The Challenge of Multiculturalism in Political Ethics Author(S): Amy Gutmann Source: Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol
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The Challenge of Multiculturalism in Political Ethics Author(s): Amy Gutmann Source: Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Summer, 1993), pp. 171-206 Published by: Blackwell Publishing Stable URL: Accessed: 24/11/2009 09:33 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Blackwell Publishing is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Philosophy and Public Affairs. AMY GUTMANN The Challenge of Multiculturalism in Political Ethics Different kinds of political controversiesrage over multiculturalism.The challenge of some of these controversiesis primarilyone of realizing social justice in multicultural contexts. Members of different cultural groups may share the same standardsof justice, but nevertheless act unjustly out of hatred or distrust of others, or because they believe that justice is less importantthan cultural solidarity.Distinct from the problemof realizing social justice in multiculturalcontexts, and priorto it, is a more constitu- tive challenge of multiculturalism.In many political controversies,stan- dards of justice themselves seem to be in conflict, and the conflicting standardsare often associatedwith differentcultures. This articlefocuses on the constitutivechallenge of multiculturalismin politicalethics: how to discern standardsof social justice in light of the apparentlyconflicting standardsof differentcultural groups. By multiculturalism,I refer to the state of a society or the worldcontain- ing many cultures that interactin some significantway with each other.A cultureis a human communitylarger than a few families that is associated with ongoing ways of seeing, doing, and thinking about things.I This I presented an early and abbreviated version of this article at the fifth-anniversary confer- ence of Harvard's Program in Ethics and the Professions. Many constructive comments on my lecture helped me rethink parts of my argument. I am grateful for Michael Walzer's response to a draft of this essay, and also for helpful written comments from Lawrence Blum, Julia Driver, Ezekiel Emanuel, Peter Euben, Samuel Freeman, Jeremy Goldman, George Kateb, Michael McPherson, Helen Nissenbaum, Susan Okin, Amelie Rorty, Nancy Rosen- blum, John Tomasi, Dennis Thompson, Paul Weithman, Stuart White, and the Editors of Philosophy & Public Affairs. i. Jeremy Waldron, "Multi-culturalism and Melange," Working Group on Multicultural Education, p. io. A culture is not only a set of behavior patterns but also a set of social standards, which can change over time. See R. A. LeVine, "Properties of Culture: An Eth- 172 Philosophy & Public Affairs stipulativedefinition has the advantageof leaving most moral questions aboutmulticulturalism open to explicit argument.Multiculturalism is not by definition good or bad. My aim in this essay is to understandthe constitutivechallenge posed by multiculturalismto social justice, to assess three importantcommon re- sponses to this challenge-cultural relativism, political relativism, and comprehensive universalism2-and to develop a more defensible re- sponse, which I call deliberativeuniversalism. The challenge is that differ- ent cultures contain apparentlydifferent ethical standardsthat yield con- flicting judgments concerning social justice. To take a striking example, some cultures defend polygamy,while others deem polygamyunjust and subject to governmentalprohibition. In light of an apparent conflict in judgment about the justice of an institutionas importantas the family,a conflict associated with cultural differences, should we not reconsider what justice requires? I. THE RESPONSE OF CULTURAL RELATIVISM Suppose you believe that your society is justified in recognizing only mo- nogamous marriages. You then discover that polygamous marriages are recognized by some cultures, not yourown. Yourown culturalbackground predisposesyou to believe that it is right for a governmentto forbidanyone to marrymore than one person at a time. Long after the formationof your basic moralpredispositions, you learn thatmembers of some othercultures consider polygamyjust and its prohibitionunjust, as just as you consider state enforcement of monogamy and as unjust as you would consider its prohibition.Do you have any reason to reconsideryour belief in the justice of state-enforcedmonogamy? Should I reconsider my beliefs about the nographicView," in R. A. Shwederand R. A. LeVine,Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self, and Emotion(New York:Cambridge University Press, I984), p. 67. CliffordGeertz points out that cultures are also "controlmechanisms" in "TheImpact of the Conceptof Cultureon the Concept of Man,"in The Interpretationof Cultures(New York:Basic Books, 1973), p. 44. 2. I try to present each of these positionsin a fair and familiarlyinvoked way, although perhapsin a purerform than they areheld by the philosopherswith whomthey aresometimes associated.Whether MichaelWalzer's Spheres of Justice is accuratelyinterpreted as a de- fense of culturalrelativism, Stuart Hampshire's Innocence and Experienceas supportiveof political relativism, and John Rawls'sA Theory of Justice as a model of comprehensive universalismare questions not addressedby this essay. All three are remarkablyrich and complex worksthat defy easy categorization. 173 The Challenge of Multiculturalismin Political Ethics justice of genderintegration in light of learningabout purdah, the Muslim practice of gender segregation, which includes the mandatoryveiling of women? Suppose that standardsof justice are relativeto particularcultural un- derstandings such that the cultural meaning of each social good is what defines its just distribution.Cultural relativism, so understood,challenges the view that some seemingly conflictingpractices sanctioned by different cultures, such as enforcedmonogamy and polygamyor genderintegration and purdah, actuallypose moral conflicts and on reflection call for criti- cism of one or both of the conflicting practices. If justice is relative to particularcultural understandings, then polygamycan be unjust formem- bers of my culture and just for members of another culture whose social understandingsof maritalresponsibility and kinshipare radically different. Ourviews on socialjustice as they applyto our culture arejustified (or not) relative to its social understandings.Views on social justice that apply to members of other cultures must be judged by their social understandings, not ours. We should ask not whether social practices like polygamy and purdahare justified by the moralconsiderations that we find most compel- ling, but ratherwhether they are sanctionedby the relevant social under- standings of the cultures within which they are practiced. There is no reason to assume that our moral principles, which we typicallylearn in relationto problemsand practicesof our own culture, are the same princi- ples that should apply to other cultures, whose understandings of social goods such as kinship and gender relations differ dramaticallyfrom our own. Culturalrelativism claims that the question we should be asking is not what should people choose between (state-enforced) monogamy and (state-permitted)polygamy, sexual integrationand purdah,religious toler- ation and shunning, but ratherwhat do people who share a culture-and thereforeshare substantiveunderstandings of social goods as far ranging as kinship and love, education, jobs, health care, and divine grace- choose? Socialjustice, accordingto culturalrelativism, is the distribution of goods accordingto their culturalmeaning. What must modern cultures be like for the distributiveprinciple of cul- tural relativismto work?Each culture must contain a set of social under- standings that govern the distributionof goods for that culture. For each good, such as kinship, gender relations, health care, or education, there must be an internal social understandingthat governs the distributionof 1I74 Philosophy & Public Affairs that good.3Meanings change overtime, but at any given time in any given culture, we must be able to locate one relevantmeaning for each good. If there are multiple meanings for any given good, then a culture will not sanction a given meaning, and culturalrelativism will requirereformula- tion to deal with multiple and competing meanings, a problemto which I will return. Firstwe should ask what moderncultures are actuallylike in this regard. A fair test for culturalrelativism are moderncultures that are likely to meet this