Scientific Name [ = Synonym]: Common Name

Aeschynomene indica L. Albizia julibrissin Durazz. Albizia pro cera (Roxb.) Benth. Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Benth. var. japonica Oliver Arachis hypogaea L.: peanut, groundnut Bauhinia rufescens Lamarck Caesalpinia sepiaria Roxb. var. japonica (Sieb. & Zucc.) Makino Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. [= C. indicus]: Cajanus indicus Spreng. ->Cajanus cajan Calopogonium caeruleum (Benth.) Hems!. Calopogonium mucunoides Desv.: calopo Canavalia braziliensis Mart. ex Benth. (L.) DC.: jack (Jacq.) DC.: sword bean Castanospermum australe A. Cunn. Centrosema plumieri (Turp. ex Pers.) Benth. Centrosema pubescens Benth.: butterfly pea, centro Cercidium floridum Benth. Cicer arietinum L.: chickpea, gram, garbanzo Dioclea mega carp a Rolfe Dolichos Iablab L. -> purpureus Dunbaria villosa (Thunb.) Makino Enterobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb. Galactia striata (Jacq.) Urban Gleditsia japonica Miquel Glycine max (L.) Merr.: Glycine soja (L.) Sieb. & Zucco Indigofera pseudotinctoria Matsum. Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. Lablab niger Medic. -> Lablab purpureus Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet [= L. niger, Dolichos Iablab]: hyacinth bean, lablab bean, bonavist Lathyrus latifolius L.: sweet pea Lathyrus maritimus (L.) Bigel.: beach pea, sea pea Lathyrus sativus L.: grass pea Lens culinaris Medic.[ = L. esculenta]: Lens esculenta Moench -> Lens culinaris Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. Leucaena leucocephala (Lamarck) De Wit: leucaena Lonchocarpus salvadorensis Pittier Millettiajaponica (Sieb. & Zucc.) A. Gray Mimosa pudica L.: sensitive angularis (Willd.) Wight -> angularis Phaseolus aureus Roxb. -> Vigna radiata Phaseolus calcaratus Roxb. -> Phaseolus coccineus L.: scarlet runner bean Phaseolus lunatus L.: , bean ( continued) 395 K. Fujii et al. (eds.), Bruchids and Legumes: Economics, Ecology and Coevolution, 395-396. © 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 396

Phaseolus mungo L. -;> Phaseolus radiatus L. -;> Vigna radiata Phaeolus sinensis (L.) Savi & Hassk. -;> Vigna unguiculata L.: kidney bean, common bean, bean, French bean, haricot bean Pisum sativum L.: pea, common pea, field pea, garden pea Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.: winged bean Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi: kudzu Sesbania emerus (Aubl.) Britton & Wilson Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. Sophora flavescens Aiton Tamarindus indica L.: tamarind Vicia cracca L.: bird's tare, tuffed vetch Vicia faba L.: broad bean Vicia sepium L. (Jacq.) Marechal: moth bean Vigna adenantha (G. F. Meyer) Marechal, Mascherpa & Stainier Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & Ohashi [= Phaseolus angularis, Azukia angularis]: , azuki bean, small red bean Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & Ohashi var. nipponensis (Ohwi) Ohwi & Ohashi [= V. trilobata sensu auctt. Jap., Azukia angularisvar. nipponensis) Vigna glabrescens Marechal, Mascherpa & Stainier Vigna khandalensis (Santapau) Raghavan & Wadhwa Vigna kirkii (Baker) Gillett Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth. (Burm.) Merr. Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper [= Phaseolus mungo): black gram, black matpe, urd bean Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper var. silvestris Lukoki, Marechal & Otoul Vigna nakashimae (Ohwi) Ohwi & Ohashi Vigna nuda N. E. Br. Vigna oblongifolia (Benth.) Verdc. Vigna racemosa (G. Don.) Hutch. & Dalz. Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek [= Phaseolus radiatus, P. aureus]: green gram, Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. sublobata (Roxb.) Verdc. = Vigna sublobata Vigna reflexo-pilosa Hayata Vigna riukiuensis (Ohwi) Ohwi & Ohashi Vigna sesquipedalis (L.) Fruwirth -;> Vigna unguiculata var. sesquipedalis • Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi & Hassk. -;> Vigna unguiculata Vigna stipulacea (Lamarck) Tateishi Vigna sublobata (Roxb.) Babu & Sharma = V. radiata var. sublobata Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi & Ohashi [ = Phaseolus calcaratus]: bean, bamboo bean, peyin bean Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.[ = V. sinensis, Phaeolus sinensis]: , black eye (for special variety) Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. var. sesquipedalis (L.) Ohashi [= V. sesquipedalis]: yard long bean, string bean, Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich. Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich. var. tsushimensis Matsum. Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thou.: bambara groundnut

Prepared by Yoichi Tateishi1) and Naoshi Watanabe2) 1) Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 980, Japan 2) Kobe Plant Protection Station, 1-1 Hatobacho, Chuoku, Kobe 650, Japan Index

2,5-dihydroxymethy1 3,4-dihydroxypyrro1idine ammonia 183 (DMDP) 243 amylase inhibitor 230, 246 a-amylase 237,246 ANCOV A (analysis of covariance) 292 inhibitor 61,230,232,236,252 anesthetizing agent 11 activity 231 Anisopteromalus calandrae 3,332,381 abdominal contraction 40 Annona reticulata 85 abnormal host 284 Anobiidae 258,261 Acacia 184, 185 283 ant 185 Acanthoscelides 138,182 antennectomization 3 griseolus 133 Anthonomus 247 obtectus 6,132151,226,242,245,252,272, Anthrenus 258 273,282,283,284 antibiosis 211 pusillimus 133 antioviposition 91 active form 259, 272, 343 apholate 10 actograph 39 Arachis hypogea 81,282 adapt 281 arcelin 223,227,241,251,252 adaptation 361 arginase 164 additive genetic effect 259 arginine 162 a-D-glucosidase 243 arginyl-tRNA synthetase 162 Adjadi 223 artificial bean 245, 246 adult assay for a-amylase 231 competition 375 assessment of resistance 210 diapause 37 Astragalus 182 emergence 276, 278, 280 atmospheric gas 75 feeding 155 Attack 354 longevity 152,258,259,261,263 Attagenus 258 mortality 85, 265 autonomic adzukibean 75,209,343 function 41 weevil 289 nervous system 37, 38,41 age structure of populations 105 Avoid 354 Ageratum conyzoides 91 Azadirachta indica 64,81,91 age-specific azukibean 61,189,190,362 fecundity 263 group 189 survival 263 weevil 53, 149282 agricultural crop 271 Azukia 189 Agrobacterium tumefaciens 248 air-tight condition 7 backcrossing 215 Albizzia bambarra nut 284 julibrissin 136 Barriga 126 procera 136 Barrion 272 alkaloid 183,229,241,243,246 ~-D-glucosidase 243 allelopathic interaction 182 bean Alzouma 282 equivalent 45 Amblycerinae 124 size 348 183 beetle development 284

397 398 behavioral adaptation 299 kiotoensis 133 Bell 181,182,284 lautus 133, 139 Benson 185 notatus 136 bet-hedger 265 terre nus 135, 139 Biemont 272, 282, 283 urbanus 136, 139 bioassay 10 bruchid-seed interaction 186 biocenotic relationship 272 bruchids 271,272 biochemical Bruchinae 124 defense 242 Bruchus 138 resistance 244 aj(ln~ 37,38,39,40,41,42,43 biological conditioning substance (BCS) 56, 58 comptus 135 biological control 9 Julvipes 135 biology of bruchids 3 loti 132 bionomic 25 maculatipes 132 characteristic 271, 280 pisorum 1, 105, 132 distinction 273 rufimanus 2,3, 132, 141, 142 biotype 271,272,273,274,276,277,278,280, Bush 272, 273 281,283,284,285 concept 272 Caesalpinia sepiaria 143 biotypical variation 284 var.japonica 132,142 black Cajanus cajan 45 gram 189, 190,209 138,351,373 matpe 190 ademptus 132,141,142 black-eye peas 273 analis 3, 132, 272, 343 Blackwelder 124 chinensis 1,3,645,53,63,91, 132, 141, 142, Bleiler 183 144,149,223,244,245,246,259,261,263, Blumea balsimifera 91 272,282,283,289,361,373,374,385 Bondar 125 maculatus 3,6,8,28,45,53,63,75,81,85, Bonet 282, 283, 284 101, 102, 103, 104, 132, 141,142, 144, 151, Borowiec 124 183,219,220,242,243,244,245,246,263, Bostrychidae 261 271,272,273,280,281,283,289,303,317, botanical 86 343,352,373,374 Bowman-Birk 248 phaseoli 3, 132, 343 Bradford 181, 182 rhodesianus 3, 220 Brassica 81 serratus 282 breeding program 220 subinnotatus 284 Bridwell 124 callosobruchusic acid 55 broad bean 25, 26 Came ria japonica 143 brominated camphor 10 Cameroons 278, 280 Brooks 78 Campinas 273,276,277,280,281 bruchid 115,116,117,118,119 CaMV promoter 248 evolution 273 Canadian National Collection 122 resistance 219 canaline 183 factor 237 canavanine 164, 183 resistant 9 CapsicumJrutescens 91 Bruchidae 171,172,177,241,258,261,271 carbamate compound 10 Bruchidae-Leguminosae 178 carbon dioxide 11,75 Bruchidius 136, 138, 139 carrying capacity 368 atriceps 133 Caryedes atrolineatus 37,220,283 brasiliensis 161,183, 186,243 coreanus 139 quadridens 164 dorsalis 143 Caryedon serratus 272, 282, 284 incarnatus 25 Cassia 183, 184 japonicus 134, 139 castanospermine 243 399

Cathartus quadrieollis 263 278,279,280,283,284,347 Center 181, 182, 183 247 Centrosema plumieri 164 gene 251 Ceratotropis 189,201 CpT! 241 Cercidium 182 Craig 185 floridum 182 Creilland 271,272,273,274,280,281 Chandrakantha 282 crop loss 105 character displacement 289 Cryptolestes 263 chemical pusilloides 258,261 barrier 177 trucieus 261 ecology 53 Cucujidae 261 chemosterilant 10 Cureulio spp. 144 chick pea 25,223 Curculionidae 260 chromosomal translocation polymorphism, 272 cyanoacryllic glue 38 chromosome 3 Cymbopogon Chrysanthemum indieum 91 citratus 81 Chrysomeloidea 145 naruds 81 Cieer arietinum 25, 45 Citrus erematifolia 85 Daal 45 cladistics 186 daily emergence rate 7 classification 3 damage threshold 105 clay-coating 63 Davey 282 cluster analysis 368 decapitated body 43 clutch size 323, 352 decapitation 41, 42 CO2 production 43 defenses against seed predation 184 Coeos nueifera 81, 91 dehiscent 184 coelopulse 37 deltamethrin 63 system 37,38,3940,41,43 dense pubescence 211 coevolution 171, 177, 181, 184, 185 density cold-treatment 63 dependence 363,373 Coleoptera 41 dependent 346 Coleus amboinieus 91 phenomenon 348 commercial 151 effect 6 common pea 25, 26, 27 density-dependent competition 351 natural selection 362 curve 341, 362 structure 385, 387 larval 323,326 depredator 257 competitive environment 265 Dermestes 258 conditional Dermestidae 258 reproduction curve 385, 388 desiccation 37 reproductive rate 388 development 4 constitutive promoter 248 time 280 contest developmental competition 265,341 period 152,258,259,261,374 strategist 342 situation 40 type 359 stage 64 continuous iteroparity 265 Diabrotiea 247 copulation release 54 diapause 259 pheromone 54 diapausing correlation study 184 adult 39,40 correlative 184, 185, 186 female 39,40,41,42,43, cotyledonous 145 male 43 cow pea weevil 53 Dick 272,273,281,282 cowpea 26,28,60,63,81,85,219,241,246,274, Diehl 272, 273 400 differential mortality 335 evolution 271,284 Dillenia retusa 85 inhibitor 246 Dinarmus basalis 332 exploitation competition 357 Dioclea megacarpa 161,183,244 exploitative competition 265, 342 direct extracardiac backcross breeding 216 haemocoelic pulsation 39 hydraulic method 39 pulsation 38,39,41,43 larval interference 345 dispersal 5,283,303 Fall 123 polymorphism 304 fatty acid 56 distribution of eggs 5 fecundity 4,152,259,263,280,307,317,362, diversifying coevolution 185 374 diversity 8 potential 318 Dobie 272, 282, 284 realized 318 Dolichos lablab 25 standard 318 domestication 8 feeding test 231 dominant selective force 185 Feinsinger 185 dormancy 259 fenitrothion 63 drift 282 fertility 259,374 Drosophila melanogaster 167,263 field 282 Dunbaria villosa 142, 152,282 biology 150 duration of development 279 bruchid 141 pea 105 ecological factor 184 pests 283 edaphic factor 184 fig 184 edible oil 60 wasp 184 Edo period 1 first symposium on bruchids and legumes in effects of a-amylase inhibitor 233 Tours 271 egg fitness 258, 259 dispersion 306 flax 25, 185 hatch 374 flightform 259,272,283 laying 280 flightless form 144, 259 283 Egypt 25 Flor 185 Ehrlich 181 283 electric sensor 43 habit 144 electronic transducer 38, 39 preference 272 electrophysiological method 37 resource 153 elytron length 343 supply 155 emerged sex ratio 335 foraging theory 352 emergence 280 founder effect 282 sex-ratio 332 Fox 185 inhibitor 246 fractionation of the growth inhibitory substance in Enterolobium cyclocarpum 185 TC 1966 236 inhibitor 241 freezing 37 ephemeral environment 265 French bean 26, 28, 46 Ephestia frequency dependent 346 cautella 259,260,263 phenomenon 348 elutella 260, 262 Fujii 7,8,227,272,273,282,284,385 kuhniella 259, 260, 262, 263 fumigation 115, 118 equilibrium population number 263 Fundacion Miguel Lillo 122 erectin 55 fungi 155, 283 escape-and-radiation coevolution 185 fungus feeder 257 Estigmene acraea 167 Futuyma 185,272 Eubaptinae 124 401

Galapagos Islands 121, 125 heliconine butterfly 185 game theory 351 Heliothis 247 gamma radiation 10 virescens 162, 250 Garaud 272 zea 250 gaseous heteropolysaccharide 230, 244, 245 diffusion 41 Heterospilus prosopidis 332, 381, 385 exchange 38 hidden infestation 64 Gatehouse 223 high specificity 185 Gelechiidae 260 Hirano 11 gene-for-gene coevolution 185 homeostatic function 37 general defensive 246 homodynamic 183 generalist 183 hormone 38 genetic Hom 123 correlation 263 horsebean 142 differences 273 Hossaert 283 engineering 247 host 271,272 model 355 association 271 variation 259 change 271,273,278,282 genotype 282 parasite 7 environment interaction 259 parasitoid interaction 385 geographical isolation 281 parasitoid systems 381 Gibbium psylloides 261 preference 53,272,324 Gilbert 185 range 145 glass specificity 183 ball 143 H-type 144 bead 45 Huignard 272, 282, 283 Gleditsiajaponica 136,142,143 hybrid 274,280 glutamic acid dehydrogenase 166 hydraulic transducer 38, 39 glutamine synthetase 166 hydrocarbon 55, 56 glycoprotein II 252 hydrogen phosphide 10 Gnathocerus cornutus 260 grain legume 271, 284 idiophytic 337 greengram 63,85, 190 lIT A (International Institute of Tropical Agricul- gross rate of reproduction 259 tme 219,273,276,277,280,283 groundnuts 282, 284 imaginal food 143 growth Imura 10 inhibition 60,91 incubation period 25,31 regulation 60 indehiscent 184 guild coevolution 185 inductance 39 guilds of bruchid beetles 184 method 39 infestation level 105 haemocoel 38,39 inheritance of haemocoelic bruchid resistance 214 pressure 37,38,39,40 resistance 234 pulsation 40 inhibitory activity of the a-amylase inhibitor 234 haemolymph 43 insect pathogen 38 circulation 38 insecticidal action 91 haplodiploid sex determination system 331 insecticide 38 harsh environment 262 inspection 115,116, 117, 118, 119 hatchability 31,259,362 interbiotype hybridization 274 hatching 278 interference competition 265, 342 Hawaiian Islands 121, 124, 125 intermediate host 153 head capsule 33 intersegmental membrane 39 heat-treatment 63 interspecific competition 7,289,379,380 402

inter-strain competitIOn 345 L-canavanine 162,243 intraspecific competition 303, 375 lectin 60,241,245,246 intra-strain competition 345 toxicity 245 intrinsic rate legume 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 of increase 259 Leguminosae 171, 172, 174, 177 of natural increase 369 Leng 123 invasion 6 Lens culinaris 27,274,289 Ishii 9 lentil 25,26,27,274,278,280,281,289 Ishikura 2, 3, 4 Lespedeza bicolor 135 isoflavonoid 244 lethal effect of CO2 76 isoosmosis 38 Leucaena leucocephala 183, 185 isotonic transducer 40,41 Liener 284 iteroparity 258, 265 life iteroparous 264 cycle 271 history theory 361 Janzen 124,125,181,182,183,185,282 life-history 6, 141,257,303 Japan 115, 116, 117, 118 trait 258, 263 Jarry 284 variations 259 Johnson 122,124,181,182,183,185,271,282, lifetime 283 egg production 258,259,261 Jones 385 fecundity 263 juvenile survival 258, 265 63 Linum usitatissimum 64 Kamito 2 lipid 56 Khin Mar Wai 385 LLP (lectin like ) 241,251,252 kidney bean 60, 230, 232 logistic-difference equation 363 Kingsolver 124, 183 Lonchocarpus 243 Kiritani 8 longevity 4, 5, 34, 263 Kitamura 223, 227 long-lived species 262, 263, 265 Kiyoku 10 lotus 145 kudzu 142 low pressure 78 Kumagai 10 Kurimoto 1 Mackie 185 K ytorhininae 124 Madhuca indica 81 Kytorhinus 138 magnetic field 39,40 senilis 137, 141, 142,143 management 105 sharpianus 138, 143 Manduca sexta 162,250 MANOVA (multivariate analysis of Labeyrie 271,272,273,283 variance) 293 laboratory maternal experiment 271 control of seed resistance 212 strain 362 genome 214 lantana 63 Mathavan 282 L'Argentier 124 mating 5 larval mean generation time 259,261 behaviour 280 mechanical shock 40 competition 375 mechanism-based interpretation 347 curve 343 mechanisms at the individual level 347 development 281 mechanistic criterion 342 period 25 Megabruchidius 138 survival 374 dorsalis 136,141,142, 143 Lasioderma serricorne 261,263 Meiji period 1 Lathyrus maritimus 132 Meik 272, 282, 284 L-canaline 164 mercury vapor 10 403 hferobruchus 184 amino acid 229,241,243,246 Messina 272, 283 antimetabolite 242 metabolic CO2 43 normal status 40 form 259 metepa 10 individual 272 method of screening 221 nutrition 283 methyl bromide 10 microrespirometric scanning 41 02 consumption 37,42,43 migration 151 02 outburst 43 trap 151 Ocimum sanctum 85 hfimosa pudica 183 oil 91 hfimosestes 184 oligophagous 271, 282 mimosine 183 oogenesis 283 Mitchell 182 opportunist 265 Mitsuda 78 optimal oviposition 351 Miyazaki 227,282,284 Oryzaephilus moisture 3, 4 mercator 261 monoovipositional 145 surinamensis 261,263 monophagous 282 oscillation 264 morphology 3 Ouedraogo 283 morphometric method 186 overwintering 156 mortality 4 site 150 moth bean 189, 190 ovicidal activity 58 Motschulsky 123 ovipositing 283 multiple oviposition 3,5,45,85,171,172,174,175,177, component resistance 210 303,365 generation competition system 348 behavior 183,321 multivoltine 141,271,283 cue 320,321 multivoltinism characteristic 158 distribution 56 mungbean 75,101,102,103,189,190,209,289, inhibition of 320 343 marker 5 Museum of Comparative Zoology 122 marking pheromone 56, 369 mutation 3 period 25,28 preference 56, 289 Nagasawa 10 response National Museum of Natural History 122 bean size 323 natural egg/bean 322 history 186 host preferences 324 selection 259 strategies 325, 327 Neatus 258 substrate 46 nectar 283 ovipositional neem oil 63 behaviour 81 Nelson 181, 182 stimulant 45 Nelumbo nucifera 145 oxygen absorber 11 nervous system 37 net reproductive rate 152,259 Pachymerinae 124 neuroactive chemical 38 Pajni 272, 283 Nicholson's dichotomy 341 palm fruit 182 Nicotiana tabacum 64, 249 p-aminophenylalanine 243 Nilsson 126 para-aminophenylalanine 223 nitrogen 75 parallel evolution 145 nogos 63 parasite 257 nonhost plant 183 Parkinsonia aculeata 283 non-protein partial resistance 210 404

Passiflora 185 ecology 6 pea 142 genetics 359 weevil 105 model 378, 379 development 106 parameter 152 pectosan 244 process 363 percentage regulation 58 of emergence 152 post-agricultural evolution 145 of seeds infested 153 post-oviposition period 25,31 survival 281 Powell 185 Periplaneta americana 167 predator 257 perturbation factor 385 satiation 182, 184 pest 271,284 predictable 185 control 76 preoccupation effect 7 management 265 Prevett 283 species 282 pre-agricultural evolution 145 status 271, 283 pre-oviposition period 25,28,258,259,261 Pfaffenberger 122, 124 pre-reproductive period 265 pharmacodynamic action 41 primary 272 phase dimorphism 8 sex ratio 332, 335, 336 Phaseoleae 193 principal component analysis 368 phaseolin 252 principle of allocation 262, 263 Phaseolinae 193 Prostephanus truncatus 261 Phaseolus 189,282 inhibitor 246, 248 angularis 244 protein antimetabolite 245 coccineus 282 Ptinidae 261 lunatus 282 Ptinus ocelus 261 Vigna complex 193, 195 Pueraria Lobata 132, 142 vulgaris 28,45,60,223,241,242,244,245, pulse beetle 85 246,282 pygidium 39 phenomenological criterion 342 phenotypic plasticity 259 quantitative-genetic 303 Phycitidae 260 quarantine 115, 116, 118 physiological adaptation 289 fumigation 119,120 phytohaemagglutinin 60, 245, 246 regulation 285 Pic 123 Pimbert 282 Raven 181 Piper nigrum 85,91 realized sex ratio 335, 336 pirimiphos-metbyl 101, 102, 103, 104 recessive genes 214 Pisum sativum 2, 27, 105 recombinant DNA 242 Plectrotropis 189,243 Renwick 272, 283 Plodia interpunctella 259, 260 repellancy 91 Poisson distribution 354 reproduction pollen 155,283 curve 263,362,385 polyhydroxy alkaloid 243 surface 387 polymorphism 259, 272, 273, 282, 283, 357 survival trade-off 263 polyovipositional habit 146 reproductive polyphagous 271,283 allocation 262 polyphagy 283 diapause 37, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176 polyphenolic compounds 242 effort 261, 262 polysaccharide 241, 244 physiology 284 Pongamia glabra 81 polymorphism 272 population rate 374 density 264,361 system 283 dynamics 263,361,373,377 resistance 60 405

mechanism 241,242,251 sex resistant line 222 attraction 53 resource differential mortality 332 sharing pattern 341 pheromone 3 utilization 289 ratio 25,28, 374, 385 respiratory quotient 43 fluctuation 391 respirographic scanning 43 Sharp 123 Rhyzopertha dominica 261, 263 short-lived species 258, 262, 263, 265 Ribeiro 126 SH-type 144 rice bean 189,190,210 Siemens 182 Ricinus communis 81 silica 10 r-K selection 369 Silva 125 Robert 282 Silvanidae 261 Robinia pseudoacacia 136 Simmonds 284 Rosenthal 181, 182, 183 simulation 362 rotenoid 244 single generation competition 346 rotenone 11 Sitophilus Rudua 189 granarius 144 rust 185 oryzae 259, 260, 263 zeamais 260, 263 saponin 229,241,244,246 Sitotroga cerealella 144,260,263 Saxena 272 Slobodchikoff 181,183,282 Schaeffer 123 Smith 181,182 Scheelea palm 182 solar heat 4 Schemske 185 Sophoraflavescens 138, 142, 143 Schilsky 123 South strain 343 scramble Southgate 271,283,284 competition 265,341 soybean 4 strategist 342 specialist species 183 type 359 speciation 272 seasonal specific coevolution 185 change 153 Spectrobates ceratoniae 260 trend 151 speed of development 281 seavenger 257 Spencer 184, 185 secondary 272 Spermophagus 138 compound 183 albonotatus 136 metabolite 241 complectus 136 seed japonicus 136 coat 45,183 kiotensis 136 content 183 niger 139 infesting species 257 rufiventris 136, 139 productivity 351 testaceicolor 137 size 184 titivilitius 139 and toxicity 182 undulatus 139 storage 284 spiracle 41 texture 213 Spodoptera 247 toxin 182 littoralis 250 selection 289 squirrel 182 selective oviposition 332 Sri Lanka 85 se1enocystathionine 182 stability 8 semelparity 258 starvation 37 Se-methyl-L-seleno-cysteine 182 Stator 184 Sennius lebasi 133 vachelliae 283 sevin 63 steel ball 45 406 sterilization 10 ultra-microrespirograph 41 Sternechus tuberculatus 162 ultra-microrespirographic scanning 37 storage bruchid 141 uItra-microrespirometric scanning 38 stored-product ultrarespirographic recording 42 environment 258, 265 Umeya 4, 6, 8, 9 insect 257 uncertain environment 265 strong interaction 185 uniform egg dispersion 321 Strophostyles 189 univoltine 141,283 S-type 144 insect 158 subcortical habitat 265 Upper Jurassic Period 145 Sugimoto 272 Urd 190 Sulcobruchus 138 urea 183 sauteri 132, 141, 142 143 urease 164 sun-drying 63 uric acid 166 survival Utida 6,7,8,272 host related 325 rate 364 variation 4 survivorship curve 258 in sex ratio 389 systematics 186 vegetable oil 81, 85 Vida Tamarindus indica 282 cracca 134 tannin 242 faba 2,25,26,142,242 targeted resistance 251 Vigna 189 mechanism 241,242 aconifolia 192 TC 1966 230, 232 aconitifolia 190 telescopic contraction 39 angularis 143, 144, 149, 190,201,209,332, temperature 3,4 343,362,385 Tenebrionidae 258, 260 var. nipponensis 144, 152, 190, 192, 194, Tenebrio 258 195,197,282 Teran 122, 124, 126 glabrescens 201 test insect 10 x Vigna mungo 207 tests for resistance 231 x Vigna radiata 206 Thompson 181, 184, 185 x Vigna umbel/ata 207 time-lag effect 264 khandalensis 192,193 times of emergence 274 kirkii 192, 197 tobacco 63 mungo 45,190,194,195,201,209 tolerance 4 var. silvestris 190,201 toxic nakashimae 207 compound 177 nuda 192, 197 seed 184, 185 radiata var. sublobatan 190 toxicity 91,284 radiata 190, 195, 197,201,209,227,282,289, toxin 185,284 343 travel time 353 x Vigna mungo 205 Trelease 182 x Vigna umbel/ata 206 Tribolium reflexo-pilosa 207 castaneum 76, 259, 260, 262, 263 riukiuensis 207 confusum 259,260,262,263 spp. 142 freemani 258,259,260 stipulacea 192, 193 triglyceride 56 sublobata 226,227,230,237 Trogoderma granarium 259 trilobata 282 trypsin inhibitor 60,212,223,230,241,247 umbel/ata 190,201,210 Turkey 281 unguiculata 28,45,60,64, 144,241,246,273, 282,283,347 U, index of uniformity 321 vexillata 197 407

var. tsushimensis 192, 193, 195, 197 Vitex neg undo 91 Voandzeia subterranea 284 volatile oil 91 voltinism 144 Wasserman 280 Watanabe 6, 8, 272, 283 water 155 balance 38 reserve 40 retention 37 weevil resistance factor 232 weevils marked 155 West Indies 121, 125 Whitehead 124 widespread 185 wild 272, 282 host 150, 156,282 life history 150 population 283 of azuki bean weevils 155 strain 362 willow-sawfly system 185 within-species variation 361 wood borer 257

Yamamoto 5 yearly change 153 Yemen 273,276,277,280,281 strain 343 Yoshida 1, 7, 8, 282, 283 yucca 185 moth 185

Zabrotes 138, 252 subfasciatus 3,6, 137, 151,241,243,245,246, 251,272,282,284