Ecology and Management of Larix Forests: a Look Ahead Proceedings of an International Symposium
Ecology and Management of Larix Forests: A Look Ahead Proceedings of an International Symposium Whitefish, Montana, U.S.A. October 5-9, 1992 Compilers: Wyman C. Schmidt Kathy J. McDonald Duchesne, L. C.; Lelu, M. A; von Aderkas, P.; Charest, Klimaszewska, K 1989. Plantlet development from imma P. J. 1992. Microprojectile-mediated DNA delivery in ture zygotic embryos of hybrid larch through somatic haploid and diploid embryogenic cells of Larix spp. embryogenesis. Plant Science. 63: 95-103. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. [In press]. Klimaszewska, K; Ward, C.; Cheliak, W. M. 1992. Cryo Ellis, D. D.; McCabe, D.; McInnis, S.; Martinell, B.; preservation and plant regeneration from embryogenic Roberts, D.; McCown, B. 1991. Transformation of white cultures oflarch (Larix x eurolepis) and black spruce spruce by electrical discharge particle acceleration. In: (Picea mariana). Journal of Expermental Botany. 43: Haissing, B. E.; Kirk, T. K; Olsen, W. L.; Raffa, K F.; 73-79. Slavicek, J. M., eds. Applications of biotechnology-to Lelu, M. A; Klimaszewska, K K; Jones, C.; Ward, C.; tree culture, protection and utilization. United States von Aderkas, P.; Charest, P. J. 1992. A laboratory guide Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Columbus, to somatic embryogenesis in spruce and larch. Petawawa OH:I02. National Forestry Institute. Information Report. Huang, Y.; Diner, AM.; Karnosky, D. F. 1991. Agrobacter PI-X-Ul (submitted for publication). ium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformation and von Aderkas, P.; Klimaszewska, K K; Bonga, J . M. 1990. regeneration of a conifer: oorix decidua. In: Vitro Cell. Diploid and haploid embryogenesis in Larix leptolepis, Dev. BioI. 27P: 201-207.
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