Andor Gomme, 'Chevening: the Big Issues', the Georgian Group Journal, Vol. Xiv, 2004, Pp. 167–186
Andor Gomme, ‘Chevening: the big issues’, The Georgian Group Journal, Vol. XIV, 2004, pp. 167–186 TEXT © THE AUTHORS 2004 CHEVENING: THE BIG ISSUES ANDOR GOMME hevening House, Kent, is one of the most are Campbell’s engraving in volume II of Vitruvius C remarkable and important buildings in the Britannicus , published in (Fig. ), and an estate history of English domestic architecture. At one go it map of which includes a perspective and established an entirely new, classically balanced basement and ground-floor plans of the house formula for elevational design which, initially slow to (Fig. ). There are significant differences of detail catch on, came to define the pattern of house-building between these two, which are best revealed by for years from the mid-seventeenth century, superimposing information from the estate map on across an exceptional range of social position and to Campbell’s elevation (Fig. ), though with one corresponding scale of needs or desires. Perhaps important caution: close examination of the even more important, but intimately bound up with perspective shows, rather surprisingly, that it must be the façade design, is its plan – radically new to from the south-east and therefore shows not the England, but structurally as well as socially rational entrance but the garden front of the house. This is in that the transverse load-bearing walls, which proved by the differing shapes of the perrons on the economically house all the stacks, contain and define two fronts (as shown in plan) and by the presence in a state centre: a box of all the principal entertainment the perspective of a mysterious, and unexplained, rooms which leaves the side ranges free for variable cuboid of brickwork standing against the side of the layouts of family and subsidiary apartments.
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