(Perth Amboy, NJ). 1919-01-14
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~ f IN THE FIELD OF SPORTS 1 Lee Fohl Makes Pitchers To Order ^sSfwJsI Local Bowlers Lose Two Out of Local Team Loses Fast Game Staten Island Featherweight New Brunswick Team Wiii Ap- Three Games on Penn. “Y” Two by Points Last Night and New York Speed Artist in pear Against Strong South Strips Last Night at South Amboy Eight Round Final Amboy Quintet The Perth Amboy Y. St. C. A. bowl- The T. A. Gillespie team last night team The main bout at the boxing exhi- Uv T Cormtii'ifvrfdif. ing went to South Amboy last took revenge on the Amirov AH Stars where it lost bitions of the I.otoe Club to be held SOT-TH AM BOY. .Ian. 14:—A« tlio night two out of three for tho defeat handed out to them in Palace Hall Friday will attraction for next tlio games to the “Y” five of that on the Hall night bring Friday night place. Palace court here last Five, better Bill Pemberton's men together Wlliie Curry, the feather- Amboy Big known as the annexed the week by defeating the Stars on the flrsi weight champion of Staten Inland, Riversides, will play the fast Knights game with a margin of almost St Mary's Hall court in South 100 j Amboy and Kddie Walsh, of New' York, who t>f St. Peter's Five from New Bruns- pins but lost the next two. the by the close margin of two points. ted Michaels in an wick on the St. second game The Hobby right-round Mary's Hall court by twenty-seven pins game was close and hotly con- and bout here two weeks ago. It was ex- here. The Big l ive, although receiv- the last game by eighty-one. tested from start to finish, neither pected that Kid Potty would be pie.icii ing but little practice throughout the Several good scores were made dur- I team c\er getting a lead of than juore against Curry but, os Announcer Joe week, arc fast rounding into their ing the match. Clarence Hoffman, of three points over its Tile opponent. Humphries tint it, "fur sonic unknown mid-season form, which was display- the locals, took the high average final score was 30-28. reason the two would not meet ed In 191(5, when (bey played their honors for the night, 188, while An- I Neither team had the Just same lineup now." games nt tiio K. of 1*. Hall derson was a second as and de- close with 187. that used in last week’s game, the hut One of the (wo six-round bouts will feated the best teams In the county. one pin separating the total pins All Stars being without the services bring tog'tiier Kid Cy. the Camp Until such time ns Harold Hoffman, of the two men. Anderson made two of “Hank” Thomas. Marty Kaufman Karitan soldier who made his Initial Harold Finns ar.d John re- big games, getting 202 In tile first and and ”l>a” llacan, their McOreery places being appearance last week, and A1 Roberts turn to the team they will be called 201 in the second. Becker scored 209 taken by ”Y1” Hibbard and Freddie of Staten Island. Cy rlaimed he was the Amboy Big Five. It Is expected In Uu; second game and Latnbertson Glochau. two Kltnoro and players, not given a chance to show what he lhat it will not be long before all of 206 in the last- Hoffman was the "Stretch” Burke, a All Star regular rould do last week when he met Ray the old timers will be again together. only one of the losing team to get a man who did not play last week. Two 4 Hatfield so was signed lip Ity Promo- The Rivles have played two games double century mark, he making 204 lieutenants appeared in the Gillespie ter Joe McNuItv to take on the island thus far till* season, winning the first in tiu» first game. Birden Golden team's lineup, being Lieut. they Alger, lad. one over the Gillespie organization by bowled three good games at 189. 181 a forward, and Lieut. Gale, J guard. Two other bouts, one a six and the the score of 3(5-29 and losing tlie fray and 185. averaging 185. The first half ended with the Mor- ether a four-rounder, will be offered last Friday night by one point. 28-27. The score: gan men one point In the lead, the In addition to the two named above, The Amboy Big Five is desirous of South Amboy score being 16-15. the During next in the six-round attraction two of challenging any of the teams in the Clmpman 134 182 176 half the Perth Amboy had players the fustest boys in these parts may bo rounty or slate, and those who have Anderson 202 204 156 Ihc lead several times but could not matched. The six-round go last week open dates can secure games by get- M. I-ambertson 150 161 206 maintain It. Tho Gillespie men scored between Mickey Drown and Joe Coz- ting in touch with the manager pro- Beckfr 138 209 173 Fourteen and the Htaxs thirteen point* zolino furnished almost as much ex- tein. Thomas Caution, at 317 Main W. I-ambertson 174 147 174 during the last twenty mak- j minutes, citement as the main bout in which street, or phone 148-J South Amboy. ing the Anal score SO-28. Bilent Martin won ftotn 798 90S 885 Hrickm&n Johnny end Gale led tho Morgan Saxon. Perth Amboy players in field goal shooting, both Mallett 155 174 174 making three. The former also add- Frankie Wilson Victor Over Hoffman 204 196 163 ed six more points as the result of Forman 170 155 157 Free shots from the foul line. Ray RED BANK CANCELS GAME Golden 189 181 185 Handerhan also scored six points Joe Leonard al Trenton Bout Pemberton 176 170 145 From free throws and In addition con- WITH LOCAL H. S. VARSITY nected with the basket four times Frankie Wilson, of New Tork, wlio 876 804 894 from the field. Burke, Bob Hander- defeated Benny add- (By H. S. ‘'orrespomlent) recently Volgar. lian and (llochau all made two field ed another victim to his long list lit Tlie game with Ked Bank high foals and Hibbard one. Dougherty Trenton last night by easily defeating Beliool scheduled to he played here and ind Lombardi of the Gillespie five Joe Leonard at the Trenton A. C. Wagenhoffer Gloyna yesterday was cancelled in the roth scored four points and Alger and early Wilson srored knockdowns In the sec- afternoon by the Red Bank school Mien each one field goal. BAGB>Y LEE FOWL GUY MORTON ond and sixth rounds and had Leon*. Lead owing to two of Its players on Keasbey Tourney The lineup and score: being Bid all In at the flnlsh. the sick list. The with Gillespie (SO) Introducing J.ee Folil, a major of the liest southpaws In the league. pitcher In the association, became one girls game Bp y necvr l Cnrre*90*Jf!nt. Red Bank which was scheduled for ■ G. F. Pts. his own the Jim came to I of the mainstays of the team. KI'USUKY, Jan. league manager wlio develops Of others, Bagby tomorrow has also been called off. 14:—By winning Mger, f f 8 2 Johny Knzmann, secured from four straight games out of five from pitchers. Cleveland in 191G from New Orleans. Tomorrow afternoon the var- Care. Brick man, f 3 6 12 Newark in December, 1917, Is another boys Changed the leaders, Joseph Wagenhoffer anil for Cincinnati of tlie Crimson and White trav- Dougherty, ft 2 0 4 I The leader of the Cleveland Indians In 1912 he had pitched tribute to Kohl’s training. sity A little girl was greatly pleased over Gotlielf Oloyna Friday night took the believes his staff hut did not make good and was sent l els to New Brunswick to meet the Lombardi, g 2 0 4 In getting hurling While always a dependable pitcher tbs opportunity to accompany her load in the Keasbey pinochle tourna- direct from the and back to the minors. He Is now Rutgers Prep. five. The Prep, team Bale, g .8 0 6 minors, training rank-j with Newark, lie has improved won- mother ment. Several changes In the posi- Is said to be weaker this year than In on a visit to the city, niters Mien, f 1 0 2 them himself in the way they should ed with the best. derfully under Kohl, and last yeari tions of the teams were brought about former seasons, the St. Benedict’s u few nnd her go. Stanley Coveleskie was transferred! ranked second to Coveleskie among! they spent days, upon ■s the result of the sixth round of Prep, having chalked up a victory to her 13 6 30 Itesulteli ave n his from Portland, In 19 16. He hail bad the Cleveland slabs:ers. return homo she said: "Oh. dad- the tourney played then. provi ability. over the embryo Rutgers students 66- AH Stars (28) Of the live premier slabsters of the a trial with Connie Mack in 1912. but Hut three times lips Owner Jim I dy, we had such n nice wo went Bertram and Quish, who were the !1. The girls team may play Tiiuri- time; a. y. rtx. but fritz came was turned back. On coming to Cleve- lluun Kohl with ready are now in second Indians, one.