- Flood 2011 - Union Council Ranking - Tando Muhammad Khan District

Union council ranking exercise, coordinated by UNOCHA and UNDP, is a joint effort of Government and humanitarian partners Community Restoration Food Education in the notified districts of 2011 floods in Sindh. Its purpose is to: TAY TAY TAY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD HYDERABAD Identify high priority union councils with outstanding needs. Sh. Bhirio Sh. Bhirio Sh. Bhirio Facilitate stackholders to plan/support interventions and divert Tando Sain Dad Saeedpur Tando Sain Dad Saeedpur Tando Sain Dad Saeedpur resources where they are most needed. TMK 1 TMK 1 TMK 1 TMK TMK TMK TMK TMK TMK 3 3 2 3 2 2 Provide common prioritization framework to clusters, agencies Saeedpur Saeedpur Saeedpur and donors. Mullah Katiar Saeed Matto Mullah Katiar Saeed Matto Mullah Katiar Saeed Matto Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat First round of this exercise is completed from February - March Nazar Pur Nazar Pur Nazar Pur THATTA THATTA THATTA Tando Ghulam Tando Ghulam Janhan Allah Yar Turk Tando Ghulam Janhan Allah Yar Turk Hyder Janhan Allah Yar Turk Hyder Hyder 2012. Soomro Soomro Soomro Ghulam Shah Ghulam Shah Ghulam Shah Bagrani Bagrani Bagrani Balochistan Punjab

Bulri Shah Karim Bulri Shah Karim Bulri Shah Karim AFGHANISTAN PAKISTAN INDIA BADIN BADIN Pakistan PAKISTAN Sindh

INDIA Tando Muhammad Khan

Arabian Sea Agriculture WASH Shelter & NFIs

TAY TAY TAY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD HYDERABAD Priority Scale Sh. Bhirio Sh. Bhirio Sh. Bhirio High Moderate Low No Priority No Data Saeedpur Tando Sain Dad Saeedpur Tando Sain Dad Saeedpur Tando Sain Dad TMK 1 TMK 1 TMK 1 TMK TMK TMK TMK TMK 3 TMK 3 2 2 3 2 Saeedpur Saeedpur Saeedpur Mullah Katiar Saeed Matto Mullah Katiar Saeed Matto Mullah Katiar Saeed Matto

Brief Overview of district: Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Nazar Pur Nazar Pur Nazar Pur Total Affected THATTA THATTA THATTA Tando Ghulam Tando Ghulam Allah Yar Turk Allah Yar Turk Tando Ghulam Janhan Hyder Janhan Hyder Janhan Allah Yar Turk Hyder Soomro Soomro Soomro Population (estimated 2011) 554’330 585’411 Ghulam Shah Ghulam Shah Ghulam Shah Bagrani Bagrani Bagrani Area (square km) 1’582 315

Bulri Shah Karim Bulri Shah Karim Bulri Shah Karim Number of talukas 3 3 BADIN BADIN BADIN Number of union councils 16 16 Number of villages 160 160 Number of villages 2’835 2’835 Health Nutrition Protection


Saeedpur Tando Sain Dad Saeedpur Tando Sain Dad Saeedpur Tando Sain Dad TMK 1 TMK 1 TMK 1 TMK TMK TMK TMK TMK 3 3 TMK Disclaimer: The designation employed and the presentation of material on this map do not 2 2 3 2 imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on th epart of the Secretariat of the Saeedpur Saeedpur Saeedpur Mullah Katiar Mullah Katiar Mullah Katiar United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, teritary, city or areaor of its Saeed Matto Saeed Matto Saeed Matto authorities, or concerning the edelimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Lakhat Nazar Pur Nazar Pur Nazar Pur Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu & Kashmir agreed upon THATTA THATTA THATTA by India and Pakistan. The final Status of Jammu & Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon Tando Ghulam Tando Ghulam Janhan Allah Yar Turk Janhan Allah Yar Turk Tando Ghulam Hyder Hyder Janhan Allah Yar Turk Hyder by the parties. Soomro Soomro Soomro Ghulam Shah Ghulam Shah Ghulam Shah Bagrani Bagrani Bagrani

Doc Name:PAK687_Sindh_TMK_Thematic_a3_V01_L_20120405 Bulri Shah Karim Bulri Shah Karim Bulri Shah Karim Creation date: 05 April 2012 Glide number: FL-2011-000130-PAK BADIN BADIN BADIN Sources: Union council ranking data (UNOCHA, UNDP), admin 0 boundaries (GAUL), admin 1, admin 2 and admin 3 and admin 4 boundaries (PCO)