
Astronomy and Space Science

1. Abadie, J., and 711 colleagues, 'TOPICAL REVIEW: Predictions for the rates of compact binary coalescences observable by ground-based gravitational- wave detectors', CQG 27, 173001, 2010

2. Abadie, J., and 711 colleagues, 'Search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence in LIGO and Virgo data from S5 and VSR1', PhRvD 82, 102001, 2010

3. Abadie, J., and 723 colleagues, 'Search for gravitational waves from binary black hole inspiral, merger, and ringdown', PhRvD 83, 122005, 2011

4. Abadie, J., and 544 colleagues, 'Calibration of the LIGO gravitational wave detectors in the fifth science run', NIMPA 624, 223, 2010

5. Abadie, J., and 539 colleagues, 'First Search for Gravitational Waves from the Youngest Known Neutron ', ApJ 722, 1504, 2010

6. Abadie, J., and 667 colleagues, 'Search for Gravitational-wave Inspiral Signals Associated with Short -ray Bursts During LIGO's Fifth and Virgo's First Science Run', ApJ 715, 1453, 2010

7. Abadie, J., and 668 colleagues, 'All-sky search for gravitational-wave bursts in the first joint LIGO-GEO-Virgo run', PhRvD 81, 102001, 2010

8. Abadie, J., and 500 colleagues, 'Publisher's Note: Search for gravitational waves associated with the August 2006 timing of the [Phys. Rev. D 83, 042001 (2011)]', PhRvD 83, 069902, 2011

9. Abbott, B. P., and 667 colleagues, 'Search For Gravitational-wave Bursts Associated with Gamma-ray Bursts using Data from LIGO Science Run 5 and Virgo Science Run 1', ApJ 715, 1438, 2010

10. Abbott, B. P., and 680 colleagues, 'Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known with Science Run 5 LIGO Data', ApJ 713, 671, 2010

11. Accadia, T., and 173 colleagues, 'Virgo calibration and reconstruction of the gravitationnal wave strain during VSR1', JPhCS 228, 012015, 2010

12. Accadia, T., and 177 colleagues, 'Calibration and sensitivity of the Virgo detector during its second science run', CQG 28, 025005, 2011

13. Accadia, T., and 176 colleagues, 'Automatic Alignment system during the second science run of the Virgo interferometer', APh 34, 327, 2011

14. Accadia, T., and 178 colleagues, 'Performance of the Virgo interferometer longitudinal control system during the second science run', APh 34, 521, 2011

15. Accadia, T., and 171 colleagues, 'Noise from scattered light in Virgo's second science run data', CQG 27, 194011, 2010

16. Allevato, V., Finoguenov, A., Cappelluti, N., Miyaji, T., Hasinger, G., Salvato, M., Brusa, M., Gilli, R., Zamorani, G., Shankar, F., James, J. B., McCracken, H. J., Bongiorno, A., Merloni, A., Peacock, J. A., Silverman, J., and Comastri, A., 'The XMM-Newton Wide Field Survey in the COSMOS Field: Redshift Evolution of AGN Bias and Subdominant Role of Mergers in Triggering Moderate-luminosity AGNs at Redshifts up to 2.2', ApJ 736, 99, 2011

17. Alsubai, K. A., Parley, N. R., Bramich, D. M., West, R. G., Sorensen, P. M., Collier Cameron, A., Latham, D. W., Horne, K., Anderson, D. R., Brown, D. J. A., Buchhave, L. A., Esquerdo, G. A., Everett, M. E., Furesz, G., Hellier, C., Miller, G. M., Pollacco, D., Quinn, S. N., Smith, J. C., Stefanik, R. P., and Szentgyorgyi, A., 'Qatar-1b: a hot Jupiter orbiting a metal-rich K dwarf star', arXiv:1012.3027, 2010

18. Amara, A. and Kitching, T. D., 'Figures of merit for testing standard models: application to dark energy experiments in cosmology', MNRAS 413, 1505, 2011

19. Amblard, A., and 71 colleagues, 'Herschel-ATLAS: Dust temperature and redshift distribution of SPIRE and PACS detected sources using submillimetre colours', A&A 518, L9, 2010

20. Anderson, D. R., Hellier, C., Gillon, M., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Smalley, B., Hebb, L., Collier Cameron, A., Maxted, P. F. L., Queloz, D., West, R. G., Bentley, S. J., Enoch, B., Horne, K., Lister, T. A., Mayor, M., Parley, N. R., Pepe, F., Pollacco, D., Segransan, D., Udry, S., and Wilson, D. M., 'Wasp- 17b: An Ultra-Low Density Planet in a Probable Retrograde Orbit', ApJ 709, 159, 2010

21. Antonucci, F., and 100 colleagues, 'From laboratory experiments to LISA Pathfinder: achieving LISA geodesic motion', CQG 28, 094002, 2011

22. Antonucci, F., and 99 colleagues, 'LISA Pathfinder: mission and status', CQG 28, 094001, 2011

23. Antonucci, F., and 95 colleagues, 'LISA Pathfinder data analysis', CQG 28, 094006, 2011

24. Argiroffi, C., Flaccomio, E., Bouvier, J., Donati, J.-F., Getman, K. V., Gregory, S. G., Hussain, G. A. J., Jardine, M. M., Skelly, M. B., and Walter, F. M., 'Variable X-ray emission from the accretion shock in the classical T Tauri star V2129 Ophiuchi', A&A 530, A1, 2011

25. Arzoumanian, D., Jardine, M., Donati, J.-F., Morin, J., and Johnstone, C., 'The contribution of star-spots to coronal structure', MNRAS 410, 2472, 2011

26. Audley, H., and 102 colleagues, 'The LISA Pathfinder interferometry - hardware and system testing', CQG 28, 094003, 2011

27. Austermann, J. E., Dunlop, J. S., Perera, T. A., Scott, K. S., Wilson, G. W., Aretxaga, I., Hughes, D. H., Almaini, O., Chapin, E. L., Chapman, S. C., Cirasuolo, M., Clements, D. L., Coppin, K. E. K., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Eales, S. A., Egami, E., Farrah, D., Ferrusca, D., Flynn, S., Haig, D., Halpern, M., Ibar, E., Ivison, R. J., van Kampen, E., Kang, Y., Kim, S., Lacey, C., Lowenthal, J. D., Mauskopf, P. D., McLure, R. J., Mortier, A. M. J., Negrello, M., Oliver, S., Peacock, J. A., Pope, A., Rawlings, S., Rieke, G., Roseboom, I., Rowan-Robinson, M., Scott, D., Serjeant, S., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Stevens, J. A., Velazquez, M., Wagg, J., and Yun, M. S., 'AzTEC half square degree survey of the SHADES fields - I. Maps, catalogues and source counts', MNRAS 401, 160, 2010

28. Axiak, M., Kitching, T. D., and van Hemert, J. I., 'Evolution Strategies for Cosmology: A Comparison of Nested Sampling Methods', arXiv:1101.0717, 2011

29. Axon, D., Batcheldor, D., Buchanan, C., Capetti, A., Elitzur, M., Gallimore, J., Geballe, T., Horne, K., Kishimoto, M., Marconi, A., Mason, R., Maiolino, R., Netzer, H., Packham, C., Perez, E., Peterson, B., Tadhunter, C., Richmond, M., Robinson, A., Stirpe, G., and Storchi-Bergmann, T., 'Reverberation Mapping of the size of the Dusty Tori in Active Galactic Nuclei.', sptz.prop 80120, 2011

30. Bailin, J., Power, C., Norberg, P., Zaritsky, D., and Gibson, B. K., 'Anisotropic distribution of satellite (Bailin+, 2008)', yCat 739, 1133, 2010

31. Bain, H. and Fletcher, L., 'Radio Observations And Modeling Of A Post-flare Arcade', AAS 41, 321.05, 2010

32. Baker, D. E. A., Jameson, R. F., Casewell, S. L., Deacon, N., Lodieu, N., and Hambly, N., 'Low-mass and brown dwarfs in Praesepe', MNRAS 408, 2457, 2010

33. Balasubramaniam, K. S., Cliver, E. W., Pevtsov, A., Temmer, M., Henry, T. W., Hudson, H. S., Imada, S., Ling, A. G., Moore, R. L., Muhr, N., Neidig, D. F., Petrie, G. J. D., Veronig, A. M., Vrsnak, B., and White, S. M., 'On the Origin of the Solar Moreton Wave of 2006 December 6', ApJ 723, 587, 2010

34. Balcells, M., Benn, C. R., Carter, D., Dalton, G. B., Trager, S. C., Feltzing, S., Verheijen, M. A. W., Jarvis, M., Percival, W., Abrams, D. C., Agocs, T., Brown, A. G. A., Cano, D., Evans, C., Helmi, A., Lewis, I. J., McLure, R., Peletier, R. F., Perez-Fournon, I., Sharples, R. M., Tosh, I. A. J., Trujillo, I., Walton, N., and Westhall, K. B., 'Design drivers for a wide-field multi-object spectrograph for the William Herschel Telescope', SPIE 7735, 2010

35. Baldry, I. K., Robotham, A. S. G., Hill, D. T., Driver, S. P., Liske, J., Norberg, P., Bamford, S. P., Hopkins, A. M., Loveday, J., Peacock, J. A., Cameron, E., Croom, S. M., Cross, N. J. G., Doyle, I. F., Dye, S., Frenk, C. S., Jones, D. H., van Kampen, E., Kelvin, L. S., Nichol, R. C., Parkinson, H. R., Popescu, C. C., Prescott, M., Sharp, R. G., Sutherland, W. J., Thomas, D., and Tuffs, R. J., ' And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the input catalogue and star-galaxy separation', MNRAS 404, 86, 2010

36. Barriga, P., Blair, D. G., Coward, D., Davidson, J., Dumas, J.-C., Howell, E., Ju, L., Wen, L., Zhao, C., McClelland, D. E., Scott, S. M., Slagmolen, B. J. J., Inta, R., Munch, J., Ottaway, D. J., Veitch, P., Hosken, D., Melatos, A., Chung, C., Sammut, L., Galloway, D. K., Marx, J., Whitcomb, S., Shoemaker, D., Hughes, S. A., Reitze, D. H., Iyer, B. R., Dhurandhar, S. V., Souradeep, T., Unnikrishnan, C. S., Rajalakshmi, G., Man, C. N., Heidmann, A., Cohadon, P.-F., Briant, T., Grote, H., Danzmann, K., Luck, H., Willke, B., Strain, K. A., Sathyaprakash, B. S., Cao, J., Cheung, Y.-K. E., and Zhang, Y., 'AIGO: a southern hemisphere detector for the worldwide array of ground- based interferometric gravitational wave detectors', CQG 27, 084005, 2010

37. Bassiri, R., Borisenko, K. B., Cockayne, D. J. H., Hough, J., MacLaren, I., and Rowan, S., 'Probing the atomic structure of amorphous Ta_2O_5 coatings', ApPhL 98, 031904, 2011

38. Bassiri, R., Borisenko, K. B., Cockayne, D. J. H., Hough, J., MacLaren, I., and Rowan, S., 'Probing the atomic structure of amorphous Ta_2O_5 mirror coatings for advanced gravitational wave detectors using transmission electron microscopy', JPhCS 241, 012070, 2010

39. Batista, V., and 139 colleagues, 'MOA-2009-BLG-387Lb: a massive planet orbiting an M dwarf', A&A 529, A102, 2011

40. Batista, V., and 132 colleagues, 'MOA-2007-BLG-387Lb light curve I band (Batista+, 2011)', yCat 352, 99102, 2011

41. Battaglia, M. and Kontar, E. P., 'Hard X-Ray Footpoint Sizes and Positions as Diagnostics of Flare Accelerated Energetic Electrons in the Low Solar Atmosphere', ApJ 735, 42, 2011

42. Battaglia, M., Kontar, E. P., and Hannah, I. G., 'The influence of albedo on the size of hard X-ray flare sources', A&A 526, A3, 2011

43. Battaglia, M. and Kontar, E. P., 'Height structure of X-ray, EUV and white- light emission in a solar flare', arXiv:1107.3808, 2011

44. Baylor, R. N., Cassak, P. A., Christe, S., Hannah, I. G., Krucker, S., Mullan, D. J., Shay, M. A., Hudson, H. S., and Lin, R. P., 'Estimates of Densities and Filling Factors from a Cooling Time Analysis of Solar Microflares Observed with RHESSI', ApJ 736, 75, 2011

45. Bennett, D. P., and 78 colleagues, 'Masses and Orbital Constraints for the OGLE-2006-BLG-109Lb,c Jupiter/Saturn Analog Planetary System', ApJ 713, 837, 2010

46. Bentz, M. C., Horne, K., Barth, A. J., Bennert, V. N., Canalizo, G., Filippenko, A. V., Gates, E. L., Malkan, M. A., Minezaki, T., Treu, T., Woo, J.-H., and Walsh, J. L., 'The Lick AGN Monitoring Project: Velocity-delay Maps from the Maximum-entropy Method for Arp 151', ApJ 720, L46, 2010

47. Benz, A. O., Battaglia, M., and Vilmer, N., 'Location of Decimetric Pulsations in Solar Flares', SoPh 88, 2011

48. Berger, J.-P., Monnier, J. D., Millan-Gabet, R., Renard, S., Pedretti, E., Traub, W., Bechet, C., Benisty, M., Carleton, N., Haguenauer, P., Kern, P., Labeye, P., Longa, F., Lacasse, M., Malbet, F., Perraut, K., Ragland, S., Schloerb, P., Schuller, P. A., and Thiebaut, E., 'First astronomical unit scale image of the GW Orionis triple system. Direct detection of a new stellar companion', A&A 529, L1, 2011

49. Bernard, E. J. and Ferguson, A. M. N., 'Variable Stars in the Far Outer Disk of M31', vsgh.conf 195, 2010

50. Best, P., Smail, I., Sobral, D., Geach, J., Garn, T., Ivison, R., Kurk, J., Dalton, G., Cirasuolo, M., and Casali, M., 'HiZELS: the High Redshift Emission Line Survey with UKIRT', arXiv:1003.5183, 2010

51. Beveridge, N. L., van Veggel, A. A., Hendry, M., Murray, P., Montgomery, R. A., Jesse, E., Scott, J., Bezensek, R. B., Cunningham, L., Hough, J., Nawrodt, R., Reid, S., and Rowan, S., 'Low-temperature strength tests and SEM imaging of hydroxide catalysis bonds in silicon', CQG 28, 085014, 2011

52. Bian, N. and Kontar, E. P., 'Parallel electric field fluctuations produced by Alfvenic turbulence', AGUFMSH43 1, 2010

53. Bian, N. H. and Kontar, E. P., 'Parallel electric field amplification by phase mixing of Alfven waves', A&A 527, A130, 2011

54. Bian, N. H. and Kontar, E. P., 'A gyrofluid description of Alfvenic turbulence and its parallel electric field', PhPl 17, 062308, 2010

55. Bian, N. H., Kontar, E. P., and Brown, J. C., 'Parallel electric field generation by Alfven wave turbulence', A&A 519, A114, 2010

56. Bogdanovic, T., Reynolds, C. S., and Massey, R., 'Using Faraday Rotation to Probe Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in Intracluster Media', ApJ 731, 7, 2011

57. Bonfield, D. G., Jarvis, M. J., Hardcastle, M. J., Cooray, A., Hatziminaoglou, E., Ivison, R. J., Page, M. J., Stevens, J. A., de Zotti, G., Auld, R., Baes, M., Buttiglione, S., Cava, A., Dariush, A., Dunlop, J. S., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Eales, S., Fritz, J., Hopwood, R., Ibar, E., Maddox, S. J., Michalowski, M. J., Pascale, E., Pohlen, M., Rigby, E. E., Rodighiero, G., Serjeant, S., Smith, D. J. B., Temi, P., and van der Werf, P., 'Herschel-ATLAS: The link between accretion luminosity and star formation in quasar host galaxies', arXiv:1103.3905, 2011

58. Bonnell, I. A. and Smith, R. J., 'The Formation of Massive Stars', IAUS 270, 57, 2011

59. Bonnell, I. A., Smith, R. J., Clark, P. C., and Bate, M. R., 'The efficiency of star formation in clustered and distributed regions', MNRAS 410, 2339, 2011

60. Boyd, M., Winters, J. G., Finch, C. T., Henry, T. J., Subasavage, J. P., Jao, W. C., and Hambly, N. C., 'MINIMO 2: Hitting Moving Targets in the Southern Sky', AAS 42, 424.08, 2010

61. Boyd, M. R., Winters, J. G., Henry, T. J., Jao, W.-C., Finch, C. T., Subasavage, J. P., and Hambly, N. C., 'The Solar Neighborhood. XXV. Discovery of New Proper Motion Stars with 0farcs40 yr^{-1} {\gt} {$\mu$} {\gt}= 0farcs18 yr^{-1} between Declinations -47{\deg} and 00{\deg}', AJ 142, 10, 2011

62. Bradshaw, E. J., Almaini, O., Hartley, W. G., Chuter, R. W., Simpson, C., Conselice, C. J., Dunlop, J. S., McLure, R. J., and Cirasuolo, M., 'AGN environments at z{\lt}1.5 in the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey', arXiv:1104.2904, 2011

63. Brandt, T. D., Tojeiro, R., Aubourg, e., Heavens, A., Jimenez, R., and Strauss, M. A., 'The Ages of Type Ia Progenitors', AJ 140, 804, 2010

64. Brasseur, C. M., Martin, N. F., Rix, H.-W., Irwin, M., Ferguson, A. M. N., McConnachie, A. W., and de Jong, J., 'A Deep Photometric Look at Two of Andromeda's Dwarf Spheroidals: X and XVII', ApJ 729, 23, 2011

65. Bridle, S., Balan, S. T., Bethge, M., Gentile, M., Harmeling, S., Heymans, C., Hirsch, M., Hosseini, R., Jarvis, M., Kirk, D., Kitching, T., Kuijken, K., Lewis, A., Paulin-Henriksson, S., Scholkopf, B., Velander, M., Voigt, L., Witherick, D., Amara, A., Bernstein, G., Courbin, F., Gill, M., Heavens, A., Mandelbaum, R., Massey, R., Moghaddam, B., Rassat, A., Refregier, A., Rhodes, J., Schrabback, T., Shawe-Taylor, J., Shmakova, M., van Waerbeke, L., and Wittman, D., 'Results of the GREAT08 Challenge: an image analysis competition for cosmological lensing', MNRAS 405, 2044, 2010

66. Brough, S., Hopkins, A. M., Sharp, R. G., Gunawardhana, M., Wijesinghe, D., Robotham, A. S. G., Driver, S. P., Baldry, I. K., Bamford, S. P., Liske, J., Loveday, J., Norberg, P., Peacock, J. A., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Brown, M. J. I., Cameron, E., Croom, S. M., Frenk, C. S., Foster, C., Hill, D. T., Jones, D. H., Kelvin, L. S., Kuijken, K., Nichol, R. C., Parkinson, H. R., Pimbblet, K., Popescu, C. C., Prescott, M., Sutherland, W. J., Taylor, E., Thomas, D., Tuffs, R. J., and van Kampen, E., 'Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): galaxies at the faint end of the H{$\alpha$} luminosity function', MNRAS 413, 1236, 2011

67. Cebron, D., Moutou, C., Le Bars, M., Le Gal, P., and Fares, R., 'Tidal instability in exoplanetary systems evolution', EPJWC 11, 3003, 2011

68. Cebron, D., Moutou, C., Le Bars, M., Le Gal, P., and Fares, R., 'Tidal instability in systems' evolution', arXiv:1101.4531, 2011

69. Calabrese, E., Smidt, J., Amblard, A., Cooray, A., Melchiorri, A., Serra, P., Heavens, A., and Munshi, D., 'Non-Gaussianity in WMAP data due to the correlation of CMB lensing potential with secondary anisotropies', PhRvD 81, 043529, 2010

70. Calchi Novati, S., Dall'Ora, M., Gould, A., Bozza, V., Bruni, I., De Paolis, F., Dominik, M., Gualandi, R., Ingrosso, G., Jetzer, P., Mancini, L., Nucita, A., Scarpetta, G., Sereno, M., Strafella, F., and The Plan Collaboration, 'M31 Pixel Lensing Event OAB-N2: A Study of the Lens Proper Motion', ApJ 717, 987, 2010

71. Camera, S., Kitching, T. D., Heavens, A. F., Bertacca, D., and Diaferio, A., 'Measuring unified dark matter with 3D cosmic shear', MNRAS 415, 399, 2011

72. Caputi, K. I., Cirasuolo, M., Dunlop, J. S., McLure, R. J., Farrah, D., and Almaini, O., 'The stellar mass function of the most-massive galaxies at 3 {\le}z {\lt} 5 in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey', MNRAS 413, 162, 2011

73. Carozzi, T. D. and Woan, G., 'A Fundamental Figure of Merit for Radio Polarimeters', ITAP 59, 2058, 2011

74. Casewell, S. L., Dobbie, P. D., Hodgkin, S. T., Moraux, E., Jameson, R. F., Hambly, N. C., Irwin, J., and Lodieu, N., 'Erratum: Proper motion L and T dwarf candidate members of the Pleiades', MNRAS 402, 1407, 2010

75. Cassan, A., Horne, K., Kains, N., Tsapras, Y., and Browne, P., 'Bayesian analysis of caustic-crossing microlensing events', A&A 515, A52, 2010

76. Castellanos, P., Casassus, S., Dickinson, C., Vidal, M., Paladini, R., Cleary, K., Davies, R. D., Davis, R. J., White, G. J., and Taylor, A., 'Dust-correlated centimetre-wave radiation from the M78 reflection ', MNRAS 411, 1137, 2011

77. Chapin, E. L., Chapman, S. C., Coppin, K. E., Devlin, M. J., Dunlop, J. S., Greve, T. R., Halpern, M., Hasselfield, M. F., Hughes, D. H., Ivison, R. J., Marsden, G., Moncelsi, L., Netterfield, C. B., Pascale, E., Scott, D., Smail, I., Viero, M., Walter, F., Weiss, A., and van der Werf, P., 'A joint analysis of BLAST 250-500 {$\mu$}m and LABOCA 870 {$\mu$}m observations in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South', MNRAS 411, 505, 2011

78. Chassande-Mottin, E., Hendry, M., Sutton, P. J., and Marka, S., 'Multimessenger astronomy with the Einstein Telescope', GReGr 43, 437, 2011

79. Che, X., Monnier, J. D., Zhao, M., Pedretti, E., Thureau, N., Merand, A., ten Brummelaar, T., McAlister, H., Ridgway, S. T., Turner, N., Sturmann, J., and Sturmann, L., 'Colder and Hotter: Interferometric Imaging of {$\beta$} Cassiopeiae and {$\alpha$} Leonis', ApJ 732, 68, 2011

80. Chiu, M.-C., Ko, C.-M., Tian, Y., and Zhao, H., 'Mass of galaxy lenses in modified gravity: Any need for dark mass?', PhRvD 83, 063523, 2011

81. Christe, S., Krucker, S., and Hudson, H., 'The RHESSI Microflare Height Distribution', cosp 38, 2963, 2010

82. Christian, D. J., Mathioudakis, M., Arias, T., Jardine, M., and Jess, D. B., 'The Search for Super-saturation in Chromospheric Emission', arXiv:1107.1786, 2011

83. Chuter, R. W., Almaini, O., Hartley, W. G., McLure, R. J., Dunlop, J. S., Foucaud, S., Conselice, C. J., Simpson, C., Cirasuolo, M., and Bradshaw, E. J., 'Galaxy environments in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey', MNRAS 413, 1678, 2011

84. Cirasuolo, M., McLure, R. J., Dunlop, J. S., Almaini, O., Foucaud, S., and Simpson, C., 'A new measurement of the evolving near-infrared galaxy luminosity function out to z = 4: a continuing challenge to theoretical models of galaxy formation', MNRAS 401, 1166, 2010

85. Cockcroft, R., Harris, W. E., Ferguson, A. M. N., Huxor, A., Ibata, R., Irwin, M. J., McConnachie, A. W., Woodley, K. A., Chapman, S. C., Lewis, G. F., and Puzia, T. H., 'The M33 Globular Cluster System with PAndAS Data: the Last Outer Halo Cluster?', ApJ 730, 112, 2011

86. Cooray, A., and 249 colleagues, 'The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS): the scientific goals of a shallow and wide submillimeter imaging survey with SPIRE', arXiv:1007.3519, 2010

87. Cooray, A., and 51 colleagues, 'Spitzer Imaging of Herschel Lensed Sub-mm Galaxies', sptz.prop 80156, 2011

88. Coppin, K., Pope, A., Menendez-Delmestre, K., Alexander, D. M., Dunlop, J. S., Egami, E., Gabor, J., Ibar, E., Ivison, R. J., Austermann, J. E., Blain, A. W., Chapman, S. C., Clements, D. L., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Farrah, D., Hughes, D. H., Mortier, A. M. J., Page, M. J., Rowan-Robinson, M., Scott, D., Simpson, C., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Vaccari, M., and Yun, M. S., 'Mid- infrared Spectroscopy of Candidate Active Galactic Nuclei-dominated Submillimeter Galaxies', ApJ 713, 503, 2010

89. Coppin, K. E. K., Chapman, S. C., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Walter, F., Wardlow, J. L., Weiss, A., Alexander, D. M., Brandt, W. N., Dannerbauer, H., De Breuck, C., Dickinson, M., Dunlop, J. S., Edge, A. C., Emonts, B. H. C., Greve, T. R., Huynh, M., Ivison, R. J., Knudsen, K. K., Menten, K. M., Schinnerer, E., and van der Werf, P. P., 'Detection of molecular gas in a distant submillimetre galaxy at z = 4.76 with Australia Telescope Compact Array', MNRAS 407, L103, 2010

90. Coppin, K., Pope, A., Menendez-Delmestre, K., Alexander, D. M., and Dunlop, J., 'Starburst or AGN Dominance in Submillimetre-Luminous Candidate AGN?', AIPC 1240, 80, 2010

91. Cross, N., Collins, R., Sutorius, E., Hambly, N., Blake, R., and Read, M., 'Automated Curation of Infra-Red Imaging Data in the WFCAM and VISTA Science Archives', ASPC 442, 45, 2010

92. Culverhouse, T., Ade, P., Bock, J., Bowden, M., Brown, M. L., Cahill, G., Castro, P. G., Church, S., Friedman, R., Ganga, K., Gear, W. K., Gupta, S., Hinderks, J., Kovac, J., Lange, A. E., Leitch, E., Melhuish, S. J., Memari, Y., Murphy, J. A., Orlando, A., Pryke, C., Schwarz, R., O'Sullivan, C., Piccirillo, L., Rajguru, N., Rusholme, B., Taylor, A. N., Thompson, K. L., Turner, A. H., Wu, E. Y. S., Zemcov, M., and QUaD Collaboration, 'The QUaD Galactic Plane Survey. II. A Compact Source Catalog', ApJS 195, 8, 2011

93. Culverhouse, T., Ade, P., Bock, J., Bowden, M., Brown, M. L., Cahill, G., Castro, P. G., Church, S. E., Friedman, R., Ganga, K., Gear, W. K., Gupta, S., Hinderks, J. R., Kovac, J., Lange, A. E., Leitch, E., Melhuish, S. J., Memari, Y., Murphy, J. A., Orlando, A., Schwarz, R., O'Sullivan, C., Piccirillo, L., Pryke, C., Rajguru, N., Rusholme, B., Taylor, A. N., Thompson, K. L., Turner, A. H., Wu, E. Y. S., Zemcov, M., and The QUaD Collaboration, 'The QUaD Galactic Plane Survey. I. Maps and Analysis of Diffuse Emission', ApJ 722, 1057, 2010

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116. Dominik, M., 'Studying planet populations by gravitational microlensing', GReGr 42, 2075, 2010

117. Donati, J.-F., Bouvier, J., Walter, F. M., Gregory, S. G., Skelly, M. B., Hussain, G. A. J., Flaccomio, E., Argiroffi, C., Grankin, K. N., Jardine, M. M., Menard, F., Dougados, C., and Romanova, M. M., 'Non-stationary dynamo and magnetospheric accretion processes of the classical T Tauri star V2129 Oph', MNRAS 412, 2454, 2011

118. Donati, J.-F., Morin, J., Petit, P., Delfosse, X., Forveille, T., Auriere, M., Cabanac, R., Dintrans, B., Fares, R., Gastine, T., Jardine, M. M., Lignieres, F., Paletou, F., Ramirez Velez, J. C., and Theado, S., 'Magnetic field and velocity of early M dwarfs (Donati+, 2008)', yCat 739, 545, 2010

119. Donati, J.-F., Skelly, M. B., Bouvier, J., Gregory, S. G., Grankin, K. N., Jardine, M. M., Hussain, G. A. J., Menard, F., Dougados, C., Unruh, Y., Mohanty, S., Auriere, M., Morin, J., and Fares, R., 'Magnetospheric accretion and spin-down of the prototypical classical T Tauri star AA Tau', MNRAS 409, 1347, 2010

120. Donati, J.-F., Skelly, M. B., Bouvier, J., Jardine, M. M., Gregory, S. G., Morin, J., Hussain, G. A. J., Dougados, C., Menard, F., and Unruh, Y., 'Complex magnetic topology and strong differential rotation on the low-mass T Tauri star V2247 Oph', MNRAS 402, 1426, 2010

121. Donati, J., Gregory, S., Alencar, S., Bouvier, J, Hussain, G, Skelly, M, Dougados, C, Jardine, M., Menard, F, Romanova, M., Unruh, Y., and the MaPP collaboration, 'The large-scale magnetic field and poleward mass accretion of the classical T Tauri star TW Hya', arXiv:1106.4162, 2011

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123. Driver, S. P., and 54 colleagues, 'Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): survey diagnostics and core data release', MNRAS 413, 971, 2011

124. Driver, S. P., 'The Decade of Galaxy Formation: Pitfalls in the Path Ahead', AIPC 1240, 17, 2010

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126. Dunlop, J., Lisa, M. A., and Sorensen, P., 'Constituent quark scaling violation due to baryon number transport', arXiv:1107.3078, 2011

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128. Dunlop, J. S., McLure, R. J., Robertson, B. E., Ellis, R. S., Stark, D. P., Cirasuolo, M., and de Ravel, L., 'A critical analysis of the UV-continuum slopes of high-redshift galaxies; no evidence (yet) for extreme stellar populations at z {\gt} 6', arXiv:1102.5005, 2011

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139. Fan, Z. H., Liu, S. M., Yuan, Q., and Fletcher, L., 'Lepton models for TeV emission from SNR RX J1713.7-3946', A&A 517, L4, 2010

140. Fares, R., Donati, J.-F., Moutou, C., Jardine, M. M., Griessmeier, J.- M., Zarka, P., Shkolnik, E. L., Bohlender, D., Catala, C., and Collier Cameron, A., 'Searching for star-planet interactions within the magnetosphere of HD189733', MNRAS 406, 409, 2010

141. Farihi, J., Barstow, M. A., Redfield, S., Dufour, P., and Hambly, N. C., 'Rocky planetesimals as the origin of metals in DZ stars', MNRAS 404, 2123, 2010

142. Fazio, G., Ashby, M., Dunlop, J., Egami, E., Faber, S., Ferguson, H., Grogin, N., Hora, J., Huang, J., Koekemoer, A., Labbe, I., Wang, Z., and Willner, S., 'Spitzer Very Deep Survey of the HST/CANDELS Fields', sptz.prop 80057, 2011

143. Feix, M., Zhao, H., Fedeli, C., Pestana, J. L. G., and Hoekstra, H., 'Substructure lensing in galaxy clusters as a constraint on low-mass sterile neutrinos in tensor-vector-scalar theory: The straight arc of Abell 2390', PhRvD 82, 124003, 2010

144. Ferguson, A. M. N., 'Stellar Populations in the Outskirts of M31: The View from HST', ihea.book 105, 2010

145. Finoguenov, A., Watson, M. G., Tanaka, M., Simpson, C., Cirasuolo, M., Dunlop, J. S., Peacock, J. A., Farrah, D., Akiyama, M., Ueda, Y., Smolcic, V., Stewart, G., Rawlings, S., van Breukelen, C., Almaini, O., Clewley, L., Bonfield, D. G., Jarvis, M. J., Barr, J. M., Foucaud, S., McLure, R. J., Sekiguchi, K., and Egami, E., 'X-ray groups and clusters of galaxies in the Subaru-XMM Deep Field', MNRAS 403, 2063, 2010

146. Fisher, G. H., Bercik, D. J., Welsch, B. T., and Hudson, H. S., 'Momentum Balance in Eruptive Solar Flares: The Vertical Lorentz force Acting on the Solar Atmosphere and the Solar Interior', arXiv:1006.5247, 2010

147. Flaccomio, E., Argiroffi, C., Bouvier, J., Donati, J., Getman, K. V., Gregory, S. G., Hussain, G. A. J., Jardine, M. M., Skelly, M. B., and Walter, F. M., 'Variable X-ray Emission From The Accretion Shock In The Classical T Tauri Star V2129 Oph', AAS 407.11, 2011

148. Fleishman, G., Gary, D., Nita, G., Alexander, D., Aschwanden, M., Bastian, T., Hudson, H., Hurford, G., Kontar, E., Longcope, D., Mikic, Z., DeRosa, M., Ryan, J., and White, S., 'Uncovering Mechanisms of Coronal Magnetism via Advanced 3D Modeling of Flares and Active Regions', arXiv:1011.2800, 2010

149. Fleishman, G. D., Kontar, E. P., Nita, G. M., and Gary, D. E., 'Detection of the Acceleration Site in a Solar Flare', SPD 1203, 2011

150. Fleishman, G. D. and Kontar, E. P., 'Sub-Thz Radiation Mechanisms in Solar Flares', ApJ 709, L127, 2010

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156. Foullon, C., Fletcher, L., Hannah, I. G., Verwichte, E., Cecconi, B., Nakariakov, V. M., Phillips, K. J. H., and Tan, B. L., 'From Large-scale Loops to the Sites of Dense Flaring Loops: Preferential Conditions for Long-period Pulsations in Solar Flares', ApJ 719, 151, 2010

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162. Galloway, R. K., Helander, P., MacKinnon, A. L., and Brown, J. C., 'Thermalisation and hard X-ray bremsstrahlung efficiency of self-interacting solar flare fast electrons', A&A 520, A72, 2010

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164. Garn, T., Sobral, D., Best, P. N., Geach, J. E., Smail, I., Cirasuolo, M., Dalton, G. B., Dunlop, J. S., McLure, R. J., and Farrah, D., 'Obscured star formation at z = 0.84 with HiZELS: the relationship between star formation rate and H{$\alpha$} or ultraviolet dust extinction', MNRAS 402, 2017, 2010

165. Gendre, M. A., Best, P. N., and Wall, J. V., 'Combined NVSS-FIRST galaxies (CoNFIG) sample II (Gendre+, 2010)', yCat 740, 41719, 2010

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167. Gendre, M., Wall, J. V., and Best, P. N., 'Space Densities Of AGN And The FR Dichotomy', AAS 317.02, 2011

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190. Guo, Q., Cole, S., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., Frenk, C. S., Norberg, P., Auld, R., Baldry, I. K., Bamford, S. P., Bourne, N., Buttiglione, E. S., Cava, A., Cooray, A., Croom, S., Dariush, A., de Zotti, G., Driver, S., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Eales, S., Fritz, J., Hopkins, A., Hopwood, R., Ibar, E., Ivison, R. J., Jarvis, M., Jones, D. H., Kelvin, L., Liske, J., Loveday, J., Maddox, S. J., Parkinson, H., Pascale, E., Peacock, J. A., Pohlen, M., Prescott, M., Rigby, E. E., Robotham, A., Rodighiero, G., Sharp, R., Smith, D. J. B., Temi, P., and van Kampen, E., 'Which haloes host Herschel-ATLAS galaxies in the local Universe?', MNRAS 412, 2277, 2011

191. Gupta, S., Ade, P., Bock, J., Bowden, M., Brown, M. L., Cahill, G., Castro, P. G., Church, S., Culverhouse, T., Friedman, R. B., Ganga, K., Gear, W. K., Hinderks, J., Kovac, J., Lange, A. E., Leitch, E., Melhuish, S. J., Memari, Y., Murphy, J. A., Orlando, A., O'Sullivan, C., Piccirillo, L., Pryke, C., Rajguru, N., Rusholme, B., Schwarz, R., Taylor, A. N., Thompson, K. L., Turner, A. H., Wu, E. Y. S., Zemcov, M., and QUaD Collaboration, 'Parameter Estimation from Improved Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background from QUaD', ApJ 716, 1040, 2010

192. Hannah, I. G., Hudson, H. S., Hurford, G. J., and Lin, R. P., 'Constraining the Hard X-ray Properties of the Quiet Sun with New RHESSI Observations', ApJ 724, 487, 2010

193. Hannah, I. G. and Kontar, E. P., 'The spectral difference between solar flare HXR coronal and footpoint sources due to wave-particle interactions', A&A 529, A109, 2011

194. Hao, H., Elvis, M., Civano, F., and Lawrence, A., 'Hot-dust-poor Quasars in Mid-infrared and Optically Selected Samples', ApJ 733, 108, 2011

195. Hardcastle, M. J., Virdee, J. S., Jarvis, M. J., Bonfield, D. G., Dunne, L., Rawlings, S., Stevens, J. A., Christopher, N. M., Heywood, I., Mauch, T., Rigopoulou, D., Verma, A., Baldry, I. K., Bamford, S. P., Buttiglione, S., Cava, A., Clements, D. L., Cooray, A., Croom, S. M., Dariush, A., de Zotti, G., Eales, S., Fritz, J., Hill, D. T., Hughes, D., Hopwood, R., Ibar, E., Ivison, R. J., Jones, D. H., Loveday, J., Maddox, S. J., Michalowski, M. J., Negrello, M., Norberg, P., Pohlen, M., Prescott, M., Rigby, E. E., Robotham, A. S. G., Rodighiero, G., Scott, D., Sharp, R., Smith, D. J. B., Temi, P., and van Kampen, E., 'Herschel-ATLAS: far-infrared properties of radio-selected galaxies', MNRAS 409, 122, 2010

196. Haroz, E. H., Duque, J. G., Rice, W. D., Densmore, C. G., Kono, J., and Doorn, S. K., 'Resonant Raman Spectroscopy of Armchair Carbon Nanotubes: Absence of ''Metallic'' Signature', arXiv:1101.1331, 2011

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198. Hartley, W. G., Almaini, O., Cirasuolo, M., Foucaud, S., Simpson, C., Conselice, C. J., Smail, I., McLure, R. J., Dunlop, J. S., Chuter, R. W., Maddox, S., Lane, K. P., and Bradshaw, E. J., 'The evolution of galaxy clustering since z = 3 using the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey: the divergence of passive and star-forming galaxies', MNRAS 407, 1212, 2010

199. Hatsukade, B., Iono, D., Akiyama, T., Yoshikawa, M., Dunlop, J. S., Ivison, R. J., Peck, A. B., Ikarashi, S., Biggs, A., Ezawa, H., Hanami, H., Ho, P., Hughes, D. H., Kawabe, R., Kohno, K., Matsushita, S., Nakanishi, K., Padilla, N., Petitpas, G., Tamura, Y., Wagg, J., Wilner, D. J., Wilson, G. W., Yamada, T., and Yun, M. S., 'Unveiling the Nature of Submillimeter Galaxy SXDF 850.6', ApJ 711, 974, 2010

200. Hatsukade, B., Iono, D., Yoshikawa, T., Akiyama, M., Dunlop, J. S., Ivison, R. J., Peck, A. B., Ikarashi, S., Biggs, A., Ezawa, H., Hanami, H., Ho, P., Hughes, D. H., Kawabe, R., Kohno, K., Matsushita, S., Nakanishi, K., Padilla, N., Petitpas, G., Tamura, Y., Wagg, J., Wilner, D. J., Wilson, G. W., Yamada, T., and Yun, M. S., 'ERRATUM: ''Unveiling the Nature of Submillimeter Galaxy SXDF 850.6'' (2010, ApJ, 711, 974)', ApJ 716, 891, 2010

201. Heavens, A., 'Cosmological lensing with Pan-STARRS', AAS 113.10, 2011

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203. Heavens, A., 'Weak gravitational lensing, dark energy and modified gravity', deot.book 279, 2010

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206. Hebb, L., Collier-Cameron, A., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Lister, T. A., Smalley, B., Maxted, P. F. L., Hellier, C., Anderson, D. R., Pollacco, D., Gillon, M., Queloz, D., West, R. G., Bentley, S., Enoch, B., Haswell, C. A., Horne, K., Mayor, M., Pepe, F., Segransan, D., Skillen, I., Udry, S., and Wheatley, P. J., 'Wasp-19b: The Shortest Period Transiting Exoplanet Yet Discovered', AAS 42, 423.22, 2010

207. Heisselmann, D., Blum, J., Fraser, H. J., and Wolling, K., 'Microgravity experiments on the collisional behavior of saturnian ring particles', Icar 206, 424, 2010

208. Helling, C., Jardine, M., and Mokler, F., 'Ionisation in atmospheres of Brown Dwarfs and extrasolar planets II Dust-induced collisional ionization', arXiv:1105.4409, 2011

209. Helling, C., Jardine, M., Witte, S., and Diver, D. A., 'Ionization in Atmospheres of Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Planets. I. The Role of Electron Avalanche', ApJ 727, 4, 2011

210. Helling, C., Pedretti, E., Berdyugina, S., Vidotto, A. A., Beeck, B., Baron, E., Showman, A. P., Agol, E., and Homeier, D., 'Aspects of Multi- Dimensional Modelling of Substellar Atmospheres', arXiv:1012.3013, 2010

211. Heptonstall, A., Barton, M. A., Bell, A., Cagnoli, G., Cantley, C. A., Crooks, D. R. M., Cumming, A., Grant, A., Hammond, G. D., Harry, G. M., Hough, J., Jones, R., Kelley, D., Kumar, R., Martin, I. W., Robertson, N. A., Rowan, S., Strain, K. A., Tokmakov, K., and van Veggel, M., 'Invited Article: CO2 laser production of fused silica fibers for use in interferometric gravitational wave detector mirror suspensions', RScI 82, 011301, 2011

212. Heptonstall, A., Barton, M., Cantley, C., Cumming, A., Cagnoli, G., Hough, J., Jones, R., Kumar, R., Martin, I., Rowan, S., Torrie, C., and Zech, S., 'Investigation of mechanical dissipation in CO_2 laser-drawn fused silica fibres and welds', CQG 27, 035013, 2010

213. Herbert, P. D., Jarvis, M. J., Willott, C. J., McLure, R. J., Mitchell, E., Rawlings, S., Hill, G. J., and Dunlop, J. S., 'The evolution of the Fundamental Plane of radio galaxies from z ~ 0.5 to the present day', MNRAS 410, 1360, 2011

214. Herbert, P. D., Jarvis, M. J., Willott, C. J., McLure, R. J., Mitchell, E., Rawlings, S., Hill, G. J., and Dunlop, J. S., 'Evidence of different star formation histories for high- and low-luminosity radio galaxies', MNRAS 406, 1841, 2010

215. Hessman, F. V., Dhillon, V. S., Winget, D. E., Schreiber, M. R., Horne, K., Marsh, T. R., Guenther, E., Schwope, A., and Heber, U., 'On the naming convention used for multiple star systems and extrasolar planets', arXiv:1012.0707, 2010

216. Heymans, C., 'Charting the Dark Universe', jena.conf 2010

217. Heywood, I., Armstrong, R. P., Booth, R., Bunker, A. J., Deane, R. P., Jarvis, M. J., Jonas, J. L., Jones, M. E., Kloeckner, H., Kneib, J., Knudsen, K. K., Levrier, F., Obreschkow, D., Rigopoulou, D., Rawlings, S., Smirnov, O. M., Taylor, A. C., Verma, A., Dunlop, J., Santos, M. G., Stanway, E. R., and Willott, C., 'MESMER: MeerKAT Search for Molecules in the of Reionization', arXiv:1103.0862, 2011

218. Hikage, C., Munshi, D., Heavens, A., and Coles, P., 'Adiabatic versus isocurvature non-Gaussianity', MNRAS 404, 1505, 2010

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220. Hill, A. S., Wood, K., and Haffner, L. M., 'The Role of Turbulence in the Warm Ionized Medium', ASPC 438, 190, 2010

221. Hill, A. S., Joung, M. R., Benjamin, R. A., Haffner, L. M., Klingenberg, C., Mac Low, M. M., Waagan, K., and Wood, K. A., 'MHD Simulations of a Supernova-driven ISM and the Warm Ionized Medium', AAS 43, 251.06, 2011

222. Hill, D. T., Driver, S. P., Cameron, E., Cross, N., Liske, J., and Robotham, A., 'The ugrizYJHK luminosity distributions and densities from the combined MGC, SDSS and UKIDSS LAS data sets', MNRAS 404, 1215, 2010

223. Hill, D. T., Kelvin, L. S., Driver, S. P., Robotham, A. S. G., Cameron, E., Cross, N., Andrae, E., Baldry, I. K., Bamford, S. P., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Brough, S., Conselice, C. J., Dye, S., Hopkins, A. M., Liske, J., Loveday, J., Norberg, P., Peacock, J. A., Croom, S. M., Frenk, C. S., Graham, A. W., Jones, D. H., Kuijken, K., Madore, B. F., Nichol, R. C., Parkinson, H. R., Phillipps, S., Pimbblet, K. A., Popescu, C. C., Prescott, M., Seibert, M., Sharp, R. G., Sutherland, W. J., Thomas, D., Tuffs, R. J., and van Kampen, E., 'Galaxy and Mass Assembly: FUV, NUV, ugrizYJHK Petrosian, Kron and Sersic photometry', MNRAS 412, 765, 2011

224. Holliman, M., Alemu, T., Hume, A., van Hemert, J., Mann, R. G., Noddle, K., and Valkonen, L., 'Service Infrastructure for Cross-Matching Distributed Datasets Using OGSA-DAI and TAP', ASPC 442, 579, 2010

225. Holliman, M., Read, M., Hambly, N., and Mann, R. G., 'Virtual Observatory Services at WFAU', ASPC 434, 291, 2010

226. Hopwood, R., and 51 colleagues, 'Spitzer Imaging of Herschel-atlas Gravitationally Lensed Submillimeter Sources', ApJ 728, L4, 2011

227. Hough, J., 'Long baseline gravitational wave detectors -- Status and developments', PrPNP 66, 233, 2011

228. Hough, J., 'Perspective: Gravitational waves: ``Invited article: CO2 laser production of fused silica fibers for use in interferometric gravitational wave detector mirror suspensions'' [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 011301 (2011)]', RScI 82, 010901, 2011

229. Hough, J., Lueck, H., Punturo, M., and Sathyaprakash, B. S., 'Third generation gravitational-wave observatories and their science reach', GReGr 43, 361, 2011

230. Hudson, H. S., Fletcher, L., and Krucker, S., 'The white-light continuum in the impulsive phase of a solar flare.', MmSAI 81, 637, 2010

231. Hudson, H. S. and Li, Y., 'Flare and CME Properties and Rates at Sunspot Minimum', ASPC 428, 153, 2010

232. Hudson, H., 'Observations of solar and stellar eruptions, flares, and jets', hssr.book 123, 2010

233. Hudson, H. S., 'Global Properties of Solar Flares', SSRv 158, 5, 2011

234. Hudson, H. S., 'Solar physics: Solar flares add up', NatPh 6, 637, 2010

235. Hudson, H. S., Chamberlin, P., Woods, T., Fletcher, L., and Graham, D., 'Doppler Signatures In EVE Spectra', SPD 2124, 2011

236. Hussain, G. A. J., Brickhouse, N. S., Dupree, A. K., Saar, S. H., and Jardine, M., 'X-ray coronae and stellar magnetospheres', AIPC 1248, 19, 2010

237. Hwang, H. S., and 114 colleagues, 'Evolution of dust temperature of galaxies through cosmic time as seen by Herschel', MNRAS 409, 75, 2010

238. Hwang, K.-H., and 83 colleagues, 'OGLE-2005-BLG-153: Microlensing Discovery and Characterization of a Very Low Mass Binary', ApJ 723, 797, 2010

239. Ibar, E., Ivison, R. J., Biggs, A. D., Lal, D. V., Best, P. N., and Green, D. A., 'Radio imaging in Lockman Hole (Ibar+, 2009)', yCat 739, 70281, 2011

240. Ibar, E., Ivison, R. J., Best, P. N., Coppin, K., Pope, A., Smail, I., and Dunlop, J. S., 'Deep multi-frequency radio imaging in the Lockman Hole - II. The spectral index of submillimetre galaxies', MNRAS 401, L53, 2010

241. Ignace, R., Oskinova, L. M., Jardine, M., Cassinelli, J. P., Cohen, D. H., Donati, J.-F., Townsend, R. H. D., and ud-Doula, A., 'A Multiphase Suzaku Study of X-rays from {$\tau$} Sco', ApJ 721, 1412, 2010

242. Inglis, A. R., Zimovets, I. V., Dennis, B. R., Kontar, E. P., Nakariakov, V. M., Struminsky, A. B., and Tolbert, A. K., 'Instrumental oscillations in RHESSI count rates during solar flares', A&A 530, A47, 2011

243. Ivison, R. J., Alexander, D. M., Biggs, A. D., Brandt, W. N., Chapin, E. L., Coppin, K. E. K., Devlin, M. J., Dickinson, M., Dunlop, J., Dye, S., Eales, S. A., Frayer, D. T., Halpern, M., Hughes, D. H., Ibar, E., Kovacs, A., Marsden, G., Moncelsi, L., Netterfield, C. B., Pascale, E., Patanchon, G., Rafferty, D. A., Rex, M., Schinnerer, E., Scott, D., Semisch, C., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Truch, M. D. P., Tucker, G. S., Viero, M. P., Walter, F., Weiss, A., Wiebe, D. V., and Xue, Y. Q., 'BLAST: the far-infrared/radio correlation in distant galaxies', MNRAS 402, 245, 2010

244. Jardine, M., Donati, J.-F., Arzoumanian, D., and de Vidotto, A., 'Modelling stellar coronal magnetic fields', arXiv:1008.4885, 2010

245. Jarvis, M. J., Smith, D. J. B., Bonfield, D. G., Hardcastle, M. J., Falder, J. T., Stevens, J. A., Ivison, R. J., Auld, R., Baes, M., Baldry, I. K., Bamford, S. P., Bourne, N., Buttiglione, S., Cava, A., Cooray, A., Dariush, A., de Zotti, G., Dunlop, J. S., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Eales, S., Fritz, J., Hill, D. T., Hopwood, R., Hughes, D. H., Ibar, E., Jones, D. H., Kelvin, L., Lawrence, A., Leeuw, L., Loveday, J., Maddox, S. J., Michalowski, M. J., Negrello, M., Norberg, P., Pohlen, M., Prescott, M., Rigby, E. E., Robotham, A., Rodighiero, G., Scott, D., Sharp, R., Temi, P., Thompson, M. A., van der Werf, P., van Kampen, E., Vlahakis, C., and White, G., 'Herschel-ATLAS: the far-infrared-radio correlation at z {\lt} 0.5', MNRAS 409, 92, 2010

246. Jenkins, C. R. and Peacock, J. A., 'The power of Bayesian evidence in astronomy', MNRAS 413, 2895, 2011

247. Jimenez, R., Kitching, T., Pena-Garay, C., and Verde, L., 'Can we measure the neutrino mass hierarchy in the sky?', JCAP 5, 35, 2010

248. Joachimi, B. and Taylor, A. N., 'Forecasts of non-Gaussian parameter spaces using Box-Cox transformations', MNRAS 1016, 2011

249. Joachimi, B., Taylor, A. N., and Kiessling, A., 'Cosmological information in Gaussianised weak lensing signals', arXiv:1104.1399, 2011

250. Johnstone, C., Jardine, M., and Mackay, D. H., 'Modelling stellar coronae from surface magnetograms: the role of missing magnetic flux', MNRAS 404, 101, 2010

251. Kains, N., Cassan, A., Horne, K., Tsapras, Y., and Browne, P., 'Developing A Systematic Bayesian Analysis Of Microlensing Events', AAS 36, 601.09, 2010

252. Kamionkowski, M., Smith, T. L., and Heavens, A., 'CMB bispectrum, trispectrum, non-Gaussianity, and the Cramer-Rao bound', PhRvD 83, 023007, 2011

253. Katz, D. S., Berriman, G. B., and Mann, R. G., 'Collaborative Astronomical Image Mosaics', arXiv:1011.5294, 2010

254. Kiessling, A., Heavens, A. F., Taylor, A. N., and Joachimi, B., 'SUNGLASS: a new weak-lensing simulation pipeline', MNRAS 414, 2235, 2011

255. Kiessling, A., Taylor, A. N., and Heavens, A. F., 'Simulating the Effect of Non-Linear Mode-Coupling in Cosmological Parameter Estimation', arXiv:1103.3245, 2011

256. Kilkenny, D., O'Donoghue, D., Hambly, N., and MacGillivray, H., 'The Edinburgh-Cape blue object survey', Ap&SS 329, 49, 2010

257. Kim, M., Dunlop, J. S., Lonsdale, C. J., Farrah, D., Lacy, M., Sun, M., and SpUDS team, 'The Spitzer Public Legacy Survey of the 1 square degree UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey', AAS 43, 335.51, 2011

258. Kitching, T. D., Heavens, A. F., and Miller, L., '3D photometric cosmic shear', MNRAS 413, 2923, 2011

259. Kitching, T. D. and Taylor, A. N., 'Path integral marginalization for cosmology: scale-dependent galaxy bias and intrinsic alignments', MNRAS 410, 1677, 2011

260. Kitching, T. D. and Taylor, A. N., 'On Mitigation of the Uncertainty in Nonlinear Matter Clustering for Cosmic Shear Tomography', arXiv:1012.3479, 2010

261. Kitching, T., Amara, A., Gill, M., Harmeling, S., Heymans, C., Massey, R., Rowe, B., Schrabback, T., Voigt, L., Balan, S., Bernstein, G., Bethge, M., Bridle, S., Courbin, F., Gentile, M., Heavens, A., Hirsch, M., Hosseini, R., Kiessling, A., Kirk, D., Kuijken, K., Mandelbaum, R., Moghaddam, B., Nurbaeva, G., Paulin-Henriksson, S., Rassat, A., Rhodes, J., Scholkopf, B., Shawe-Taylor, J., Shmakova, M., Taylor, A., Velander, M., van Waerbeke, L., Witherick, D., and Wittman, D., 'Gravitational Lensing Accuracy Testing 2010 (GREAT10) Challenge Handbook', arXiv:1009.0779, 2010

262. Kloppenborg, B., Stencel, R., Monnier, J. D., Schaefer, G., Zhao, M., Baron, F., McAlister, H., Ten Brummelaar, T., Che, X., Farrington, C., Pedretti, E., Sallave-Goldfinger, P. J., Sturmann, J., Sturmann, L., Thureau, N., Turner, N., and Carroll, S. M., 'Infrared images of the transiting disk in the {$\epsilon$} Aurigae system', Natur 464, 870, 2010

263. Kloppenborg, B. K., Stencel, R., Monnier, J. D., Schaefer, G., Zhao, M., Baron, F., McAlister, H., ten Brummelaar, T., Che, X., Farrington, C., Pedretti, E., Sallave-Goldfinger, P., Sturmann, J., Sturmann, L., Thureau, N., Turner, N., and Carroll, S., 'Interferometric Images Of The Transiting Disk In The Epsilon Aurigae System', AAS 43, 257.03, 2011

264. Koekemoer, A. M., and 121 colleagues, 'CANDELS: The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey - The Hubble Space Telescope Observations, Imaging Data Products and Mosaics', arXiv:1105.3754, 2011

265. Kontar, E. P., Hannah, I. G., and Bian, N. H., 'Acceleration, Magnetic Fluctuations, and Cross-field Transport of Energetic Electrons in a Solar Flare Loop', ApJ 730, L22, 2011

266. Kontar, E. P., Hannah, I. G., Jeffrey, N. L. S., and Battaglia, M., 'The Sub-arcsecond Hard X-ray Structure of Loop Footpoints in a Solar Flare', ApJ 717, 250, 2010

267. Kontar, E. P. and Jeffrey, N. L. S., 'Positions and sizes of X-ray solar flare sources', A&A 513, L2, 2010

268. Kontar, E., Jeffrey, N., Hannah, I., and Battaglia, M., 'Hard X-Ray Structure of Loop Footpoints in a Solar Limb Flare', AAS 41, 404.30, 2010

269. Krasnoselskikh, V., Vekstein, G., Hudson, H. S., Bale, S. D., and Abbett, W. P., 'Generation of Electric Currents in the Chromosphere via Neutral-Ion Drag', ApJ 724, 1542, 2010

270. Krucker, S., Hudson, H. S., Glesener, L., White, S. M., Masuda, S., Wuelser, J.-P., and Lin, R. P., 'Measurements of the Coronal Acceleration Region of a Solar Flare', ApJ 714, 1108, 2010

271. Krucker, S., Raftery, C. L., and Hudson, H. S., 'Temperature and Density Estimates of Extreme-ultraviolet Flare Ribbons Derived from TRACE Diffraction Patterns', ApJ 734, 34, 2011

272. Labrosse, N., Dalla, S., and Marshall, S., 'Automatic Detection of Limb Prominences in 304 A EUV Images', SoPh 262, 449, 2010

273. Labrosse, N., Heinzel, P., Vial, J.-C., Kucera, T., Parenti, S., Gunar, S., Schmieder, B., and Kilper, G., 'Physics of Solar Prominences: I--Spectral Diagnostics and Non-LTE Modelling', SSRv 151, 243, 2010

274. Labrosse, N., Schmieder, B., Heinzel, P., and Watanabe, T., 'EUV lines observed with EIS/Hinode in a solar prominence', A&A 531, A69, 2011

275. Lafreniere, D., Jayawardhana, R., Janson, M., Helling, C., Witte, S., and Hauschildt, P., 'Discovery of an ~ 23 M _{Jup} Brown Dwarf Orbiting ~ 700 AU from the Massive Star HIP 78530 in Upper Scorpius', ApJ 730, 42, 2011

276. Lai, D., Helling, C., and van den Heuvel, E. P. J., 'Mass Transfer, Transiting Stream, and Magnetopause in Close-in Exoplanetary Systems with Applications to WASP-12', ApJ 721, 923, 2010

277. Lawrence, A. and Elvis, M., 'Misaligned Disks as Obscurers in Active Galaxies', ApJ 714, 561, 2010

278. Leauthaud, A., Finoguenov, A., Kneib, J.-P., Taylor, J. E., Massey, R., Rhodes, J., Ilbert, O., Bundy, K., Tinker, J., George, M. R., Capak, P., Koekemoer, A. M., Johnston, D. E., Zhang, Y.-Y., Cappelluti, N., Ellis, R. S., Elvis, M., Giodini, S., Heymans, C., Le Fevre, O., Lilly, S., McCracken, H. J., Mellier, Y., Refregier, A., Salvato, M., Scoville, N., Smoot, G., Tanaka, M., Van Waerbeke, L., and Wolk, M., 'A Weak Lensing Study of X-ray Groups in the Cosmos Survey: Form and Evolution of the Mass-Luminosity Relation', ApJ 709, 97, 2010

279. Leauthaud, A., Tinker, J., Bundy, K., Behroozi, P. S., Massey, R., Rhodes, J., George, M. R., Kneib, J.-P., Benson, A., Wechsler, R. H., Busha, M. T., Capak, P., Cortes, M., Ilbert, O., Koekemoer, A. M., Le Fevre, O., Lilly, S., McCracken, H. J., Salvato, M., Schrabback, T., Scoville, N., Smith, T., and Taylor, J. E., 'New constraints on the evolution of the stellar-to-dark matter connection: a combined analysis of galaxy-galaxy lensing, clustering, and stellar mass functions from z=0.2 to z=1', arXiv:1104.0928, 2011

280. Lehnert, M. D., Tasse, C., Nesvadba, N. P. H., Best, P. N., and van Driel, W., 'The Na D profiles of nearby low-power radio sources: jets powering outflows', A&A 532, L3, 2011

281. Li, B., King, L. J., Zhao, G.-B., and Zhao, H., 'An analytic ray-tracing algorithm for weak lensing', MNRAS 415, 881, 2011

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