Otto Carius,Robert J. Edwards | 384 pages | 15 Jan 2004 | Stackpole Books | 9780811729116 | English | Mechanicsburg, United States Tigers In The Mud: The Combat Career of German Panzer Commander Otto Carius

Oct 24, Summers rated it really liked it. His private conversation with Himmler after Himmler personally presented him the Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross was very interesting too. Take it with a tonne of salt. He mentions often how he always spent time with the men rather than off apart from them, but he mentions only a handful by name. Apparently the only atrocities Carius knew about was mistreatment of German heroes by the Americans - you know, the guys who had just li Otto Carius is one of the few Germans who served in Tiger tanks during WWII to write his memoirs, and, taken simply as a description of what it was like to serve on the Eastern Front in a Tiger unit, this is quite a good book and those interested in the Tiger and the war in the east will find it useful reading. About Otto Carius. No German tank better represents that thundering power than the infamous Tiger, and Otto Carius was one of the most successful commanders to ever take a Tiger into battle, destroying well over enemy tanks during his incredible career. He was also very clearly offended by the hate shown towards the Germans by the Allies that lasted for decadesas people easily labeled all Germans as nazis instead of separating fanatics from duty and honour -bound folks. Seeing first means shooting first and he took out many Soviet tanks before they even realized they were in a battle. The spots where it becomes personal are the best parts of the book, and they are few and far between. It was serialized in Model Graphix magazine and ran from December to May It tends to be dry at times, says nothing about any possible war crimes committed by the German Front, and generally gives a rather selective view of the battlefield. V Panther TankPz. Good but not great. Retrieved 12 June NOOK Book. Sign In Don't have an account? It stands in complete contrast to A Bloody War:which I read years ago and still remember fondly. Otto Carius. World War II broke out soon after Carius graduated from school. Interesting was getting to understand the life of a panzer crew: the dangers, the logistics and tactics in the battlefield. Jan 19, Frank Sullivan rated it liked it. Decision in the Ukraine: German Tank Operations on. Otto Carius is one of the few Germans who served in Tiger tanks during WWII to write his memoirs, and, taken simply as a description of what it was like to serve on the Eastern Front in a Tiger unit, this is quite a good book and those Tigers in the Mud: The Combat Career of German Panzer Commander Otto Carius in the Tiger and the war in the east will find it useful reading. At the later stage of WW2 he participated in the defensive fights in Germany where he commanded a company, but Germany's plans to win the war had already failed by then. Original Title. Khalil Ora. On 8 Marchwithout finishing its training, 2nd company was directed to the front line near Siegburg. Jul 21, Jade rated it really liked it. First, when he went to meet Himmler [after the attempted assassination of Hitler] his credentials were barely examined and he was allowed a private interview with Himmler while wearing his service pistol. The memoir is also a good read in and by of itself. Despite the odds, the Americans still went up against the Tigers and ultimately prevailed. But apparently even monsters can present themselves as highly civilized and considerate. Otto Carius. Many things, including pretty much every battle, are described very dryly, with no personal details. You also get some documents about the operations and vehicles, some cool pictures and maps. A Visit with Heinrich Himmler Mutiny in the Bunker It just seems too dispassionate to me. These aspects of his personality make the memoir vary from matter-of-fact deliveries on battles and specifications of the Tiger and Jagtiger, to sarcastic and witty comments about his superiors and the situation at hand, to respectful references to the service of his comrades, and then to strong ideologues about his opinions. Jul 19, Jeffrey Edick rated it really liked it. Jul 01, David Fitzpatrick rated it did not like it. Martinique 1ere. . Thomas, Franz The meeting with Himmler and the generals discussing arming the Croats to fight the Serbs. Refusal to Obey Orders Apparently the only atrocities Carius knew about was mistreatment of German heroes by the Americans - you know, the guys who had just liberated assorted concentration camps - and Himmler, by the way, was a great guy. Interestingly enough the insane tiredness didn't somehow come through from the text. Carius had been drafted twice before, but sent home as "Not fit for service at present underweight! Like the title says, Tigers in the Mud: The Combat Career of German Panzer Commander Otto Carius is about his combat career. Friend Reviews. There is Hans von Luck and Friedrich von Mellenthin For some reason the latter half of the Kinderheim part just got very boring, then the thing got back up to speed. Members save with free shipping everyday! The author's way of describing makes it look like the war was a Tigers in the Mud: The Combat Career of German Panzer Commander Otto Carius fun adventure, a bit lighthearted in my opinion, but that comes with the person. Any officer mentioned gets much more press than the people I'm assuming he spent time with day in and out. Still, somehow, it's all a bit clinical and felt somehow detached on some level, s Tigers in the mud is a very clean as in little guts and bloodspill Tigers in the Mud: The Combat Career of German Panzer Commander Otto Carius of Otto Carius' combat career. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Let me be clear here. Index View all 3 comments. The writing is perfectly serviceable, though without any distinguishing characteristics. Other editions. His unit was integrated into the newly formed 21st Panzer Regiment and in June was sent to East Prussia. Otto has also been depicted in a Tamiya model kit of him and his crew with a late version tank Itemnow discontinued and Jagdtiger Mid Item Some details are very vivid and memorable. It's like he's describing a day in the office, which was probably what it was like for him; just a job to be done.