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Grapevine 107-01.Lwp GRAPEVINE No 107 Autumn 2015 THE MAGAZINE OF THE DIOCESE OF BRECHIN Canon Fay Lamont writes: hostility for hostility so this is a love that is not inherent to our “I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may human nature. Peter reminds us have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and in his first letter that "Christ long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this suffered for us, leaving us an love that surpasses knowledge — that you may be filled to the example that we should follow in his steps". Jesus said, “If anyone measure of all fullness of God.” come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross, This week I have visited several families who have asked to and follow me.” have their children baptised next month. As I go over the baptismal service with them the words, “God is love. God gives God is love and God gives us us life. In Christ God reaches out to us. In baptism God calls us life. We need to learn to live the Christian life of love before we to respond”, always excite me. talk about it: to walk the walk, As a child I remember asking seem to spin faster and faster before we talk the talk. The why God just didn’t make and we get caught up in our own church is a community made up everyone a Christian; why did we human achievements or those of of very different people who have have to make the decision. others and so we struggle to been given God’s Spirit to help Probably because I am not very catch even a fleeting glimpse of them live together in unity, to good at making decisions about "how wide and long and high and develop a new way of life and to anything! deep is the love of Christ." live this life out in the public arena. The local church then I remember being told that God Bishop Lesslie Newbigin becomes a provocative church. never invades but always waits declared: “How is it possible that In what ways can we inspire our for an invitation. This is illustrated the gospel should be credible, communities by living the way of in the painting, The Light of the that people should come to love? World, by Holman Hunt believe that the power which has representing the figure of Jesus the last word in human affairs is preparing to knock on an represented by a man hanging overgrown and long-unopened on a cross. The only hermeneutic door. Hunt said: "The door in the (text of interpretation) of the painting has the handle only on gospel is a congregation of men the inside of the door, and can and women who believe it and therefore be opened only from live by it”. (The Gospel in a "God did not make the first the inside, representing 'the Pluralist Society) obstinately shut mind'." human because He needed We know that even our very company, but because he It is often difficult for us to young children understand the wanted someone to whom grasp the fact that the root and love that comes as a reward for foundation of creation is love. It being good, for being kind, for he could show his "surpasses knowledge." We are giving gifts, and for well behaved. generosity and love. God so far removed from the source But this is not the love did not tell us to follow of creation, especially in our embedded in creation. This is not Him because He needed our densely populated urban areas. the love that surpasses We are very fortunate here in knowledge. This is not the love help, but because He knew Tayside that we can catch many that Paul prays we might have that loving Him would glimpses of the glory of creation the power to grasp. It is a love make us whole." in the urban landscape and in the that flows freely, without fields of Angus which are glowing consideration of reward. Our Saint Irenaeus with harvest colours, if we take human nature most often tells us 2nd century Bishop of Lyons time to stop and look. Our lives to return love for love and 1 Award for St Salvador’s We were delighted to have Her philosophy of life and faith racy medley of lively Scots tunes been awarded £2000 towards our was echoed in the life and work of to a gentle guitar accompaniment. Sunday afternoon drop-in mission Sheila Tennant, a member of The inspiring address given by by the Sheila Tennant Trust, In the Dundee est Church who died last Norman Drummond was aimed Spirit of Mary Slessor. Many of our year. Inspired by the example of appropriately at the many helpers were present as Katie Mary Slessor, Sheila Tennant, youngsters gathered. Norman Clapson received the award on after a life of altruistic endeavours Drummond is a widely respected behalf of the congregation. generously bequeathed money to and multi-talented Scot. Formerly Mary Slessor was born in be awarded to community a Church of Scotland minister and Aberdeenshire in the mid- schemes showing contributions to head of Lorretto School, he was nineteenth century but her father, a simple expression of Christian appointed as Governor of the moved to Dundee to find faith and action in our community. Broadcasting Council for Scotland. work. Finding himself At this point he founded unable to continue the Columba 1400, an organ- skilled work of making isation to promote the shoes, the whole family development of leadership ended up working in jute skills in youngsters from production. As a child Mary difficult and challenging worked as a half-timer at backgrounds. He sees his Baxter’s Mill, progressing role as eliciting the inner to become a fine weaver. greatness of others and Inspired by David giving voice to those who Livingstone, she felt a feel unheard. He calling to teach, and she emphasised that one could set sail for Calabar in West achieve anything if one Africa and a life of mission. really believed in it, should Life in Nigeria was hard – always aim high and that it Mary, a red haired and The Rev'd Andrew Grieve (minister of Dundee West Kirk) really was not good blue-eyed Scots lass, was and Mary, Countess of Strathmore in centre with recipients enough to say whatever the first European to set will be will be. He burst foot in a land dominated by tribal Dundee West Church was into a tuneful version of culture and beliefs. But she packed for an enthusiastic event Que sera, sera to underline his earned great respect for her to mark a number of special point! I am always envious of and understanding and encourage- occasions. The evening was a impressed by charismatic speak- ment of fairer and better lives for concert performed by various ers who can produce an eloquent the people rather than enforced members of Victoria Park School and meaningful flow of words evangelism; she showed Christian and Harris Academy, which was without notes. All this echoed the principles by example rather than punctuated by a keynote address credo of the two ladies prompting denigrating native practice. by Norman W. Drummond CBE the whole event. Because of a particular super- FRSE, the presentation of the The charming Mary, Countess stition about twins, for example, awards by Mary, Countess of of Strathmore presented the many such children were Starthmore, and a farewell to awards with a genuine enjoyment abandoned by their parents. Mary James Thewliss, the retiring head of the occasion. As we chatted was moved to rescue a number of of Harris Academy. We were afterwards, I was impressed to them, giving them a home in the welcomed by the pipe band, there learn that despite having ‘retired’ Mission House. Despite several were strings, a woodwind band, mainly to the Borders, she paid trips back home to recover from guitars and singers, all providing regular visits back to Angus and malaria, she was doughty in her fine examples of youthful musical retained a keen interest in local good works, and after the death of talent. The church was decorated activities. The awards of her mother and sister in Scotland, with painted cut-outs of African £1000-£2000 were made to half a threw herself even more fervently tribal masks in honour of the dozen different worthwhile into her life in Nigeria. She earned adventures of Mary Slessor, and ventures relating to community admiration not only from the local one of my favourite performances activities, and we are duly grateful people but also the British Empire, was a group of very youthful tribal that our application, thanks to the becoming the first female drummers from Victoria Park support of several of our extended magistrate and a skilled diplomat. School. They played with a family, was successful. She died aged 67 from ill health passion and enthusiasm which It was a truly happy occasion but continues to be respected both would surely have gladdened her which concluded with ‘Coffee, in Africa and Dundee as a true heart. Later on, a fine Scottish Cakes and Conversation’ in the Christian missioner and pioneer. counterpart was provided by a church hall. 2015 is her centenary year. gifted young fiddler who played a Kirsty Noltie 2 A MEMORANDUM Centre of Mission After a year of foundation building, the Church TO: Jesus, Son of Joseph Army project in Brechin is now well underway.
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