to — MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. Nov. 17. 1988 1% HOMES CONDOMINIUMS CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE l £ i | FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE OAK Forest. Beautifully STEP. Right up. Hoping to COVENTRY. This home FLEXIBLE Terms. A S p e d o l i decorated 3 bedroom Sellers will entertain purchase a larger has been designed and unit with I'/i baths, the town-DUi agreement / creative financing home for an affordable built with a bit of central air and garage. price? This tremend­ luxury In mind. The Ideas on this Immacu­ $133,900, Sentry Real late 5 room Condo ous 9 room Raised master bedroom has a Estate, 643-4060.D Ranch on West Vernon fireplace and a lacuzzi townhouse at Beech- w i m m / St. In Manchester may In the priyate bath . EAST Meadow. Conve­ wood In Manchester. 3 CMLOCME NOROmLiNfl aE cm cA L be lust waht you're Some of the features nient first floor unit bedrooms, 1'/i baths, looking for. 4 bed­ are: 4 nice size bed­ with open floor plan. all new kitchen ap­ NCW Enoland Nanny. FHA approved. $77,900. pliances, tasteful de­ HOLIDAY H o m r N e f l^ rooms, 3 full baths, rooms, 3’/i baths, 3 Il«f*rrols itos nonniet- Complale IMbt. Riid menf livtnd. ombiiip- family room with wet < fireplaces, green- Sentry Real Estate, 643- cor, private basement, /mottiBrs helper- GEL$0 NIIN0 4060.O ample parking. Asking Exter. Home i > forv, hPide-llfcA. bar, stunning Vermont ' house, atrium door to 8/home ntonoDers for' Meintenenoe duel om . E U ^ T W e Dtmoshperd. Odilf ft marble fireplace. Acre 13X38 deck and sky­ MANCHESTER. A smart $119,900. Ja ck so n 8, lonfl/short term child Jackson Real Estate, Peinttng end Peptidng plus lot. In-law set up lights. There are allo­ buy. Spacious 3 bed­ core ptaoemenfs. Per- SM ntHiy possible. $193,500. wances for carpet, ap­ room, 3'/i bath central 647-8400.O tonollzed, professional Repetr or Ronow 'OoH* m LL PAINT TO Jackson & Jackson pliances, and electrical air conditioned unit servictr. Telephone: 1- PLEASB Real Estate, 647-8400.D fixtures. Call today and teoturlng a full base­ 401-7834556. Cerpontry Roofing, aaeeeefteipdeeeeee' f n m jraar pictura ar tUda let us show you this ment with 3 finished MORTGAGES uttor Ropetr epd In taataraalar a r aarylie rooms and a private beautiful home. Realty gtoenlng. ■ DUNMS dECTmC Barftari h tp p tm . manrhrHtpr Mrralft NOTICI OP DISSOLUTION World, Benoit, backyard with patio. FAUINfi BEHIN077 Notice Is hereby elven thot Frechette Associates, VA, FHA approved. UMMMVStPitML U i - m o the Ademssen Cerperetlon 64«-7709.d______$139,900. Century 31 Ep­ STOP FORECLOSWEII TcMfiy. of 34 Cole Street, Manches­ stein Realty, 647-8895.0 If you are falling behind on CLEANING Service. fW^4lQlll0 fNMMfltft ter, C T has fUed Certificate MANCHESTER. Just re­ Home-Dr offlee. Ooy. nMBYHANaa of Olsselutten with the Secre­ duced and what a buy. your mortgage payments... OmM i#Nk tlewpli Oumw «t Friday, N d v . 18, 1988 nlDht, weekend. M liim .«'lr.M ie8iM Manchester, Cenn. — A City cf Viliage Charm 30 Cents tary of the State of Connec­ This spacious, lovingly O R ...If your hom e la In fore­ Weekly speckits. Reo* • 4ftG2SSar«l04ia t(M t H A U U N B ticut on November 7, less. d e c o ra te d 3 b e d ro o m , closure, WE CAN HELPI m i M l M i i c • «e'e#*«e’e*.e.e.ekee Creditors are hereby notified TOWNHOUSE lim Ronlerl, 0454682. that any claims against the I'/i bath auallty built No payment program avail­ • eeeeeeeeeeeeeea §4o m H 8764488 Corporation must be moiled Colonial Is waiting for CONDOMINIUM able for up to 2 years. Bad Cdiftmi to the ottentlon of Milton K. CL.6 ANIN 6 you. First floor family Three bedroome, 2'/a credit Is not a problemllAsk larvkttieiee WlewiiwNr S WIL Adams, President, to the room, fireplaced living how LOW payments can m above address. No claim re­ b a th s w ith 1 BOO sq. Hrnmiic taWB, HaMitane r « ll» ceived otter March IS, 1(09 room and cheery help you SAVE YOUR kto eewMa te ctaa* vaur tMnw, will be valid and will be breakfast nook over­ ft. of living apace In HOME TODAYI ante* ar v4w8aivs. 9 wars ax- NAME your own reoso- PJ-innM gSM lllI •rtek. Meek and Nene< barred per statute Section 33- look a private treed aarlaaea aad rsttrancas. Call cererntc tlia, marMe and Teacher contract talks stall on pay this oversized unit. Lawtafarattea sWtiwati. noble price. ilRilher ft ANCMMOsirtii 379. yord. $144,000. Century Swiss CBBservatlra firoap Boilers, pumpft hoi waitr cencrate. 31 Epstein Realty, 647- Extras Include ■t (203) 4S4-1336 or Son Polntlnoiond Pop- NOlebttfeesmeliT Milton K. Adorns 7 4 2 -0 2 4 7 erlna. Removal. 291- tankt,nowand By Andrew J. Davis within the next 20 days. President e89S.D fire p la c e , (203) 4S4-4404 replacements. t it » m iD r 427-0 !P t settlement. “ We think all our which represents teacher’s aides. ning in 1990. The paraprofession­ $10,925 yearly. •567. Manchester Herald S3S-1I air conditioning, 80UTH90LT0N eeweeeeaee^ksee^p F n e e e $ n m n $ Deakin made his comments items are resolved but salaries. The current teachers’ contract als had asked for a 63 percent In August, the School G8L Bullliiltt M o tn fW ' We haven’t made a lot of NOTICI OP DISOLUTION AND washer-dryer, rear w all Popiirlaa A Thursday at a meeting of the expires on June 30, 1989, Deakin increase the first year of the Association and school board CLEANING SfRVIl^ nonce The Board of Education a nd the progress.” NOTICI TO CIIDITORS deck with view, plus Rentals Board of Education at 45 North said. He said that contract contract. approved raises of 8.9 percent OP P a in tin o ol/ResIdenttdl Manchester Education Associa­ INC. School St. The president of the Manches­ included salary increases of and 7.9 percent the last two years SAL'S RISTAURANT AND DILLY, INC. a third full bath in Commeroiel /ReaMentlsl Resldenflot, Cofpmercial. IfBKBJiiiaui repairs 68id N...... tion will go into arbitration after The school board is scheduled Referaneat ft I'nsuronce. provomattfk. Mferior about 14 percent in the first year, of a three-year contract. The Notice It hereby elven pursuant to Section 33-379 of the partially finished Fully kMutad • Bendad. iGaW ICEl being unable to reach a contract In mediation, a mediator or ter Education Association, Val­ to vote on the contract with the General Statutes of Connecticut, os amended, thot SAL'S ond oxterlof potnfthD. about 13 percent in the second nurses, who wanted an increase walkout basement. ROOMS Morly Molfton,, 44P4431 settlement.. team of mediators agreed upon erie Sady, would not comment on paraprofessionals at its Nov. 28 r e s t a u r a n t A N D O E L L Y , INC., o Connecticut corpora­ 6I71645 Ilohf corptnffy, Dori' the dispute. year, and about 12 percent in the of about 65 percent, saw starting tion having on ofttceond principal place of business In Man­ FOR RENT Oary McHuetu 4 4 > .m i • piofo lontforwi to r Assistant School Superintend­ by both sides attempts to work out meeting, Deakin has said accep­ chester, Connecticut, has been dissolved by virtue of o Re­ Available at third year. salaries rise from $14,575 to eeeeeeeee'vie e • e BuefctL truck ft ehlppar. Stump vtco. Expotitflcodr rtf' ent Wilson E. Deakin Jr, said differences by compromise. In The two sides have agreed on a tance is practically guaranteed. solution adopted bv Its Board of Directors and Shareholders MANCHESTER. Room In The paraprofessionals recently $15,885 in 1988-89. That would on October 37,19SI. FOREST RIDGE ICAHraiTNY/' isfflomL FraeetUmaiaa. . loblf. fret sdfimofts. mediation with the state Media­ arbitration, the two sides present three-year contract, Deakin said. quiet rooming house. 64343M. ratified a contract agreement If approved, paraprofessionals increase to $17,155 and $18,525. A Certificate of Dissolution has been filed with the office N aN 0l».N I8 SpMoMi contMtnikNi lof tion and Arbitration Board Wed­ their positions on each issue and a A 6 0 -u n lt Off street parking. $80 Deakin would not release fig­ that calls for a raise of 12 percent will see starting salaries increase resftectively, the final two years. of fhe Secretory of State on October 31,19M os reoulred bv per week. 646-1686 or aldarly and hmrnetppad. nesday was unsuccess^! and panel of arbitrators rules on each law. condominium at mwoMlde Free ures. but did say the two sides are the first year and more than 8 from $6,555 to $7,342 a year. The school board also is nego­ community located 569-3018.______esfiinateB. IbasideBtial Oroaory ehoppina deHveiy arbitration is imminent. He said of them. closer than in the recent contract All creditors of said corporation ore warned to present r/ummmmotim 847-7SS3 000400. Open 24 hours, f percent beginning the second Paraprofessionals with five or tiating with the administrators’ their claims to Ford, Oberg & Manlon, P.C., P.O. Box 600, on 24 beautifully ROOM tor Rent. In home, PM30FW MOTMMMlik vMOMl, fOOTIII9» glut oonmiierclel. he was unsure when arbitration "What else?” Deakin said dispute with the Manchester year of a two-year pact, while will Rockville, C T 06066 on or before March 31,1919. SliStre KoiU, 6«MM1 deya e weak. GaH ut with more years experience will see bargaining group. Mediation is landscaped acres, all privileges for re­ SklMe. adfidoae and guNars. would be set, but it would be whelti asked what was impeding a Federation of Paraprofessionals, sponsible person. S75 BadiMa and buBdoMr aarvtoa WU OI«m, 5 1 6 ^ .yourked increase another 4 percent begip- their pay rise from $9,755 to scheduled for Tuesday. All claims nof presented within that time will be barred os complete with pool, • •eeeeee^e. e-we'e* IRTT provided bv statute. weekly. 645-6473 or 647- avaleWe. OeB.Beb Fanend, * _043-11 tennis court and 7580. REUA6LE M0VIN8 R m .< SMUMm a CO. carport parking. FURNISHED Room, kit­ Low, Lpw Ralpe. LROAL NOTICE R m .1 chen and parking privi­ Short nodoo mtwoB. TOWN OP ANDOVER Priced at »155,000 iM IlMMMlMii B-1 crew survives PUBLIC HRARINOS Principals Only leges. Security ond Insured. iSopendablo 1 u w n cA P w o references. S75 weekly. 24 Veara expiwienoe In h'riH Commission of Andover, Connec- Call 643-2711. 569-3538 or 649-4348. A Heorinos on Mondov, November 21, MS 8 :3 0 a m -5 p m f X S i n ^ i t t d n s " : Elemenforv School on the N 4 7 ^ 3 S 0 ^ m crash of bomber A s k fo r , I APARTMENTS ® Sptclal Permit for o LEAF Sond A G ro vtl Pit on Routt 6. Mrs. Fromerth ___ I FOR RENT •543- Application of Michael J . Mothleu for a Special Per- M 7 - 3 S 0 3 , t RENTAININm RAPID CITY. S.D. (AP) - A convened to investigate. He spe c mit for o Sion on Routt 6. MANCHESTER. 3nd OPBggiy d EimMi - B L O m N ft Cut laundry costs by de­ B-IB bomber crashed and burned ulated that weather might have At mis hM rlng, Interested persons mov oppear and be heard creasing the amount of floor. 3 bedroom, heat ond appliances. No on a runway at Ellsworth Air been a factor. The Rapid City '■•celved. Information detergent used. Reduce SaSNOME We wM do your (pooery ®" ?!• ®"0 "i®v be seen In pets. $600 plus security. Force Base in the second accident Journal reported fog and visibil­ the office of the Zoning Agent, Town Office Building. by one-third and see Call 646-3979.______IMPNOVIMENTS sboppina and other ratot. Call whether you notice a dif­ a NEPAIIS errands while WTO work or. involving one of the long-range ity of a half-mile at the time of the November*19w'*'^' ’ Otb 0"<* 17th dov of ference In the appearance 6 rooms -t-, 3 bedrooms, 3 strategic jets in nine days, crash. baths, S600 m o n th -f “NoJopTooSmtifr Na |W tapMs! «r laa waM. WM Max. Call ftfdaiefts. of your wash. Add extra •w* r dwe e de pe aaaieNw. ' - lN n l6 M a i6 - ' ' officials said today. The crew of The crash came two days after ANDOVER PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION dallars to your budget by utilities. Security dep­ 6 4 6 -7 4 8 2 , NI.r6p.nor KENNETH LESTER, CHAIRMAN osit required. Call 649- meiBSTiMAt«8 I aMiar i m I m h four parachuted to safety. officials reported that the Air OOMI selling "don't needs" with i 7 6 # in g J t o A police officer said the $280 Force had inspected and cleared a low-cost ad In Classi­ 0439 tor on 647-0583 <4 7 - a m n te f c 742*61267, anyffma fied. 643-3711. oppointment.______m 4 m million plane, which was re­ more than two-thirds of the 98 MANCHESTER. Deluxe 3 ported to have crashed in a B-IB bombers, which were A Ncwipapcr In Education Profram • b e d ro o m T o w n h o u s e landing attempt about 10:40 p.m. grounded following a crash Nov. 8 Sponaorcd by In two family, central APARTMENTS R t I INDUSTRIAL TAG CARS Thursday, may have come in too that destroyed one of the planes in T h e Q u i z lo c a tio n , 1'//2 baths, ap­ low and hit a utility pole. A Texas. The Manchester Herald pliances, sunken living FOR RENT 1 ^ PROPERTY GALES FOR SALE room, patio, basement witness said an engine was on fire The crash today was the fourth MANCHESTER. 3 4 00 before the crash. in the four years since the United Worldscope (10 points for c«ch question answered correcttyi) garage. Adults pre­ MANCHESTER. Onebed- ferred. S760 plus utlll- square foot free­ 1983 PLYMOUTH Re The crew ejected from the States began (lying B-1 aircraft, room, wall to wall car­ standing Industrial tles. 649-0311 offer 6pm. peting, appliances, llant. Automatic, 4 cy- plane, officials said. One crew the nation’s first new long-range building. Loading TAG SALE Under. $700. 742-5054. MANCHESTER. 1st heat and air condition­ dock, parking. Wood­ Moving, Must Mil eontants of member may have suffered a bomber in more than 25 years. flo o r, 3 b e d ro o m apoTt- ing. No pets. Clean. land Industrial Park. 7 room houM. 2 contompo- 1978 GMC VANOURA. 3/4 minor concussion and another The long-range bomber built by ment In renovated 2 S525/month. Available 643-21‘21. tary matching (ofM Nka naw. ton, 350, automatic, had a possible back injury, said Rockwell International is de­ family house. New ap­ December 1st. 647-9138. 2 kRchan aata -1 w/kS” round power steering, power Sgt. Tony Evans, a base spokes­ signed to fly at high speed and low pliances, carpets, etc. whHa tablo w/4 matcMng brakes, air condition VERNON. Park Street. 4 man. The other crew members altitude and deliver nuclear . $700/month plus utili­ MISCELLANEOUS ehairt, 1 w/42* round walnut Ing, finished Interior, ties. Call 649-2871. room. $550. 3 bed­ top taMa 4 chalri w/ehroma bed. Icebox, table, 4 were unharmed, he said. weapons. rooms, garage. $750. I FOR RENT trim and Mack laathar aaatt. 2 swivel chairs, trailer Ellsworth spokesman Maj. Jo­ Asked whether the bomber EAST HARTFORD. One Both folly appllanced. eontamporary bar atoMa, bedroom, firstfloor, on hitch with electric Palrick Flynn/ManchaMar Herald seph B. Saxon said at the base on today was carrying nuclear wea­ 649-3398. STORAGE space availa­ Lowry w/ganla organ, 2 bad- brakes, transmission busline, appliances, ble. S85/month plus 1 room aati, 1 writing aba bad, Rapid City’s eastern edge that the pons, Evans said it is Air Force wall to wall carpeting. ROCKVILLE. One bed­ cooler. 84,000 miles. POLLUTION PROBLEM — Cathy Lankford points to Residents say silt runoff from construction of the mall at cause of the crash was not policy to neither confirm nor deny room, new wall to wall monlih security. 10 feet tripla draatar w/2 mirrora and Excellent condition. $500/month plus utlll- by 20 feet. Coll 528-1609. virioui matching placM, 1/w pollution in the pond near her home on Tolland Turnpike. Buckland Hills has polluted the pond. immediately known. The plane their presence anywhere. tles. 568-1054.______carpet. S400-495/month double bureau Including $3000. 742-5054. plus utilities. Two bed­ GARAGE for rent. One was on a routine training flight, Todd Heinie, a police officer in MANCHESTER. 2 bed­ hutch. Modem dining room room, $525, without car. :31 Prospect Street. ■at tiMa w/2 laavM and pads, the Air Force said. nearby Box Elder, said that it was room, heat, hot water, utilities, $630 Including $50/imonth. 872-8095, 8 chain, 78* paean aanrlng "It is possible that it came in cloudy at the time of the crash appliances. $590. heat and hot water. call anytime, leave butfat w/pada. 2 alagaraa CLYDE too low and hit a power pole,” said and that he did not notice any fog. Adults preferred. No Four bedroom, mes:sage. walnut w/ehroma trim, IMng CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC pets. 647-9876, Polluted pond Irks mall neighbors police Lt. Fred Brown. Local He said he was a half-mile to a $750/month without room couch and varloua ao- ROUTE S3, VERNON Soviet tcienlist Andrei Sakharov talks to Massachusetts LI. evenings.______officials said the plane knocked mile away and heard the plane utilities. 873-8095, anv- eaaaorlM. 2 TYa, WMhar, SO Buick Skylark *2995 Governor Evelyn Murphy upon his arrival in Boston on his lirst BOLTON. '/? modern du­ tlme, leove messoge. " ^WANTED dryer, rafrigarator, houaa- down at least one utility pole. make a “ weird noise.” 83 Honda Accord 2 Dr. *5995 Bv Nancy Concelmon testing the water in the pond or heavy rain in a short period of and erosion-control devices at the visit to the U.S. Sakharov said that several new and proposed plex, 3 bedrooms, I'/j TO RENT warM. Urea, 20* aluminum A witness. Dale Landreth, told ” It almost sounded like the MANCHESTER. One bed­ I 83 Buick Regal *6995 Manchester Herald recently. time, he said. mall site. Soviet laws (CHO O SE ONE: **gravely threaten/' “ will finally baths, fireplace, cellar, room apartment, new laddar, outdoor patio lat In- radio stat'on KOTA today, ’’The plane was trying to increase in fulfill") perestroika. all electric, solar hot WANTED. Place to pork cludM taMa, 4 chain and 84 VW Jatta 4 Dr. *5995 Robert Kaliszewski. senior san­ John Salcius. sanitarian with Dworkin said that pesticides power,” he said. He said he and a building. Second floor, ■lumninum umbrallt, 1076 engine was on fire before it hit the water, large wooded on busline, one year my car until April, 84 Caprice Wagon *6295 Residenl.s' who live near the itary engineer with the D EP, said the town health department, said used on tobacco fields near the ground.” fellow officer saw the wings tilt 2 John Turner, Liberal Candidate lo t, close to 1384. A v a il­ Inside or ourside. 646- Cadillac Coupe DaVllta mint Pavilions at Buckland Hills say Sunday’s heavy rains may have AAatchvfords lease, $550/month. condition, many other goo- 84 Olda Cut. Wgn. *6995 the department will water mall site may be polluting one of Maj. Temple Black in Washing­ for the Prime Minhler of ..I., is able January 1st. $750 134.'J. silt runoff from the mall construc­ caused silt to erode and run into (9 points Ibr each concct match) Utilities additional. Pe­ dlM. PriCM n a ^ M a . avar- 84 Buick Skyhtw k 4 Dr. *5995 upon request and that he gave the town’s aquifers, the under­ ton said a board of officers will be See CRASH, page 18 described as a new man now that per month deposit -f terman Real Estate, ythlng mutt go. tion site could pollute drinking Lankford a name and number to the pond, despite the mall devel­ ground sources of drinking water. a-romplele 88 Buick Regal *8795 pollt show him leading hh Pro­ 1-foil references. 649-5678 649-9404. oper’s erosion-control devices. evenings. Silurdiy, Nsv. 181B-8 SS Century Wgn *8595 water and a nearby pond, but a contact. “This was a great pesticide gressive Conservative opponent Merchandise town Health Department official As a result of Lankford’s "It (silt) doesn’t present a 2- conlidrnl b-make move MANCHESTER. 1st 88 Century 4 Dr. *8995 area due to growing tobacco over in the race, which ends Novem­ Rilnifali Sundiy, Niv. 20 health problem as such.” Salcius floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 '/j HOMES 88 Cav. 2 Dr. *4995 said the runoff doesn’t pre.sent a complaint, an inspector from fhe the past 100 years,” Dworkin Nationalism debate ber 21. 155 Warimka Read 88 C u tltH 2 Dr. *8995 health hazard. D E P has been sent to the mall site said. “ Silt isn’t going to affect the said. 3- grave r-self-assured baths. $600 a month FOR RENT off Pitkin St. SeElactnkDr. *10,995 Cathy Lankford of 853 Tolland to examine the developer’s ero­ wells.” 3 The power of liraePs (CHOOSE plus utilities, security (FURNITURE Salcius said the D E P tested for & references. No pets. 88 Cala. Euro 4 Dr *7995 But O’Marra said building O N E : religious right, socialist MANCHESTER. Four Turnpike said Wednesday a pond sion control measures, although the tobacco pesticide in the 4- fulfill d-lhwart 643-3121.______room, 2 bedroom Du­ near her home is filled with silt the town is normally responsible inspectors believe the pond near left) increased in the receni elec­ LIVING Room set. Light town’s wells in 1984 and found engulfs Lithuania AVAILABLE Imme- plex house In nice brown velvet sofa and from runoff from the 380-acre for that aspect of a development. Lankford’s home may contain the tions. II won 18 seats and now (WANTED TO 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 none. The pesticide would have 5- animale e-serious dlotety, 1 bedroom neighborhood. $600, lov'e seat. Coffee and mall site that she fears may Kaliszewski said. same minute particles that got holds the balance of power be­ BUY/TRADE ...... evaporated from the pond with a p a rtm e n t. S545. H e a t own utilities. Deposit end table. Wood ond endanger wildlife at the pond and Manchester Zoning Enforce­ into Buggy Stowe Pond off MOSCOW (AP) — Lithuanians marking the 70th anniversary of tween Likud and Labor. required. Available exposure to air. he said. People & Sports and hot water Included. mirror. $1100 or best WANTED by Student. Buckland Street this summer. today raised the flag of the independence in the third Baltic 2 bedroom townhouse. December 1st. 742-9408. oti'er. 645-1477 otter pollute the well that supplies her ment Officer Thomas O'Marra 4 Soldiers from (CHO O SE O NE: (5 points tor each correct answer) Used non-working "That’s the only pe.sticide that $650. Heat and hot wa­ COVENTRY. 7 rooms 7pim. SCHALLER drinking water. said there have been problems The particles are too fine to be formerly independent republic republic. Latvia, were signs of 1 Comics Steve Martin and Robin Williams VCRs. Will buy or would have long-time residual India, Sri Lanka) recently lolled a ter Included. Security plus. Available De­ Lankford and Michael Dwor- with the erosion-control mea­ considered silt, he said. over their parliament building resurging nationalism in the are starring in a new production of trade. 568-6471. ACURA effects,” he said coup attempt in the M ’^dives, a and references re­ cember J. Adults pre­ I^IOFFICE/RETAIL kin, head of the Manchester sures, but that they have been "They don’t do any harm.” he after lawmakers declared it the small Soviet republics that are “ Wailing For C odo l” — the most quired. No pets. Boyle 500-mile chain of islands and ferred. Inferences and IL U EQUIPMENT Old furniture, clocks, USED CARS Environmental Coalition, critic­ corrected upon notification of the said. Lankford is vice president of republic’s new banner and Li­ using Soviet President Mikhail S. atolls in the Indian Ocean. famous work by playwright (CHOOSE Management Co. 649- security. $800 p e r But, O’Marra said, the town thuanian the official language. Gorbachev’s reforms to push for 4800. oriental rugs, lamps, 87 Accord LXI.....*11,905 ized the state Department of developer. Problems can be the North Manchester Property O N E : Henrik l l ^ n , Samuel Beckett). month. 742-7494 or 742- COMPUTERS. Bought Environmental Protection for not caused by inadequate measures will continue to inspect the pond Owners Association. Editors of official Lithuanian greater autonomy. 5 Lech Walesa and other Solidarity 2 Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse celebrates MANCHESTER. 3 bed­ 8 1 6 1 . ______paintings, coins, Je­ 87 Nis. Sentra ...... • 6,995 and sold. All makes and television said debate was under The republics of Lithuania, leaders were threatening broad his (C H O O S E O N E: 60lh, 7Slh) birthday room newer duplex, ANDOVER Lakefront. miodels.' Hassle-free welry, glass ft China. 87 Mazda RX7 .... *12,995 wall to wall carpet, way on an amendment to the Estonia and Latvia were inde­ protests unless the government this month. Mickey’s first appearance Three bedroom, se­ transactions. Tele- Will pay cash. Please 87 Toy. Corolla ...* 8,250 fully appllanced, VA cluded Ranch. One car Lithuanian constitution challeng­ pendent between the world wars slops plans lo (CHO O SE O NE: was in the animated short film "Sleam- plnone 401-782-8233, for call, 646-8496. 87 Toyota Q T .....*10,250 Moslems pray, celebrate baths, full basement. garage. Gorgeous d«talls. The Used Com­ ing Moscow's authority by requir­ but were annexed by the Soviet .close down, fire strike leaiiers at) boal WiNie.’’ Elderly woman S750 m o n th . 643-1823. wooded acre. $950 plus 86 Chev K-10 ...... *13,095 ing the republic’s approval of any the Cdam k shipyard. puter Exchange, P.O. Union in 1940 following a pact 3 Just weeks after dropping out of the SOUTH Windsor. 1 bed­ utilities. Coll 295-8430. Box 785, Norrogansett, CARS 86 Chev C20 ...... * 8,850 new national law. between the Soviets and the room, appliances. No marathon at the Olympic Carnes, Rhode Island 02882. FOR SALE 88 SR-5 P/U ...... * 9,550 as Israelis deploy troops A Russian newspaper accused Nazis. pets. Security. 875-7919. Is rape victim neighboring Estonia of fostering (CHOOSE ONE: Norway’s, Finland’s) 1 STORE AND 88 LeSabre...... * 8,095 Residents of the Baltics have MANCHESTER 2 tamlly, PETS AND ethnic tension by declaring Esto­ Crete Waltz won the New York Mara­ (OFFICE SPACE PLYMOUTH Volare 1977. 86 Merc. Sable .....* 8,095 JE R U S A L E M (AP) — Moslem wor­ exile of the Palestine Liberation increasingly pushed for more available Immediately SUPPUES An elderly woman was raped early today in her nian its national language earlier thon for her 13th career marathon . Large 3 bedroom, VA 4 Door, 6 cyl. Auto, PS. 85 Audi QT ...... * 8,850 shipers released balloons bearing the Organization. economic and cultural freedom Newsname INSTANT Suites. Com- Carver Lane apartment, police said. this week. (15 pokXs lOr correct victory. baths, appliances, new Am/FM, one owner. 85 Buick RIverla.. *10,250 image of PLO chief Yasser Arafat and Leaders of Hamas, Arabic for "zeal,” under Gorbachev’s reform pol­ pletely furnished. A Q U A R IU M S . 5 an d 10 Very good condition. Police said the rape was reported by the woman, The television editors, in a armver or answers) 4 Sugar Ray Leonard made history by dishwasher, new wall Giollon with hoods, 85 Dlds Clera ...... • 7,350 waved outlawed Palestinian flags after claimed leaflets bearing the strike icy. Thousands in the three to wall, 1 year lease, Phone answering and $800 or best otter. 873- who is in her 70s. at 2:25a.m. 'The woman lives in the telephone interview from Vilnius, defeating Canoiiian boxer Donny La- stand, p u m p s a n d weekly prayers today to celebrate the order were forged to confuse and divide republics have joined People’s I head Ihe Pakistan security. S800 plus utili­ secretarial support. 8158 after 6pm. 85 Chav Blazer.... *14,295 Westhill Gardens housing complex for the elderly. the capital, said the red, green londe. Leonard became the first boxer 647-4800. much more. $100.00. declaration of Palestinian statehood. Palestinian activists. It was not known Front organizations, which re­ People’s Party. I have ties. 649-5989. C o ll 646-2888.______84 Accord LX ...... * 7,450 Police have a description of the suspect but would and yellow flag was raised in a ever lo capture pieces of lilies in CHEVY Vego 1975. 64,000 In the Gaza Strip, three Palestinian if this was true or if the strike call failed cently have spread to the Slavic been increasingly MANCHESTER. First WATKINS Centre. 140 84 Toy. Camry ....* 6,095 not release it. ceremony immediately after the (CHOOSE ONE: lour, five) weight and 165 sq. ft. available FREE To good home. miles, 3 speed, runs youths were wounded, one critically, In for lack of organization and support. republics of Byelorussia and the coniideni of my floor, 2 bedroom apart­ Very friendly, mole 83 LeSabre...... * 4,905 "We're not giving anything out yet, because we’re vote was taken. classes. ment In renovated 2 December. Telephone good, $605 or best offer. clashes with Israeli troops. Hamas, a chief rival of the PLO-backed Ukraine. party’s ability lo win answering, word pro­ i::ot. Coll 649-3739. 649-0761. 83 S u b a ru ...... * S,90S Throughout the occupied lands, not complete on that yet.” said police spokesman The parliament declared the 5 The NBA tipped off Us new season family house. New ap­ Unified National Leadership of the in Pakhtan’s Novem­ pliances. $700/month cessing, copier and S4S C e n te r S t., troops were deployed near mosques to Uprising, opposes the declaration of Gary J. Wood. official government language, See BALTICS, page 18 recently, and fans welcomed Iwo new T O D A Y ’S L u c k y C T L l- ber 16 elections. plus utilities. Call 649- Fox. Wilson Business "nMISCEIiANEOUS Manchester • 847-7077 prevent nationalist demonstrations af­ statehood because it implicitly recog­ Carver Lane is off the west end of Hartford Road. the flag and an old national song 1 ,‘ i vviraamit teams — the Charlotte Hornets and Ihe Offices. 647-0073. cense Plate Number Is W ho am It 2871. (for SALE ter Moslem noon prayers, the high point nizes Israel. Wood would not release any details of the incident. as the national hymn, said editor ^ (CHOOSE ONE: Minnesota Timber- OFFICE Space. 400-1500 359 DCM. if this Is your MANCHESTER. Two of the Moslem week and often the scene At a mosque in Gaza City's Rimal He said the woman was not hospitalized. Vitautus Makauskas of the offi­ wohres, Miami Heal), square feet. Excellent El GHT month old water- plate number, bring bedroom townhouse. this ad to Ed Thornton, |TRUCKS/VANS of anti-Israeli protests. neighborhood, worshipers released bal­ He said that police would be interviewing cial television, which provided a TODAY you* SCCXIE: 91 to too pokils — TOP SCOHEI Nice location, all ap­ location. $275. 647-9223, bed, $325. Courthouse 643-7175. One Gold membership, at Manchester Honda, ( for SALE This week's gatherings offered the loons bearing Arafat’s '.mage after residents of the complex and would increase patrols live broadcast. 81 to 90 poMs - Excc*oX. 71 to 80 points - Good. 61 to 70 points - Fair. pliances. Heat, hot wa­ 24 Adams Street, Man­ there. ter, carpeting, air con­ 12'/5 months left for first opportunity for many Palestinians prayers, an Arab reporter said. Youths It also protested proposed Index ______•Knowledge unlimited, Inc. 1114-88 $450. Compared to reg­ chester, to collect your PIC K UPTap"87^on7, ” We will do anything that community wants,” ditioning. Coll 647-1595. INDUSTRIAL $25. You must bring 61' width. Rts Ford to celebi^te independence because of also burned tires near the mosque, but amendments to the Soviet consti­ 24 p ig g t, 2 stcllont ular price of $700 plus. widespread curfews and travel restric­ soldiers did not interfere. Wood said. tution that residents of the three NDW accepting applica­ PROPERTY Eric 649-3426.D proof of registration. Ranger. 643-7354, after ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ tions for 1 bedroom, 1 This offer Is void In 5pm .______tions imposed by the army earlier this At three mosques in Khan Yunis, Officials of the Manchester Housing Authority, tiny Baltic republics of Lithuania, Bualnaat______0 Oblluarla*. which manages the complex, were meeting this l»»H l“«IW-S bedroom handIcqppM seven days. 11-17. week. troops blocked worshipers from enter­ Estonia and Latvia say will limit Clattiflad _ 20-24 O pinion__ and 2 bedroom Section morning with police, a woman who answered the laag-g !s/iauoN-C *Hlt»-E lUaipAB pnuies-l :SlilOdS » 314034 e a s t HARTFORD. aT- ENDROLLS (AUTOS FOR Also today, Palestinians ignored ing for prayers, the witnesses said. their autonomy, he said. He could Com ic* . . 18 Paopla. 8 apartments. Please proKlmotely 1,000 strike orders issued in the name of the authority’s phone said She would not give her not give exact totals, but said F o c u i_ q-s ■’•-* *»-€ !i-z !|»-i 'saaoM H D iyw go to Oakland Heights 27V, wMIti • 286 FOR Sale. 1984 Cadillac ( rent/ lease A few dozen women carrying out­ 16 S d a n c a __ square foot steel build­ 13% Mditi • 2 for 286 Seville. Silver, red Moslem fundamentalist group Hamas lawed Palestinian flags sang the an­ name. there were very few dissenting Local/Stzt* Sportt _ ouniii J|z«uag :3WVNSM3N Site office, 360 Oakland ing. 14 foot overhead uatop asop-s Itgiui-g Street, Manchester. MUST be pickad up at the leather Interior, FRE e Milage on low cost to protest the proclamation of statehood them ” My Homeland, My Homeland” . Carole Shanley. the authority’s executive direc­ votes. 2-6.12 Tdavldon. door. Heat, convenient Herald Offica Monday thru loaded. Excellent con­ auto rental, village tor, was not available for comment this morning. !H(S|j sno|f|pj-t iepeu(3 -z i^uaicajin X|aarj8„-| :]d03Saill0M Monday and Wednes­ location. $500/month. issued in Algeria by the Palestine The meeting in Lithuania, and Lottery ______2 W a a th a r_ day, 10am-12 noon. Thuradaybafora 11 a.m.only. dition Inside and out. Auto Rental. 643-3979or See ISRAEL, page 18 ------646^4144. $13,000 Call 647-0717. 646-7044. National Council, the parliament in demonstrations planned today Natlon/World 7,11 WMkand. .19 t MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Nov 18 1988 MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 18. 1988 — 3» RECORD LOCAL & STATE

About Town PabUc Records ✓ j' Republicans plan Class sizes Legion honors member Warranty deeds Members of the American Legion Auxiiiary Unit , / Robert Sposito to Ryan Patrick Developers Inc., Spinning formula’ ‘never loweK 102 will meet at the Watkins Funeral Home tonight Laurel Street, $175,000. at 7 to pay respects to the late Gertrude Bausola, a The Center Street Corp. to Peter’s Furniture form er charter member and past unit president. Realty, three parcels. Main and Locust streeta Additional decline % $1,037,000. for ’90 elections MultiTech New England Inc. to Linda L. ‘Family Night’ set McTigue, Stoneybrook Condominium, $141,475. expected next year By Judd J as “ extrem ly ^productive” and MultiTech New England Inc. to John E. and Lisa The Bowers School PTA is sponsoring a “ Family The Assc said the party had begun “ putting A. Splnosa, Stoneybrook Condominium, $140,692. Night’ ’ tonight at 7:30 in the Buckley School together a winning formula for By Andrew J. Davis Rex 0. and Sheila E. Gray to Robert H. Gregory, 1990.” gymnasium after which refreshments wiii be Broad Street, conveyance tax, $352. 'HARTFORD-..-i^ Top state Re­ AAanchester Herald served in the cafeteria. “The 3-D Show” , a publicans say they’re looking Also at the chicken-divan Russsell S. Willhide and Mary E. Willhide to professional program from , wili be ahead to 1990, but haven’t come dinner were Poliner, state Vice Class sizes in Manchester’s elementary and featured. Domingos M. and Maria A. Silva, 110-112 Clinton St Cliairwoman Pauline R. Kezer, J. $177,500. up yet with a concrete way of junior high schools have “ never been lower,” says The event is being held in the Buckley School putting together a victory in the Brian Gaffney, who ran the Bush Assistant Superintendent Wilson E. Deakin Jr. Victoria P. Day to Margaret K. Johnston, 22 because of renovations at the Bowers School. hfext statewide elections. campaign in Connecticut, Senate Red Prospect St., conveyance tax, $82.50. In a report' to the Board of Education Thursday, Three little tigers They also say they’re eager to Minority Leader Reginald J. William J. Labarge and Julie A. Labarge to Earl Deakin said the average elementary class size at Smith of New Hartford, House put behind them last week’s the elementary schools dipped one pupil from 22 to Art Association to meet J. and Diane J. Brock, Rolling Park Estates' Minority Leader Robert G. Jae- $143,700. defeat of three-term Sen. Lowell 21. He said the drop can be attributed to the board’s P. Weicker Jr., their only State- kle of Stratford, and some con­ ’The Manchester Art Association will hold its MultiTech New England Inc. to Debra M. commitment to keeping class sizes down. monthly meeting on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at First Adopt a pet: Red’s available Wide office holder. gressional staffers. Wittenzellner, Oak Grove Farms Condominium Poliner said much of the James P. Kennedy, school superintendent, said Federal Savings Bank on West Middle Turnpike. $118,170. ' “ We’ve been needing to do this By Barbara Richmond whether Weicker won or lost.” discussion entered on “ nuts and next year’s figure should be even lower with the Mary Napoletano, water colorist of Portland, The dog pound is located on little kittens, all tigers. Pasquale Cortese and Maria Cortese to Biagio said U.S. Rep. Nancy L. Johnson bolts” issues like fund-raising reopening of Highland Park School. Since Highland Maine, will give a demonstration in the transparent Manchester Herald town property off Olcott Street Cortese, East Meadow Condominium, $71,000. All of the animals put up for of the 6th Congressional District, and voter registration. Park should not be up to full capacity immediately, manner, using a combination of wet and wet glazing near the landfill area. Dog adoption have their shots and Edward G. Madura to Barbara J. Vizoyan,, His name tag reads “ Red.” who hosted a dinner for top GOP Rowland said the GOP faces “ a it should bring the average classroom size figure technique. Warden Richard Rand is at the are spayed or neutered, unless Northfield Green Condominium, $129,000. He has no other identification leaders Wednesday night. whole new ballgam e” now that down, he said. She has studied with Claude Croney and Zoltan pound weekdays from noon to 1 too young when taken. Anyone Amelia B. McGann to Linda L. Darico, McKee tags. He is this week’s featured “ We’ve got to get better coordi­ the party lever is gone from Szabo. The public is invited and members are p.m. There is also someone at interested in adopting one or Farm, $149,000. The school is being reopened in September to pet at the dog pound. nated. make clearer the Republi­ Connecticut voting machines. reminded to bring a painting for the art-of-the- the pound from 6 to 9 p.m., more of these homeless anim­ handle projected increases of 350 to 500 elementary Red is a handsome and can message and develop new “It’s going to take a lot of month selection. Monday through Friday. als should call any of the R«glnild Plnto/MinchMt«f H«rald school pupils within the next five years. The school well-trained neutered male Quitclaim deeds strategies.” grassroots effort, more emphasis The phone number at the following numbers: 742-9666 has a capacity of 300 pupils, school officials have Golden Labrador retriever- Jeanne M. Sapia to Francis S. Sapia, 327, Rep. John G . Rowland of the 5th on young people, Hispanics,” FALL CHOFIE — Kurt Hassett blows away leaves Thursday on Charter pound is 643-6642. Residents can 242-2156 or 623-0489. said. Santa visits planned cross. He’s about 1 year old and Woodbridge St., no conveyance tax. District said that the GOP has Rowland said, asserting that the Oak Street. The town’s annual roadside leaf collection program has been also call the police department The Glastonbury unit of Pro­ was found Nov. 10 roaming on Charles J. Addison to Dorothy L. Addison, The begun “ putting together a win­ latter group is conservative, operating in his section of town this week. School officials will announce the school’s The Manchester Junior Women’s Club is at 646-4555 to leave a message tectors of Animals is seeking boundary lines within the next few months and Carol Drive. If not claimed by for the dog warden. Highlands, no conveyance tax. ning formula for 1990” concerned with family values and sponsoring a visit to homes from “ Santa” on Dec. 4. good homes for the dogs and doesn’t want government telling whether the schooi will open to grade 5 or to grade 6 his owner. Red will be ready for There is a $5 fee to adopt a dog Joseph Medeiros to David W- Medeiros, 66-68 As for Weicker’s defeat, Row­ Persons can register for a visit by calling 643-0505 cats its members are boarding. them what to do — all traditional its first year. School officials have said if 18 or more adoption on Saturday. and the new owner must have Chestnut St., nq conveyance tax. land said; “ I don’t think it’s a big between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. by Nov. 25. The cost is $7 The unit is also seeking volun­ GOP issues. “ We’ve got to build parents agree to send their sixth-grade chiidren to The only other dog at the the dog licensed. Before being Fairway Estates to Thomas N. Reiley, Fairway problem at all. per family and is limited to the first 80 callers. teers to accept phone calls from from the bottom up.” Highland Park, there will be a sixth grade at the pound was a 10-year-old female licensed the dog must have its Estates Subdivision, no conveyance tax. “ Lowell attracted voters to Gauvin leaves board people who find stray cats or school next year. If not, a sixth grade will be opened beagle. She was picked up on rabies shot. Richard J. Yockachonis to Linda C. Yockachonis;. Lowell,” Rowland said, “ I don’t Poliner said he felt he had done people who are looking to adopt “ a pretty good job,” noting that at the school the following school year. Wetherell Street on Nov. 14. For cat lovers. Aid to Help­ a pet. 50 Birch St., no conveyance tax. think that translated to votes for Bv Andrew J. Davis absent from the June meeting. Concert features students when he took over in March 1987, She’s still quite lively and has a less Animals Inc., a Bloomfield- Edward Durdek to Robert E. Durdek, two*' o(her Republican candidates.” AAanchester Herald Gauvin, the chairman of the board’s Elementary class size has seesawed from a high To volunteer, or for more “ ‘the party was deeply in debt, Several Coventry High School band members will nice disposition. She’ ll be ready based group, has many cats and parcels. Chestnut and Park streets, no conveyance Meanwhile, state GOP Chair­ long-range planning committee, said of 24 pupils in 1976 to 21 in 1981 and 1983, back up to 23 information, call Elizabeth tax. totally demoralized, not moving be featured in the seventh annual Charter Oak for adoption in a week, if not kittens in need of good homes. man Robert S. Poliner says he Anne J. Gauvin bid ado to the Board of Thursday she considered board’s work in 1986, down to 22 last year, and to the current 21 claimed by her owner. Abbe, 659-1223 or Irene Lou- in any particular directioit.” Conference Music Festival to be held tonight at 8 at Featured this week are three Manchester Properties Inc. to Brophy Ahern intends to complete his two-year Education Thursday, concluding three “ important.” pupils, according to school board data. reiro, 633-0362. He said that last week’s elec­ E^st Hampton High School. Development, Center Street, no conveyance tax. term as chairman, which expires years of sometimes combative service. “ I think it’s important.” she said. Class sizes at Illing Junior High dropped from an tions produced a “ bittersweet Band members scheduled to participate are John M. Moran to John M. Moran Jr. ancf in June, and may seek a second At Thursday’s board meeting, Gauvin “ That’s why I ran. People who sit here average of 21.9 students to 18.5 students. Bennet result,” the combination of Michelle Turcotte, Carrie Hawkins, Jonathan Mary-Christine K. Moran, 48 Princeton St., no full term. was described by board member Terry tonight ... have one of the greatest Junior High’s average ciass size went from 20.3 Weicker’s defeat, George Bush’s Chester, Chrissy Gagnon, Deby Goodwin, Mike _ _ , , conveyance tax. Poliner said that any of the Bogli as bringing a “ different dimension to responsibilities, or the greatest responsi­ students to 19.1 students, Deakin said. carrying Connecticut and modest LeClair, Dan Parzych, Kyle Stone, Greg Watson, O b n U a n e S Vikham and Somphong Senthepto Khamphaoand ' state’s three Republican this board. A different point of view.” She bility, a person could have.” filing’s class size has dropped considerably since gains in the General Assembly. Nicole Dolat, Bob VanCleef and Amv Blazawski. Khamphiou Rattanakoun, one-half interest in 45*; mtembers of Congress — Johnson. did not seek re-election last year because Richard W. Dyer, board chairman, 1982 when there was an average of 24 students a “ Lowell Weicker’s loss is a Chorus member Diane Stuart also will participate. Oakland Terrace, no conveyance tax. Rowland and Christopher Shays she was recovering from surgery. thanked Gauvin forher “ counsel.” “ enthu­ class. Bennet’s has dropped from a high of 23 large loss both for the party and The music festival will feature a 110-member Mostafa Mashayekhi to Erin M. Mashayekhi,' — would make a strong candidate A Republican, Gauvin often was at odds siasm.” and “ perspective,” students in 1982. . or the Bradley Field Paramedics, for the state. The likelihood is that band and a 160-member chorus. Tickets can be James M. Woble Church. Burial will be in St. Parker Village, no conveyance tax. for governor in two years. with the admini.stration. With approval of the other board No class at Manchester High School mis more in care of Bradley Field Fire it will be very difficult to unseat obtained from Coventry Band director Carl Salina James M. Woble, of the Poquo- Mary’s Cemetery. Calling hours Walker W. Briggs to Virginia Briggs, 84 Finley Johnson and Rowland both said In June, she described School Superin­ members. Dyer rescheduled the board’s than 28 students, which is two below board by calling 742-7346. Department. Windsor Locks (Democrat Joseph) Lieberman nock section of Windsor, husband are today from 7 to 9 p.m. St., no conveyance tax. it was too early to seriously think tendent James P. Kennedy as “ average” meeting to Thursday from Monday just to maximum, Deakin said. 06096. as an incumbent.” of Marilyn (Long) Woble and James W. Ciaglo Jr. and Willliam R. Ciaglo to a^u t running for governor. and voted against raising his salary 8 say goodbye to Gauvin. Dyer said at the In September, Kennedy announced that the Lieberman beat Weicker last brother of Walter Woble of Nellie Ciaglo, Hillstown Road, no conveyance tax. On Wednesday night. Johnson. percent from $65,934 to $70,434. Kennedy board’s Oct. 26 meeting that he could not number of students dropped by 254 students from Annamay Ripley week bv 10,052 votes. Mflitary Notes Manchester, died Thursday Rose Aparo Nellie Ciaglo to James W. Ciaglo Jr., Hillstown’ Rowland and Shays gathered at also received a retirement annuity of attend the Monday meeting. last year to 6,847 students. (Nov. 17. 1988) at St. Francis Annamay (Ekiund) Ripley, 62, Road, no conveyance tax. Johnson’s home in New Britain to $9,900. Gauvin will be replaced by Republican The decrease in students was ail at the secondary Rose (Valenti) Aparo, 76, of of Glastonbury, wife of Superior djscuss last week's elections and Hospital and Medical Center, New Britain, form erly of Man­ Walter C. Warzynski to Nancy J. Warzynski, 25-2’7! On the eight-member board, John A. Gloria D. DellaFera, who won election to level, except for a drop of 33 students in the Regional Hartford. Court Judge George W. Ripley II Stone St., no conveyance tax. begin laying the groundwork for Madagascar is home to 140 Tucci also voted against the raise, while the board in November of 1987 but will not Occupational Training Center, a program for Trains at Lackland base chester, died Thursday (Nov. 17, and mother of George W. Ripley 1990, the year of the next Besides his wife and brother, he 1988) at New Britain General Renato E. and Gladys H. Cimiano to Karen A. and different kinds of frogs and as member James Morancey abstained since begin serving until the Nov. 28 meeting. students with problems, and the Headstart Airman Henry S. Minor, son of Henry R. and III of Manchester, died Wednes­ statewide elections. is survived by a son, James P. Hospital. She was the widow of John J. Dundon Jr., Hillstown Road, nocovneyance many as 8,000 plants found he was attending his first board meeting. DellaFera was a school board member programs. There was an increase of three pupils at Donna M. Minor of 94 St. John St., has graduated Woble of Windsor: a daughter, day (Nov. 16, 1988) at Hartford tax. Rowland described the meeting nowhere else on earth. Board member Francis A. Maffe Jr. was from 1983-86. the elementary level. Anthony Aparo. Hospital. from Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Joanne M. Baker of Windsor; Gail N. Judson to W ilbur T. Judson, 146-148 Bissell Base, Texas. She was bom in Manchester on Besides her husband and son, four other brothers, Michael Oct. 12, 1912, the daughter of the St., no conveyance tax. During his six weeks of training he studied the Air Woble, Edward Woble and Tho­ she is survived by a daughter, Force mission, organization and customs and late Michael and Serafina Barbara Daghlian-Ripley of Joyce S. Mackie to Edward Durdek. Park an<}: mas Woble, all of Windsor, and Valenti. Chestnut streets, no conveyance tax. received special training in human relations. Richard Woble in Virginia; three Montpelier, Vt.; a brother, Paul He is a 1988 graduate of Manchester High School. She is survived by a son, Ekiund of Massapequa, Long Raymond J. Palm er and Howard A. Schmidt^; sisters, Ella Woble of Windsor, Edward Aparo of New Britain: a 159-161 School St., conveyance tax, $91.30. Barbara Krawczyk of Ledyard, Island, N.Y.; and eight daughter, Arlene Webber of New grandchildren. Beatrice Glosser to Frank Glosser, Northfiel(]< and Sharon Covini of Plainvilie; Britain; two brothers, Joseph Green Condominium, no conveyance tax. -- and a granddaughter. A memorial service will be held Thoughts Valenti and Samuel Valenti, both Saturday at 11 a.m. in First The funeral will be Saturday at of Bolton; three sisters, Angie 9:45 a.m. from the Carmon- Church of Christ Congregational, Bycholski of Manchester; Anetti 2183 Main St., Glastonbury. P ri­ Births During this week I have been sharing some Poquonock Funeral Home, 1816 Valentino of New Britain and Poquonock Ave., Windsor, with a vate burial will be in Green sabbatical reflections with you. I have commented Louise Merenino of Gulf Port, Cemetery, Glastonbury. The on the beauty of the world, the miracle of persons, Mass of Christian burial at 10:30 Fla.; three grandchildren; two Connolly, Brian Edward II, son of Brian E. and-1 a.m. in St. Joseph’s Church. Glastonbury Funeral Home is in and animal life, and the life-giving power of water. great-grandchildren; and sev­ charge of arrangements. Kimberley Smith Connolly of South Windsor, w as'* You must think I am a nature freak. I am! I see so Burial will be in St. Joseph’s eral nieces and nephews. bom Nov. 7 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. H is'* Cemetery. Calling hours are Memorial donations may be much of God in nature, for I believe nature is God’s The funeral will be Saturday at made to the Hartford Hospital maternal grandparents are Robert J. and Diane Z.'.^ handiwork: the creator is revealed in His creation. today from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 9 a.m. at the New Britain Smith of South Windsor. His paternal grandparents' p.m. Memorial Fund, 80 Seymour St., .^H stfriugin creation is more remarkable than the Memorial Funeral Home, 444 Hartford 06115, or the Glaston­ are James W. and Mary T. Connolly of 648 Keeney' sun. The wise man and woman not only builds his Memorial donations may be ot. ' ^ Farmington Ave., New Britian, bury Visiting Nurses Association, home “ on the rock,” but he also builds it accoi;ding made to the Poquonock Volunteer with a Mass of Christian burial at Richard, son of David A. and -' Fire Department, Windsor 06064, 647 New London Turnpike, Glas­ to the movement of the sun. The sun is a reflection of 10 a.m. at St. Francis of Assisi tonbury 06033. Sheila MahonySylvestre of Vernon, was bora Nov 2 - God’s love for His creation. Where I sit and when, at at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal * home or in my office, is often determined by the sun. grandparents are Owen and Theresa Mahony of' : I am fascinated by my little “ Pooch" who moves Warwick, R.I. His paternal grandmother is Elaine -* around the house seeking the sun. Deaths Elsewhere Sylvestre of Cranston. R.I. : During the winter months, when the sun shines Schipani, Taylor Ian, son of Stephen P. an d!- less and seems weaker, we grow to appreciate it Pamela Dice Schipani of 11 Elvree St., was bora - more. Is it any wonder that primitive people Nov. 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His’ : worshipped a sun god? I thank God for the sun. Roderick MacDougall Jennie Lee Henry Ciccarone maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James : CAMBRIDGE. Mass. (A P) LONDON (AP) — Jennie Lee, BALTIMORE (AP) — Henry Dice of Hamburg, N.Y. His paternal grandparents -; Rev. Dr. Shephard S. Johnson Roderick Martin MacDougall, Britain’s first arts minister and Ciccarone, who coached Johns are Dr. Gregory Schipani of Winchester. Mass., and : • Mrs. Anne Sperack of Seekonk, Mass : South United Methodist Church Harvard University treasurer the widow of Labor Party politi­ Hopkins University to three na­ and a former chairman of the cian Aneurin Bevan, died Wed­ tional lacrosse championships, Vlrone, David Joseph,sonofCharlesP.andDiane ' ' Bank of New England Corp., died nesday. She was 85. The cause of died Wednesday night of a heart ^ r a a r d i Virone of 96 French Road, Bolton, w a s ': Lottery Wednesday of cancer. He was 62. death was not given. attack at his home in Cockeys- born Nov. 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His MacDougall, a Weston resi­ ville. He was 50. maternal grandparents are Dionislo and Marian I ' Bern^ardi of 133 Maple St. His paternal grandparents - dent, spent 33 years in banking, Ms. Lee served as arts minister Ciccarone led Hopkins to con­ including 16 years at Morgan are Charles and Mary Virone of Unionville. He has a ' from 1965 to 1970. As minister she secutive national championships Winning numbers drawn Thursday in lotteries Guaranty Trust Co. and six years brother, Michael, 3, and a sister, Gina, 5. around New England; had a leading role in establishing in 1978-80, and was the only as president of Marine Midland the Open University. The school to win three in a row since daughter of Joseph and ' Connecticut daily: 250. Play Four: 0724. Bank in Rochester, N.Y. Elaine Martin Golino of Vernon, was bora Nov 1 at Massachusetts daily: 6178. offered higher education through post-season play was adopted in He was named chief executive Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal:* Tri-state daily: 477, 6038. evening classes, radio and televi­ 1971. officer of the New England grandparents are Jeanne and Edward Martin of sion and correspondence to thou­ In nine seasons as Hopkins' Rhode Island daily: 8499. Lot-O-Bucks: 5-11-13-16- Merchants National Bank, now Groton. Her paternal grandparents are Dr. and 26. sands who had never been to coach, Ciccarone amassed a the Bank of New England, in 1974. college. Mrs. Einanuel Golino of East Hartford. She has two ' ' 105-16 record. sisters. Theresa Marie, 8. and Michelle Lynn 6 W eather iJJanrhpBtrr Hrralft R EG IO N AL W E A T H E R ’^f^^^v ^ Sunny weather USPS 327-500 VOL. CVin. No. 42 Manchester and vicinity: To­ Accu-Weather' forecast for Saturday Penny M. Sleffert. Publisher night. clear and cold. Low in the Daytime Conditions and High Temperatures George T Cheppell Dennif M. Ssntoro 20s. Light variable wind. Satur­ Editor Advertising Director day, sunny early, becoming Douglei A Bevins Sheldon Cohen F cloudy in the afternoon. High 45 to Executive Editor Composing Msnager jCjfilxxi |36 50 Outlook Sunday, cloudy, cool, Jeenne G. Fromerth Robert H Hubbard a chance of rain. High in the 40s! Business Meneger Pressroom Manager West Coastal, East Cbastal; Denise A Roberts Frank J McSweegan Tonight, clear and cold. Low Personnel Meneger Circulation Director around 30. Light northwest wind. Boston 152 J Saturday, sunny in the morning, Published delly except Sundey end certein holldeys by the Mencheeter Publishing C o , IS Brelnerd Piece. Mencheeter becoming cloudy in the after­ ^ n n . 08040 Second dess poetege pcid et Mencheeter. Conn noon. High 45 to 50. Outlook Postineslor: Send eddress chenges to the Mencheeter Hereld Sunday, cloudy, cool, a chance of P.O Box 591. Manchatter. Conn 06040 rain. High in the 40s. XI i tf you don't receive your Hereld by S p m weeltdeys or I X York |S4 ^ e.m Seturdeys. pleese telephone your cerrier. If you’re uneble Northwest Hills; Tonight, clear SB to reech your cerrier. cell subscriber service el 647-0048 by 6 A::.)rt/c and cold. Low in the 20s. Wind I r - Q p m weehdsys for delivery In Menchester OCi -jn light and variable. Saturday, Suggested cerrier retes ere Of 60 weekly. 17.70 for one month. $23 10 for fhree months, 048.20 for six months end sunny early, becoming cloudy in $02 40 lor one yeer. i^Wash^inglon[53 | the afternoon. High 40 to 45. The Mencheeter Hereld Is s member of the Assocleted Press Outlook Sunday, cloudy, cool, a Today’s weather picture was drawn by Heather Lopez, a the Audit Bureeu of CIrculetlons. the New Englsnd Press chance of rain. High in the 40s. Associstlon end the New Englsnd Newspeper Assocletlon. fourth-grader at Nathan Hale School. i — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Nov. 18. 1988 MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 18, 1988 — 5 Here’s text of agreement between town and 8th District I T u rk e y ’ MHS curbs student smoking

Following is the text of the draft agreement collect all Inspection fees, outlet charges, connec­ oil and other items shall take place in accordance future may be amended only by approval of ; promotes Bv Andrew J. Davis cooperation, he said. between the town of Manchester and the Eighth tion charges and sewer user charges. The Slater with.the normal practice of the Hartford County Bar the both the TOWN Board of Directors and Gretchen WIedie, administrative secre­ Manchester Herald “ Students by and large understand Utilities District, which was approved by directors Street trunk sewer shall be designed to accommo­ Association. The transfer of title to fire station No. 5 the DISTRICT electorate. Boundary tary to Packman, said six students have of the district Wednesday night. date sewage originating within the Town of South shall be expressly conditioned on the fulfillment by changes shall not be effectuated by the smoking is. A) hazardous to your health, • been suspended this year for violating the Manchester High School is virtually and B) it stinks,” said Ludes. “ It wouldn’t Windsor which would flow to Manchester under the the DISTRICT of all conditions and obligations petition of individual neighborhoods to Join ^ft sm okeout smoking policy. About the same number smoke-free, but Bolton High School work if the students didn’t support it the terms of an agreement between the Town of imposed on the DISTRICT by the terms of this the DISTRICT and acceptance of that were suspended at this time last year, and Third Draft students are still puffing away more than way they do” Manchester, Town of South Windsor and the Eighth agreement and upon the passage of legislation by petition by the DISTRICT electorate. * Bv The Associated Press a year after anti-smoking regulations 21 students were suspended for the entire Utilities District dated October 2,1978 and January the General Assembly as more particularly set 18. The TOWN and DISTRICT shall offer their Faculty members also see the health year, she said. AGREEMENT were enacted at the schools, school risks as well as the examples they are 11, 1980. forth in paragraph 17 of this agreement. abutting properties located on Tolland Turnpike for ^ Connecticut’s smokers were After more than a year of trying, a officials said. setting for students, he said. This agreement made this ____ day 8. The TOWN shall pay the DISTRICT the 14. Notwithstanding the transfer of title to Fire sale as one piece at a purchase price agreeable to ; goaded by a giant trotting turkey, Manchester High School Principal part-time aide was hired within the last o f ______1988 by and between The Eighth greater of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND Station No. 5, the TOWN shall have the right to use both parties. The TOWN’S property referred to in J enticed by offers of free sand­ "More and more of the population sees it two weeks to catch potential violators. Jacob Ludes III and Bolton School as an offensive act,” said Ludes. who quit Utilities District, a body corporate and politic ($250,000.00) DOLLARS or twenty (20%) of the net and occupy Fire Station No. 5 until March 1,1990 or this paragraph is the third parcel in a deed from the wiches and apples, and warned Packman said. Superintendent Richard E. Packman smoking 19 years ago after 10 years of iocated in the Town of Manchester, County of outlet charges realized from the territory deli­ until the issuance of the first certificate of State of Connecticut recorded in the Manchester against smoking by a New York Bolton High School Principal Jospeph reflected on smoking Thursday, the day of puffing away. ■ Hartford and State of Connecticut, hereinafter neated on a map or plan entitled ” ______.’’ Net occupancy for any structure constructed north of Land Records Volume 1000 Page 91. The DIS­ ‘ Met as part of the 11th annual the 12th Great American Smokeout. The V. Fleming, who could not be reached for referred to as “ DISTRICT” and The Town of outlet charges shall be determined as follows; Tolland Turnpike by any major developer of TRICT’S property is that parcel acquired from , Great American Smokeout. smokeout is sponsored by the American In the 1987-88 school year, there were a further comment, said in Sept. 1987 that an Manchester, a municipal corporation existing All costs associated with the engineering properties located north of Tolland Turnpike, Richard J. Keeney by deed recorded in the ; Corporations, hospitals and Cancer Society. total of 137 suspensions for smoking or aide was needed because there are many under the laws of the State of Connecticut and construction of the Buckland Hills whichever event shall first occur. For purposes of Manchester Land Records Volume 931 Page 42. schools around the state and the Last year, both the Manchester and possession of cigarettes, according to places for students to grab a “ quick hereinafter referred to as "TOWN.” Trunk Sewer and the Slater Street Trunk this paragraph a major developer is defined as Prior to placing the properties on the market, the nation participated Thursday In Bolton boards of education enacted Ludes. There were 118 students involved smoke.” The school has 10 entrances and Sewer shall be totaled. From that gross ; programs designed to cajole and in those incidents. exits and four lavatories, he has said. WITNESSETH Homart Development Company, the Mall at former Buckland Road which atfjoins both parcels anti-smoking policies in response to two construction cost shall be deducted the total Buckland Hills Partnership, 1-84 Associates, on the west shall be formally abandoned by the ; tease smokers into kicking the new state laws. One law prohibits the sale By comparison, so far this year, there Coventry High School banned smoking WHEREAS, the TOWN and DISTRICT have for of all monies realized or to be realized from Trammell Crow Company, Robert Weinberg, Red TOWN and the fee to the old road divided between habit once and for all. of smoking materials to teen-agers under/ ^have been 23 suspensions for the same for students in 1978, said Principal Dennis many years been involved in controversy and the assessment of benefits levied against Roof Inns, Brentwood Manchester Associates their the TOWN and DISTRICT as abutting owners in ^ At Constitution Plaza in Hart­ 18, while the other bans smoking inside' i(iolation, and 19 students were involved. Joy. The ban was extended to visitors and iitigation surrounding the furnishing of sanitary properties benefited by the construction of heirs, successors or assigns. During the period of its accordance with the General Statutes. From the net ford, lunchtime strollers were public school buildings or during school Things are not as rosy at Bolton High faculty members, between the hours of 7 sewer service and fire protection to certain areas the trunk lines. If necessary, the gross occupancy the TOWN shall pay the cost of all proceeds of the sale, the TOWN and DISTRICT shall , greeted by an employee of The AP photo activities. School. a.m, and 5 p.m., outside the school, in Oct. iocated within the Town of Manchester; and construction cost shall be further reduced Travelers Corp.’s Taking Care 1987. he said. Theban was only extended to utilities and heat consumed on the premises; shall first be reimbursed all costs, if any, incurred in “ The regulations are working far better According to Packman, students are by outlet charges paid by properties within ' Center who was decked out in a PITCHES AND SWITCHES — those hours because it would be unen­ WHEREAS, the parties wish to resolve many of keep the property insured against loss or damage to acquiring their respective property, including but than we ever anticipated.” said Ludes. continuing tp'smoke, though he does not their differences relative to the furnishing of the designated territory until the gross turkey suit. David Goerlitz, a model for Winston forceable at sporting events or weekend the property in an amount equal to its replacement not limited to purchase price, mortgage interest "There’s virtually no smoking in the consider it to be a “major, major construction cost is reduced to zero. Any The tall turkey invited smokers cigarette advertisements until 2'A events, for example, he said. sanitary sewer services and fire protection; and cost, naming the DISTRICT as an additional payments, attorney’s fees and recording. Thereaf­ school.” problem.” WHEREAS, the parties desire henceforth to outlet charges remaining after such appli­ who refrained from cigarettes, insured on the policy; shall maintain liability ter, any sum remaining shall be divided between the years ago, marks the Great Ameri­ The number of students smoking “ We’ve had a problem with stud^ts No one is allowed to smoke in the school. deai with each other in a cooperative and friendiy cations shall constitute net outlet charges cigars and pipes for the day to insurance on the premises in amount of not less than TOWN and DISTRICT on a proportional basis in can Smokeout with a vow to quit outside school grounds and in bathrooms trying to continue to smoke,” /^ id Joy said. manner; and be divided between the TOWN and $1,090,000 personal injury, $300,000 property dam­ accordance with the percentage of square footage of 'Join in a cold turkey trot. An smoking. Goerlitz, in his office in and faculty smoking has been reduced Packman. “ Students will contirfue to Students still occasionally .smoke on DISTRICT on an 80-20 basis. For purposes of age naming the DISTRICT as an additional insured, the total combined parcels owned by each party at information exchange progam NOW THEREFORE significantly since the passage of the because they’re addicted to it.” school grounds, but the anti-smoking this paragraph outlet charges shall be based shall keep the building, parking area and grounds in the time of closing of the sale. providing tips on how to quit Clementon, N.J., says he feels regulations. Ludes said. The reductions He estimated that about as many policy has become an accepted way of In consideration of the premises and promises on the schedule of outlet charges of the Town good and proper condition, and shall repair or smoking was also set up in 'The guilty about the ads. can be attributed to student and faculty 19. The DISTRICT shall collect the fire taxes Travelers’ building lobby. students smoke this year as last year. student life, he said. contained herein the parties agree as foilows: of Manchester in effect as of the date of this replace with material of equal or better quality all due DISTRICT on the grand list of October 1,1988 for agreement. The DISTRICT acknowledges components of the building and the mechanical The Milford-based Subway those properties transferred to the TOWN for fire Sandwich and Salad chain joined that the TOWN will be instituting a separate systems located therein, including but not limited to Jurisdiction pursuant to paragraph 15. The A) Sewer Matters. outlet charge for the CUD Zone located electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning and with the American Cancer So­ Peer pressure, ads blamed for teen-age smokers 1. The Eighth Utilities District shall furnish DISTRICT shall pay the TOWN the total DISTRICT ciety Thursday in promoting the north of Interstate Route 84 as more septic systems. In consideration of the TOWN’S fire tax for ail such properties on or before October sanitary sewer facilities to all properties shown on a particularly set forth in paragraph 12 of this smokeout by handing out free right of continued occupancy of Fire Station No. 5, 1, 1989. Those properties for which sewer Clever advertising by tobacco a mock funeral procession gearing a lot of their advertising dangers of smoking is working, map or plan entitled “ The Eighth Utilities District agreement. six-inch cold turkey sandwiches the bad weather, he called the the TOWN shall immediately and diligently Jurisdiction is transferred to the DISTRICT companies is luring teen-agers to through Manchester in honor of towards young smokers.” Cran­ Crandall said. He said a nation­ Plan of Sewer Mains Manchester, Connecticut Scale 9. The TOWN shall permanently relinquish any to people coming into stores and event a success. commence procedures to acquire land for and to pursuant to paragraph 4 shall continue to pay to the cigarette smoking despite efforts Great American Smokeout day dall said. wide survey conducted last year 1” ™ 800’ October 1956 Hayden L. Griswold C.E. and all claim or right to collect inspection fees, turning in a pack of cigarettes at “ It went very well in spite of the construct a fire station to be located in the Northeast TOWN the TOWN’S sewer user charge until July 1, to reduce the number of young Thursday. The procession in­ In addition to events such as the concluded that most teen-agers Revised July 1958 April 1960 June 1967 August 1967 connection charges, outlet charges or user charges least half full. rain. We still accomplished about section of Manchester. Should said fire station he 1990. The TOWN shall pay the DISTRICT on a nicotine addicts, an official with cluded a hearse which contained mock funeral, Crandall said the do not want to date someone who April 1970 Dec. 1975 May 1985 Nov. 1988.” Within from prroperties located within the sewer boundar­ Fred DeLuca. president and 90 percent of what we wanted to ready for occupancy prior to the issuance of the first quarterly basis commencing on October 1,1089 the the American Cancer Society’s a giant pack of "Un-Lucky cancer society is supplying area smokes. said territory the DISTRICT shall collect all ies of the Eighth Utilities District as set forth on the co-founder of Subway, said do.” Crandall said. certificate of occupancy for any structure, as total sewer user charges for all such properties for Manchester North Unit said Strike” cigarettes. schools with posters and other “ They don’t want to kiss an inspection fees, outlet charges, connection charges map referred to in paragraph 1 hereof. Any outlet Thursday that .some 1,000 of the The theme of the mock funeral previously defined, located north of Tolland the preceding three months. Commencing July 1, Thursday. Crandall said the cancer so­ educational material depicting ashtray.” said Crandall. and sewer user charges and shall assess all benefits charges collected by the TOWN prior to the chain’s outlets were participating was “ bury your cigarettes before ’Turnpike or March 1, 1990, whichever event shall 1990, said properties shall pay the DISTRICT sewer But Drew Crandall, the unit’s ciety is stepping up its attack on the dangers of cigarette smoking. Mayor Peter P. DiRosa and resulting from sanitary sewer construction, except execution of this agreement on properties located in the promotion and if each store they bury you.” first occur, the TOWN shall immediately cease tax as levied on the grand list of October 1, 1989. public information manager, also the dangers of smoking in re­ One such poster hanging in some state Rep. James McCavanagh, for the assessment of benefits relating to the Slater within the sewer boundaries of the DISTRICT as gave out 30 sandwiches, it could Crandall said that the Ameri­ occupancy of Fire Station No. 5 and turn occupancy 20. This agreement is expressly contingent upon called peer pressure “ the single sponse to the advertisements by Manchester schools portrays a D-Manchester, were among those Street Trunk line as more particularly set forth in shown on said map shall be refunded to the property of said station over the DISTRICT. cost Subway about $100,000. can Cancer Society estimates the approval of the electorate of the DISTRICT for biggest reason why teen-agers the tobacco companies. The ad­ lung blackened by cigarette scheduled to speak against the paragraph 7 of this agreement. Within said territory owner paying the outlet charge to the TOWN or “The Great American Smo­ that as many as 20 million 15. The DISTRICT shall transfer to the TOWN those items set forth in paragraph 3 and 15, the start to smoke.” vertisements, he said, glamorize smoking, he .said. dangers of smoking Thursday, the DISTRICT shall act as the water pollution where equitable to the developer paying the double keout fits very well with the Americans gave up smoking for fire Jurisdiction only for all units of the Northfield His comments came after the the benefits of smoking. In many cases, the cancer but the rain canceled the control authority and shall have all powers and outlet charge. approval of the Board of Directors of the TOWN, the Subway concept because we are a 24 hours during last year’s Great Green Condominium complex and fire Jurisdiction approval of the Board of Directors of the DISTRICT, American Cancer Society staged “The cigarette companies are society’s emphasis on the speeches. Crandall said. Despite authority given such entity under the Connecticut 10. The following properties, as numbered on very health-conscious organiza­ American Smokeout day. only for that parcel of land known as 191 Green the adoption by the TOWN without appeal by any General Statutes and the DISTRICT charter. Town of Manchester assessor’s maps, are hereby tion.” DeLuca said, noting that Manor Road. The Jurisdictional transfer shall take affected property owner of the separate outlet 2. All properties not delineated as DISTRICT removed from the provisions of paragraph 2 of the his corporate headquarters is place on July 1,1989. The transfer of fire Jurisdiction charge for the CUD Zone as more particularly set sewer territory on the aforesaid map or plan shall be agreement between the TOWN and DISTRICT smoke-free. is subject to the approval of the electors of the forth in paragraph 12 and the passage by the within the sewer jurisdiction of the TOWN. Within dated January 4,1978 (commonly called the Adams In Greenwich. DISTRICT and the DISTRICT Board of Directors General Assembly and signing into law by the such non-DISTRICT territory the TOWN shall Street Sewer Agreement) as amended by an shall take the necessary steps to seek such second baseman Tim Teufel collect all inspection fees, outlet charges, connec­ Governor of the legislation set forth in paragraph 17 Be-Prepared-For-Winter SALE agreement dated August 21, 1978; 669 Tolland approval. appeared at his alma mater. St. tion charges, and sewer user charges and shall hereof. Should any one of these contingencies not be ’Turnpike (being 30 acres more or less owned by 16. The TOWN and DISTRICT shall prepare a Mary High School, and at Green­ assess all benefits resulting from sanitary sewer satisifed this agreement shall be null, void and of no wich High School, signing auto­ Catherine Olmsted), 1082 Tolland Turnpike, 1076V map delineating their respective fire Jurisdictions. effect. construction. Within said territory the TOWN shall Tolland Turnpike, 1066 Tolland Turnpike, 1046R Said map, in addition to showing all existing graphs and warning students act as the water pollution control authority and shall Tolland Turnpike, 776 North Main Street, lllV DISTRICT fire territory, shall include as DIS­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto about the dangers of smoking. have all powers and authority given such entity Adams Street and 249V Adams Street. Said TRICT fire territory all disputed parcels of real have set their hands and seals on the date and year Teufel told the students to avoid under the Connecticut General Statutes and the agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and property located North of Tolland Turnpike, East of first above written. the example of Len Dykstra, the 0 V mfiM. TOWN charter. effect. Except for properties covered by the' Slater Street, South of 1-84 and West of a line Signed,'Sealed and Delivered Mets’ centerfielder who chews 3. The DISTRICT shall call a meeting of its provisions of the Adams Street Sewer Agreement, determined by extending Jefferson Street north­ In Presence Of: tobacco. Teufel said Dykstra is electors to relinquish all rights which the DISTRICT and property lying within the DISTRICT’S sewer westerly to 1-84. TOWN OF Ma n c h e s t e r suffering from lip ailments after has to provide sewer service, collect fees and assess Jurisdiction as established by this agreement shall five years of chewing. benefits with respect to any and all properties not By Peter DiRosa henceforth be permitted to tie into any JOWN sewer C. Miscellaneous At City Hall in Norwalk, an delineated as DISTRICT sewer territory on the map Its Mayor line without cost or charge of any type and the 17. The TOWN and the DISTRICT shall Jointly apple van was set up where or plan referred to in paragraph 1. The relinquish­ TOWN shall be permitted to tie into any DISTRICT approach the General Assembly to amend the THE EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRICT smokers could swap cigarettes ment of the right to sewer all properties not sewer line without cost or charge of any type, Charter of The Eighth Utilities District, which By Thomas E. Landers Jr. for healthier alternatives. delineated as DISTRICT sewer territory on the provided in all instances the particular sewer line amendment shall contain the following provisions; Its President To help erpployees and visitors aforesaid map or plan shall be expressly conditi­ has the capacity to handle the sewer flow a. consolidation of the DISTRICT with the stop smoking for the day. an oned on the fulfillment by the TOWN of all By Willard J. Marvin originating in the territory of the other entity. “ exchange post” was set up in conditions and obligations imposed on the TOWN by TOWN shall take place only with approval of Director 11. The sewer user rate paid by the DISTRICT to front of Stamford Hospital’s the terms of this agreement and upon the passage of the electors of The Eighth Utilities District; the TOWN for fiscal year 1988-1989 (July 1, 1988 to By Samuel J. Longest cafeteria, where cigarettes were legislation by the General Assembly as more b. the provisions of the General Statutes in June 30,1989) shall be $.95 per hundred cubic feet of Director traded for apples. particularly set forth in paragraph 17 of this connection with consolidation shall not sewage originating within the DISTRICT as apply to The Eighth Utilities District; agreement. By Joseph G. Tripp Stamford Hospital ware set up measured by total metered water usage within the c. consolidation of the DISTRICT shall only 4. The TOWN acting through its Board of Director an “ adopt-a-smoker” program DISTRICT’S sewer boundaries. The sewer user occur in accordance with the provisions of where a non-smoker adopts a Directors shall transfer sewer Jurisdiction to the rates for the DISTRICT for fiscal year 1988-1989 DISTRICT for all properties located within the The Eighth Utilities District Charter; and By Lorraine B. Boutin smoker to help the person get shall be revised to reflect the $.95 rate and d. the provisions of Special Act 200 allowing Director through the day. boundaries of the Eighth Utilities District and being thereafter the DISTRICT shall withdraw it pending 8al« Ends Wtdntsday, Novambtr 23 additional Jurisdiction to be transferred to Several Stamford area corpo­ generally located on or to the rear of the following sewer user rate appeal. Each fiscal year thereafter By Ellen M. Landers The Eighth Utilities District shall he rations offered free cold turkey streets; Broad Street north of Middle Turnpike the sewer user rate to be paid by the DISTRICT to Director west. Grant Road, Hartland Road, Bolton Road, repealed and the District boundaries, as lunches to those who abstained. FREE BLOOD INDOOR COPPER ROMEX MAKITA PALM SANDER the TOWN for treatment of sewage originating they exist pursuant to this agreement, shall By Andrew J. Katkauskas Columbus Street, Oliver Road, Edwin Street, within the DISTRICT and for other costs incidental The anti-smoking activity become permanent. The boundaries in the Director PRESSURE CABLE WIRE French Road, Tower Road. As part of this transfer to such treatment shall be determined in accor­ comes on the heels of a report that of Jurisdiction the TOWN shall also transfer dance with the formula set forth in Exhibit A around the state young people are CHECK 25’ Reels with ground ownership of the sewers located in the aforemention annexed hereto. continuing to smoke cigarettes. 12-2 SKU-506580 streets. Upon such transfer, the DISTRICT shall 12. The TOWN and DISTRICT acknowledge that di;;pite two 1987 changes in state MAINTAIN YOUR HEALTH WHILE assume all maintenance responsibilities for said the TOWN will be instituting a separate outlet law intended to curb smoking YOU MAINTAIN YOUR HOME $ 4 4 9 sewer lines. The Jurisdictional transfer shall take charge for those properties contained within the place on July 1, 1989. CUD Zone located north of Interstate 84. The new The first Wednesday of every month. 14-2 SKU-506269 5. The DISTRICT, upon payment by the TOWN outlet charge for said CUD Zone properties shall be WEDNESDAY Dec. 7 of FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND Construction $ 4 4 9 9 adopted by the TOWN immediately upon the 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 SKU-BO-4550 ($450,000.00) DOLLARS, shall transfer to the TOWN execution of this agreement. The provisions of sewer authority for all properties relinquished to paragraph 8 shall not be affected by the adoption of 3rd at 5 schools the TOWN for sewer service pursuant to paragraph any such separate outlet charge for the CUD Zone. 3, the sewer sleeves constructed by the DISTRICT Annual on schedule ROLLED PLASTIC WAGON MASTER under Buckland Road and Interstate 84, any ■ • • 1 • • easements associated therewith and all of the B. Fire Matters SHEATHING PROPANE BOTTLES DISTRICT’S engineering plans and specifications 13. The TOWN will transfer to the DISTRICT by W Building Committee chairman l U l . f I N gdlKIKSTtll lUNl€A Propane Fuel Refill M V S I I 11 for the Buckland Hills Trunk Sewer and the Slater warranty deed duly executed and acknowledged the Paul Phillips reported on the r X Mi Street Trunk Sewer. The transfer shall take place real property and improvements located at 1039 progress of $8.8 million renova­ BLACK 10 X 25 dot within thirty (30) days of the passage of the Tolland Turnpike, Manchester, Connecticut, being tions to five schools during the 107645 4mil *5® ® 14.1 oz. legislation more particularly set forth in paragraph Town of Manchester Fire Station No. 5. In committee meeting on Thursday. g j i i t k l ^ s t k 17 simultaneous with the transfer of Town of consideration for the transfer of said property the IpF Christmas Open House Phillips said today. u B r t l q U M t l l l i Manchester Fire Station No. 5 as set forth in DISTRICT shall pay the TOWN the sum of SEVEN Phillips reported that the basic CLEAR 10 X 25 paragraph 13 hereof. HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND ($750,000.00) DOL­ Saturday, 10-6 I 9 & 2 0 Sunday, 12-5 contract for renovations to Ver- 107654 4mil SKU-1433 $2^® 6. The TOWN shall construct that portion of the LARS. The purchase price of $750,000.00 shall be planck and Nathan Hale schools ®5®® £ j Buckland Hills Trunk Sewer running from the 1-84 paid as follows; has been completed, and addi­ THE HOMEBUILDER’S RESOURCE CENTER i J L____ sleeve south to Tolland Turnpike and thence west to A) $500,000.00 cash on the date of transfer I) Mrs. Santa will be here, tional work made possible by "Y o u r As always, a complete Knowledgeable Staff Adams Street. The DISTRICT shall construct an B) $250,000.00 when and as the DISTRICT serving punch and leftover money is being done now. Talking with the people at Manchester Lumber la easy eight (8) inch or larger sewer in Tolland Turnpike receives from the TOWN its portion of the Something As he has said in the past, work and enjoyable. They understand the building Industry VINYL WRAPPED CLIMATUBE PIPE and North Main Street east of the intersection of outlet charges due it under the terms of Special” r.,<' cookies! selection of cards, gifts, at Manchester High School and are constantly learning about new products and Cl e c t r ic w a t e r u y North Main Street with Tolland Turnpike and an paragraph 8 hereof. The $250,000.00 balance should be finished by the end of techniques. Assisting contractors and homeowners Is INSULATION Have your candles, and very Important to them. eight (8) inch or larger sewer running south from shall be secured by a note and -first Giveaway ‘ the year. So far about 85 percent Innovative Displays HEATER JACKET North Main Street through private property to the mortgage on the property, the terms of of work there has been com ­ picture Manchester Lumbor's displays are designed to show Fits up to 24" diameter % ’ 13875 Your Choice North Manchester Interceptor sewer. All construc­ which are annexed hereto as Exhibit B. If you’re lucky enough to receive ornaments... and pleted. and work in the kitchen how various Items will look whan Installed, exhibit a taken tion by both the TOWN and DISTRICT shall be in The date of transfer of the real property and your purchue in one of leveral and cafeteria is done. Phillips wide variety of exciting possibilities and erihance R 6.9 side R 6.3 top plate 1" 13880 $ 4 9 9 improvements known as Fire Station No. 5 shall be knowledge of the product. For example, windows are accordance with plans and specifications of most •pecially marked bags, that together! FREE said. built Into a display wall, viewable from both aides. A recent revision developed for the DISTRICT by A.R. within thirty (30) days of the passage of the purchase is up to 50% Off. He said that work at Bowers cut-away model shows how the window Is constructed Lombardi Associates. The bistrict shall leave a legislation more particularly set forth in paragraph FREE! Gift Wrapping! and Waddell schools is 70 percent and how It Is Installed In the wall. IV 2” 13885 stub pipe facing west at its last manhole in Tolland 17 of this agreement. All adjustments of taxes, fuel complete and is expected to be Quality Products $ 9 9 9 Turnpike to allow a future connection of that portion done by early spring. Manchester Lumber carries only products that will SKU 426863 Sale of the Buckland Hills Trunk sewer being con­ WIN A HALLMARK Phillips made his report during meet or exceed the strict requirements of building tradesmen. Brands Include Andersen and Marvin win­ structed by the TOWN to the DISTRICT’S sewer line the meeting of the Building dows, Armstrong celling tile, Bruce floors, Makita and in North Main Street. t r e a s u r e Ji h l i o t f FREE HOLIDAY Committee in the coffee room of Milwaukee power tools, Manville Insulation, Alcoa gut­ MANY MORE SPECIALS IN STORE ters, Stanley hand tools, USG wallboard, GAF and Bird 7. The TOWN at its soleexpense shall construct the Municipal Building. roofing, Douglas fir studs, MlnWax and Cuprinol stains Select your own gift PLANNER and mors. a sanitary sewer trunk line along Slater Street and CLASSIFIED ADS: AI4D shall cause said trunk line to connect to the Upper from our most luxurious Come to our Open House Nov. 19-20 To do the |ob right, you need the right tool. Manchester NEW LOCATION Hallmark lines, and drop Lumber carries 40 dflferent hammers, 20 different saws, Hockanum trunk sewer in the area of the bridge on the EVERY and receive a free holiday planner! It’s a 20 different rulers, 10 different squares, 9 different Union Street at the Union Pond Dam. The exact DAY your entry selection into CALDWELL lanes, hundreds of drill and router bits. They carry booklet packed with ideas to make your location and design of this trunk sewer shall be AND our Treasure depository. Rardwooda In 1" and 2" stock and specialty plywoods holiday planning a b r e ^ . Limit one per In oak, birch, knotty pine, mahogany and poplar. determined by a professional engineer chosen by wonder IN If your entry is drawn, customer while supplies last! OIL INC. Custom Mlllwork the TOWN for that purpose. The TOWN shall own the treasure is yours — our gift to you! You could WAYS No purchase required. The new Manchester Lumber will continue their 82 year and maintain the portion of the trunk sewer located worker win the gift you treasure. tradition of personalized services. Their Mlllwork north of 1-84 and the DISTRICT shall own and . ® Department can make special size and pte-hung doors. MANCHESTER LUMBER 61 They can custom make windows or cut and ragroove maintain that portion of the trunk sewer located per gel. C. O. D. sash and fit them to old windows. They can duplicate “The Contractors' Choice, The Homeowners' Helper” south of 1-84. The TOWN shall have the right to 150 gel. minimum purcheee many moldings. This la especially Important In rastora- assess benefited properties for the entire length of Hanrlfffitpr Hrralii Wishing Well Cards & Gifts tion work. If you need to have lumber planed or desire 401 NEW STATE ROAD H 643-5144 the trunk line. In the area south of 1-84, the an unusual size mantel, the Manchester Lumber a l l p r ic e s c a s h a n d c a r r y o n l y DISTRICT shall coUect all inspection fees, outlet 643-2711 649-8841 Mlllwork Department can do iti MANCHESTER, CT « Burr Corners ■ Manchester ■ 649-1450 M cm Sub/«c( to Chtngt charges, connection charges and sewer user HOURS: Monday through Saturday 7:00 to 5:00 L ilM ______charges. In the area north of 1-84 the TOWN shall 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Nov 18. 198« MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 18. 1988 — 7 LOCAL Questions remain on deaths of teens N A TIO N & W O R LD By Dean GolembeskI Trudelle said. &STATF The Assocloted Press The legal drinking age in Connecti­ cut Is 21. NEW HAVEN - A nationwide Michelle Funaioli, a student at End to strike sought search for four young adults has Southern Connecticut, said she was at How will Canada negotiate pact? ended with the apparent recovery of Bentley’s, a New Haven bar, last T O R O N T O (AP) - How will HARTFORD (AP) - The Hartford Sym­ their bodies from a local river, but Thursday with Gallo. State police said phony's board of directors has proposed que.stions remain about whether they they had at least one witness who Canada negotiate with its power­ binding arbitration as means for ending a had been illegally drinking and placed the four young adults at the ful southern neighbor after Mon­ seven-week-old musicians strike. whether their car crashed because same bar late Saturday night. day’s election decides the fate of Symphony President Morton Handel said safety barriers were missing. "They were good kids. I can’t the Canada-U.S. free trade agree­ Thursday that binding arbitration represents The compact car containing what picture them being drunk and driv­ ment? That depends on which the “ fairest and speediest" way to the end the authorities believed were the bodies ing,” Funaioli said. " I t ’shorrible. It’s candidate for prime minister is talking. strike. of the four young people was found the most horrible thing I ’ve ever seen Opposition Liberal Party David Snead, the symphony’s director of Thursday in 15 feet of water on the happen.” leader John Turner, who wants to marketing, said that under the proposal, bottom of the murky Mill River near Edward J. Jadovich, the state’s cancel the deal, says he will tell 4 ^ ' striking musicians would return to work while New Haven harbor. acting liquor control commissioner, negotiations continue. Authorities were awaiting autopsy said his department planned to President-elect George Bush that He said such an arrangement would allow results to make positive identifica­ investigate at least two bars because President Reagan out-negotiated Prime Minister Brian Mulroney the symphony to resume its season The strike tions, but city police Lt, James of reports that the four spent Saturday * has forced cancellation of nearly 30 events. Sorrentino said it was likely the four night bar-hopping. He declined to on the agreement signed in January. William D. Steinberg, president of Greater victims were the missing young identify the bars. Hartford Musicians Local 400, did not return a people. A crane was used to pull the gold. In a crowd-pleasing routine telephone call to his Farmington home The three women and one man, ages 1985 Plymouth Reliant from the water that has been polished through Thursday night. 19 and 20. were last .seen by their while hundreds of curious onlookers weeks of campaigning to place Musicians voted 54-3 on Monday to reject the parents about 7 p.m. Saturday, when watched from a distance. The slightly the Liberals in a dead heat with symphony’s offer for a new three-year they left their hometown of East damaged car was covered with a red the prime minister’s Progressive contract. Lyme for an evening in New Haven. tarpaulin as it was hauled from the Conservative Party, Turner im­ itates Mulroney’s responses to Theircar apparently traveled down river bottom. The bodies were taken President Reagan’s requests. Chapel Street, went over a concrete to the state medical examiner’s office Two charged in sex attack “ Yes, sir, Mr. President,” barrier that was in place Thursday for autopsies. STAMFORD (A P) — A mother of six and a and plunged into the river, Sorrentino Police divers found the group’s car Turner replies submissively to each point with a crisp salute. He Darien school bus driver are being held in lieu said. The road has been dead end submerged upside down at the bottom BRIAN MULRONEY ED BROADBENT JOHN TURNER of $50,000 bail each, facing charges stemming street for years because the Chapel of the river, in a little-traveled, old charges the prime minister wants to be ’’governor of theSlststate ” . . . out-negotiated? . . . opposes the deal . . . cancel the deal from an incident in which the woman allegedly Street bridge is out of service. industrial part of the city. The ear’s Mulroney resorts to sarcasm as held a Kt-year-old girl while the driver sexually The bridge pivots open on a center windshield was smashed, its roof was axis to allow water traffic to pass and well in his increasingly biting assaulted her. police said. slightly damaged, and the underside The socialist New Democratic ” As a Canadian, and with no how close Brian Mulroney is to has been locked in an open position for attacks, describing a potential Dorothea Tate, 35, of Stamford was charged of the car was slightly dented, but no Party led by Ed Broadbent also anti-American sentiment at all, I Ronald Reagan,” Broadbent said years, officials .said. The concrete meeting next year if his rival Wednesday with three counts of second-degree major damage was apparent on the AP photo opposes the deal, so only a resent the intervention into our on a campaign stop in Edmonton, barriers are used to block the road, becomes prime minister. sexual assault, one count of promoting two-door car. Conservative majority victory election,” the Liberal leader said Alberta. "It will remind every police said. NEW ANNOUNCEMENT — President-elect George ’’Imagine Mr. Turner going to prostitution, four counts of risking injury to a Two signs leading to the bridge ensures the agreement will start during a campaign stop in Canadian the Americans got minor and a violation of probation, police said. Francis ” Bud” Mullen, former warn of danger ahead. One is a small Bush laughs during a news conference at the Old Washington to say, ’Hey, Presi­ taking effect Jan. 1 as scheduled. Quebec. dent Bush — I just tore up the virtually everything they wanted Lt. Frank Lagan declined to describe Tate’s head of the federal Drug Enforcement green sign re.stricting the road to local Executive Office Building in Washington where he The relationship with Washing­ Turner also said the speech was in this deal.” Agency, said he believed the barriers free-trade accord and now if you relationship to the 10-year-old girl, except to traffic only. The other is an orange named New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu as his chief of ton attracted special attention very similar to language used by The Canadian Press news weren’t in place at the time of the have 15 minutes, we’ll negotiate say they knew each other. detour sign with an arrow that Thursday because of Reagan’s Mulroney, adding that such agency, said in its report from accident. Mullen, now a private staff. Sununu, left, looks on. ^acid-rain treaty. Tate allegedly used the girl to sell sex to incorrectly directs traffic to the dead speech on international trade in phrases ’’could have been written Washington on the speech that investigator, was hired by families of “ You know what the president Eugene Howard. 4(1. of Stamford, who was also end where the accident occurred. Washington in which he spoke by Mr. Mulroney and perhaps Reagan “ offered passing praise” the young adults to investigate the would say?” Mulroney asks. charged. Lagan said. Deputy Police Chief John The detour sign sits on blocks at a favorably of the Canadian they were.” for the deal, “ keeping his re rase. ”He’d say exactly what your Perrotta said Tate allegedly held the child service station: the owner of the agreement. The Conservatives have denied marks as innocuous as possible in Several news reports, quoting un Bush turns focus mother-in-law would say — ’Hey, down during sex acts and wanted money to buy station disputed police accounts that a ” As far as the United Slates is reports they sought any support a bid to avoid accusations of named sources, also said no barriers this guy can’t be serious.” ' crack, a potent form of cocaine. concrete barrier blocked the end of concerned, the Free Trade or extra assurances on the trying to influence the outcome of were in place on the night of the AP photo Canada claims half the acid "Tate was profiting from the Ifl-year-old " the roadway. The woman, who Agreement is an example of agreement from Washington to Monday’s Canadian election " accident. A service station owner said rain falling in eastern Canada Lagan said. "She was the pimp.” RAISED FROM RIVER — A car believed to contain the bodies of refused to give her name, said to economic team cooperation at its best. It is a calm down Canadian opposition U.S. officials have not said that a wooden barrier normally originates in the United States, concrete barriers were placed on both testament to the commitment of to the pact. whether any retaliation is blocks the roadway, which was four young adults from East Lyme was raised from the waters of making it one of the most sides of the dead end, but a flimsy our two governments to the Broadbent, whose party is planned if Canada decides cordoned off by police Thur.sday. the Mill River in New Haven Thursday. The four were reported Bv Christopher Connell Congress. He also called Sununu troublesome issues between the Judge’s order appealed wooden barrier was all that blocked principles of the open market and expected to finish third with a key against the agreement. The two Responding to questions about the missing last Saturday. The Associated Press ” a take-charge kind of guy” with two countries. the end of the road. to economic cooperation,” Rea­ position of influence if the Conser­ nations already are each other’s HARTFORD (A P ) — The state Department barriers. Sorrentino .said; ” I have no the experience to work with his The free trade agreement has gan said. of Correction is appealing a judge’s order that She recalled at least one other vatives or Liberals fail to win a largest trading partner, with the information either way. I ’ve been led Sawyer, 19. a student at the Univer­ WASHINGTON - President­ former colleagues in the been approved by the U.S. Turner immediately described allows convicted killer Steven Asherman to "There are no words to take away accident in which she said a truck majority, said Reagan's speech $150 billion passing between them to believe the barriers were always sity of Rhode Island; Christy Stevens, elect George Bush, after promis­ statehouses. Congress but needs final Cana­ the speech as intervention in return to a home-release program, a depart­ your pain,” said As.sistant Pastor plowed through the wooden barrier. could harm Mulroney’s chances. each year making it the world's there.” 19. a .student at Mohegan Community ing that his new chief of staff will Bush, who previously an­ dian parliamentary approval. Canadian affairs. ment spokesman said. Laurie Whinnem Etter. “The only State police spokesman Sgt. Scott ” It will remind every Canadian largest trading partnership With several questions unans­ College in Norwich; Michael Gallo, be a ’ ’take-charge kind of guy,” is nounced his choice of James A. Bill Flower, the spokesman, said Thursday way to respond is to celebrate the love O’Mara said New Haven police wered. including whether the bridge 20, a student at Southern Connecticut; concentrating on completing his Baker III as secretary of state that Superior Court Judge Samuel Freed gave and the joy that these friends shared.” discovered the car as the result of was adequately blocked and whether and Laura Lagrotteria. 19. economic team before filling and Nicholas F. Brady as a the department permission to appeal his Police have determined they spent routine police work. signs were in place to direct traffic A Thursday night prayer service for defense and national security holdover treasury secretary, said Drug bill has little money for programs decision that Asherman’s right to due process at least part of Saturday night There were no skid marks at the away from the bridge. New Haven the victims, planned when they were posts. he expects to announce a director was violated when Correction Commissioner drinking illegally at a bar near Yale scene, and police said an investigation Mayor Biagio DiLieto told city still missing, turned into a tearful Bush was making a quick trip for the Office of Management and WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ battle against drug abuse her Larry Meachum sent him back to jail in August University, said state police Detec­ would determine if the car was and increased treatment, reha­ Beginning September, those officials to compile a complete report memorial ceremony attended by by helicopter this morning to Budget soon. dent Reagan is signing an anti­ cause. without a hearing. tive Andre Trudelle. An employee of speeding. There apparently was no bilitation and education. It also convicted of drug offenses could on the accident by today. about 200 friends and relatives at a Charlottesville, Va., for private Transition sources have said drug bill that sharply increases The bipartisan measure was The appeal effectively slays’ Freed’s deri­ the bar told authorities that the four witness to the accident. Sorrentino outlines a fund to help drug- face loss of student loans and The four missing adults were Jill Niantic church. meetings with governors, then that post is likely to go to longtime penalties for recreational users approved .346-11 in the House and sion. Flower said. Details of the appeal, to be left together about 3 a.m, Sunday. said producing countries in their bat­ other federal benefits. heading back to Capitol Hill to Baker aide Richard Darman, and includes a federal death passed by voice vote in the Senate filed next week, were still being worked out he tle against the illicit substances. That could affect public hous meet with House Speaker Jim while Stanford economist Mi­ penalty for anyone convicted of last month. Members of both .said. The bill contains stiff penalties ing, grants, contracf.s, loan.s, Wright, D-Texas. chael J. Boskin is likely to be drug-related killings. parties used the bill to tout In the meantime. Asherman remains in the for drug traffickers and users. mortgage guarantees and some There was unusual turmoil in chairman of the Council of But the bill only provides about anti-drug positions in the Hartford Correctional Center. Flower said Police training council director steps down Serious drug offenses would forms of veterans aid, but not the Bush ranks Thursday when he Economic Advisers. $500 million for spending in the elections. Asherman. 38. was convicted of first-degree carry stiffer minimum prison Social Security. Medicare, wel announced his selection of New Bush has had to contend with a nation’s battle against drugs, As the bill was sent to Reagan. terms. manslaughter in the slaying of Michael HARTFORD (API — Craig Appel, and was using it as his personal car. ■ Directing state universities to bill fare benefits, veterans’ disability effective Jan. 19 at which time he said Hampshire Gov. John Sununu as succession of economic bad news which falls far short of the Senate Majority Leader Robert Aranow executive director of the Municipal Other allegations included; his agency for college courses for The measure also makes it and other safety net programs he would ’ ’pursue other career chief of staff and endorsed Lee since his election. The stock estimated $1.4 billion cost of the Byrd D-W.Va., said its message Police Training Council, who had ■ Hiring contractors, apparently which he had registered. possible for those possessing Under the new law, drug opportunities.” Atwater, his wily campaign man­ market has fallen and the dollar programs envisioned by the is simple: “ Don’t do drugs. The been accused of an array of irregular­ without competitive bidding, who had The car was returned to the state small quantities of drugs in­ kingpins and others who kill or ager, as the next chairman of the has declined in value, with many legislation. country will not tolerate it.” Case goes to jury ities by the state auditors, is resign­ been doing work on his home. fleet in February and Appel paid the He said he waited to submit his tended for personal use to be h it. order killings while committing Republican Party. analysts questioning Bush’s abil­ At this afternoon’s ceremony, It seeks to battle the use of ing, claiming he has been cleared of ■ Purchasing computer eouipment state $783 for the 16 months he used it resignation until the investigations with up to $10,000 in civil fines, drug-related felonies cotdd them­ NEW HAVEN (AP) — A federal jury was to Craig L. Fuller, Bush’s vice ity or resolve to cut the nation’s Reagan was to be joined by his illegal drugs through stricter law serious wrongdoing. without state approval. for commuting and other personal were complete. He said the inquiries although they would have the selves be executed under a new begin today trying to decide whether a presidential chief of staff for four massive trade and budget wife, Nancy, who has made the State Auditors Henry J. Becker Jr ■ Using $5,514 in state money set purposes. “ have concluded without any finding enforcement, tougher penalties. right to court review. revitalized federal death penalty years and co-director of the deficits. Colombian accused of laundering a fortune in and 1^0 V. Donohue had disclosed in a aside for publication of a field manual of substantial wrongdoing.” cocaine profits was an innocent foreigner Chief State’s Attorney John J. Kelly transition, called The Associated Bush aides hope fast action in series of letters to Gov William A to pay agency legal fees. entrapped by an overzealous FBI o^a cunning ruled that there were no grounds to Appel, of Cheshire, has rebutted the Press beforehand to reveal that naming his economic team will O'Neill this year that Appel had ■ Improper billing of expenses for businessman in league with his country’s dr\ig prosecute Appel for criminal auditors’ allegations by claiming that having been passed over for chief bolster confidence in the among other things, arranged to get a an official trip to Toronto. offenses. he was simply following previous of staff, he would quit working for kingpins. new Ford Crown Victoria, the type of president-elect. ■ Directing the academy library to procedures in acquiring the car. He Bush as of Jan. 20. Jurors in the Carlos Restrepo money car used by the state police, from the Appel, who held the post for 4‘/i Bush said the 0M B job ” is order a $30 law book for personal use attributed many of the other charges Fuller said he informed Bush laundering trial spent half a day Thursday state police for the Meriden academy years, asked that his resignation be important and I want to get our by his wife for a law school course. to staff errors. before the election that the only li.stening to closing arguments and the other economic team in place. ... Most half to U.S. District Judge Jose Cabranes post he would accept was chief of staff. He said he harbored no ill people would agree we’ve moved reading more than 130 pages of jury very fast so far. But I will go in.struclions. will toward Sununu. Eight indicted forward with the economic Sources close to Bush said Cabranes planned toprovidea few additional IT'S WISE TO PAY-BY-MAIL team.” instructions this morning before turning the Fuller had been offered several 20% OFF over to the jury for smuggiing plums, including transportation Bush, who had a breakfast In his closing arguments, Assistant II S Try Our Pay-By-Mail secretary and head of the Na­ meeting Thursday with British Attorney James Cowdery attempted to counter tional Aeronautics and Space Prime Minister Margaret the defense’s portrayal of Restrepo as a animais, guns Administration, but had turned Thatcher and lunch with Presi­ ALL hapless foreigner victimized by a sophisticated Program... them down. dent Reagan, also held a private FBI sting operation In choosing the conservative, chat with former Sen. John It rnakes paying your subscription easier or, blunt-spoken Sununu and At­ Tower, R-Texas, who is rumored HARTFORD (AP) — An attorney for one of eight to be a leading candidate for people indicted in connection with international you Instead o( paying your carrier every 2 water, a bare-knuckled cam­ weeks, you can simply write a check tor 3 paign strategist. Bush may have secretary of defense. REGULAR PRICED Vote of no confidence smuggling ring says federal authorities have “ overstated the complexity” of the case against the months 6 months or a full year drop it m the been indicating to Democrats Bush defended Sununu, an D ANBURY (A P ) — Western Connecticut defendants. mail Then, you can forget about having ready who control Congress that he is Arab-American, for his refusal to State University faculty members voted A federal grand jury sitting in Hartford returned cash to pay your carrier answering the door prepared to play political sign a proclamation two years hardball. > overwhelmingly to .show they have “no an 18-count indictment Thursday against five when It's inconvenient or being at home to ago condemning a 1975 United MERCHANDISE But he sounded a different note confidence” in Dean of Personnel Frank Americans and three South Africans charging them pay your bill Nations resolution that equated Muska. and a spokesman for the faculty union with, among other things, the illegal importation at his news conference, saying he Zionism with racism. Sununu was expects Sununu ” to build a the only governor to balk at said the vote was also aimed at President and sale of endangered species as well as machine Simply complete the coupon below and send Stephen Feldman. guns. constructive relationship” with signing the proclamation. I t to us or if you would like more information The faculty vole, taken over two weeks and The defendants are accused of relying on South WE WILL NOTIFY on our Pay-By-Mail program call the Circula­ TODAY thru SATURDAY made public Thursday, was 87-.37 in support of African soldiers to kill endangered rhinoceroses in YOUR CARRIER tion Department 647-9946 After initial pay­ a "no confidence” resolution Angola THAT YOU ARE A ment and prior to expiration you will be billed Feldman has voiced continued support for "W e just feel the government is overstating the PAY-BY-MAIL BEAUTIFUL November 16-17-18-19 Muska. who has angered faculty members complexity of this case.” Richard R. Brown, CUSTOMER. CONVLNIEN r with his handling of faculty grievances. attorney for John C. Lukman Jr., said. “ From what Faculty members had previously demanded documents I’ve seen from the government, there AFIOIUTABLI-. an apology from Muska. isn't any evidence of a large-scale operation.” Despite the vote. Feldman expressed sup­ In addition to smuggling black and white THAT’S port for Muska. "H e is doing an excellent job rhinoceros horns into the United States, the scheme I would like to pay by mail (or my Manchester Herald subscription Please begin my COUNTRY PLACE. and will remain in that position.” Feldman also involved the illegal importation of seven AK-47 pay-by-mail subscription on said. machine guns, cheetah skins and leopard skins, Shop Early For Christmas! including one owned by former Rhodesia Prim e Enclosed please find payment for Sentenced to ambulance Minister Ian Smith, authorities said. Woodbridgp Development Carrier Delivery Country Those named in the indictment included Lukman. Group Proudly Presents! E N FIELD (A P ) — A Suffield man has been 34 of Newington; Marius Meiring, a m ajor in the □ 3 months ‘23 10 0 6 months ‘46 20 □ 1 year 92 40 ordered to spend SOO hours working with the South African Defense Force stationed in Wind­ Senior Citizens ★ No AdjuUmrnli on Prior Salet ambulance group that responded to the 1987 .^Place.^. hoek, Namibia and his wife, Pat Meiring; Russell D. □ 3 months ‘21 56 □ 6 months ‘43 12 □ 1 year ‘86 24 car accident that led to his drunken driving Beveridge Jr., 33, of Newington; Waldemar l'c;ii(jiil, I li.ii miii^, uj;i\iii^ ..'s I In- Ueliinj ol Cxnimry I'liice, tin- conviction. Schutte. 33, a sergeant major in the South African Optional carrier tip may be included vyith your payment □ Tip Amount niiHlnii nHiiliiininiiiin riiiiiimin:ly iicslk'il in llir rolling hills ofGovcnlry. The sentence imposed Thursday requires Defense Force in Windhoek. Namibia; Mary Ann 'Motor Route and Rural Delivery rates may vary Robert. W. Dixon to become certified as an McAllister. 33. of Newington; Isaac Saada. 52. of Klin icnl. sji.Kioiis, ;illnil live .. Iwn iH iliiuiin InwiiliniiM S. emergency medical technician for the Suffield Deal. N.J.: and Martin C. Sher. 43, of Euclid. Ohio. Name * 1 1 4 ,9 0 0 Ambulance Association that treated a Torring- Saada was charged with one count of conspiracy ton man who was seriously injured in the crash. to import and sell endangered species and two O n lu r ONLY 10 REMAINING Address Apt Superior Court Judge Wendy Susco also counts of transportation and shipment of endan­ U N IT S sentenced Dixon to SO days in prison and gered species. The charges against Saada stem City VILUK IRtEN $F iUSTtRIURT MAKE YOUR revoked his driver’s license for one year. He Zip Phone from his alleged purchase of a leopard mount from 2225 Main Slrrrt RESERVATIONS must also attend Alcoholics Anonymous and Lukman in February. Clationbury, CT 06C33 NOW! receive counseling. MAKE IT EASY ON YOURSELF... PAY-BY-MAIL The charges against Sher arise from the April Independently Owned dir Operated The accident occurred in August 1987 on New Co-Broke ‘ ICKX) shipment of a leopard rug from Ohio to Connecticut. DIR. FROM HARTFORD Route 75 in Windsor Locks, when Dixon’s car Lukman was arrested Nov. 2 at Bradley The Manchester Herald Rl. S4 MCI lo 394 to Rt. 44 in CovrMry. Model Open Sundiy 1-4 903 Main St., Downtown Manchester crossed the center line and collided with a International Airport in Windsor Locks. Beveridge After the Ceity Stalton take aeeond le

Drought effects still felt Aspirin warning MARKET REPORT Vacationers to get refunds Herald promotes SCIENCE WASHINGTON (AP) - The summer drought BUSINESS Acllvlty ov»f lh» p«tl 30 Iftding days is not over for the nation’s waterways, according HARTFORD (AP) — Attorney General Joseph to government scientists. Shipyard hints at layoffs I. Lieberman says hundreds of Connecticut Roberts, Santoro may get stronger & H E A L T H A report released Thursday showed that travelers who made reservations through a nearly 40 percent of streams in the lower 48 GROXQN (AP) — Officials at the Electric Boat Winsted-based tour operator are eligible for ■ • states had below-normal flow during October. shipyard, still In the process of recalling refunds following a court settlement. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Manchester Herald Publisher Penny Sieffert gesic Monograph published in the "When will the drought be over? I don’t submarine builders a month after a strike was II The money will come from a $1.6 million Food and Drug Administration is Kentucky leads in deaths today named two Herald employees to new posts. Federal Register that deals with know," Tom Ross, supervisory hydrologist at settled, are hinting that the loss of several Navy Hi account set up by a federal court in New York telling aspirin makers to warn Denise A. Roberts was named personnel a number of issues involving ATLANTA (AP) — Kentucky has the highest the U.S. Geological Survey, said in a statement. contracts could prompt layoffs. I'll following a successful suit against Value manager. women not to take the popular non-prescription pain relievers. rate of smoking-related deaths in the United Precipitation was well above average in Electric Boat won the competition to build only Vacations, which ceased operations in 1984 after a Dennis M. Santoro was named advertising pain killer during the last three For example, it notes that while States and Utah the lowest, federal researchers September in much of the country and above one out of the three (Hass 688 fast-attack dispute with its charter airline. Arrow Air. director. months of pregnancy lest they the outside advisory panel found say. average in the East in October. Ross said submarines It bid on this year, and lost all four Lieberman said Thursday that when the Roberts joined the Herald in 1981 as a classified risk prolonged labor and unneces­ insufficient evidence that caf­ The U.S. Centers for Disease Control report precipitation through February in mountain contracts to Newport News Shipbuilding & IP company went out of business, many people were advertising representative. She became a retail sary bleeding. HIGH 2,054.19 feine increases the effective Thursday came on the same day as the Great areas and through the spring'in the Southeast Drydock Co. in Virginia last year. stranded in Europe when Arrow Air refused to advertising account executive in 1982 and retail Aspirin products already must LOW 2,033.26 action of other ingredients in American Smokeout, the American Cancer would determine whether flow moved closer to "The loss of contracts hampers your ability to take them back to the United States. advertising manager in 1985. She was named carry the standard warning: "As normal. popular pain relievers, the drug Society’s yearly attempt to persuade smokers to stage and schedule work on a steady basis,’’ said CLOSE 2,052.45 advertising director in 1986. with any drug, if you are pregnant makers have submitted addi­ give up the habit, even if just for a day. Nell Ruenzel, an Electric Boat spokesman. “ If we CHANGE Up 13.67 Roberts, a Manchester resident, attended Stone- or nursing a baby seek the advice tional data. The CDC reported that Kentucky had 176 Hormones affect abilities had all the 688s it may be different. When you lose hill College in North Easton, Mass., and graduated of a health professional before As a result, the FDA said smoking-related deaths for every 100,000 688s you have peaks and valleys and your MTWT7 UIWTf WTWTF MTWTF UTWTF UTWT Car salesman fined $75,000 in 1986 from Manchester Community College. using this product.” TORONTO (AP) — Women can talk more 10______IT______H ______*1______7 14 products such as Excedrin and manpower planning is difficult” In her new position, Roberts will oversee This additional wording would residents in 1985; West Virginia was next, with fluently and move their hands more skillfully HARTFORD (AP) — A Meriden used-car Anacin can continue to include 172. About 2,500 the 10,000 members of the Metal personnel policies, group insurance administration be required under the FDA when their sex hormones are at high levels, caffeine while the issue is re­ Trades Council have yet to be recalled, a month salesman accused of failing to pass sales tax and advertising revenue accounting. proposal issued Thursday: "IM ­ according to a study believed to be the first viewed more fully. Utah had 45 such deaths for every 100,000 after the three-month strike was settled. receipts on to the state has been fined $75,000 and Santoro, a Manchester resident, joined the Herald PORTANT: Do not take this people. linking human performance to sex hormones. that "adequate funds” are available to decom­ An accompanying proposal on ordered to pay the state $101,911 in sales taxes, a in 1986 as classified advertising manager. In his new product during the last three 'The research, on 200 women during their mission the plant if the NRC issues a 5 percent non-prescription menstrual pro­ AP photo Nationwide, smoking-related diseases killed spokeswoman for the state tax department said. post he will oversee both the classified and retail months of pregnancy unless menstrual cycle and post-menopausal women power testing license but eventually refuses to ducts would permit use of caf­ 314,574 Americans that year. Seabrook closer to license Spokeswoman Phyllis Parizek said Thursday advertising staffs. directed by a doctor. Aspirin MANNY — The Army has on estrogen-replacement therary. Is by Doreen grant a full-power commercial license. feine in combination with various The worst states, after Kentucky and West the penalty was levied against Wayne Cheese- Before joining the Herald, Santoro was with the taken near the time of delivery unveiled "Manny," a robotic Kimura of the University of Western Ontario in WASHINGTON (AP) — A key financial issue The unusual request came because of "unique pain relievers to relieve mea; Virginia, were Arkansas, with 164 smoking- man, operator of Paint By Wayne Inc. of Meriden, Journal Inquirer for five years where he served as may cause bleeding problems in mannequin that will be used London, Ontario. that has helped delay a low-power license for the and unusual circumstances" surrounding the strual cramps and discomfort. related deaths per 100,000 people in 1985; Rhode who was arrested in October 1987 on larceny classified advertising manager and cooperative both mother and child.” It shows women perform significantly better Seabrook, N.H., nuclear plant has been resolved financial status of Seabrook. Public Service charges. The FDA has concluded caf­ to test military protective Island, 164; and Florida, 161. advertising manager. A similar warning already is in verbal fluency and fine-motor muscular and should no longer bean obstacle, says the staff Company of New Hampshire, the plant’s lead He was also given a five-year suspended jail feine is useful in these applica­ clothing against chemical- Best on the list, after Utah; Alaska, 54; Previously, he worked in the advertising required for ibuprofen, the pain control when their estrogen and progesterone of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. owner, in January becamethe first majorelectric tions as a diuretic, a substance Hawaii, 77; New Mexico, 85; and Colorado, 94. term, put on five years’ probation and ordered to department of the former Hartford Times for nine reliever used in such products as warfare agents. ievels are high. The commission ordered Seabrook’s owners in utility to file for bankruptcy protection since the perform 400 hours of community service. Parizek that inhibits the retention of years, ran his own retail store, the Lions Den, on Advil and Nuprin. September to "provide reasonable assurance” Depression. said. fluids. Main Street for six years and served as advertising Although it could be a year The document also incorpo­ manager for Regal Men’s Shops for 10 years. before the FDA will be able to rates suggested guidelines for impose the new labeling require­ physicians, in advising their ments formally, officials said patients on aspirin use, to help aspirin manufacturers probably prevent recurrences of transient will move sooner to comply since ischemic attacks — sometimes there is little chance the agency in the Greater called "little strokes" — or heart will change its mind. attack or angina. Indeed, the proposal stems REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES Manchester Area And it says the FDA eventually from the virtually undisputed 543 North Main 8t. conclusion of an outside advisory will settle on label wording on the - < panel that aspirin can contribute effect aspirin may have on Manchetter ilDj to bleeding problems for both reducing the risk of initial heart PSyi MIS mother and baby and prolong attacks. 21. 6 4 7 - 8 8 9 5 ^ REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK featuring: l131,500 or nursery, cathedral ceiling, found Seventh-day Adventists, Tender loving care la needed to turn thia skylights, washer and dryer Kuzma followed up on that study 4 bedroom home Into a ahowplaoe. Eat* hook-ups, wall to wall carpet­ can expect to live longer suggests through 1985 by checking Califor­ In kitchen and private lot make thIa a ape- Bolton *337,000 cial buy. ing, sliders with view of pond, 1 that others who adopt the health­ nia death records. Bolton *274,900 I f R « c . l ^ carport. Pool & Tennis also! A ful lifestyle of the religious group Life expectancies for the BRAND NEW CONTEMPORARY. Spacious 8 room Garrison Colonial. Beauty of a Condo. Quality built 2,500 S.F. home in Real Estate may also extend their life spans. Seventh-day Adventists were Quality workmanship. 4 Bedrooms, The Seventh-day Adventists’ new subdivision. Includes 4 BDR’s, 2.5 baths, fireplacea family room. compared to figures for the 2.5 baths, with Jacuzzi bath off M as­ OPEN HOUSE strict approach to diet, exercise, general California population. Located on private cul-de-sac. Move On a day when everyone’s thoughts turn to griving thanks we would ter BR. Fireplaced family room, cus­ in for the holidays! Sun., Nov. 20 • 1-4 PM Manchester - *132,900 weight and smoking showed Kuzma’s findings prompted tom wet bar and more’ like to express our deepest gratitude to our many clients, customers, 408 Sendetone Orive Owner Anxious! This 2 bedroom significant association with life differing reactions from other friends,f r i ^ and " fellow' " real • estate ■ associates ...... for their outstanding sup­ expectancy, said Jan W. Kuzma, researchers. ewrtb Mnesor *104,000 townhouse has it all! Located in a professor of vital statistics at Alfluant Ufa atyla. 2 bwtrooina, 2 full portd o : and loyalty. Together we have had a very successful and small quiet complex, I'/i baths, Dr. Leonard Hayflick, a profes­ batha plua a full rnaatar badroom aulta fully equipped kitchen, spa­ Loma Linda University in 646-5200 with many amanItiM ara offarad In thIa D01luntiful year. cious floor plan, basement, 1 California. sor of biogerontology at the contamporary Condo. University of California, San car garage, sliders to private “ What we choose to do makes a D ir Routa 30 or SuShran Avanua to Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season ahead. Francisco, said he generally is ‘Homework Is What We Do Best!' Sandhill to Sandatona Oriva. deck, well maintained unit!! big difference on how long we skeptical of claims that lifestyle Come Take a Look! live,” Kuzma said. > factors rather than genetics can Practicing Seventh-day Ad­ < affect longevity. 'V ventists abstain from smoking and drinking alcoholic bever­ “ If you talk to (elderly people) ages, and many adopt a vegetar­ and look at their lifestyle you’ll ian or near-vegetarian diet. find nothing in common. One of R E A L E S T T A T ^ s e r v i c e s "This group has unique health the few correlations is the age of 63 East Center St., Manchester, 643-4060. practices, and since these are so death of their six parents or grandparents — that correiates highly associated with favorable MANCHESTER *155,900 outcomes, it points to the fact that pretty good with life expecta­ tions,” he said. "There’s nothing NEW TO MARKET! Vary Inviting ae- what a person chooses to do by not van plus room wall maintalnad MOUNTAIN ROAD smoking, by not overeating and in lifestyle that will increase life home located In Bowara School "PARK-LIKE" treed yerd surrounds this 4 bedroom by exercising affects iife expec­ expectation.” diftrict. New vinyl tiding and new FAMILY COLONIAL with large sunroom. See this U&R built home todayl ROOM TO GROW!!! tancies,” said Kuzma, who pres­ But Dr. Dean Ornish, also at carpeting throughout. Four — poa- OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 12-3 PM ^ Real E slate ented his study Thursday at the UCSF, who has studied preven­ ilbly five badroomt, lower level Call 646-2482 “WE’RE SELLING HOUSES" A growing family will have plenty of room to expand American Public Health Associa­ tive medicine and the effect of family room, porch and patio. MALLARD VIEW in thia charming 7 room bungalow colonial on Henry tion’s annual meeting. iifestyle on heart disease, said SUSAN SHIMER DISTINCTIVE DUPLEXES 647-8400 Street. 4 bedrooma, bath wilh ahower. walk-up allie. Kuzma found that a 35-year-old Kuzma’s findings don’t appear to Sparioua living room, formal dining room, fireplace! AND TOWNHOUSES 168 Main Street, Manehester pantry, 2 ear garage. Bowers Sehool! N EW P R IC E male Seventh-day Adventist was conflict with other research. •159.900. loettad on a prlvata ptrmtntnt cul-da-aac. thia naw likely to live to be 82, nine more “ I think this is an important MANCHESTER *219.900 aubOMalon of quality 3 baOroogi Ouplaxaa await your years than the average California study because it adds increasing NEW TO THE MARKET! Thia Cal­ Inapactlon... KItehana hava oak cablnala, ranga. ovan. white male. For females, the evidence that choices that we ifornia ranch has wonderful In-law Olahwaahar, ratrlgarator anO buitt-ln mlerowava ovant. FIraplacaO living rooma, lit batha with full vanitlaa. prlvata f ■^'1 advantage was 7.6 years longer. make as individuals in our potential with separate entry. Lower level hat kitchen, living tuH baaanwnta wHh hatchwaya, 2 zonaO baaaboarO haating The study calculated life tables iifestyie are perhaps the most ayalama, AnOaraan parmaahlalO tharmopana wlnOowa, room, bath and targe bedroom. Up­ for a group of 27,514 Seventh-day important and powerful determi­ luxurloua wall to wall earpating anO attachaO garagal Phata per level has four bedrooms and I naaring complatlon. Saa thaaa ownar occuplaO anO rantal PLYMOUTH LANE Adventists — 9,804 males and nant of ourhealth and longevity," two full batha. A must aaa. 17,710 females older than age 30 Ornish said. townhouaaa loOayl Rantali from tgso. you'll enhance your Iifestyle In this gracious 1S(X) Dir: ToRand Tpk. or North Main S I to Union SI. to sq. ft. Cape. A beautiful mix of newand oldl Priced to ijy CONDOS - MANCHESTER Roaaalto Drtva. sell I Call S44-2482 -WE’RE BELLING HOUSES" Call S4S-24S2 "WE’RE SELLING H O U SES' *59,900 *105,900 Food, drink and tension Spacious and cheerful one bed- Leisurely living Inlhla three bed- ‘ WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES” room completely remodeled. New room...... unit...... with two full Move BRAND NEW LISTING!!! GRACIOUS AND SPACIOUS!!! carpeting and bath. Many ameni­ .Adorable 4 room Cape on Anderson Sireel in In condition. Ixively 6+ room Cape Cod on Corrord Rd. .3 ties. •OVAIHOUSMO Manchesler. 2 bedrooms, updated bath, carpeting, mean hoiiday headaches OFFORTUMIf V bedrooma, 2 full hatha, renter chimney fireptare in Blanchard & Rossetto full basement. 1 ('ar detached garage, cute yard near front to back living room. Unfinished 4lh bedroom — FREE HOME EVALUATION — the hospital. Affordably priced •119.900. STAMFORD (AP) — Too many feel it at this time of year. We J tiiOtr on 2nd floor. Nicely kept 85x22.5' yard. NO W CNbtHi OlMBMl A SK IN G •169,900, drinks, too much rich food and a advise people not to pretend to be REAL EBTATE 646-2482 hectic schedule during the holi­ thrilled when they’re not” >■ day season could all lead to one Sheftell offered a few thing — holiday headaches. suggestions; Commerc/aMnvetfmanf C om p an y REALTY WORLD" "The holiday season represents ■ Foods such as chocolate, (203) 846-7709 73 Wt»l CtnUr Strati a major change for people in canned figs, herring, pizza, Banoll/Fr^chHta Attoclitti Manchtittr, CT 05040 terms of schedules, activities, cheesecakes and ripened cheeses " FOR SALE travel and sleep,” said Dr, Fred are all likely to trigger head­ OPEN HOUSE ■ NOV. 10 > 12-3 PM ELLINGTON WE GET RESULTS Sheftell. a co-director of the New 33 BatM Road • QlQI’a ’Busy Baa’ family reataurant. Thriving aches. Alcoholic beverages — bualneaa on 2.5 commercial acres near Crya- England Headache Treatment especially too many of them — MANCHESTER *169,900 tal Ltko, RoutD 30 locitlon - groat foroxpan- Program. "People just try to dp will trigger "hangover” G REAT IN-LAW SITU ATIO N - 9 Room Split, 4 slon or further development. too much in too short a time. headaches. BR’a, 3 bathe. Main home haa 6 rooms, 2 full batha and fireplace. In-law la llvingroom, kitchen • 3.5 Acres In prime Induatrlal area abutting El- “ And then in January, the bills ■ Don’t overextend yourself a full bath. Owner will help with doting costa. Property Includaa sound EXCELLENT 1890 Colonial with Commercial Potential. come in and that’s another time financially or otherwise. OtR: No. Main to Woodland to Isfl on Turnbull to (for headaches),” he said on ■ Don’t skip meals, maintains right on Brant to M l on Balsa, home on comer. MANCHESTER *157,000 VERNON 'Thursday. consistent sleeping pattern and Vinyl sided 7 room Colonial. Carpet ovarhardwood, full • 6 Acre Industrial site on busy Rt. 83, great visi­ brick wall with fireplace In living room, sliders from The Stamford program is one of be aware of your own level of bility, excellent for mini warehouse / atoraoe family room to huge patio end In-ground pool. Induatrlal Condo use. ’ Ilf two in Connecticut. tension and do what you can to Dr. Louis Reik, associate pro­ • 2 Acres In C-10 zone on Rt. 83 nar Hartmann’s decrease it. Supermarket. 2,000 SF home with Income fessor of neurology at the pro­ "Moderation is always the D.W.FISH apt. gram at University of (Connecti­ key,” Reik said. THE REALTY COMPANY cut Health Center’s John FOR LEASE Sheftell said he believes there is ELLINGTON Dempsey Hospital in Farming- a greater awareness now about • N*w Rentel/Profeealonal Center on high tref- Manchester >154,900 Manchester >117,900 ton. agreed with Sheftell. headaches and how serious they SO. WINDSOR - Spacious new 8 room U&R Contemporary, PftlCB REDUCEDI ! “iS ! o r !!••* tvellible starting at RIVER MILL ESTATES BACK ON THE MARKETI "First of all, the holiday times can be. 1,100 SF, Move-In Bonus sunken living roohrt, with cathedral celling, large family room Thl» 3 badroom Capa Cod hai a full Flrit tima buysrt? Thli 4 room plua are often very stressful in spite of "I wouldn’t say there’s an i Be tter VERNON •«*->11-a ,f. with stone fireplace, 4 bedrooms, deluxe kitchen and eating 201 New State Road, Manchester In-law studio with a prlvata sntr- 2 attic room ranch may ba just tha the buildup they get," Reik said. increase in headaches, but I ancs In addition to tha othsr nics placs for you to start. Nics alza pan­ • Multl-uae 8,600 SF basement apace In the area, oversized dining room, 2.5 baths, sun deck, over 1 acre * tsatursa of thia homsi 2'4 batha, “ Sometimes they are very de­ would say the awareness has VICTORIAN starting at: >148,500."'*^'’* PM try. Carpatsd. Lo catsd on a cornar center of Rockville’s business district. lot. >365,000. larga kllchan and firsplacs. Only lot convsnisnt to shopping and I- pressing for some people and I increased because people are MANCHESTER *157,000 Featuring- mlnufss Irom 1-84. An axcsilsnt Seven room home with lota of charm. Four BR’a, eat-ln '3**sq. ft • 2 Bedrooms. Baths • Cathedral Ceilinfi 384. S o m a ow nar financing potal- think it is common for people to seeking treatment." said Shef­ • 2,400 SF of prime medical office tpacs adja­ • Private Deck • iikylighis buyl W s Invita you to maks an oftsri bls. Call today for tha dstaflil klicnon. formil dining & lot floor Itundry. Htrdwood • Custom Kitchen w/applia get headaches in those kind of tell. who says his program sees floors throughout. PLU S walk-up attic & porch. cent to other practltlonsre and hoepHel. • Garage with Opener stresses." between 700 and 1,000 new people >7«iq. ft. U&R REALTY CO. -Quality Sheftell said; "F or many, the annually. "They are no longer STRANO REAL ESTATE holidays are the first time they’re taking the attitude that this is OFFNCHOWS 643-1591 243 Main St, Manchettar, CT 06040 Dally e:00-«:00 243 Main SIrBBt, ManchBator, CT 00040 ^ 6 4 3 - 2 6 9 2 dealing with the loss of someone something they have to live Bat. 9:00-5:00 647-7653 who died during the yearand they with.” k. 871-1400 Vernon Cr., Vamon, CT 06066_____ 643-4616 l,Jgy^Robert D. Murdock, Realtor Uirections: 1-84, Exit 60. turn East and bear lefl Past East Catholic High School - Rivermill Estate.s on left across from Hilliard Street. (203) 646-7709 —12___ MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Nov. 18, 1988 MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Nov. 18, 198$ — 11 OPINION NA'nON Landlady ‘circus’ & WORLD upsets defenders With accord AS SOCN AS fbSSlPte, I THHIK TOU ms> TO SCim ift Kirk ‘needs to remain’ DEA now SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - additional counts and special A SUNUWT VHTH OUR C W t AWieRSARYl PHOENIX (AP) — Democratic state Attorneys for a landlady sus­ circumstances would be filed. party leaders are doing a post-mortem on pected of killing seven tenants for Special circumstances means the yet another presidential election defeat and their Social Security checks ac­ penalty upon conviction could be public, keep polluter, appealing to Paul G. Kirk Jr. to serve cused the media and police of death or life in prison without another term as national chairman to avert turning the case into a “ circus.” parole. a potentially divisive contest for his job. Public defenders Peter Vlautin Puente was ordered held with­ Also on the minds of Democratic leaders and Kevin Clymo criticized the out bail. Vlautin and Clymo were says EPA are questions about whether the party it that way Sacramento Police Department appointed to represent her, and needs to re-examine its method of nominat­ for transporting Dorothea Mon­ the case was continued to Dec. 19. ing presidential candidates after its fifth talvo Puente from Los Angeles to Police have not identified any By Jack Anderson defeat in the last six national elections. Sacramento in a jet chartered by of the bodies, but have a list of 29 "One thing I ’ m going to resist and resist The proposed terms of what could be a and Dale Van Atta a television station and allowing a people, mostly impoverished el­ as forcefully as I can is the over-reaction, reporter to interview her. derly people on Social Security, historic agreement to remove many of the over-analysis, over-revisionist theory of “ It’s unheard of that a law who have lived at Puente’s m w WASHINGTON - Chemists who politics,” said Kirk. causes of ongoing disputes between the town enforcement agency would team eight-bedroom rooming house cook up illegal drugs and “ farmers” and the Eighth Utilities District have finally Much of the attention at a two-day up with a news organization to and whose whereabouts are who grow marijuana have a new meeting of the Association of State transport a person to ja il,” unknown. been made public in all but the smallest and distinction; They are polluters, too. Democratic Chairs beginning today will be Vlautin said. During the television inter­ most technical detail. The Environmental Protection on Kirk, who has refused to say whether he Bill George, assignment editor view. Puente denied any Involve­ :x. Agency has labeled them as a threat would serve another four-year term. His for the station, KCRA-TV in ment in the deaths. The release of the document is long to the environment. And, in a twist of term expires in February. Sacramento, said Thursday night ” I have not killed anyone,” overdue. Because it is a third draft, it is clear bureaucratic ingenuity, the E PA has that the reporter, Mike Boyd, was Puente’ said on the plane. ” I told there was a first draft and a second draft, TiRX a w VJ«T... lumped federal drug police into the “ only doing a good job.” you that. I have not killed anyone. same category. The E PA says the Gorbachev visits India neither of which has been made public. “ (He) was just being an ag­ The checks I cashed, yes.” Drug Enforcement Administration is NEW DELHI, India (A P ) - India AP photo gressive journalist,” said Negotiations over the agreement have been The reporter said he didn’t ask V a “ toxic waste generator” because it welcomed Soviet President Mikhail S. George. "N o deal was made with going on for almost a year. They were carried ON TOP OF THE WORLD — Miss Iceland, Linda Petursdottir, holds her her about the murders and she disposes of the chemicals from Gorbachev today for a three-day visit that police. They needed a way to get crown after being named Miss World at London’s Royal Albert Hall volunteered her denial. She also out in private, away from public view, confiscated drug labs. includes the signing of new economic and back (to Sacramento) and we told him, ” I used to be a very good presumably in the effort to keep the talks The environmental threat from cultural accords between the long-friendly Thursday night. The 18-year-old hotel receptionist was chosen for the offered one.” drugs is no joke. One of the most nations. title from among 84 contestants. She won about $54,000 in cash. person at one time.” from becoming politicized. That effort wasn’t George added that there were serious problems is the proliferation Indian authorities, mindful of Afghan no commercial flights at the time. Puente has a criminal record entirely successful. of illegal methamphetamine labs on refugee opposition to Soviet involvement in Puente, 59, who vanished early dating to a 1948 conviction for There may never be an answer to whether it public and private land. Afghanistan, asked the estimated 7,000 Judge rejects bids confident that we can get a simple Saturday after police unearthed forging checks. She served 2'A was right to carry on the negotiations so Cooking up the drugs means creat­ Afghans in New Delhi to stay in theirhomes majority” in the assembly, she declared the first of seven bodies buried in years in prison in the 1980s for ing chemical waste that the crooks while Gorbachev is in town. secretly, sometimes in an almost COLUMBIA, S.C. (A P ) - The P T L Thursday night. her yard, was arrested in Los drugging and robbing three men dump into streams, killing fish, Gorbachev, making his first foreign visit ministry is on the auction block again after she met in a bar, and remains on cloak-and-dagger setting with crosstown trips Her Pakistan People’s Party captured 92 Angeles late Wednesday. She endangering all wildlife that use the since the presidency was added to his a federal bankruptcy judge rejected two seats in the 237-member assembly on appeared briefly Thursday in parole for a separate federal water and even threatening farm for hurried conferences to meet midnight portfolio as party leader two months ago, offers and threatened to liquidate the Wednesday in the first free elections in Municipal Court here, but did not forgery conviction. deadlines. Where Dukakis went wrong animals. Sometimes the drug makers was greeted at the New Delhi airport by evangelical empire if a sale is not Pakistan since 1977. enter a plea to a single murder Her attorneys said they were simply dump the chemicals into the Prim e Minister Rajiv Gandhi. In any event, the matter is now public and it completed by Dec. 13. Her rivals in the nine-party conservative count. infuriated that Puente was inter­ ground, where they leach into the soil Schools were closed today in honor of should stay public. were trying hard to conceal Dukakis’ depth of a college yell, but it was at “ We’re not losing sight of the promised Islamic Democratic Alliance, which in­ Assistant District Attorney viewed without a lawyer being By W illiam A. Rusher and groundwater. Gorbachev’s visit. More than 100,000 pupils land,” said Sam Johnson, president of Dan Kinter told the judge that The proposal approved by the directors of liberal record, the Bush forces least preferable to being pounded to cludes supporters of the late President Gen. present. Sheriff Bill Arnado of Josephine and about 10,000 teachers were asked to Heritage Ministries at PTL, responding to Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, won 54 seats. promptly focu.sed national attention pieces. It probably slowed the vote County, Ore., says he has seen “ the the Eighth Utilities District Wednesday night Before turning, in future column.

1 iHanrlirstrr Hrralft ■ Crash Baltics Israel Section 2, Page 13 From page 1 From page 1 From page 1 SPORTS Friday, Nov. 18, 1988 one way and then the other, then The Baltics have been angered sions between nationalities in after prayers at the A1 Aqsa ’’ l' the lights in the plane went out. by amendments to the national Estonia, picking up a theme mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple “ It was just a split second after - l'1- constitution proposed by Gorba­ sounded by Politburo member Mount, known in Arabic as ' the lights went out, there was an chev, saying they would shift the and former KGB secret police Haram as-Sharif. explosion and the flames started little power they have to central chief Viktor M. Chebrikov in a Three Palestinian youths were to come up.” Jim Tierney authorities in Moscow and elimi­ visit to Estonia last weekend. wounded in separate clashes in Heinie said he could not say nate their constitutional right to On Thursday, Kremlin ex­ the Gaza Strip today, including a whether the explosion occurred secede. pressed doubt about the constitu­ 16-year-old who was in critical Herald Sports Writer while the plane was in the air. condition with a gunshot wound Harold Morgenstern, manager The Supreme Soviet of Lithua­ tionality of the Estonian parlia- nia opened a session that was ment’s proclamation on that fractured his skull, doctors of a trailer court, said, “ It felt like at Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital an earthquake.” Morgenstern expected to last late into the night Wednesday that it has the right to with the national language de­ review any new law passed in said. Army officials said they said he saw “ about a half mile of were checking the reports. flames” that were yellow. “ They bate, said Vitautus Makauskas, Moscow, and its “ declaration of an editor with official television, sovereignty” in all areas except Foreign Minister Shimon Peres were up in the air a couple of held a briefing for diplomats from hundred feet.” which was providing a live foreign policy and defense. 42 countries today to explain Tim e is now Last week, a B-IB crashed and broadcast. It called Estonian leaders to the Israel’s rejection of the PLO ■ : p . Soviet capital for a meeting with burned in a field near Dyess Air Makauskas said in a telephone independence declaration. An the Presidium of the Supreme Force Base in West Texas. The interview from Vilnius, the Li­ aide quoted Peres as saying the crew of four ejected and Soviet, the country’s highest thuanian capital, that the lan­ declaration’s implicit recognition in state final survived. executive body, of which Gorba­ guage debate would likely be of Israel “ was an attempt to Lt. Col. George H. Peck, a chev is the chairman. followed by discussions about mislead public opinion.” Strategic Air Command spokes­ re-establishing the flag, hymn, Esstonian leaders said on a Cyprus and the Christian fac­ man, said ’Tuesday that 63 of the flight late Thursday to Moscow for Indians and seal of the independent tion of Lebanon’s divided govern­ 85 B-lBs at SAC bases had been republic that existed before Li­ from Tallinn that they expected ment today formally recognized inspected without any problems thuania was absorbed into the the summons to Moscow. the independent Palestinian detected. The time is now for the Manchester High boys’ Soviet Union. “ Perestroika is a hope and state, bringing to at least 27 the The Air Force refused to soccer team. Activists said hundreds of democracy is a hope, and every number of nations that have speculate on the cause of the Aptly enough, the Indians will be playing for the people gathered outside the Su­ hope has a moment of unease,” recognized it. BATTLE LINE — Texas crash, although witnesses Class L L state championship against Cheshire preme Soviet on Thursday with the newly elected Estonian pre­ The Soviet Union today recog­ Manchester High's High Saturday at 1 p.m. at Wethersfield High, five reported a fire around the two left flags and banners supporting mier, Indrek Toome, said. nized the proclamation of an engines before the crash. SAC’s days short of Thanksgiving. Corey Craft, right, greater local control. “ The dialogue has begun," said independent Palestinian state but grounding order mandated in­ ' 'The irrepressible Manchester soccer fans, head gives Ridgefield’s The United States backed the Igor Grazin, the Estonian lawyer stopped short to extending full spection of electric, fuel and Baltic nationalists Thursday. who wrote the legislation and will diplomatic relations. coach Bill McCarthy and assistant coach Stu Wolf, Billy McGarry a hydraulic lines. AP photo State Department spokesman defend it before the Presidium. More than 7,000 Palestinians the players and the unrequited parents already In addition to Ellsworth and little push in their Charles Redman said in Washing­ Chebrikov sharply criticized have been wounded in the territo­ have plenty to be thankful for. Dyess, the bombers are deployed semifinal game ton: “ The United States does not Estonia’s Communist Party for ries since the rebellion against 21 The Indians, following a disappointing 3-8-5 LOBSTERING ISLAND — Sanford "Dick” Lunt, 78, hefts at Grand Forks Air Force Base, recognize the forcible incorpora­ fueling nationalism and warned years of Israeli rule began Dec. 8. season in which they failed to qualify for Wednesday. The a lobster box at a lobster pound he owns with his son in N.D., and McConnell Air Force tion of the Baltic states. ... The the leadership was causing ten­ At least 313 Palestinians and II postseason play for the first time since 1966, Indians will face Frenchboro, Maine. Lunt and other residents of the Base, Kan. people of the Baltic states have sion between the republic’s ethnic Israelis have been killed. immediately began their quest for their ultimate The Air Force has been critic­ Cheshire High Sat­ Island cpmmunity have started a program to curb been denied their basic human groups. Hospital officials said at least ■ destiny which has now arrived. ized for its handling of the B-IB urday at 1 p.m. at tourism. rights.” Establishment of Estonian as four people were seriously Manchester is dominated by a veteran group of program, primarily because of Sovietskaya Rossiya, the offi­ the official language of the wounded in confrontations in the seniors — 10 of the II starters are seniors. Several Wethersfield High acknowledged problems in devel­ cial newspaper of the Russian republic is on the agenda for a West Bank village of Tamoun and played together in an indoor league at the Oakwood School for the CIAC oping its radar-jamming gear. republic, today cited rising ten­ future meeting. in several Gaza Strip areas. Fitness Center in Glastonbury last summer. While state Class LL Residents lured many scholastic athletes don’t work out a lot in the boys' soccer summer months forobvious reasons, the V ■Manchester boys’ soccer team was busy preparing championship. to pristine island for the impending season in which it wa.s eager to Patrick Flynn/ManchMtar Harald wash away past inefficiencies. “ They started way back last year when they had that lousyseason,” McCarthy said Wednesday to curb tourism after the Ridgefield game. “ They worked hard all summer long. They were running the Turkey Day FRENCHBORO, Maine (AP) already arrived have been help­ course on early July mornings, five or six of them. Moment arrives for Indians — Residents of this pristine isiand ing to build their own houses in They’re committed. They knew as seniors they town are iuring city dweiiers with thick, pine woodland, about a wanted to be successful. ’’ offers of iow-cost land and homes half-mile from the Atlantic Success has certainly found a home for the in an attempt to stop Frenchboro Ocean. The rest of the town faces Indians as they won the CCC East Division title a nd MHS meets Cheshire for LL soccer crown from becoming just another the harbor, where lobstermen sell have a sparkling 16-2-1 record. The 16 wins is a tourist spot aiong Maine’s scenic their catch to a wholesale lobster boys’ single-season school record. boast!’ pound. 30 SMOOTHTOP “•When I say we get them here on the bus and By Jim Tierney appeared in the 1983 LL final, bowing to Ridgefield, van Yperen cited the play of his senior goalie, Sanford Lunt, his fam ily and The seven homestead families ELECTRIC RANGE they take care of the rest, they do take care of the Manchester Herald 3-0. This is the Indians’ 13th state final appearance. Corey Feldstein. “ He’s kept us in more games than their neighbors deveioped the are renting the newly built homes rest,” McCarthy said of his talented squad. They are 4-8. anyone.” Stopperback Brad Opheim is another Combines Fast Cooking with a homestead pian after years of for three years, and later will After an opening win over Rockville, Manchester The moment the Manchester High boys’ soccer This will mark the first-ever meeting between Cheshire standout. watching residents forsake the Beautilui Appearance. team has been anxiously awaiting has arrived. Manchester and Cheshire. purchase them at below-market dropped a 3-1 decision to Wethersfield to even off at “ They are ready to play," van Yperen said. “ I isiand for the mainland. The eighth-seeded Indians (16-2-1) will clash with Todd Williams, who scored all three goals for prices. The homes are scattered 1-1 with the prospects of another long seasofi think it will be an excellent gam e." Nine seniors The first homesteaders arrived lOth-seeded Cheshire High (17-3) for the Class LL Cheshire in its semifinal victory, leads the Rams among about 55 acres of land staring them in the face. start for Cheshire compared to 10 for Manchester. recently, and by' Christmas the state tournament championship Saturday after­ with 20 goals while Nick Lerner has 16. donated by wealthy heirs of On the heels of a dismal 3-8-5 campaign a year rest are expected to be living on “ Confidence,” McCarthy said, referring to the noon at 1 at Wethersfield High School. Senior Jeremy Dieterle tops Manchester with 14 Rockefeller, the late vice presi­ improvement factor. “ After we got knocked off by ago, the Indians have now achieved all the goals the island, most of which is owned dent. The construction was paid Manchester, the Central Connecticut Conference goals while senior Kevin Boyle has seven. Senior EXCLUSIVE Wethersfield early, we realized we’ve got to play they set before the season began. by the heirs of Nelson for with $400,000 in federal eg SAMSUNG Eastern Division champs, finds itself in this sweeper Glenn Jensen and senior fullbacks Doug RECESSED TURNTABLE tougher.” Manchester has gone 15-1-1 since the Rockefeller. community development money. enviable position after tournament victories over Harvey, Jonas McCray and Dan Kelsey solidify a ‘ ‘They’ve gotten their lumps," McCarthy said, “ These people are great." said AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Wethersfield loss. West Haven (3-0), Xavier (2-1) and Ridgefield (2-0). defense which has allowed only 12 goals in 19 referring to 1987. “ You can’t find too many people Walter Pietrowski, who moved I' I I _ Steve Beote, a 27-year-old electri­ to the island a few months ago, Beginning in goal, senior Jeff Bernier has been a Cheshire, which finished second in the 10-team outings. Senior goalie Jeff Bernier has been superb who set goals and see them realized. All of a sudden, cian who moved from Salem, said Frenchboro offers a tran­ force throughout the L L tourney. Though untested Housatonic League to North Haven, did not earn a during the tourney. they were getting each goal.” Mass. "Y ou don’t find people like quility he never found amid the in many matches during the season, Bernier has first-round bye and had to defeat Staples, 2-1 in "W e have to be concerned about that,” ninth-year Dieterle, the center halfback, has led the Indian this in Massachusetts anymore." hustle and bustle of New Haven, exhibited his fine talent when it’s counted the most, overtime, in a qualifying match to progress. Manchester Coach Bill McCarthy said, referring to surge this season both on the field and off Beote’s and six other families Conn., where he, his wife and TC9850T including his spectacular penalty kick save against After that, the Rams defeated Newtown (2-1), Williams. "A t this particular time, emotions and “ (Dieterle) is a driven person,” McCarthy said. were chosen from about 300 three children lived. 19" Cable-Compatible Xavier. Windsor (2-1) and Simsbury (3-2 in overtime). what they’ve learned before will hopefully kick in.” “ H e’s a goal-oriented person. You need strong- applicants to move onto the “ Sometimes you sit and you Monitor Style Color TV Enough cannot be said about senior sweeper Cheshire’s three losses this year have been to Second-year Cheshire Coach Hans van Yperen willed people on the team. Coaches can only do so 2,S00-acre island, officially called just don’t hear anything,” said Glenn Jensen. He has dominated defensively every North Haven, Lyman Hall and Sheehan High, both was confident heading into the tourney. much. You need determined people. He has taken Long Island, across Blue Hill Bay Pietrowski. “ It’s strange, but I game this year. Senior fullbacks Jonas McCray, of Wallingford. Manchester lost to Wethersfield, 3-1, " I saw us easily getting to the semis," he said. “ I charge and that’s what you need.’ ’ from the mainland. like it.” Dan Kelsey and Doug Harvey have been solid all on Sept. 17 and to South Windsor. 2-1, on Oct. 21. knew the kids were good. They’ve done exception­ “ I ’ve told the kids that they’ve got a wonderful Between 1960 and 1980, French- Pietrowski and the other ho­ season. Manchester last won the Double L title in 1979 ally well. I ’m very pleased with the way we’ re chance,” McCarthy added. “Don’t lose this when it shut out Glastonbury, 3-0. The Indians playing” opportunity.” boro’s population dropped from mesteaders were awarded their Senior center midfielder Jeremy Dieterle, the 57 to 43 as young residents left for land and homes after a selection ^M agic Chef* team’s leading scorer with 14 goals, has been the the mainland and older residents 'liirMagic Chef and screening process by a panel spiritual leader for the team since Day 1. Dieterle died. of islanders and state officials. • Dork tubo • O fi^ ro o n chonnol is flanked by senior Mike Sardo, who is one of the About the same time, vacation­ Most of the homesteaders have dltofov • Prtcitlon quortt dioltol tunlno • Proorommoblo Kon • 31-kty wtrolots romett more highly skilled Indians, and junior Dave UConn hoop looks to climb ladder ers discovered the island, with its young families, and the men have control w/diroct occoii tunlno • AFT b outo color Stephenson. clear, accommodating harbor worked in trades as carpentry $ Seniors Kevin Boyle and Ted Miller up front have By Len Auster and proximity to the popular and and pipe fitting. 749 combined for 12 goals. Each scored in the 2-0 win Manchester Herald resort town of Bar Harbor, 25 Kerry Hartman, hired to edu­ miles away by boat. cate the island’s seven elemen­ over Ridgefield. Senior Mo Moriarty, troubled by STORRS — To what heights can the The island’s attractiveness tary schoolchildren in its one- injury as of late, has performed admirably all University of Connecticut basketball concerned residents, who prefer room schoolhouse, said that what *799 — *50 Rebate year. Freshman sparkplug Bill Kennedy has FREE LOCAL DELtVERY team climb in 1988-89? a relaxed life without distractions attracted him to Frenchboro, scored three goals. from the outside world, said Lunt, "Saturday.. .They’ve been looking forward to it among other things, was the The Huskies, who had a Cinderella 78, the island’s oldest resident. harbor, which is littered only with fora long tim e," McCarthy said. " I can’t ask for finish a year ago that saw them "W e ’re getting down in popula­ lobster buoys. n Witeluki Remoie Coniiol rested for the final 30 games and the playoffs. added. The hopes for the Huskies begin Calhoun. He’ll provide some instant preseason poll, were placed in a tie for • H>gh-SpMO OfTXiiMMfLfi |2U m SLPj ?249 with Robinson, who led UConn in • 1*(TKMilh/4 piuj Muling Sykluiii • Aulo Opofsiion Functions irritate both Achilles tendons, to have the spurs at 8 p.m. at the Field House in Storrs. rebounds (6.9), blocked shots (49). The personnel is impressive, but it followed by Villanova. “ I don't know if for manhandling cheerleader removed. It launches its 1988-89 schedule on field goals made (222) and free throws hasn’t been all there in the preseason. realistically we can improve on what The operation is to be performed at New England Nov. 26 at the Hartford Civic Center made (156) a year ago. A legitimate That has impeded UConn's progress. we did outside the league (14-1) last ANNAPOLIS, Md. (A P ) — The Howard W. Habermeyer was sent Baptist Hospital in Boston by Drs. Roger Mann and against the University of Hartford. All-America candidate and for Big " I ’m not crying,” said Calhoun, “ but year. We have to improve where we commandant of the U.S. Naval to Anna Maria (Thavez, head of Arnold Scheller — the latter the team physician — “ You try not to think about it. But East Player of the Year honors, as far as who we want to play at what make our living, in the Big East." Academy has reportedly apolog­ BEST SELECTION,....LOWEST PRICES!!! the Celtics said. It is expected to be performed as when you see in the paper you’re Robinson has had an impressive the Yale cheerleading team. The time, we’re way behind. As far as That won’t be easy. “ The league is ized to Yale University’s cheer­ letter, described as a personal soon as the doctors and the hospital can work it into ranked 20th in the nation, it’s kind of preseason. "H e’s a marquee player, team chemistry and different lineups drastically improved and it will get leading captain for an incident in apology by academy spokesman their schedules. hard (not to think about it)," said as good a player in the league as there and solutions to probems, we haven’t better next year and the year alter is,” Calhoun cited. which a cheerleader was “ cap­ Jay Fromkin, was not released. Boston general manager Jan Volk said Bird is 7-foot freshman Dan Cyrulik, one of got that done yet. ’ ’ Williams, a 6-foot-6 that,” said Calhoun, rattling off the tured" and passed hand-to-hand IFOliAIIFIFn expected to be out at least three months. three newcomers Calhoun hopes will Six-foot-four senior guard Phil small forward out of Torrington, for names of the top freshmen, such as through the stands at a football “It was a nice hand-written The loss of Bird, who had missed just 27 games in take some of the load up front from Gamble, the N IT most valuable example, hasn’t scrimmaged. “ He’s Alonzo Mourning (Georgetown) .and game. note from the commandant.’ ’ Ms. his previous nine NBA regular seasons, is a serious 6-foot-ll senior Cliff Robinson. player who averaged 15.0 points a far behind. I really don’t expect much Billy Owens (Syracuse) who will j The sophomore cheerleader, Chavez said. “ He tried toexplain blow to the Celtics. Boston lost four of its first five Cyrulik, 6-foot-9 freshman Rod game and UConn’s leading three- from Murray the first few games,” make an impact this year. Kim Reeder, complained that it as a tradition. But when it got games before beating Miami on Tuesday night and Sellers and 7-foot sophomore Marc pointer shooter is back. So, too, are Calhoun said. The Big East is deeper, the midshipmen bruised, scratched Golden State on Wednesday night. Boston reached Suhr, who sat out last year as a junior point guard Tate George, "Y ou can go down the list. We out of hand, it obviously wasn’t of>tNiNoori']e< non-conference schedule, that in­ and fondled her as she was the NBA championship series four consecutive Proposition 48 victim, each will see senior Willie McCloud, and sopho­ something they condoned. It’s EASTBOUNO SUPER DISCOUNT!______haven’t had the players who we think cludes back-to-back dates with carried feet-first into the EASY TO NTCENTER liL I seasons before losing the Eastern Conference finals time in the middle. "Freshmen are mores Lyman DePrIest and Murray are going to make us a good Purdue and Virginia, has been over, but not to the extent that it 445 HARTFORD RD. • KEENtt SI EXIT nfFOFF I-84 ^ 647-9997 - bleachers before the start of the OET TO< E-Z TERMS; to Detroit last season. EKG ’s (for coaches),’ ’ Calhoun says. Williams. This cast is joined by basketball team. I feel we’ll struggle strengthened. The question is how should be forgotten. Hopefully, MtHanloMM MANCHESTER. CT. Oct, 1 Vale-Navy game. cash . monthly "E very day is different with them. impressive newcomers such as highly all this will prevent it from OPEN DAILY: M ON-THURS T IL 9 . TUES-WEO SAT TIL 5 . FRIDAY TIL early (not necessarily record-wise) high can Connecticut climb. I CREDIT CARO PAYMENTS See SURGERY, page IS The Oct. 31 letter from Capt. happening again” That’s normal, natural. It’s 2:30 right touted Chris Smith, the 6-foot-2 guard because we have to find what works The answers begin next Saturday. 14 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday. Nov. 18. 1988 MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday. Nov, 18, 1988 — 15 SCOREBOARD SPORTS Big Apple NIT taps off

Cinadltnt 5, Bniint 2 Hockey IN BRIEF MoidroGl I 1 college basketball season Boston 1 • gIS FootbaD Golf first Porlod— 1, Boston, Noolv I , Ping pong league starting <«*>- i- Mon*- NBA Expansion Teams NHL standinot 1” ; *'"]?*’ (Robinson, Naslund),6:47. X Bv The Associated Press Three of the nation’s top 10 the final two days later being held 2®*!22' Tholvon 2 (Burridoe, Byers), 11:41 NFL atandinga Kapalua Intarnatlonal golf aearaa| ■ Department will hold teams — No. 4 Louisville, No. 6 Ponoltlw— Corson, Mon (Mghotlcklng), registration from Nov. 28 through Dec. 5 from 6to at New York’s Madison Square WALIS CONRIRINCI On paper, Louisville vs. Xavier North Carolina and No. 8 Syra­ Garden. Patrick OtvMon / ,5 L - Mon, doublt minor AMERICAN CONFERENCE K A P A L U A , HowMI (A P ) — Score*; W L T Rtf O (inttrw tnco, untporttmonllk# conduct), Thursday otter the second round U (he. ' ftuolli league (ages 16 and of Ohio looks like a mismatch. cuse — open their 1988-89 basket­ Right now, the Cardinals look N Y Ranoart H> 6 3 23 I No*(y, Bos (Mgh-stlcklno), 4:22; U00400 K a ^u o InternatlonM o M tourna­ • Mahoney Rec Center. Fee is $4 and a Mofflnson, Aton, mlnor-molor (Instigator, W L T Ret. PR PA That’s the way it looks to Xavier ball seasons as the tournament like a good bet to make a run at 10 9 0 20 I Buffalo .909 243 14* ment ptayad on the X761-vord, oor-77' oJf,4 : f League play will be co-ed Naw J a m v ( 0 3 19 t flgmliw), 10:39; Bvarx Bos, motor (flght- KopMuo Bay course: Coach Pete Gillen as well. opens tonight at eight sites. the NCAA title. lO i*; Tholvon, Bos (Intoforonco), Indlonopolls .545 263 206 ■ frS ®*"8les and doubles. League play RtilladatpMa I 11 I 17 ; Now England .545 1W 222 John Mahoffav 6 3 *4—ia. “They are so strong, they can “By the epd of the season, I W o M n ^ o n 6 9 2 14 t 14-37' ®®'"’* '0, Bos (cross-checking), N .Y . Jots Bob Glider 6M4—ia ends the first week of January. N Y Itlo m N n .500 233 236 just flick away our guards,” Along with the Louisville- think we’ll be good enough to win 6 K) 2 14 J Miami .455 192 234 Bill Olosson 6649-ia; , ]['^ere are a limited number of spaces. For Adorns DIvtsloa P#i'lod— 4, , McPhoo 6 Control Corev Povln *747— IM . Gillen said as his team prepared Xavier game, it will be the national championship,” said Monti'sul 10 I 3 23 I (Skru'ManA Lomloox), 7:55. 1 Montreal, Cincinnati Jodie AAudd 7MS—ia A M rtlr^ 1 (Ludwig, Courtnoll), 11:04. I 3 .727 322 216 * - Center to meet the highly-regarded Tennessee-Chattanooga at North forward Kenny Payne, a member •orton 9 S S 23 1 Houston .636 263 257 Bob Lohr 09*7—13* ,. (647-3166) between 3 and 5 p.m. or 6 and 9 p.m. Buffalo I 10 2 II 4 P o ^ o s — Unsoman, Bos (Mgivstlcklna), Cleveland Mark O'Meara 6749- 116. Cardinals tonight in one of the Carolina, La Salle at Syracuse, of the '86 champions. ' 4:35; Lomloux, Mon (sloshina), 12:55; .545 177 1M Horttord 7 10 1 IS 4 Pittsburgh .112 222 306 Mac O'Grady 4X7D—136 opening games in the Big Apple Southwest Missouri State at No. That could mean a long night Ouoboc 4 12 2 14 7 NoMy, Bos (Intorfaranco), 17:11 Steve Pale *947—136 Third Period— X Montrool, McPhoo 7 NIT. “They can push them away 14 Missouri, No. 20 Stanford at CAMROILL CONRIRRNCI Denver .545 237 213 Dave RummMIs *947—116; : Bay lock to Taiwan for Xavier, which lost all-time Norris Division (lAm lou x, Skrudlond), 4:03. 7, Montrool, L.A. Raiders Mark Colcovacchla 73*4—W. like a bothersome gnat.” , Montana, Illinois State at Indi­ Ko o im 5, 11:50 (pp). Penalties— (M Ie v , .545 213 222 school scoring leader Byron W L T Rh OR O A Seattle .545 i n 211 Ben Crenshaw 6S4 9 —W- ' STORKS - University of Connecticut head The fourth-ranked Cardinals, Dafrolt 9 S 4 22 70 OS Bos (oross^hocklng), 3:10; Woltar, Mon San Diego Steve Jones *9 *3 ia- ana, Arkansas State at Georgia Larkin after last season. Xavier Toronto Onti^oronco), 7:40; Chollos, Mon (hlgh- .773 129 206 9 9 1 19 71 71 City .227 154 194 Kenny Knox 67-71—ia‘ ^-baseball coach Andy Baylock and senior who were national champions as and Southern Methodist at will rely on three veteran starters St. Louts I 6 3 19 62 6S Mckng), 7:54; Unsomon, Bos (hlgh- HMe Irwin 6X73— ia. ^^infielder Brian Specyalski are among a Select recently as 1986, will send a Wyoming. Oilcooo 6 10 4 16 S4 M Jjcklng), 7:54; Corson, AAon (roughing), Jim Carter 6X71—ia — forward Tyrone Hill, guard Mlnnosoto 4 12 3 11 SO n 12:05; Courtnoll, Mon, motor (fighting), NATIOf4AL CONFERENCE Dave B arr 7»49-ia • coaches and players who will travel to veteran team against Xavier at The quarterfinals also will be Stan Kimbrough and center ^ , Smyth# Division 12:M; ChoHos, Mon, misconduct, 12:05; John Cook 73*7—ia ' Ta'Pcl (Taiwan) to participate in the Riverfront Coliseum in played at campus sites, with the Derek Strong — to carry the team Coloarv 13 4 3 29 19 S2 Ludwig, Mon (Mgh-stlcklno), 12:05; Unsx N.Y. Giants .636 236 223 A n ^ Boon 71-69—140 Cincinnati. N ^ A n g o l o s 12 7 0 24 102 13 m on. Bos (high-sticking), 12:05; L x Phoenix .636 262 236 Anders Forsbrond TO-TO— 140 1988 Internaitonal Harbor Baseball Tournament semifinals next Wednesday and for a white. E d m ^ o n 11 6 2 24 79 72 mov. Bos, motor (tlghtlng), 12:05; Miller, Philadelphia .545 260 237 Donnie Hommond 7D-70—140 ...from Nov. 24 through Dec. 4. W nnlpoo 7 6 3 17 66 66 Box mlnor-misconduct (roughing), 12:05; Washington .545 257 270 JoevSIndMor 6X7|_i4o '« Specyalski is one of 20 players named to the Voncouvor 7 11 3 17 67 66 Corbonnoou, Mon (hooking), 16:49; Lud­ Turner M04XLana1-4X6XHuehes32O05, Dallas . i n 172 254 Jim HMIet 6X71—140 thorsdoy’s Oomas wig, AAon (roughing), 17:44; Noolv, Box Engelslad 041-21. Totols 5493I M 139. Central Roger MoltUe 70-70—140 .' team Baylock will serve as one of three assistant Jtontrool S, Boston 2 doublo minor, misconduct (choidlna, Chicago 9 2 111 226 137 Lae Trevino 70-71-141 • roughing), 17:44; Lomloux, Mon (hlgh- Minnesota •poaches on the trip, and will serve as coach when Sonics’ unheralded Johnson cploory S, Now Jorsov 3 BasketbaD Son Anienie V SS 3411—111 .636 292 i n Don Pookw *7-74—141 AP photo Louis X PhllodolpMa I M cklng ), 19:03; D.Swoenev, Bos (hlgh- Tam pa Bay .273 190 a i Lennie Clements :Jhe squad travels to Cuba. Puerto Rico and Korea sHcklng), 19:01 Danvsr 3* 17 » I0 - 1S9 71-70—141 Mlnnssota 7, Voncouvor 6 3P olnt goal*— A dann X Hughe*. Fouled DetrMt i n 149 233 Peter Jocobsen 6X73—141 . in the summer of 1989. Now York Rgnoom X Los Anooiss S Shots on goal— Montreal 7-1X10— 31. Green Bay i n 173 227 Tom Purtzar Boston 9X-6— 19. out— None. Rebounds— San Antonio 35 70-71-141 LOSES — Chris Evert passes her hand (Greenwood, W.Anderson, Dawkins 4), Greg Meyer 71-70—141 y.y*'' .former head football coach al East Boston ot lStra!r*7!3$ xm . Powor-plav Opportunities— Montreal 1 NBA atandinga Denver 63 (Shoves 14). Assists— Son Antonio New Orleans .727 221 106 Mark Brooks 70-72—in -uatholic High School, is in his 25th year al over her face after going down to Pam upstages the Lakers’ Magic of 7; Boston 1 of 7. Horttord at Washington, l;0S o.m. 29(Dawklnsl),0*nv*r32(AdamsS). Total L.A. Rams .636 276 194 BIMne McColllster 6973— 142 0 'Connecticut, 10th as head baseball coach. Shriver 7-5, 6-4 in the Virginia Slims Toronto at WInnIpoa l:3S p.m. Goalies— Montreal, Hayward, 1X2 (19 fouls— t o Antonio 27, Denver 21 San Francisco .545 225 205 shotx17 saves). Boston, Lemelln XX2 EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlanta .Sotoiidoirs Oomos Atlantic Dtvtslen .273 196 254 tennis championships in New York Pittsburgh at Now York Islondsrs, 7;0S (31-26). p.m. A — 14,440. W L ffet. OB Jazz1Z3,Trallblazara96 Thursday. New York 5 7 .714 Calgary at Hartford, 7:3S p.m. Roforoo— Kerry Fraser. Linesmen— Sunday, Nov. M Bowling Manchester youth sixth Kevin Collins, Ron Finn. New Jersey 5 3 MS 'A aicogo at Tompo Boy, 1 p.m. NBA Roundup m i o d o l ^ at Quoboc 7:3S p.m. Phllodelphia 4 3 s n 1 PORTLAND (99) Cincinnati at Dallas, 1 p.m. WasMngton at Now Jorsov, 7:4S p.m. Boston 3 4 Bryont 36 04 M, Kersey 39 34 X :.-.^ASPEN, Ctolo. — Greg Dunphy. a junior at Chicago at Montrool, l;0S p.m. 7 Oenvw at New Orleans, 1 p.m. RangersB.KIngaS Washington 1 4 m 3 Duckworth 04 310 1, Drexiar 7-22 313 2X Detroit vs. Green Bayot Milwaukee, 1 p.m. Manchester High School, placed sixth among Giants cut Andy Headen Torotno at Edmonton, l:0S p.m. Oiarlotta 1 * .143 4 Porter 313 04 10, Johnson 79 64 1A By The Associated Press NowYorfcRangarsatMlnnosola,l:3Sp.m. Central Dtvtslen Young1404X Anderson3664AJones0432 Powdar Puff Connecticut’s 13-15 year-old ski racers in the Now Y ^ (IS-* Indianapolis at Minnesota, 1 p.m. Detroit 7 0 1.000 _ XNeai1-304XF*rralra0404ABranch6704 Coca-Cola Junior NASTAR standings. EAST RUTHEFORD. N.J. (AP) - The New Voncouvor at St. Louis, l:3S p.m. Los Angatas i | *—5 New York Jets at Buffalo, 1 p.m. Tarr^lam lnskl 17X511 Carol Ruddy Cleveland 4 1 JOO 2 lTotals3646233799. Phoenix ot Houston/ i p.m. 463, Mory Wright M l, Joanne Desllet ,, 'The NASTAR program ranks the top 10 bo.vs York Giants cut linebacker Andy Headen In a game involving a big-name Buffalo ot Los Angolas, 10;3S p.m. FIrstPorlod— 1, Los Angeles, Nlcholls20 Atlanta UTAH on) V 5 7 .714 7 Pittsburgh at Cleveland, 1 p.m. 461, K athy Randall 494, V ick y Lada - Thursday because team doctors said he would _ . Sgndov’s Oomas (G re tik v , W otte rs), 13:04. Penalties— Milwaukee 3 Malone31313I129,Orttz3314X Eoton24 oategories in all 50 states. Johnson, unheralded Avery John­ Dotrott at Boston, 7:0S p.m. G ^ k v , L A (slasMno), 1:51; Greschner, 7 400 3 Seattle at Kansas City, 1 p.m. bouche 221-514, M adeline D lU a rle 177- ChIcooo 4 4 JOO 3Vt 1-21 Stockton37 64W, Grtfllth 131011-124A risk serious injury by playing. Coach Bill Now Jorsov at Phllodolphla, 7:0S p.m. N Y (Mgh-stlcklno), 5:11; Lovlolette, N Y 527. '-®* Angeles Rams, 4 p.m. 453, Edith T ra c y 191-497. Skiing at Haystack Ski Area in Vermont, son made the biggest impression. Indiana 0 7 s ta 7 Bailey 7-163417, LesO1141, Lacknar3549 Philadelphia ot New York Glonts, 4 Parcells said. Edmonton at WInnIpag, l:0S p.m. (o ro ^ h o c k ln g ), 7:11; (konoto, N Y WESTERN CONFERENCE 1A Kof0ad0404A Roth 1434Xlavaronl01 p.m. Dunphy posted a personal season-best 10 Johnson, a 5-foot-ll rookie, Vdncouvor ot ChIcooo, l;3S p.m. (holding), 12:10; DoGrov, LA (hlgh- Midwest Dtvtslen 33XTotMsl3764363121 Team physician Russell Warren .said a shcklng), 12:21; Leolch, NY (sloshing), Atlanta at Los Angeles Raiders, 4 p.m. LaVae Induatrlal handicap, earning a certificate of accomplish­ sparked the Seattle SuperSonics W L P d . OS New England at MIomI, I p.m. congenital, small herniation of a disc close to in the fourth quarter as they beat 17:15; OeBlols, NY (roughing), 19:26; Utah 4 Perttend IS 13 3* 24— 99 Al Senna MI-203569, Larry Ki ment and a listing on selected rankings posters Loldlow, LA (Mghxtlcklng), 19:21 7 4*7 Monday, Nov. 21 NHL reaulta Dollos S 3 43S man a ii si a —la Washington at Son Francisco, 9 p.m. shyn 243, C a rl B arn ard 203569, Dave distributed slate wide. Headen’s spinal cord caused him to suggest that the Los Angeles Lakers 101-98 Denver 5 3 435 XPoInt goMs— Olfllth X Drexler, NeM. Contou 234412, Kan Sessa 203, T o n y Headen no longer play, according to Parcells. Thursday night. Second Period— X Now York, KIslo 5 Houston 5 3 435 _ Fouled out— Bryont. Rebounds- Giacomo 213203599, Frank Uriah 219 “He would be advised strongly not to play,” North Stars 7, Canucks 6 (M o d ye r, Lawton), 4:50. 3, New York, Son Antonio 5 M Portland 50 (Drexler 9); Utah M (Eaton 10). 5a, Mac Segar MI-579, Aaron Burnham Johnson, from Southern Uni­ DeBlols 2 (Patrick, Mullen), 5:24. 4, Los 7 T/7 MIomI 0 6 .000 4 Assists— Portlond 34 (Drexler 9), Utah 36 203557, Pot Castagna 202, A n d y M i­ Tickets are on sale Parcells said. "He may try to hook on somewhere versity, played just one minute in A ^ o s , Duguov 2 (Duchesne, NIcholls), Podlk DIvlilon (Stockton 12). TotM fouls— Portland 41, chaud M X 2 0 3 n i, Bill Calhoun 21X566, 6:03. 5, Los Angeles, NIcholls 21 (DeGray, else but it won’t be here. He needs some time to the first half. But he had two key L.A. Lakers 5 7 .714 _ Utah 11 TachnlcaM— Bryont, Portland Mike Vlgnone 5 », Nick Morottl 223, Tickets for the Thanksgiving Day Manchester Gretzky), 10:29 (pp). 6, New York, Golden State 4 3 J71 1 coach Schuler. A— 12444. Barry PInney 203213573, Al Little think things over." steals and three assists down the first Porlod— 1, Mlnnosoto, Clccorolll 10 Sondstrom 5 (KIslo, Mullen), 12:41 (Oognor, Hartsburg), S:26. Ponalllos— Phoenix 4 3 J71 1 VoOeybafl 209556, Don E lm o re 233225-649, Jo e ;High-East Catholic High football game will be on Headen, 28, has been on injured reserve since stretch. Penalties— Crossmon, LA (holdlno),2:19; Seattle 4 3 J71 1 BuperSonicalOUakaraBB Morgelonv 211, George RuuM I 20X26X B « ^ Von (holding), l;4S; Mnno- Pohick, N Y (holdina), 1:55; Nllan, N Y , 'sale at the respective schools. oolo banch, sorvad by Mosslor (too many L.A. aippers 3 4 .429 2 647, Bob Bossette Mi-570, R oy Rowett September. Before the injury, he had 14 tackles, “The coach (Bernie Bicker- i^ lo r (flohtlno),l:55; McSorlev, LA, motor M7-234429, Rich Higgins 253605, Norm Tickets will be on sale all next week at East man on Ico), 9:46; accorolll, Min Portlond 3 4 43* 2 L .A . L A K E R S (9S) three sacks and one forced fumble in the first four staff) is getting more and more (fl^liW ), 1:55; Tonelll, LA (hooking), Socromonto 0 7 Jaquith 21XM1-20X623, John KozIckI (hokkno), 12;S2; Snopots, Van (rough­ 13:56; Baumgartner, LA (hooking), 16:15; .000 5 Green 64 14 IX Worthy 316 64 IX ■iCatholic from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room 118. games of the season. ing), 12:$2; Bollows, M in (hooking), 16;27; Thursday's Dailies Rec Vollayball 550, Joe Poggloll 211-510, John confidence in me,” said Johnson, Nllan, NY (trippina), 19:41. Abdul-Jobbor 1-3 04 X E. Johnson X141X17 McCarthy 22XM1-604, Butch Sovlno : Tickets at Manchester High go on sale Monday Hartsburg, Min (InlortOronco), 19:02. New Jersey 101 Milwaukee 96 21 Scott 317 34 19, Thompson 33 1-2 1 the last player off Seattle’s bench. Third Period— 7, New York, Gronoto 10 Dallas im Charlotte 93 American Dlvlslen — Spike del. 2 3 X »4 , G o ry Rawson 211-22X601, T o m •.and will be sold from 7:15 a m. until 3 p.m. at the (Patrick), 2:24. 1 New York, KIslo 6 WoMrldoa 05 34 3, Cooper 14 04 X Socond Porlod— X Mlnnosoto, ASortln 1 Houston 11X MIom1107 'U “r®7 .W i J” '. S'* Puckers Tomlinson M1-20Xai, Tippy Hyson “He wants me to get out there and (Dohlen, M aloney), 4:37. 9, Los Angeles, CampbMl312321XTotals3643303791 223557, T o m Provencal 22X200429, ■jnain office. Glider, Mahaffey in lead (Broton, Habsehold), 4:26. 3, Voncouvor, Denver 139, Son Antonio 112 SEATTLE (Ml) I ’?'' *' 7-'S; Economy make some things happen when Fonton2(Crossman),l:13; 10, Los Angeles, Utah m Portland 99 Electric daf. Manchester Medical Fre d Tw a rk in s 24X592, Jo e P arker . Tickets are $3 for adults and $2 for .students. All Undon S (Hodgson, Smyl), 7:01. 4, Caoe3(1-21McKey3105611,Usler39O4 DeGrov 2 (Gretzky, RoMholle), 16:51 11, Seattle W l, L .A . Lakers 91 Supply 154,1X10,1X9. 223209624, M ika Kopp 21X211401, E rnie KAPALUA, Hawaii (AP) — Bob Gilder birdied we need it. Tonight, we wanted to Voncouvor, Skriko 11 (LIndon, Nord- New York, Mullen 6 (DeBlols, Nllan), 19:4X 1AEIIIs3»101127,Lucas361-1XMcDonlel tickets the day of the game are $5. njork), 7:41 5, Voncouvor, Bradley 5 RHdoy's Dames NotlonU DIvtolen — Road Toads dot. Whipple 21XMX5W. slow Magic down and not let him Penalties— Robitlolle, LA (holding), 1:13; X15X6IX Thraott 37321 Polynlce1-204X ABA Tool A Ole 1X2,1X11,1315; Purdy Kickoff on Thanksgiving is at 11 a.m. This is the his last four holes Thursday on his way to a 64 that (Sondlak), 10:29. X Minnesota, Hartsburg 2 Washington at Boston, 7:30 p.m. Reynolds X10 32 10, Schoene 34 04 7, push it up and down the floor.” AP photo F ^ lt, N Y (trippina), 1:40; Gronoto, N Y aeveland at New Jersey, 7:30 p.m. C ^po^lon dot. Lloyd's Auto Ports tied him with John Mahaffey for ihe second- (Posak), 11:19. 7, Vancouver, Linden 6 (hooking), 4:54; KIslo, N Y (sloshing), 1:41; A.Johnson 1-31-2XTotals 36902632101. T4th meeting between the two .schools with East (Skrtko), 13:07. Ponoltlos— Martin, Min New York at PhlladMphIa 7:30 p.m. 1?'*.' M anchester P ro p e H y round lead in the $600,000 Kapalua International Magic Johnson had 28 points, 10 Baumgartnor, LA (slashing), 1:41 M a in t e r a to Paganl's 1X0, 1X5, holding an 8-5 edge. East won last year’s game, CAN'T LOOK — The Lakers' Magic Johnson, right, has (roughing), 7:53; Sondlak, Van (trippino), Golden State at Miami, 7:30 p.m. L.iX Lakers a a n a — M Calendar Golf Tournament. rebounds and six assists for the 13:SX Shots on oool— New York 9-1X13— 38. Atlanta at Chicago, 1 p.m. Econo m y 38-8. Los Angeles IX II -11— 34. sauna a I9 a i*—i*i E le ctric 1X 0,1 X1), 1X10. Lakers. his eyes ciosed as he’s tightiy guarded by the Sonics' Third Period— 0, Vancouver, G uv 1, Detroit at Phoenix, 9:30 p.m. 3Polnt goals— Ellis, Lucox Schoene. Gilder, who has yet to make a bogey, and Power-ploy Opportunities— New York 0 — Locksmith Hair ^41 9, Mlnnasota, accorolll 11 (Gogner, of 5; Los Angeles 1 of 1 Portland at L.A. Lokerx 10:30 p.m. Fouled out— None. Rebounds— Los An­ Mahaffey. who also shot a 64. eaeh completed 36 “He (Avery Johnson) gives Derrick McKey in their game Thursday night in Seattie. Indiana at L.A. Olpperx 10:30 p.m. Studio def. Main Pub 1X13, IX I3 ,1X14; Chambers), 7:05. 10, Minnesota, (Sagnor Goalies— New York, Vanblesbrouck,7-3-3 geles 67 (E Johnson, Thompson 10), Seattle S A T U R D A Y them some real life,” Lakers 13 (Musll, Clccorolll), 9:37.11, Mlnnosoto, Saturday** Dam ot P®"ue tS-'S, Bey* Soccer holes in 129. 15 under par and two shots better (34 shots-29 saves). Los Angeles, Heolv, 41 (M cK a y 7). Assists— Los A n ^ e * 13 1X10, 1X10; Heritage Auto Body daf. Duke, Kentucky matched Gognar 14 (M cRae, Hartsburg), 15:11 IX 10X0 (38-32). Boston at WasMngton, 7:30 p,m. (EJohnson 6), Seam* X (Lucas 6). Total Class LL Dlvlslen than the tournament record of 1.31 set by Andy coach Pat Riley said. "He runs as Utah beat visiting Portland in led Dallas past Charlotte. Minnesota, accorolll 12 (McRae, Hardy), Golden State at Atlanta, 7:X p.m. ^doux Electric 1X1, 1X3, 1X4; B IJ Fin al A — 1X005. fouls— Los Angeles 23, Seattle 25. A ^o Repo r def. Tlarnay's 1X2, 1X6, SPRINGFIELD, Mass (AP) -ThelOlhTipoff Bean last year. the offense well. The book is still a game slowed by 69 personal Kelly Tripucka scored 21 for the 16:41 13, Voncouvor, Linden 7, 10:46 - Milwaukee at Cleveland, 7:30 p.m. TachnlcMs— Seattle 4 lllagM defense, Los Manchester vs. Cheshire (at Watharx Referee— Andy vonHellemond. Philadelphia at Now York, l:n p.m. closed on him, but it looks like the fouls. expansion Hornets. (p p ). Penalties— Gavin, Min (slashing), Linesmen— Ryon Bozok, Shone Never. AngMes 2 llleoM defsnse. A — 1447X ix ” 1X0*15-9^'^"’* *''**®'’ *0’’''* field High), 1 p.m. Classic is the same matchup as the first and Mahaffey and Gilder were four strokes in front 10:20; TantI, Van (roughing), 10:20; Detroit at Houston, 1:30 p.m. there’s a lot more in common for the two games of first-round leader Bill Glasson. who had a 69 Sonics have themselves a nice The Jazz, fouled 41 times, made Butchor, Von (holding), 13:07; Giles, Min Charlotte at Son AntoMo, 1 :» p.m. .than just that. little point guard." only 42 of 63 free throws. Portland Rocket* 113, Heat 107: Akecm (Intartbronce), 17:27. L.A. Clippers at Denver, 9:X p.m. and was alone in third al 133. Olajuwon had 29 points and 13 Shots on go al-V an couver 11-10-9— 30. Phoenix at Utah, 9:30 p.m. ;« Top-ranked Duke and Kentucky play in the Corey Pavin was next at 134 after his second The Sonics ended a three-game was 29-for-37. Mlnnasota 1X2X14— 52. Transactions Dallas at Seattle, 10 p.m. •Jraditional opener for the college basketball losing streak and stopped Los Karl Malone had 29 points and rebounds and Houston used a Powor-olav Opportunities— Vancouver 1 Indiana at Sacramento, 10:n p.m. straight 67 and Jodie Miidd with a 65. was 15-point burst in the third quarter Sunday* Dame Angeles' four-game wiiining Thurl Bailey 17 (or the Jazz. of 5; Mlnnosoto 0 ot X .jseason on Saturday. The first was played on Nov. another stroke back at 135. to beat winless Miami. (ioallos— Vancouver, McLean, XX2 (52 New Jersey at Portland, 1 p.m. ■J7. 1979 when the game was instituted as a string. Clyde Drexler scored 24 for shots-45 soves). Minnesota, CUisev (1X15), B A S E B A L L Sylvester Gray had 19 points Tokko, 1-M (13:07 2nd, 11-9). Tundraiser for the Basketball Hall of Fame, Seattle’s reserves outscored Portland. A — 7,244. — Purshased the HBA retuHs which is located in this New England town where Outland finalists named the Lakers’ subs 42-22. Johnson Nugget* 139, Spur* 112: Danny and 13 rebounds for the expansion Raforea— Don Morouelll. Linesmen— contracts of Leo Gomez, third basemon,and finished with three points in 13 Schayes got 31 points and 14 Heat. Mike Cvik, Brad Lozorowlch. Ratal Skeete, , from Charlotte of the sport was invented. OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - The Football the Southern League. Acaulred Chris Nats 105, Bucks 06 Ford Announces minutes. rebounds, leading Denver over Nets 105, Buck* 06: Roy Hinson Holies, cotcher, and Cesar Mella, pitcher, Writers’ As.sociation of America on Thursday ‘ The whole bunch off the bench San Antonio. scored 23 points and Walter Berry from the Detroit Tlgerstocomplete the Aug. K: announced three finalists for this year's Outland Flamea5,Devlls3 31 trodefor Fred Lynn. NEW JERSEY (Ml) Sugarcane Hanover wins did a nice job, but Avery gave usa Johnfty Dawkins scored 23 21, leading New Jersey over — Nomed Jim Berry 912 X5 21, B.WIHIoms X10 X5 11 Trophy. pickup when we needed it,” points for San Antonio. Milwaukee. cotggry 1 1 1—5 Davenport thlrdbose coach and Infield KUraon 912 7-7 23, BoMov X l l 1-1 11, CHERRY HILL, N.J. (AP) — Sugarcane Michigan State tackle Tony Mandarich. Instructor. eace e ind Bickerstaff said. Maverick* 105, Hornets 93: Mark The -Nets, who won only three New Jersey * 1 1—3 McGee X13 1-3 9, Mortis 35 92 1 P O M Hanover, a 5-year-old from Norway, overlook the Auburn defensive tackle Tracy Rocker and first Period— 1, Calgary, NIeuwendvk -SIgned Don ShocfclUord *0 1-2 IX Conner 36 34 X Jazz 123, Trail Blazers 99: Aguirre scored 26 points and times on the road last season, 11 (Hrdina Ramoge), 11:19. X Calgary Schulze, pitcher. Acaulred Brian Dorsett, y'iL* ' •c-w"ums9iooaToius favorites to win by a neck Thursday night in the Pittsburgh offensive guard Make Stepnoski are Darrell Griffith scored 40 points keyed a third-period surge that have won two this season. MocInMs 5 (Gllmour, Otto), 19:47 (pp). catcher, from the Californio Angels for 4242 21-a M l $600,000 March of Dimes Invitational Trot at the three finalists for the award given each year Penotttes— T.Hunter, Cal (roughing), Eric Schmidt, pitcher. Assigned Dorsett MILWAUKEEd*) 1:41; Huscroft, N J (roughing), 1:41; to Columbus of the International League. Cummlita*7-ai-11 1 Krvstkowlak36921 Garden State Park. to the best collegiate lineman, said association McOonald, Cal (olbowino), 4:44; Macoun, -Nomed Mike SlkmaX10X51XAAoncrtarxi03411,Pra*aey Driven by Gunnar Eggen, Sugarcane Hanover spokesman Volney Meece. Cal (roughing), 6:35; MacLeon, NJ Paul pttchlng coach. Bob DIdler third- 9171-121, Robarta9290a Pierce11-1967X1 (roughing), 6:35; AAocLeon, N J (trip­ base coach and Rusty Kuntz first-base M X DovIsOOOO charged up in the last 20 yards to pass Mack The winner of the Outland Trophy will be coach. Free agent market is flourishing ping), 9:17; T.Hunter, Col (rough- O.Totals3X91192291 Lobell, the world record-holder from the United announced Dec, 7 in New York City. lng),12:47; Kom, NJ (roughing), 12:47; — Purchased the con­ States, and Ourasi. the French Champion and Murzyn, Cal, mlnor-malor (hlgh- tract of Dove Pavlas, pitcher. Added Mat Jersey 1* 17 a ss-iu By Ronald Blum the negotiations. Sax, who made John Barfield and Rick Raather, MiiwoukM a a a a — n foremost European trotter. Minnesota after the season. stlcfclng, fighting), 16:41; AAolev, N J, molor The Associated Press $838,182 in 1988, two weeks ago (tlghtlng), 16:41; Carlsson, N J (trip­ pitchers; Dean Palmer and Rev Sonchex 3Polnt goals— Pressey X FOuled out— Sugarcane Hanover raced the mile in 1:55 1-5, Coffey out 10-14 days Owners, found guilty of con­ ping), 11:10; T.Hunter, Cal (roughing), Intlelders, and Juan (ionzales and Sam None. Rebounds—New Jersey a spiring against free agents after turned down a two-year contract 1*:55; Stewart, N J (roughlng),19:51 Sosa, , to the Jb^non roster. {B -’N i '" « l ? tS). AWIwoukee 67 (SIkma breaking the track record of I: .55 2-5. He earned a PITTSBURGH (AP) — Pittsburgh defense- from the Dodgers for $2.1 million Notional League 10). Assists— New Jersey 19 (Bogley 5), first prize of $270,000. bringing his earnings for NEW YORK — Three years the 1985 and 1986 seasons, have A T L A N T A BR AV ES— Purchased the Milwaukee 27 (Pressey l).To ta lto u lx-W r man Paul Coffey suffered a badly bruised right Second Period— X New Jersey, Verbeek 6 the year to $626,042. ago, baseball's free-agent established a system of register­ with an option year that, if (Vallschek), 1:07. 4, Calgary, Otto 3 contracts of Dave Millar, pitchar, and Jersey 24, Milwaukee 23. A— 15,419. shoulder and will be out at least 10-I4 days, the market suddenly stopped. ing offers with management's exercised, would have raised the (Suler, Macinnis), 15:05 (p p). Penalties— B arry Jones, outfielder, from Richmond of Official*— vloe Crawford G ary Benson Sutor, Cal (croseOieckIna), 2:50; the InternatlonM League. Purchasedthe Steve Jovle. Penguins said Thursday. On Thursday, the market for Player Relations Committee. The contract to $3.2 million over three M cCrtm m on, Cal (sloshing), 7:15; Ram- contracts of Kent AAerckar, Andy Toronto defenseman Brad Marsh knocked star players suddenly re-started. clubs believe that this method of years. oge. Cal (roughing), 9:51; MocLoon, NJ Nazelek, Rusty Richards, Mika Stoker Coffey into the boards late in the second period of Los Angeles now is offering a (roughing), 9:51; Robartx C2il (roughing), and Danny Weems, pitchers; Brian Deok, Rockets IIS.Haat 107 Birthday party spoiled The New York Yankees want exchanging information is al­ 12:03; Danevko, N J (crosschecking), catcher; Drew Denson and Ed Whited, f Wednesday night’s 8-5 loss to the Maple Leafs. Steve Sax. The lowed under the collective­ three-year contract for $3.5 mil­ 14:43; T.Hunter, Cal, double mlnor- Inflolders, and DenMs Hood, outfielder, M IA M I (N T ) from Greenville of the Southern League. BOSTON (AP) — Mike MePhee had two goals It was originally feared that Coffey separated want Bruce Hurst and Mike bargaining agreement. lion. Pittsburgh and Texas have mlsconduct-game misconduct . Cummlng*X*92XGrayX*91319,Selkrtv R)id maintains that the quality (chmglno, roughing), 16:59; NIeu­ — Purchased the con­ M l 34 I I WasMngton and rookie Steve Martinson scored the go-ahead the shoulder, but he was examined Thursday by Moore. The California Angels Arbitrator George Nicoiau offered Sax three-year contracts wendvk, Cal (roughing), 16:59; Do- tracts ot Greg Smith, Inflelder, from Iowa of MtM*.Bl.Thomoson91)-21, Edwards X9 goal as Montreal spoiled Boston Garden’s 60th the team doctor, who diagnosed the injury as a want Nolan Ryan. ruled last week the PRC must tell at $3 million. neyko, NJ (roughing), 16:59; Verbeek, the Amerlcom Association. Sent Lan 00 X Shaskv 35 32 1 Long 1-2 00 X car you is now backed by the bad bruise. Hurst, the left-hander who went N J (roughing), 16:59; Moclnnls, Cal Damian, pitchar, and Angel Solozor, SundvoM3500XToylorX13X« If, Hastings birthday party Thursday night with a 6-5 victory Tommy Herr, however, turned the union of any offers registered. (hooking), 17:23; Patterson, Cal (rough- shortstop, outright to Iowa. l-190XTotals49172Xai07. over the Bruins. Team spokesman Harry Sanders said Coffey down a $1.8-million, two-year This week, the PRC agreed to 18-6 for the , has lng),11:17; MacLeon, NJ(rougMng), 11:17; — WMved Jim Pan- best Quality Qire in America. will be out at least 10-14 days. contract from the been offered a three-year con­ Robertx Cal (roughing), 19:27; Korn, NJ, kovtts and CrMg Smalttiio, Inflelderx H O U S TO N (lia The Canadiens. beaten only once in the last telephone the union immediately double minor (rougMng), 19:27. and Tv (Mney, outfielder, for the Coffey and center Mario Lemieux have champion upon learning of an offer. tract by San Diego for $4.9 purpose of giving them their uncondi­ B.Johnson 917 X9 21, Thorn* X10 3511 nine games, spotted the Bruins a 2-1 first-period OlUuwon 912 11-13 M, Floyd 60 7-7 IX Quality Care is a commitment from Ford and combined to give the Penguins one of the most to sign a $1.65 million, two-year million. The Red Sox began Third Period—1 Calgary, Loob 9 tional retooses. Added Eric Anthony and lead and came back to take a 3-2 lead on Sax has been offered a three- Karl Rhodes, outfielders; Roul EuseMo, Woodson 14 2 4 1 Be.Thompson 93 44 1 (HnBnp. Sutor), 7:21 X Calgary, Hrdina 12 Leovell 94 1-2 1, CMovous XM 65 11 Lincoln-Mercury dealers to strive to make their Martinson's goal at 11:04 of the second period. efficient power plays in the league. contract with the Philadelphia year contract for $3.2 million by negotiations by offering a two- JP w lln s fcl), 11:51 7, New Jersey, catcher, and BIMse llsley, Charley year deal for $2.6 million with an Kerfeld, Sam August and Fred Costello, McCormick M 32 1 FJohnson 91 00 0, customers the most satisfied in the world. In brief ceremonies attended by Bobby Orr and Phillies, the team which had the New York Yankees, accord­ Sundstrom 7 (MacLeon, Carlsson), 14:36 Nevitt 1-2 90 X Total* V-713951 1IX option year at $1.4 million. (pp). X New Jersey, Muller 1 (Stewart, pitcherx to lh*4Xman roster. NBuni a a a i*-tw Quality Care is a lot of things. One of the most several other former Boston greats, fans sang obtained him in a trade from ing to a source with knowledge of Brow n), 15:40. Penalties— Berezon, CM, won’t be eliminated — Signed Huwto a a a a-iii Happy Birthday on the 60th anniversary of the m lnor-m alor (Instigotor, fightino), 5:09; 3Polnt goal*— Sundvold X Fouled out— important is the Lifetime Service Guarantee. Murzyn, Cal, misconduct, 5:09; Huscroft, To m m y Herr, Inflelder, to o tw xveor opening of the Garden. SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico (AP) — Juan Antonio contract. Hastings. Rebounds— Miami S) (Gray 1), NJ, mlnor-malor (boordlna, fighting), Houston 66 (Thorpe, Olaluwon 14). If a dealer repairs your Ford, Lincoln or “Defense is our game and I think we played our — Named Samaranch, president of the International Ramsey quits 5:09; Oaneyko, N J, misconduct, 5:09; Assists— Miami a (WasMnatan 6), Houx Robartx Col (hoktlno), 12:52; Vernon, Elm er G ray administrator of bosebMI Mercury, they guarantee that once you game tonight,” MePhee said after the victory Olympic Committee, said that as long as he’s in operations. ton19 (Floyd 9). Total tauta-Mloml 17, U m iM E Surgery Col, served by AAullan (Illegal stick), Houston 11 Technical— Floyd. A— lia i pay for a covered repair, if it ever has to moved the Canadiens into a first-place tie with office he will not permit the elimination of boxing 11: 01. — Purchased SERVICE the Bruins in the Adams Division. "This was Pacers’ post Shots on ooM— Calgary 1X104— 31. New the contracts of Karl Best, John Burkett and CUARANTU be fixed again, they will fix it free, parts as an Olympic sport. Stu Totem pitcherx from Phoenix of the Mavsricks 105, Hornats 03 definitely the biggest game of the season for us. Some IOC leaders and medical authorities From page 13 Podtlc Coast League. Purchased the and labor, for as long as you own your Power-play Opportunities— Calgary 2 of We started off real slow and Boston got ahead of have advocated eliminating boxing as an INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Jack 4; New Jersey 1 of 9. m contracts of Paul McClellan, pitcher; vehicle. Nobody guarantees car repairs longer. Ooolle*— Calgary, Vernon, X2-2 (24 Andres Sontana, shortstop, ond Jose CHARLOTTE (9S) us in the standings. Now we’re tied with them, Olympic sport because of the high risk of injury Ramsay, the NBA’s second- shotx21 saves). New Jersey, Burke, 7-7-2 Santana, catcher, from Shreveport of Trlp o ^ 3-11 99 IX Ramus XI 00 1 Nobody guarantees car repairs better. And LSG even if they have two games in hand. We're going or death caused by violent blows to the head. winningest coach who is winless Second-year forwards Reggie shington Bullets, who have Ber­ (31-26). theTexos Leogue. Purchasedthecontracls HoppanM3-2XHoltonXI6M1XRMd3-122-2 Lewis and Brad Lohaus and nard King at small forward. A — 14411 of Doug Roberstonond RustSwon,pltchart, 10mPnw3900XBogue*24C-. ,Sf. Louis, Chattanooga ot North Carolina, ESPN That was the first victory for the Blues over the weight title this month from Matthew Hilton, the end of the season will be PasiMwhl 7 (M c Kegnev, Meagher), 15:11 Pacers lost their first seven us for a while, I don’t think you . ~ Bullets ot Celtics, Flyers at the Spectrum since Jan. 6, 1972. Since boxing officials said Thursday. beneficial to everybody.” SportsChonnel, W ILI games this season, has coached can dwell on it." o w y m . Phi (dttav of game), 6:46; Nuggsts13B.8purs112 then, St, Louis had been 0-31-3. A drug test showed the presence of lidocaine. Oesketboll: an NBA-record 1,647 games. PedOTco, StL (Mgtvstlcklng), l:04. ^Jugoslavia ot (ieoraetown (taped), Bernie Federko. a Blues’ veteran who had an anesthetic, in Hines’ system after he won a He said the starter for a Volk said Bird saw a doctor SAN ANTONIO (111) ^ ^ D I L L O N “A coach takes responsibility d ^ O x S I ^ ’ - suffered through a good part of the Spectrum particular game would depend on unaffiliated with the Celtics on (ireenwood 37 X4IX W. Anderson X14 X4 12-round decision Nov. 4 to capture the 154-pound for winning and the losing of his ChiS"nel S' " frustration, characterized the streak as a “bum IBF title, said Chuck Minker, executive matchups with the opposition. Thursday before reaching the team, and what the circumstan­ Paxson started Wednesday 11 yyTi"^'^''®'®^*®* Chonnel rap” secretary of the Nevada State Athletic decision to go ahead with “Since I’ve been here, we’ve played well,” he ces are really is not significant. night’s 107-104 victory over surgery. • p.m. — Knlcks ot 76ers, Channel 9 319 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER, CT Commission. DE9IVBR (n n You can have players out, wha­ Golden State, which had 6-7 Chris A -r7 ,2 2 1 said. “We just never got the breaks. To hold Minker said the commission has set a tentative “Larry is resigned to what he Sy’ra“iirUrE?{?N*'’'’'* Philadelphia to 15 shots is something.” tever problems there might be. Mullin at small forward. has to face” Volk said. “He’s Dec. 16 hearing to decide what action, if any. to it’s still the coach’s job to have the

W IT OP TH E WORLD FOCUS/Advicc Puzzles TV Tonight ACROSS 2 TV's talking 5:00PM (HBO] MOVIE: Hoosiars' zenegger, Grace Jones, W ilt Chamberlain. Answer to Previous Puzzle (S) Hogan's Heroaa horse (2 wds.) (CC) A former college coach faces resent­ 1984. man, Sean Young. 1987. Rated R. (In ment when he takes over as head of an Stereo) 1 Entertainer___ 3 Goals E B 0 E H T "d O ) NHL Hockey: Hartford Whalers at SS Tras Qansraclonss Indiana high-schoot basketball team. Gene Sumac W ashington Capitals (2 hrs.. 30 m in ) 1:30AM QD in n n «w » 4 Fanatic N E R 0 E V A Hackman, Dennis Hopper. Barbara Her- 11:00P M (D CB (S) ® ® Nawa 4 Author Emile (Live) 5 Oriental sash T E N [E R E R shey. 1986. Rated PG. (In Stereo) ® ® M-A-S-H ( ^ ® Friday N ight Videos (In Stereo) @ ) W ar o f the W orlds (60 min.) Catalog baseball cards to score profit 6 Entertainer___ ® Bsnny Hill [CNN] Newsnight Update 8 Region 1 L E B E N E 5:30PM [TM C] MOVIE: Deadly lllu Anderson ( ^ Sonny SpcMn (CC) A shady detective [D IS] MOVIE; 'Topper Retume' A beau­ 12 Spoon bender c 1 T R aion' A detective falls victim to a setup QD Chaars (CC|. 7 Italian volcano \ b 0 U T that leaves him the prime suspect in the hinders Sonny's efforts to prove a con­ tiful ghost haunts Topper and urges him to DEAR BRUCE: I am Geller O ) MOVIE: 'The Mummy' Three ar- going to card shows, which are E N T E N' fessed murderer was framed. (60 min.) (In find her murderer. Roland Young, Joan would encourage you to buy under the 8 Highest point E 0 murder of a businessman's wife. Billy Dee Stereo) chaeologists searching for the tomb of the executor of my late 13 Central Williams, Vanity, Morgan Fairchild. 1987. Blondell, Dennis O'Keefe. 1941. (Colorized advertised in the magazines referred circumstances you’ve described. Nor­ 9 Newspaper D E E D Princess Ananka are warned of grave con­ American oil Rated R. QD ( ^ Washington Week in Review Version) brother’s estate. While notice sequences if they violate it. Peter Cushing, to above. mally, it takes about three years to tree N A P E (CC). going through his per­ 10 Odor perceiver 6:00PM OD CD ® News Christopher Lee, Yvonne Furneaux. 1959. [USA] Night Flight; Night Flight Goes overcome the expenses involved in 14 Black MOVIE: 'Jubal' A drifter, falsely ac­ to the Movies & Coming Attractions sonal effects, we were 11 Novelist c Y D A G E M @) All in the Family DEAR BRUCE: My wife and I have 15 Astronaut's (£) dD Three's Company cused of being interested in his best purchasing a home (i.e., placement R 0 0 1:35AM X News (R) surprised to find thou­ Smart Money been transferred to the Dallas area ferry Bagnold G E N E QD Matt Houston friend’s wife, is forced to kill him in self- (3) Global Forum on Survival points, credit report, application fees, 16 Isn't |sl.| 19 Island 1 0 T A defense. Glenn Ford. Ernest Borgnine, Rod sands upon thousands of for the next 2>/4 years. She is a medical L A R (S) Gong Show (3) Crook and Chase 2:00AM X Nb w Answers to Heir Bruce Williams attorney’s fees and real estate fees on 17 Unless 2 1 ----- and the Steiger. 1956. Loss baseball cards, some resident and I work in business. It is the sell end). S H A L 0 N G QD Cagney & Lacey (3D Mala Nocha...No 18 Unsuccessful Belmonts ( ^ 11/22/63; The Day the Nation Cried X ® Home Shopping Overnight Ser­ dating as far back as likely that we will return to California P 0 R N C E A-Team Rare footage chronicles the assassination QZ) Bill Moyers' World of Ideas: Sum­ before World War II. While the bargains are there today car 23 Southwestern 1 ^ m ing Up A retrospective of themes, ideas vice (3 hrs.) once she has completed her 20 Composed Indians Y 0 0 A G E D ® N ew s (Live) of President John F. Kennedy; also, inter­ for those bottom-fishing and intending views with Coretta Scott King. Thomas P. and hopes that emerged during the course QD Friday the 13th: The Series MIcki These cards are not in 22 Thou QD Doctor W ho: The Silurians Part 1 of of the series. residency. to stay, someone like yourself who 25 False glitter "T ip " O'Neill. Gerald Ford and Isaac Stern. proves that love is blind when she falls for any order that we can 2 As you probably know, there are wants to turn the property over in a 24 River island 26 At a distance 3 9 ___National 50 Sea's ebb and Narrator: James Earl Jones. (60 min.) (iD Love Connection a movie star, who's actually a murderer in identify, and no one in the family has 25 Old French Park (S) Charlie's Angels disguise. (60 min.) (In Stereo) uncomfortable with just turning this many bargains on the real estate relatively short period of time will 27 Flower holder flow QD Primavera [CNN] Moneyline SEfMP£ dance 28 Long times 41 Star in Aquila 52 Hawaiian food ^ Family Ties (CC). Part 1 of 2 NVR Showcase any interest in holding on to them. accumulation over to a dealer, no market here because of the decline in QD MOVIE: 'Final Countdown' The cap­ [D IS] Adventures of Ozzie end Harriet find that fraught with danger. Giveq Paris 29 Scarlett___ 30 Hebrew letter 43 Actor Zero__ fish QD Noticias [ESPN] SportsLook Since the estate will be divided among matter how good his or her creden­ the oil-related economy, and I hate to FRANCE 3 3 ______first tain of the USS Nimitz faces a critical deci­ [ESPN] College Basketball: Southern the soft economy, you can probably 31 Church court 45 Fable writer 53 Cone-bearing © ) Worid of Survival (R) sion when he is given the power to alter [USA] Night Flight several heirs, I have to see that the tials are. Instead, I would hire a you don't. M ethodist at W yom ing Big Apple NIT squander money on rents. On the find a good "buy" in the rental 32 Afghan prince 47 Contribute trees the course of history. Kirk Douglas, Martin first round game. (2 hrs.) (Live) cards are sold for the appropriate 34i P Pertainingi to [D IS ] More Dinosaurs Co-hosts Gary [H BO ] inside the NFL Hosts: temporary clerk to catalog these other hand, I am condemed that if the 35 Sweetsop Sheen. Katherine Ross. 1980. 2;05AM market. , dawn 48 Again 54 Marshes Owens and Eric Boardman look at film clips [TMC] MOVIE: 'Can't Buy Me Love' Len Dawson, Nick Buoniconti. (60 min.) (In amount of money. cards by year, by player and by the 38 Pagan god from "Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend," a [CNN] PrimeNews economy doesn’t improve, when we Despite the tax advantages of home ■36___Kippur 49 Less than ten 57 Mae West role (CC) A desperate high-school nerd hires a Stereo) The lawyer involved just threw his nest found in Mongolia and tho dinosaur girl to pose as his girlfriend. Patrick Demp­ company that issued the card. try to sell, we may have the same ownership, I would urge you to ;3 7 ___Vegas 1 2 [D IS] Here's To You, Mickey Mouse A hands up and said he had never dealt 9 10 11 capital - Vernal, Utah. birthday celebration highlighting Mickey's sey, Amanda Peterson, Courtney Gains 2:1 SAM [T M C ] MOVIE: 'S tripper' Six When the catalog is finished, give problems that current sellers are consider renting until you establish i38 Doesn't exist women talk about their lives and livelihood with something like this before. He [USA] Fat Albert 60-year show business career, with hosts 1987. Rated PG-13 (In Stereo) the list to several dealers and also having. your permanent home. |39 Type of pasta 12 Mark Linn-Baker and Soleil Moon Frye. (60 as they prepare to compete at the First suggested that we get a dealer to PEOPLE [USA] MOVIE: 'An American Were­ Annual Stripper's Convention in Las Ve­ advertise in magazines devoted to Would you suggest that we buy our ,40 Stair part 6:30PM 33 CBS News (CC) min.) w o lf in London' Oscar-winning makeup J42 Study course 16 gas. Janette Boyd, Sara Costa 1 9 ^ . make us an offer. baseball cards. Say that many thou­ home here (we do have the income dD Family Ties (CC) [HBO] MOVIE: 'Like Father Like Son' highlights this tale of a vacationing Ameri­ ,44 Voodoo cult Rated R. (In Stereo) I don’t feel comfortable with that sands are available for sale and a list and savings to make the purchase), or Madonna not giving up (X) ® ABC News (CC). (CC) An experimental serum accidentally can bitten and cursed by a werewolf. David J deity IS switches a surgeon's personality with that Naughlon, Jenny Agutter, Griffin Dunne 2:30AM X Irnprov Tonite idea, but I’m not sure what a better QD Hollywood Squares can be purchased for a modest sum. rent and think about buying our home Bruce Williams, America’s top •46 Canal system of his teen-age son, Dudley Moore, Kirk 1981. [CNN] Sports Latenight approach might be. Can you be of NEW’ Y O ? X (AP) —PopdivaMadonna, who ® NBC News (CC) Cameron, SeanAstin 1987 Rated PG-13 This sum should of course at least when we go back to California, where radio talk host, is heard each week I in northern 11:30PM X T a x i [ESPN] SportsCenter some, assistance? got ru.ct!v poor reviews for her Broadway • Michigan @) QD Nightly Business Report (in Stereo) reflect your costs to produce the list. we intend to live? night on NBC stations. Write to X QD Nightline (CC) C.N., debi'i .... Invid Mamet’s “Speed-the-Plow,” J47 Protective 26 2S ® Family Ties (CC) Part 2 of 2 [M AX] MOVIE: The Killing Time' A 3;00AM CB m o v ie : My Favorite This way, I think you’ll bring in a L.W., i X ( ^ Morton Downey Jr. Brunette' A mysterious woman per­ Williams In care of the Manchester I glove vengeance-seeking youth assumes the LOS ANGELES great many more dollars than you says .1. ii j an album in her future but she QD Noticiero Univision suades a baby photographer to become a Dallas Herald, P.O. Box 591, Manchester |51 Tobacco for 33 identity of the new deputy sheriff in a sea­ QD Honeymooners hasn’t given up on acting. QD Love Connection side California town. Beau Bridges, Kiefer supersleuth. Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, would If you simply turned the cards 06040. Letters of general interest will « sniffing ( ^ MOVIE: 'Rocky II' Rocky marries Sutherland. Wayne Rogers 1987. Rated Peter Lorre, 1947. DEAR C.N.: You ought to be over to a dealer. You also might enjoy DEAR L.W.: There is no way that I “I’m just letting my creative juices take me |5S Freshwater por- [CNN] Showbiz Today Adrian and stages a rematch with Apollo be answered in the column. 37 R. Update; Making it Happen where they will,” she said in an interview in j poise [DIS] Dorothy In the Land of Oz Ani­ Creed. Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire. Bur­ QD [USA] Mulder, She Wrote (60 min ) gess Meredith 1978. (R) [CNN] Headline News Overnight December’s Fame magazine. J56 Soil deposit 40 mated. Dorothy and Toto's return to Oz leads them to Winkle Country where they € 8 Be situated 8:30PM CD ® FuII House (CC| D J QD Tonight Show (In Stereo) [DIS] MOVIE; 'Please Don't Eat the “There aren’t a lot of great movies to do, so encounter an evil toy tinker and his toy sol­ J59___vidi vici wins tickets to meet the Beach Boys Bill Moyers' Worid of Ideas; Sum­ Daisies' An obscure university professor that just works out fine for me because I diers. Narrated by Sid Caesar. QD rises to fame as a Broadway critic. Doris Daughter she gave away 4 0 Dog in Garfield QD QD Wall Street Week: A November ming Up A retrospective of themes, ideas haven’t done a record in at least two years,” [M AX] MOVIE; The Good Guys and and hopes that emerged during the course Day, David Niven, Janis Paige. 1960. ]B1 Ornamental 47 48 49 63 — View of the Market she said. • flower holder the Bad Guys' Once enemies, ah aging of the series. [ESPN] Speedweek Weekly auto racing Dr. Gott marshal and an aging outlaw join forces to 9:00PM CD Dallas (CC| J.R pursues highlights. Madonna said the poor reviews of her acting '62 Pitcher 66 r6B defeat a murderous gang. Robert Mitchum, Cally Harper while Sue Ellen finalizes her ( ^ Racing From Plainsfield [USA] MOVIE: 'An American Were Peter Qott, M.D. doesn’t discourage her because she withstood |63 Senator George Kennedy, David Carradine 1969 divorce from him. (60 min.) News (CC). QD wolf in London' Oscar-winning makeup 1 Claiborne___ Rated PG close to mother's heart the same criticism when she started her 69 L, X QD M r. Belvedere (CC) Cousin Galen, QD Matt Houston highlights this tale of a vacationing Ameri­ jB4 Beast of burden singing career. [USA] Cartoons awaiting his opportunity for revenge, fills in [C N N ] Sports Tonight Anchors. Fred can bitten and cursed by a werewolf. David 62 for an ailing Belvedere DEAR USA Today Scheduled Hickman, Nick Charles Naughton, Jenny Agutter, Griffin Dunne Lee is totaliy repentant, and we DOWN 7:00PM CD 1981 ABBY: The let- TV's male sex symbols Q^ Friday the 13th: The Series A wax [D IS ] New Vaudevillians III Host Harry have restructured our lives to likeness of a famous ax murderer comes to t e r signed Elton John, wife split 1 Christmas (X) News Anderson presents today's vaudeville tal avoid anything that could be (c)19aa by NEA Inr 18 life and goes on a killing rampage (60 ent in e variety of settings. (60 min.) 3;05AM [H B O ] m o v ie : The Step “Adopted in Il­ (D QD Wheel of Fortune (CC) min.) (In Stereo) father’ (CC) A teen-ager becomes suspi destructive to our family. LONDON (AP) — Pop star Elton John and [HBO] 1 at & Ten: The Bulls Mean Busi­ linois’’ (and (X) Cosby Show (CC) (22) QD Something Is out There A reclu­ cious of her mother's new husband, a man Two weeks ago, I went to my his 34-year-old wife, Renate, say they’re ness (CC) Clayton leads a brawl against whose vision of the perfect family leads to your reply) Dear Abby QD Cheers (CC) sive science-fiction officer claims to have Lawrence Taylor, a beautiful woman is Genes play part girlfriend and told her I forgave made contact with extraterrestrials from violence. Terry O'Quinn, Jill Schoelen, ending their Jour-year marriage “on the most QD Rockford Files hired as a placekicker. (In Stereo) prompts me to Abigail Van Buren her. We cried together and talked amicable terms.” Ta'ra’s galaxy, (60 min.) (In Stereo) Sholloy Hock 1987 Rated R (In Stereo! write to you for QD M*A*S»H [M A X ] MOVIE: Cinderella' Adult ver for six hours. Forgiveness, when The couple, who have no children, said in a (^D Connecticut News Week Sion of the classic fairy tale. Cheryl Smith. the first time CELEBRITY CIPHER QD QD M acNeil/Lehrer Newshour Qi3 El Extrano Retorno de Diana Salazar Kirk Scott, Brett Smiley 1977. Rated R 3:1 OAM [M AX] MOVIE: The Mes in cholesterol it is at least deserved, has true joint statement Thursday they “genuinely C«l«brity Cipher crypiogrems ere creeled from quotetlont by famous people, past and present senger' An ex-con seeks vengeance on since I started Each letter In the cipher stands lor another Today's clue- J equals M QD Your Show of Shows healing powers. In forgiving her, intend to remain best friends” after the divorce ( ^ Page Fifty Seven 1 1 :35PM X Night Court the mobster's responsible for his wife's reading your (38) Cheers [CNN] Larry King Live murder Fred Williamson, Sandy Cum DEAR DR. GOTT: My husband was a merchant I released her of all guilt, and now becomes effective in two years. 12:00AM X K o ja k column ap­ TUWDLP JCPW MLTUWGUX QP) Win. Lose or Draw [DIS] MOVIE: 'Please Don't Eat the mings. 1987. Rated R. seaman for 30 years. He’s now 86 and healthy as a God is able to work in my life. John, 41, married Renate Blauei, a German- X St. Elsewhere Part 1 of 2 proximately 30 years ago. his job and also suffered a severe QD Mi Nombre es Coraje Daisies' An obscure university professor 3:30AM QD T w ilig ht Zone horse. This after eating four to six eggs every I still feel a little insecure at bom recording engineer, in a show-business rises to fame as a Broadway critic Dons QD War of the Worlds The aliens scour back injury. I was expecting our LXPWLTGOW, XIPX WKGOB QD Family Ties (CC) [ESPN] PGA Golf: Kapalua Interna The author of that letter could times, but I’m much better today Day, David Niven, Janis Paige 1960 the Army base searching for a list that morning, year in, year out. Is he just an Old Salty or fourth baby, and we had another wedding in 1984 in Sydney, Australia, where he [CNN] Moneyline tional Third Round From Maui, Hawaii (3 very well be my daughter. I gave [ESPN] College Basketball: LaSalle at would lead them to the burial sites of is there no connection between eggs and than I was six months ago. A life was on a concert tour. John has sold more than VKTW JGSKW KTMMXO GO hrs.) (R) up ah absolutely gorgeous baby family sharing our home. All this filled with thoughts of revenge [D IS ] Raffi in Concert W ith the Rise and Syracuse Big Apple NIT first round game 10,000 dormant brethren (60 min ) (In cholesterol? 80 million records. Shine Band From Totonio. the children's (2 hrs ) (Live) Stereo) girl for adoption 27 years ago in created a very explosive atmos­ 3;45AM [T M C J m o v ie : The Killing and bitterness is no life at all. T IDNX PUXOX.' — UXHLGU songster performs favorites, including QD Soloflex DEAR READER: Despite all the publicity about the state of Indiana. It was the phere, and Lee flipped out. "Rise and Shine," "Five Little Ducks ' and [TM C] MOVIE: 'Down Twisted' A reh of Sister George' An aging lesbian TV ac Abby, if you think this letter will QD Current Affair the relation of dietary cholesterol to cardiovascular most painful and unselfish thing I Our baby was bom and deve­ "Shake My Sillies Out " (60 min ) gious artifact spells trouble for an unsus tress tries desperately to hold on to botti help others to forgive, you have Actor may be Jinxed pecting young woman Carey Lowell, her young girlfriend and her job Beryl Reid, disease, in the final analysis we are all victims of loped mononucleosis at 3 weeks. KTLHVGUBX. [ESPN] Coll. Basketball: Tennessee QD PELICULA: 'Rosa la Tequilera' Nnr have ever done. If there was any my permission to print it with my Charles Rocket. Trudi Dochtermann ciso Busquets, Lucha Villa Susannah York. Coral Browne. 1968 our genes. Lee announced that he didn’t love PREVIOUS SOLUTION: “ Noboijy can be exactly like me. Sometimes even Chattanooga at North Carolina Big Apple 1987 Rated R (In Stereo) Raled R (In Stereo) way I could have kept her and name. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Tony Award­ NIT Tournament (2 hrs ) (Live) [CNN] Newsnight Some people can eat cholesterol with impunity; given her a life even close to me anymore, and he left me. The winning actor Robert Morse is beginning to ; I have trouble doing it." — Tallulah Bankhead [USA] MOVIE: 'Toxic Zombies' An ex DONNA STEWART [HBO ] Inside the NFL Hosts' Len Daw perimental defoliant transforms six man [H B O ] MOVIE: Suspect' (CC) A public 4:00AM QD streets of San Francisco their genetic structure enables them to handle a normal or good, I would have. I other family moved out suddenly, think he’s jinxed. son, Nick Buoniconti (60 min ) (In Stereo) defender risks her career and her life by HILLTOWN, PA. juana farmers into bloodthirsty zombies QD Home Shopping N etwork (2 hrs.) high-fat diet without getting into trouble. was trapped in an impossibie and I was alone with a sick “Every show — it’s like a magnet — they put [TM C j MOVIE: 'Allan Quatermain and Charles Austin, Beverly Shapiro, Dennis becoming involved with an overeager juror On the other hand, some patients have difficulty situation and had no otherchoice. newborn and three other small DEAR DONNA: Your letter girls’ clothes on me,” he said. the Lost C ity of Gold' Quatermain and his Helfend during a sensitive murder trial Cher, Den [CNN] Larry King Overnight metabolizing even small amounts of dietary children. rivals the Book of Job. As you bride-to-be discover a lost civilization nisQuaid, Liam Neoson 1987.RaledR (In All these years I have hoped In “The Matchmaker,” he wore women’s while searching for the adventurer s long 9:30PM (X (^0) just the Ten of Us Stereo) cholesterol. They must take cholesterol-lowering and prayed that maybe someday I couldn’t eat or sleep. I lost 47 know, I telephoned you to verify clothing to hide from his boss. In “Sugar,” he lost brother Richard Chamberlain. Sharon (CC) Wendy brings a date to dinner in hopes of winning Coach Lubbock's ap 1 2:05AM (X Entertainment Tonight drugs, in addition to following a low-cholesterol diet. pounds, got hooked on tranquiliz­ the authenticity of your incredi­ Slone, James EarIJones 1987 Rated PG Interview with actress Faye Dunaway (In I would get to see her. I am went undercover in an all-female band to proval Dancing to. Most of us are in the middle of these two extremes. married now with two grown ers and had a nervous break­ ble trials. After our long conver­ escape gangsters. THAT SCRAMBLED WORD iiM M (In Stereo) Stereo) j. seeping out of my navel. I didn’t bother a doctor — he survived. The doctor in the the Grand Companion of Freedom First her husband's lives are threatened. (60 It’s a narrow-minded, misunder­ hospital, Lee tricked me into a A SEC R ET------from the Tunnel World who is now a drug Williams performs "He's Got the Look ' ir, find a delightful ' if we don’t have the best here on the reservation. It emergency room said that five Division Medal, an award usually reserved for addicted vagrant. (60 min.) min.) (In Stereo) (60 min.) (In Stereo) standing attitude. There, I’ve false reconciliation. Two hours attortment of batkett, eventually stopped. Could it be due to my weight iron piils can be fatal to a visiting heads of state or nationalists who were DRIMBO X Shaka Zulu After the death of Shaka QD QD Great Performances: Tates From X To Be Announced. said it, and now it’s off my chest? after making love to me, he stood Now arrange the circled letters to the Hollywood Hills; The Closed Set dried flowert and unique (310 pounds) or the fact that I stopped drinking? 3-year-old! He also told us that active in Zambia’s struggle for independence. Zulu's mother Nandi (Dudu Mkhize), Shaka X Joe Franklin HEARTSICK IN WASHINGTON me up at the airport and took his 1 form the surprise answer as sug (Henry Cele) goes into a demented frenzy (CC) Adapted from Gavin Lambert's 1959 gifts. Stop in and visit, some children who have taken 1: ^ gested by the above cartixm story collection "The Slide Area, " a fading QD M onsters Danger awaits a daring man girlfriend to Florida. Meanwhile, of carnage and destruction; all but his wife you will be pleasantly DEAR READER: People who are overweight DEAR HEARTSICK: I owe you my kids were aware of every­ iron pills feel just fine for a week Johnny Lee loses suit desert him. hastening the downfall of his film star (Rita Moreno) hires a young direc­ who offers to save a young woman's or so — and then all of a sudden Print answer here: empire (2 hrs.) Part 5 of 5 (In Stereo) tor (D.W, Moffet) to revitalize her career brother from vampires surprised by our may often experience chronic skin infections in — and other mothers who unsel­ thing that was going on, and my (60 min ) Part 3 of 3. (In Stereo) nooks, crannies and hard-to-get-at places — such as they die! BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) —Country music X QD Perfect Strangers (CC) Larry, QD Home Shopping Network (3 hrs ) reasonable prices. fishly gave their babies up for 7-year-oid kept begging me to (Answers lomoiiov.'/ talks Balki, Jennifer and Mary Anne into (M) Odd Couple Hart to Hart the navel — where the skin surfaces tend to remain Abby, I was shocked to learn star Johnny Lee, who sang “Looking for Love Now offering 25% O ff all adoption — an apology. And here shoot him in the head because he Jumbles: FINAL DERBY NUANCE HOIJRIY going camping. QD Noticiero Univ^sion [CNN] Crossfire dark and moist. that iron pills are so dangerous. in All the Wrong Places,” was looking for Yesterdays Christmas decorations it is. didn’t want to live anymore. It business in the wrong place when he tried to Answer: Another name for a dialogue- X MOVIE; 'The Pirates of Penzance' A (§D Star Trek [ESPN] Harness Racing: Breeders If you have trouble finding adequate medical care was terrible. Please print this. It might help a A DOUBLE ‘CHIN - band of fun-loving pirates, led by the Pirate [CNN] Headline News Crown From Pompano Beach, Fla (60- and gift items. on the reservation, try cleaning your navei with mother who debates if she shouid open a nightclub in north Alabama, a judge King, celebrates the 21st birthday of one min.) (Taped) (Consignment items excluded.I DEAR ABBY: I have read We lost our home, so the ruled. of their comrades, who reveals that he be­ [H B O ] MOVIE; 'Teen W olf' A high- rubbing alcohol two or three times a day. The many letters in your column from children and I moved into my or shouldn’t take her child to the came a pirate because of a terrible mis­ school student discovers that a family [USA] Night Flight U.S. District Judge William Acker dismissed snd htnd lln g, from Jum bit. cfo lhl« rw w tp spsi, P O Box 43SS. Orlando. F t 33S02-1 curse is turning him into a werewolf. Mi­ alcohol will disinfect the skin and help keep it dry. If hospital. Includa your nama. addraaa and zip coda and m akt your chock payabla to Nawapaptibooki take. Linda Ronstadt, Kevin Kline. Rex (D Dick Ciark's Goiden people who say they cannot parents’ attic with no heat — chael J. Fox, James Hampton. Scott Pau­ 1 ;05AM s (^ ^ o rn e r a 35 million lawsuit that Lee and a business Smith. 1983. Greats the alcohol doesn’t work, you’ll need a culture of forgive. What they really mean during a Pennsylvania winter. GRATEFUL GRANDMA lin 1985. Rated PG. partner, Jimmy Cornelius of Guntersville QD MOVIE: 'Conan the Destroyer' Cornar or P itkin Sc E. Canlar St. your navel to identify the source of the infection. IN MESA, ARIZ. 1:1 OAM [MAX] MOViE: 'No Way is, they will not forgive. Abby, Suddenly, Lee came to his Conan the barbarian faces monstrous ob­ 10:30PM gr Odd Couple Mmriehtstar (Mlmd Kotik Boat Eataial Also, I urge you to lose weight. You should be filed against the city of Guntersville. O ut' (CC) A job at the Pentagon leads a withholding forgiveness hurts senses and broke up with his stacles when he sets out to retrieve a sa­ (lD Whalers W rap-Up (Live) DEAR GRATEFUL “Rather than bring this suit, plaintiffs cred religious artifact. Arnold Schwar­ career Navy officer into a deadly game of checked for diabetes, because this disease is only you. It can eat you alive. girlfriend. Her husband forgave cat and mouse Kevin Costner, Gene Hack- 645-1171 associated with obesity and skin infections. Aiso, GRANDMA: Thank you for the perhaps should thank the defendants,” Acker (Si INN News I want to tell you what I was her, and she went back to him and warning. Marc Bayer, M.D., said, because they kept Lee and Cornelius from diabetes is more common in Native Americans than able to forgive in hopes that it will their three children. And guess in the general population. medical director of the Los spending money to build a nightclub that never Astrograph DO »a M »a 9 0 M 9 0 to «

I K^JCW,tJOT^JCV/ I FEELBerTeP,. WEEKEND cm If he had a hammer f o ^ l N IT, In good spirits ■ ■ ------1£ The Sounding Board Coffeehouse will welcome hammer dulcimer virtuoso John McCutcheon on The Manchester High School drama club, known as Sock ’n’ Buskin, is presenting the delightful ! Saturday evening, for a concert of traditional, comedy, "Blithe Spirits" tonight and Saturday at 8 contemporary and original Appalachian-style p.m. in the school’s auditorium. This is the tale of a songs. The presentation will be at 8 p.m. at First beautiful, Jealous ghost who comes back to haunt Church of Christ Congregational, 12 S. Main St., and harry her husband and his second wife. West Hartford. Admission is $9. To make a reservation, call 583-0841. PEANU TS by Chariot M. Schuli Walk on the Hock ^ V------;------' Gifts galore IF '<0U HATE RIPIH6 ON THE SCHOOL /TMAT5 THE BEST The Hockanum R iv er banks will be the location for a walk on Sunday, starting at 1 p.m. at the old BUS 50 MUCH, LUHV PON'T YOU HIRE IPEA I'VE EVER You’ll find holiday gifts galore, as works by more Economy Electric building on Oakland Street, YOUR OlON PRIVATE LIMOUSINE? A HEARP than 350 artisans go on display at the Guilford where there is am ple parking. The rainvlate is the Handcraft Center, on Route 77 in Guilford. There ll-iS following Sunday, Nov. 27. ' "Looking back, the happiest moments of will be basketry, both porcelain and stoneware my life were spent doing funny things pottery, toys, bgoks, quilted pieces and more. The with cheese..." sale is open Mondays through Fridays, 10 a.m. to 4 I 198S by NEA. Inc Being a square p.m., and Sundays, noon to 4 p.m., from now ZIPPY by Bill Qrllfllh through Dec. 23. Admission is free. For directions The Manchester Square Dance Club will hold a call 453-5947. dance this evening, 8 to 10:30, at M artin School on ^ ( p p y / / LVHV A f f C Dartmouth Road. A round dance workshop will be rtrf~ir ^ H o m ; So ? i S T H iS yes".v AND A VoLi P v S m u G t h a t /k RUA F oCA B A I ^ affirm ation O F offerd 7:30 to 8 p.m. The fee is $8 per couple, and tioofZM'o'Jj TW o -TD a / AUTHATS H O C e y .< " Six for three spectators are welcome. HAGAR THE HORRIBLE by DIfc Browne VOhJ?/ >\ at the Old State House in Hartford. This week’s concert will include Claude Debussy’s violin ^ sonata, among other pieces. Tickets are $10 general, $8 for students and senior citizens. For inform ation, call 246-2588. Beggars can be choosers The 18th century John Gay hit, "The Beggar’s Opera,’’ was adapted for musical presentation by LI'L ABNER by Al CapX several composers. The setting by Kurt Weil, which includes the classic tune, “ Mack the Knife, ” Reginald PInto/Manchaatar Harald HELLO-FATBACK.r^-TMIS IS L C T '£ H B tH T r- WE --FO' TH ' NECESSITIES TE AS D A LE I'M IN OOGPATCH fA T cAH£.rr AH M is s e s is by far the most popular. But a fascinating THE PHANTOM by Lee Falk A 8y Barry SHORE O O t ^ O ' LIFETHEY MAH LI'L SHMOOS POWERFUL ACT — Madame Arcati, AM’ I'M PfK>UD T'R E P O PT THAT WE NOW, TREM MIZZCBlE play is being staged by Sock and Buskin EV'RV SHMOO MAS BEEN c o m p l a i n e d 'B O U T THEY WAS SO evening of opera was written by Benjamin Britten, INTELLIGENT STARVIN' RATS MAH PRICES BKFOV ^ i N C h ,p^NO,,lN 4 wiPCD OUT*:'- Bur t h e FOLKS, NICE T' PLAY WIF played by Columbia exchange student of Manchester High School today and HAS T ' COME WAITLL THEY %K3L -A N ' AFTER YO'D as well. It is this version of “ The B eggar’s O pera," ORDINARY FOLKS HERE ARE fi^PPREC/ATE .CRAWLIN' T M C - PRETTY SAD " YOUR WORKfT TH' HEW ONES.'f FINISH PLAYIN' a tawdry, bawdy celebration of corruption, which Marla Silva, invokes her powers on the Saturday at 8 p.m. at the school. y iK f Y A k r ^ r r will be presented this weekend by the Hartt School cast of "Blithe Spirit." The Noel Coward of Music, in M illard Auditorium at the University of H artford in West Hartford. The production is directed by Brenda Lewis, a renowned soprano Around the fairs with the Metropolitan and N ew York City opera Orient Express com panies, who has also perform ed on television There are so m any church bake sales and craft Take a trip to Bengal, Pakistan and Bangladesh and the Broadway stage. Perform ances are tonight fairs this weekend, you’d be hard-pressed to visit tonight, at Manchester Community College's V 194B Capp Enibrprttc and Saturday at 8, Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are them all. H ere’s a quick sketch of the activitie.s. International Night. In the Lowe Program Center $13.50. F or inform ation, call 243-4422. Every fair will offer refreshments, and most have there will be music, food and entertainment from luncheons. ^tSSS Kmg Featurat Syndic Inc WorW nghtt rai#rv*<»«.' ARLO AND JANI8 by Jimmy Johnson m any nations, and a slide presentation on the The St. Bridget Church fair, 80 Main St., has a recent floods in Bangladesh. The event is a All that Jazz fair put on by the Rosary Society, in the auditorium OOOH, HOME.6TLYG&l0e' YOU CAIO A\AK£ THAT fundraiser for those who lost their homes there. BLONOIE by Daan Young A Sian Drake and cafeteria, which isopen from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 500MO LIKE. SUCH AM IW60LT' W hat’s going on in the Connecticut jazz scene Rep. Michael Meotti, D-Glastonbury, will be the It features knitting, baked goods, a luncheon and S O w h a t S i V e I! I c a n V r e c a l l i f t h i s is OR MV S'x ANNIVERSARY VEP, THAT SOUNDS LIKTE A today? That’s the topic of a workshop Saturday keynote speaker. The event is co-sponsored by the VOUR PROBL ) GOT A MV ANNIVERSARY WITH WITH MV HUSBAND PQO0LEM, AUL RIGHT displays by craftsmen. Tea and lunch will be SUE ? 1 PROBLEM MY S-™ H U S B A N D afternoon, from 12:30 to 5:30, at the University of Pakistan-American Cultural Association and the A T HOME Connecticut in Storrs. The m eeting will be in the served from 11 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. MCC International Students Association. Student Union Ballroom . At 7:30 p.m., there will be At the Unitarian Universalis! Society East. 153 Admission is $5. W. Vernon St., you’ll find baskets, pottery, v ” « i i m . * j a concert. " A Tribute to Thelonius M onk," in Von Victorian items, natural decorations and children's der Mehden R ecital Hall, featuring the Allen Lowe Just ducky activities. That fair will be open tonight, 7 to9 p.m., Trio, UConn’s Thelonius Monk Repertoire for $3 per person, and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Michael Tulman, a veterinarian at the Bolton Ensem ble and the Norm an G age Ensemble. Veterinary Hospitals, spends much of his tim e Admission to both the sem inar and the concert is Saturday, with no admission fee charged. carving wooden geese and ducks in the style of the $10, and for the concert alone is $5. Trinity Covenant Church, 302 Hackmatack St.. decoys of the 1900s. A showcase of his carvings is won’t have a craft fa ir this year, but they will have TAKE A SHOT — The Thanksgiving vALiNr'-. / a holiday bake sale from 9 a.m. to noon on being displayed at the Saxton B. Little F ree ALLEY OOP byOaveOraue festivities at Old Sturbridge Village, an Saturday. Library, on Route 87 in Columbia. Tulman, an Some festive fun Don’t miss St. M aurice Church, 32 Hebron Road. Andover resident, was introduced to carving by an 1830 village recreation, begin on NOTHIkJG YOU'RE WRONG.I, DOC! N ...IO O P 'S N O TTTT HEY, WHAT'S GOIN WHAT A OUY by Bill Heatl HAPPENED! 'SOMETHING MUST' uncle, and he began doing v. ater fowl about 10 U S T'V E J LCL O N G E R O N w ON? WHERE AM I?.?? The entire fam ily will enjoy old-fashioned game.s Bolton, with a fair that’s open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It Saturday with a competitive turkey HAPPENED!' __ _ TMfTHE MONITOI years ago. The library is open Monday, Tuesday and crafts on Saturday at the Harvest Festival at will feature a calico kitchen, country store, the shoot. Throughout the coming week, and Thursday, 2 to 8 p.m., and Wednesday, F riday the Hungerford Nature Center, 191 Farmington Holly Shop and N ew England craftsm en. each home will feature the wonderful SORE, YOU CAN and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A ve., Kensington. You can make sachets, stencil First Congregational Church, 1171 Main St.. aroma of breads, mince and pumpkin COME IN AND cards and stationery, learn to make candles and Coventry, has a fa ir that offers a country store, gift pies, cranberry sauce, puddings and USE THE take home paper plate turkeys. Call 827-9064 if you gallery, lunch room, attic treasures, games, and Bang the drum slowly other dishes appropriate to the holiday TELEPHONE, nature’s gifts. need directions. Rob the Drummer, a character from television's 'JfVl, Over at Second Congregational Church, 1660 meal. Thanksgiving religious services BUT WE’RE NOT popular "Sesame Street,” will make a guest Boston Turnpike, Coventry, the Gleaners Group is will be offered at 1:15 and 3:45 p.m. Old GETTING OUT,” appearance on Sunday at 4 p.m. at a fam ily Let freedom ring putting on a fair with'pies and other baked goods, Sturbridge Village, at Exit 2 off Interstate concert, presented at Immanuel Congregational greeting cards, carousel horses, cut paper and 84 in Massachusetts, is open from 10 M- 10 The Voices of Freedom Gospel Choir will present Church, 10 Woodland St., Hartford. Music, laughter other handcrafted goods. The men of the church a concert on Sunday at 3 p.m. in Von der Mehden and audience participation will characterize this a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, except Mondays. THE BO RN LO SER by Art Saniom w ill serve a roast pork supper with sealings at 5 Hall, on the Stores campus of the University of perform ance, which is geared toward elem entary Admission is $12 adults, $5 for children 6 '■'6 1-flogll and 6 p.m. Connecticut. This concert is under the direction of and m iddle school students. Admission is free. to 15, free those under 6. ‘"Me.i/EEBLeFe^K. AkID I HAVE / ARE YDU PARriAC ^ rU A L L Y I LIKE RICH LITTLE^ | Union Congregational Church, at the corner of ON THE FASTRACK by BUI Holbrook Marichal Monts. P|S:USSIH6 T H E X ^r------^------f i ( TDA/DWETOR MYSELF Union and E lm streets in the R ockville sectio, of IMPRESSIONISTSJr . 'l „ V K E k O R ? Vernon, with a fair open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They will ^ I DdlJ-r UNPEK6TAND ART, W h s'll IT'6 hard £hIO06H K££Plkl(r pibneectaht ' ^ have a country store, bakery, Christmas table, JEAN£TTf-NWRl£. 5H£’5 6-oT ' A crafty showcase IPO HbU HAVE, f A 6o0t> WORKING-ATflTOPf FUNAEG-? f GoTTA luncheon and more. THE UX)5lEE)f Jog ||0 TriE" Works by some of the best artisans in the state Toj^ues-TiDiJ I AROOaID kerf ! WHAT PlFFER- PF. There will be a huge holiday bake sale sponsored FlP/A,AMt> ^ e '$ STil U HAPPiNESB?^! CdOE PoE5 IT WAkCE WHERE will be displayed from now through Christmas at by the Congregational Church of M arlborough, c : H e w u i - . ' IT COMES FRo/V\.P„ the Old State House in Hartford. The museum and j|TTTnp — - from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Marlborough store are open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. Country Barn. There will be Thanksgiving and to 5 p.m., and Sunday noon to 5 p.m. Admission is Christmas items to freeze, as well as hand-knit hats free. and mittens.

FRANK AND ERNEST by Bob Thaves C in e m a PERSONNEL THE GRIZZW ELL8 by BUI Schorr Fil l o u T a l l HARTFORD 8:30, 10, 11:30; Sot 12:15, 1:50,3:25,5, 7, Rocky Horror Picture Show (R) FrI and Employment^ffice Cinema City — Crossing Deloncev 8:30,10,11:30; Sun 12:15,1 ;50, 3:25, 5, 7, Sot midnight. F PEOPLE WAHHA RHOV; VIHV WE (PG ) FrI 7:10, 9:50; Sof and Sun 1:20, 6:30, 10. — The Accused (R) FrI 1:45, TURN ON THE LIGHTS! 6 R1ZZLIE5 ^R O U N 6 ETMBDU WEST EAST extra option. South does not really on the Christmas attend the ♦ Q J 10 9 4872 need to play to the jack of hearts. In­ OIL INC. j CRAFT FAIR « Y 10 7 2 4Q6 5 3 an extra option stead declarer can lead the eight of Tree lights and... ♦ A Q 5 ♦ K 9 6 hearts and play low from dummy. If MANCHESTER, CT 1 Friday, Nov. 18, 7-9 PM * Tree 46 5 4 4 10 9 8 By James Jacoby get a ride in a that loses to the 10 in the East hand, CHUBB AND CHAUNCBY by Vanca Rodawall 2 Preview Sale — Admission *3 X the remaining heart can later be DISCOUNT OIL fire truck. 4 Lighting SOUTH Here is another interesting card played to the jack. The contract will B Saturday, Nov. 19, 9-3 pm ® 4 K 4 3 combination — one that is not often ALWaySTHOU entries wiii 4 9 8 be made if either the 10 or the queen is I HAD NO IDEA 6 0 ^ Admi$$ion - FREE R and Carol seen. It is normal for South to arrive CTANIM^ASPEAu, ♦ J 8 4 2 in the West hand. If not, you may be MANY OF THEM f ^^utcrackr be chosen. at three no-trump and to receive the f * yiclorian Chrhlmat Shop S 4 A K Q J down three, but the extra chance is FUL AND FAIRLY EASV- WEREINT^ Sing. queen of spades lead If declarer fol­ e o iN a ★ Folk Art k Handcraft, B Vulnerable: North-South worth taking when you're noj doubled. 6LAMME /GAL. Byer’s Carolers lows basic technique, he will count his 128 Gel. Min. Delivery ^ -k Pottery & Batket, 8 Dealer: South tricks and find that he needs one more. Why lead the eight? Because you C.O.D. Dickens Village Since the only possibility of a ninth EntriM muM b« West North East South don't really want West to cover, but if (Pdo. 8uto|Mt to Chwtg.) I UNITARIAN I M all or deliver to: trick is in the heart suit, it is not sur­ New England Villages THE MANCHESTER HERALD racalvad by 6 pm 1 4 he does put the 10 on declarer's eight, prising that declarer will take a fi­ I UNIVERSALIST S (Q r.d*. K-e Only) 1 B Bralnard Place, Manchostor, CT 08040 Novam bof 22, 1986 Pass 14 Pass 1 NT the safe sure play for nine tricks is to Volume Discount - 58* C.O.D. Collectible Santas nesse. Since the heart finesse loses, the Pass 3 NT Pass Pass go up with the ace in dummy and then 800 Gel or More I SOCIETY - EAST 8 deal is over and the contract is down 295 IFetl Street, Bolton, Cl N a m e ___ Pass lead low to the nine in the South hand. m 15.3 West Vernon Si. 8 one. Or is there more to it? 649.7514 A d d re a a . (The heart suit would be blocked if the 646-3905 “ Manchester, CTT J Opening lead: 4 Q (I nUI* m t iA «/ C«jt Clljr S$«<« Park oa Rl. #5/ In fact, if you look a little deeper play went eight, 10, jack, and East • . is 24 Hour, Full Strvlc* Avall,bl$ I 646-5151 « MM-.TwE.Sit. IO.S/W«d..T1iiir.rn. lO-t/Sun II S P h o n e ; __ into the heart holding between dummy won the queen and returned a spade.) » K i m M IM M l M M M i n M Rw » - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Nov. IB. 1988 MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 18, 1988 — tl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Loti/Lond for S o lt . N o t I C B S Merchandise Lo it/F o u n d ...... 01 InvoitmonI Property.... Musical Items...... P a rio n a lt...... 02 Butintsi Property...... Cameras and Photo Eaulpment.. Announcemantt...... Rttort Properly ...... 1 ^ ^ Specioli^ D<^if! | H o lid a y S e a s o n a l...... 71 Pets and Supplies...... “A Winner Every Day... MondayLUCKY thru Saturday’ ...... 03 CON’STITUTION ST*ATE Auctions...... 04 Mortpopes...... Antiques ond Collectibles ...... 72 Miscellaneous for Sale...... Financial...... 05 Wonted to Buy...... Services Rootlnp/Sldlnp ...... 57 Clothlnp...... 73 Tap Sales...... F lo o r ln p ...... 58 Wanted to Buy/Trade...... F u r n it u r e ...... Em ploym ent & Education Rentals C h ild C o re...... 51 E le c t r ic a l...... 59 Port Tim# Help Wanted...... 10 Rooma tor Rent...... Cleanlnp Services ...... 52 Heatlnp/Plumblnp ...... 40 TV/Stereo/Appliances ...... 75 MANQ-ESTERHONCA 24 ADAMS ST. 646-3515 238-EVW Halo Wanted...... 11 L a w n C a r e ...... 53 M isc e lla n e o u s S e rv ic e s ...... 41 Mochlnery and Tools ...... 74 Apartments for Rent..... Automotive .CONNECTICUT .fcii $ltuatlon Wanted...... 12 Condominiums for Rent. Bookkeeplnp/lncome Tax...... 54 S e rv ic e s W a n te d ...... 42 Gordenlnp...... 77 Your >25 check Is waiting at M.ANa£SRRHojr \|f your license num ber appeals som ew here in the classified colum ns today. C a rp e n lry / R e m o d e lln p ...... 55 Landscoplnp ...... 43 Cars for Sole...... ,Butln#ts Opoorlunlfltt...... 13 Homes for Rent...... Good Thlnps to Eat ...... 7| Instruction...... 14 Store/Office Space...... Palntlnp/Poperlnp ...... 54 C o n c r e te ...... 44 Trucks/Vons for Sole...... Employmant Services...... Fuel Oll/Cool/Flrewood ...... 79 Compers/Trallers...... 15 Resort Property...... IME8 Industrial Property...... SUPER SAVINGS WITH OUR SPECIAL F o rm Su p p lies and E q u ip m e n t...... 80 Motorcvcles/Mopeds...... HOMES Root Estate Garopes and Storape.... Ottlce/Retoll Equipment...... 81 Auto Services...... HELP WANTED I FOR SALE COHDDMtHIUMS MONTHLY CASH IN ADVANCE RATES... Autos for Rent/Ledse...... Homes for Sale...... 21 Roommates Wanted..... Recreational Equipment...... 82 FOR SALE FDR DALE Condominiums for Sale...... 22 Wanted to Rent...... Call 643-2711 for more Information! Miscellaneous Automotive...... Boots and Marine Equipment...... 83 MANCHESTER. New to Wanted to Buy/Trode...... market. This Califor­ A Spgcioli^Dfftf! WILLINGTDN. Tender SPACIDUS and cheerful EXECUTIVE nia ranch hos wonder­ 1 loving care Is needed to one bedroom com­ turn this 4 bedroom RATES; 1 to 6 doys; 90 cents per line per day. DEADLINES; For classified advertlsments to READ YOUR AD: Clotflftd odyprtitpmant* or* ful In-law potential pletely remodeled. SALES home Into a showplace. 7 to 19 days: 70 cents per line per day. be published Tuesday through Saturday, the token by telephone as a conyenlence. The with separate entry. New carpeting and The Prudential is Lower level has kit­ Eat-In kitchen and pri­ both. Many amenities. 20 to 25 days: 60 cents per line per day. Monchester Herald Is responsible for only one ICARPEHTRY/ MISCELLAHEOUS deadline Is noon on the day before publica­ seeking a bright, chen, liv in g room , both vate lot make this a $89,900. S e n try R eal 26 or more days; 50 cents per line per day. Incorrect Insertion and then only for the size of CHILD CARE REM0DELIH8 ELECTRICAL SERVICES tion. For advertisements to be published the original Insertion. Errors which do not lessen highly motivated in­ and large bedroom. sp ecial buy. $131,900. Estote, 643-4060.O Minimum charge: 4 lines. Monday, the deadline Is 2:30 o.m. on Friday. Upper level has four Century 21 Epstein the value of the advertisement will not be dividual, who has the NEW England Nanny. L E I S U R E L Y liv in g In this bedrooms and two full RENDVATMmS/nilS HOLIDAY House. Retire­ R eoltv, 647-8695.0 corrected by an additional Insertion. initiative to build a Referrals has nannles- three bedroom unit baths. A must see. Com plete Inter, and GELSOMINO ment living, ombulo- GREAT In-law situation. with two full baths. s o lid professional /mothers helper- tory, home-llke $219,900. Sentry Real Exter. Home Nine room split, 4 bed­ Move-In condition. sales career in insur­ Estote, 643-4060.D s/home managers for Maintenance Custom ELECTRIC atm oshpere. C a ll 849- LOST PART TIME long/shorf term child rooms, 3 baths, main $105,900. Sentry Real Painting and Papering ReeldsnUN wiring spsolsllst. 2358. Notices AND FOUND RNANCIAL a n c e a n d invest­ BOLTON. Brand new care placements. Per­ hom e has 6 room s, 2 Estate, 643-4060.O J HELP WAHTED HELP WAHTED So// Your Car Free Estimetes. GSL Building Mainte­ full baths and fire­ HELP WAHTED HELPWAHTED ments. Extensive 2 contemporory. Quality sonalized, professional Repair or Renew Ceil­ SDUTH WINDSDR. Spa­ nance Co. Commercl- place. In-law Is liv in g As a condition precedent to ABANDON the search. MAINTENANCE Technl- years earn as you b u ilt 2,500 souare toot service. Telephone: 1- ings, Walls, etc. Rec. 568-7746 cious 2 bedroom Town- the placement of any odver- ______ttooiw 6116646 al/Restdentlal building room, bedroom, kit­ Thank you for making clon. Samaritan Shel­ RN/LPN-We hove o full DRIVER. New England's home In new subdivi­ 401-783-0556. Rooms, Decks and Light house with small room tlslnp In the Manchester He­ iearn training pro­ repairs and home Im­ chen and full bath. us no.1 for 41 years. ter. Responsible for time or port time posi­ largest electrical pro­ * 1 5 sion. Includes 4 bed­ Carpentry Roofing, off master bedroom, rald, Advertiser hereby gram. College Degree provements. Interior Dwner will help with L O S T In M r. A m azin g Fast, confidential, assigning lonltorlol du­ Maro PHOTO tion from 3pm-11pm, duct distributor has op­ 4 Lines — 10 Days room s, 2.5 baths, w ith G u tt e r Repair e n d could be used for an oprees to protect. Indemnify preferred. Starting aEAHlHO Cleaning. ond exterior painting, closin g costs. $169,900 and hold harmless the Man­ parking lot, Frl. Nov. easy mortgages. Mr. ties, flll-ln cleaning In The nation's leading 1 a n d 1 1 p m - 7 o m , enings tor truck drlv- lacuzzi both off master bilMAS ELECTRic office or nursery, so* charge each addi­ Electrlcel ispelrt, light carpentry. Com­ D.W. Fish Realty, 643- chester Herald, Its officers 11. Block portfolio op- Mortgage where emergencies, monitor­ hour photo finlihing Mondov-Frldov. No ers. Primary salary up to *500 per bedroom. Fireplaced SERVICES LMUH.OIW’S SPECUL cathedral ceilings,sky­ proxltnofely 48" x 60" weekends, for more In­ tional line, per day. You added wiring. plete lonltorlol ser­ 1591.□______ond employees apolnst ony America borrows has ing of building, minor chain Is seeking enthu­ responsibility Is to week. Excellent bene­ family room, custom Cleaning — On call Mln- lights, washer and and all liability, loss or confolnlng artwork. formation, please coll can cancel at any time. wet bar and more. CLEANING Service. tenance Quick Refur­ Today, did you pey someone vice. Experienced, rel­ EXCELLENT. Manches­ been o neighborhood repairs. Minimum of 10 siastic people for full m ake d e liv e rie s to cu s­ fits. Call B ill Raspa or iable, free estimates. dryer hook-ups, wall to expense, Includlnp attor­ Personal value. Re­ tradition helping ho­ D.N.S., Mondov- SORRY, $337,000 Flo n o R e alty, Home or office. Day, bishing or Remodeling for doing nothing? ter. Vinyl sided 7 room neys' fees, arlslnp from hours per week. $6.75 tomer locations or to H a r r y V e la rd i a t 646- 643-0304. wall carpeting, sliders w ord. 742-9908 ask fo r meowners for 41 years. per hours. Coll MACC, and part time posi­ Frldov, 9om-3pm, our branches. Qualifi­ NO REFUNDS OR 646-5200. night, weekend. INSURED-Br.Dlsesum Cell the, Joseph Dumas at Colonial. Carpet over with view of pond, 1 claims of unfair trade practi­ Chris.______tions. We offer train­ Crestfleld Convales­ ADJUSTMENTS 1145 o r send re su m e to ces, Infrlneement of trade­ Please coll Conn 8> 649-2093. E O E .______cations Include good Weekly specials. Reg- Fm Ettlimttt 64«-S2S3grB4«4Wt2(rM) hardwood, full brick carport. Pool and ten­ cent, 643-5151. Ino R a n le rl, 6454)682. RENT A RUNNER wall with fireplace In marks, trade names or pat­ STRETCH YOUR burger Conn of 233-9687. PART time mornings. ing, competitive sal­ driving record. Class II CALL HERALD Prudential ...... nis also. A beauty of o 646-2253 living room, sliders ents, violation of rlphls of budget By using one port General office workers ary, employee dis­ drivers license along 6roeenr 6 EiraMl Condo. $123,900. Anne privacy and Infrinpement of Insurance Co. BOLTON Lake. Four from family room to soy extender to four ports for Manchester Real counts and bonuses with the ability to read CLASSIFIED ' c l e a n i n g Reeetag Service M iller Real Estate, 647- copyrlpht and proprietary maps and communi­ 491 Buckland Road, room Ranch, masonry Senridne the Manehsster A WII- PAIHTIHO/ IHEATIH6/ huge p a tio and In- 8000.O rights, unfair competition of meat. Your taste buds Employment Estate office. Typing A for Individuals with Ini­ SIOERS Wanted for work IlnMnhe ores. Honest and rella- We will do your grocery bookkeeping expe- cate effectively with So. Windsor, CT 06074 on 2'/2 lots, 2 storage PAPERiHO PLUMDIHD ground pool. $157,900. and libel and slonder, which won't be able to tell the tiative. A p p ly In per­ In East Hartford, Mon- 643-2711 buildings, private Me ceupl* to clean veur home, ehopplng and other D.W. Fish Realty, 643- may result from the publica­ rlence helpful. 646-4655 customers. We offer for immediate ettlce or windows. 9 years sx- difference, but your son, 9am-7pm. cheter Area. Coll 634- beach, appliances, gas errands while you work or 1591.D tion of any advertlsment In excellent wages and s EOE appointment, wr osrlsnes end rsfsrsncst. Cell NAME your own reaso­ budget will! Boost your PART TIME HELP wanted. Flower 1660.______heat. Reduced to Loutls for a frss sstlmots. relax. Call for details. IMDRTOABES the Manchester Herold by 396 W est M id d le Tpke. generous fringe benef­ nable price. Father & PJ's Plumbing, Hasting 6 MANCHESTER. Seven advertiser. Including adver­ budget by selling Idle shop soles clerk posi­ DENTAL Assistant. Full its which Include den­ $144,000. 649-1794. Items In your home with o HELP WAHTED tion available 2-3 days Son Pointing and Pap­ Air Conditioning 649-7462, after e pm or { room home with lots of tisements In any free distri­ Manchester, CT time, maximize your tal. Com e In and fill out Cross-Stitch 742-0267 Boilers, pumps, hot water low-cost od In classified. per week. Flexible CLEANING. Working BRAND New listing. ering. Removal. 291- charm. Four bed­ ' FALUmi DEHINDT? bution publications pub­ M O RTm Tos^OfTTce potential, experience an oppllcotlon or call tanks, new and 742-0267, anytime hours, except during crew chelf trainee. Adorable 4 room Cape 8567. rooms, eat-ln kitchen, lished by the Manchester worker for Manchester lob satisfaction with Economy Electric SOUTH BOLTON replacements. STDP FORECLOSUREII Herald. Penny Sleffert, holiday weeks. Apply MECHANIC. Full time or C a r p e t s , upholstry, on Anderson Street In formal dining and first If you are falling behind on Real Estate office. Ty- personal and profes­ S u p p ly, 647-5000. CLEANING SERVICE, floor laundry. Hard­ Publisher. NOTICE TO CEEDITORS In person at B ro w n 's port time. Must be walls, floor stripping, Manchester. 2 bed­ WALL' d o c t o r s FREE ESTIMATES WILL PAINT TO your mortgage payments... ESTATE OF plng/bookkeeplng ex­ sional growth and ful­ EDE/MF general cleaning. Resi­ rooms, updotted bath, wood floors through­ Flowers. 163 Main St., Q ualified to w o rk on o il INC. W allpaper hanging 643-9649/228-9616 DR...It your home Is In tore- CLARENCE J. JEFFERS, perience helpful. 646- fillment by utilizing dential and commer­ carpeting, full base­ PLEASE out. Plus walk-up attic NOTICE TO CREDITORS aka PETER J. JEFFERS, Monchester.______mokes of vehicles. 5-10 Commercial / Reeidantlal specialist. Expert work ESTATE OF 4655.______your warmth and Inter­ cial, full time for Qual­ ment, 1 car detached at reasonable rates. Free from your picture or tilde and p o rch . $157,000. cloaure, WE CAN HELPI oka CLARENCE JEFFERS y e a rs e x p e r ie n c e o Fully Ineuisd $ Bonded. No payment program avail­ M AR Y W. TIERN EY The Hon. W illiam E. n ti- RESTAURANT HELP. DISHWASHER. Even­ personal communica­ WANTED ity, reputable service garoge, cute yard near estimates. Residential in umtercolor or eerylie D.W. Fish Realty, 643- The Hen. W illiam E. Fltz- ings for hard working must and tools. MSiM MRCELLAHEDU8 able tor up to 2 years. Bad Gerald, JudM, of the Court Port time dishwashers, tion skills. A well or­ To start Immsdiataty. Snack and company, cen­ the hospital. Afforda­ and commercial. Berbera happen - 1591.□ Oarald, Judge, of the Court person. Career oppor­ Service Station, 649- bar halp. bartandara, anddaak 647-1545 SERVICED credit Is not a problemllAsk of Probate, District of Man­ of Probate, District of Man­ kitchen help. Apply In 2871.______ganized flexible, fun trally located In Glas­ b ly p ric e d . $119,900. Steve Koski, 647-8201 MANCHESTER. New to chester at 0 hearing held on chester at a hearing held on tunities ore possible loving person will wel­ halp. Top wagaa, nighta and tonbury. It you’re reli­ Ja c k s o n 8i Ja c k s o n B ill Olson, S28-8364 643-1710 how LDW payments can November 14, Itei ordered person The Bel Ami waakanda. Apply to Managar, the market. Very Invit­ November 16, 19*1 ordered and we will train. Coll COOK. Experienced. Full come this challenge In able, energenic, have Real E state, 647-8400-c CARPENTRY/ help you SAVE YDUR that dll clolmt must be pre­ R estaurant, 465 Buck- time, flootlng between Parkade Bowling Lanaa. Man- HAWNESTREESENVIGE ing seven plus room that all claims must be pre­ sented to the fiduciary at the C o v e y 's 643-2751. our rapidly growing good driving record, HDME TDDAYI sented to the fiduciary at the land Rood, S. W indsor. 6om-7:30pm Including chaatar. No pbona calla. TODAY'S Lucky CT Li­ REMODELIHS GALUGAN&cb. Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump ’BROCER-EASE’la well maintained home address below. Failure to 644-4745.______HOURS 1pm-5pm, Perldontol practice. call us. Experience locoted In Bowers Swiss Coesemrtiv* Creep address below. Failure to promptly present any such alternate weekends. Our patients appre­ cense Plate Number Is PAINTING removal. Frss sttimatss. Qroeery shopping delivery promptly present any such COOK. Soup kitchen Mondov-Frldov, Man­ helpful but willing to 731 BPF. It this Is your School district. New at (203) 4S4-133C er dalm may result In the loss claim may result In the Ion Apply; Milford Hospi­ ciate ond value our FU LL Time positions mTEMON/niEMOl Spedel consldsretlon for service. 0 p m 24 hours. 7 of rights to recover such Coordinator. Man­ chester area. Light typ­ train. Good starting plate number, bring FARRAMD REM0DEUN6 vinyl siding and new of rights to recover such ing, filing, answering ta l, P e rs o n n e l, 2047 services and smiles. available for heavy PatfiClAO A tialnino. AIm . etderty and handicapped. days e weak. Call u* with (203) 4S44404 claim. chester Area Confer­ salary, benefits. 633- this od to E d Thornton, Room sdtftlone. decks, rooflng. tfrtYtwRyD 99>l9d. Putty Ifwurtd, carpeting throughout. claim. phone, and some com­ Bridgeport, Milford, Our goals ore to be the eaulpment operator your IlstI Johonno Bruder Roy, ence of Churches. 30 3335. at Manchester Honda, Nding, windows end gutters. fTM aaVmat'm. Four-posslbly five bed­ Johanna Bruder Roy, puter knowledge help­ C onnecticut 06460. 876- best. It we hove stirre d and truck driver with 647-7SS3 Att't. Clerk hours per week, 4096. 24 Adams Street, Mon­ Beefchoe and bulldozsr ssfvice rooms, lo w e r level Ass't. Clerk ful. C o ll 647-8288, be- up some Interest, we class 1. Experience ne­ 648-1277 The fiduciary It; S8/hour. Experienced chester, to collect your avaHsMs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. S47*3S03 iMWt OIIMROD family room, porch Rentals The fiduciary Is: tween 9 ond 5.______would love to shore cessary. Benefits. Call Jeon M. Terza Michael Pasternak w ith m eal plo n n ln g o n d $25. You must bring and patio. Sentry Real Executor Ideas. Pleose coll 647-9745 o r e ve n in g s Bm. 647-8569 G A Y & S O N Executrix preparation. Work os JEWELRY Soles, Port Real Estate proof bt registration. Estate, 643-4060.O c/o Vincent L. Diana, Eta. ON THE JOB TRAINING E la in e at 633-2048, be­ 484-4153. Rbs. 645-6849 SS2 Woodbrldpe Street port of o volunteer time X-Mos help and T h is o ffe r Is void In lewiROOFIHB/ MASONRY Manchester, CT 04040 1091 Main Street Start an exciting career in tw een 8-4, M o n d o v - Brick, block and stone, ROOMS Monchester, CT 06040 team . C o ll 649-2093. year round positions the optical Induttry. We are seven doys. 11-18. m LAND8GAPIND OSMI Thursdoy. Ernest B. IB'1«DIH8______ceramic tile, marble and ICOHDOMIHIUMS FORREHT OSMI Send resume to: available. Flexible a wholesale optical lab Spiro, DPs ond teom. HOMES GRACIOUS and spacious. 8 A S HDME concrete. hours. Apply: Dia­ TOWN OP MANCHESTER MACC, P.O. Box 773, seeking e trainee for our of­ Lovely 6 plus room IMPROVEMEHTS No lob Is too small I I FOR SALE mond Showcase, Mon- FOR SALE MANCHESTER. Room In LEOAL NOTICE Manchester, Connecti­ fice eteff end e lab techni­ ( Cape Cod on Concord quiet rooming house. chester Porkode. cian trainee. Starting PRE-SCHOOL Teocher REPAIRS HAR 382-7341 o r 627-8973 MALLARD View. Lo- The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public cut 06040, by N ovem ber Road. 3 bedrooms, 2 a Dff street parking. $80 28. E O E hourly rate $5.50 with re­ needed to work with 3-5 All real estate advertised In "No Job Too Snrall" LEAF coted on o private per- hearing on Monday, December 5, 19M at 7:00 P.M. In the PART Time Custodian. year olds. Port time Drive off with the Manchester Herald Is full baths, center chim ­ ReglMsied and Fully Insured ROOHNG per week. 646-1686 or Hearing Room, Lincoln Center, 494 Main Street, Manches­ Evenings, 5-8;30pm, views In 30-90-180 days. ney fIreploce In front to No lob too Mg or too DmaU. WIH menant culde-soc, this ter, Connecticut to hear and consider the following petition: Cell Bob Pound to discuss hours ovolloble. subject to the Fair Housing FREE ESTIMATES wortt 7 dfya urHH fob oompiata. 569-3018.______Early morning donut hours fle x ib le , 5 days o back living room. Un­ new subdivision of the excellent fringe bene- P le ase c o ll 649-5531 for Act of 1968, which makes It ~ i m — BLOWING Quality 3 bedroom du­ RDDM tor Rent. In home, T!L*! L"" ** Manchester • Special ExcepHen/Ereslen Central finisher. Apply In week. Apply; Focllltles A Bargain in the lllegol to odvertlse any pref­ finished 4th bedroom 647-0593 - 191 SpMcer Street (m s /m i ) . Reauest for a special excep­ llte end appointment lor In­ contidentlol Interview. 870-9477, Job all privileges for re­ Services, South Wind­ erence, limitation or dlscrlm on 2nd floor. Nicely RELIkBLE MOVING plexes await your In­ tion under Article II, Section 9.15.01 of the Manchester Zon­ person: terview. Reasonable spection. Kitchens sponsible person. $75 ing Regulations to permit use of premises os an all-suite sor Boord of Educa­ Inatlon bosed on roce, color, kept 85'x225’ yard. Now 647-9289, Nick Low, Low Rates. WAREHOUSE Opportun­ Classified Section religion, sex or notional rates. Call have oak coblnets, w eekly. 645-6473 o r 647- hotel which use requires automobile parking spaces In MR. DONUT tion, 1737 Main Street, QSA OPTICAL ities. Full time or port askin g $ 1 6 9 , 9 0 0 . Ja ck - HOUSE Short notice moves. 7580. excess of 40. South W in d so r, 528- origin, or on Intention to son Si Jackson Real Looking for something range, oven, dis­ 255 West Middle Tpke. time. Due toexpondlng 2 2 7 9 make any such preference, RENOVATIONS Insured. Dependable hwasher, refrigerator At this hearing Interested persons may be heard and written Manchester. CT 9711. E xt. 40 E O E . 649-3177 E state, 6 4 7 - 8 4 0 0 . G I or tfiOr* houM. special? Why not run a FURNISHED Room, kit­ communications received. A copy of this petition Is In the business, we hove limitation or discrimination. 24 Years experience In Bordonaro and built-in microwave chen and parking privi­ needs for Individuols The Herald will not know­ MOUNTAIN Road. Park- r wtW6. InoulilD, "Wanted to Buy" od In Town Clerk's office and may be Inspected during business Hich cross-stiU'hin^' i.>; A. AIdo IntDrior Classified. The cost Is moving Landseaping ovens. Fireplaced Jiv­ le g e s. Security and hours. THE Bolton Public Build­ FULL Time, 10pm-6om, who ore witling to give uspfi to work those lovely ingly accept any advertise­ llke treed yard sur- ment which Is In violation of pBUming. C«R ing rooms, 1'/j baths references. $75 weekly. ing Commission who help wanted to perform a little extra effort In floral designs. ronds this 4 bedroom s m a ll... the response big. Planning and Zoning Commission I HELP WAHTED the law. 646-9669 Anytime with full vanities, pri­ 569-3528 o r 649-4248. Leo Kwash, Secretary meets the second ond lonltorlol duties for lo­ return for on opportun­ No. 2279 has transfer family colonial with 647-3803,. 643-2711. 2 3 6 -4 3 8 1 s o u t h e r n New Eng- vate full basements, 2 053-11 fourth Monday of each FULL and port tlmedrlv- cal store In the WIMI- ity to m ove ahead In o fur 7 design. ■. color large sunroom. See this ehnrt. lond classifleld ads zoned baseboard heat­ m onth at 7;30pm In the ers helper, moving fur­ m on tlc area. $6.00 and growing, dynamic or­ U8iR built home today. APARTMEHTS reach n e a rly 800,000 ing systems, Andersen E 3 Town Hoi I Is seeking o niture. C o ll 647-1717, up depending on expe­ ganization. We offer To order, send |3.2S, includes Blanchard & Rossetto permashleld thermo­ FOR REHT postage and handling. hom es In C onnecticut recording secretory to leave message. rience. Please coll 1- excellent wages and Realtors," We're Sel- HOMES HOMES and Rhode Island. The pane windows, luxur-. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS attend meetings and do 489-2445 for further de­ generous fringe benef­ ANNE CABOT llng H ou se s" 646-2482.P FOR SALE 6 room s +, 3 bedroom s, 2 $150.00 A D A Y ! Process HandiMBlor Htraltf price for a basic 25 FOR SALE lous wall to wall car­ clericol work. It Inter­ tails. Collect colls its which Include den­ 1 1M Av9. Bf AmtrlCAs peting and attached baths, $600 m onth + phone orders. People Ntw York, N.Y. 1003$ w ord ad Is o n ly $55 and PLYMOUTH Lone, elm v s CO 9»9«3 92711 and ask full In-low studio w ith a urday and Sunday op­ of new and old. Priced *168,000 today. Rentals from MANCHESTER. 2 bed­ work. Salary based iHanrln'fitrr ALBUM. Just 13.25. fo r detolls.D______privote entrance In od- upon experience. Year enings. If you hove » to sell.Blanchard 8, $950. Blanchord & Ros­ room, heat, hot water, f FERNWOOD MANOR 5 AMERICA WORKS OF BOOKS At »3.S0teKh RDDM To grow. A grow- Impeccably maintained dltlon to the other nice m V. round work. Coll 647- warehouse experience, O UI-HCIRIOOM HANOlWORK-M Rossetto Realtors," setto Realtors," We're a p p lia n c e s . $590. come In and fill out on typti Bf RftOltwBrit ijtiiia. Ing family will have 3 bedroom ranch. At­ features of this home. £ Wplrmiic to our Christinas F’air. IxivHy Z MANCHESTER and EAST HARTFORD 9745 for oppointment. We're Selling Houses" Selling Houses" 646- Adults preferred. No application or coll HpraI^ plenty of room to ex­ tached garage. New 2.5 baths, larg e kitchen 2482.n WAITRESSES. Days. 646-24B2.G and fireplace. Dnly pets, 647-9876, hnii

) ~ MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday. Nov. 18. 1988 MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Nov. 19,1988 — tS

APARTMENTS K T l TAG CARS CARS m FOR RENT C i l FURNITURE QD SALES OD FOR SALE OD FOR SALE MANCHESTER. 1st LIVING Room set. Light PLYMOUTH Volare 1977. MANCHESTER’S NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ floor, 2 bedrooms, IVi brown velvet sofa and 4 Door, 6 cyl. Auto, PS. baths. SMO 0 month eral Statute 23-AS prohibits love seat. Coffee and the posting of advertise­ Am/FAA, one owner. SCHALLER Manchester plus utilities, security end table. Wood and ments by any persan, firm or Very good condition. & references. No pets. mirror. $1100 or best corporation on a telegraph, $800 or best offer. 872- ACURA 643-2121.______offer. 645-1477 after telephone, electric light or 8158 after 6pm. USED CARS AVAILABLE Imme­ 7pm. power pole or to o tree, U S E D C A R W \ 0 ' shrub, rock, or ony other CHEVY Vega 1975. 64,000 Honda Sells Only diately, 1 bedroom natural oblect without a writ­ mites, 3 speed, runs 87 Accord LXI....'11,995 apartment. $545. Heot PETS AND ten permit for the purpose of good, $605 or best offer. 87 NIs. Sentra.....' 6,995 and hot water Included. SUPPLIES protecting Itorthepubllcand 649-0761.______2 bedroom townhouse. carries a fine of up to $50 for 87 Mazda RX7 ....'12,995 1983 PLYMOUTH Re­ DEALER $650. Heat and hot wa­ each offense. — Quality, AQUARIUMS. 5 and 10 liant. Automatic, 4 cy- 87 Toy. Corolla ...' 8,250 ter Included. Security gallon with hoods, WOVI NC Soblh Wesf: 87 Toyota QT '10,250 and references re­ Contents of apartment llnder. $700. 742-5054. 87 T-BIRD stand, pumps and 88 Chev K -10 '13,995' ’85 PLYMOUTH ‘88 CADILLAC ‘85 PONTIAC ‘84 PONT. quired. No pets. Boyle much more. $100.00. for sole. Will sell separ­ 1978 GMC VANDURA.3/4 TURBO Management Co. 649- Coll 646-4575.______ately: 3 piece sectional ton, 350, automatic, 88 Chev C 2 0 ...... ' 8,850 Dependable Used RELIANT FLEETWOOD 8UNBIRD FIREBIRD 8E WHY BUY A 1988 4800.______(2 complete sofas, power steering, power Gunroot, AC, FREE To good home. 86 SR-5 P/U ...... ' 9,550 . AM/FM Cati. 4 d r. Auto, AM/FM Brougham, Loaded 2 D r, Auo, AC Fully aqulppad, AC MANCHESTER. 3 bed­ queen size sleeper). brakes, air condition­ Very friendly, male Other contemporary ing, finished Interior, 86 LeSabre...... ' 8,995 * 4 , 0 0 0 * 6 . 5 9 5 room newer duplex, cat. Call 649-3739. * 1 1 . 9 0 0 * 1 4 , 0 0 0 * 4 , 0 9 9 won to wall carpet, furniture, antiques, as­ bed. Icebox, table, 4 86 Merc. Sable....' 6,995 Cars!! INSTEAD OF A 1989?, fully appllanced, IV2 sorted accessories, swivel chairs, trailer 85 Audi GT ...... ' 8,850 MISCELLANEOUS housewares, tires. Pri­ hitch with electric baths, full basement. 85 Buick Riverla..'10,250 '80 OLDS ‘87 HONDA ‘88 MAZDA ‘86 FORD F-150 $750 month. 643-1823. FOR SALE ces negotiable. Satur­ brakes, transmission ‘86 TOYOTA day and Sunday, 11-5. cooler. 84,000 miles. 85 Olds Clera .....' 7,350 OMEGA ACCORD LXI B2000 PICKUP CAMRY SOUTH Windsor. 1 bed­ Dr., Black EIGHT month old woter- Weekdays by appoint­ Excellent condition. 85 Chev Blazer ....'14,295 4 Loaded Plekup, Cap room, appliances. No ment. 165 Downey $3000. 742-5054.______Black 4 Dr.. Std, AC pets. Security. 875-7919. bed, $325. Courthouse 84 Accord LX .....' 7,450 Drive, Apartment A. FOR Sale. 1984 Cadillac One Gold membership, 84 Toy, Camry ,...' 6,995 * 1 . 9 9 9 * 0 , 9 9 9 * 8 , 0 9 9 * 8 , 0 0 0 '1% MANCHESTER 2 family, T2'/2 months left for Opposite Wickham Seville. Sliver, red * 7 . 0 0 0 ayallable Immediately $450. Compared to reg­ Park, Manchester. 674- leother Interior, 83 LeSabre...... ' 4,995 HERE'S . Large 3 bedroom, 1 Vj 0062, 528-1591. ular price of $700 plus. loaded. Excellent con­ 83 Subaru...... ' 5,995 btit— baths, appliances, new Eric 649-3426.0______HELPING PEOPLE sa­ dition Inside and out. '80 LINCOLN ‘80 PONT. ‘86 BUICK ‘83 MERCURY ‘87 MERC. dishwasher, new wall 345 Center St., BLOAN 20 Inch snowb­ tisfy their needs ond $13,000 Call 647-0717. Manchester • 647-7077 MARK VI BONNEVILLE RIVIERA OR. MARQUIS COUGAR WHY! i. to wall, 1 year lease, wants ... that's what want security. $800 plus utili­ lower for sale. 649-2438. 4 d r. Mutt Saal Blua, Auto, AC 2 D r, Loaded 4 D r, A/C, Loaded Loaded ties. 649-5989. ads ore all about. CLYDE * 4 , 0 9 9 * 7 , 0 9 0 MANCHESTER. First I WANTED TO CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. TRUCKS/VANS 1 1 1 , 9 9 0 * 5 , 9 0 9 • 1 0 . 7 5 0 floor, 2 bedroom apart­ ENDROLLS ROUTE S3, VERNON 2 V k width • 25$ DUY/TRADE FOR SALE ment In renovated 2 SO *299 5 family house. New ap­ 13V4 width - 2 lor 25$ Buick Skylark ‘80 VW ‘85 NISSAN CALL FOR '85 BUICK *5995 87 LINCOLN New 1988 OldBmobila Cutlass Supreme Coupe AT, PS, PB, AM/FM pliances. $700/month MUST bo picked up at the WANTED by Student. 83 Honda Accord 2 Or. PICKUP Cop. 87" long, SCIROCCO SENTRA INFORMATION CENTURY CU8T. plus utilities. Call 649- Harold Offica Monday thru Used non-working 83 Buick Ragal *6995 61" width. Fils Ford TOWN CAR Stereo w/Cassetta, AC, Cutlass option pk^., phis more. sik. #jb77S. 1988 HONDA ACCORD Rad, Loaded ON RECENT 2871. Thursday bafora f t a.nn.only. VCRs. Will buy or 84 VW Jatta 4 Dr. *6 ^9 5 Ranger. 643-7354, after 4 Door, Red, Automatic, P. Sttering. 4 D r. 5 Spd., AM/FM 4 D r. Loaded Sllvar, Loaded trade. 568-6471. 5pm. DAILY MANCHESTER. Two 84 Caprica Wagon *6295 P. Brakea, Air. Tilt Staarlng, #1557 *12,995 * 9 . 0 9 9 * 6 , 0 0 9 * 4 , 0 0 9 ARRIVALS! * 1 8 , 9 0 9 ComparisAHi Savings bedroom townhouse. Old furniture, clocks, 84 Olds Cut. Wgn *6995 k U Nice location, all ap­ 64 Buick Skyhawk 4 Dr. '5 9 9 5 AUTOS FOR 1985 DODGE LANCER Sams Equipped Models - 1988 J . 9 8 9 pliances. Heat, hot wa­ oriental rugs, lamps, Qold, 4 Cyl.. Automatic, P. Steering, P. Brakea. M liS Ragal *8795 RENT/LEASE ter, carpeting, air con- paintings, coins, je­ 65 Buick P. WIndowt. P. Saat, Air, Tilt, Radio, Vinyl Top. *1570 ‘88 BUICK ‘87 MERC. ‘86 CADILLAC ‘84 FORD ‘05 TOYOTA TWS Ust Price: 15,310 16,443 '8 5 9 5 *5995 dltlonlna. Call 647-1595. welry, glass & china. 85 Cantury Wgn .SKYLARK TOPAZ SEDAN DaVILLE THUNDERBIRD CELICA GTS Difference $ 1 1 3 3 65 Cantury 4 Or. '8 9 9 5 FREE Milage on low cost NOW accepting applica­ Will pay cash. Please auto rental. Village 1983 TOYOTA CELICA 4 D r, Auto, AC. 4 D r. Rad, Auto, AC Loaded, Sllvar Auto, Loaded Rtd, fully Equipped 85 Cav. 2 Or '4 9 9 5 Qray. 4 Cyl., 5 Spaad, P. Brakat, Air, Tin Staaring, PLUS ns Scranton Savings 1 9 7 2 tions for 1 bedroom, 1 Auto Rental. 643-2979or ^MONTHLY bedroom handicapped TAG SALE call, 646-8496. 85 Cutlaaa 2 Or. '8 9 9 5 Badlo. *1873 * 6 . 9 9 9 * 7 , 5 0 0 646-7044. *6995 * 1 3 , 9 9 9 * 6 , 5 0 5 * 8 , 9 9 9 PAYMENT Rebate 10 0 0 or 3.9 % and 2 bedroom Section Moving. Must sail conlanis of 86 Elactra 4 Dr. '1 0 ,9 9 5 8 apartments. Please 7 room house. Z conlampo- 86 Gala. Euro 4 Dr. '7 9 9 5 1983 HONDA PRELUDE $1000 TOTAL SAVINGS go to Oakland Heights rary matching aotas Ilka now. CARS CARS Blua, 4 Cyl.. 5 Spaad. P. Braka*. Air. Radio. Sunroof. 4105 Site office, 360 Oak land 2 kitchen asts -1 w/4S~ round FOR SALE 872-9111 *1683 ‘85 BMW 325E ‘87 MERC. ‘86 CHEV. ‘88 OLDS Cash or Trade 3 2 0 5 whits labis w/4 matching FOR SALE *6395 R E B k T S ; Street, Manchester. 8td. T rtn i, Sunroof. REJfNJV’iiie. chalra. 1 w/42* round walnut COUGAR CAMARO fROC DELTA 88 Monday and Wednes- 1986 CHEVY PICKUP AC. AM/FM 4 Dr., Auto, AC Bal. to Finance ^ 8 . 0 0 0 ^dav^0omO2noon;^^ top tabla 4 chalra w/chroms Loaded, WhH* A Mual Saall Blut, Fully Equipped trim and black leather seats. 2 Blua. 4 Cyl.. Automatic. P. Steering^ P. Brakta. Radio. * 1 1 , 9 0 0 contamporary bar atools, ffCV'9 * 1 2 . 0 9 9 * 0 , 0 9 9 * 9 , 0 0 9 P tfim i doM not ftdudt u i. fegitalon. Ims prep«fy o i. l«u muanoa ogsl long* poww (ran warairy CONDOMINIUMS *4495 * 9 , 9 9 9 Lowry w/gania organ. 2 bed­ FOR RENT room eats, 1 w/king size bad, SPECIAL PURCHASE (PRE-OWNED) 1985 HONDA ACCORD LX trlpts drssaar w/2 mirrors and 4 Door, Rad. 4 Cyl.. Automatic. P. Staaring. P. Brakat. P. '80 MERC. RR. CO VENTRY. Spacious various matching placas. t/w WIndowt, Air. Radio, *1717 ‘88 PONTIAC ‘83 PONTIAC ‘88 MERCURY ‘87 MERC. and new 2 bedroom doubts bureau Including PROGRAM CARS *7995 MARQUIS SABLE hutch. Modern dining room FIERO FIREBIRD SABLE townhouse condo. Fuly 2 Door Auto, AC Powtr appllanced. Nice coun­ aal labia w/2 laavsa and pads, 1987 CHEVY NOVAS 1985 HONDA CIVIC standard, 38K T-Top, Auto 4 D r, Loaded 4 Door, Gray, 4 Cyl., 8 Spaad. P, Brakat. Tilt Stttrlng. WIndowt TOTAL 6 chairs. 7 V paean serving * 2 , 0 9 0 try setting. Immediate Ridlo. *1723 occ-upancv. butfsl w/pada. 2 atagsres *4995 * 5 . 0 0 0 * 5 , 0 9 9 * 1 0 , 0 9 9 * 8 , 3 5 0 $750/month 659-2491, walnut w/ehroma trim. IMng 10 TO CHOOSE FROM Century 21 Village room couch and various ao- 1986 CHRYSLER LASER SAVINGS Green. caaaorlss. 2 TVs. washer, Whita. 4 Cyl., 5 Speed. P. Steering. P. Brekee, P. drysr. rsirigarator. housa- 301-315 CENTER STREET *4105 WIndowt. Air. Tilt Staering. Radio. *1734 waraa. liras. 20“ aluminum *5295 MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT ' HOMES ladder, outdoor patio sal In­ ONE LOW PRICE $ 7 7 7 7 FOR RENT cludes taMa. 4 chalra and 1985 HONDA ACCORD /M ORIARTY BROTHI alumninum umbralla. 1076 WhH*. 4 Cyl.. 8 Spaad. P. Staaring. P. Brakat. is iZ 647-1588 FRIDAY & SATURDAY 1988 Air, Radio, *1738 MANCHESTER. Four Cadillac Coupe OsVilla mint All equipped with Automatic Transmission, Power Steering, *6995 ww room, 2 bedroom Du­ condition, many other goo­ Power Brakes, Air Conditioning, AM/FM Stereo. T IL 8 M ^ H H dies. Prices nagotibla. ever­ plex house In nice ything must go. 1988 HONDA CIVIC ^neighborhood. $600, • Long term special rate 60 month 4 Door. Sllvar. 4 Cyl.. 9 Spaed. P. Braket, own utilities. Deposit SMurdiy, Niv. ta G-3 financing available to qualified buyers. Radio, #1744 *9495 required. Available Riinditi Sundiy, Nov. 20 December 1st. 742-9408. 1986 BUICK SKYHAWK PONTIACS • OLDSMOBILee 155 Wirinoki Rood • Remainder of factory 6/60 warranty. • CADILLACS A QMC ANDOVER Laketront. 2 Door. Sllvar. 4 Cyl.. Automatic, P. Staaring. P. Brakat, THUCKS... Three bedroom, se­ off Pitkin St. Subject to prior sale - Taxes and registration extra. Air, Radio, *1741 PEOPLE WHO cluded Ranch. One car *5795 KNOW ^ know there's a certain magic lele^^W W e ■ ■ garage. Gorgeous V n p C.HEVROLET Pt 83, Windsor Ave 872’9111 1985 HONDA ACCORD wooded acre. $950 plus CARS 4 Door. WhH*. 4 Cyl., 8 Spaad. P. Staaring, about Classified Advertising. V L f U C b u ic k , INC. Rockville/Vernon ______... 643-2711 utilities. Coll 295-8430. FOR SALE EXIT 64/I.B4 P. Brakes, Air, Radio, *1745 *6795 COVENTRY. 7 rooms plus. Available De­ 1987 HONDA CIVIC OLDSMOBILES FIRENZAS cember 1. Adults pre­ 4 Door. WhH*. 4 Cyl., 8 Spaad, P. Brakat. ferred. References and TIH Staaring. Radio, *1748 Toronado Cps, bluB, #SOLD Firenza Cruiser wgn, It. brn, #6532 security. $800 per *8495 month. 742-7494 or 742- Oust. CruisBr, Blus, #6640 Firenze Wagon, red. #SOLD 8161.______1986 TOYOTA COROLLA 98 Ragancy Broughm, whita, #6706 Firenza 4 dr, white, #SOLD 4 Door, Tan, 4 C yl.,. Automatic, P. Staering, P. Brekea, Almost Air. Radio. #1753 Calais 2 dr, white, #6535 STORE AND PUBLIC NOTICE *6995 Touring Sodan, white, #SOLD OFFICE SPACE Cu.tlass Supreme I, black, #SOLD Calais 4 dr, red, #6542 1985 TOYOTA VAN Cutlass Supreme SL; black, #SOLD Calais 4 dr, burgundy, #6511 UNAUTHORIZED FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE (7 P ttttn g tr) SHvtr, 4 Cylindtr, Automttic. INSTANT Suites. Com­ P. Staaring, P. Braka*. Air, Radio. *1788 *7195 Cutlass Supreme SL, black # SOLD Calais 4 dr, white, #SOLO pletely furnished. Clera 2 Dr, black. #6697 Phone answering and Cutlass Supreme SL, blue, #6631 1983 SUBARU STA. WG. Cutlass Supreme, blue, #6778 Clara 2 Dr, gray, #8746 secretarial support 1988 FOX Blu*. 4 Cyl.. 8 Spaad. P. Brakat, Air, Radio, *1787 647-4800. 1988 GOLF *4195 Clara 2 Dr, blue. #6711 2 Door Hatchback Wagon Cutlass Supreme SL, white, #6775 WATKINS Centre. 140 W E W ILL 1986 PLY. COLT PREMIER Cutlass Supreme SL, platinum, #6757 Clera 4 Dr, black, # SOLO and 165 sq. ft. available stock #4557 4 Door. Blu*. 4 Cyl., Automatic. P. Staaring, Clera Brgm, 4 dr, red, #SOLD December. Telephone Stock #4801 • Metallic Paint • Power Steering P. Brakat, Radio, *1758 Cutlass Supreme I, white, #6767 answering, word pro­ • Splash Guards • Stripe *5995 Cutlass Supreme, blue, # SOLD Clera 4 Dr, black, # SOLD cessing, copier and • AC • Stripe Package N O T BE Fax. Wilson Business • Luggage Rack Package • Automatic 1982 HONDA ACCORD Cutlass Supreme, blue, #6654 Clera Cruiser wgn, #SOLO Offices. 647-0073. Hatchback. Silver. 4 Cyl.. Automatic. P. Brakta, Radio. Cutlass Supreme, white, #SOLD WAS *0780 •17S9 *4195 OFFICE Space. 400-1500 WAS *9942 GONE Cutlass Supreme SL, red, #6771 square feet. Excellent U N D ER S O LD location. $275. 647-9223, SAVE *1027 SAVE *1065 1987 HONDA ACCORD LXI Cutlass Supreme SL, red, #SOLD CADILLACS 643-7175.______Hatchback, Qray, 4 Cyl., 8 Spaad. P. Staaring. P. Brakat. P. WIndowt. Air, TIN. Radio, *1784 *11,195 Allante red, #SOLO H t I INDUSTRIAL OR 1984 AUDI 5000S PONTIACS Eldorado epe, platinum, #soir> l£iJ PROPERTY Eldorado epe, white, # SOLD Brown, Automatic. P. Brakat, P. WIndowt, Air. Radio, 1988 MAZDAS LeMans 4 dr. white # SOLO *8753 *8877 *1767 Eldorado epe, tan, #7564 n u t Ttx tn d Rtg. *7995 WE ONLY HAVE 15 NEW 1988 MAZOAS LEFT LeMans 'SE' 4 dr. blue #SOLD MANCHESTER. 3400 n u t Ttx tn d Rtg. square foot free­ O U T LeMans ‘SE’ 4 dr. black #8795 Seville gray, #7539 standing Industrial 1988 HONDA ACCORD COME IN NOW FOR THE BEST PRICES OF THE YEAR Seville blue. #7560 building. Loading 1988 CA8RILETS 4 Door, WhH*. 4 Cyl., 6 Speed, P. Staaring. LeMans 4 dr. silver, #SOLD 1988 J ETTAS P. Brakat. Air. Tin, Radio, *1760 Sedan DeVllle blue. #SOLO dock, parking. Wood­ Pro-Owned *12,995 LIKE THESE... LeMans 'SE' 4 dr. blue #8777 land Industrial Pork. Stock #4739 TRADED Grand Am 2 dr. blue #SOLO 3edan DeVllle Antelope, tSOLO 643-2121. 1987 HONDA ACCORD LXI Sedan DeVllle blue. #SOLD EAST HARTFORD. Ap­ All a Metallic Paint • AC Hatchback, Balga, 4 Cyt., 8 Spaad, Power Staaring, 1988 MAZDA 323 1988 MAZDA 626 DX Grand Am 2 dr. maroon #SOLD Power Brakat. Powtr WIndowt, Air, TIH Whtal, Sedan DeVllle blue. #7562 proximately 1,000 AC • Power Steering • Power Steering 4 Door Sodin *3138 Ridlo. *1772 88981X Grand Am ‘LE’ 2 dr. gray, #SOLO square foot steel build­ • Automatic * Stereo Radio • Cruise Control *11,995 Grand Am ‘SE’ 2 dr. black #8796 Sedan DeVllle blue, #7587 ing. 14 foot overhead Sedan DeVllle blue, #SOLO door. Heat, convenient WAS *17,540 1984 FORD ESCORT Grand Am 2 dr. white, #8774 location. $500/month. 4 Dr., Brown. 4 Cyl,, Auto, P8. PB. AC, Radio, *1788 *3295 Grand Am 'SE' 2 dr. white #8788 Sedan DeVllle blue. #7552 646-4144. ‘ 9 4 9 5 SAVE *1093 S E E U S Grand Am 4 dr. gray #8801 Sedan DeVllle blue, #SOLO 1984 HONDA ACCORD LX Coupe DeVllle blue, #sOLD MISCELLANEOUS SALE PRICE 4 D r. Red. 4 Cyl.. 9 Spd. PS. PB, PWlnd., Air. Caeeette. Grand Am 'LE' 4 dr, red, #80LO '9 6 9 5 •1779 Coupe DeVllle blue. #7530 NFOR RENT *6195 Grand Am ‘SE’ 4 dr. white, #8789 Grand Am ‘SE’ 4 dr. red. #8791 STORAGE space availa­ TODAYII 1985 CHEV. BUZER 4x4 Only ble. $85/month plus 1 * 9 8 9 5 * 1 5 , 5 4 7 8 Cyl.. Auto. PS, PB, Air. Radio, *1782 *10,495 Only 00 Grand Am ’SE’ 2 dr. red. #8798 GMC TRUCKS month security. 10 feet n u t Ttx tn d Rtg. n u t Ttx tnd Rtg. Firebird epe, gray. #8784 by 20 feet. Coll 528-1609. 1985 HONDA ACCORD * 7 5 4 5 *1 1 ,7 4 8 Firebird epe, white #8747 59 IN STOCK GARAGE for rent. One 4 Or., Gray. 4 Cyl., Auto, PS. PB. Radio, *1778 *7495 • 1.6 Ular, 4 Cyl. Eng. • Tlntad Window QIaaa • 2.2 LHar EQI, 4 Cyl. Eng. t AC car. 31 Prospect Street. ★ ★ USED CAR JAMBOREE ★ tk • 8 Spd. Tran*. • Rear Window Dafoggar 1 8 Spaad a AM/FM Cataalt Firebird Trans Am blue. #8793 READY TO ROLL! $50/month. 872-8095, 1985 NISSAN PICKUP t Black Sid* Molding • Trip Odom star • Front Ottc Braktt • Mudd Flap* Firebird Trans Am silver, #8792 t Front Mud Flap* • Powtr Staaring • PS t noor Matt call anytime, leave Rad, 4 Cyl., 8 Spd., P8. PB, Air, Radio. #1781 *6195 Grand Prix 2 dr, sliver, #SOLD message. VOLKSWAGENS 81 VW Van, 7 Paai., blua. .. *4800 88 Fard Tampa...... *8900 Grand Prix 2 dr, red, #8716 a VW QTI 16V.... 82 VW Rabbit. 4 Or. daal... *4450 85 Pont. Qrand Am...... 1987 HONDA CIVIC - SPECIALTY VEHICLES NOW AVAILABLE - )V .GoeMMTMtei^ WANTED 88 white, *12.500 *8238 Hatchback. Balga, 4 Cylinder, 8 Spaad. Power Braka*. Grand Prix 2 dr. red, #8797 ■ k 88 323 GT 4 DR. 5 sp.d w/Cass. Sunroof, Power Pkg. - TO RENT 88 VW Jetta, 4 Or...... *11,600 84 VW Jatta, 2 Or., blua..... *3056 87 Toyota Corola...... •8400 TIH Staaring, Radio, *1783 Grand Prix 2 dr, silver. #SOLD *4995 (SAVE Big with AAAZDA incentives) OM QUALITY 88 VW Jetta, 4 Or.... *11.600 85 VW Scirocco...... *7595 84 Jeep CJ-7...... *7400 Grand Prix ‘SE’ epe, red. #8771 WANTED. Place to park 1985 HONDA CIVIC CRX qn SERVICE WLRTS my car until April, 67 Jatta QLI, 4 Or.... *11.100 85 Olds Cutlaaa...... *7200 Rad, 4 Cylindtr. 8 Spaad. PB. Radio. *1787 *4195 * NOW HERE! I O ALL NEW 1989 MAZDA M.P.V. Grand Prix epe, white, #8787 Inside or ourside. 646- (Multi-Purpose Vehicle) w/V6, Auto, AC, and Luxury pkg. Grand Prix epe, blue, #SOLD 1345. 67 VW Jatta. brown... *9800 OTHER MAKES 83 Buick Cantury LTD.... •5500 Keep thet great GM feeling 6000 4 dr. white. #8781 85 VW Jatta 4 Or . allvar.. 83 NIaaan Stanza...... - - with genuine GM parts. *0900 68 Marcadea 420 QL . *31,620 *4900 NO GIMMICKS JUST A GREAT DEAL 6000 4 dr. blue, #8779 Merchandise 88 VW Golf, 4 Or., blue.. *6900 86 Toyota Celica GT... *10.400 81 Jaap Scrambler...... •4600 Come In and see us at 85 VW Golf, 4 Or. whita.. *6800 85 Cady Sadan, brown.. *9550 83 Buick Skylark...... •4505 All Atwva Psymantt DO NOT include Tax & Regiitrstion. 85 VW Golf. 4 Or, blua... *6000 85 Audi 6000S. alv/blua.. *9550 83 Chav. Cavalier...... *4400 « C« SuHRc! To Prto, SW-NO! tmx. FURNITURE M ORIAR^ BROTHERS Oldsmoblle. Cadillac. P o n tl^ GMC Trucks 7 faril 60 Off l - H DRESSER, mirror, night Heura: ’ 5.0T0I.. INC Rt. 83, Vamon - 872-9145 stand, single bed, $150. Hutch, antique finish. Open Evenly 'III f pjn. VOLKSWAGEN ® Fn. » Sot. 'til A p.m. j Hou«: Mon.. Tue... Wed. | ^ “ ^ " 5 ' 649-0913.______24 ADAM S S ^ a NCHESTER FrI. 9 B.m. to 6 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. to o p.m. ALMOST New Colonial print sofo with hitch- MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT cock stenciled wood. 24 Tolland Tpke., (Rt. 83) Vernon, CT 649-2638 643-5135 $350 649-6606. Z4 - MANCHESTER HF.RAl.n Friday Nov IR 198R PUT 1TDRKEV IN YODR OVEN FREE TURKEY for your Thanksgivin| [ Dinner with every car ^ NOT IN YOON DBIVEWAY purchased through J^OVEMBER CLEAN SWEEP BALE NOW IN PROGRESS INTIAC PONTIAC BUICK OLDSMOBILE 88 Pontiac 88 Pontiai ;88 Oldsmobile' 88 B uick Bonneville LE LeM ans Calais i Skyhawk


#7948, auto, PS, PB, air cond, #7880 AM/FM 2.5L fueling, pulse wipers, ‘ AM/FM, much more alum, wheels, sport ap- ( MSRP ns,430 pearance pkg. 2dr, air cond, 5spd, front wheel drive Sale n2,930 MSRP Ul,586 SAVE nS91

HUGE REBATES] J988 Models if- to choose .on .froni> ★ TOP QUALITY USED CARS ★ BUICK 82 Olds Toronado Loaded ...... «13,445 188 Oldsniohih^ 88 isuici 87 Olds Calais Roadster Auto, FWD, AC, Special roadster pkg...... * 9,795 Cutlass R egal 86 Olds Delta 88 Royale International. 4 Dr., FWD, V6, AC, one owner, sold new here...... * 9,495 86 Ford Tempo Series 4 Dr., auto, AC, PS, PB, Very clean...... * 5,895 85 Buick Riviera full size, FWD Qassic, V8, loaded w/equip...... *10,995 8 4 Pontiac 6000 V6, auto, AC, all power equip., one owner, sold new here *5,995 #7574, tilt wheel, pulse wipers, 86 Pontiac Trans Am #7720, Demo, V6, absolutely rear virindow defogger, air cond, loaded w/equip„ T-Tops, low miles...... *10,495 loaded cloth seats. 84 Pontiac Sunbird • MSRP *14,625 2 dr. coupe, auto, FWD, AM/FM stereo...... * 4,495 MSRP »17,998 SAVE *2130 85 Cadillac Coupe de Ville NOW ‘ 14,998 special roadster pkg., all pwr equip...... *11,995 85 Pontiac Grand Prix V6, auto, AC, one owner, except, clean...... * 6,895 85 Olds Cutlass Supreme 2 dr., loaded, vinyl roof...... * 6,995 85 Buick Park Ave. Wagon full size luxury, loaded...... * 9,398 8 4 Buick Century .4 d r „ V6, auto. PS. PB ...... * 5,295 185 Century LTD l|2 dr. cpe., vinyl roof, auto. AC. AM/FM . * 6,695 'Financi CAR 85 Buick Century Custom rates ^WASH 4 dr., auto, AM/FM, AC, more...... * 7,195 ,as low as with every test drive. s . 9 y . ALL DISCOUNTS are taken off Manufacturers Suggested RetaU Price i


■.m \AC Wite Motors IViH Route 66, Columbia Road, Willimantic, Conn. 423-7746 Pruvl! HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 8 AM to .8 PM; Friday 8 AM to 6 PM; Saturday 8 AM to 5 PM; After Hours By Appointment.