Geography 15 Overview
Geography 15 Overview “If some countries have too much history, Canadians continue to gravitate toward we have too much geography,” said former urban areas. From 1996 to 2006, the urban Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie population grew 9%, from 23 to nearly 25 King in a speech to the House of Commons million people. Together, census metropolitan in 1936. Canada’s total area measures areas (CMAs) and census agglomerations 9,984,670 square kilometres, of which contain 80% of Canada’s total population, 9,093,507 are land and 891,163 are although they cover only 4% of the land area. freshwater. Canada’s coastline, which Canada now has 33 CMAs, up from 27 CMAs includes the Arctic coast, is the longest in the in 2001 and 25 CMAs in 1996. world, measuring 243,042 kilometres. Canada stretches 5,500 kilometres from Cape Physical geography Spear, Newfoundland and Labrador, to the Yukon–Alaska border. From Middle Island One of the fundamental aspects of physical in Lake Erie to Cape Columbia on Ellesmere geography is land cover—the observed Island, it measures 4,600 kilometres. The physical and biological cover of the land, southwesternmost point of Canada is at the such as vegetation or man-made features. same latitude as northern California. (See the full-colour map of Canada’s land cover on the inside front cover of this book.) If we indeed have too much geography, most The most pervasive types of land cover are Canadians see relatively little of it in their evergreen needleleaf forest, which covers daily lives.
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