Botanic Gardens Are Important Contributors to Crop Wild Relative Preservation
Published November 21, 2019 RESEARCH Botanic Gardens Are Important Contributors to Crop Wild Relative Preservation Abby Meyer* and Nicholas Barton Botanic Gardens Conservation International US at at The Huntington ABSTRACT Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, 1151 Oxford Rd., San Humans rely on crop wild relatives (CWRs) for Marino, CA 91108. Received 2 June 2019. Accepted 11 Oct. 2019. sustainable agriculture and food security through *Corresponding author ( Assigned to Associate augmentation of crop yield, disease resistance, Editor Joseph Robins. and climatic tolerance, among other important Abbreviations: BGCI, Botanic Gardens Conservation International; traits. Many CWRs are underrepresented in crop CWR, crop wild relative; GRIN, Germplasm Resources Information gene banks. With at least one-third of known Network. plant species maintained in botanic garden living collections, the botanic garden community serves as an important global ex situ network rop wild relatives (CWRs), plants that have “an indirect that supports plant conservation and research Cuse derived from its relatively close genetic relationship to a around the world. We sought to characterize crop,” provide important genetic diversity needed by breeders and botanic garden holdings of CWRs and demon- scientists to develop a wide range of crop plant adaptations (Maxted strate capacity for cross-sector coordination in et al., 2006, p. 2680). Benefits such as increased production, better support of CWR ex situ preservation. To do this, nutrition, drought tolerance, and pest and disease resistance have Botanic Gardens Conservation International been made possible through the use of CWRs and allowed for US (BGCI-US), in partnership with the United more consistent and sustainable yields of conventional crops for States Botanic Garden, used the BGCI Plant- Search database to conduct an ex situ survey of decades (Dempewolf et al., 2017; Guarino and Lobell, 2011; Hajjar CWRs maintained in botanic gardens.
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