In Re: Florida PIY Case No.: FEC 13-176 ------~/ TO: Bradley Hall, Chair Division of Elections Florida Prate Party PIY 500 S Bronough Street 15620 Younis Road West Room 316 Jacksonville, FL 32218 I allahassee, FL 32399-1050


A hearing will be held in this case before the Florida Elections Commission on November· 13, 2013, at 12:30 pm, or as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard, at the following location: Senate Office Building, Room 110-S, 404 South Monroe Street, I allahassee, FL 32399 ..

Failure to appear in accordance with this notice will constitute a waiver of your right to participate in the hearing. Continuances will be granted only upon a showing of good cause.

This heruing will be conducted pursuant to Section 10625, Florida Statutes, which governs your pruticipation as follows:

If you are the Respondent, you may attend the hearing, and you 01 your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your __caseioJhe_Gommission~ow~ver,_some_cases_(mcluding_those in which_consenLolders_ou:ecmnmendations_iolliO_Jl(QQahle~~~---1 cause ru·e being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless you request to be heard or the Commission requests that your case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, your case will not be individually herud

If you are the Complainant, you may attend the hearing, but you will not be permitted to address the Commission In addition, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless the Respondent requests to be heard or the Commission requests that the case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, the case will not be individually heard.

If you are an Appellant, and you have requested a hearing, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission.

Please be advised that both confidential and public cases are scheduled to be herud by the Florida Elections Commission on this date. As an Appellant, Respondent or Complainant in one case, you will not be permitted to attend the hearings on other confidential cases.

The Commission will electronically record the meeting .. Although the Commission's recording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing

If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at 107 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing

See further instructions on the reverse side.

J!"!Y :Mc1(ewer'Toman Executive Director Florida Elections Commission October 24,2013 Please refer to the information below fm further instructions related to your particulru hearing:

If this is a heruing to consider an appeal from an automatic fine, the Filing Officer has imposed a fine on you for your failure to file a campaign treasurer's report on the designated due date and, by filing an appeal, you have asked the Commission to consider either (1) that the report was in fact timely filed; or (2) that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure to file the report timely You are required to prove your case. If the Commission finds that the report was filed timely or that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure, it may waive the fine, in whole or in part The Commission may reduce a fine after considering the factors in Section 106.265, Florida Statutes If the Commission finds that the report was not timely filed and there were no unusual circumstances, the fine will be upheld Pursuant to Rule 2B-1 005 F A C , you may file supplemental documents related to your appeal up to five business days before the hearing for consideration by the Commission

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order before a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order.. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed and become public If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the case will remain confidential, unless confidentiality has been waived ..

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order after a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept 01 deny the consent order, the Respondent will be entitled to another hearing to determine if the Respondent committed the violation(s) alleged.

If this is a probable cause hearing, the Commission will decide if there is probable cause to believe that the Respondent committed a violation of Florida's election laws Respondent should be prepared to explain how the staffin its recommendation inconectly applied the law to the facts ofthe case. Respondent may not testifY, call others to testify, or introduce any documentary or other evidence at the probable cause hearing The Commission will only decide whether Respondent should be charged with a violation and, before the Commission determines whether a violation has occuned or a fine should be imposed, Respondent will have an opportunity for another hearing at which evidence may be introduced ..

If this is an informal hearing, it will be conducted pursuant Sections 120 569 and 12057(2), Florida Statutes; Chapter 28 and Commission Rule 2B-1 004, Florida Administrative Code At the hearing, the Commission will decide whether the Respondent committed the violation(s) charged in the Order of Probable Cause The Respondent will be permitted to testify.. However the Respondent may not call witnesses to testify.

Respondent may argue why the established facts in the Staff Recommendation do not support the violations charged in the Order of Probable Cause. At Respondent's request, the Commission may determine w\Jether Respondent's actions in the case were willfuL The Respondent may also address the appropriateness of the recommended fine.. If Respondent claims that his limited resources make him unable to pay the statutory fine, he must provide the Commission with written proof of his financial resources at the hearing A financial affidavit form is available from the Commission Clerk / (


Florida Pirate Party

On May 23, 2013, the Florida Elections Commission received information fiom the Division of Elections stating the intent to cancel Florida Pirate Party's registration as a political party, pursuant to Section 103 .095(5), Florida Statutes Commission staffgathered information to determine whether the party's registration should be cancelled based on the party's failure to meet the following criteria:

The political party's agg~egate reported financial activity during the 2012 calendar year was less than $500; and

Failure to comply with the annual public audit requirements of Section 103..121(2), Florida Statutes

I. Preliminary Information:

L The Florida Pirate Party is a minor political party registered with the State of Florida since March 21, 201 L The party's chairperson is Bradley Hall The party's tJeasurer is Carlo De Leombus.. I o revrew a copy of the regrstrafion documents, refer o ex 1 1

2. The committee's filing officer is Kristi Reid-Bronson, Chief, Bureau of Election Records

II. Revocation of Registration of Political Party:

3. On March 23, 2011, the Division sent Ryan Moffitt, the political party's chair at the time, a letter acknowledging that the Florida Pirate Party had been added to the minor party list To review a copy ofthe March 23, 2011letter, refer to exhibit 2

4. The political party filed six reports during the 2012 calendar year which covered the period ofJanuary 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 .. Five of the six reports were filed as waiver-of-reports reflecting no contJibutions or expenditures during that reporting period. One of the reports (2012 F3) reflects a monetary contribution of $328 ..16 Io review a copy of the reports filed during the 2012 calendar· year, refer to exhibit 3 A table on the following page summarizes the reports filed by this political party:

lnv002 (7 /08) 1 (

2012 Ql 4/10/12 1/1/12 to 3/31/12 Yes

2012 SF2 8/5/12 7/7/12 to 7/20/12 Yes

2012 SF3 8/5/12 7/20/12 to 7/21/12 Yes

2012 F3 8/9/12 4/1/12 to 8/9/12 No

2012 G4 11/1/12 8/10/12 to ll/1/12 Yes

2012 Q4 1/8/13 11/2/12 to 12/31/12 Yes

5. On April 5, 2013, the Division sent Bradley Hall, the political party's chair at the time, a Notice of Intent to Cancel the political party's registration based on its failure to comply with the annual public audit requirements, and the political party's aggregate reported financial activity during the 2012 calendar year was less than $500 00 The notice advised Mr.. Hall that he had 30 days to provide documentation showing that the party's registration and approved status as a political party should not be cancelled To review a copy of this April 5, 2013 letter, refer to exhibit 4

------'6.--0n-Ma.y-L0.,--20-13.,-the-Div:ision-sent-Mr._Hall-a.-F-inal-Notice-of-Cancellat-ion-.------1 stating that because it did not receive a response to the notice dated April 5, 2013, it was issuing a final notice of cancellation of the Florida Pirate Party's certification as an active political party To review a copy of this May I 0, 2013 letter, refer to exhibit 5.

7 On May 17, 2013, Mr Hall sent the Division a letter in response to the "Final Notice of Cancellation" letter that he received This letter states:

First, cancelling the party on account of having earned less than an arbitrary amount of money puts a price tag on speech, and free speech is guaranteed by the first amendment to the constitution, which states, Congress shall make no Jaw respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the , or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances .. (portions bolded for emphasis) Second, the party earned just over $327 If the Florida Pirate Party was a person, that person would be eligible for the Earned Income Credit, the SNAP program, and several other federal assistance programs, not cancellation, though, if the party was a person, that cancellation would be renamed "execution" For these reasons, we appeal

To review the May 17, 2013 response letter, refer to exhibit 6

Audit for Political Party

8. On February 5, 2013, the Division mailed a memo to "All Political Party Executive Committees" reminding them that the "2012 annual audit for state political party

Inv002 (7 /08) 2 executive committees is due in our office no later than April 1, 2013 Pursuant to Section 103..121(2), Florida Statutes, the funds of each state executive committee must be publicly audited at the end of each calendar year and a copy of the audit must be furnished to the Department of State" To review a copy of this February 5, 2013 memo, refer to exhibit 7 To review Section 103 .121(2), Florida Statutes, refer to exhibit 8

9.. In the May 17, 2013 appeal response letter, Mr Hall states, "Regarding the public audit requirement, we tried to find a CPA in time We thought we would have our audit turned in on time, but we failed.. We accept the consequences on that one " I o review a copy of the May 17, 2013 appeal response letter, refer to exhibit 6.


10 Based upon information gathered by staff, it appears that the Florida Pirate Party has had no financial activity during the 2012 calendar year, other than the $328.16 that was reported during the 2012 F3 reporting period

Respectfully submitted on September 5, 2013.

Cedric Oliver · ______JillYe.stigatio.ILS_p_edalis.L______---1

Copy furnished to: Mr .. Bradley Hall, Chair, Florida Pirate Party Political Party

Inv002 (7 /08) 3 (


Exhibits #s Description of Exhibits

Exhibit 1 Florida Pirate Party's registration documents Exhibit 2 March 23,2011 acknowledgement letter Exhibit 3 Copies of all reports filed during the 2012 calendar year Exhibit 4 April 5, 2013 Notice of Intent to Carrcelletter Exhibit 5 May 10, 2013 Final Notice ofCarrcellation Exhibit 6 May 17, 2013 Respondent's Response Letter Exhibit 7 February 5, 2013 DOE Memo Exhibit 8 Section 103.121 (2), Florida Statutes

Inv004 (5/08) / I '

Department ofState Memorandum Office of the General Counsel --··.. ---·------TO: Kristi Reid Bronson Chief, Bureau of Election Records

FROM: __p,/ Gary J. Holland ~ Assistant General Counsel

DATE: March 22, 2011

RE: Submission by Florida JCl_·r __a_te_P_ar_ty..______

I have reviewed the documents resubmitted to the Division of Elections for filing as a minor political party on behalf of the "Florida Pirate Party .. "

I find that the resubmission meets the filing requirements as outlined in section 97.021(18), Florida Statutes, for becoming a minor political party in Florida

With this memorandum I am returning for· your files the documents forwarded to me for review.

Attachment (

Department ofState Memorandum -----·------Office of the General Counsel TO: Kristi Reid Bronson Chief, Bureau of Election Records

FROM: __ _p,/ Gary ,J Holland ~ Assistant General Counsel

DATE: March 22, 2011

RE: Submission by Florida ~irate Paro/·--·------··---·--·-

I have reviewed the documents resubmitted to the Division of Elections for filing as a minor political party on behalf of the "Florida Pirate Party."

I find that the resubmission meets the filing requirements as outlined in section 97..021(18), Florida Statutes, for becoming a minor· political party in Florida ..

With this memorandum I am returning for your files the documents forwarded to me for review

Attachment I'

Ryan Moffitt 5054 Suruise Blvd Delray Beach, FL 33484 ' Friday March 18, 2011

To whom it may concern:

Enclosed is the edited and cmrroed regisnation papers for the Florida Pirate Party, following the r'equirements sent to me in the memo,

Herein is clarification that the name of the party is the Florida Pilate Party, !he names have been made consistent in both the constitution and the application form,

Also, the logo of the party has been changed to follow Flmida statutes, Please understand that any infl'ingement of the intellectual property of the State of Florida or the Deparnnent of State was accidental, done in ignorance of the statute. No malice was intended Both myself as the chairman and the entirety of the Florida Pirate Party respects the intellectual property of the state of Florida, and we offer our sincerest apologies for our erro1

If you need to contact me further, please email me at [email protected]. or write to me at the address In the header,

-----~r~han~k you for your understanding,_,i"-n_,thi_,.·s"-m,.,att;,e"'r.,______--1

Sincerely, . ,/' . I r>::P//7/ I ~"I/ . - ~ ·-...

Ryan Moffitt Chainnan, Florida Pirate Party

EXHIBIT l C22J 5) ,,-- i '

Florida Pirate PartyEP. 'i 2011 11AR 21

(1) The name of the minm political party is the Florida Pirate Party.

(2) 1he cunent officers of this pa!ty are:

1.. Chailman: Ryan Moffitt 5054 Sunrise Blvd Deliay Beach, Florida 33484

2 . Vice-Chairman: Bradley Hall 15620 Younis Rd W Jacksonville, FL 32218

(3) The members of the executive committee are:

Chairnra:n:-Ryan-Moffr 5054 Sunrise Blvd Delray Beach, Florida 33484

2. Vice-Chairman: Bradley Hall 15620 Younis Rd .. W Jacksonville, FL 32218

3 Secretary: Ryan Moffitt 5054 Sunrise Blvd Delray Beach, FL 33484

4. I\'easwer: Ryan Moffitt 5054 Sunrise Blvd Delray Beach, FL 33484

Pursuant to Section 97 .. 021 (18) of the Florida statutes, included is a copy of this party's Constitution. Si~ed and autho~ri~zedby, . _.... -·-----...

/ r/'-"' .-·- <---.... ~.--~ Ryan Moffitt Chairman

EXHIBIT_lu..C.::uYJD....l'5~D- Constitution

of the Florida Pirate Party


We are the Flolida Pirate Party. We are the people We are originators. We are innovators We are consumers .. Best of all, we are voters .. ' \ We have been labeled Pirates because our opposition claims that anyone who uses anything created l:ly another person, without payment to that person or their designated representatives, is in violation of copyright 'Therefore, according to this ridiculous standard, we are Pirates because we speak and use language which was not created by us .. We refute their principles of operation as having no basis in logic or reason, excepting to secure their financial interest at the expense of guaranteed popular rights. Such principles erode any attempts at creating a cultwe in which the free flow of ideas can be expressed and expanded upon without prosecution, persecution, intimidation or censorship. Because we disagree with these principles on their face, and because we consider the reasoning behind them -----flawed,--we-ean-thUS-be-Eonsidered-nothing-other-than-Pirate ,

We are Pilates because we act in a way that effectively counters the assumed right of security in exchange for the guaranteed rights of our civil populace. We are Pirates because we care about the values of freedom and innovation, which must be protected for posterity .. We are Pirates because we dare to claim that the interests of innovation are not well served by the cwrent model of commercial enterprise. We accept the label of "Pilate" as a badge of honor, to be used in defense of freedoms everywhere. ·

We are Pirates, and this is ow party .. We are the champions of libelty. We are considered illegitimate thieves by those who openly take that which is not rightfully theirs. Action is necessary, and we are prepared to now act .. A more perfect time to act will not pass again .. Here we assemble under one baMel, to defend our civil liberties which are gravely threatened .. Ow banner is black, but ow aims are red, white, and blue ..

We hereby establish the Florida Pilate Pany for these and other high aims.

Title 1: General Principles & Resolve

Article 1: Democratic Supremacy

EXHIBIT I (:;; ['f'oJ I '

RrcKSCOTT KURT S. BROWNING Governor Secretary of State

March 23, 2011

Mr Ryan Moffitt, Chairman Florida Pirate Party 5054 Sunrise Boulevard Delray Beach, Florida 3 3484

Dear Mr. Moffitt:

This will acknowledge receipt of documents for the Florida Pirate Party that were placed on file in our office on March 21, 2011 This information appears to comply with the requirements of -----~eetion-9-7-.02-J+l-8-),-1'-lor-ida--Statutes,.-ancLthe-narne...oLthis_rninoLparty_exec_utiYe_c_ommitte_e_has~----­ been added to the minor party list

Campaign Treasurer's Report~

Your first campaign treasurer's report will be due on Aprilll, 2011. The cover period for this report is January 1 - March .31, 201 I All party executive committees that file reports with the Division of Elections are required to file by means of the Division's electronic filing system (EFS).

Credentials and Sign-ons

Below is the web address to access the EFS and the party's user identification number The enclosed sealed envelope contains the party's initial password Once you have logged in using the initial password, you will be immediately prompted to change it to a confidential sign·on The chairperson and campaign treasurer are responsible for protecting these passwords from disclosure and are responsible fm all filings using these credentials. unless the Division is notified that your credentials have been compromised.

EFS Web site Addr·ess: https://efs.dos.state.fLus Identification Number: 55143

Division of Elections R .. A .. Gray Building, Room 316 • 500 South B>'onough St•·eet • Tallahassee, Flodda 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245--6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6260 EXHIBIT d (I Je]ns.myflodda com ( '

Mr Ryan Moffitt March 23, 2011 Page Two

Pin Numbers

Pin numbers are confidential secure credentials that allow you to submit reports and update information The enclosed sealed envelope contains your confidential pin numbers ..

Each party executive committee chairperson and campaign treasurer is required to provide the Division of Elections with confidential personal information that may be used to allow access in the event that passwords are forgotten or lost When you enter the campaign account screen, there will be a drop down box where you pick a question (such as What is yow mother's maiden name?) and supply an answer.. All passwords and answers to questions are stored as encrypted data and cannot be viewed by Division staff and given out over the phone.. Please notify the Division if your credentials have been compromised ..

1 imely Filing

All reports must be completed and filed tluough the EFS not later than midnight of the due date Reports not filed by midnight of the due date are late hied and sut')JeCt to the pena:tttes-il1-s-e-ctro-n,------106.07(8), Florida Statutes. In the event that the EFS is inoperable on the due date, the report will be accepted as timely filed if filed no later than midnight of the first business day the EFS becomes operable .. No fine will be levied during the period the EFS was inoperable

Any state executive committee failing to file a report on the designated due date shall be subject to a fine of $1,000 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts 01 expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, if an executive committee fails to file a report on the Friday immediately preceding the general election, the fine shall be $10,000 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report

Electronic Receipts

The person submitting the report on the EFS will be issued an electronic receipt indicating and verifying the report was filed. Each campaign treasmer's repott filed by means of the EFS is considered to be under oath by the chaitperson and campaign treasurer and such persons are subject to the provisions of Section I 06..07(5), Florida Statutes

EXHIBIT d ( QJ 3'J Mr Ryan Moffitt March :23, 2011 Page Three

Instructions and Assistance

An online instruction guide is available to you on the EFS to assist with navigation, data entry, and submission of repotts The Division of Elections will also provide assistance to all users by contacting the EFS Help Desk at (850) 245-6240

All of the Division's publications and forms ar·e available on the Division of Elections' web site at It is your responsibility to read, understand, and follow the requirements of Florida's election laws.. Therefor·e, please print a copy of the following documents: Chapter 106 and I 04, Florida Statutes, 2011 Calendar of Reporting Dates, and Rule IS-2.017, Florida Administrative Code.

Please let me know ifyou need additional information


Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records


Enclosures I ( I '


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name 1.0 Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED IEJ Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 01/01/2012 To 03/31/2012 Report Type: Q1 [!g Original 0 Amendment D Special Election Report


i Cash & Checks $0 00 Monetary Expenditures $000 Loans $000 Transfers to Office Account $000 Total Monetary $0 00 Tolaf Monetary $0 00

-tn-~in $0:00 (8) OmerDJslribut•ons

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true: correct and complete

Name of 0 Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate [!g Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

X X Signature Signature

Prepared on: 1/17/13 12:56:10PM Reviewed On: 4/10112 7:33am

EXHIBIT ,3(\ J I~J ~ Odu... \., - D I ID: CAMPAIGN T•, •SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CON/. UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 Q1 Period: 01/01/2012 to 03/31/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type ln·Kind Description . Amend

• Incomplete Record 4/10/12 7:33am Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:23:28PM EXHIBIT oCd b~ Ti) On: / I 10: CAMPAIGN l ASURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED EXP~; TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 Q1 Period: 01/01/2012 to 03/31/2012 "'* Records in Filed Report ** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix. First, Middle Type Purpose Dale Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 4/10/12 ------·7:33am Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:23:30PM EXHIBIT r:-,( 'J J: 1<£J Uc1 lJ u .: 8 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I D Number (3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville ----FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee D Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance D Check If CCE has DISBANDED 18] Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 0410112012 To 0810912012 Report Type: F3 D Original IKJ Amendment 0 Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $32816 Monetary Expenditures $0 00 Loans $000 Transfers to Office Account $0.00 Total Monetary $32816 Total Monetary $0 00

In-Kind $0"""0"0 (8] OtnerDiSlriButfons

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

- Name of 0 Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer Name of D Candidate ~ Chaiman (PCIPTY Only

X X Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22113 1:24:17PM Reviewed On: 2/18/13 12:57 pm

EXHIBIT ell~ of I ~) ( ( ID: 55143 CAMPAIGN T1 >~SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CONT\, · UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 F3 Period: 04/01/2012 to 08/09/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 1 ON-DEMAND PUBL LLC PUBLISHER $328 16 8329 VVEST SUNSET ROAD SUITE 200 B 05/01/2012 LAS VEGAS, NV 89113 CHE BOOK ROYALTY ADD

------·----· .. Incomplete Record 2/18/13 12:57 pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:24:18PM EXHIBIT I ' ID: CAMPAIGN\ ASURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED EXP~ •TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 F3 Period: 04/01/2012 to 08/09/2012 ** Records in Filed Report"'* Full Name Amount Seq# {Last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

• Incomplete Record 2/18/13 12:57-pm Prepared on: 5/22113 1:24:19PM UJut-11 (


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I D Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): D Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED IKJ Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 07/21/2012 To 07/20/2012 Report Type: SF3

IKJ Original 0 Amendment 18] Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0 00 Monetary Expenditures $0.00 Loans $0.00 Transfers to Office Account $0 00

Tolaf Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $000

In-Kind $CJ:"Ou (8) OtMr1Jfstribatio11·s

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss .839 13, F S.)

1 certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of D Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate I8J Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

X X Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22113 1:25:19PM Reviewed On: 7/27/12 12:22 pm ID: CAMPAIGN~! ;SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CONTl~ UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 SF3 Period: 07/21/2012 to 07/20/2012 '~~* Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type ln·Kind Description Amend

·--·------::-:=~::-:-· * Incomplete Record Prepared on: 5/22/13 1 :25:20PM EXHIBIT_Q""'-(,_)S.l<..:::;:..Ji~...;·...l$ ... d ~!..1:1...: -7/27112 12:~ ~U (.; 1 :3 ID: CAMPAIGNl' . ASURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED EXPJ· .TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 ~ Period: 07/21/2012 to 07/20/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

------::--c=-=-c:-::::-·----·- Prepared on: 5/22/13 1 :25:20PM •tncomplete Record EXHIBIT__3(q oP ~~yOn: 7/27112 12:2~~ lJ l ~ 1 ( \


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I D Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED ~ Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 07/07/2012 To 07/20/2012 Report Type: SF2 ~Original 0 Amendment ~ Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0 00 Monetary Expenditures $0.00 Loans $0.00 Transfers to Office Account $0 00

Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $0 00

In-Kind $CT.Ov (8) Oth·erDtstributio


Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 83913, F.S.)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of D Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate ~ Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

)( )( Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:02PM Reviewed On: 8/5/12 10:21 pm

EXHIBIT ~(1 D Qt IC[,J ID: CAMPAIGN 4: · ~SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CON,( UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 SF2 Period: 07/07/2012 to 07/20/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend


• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 8/5/12 10:21 pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:03PM EXHIBIT 0 ( \\ J !1>J GJ iJ " 1 6 ' ( ID: CAMPAIGNl ASURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED EXPE\- · .TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 SF2 Period: 07/07/2012 to 07/20/2012 ** Records in Filed Report ** Full Name Amount Seq# (last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address Be City, State, Zip Amend

·----- .. Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 8/5/12 10:21 pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:03PM EXHIBiT 3(\a J' lJ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I D Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED [8] Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 08/10/2012 To 11/01/2012 Report Type: G4 ~Original 0 Amendment 0 Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0 00 Monetary Expenditures $0 00 Loans $0 00 Transfers to Office Account $0.00

Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $0 00

1-lro-Kin" $&.6 (&)-0ther-9istribution

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S )

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of D Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate [) Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

)( )( Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:53PM Reviewed On: 11/1/12 9:04pm / 10: CAMPAIGN +.

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 1111112 9:04pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:54PM EXHIBiT--...:0~(0-l.-\~-~-.llot.j...-li..!W~) ...... ,. 10: CAMPAIGN 1-'· ASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPE;-_l . TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 G4 Period: 08/10/2012 to 11/01/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix. First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

--·-----• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 11/1/12 9:04pm Prepared on: 5/22113 1:26:55PM EXHIBIT__..;).....,(o~-\54-M.of.~-~I~$)L..... GJu~2J / I


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name ID Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report

(4) Check appropriate box(es): D Candidate (office sought): D Political Committee D Check If PC has DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existance D Check If CCE has DISBANDED 125] Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 11/02/2012 To 12/31/2012 Report Type: 04 [)Original 0 Amendment D Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0 00 Monetary Expenditures $0 00 Loans $0 00 Transfers to Office Account $0.00

Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $0 00

!-rn~Kina $0,00 (&)-0ther-QistFibution

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss .839 13, F S )

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of 0 Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer Name of D Candidate ~ Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

lL )( Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22113 1:27:41PM Reviewed On: 1/8/13 7:10am /' JD: CAMPAIGN t, -\SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CON·A - UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 Q!l Period: 11/02/2012 to 12/31/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type ln~Kind Description Amend

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 1/8/13 7:10am--··------Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:27:42PM EXHIBIT ~(\1 J I~J / / I I ID: CAMPAIGN i ASURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED EXPEc · TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report:2012 Q:! Period: 11/02/2012 to 12/31/2012 ** Records in Filed Report"'* Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

" Incomplete Record Prepared on: 5/22113 1:27:43PM (


April 5, 201.3

Mr Bradley Hall, Chairperson Florida Pirate Party (55143) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville, Florida 32218


Dear Mr Hall:

Pursuant to Rule I $ .. 2 .050, Florida Administrative Code, you are hereby notified of the Division's intent to cancel your political party's registtation based on the following:

Failur·e to comply with the annual public audit requirements of Sectwu 103.121 (2), Florida Statutes.

Ihe political party's aggregate reported financial activity during the 2012 calendar year was less than $500 ..

If you o~ject to this cancellation you must provide documentation showing that the party's registration and approved status as a political party should not be cancelled Documentation must be provided within 30 days of the date of this letter to Department of State, Division of Elections, Bureau of Election Records, The R A Gray Building, Room 316, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 .. 0250

If you have any questions, please call (850) 245-6267

Sincerely, ~ l Mo}:_~~'-9.~-~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records


Division of EJections R.A Gray Bldg., Rm 316 • 500 S Bronough St • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 )l Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-·6259 )l Commemorating 500 years ofF lorida history www flaSOO com VIVA flORIDA500 VIVA flORWmO. EXHIBIT_Ljl----- ( (

~LoRIDA DEPARTMENT qrn_lli RICK SCOTT KEN DETZNER Governor Secretary of State

May 10,2013

Mr. Bradley Hall, Chairperson Florida Pirate Party (55143) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville, Florida 32218

RE: Final Notice of Cancellation

Dear Mr Hall:

On April 5, 20 I 3 the Division provided you with a Notice of Intent to Cancel pursuant to Rule I S-2 .. 050, Floiida Administrative Code The notice informed you of the Division's intent to revoke your party's certification as an active political party based on the committee's failure to meet the following criteria:

Failure to comply with the annual public audit requir·ements of Section 10.3..121(2), Florida Statutes ..

The political party's aggregate reported financial activity during the 2012 calendar year was less than $500 ..

The notice advised you to provide documentation showing that the party's registration should not be canceled 1he Division did not receive a response to this notification. Accordingly, the Division hereby issues a Final Notice of Intent to Cancel

If you oqject to this cancelation you must file a request for hearing within 30 days of the date of this Fina! Notice of Cancellation.. The request must be filed with the Department of State, Division of Elections, Bureau of Election Records, The R A. Gray Building, Room 316, 500 South Bronaugh Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 and will be forwarded to the Florida Elections Commission for a hearing based upon the notice and any suppotting documentation. If you desire a personal appearance before the Commission, you must include in your request for hearing a separate request for a personal appeaxance Failure to file a request for a hearing constitutes a waiver of your right to a hearing and will cause a final order to be entered canceling the party's registration

Division of Elections R.A .. Gray Bldg., Rm.. 316 • 500 S Bronough St. • Tallahassee, Flotida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6259 elections.myflorida .. com ~ Commemorating 500 yeaxs of Florida histoxy www flaSOO .. com ~ VIVA flflRWA50fl VIVA flORWA500 EXHIBIT 5 (It>~ .9) c

Mr . Bradley Hall, Chairperson May 10,2013 Page Two

If you have any questions please call (850) 245-6267

Sincer.e1y, . c--;;(. / _L :i) ~f;:JlA5Ylll"'-_.... j_ \ /tA-"'' \:.., . \ )

KRB/mcc cc: Mr Crulo De Leonibus, Treasmer Florida Pirate Party (55 143) Post Office Box 6522 Lakeland, Florida 3.3 807

EXHIBIT 5 (Q o_j)q) f-11orida Pirate Party.

Bradley Hall Florida Pirate Party 15620 Younis Rd W Jacksonville, FL 32218

May 17,2013

Department of State, Division of Elections, Bureau of Election Records The RA. Gray Building, Room 316 500 South Bronough Street T'allahassee, Florida 32399-0250

RE: RE: Final Notice of Cancellation

On May 16, 2013, I received your Final Notice of Cancellation (dated May 10, 2013) for the Florida Pirate Party (55 143) for failure to comply with the annual public audit requirements as found in Section 10:3 121 (2), Florida Statutes and for having an aggregate reported financial activity ofless than $500 ------·for-the-year-ending-tlecember-3-l-,-2.()+2-..------

This is our appeaL

Regarding the public audit requirement, we tried to find a CPA in time. We thought we would have our audit turned in on time, but we failed We accept the consequences on that one. However, the other reason for our cancellation, the failure to have aggregate reported financial activity of at least $500, that one. we wish to appeal

First, canceling the party on account of having earned less than an arbitrruy amount of money puts a price tag on speech, and flee speech is guaranteed by the first amendment to the constitution, which states, Con~ress shall make no hm r~spectin~ an establishment of reii!?i''" m prohibiting th<: ftc~ cx~rcise thereof; nr abridging the fr·eedom of speech. <>r of the pre": or tht• right of the pcopk peaceably to assemble. and to petition the Go\(!rnmcnt i<.H a redress ot grievanas (portions bolded for emphasis)

Second, the party earnedjust over $327. If the Florida Pirate Party was a person, that person would be eligible for the Earned Income Credit, the SNAP program, and several other federal assistance programs, not cancellation, though. if the party was a person, that cancellation would be renamed "execution" For these reasons, we appeal ~~ c:;; ) C">(;' :X f;;c: ~ I I thank you for reading over our appeal, ....;:. ) )>':;;o .• ·..I ' 1 Bradley Hall, Chairman, Florida Pirate Party -C"-,: " .... ,;~~ ~ ~:: ...... r-. 1 "'nE;;; 'P.(,.) r'-·' 1"'1~ N EXHIBIT__.u(o.L-____ RICK SCOTT KURT S .. BROWNING Governor Secretary of State


TO: All Political Party Executive Committees

FROM: Kristi Reid B10nson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

DATE: Februruy 5, 2013

SUBJECT: 2012 Annual Audit ___ , ______... ------·-·------______.T_.ub"-"is i_s_a..r.e.mi.o~_er.Jhaub~_2_0..12_a_@_u_aLa1tdit for state political party executive committees is due in our office no later than April I, 2013 Pursuant to Section 103.121(2), Florida Statutes, the fimds of each state executive committee must be publicly audited at the end of each calendru year and a copy of the audit must be furnished to the Deprutment of State.

If you have any questions please contact Malcolm Chellman at (850) 245-6267.


Division of Elections R.A .. Gt·ay Bldg., Rm,. 316 • 500 S Bronough St. • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: {850) 245,.6240 • FacsimUe: (850) 245-6260 elections.myflorida.. com ]t_ Commemorating 500 yeat·s of Florida history www .. fla500 .. com 1l VIVA flORIOA500 .. VIVA flORIDA500. EXHIBIT_l....:...._ ___ I'

Select Year: 2012

The 2012 Florida Statutes

Title IX Chapter 103 View Entire Chapter ELECTORS AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS; POLITICAL PARTIES; ELECTIONS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES AND MEMBERS 103.121 Powers and duties of executive committees .. - (1 )(a) Each state and county executive committee of a political party shall have the power and duty: 1. To adopt a constitution by two-thirds vote of the full committee 2. To adopt such bylaws as it may deem necessary by majority vote of the full committee .3. To conduct its meetings according to generally accepted parliamentary practice .. 4.. To make party nomination when required by law. 5.. To conduct campaigns for party nominees .. 6. To raise and expend party funds. Such funds may not be expended or committed to be expended except after written authorization by the chair of the state or county executive committee (b) The county executive committee shall receive payment of assessments upon candidates to be voted for in a single county except state senators, state representatives, and representatives to the Congress of the United States; an affiliated party committee controlled by a leader of the Senate as defined ins 103.092 shall receive payment of assessments upon candidates for the office of state senator, and an affiliated party committee controlled by a leader of the House of Representatives as defined ins 103.092 shall receive payment of assessments upon candidates for the office of state representative; and the state executive committees shall receive all other assessments authorized All party assessments shall be 2 percent of the annual salary of the office sought by the respective candidate All such committee assessments shall be remitted to the state executive committee of the appropriate party and distributed in accordance with subsection (5), except that assessments for candidates for the office of state senator or state representative shall be remitted to the appropriate affiliated party committee. (2) The chair and treasurer of an executive committee of any political party shall be accountable for the funds of such committee and jointly liable for their proper expenditure for authorized purposes only. The funds of each such state executive committee shall be publicly audited at the end of each calendar year and a copy of such audit furnished to the Department of State for its examination prior to April1 of the ensuing year When filed with the Department of State, copies of such audit shall be public documents .. The treasurer· of each county executive committee shall maintain adequate records evidencing receipt and disbursement of all party funds received by him or her, and such records shall be publicly audited at the end of each calendar year and a copy of such audit filed with the supervisor of elections and the state executive committee prior to April 1 of the ensuing year (3) Any chair or treasurer of a state or county executive committee of any political party who knowingly misappropriates, or makes an unlawful expenditure of, or a false or improper accounting for, the funds of such committee is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s 775.082, s "775.083, or s .. 775.084. (4) The central committee or other equivalent governing body of each state executive committee shall adopt a rule which governs the time and manner in which the respective county executive committees of such party may endorse, certify, screen, or otherwise recommend one or more candidates for such party's nomination for election. Upon adoption, such rule shall provide the exclusive method by which a county committee may so endorse, certify, screen, or otherwise recommend .. No later than the date on which qualifying for public office begins pursuant to s 99.061, the chair of each county executive committee shall notify in writing the supervisor of elections of his or her county whether the county executive committee has endorsed or intends to endorse, certify, screen, or otherwise recommend candidates for nomination pursuant to party rule A copy of such notification shall be provided to the Secretary of State and to the chair of the appropriate state executive committee (5) The state chair of each state executive committee shall return the 2·percent committee assessment for county candidates to the appropriate county executive committees only upon receipt of a written statement that such county executive committee chooses not to endorse, certify, screen, or otherwise recommend one or more candidates for such party's nomination for election and upon the state chair's determination that the county executive committee is in compliance with all Florida statutes and all state party rules, bylaws, constitutions, and requir·ements. History. -ss. 20, 21, 23, 28, ch 6469, 1913; RGS 324, 325, 327, 332; CGL 381, 382, 384, 389; s 1, ch 25389, 1949; s. 9, ch 26329, 1949; s 7, ch .. 26870, 1951; s 41, ch 28156, 1953; s. 2, ch. 29935, 1955; s 1, ch 5Y.Y43; s 1, ch 61··157; s 1, ch 63 97; ss 6, 7, 8, ch. 67·353; ss 10, 35, ch 69·106; s 26, ch. n·104; s 32, ch n·175; s. 50, ch 79·400; s 1, ch 82 160; s 25, ch 83·217; s 2, ch 8J.·242; s 1, ch 89·256; s 609, ch 95··147; s 64, ch 2005··277; ss 3, 30, ch 2011·6; HJR 7105, 2011 Regular Session ~----1Not..,-~ormer-ss,-10-2-;-Z.7.,1&2.,.~S,10-2730,-10-27.>5~.------

Copyright© 1995·2013 The Florida Legislature • Privacy Statement • Contact Us

EXHIBIT ~ Ca ufd) r I

Florida Department of State Division of Elections

Florida Pirate Party

Campaign Finance Activity

Note: The information presented below was obtained from the Committee's!Candidate's Campaign Treasurer's Report filed with the Division of Elections About the Campaign Finance Data Base If all contributions for a reporting period are less than 1 dollar Then they may not be displayed

~~~~-~ ~--~~~- ~ ~ ~~ --~--~~-~----~-~---~---~-~----~-~-- ~~~~ ~-~~-~--~ ~ Contributions \ Filing Period M~oneiary -· Loans Transfers ;w r o3i2212o11-:o313-172011 o.oo . o oo o oo : I ;------~--~-;;::- 'W r··a4ioil2011 -66i30I2oi1 ~--······ooo ---~--o()o ;----~----=-=·:::r---·--··----;:o-;:.0-;;0· ----··a·ao! r·wr-o77o112a1·1::-o9i3oi2o11'---~ ooo o oo 0 00 0 00 I ' I ' rwr-io70112ai·i:i2731i2o1i• ····a-oo o oo 0.00 i 0 00. 0 00 ! w 0110112012-0313112012 0 00 0 00 !-~-- -···· 0 00 0 00 0 00

------·--· ·------····-----·-c·cc ---·· · ---- ·c-·c··c· --~- •·· .... ·-~····-~···-···· r·· ,W; 0712112012 · 0712012012: 0.00 0.00 I o oo 0 001 0 00. 0 00 1 ' rw r···ai(o7Fioiz:O?i2oi2oi2-~~- o oo o oo J o oo 1 o oo 1 0 00 - 0 00. I ;o4io1i2oi2:oa/o972o12. 328.16 · ooo r . 6661 ------aoar - · 0 00 0 00 w. ·- Oii7ioi26i2 :Ti/Oi/2612 0 00: o ooi 0 00 0 00 0 00 1110212012-1213112012 0 00 0 00; o oo I 0 00! 0 00 0 00 i 0 00! ooOI 10844' 0 00 0 00

All Dates (Totals) 483 16 0 00 0 00 108 44 0 00 0 00 ------

Note: (E) indicates that report was filed electronically X Indicates that detail has not been released W Indicates that a waiver was filed and L Indicates that a loan report was filed

Select Detail Type Select Sort Order Select Output Type Contributions Date(Ascending) Display On Screen

<;ybmitQuery No!CJ

[Department of State) [Division of Elections) [Candidates and Races) [Campaign Finance Information] / I


Florida Department of State- Division of Elections Florida Election System Reports Party Name: Florida Pirate Party Account: 55143

04 1/8/2013 11/2/2012 G4 11/1/2012 8/10/2012 F3 8/9/2012 7/27/2012 SF3 8/5/2012 CLO 9 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 7/27/2012 SF2 8/5/2012 CLO 9 $0 00 $0 00 $0.00 4/10/2012 01 4/10/2012 1'/10/2012 04 1/9/2012 10/11/2011 03 10/5/2011 7/11/2011 02 7/5/2011 4/11/2011 01 4/6/2011

I / \' ( '

Florida Department of State Room 316 R.A. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Fl 32399·0250 (850)245·6200 Division of Elections Committee Tracking System

Florida Pirate Party

Type: Party Executive Committee

Status: Active

Address: 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville, FL 32218

Phone: (904)701-2348

Email: [email protected]


Chairperson: Bradley Hall

------Treasurer:-earto·E>e-teonibus------1 Post Office Box 6522 Lakeland, FL 33807

Registered Agent: None



Campaign Finance Activity

Campaign Documents c

RICKSCO'M KURT S .. BROWNING Governor Secretary of State

March 16, 20 l 0

Mr. Ryan Moffitt, Chai1person Pirate Party of Florida 5054 Suruise Boulevard Delray Beach, Florida 33484

Dear Mr. Moffitt:

This will acknowledge receipt of the documents for the Pirate Party of Florida that were placed -----·on---fite--m-our-offrce-ou-March-2;-2&1-l-:-A:ttached-you-wHl-find-eep-y-e-f-lhe-merneFaRdum-frorr-z-----­ Gary J Holland, Assistant General Counsel, where he concludes that your organization cannot be approved as a minor political patty due to deficient information We suggest that you re submit the filing with the missing information ..

lf you have any questions, or if we may of assistance at any time, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (850) 245-6140

Sincerely, ~~t~c-l·~ .... - Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of flection Records



Division of Elections R. A Gray Building, Room 316 • 500 South Bronaugh Str·eet • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6260 elections myflodda .. com / Page I of 3 I (

FW: Letter from The Division of Elections for Candidate Cluistine Trakas Thornhill CAN 55924 Lawson, Teni S. to: Donna Malphurs 07/02/2013 11 :03 AM Cc: "Bwnson, Kristi R " Show Details

8 Attachments • 1:: • "'t ''1: -,: -,: -,: image001 png workingtoday50.jpg vivaf145.png Treasurer Letter pdf F3 Amended.pdf Fl Amendment pdf Final IRReportpdf Trakasltrpdf


Please see email string below

Terri Sue

Terri Sue Aldridge Lawson Senior Management Analyst Bureau of Election Records Florida Department of State RA Gray Building 500 S.. Bronaugh Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 (850) 245-6243 (direct line)

Note: This tesponse is provided fen reference only and does not constitute a fcnmal legal opinion or representation fiom the Department of State or the Division ot Elections As applied to a particular set offiwts or circumstances. interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/01 consult an attorney to rept esent their interests before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the infot mation provided.

The Department of State is leading the commemoration of Florida's 500th ··lk. anniversary in 2013 .. For more information, please go to trtJi!UJfh' http://www.vivaf! The Department of State is committed to excellence Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey

From: Lawson, Terri S, Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 5:08 PM To: 'RAHemenway@tampabay.,rr.,com' Subject: FW: Letter from The Division of Elections for Candidate Christine Trakas Thornhill CAN 55924

file:/ /C: \U sers\Malphwsd\AppData\local\ I emp\notesFCBCEE\ -web4925 .htm 7/2/2013 Page 2 of3 (

Mr. Hemenway,

Thank you for your email and attachments. I just received them a few minutes ago and I will review them tomorrow morning and provide an update I conducted a cursory review and the amended TR report clearly shows a zero balance which was the concern previously My initial assessment would be that this now resolves the issue that prompted our letter to you; however, I would like to review this in depth before giving you a final response

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly I will be in touch within the next 24 hours


Terri Sue

Terri Sue Aldridge Lawson Senior Management Analyst Bureau of Election Records Florida Department of State (850) 245-6243 (direct line)

From: Rick Hemenway [mailto:[email protected] .com] Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 4:29 PM To: DivEiections ----cSubjec:P.-FW+-ketteF-frem-1=11e-Divisio~+of-Eiections..for_candidate..Chris.tine.Ii:aKa.s_l:b.o,rn~~h,iii_,CA,.·"'N'-'5"'5'""9,24_,______

Did you receive this??

I need to know what to do

Rick Hemenway. Realtoi SFR 2013 President East Polk County Association of Realtors Choice-Dantzler Properties. Inc Winter Haven, FL 33880 Cell 863-289-5657 Fax 863-.299·8530

From: Rick Hemenway [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, March OS, 2013 11:29 AM To: '[email protected]' Cc: 'Christine Trakas' Subject: Letter from The Division of Elections for candidate Christine Trakas Thornhill CAN 55924

Dear Kristi:

I have attached your letter and copies of all documents that I filed

file:/ /C:\U sers\Malphursd\AppData\Local\1 emp\notesFCBCEE\-web4925 htm 7/2/2013 Page 3 of 3 r· (

Could you please review this and let me know how we "fix" this please?

Thank you!

Rick Hemenway. Realtor SFR 2013 President East Polk County Association of Realtms Choice-Dantzler Properties .. Inc Winter Haven, FL 3.3880 Cell 863-289-5657 Fax 863-299·-8530 http :1/RickHern.enway.rnfr. mlxchanqe .com

fi!e://C:\Users\Malphmsd\AppData\Local\ I emp\notesFCBCEE\-web4925 .htm 7/2/2013 I,

RICK ScOTT KURT S. BROWNING Governor Secretary of State

March 23,2011

ly1r Ryan Moffitt, Chairman Florida Pirate Party 5054 Sunrise Boulevard Delray Beach, Floiida 33484

Deru Mr Moffitt:

This will acknowledge receipt of documents for the Florida Pirate Party that were placed on file in our office on March 21, 201 L This information apperus to comply with the requirements of -----~eetien-9-7-.0-2-1-{-1-S-},-1'-lo~ida-Statutes,--and.Jhe_name_oLthis...minoLpJJJU executive committee has been added to the minor party list

Campaign T.r·easurer's Reports

Your first campaign treasurer's report will be due on Aprilll, 2011 The cover period for this report is January 1 - March 31, 2011 All party executive committees that file reports with the Division of Elections are required to file by means of the Division's electronic filing system (EFS).

Credentials and Sign-ons

Below is the web address to access the EFS and the party's user identification number The enclosed sealed envelope contains the party's initial password Once you have logged in using the initial password, you will be immediately prompted to change it to a confidential sign-on. The chairperson and campaign treasurer are responsible for protecting these passwords fiom disclosme and are responsible for all filings using these credentials. unless the Division is notified that your credentials have been compromised ..

EFS Web site Address: Identification Number: 55143

Division of Elections R .. A .. Gray Building, Room 316 • 500 South Bt·onough Str·eet • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245·6260 elections .. myflorida .com Mr .. Ryan Moffitt March 23, 2011 Page Two

Pin Number·s

Pin numbers are confidential secure credentials that allow you to submit reports and update information The enclosed sealed envelope contains yow confidential pin numbers

Each pmty executive committee chairperson and campaign treaswer is required to provide the Division of Elections with confidential personal information that may be used to allow access in the event that passwords me forgotten or lost When you enter the campaign account screen, there will be a drop down box where you pick a question (such as What is your mother's maiden name?) and supply an answer All passwords and answers to questions m·e stored as encrypted data and cannot be viewed by Division staff and given out over the phone. Please notify the Division if your credentials have been compromised.

1 imely Filing

All reports must be completed and filed through the EFS not later than midnight of the due date Reports not filed by midnight of the due date are late h[eaan

Any state executive committee failing to file a report on the designated due date shall be subject to a fine of $1,000 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. However, if an executive committee fails to file a report on the Friday immediately preceding the general election, the fine shall be $10,000 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report

Electronic Receipts

The person submitting the report on the EFS will be issued an electronic receipt indicating and verifying the report was filed Each campaign treaswer's repmt filed by means of the EFS is considered to be under oath by the chairperson and ca~npaign treasurer and such persons are suqject to the provisions of Section I 06 .07(5), Florida Statutes ( I '

Mr Ryan Moffitt March 23, 20 ll Page Three

Instructions and Assist!!!!££

An online instruction guide is available to you on the EFS to assist with navigation, data entry, and submission of reports. The Division of Elections will also provide assistance to all users by contacting the EFS Help Desk at (850) 245-6240.

All of the Division's publications and forms are available on the Division of Elections' web site at http:/lelection.dos., It is your responsibility to r·ead, understand, and follow the requirements of Florida's election laws., 1 herefore, please print a copy of the following documents: Chapter 106 and 104, Florida Statutes, 2011 Calendar· of Reporting Dates, and Rule 18-2.017, Florida Administrative Code..

Please let me know ifyou need additional information

Sincerely, ______JCJJut.- c . '1/JJni;JJ; K.Iisti Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records


Enclosures (

RICK SCOTT KURT S. BROWNING Governor Secretary of State

May 20,2011

Mr Ryan Moffitt, Chahperson Florida Pirate Party (55143) 5054 Sunrise Boulevard Delray Beach, Florida 33484

Dear Mr. Moffitt:

By this letter, the Department of State advises you of the creation of s .. l 03 095, Florida Statutes, which affects minm political parties The amended law became effective on May 19 20 I I; however, its provisions also apply retroactively to any minor political party which is registered -----~with-the-Qe-partment-of-State-on-J.u~y-l-,--2QU.-See.. -the...attached_extractii:om_ChlQll:_4_Q~s_.3_6._~---­ Laws of Florida, for the full text of the new law. Because yom party is currently registered and, unless it withdraws its registration before July I, 2001, it will remain registered on July 1st, we provide official notice to the party pmsuant to new section 103..095(6), Florida Statutes

Your minor political party must comply with the tequirements of the amended law within 180 days fi·om receipt of this notice; otherwise, the law mandates that the party's registration will automatically be cancelled For a fi.uther explanation of the requirements of the new law, you may review the flequently asked questions about minor political parties on the Division's webpage at:

http:/I election.dos.state, fl. us/gen- faq .shtm I

We look to your party's compliance with the new law If you have questions about the new registration pwcedures, please call the Bureau of Election Records at (850) 245··6240

Sincerely, ~A~,-~1\/ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records



Division of Elections R A. Gray BuHding, Room .316 • 500 South Bronough Str·eet • Iallahassee, F"lorida 32399-0250 T elepbone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6260 http:/I elections ,myfl orida .. co m (

103.095 Minor· political parties .... (1) Any group of citizens organized for the general purposes of electing to office qualified persons and determining public issues under the democratic processes of the United States may become a minor political proty of this state by filing with the department a certificate showing the name of the organization, the names and addresses of its current officers, including the members of its executive committee, accompanied by a completed uniform statewide voter registration application as specified in s 97.052 for each of its cunent officers and members of its executive committee which reflect their affiliation with the proposed minor political party, and a copy of its constitution, bylaws, and rules and regulations (2) Each elector registered to vote in the minor political party in which he or she has so designated has a fundamental right to fully and meaningfully participate in the business and affairs of the minor political party without any monetary encumbrance The constitution, bylaws, rules, regulations, or other equivalent documents must reflect this fundamental right and must provide for and contain reasonable provisions that, at a minimum, prescribe procedures to: prescribe its membership; conduct its meetings according to generally accepted parliamentary practices; timely notify its members as to the time, date, and place of all of its meetings; timely publish notice on its public arrd functioning website as to the time, date, and place of all of its meetings; elect its officers; remove its officers; make party nominations when required by law; conduct campaigns for party nominees; raise and expend party funds; select delegates to its national convention, if applicable; select presidential electors, if applicable; and alter or amend all of its governing documents .. (3) The members of the executive committee must elect a chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer, all of whom shall be members of the minm political party and no member may hold more tharr one office, except that one person may hold the offices of secretary arrd treasurer ------·~4-)-Bpon-approva-l-oHhe-mi-nor-pe~itieal-part-y.!s-f>ling,-the-department-shalLprocess-the-'lote.______registration applications submitted by the minor political party's officers and members of its executive committee It shall be the duty of the minor political party to notifY the deprotment of arw changes in the filing certificate within 5 days after such changes (5) The Division of Elections shall adopt rules to prescribe the manner in which political parties, including minor political parties, may have their filings with the Department of State canceled. Such niles shall, at a minimum, provide for: (a) Notice, which must contain the facts and conduct that warrant the intended action, including, but not limited to, the frui\U'e to have any voters registered in the party, the failure to notifY the deprotment of replacement officers, the failure to file campaign finance reports, the failure to adopt and file with the department all governing documents containing the provisions specified in subsection (2), and limited activity. (b) Adequate opportunity to respond (c) Appeal of the decision to the Florida Elections Conunission .. Such appeals are exempt fiom the confidentiality provisions of s. I 06.25 (6) The requirements of this section are retroactive for any minor political party registered with the department on July 1, 2011, and must be complied with within 180 days after the department provides notice to the minor political party of the requirements contained in this section Failure of the minor political party to comply with the requirements within 180 days after receipt of the notice shall automatically result in the cancellation of the minor political proty's registration. (

Florida Pirate Party "No Saft Harborfor the Enemies ofLiberty"

!5260 Younis Road WJacks·onvil/e, FL 32218- jl pitate is

Florida Department of State Division of Elections Room 316, RA Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Hlllahassee, FL 32399-0250

To Whom It May Concern 12 HAY -3 AH/1: 12 Please make the following changes to the records for the Florida Pira(Rfm'f~:, lJ. .... l SE"CRETARlal~U~1s The New Officers of the Florida Pirate Party are:


Bradley Hall 15260 Younis Road W Jacksonville, FL '32218

Vice- Chairman:

Blayne White 1'34 Oak Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32301


Carlo De Leoni bus Post Office Box 6522 Lakeland, FL 33807


Carlo De Leoni bus Post Office Box 6522 Lakeland, FL33807 The New Members of the Executive Committee are:

Bradley Hall 15260 Younis Road W Jacksonville, Fl 32218

Yice- Chairman:

Blayne White 134 Oak Street, Tallahassee, FL, .3230 I


Carlo De Leoni bus Post Office Box 6522 Lakeland, FL 33807

----·ca:rr-o-o-e-r:-eontbus------­ Post Office Box 6522 Lakeland, FL 3380 7

The new address for the Florida Pirate Party is:

15260 Younis Road W Jacksonville, F L 32218

The new phone number for the Florida Pirate Party is:

(904) 305-8444

Please change the records of the Florida Pirate Party to reflect these changes If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Ryan Moffitt at (561) 287·1229 or Bradley Hall at (904) 305··8444

Sincerely, ~- 4::2------Ryan Moffitt Immediate Past Chair fl=OR.inA DEPARTMENT ofSTj{fE RICK SCOTT KENDETZNER Governor Secretary of State

May 7 2012

Mr Bradley Hall, Chairperson Florida Pirate Patty (55143) 15260 Younis Road West Jacksom ille, Florida 32218

Dear Mr. Hall:

Your appointment as chairperson for the Florida Pirate Party was filed in this office on May 3, 2012 Enclosed is security envelope containing your confidential password and pin number to access the Division of Election's electronic tiling system (EFS) for updating information :V ou wi!!l!~!!l. adv~jhe treasurer and any deputv tr·easur·ers .Q.!J:.!1e ~ password in order for· them to have access to the EFS.

All of the Division's publications and f01ms are available on the Division of Elections' web site at http://elcction dos.statc flus It is your responsibility to read, understand, and follo\\ the requirements of Florida's election laws Therefore, please print a copy of the following documents: Chapter 10.3, 104 and 106, Florida Statutes, 2012 Calendar of Reporting Dates, and Rule IS-2.oJ 7, Florida Administrative Code ..

If you have questions concerning the electronic filing system you may call the EFS Help Desk at (850) 145-6280

Sincerely. ~~~-~~-1)_ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Btueau of Election Records



Division of Elections R.A. Gt·ay Bldg., Rm .. 316 • 500 S Br·onough St .. • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 )l Telephone: (850} 245.. 6240 • Facsimile: (850}245-6260 elections.myflodda.. com Commemorating 500 years of Florida history ~ VIVA HURIDA500. VIVA flURIOA500. .., .

...,r.-:',...~1\f~r., ' ..... t.. ... w .... il.,.l Bradley Hall Florida Pirate Party 12 HAY 22 AH II: 12 15620 Younis Rd W Jacksonville, FL 32218 DIVISIOH OF ELECTIONS SECRETARY OF STATE 904-305-8444 904-701-2348 [email protected]

Florida Department of State Division of Elections Room .316, RA Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250

To whom it may concern:

On May 3, 2012 the officer information for the Florida Pirate Party was updated by the outgoing Chaiiman, Ryan Moffitt In this update, he listed the names and addresses of the new chairman and the new vice chairman

On accident, he ttansposed a couple of the numbers of my address. He wrote "15260" when it should be" I 5620" can you please update this change into your system? This would be the address of the Chairman and is also the address of the Party headquarters

While I am writing this update, I believe it would be prudent to also state that we have also changed out phone number The new phone number for the Florida Pirate Party is: 904-701-2348

Since there was an error with the address, I never received the EFS system information username or password that was referenced in the Campaign Documents section of the DOS/DOE website. Can you please resend that information?

Thank you, and I am sony f01 the trouble

Bradley Hall ~if.Jb)~/

Chairman, Florida Pirate Party No Safe Harbor For The Enemies of Liberty ( (

J:iome Campaign Documents Search JtoAbout !he Division Forms are available in Adobe's Acrobat PDF format for viewing or printing at your site Accessing documents in PDF ,..Ear the Voters format requires use of Adobe's Acrobat Reader which may be installed free of charge .,..Q.andidates & Committees Qualifying Information


Campaign Finance

Search for Filed Campaign Documents

Forms & Reports


Mis~naneous Miscellaneous PDF Constitutional Florida ~lections 'Comniissi~fl Order P!JF Amendments/ Audit Letter PDF Referendum PDF Forms & Miscellaneous f.ublications PTY 05/22/12 Change of Address I Officers PDF Hearings Public PTY 05/07/12 Response to Officer Change PDF Meetings & 'Florida Pirate Party Change of Address I Officers PDF ~orkshops PTY 05/03/12 Florida Pirate Party PTY 03/29/12 Party Annual Audit PDF §.overnment Links :Florida Pirate P:arty PTY 01/03/12 Miscellaneous PDF Contact .Y.s :Florida Pirate Party PTY 12/27/11 Party Rules/Bylaws/Charter PDF Site Map :FJ_orida::p-i_r:a,t~ _P~ttY:-;' PTY .11/28/1)· Misdeli_~:o~qus ~DF Florida Pirate Party PTY 10/04/11 Pin/Password Reset Request PDF .F1dr[da Pirate:rParty PTY 0~/~0/11 R8spons-EVib':bfficer C:hange PDF ,Florida Pirate Party PTY 06/29/11 Treasurer Resignation/Removal Letter PDF :FIOi"iOa· Pirafe-: Party PTY 06/09/11 C.hange of Address !'Officers PDF Florida Pirate Party PTY 05/20/11 Miscellaneous PDF :Florida Pirate·Party PTY 03/23/11 Acknowledgment Letter PDF Florida Pirate Party PTY 03/22/11 Miscellaneous PDF Florida Pirate Party PTY 03/22/11 Party Rules/Bylaws/Charter PDF Florida Pirate Party PTY 03/21/11 Party Rules/Bylaws/Charter PDF Florida Pirate Party PTY 03/16/11 Acknowledgment Letter PDF .Florida Pirate Party PTY 03/16/11 Party Rules/Bylaws/Charter PDF :Florida Pirate Party PTY 03/15/11 Miscellaneous PDF Florida Pirate Party PTY 03/02/11 Party Rules/Bylaws/Charter PDF ( '·

RICK SCon· KURT S .. BROWNING Governor Secretary of State

Maxch 16. 2010

Mr. Ryan Moffitt, Chairperson Pirate Party ofF lodda 5054 Sunrise Boulevard Delray Beach, Florida 33484

Dear Mr .. Moffitt:

------:T,:::;his will acknowledge receipt of the documents for the Pirate Party of Florida that were placed on file m our office on Kilarch 2-;-2UTT~AftliCI1:ed you wtll fmccopy-o·tclfe-memmarrdunrl'ro•m------• Gary l Holland, Assistant General Counsel, where be concludes that your organization cannot be approved as a minor political party due to deficient information We suggest that you re-- submit the filing with the missing information

If you have any questions, or if we may of assistance at any time, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (850) 245-6240.

Sincerely, ~~~~~~--- Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records



Di'rision of Elections R A. Gray Building, Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Flox;da 32399--0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: {850)245.. 6260 elections.. myflorida .. com (

Department ofState Memorandum ----·-----··-·-····------'O"'ifji'-1-ceofthe General Counsel TO: Kristi Reid Bronson Chief, Bureau of Election Records

FROM: ~ary J Holland "'l!' Assistant General Cmmsel DATE: March 15, 20 11

::.RE:.::.:.: ___..;:.S.ubm~ by Pirate Party of Florida

I have r·eviewed the documents submitted to the Division of Elections for filing as a minor political party on behalf of the "Pirate Party of Florida "

I find that the submission is deficient in the following ways: (1) The submission is internally inconsistent as the party's name in the constitution is ----~"P,_,i"-'ra,t,_e_,P_,ar,_g.: of Florida;" however, the accompanying certificate in para.g~h (:=,1),______states that its name is "Florida Pirate Party .. " Clarification is necessary to ensure the correct par1y is being registered. (2) Article 4 of the party's constitution provides the official symbol to be that as contained in the header on the certificate The party's symbol contains the Great Seal of Florida within the state flag. The use of the Great Seal is prohibited without the specific approval of the Department of State (sees .. 15 .. 03, Florida Statutes- a violation of which is a criminal offense). The Department never gives approval for the Great Seal's use for political purposes; therefore, the party needs to change its constitution and symbol to omit the Great Seal of Florida

With this memorandum I am returning for yoUI files the documents forwarded to me for review.

1 recommend you provide a copy of this memorandum to the chairman of the proposed party for corrective action

Attachment (

Pirate Party of Florida

Pursuant to Florida statutes Sections 97.. 021 (18) and 103.. 091 (3), I Certify the following:

(1) The name of the minor political party is the Florida Pirate Parcy ..

(2) The current officers of this parcy are:

1. Chairman: Ryan Moffitt 5054 Sunrise Blvd Delray Beach, Florida 33484 __ ... '1-•'-'r-:'r'"' 2. Vice-Chairman: B1adley Hall 15620 Younis Rd W Jacksonville, FL 32218 11 MfiR -2 Al1 9: lt4

(3) The members of the executive committee are:

l. Chairman: Ryan Moffitt 5054 Sunrise Blvd Delray Beach, Florida 33484

2.. Vice-Chairman: Bradley Hall 15620 Younis Rd .. W Jacksonville, FL 32218

3.. Secretary: Ryan Moffitt 5054 Sunrise Blvd Debay Beach, FL 33484

4.. Treasurer: Ryan Moffitt 5054 Sunrise Blvd Debay Beach, FL 33484

Pursuant to Section 97 021 (18) of the Florida statutes, included is a copy of this parcy's Constitution. Signed and autho1ized ~y. 1 1;,~ _,..---/___.. ... (.; /~~.. ;.er_.,... ~ ,. I ,;;:;;;-- Ryan Moffitt Chairman / I '

Constitution ·· --- ' ·? ".'-: ~ 11 KAR ·2 AM 9: 4~ of the Lf /'· !· .• ;. ·.· r~ -" ··· · ·' ~•r.v TIONS • p SECRETt-RY OF STATE P:trate arty of Florida


We are the Pirate Party of Flmida .. We are the people .. We are miginators .. We are innovators. We are consumers. Best of all, we are voters.

We have~ labeled Pirates because our opposition claims that anyone who uses anything created bY another person, without payment to that person or their designated representatives, is In violation of -----•Cop.yrlght..lberefore, this!:.a~~w_e_s~ak""-'and""''"'u""se,______language which was not created by us .. We refute their principles of operation as having no basis in logic or reason, excepting to secure their financial interest at the expense of guaranteed populal rights .. Such ptinciples erode any attempts at creating a culture in which the free flow of ideas can be expressed and expanded upon without prosecution, persecution, intimidation or censorship .. Because we disagree with these plinciples on their face, and because we consider the reasoning b,ehind them flawed, we can dms be considered nothing other than Pirates

We are Pirates because we act in a way that effectively counters the assumed right of security in exchange for the guaianteed rights of our civil populace. We are Pirates because we care about the values of freedom and Innovation, which must be protected for posteri~ .. We are Pirates because we dare to claim that the interests of innovation aze not well served by the current model of commercial enterprise. We accept the label of "Pirate" as a badge of honor, to be used In defense of freedoms evecywhere ..

We are Pirates, and this is ow pal~ .. We are the champions of liberty, We are considered illegitimate thieves by those wbo openly take that which is not rightfully theirs .. Action Is nee~, and we are prepared to now act. A more perfect time to act will not pass again. Here we assemble under one banner; to defend our civil Uberties which are gravely threatened. Our banner is black, but ow aims are 1ed, white, and blue.

We hereby establish the Piiate Party of Florida for these and other bigh aims ~ I

Tide 1: General Principles & Resolve

Article 1: Democratic Supremacy

We believe In the principles of democracy: we uphold the right to democratic processes at all levels. We reject the notion that people are Incapable of governing themselves; if this was true, democracy would not be possible. Democracy shall prevail for so long as the minds of people remain free. It is therefore the duty of government to ensure democratic ideals ..

We shall operate In all ways and in all activities with democratic ptinciples in mind.

We are resolved to 11lillze a veto consensus method In all adminlsttative dealings, as well as with all issues btought to the membership to resolve, within reason and ptactlcallty. Article 2: Innovation, Progress and Freedom

We support the light to innovate, as protected by the United States Constitution and the First Amendment We respect and support the ConstiMionally enumerated obligation for Congress to "promote the progress of science and useful arts" in Article I, Section 8, Clause 8. We also hold that our Founding Fathers knew how to best motivate people, and we wotk toward maintaining this standard once we achieve it again .. We shall forge new ideas for new kinds of business. We are opposed ----'--•to""'an""'y""attempranensorship, moi!opoly-ormtliliillatron-:-Gove1'flmenrhanl·espol!l>ibilit}rtll-to-sterboth·------­ cornpetition and open markets while protecting individual rights, but not as less Important than those of any organizations or corporations ..

We are resolved to do all within om powl!! to presetve the right of Innovation, promote progress, and thereby ensure the absolute and undeniable freedom of our population. Article 3: Governmental Transparency and Privacy

We respect individual privacy, while at the same time demanding all matters of state be apen to the public. A govemment which treaiS liS people Uke criminals wlll breed criminals. Likewise, a government which promotes respect of individuals will breed respect. People will do what is expected, provided It is understand what expectations have been set. Thus, government must trust the governed if it Is to succeed in the new society .

.,- All people deseJVe the right to privacy In their personal affairs. All people deserve dignity .. We are guaranteed to be free from Interference in our personal effects, papers, and private lives by the Fourth Amendment to om 's Constitution. The Fourth Amendment does not specify that such protection is llmited only to government. We therefore uphold that privacy in one's communication, one's home, and one's ptivate life where there should be an expectation of privacy is Inalienable .. We decry any attl!!Dpts to monitor communications by armouncing that ptivacy is suspended, because an expectation of privacy must be preserved in all communications for demoi:racy to exist. It is thus counter to our nation's Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to permit warrant ..Jess wiretapping, since the Implied tight to securicy- does not exceed the expressed right to be private from governmental interference .. (

All people desexve to be well-informed and involved with their respective governments. The ideal of democracy must be upheld by the people if it is to swvive; and this cannot happen if the government is closed to the public or interferes with the pxivate lives of its citizens. Such interference can also be achieved by failure to safeguard the right to privacy. Privacy Is necessaiY to ow· society's smooth function. Transparency is the only means by which government can ensure the popular support and involvement In governmental processes. And in the emergent global society, this involvement is crltical to the maintenance of our own sovereignty and the timely action of our government.

We are resolved to promote transparent operation within government wherever possible, and to demand privacy for individual citizens In all things. We futther resolve to fight warrant-less wiretapping on the grounds that such Is indeed Unconstitutional and dlrectly counter to the aims of our Founding Fathers. Article 4: Copyrights, Patents, and Trademarks

Copyright law has enjoyed the concept of Fair Use for decades. We uphold fiiit use as a defense for civil litigation against copyright infringement, as we believe that the large corporations, though opexating legally, violate the spiiit of the law when they sue unwitting individuals who simply want to enjoy media in the privacy of their own homes. Invasion of privacy demands a response. Even if a government is not the one tesponsible, it's still wrong. We view the practice of violating citizens' privacy as exploitative, even if it is to protect copyright.

Fair use Is not Infringing use. We will continue to promote legal fair use in all ways possible, including _____1publlc._educatlon~and__wueek_to_e~anMair_ll.!;!i!, instead of liml!ID!I it as the cwrent tendency appears to do .. Copyrights are fine. Using them to exploit people is not acceptable. We will fight evexy battle It takes to prevent the exploitation of our nation's citizens.

We support artist rights: artists should be not only correctly atttibuted, but also compensated. Artists are not compensated for theil contractually-enforced compliance to large corporate interests once they sell their copyrights, and we.. believe that more of the atttibution (and resulting royalties) should go to the artists than to those who are producing works that the population is no longer interested ln .. In addition, copyright is being subverted to erode civil liberties, and as such we find an obligation to er·adfcate the portions that permit such etosion.

We consider the right of use with co1rect attribution sufficient where the original wo!Xs may not be recognizable, or where their use ls insignificant to the whole of the work, including (but not limited to) sampling and remixing of orlglnal works to create new works. We uphold the right to use and distribute derivative works, provided correct atttibutlon is maintained.

Patents, which are commonly abused and used to prevent progress and innovation, should be far more limited than they are now .. Much of the value of patents come from the public disclosure of lnfonnation enabling others to reproduce the invention. We believe that if no patents existed, it would be to the detriment of progress and Innovation; howevet, we also do not recognize an unchallengeable claim that a patent should be retained if no progress is made in its development.

Trademarks are commonly abused. A trademark should not also have a copyright. In addition, a trademaxk's use should be allowable in satire, parody, and hwnor; for so long as no association to the trademark holder Is implied, and correct attribution is given, there should be no issue with its use, even by competitors .. A trademark should be used for branding. and for identification of a company. While these uses should be protected, they are not; and other uses ;ue protected which should not be

We resolve to reform laws to promote innovation, progress. and thereby ensure freedom. It is only a productive society which can ensure it's own freedom. Article 5: Due Process, Self-Incrimination, and Freedom of Association

Due Process of Law is required in a free and democratic society and guaranteed by the Fourth and Sixth Amendments. For this reason, we resolve to uphold due process of law, even when contmy to our own stated interesiS. 1bis does not imply that we agree with all laws, but the process of law must be upheld throughout until either we are victorious or no further changes are possible ..

Our country's Constitutional Fifth Amendment gives freedom from self·· incrimination. Wblle the interests of justice and freedom require truth, no individual should ever be compelled to testify against themselves, nor· by failing to testify against themselves implied to have admitted guilt by omission. We are against the practice of compelling people to incriminate themselves, and we view It as an abuse of justice. Many times, what someone is hiding is not their own guilt, but rather their associations to others .. Such associations, where productive, should never imply complicity or· agreement to an individual's motives.

We also have the freedom to associate and gathe1 for any reason we feel is appropriate, as long as we're -----,.,.onrdvocating-or-engagtngin-violence;-as-guaranteed-by-the-First-Amendment.We-believe-m------­ democratic processes, aod gathering to show support for or opposition of any policy ls an informal request for a redress of grievances .. These are protected righiS and were made so by the Founding Fathers of our nation ..

Our freedom of association is important and fundamental; and thus, by remaining silent, we should not feel compelled to either commit perjury or incriminate ourselves .. If we me penalized for remaining silent, such penalties currently imply that we have admitted guilt. Implication of guilt being different from an assw:ance of guilt, such evidence should never be submitted to any court where It shows that a person was compelled to admit guilt when it was not Indeed admitted

We resolve to advocate due process of law; to discover,, and remove all end-nms around ttue justice; and to uphold that a person's association with a group does not imply inclusion In, acceptance of, 01 support for their Ideals and goals.

Article 6: Minorities, Prejudice, & Foreign Sovereignty

Minorities are not recognized .. We are all human Prejudice simply makes no sense, where matters of predetennlnatlon are concerned. We recognize that there are differences In skin color, bone strUcture, belief, thought, attitude, and values. These differences are desirable and important to a free society. Therefore, such differences should be embraced rather than used as a means of separation or limitation We have no room for p~judgment

As such, the only limitations for any office within our pmty is the ability to do the job, and to be either a voting dtizen of our nation, or to be of legal resident-alien statuS and to be working on attaining / ,--- I'

citizenship status.

We also recognize that those who hail from fon~ign nations deserve the benefit of education regarding our system of govermnent and how it works, as well as addressing any perceived shortcomings therein. However, if they do not want such education, we should not force their acceptance of it Even if a government requests assistance, it should be the voice of the people which is heard, rather than the voice of the governing body. 'This is the upholding of democratic principle and operation ~y consensus.

Foreign nations likewise should not be forced to enforce our laws; nor should we theirs .. All nations deserve to conduct their own internal affairs as sovereign .. While we can criticize and admonish, democratic principles demand that we allow other governments to operate in the manner they see fit, even if we do not agree with their methods, ideology, or definitions. They have the right to kill and enslave their citizens, but they do not have the right to do the same to ours .. Likewise, we should not force democratic ideals upon them .. We should uphold the right of sovereignty even in our own lands. The ptinciples of democracy should convey to the people the necessity of action, and leave the choice of action to the people ..

This guarantee of foreign sovereignty does not imply that we should support tyt ants .. Our nation cannot and should not support or continue to permit tytanny in any form. When a nation that we trade with kills or enslaves its citizens, our nation has a right to speak against such things. We also have a tight to cease trade .. We must be willing to accept the Iisks associated with maintaining high ideals and yet not forcing those ideals on others .. Even with the cessation of ttade, howevet~ we must support democratic processes and continue to encourage democratic ideals, even while we cease trade with those who -----~would-enslave-or-oppress-their-populatlons.--We-must-be-willlng-to-ioconvenience-ourselves-tO-Uphol:u.------­ ow principles, or they are not principles at all, and merely words which convey a nice idea.

We must also maintain our own sovereignty .. Foreign nations have no right to impede or intrude upon ow sovereign status; likewise, we have no rights where foreign nat!Dns are concerned. To tty to control foreign countries is to invite the ile of others .. Our nation does not need or deserve the Ire of others. We should therefore support sovereignty of all countries while encouraging democratic ideals, without direct interference in the operation of sovereign nations or theil systems of government. If our system is superior, people will naturally see that it Is so and adopt it; if otherwise, a bette! system wlli surely come into place .. We resolve to help our country understand that foreign powers should remain sovereign In all things, even where we disagree .. Exceptions to this include the necessity of violent resolution, should our nation be attacked, for so long as just action can be maintained. Article 7: File Sharing, Distribution, Consumer Rights, and Originator Rights

There is no crime in sharing files, nor should there be The crime comes when those who created the content of these files are unpaid. We do not aim to legitimize theft; we aim to help create a business model that incorporates free distribution

Those who share music should pay the artists directly .. No middle-man is necessaty, as no fee is needed for distribution. We therefore do not recognize the legitimacy of groups like the RIAA, IFPI, and similai organizations whose main pwpose, in their current incarnation, is to protect corporate interests above those of the artists and the conswners. We reject ali claims made of benefit to the artist and the upholding of artists' rights until such time that either their practices significantly alter to pennit such benefic, or such benefit becomes plain for all to see., So long as indusoy mganizations of any kind continue to exploit either consumers or the originators of the products such organizations (or their members) produce, our-pwpose In the defense of democratic principles is compounded.,

Those who share movies should pay the producer{s) of the film, not the distributors,, Again, disttibution should be free, There is already sufficient capital exchange that occurs in the production and theater showing of any film; there is no need to burden consumers by requiling their further purchase of media where no purchase should be needed ..

Those who share software should pay only if that software is useful to them, and then only what that software is worth to them .. Programmers should be the ones paid; not disttibution companies .. Specifically, game designers should have the same status as rock stars in ow society, because what they do excites us just as much. Large distribution companies should not be necessary in a system built around our modem infrasnuctnre, particularly when such lnfrasnucture virtUally eliminates the need for physical media. The challenge, then, becomes one of convincing users that a particular game is worth paying for .. Profits increase and price decreases at the same time. It benefits the programmers when a game Is sold; but if people are unwilling to buy, then the game's value to the population decreases. Simple economics are no longer possible when a company seeks to hide its resources behind one dlsttibutor

Market-savvy consumeis are no longer loyal to branding, but to the originating studios--and thence, to the programming team itself. If a team Is 11n5uccessful at amalgamation but they produce a perfect product, then amalgamation is not necessary .. Likewise, If consumers are best served ~ the presence of -----a· given-fomrorentertainmenram:tcarrobtainitforiree;-they-should-obtain-it-for-free-and-only-pay~-----­ what they believe it Is wo!th. The enjoyment of gaming is found in the challenge to win, not in the winning itself Excluding people on the basis of ability to pay means excluding potential talent.

We intend to wo!lc toward the establishment and maintenance of a pr·ofitab!e business model in all aspectS of distributed-media industty, a model which does not exploit artists or require the originators of works to sign away their rights to their innovative works. We want to help a flailing !ndusoy to realize the errors of its ways in a new and market·savvy society, because the old ways no longer work. We reject the idea that in order to profit, one must exploit others or force thi!ID to our will.

We do not accept that there is anything inherently wrong with file sharing., It is our wish to ~reate a climate in whicb the free exchange of cultural ideals can occur. We do not accept that entertainment should be our· top priority in life , nor do we agree that any one person, group, or industry (short of humanity itself) can own the rights to any culture, nor to the product thereof.

We have a business model to base things from .. It's a matter of risking the loss of control that those of industrial thinking believe is necessary to profit. Many companies have proved that It's completely urmecessary to continue the old methods of market domination. The best company in the world is the one which Is best able to adapt to the changing needs of society; not one whicb seeks to ovenide these needs with an outdated business modeL

We must find a means to work within the system, but so must those who oppose us, 1be stakes are high, and one entire indusoy's existence hangs In the balance. It is time they listened instead of making deiDands. We resolve to educate the public about lawful uses of file-sharing, its beneficial purposes, and why it should become legal to share all manner of files .. Article 8: Unpopular Beliefs, Free Speech, and Network Neutrality

For millennia, unpopular beliefs were held to be climinal. The adherents of many ideas now widely accepted were pe!Secuted fm hundleds of years before finally finding acceptance. Endless persecutions still exist for new ideas. We are willing to allow unpopular beliefs because it is only when unpopular beliefs are pe1mitted that we are also pe!mitted to hold our own unpopular beliefs ..

We uphold the right to be unpopular. Where there is a difference of opinion, people should be at least willing to listen. The less people are willing to listen to things they personally find distasteful, the Jess those who express such things will be able to learn

Likewise, we are agamst others determining our desires and shaping om apparent will against om wishes .. Flee speech demands that computer networks likewise remain open and free from the interference of others. The right of the people to be free from governmental !nli"ingement upon our communications is guaranteed in our nation's First Amendlnent to the Constitution .. However, commercial interference must also be protected against While we are not opposed to the use of self­ regulating "smart" networks, we are opposed to the use of such for the purposes of profitability, and we are likewise opposed with regard to hutnan··managed netWorking apparatus because of the high potential for abuse Self-regulating networks are neutral, as the rules regarding their operation are unchanged. We therefore support network neuttality, rather than any kind of "equal" network. A neuttal network is required for democracy to prevail..

We resolve to uphold the right of free speech, because even if we disagree with the message, the right to speak and be heard should be upheld in all cases. This includes the r@it to express unpopulif5elle:r.:s-----­ in a rational manner, as well as the right to be free from Interference with our expression by the unscrupulous ..

Article 9: Acting Within the Law & Civil Liberties

We do not promote, advocate, support, or engage in illegal activities. Where there is a disparity between individual action and the Jaw, the law wins. However, if the law is incorrect, based on incorrect or invalid principles, or created because of political pressures rather than because it's right, we hold that these laws should be changed .. Changing a law does not require civU disobedience.

We uphold the civil liberties of all peoples. Freedom to Innovate is at all levels the right of the people .. It benefits government when the people innovate, because govemmental interests In the promotion of progress and the upholding of popular rights Is based In the abil!ry to express new ideas ..

We reject the notion that civil liberties must be sacrificed in order to maintain order or to serve justice ..

We resolve to further civil liberties in our own countty through education and public service.

Article 10: Voting, Voting Rights, and Taxation

All citizens are entitled to participate in their government. We will promote the right to vote for all ( /

citizens, regardless of legal srarus. Our Declaration of Independence explains that taxation without representation under the law was abhorrent to our founding fathers .. We hold this to be a timeless truth, and so if any portion should be disallowed voting rights, the same should be entitled to be free from taxation ..

This includes unpopulm· segments of society, such as o!minals, as well as more popular segments, and membeiS of our elected government.

Our candidates are free to support or oppose the Elect01al College system, as this system has not been shown to either uphold or denigrate democratic principles, the values of a free society, or anything that opposes these. However, we do recognize that this system is in need of reform. In a well-regulated democtat!c society with open communications, representative voting is no longer necessary, as our· infrastructure is capable of clearly indicating the will of the people.

Gerrymandering circumvents the reason for having free and open elections in a democracy. Though gerrymandering is common practice in our country, we are opposed to it, and would seek to establish a nonpartisan committee to review and establlsh boundaries for each Congressional disb!ct based on both predetermined and more current fair criteria, where voting is concemed. We would also seek to establish new criteria by Constitutional Amendment, if necessary to secure a nonpartisan method of dividing Congressional districts. If such is not necessary, we would see no need to continue working toward it

We resolve to uphold the tight of truly universal suffrage among our citizens. What the populatlon -----t~•emandsrit.shouldreceive,..e.ven.if.against.the..wishes_oia_goyernlng_b:ody:._As su_ch, we~also,.,.,_,r""es,.,o,.,lv,_,e,_,t"'o ______ensure democtatic processes at all levels of our operation. Article 11: Freedom, Societal Advancement, and Being a Pirate

A free society recognizes that freedom comes at a price. This price is responsibility to the government. Government and the governed should be an equal. symbiotic, and interdependent relationship, whereby the government provides what the people demand, and the people provide the needs of government in return. Whc!re one has more control over the other, there can be no stability or balance In the long term ..

We understand that society is advancing into a new era of thought, and this era is mmked by extended opp01tunities and competitive genen>sity .. Beginning with several thousand consumers, it has become several hundred companies, and this movement Is growing not only In scope, but also in magnitude.

We recognize that in order for society to advance, there must be an appreciation of values. The advent of the internet In the average person's life universally causes social change, and this Is a global change that cannot be legislated against. We suppon this ttansition into a new society, with new values and new ideas. Our aim is to promote thls change, and to assist those who have difficulty with it

We also see that others label us Pirates because we disagree With them (regardless of whether or not we actually engage in piracy, we are so labeled because of our opposition to their ideals). We are told that any time one uses something that doesn't belong to them, that one Is engaging in infringement, and therefore piracy. Because we all use language (which doesn't belong to us), we are Infringing on those who created it. Because we don't pay a royalty, we are all Pirates. t' '

We resolve to continue using the name "Pirate" for our political party, in the name of freedom and social progress. Title 2: Structure

Article 1: Separation of Powers

All powers within the Pilate Party of Florida shall be separated into six sections, complising a Centtal Administtation of the Pirate Party:

l Administration 2 . Opeiations 3.. Legal 4. Promotional 5Records 6. Financial

These powers being necessary for the timely operation of the Pirate Party, each shall have one officer for each of these powers, whose principal responsibility shall be the smooth operation of the Pirate Party, and who shall have secondary duties commensurate to the power which that person shall represent while in the capacity of office.

The Administrative Ofllcer, who may also be calleollieCnatrman, shaJl oversee all matters involving lhe intemal administtation of the Pirate Party, and shall act as both C'.bairman of the Central Administt·atlon of the Pirate Party, and as spokesperson for lhe Pirate Party of the Florida in geneial (though this may be delegated to a specific spokesman as proVided for within this document).. The Chairman shall also oversee all elections within the Pirate Party of the Florida, and sbaii ensure that democratic processes are upheld The Chairman shall also coordinate, If not directly oversee, communications with the Pirate Party of the United States and the Pilate Party International, and the various other Pirate Party groups throughout the world The Chaltman is also the dltecting office!' for all operations within the Pirate Party ..

Ihe Operaticms Offia:r, who may also be called tile Vice-Cbakman, shall ove-e all matters involving the internal and external opeiations of tile Pirate Party, and shall also conduct all business as necessary in the absence or incapacity of the Chairman, and as the Chairman shall direct. The Vlce­ Chaltman shall also have the duty to undertake the duties of those offices which sball be vacant, as they shall be from time to time, and to assist in the smooth transition of office from one administration to the next. The Vice-Chairman shall also act in the capacity of Liaison to the State Government, for any officials, officers, agents, employees, or affiliates within the Florida Government who may need direct contact with the p~ .. The Vice-Chairman may also have direct oversight into the public affairs of the Chairman and shall1eport such to the other officers if a need to report such is perceived.

The Legal Officer, who may also be called the AdminisUiltM Lawyer or Legal Advisor, shall oversee all matters involving law, including (but not limited to) proposed and actual legislation, litigation in cases that are of interest to the Pirate Party-particularly in cases where consumer rights are In play-or which are of interest to the people, and approval of all activities undertaken by the party in ( I I.

which there is a question of legal standing or legality in action. The Legal Officer shall also be responsible for the recording of all policies within the Pirate Party, and shall forward all records to the Record-keeping Officer. lhe Legal Officer shall also act as legal counsel to the Pirate Party of Florida, for such time as there is a need for legal counseL

The Promotional Officer, who may also be called the Markedng Administrator or PubUdty Advisor, shall oversee all matters involving the promotion of the Pilate Party of Florida, including (but not limited to) the issuance of press releases in the name of the Chairman (with approval thereof), all signage and promotional materials, and the authorization of the use of copyrighted materials. The Promotional Officer shall also act in the capacity of Improving the image of the Pilate Party, and shall advise the other officers of the PiJ:ate Party in methods to improve the Pirate Party's Image with regard to the public .. The Plomotional Officer shall also oversee all offidal web sites, and shall maintain an adequate knowledge or Staff to administer these, and to ensure their compliance.

The Records Officer, who may also be called the Secretary or Records Administrator, shall oversee all matters involving the offidal Il!Cords of the Pirate Party of Florida, including (but not limited to) the maintenance of both paper and electronic archives. The Records Officer shall also be responsible for the recording of meeting minutes and publication thereof.

The Financial Officer, who may also be called the Treasurer or Accoundug Administrator, shall oversee all finandal transactions and bookkeeping functions within the Pilate Party, including having direct oversight with regard to all party, campaign, and other finances. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for all budgeting and financial planning aspects of the Pirate Party's finances .. All records ------~shWL~ans!e~Jn_dup»~~t~to~the~~R~ec~o~rd~-~ke~ep~in~g~Of~fi~cer~·------

All officers shall be required to present a wtified front to outside influences. In such cases, when a dedsion is made that may affect the good standing of the entire party, or if such decision should be adverse to the membership of the party, or to the established aims and goals of the party, or not consistent within the law, or by any other estimation of the one faced with such decision, the same should defer to the entire body of officers for declsions to be made, unless by failure to make such decision on the spur of the moment shall result in even greater hatm to the party, it's officers, or it's members Officers who make such decisions will need to notify the othet officers in the most expedient manner possible .. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in censure and ban from office, as well as summary removal upon discovery of such decision .

Officers are permitted to hold more than one office, if duly elected into these offices. Officers also holding provisional atlminisuative titles shall not be considered in violation of this standard.

Article 2: Nomination, Election and Appointment

All nominations shall be accomplished by either announcing candidacy for a position, or by having someone else announce the candidate's nomination fm the position. The nominee may withdraw the nomination at any tlme before the actual vote .. Nominations shall be announced a minimum term of 7 days before a vote should be held. Nominations may be held open for up to 30 days. All nominations must be announced in a public area, such as the wiki, forums, or chat channels, where members are likely to be able to see them. Then~ Is no requirement for members to see them: if nominees are unwilling to get people to vote for them, that's not an issue the party needs to address. { \

All officers shall be elected by veto consensus vote. This means that members nominated by any member the electotal body of the Pirate Party for a specific position. If there shall be no dissenting voice, the nomination shall stand, and no seconding nomination shall be needed. An agreement among the peers Involved in the election process shall suffice unless there be contention about who Is the best candidate, at which time a vote may be called by the Chainnan (or Acting Administrative Officer).. The vote shall be open and tallies shall be counted according to the method of voting, as appropriate to the occasion.

All votes shall be done by use of an anonymous voting mechanism, which shall be accomplished using any means at the disposal of the Chairman, or by any appointed .. If no anonymous mechanism exists, the closest approximation may be used if agreed to by a majority of those voting.

Officers have the right, responsibility, and duty to appoint agents and assistants as the need demands .. Officers do not have a requirement to compensate these appointees, as all positions within the party are voluntary. Volunteers may be paid if funds pennit, and as necessary to ensure their retention within the party, if their position should be considered vital to the Pbate Party's ope1ation .. Officers may select or change the titles of those under them as necessary or as beneficial to the position.

All officers are subject to votes of confidence or no confidence, should they act in the party's interests without the consent of lhe membership at large .. Those officers who have thtice committed acts, 01 failed to act in a capacity, which Inspires a vote of no confidence, lhe same should be dismissed from office. Such officers shall be replaced at the same meeting which their thi!d vote of no confidence has been obtained. Article 3: Meetings, Quorum, Participation, and Adjournment

All meetings shall be announced no less than seventy-two (72) hours in advance, and no more than ninety (90) days in advance. It ls preferred !hat seven (7) days' notice be given.. Officers and members who are unable to attend shall be required to give notice within twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting. Any meeting with less than seven (7) days of advance notice shall be considered an emergency meeting.

Quorum for official meetings shall require no fewer than two (2) officers and two (2) non·oQfficers be present at all meetings in order to satisfy the requirement of quorum. If no officers shall be present, the meeting shall not begin. An exception to Ibis rule may be declared by consensus agreement of those present if !here be no officers.

The Central Administration of Pilates shall announce and bold one (1) regular meeting each calendar year, which shall be the State Convention of lhe Pirate Party .. At such meeting, the following orders of operation shall take precedence over all other pressing matters:

1. This Constitution of the Pirate Party of the United States of America shall be reviewed in Its entirety, and amendments proposed if any portion thereof shall be considered a non-issue .. 2. The members of the National Administtation of Pirates shall review all activities dUJing the preceding yea~, and shall issue a rep on therefor. 3.. The members of lhe Pirate Party shall, as a body, elect to uphold or remove any amendment proposed, excluding temporary emergency measures, which shall end upon that day unless consensus among lhe attendees shall indicate popu1ar favor~ I'

The Pirate Party shall then attend to othet oroers of operation on the agenda before them ..

The Central Administration of Pitates may convene dwing, and for up to 24 hours after, each election. This meeting is closed to the public, and is for watching and analyzing the election dynamics unfold However, state and national delegates m~ enter and leave at will, and may convey infonnation at will to the public. No planning of any kind may occur during this convention

All members of the Pirate Party are welcome to participate at all times during any meeting .. However, members may be ejected from the meeting for continuous, l!relevant, disruptive and counterproductive behavior~ Members are entitled to at least two warnings .. Members of the press should identify themselves as such, or risk pennanent removal of all members of thel! news agency at the option of the Chairman .. All other members of the public are welcome to attend official meetings without liinllation, though only members may vote on any given topic.

Tl!ne .. ·sensitive matters may be voted upon by the membership at large after the fact; such matters shall be votes of confiden£e or no confidence in the person or persons who have undertaken such activities.

All meetings must be recorded. It is the duty of the Recoros Admlnisttator to provide for such recording, and for

All meetings may be fully adjourned at any time, provided no existing matters need to be addressed. If new matters need to be addressed, such matters maY be deferred to the following meeting. Temporaty ------cintennissions-may-be-granted-for-reasonS-of-Sanity,,-ancicomfoit-during_extendedmeetlngs.______

Article 4: Compensation

All compensation is commeuswate with the necessity of retention. Therefore, officers shall be paid an equal share of the funds budgeted for their payments .. Officer pay may not exceed 10% of the total budget Administrative costs may not exceed 15% total, Including pay of all officers. Budgeting is the duty of the Financial Officer~

However, If there be no monies raised, then no pay should be allotted. Article 5: !.imitations of Power

Officers may not knowingly engage In any action, activity, movement, or act that violates the law of the land, whlle in that land, wherever it may be, in accordance with the law"

Officers may not knowingly support any group or individual in committing any illegal act, in accordance witb the law ..

Officers may not act in any capacity on behalf of the Pirate Party, save that which Is specified within this document

Offices must act in a manner that is honorable, truthful, just, and forthright. Officers may take oaths of secrecy and keep them, provided that such oaths do not seek to circwnvent public interests. ( I '

Officers must ensure that a democratic process is rel'alned at all levels of operation within the party, and encowage demooatic process in all levels of government.

Officers may not substitute personal prejudices for public interest.

Officers who demonstJ:ate an inability to operate within these limitations may be removed from office with cause .. Article 6: Prohibited Powers

The Pirate Party of FlO!ida may not conttavene decisions made by the Pirate Party of the United States, except where such decisions are clearly conttary to state laws.

Sta~·level Pirate Party organizations may not speak for the Pirate Party of the United States, except where specifically permitted 01 authorized.

Article 7: Vacancies & Removal From Office

Vacancies will occur from time to time, as officials within the Pirate Party find that they are unable to devote time to their office, or by reason of removal from office, death, or another incapacity. In such cases, a replacement officer may be elected at the following regular meeting of the Centtal _____a., of the Pirate PartY by_,those="-"'in,_,a.,tt,en,dan,,ce,_. ______

The duties of vacant offices shall be apportioned to the other officers within the Pilate Party of Florida, until such time as a new officer shall be elected.

Officers who die while in office shall be considered removed. Officers may individually resign their commission, and when such resignation becomes effective, they shall be considered removed from office. Officers who are removed from office for any other reason must be voted out of office Officers who are voted out of office may be voted out at anY meeting, emergency or otherwise, where a quorum exists .. Officers who are removed from office may not nominate or appoint a replacement. All officers must be elected by the body of membership ..

If all positions are vacated, the electoral body of the Plr ate Party of the Florida may hold an emergency meeting to elect new officers. Title 3: Activities

Article 1: Formation of Political Action Committees

All political action committees ("PACs", or singular: "PAC") that seek to use the name of, or create benefit to, the Pilate Party, must be authorized by the Central Adminlsttation o~ the Pilate Paey.. All PACs must specify theii reasons for operation, and the necessity of use for the Pirate Pany name must be authotized in advance .. Additionally, the Pirate Party must act in accordance with the law regarding oversight and repolting of the PACs. Each PAC is also responsible for its own ope~ation. (

1o become an officially 1~ognized PAC, the gi1>Up must, as a unit:

• Wrire and submit a statement of organization, including a declaration of intent, a mission statement and a listing OI account of intended goals .. • Include methods of fundraising. operational guidelines, and record keeping .. • Justify their puipose by illustrating the need to the officers .. • Complete and submit papetwork as required to government bodies. • Pay all fees and dues for the formation of the PAC, as well as individual members who must regme~ as lobbyists or for other reasons

PACs must also meet with the approval of the members at one meeting of the National Administtation of the Pirate Party

No monetary conttibution to the party Is required by the party nor any part of the membership. However, should there be any who which to contribute, the same shall be pennitted. Article 2: Oversight by the Pirate Party

~ PACs may be oveiSeen by the Pirate Party once authorized .. However, PACs are autonomous bodies and thus are not subject to the regular review of the central Adminisnatlon of the Pirate Party. It is in the best interesfs of all involved to maintain such autonomy. All PACs shall maintain non· -----.commercial-and-independent-interests-in-support-of-the-priooples-of-democracy-and-freedom~------

Article 4: Symbols, Slogan, and Our Ma<~cot

We may reserve the light to add meaningful symbols as needed for promotion .. Our official symbol may change by changing the description in this paragtaph, though change of the basic symbol should be rare enough to w

Otrr official symbol is a white sail with an ovedaid Florida flag on a black pole ln the shape of the lette1 "P" swrounded by a black circle on a white field. We hold the current Flag of the United States of America to be the physical representation of our party's interests In the absence of ow official symbol.

Our cumnt official slogan is "No Safe Harbor for the Enemies of Libeny" and may be amended or changed as needed for promotional purposes. Article 5: Donations

The Pirate Party of Florida may collect contributions, donations, and other monies without limitation, excepting as provided by law or statute for political parties. Spending of such monies in accordance with the law is in all ways permitted. The Pirate Party of Florida m~y contribute to campaign finances with a fund-matching system, provided that such matching is done after the primary eleaions for any office. (f there should be no primary elections for an office, fund-matching may be acceptable.

Article 6: Standards of Practice in Accounting (


AU funding shall be maintained with regan:l to records, reporting, and dispersement In accordance with law or All accounting practices shall maintain, as a minimum standard, the standalds of ptactice equivalem to The Pirate Party may utillze any methodologies within the bounds of law, starute,

The Pirate Party of Flodda m~y own, operate, and specify the uses, within the bounds of applicable law, of any nmnber of accoums at financial institutions. Such accounts must be reconciled at least monthly, and more often is more desirable .. Article 7: Discrepancies

All discrepancies in accounting or party activity with regazd to our stated alms shall be considered a gross infraction of the bylaws, and a reprimand may include termination of office for those found to have willtuny engaged In such infiacting behaviors. Those who report such discrepancies may be recorded, but the privacy of the individual must be maintained throughout the inteznal!nvestigation. Those "!M.bave been found to have unintentionally caused such discrepancies sball receive a reprimand which may not Include tennlnation of office.

If such discrepancies violate the laws or· rules of conduct within the United States, the jurisdiction of law enforcement shall reign supreme with full cooperation from all officers. Tide 4: Debts

The P!Iate Party of Florida will not have debts. Any debts incuued shall be the responsibility of PACs to deal with, Including debts incurred by litigation ..

The Pirate Party may determine that any debt is Invalid by declaration. However, it may not refuse to pay such debts without due process of law, or without an agreement to transfer such debt to an appropriate authority.

Debts which may not be transferred and which are declared valid under the law shall have top priority for fund allocations, In equal share if there is more than one debt .. Title 5: Oaths

Oaths may be sworn by any member f01 any reason, within 01 without the Pilate Party of Florida. Such oaths are treated as verbal contractual obligations and sball be upheld within tlie party as contractually binding. Oaths may not bind an Individual against any civil lights. Oaths must be witnessed by at least two people, In addition to the oath-taker, and the person or people to whom the oath is given. Oaths may be recorded by the Records Officer if such oaths potentially impact the operation of the party. Title 6: Amendments

Amendmenn; to this Constitution shall be heard by the Central Administration of the Pirate Party using a partlclpatmy consensus system. Amendments must be announced and beld for Study for at least two meetings, prior to being adopted., Amendmems may not be given for temporary issues; Instead, ( '

tempor;uy emergency ordm may be given, which may not exceed 6 months without a consensus vote .. Temporary emergency ordm must be voted on at the next regular meeting of the Pirate Paity, or as soon as is feasible. Emergency measures must be voted upon by all non-officers at the meeting, and must pass with a two-thirds approval or higher to be upheld. Emergency measures do not count as ainendments to this document, and must be voted upon eve1y meeting until either adopted as an amendment 01 discontinued. At any meeting where two-thirds or more of those assembled should not uphold tbe measure, it should be discontinued 01 the Saine shall be cause for a vote of no confidence in the instigating office1 ..

Amendments to this Constitution must be unanimously upheld by all members voting in a popular vote. Those who abstain should not be counted as opposing or supporting .. Those wbo oppose may have opportunity to add!~ specific concems. These concerns must be either upheld and incorporated, or logical reason given fo1 refusal to uphold .. A recall vote may be held only four times before an ainendment must be resubmitted.

Any vote which exceeds 95% shall be considered passed by consensus, and may be considered unanimous if all objections have been addressed already, if the dissenting votes are dissenting because of continued objection to an item which has already been addressed to its exhaustion, rathet than simple opposition to tbe entire ainendment.

Those who abstain may outnumber voters .. This is expected and acceptable for a consensus system.

Title 7: Ratification

This document is het·eby ratified. It shall hold tbe power of validity within the Pirate Party's operation, and shall be a final document.

No poltion of this document, should it be held invalid by law 01 popul;u dissent, shall hold to invalidate any othet·. No right retained or supported shall be construed to deny any other, nor shall it construe any disparagement of tbe law, nor support for any disparagement or inadherence therein. ( '·

FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W.. Gaines Street, Suite 224 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 (850) 922-4539

June 4, 2013

Bradley Hall, Chairman Florida Pirate Party 15620YounisRoad West Jacksonville, Florida 32218

RE: Case No.: FEC 13-176 Revocation of Registration of Florida Pirate Party

Dear Mr Bradley:

The Division of Elections has notified the Florida Elections Commission that you object to ------the-Bivision'-s-i:ntent-to-revoke-the-registFatio!l-eJ-the-party-that--yeu-chaiE-I--anticipate-thae------­ the Commission will hear your case at its next available meeting, which is presently scheduled for November 13-14,2013, in Tallahassee (the Commission meets in February; May; August; and November of each year) A notice of hearing will be mailed approximately three weeks prior to the hearing.

In reaching its decision, the Commission will consider the documents gathered by the Commission staff and any documents you submit for the Commission's consideration before the hearing. Unless good cause is shown, the Commission may not consider at the hearing any written document unless it has been filed with the Commission Clerk at least ten days before the hearing

The Commission will uphold the revocation imposed by the filing officer unless you present credible evidence (1) that the committee's aggregate repotted financial activity during the 2012 calendar year was more than $500 or (2) that you were required to register the political committee under a provision umelated to financial activity and that you are actively pursuing the activity for which the committee was requited to register. Credible evidence is evidence that is from a credible source and is so natural, reasonable, and probable as to make it easy to believe

You will find enclosed a copy of Rule 1S-2 .. 050, Florida Administrative Code, the Division of Elections' mle that govems revocation of registration of political parties. The Commission may not consider any written document unless it has been filed with the Commission Clerk at least ten days before the hearing, unless good cause is shown If the

Aut003(3/05) documentmy evidence is timely received, it will be presented to the Commission when it considers your appeal of the revocations Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.

Since1ely, [)_y~VIL~ DoiDia Arm Malphurs Agency Cle1k

Enclosure: Rules lS-2 .. 050, Flmida Administrative Code cc: Division of Elections, Filing Office!

AutOlO (3/063) lS-2.050 Cancellation of Political Party Filings (1) Definitions Except where the context clearly indicates otherwise in this rule, the term "party" means any political party, to include a minor political party. "Division" means the Division of Elections (2) Cancellation The division may cancel the filings by a party, to include its registration and approved status as a party, when: (a) The party fails to have any voters registered as party members; (b) The party fails to file campaign finance reports for more than 6 months; (c) The party fails to comply with the annual public audit requirements of Section I 03 .121(2), F .S.; (d) The party's aggregate reported fmancial activity during the calendar year is $500 or less; (e) The party fails to maintain a public website; (f) I he minor political party fails to file with the division the name and address of any replacement officer within 5 days after the death, resignation or removal of a party's officer; (g) The minor political party fails to file with the division changes to its filing certificate within 5 days after such change; or (h) The minor political party fails to adopt and file with the division the governing documents containing the provisions specified in Section I 03 095(2), F S (3) Notification of intent to cancel The division shall send notification to the party's chairperson of the intent to cancel the party's filing or registration to the most recent address on file with the division for the chairperson If the notification is returned undeliverable, the division shall send the notification to another officer of the party at the most recent address on file with the division Within 30 days of the date of the division's mailing of the preliminary notice of intent to cancel, the party may provide additional documentation to the division showing why the party's filing or registration should not be canceled Upon review of such documentation, if the division determines that the filing or registration should not be canceled, the party will be notified that it is in compliance. If after review of the additional documentation provided, the division determines that the filing or registration should be canceled, a final notice of intent to cancel shall be mailed by the division to the most recent address on file with the division. If no additional documentation is provided by the party within 30 days of the date of the division's mailing of the preliminary notice, the ---

Rulemaking Authority 20 10(3), 97 012(1) 103 095(5) F~ Law Implemented 103 091 103 095, 103 121. 106 29 F~ History-New 9-7-11 (


To FEC from Division of Elections

The below listed information is being referred for the following reason(s): ~ Appeal of Cancellation of Party Certification D Other: r-\oi\~ ?ir~A·c. pal.(-\-_y

The Division of Elections is referring this issue to the Florida Elections Commission pursuant to Section 1 03 .. 095(5), Florida Statutes, and Rule 1S-2 .050, Florida Administrative Code, which requires the filing officer to cancel the filings of a party if the party fails to comply with the annual audit requirements of Section 103 .. 121(2), Florida Statutes, and if the party's aggregate reported financial activity during the calendar year is $500 or less.

Account Number Certified Mail Number Date of Letter 55143 n/a 05/17/2013 ----speciat-e·omments:------

The following documents are included: ~ Notice of Intent to Cancel ~ Final Notice of Cancellation M ,..., ~ Response to Final Notice of Cancellation r- rr1<)> =....., C).-:..j :::0 ~ Campaign Treasurer's Reports for 2012 ~..-1)::1· X ---< > rn S!M -< --o C) "'..,., N C"~., Comments: ~l'r- =-:=;o-~o ·u < .. 0 f,J\;, :t:: --'

Sent By: Kristi Bronson )f(_W Date: May 23, 2013 . OOUGJ1 ( (

B1orida Pirate Partr.,

Bradley Hall Florida Pirate Party 15620 Younis Rd. W Jacksonville, FL 32218

May 17,2013

Department of State, Division of Elections, Bureau of Election Records The RA. Gray Building, Room 316 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250

RE: RE: Final Notice of Cancellation

On May 16, 2013, I received your Final Notice of Cancellation (dated May 10, 2013) for the Florida Pirate Party (55143) for faiiUie to comply with the annual public audit requirements as found in Section I 03.121 (2), Florida Statutes and for having an aggregate reported financial activity of less than $500 fm the year ending December 31, 2012.

This is our appeal.

Regarding the public audit requirement, we tried to find a CPA in time We thought we would have our audit turned in on time, but we failed. We accept the consequences on that one However, the other reason for our cancellation, the failure to have aggregate reported financial activity of at least $500, that one, we wish to appeal.

First, canceling the party on account of having eamed less than an arbitJary amount of money puts a price tag on speech, and free speech is guaranteed by the first amendment to the constitution, which states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the fr·eedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble. and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (portions bolded fot emphasis)

Second, the party earnedjust over $327 If the Florida Pirate Party was a person, that person would be eligible for the Earned Income Credit, the SNAP program, and several other federal assistance programs, not cancellation, though, if the party was a person, that cancellation would be renamed "execution" F 01 these reasons, we appeaL ~~ w J C'">lf :J: ::0-· """ I thank you for reading over our appeal, r'l£, -<. -i~t-- ) >.....:;:=,:; .,..J t,· 1 Bradley Hall, Chairman, Florida Pirate Party .. Pl ..,.._.,. or~ ~ ·~c,~: ..,.,r .. 1 - "' " U:J.. rn -1-i t=' ~.<5 (..>) IT!~ N .·~ OJUCJ2 (


May 10,2013

Mr .. Bradley Hall, Chairperson Florida Pirate Pmty (55143) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville, Florida 32218

RE: Final Notice of Cancellation

Dear Mr Hall:

On April 5, 2013 the Division provided you with a Notice of Intent to Cancel pursuant to Rule lS-2.050, Florida Administrative Code The notice informed you of the Division's intent to revoke your party's certification as an active political party based on the comniittee's failure to meet the following criteria:

Failure to comply witli the annual pubhc audirYequ:irenren-ts-of-Se-ctto·n------1 10.3.121(2), Florida Statutes.

The political party's aggregate r·eported financial activity during the 2012 calendar year was less than $500 ..

The notice advised you to provide documentation showing that the party's registration should not be canceled The Division did not receive a response to this notification Accordingly, the Division hereby issues a Final Notice ofintent to Cancel

If you object to this cancelation you must file a request for hearing within 30 days of the date of this Final Notice of Cancellation. The request must be filed with the Department of State, Division of Elections, Bureau of Election Records, The R A Gray Building, Room 3 I 6, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 aod will be forwarded to the Florida Elections Commission for a hearing based upon the notice and any supporting documentation If you desire a personal appearance before the Commission, you must include in your request for hearing a separate request for a personal appearance Failure to file a request for a hearing constitutes a waiver of your right to a hearing and will cause a final order to be entered canceling the party's registration

Division of Elections R.A. Gtay Bldg., Rm 316 • 500 S Btonough St. • Tallahassee, Floi'ida 32399-0250 Telephone: 1850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: 1850) 245-6259 elections .. myf!odda.. com )l ~ Commemorating 500 yeats of Flodda history www.fla500 com ~IVA fLORIDA 500 VIVA flORIDA500 OGUGJ3 Mr Bradley Hall, Chairperson . May 10, 2013 Page Two

If you have any questions please call (850) 245-6267

Sincerely, . -<-~-- j ··-=· -. ~ ~'~ 1/ 1.-A-"" :cl =t:)_a_w Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records


cc: Mr. Carlo De Leonibus, Treasurer Florida Pirate Pmty (55143) Post Office Box 6522 Lakeland, Florida 33807 (


Apt il 5, 20 l3

Mr Bradley Hall, Chairperson Florida Pirate Party (55143) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville, Florida 32218


Dear Mr .. Hall:

Pursuant to Rule 18-2.050, Florida Administrative Code, you are hereby notified of the Division's intent to cancel your political party's registration based on the following:

Fltilure-to-comply-with-the-annual-public_audit___l"eq,.,.u-"ir'-"·e"'m"'e'-"n'-"ts~o~f_· -':'S~ec~t~io'-'-n~------103..121(2), Florida Statutes ..

The political party's aggregate r·eported financial activity during the 2012 calendar year was Jess than $500 ..

If you object to this cancellation you must provide documentation showing that the party's registration and approved status as a political party should not be cancelled .. Documentation must be provided within 30 days of the date of this letter to Department of State, Division of Elections, Bureau of Election Records, The RA Gray Building, Room 316, 500 South Bronaugh Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250

If you have any questions, please call (850) 245-6267.

Sincerely, cY- . - -L -:D _.--.ji l Ni./.Y\-'"1 \~ • Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records


Division of Elections RA. Gray Bldg.. , Rm.. 316 • 500 S Bronaugh St • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245--6259 elections .. myflor ida .com )l ~ Commemorating 500 years of Florida history www .. fla500 com IVA FlORIDA500 VIVA flORIOA500. 0 (.J''u' u -'··.· v~ (


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name J.D. Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): D Candidate (office sought): D Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED ~ Party Execu~ive Committee


Cover Period: From 01/01/2012 To 03/3112012 Report Type: Q1 ~Original 0 Amendment D Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0 00 Monetary Expenditures $0 00 Loans $0.00 Transfers to Office Account $0 00

Total Monetary $0.00 Total Monetary $0 00

- 1-Jrr"Kin" (),Q. (8-)-Gther-Qistribution

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of D Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate ~ Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

')( l( Signature Signature

Prepared on: 1/17/13 12:56:10PM Reviewed On: 4/10/12 7:33am

"'' .... ~ 0dtJL.b 10: CAMPAIGN Tl

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 4/10/12 7:33am Prepared on: 5/22113 1:23:28PM ID: CAMPAIGN 11. ASURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED EXPE( TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 Q1 Period: 01/01/2012 to 03/31/2012 "'* Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix. First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 4/10/12 7:33am Prepared on: 5/22113 1:23:30PM ,"i ()( ,., . 8 0u uu (


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I D Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED IE] Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 0410112012 To 0810912012 Report Type: F3 0 Original IRJ Amendment 0 Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $32816 Monetary Expenditures $000 Loans $0 00 Transfers to Office Account $000

Total Monetary $32816 Total Monetary $0.00

-In-Kind 0.0 (8-)-GtheF-DistributioR

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S )

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of D Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate IE] Chaiman (PCIPTY Only

X )( Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22113 1:24:17PM Reviewed On: 2118/13 12:57 pm

0JlJ2)9 10: 55143 CAMPAIGN T( ~SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CONT( UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 F3 Period: 04/01/2012 to 08/09/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix. First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 1 ON-DEMAND PUBL LLC $32816 PUBLISHER 8329 'NEST SUNSET ROAD SUITE 200 B 05/01/2012 LAS VEGAS, NV 89113 CHE BOOK ROYALTY ADD

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 2/18/13 12:57 pm Prepared on: 5/22113 1:24:18PM ODuulO ID: CAMPAIGN·{ ASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPE( .TURES Page 1 of1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 F3 Period: 04/01/2012 to 08/09/2012 *"' Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Dale Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 2118/13 12:57 pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:24:19PM Ouut;11 ( (


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name 1.0 Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code D Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): D Candidate (office sought): D Political Committee D Check If PC has DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existance D Check If CCE has DISBANDED ~ Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 07/21/2012 To 07/20/2012 Report Type: SF3 ~Original D Amendment ~ Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0 00 Monetary Expenditures $0 00 Loans $000 Transfers to Office Account $0 00 Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $0 00

-hr-Kin~ •Q,QO (8-)-Gt~eF-QistFibutio

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of D Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer Name of D Candidate ~ Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

')( X Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:25:19PM Reviewed On: 7/27/12 12:22 pm 10: CAMPAIGN T( . .;SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CONT( UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 SF3 Period: 07/21/2012 to 07/20/2012 ** Records in Filed Report"'* Full Name Amount Occupation Seq# (Last, Suffix. First, Middle Contributor Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 7/27/12 12:22 pm Prepared on: 5/22113 1:25:20PM ID: CAMPAIGN~ ASURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED EXPE( .TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 §F3 Period: 07/21/2012 to 07/20/2012 ** Records in Filed Report"'* Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 7/27/12 12:22 pm Prepared on: 5/22113 1:25:20PM ( (


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name ID Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED 18] Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 07/07/2012 To 07/20/2012 Report Type: SF2

I8J Original 0 Amendment 18] Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $000 Monetary Expenditures $0.00 Loans $000 Transfers to Office Account $0.00

Total Monetary $000 Total Monetary $0.00

-ln-~in ~ooo , _ }-GtheF-Distfibutioo

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 83913, F S)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of D Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate 18] Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

X )( Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:02PM Reviewed On: 8/5/12 10:21 pm ID: CAMPAIGN T( .;SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CONT( UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 SF2 Period: 07/07/2012 to 07/20/2012

** Records in Filed Report 1r* Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend

*Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 8/5/12 10:21 pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:03PM ( ' ID: CAMPAIGN 11, ASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPEC .TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 SF2 Period: 07/07/2012 to 07/20/2012 *"' Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix. First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 8/5/12 10:21 pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1 :26:03PM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name ID Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED [8] Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 08/10/2012 To 11/01/2012 Report Type: G4 [8] Original 0 Amendment 0 Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $000 Monetary Expenditures $0 00 Loans $0.00 Transfers to Office Account $0 00

Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $0.00

-ln·K1n (),00 (8-)·Gther-9istFibution

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of 0 Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate [8) Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

X \( Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22113 1:26:53PM Reviewed On: 11/1/12 9:04pm

:'r ·1,s Od d (, jL ID: CAMPAIGN TL.. •SURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED CONTL UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 G4 Period: 0811012012 to 1110112012 ** Records in Filed Report"'* Full Name Amount Occupation Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Contributor Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 11/1/12 9:04pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:54PM ID: CAMPAIGN ,( ASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPEl_ . TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 G4 Period: 08/10/2012 to 11/01/2012 ** Records in Filed Report*"' Full Name Amount Seq# (last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 11/1/12 9:04pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:55PM QJLJc2J I'


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I D Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED ~ Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 11/02/2012 To 12/31/2012 Report Type: Q4 ~Original 0 Amendment D Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0.00 Monetary Expenditures $0.00 Loans $0 00 Transfers to Office Account $0 00

Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $0.00

--In-Kin• $000 -{8-)-QtheF-DistFibution

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F.S)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of 0 Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate [8J Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

)( )( Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:27:41PM Reviewed On: 1/8/13 7:10am ,~ ' ID: CAMPAIGNTt ~SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CONT[~ UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 9,1 Period: 11/02/2012 to 12/31/2012 ** Records in Filed Report *'it Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix. First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 1/8/13 7.:10 am Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:27:42PM / / 10: CAMPAIGN "If, ASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPEl. TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 .Q!! Period: 11/02/2012 to 12/31/2012 ** Records in Filed Report"'* Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 1/8/13 7:10am Prepared on: 5/22113 1:27:43PM OJ;; ~:J / I


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name 1.0 Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code D Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): D Candidate (office sought): D Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED IKJ Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 01/01/2012 To 03/31/2012 Report Type: 01 IKJ Original 0 Amendment D Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $000 Monetary Expenditures $0.00 Loans $0 00 Transfers to Office Account $0 00 Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $0 00

1n-K1na $().Uu (8) 01J1erDiStri0UtiOns

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S )

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of 0 Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate ~ Chaiman (PCIPTY Only

)( X Signature Signature

Prepared on: 1/17/13 12:56:10PM Reviewed On: 4/10/12 7:33am

G·"q,.;Jv u _ 6 ( I ID: CAMPAIGN ·r; ;SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CONTo ( .. JTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 Q1 Period: 01/01/2012 to 03/31/2012 ** Records in Filed Report"'* Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix. First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend --

---- .. ------·----·-----·---.. ---- ,,___ , ______... _, ______, __ , __ , __ ,_,__ ,__ • Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 4/10/12 7:33am Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:23:28PM ( ID: CAMPAIGN ;, ASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPE::' . TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 Q1 Period: 01/01/2012 to 03/31/2012 **Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 4/10/12 7:33am Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:23:30PM I' '


(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I D Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee D Check If PC has DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existance D Check If CCE has DISBANDED 129 Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 0410112012 To 0810912012 Report Type: F3 D Original IRJ Amendment D Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $328.16 Monetary Expenditures $0.00 Loans $0 00 Transfers to Office Account $0.00

Total Monetary $328 16 Total Monetary $0 00

ln·KinO $0:0v (S}etherBistribution

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S)

I certifY that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

- Name of D Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer Name of D Candidate (!9 Chaiman (PCIPTY Only

)( )( Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22113 1:24:17PM Reviewed On: 2118113 12:57 pm ( ,- ID: 55143 CAMPAIGNl; .\SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CONTi' 1JTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 F3 Period: 04/01/2012 to 08/09/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (last, Suffix, First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 1 ON-DEMAND PUBL LLC PUBLISHER $32816 8329 WEST SUNSET ROAD SUITE 200 B 05/01/2012 LAS VEGAS. NV89113 CHE BOOK ROYALTY ADD

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 2/18/13 12:57 pm Prepared on: 5/22113 1:24:18PM GJIJulO ( ,- ID: CAMPAIGN I ASURER'S REPORT·- ITEMIZED EXPE;, .• TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 F3 Period: 04/01/2012 to 08/09/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# {Last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 2/18/13 12:57-pm Prepared on: 5/22113 1:24:19PM Odud1 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I D Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED IE] Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 07/21/2012 To 07/20/2012 Report Type: SF3 13] Original 0 Amendment 1m Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $000 Monetary Expenditures $000 Loans $0 00 Transfers to Office Account $0 00

Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $0.00

In-Kind $0-CYO (8)-otnerDfstri~atTon~

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F.S)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of 0 Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate Jm Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

X X Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22113 1:25: 19PM Reviewed On: 7/27/12 12:22 pm I ID: CAMPAIGN T\'

** Records in Filed Report 1<* " Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend r---

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 7/27112 12:22 pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:25:20PM ,. ID: CAMPAIGN\ ASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPE( .TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate P_a_rty.:______-;;;===~ Report: 2012 §F3 Period: 07/21/2012 to 07/20/2012 ** Records in Filed Report"'* ---- Full Name - Amount Seq# {Last, Suffix. First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

~Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 7/27/12 12:22 pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:25:20PM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I D Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): D Political Commillee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED [2g Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 0710712012 To 0712012012 Report Type: SF2 I2S] Original D Amendment 18] Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0 00 Monetary Expenditures $000 Loans $0.00 Transfers to Office Account $000

Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $0.00

In-Kind $CT"OO (8fOinerDTsfributr6n-s

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S.)

1 certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of 0 Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate l8J Chaiman (PCIPTY Only

X X Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:02PM Reviewed On: 8/5/12 10:21 pm ID: CAMPAIGN ~;

--··- .. ---·--··-··------" -·--·------• Incomplete------····----- Record Reviewed On:------·-- 8/5/12 10:21 pm ------Prepared on: 5/22113 1:26:03PM ( ( ID: CAMPAIGN 'l ASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPE.' ,TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 SF2 Period: 07/07/2012 to 07/20/2012 ""* Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip 1- I

---·~·--···----~·--·--- ______, ______-----·-·---· • Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 8/5/12 10:21 pm Prepared on: 5/22113 1:26:03PM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I.D Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED IK! Party Executive Committee

(5) REPORT IDENTIFIERS Cover Period: From 08/10/2012 To 11/01/2012 Report Type: G4

13] Original 0 Amendment 0 Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0 00 Monetary Expenditures $0 00 Loans $000 Transfers to Office Account $0.00 Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $0.00

In-Kind $-0-

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S )

1 certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of 0 Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate [Z9 Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

X X Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22113 1:26:53PM Reviewed On: 11/1/12 9:04pm ID: CAMPAIGN i, •SURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED CONT~ UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 20 12 G4 Period: 08/10/2012 to 11/01/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Fu!! Name -· Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend


--·····--··--·-··-""" ·-·--·------·------·-·------·--·------.. -----"'-"' _____ ,, ______"'""'"""'' ------·------*Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 11/1112 9:04pm Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:26:54PM , I ID: CAMPAIGN 1 ASURER'S REPORT ·-ITEMIZED EXPE.' .TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 G4 Period: 08/10/2012 to 11/01/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 11/1/12 9:04pm Prepared on: 5/22113 1:26:55PM f' :·( ~ . '"'l ·"·i u u c! '-- &:, '·'' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Florida Pirate Party (2) 55143 Candidate, Committe or Party Name I.D Number

(3) 15620 Younis Road West Jacksonville FL 32218-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code 0 Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): 0 Political Committee 0 Check If PC has DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existance 0 Check If CCE has DISBANDED 18] Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 11/02/2012 To 12/31/2012 Report Type: Q4 18] Original 0 Amendment D Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0 00 Monetary Expenditures $000 Loans $0 00 Transfers to Office Account $0 00

Total Monetary $0 00 Total Monetary $000

In-Kind $0 00 (8) OtnerD1striDuuons

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss 839 13, F S )

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of 0 Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate (8] Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

)( )( Signature Signature

Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:27:41PM Reviewed On: 1/8/13 7:10am ,' 1, I 10: CAMPAIGN r; •SURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED CONT•' UTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 Q§. Period: 11/02/2012 to 12/31/2012 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix. First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend

,___ ,_____ , ______* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 1/8/13 7:10am Prepared on: 5/22113 1:27:42PM ' ID: CAMPAIGN~· ASURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED EXPE~' TURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Florida Pirate Party Report: 2012 04 Period: 11/02/2012 to 12/31/2012 11 "' Records in Filed Report"'"' Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip 1- I

·--··--··--·-·.. ---···"'"''"'''"'-''""'-'"'______, ___ .. ,,.. ,._ ... ___ ,., ·-·-···--··----...... _, __ *Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 1/8/13 7:10am Prepared on: 5/22/13 1:27:43PM (' ··:' U.JU .· --