O glorious St. Joseph, to you God committed the care of His only begotten Son amid the many dangers of this world. We come to you ... — From A Parent’s Prayer to St. Joseph Courageous Custodian of Christ


Reflections on St. Joseph for the Church Year That Bears His Name

y father was killed when my mother was three months the Sleeping Joseph. I have a couple of these images pregnant with me. My only sibling, my brother Fred, of the Sleeping Joseph, one on the desk in my office and one on the carried my father’s name. After the suddenness of my writing table in my Chapel. Imitating the Holy Father, I father’s death, my mother was keenly aware of the place papers with some vexing issues underneath the statue and fragility of life. She was also aware of the challenges her ask St. Joseph to help me discern sons would face growing up without their father. God’s will. M Though I have not had any angels giving me orders in my My mother named me Joseph After the birth of and the dreams, I sleep better knowing because St. Joseph was a great fos- visit of the Magi, Joseph has that I can count on St. Joseph’s ter father for Jesus. another dream with the angel, assistance. Our Heavenly Father entrusted telling him to flee immediately to I have learned a lot from St. his only begotten Son to the pater- Egypt in order to protect Jesus Joseph over the years. I strive to nal earthly care of St. Joseph. from the murderous plans of be like him, a man of prayer, seek- Introducing Joseph’s Jubilee Mom thought that was a very Herod. Joseph again discerns the ing first and foremost to know and This past Dec. 8, the Solemnity of the , impressive credential on St. message is authentic. embrace God’s will. I also want, marked 150 years since Pope Pius IX officially proclaimed St. Jo- Joseph’s résumé, so she entrusted His swift and decisive action like St. Joseph, to be a man of seph patron of the universal Church. To increase the universal- ity of devotion to the foster father of Jesus Christ, Pope Francis me to him as a spiritual foster saves the Infant Jesus from being action. St. Joseph did not utter a declared a “Year of St. Joseph.” In his apostolic letter Patris father. I am grateful to my mother killed. The dream again totally single word in the , but his Corde (With a Father’s Heart), the Pope stated that God’s plan for giving me from birth a special disrupts Joseph’s life and plans, actions spoke volumes. was at work through him. “Joseph, then, teaches us that faith in relationship with St. Joseph. requiring him to gather up his I desire to be like St. Joseph by God includes believing that he can work even through our fears, our frailties and our weaknesses. He also teaches us that amid In my office, I have a large family and go to a foreign nation. not complaining about challenges the tempests of life, we must never be afraid to let the Lord print of a painting of St. Joseph. I When Herod died, the angel and problems, but seeing them as steer our course. At times, we want to be in complete control, imagine that the artist is attempt- appeared again in a dream to opportunities to be creative and yet God always sees the bigger picture.” Along with the Holy Father’s declaration, the Apostolic Peni- ing to capture the expression of St. Joseph, instructing him now to courageous. tentiary issued a plenary indulgence for the Year of St. Joseph. Joseph when he awoke from one of take Mary and Jesus back to Israel. St. Joseph is a great role model The three conditions for receiving a plenary indulgence are those life-altering dreams. Joseph is once again open and for fatherhood. Joseph was humble sacramental confession, the reception of Holy Communion and Joseph was a dreamer, not in compliant to God’s will. and obedient to God’s plan for him. prayer for the Pope’s intentions. The devotional year, and the work of these pages, aims “to the sense that he was an unrealis- I suspect, at some point, Joseph He was strong and fearless in pro- perpetuate the entrustment of the whole Church to the power- tic idealist. Three times in the often must have feared to fall tecting Mary and Jesus. St. Joseph ful patronage of the Custodian of Jesus.” It encourages people first two chapters of St. Matthew’s asleep, not knowing what new was willing to make any personal to commit themselves “with prayer and good works, to obtain, , Joseph receives instruc- orders the angel might have for sacrifice of his own wants and with the help of St. Joseph, head of the heavenly Family of Nazareth, comfort and relief from the serious human and social tions from an angel in a dream. him in his dream. Yet the Gospel desires for the good of Mary and tribulations that besiege the contemporary world today.” Can you imagine trusting that reveals Joseph was a man of prayer Jesus. This is the type of spiritual — Patti Armstrong God’s will has just been revealed and action. He didn’t hesitate to father that I desire to be for those to you in a dream? listen to God. And there is no hint under my pastoral care. That Joseph had such clarity is that Joseph ever complained about Unfortunately, many children an indication that he was a pro- all of these significant disruptions today, like me in my formative foundly spiritual man. He had the to his plans. years, are growing up in a home humility and quietude in his heart In his apostolic letter Patris where their father is not present. to discern God’s will. Corde, Pope Francis recognizes in Strong and loving fathers are a Each of these dreams was dis- Joseph what the Holy Father terms great gift to their children. ruptive of St. Joseph’s plans. “creative courage.” Joseph is pre- It is a blessing to have a father Joseph, engaged to Mary, becomes sented with a series of disturbing that you can trust and have confi- aware of her pregnancy and and difficult challenges. dence that he will protect and knows he is not the father of her However, not only does he not watch over you. child. This had to be incredibly complain, but he never fails to act In my experience, St. Joseph disturbing. Joseph is noble in his decisively. Joseph finds a way to can be that type of spiritual father response to a gut-wrenching cir- do God’s will, no matter how for all of us, but especially for cumstance. improbable or impossible it might those whose father is absent. He does not want to shame seem. That is why, in the Tradi- Most uniquely, St. Joseph Mary and chooses quietly to sepa- tion of the Church, we call upon teaches us if some problem is wor- rate from her. Joseph for help in temporal affairs. rying us, making us anxious and The angel in a dream tells Pope Francis has helped popu- even disturbing our sleep, we can Joseph not to be afraid, but, rather, larize a devotion to the “Sleeping turn it over to St. Joseph, asking to go forward with his marriage to St. Joseph,” a statue of which he him to help us discover God’s will Archbishop Joseph F. Mary, because it is through the keeps on his desk. and have the courage to follow Naumann is the shepherd that she has conceived The Holy Father has shared wherever it leads. of Kansas City, Kansas, this child. that, when he is facing a difficult We probably will not receive and chairman of the U.S. Amazingly, Joseph is able to challenge and he is uncertain of any angelic messages like St. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities. accept what was, humanly speak- the right solution, he places the Joseph, but I am confident we will ing, an impossible explanation. problem underneath the image of sleep better. NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER, MARCH 14, 2021 B2 THE JUBILEE OF ST. JOSEPH


he figure of St. Joseph is something of a Exercens, 1981), marriage and family in a profound medita- blank canvas upon which preachers and tion on Genesis, and so applies it to the . Papal Documents on St. Joseph theologians can paint a wide array of “We see that at the beginning of the New Testament, images. As sacred Scripture says so little as at the beginning of the Old, there is a married couple,” Quemadmodem Deus — declaration of St. about St. Joseph, it is left to the Catholic John Paul writes. Joseph as “Patron of the Universal Church” Timagination to build up, generation after generation, a “But whereas Adam and Eve were the source of evil by Pius IX, Dec. 8, 1870. fuller picture of the saint granted the supreme mission of which was unleashed on the world, Joseph and Mary are Inclytum Patriarcham — liturgical norms for the celebration of St. Joseph as “Patron caring for Jesus and Mary. the summit from which holiness spreads all over the earth. of the Universal Church” by Pope Pius IX, In recent times the papal magisterium has raised up St. The Savior began the work of salvation by this virginal July 7, 1871. Joseph as popular devotion to St. Joseph has increased. and holy union, wherein is manifested his all-powerful — encyclical on And as expected, the various popes have employed St. will to purify and sanctify the family — that sanctuary of devotion to St. Joseph by Leo XIII, Aug. Joseph as a kind of mirror for their own pastoral priorities. love and cradle of life.” 15, 1889. After Blessed Pius IX proclaimed St. Joseph the Finally, John Paul took up the principal theme of the Bonum Sane — motu proprio on devo- “Patron of the Universal Church” on Dec. 8, 1870, his suc- Second Vatican Council, the universal call to holiness: tion to St. Joseph by Pope Benedict XV, cessors have turned their attention to St. Joseph in their “What is crucially important here is the sanctification July 25, 1920. own particular way. of daily life, a sanctification which each person must Divini Redemptoris — encyclical “On Atheistic Communism” by Pius XI, issued acquire according to his or her own state, and one which on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, March 19, 1937. Pope Leo XIII can be promoted according to a model accessible to all Le Voci — declaration on St. Joseph “On the subject of this devotion, of which we speak people: St. Joseph is the model of those humble ones that being named patron of the Second publicly for the first time today,” began Leo XIII in his Christianity raises up to great destinies. ... He is the proof Vatican Council by Pope John XXIII, 1889 encyclical on Joseph, Quamquam Pluries, indicat- that in order to be a good and genuine follower of Christ, March 19, 1961. ing that a “Josephite” magisterium was something in its there is no need of great things. It is enough to have the Decree — on including St. Joseph’s early stages. common, simple and human virtues, but they need to be name in the Canon of the Mass, Nov. 13, At the time, Leo was greatly preoccupied by the new true and authentic.” 1962. conditions of the Industrial Revolution and its impact Homily — on the feast of St. Joseph by Pope Paul VI, March 27, 1969. on the working classes. Less than two years later would Pope Francis come Rerum Novarum, the charter of contemporary In his letter of December 2020, Patris Corde (With a — apostolic exhor- tation on St. Joseph by John Paul II, Aug. Catholic social teaching. Father’s Heart), Pope Francis brings to the fore his special 15, 1989. Thus Joseph was depicted as one who “passed his concern for the poor and dispossessed, migrants and refu- address — on St. Joseph by Pope life in labor,” demonstrating that “the condition of the gees, proposing Joseph as a “special patron of all those Benedict XVI, delivered on the Solemnity of lowly has nothing shameful in it, and the work of the forced to leave their native lands because of war, hatred, St. Joseph, March 19, 2006. laborer is not only not dishonoring, but can, if virtue be persecution and poverty.” Paternas Vices — decree on including the name of St. Joseph in Eucha- joined to it, be singularly ennobled.” “The Holy Family had to face concrete problems like ristic Prayers II-IV, by Pope Francis, May 1, 2013. Leo then included a warning about the dangers of every other family, like so many of our migrant brothers Patris Corde — apostolic letter on the 150th anniversary of the proc- communist revolution, which he would later call a rem- and sisters who, today too, risk their lives to escape misfor- lamation of St. Joseph as the “Patron of the Universal Church” and on edy worse than the disease. tune and hunger,” the Holy Father writes. proclaiming the Year of St. Joseph by Pope Francis, Dec. 8, 2020. “Recourse to force and struggles by seditious paths “St. Joseph is invoked as protector of the unfortunate, to obtain such ends are madnesses which only aggra- the needy, exiles, the afflicted, the poor and the dying,” vate the evil which they aim to suppress,” Leo wrote. Pope Francis adds. “Consequently, the Church cannot fail “Let the poor, then, if they would be wise, trust not to to show a special love for the least of our brothers and sis- the promises of seditious men, but rather to the exam- ters, for Jesus showed a particular concern for them and ple and patronage of the Blessed Joseph.” personally identified with them.” There are also several engaging flourishes which are Venerable Pope Pius XII typical of Pope Francis. The link between labor and Joseph was further There is the special sensitivity he has to domestic tur- emphasized in 1955, when Pius XII instituted the feast moil, writing that “in our world where psychological, ver- of St. Joseph the Worker, a second feast of Joseph in bal and physical violence towards women is so evident, addition to his principal feast on March 19. Joseph appears as the figure of a respectful and sensitive Pius XII chose May 1 for the new feast precisely to man.” be a rival to the European labor day, or May Day. In the For many today, the problem is not men behaving badly communist countries and for communist parties in as much as it is men being absent altogether. Pope Francis Western Europe, May Day parades exalted Marxist ide- addresses that phenomenon in a beautiful passage where ology and communism. he shows his love for poetry and literature. Pius wanted to present an alternative, Christian “The Polish writer Jan Dobraczynski, in his book The vision of human labor, and so chose to lift up Joseph as Shadow of the Father, tells the story of St. Joseph’s life in a model for workers. the form of a novel,” Pope Francis writes. “He uses the evocative image of a shadow to define Pope St. John Paul II Joseph. In his relationship to Jesus, Joseph was the earthly In 1989, to commemorate the centennial of Leo’s encyc- shadow of the heavenly Father: [H]e watched over him and lical, John Paul issued his apostolic exhortation on Joseph, protected him, never leaving him to go his own way.” Redemptoris Custos (Guardian of the Redeemer). “Fathers are not born, but made,” Francis continues. It completed his trilogy of magisterial documents on “A man does not become a father simply by bringing a the Holy Family, which included Redemptor Hominis (The child into the world, but by taking up the responsibility to Redeemer of Man) on Jesus Christ, his first encyclical in care for that child. Whenever a man accepts responsibility 1979, and the encyclical (Mother of the for the life of another, in some way he becomes a father to Redeemer) on Mary in 1987. that person. Children today often seem orphans, lacking John Paul, the pope of human freedom, made Gaudium fathers.” et Spes (24) — which explained that man can only truly Finally, there is this remarkable thought about one of find himself through a sincere gift of self — a principal the Holy Father’s favorite fatherly images in the Gospels: “I leitmotif for the entire pontificate. He therefore presents like to think that it was from St. Joseph that Jesus drew Joseph’s marriage to Mary as a model of freedom fulfilling inspiration for the Parable of the Prodigal Son and the itself in a gift. Merciful Father (Luke 15:11-32).” “At the culmination of the history of salvation, when That’s a fine example of the blank canvas upon which God reveals his love for humanity through the gift of the anything can be painted. Word, it is precisely the marriage of Mary and Joseph that It’s an attractive idea, to be sure, even if Joseph’s family Father Raymond J. de brings to realization in full ‘freedom’ the ‘spousal gift of life bears no similarity at all to the family in the parable. Souza is the founding editor of Convivium self’ in receiving and expressing such a love,” John Paul That’s a big part of the attraction of St. Joseph for magazine. wrote. Pope Francis and his predecessors: The great saint can John Paul rooted his teachings on labor (Laborem be what we need him to be.

“Besides trusting in Joseph’s sure protection, the Church also trusts in his noble example, which transcends all individual states of life and serves as a model for the entire Christian community, whatever the condition and duties of each of its members may be.” — Pope St. John Paul II, Redemptoris Custos NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER, MARCH 14, 2021 THE JUBILEE OF ST. JOSEPH B3 A True Father of Faith 7 Spiritual Lessons for Mature Manliness

n this Year of St. Joseph, there are many ways all the faithful of the Church can learn I from St. Joseph how to be just, to obey God, to center one’s life on Jesus, to love the Blessed Virgin Mary, to live the gospel of work and to prepare for a holy death. But there’s a particular need for men and boys to learn from this great saint. Western cul- ture is experiencing a crisis of masculinity brought about by several factors: a patriarchy- smashing radical feminism that tries to shame men simply for being men; gender theory, in which masculinity is reduced to a psychological concept; poor role models among celebrities, athletes and even clergy; caricatured depictions in movies, on television and in contemporary literature; and perhaps, most of all, from a crisis in fatherhood, which reduces fatherhood to a biological phenomenon and often leaves chil- dren without the human and spiritual dimen- sions of mature manliness. What lessons can men and boys learn from St. Joseph during this special holy year and LUCA GIORDANO, THE HOLY FAMILY WITH ST. JOSEPH AT THE CARPENTER’S BENCH, C. 1696 beyond? We can focus on seven. ing Jesus, and in the faithful and loving spiritual FRANCISCO GOYA, THE DEATH OF ST. JOSEPH, 1787 First, St. Joseph shows us how to be a “just commitment he made with Mary to be at the man” (Matthew 1:19) by “ad-justing” his whole service of Jesus’ life and growth. A true father, St. Joseph, Patron … life to what God was asking. About King Saul, he provided for the Holy Family from his hard n Of the Universal the prophet Samuel said, “The Lord sought a work as a carpenter. He was also a protector, man after his own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14). Saul someone saints have called the “savior of the n Of Unborn Children didn’t live up to that divine desire. St. Joseph Savior of the world.” did. God the Father, to whom Joseph’s father- n Of Fathers Second, St. Joseph shows us what real faith hood pointed, had such trust in his capacity n Of Immigrants means. “Throughout all of history,” Pope Bene- promptly to defend Jesus and Mary that he Remember us, dict XVI said in 2009, “Joseph is the man who waited until the last second, in a dream, to tip n Of Workers gives God the greatest display of trust, even in him off that Herod’s assassins were approach- n Of Employment Custodian of the face of such astonishing news.” ing. It’s no wonder why the Church has been He shows us that obedience to God isn’t a similarly entrusted to his paternal care. Regard- n Of Explorers Christ, and threat to one’s freedom. Four separate times, he less of one’s state in life, every man can learn n Of Pilgrims obeyed promptly and completely God’s com- this type of spiritual fatherhood from him. Pope plead for us to mands conveyed to him in dreams, which he Benedict encouraged all dads to “take St. Joseph n Of Carpenters refused to deconstruct or dismiss. His whole as their model,” since he shows the “deepest life, like Mary’s, was a fiat. Many saints have meaning of their own fatherhood.” n Of Travelers your foster child. compared him to Abraham: Both were willing Fourth, St. Joseph shows us how to love n Of Engineers to leave one’s own country at God’s command chastely. Chastity is a precondition of love, without knowing the future; both trusted that because it keeps eros selfless rather than self- n Of Realtors God could give a child outside the laws of ish, loving rather that lustful. Even though Mary n Of a Happy Death nature; and both were willing to allow a chosen was the most sublime creature God ever formed, and beloved son to be sacrificed, knowing that and even though Joseph lived with her for 12 to n Against Doubt and Hesitation God had the power to raise him. Like Abraham, 30 years, he protected her vocation to virginal St. Joseph is a true “father in faith.” maternity. Third, St. Joseph reveals to us the character- Some people like to imagine that Joseph was istics of authentic fatherhood and the role of the 250 years old and therefore well beyond the father in the family. “Fathers,” Pope Francis stage of physical attraction, but this just robs writes, “are not born, but made. A man does not him of his virtue, not to mention infelicitously become a father simply by bringing a child into puts him in the category of really old men who the world, but by taking up the responsibility to marry really young women. St. Joseph lived Father Roger J. Landry is a priest of the care for that child.” with the most integrally beautiful woman of all Diocese of Fall River, Joseph’s fatherhood was not grounded in time and loved her, ardently, but chastely, show- Massachusetts. biology but in his marriage to Mary, in his nam- CONTINUES ON PAGE B6

“It is a silence thanks to which Joseph, in unison with Mary, watches over the Word of God ... a silence woven of constant prayer, a prayer of blessing of the Lord, of the adoration of his holy will and of unreserved entrustment to his providence.” — Pope Benedict XVI, Angelus, Dec. 18, 2005

Lasting Testimony of His ‘Hidden Life’ Venerable Tomás Morales’ Meditation Provides Much Insight

life hidden with Mary in Christ 30 years of Jesus’ life as “the hidden life.” Tomás calls his “silent life an example for for the Father”: Venerable Tomás Not being biographies, the Gospels focus all.” “A Morales Pérez repeats that on what is essential to our salvation, i.e., As the Spanish priest notes, that’s phrase over and over again in his medita- what Jesus did and said during the three exactly what the Christian life is: The tion on St. Joseph. years of his public ministry, leading up to Christian life is the seed that’s ready to fall The root of the idea comes from St. Paul. his passion, death and resurrection. to the ground and die in order to reach its Speaking of what it means to follow Christ, Traditionally said to have died at age 33, potential (John 12:24). It’s the readiness to St. Paul writes, “for you have died, and your Jesus lived 90% of his life in a way that was “take up one’s cross daily” (Luke 9:23), to life is now hidden with Christ in God” “hidden.” “die with Christ” (Romans 6:3), so that one’s (Colossians 3:3). That’s an important insight for us life can be hidden with him in the Father Baptism is a share in the death of Christ because so much of the average person’s (Colossians 3:3). in the hope of his resurrection (Romans life is “hidden”; so much of it is “ordinary There’s no better model than St. Joseph. 6:3). That’s why Lent, leading up to Easter, time.” Time to get up, go to work, make Our age is stirred about ensuring every- is the time par excellence to prepare people meals, do the wash, be together as a family, one’s “voice,” but St. Joseph gave up his for baptism. pray and go to church, be happy and be sad, voice. In lieu of his own words, his life Venerable Tomás Morales (1908-1994), a be born and grow up, and live and die. spoke through the Word (John 1:1). In terms Spanish Jesuit priest, in his 1993 book, Sem- Jesus’ hidden life was just like that. of his visibility, Joseph was pretty “dead.” blanzas de Testigos de Cristo Para Los Nue- Other than a few insights — the situa- In terms of his activity, he was quite alive vos Tiempos (Profiles of Witnesses of tion in the days and weeks following his — and, thanks to him, so are Mary and Christ for the New Times), from which this conception and birth, the fact of a child- Jesus. reflection is heavily drawn, calls St. Joseph hood partially spent abroad, the circum- Joseph dies with Mary and Christ for “the champion and protector of the bap- stances of being in Nazareth, and an ado- the Father. Out of love of God, he loves tized, [who] traces with his silent life an lescent lost in Jerusalem — the Gospels are what perhaps he does not fully understand. example for all.” We’re used to thinking of opaque about Jesus’ hidden life. Out of love of God, he steps into the Joseph as the champion and protector of GEORGES DE LA TOUR, ST. JOSEPH THE CARPENTER, C. 1640 One thing is clear: Mary and Joseph are background. Jesus and Mary, which is true. But the he did. The Gospel once tells us what kind part of them. Out of love of God, he does his best to Church has also seen him as the champion of man Joseph was — “just” — but mostly Catholic Tradition imagines Jesus grow- make a pretty ordinary and normal life for and protector of Jesus’ adopted brothers lets us deduce that from his action. ing up in a blue-collar worker’s house, his wife and foster son in what are truly and sisters, which is what the Church is He “took Mary into his home.” probably learning his father’s carpentry extraordinary circumstances. (Romans 8:14-16; Galatians 4:4-7). And if He did what he could when she gave trade. The typical Catholic image of the And he does it without human words, Jesus explicitly gave us his mother (John birth. He performed his civic duty and took hidden life is a quiet domestic scene. The resounding gongs or clanging cymbals, but 19:26-27), is it so out of the range of possi- his family for census registration. only other Catholic image usually associ- with the silent language of love (1 Corinthi- John M. Grondelski, bility, as Venerable Tomás suggests, that he He took seriously his religious duty and ated with the hidden life is the death of ans 13:1). Ph.D., is former associate also gave us his earthly dad? took his wife to be purified and his Son to Joseph, something unmentioned in the Modern tends to speak of the dean of the School “A life hidden with Mary in Christ for be presented in the Temple. but which we can deduce from his Blessed Virgin as the “first and most per- of Theology at Seton the Father.” He led them off safely to Egypt. He foster father’s absence in his adult life and fect disciple.” Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey. He Isn’t that exactly what Joseph did? brought them back to Israel and settled his concern about leaving his mother in Though not quite as perfect — Joseph is especially interested in Once upon a time, the epitome of man- safely in out-of-the-spotlight Nazareth. another’s care. was, after all, an ordinary man and, there- moral theology and the hood was the “strong and silent type,” the And there he lived, disappearing into God’s The hidden life is an enormous testi- fore, also a sinner — St. Joseph is still an thought of John Paul II. man of action, if few words. eternity. mony to the humble manhood of Joseph: He extraordinary example of the disciple All views expressed are exclusively the author’s. The Gospels mention Joseph’s name but “A life hidden with Mary in Christ for did what he was supposed to do. It’s also an whose life is “hidden with Mary and Christ record not a word of his. They record what the Father.” Theologians refer to the first example to us, which is why Venerable in the Father.” NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER, MARCH 14, 2021 B4 THE JUBILEE OF ST. JOSEPH

Litany of St. Joseph Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Jesus, hear us; Jesus, graciously hear us. God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, pray for us. St. Joseph, pray for us. Renowned offspring of , pray for us. Light of Patriarchs, pray for us. Spouse of the Mother of God, pray for us. Chaste guardian of the Virgin, pray for us. Foster father of the Son of God, pray for us. Diligent protector of Christ, pray for us. Head of the Holy Family, pray for us. Joseph most just, pray for us. Joseph most chaste, pray for us. Joseph most prudent, pray for us. Joseph most strong, pray for us. Joseph most obedient, pray for us. Joseph most faithful, pray for us. Mirror of patience, pray for us. Lover of poverty, pray for us. Model of artisans, pray for us. Glory of home life, pray for us. Guardian of virgins, pray for us. Pillar of families, pray for us. Solace of the wretched, pray for us. HANS THOMA, THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT, 1879 Hope of the sick, pray for us. Patron of the dying, pray for us. Terror of demons, pray for us. Protector of Holy Church, pray for us. St. Joseph’s Angelic Encounters Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Jesus. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, he difficulty in sketching St. Joseph is that O Jesus. Scripture never shows him speaking. In to St. Joseph Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, fact, the Gospels never show a single O Jesus. T Remember, O most pure spouse of the Blessed human being speaking to him! Virgin Mary, my great protector, St. Joseph, that He made him the lord of his household, No humans speak to him; but four times an no one ever had recourse to your protection, And prince over all his possessions. angel does. or implored your aid without obtaining relief. Let us pray. Confiding therefore in your goodness, I come RICARDO BALACA, ST. JOSEPH WITH THE INFANT JESUS, 1861 Tradition makes much of Mary’s . before you. Do not turn down my petitions, O God, in your ineffable providence you were pleased to choose Blessed But Joseph’s “” are also worthy of foster father of the Redeemer, but graciously Joseph to be the spouse of your most holy Mother; grant, we beg you, that scrutiny — certainly for what they reveal about receive them. Amen. we may be worthy to have him for our intercessor in heaven whom on earth him, but also for what they reveal about angels. we venerate as our Protector: You who live and reign forever and ever. The Gospels present almost every episode in St. Joseph, pray for us. Joseph’s life as an encounter with an angel. Source: The first occurs shortly after he discovered And the task of that third angel visit continued Mary was pregnant. He knew that he could not be in a fourth (Matthew 2:22), which occurred on the the baby’s father, and he decided to divorce her qui- family’s return journey. One last time, they eluded etly. danger, thanks to a warning from Joseph’s angel — But then an angel gave Joseph information he a warning that specified the region that would be could not have figured out; and he gave clear safest for their relocation. instruction about what to do (Matthew 1:20-24). Those few scenes tell us almost everything we Joseph was to go ahead with the marriage — and know about the man whom God chose to watch stay in it. He was to name the child not according over his only Son. They tell us almost everything to the custom of his time, but rather for his mis- we know about the hero the Gospel praises as a “I do not remember even now sion. He would be called Jesus, which means “God “just man.” is salvation.” It was Joseph’s right to name the What we know about Joseph is that he was that I have ever asked anything Child, but it was an angel who delivered the right devoted to the angels. He listened to them. He fol- name to Joseph. lowed through on their instructions. By the time he of him which he has failed to The angel made his second appearance to had reached adulthood, he was accustomed to their Joseph after the Child was born (Matthew 2:13). promptings. He shows none of the fright we see in the grant. I am astonished at the This time, the angel again served Joseph as a guide, stories of prophets like Balaam (Numbers 22:31) and but also a guardian. Joseph received help in figur- Daniel (Daniel 8:17). great favors which God has ing out what to do next, but also a stern warning Devotion to the angels was common in his time. about what he must flee. St. Luke lets us know that the Sadducees were the bestowed on me through this The angel told Joseph that the mad and cruel only Jews back then who did not believe in angels King Herod was targeting Baby Jesus for destruc- (Acts 23:8). blessed saint, and at the perils tion. Herod had an army at his disposal. He had Devotion to angels stands in continuity with the absolute authority over every spot where Joseph Scriptures Joseph heard in the synagogue, for angels might try to hide. Massacres were a hallmark of are everywhere in the Law, Prophets, Psalms and his- from which He has freed me, Herod’s reign. So this was serious business. tories, and they were mentioned in the rituals cele- But heaven made sure that Joseph was at no dis- brated on feast days. both in body and in soul.” advantage. In his second visit from an angel, Joseph lived, as his forebears had, in a world — St. Teresa of Avila, doctor of the Church Joseph was told what to do and where to go: He saturated with angels. Because he was a just man, moved his family to Egypt. he followed the traditions of his ancestors. He Mike Aquilina is the The third angelic visit came after a year or attended the customary services. He said the author of St. Joseph and more in that far country (Matthew 2:19). This time, prayers. And because of these habits, he was alert His World (Scepter) and hosts the Way of the the angel brought the family safely home to the to the angels’ presence and activity. Fathers podcast. Holy Land, because the Holy Land was waiting for Modern readers have a tendency to reduce the its Messiah. CONTINUES ON PAGE B6

A Just Man Is Hard to Find 4 Ways Mary’s Husband Is a Role Model for Today’s Men

n this Year of St. Joseph, we are granted a interpreted by the rabbis. “When Joseph awoke, he did what the angel model of manhood at a time when man- Now, the Law said that if a man discov- of the Lord had commanded him and took I hood itself is in crisis. ered that a woman to whom he was Mary home as his wife.” Manhood is criticized by some as “toxic betrothed was not a virgin, he should divorce Now, a just man obeys God even if it is not masculinity” and poorly lived by many men her and not “sully” his home. Joseph, as a fol- popular, even if he may suffer for it. Joseph is who are passive and remote husbands and lower of the Law, was prepared to follow its told to cling to his wife. He obeys God rather than fathers. Others never attain to holy matri- requirements — but he did not wish to men. It takes a strong man to do this, especially mony, and still others indulge sexual promis- expose Mary to the full force of the Law, when we consider the culture in which Joseph cuity and recklessly father children outside of which permitted the stoning of such women. lived — and in a small town, no less. marriage. True manhood is harder to find Hence, he chose to follow the Law through Joseph models strong manhood and has today, and without models to follow, many the divorce decree but not through publicly something to say to the men of our day. In young men have little on which to build. accusing her, which would have brought dan- the current wedding vows, a man agrees to Thus we turn to St. Joseph in this reflec- ger and disgrace upon her. cling to his wife — for better or worse, for tion. We know so little of Joseph from the The text says that Joseph feared to take richer or poorer, in sickness or health. This is Scriptures. He seems to have been the strong Mary into his home (Matthew 1:20). Some of what a man is to do. Our culture often pres- silent type. Not a word of his is recorded. But the Church Fathers and scholars think this sures men to bail out, but when there is trou- his actions have much to say, especially to means he believed Mary’s explanation and ble, Joseph shows the way by obeying God men. Let’s ponder St. Joseph, then, as a model was afraid to take such a holy woman as his over the pressures of prevailing culture, even of manhood for husbands and fathers. spouse. Others doubt this and say that the if he might personally suffer for it. Joseph is a man who obeys God and text roots his actions in following the Law. Joseph is a man whose vocation is clings to his wife. Joseph was betrothed to They cite the angel’s reassurance and expla- more important than his career. In Bethle- Mary. This is more than being engaged. It nation as evidence that Joseph was not fully hem, Joseph is warned by an angel in a dream: means they were actually married. It was the aware of the source of Mary’s pregnancy. “Get up, take the child and his mother and practice at that time for a couple to marry Indeed, to fail to divorce Mary would escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for rather young. Once betrothed, they lived an expose Joseph to cultural ramifications. “Just Herod is going to search for the child to kill additional year in their parents’ household as men” just didn’t marry women guilty of forni- him” (Matthew 2:13). Joseph may well have COURTESY OF FATHER DONALD CALLOWAY; IMAGE AVAILABLE they became more acquainted and pre- AT CONSECRATIONTOSTJOSEPH.ORG cation or adultery. To ignore this might have had much to lose. Back in Nazareth, he had a pared for life together. harmed not only Joseph’s standing in the com- business — a career, if you will. He had busi- At a certain point, it was discovered that fair and nice guy (though I presume he was). munity but also that of his family of origin. ness prospects, business partners and con- Msgr. Charles Pope is a Mary was pregnant, though not by Joseph. What it means was that he was a follower of Whatever the source of his fear, Joseph is tacts. Fleeing to a distant land might mean pastor in the Archdiocese The Scriptures say that Joseph was a “just the Law. He based his life on the Jewish Law told in a dream not to fear and that Mary has hardship for his business. of Washington. man.” This does not mean that Joseph was a that God gave through Moses and as committed no sin. Matthew records (1:24), CONTINUES ON PAGE B6 NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER, MARCH 14, 2021 THE JUBILEE OF ST. JOSEPH B5 Examen for Masculine Virtue Jesus’ Trust in His Earthly Father Speaks Volumes

he Year of St. Joseph invites us into — Do I lead my family in prayer? Do I pray a deeper reflection of and gratitude Prayer for the Year of for my family? Have I rejected, abandoned T for the gift of authentic masculine or ignored my place as head of the family spirituality and fatherhood. In his apostolic St. Joseph out of fear? Am I present to my family? Do exhortation to Catholic men, “Into the To you, O blessed Joseph, do we come in I give them the attention and listening they Breach,” Phoenix Bishop Thomas Olmsted our afflictions, and having implored the need? Do I sacrifice in meaningful ways for help of your most holy Spouse, we confi- directs our attention to Jesus Christ, the dently invoke your patronage also. my family? “revelation of the mystery of what it means Through that charity, which bound you to Protector — Do I “stay watchful and to be man … the model of masculinity.” Like the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and alert” for others, leading them away from Jesus Christ, all men begin as sons who through the paternal love with which you sin and harm? Am I disciplined in my emo- embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg learn through modeling and imitation how you graciously to regard the inheritance tions and habits in order to be ready to pro- to prepare to give themselves as spouses which Jesus Christ has purchased by his tect and provide? Do I listen attentively? Do and fathers. For Jesus, this example came Blood, and with your power and strength to I withhold personal bias and use sound aid us in our necessities. from Joseph. O most watchful guardian of the Holy judgment, offering counsel and support? We know well from sacred Scripture Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Terror of Demons — Satan wants nothing that Joseph’s vocation was not an easy one. Christ; O most loving father, ward off from more than for you to fail in being an image In fact, one might not blame him if he felt us every contagion of error and corrupting and likeness of God. He will use any means influence; O our most mighty protector, be like a failure. kind to us and from heaven assist us in our to destroy you and turn you from God. Do No man would want his wife to give struggle with the power of darkness. not be afraid! You are to be a terror to the birth in a barn and place her newborn in a As once you rescued the Child Jesus from evil one through the power of Our Lord. trough. deadly peril, so now protect God’s Holy How is my relationship with Christ? How Church from the snares of the enemy and Yet, in his humble trust in God, Joseph from all adversity; shield, too, each one of often do I go to confession? Am I going to fulfilled every aspect of authentic father- us by your constant protection, so that, Mass each Sunday and on holy days of obli- hood, the fullness of masculinity. supported by your example and your aid, gation? Do I fast and pray? Do I pray the we may be able to live piously, to die in If Jesus Christ is “the highest display of holiness, and to obtain eternal happiness in regularly? Do I strive to grow in the masculine virtue and strength,” as Bishop heaven. Amen. knowledge of my faith? Olmsted writes, then we can trust that it Source: Commit: Once St. Joseph safely settled was taught to him by a man who displayed the Holy Family in Nazareth, they lived an those qualities. ordinary life. As he did for Jesus Christ, so St. Joseph Though they were safe, Joseph never can do for all men: teach, model and pro- forth these characteristics. ceased to be diligent as a husband and vide guidance for masculine virtue and The Litany: Begin slowly, maybe only father, offering in self-sacrifice his very life strength. Any man can benefit from the choosing a few petitions a day, or week. to care for the Blessed Mother and Jesus. same instruction Our Lord received by Examine how well you are expressing these Commit to one act, one gift of self-sacrifice praying with the Litany of St. Joseph. Even attributes in such a manner below: you can offer to hone these masculine attri- better would be for a man to use it as a type Guardian — How have I guarded myself butes each day. of examination of conscience. Each petition and my loved ones in the faith? How have I Pray: Ask St. Joseph for his intercession, to Joseph evokes an authentic masculine protected the sanctity of human life? Do I his inspiration and his aid in helping you to attribute: Noble son … Husband ... Head of keep guard over what comes into my home continue to embody these characteristics the Holy Family … Foster father ... Patri- through the computer, television and social and to grow in the areas you desire to arch … Guardian of the Virgin … Faithful media? Do I bless my home? Do I bless my change. RICARDO BALACA, ST. JOSEPH WITH THE INFANT JESUS, 1861 guardian of Christ ... Protector … Pillar … children and wife? To all women: Pray this Litany of St. Prudent and Brave ... Obedient … Loyal … Obedient — In order to inherit eternal Joseph for the men in your life. Pray it in Chaste and Just ... Patient … Comforter ... life, Christ reminds the rich young man to gratitude for the men who have shown mas- Example to parents … Model of Workers … follow the Ten Commandments. Am I obe- culine virtue and strength that allows you Patron of the dying ... Hope of the sick … A dient to God’s commandments? Am I obe- to share your own authentic feminine gifts. lover of poverty … Terror of Demons. dient to Catholic Church teachings? How Affirm the men in your life and allow them Each man is called to live these attri- well do I live out my vows or promises in to exercise these masculine traits, avoiding butes according to different vocations and my state of life? Do I strive to live them ways that inhibit their expressions of states in life: son, brother, friend, husband, well, or do I just do the bare minimum? Do authentic and holy masculinity. priest, religious and father. How might this I listen for God’s voice and obey what he Pray to St. Joseph to be a spiritual father, examen be done? asks? to help you to heal the wounds caused by Gratitude: Thank God the Father for Model of Workers — Am I a man of integ- men who failed you in authentic masculine bestowing the gifts and graces that allow rity at work? Do I model diligence, loyalty love. you to exercise these traits. Have gratitude and care? Do I strive to do my work for As St. Joseph turned to the Blessed Sister Clare Hunter is a for the men in your life who are responsible God’s glory? Is my identity too dependent Mother for the complementarity of authen- member of the Franciscan for modeling and encouraging you. Have on what I do, rather than who I am? Has tic feminine love, so, too, should men turn Sisters of the Eucharist gratitude for those God has entrusted to work and success taken the place of God or to her for inspiration and strength. May St. based in Meriden, Connecticut. your care. Have gratitude for the comple- my family? Joseph and the Blessed Mother intercede ment relationship with women that calls Pillar of families/Head of the Holy Family for us!

“Interior life is nothing but continual and direct conversation with Christ, so as to become one with him. And Joseph can tell us many things about Jesus. Therefore, never neglect devotion to him — Ite ad Ioseph: ‘Go to Joseph’ — as Christian Tradition puts it in the words of the Old Testament (Genesis 41:55).” — St. Josemaría Escriva

5 Books to Read for the Jubilee Year

t’s no exaggeration to say that, except for Church history devoted to the importance of Joseph and the Eucharist through his guard- Catholic faith and loving devotion to St. the Blessed Virgin Mary, her blessed St. Joseph as intercessor and guardian of the ianship of Jesus in Nazareth: “Among the Joseph. Ispouse St. Joseph is perhaps the most pop- faith. In fact, more than 200 years before Pius graces which Jesus gave his foster-father — ular saint in the world, which makes sense, IX announced his role as “Patron of the Uni- and He flooded him with the graces attached St. Joseph and His World by Mike Aquilina, given his role as “Patron of the Universal versal Church,” Father Binet had already rec- to every one of His mysteries — is that special with a foreword by Scott Hahn (Scepter Pub- Church.” ognized his powerful intercession for all peo- to an adorer of the Blessed Sacrament,” St. lishers, 2020; 144 pages, $11.48) As a consequence of this popular devo- ple at all times, noting that “while God gives Peter Julian writes, encouraging us to take St. In the prologue to this work, the author tion, the popes began to elevate St. Joseph’s to other Saints the power of helping us in cer- Joseph “as the patron and the model of your mentions to a novelist friend that he is work- role in the Church: Pius IX named him tain special necessities, to St. Joseph He gives life of adoration.” It is the perfect book to ing on a book about St. Joseph, and the friend “Patron of the Universal Church” in 1870; Pius the privilege of helping us in all circum- bring along for Eucharistic adoration this replies, “St. Joseph is like a black hole at the XII established May 1 as the feast of St. Joseph stances where his protection is needful for year. center of the Gospel galaxy. You know him by the Worker in 1955; Pope John XXIII included us.” The book includes chapters on St. Joseph’s his effects more than by seeing the man him- his name in the Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I) titles, his natural gifts, his virtues, his spe- Go to Joseph by Father Richard W. Gils- self.” So the book reads, in large part, like a of the Mass in 1962 (followed in 2013 by his cially granted abundance of graces, and indi- dorf, with a foreword by Bishop David Ricken, novel, filling in the character and person of inclusion in all of the Eucharistic Prayers of vidual accounts of his divine assistance Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin (Star of the St. Joseph by looking at the things around the Mass); and, last year, Pope Francis granted to those in need. Bay Press, 2009; 134 pages, $22) him. “A man like St. Joseph can become indis- announced 2021 as the Year of St. Joseph. The manuscript for this book was found tinct when we talk too much about him,” Yet how many know who St. Joseph is as a Month of St. Joseph by St. Peter Julian among the papers of Father Richard Gilsdorf Aquilina acknowledges. historical figure, a source of spiritual bene- Eymard (The Sentinel Press, 1948) (1930-2005) of the Green Bay Diocese; with “In this book, I want to talk about his fits, a powerful intercessor and a model of This book used to be long out of print; my the help of the book’s editor, Patrick Beno, it world: the society and culture of the Judean manhood, fatherhood and sanctity? copy is a handsome slim red hardbound was published five years after Father Gils- kingdom, the workplaces where he practiced The following five books represent a good booklet from a multivolume set of Eymard’s dorf’s death. Divided into nine chapters with his craft, the villages that he called home. It “start” in knowing more about St. Joseph. works. According to the book’s preface, three appendices, Go to Joseph seeks to ascer- was a hot climate, so we will allow him to Although there are countless other fine Month of St. Joseph was available in the origi- tain who Joseph was — and his importance spend his time in the shade while we contem- books, articles and tracts dedicated to the nal French as early as 1872 and perhaps ear- today — as one of the most important figures plate his works.” silent saint of the Gospels, these five titles lier, during the author’s lifetime. This Eucha- in Jesus’ earthly life and in the life of the The author delivers on his promised inten- represent a cross section of the literature rist-centered devotional booklet has recently Church he founded. tions; the work presents a historical account written about St. Joseph in the last 350 years, been republished and is available along with The last chapter, in particular, seeks to — based on both theological and archeologi- a period of time during which devotion to St. other Eymard titles at better understand why St. Joseph remains cal evidence — of the earthly father of Jesus, Joseph became increasingly more ardent not and My 1948 copy refers to silent in the Gospels. the lowly carpenter of Nazareth who trained only in certain regions but throughout the its author as “Blessed” Peter Julian Eymard, Father Gilsdorf notes that “although Scrip- God in the family business and, along with world. but Pope John XXIII canonized this saint on ture is indeed largely silent about Joseph, this Mary, served as his first and greatest disciple. Dec. 9, 1962 (a day after his decree adding St. is not something unique. Consider the hidden The Divine Favors Granted to St. Joseph by Joseph to the Canon of the Mass had officially life of Jesus and Mary. … We must understand Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Pere Binet (TAN Books, 1973; 176 pages, $9.95) gone into effect). St. Peter Julian (1811-1868) is there is a reason the Holy Spirit in His infinite Our Spiritual Father by Donald Calloway This book was originally published some- best known for his work in spreading devo- wisdom has told us only so much and no (Marian Press, 2020; 326 pages, $14.95) time during the author’s lifetime. Jesuit Father tion to the Blessed Sacrament, especially more. One obvious reason is that by limiting This book, likely to be one of the bestsell- Etienne Binet (1569-1639) was a prodigious through Eucharistic adoration. the information, all persons of all places and ers for the Year of St. Joseph, serves as a spir- Joseph O’Brien writes author of works on theology and spirituality In this book, which provides 31 medita- times can apply the basic facts to their own itual retreat in a paperback. from Soldiers Grove, — and TAN Books made it available for read- tions, one for each day of March, the author individual lives.” In Go to Joseph, these basic Divided into three parts, the book begins Wisconsin. ers today as one of the earliest books in shows the important connection between St. facts are presented in the full light of the CONTINUES ON PAGE B6 NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER, MARCH 14, 2021 B6 THE JUBILEE OF ST. JOSEPH

world that is often too noisy, we would all be “infected” with St. Landry Joseph’s silence. CONTINUING PAGE B3 COLUMN Finally, St. Joseph shows us how ing us that real spousal love can and to become men of the Eucharist. It’s ought but does not need to be wonderful that at the beginning of expressed uniquely in genital rela- his pontificate Pope Francis tions. decreed that St. Joseph’s name be Fifth, St. Joseph shows us how to mentioned after the Blessed Vir- work hard. He was a tekton gin’s in every Mass because his life (“builder”), a word that sums up his was like a Mass, for “the little house entire life. He built stuff by the at Nazareth was as the outspread sweat of his brow and callouses on square of the white corporal,” as his hands. He traveled with tools. Father Frederick Faber commented. St. John Paul II said he was the The Holy House was a tabernacle “very epitome of the Gospel of where he and Mary lived in the work,” the one who taught Jesus Real Presence with adoration. human work. “If the Son of God was Before Jesus ever would say the willing to learn a human work from words of institution, Joseph gave his a man,” John Paul II continued, body, blood, sweat, tears — every- “this indicates that there is in work thing — for Jesus. Pope St. Paul VI a specific moral value with a pre- said that the secret of St. Joseph’s cise meaning for man and for his greatness is that he “made his life a self-fulfillment.” St. Joseph helps service, a sacrifice, to the mystery of every man find that value and the Incarnation and to the redemp- meaning. tive mission that is joined to it.” Serv- Sixth, St. Joseph shows us how ing Christ, “with love and for love,” to become men of prayer. was “his life.” In an age in which He is a contemplative man of belief in the Real Presence must be eloquent silence, whose only strengthened, St. Joseph shows men recorded word in Scripture was how to live Eucharistic lives. pronouncing the Savior’s name at Pope Francis says that St. Joseph his circumcision. His life was an “reminds us that those who appear extended meditation — like a hidden or in the shadows can play Rosary — on Jesus: Jesus’ life-giv- an incomparable role in the history ing words, example of humility and of salvation.” “Great things” are not patience, diligence, charity and needed, but ordinary virtues, lived other virtues. fully and authentically, are. Joseph’s ruminative silence, St. Joseph shows us those human John Paul II commented, “reveals in and manly virtues. The name a special way the inner portrait of “Joseph” means “increase,” and this the man. The Gospels … allow us to holy year is a particularly auspicious discover in his ‘actions’ — shrouded time for men and boys to increase in in silence as they are — an aura of devotion, learning from him how to deep contemplation.” serve God, their family, the Church Pope Benedict prayed that, in a and society with similar manly zeal.

ANGELO RECCHIA, HOLY FAMILY, C. 1854 ported his family. It is the call of a man to work dil- Msgr. Pope igently and to responsibly and reli- CONTINUING PAGE B4 COLUMN ably provide for his family. Joseph Venerable Fulton Sheen on St. Joseph But Joseph was a father and hus- models this essential aspect of man- band before he was a businessman. hood. Was he [St. Joseph] old or young? Most of the statues and pic- should she not logically have begun by inspiring and virginizing the His child was threatened, and his Paul felt it necessary to rebuke tures we see of Joseph today represent him as an old man with a first youth whom she had probably ever met — Joseph, the Just? It first obligation was to Jesus and some of the men of his day for their gray beard, one who took Mary and her vow under his protection was not by diminishing his power to love but by elevating it that she Mary. His vocation outweighed his idleness: “In the name of the Lord with somewhat the same detachment as a doctor would pick up a would have her first conquest, and in her own spouse, the man who career. Jesus Christ, we command you to baby girl in a nursery. We have, of course, no historical evidence was a man, and not a mere senile watchman! In a culture like ours, where too keep away from every brother who whatsoever concerning the age of Joseph. Some apocryphal Joseph was probably a young man, strong, virile, athletic, many parents make their careers is idle and does not live according to accounts picture him as an old man; Fathers of the Church, after the handsome, chaste and disciplined. Instead of being a man inca- and livelihoods paramount, Joseph the teaching you received from us. fourth century, followed this legend rather rigidly. ... pable of loving, he must have been on fire with love. Just as we displays a different priority. It is true … For even when we were with you, But when one searches for the reasons why should would give very little credit to the Blessed Mother if she had that many parents feel they have no have pictured Joseph as aged, we discover that it was in order bet- taken her vow of virginity after having been an old maid for fifty choice but to work. But it is also true ter to safeguard the virginity of Mary. Somehow, the assumption years, so neither could we give much credit to a Joseph who that many demand a lifestyle that JOSEPH WAS A FATHER had crept in that senility was a better protector of virginity than became her spouse because he was advanced in years. Young requires a lot of extra income. AND HUSBAND BEFORE adolescence. Art thus unconsciously made Joseph a spouse chaste girls in those days, like Mary, took vows to love God uniquely, Perhaps a smaller house, less HE WAS A BUSINESSMAN. and pure by age rather than by virtue. But this is like assuming that and so did young men, of whom Joseph was one so preeminent amenities, and so on, would permit a HIS CHILD WAS the best way to show that a man would never steal is to picture him as to be called the “just.” Instead, then, of being dried fruit to be daycare-free childhood for more of without hands. ... served on the table of the king, he was rather a blossom filled our children. Joseph points the way THREATENED, AND HIS But more than that, to make Joseph out as old portrays for us a with promise and power. He was not in the evening of life, but for parents: Vocation has priority FIRST OBLIGATION WAS man who had little vital energy left, rather than one who, having it, in its morning, bubbling over with energy, strength and con- over career. For fathers especially, TO JESUS AND MARY. HIS kept it in chains for God’s sake and for his holy purposes. To make trolled passion. Mary and Joseph brought to their espousals not Joseph shows that a man is a hus- Joseph appear pure only because his flesh had aged is like glorify- only their vows of virginity but also two hearts with greater tor- band and father before he is a busi- VOCATION OUTWEIGHED ing a mountain stream that has dried. The Church will not ordain a rents of love than had ever before coursed through human nessman. HIS CAREER. man to his priesthood who has not his vital powers. She wants men breasts. ... Joseph was a man who pro- who have something to tame, rather than those who are tame How much more beautiful Mary and Joseph become when we tected his family. As we saw, there because they have no energy to be wild. It should be no different see in their lives what might be called the first Divine Romance! was a grave threat to Jesus. Joseph we gave you this rule: ‘If a man will with God. No human heart is moved by the love of the old for the young; but also models a protective instinct that not work, he shall not eat.’ We hear Furthermore, it is reasonable to believe that Our Lord would who is not moved by the love of the young for the young? In both too many men lack today. Our chil- that some among you are idle. They prefer, for a foster father, someone who had made a sacrifice rather Mary and Joseph, there were youth, beauty and promise. God dren are exposed to many dangers. are not busy; they are busybodies. than someone who was forced to it. There is the added historical loves cascading cataracts and bellowing waterfalls, but he loves Physical dangers are less common, Such people we command and urge fact that the Jews frowned on a disproportionate marriage between them better, not when they overflow and drown his flowers, but but moral dangers surely abound. in the Lord Jesus Christ that with what Shakespeare called “crabbed age and youth”; the Talmud when they are harnessed and bridled to light a city and to slake Fathers, what are your children quietness they earn the bread they admits a disproportionate marriage only for widows or widowers. the thirst of a child. In Joseph and Mary, we do not find one con- watching on TV? What are their eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12). True Finally, it seems hardly possible that God would have attached a trolled waterfall and one dried-up lake but rather two youths internet habits? Who are their men work hard for their families. young mother, probably about sixteen or seventeen years of age, to who, before they knew the beauty of the one and the handsome friends? What do your children Joseph is a model for manhood. an old man. If he did not disdain to give his mother to a young man, strength of the other, willed to surrender these things for Jesus. think about important moral issues? Nothing he ever said was recorded, John, at the foot of the Cross, then why should he have given her an Leaning over the manger crib of the Infant Jesus, then, are not Are you preparing them to face the but his life speaks eloquently old man at the crib? A woman’s love always determines the way a age and youth but youth and youth, the consecration of beauty in moral challenges and temptations enough. man loves: She is the silent educator of his virile powers. a maid and the surrender of strong comeliness in a man. of life? Are you and your wife teach- He is referred to as the “Guard- Since Mary is what might be called a “virginizer” of young men Excerpt from Fulton Sheen’s ing them the faith and reading ian” and “Patron of the Universal as well as women, and the greatest inspiration of Christian purity, The World’s First Love: Mary, Mother of God Scripture to them? Or are you just a Church.” passive father, uninvolved in the He has these titles because he raising of your children? was the guardian, protector and A man protects his children patron (provider) of the Church in from harm — physical, moral and the earliest stage, when the Church Why is this important? Because says, Joseph managed to fulfill the Church) and have been called to spiritual. Joseph, as a model of man- was just Jesus and Mary. But since in the midst of every believer’s daily requirements of every group. share a table with Mary and Jesus hood, protected his family. the Church is the Mystical Body of Aquilina work, the angels are there, and God Like the angels, Joseph served as (the Mass). Joseph was a man of work. Christ, in protecting and providing CONTINUING PAGE B4 COLUMN wants everyone to be alert to their messenger between heaven and the Like Joseph, you and I are able to The Scriptures (Matthew 13:55) for Jesus, he was doing that for us, lives of biblical figures to scenes that promptings. This is not a gift for Holy Family. Like the archangels, serve Jesus constantly and in close speak of Joseph as a “carpenter.” for we are in Christ as members of are preserved in Scripture. unusual people. Joseph was given a task of utmost proximity. The Greek word, however, is tekto- his body. If we do this with Joseph, how- Joseph’s labor was demanding on gravity; and his combat required Work need not be an interruption nos, which can also refer to a builder Men especially do well to imi- ever, we might conclude that he was muscle and mind. His worksites direct engagement with evil. to our love. or craftsman. tate St. Joseph and invoke his an unusual man, always in the midst were noisy, with hammers and saws And so Gracián continues In Joseph’s work he loved his wife So it may be that Joseph worked patronage in all their endeavors as of adventure. Those wild episodes and voices. Yet, even there, he culti- through all the ranks. and Son, even when his labors took with stone as well as wood and husbands, fathers and providers. were surely important in his life. But vated interior silence and the habit of As the cherubim flanked the seat him away from home, even when his other trades in his work. It was St. Joseph, Terror of Demons they probably occupied just a few prayer. Angels can help us do the of God on the Ark of the Covenant, work required concentration, even through his work that Joseph sup- and model of manhood, pray for us! days. same. so Joseph and Mary flanked the when he was working in Egypt’s blis- Unfortunately, the Gospels don’t Theologians in later times have earthly throne of the King of Kings. tering heat. give close-ups of Joseph’s ordinary referred to Joseph as “the Angelic And like the fiery seraphim in Like Joseph, we can be “angelic” moments at home. But neither do Man.” heaven, Joseph burned with ardent as we bear Jesus into the world — a by saints and others, including the they leave us in the dark. They do this, first of all, because love as he lived in the earthly court world that still has its Herods who author. What the Evangelists reveal is he had at least four vivid encounters of Almighty God. are hostile to the Lord. O’Brien As Father Calloway notes, since that Joseph’s reputation did not rest with angels — but also because he Joseph surpassed all the orders of God calls us, as he called Joseph, CONTINUING PAGE B5 STORY Mary and Joseph had the perfect on his adventures. received in abundance the particular heaven in excellence. to be his messengers and powers. He with a 33-day preparation for the marriage, it only makes sense that Apparently, he didn’t talk about gifts of all the pure spirits in heaven. For this reason, he received close calls us to cooperate with his angels Consecration to St. Joseph — based the faithful would want to conse- them. When his neighbors thought This argument is developed in the attention from the angels them- in the middle of our neighborhoods on the purpose and method of the crate their lives to both. about him at all, they referred to him work of Jerónimo Gracián, a 16th- selves. In heaven he was already seen and workplaces. Consecration to Mary by St. Louis “God desires that all children be as “the carpenter” — not the guy century friar who was spiritual as a prince. The angels work best with peo- de Montfort (1673-1716). committed to the love and care of a who traveled to Egypt, not the guy director to St. Teresa of Avila. Yet he was no less ordinary for ple they know best — people who The second part of the book pro- mother and a father,” he writes. who beat Herod; just the carpenter. In the pages of the Bible, Gracián all that. He was no less — and no have a habit of asking their help. vides the readings that accompany “You are not a member of a sin- Joseph was known for his work. identifies nine orders of pure spirits: more — than “the carpenter.” That’s all the consent they need in the preparation for the consecra- gle-parent spiritual family. Mary is Though God had chosen him for the angels, archangels, principalities; Gracián’s analysis has implica- order to work in our lives. tion, while the third part presents a your spiritual mother, and St. Joseph greatest mission ever, he was an virtues, powers, dominions; thrones, tions not only for Joseph’s life, but St. Joseph was the ordinary man, selection of prayers to St. Joseph, is your spiritual father. The spiri- ordinary workingman. cherubim and seraphim. also for yours and mine. and yet he was angelic. including the Litany to St. Joseph tual fatherhood of St. Joseph is And he was no less ordinary for Each grouping has its particular Through baptism, we have a Let future generations say the (in English and Latin) and various extremely important for your spiri- the fact that he was close to angels. way of serving God. And yet, Gracián place in the divine household (the same about you and me. prayers of consecration composed tual growth.”