Kodakery; Vol. 6, No. 8; April 8, 1948
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A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANYe April 8, 1948 Suggestion System Is 50 Today Banner Year Indicated Rank Sees By 1st Quarter Report Movie Gain Fifty years old today-the Kodak Suggestion System appears t o be in its lustiest year of growth. Figur es gath ered from the divisions in Rochester on the h alf For British century anniversary show that r--------------~ men and wom en of the Company gan on Apr. 8, 1898, at Kodak P ark, are well on their way to setting the Company has paid $636,962 to His 'Gr eat Expectations' important new records this year. people who have presented work- Won Academy Award In the first quarter of 1948 they able ideas, which reached 71 ,258 have earned $35,078 on their ideas at the close of the third period. J. Arthur Rank, British Cine presented to improve num erous Three all-time r ecords were re mogul, has "great expectations" for operations in m anufacturing and ported at Camera Works in the his m otion pictures both in the third period of 1948. The Sugges Empire and America. And this tion Committee there processed offers a good future for Kodak The $636,962 earned by Ko 539 ideas and 123 of them were Ltd.'s manufacturin g of motion dak people on suggestions since approved with awards totaling picture fi lm, for all Rank m ovies, the system was inaugurated 50 $5159, each of the three figures he said, are m ade on Kodak film. years ago today would make representing a new high. And CW quite a pile if changed into sil showed gains in all of these cate He visited Kodak Monday on his ver dollars and slacked one gories in the three periods of 1948 way from the West Coast where he atop the other. In fact they w hen com pared with those of 1947. had accepted Motion Picture Acad for Her-E 1 i z a beth emy Awards. The best black-and I would make a pile 14 V:~ Kodak Park, Hawk-Eye'and Ko $1000 dak Office also reported much Freeh of white cinematography award was times as high as the Kodak KP's Roll Film Spooling Dept. was I• Tower. The Tower is 366 greater activity so far this year on voted his "Great Expectations," feet high or 4392 inches. Figur the basis of comparative figures awarded a check for $1000. She and his "Black Narcissus" won the ing 10 silver dollars to the inch, for the first q uarter of 1948 and previously set a new record for best color cinematography vote. those of 1947. women with a $2000 award. The shots of the Himalaya Moun the slack of 636,962 would tow tains in the latter, incidentally, er .over the Kodak Tower as were made right in London by shown at left. EK Products at Work.----------. means of a tremendous backdrop, making the cinematography all the other activities at Kodak. And that m ore outstanding. amount, covering only the first !Photoengraving Vital Tool Increases Since 1945 three periods of 1948, already is $10,338.50 ahead of the first quar Of Our Daily Newspapers The showing of British fi lms in ter of 1947. I the U.S. h as grown notably since T. J. Hargrave, Company pres 1945 when only five were seen (Kodak's products are so many, Without photography-a very here. Last year, American audi ident, in commenting upon the and their uses so varied in almost achievements of Kodak people special kind of photography ences saw 20, and this year at least through the Suggestion System in countless fields of endeavor, that called photoengraving - o u r 30 of Rank's contemplated 40 pic the last half century, declared: it's easy to lose track of them after newspapers would have no news tures will come into the U.S. "Over the past 50 years, the they leave the Company. Often pictures, no illustrations, and no "The n ew tax settlement agreed number of suggestions subm itted limes, even the people who make com ic strips. to by the British Government and and the total dollars paid in them have only a faint idea of By this process, one picture is the American Film Industry will awards have reached impressive some of the uses to which they are literally multiplied millions of further increase the showing of figures. put or how they serve mankind. times by being transformed into British films here," he declared, "for every dollar earned in Amer "Of course, figures alone cannot Some of the uses are dramatic a metal plate and being repro tell us what the Suggestion System duced on newsprint. ica by the British pictur es goes to world-shaking-others we accept Hollywood." really means. The su ggestions you as a matter of course in our every The American reading public no m ake, and the awards you receive, day affairs. To give Kodak people longer is content with the latest The sun never sets on the em are most important, I believe, as a better idea of the scope of the news. It insists that the "spot" pic blem of his pictures: a gilded evidence of the team work w hich products they manufacture, KO tures of the day accompany the muscleman swattin g a huge gong. m akes Kodak what it is. We con DAKERY is starting a series of ar news. Modern photoengraving is His film enterprise, which counts stantly try to do things better. ticles in this issue. This is the geared to meet the pace that news three-quarters of a billion in as Your suggestions help our prog first.) paper deadlines demand. sets, h as risen from a $400 invest ress. Your awards show Kodak's Kodak products and resear ch ment in the 1930's when he became appreciation of your help. have made. invaluable contribu in terested in the Religious Film "I want to urge you to continue (Continued on P age 4) using the Suggestion System. Your (Continued on P age 4) supervisor is eager, I know, to help you prepare your suggestions Paid Your Taxes? when ever you need his help. Many Have Helped Deadline's Apr. 15 "Much of the success of our You have exactly one week in Suggestion System has been due which to .file your New York State to the eff01:ts of the suggestion income tax returns. secretaries, the suggestion commit If you have not taken care of tees and others who have helped this matter already, there are a to m ake it work so well. I know couple of important things to keep you will agree that these people in m ind. The main one is that you deserve a great deal of credit for are entitled to a 40 per cent reduc the excellent job they have done." tion in the am ount of the tax. The first-quarter figures of this Another is to decide whether golden anniversary year disclose you should use the short form that 2129 ideas have been adopted (#200) or the long form (#201 ). of the 6615 submitted. The com The State Tax Bureau seems to parative figures for 1947 wer e 1746 be sending the short form blanks ideas okayed of th e 6347 presented. to most individual taxpayer s. This Gift for Cameramen Women of Kodak were quite ac allows a fl at 10 per cent - to a tive in the first quarter of 1948 and max imum of $500 - of gross in Edward Peck (Ted) Curtis, left, EK vice-president in charge of mo ~t;·.:-~::~:. ~:· :· r· gained approvals on 257 of their come for all deductions such as ideas- an increase of 64 over their taxes, interest, contributions, etc. tion picture sales, shows J. Arthur total for the sam e 1947 periods. In cases where your deductions Rank, British Cinemagnate, a Ko exceed the allowances provid ed by dak 35 Camera. At center is Ko \ ... Thousands of suggestions that End Product _Photogr~phy have come from Kodak folks thus plays a v 1 t a 1 the short form, it is advisable to dak President T. J . Hargrave. far this year and since the system role in the production of the mil use the long form (#201) which Identical cameras will be present began have contributed much to lions of newspapers sold on news does not limit legal deductions. ed in England by Kodak Ltd. to the high stan dards of Kodak pro stands and delivered to the homes Also, if you had income other than Jack Cardiff and Guy Green. cam ducts recognized throughout the of Americans every day, which from wages or salary, dividends eramen on the Rank productions world today. form one of the nation's chief and interest, the long form must which won Motion Picture Acad ,'"·"'i· Since the Suggestion System be- means of communications. be used. emy Awards. 2 KODAKERY April 8, 1948 Foremen's Club Lists Ex-Governor ....--$,-Photo Pg~·--Luup-·-- -e-au4---. 8 As Speaker for Ladies' ~~~~~G. ~:,~~~ /I;: RaUU u, Ute Nu;Jd governor of New Jersey, will come to Rochester Apr. 13-14 to regale Kodak Park Foremen's Club mem bers and their wives at the club's 29th annual Ladies' Night feature. The programs, to be presented in the spacious gymnasium, will mark the unofficial opening of the third floor area in new Bldg. 28. Recognized as soldier, statesman, orator, philosopher and wit, Col onel Hoffman will address the group on the subject, "Let's Laugh Awhile." He is expected to sound out the possibility of a better post war world through the medium of good humor.