Ignite Entrepreneurship Academy Page 1 REQUIRED INFORMATION Charter School Information 1. Name of proposed charter school: Ignite Entrepreneurship Academy 2. Name of applicant: Ignite Entrepreneurship Academy, Inc. 3. Authorized agent: Jennifer Ryan 4. Mailing address: 13236 S. Aintree Ave., Draper, UT, 84020 5. Phone number: 801-831-8875 6.
[email protected] 7. District(s) where proposed charter school is located: Alpine School District 8. The governing body of a charter school is responsible for the policy decisions of the school. Please Position on Type of Name Email Board (e.g., Member (e.g., Profession chair, parent, secretary) business) Jennifer JenniferRyan2131@ Chairman Parent/Business Strategy/Operations Ryan yahoo.com Business Consultant Dan Smith
[email protected] Vice Chair Business Owner/ Owns Insurance Charter Experience Company Chris Parkin
[email protected] Finance Strategic Business Strategic Business Partnerships Partnerships Adobe Tasi Young tasi.young@ Legal/ Secretary Legal Head of School meridianschool.org Meridian Kaylie Reed
[email protected] Blended Learning Education Blended Learning Expert Consultant Ben
[email protected] Public Education Education UVU Professor Moulton Expert Kelly Tate
[email protected] Education Education Dyslexia Services A copy of this proposal was sent to the Superintendent of Alpine Schools, Sam Jarmon at
[email protected]. 9. Year school will start: September 2017 10. Grades served: K-9 11. Requested Enrollment Year 1: Grade K: 80 , Grades 1-6: 495 , Grades 7-9: 25 , Grades 10-12 0 Total: 600 Year 2: Grade K: 80 , Grades 1-6: 470 , Grades 7-9: 50 , Grades 10-12: 0 Total: 600 Year 3: Grade K: 80 , Grades 1-6: 445 , Grades 7-9: 75 , Grades 10-12: 0 Total: 600 Does proposed grade configuration match resident district grade configuration? Yes x No Ignite Entrepreneurship Academy Page 2 12.