Soils of Southeast Vancouver Island Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Courtenay, and Port Alberni Areas
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Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Soils of Southeast Vancouver Island Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Courtenay, and Port Alberni Areas MOE Technical Report 30 ILI ISSN 0840-9730 Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries OE Technical Report 30 VAfl-C~VE TE ERNI AREAS B.C . Soil Survey Report No . 57 J.R . Jungen, P .Ag ., P.J. Christie, P .Ag., and J .P . Philp, P.Ag . SURVEYS AND RESOURCE MAPPING BRANCH Victoria, British Columbia 1989 Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Jungen, J . R . (John Rodolphe), 1940- Soils of southeast Vancouver Island (MOE technical report, ISSN 0840-9730 ; 30) (British Columbia soil survey, ISSN 0375-5886 ; report no . 57) Co-published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries . Bibliography : p . ISBN 0-7726-0907-1 1 . Soils - British Columbia - Vancouver Island . I . Christie, P . J . (Philip James), 1952- . II . Philp, J . P . (John Paul), 1953- . III . British Columbia . Ministry of Environment . IV . British Columbia . Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries . V . Title . VI . Series : MOE technical report (1988) 30 . VII . Series : British Columbia soil survey ; report no . 57 . S599 .1 .B7J863 1988 631 .4'7'71134 C89-092039-7 © Copyright 1989 . B.C . _Ministry of Environment B .C. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries First Printing 1989 . III PREFACE In 1980, several provincial resource agencies requested that a detail soil survey be conducted along the southeast coastal lowlands of British Columbia . The area has a pleasant blend of land use activities including agriculture, forestry, urban/industrial development, tourism, hunting and commercial and recreational fishing based considerably on favorable soil and climate conditions and proximity to the sea . Soil surveys have traditionally provided an environmental Information base for land use decisions and management. This includes studies on productivity, suitability, soil limitations, soil improvement methods, and Impact of land use in an area . Where are the best agricultural lands? What new crops can be grown? How much Irrigation water is needed? W111 soil erosion occur? Are there solls suitable for domestic disposal of septic tank effluent? Will flooding occur? How much wood can be produced? How suitable Is the land for deer winter range? How do we manage the landscape to provide a diversity of activity that enriches the economic and social well being of the area without creating land use conflicts or environmental degradation . The information in this report and accompanying maps wlll help to answer these, and many other, questions . Special Treasury Board funding provided the incentive to conduct the survey . This funding was administered through the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, as part of the Agriculture Land Reserve Fine Tuning Program . The Surveys and Resource Mapping Branch provided project supervision and correlation, laboratory and cartographic services . SUMMARY Forty-seven individual soils are identified in the map area . In addition, twenty-four phases and/or variants of these soils were established . Soil names defined (Day et al, 1959) and (Jungen et al, 1985) were used where applicable. The soils in the map area are mainly classified in the Podzolic or Brunisolic Soil Orders ; the Alberni Valley and the Courtenay-Oyster River areas are dominated by Podzolic soils. Soils of the Organic, Regosolic, Gleysolic, and to very minor extent, Luvisolic orders also occur . The map area consists of about 116,700 ha . Of this total, bedrock occupies 1900 ha, miscel- laneous land types occupy 11,450 ha and various unnamed water bodies encompass 415 ha. vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge all those who assisted In the field mapping ; in particular R . Maxwell, A. Burdett, J . Fredericks, C . Hllliard, H. Quesnel, H . Hofmeyer, T . Hilborn, D. Clarke, and B . Petch . H . Chuah, W. vah Llerop, and staff, Soil Feed and Tissue Laboratory, Minlstry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kelowna, B.C ., provided the physical and chemical analysis . L. Houston and staff, Thematic Mapping Unit, Surveys and Resource Mapping Branch, Ministry of Environment and Parks, Victoria, B .C., supplied the cartography . Special recognition is extended to H . Newman and Shannon Podgorenko for word processing of the manuscript and E . Dawson for computer programming . A. Green, Agriculture Canada, Vancouver, is specially acknowledged for field correlation between this survey and the concurrent Gulf Islands survey . Special acknowledgement to Herb Luttenrding and Bob Louie, British Columbia, Ministry of Environment 8 Parks for their rev ;ew of this report . Ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE . SUMMARY . ACKNOWLEGEMENTS . TABLE OF CONTENTS . LIST OF FIGURES . LIST OF PLATES . LIST OF TABLES . HOW TO USE THE SOIL REPORT . INTRODUCTION . CHAPTER ONE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA . 5 1 .1 Location . 5 1 .2 History and Present Land-Use . 5 1 .3 Physiography . 6 1 .4 Geology . 8 1 .5 Pleistocene History and Surf)cial Deposits . 8 1 .6 Climate . 13 1 .7 Native Vegetation . 14 CHAPTER TWO SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND MAPPING METHODOLOGY . 15 2 .1 Soil Classification . 15 2 .2 Field Procedures and Map Compilation . ... " . " 20 2 .3 Soil Legend Development . " . """"" ; """ 21 2.4 Reliability . 22 CHAPTER THREE GUIDELINES FOR SOIL DESCRIPTIONS . " . " . """ 3 .1 Introduction . 3 .2 Guidelines to Soil Descriptions . " . " . """"""" 3 .2 .1 Landscape Picture and General Comments . " . "" 3 .2 .2 Soil Landscape Cross-Section . """"" 3 .2 .3 Landscape Characteristics . ., . " . """""""""" 3 .2 .4 Typical Soil Profile . """""""""""" 3.2 .5 So11 Characteristics . " . "" . .+ . """"""""""""" 3 .2 .5 .1 Soil Physical Properties . " . " . " . """ 3 .2 .5 .2 Soil Chemical Properties . .~. " . """"""" 3.2 .6 Soil Phases and Variants . " . " . """"""""""""" 3.2 .7 Inferred Soil Properties . """"""" CHAPTER FOUR SOIL DESCRIPTIONS . .v . """"""""""" 47 4 .1 Introduction . .,. 47 Alberni (AB) Soils . 48 Arrowsmith (AR) Soils . 51 Baynes (BY) Soils . 54 Beaufort (BF) Soils . 57 Beddis (BD) Soils . .. 60 Bowser (B0) Soils . 63 Brigantine (BE) Soils . 66 Cassidy (CA) Soils . 69 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page Che:malnus (CH) Soils . 72 China Creek (CK) Soils . 75 Comlaken (CN) Solis . ..