The Hampden-Sydney Tiger
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THE HAMPDEN-SYDNEY TIGER September 8, 2017 The Freshmen Issue Volume XCVII.14 A Message from the President A Message from quality of the student experience on identity, and we are blessed to have a President Stimpert our campus, and high expectations 242-year old mission “to form good the Student Court for each other. Sam Walton, the leg- men and good citizens” that is even endary business leader and founder of To the Students of Hampden-Sydney more distinctive, compelling, and Wal-Mart, once said, “high expecta- College: relevant today than when it was au- tions are the key to everything,” and thored by the College’s first president Chairman there is so much truth and wisdom Welcome back for this great in 1775. I went on to suggest how the in this statement that I have not only College’s 242nd academic year! At high expectations we have for Hamp- lodged it in my memory but I seek to this year’s Opening Convocation, I den-Sydney and each other can fur- a mistake, but it was not turning my- have this simple prescription inform offered some remarks about our Col- ther strengthen this great College. I’ll Skyler Robinson ’18 self in. My mistake was accepting an my everyday life. I encourage you to lege’s culture. The theme that ran summarize a few of my points here. Student Court Chairman offer to shotgun a beer and take a embrace this way of thinking as well. through much of my talk was the First, many of you have heard me shot of vodka with freshmen in a dry In my Opening Convocation re- importance of having high expec- say that we must live more fully into I made a mistake. dorm—a blatant, though minor, viola- marks, I emphasized that we are priv- tations—high expectations for our our mission. What I mean by this is As a Hampden-Sydney man, I tion of the Student Code of Conduct. ileged to be members of an outstand- College, high expectations for the that we must ensure that every stu- understand that there are consequenc- I had a lapse in judgment, and I owe ing college. We have a strong sense of dent at Hampden-Sydney enjoys and es to every action. In my case, the my brothers and the Administration Continued on page 4 consequence was a one-semester sus- an apology. As the Student Court pension from my position as Student Chairman, it is my responsibility to Court Chairman. Though I stand in uphold the Student Code of Con- opposition to the decision made, it duct. The Administration is doing is not my intention to disparage the everything in its power to form good Administration or Hampden-Sydney men and good citizens in an environ- College. Instead, my aim is to pre- ment that does not cultivate alcohol- serve the integrity of the Key and the ism among its students. My actions Student Justice System. By accepting were inconsistent with that mission, the punishment handed down by the and I knew that I would have to own Administration, I fear that two nega- up to my mistakes; however, there is tive precedents will be set. Before go- a proper channel for holding stu- ing further, however, I owe my broth- dent government leaders accountable. ers an explanation and an apology. At Hampden-Sydney College, On Friday, August 25th, an inci- we take pride in stating that we have dent report was filed. At some point a Student Justice System that per- that night, the Resident Advisors forms exceptionally better than any were suspicious that drinking had honor system maintained at any lib- taken place in a freshman dorm. Al- eral arts college in the country. If the though nobody in the room had been Administration feels that my actions caught actively drinking and I am 21, have violated the credibility of the we, the two members of the Student Student Justice System, then I plea Court who were in the room, felt that the Administration allow me to that it would be dishonorable not to be judged by my brothers within the come forward with the truth. I made Student Justice System. In Article III In this issue... Photo: Continued on page 4 Thoughts on the New Being Gay on Campus, New Student Center, Sitting Down with New Football Beats Averett, Schedule, pg. 3 pg. 3 New Faces in Student Head Soccer Coach Fantasy Football Affairs, pg. 5 Tommy DiNuzzo, pg. 7 Advice, pg. 8 Page 2 The Hampden-Sydney Tiger September 8, 2017 INFO The Hampden-Sydney Tiger Founded 31 January 1920 A Message from the by J. B. Wall ’19 Wes Kuegler Max Dash New Editor Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Ryan Yost David Bushhouse Copy Editor News Editor sports teams we have here at H-SC. welcome letter, for which I would It’s always great to keep everyone on like to extend both mine and the Wes Kuegler ’18 Max Dash Shelby Hanna campus in the loop, of course, but Tiger staff’s personal thanks. I Editor-in-Chief Sports Editor Opinion Editor that information was often out of encourage you to read his inspir- Staff Writers John Pionzio date by the time you had the issue in ing words and take them to heart. Chad Pisano Business Manager Faculty, Staff, and Fellow Students: hand. This year, the sports section of I’m always available if you have Robert Morris the Tiger will be focusing more on suggestions or feedback, or just want I hope you’re all settling into interviews, player profiles, and other to learn more about the paper and the new semester’s routine comfort- kinds of content that everyone will the journalistic process, so feel free Guest Contributors ably, that your summers were inter- hopefully find less routine. For all to email [email protected] any time. Steven Dvornick Brad Murawski esting and fulfilling, and that this of your regular season information Keifer Pfister Skyler Robinson year’s first issue of the Tiger finds needs, I direct you to the very well Sincerely, Travis Stackow Stewart Thames you well! I’m both honored and ex- maintained – and more up-to-date Wes Kuegler ’18 Arthur White cited to have the opportunity to re- – college sports site, Editor-in-Chief port on all of the happenings of the For this issue, President St- Advisor 2017-2018 academic year. Some impert has graciously written a Dr. James Frusetta changes are being made here at the paper this year that I’d like to make Requests for subscriptions may be mailed to: you aware of. First, we are altering our pay structure. In the past, writ- ers were paid only at the end of the Tiger Subscriptions semester, and only if they wrote for Graham Hall Box 1017 a majority of issues. This year, writ- Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943 ers will be paid on a per-issue basis, in amounts ranging from $5 to $15 based on the size of the contribution. OR found online at: Request-Forms/Tiger-Subscriptions.html It’s my hope that this change will make the paper more approachable to people who either can’t or don’t want to commit to writing for a whole se- Contact The Tiger by e-mail, phone, fax, or social media: mester. If you have any interest in writing, even just for one issue, I en- [email protected] ph. (434) 547-9030 Twitter: @TheHSCTiger courage you to reach out or to come Instagram: @thehsctiger to one of our biweekly meetings! Second, I’m putting an emphasis this year on diversifying the Tiger’s We accept submissions in the form of letters or guest columns. Brevity is content. Articles will always make up encouraged. Interested writers, cartoonists, and photographers can send us the bulk of the paper, but there are an e-mail at [email protected]. many other ways to provide engaging The Hampden-Sydney Tiger is a student newspaper serving the community of material. Columns, write-ins, letters Hampden-Sydney and operating independently of the College. The Tiger is to the editor, cartoons, puzzles, re- printed, roughly, biweekly by The Farmville Herald. views, poetry, and more are all wel- come. If you have an unorthodox idea The views expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ do not reflect any offical for a contribution, just let me know. views or policies of The Hampden-Sydney Tiger. Finally, the sports section is get- ting a bit of an overhaul. In the past, the paper has had regular updates on the progress of all of the awesome September 8, 2017 The Hampden-Sydney Tiger Page 3 EDITORIALS Administrative Schedule Changes Impact Students and enact it the following year, the The newly lengthened syllabus week with an exam period that has three, sistance. Any student who has taken administration chose to punish did not relieve this stress, either. In- not two, slots for exams a day. Of a history or government class here Chad Pisano ’19 those of us who schedule in advance. stead it magnified it by accelerating course, if we have more than two in a will tell you that. However, some Staff Writer I did not lose out on the last the start of our classes, punishing row, we can reschedule one. Howev- changes are worse than others, and few days of hanging out with my those of us who wait until we have er, it seems a bit ridiculous that a stu- moving around the academic cal- Like that of most students at buddies; I lost the time that I had our syllabi in hand before ordering dent may have an exam from 6pm to endar, from a current student’s per- any college in America, my sum- to pack and do my laundry after vol- books, and ensuring that any time 9pm when he could have another test spective, is pointlessly harmful.