Davis Tennis Cup Appears Safe to U. S..Golf Faces Biggest Yeanl
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Davis Tennis Cup Appears Safe to U. S..Golf Faces Biggest Yeanl Tilden and Johnston Still British Course to Americas Leading Performers on Links and Courts ".'"" To ,,, ,...,.¦"*.n,l,l,.-il.ii«w. ,i_...-..,,1..,i .,..«É.,-. Strong Enough Repulse ti ._ Stage First Best Team of Challengers | Great Tourney Twelve ^Nations Seek Coveted Trophy; Mile. Leug- French Amateur. Classic len*s Appearance in This Country Will Add Im¬ Also to Attract Expert petus to Game; U. 8. Has Great Young Players Maufer* of 2 Continents Fred By Ray McCarthy By Hawthorne Throwing all caution to the The in the w.-idg, », greatest year history of lawn tennis, and America .supreme willing to go or, record on jare as the counts. .dieting the year 1921 a ¿re/ That is the for golf. In thisrecord-breaker situation to-day, on the of an outdoor season of making n verge are taking as much chancestatement play that is to lead us. to the on ai a b^. by ever-ascending stapes, greatest heights I legger Broadway. What with the game has ever known, here or abroad. i addition oí" '.ens of the era the thousands of n|hT At this writing it doe» not seem pos¬ variousentering lists this year, tins sible that nation thé international matches,' th« any among twelve [championship tournaments and challengers for the famous Davis W dreds of club invitation the hurt- Cup hen and W here will be tourney« ff \\ will be able to,wrest the proud title of played, the icame of golf will world's champion from tl;«> United Rig Tennis Meets enjoy its greatest year. Now that States. 1 do not secret is out we can that anticipate even a hard rest proceed wh th* our team W i of the story. struggle by when it takes ill Re Contested The first rh«? championship court at the West tournament of nations' im Side Tennis Club, of Forest Hills. L. I., ( HAMIMONslUPS portance will be the British *»o ; championship at amateur defend the great silver bowl against June 10-11.Interdi v (I liurrji ("up tour¬ ¡which, Hoylake on May 28-28 the onslaught of the for-sigr, team thai nament, ai I'hiluilciphiu. incidentally, will be covered fot comes June 10-11.Intercity Hotclikins fribune readers by our own through to the final test. n( Trophy inimitable Australasia as tourarMnent, Richmond, Vu. Grantland Ri.-e. Rice will sail appears the most June land on fc.r Eur- formidable bidder for the with the Ht.Intercollegiate.- nt Merlon May 1 with a new cup. Cricket Club, Philadelphia. pencil:-; to package' of wizard Norman Brookes and tin« dy¬ June '17.Men's national prepared report the int»>. clay court national jolf, ten] -.-¦ and namic Gerald Patterson as 'her leaders, tournament, a« South Slilc Tennis that will ii- polo matche« ar.d Japan and Franco look ¡ike the ( lull. Chicago. played in England this next two most liable to make .Inly 4.Women's national «lay court spring. trouble. tournament, ;«t the Park Club, Htif- the if trouble is to be made Great Britain f;«!«>. Following amateur i*= still in which it cpected championshipthe apparently in a state of stagna¬ .lulv il.Intercity doubles, nt Cleve¬ team of American' tion as regards her tennis men, with no land. Evans, Oàimet, Jones and new ; others will make a brilliant players of intrriiatioi3.il caliber August 1,1.Women's national tennis will oome showing, to < hampionship, at Forest Hills. the British women's ready step into the breach and«take meet, cham- the place of the mighty veterans like August ..";.Men's national doubles. pionship May 30-June \. I'arkc, Beamish. Junior ftii.l boys' national singles und This tournament will be of Gore. Roper, Barrett doubles, father and son national lar interest this year particu¬ B33d Ritchie, who are about at the end doubl. ;u Longwood Cricket Club, the because two 01 of their Itostou. greatest women player.« "1 o tennis rope. wielded a evei September '.:, It and .">.Davis Cnp chal¬ niblick, Cecil Leiten ant Foreign Teams Weak round, at Alexa Stirling, will lenge forest Hills. of -this compet«. The clasl N'one of the other ter.ms^eed be con¬ September !'.Men's national singles and pair, if they do meet. will j,, sidered a veterans' national singles, at German- well worth the seriously even for momemt. town crossing Atlantic to s»( *'ne or two of these countries sur¬ Cricket Club. Philadelphia. have INVITATION Classy Meet in France. prised followers of the game within the TOI KXAMJBXT The August 1.Newport! invitation men'» French amateur last year by putting forward hitherto will be a champions!-!' unheard of South singles and doubles. classy affair this year, ina« players, Africa, with August invitation much as the American team Louis Raymond, for instance, who won 8.Seabriglit; men's will probi the and women's singles and doubles. bly compete. That will be held Olympic championship and de¬ 'August I7> Southampton; invitation June 10-15. and will be o feated Ichiya Kumagae in doing s< men's singles and doubles. followed by th last summer. British open championship Mishu, of Rumania, and I_« St. Andrew's, June 20-21. tourney a Shimidzu, of Japan, also played seme Here when it comes to his there will be plenty of agal sensational matches, but they are ex¬ forecasting play. AïQLtA in action.enouçl ceptions, and with At his best 1 have always maintained fact, to hold the interest 'if golfei only Japan, Kum- that the of of both this and agae, could form a sufficiently stronc champion 1014 and 1916 is rV/LL/AM country Fingland. Fu team to the greatest in the and in addition to the entire stand a char.ee against oui player world, stars coterie best. , my conviction luis been in no way less- of Cireat Britain who will bo ertfd hand, a team N*ot only are we the strongest of th« j by the splendid triumphs of 77¿.o£/V, of twelve American pi tennis playing nations at present, witl Johnston and Tilden in 1920. But will ^^ fcssionals will be striving for honori Tilden, the world's singles champion Williams over regain the form ho 2rV£>. WE Next conies the Frenen open cha md Johnston, the showed as champion when he dethroned pionship tournament at Le "mighty atom" ol and Johnston? Ay4*t,4AS which the Touquet, the courts, standing- unbeatable, but wc McLoughlin fff.-rO British and American si arc infiniter, So much for the Davis will all participate. The rirli in premise, owing t« and the ("up struggle Classic United Sta : splendid pioneer work done Fred possibilities in connection with: King's open championship at the Colum \\p by its Alexander, and after him by Tilden an«] playing. But the season of tennis Country Club, of Washington, on J others. that will lead up to this great climax. IX to 21, will be no puny affair t of the tennis year should Will Be Great year. Ted The members of this younger group bring out the Ray will probably come o s re not greatest competition ever soon in this to defend his and ¿be Mitel jet quite ready to take theii and title, laces in the front rank' of the coun- country. International George Duncan will also be The final si-: hand to t'-yft stars, but within the next two ot weeks on the courts Event take part in the strife. will consist a The t! rec .«'ears those who arc destined to of series of great invita-' Yachting next jump will !>e the tion court Coif gain the top will be there, and then wc grass tournaments, in addi¬ Association amateur champion: shall have ample material from which tion to several national title events Teams at Winnepeg. This tournament and several of the Davis Sandy Hook-lo-Ostend Race Facing b< held 22 to «¡raw in future Davis to 27. Cup and othei Cup prelim¬ a August Then international matches. No'bther conn inary matches and with so many new Big Boon to Water come the United State- amateur <¦!> players Sport at U*y io so thoroughly grounded in a re- competing anything is liable to in Its Stiff Battle pionship the St. Louis Country C -rve supply as the United States. happen in the wav of startling upsets. "Revival Year" September 17 to 21. And la-.-t. but Tilden and Mrs, Molla Bjurste'df least, the United States Golf A Fine Crop of Juniors who leave for lion o Vincent Mallory, England early By Jack Lawrence Return of Newark Heaps. women's championship* meet Richards, national junioi next month to play for the world's Schedule Dates i»e played at the Hollywood Golf C champion, who lias held half a dozer titles at. Wimbledon, will be back in For two years past old hard-shelled of Wilh Walsh- as October .". to 8. national titles his brief cour time Manager, during to take the courts here for the students of the jib and mainsail have For The:e are only the high-light*, career land he is now just over eight later and moro important tournaments been Trapshooters Gives New twixt and between «il of Frank T. saying that the World War killed STATE League Spirit will be held years »g««'«: Anderson and by that time, too, Johnston will! CHAMPIONSHIPS various sectional and other tour new national indoor .Fred have yachting. Up and down the Atlantic APRIL champion; arrived in the Bast to start the. Mack, of ment.-; which will attract their u- «.rick (".