
July 25, 2011

Dear Patriot,

“Ron Paul was right in 2008; we just didn’t realize it then.”

That’s what I heard over and over when I campaigned as the Tea Party Republican for the U.S. Senate in last year. Now, my Dad hears it everywhere he goes as he runs for President.

During congressional hearings in 2003, Ron Paul predicted the housing crisis and market crash. He predicted the disastrous results of the actions of the FED and our incompetent monetary policy. He clearly and forcefully stated that government spending was going to bankrupt us. And he argued against - and voted against - trillion dollar , as well as trillion dollar nation- building boondoggles.

The reason so many people these days are saying “Ron Paul was right” is simple - all of these warnings and predictions have come true.

Now, with the American people coming around to the ideas of sound money, balanced budgets, and a return to a truly conservative foreign policy, the time is right to take a look at Ron Paul for President.

Ron Paul is the only candidate with a lifelong conservative record - including supporting before it was popular. And he is the only candidate with the knowledge and experience of how our interventionist economic and foreign policies are bankrupting America.

We don’t need to choose between the establishment politicians of both parties. Tea partiers and others fighting for have made it clear that’s no longer acceptable - and my and others’ election to the Senate last year proves that standing for principle is good . Supporting more of the status quo’s defenders - whether they are Democrats or Republicans - will surely deepen our debt crisis and permanently cripple our economy.

It also isn’t time to elect people who wake up every day wondering what they believe. And it surely isn’t time to elect someone who passed the blueprint for ObamaCare while Governor of Massachusetts.

PAID FOR BY RON PAUL 2012 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE INC. Will you join Ron Paul in defending the principles embedded in the Constitution? Will you help save our economy and our liberty?

Back in 2007, I spoke at what is widely acknowledged to be the first modern-day Tea Party, at Fanuel Hall in Massachusetts.

The ideas that came from the Ron Paul 2008 campaign helped launch a movement that has changed politics.

Fox News has even referred to Ron Paul as the “Father of the Tea Party.”

I know that to be true. He’s also MY father. And the Tea Party he helped launch also helped elect me to the in 2010.

But that movement began on the Ron Paul for President campaign trail in 2008 and in the months immediately after.

In 2008, leaders of both parties - including BOTH major party Presidential candidates - were endorsing bank bailouts, auto bailouts, and loan guarantees to private companies and foreign banks.

Congress was handing out stimulus checks reaching near a trillion dollars. Debt was skyrocketing.

One candidate stood up against the leaders and establishment of BOTH parties. Ron Paul.

I know he is honored to have people recognize the role he plays in a movement I believe can save our country.

And I’m honored that movement helped send me to Washington to join the fight.

But nominating the right candidate - an independent thinker who will stand up to both parties - won’t happen unless conservatives across New Hampshire get together and decide they want the real thing.

A true conservative.

A true champion of .

The “Father of the Tea Party” - rather than someone jumping on a bandwagon to help themselves get elected.

It’s hard to know the real thing from TV. That’s why I think you deserve a lot more than 30 second sound bites, pre-packaged by high priced media consultants.

I want you to know a lot more about what Ron Paul will do as President.

You see, I’m confident of this: the more you know, the more you will agree that Ron Paul is right for America.

If you help defeat and elect Ron Paul the next President of the United States, you will see him fight to:

*** Stop the spread of socialist, big government health care;

*** Stop the growth of government spending, restrictive regulations, and interference in our lives;

*** Audit the , which, I believe, will serve as an important first step toward finally ending the Fed once and for all;

*** Ensure the federal government returns to its constitutional limits by eliminating departments and agencies that are not authorized by the Constitution;

*** Insist on a BALANCED BUDGET and veto any spending bills not part of a balanced budget;

*** Refuse to raise the debt ceiling. Period. It is far past time to cut up the credit cards in Washington!

*** Ensure a new, more humble foreign policy for our nation. We cannot be the world’s policeman. We should not engage in “Nation-Building.” We cannot afford trillion dollar international boondoggles that cost us our lives, our fortunes, and our freedom while serving the UN’s sovereignty-destroying agenda.

Of course, that won’t be all. But, as I hope you’ll agree, that’s a good start.

Ron Paul has been a Republican for a pretty long time. As a matter of fact, he was only one of 4 members of Congress to be a Ronald Reagan delegate to the Republican National Convention – in 1976!

Yes, even in his support for Reagan, he was a bit ahead of my time – but Ron Paul was right then, too!

You see, it’s pretty easy – and pretty convenient – to show up and act like a conservative in New Hampshire.

But there isn’t anyone running for President today who can match Ron Paul’s conservative record:

*** He has never voted for an unbalanced budget in Washington. Ever.

*** He has stood up to the leaders of BOTH parties on so many fronts that he has earned the nickname “Dr. No.” A few more people in Washington should be saying “NO.”

*** He has supported meaningful pro- life legislation, like the Human Life Amendment and the Life at Conception Act, to end abortion.

As a pro-life doctor, Ron Paul has delivered over 4,000 babies. He’s held premature babies in his hands and helped them live. My Dad knows, unequivocally, that life is a gift from God that begins at conception and must be protected.

One of the things that has always made me the most proud of my Dad is that he is the same in private as he is in public - strong in his beliefs and sure in his convictions.

So you won’t see him trying to hide.

You won’t see any “flip flops” or telling different ideas to different audiences.

He is now who he has always been: the most conservative, limited government elected official in Washington - bar none. I think that’s exactly what we need in the White House. And I hope you agree.

We will never reform Washington unless we get a man of true character, with a spine of steel, in the White House.

We will never balance the budget and fix the economy unless we get a true conservative, who is first and foremost true to the Constitution.

If you agree the time is right for a message of balanced budgets, sound money, and freedom, I hope you’ll also agree the time is right to support my father, Congressman Ron Paul, for President.

I can hardly tell you how important that would be – especially at this crucial time.

It’s time to send a message to the corporate fat cats, the DC lobbyists, and the establishment of both parties: The Republican nomination cannot be bought by insiders.

It must be decided by true conservative activists.

You see, there’s something the folks in DC and in many of the other campaigns simply do not understand: Something is happening right now all over the country.

There has never been a better time for our message to get through or a better opportunity to spread the message of Liberty.

People from all walks of life, from all parties, and from all backgrounds are sick and tired of the same politicians.

They’re tired of being 14 TRILLION dollars in debt.

They’re tired of huge government takeovers like ObamaCare.

They’re tired of losing too much of their paychecks and too much of their freedom.

They’re ready to fight back. And Ron Paul is ready to lead the charge as President of the United States.

Not only is Ron Paul right, but a recent CNN poll shows he does better against President Obama than any other GOP candidate.

I’ve never seen another Republican candidate in my lifetime who appeals so well not just to conservatives, but to Independents. To working class people. To regular folks and voters who have been disaffected and grown weary of politics.

That’s why I firmly believe, and polls prove – not only is Ron Paul right – but Ron Paul can win.

You and I saw it all across the country in 2010.

Folks are waking up, and things CAN turn around.

I saw it in my race in Kentucky, where we handily won among Independents by showing real character and conviction – and by showing a willingness to stand up to the establishment of BOTH parties.

I often tell people that the Republican Party is an empty vessel, unless we imbue it with values.

True conservative values. Tea Party values. American values. Those values are Ron Paul’s values. That’s who he has always been, and that’s who he will be as President.

I ask you to take a good, long look at the actions of those running for office.

I ask you for your support for my Dad, Ron Paul, so we can continue taking back our country!

For Liberty,

Rand Paul United States Senator

P.S. Please visit www.ronpaul2012.com to learn even more about the campaign, find out Ron Paul’s take on important issues, and receive the latest updates.

The Tea Party has a choice in this election. Either get behind an establishment politician who isn’t always with them – or stand with Ron Paul in truly taking back Washington.

I hope conservatives across the state will join together to fight back against an out-of-control federal government by supporting Ron Paul for President of the United States.