The Hebrew Bible – Like Every Story, Whether It Is Considered Fiction, Reality Or Something In-Between – Has Protagonists
LOST/LASTING IN TRANSLATION:WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LAUGHING ISAAC (GENESIS 17-26) KAROLIEN VERMEULEN The Hebrew Bible – like every story, whether it is considered fiction, reality or something in-between – has protagonists. These leading figures bear names like “Adam” and “Eve”, “Cain” and “Abel”, “David” and “Jonathan”. In most languages these names sound almost the same as in Hebrew, except for some minor phonetic changes. However, a long tradition of Bible translations, with proper nouns as the unchanging constant in an always-evolving process, tends to make us forget about the role of the name in the original text. More than a way to denote a specific person in the story, names are linked to other words: their sound and visual form, and even their meaning, are played upon. Sometimes very explicit, it is often a rather subtle second voice.1 These name-games are not specific to the Bible, but constitute a broader device widespread and loved in the ancient Near Eastern world and in antiquity in general, and one can find similar examples in Akkadian, Egyptian, and Sumerian literature, as well as 1 On name games in the Bible, their characteristics and functions, see Ian Eybers, “The Use of Proper Names as a Stylistic Device”, Semitics, 2 (1971-72); Johannes Fichtner, “Die Etymologische Ätiologie in den Namengebungen der Geschichtlichen Bücher des Alten Testaments”, Vetus Testamentum, VI/4 (1956), 372-96; Moshe Garsiel, Biblical Names: A Literary Study of Midrashic Derivations and Puns, Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1991; Robert Alter, The Art of Biblical Narrative, New York: Basic Books, 1981; Richard S.
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