SAN FRANCISCO BAY CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 50 California Street • Suite 2600 • San Francisco, California 94111 • (415) 352-3600 • FAX: (415) 352-3606 • May 22, 2007 TO: San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail Steering Committee and Interested Parties FROM: Sara Polgar, Water Trail Project Manager (415/352-3645
[email protected]) SUBJECT: DRAFT San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail Plan (Comments due by 5:00 p.m., June 19, 2007.) Introduction The enclosed draft Water Trail Plan (Plan) describes policies, guidelines and procedures for implementation of the San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail. Staff is seeking comment on the draft Plan by June 19, 2007, 5:00 p.m. Comments should be submitted to Sara Polgar via email (
[email protected]) or mailed to her attention at 50 California Street, Suite 2600, San Francisco, CA 94111. Feedback and corrections to the draft Plan will be incorporated, and a revised draft of the plan will be sent to interested parties in July. Staff will present the revised San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail Plan to the BCDC Commission (July 19, 2007) and the California Coastal Conservancy Board (date TBD). These meetings will be open to the public. For more information about these meetings, visit the BCDC website ( or the Coastal Conservancy website ( For more information or a hard copy of the draft Plan, contact Sara Polgar. San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail Plan: DRAFT Table of Contents Figures and Tables ..........................................................................................................2 Purpose and Organization of the Plan ........................................................................3 1.