Exteinsions of REMARKS FEDERAL FOOLISHNESS Rially Speaking," for His Stations
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July 31, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 26187 who is deaf or deaf-blind; to the Committee to the Committee on Interior and Insular corrections in the enrollment of H.R. 69; on Ways and Means. Affa.1rs. ordered to be printed. By Mr. RONCALLO of New York: By Mr. PODELL (for htmself, Mr. By Mr. ANDERSON of California: H.R. 16193. A bill to prohibit certain con WOUT, Mr. RoSENTHAL, Mr. BIAGGI. H. Con. Res. 571. Concurrent resolution filets of interest between financial institu Mrs. CHISHOLM, Mr. CAREY of New for negotiations on the Turkish opium ban; tions and corporations regulated by certain York, Mr. MUBPBY of New York, Mr. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. agencies of the United States; to the Com RANGEL, Mr. BADILLO, Mr. ADDABBO, ByMr.CAMP: mittee on Banking and Currency. Mr. DELANEY, Miss HOLTZ:-4AN, Mr. H. Con. Res. 572. Concurrent resolution By Mr. SHIPLEY: KocH, Ms. ABZUG, Mr. BINGHAM, and calUng for a domestic summit to develop H.R. 16194. A bill to further the purposes Mr. PEYSER) : a unified plan of action to restore stabllity of the Wilderness Act by designating cer H.R. 16202. A btll to establish tn the De and prosperity to the American economy; to tain lands for inclusion in the National partment of Housing and Urban Develop the Committee on Banking and Currency. Wilderness Preservation System, to provide ment a housing enforcement assistance pro By Mr. McCOLLISTER: for study of certain additional lands for such gram to aid cities and other municipa.l1ttes H. Con. Res. 573. Concurrent resolution inclusion, and for other purposes; to the in the more effective enforcement of hous calling for a domestic summit to develop a Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. ing codes; to the Committee on Banking ana unified plan of action to restore stab111ty By Mr. STEELMAN (for himself, Mr. Currency. and prosperity to the American economy; to KEMP, Mr. HUDNUT, Mr. BROWN of By Mr. ROE (for himself, Mr. BROWN the Committee on Banking and Currency. California, Mr. GuDE, Mr. BENNETT, of Michigan, Mr. CoNLAN, Mr. CoT By Mr. HEINZ (for himself, Mr. AD Mr. PRITCHARD, Mr. RoNCALLo of New TER, Mr. GRAY, Mr. HUDNUT, Mr. DABBO, Mr. BIESTER, Mr. GILMAN, Mr. York, Mr. HoRTON, and Mr. HEINz) : MCKINNEY, Mr. MAZZOLI, Mr. MINISH, HAWKINS, Mr. STOKES, Mr. TOWELL of H.R. 16195. A b111 to require candidates and Mr. VAN DEERLIN) : Nevada, Mr. WALDIE, and Mr. for Federal office, Members of the Congress, H.R. 16203. A bill to amend the Public WOLFF): and officers and employees of the United Health Service Act to provide assistance H. Res. 1281. Resolution to create a Select States to file statements with the Comptroller for programs for the diagnosis, prevention, Cominittee on Aging; to the Cominittee on General with respect to their income and and treatment of, and research in, Hunting Rules. financial transactions; to the Cominittee on ton's disease; to the Committee on Inter By Mr. !CHORD: the Judiciary. state and Foreign Commerce. H. Res. 1282. Resolution providing for ad By Mr. WOLFF (for himself, Ms. By Mr. ROGERS (for himself, Mr. ditional copies of the committee print, a ABZUG, Mr. BRASCO, Mr. HARRINGTON, STAGGERS, Mr. SATTERFIELD, Mr. staff study entitled "Terrorism"; to the Com KYROS, Mr. PREYER, Mr. SYMING Mr. LENT, Mr. KYROS, Mr. RONCALLO mittee on House Administration. TON, Mr. ROY, Mr. NELSEN, Mr. By Mr. SYMINGTON (for himself, of New York, and Mr. SToKEs): CARTER, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. HEINZ, H.R. 16196. A b111 to amend the Internal Mrs. BURKE of California, Mr. EIL and Mr. HUDNUT) : BERG, Mr. HEINZ, Mr. MICHEL, Mr. Revenue Code of 1954 to exclude from gross H.R. 16204. A bill to amend the Public REES, Mr. THOMPSON Of New Jersey, income the interest on deposits in certain Health Service Act to assure the develop and Mr. WAGGONNER) : savings institutions; to the Committee on ment of a national health policy and of Ways and Means. H. Res. 1283. Resolution requesting that effective area and State health planning and each of the several States, the District of Co By Mr. HUBER: resources development programs; to the H.R. 16197. A bill to establish a Commis· lumbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Canal Zone, sion on Medical Malpractice Awards; to the merce. Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SCHERLE: American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of By Mr. KEMP: H.R. 16205. A bill to provide emergency the Pacific Islands conduct a survey or study H.R. 16198. A btll to amend the Federal deficiency assistance to producers of agri to determine the views of their citizens with Railroad Safety Act of 1970 to direct the cultural commodities; to the Committee on respect to abortion laws; to the Committee Secretary of Transportation to establish fire Agriculture. on the o!udiciary. safety requirements for locomotives in order By Mr. STOKES (for himself, Mr. to minimize the danger of fires along railroad BIESTER, Mr. MATSUNAGA, Mr. MOSHER, right-of-ways; to the Cominittee on Inter Mr. Moss, Mr. OWENS, Mr. RAILS state and Foreign Commerce. BACK, and Mr. RIEGLE): PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 16199. A bill to amend section 4945 H.R. 16206. A bill to require that discharge Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private (g) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to certificates issued to members of the armed bills and resolutions were introduced and make it clear that nothing tn that provision forces not indicate the conditions or reasons authorizes the limitation of the grants for discharge, to limit the separation of en severally referred as follows: awarded by a private foundation to a fixed listed members unde·r conditions other than By Mr. BURLESON of Texas: percentage of the number of applicants for honorable and to improve the procedures H.R. 16208. A bill for the relief of the estate such grants; to the Cominittee on Ways and for the review of discharges and dismissals; of Earnest Nancy Brindley; to the Committee Means. to the Committee on Armed Services. on the Judiciary. By Mr. NIX: By Mr. WYMAN: By Mrs. SULLIVAN: H.R. 16207. A bill to provide for emergency H.R. 16209. A bill for the relief of Chae H.R. 16200. A btll to prohtbit discrimina relief for small business concerns in connec tion on the basis of sex, marital status, and Won Yang, Myung Jae Yang, Yoo Jung Yang, tion with fixed price Government contracts; Jee Sun Yang, Yoo Sun Yang, and Hong Suk sexual orientation, and for other purposes: to the Committee on the Judiciary. Yang; to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on the Judtctary. By Mr. PERKINS (for himself and Mr. By Mr. WILLIAMS: By Mr. OWENS: QUIE): H.R. 16210. A bill for the relief of Maria H.R. 16201. A btll to amend the Mineral H. Con. Res. 570. Concurrent resolution Elena San Agustin; to the Committee on the " Leasing Act of February 25, 1920, as amended: authorizing the Clerk of the House to make Judiciary. EXTEiNSIONS OF REMARKS FEDERAL FOOLISHNESS rially Speaking," for his stations. And, as EDITORIALLY SPEAKING I have said before, when Jack Rider (By Jack Rider) speaks out, the people for miles around Government is by consent of the governed, HON. JESSE A. HELMS listen attentively and, for the most part, and I can only wonder how long the people OF NORTH CAROLINA approvingly. are going to keep consenting to far worse IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES On July 17, Jack Rider presented an invasions against their freedom than King George ever dreamed about in his wildest Wednesday, July 31, 1974 editorial that has come to my attention. As I read it, it was my immediate judg fantasies. Consider this: Monday we and Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, on pre thousands of other people who have from ment that other Senators would be tim.e to time sold anything to the Du Pont vious occasions I have discussed in the interested in his comment. Company received a form letter, which cost Senate my friend, Jack Rider, who oper Therefore, Mr. President, I ask unan the DuPont Company about 50 cents to get • ates Stations WFTC and WRNS, in imous consent that Jack Rider's "Edito out to every supplier it has all across the Kinston, N.C. rially Speaking" of July 17 be printed in nation. The cost of this red-tape compliance, If there is a more forthright broad the Extensions of Remarks. of course, has to be added to all the products -caster in America, it has not been my There being no objection, the editorial DuPont manufacturers ... but the political privilege to listen to him. Jack writes and was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, cost is far, far worse than the fractional in presents a daily editorial, called "Edito- as follows: crease it causes in the price of Dacron or 26188 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 31, 1974 any other Du Pont product. This letter says, the various problems of the island and States sovereign rights to Panama both in in part: introduce steps to strengthen our mutual the C&n·al Zone and with respect to t-he "Being subject to the provision of Execu Os.nal itself without authorization of the bond. Congress, which will diminish, 1f not abso tive Order 11246, as amended, relating to Many of our Puerto Rican brothers and ec;.ual employment opportunity, as well as lutely abrogalte, the p·resent u.s.