(Canada) Ltd. C2012 Office Furniture for Translator Iqaluit CLEY Tittaq Office SV $19,655.94 Products C2013 BEAR Registration Form Iqaluit JUS Enwood SV $20,000.00 Technologies C2014 Consultant, Physician Services Iqaluit HSS Kevin Compton SV $20,000.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2015 Genetic Analysis of Biopsy and Harvest Sample Igloolik ENV Wildlife Genetics PRFP $20,000.00 International Inc. C2016 Collection Agency Services Nunavut FIN 852515 Ontario EXT $20,000.00 Territory Limited o/a ACRM C2017 Psychosocial Support for Pond Inlet & Rankin Nunavut EDU Canadian Red SE $20,000.00 Territory Cross C2018 WHMIS Course-Tranportation of Dangerous Nunavut FIN Online Learning SV $20,250.00 Goods Territory Enterprises C2019 CCTV Add Ons Igloolik EDU Deck Electric Inc. PRFP $20,521.56 C2020 Service Maintenance Iqaluit HSS Biomerieux SV $20,542.00 C2021 Venue and Catering for CELN Iqaluit EDU Frobisher Inn PRFP $20,800.50 C2022 Physiotherapy Level C and D Iqaluit HSS Robin McKenzie SV $20,985.39 Institute C2023 Dressing and Dyeing of Nunavut Sealskins Southern ENV Splendor Fur SV $21,000.00 Canada Processing Inc. C2024 Configuration Adjustment/Changes to HEAT Iqaluit EDU Kifinti Solutions SV $21,000.00 Data Inc. C2025 Teacher Recruitment in the Atlantic Provinces Southern EDU Judith A Connor SV $21,000.00 Canada C2026 Teacher Recruitment in the Western Provinces Southern EDU Bonnie Spence- SV $21,000.00 Canada Vinge C2027 HazMat Assessment, Building 619 Iqaluit CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $21,000.00 Environmental Inc. C2028 TB Manual Completion Nunavut HSS Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $21,151.25 Territory Ltd. C2029 Job Description Review Iqaluit CGS DPRA Canada Inc. PRFP $21,380.00 C2030 Storage Tank Course Rankin Inlet CGS PEICE SA $21,420.00 C2031 Relocation In - Teacher Igloolik EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $21,828.40 C2032 Paging Speakers Install - Ulaajuk School Pond Inlet EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $21,862.50 C2033 Inspiration Village Creative Support Iqaluit EDT Outcrop Nunavut IRFP $22,000.00 C2034 Relocation In - Teacher Pangnirtung EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $22,206.47 C2035 Repair Leaks Sanikiluaq CGS Absolute Petroleum PT $22,450.00 C2036 Food Safety Training Nunavut HSS Train Can Inc. SV $22,551.00 Territory C2037 Relocation Igloolik CGS Mayflower Canada SV $22,690.00 C2038 Enforcement Officer Uniform and Equipment Iqaluit ENV Nunatta SE $22,788.27 Environmental Services Inc. C2039 Fur Tracking System Support and Maintenance Iqaluit ENV Strata 360 PRFP $23,100.00 C2040 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Kimmirut HSS Aventa Treatment SV $23,160.00 Center for Women C2041 Knowledge Translation and Research Policy Nunavut HSS Christine Ung IRFP $23,374.00 Territory C2042 Repairs on Delivery Truck Resolute Bay CGS ATCO Structures PT $23,464.92 and Logistics C2043 Services de Parcours d'enfant Psychologie Iqaluit EDU Morneau Shepell PRFP $23,600.00 C2044 Relocation In - Teacher Iqaluit EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $24,074.64 C2045 Hose Reel Leak Qikiqtarjuaq CGS Nunavut PRFP $24,276.04 Construction Ltd. C2046 Remediation & Monitoring Resolute Bay CGS ATCO Structures PT $24,315.00 and Logistics C2047 Relocation In - Teacher Coral EDU Atlas Canada PRFP $24,367.71 Harbour

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2048 Tank Farm Gasoline Meter Repairs Kugaaruk CGS Kitnuna Group of PT $24,502.51 Companies C2049 Annual Support/Maintenance - Core Solutions Nunavut EDU Core Solutions SV $24,600.00 Territory C2050 Activation of GLO Satellite Phones Nunavut EIA Arctic Survival SV $24,950.00 Territory C2051 Addiction and Trauma Treatment Hall Beach HSS Bellwood Health SV $24,990.00 Services C2052 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr Wang Jian IRFP $25,000.00 Territory C2053 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Jim Guild IRFP $25,000.00 Territory C2054 Nunavut Childrens Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr IRFP $25,000.00 Territory Kingsley,Iloabachie C2055 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Tomash IRFP $25,000.00 Territory Andrew C2056 Nunavut Children's Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. John Arnold IRFP $25,000.00 Territory C2057 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Wing Chan IRFP $25,000.00 Territory C2058 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Robertson IRFP $25,000.00 Territory Stuart C2059 Nunavut Children's Oral Health Nunavut HSS Dr. Aaron Jolivet IT $25,000.00 Territory C2060 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Skorpad Ron IRFP $25,000.00 Territory C2061 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Christie, IRFP $25,000.00 Territory Richard C2062 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Laureen IRFP $25,000.00 Territory Distephano C2063 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Safieh Eric IRFP $25,000.00 Territory C2064 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr.Bonstein IRFP $25,000.00 Territory Tammy C2065 Nunavut Children's Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Edward Cervini IRFP $25,000.00 Territory C2066 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Glen Rogers IRFP $25,000.00 Territory C2067 Nunavut Children's Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Nicole IRFP $25,000.00 Territory Greenwood C2068 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr IRFP $25,000.00 Territory Kingsley,Iloabachie C2069 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr.Ron Skorpad IRFP $25,000.00 Territory C2070 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Tammy IRFP $25,000.00 Territory Bonstein C2071 As and When" Midcom Repairs" Nunavut CGS Accu-Flo Meter PT $25,000.00 Territory Services Ltd. C2072 Tank Farm Assessment Cambridge CGS Stantec IRFP $25,000.00 Bay Architecture Ltd. C2073 Investigate Pipeline Integrity Issues Iqaluit CGS RAE Enginerring SA $25,000.00 and Inspection Ltd. C2074 Industry Best Practices Iqaluit ENV Project Nunavut PRFP $25,000.00 Limited

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2075 Full Day On-Site Seminar Codes Iqaluit CGS National Research SV $25,000.00 Council Canada C2076 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS Dr. Miner John IRFP $25,000.00 Territory C2077 Addiction and Trauma Counselling Kimmirut HSS Aventa Treatment SV $25,140.00 Center for Women C2078 Air Quality Educational Materials Iqaluit ENV Inhabit Education PRFP $25,200.00 Inc. C2079 2012 Freightliner Repair Igloolik CGS ATCO Structures PT $25,786.70 and Logistics C2080 Install Inukshuk High School Parking Rail Iqaluit CGS GC-North PRFP $25,840.00 Construction Inc. C2081 Youth Group Home Renovations Iqaluit FS K.R.T. Electrical IRFP $25,970.00 Ltd C2082 Fisheries and Sealing Organizational Review Iqaluit ENV Sivummut PRFP $25,983.90 Consulting Ltd. C2083 Senior Systems Administrator Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $26,100.00 C2084 Relocation In - Teacher Iqaluit EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $26,225.45 C2085 Production & Manufacturing of 10 Song-CD Iqaluit CLEY Nuvu Music SV $26,325.00 C2086 Health Centre Generator Replacement Kimmirut CGS Stantec PRFP $26,459.00 Architecture Ltd. C2087 Deputy Sheriff Training Iqaluit JUS Justice Institute of PRFP $26,500.00 British Columbia C2088 Relocation In - Teacher Iqaluit EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $26,672.49 C2089 Relocation Kugaaruk FIN Atlas Van Lines PRFP $26,675.00 C2090 Install Smart Boards in School Baker Lake EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $26,750.00 C2091 Relocation Igloolik FIN Mayflower Canada SV $27,452.00 C2092 GN Restocking Order Rankin Inlet CGS Accu-Flo Meter PRFP $27,838.00 Services Ltd. C2093 Valcom Paging Installations - Nakasuk School Iqaluit EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $27,844.18 C2094 Xerox Workcentre Iqaluit FIN Tootoo Consulting PRFP $28,125.00 Corp o/a Xerox Canada C2095 Inuktut Reaching Resource Map Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $28,300.00 Inc. C2096 Magazine and Resource Printing Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $28,502.00 Inc. C2097 Install Projectors and Whiteboards - School Coral EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $28,647.42 Harbour C2098 Residential Care Treatment Gjoa Haven HSS Heritage Home EXT $28,650.00 Foundation C2099 Basic Radiological Technical Training Nunavut HSS Ontario Association PRFP $28,966.00 Territory of Medical Radiation C2100 Point of Sale Tank Farm Upgrade Cambridge CGS Accu-Flo Meter PRFP $29,294.00 Bay Services Ltd. C2101 Energy and Climate Change Website Integration Iqaluit ENV Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $29,466.00 Ltd. C2102 Projector Installations Hall Beach EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $29,550.00 C2103 Arena/Office Renovations-Cost Est. Cambridge CGS Accutech PRFP $29,900.00 Bay Engineering Inc. C2104 Student Support Services Iqaluit EDU Morneau Shepell PRFP $29,950.00 Itee

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2105 Sampling Soil, International Airport Iqaluit EDT Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $30,000.00 Environmental inc. C2106 Deputy Sheriff Training Iqaluit JUS Justice Institute of PRFP $30,000.00 British Columbia C2107 Module Development - Financial Mgmt Training Iqaluit EDU Nasaijit Services SV $30,000.00 Ltd. C2108 Painting of Youth Group Home Iqaluit FS 4577 Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $30,000.00 C2109 Handbag Skills Workshop Iqaluit ENV Sivummut PRFP $30,000.00 Solutions C2110 Relocation Iqaluit FIN J&N Moving PRFP $30,117.00 Services Ltd. C2111 Support for TB Program Nunavut HSS Caroline Newberry SV $30,250.00 Territory C2112 Xerox Lease Cambridge CGS Tootoo Consulting PRFP $30,348.00 Bay Corp o/a Xerox Canada C2113 Remedial Action Plan - Hamlet Building Qikiqtarjuaq ENV BluMetric PRFP $30,380.00 Environmental Inc. C2114 Paging System Install - Leo Ussak School Rankin Inlet EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $30,593.01 C2115 PPD Vehicles/Facilities Clyde River CGS ATCO Structures IRFP $30,781.58 and Logistics C2116 Mental Heath Clinicians Training Kivalliq HSS University of SV $30,797.15 Region Toronto C2117 Kivalliq Caribou Iridium Tetemetry Studies Southern ENV MetOceans SV $31,000.00 Canada Telematics C2118 Developing a Project Charter for ILA Work Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $31,117.00 Inc. C2119 Accommodation for Health Professionals Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Qikiqtqarjuaq EXT $31,250.00 Lodge C2120 Regional Finance Relief Baker Lake EDU Swee Pin Wong SE $31,442.00 Financial Services C2121 2017 Renewal for Smart Learning Suite Nunavut EDU Sharp's Audio SV $31,563.00 Territory Visual C2122 Resources - Nunavut Baby Bed Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $31,572.48 Territory C2123 Security Services for W.G. Brown Building Iqaluit CGS C&K Services Ltd SE $31,581.38 C2124 Enquiry Consulting Nunavut HSS College of SV $31,720.00 Territory Physicians and Surgeons Alberta C2125 Superintendent of Schools KITSO Kugluktuk EDU Paul Mooney SE $32,100.00 Education Services C2126 Projector Installations Whale Cove EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $32,750.00 C2127 Mitel 3300ICP Installation - Quluaq School Clyde River EDU Northwestel Inc. SV $32,767.20 C2128 Replace Light Bulbs - Tank Farm Arctic Bay CGS ATCO Structures PT $32,846.00 and Logistics C2129 Agency Services - Ultrasound Technologist Iqaluit HSS Pro Med HR SV $33,000.00 Solutions C2130 Accommodation for Health Professionals Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Qikiqtarjuaq Lodge SV $33,000.00 C2131 Assisting in Resupply Kitikmeot CGS Kitnuna Group of PT $33,488.00 Region Companies C2132 Novel Study and Animations Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $33,900.00 Inc. C2133 System Installation - Maani Ulujuk Rankin Inlet EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $34,266.55

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2134 Financial Services Rankin Inlet CGS The Right Door PRFP $34,300.00 Consulting and Solutions Inc. C2135 Community Lead Wellness Initiative Pangnirtung HSS Arctic Willow PRFP $34,412.50 Consulting C2136 Flow Repairs Kugaaruk CGS Absolute Petroleum PRFP $34,800.00 C2137 Agency Nursing Services Nunavut HSS Excel Sante Inc. PRFP $34,995.64 Territory C2138 Addiction and Trauma Treatment Igloolik HSS Heritage Home PRFP $35,010.00 Foundation C2139 Repairs PPD Vehicles Clyde River CGS ATCO Structures PRFP $35,330.22 and Logistics C2140 Applied Behaviour Analysis Therapy &Training Rankin Inlet EDU Centre for Autism SV $35,500.00 Services Alberta C2141 Subcontract, Slop Fuel Transfer Gjoa Haven CGS Kitnuna Group of PT $35,977.21 Companies C2142 Educational Font Development Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Media Inc. PRFP $36,400.00 C2143 2018 Team Nunavut AWG Jacket Baker Lake CGS Festival Promotions PRFP $36,716.60 Inc. C2144 Cruise Ready Facilitation Pond Inlet EDT NVision Insight IRFP $36,802.00 Group Inc. C2145 Research Consulting Services Iqaluit JUS Nvision Insight IRFP $37,162.58 Group Inc. C2146 Addictions Training Development Nunavut HSS Medicine SV $37,192.00 Territory Professional Corporation C2147 Fisheries Strategy Implementation Phase 1 Ottawa ENV Sivummut PRFP $37,271.07 Consulting Ltd C2148 Road Effects on Barren Ground Caribou Nunavut ENV Caslys Consulting PRFP $37,807.50 Territory Ltd. C2149 Accreditation Readiness Iqaluit HSS Health Standard SV $37,821.00 Organization C2150 Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training Kitikmeot HSS The Governing SV $37,890.20 Region Council of University of Toront C2151 Trapper Education Course Cape Dorset ENV Aiviq Hunters and SV $38,000.00 Trappers Association C2152 Data and Voice Drop Installations Clyde River EDU Arctic Electrical PRFP $38,000.00 Ltd. C2153 ACM Inspections and Encapsulating Iqaluit CGS Qikiqtaaluk PRFP $38,144.49 Environmental Inc. C2154 Tank Farm and Infrastructure Pangnirtung CGS ATCO Structures PT $38,270.00 and Logistics C2155 Dressing and Dyeing of Nunavut Sealskins Southern ENV Splendor Fur SV $38,338.00 Canada Processing Inc. C2156 Accounting 2 Course Iqaluit FIN Algonquin College SV $38,555.00 C2157 Modifications to Inventory Database Nunavut EDU CoreSolutions SV $38,595.00 Territory Software Inc. C2158 Mitel Installation/Maintenance-Alookie School Pangnirtung EDU Northwestel Inc. SV $38,746.20 C2159 Teachings on Translation Technology Iqaluit CLEY LocMachina Inc. SV $38,760.00 C2160 DEA E-Modules Iqaluit EDU Nvision Insight PRFP $38,880.63 Group Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2161 Court Clerk Training Iqaluit JUS Justice Institute of PRFP $39,000.00 British Columbia C2162 Financial Services Iqaluit CGS The Right Door SE $39,000.00 Consulting Solutions Inc. C2163 Repair P-50 Truck Arctic Bay CGS ATCO Structures PT $39,220.06 and Logistics C2164 Jet A-1 Pump Qikiqtarjuaq CGS ATCO Structures PT $39,265.05 and Logistics C2165 Boiled Water Emergency Supply Resolute Bay CGS ATCO Structures SE $39,538.11 and Logistics C2166 Uqalimaariuqsaniq Newsletters Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $39,900.00 Inc. C2167 Office of the Fire Marshall Plan Review Nunavut CGS Matt Langfrey SE $40,000.00 Territory C2168 Nunavut Comm. Aquatic Monitoring Program Cape Dorset ENV Project Nunavut PRFP $40,000.00 Limited C2169 Quluaq School Security Clyde River CGS Hamlet Clyde River SE $40,000.00 C2170 Senior Systems Administrator Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $40,197.75 C2171 Paging System Installation Resolute Bay EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $40,206.85 C2172 Hazardous Building Materials Survey Qikiqtarjuaq ENV BluMetric PRFP $40,220.00 Environmental Inc. C2173 Class C Estimate For Bus Dropoff/Pick up Zone Iqaluit EDU Livingstone PRFP $40,250.00 Architect C2174 Phase III Environmental Site Assessment Cambridge ENV Dillon Consulting PRFP $40,280.00 Bay Ltd. C2175 Relocation Rankin Inlet FIN Mayflower Canada SV $40,737.00 C2176 Building Code Inspection Cambridge CGS Accutech PRFP $41,020.00 Bay Engineering Inc. C2177 Honeywell PM Inspections Iqaluit CGS Honeywell PRFP $41,040.00 C2178 Dispenser Repair Taloyoak CGS Absolute Petroleum IRFP $41,400.00 C2179 Shrimp Survey Cost Western Assessment Zone Other ENV Northern Shrimp SV $41,516.00 Research Foundation C2180 Cruise Preparedness Workshop Iqaluit EDT NVision Insight PRFP $41,976.41 Group Inc. C2181 Preventive Maintenance for Medical Equipment Iqaluit HSS Cantel Medical SV $41,985.00 C2182 Install Paging System - Elementary School Baker Lake EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $42,117.95 C2183 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Hall Beach HSS March of Dimes EXT $42,753.00 Canada C2184 Relocation Cambridge FIN Mayflower Canada SV $42,789.00 Bay C2185 Clinical Care and Services Iqaluit HSS JDN Center for SV $42,900.00 Children C2186 Air Quality Monitoring Station Installation Kugluktuk ENV SLR Consulting SV $42,987.00 (Canada) Ltd. C2187 Trauma and Behaviour Counselling Kugluktuk HSS Ranch Ehrlo SV $43,020.00 Society C2188 Preparation Supporting Documents Iqaluit EDT NGL Nordicity PRFP $43,050.00 Group Limited C2189 Mental Health Care Igloolik HSS Youthdale SV $43,245.00 Treatment Centers C2190 Repairs Igloolik CGS ATCO Structures PT $43,450.00 and Logistics

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______114 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2191 Clinical Care and Services Iqaluit HSS JDN Center for SV $43,600.00 Children C2192 Crises Prevention Institute Nunavut HSS Crises Prevention SV $43,900.00 Territory Institute C2193 Environmental Site Assessment Old Tank Farm Kugaaruk ENV Dillon Consulting PRFP $43,996.00 Ltd C2194 Electrical Main Power Line Replacement Igloolik CGS DY Electrical SE $44,000.00 C2195 Annual License Maintenance & Support Iqaluit CLEY Donnelly Financial SV $44,180.36 Renewal Solutions Canada Corp. C2196 Ringed Seal Hunt Surveillance Southern ENV University of SV $44,550.00 Canada Prince Edward Island C2197 Travel and Repairs for PPD Vehicles Hall Beach CGS ATCO Structures PT $44,789.23 and Logistics C2198 Valcom Paging Installations - School Pond Inlet EDU DECK Electric Inc. SV $44,969.18 C2199 Drum Clean Up/Recycle Fuel Drums Arctic Bay CGS Nunatta PRFP $44,992.07 Environmental Services C2200 Inuit Awareness Workshops Iqaluit JUS Nunavut SV $45,000.00 Sivuniksavut C2201 Relocation Baker Lake FIN Atlas Van Lines PRFP $45,692.00 (Canada) Ltd. C2202 Preventive Maintenance for Medical Equipment Iqaluit HSS Christie Innomed SV $45,912.00 Inc C2203 Preventative Maintenance Iqaluit HSS ON2 Solutions Inc. SV $46,000.00 C2204 Preventative Maintenance Rankin Inlet HSS ON2 Solutions SV $46,000.00 C2205 Relocation In - Teacher Pond Inlet EDU Mayflower Canada PRFP $46,077.48 C2206 Expert Syphilis Consultant for STI Program Nunavut HSS Dr. Ameeta Singh SV $46,500.00 Territory C2207 Business Analyst Services Rankin Inlet CGS The Right Door PRFP $47,000.00 Consulting and Solutions Inc. C2208 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Kugaaruk HSS Youthdale SV $47,465.00 Treatment Centers C2209 PPD Bulk Fuel Facility Standards Workshop II Iqaluit CGS Stantec PRFP $47,750.00 Architecture Ltd. C2210 Health Record Technician Iqaluit HSS T-Bone Consulting SV $48,000.00 C2211 Argos Telemetry USA ENV CLS America SV $48,000.00 C2212 Alcohol Harm Reduction Lesson Plans Nunavut HSS Atiigo Media Inc. PRFP $48,292.45 Territory C2213 Recruitment of Director ER & JE Nunavut FIN Phelps Group Inc. PRFP $49,752.00 Territory C2214 Meditech Medical Travel Interface Iqaluit HSS MAXIMUS SV $49,875.00 Canada/DeltaWare Division C2215 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $50,000.00 C2216 Security Systems Installed Rankin Inlet JUS Paladin SV $50,000.00 Technologies C2217 RIHF Security System Maintenance Rankin Inlet JUS Marcomm Systems SV $50,000.00 Group C2218 Help Line Service Expansion Nunavut HSS Kamatsiaqtut Help SV $50,000.00 Territory Line

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

______115 ______GOVERNMENT OF NUNAVUT Procurement Activity Report

Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2219 Nunavut Guide Registry Plan Iqaluit EDT Tait PRFP $50,000.00 Communications and Consulting Inc. C2220 Senior Technical Writer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $50,750.00 C2221 Relocation In - Teacher Whale Cove EDU Atlas Van Lines PRFP $50,936.70 (Canada) Ltd. C2222 PPD Vehicle Repairs Igloolik CGS ATCO Structures PT $51,108.17 and Logistics C2223 Satellite Phone Service Fees Nunavut CGS Roadpost Inc. SE $51,177.00 Territory C2224 Long Term Care Pangnirtung HSS Embassy West SV $51,395.00 Senior Living C2225 Pipeline Repairs Taloyoak CGS Absolute Petroleum PT $51,400.00 C2226 Nutrition Planning Support to Elders Facility Nunavut HSS Service PRFP $52,032.00 Territory Open2Learn C2227 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $52,500.00 C2228 PPD Bulk Fuel Facility Standards Workshop Rankin Inlet CGS Stantec PT $52,506.00 Architecture Ltd. C2229 Replace Paging System - Elementary Repulse Bay EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $52,855.51 C2230 Nanook School Renovation, New Flooring Iqaluit EDU GC-North PRFP $53,470.40 Construction Inc. C2231 In-Service Workshop Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $53,600.00 Inc. C2232 Financial Services Iqaluit CGS The Right Door PRFP $53,625.00 Consulting Solutions Inc. C2233 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Igloolik HSS Youthdale SV $53,760.00 Treatment Centers C2234 Quluaq School Door Locking System Clyde River CGS Accutech PRFP $53,765.00 Engineering Inc. C2235 Superintendent of Schools - Qikiqtani Pond Inlet EDU Paul Mooney SE $54,100.00 C2236 Recruitment of Comptroller General Nunavut FIN Phelps Group Inc. PRFP $54,868.00 Territory C2237 Dental Review Officer Nunavut HSS Dr. Venon Jones SV $55,000.00 Territory C2238 Arena Upgrades - Building Assessment Gjoa Haven CGS Stantec PRFP $56,228.00 Architecture Ltd. C2239 Configuration of 20 EA Interactive Projectors Iqaluit EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $56,950.00 C2240 Public Affairs Consulting Iqaluit EIA Global Public SV $57,000.00 Affairs C2241 Nunavut Cruise Training Boot Camp Iqaluit EDT Nunavut Fisheries SV $57,000.00 Marine Training Consortium C2242 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $57,750.00 C2243 Residential Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Bairn Croft SV $58,576.20 Residential Services Inc. C2244 Polygas System Qikiqtarjuaq CGS Nunavut PRFP $58,888.70 Construction Limited C2245 Installation and Configuration of Projectors Kugaaruk EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $58,942.93 C2246 Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Qikiqtarjuaq ENV Blumetric PRFP $59,320.00 Envirnmental Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2247 Tuberculosis Physician Consultant Nunavut HSS Dr. Gonzalo SE $60,000.00 Territory Alvarez C2248 Nunavut Quit Line Services Nunavut HSS Sykes Assistance SV $60,000.00 Territory Services Corporation C2249 Ottawa Inuit TB Meeting Nunavut HSS Inuit Tapiriit SV $60,000.00 Territory Kanatami C2250 Delivery Training Services Iqaluit HSS Casted SV $60,000.00 C2251 Technical and IT Administrative Services Nunavut EDU Keith Wyatt SV $60,000.00 Territory C2252 Building Assessment and Appraisal Iqaluit CGS GC North PRFP $60,355.00 Construction Inc. C2253 Electrical Inspection Rankin Inlet CGS Nunavut IT $60,440.00 Construction Limited C2254 Fluid Manager Annual Software Nunavut CGS Accu-Flo Meter PT $60,561.00 Territory Services Ltd. C2255 PPRC Program Nunavut HSS Knowledge Council PRFP $60,593.60 Territory C2256 Road Maintenance - Arctic Bay to Nanisivik Arctic Bay EDT Arqvartuuq PT $60,610.00 Services Ltd. C2257 Jet Cabinet Repairs Rankin Inlet CGS Absolute Petroleum PRFP $60,800.00 C2258 Senior Enterprise Architect Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $61,250.00 C2259 Senior Data Communications Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $61,275.00 C2260 Vandalism Repairs at Children's Group Home Iqaluit CGS 5550 Nunavut Ltd. PRFP $61,948.40 C2261 Senior Enterprise Architect Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $62,397.00 C2262 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Chesterfield HSS I Have A Chance EXT $62,899.00 Inlet Support Services Ltd. C2263 Finance Manager Functions Baker Lake EDU Qauliuti Services SV $63,400.00 C2264 Reader Report 9-14 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $63,600.00 Inc. C2265 Licence Agreement Renewal Iqaluit HSS First DataBank Inc. EXT $63,839.00 C2266 Employee and Family Assistance Program Nunavut FIN Homewood Health PRFP $63,876.00 Territory Inc. C2267 Consultant Services Iqaluit JUS Intellistaff Ltd. IRFP $64,800.00 C2268 Sewing Co-op Chesterfield ENV North/South PRFP $64,954.00 Inlet Consultants Inc. C2269 Liquor Permit Issuance Cambridge FIN SV $65,000.00 Bay Enterprises C2270 Venilation Maintenance Iqaluit HSS Con-test SV $65,450.00 C2271 Specialized Public Health Physicial Services Nunavut HSS Dr. Jasmine Pawa SV $66,040.00 Territory C2272 Nunavut Coastal Resource Inventory Iqaluit ENV North/South PRFP $66,056.00 Consultants Inc C2273 Residential Care-Mental Health Kugluktuk HSS Country Haven SV $66,410.00 Acres C2274 In Stock Supplies Rankin Inlet CGS National Energy PT $67,139.06 Equipment C2275 Quluaq School Door Locking System Clyde River CGS Accutech PRFP $67,235.00 Engineering Inc. C2276 IGR Binder Levels 12-14 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $67,279.00 Inc.

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2277 Office Manager Training Nunavut EDU Nasaijit Services SV $67,950.60 Territory Ltd. C2278 Destination Nunavut Branding Iqaluit EDT Outcrop Nunavut IRFP $68,000.00 C2279 Information Management Governance Specalist Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $68,250.00 C2280 Neocognitive Residential Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Bairn Croft EXT $68,576.80 Residential Services Inc. C2281 Nunavut Student Records Management Nunavut EDU Pearson Canada PRFP $69,000.00 Directive Territory C2282 Nuliajuk Communication and Supplies Iqaluit ENV R.C.G Marine PRFP $69,500.00 Consulting C2283 Inspiration Village Iqaluit EDT Nunavut Tourism SV $70,000.00 C2284 Nunavut Cultural Centre Governance & Program Iqaluit EDT WMC Managment IRFP $70,000.00 Consulting C2285 Program Development Writing & Iqaluit EDU Merril Dean SV $70,000.00 Psychoeducation C2286 Relocation Igloolik CGS Mayflower Canada SV $70,309.69 C2287 Environmental Scan Nunavut HSS Canadian Cancer SV $70,400.00 Territory Society C2288 Senior Business Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $70,650.00 C2289 Seal Market Access Sweden and Estonia Ottawa ENV Sivummut PRFP $71,930.00 Solutions C2290 HR & Payroll Next Gen Project Upgrade Nunavut FIN High Line IRFP $71,956.00 Territory Corporation C2291 Senior Sharepoint Specialist Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $72,000.00 C2292 Relocation Rankin Inlet EDT Atlas Van Lines PRFP $72,878.00 (Canada) Ltd. C2293 Phonics Level 3 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $73,500.00 Inc. C2294 Senior Enterprise Architect Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $73,500.00 C2295 Soundfield for Learning Training (BHENY) Iqaluit EDU BHENY SV $74,000.00 C2296 International Airport Wall Hanging Iqaluit EDT Creative Matters SV $74,000.00 Inc. C2297 Cadastral Surveys Taloyoak CGS Sub Arctic Surveys IRFP $74,124.00 Ltd. C2298 Medical Terminology Training Iqaluit HSS Nunavut Arctic SV $74,854.00 College C2299 SmartICE Tourism Arctic Bay EDT SmartICE Sea Ice SV $75,000.00 Monitoring & Information Inc C2300 Hearing Screening Prevalence Study Nunavut HSS Lynne McCurdy SV $75,417.68 Territory C2301 Sampling Containers for Drum Characterization Iqaluit ENV Nunami Stantec PRFP $76,150.00 Ltd. C2302 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $76,800.00 C2303 Install New IP CCTV System Iqaluit JUS DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $77,783.39 C2304 Point of Sale Support Services Nunavut CGS Accu-Flo Meter PRFP $78,085.00 Territory Services Ltd. C2305 Parenting Program Training Nunavut HSS Qaujigiartiit Health SV $78,368.00 Territory Research Center C2306 Tank Farm Inspections Kitikmeot CGS Absolute Petroleum PT $78,400.00 Region C2307 Senior IT Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $78,900.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2308 Ship Time Cost Kiviuq Fisheries Research Southern ENV Arctic Fishery SV $78,910.00 Canada Alliance C2309 Traditional Stories Resource Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $79,000.00 Inc. C2310 Phonics Program Levels 1-2 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $79,740.00 Inc. C2311 Mental Health Nursing Competancies Nunavut HSS Knowledge Council PRFP $79,750.00 Territory C2312 Shipment of Museum Archival Collections Iqaluit CLEY Armstrong Fine Art SV $79,990.00 Services C2313 NAC Joint Centure/Partnership Iqaluit EDU Deloitte Inc SV $80,000.00 C2314 Senior Sharepoint Developer Iqaluit CGS Bevertec CST Inc. EXT $80,000.00 C2315 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $80,313.00 C2316 Inuinnaqtun Working Group Part 1 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $80,500.00 Inc. C2317 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $80,500.00 C2318 Senior Database Admin Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $80,500.00 C2319 Strategic Research Advice & Analysis Services Iqaluit CLEY Consulting Matrix PRFP $80,600.00 Inc. C2320 IL1 Design and Layout Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $81,000.00 Inc. C2321 Literacy Centre Resources Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $81,250.00 Inc. C2322 Trauma and Behaviour Counselling Igloolik HSS Ranch Ehrlo SV $82,514.00 Society C2323 Spill Kit Nunavut CGS Absolute Petroleum PT $82,881.19 Territory C2324 Accommodation for Health Professionals Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Siku Hotel SV $83,520.00 C2325 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $83,813.00 C2326 Superintendent of Schools KITSO Kugluktuk EDU Paul Mooney SE $83,925.00 Education Services C2327 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Rankin Inlet HSS I Have a Chance SV $84,041.84 Support Services Ltd. C2328 Arena Upgrades-Geotechnical Investigation Gjoa Haven CGS Tetra Tech EBA PRFP $85,362.00 Inc. C2329 Preliminary Stakeholder Consultation Nunavut HSS Context Research SE $85,706.00 Territory C2330 Drum Clean Up/Recycle Fuel Drums Resolute Bay CGS Nunatta PRFP $86,301.05 Environmental Services C2331 Lake Arctic Char Research Iqaluit ENV Project Nunavut PRFP $86,460.00 Ltd. C2332 International Wilf Fur Promotion Southern ENV Fur Harvesters SV $88,000.00 Canada Auction Inc. C2333 Local and National Sealskin Marketing Project Iqaluit ENV Nunavut Arts and SV $88,000.00 Crafts Association C2334 Supplementary Program Resources Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $88,800.00 Inc. C2335 Business Systems Analyst Iqaluit CGS Bevertec CST Inc. EXT $89,600.00 C2336 Business Systems Analyst Iqaluit CGS Bevertec CST Inc. EXT $89,600.00 C2337 Senior Business Analyst/Records Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $89,950.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2338 Nunavut Seabed Mapping Support Southern ENV Marine Institute PRFP $90,000.00 Canada Memorial Uni. Newfoundland C2339 2018 Team Nunavut Arctic Winter Games Baker Lake CGS Festival Promotions PRFP $90,700.00 Uniform Inc. C2340 Senior Data Communications Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $91,140.00 C2341 Business Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $92,400.00 C2342 Fire Alarm Replacement Iqaluit CGS K.R.T. Electrical PRFP $92,910.00 Ltd. C2343 Senior Data Communications Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $93,450.00 C2344 Senior Enterprise Architect Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $93,715.00 C2345 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Baker Lake HSS Vital Life Group SV $94,132.40 Home C2346 Senior Database Admin Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $94,500.00 C2347 Identifying and Implementing Adaption Iqaluit ENV University of Laval SA $95,000.00 C2348 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Bairn Croft EXT $95,013.60 Residential Services Inc. C2349 Tourism Permit Streamlining Iqaluit EDT WMC Management PRFP $96,214.00 Services Alberta Ltd. C2350 SPOT Service Fees Nunavut CGS Globalstar Canada SV $96,684.43 Territory Satellite Co. C2351 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $97,200.00 C2352 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Arviat HSS Bairn Croft SV $97,727.58 Residential Services Inc. C2353 Engineering & Advisory Services Iqaluit CGS WFN Strategies SV $98,000.00 Inc. C2354 Classroom Aids Printing Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $98,156.00 Inc. C2355 Nunavummi Levels 4-7 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $98,720.00 Inc. C2356 Knowledge Mangement Software Iqaluit JUS RBRO IManage SV $100,000.00 Solutions C2357 Nunavut COMS Dashboard Maintenance Iqaluit JUS Ciram iSolutions SV $100,000.00 C2358 PPD Systems Application Support Services Nunavut CGS MB Foster PRFP $100,000.00 Territory Associates Limited C2359 Lighting Services for Fifth Lighting System Iqaluit CGS EATON Cooper SV $100,000.00 Industries (Electrical) Inc. C2360 Fisheries Strategy Implementation Iqaluit ENV Sivummut PRFP $100,000.00 Consulting Ltd. C2361 Master and Management Planning for Katannilik Rankin Inlet ENV NVision Insight PRFP $100,289.55 Group Inc. C2362 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Taloyoak HSS Independent SV $100,810.32 Counselling Enterprises C2363 Senior Data Communications Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $101,150.00 C2364 Nunavut Student Support Teacher Project Nunavut EDU Pearson Canada PRFP $101,200.00 Territory C2365 Financial Business Process Documentation Nunavut FIN KPMG LLP PRFP $102,295.00 Territory

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2366 Accommodations, Meeting Space and Catering Nunavut HSS Frobisher Inn SV $102,331.50 Territory C2367 Drum Clean Up/Recycle Fuel Drums Pond Inlet CGS Nunatta PRFP $102,603.00 Environmental Services C2368 Install CCTV at Naujaat Tursavik School Repulse Bay EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $103,547.31 C2369 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $103,950.00 C2370 Senior Database Admin Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $103,950.00 C2371 Senior Enterprise Architect Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $103,950.00 C2372 Senior Telecomm Lineman Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $104,200.00 C2373 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $104,200.00 C2374 Business Systems Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $104,300.00 C2375 Tank Farm Maintenance Pangnirtung CGS Nunavut IRFP $104,310.81 Construction Ltd. C2376 CCTV Installation - Levi Angmak School Arviat EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $104,531.89 C2377 Equipment Upgrade Installation 27' Vessel Southern ENV RCG Marine PRFP $104,900.00 Canada Consulting C2378 Modernization of Comptrollership Nunavut FIN KPMG LLP PRFP $105,690.00 Territory C2379 High-low Magazines Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $105,900.00 Inc. C2380 IT Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $106,400.00 C2381 Senior Systems/Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $106,400.00 C2382 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $107,450.00 C2383 Manipulatives Development Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $108,500.00 Inc. C2384 Senior Business Analyst/Records Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $108,650.00 C2385 Master & Management Planning for Ovayok Iqaluit ENV NVision Insight PRFP $108,864.85 Group Inc. C2386 Level 16 Teacher and Assessment Books Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $109,500.00 Inc. C2387 Level 15 Teacher and Assessment Books Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $109,750.00 Inc. C2388 Calibration and Certification Nunavut CGS Accu-Flo Meter PT $110,550.00 Territory Services Ltd. C2389 Understanding the Role of P479L Variant Nunavut HSS University of SV $112,100.00 Territory British Columbia C2390 Level 4-5 Additional Resources Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $112,520.00 Inc. C2391 Senior Project Manager/Business Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $113,750.00 C2392 Emotional Literacy Resources K-2 Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $114,000.00 Inc. C2393 CCTV Installation - Qitiqlik Middle School Arviat EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $114,646.93 C2394 Health Centre Site Studies and Reports Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Dillon Consulting PRFP $116,525.40 Ltd. C2395 High Level Nunavut Literacy Framework Iqaluit EDU Pearson Canada PRFP $118,400.00 C2396 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Pangnirtung HSS I Have a Chance SV $119,727.00 Support Services Ltd. C2397 Nunavut Tobacco Cessation Program Nunavut HSS Laura Baike SV $120,000.00 Territory C2398 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Independent EXT $121,494.84 Counselling Enterprises

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2399 Level 6-7 Additional Resources Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $122,380.00 Inc. C2400 Seal Market Access Other ENV Sivummut PRFP $123,900.00 Solutions C2401 Nettling Fish Project & Seal IQ Interviews Iqaluit ENV Project Nunavut PRFP $124,000.00 Limited C2402 Teachings on Translation Technology Iqaluit CLEY LocMachina Inc. SV $124,032.00 C2403 Novel Studies Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $124,303.00 Inc. C2404 Callup for Operational & Analyitical Services Iqaluit CGS The Right Door PRFP $124,800.00 Consulting and Solutions Inc. C2405 Nunavut School Bus Service Provision Nunavut EDU Stantec PRFP $125,136.00 Territory Architecture Ltd. C2406 Exterior Window Repairs, W.G. Brown Building Iqaluit CGS GC North PRFP $125,157.20 Construction Inc. C2407 External Legal Counsel Services Nunavut FIN Rasmussen, PRFP $126,159.06 Territory Rasmussen & Charowsky C2408 Repairs Qikiqtarjuaq CGS ATCO Structures PT $126,995.00 and Logistics C2409 Installation of CCTV at Jonah Amitnaaq School Baker Lake EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $127,826.23 C2410 Arena Geotechnical Services Arctic Bay CGS Tetra Tech PRFP $128,200.00 C2411 Joamie School Reno, New Kindergarten Class Iqaluit EDU GC-North PRFP $128,252.40 Construction Inc. C2412 Senior Telecom Lineman Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $129,470.00 C2413 Library Materials Purchasing Baker Lake CLEY Library Services SV $130,000.00 Center C2414 Venue and Catering for Principal Conference Iqaluit EDU Frobisher Inn PRFP $130,467.50 C2415 Jury Management System Iqaluit JUS Courthouse SV $130,779.00 Technologies C2416 CCTV Installation - Nasivvik School Pond Inlet EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $133,287.72 C2417 Removal of Materials Iqaluit FS Qikiqtaaluk IRFP $133,334.06 Environmental C2418 Preventive Maintenance-Oxygen Supply Iqaluit HSS ON2 Solutions Inc. SV $134,000.00 C2419 Destination Nunavut Content Development Iqaluit EDT Outcrop Nunavut PRFP $134,550.00 C2420 Printing Grade 3 Books Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $134,721.00 Inc. C2421 CCTV Installation - John Arnalukjuak School Arviat EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $135,997.70 C2422 Senior Database Admin Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $136,500.00 C2423 Agency Nursing Services Nunavut HSS Multi-Options PRFP $136,626.91 Territory Nursing Inc. C2424 Health and Environment Printing Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $137,040.00 Inc. C2425 Theme Kits 1-6 Development Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $138,000.00 Inc. C2426 CCTV Installation - Netslilk School Taloyoak EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $140,358.10 C2427 Master & Management Planning Iqaluit Parks Iqaluit ENV NVision Insight PRFP $141,422.15 Group Inc. C2428 Level 15 Student Books Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $141,750.00 Inc. C2429 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Repulse Bay HSS Country Haven EXT $142,350.00 Acres C2430 Public Health Consultant Iqaluit HSS Dr. Maureen Baikie SV $144,000.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2431 Infrastructure & Program Needs Assessment Iqaluit FS Consulting Matrix PRFP $144,335.00 C2432 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $144,590.00 C2433 Construction Services-Youth Group Home Iqaluit FS GC North IRFP $145,811.00 Construction Inc. C2434 Phase III Environmental Site Assessment Coral ENV Nunami Stantec PRFP $147,600.00 Harbour Ltd C2435 Installation of CCTV System at Inuujaq School Arctic Bay EDU DECK Electric Inc. PRFP $148,386.70 C2436 IT Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $148,590.00 C2437 Phase III Environmental Site Assessment Qikiqtarjuaq ENV BluMetric PRFP $148,698.00 Environmental Inc. C2438 Level 16 Student Books Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $148,750.00 Inc. C2439 Publish Comprehensive Inuktut Grammar Book Iqaluit CLEY Pirurvik Centre Inc. SV $149,000.00 C2440 Condition Assessment Maintenance Garage Igloolik CGS Tetra Tech PRFP $149,200.00 C2441 Construction Services for Tenant Improvements Iqaluit ENV GC North PRFP $149,363.00 Construction Inc. C2442 Remedial Action Plan Coral ENV Nunami Stantec PRFP $149,600.00 Harbour Ltd. C2443 Inuktut Titiqqiriniq Binders Iqaluit EDU Inhabit Education PRFP $149,685.00 Inc. C2444 Technical Support Consultant Iqaluit CGS LikeMinds EXT $150,000.00 Consulting C2445 GN Office Space Measurement/Allocation Nunavut CGS Stantec PRFP $150,000.00 Territory Architecture Ltd. C2446 As and When Wildlife Expertise and Support Iqaluit ENV Stephen Atkinson PRFP $150,000.00 C2447 Nuliayuk Crewing Contract Other ENV RCG Marine PRFP $150,000.00 Consulting C2448 Editor & Territorial Printer Services Iqaluit JUS Danielle Lepage SV $150,000.00 C2449 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $151,390.00 C2450 B620 Inspections Nunavut CGS Canadian Spectrum PT $154,002.07 Territory Equipment C2451 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Igloolik HSS Lakeview SV $155,362.60 Community Living C2452 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $155,875.00 C2453 Interim Warden Rankin Inlet JUS Doug Friesen SE $156,000.00 C2454 Senior Database Admin Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $158,075.00 C2455 Addiction and Drug Treatment Coral HSS Vital Life EXT $159,418.00 Harbour C2456 Audit & Training for Hiring Nurses Nunavut HSS Boyden SV $160,000.00 Territory C2457 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $160,325.00 C2458 Special Need Bussing Baker Lake EDU 943557 NWT o/a SV $161,700.00 Arctic Fuel Services C2459 Dementia Treatment Pond Inlet HSS Embassy West SV $163,928.04 Senior Living C2460 Mental Health Treatment - Neurocognitive Pond Inlet HSS Embassy West SV $164,528.04 Senior Living C2461 Long Term Care Arviat HSS Embassy West SV $164,528.04 Senior Living C2462 Long Term Care Rankin Inlet HSS Embassy West SV $164,528.04 Senior Living C2463 Business Systems Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $164,800.00 C2464 Senior Data Communications Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $167,325.00

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2465 Business Systems Analyst Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $167,500.00 C2466 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $172,626.00 C2467 Audit 2017-1 FS PPD Revolving Fund Rankin Inlet CGS Pricewaterhouse IRFP $174,300.00 Coopers LLP C2468 Permafrost Hazard Mapping Meeting Services Iqaluit ENV Top of the World SV $175,000.00 Travel C2469 Senior Enterprise Architect Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $176,075.00 C2470 Establishment of Health Information Unit Nunavut HSS DKS Consulting SV $180,136.80 Territory Ltd. C2471 Senior Data Communications Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $180,500.00 C2472 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Pond Inlet HSS Bairn Croft EXT $180,869.70 Residential Services Inc. C2473 Mental Health Residential Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Bairn Croft EXT $181,251.70 Residential Services Inc. C2474 Senior Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $182,750.00 C2475 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Bairn Croft EXT $183,869.70 Residential Services Inc. C2476 Support for ICC Certified Facilitators Nunavut HSS Indigenous SV $186,800.00 Territory Reconciliation Group C2477 Agency Nursing Services Nunavut HSS Canadian Health PRFP $193,975.86 Territory Care Agency C2478 Senior Network Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $194,089.75 C2479 Senior Systems Engineer Iqaluit CGS Donna Cona Inc. EXT $194,089.75 C2480 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Qikiqtarjuaq HSS I Have a Chance EXT $199,391.60 Support Services Ltd. C2481 Residential Care - Mental Health Rankin Inlet HSS I Have A Chance SV $199,391.60 Support Services Ltd. C2482 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Pond Inlet HSS I Have a Chance EXT $199,391.60 Support Services Ltd. C2483 Residential Care - Mental Health Coral HSS I Have A Chance SV $199,391.60 Harbour Support Services Ltd. C2484 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Repulse Bay HSS I Have A Chance EXT $199,391.60 Support Services Ltd C2485 Shipment of Museum Archival Collections Iqaluit CLEY Palka Fine Art SV $200,056.00 Services C2486 IT Project Manager Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $213,150.00 C2487 Senior Systems Engineer Iqaluit CGS Intellistaff Ltd. EXT $213,150.00 C2488 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Chesterfield HSS I Have A Chance EXT $218,146.35 Inlet Support Services Ltd. C2489 Delivery of Canada-NU Business Service Centre Iqaluit EDT Baffin Business SV $220,000.00 Development Corporation C2490 Youth Wellness Workshops Nunavut HSS Qaujigiartiit Health SV $227,677.00 Territory Research Centre

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2491 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Bairn Croft EXT $231,681.70 Residential Services Inc. C2492 Residential Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Bairn Croft SV $231,981.70 Residential Services Inc. C2493 Agency Nursing Services Nunavut HSS Virtue Care Inc. PRFP $232,245.60 Territory C2494 Free Balance-Product Support & Maintenance Nunavut FIN Free Balance Inc. SV $236,842.00 Territory C2495 Tank Clean, Pipe and Overfill Alarm Arviat CGS Absolute Petroleum PT $240,642.00 C2496 Basic Radiological Technician Training Nunavut HSS Ontario Association PRFP $247,000.00 Territory Medical Radiation Science C2497 Grays Bay Preparation Work Iqaluit EDT Kitikmeot Inuit SV $250,000.00 Association C2498 Maintenance Support Services Iqaluit ENV Glovertown Ship PRFP $250,000.00 Yard (2010) Ltd. C2499 Workers Education Training Nunavut HSS Nunavut Arctic SV $250,930.00 Territory College C2500 Mental Health - Residential Care Arviat HSS Bairn Croft SV $266,871.00 Residential Services Inc. C2501 Mental Health Residential Care Gjoa Haven HSS Waypoint Centre PRFP $277,392.12 for Mental Health C2502 Nunavut Children’s Oral Health Project Nunavut HSS The Canadian SV $284,066.40 Territory Dental Hygienists C2503 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Qikiqtarjuaq HSS I Have a Chance EXT $285,603.59 Support Services Ltd. C2504 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Bairn Croft EXT $293,639.30 Residential Services Inc. C2505 Deliver the Inspire Nunavut Entrepren Project Nunavut EDT Inspire Nunavut SE $300,000.00 Territory Inc. C2506 Services and Supplies Iqaluit HSS Abbott Laboratories SV $300,705.67 Limited C2507 Cisco Smartnet Ammendment Iqaluit CGS Cisco Systems PRFP $301,694.72 Canada Co. C2508 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Resolute Bay HSS I Have a Chance EXT $322,999.05 Support Services Ltd. C2509 Accomodation for Health Professionals Qikiqtarjuaq HSS Tulugak SV $326,781.00 Corporation C2510 Provision of Specialised Services Kitikmeot HSS Stanton Territorial SV $328,829.25 Region Health Authority C2511 Connected North Nunavut EDU TakingITGlobal SE $329,280.00 Territory C2512 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Bairn Croft SV $329,759.00 Residential Services Inc. C2513 Territorial Dental Officer Nunavut HSS Dr. Ronald Kelly SV $333,165.00 Territory

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2514 Targeting Tobacco Cessation in Nunavut Nunavut HSS Context Research SV $344,754.00 Territory C2515 Correctional Officer Training Iqaluit JUS Justice Institute of PRFP $350,838.17 British Columbia C2516 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Igloolik HSS Bairn Croft EXT $352,861.70 Residential Services Inc. C2517 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Waypoint Center PRFP $369,518.70 for Mental Health C2518 Addiction and Trauma Counselling Pangnirtung HSS I Have a Chance EXT $378,266.85 Support Services Ltd. C2519 Remote Infrastructure Surveys Nunavut CGS Ollerhead & PRFP $388,000.00 Territory Associates Ltd. C2520 Long Term Care Rankin Inlet HSS Embassy West PRFP $388,453.54 Senior Living C2521 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Clyde River HSS Bairn Croft EXT $392,193.70 Residential Services Inc. C2522 Residential Care Treatment Pond Inlet HSS March of Dimes PRFP $427,753.00 Canada C2523 Long Term Care Residential Treatment Cape Dorset HSS Embassy West PRFP $434,908.69 Senior Living C2524 Long Term Care Residential Treatment Kimmirut HSS Embassy West PRFP $440,660.28 Senior Living C2525 Residential Mental Health Care Treatment Taloyoak HSS I Have A Chance IRFP $469,170.70 Support Services Ltd. C2526 Long Term Care Treatment Taloyoak HSS Embassy West PRFP $474,709.17 Senior Living C2527 Long Term Care Residential Treatment Sanikiluaq HSS Embassy West PRFP $497,367.00 Senior Living C2528 Residential Long Term Care Treatment Coral HSS Embassy West PRFP $509,524.86 Harbour Senior Living C2529 Agency Nursing Services Nunavut HSS Solutions Nursing PRFP $513,418.46 Territory LFC Inc. C2530 Long Term Residential Care Treatment Kimmirut HSS Embassy West PRFP $519,472.20 Senior Living C2531 Education Support Services/Baffin & Kivalliq Nunavut EDU Ongomiizwin - SE $544,509.75 Territory Health Services C2532 Long Term Care Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Embassy West PRFP $550,972.00 Senior Living C2533 Long Term Residential Care Treatment Iqaluit HSS Embassy West PRFP $552,077.37 Senior Living C2534 School Bussing Services Arctic Bay EDU Arqvartuuq PT $572,444.42 Services Ltd. C2535 Residential Long Term Care Treatment Iqaluit HSS Embassy West PRFP $576,393.09 Senior Living C2536 Nunavut Teacher Induction Program Phase I Iqaluit EDU Knowledge Council SV $600,000.00 Inc. C2537 Correctional Officer Training Iqaluit JUS CircleNorth PRFP $630,770.54 Training C2538 Turbot Fisheries Research and Development Nunavut ENV University of SV $631,098.60 Territory Windsor

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value C2539 Agency Nursing Services Nunavut HSS Bayshore Home PRFP $667,905.62 Territory Health C2540 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Iqaluit HSS Center for SV $684,830.00 Addiction and Mental Health C2541 Nunavut Airline Procurement Strategy Nunavut CGS Lufthansa PRFP $698,000.00 Territory Consulting GMBH C2542 Executive Programs Leadership Iqaluit CGS Gartner Canada Co. EXT $714,500.00 C2543 Agency Nursing Services Nunavut HSS Indigenous Health PRFP $771,218.50 Territory Group Inc. C2544 Nunavut Wellness Agreement Evaluation Nunavut HSS Qaujiqiartiit Health SV $820,698.00 Territory Research Center C2545 School Chemical Management Nunavut EDU BluMetric SE $894,547.00 Territory Environmental Inc. C2546 Enterprise Performance Service Agreement Iqaluit CGS Northwestel Inc. SV $900,000.00 C2547 Microsoft Volume Licensing Agreement Iqaluit CGS Microsoft EXT $1,146,692.94 Licensing GP C2548 Assisted Living Residential Care Services Baker Lake HSS Baker Lake SE $1,224,403.23 Hospice Society C2549 Professional Support Services Kitikmeot HSS Northwest EXT $1,230,594.00 Region Territories Health,Social Services C2550 Operation of Elders Home Arviat HSS Pimakslirvik EXT $1,357,212.00 Corporation C2551 X-Ray Suites Nunavut HSS Christie Innomed PT $1,457,735.00 Territory Inc. C2552 Air Ambulance Services Qikiqtaaluk HSS Keewatin Air LP SE $3,800,000.00 Region C2553 Edmonton Boarding Home Facilities Southern HSS Largo Ltd. PRFP $4,200,000.00 Canada C2554 Agency Nursing Services Nunavut HSS Venture Healthcare PRFP $4,666,624.12 Territory C2555 Air Ambulance Services Kitikmeot HSS Aqsaqniq Airways PRFP $4,988,450.00 Region Ltd. C2556 Microsoft Volume Licensing Agreement Iqaluit CGS Microsoft EXT $5,360,117.34 Renewal Licensing GP C2557 Security Services for 10 Health Centres Nunavut HSS QC - Scarlet PRFP $5,494,726.00 Territory Security Services Ltd. C2558 Air Ambulance Services Kivalliq HSS Keewatin Air PRFP $12,420,912.97 Region Limited C2559 Residential Long Term Care, Nunavut Seniors Ottawa HSS Embassy West PRFP $14,523,116.00 Senior Living C2560 Air Ambulance Services Qikiqtaaluk HSS Keewatin Air PRFP $16,104,065.91 Region Limited C2561 Fuel Delivery Services Rankin Inlet CGS M&T Enterprises PRFP $23,452,362.91 Ltd. C2562 Air Ambulance Services Kitikmeot HSS Northern Networks PRFP $31,729,000.00 Region Ltd. / Keewatin Air LP C2563 Air Ambulance Services Qikiqtaaluk HSS Sakku Investment PRFP $89,847,000.00 Region Corporation/Keewa tin Air LP

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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Ref Description Location Department Vendor Method Award Value Subtotal for Service Contracts $286,519,526.77 Grand Total $539,355,659.75

Note: Does not include contracts entered into by the Legislative Assembly or Crown agencies.

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