Houlton Times, March 24, 1920
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AROOSTOOK TIMES SHIRE TOWN OF April 13, 1860 AROOSTOOK COUNTY To December 27, 1916 Ubr, TIMES VOL. LX HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1920 No. 12 AUTOMOBILE FIGURES ODD FELLOWS TO HOLD CONGRATULATIONS TO WEATHER REPORT The unparalleled snow and ice condi DISTRICT MEETING APR. 1ST FORMER HOULTON MAN We may have a few more snow TWO VALUABLE storm on Saturday, but they cannot MEETING IN tlons have so far failed to prevent Arrangments have been made to The Kennebec Journal has the the receipts from automobile registra last all summer, although they may have Grand Master I. O. O. F. Rev. following regarding a former Houlton BUSINESS BLOCKS tion of the present year from exceed- man who has many friends in this change to rain. Last Saturday noon INTEREST OF Ashley A. Smith of Bangor here on U A l V n C ing those of the some period of last section, who will extend congratula it commenced snowing and continued meet the till late, so that during the evening it y H A H W i n A r i l i i j iIyear and up to Marh 13 at the ci°se the night of Apr- isti to tions. Y. W. C. JL j of business in the Automobile Bureau, members of the different lodges in Deputy Secretary of State L. developed into a young blizzard with perhaps six inches of snow. The warm Department of State, the excess this district. Ernest Thornton on entering the of I amounted to $26,418.16. Had it not fice Tuesday afternoon found his sun on Sunday changed it to slush on It is expected that the degree teams ftices h id Show Hew Valu I been for the continued storms, what desk decorated with Maine and the the walks and on Monday it was very The Meeting of the Women $ from Millinocket and Smyrna Mills American flags, with other appro springlike. ! the excess might have been is a ques- priate decorations, in honor of the able Real Estate in Market 1 tion. It is safe to say, that with the will do work on that night. birth about 8.15 Monday evening. The Thermometer readings for the Club Given Over to i flrst-of-the-year registration as any Invitations have been sent to all March 15, 1920 to Mrs. Thornton at past week were: Spare and Man Street the Augusta General hospital of a March 17 40 above Association , kind of an example, the Auto Bureau the lodges in the district, and already son. The young man weighed 6i,t i force will have something to do, when Marsh 18 18 above As was mentioned in the columns those who have accepted assure a pounds and has been named Seth I the traveling becomes settled—if it Winfield, in honor of his two grand .March 19 20 above The regular meeting of the Woman's of this paper a few weeks ago, the j ever does. The registration for this large attendance. fathers. Mother and son are doing .March 20 24 above Club on Monday afternoon was devoted Lane A Pearce property on Market Sq. compared with last year follows: Members of Rockabema Lodge are finely. The department as well as March 21 22 above i to the interests of the young women other State House friends joined in was sold by Samuel Lane and Varney Registrations and Licenses to March j urgently requested to be present on March 22 26 above of the town, there being out of town Pearce, to the Putnam Hardware Co. this occasion to meet the Grand congratulations and the department 14, 1919. force celebrated the event with ice March 23 32 above J speakers present from Portland, who «fid B. S. Green for $30,000, and while Operators 16,527 j Master and the visiting brothers. cream and cigars. told of the work of the Young Women’s this is one of the best business loca Registrations 11,848 j E. L. Nedick of Augusta, Chief of Christian Association. tions In Hoalton, having a frontage of Trucks 2,424 1 the Division of Seed improvement, Mrs. John Thompson and Miss Belle 40 feet on Market Square and running BOWLING ST. PATRICK’S DAY CONCERT Motorcycles 232 ' Dux 1196— Elks 1195 The annual concert in honor of St. was in town last week, conferring Smith, both prominent workers in the hack 100 feet, It was considered by Dealers 261 Y. W. C. A. work of the state were Wednesday’s game on the Dux alleys Patrick was held at the Temple with the local representative of the some as a pretty good price. Motorcycle Dealers 10 present, and Mrs. Thompson gave an was the first of the second leg of the Theatre on Wednesday evening and Federation of Farmers, relating to the On March 19 this same property was Registrations and Licenses to March outline of the work which this associa match and was, despite the unreason- “standing room only” was the rule acreage of seed potatoes which will sold again to the Fanners National 14, 1920. tion is doing all over the United States, able smallness of the score an interest- after the concert commenced. be cerrtified for next season. Bank, the prloe reported to be $5,000 Operators 18,818 j tracing its origin from its beginning ing one to watch. When the line up The concert was one of the best IT. V. Higgins of Portland, Maine, more than the price made for the first Registrations 12,693 down to the present time, and enlarg- was announced it looked easily a ever put on by St. Mary’s Academy and staf(, transfer, which shows pretty well Trucks 3,176 agent for the Curtis Publishing ing 0n the scope of work which they walk away for the Dux, which as the reflected a great deal of credit, to the what real estate in the business sec Motorcycles 153 Co. who publish the Country Gentle- are endeavoring to do in the state. game progessed failed to develop. instructors of the school showing that, tion of Honlton is worth, as the Board Dealers 39S for the young women, many of whom The Elks captured the first game a. groat (leal of pains and time had men, lias been in town working with of Directors of the Farmers National Motorcycle Dealers 12 are living in the cities and towns of by a small margin, the second one by been given to the pupils. The concert the local agent, A. C. Tozier and they Bank is composed of some of our b est■ Total receipts to March 14, 1919, our state, who are deprived of the business men, and evidently this piece j two pins, while the Dux rolled the was given for the benefit of St. Mary's have been very successful in placing $186,599.84; total to March 14, 1920, advantages of home life, which this third game for a win with enough Parish. The program began at 6.15 e^property was what they wanted, i $213,018. it. in the hands of many new readers. organization is supplying. Mr. Lane’s original lease of five \ ____________ pins to make it an even break. sharp and lasted until nearly 11 p. m. During the afternoon Mrs. H. W. years expires this coming fall and he | From a score standpoint it was a There was not a mistake made in any Hughes and Mrs. S. A. Fairbanks punk game with 15 men rolling in the of the drills that was noticeable to the tad tta prtrtto«e of renewal at the j (4 (3 ] DiSC0UIlt rendered a very pleashig duett. same price as the first term of fivej ^ 70s and only 3 strings in the 90 class. large audience present. Collectors Feeiey and In the evening a meeting was held been However, the score chalks up large The singing of the little tots capti yean, but arrangements have been j CdlUldidll SllvCT for the young ladies of 17 and over Bate with Mr. Lane, whereby he has or small, the interest and excitement vated the audience at the very start McKone Make Capture and the talk by Mrs. Thompson and l inn op hi* renewal at the expiration While practically every town in the continues and as the contest nears and with their white dresses and Considerable excitement has been county has been making a discount Miss Smith was along more definite of the present lease. the end there is no falling off in the shamrock trimmings were pleasing occasioned here by an incident on the to the lines of what this association could It la the Intention of the new owners on Canadian silver in addition attendance. and appropriate. The solo singing by Harkins’ road at about 11 o’clock, te pet up a new building en this lot discount on bills, the Houlton Banks little Miss Virginia Monahan was very Tuesday night, when Deputies Feeiey j d° for tihe y°ung ladtes ° f_ The score. Wednesday. March 17: The work of the summer camp which next season, which will be 40 x 100 have refrained from doing so until sweet and she received well deserved and McKone attempted to arrest a is held each year and which means two stories high, the first floor to be Friday, when a meeting was held and “Dux” applause. Rev. Fr. P. M. Silke thanked raan suspected of smuggling liquor. so much for the members all over the need for Banking Rooms and the it was evident that something must Roben 92 73 89 251 the audience for their attendance and j The deputies were watching the state, was gone into detail and much second floor to contain offices.