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DCVO1CO TO Sportsmen an<) Athletes Base Ball, Trap Shooting. Hunting, Fishing, College Foot Ball, Golf. Laivn Tennis, Cricket, Track Athletics, Basket Ball, Soccer, Court tennis. Billiards, Bowling, Rifle and Revolver Shooting, Atltomobiling. Yachting, Camping, Rowing, Canoeing, Motor Boating, Swimming, Motor Cycling, Polo, Harness Racing and Kennel^ VOL. 68. NO 16, PHILADELPHrA. DECEMBER 16,1916 PRICE 5 CENTS THE Dougiass Baird, Third Baseman Pilfsburgh National league Club that these players had reverted to the Western League RENEWAL OF CREDENTIALS apd were not eligible to play with the St. Joseph Club, to have bought them from the of "Sporting Life" arc which had claimed 4LL CORRESPONDENTS Wichita Club on or about September 5th. This trans porting Hilt requested to return their credentials for renewal fer was null and void for the reason that Section 7, The Loyal Champion of Clftui Sport for the year of 1917. Prompt compliance with this re Article VI of the National Agreemtnt forbids the sale of The World's Oldest uid Best Base Bail Journal within Tlu Hacogaized Authority in Base Bill and Trap Snooting quest is necessary in order to facilitate the annual 'a player by one minor league club to another days of the commencement of the drafting labor of reorganizing the correspondents' corps, which twenty period. The Commission has always sustained and is, by the way, quite a task, owing to the great num enforced the reversionary right of a league, major or ber of contributors. Failure to return the old creden- minor, to the players of a retiring club, as stipulated tn fepOttS! Of AU &0tt< tials will be considered a declination of further service in league constitutions, but has uniformly insisted that of tfje 5®orlb'S the back salaries of the players involved must be ad as correspondent.
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