FY 2020 ANNUAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM Based on General Appropriations Act
FY 2020 ANNUAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM Based on General Appropriations Act UACS / Sub Program Project Component Description Type of Work Target Physical Target Amount Operating Unit / Project Component ID Unit (PHP) Implementing Office Region X 1,228 projects 36,227,088,000 Bukidnon 1st District Engineering Office 139 projects 4,791,103,000 BUKIDNON (FOURTH) 28 projects 1,274,518,000 OO1: Ensure Safe and Reliable National Road System 14 projects 1,029,018,000 Asset Preservation - Rehabilitation/ Reconstruction/ Upgrading of Damaged Paved 197,000,000 Roads - Primary Roads 1. P00400633MN 310104100197000 53,000,000 Sayre Highway - K1528 + 514 - K1529 + 000, K1530 + 896 - K1531 + 456, K1531 + 487 - K1533 + 000 P00400633MN-CW1 Reconstruction to Concrete Reconstruction to Lane Km 5.014 51,145,000 Central Office / Pavement - at Specific Locations Concrete Bukidnon 1st along Sayre Highway (S00639MN) Pavement District K1528 + 514 - K1533 + 000 Engineering Office P00400633MN-EAO 1,855,000 Central Office / Bukidnon 1st District Engineering Office 2. P00400634MN 310104100254000 34,000,000 Sayre Highway - K1534 + 000 - K1534 + 860 P00400634MN-CW1 Reconstruction to Concrete Reconstruction to Lane Km 3.132 33,320,000 Bukidnon 1st Pavement - at Specific Locations Concrete District along Sayre Highway (S00639MN) Pavement Engineering Office K1534 + 000 - K1534 + 860 / Bukidnon 1st District Engineering Office P00400634MN-EAO 680,000 Bukidnon 1st District Engineering Office / Bukidnon 1st District Engineering Office 3. P00401518MN 310104100198000 110,000,000 Sayre Highway - K1534 + 860 - K1535 + 091, K1535 + 121 - K1538 + 200 P00401518MN-CW1 Reconstruction to Concrete Reconstruction to Lane Km 10.294 106,150,000 Central Office / Pavement - at Specific Locations Concrete Region X along Sayre Highway (S00639MN) Pavement K1534 + 860 - K1538 + 200 P00401518MN-EAO 3,850,000 Central Office / Region X Asset Preservation - Rehabilitation/ Reconstruction of National Roads with Slips, Slope 20,000,000 Collapse, and Landslide - Secondary Roads 4.
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