The Town-Dui Agreement / Teacher Contract Talks Stall On

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The Town-Dui Agreement / Teacher Contract Talks Stall On to — MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. Nov. 17. 1988 1% HOMES CONDOMINIUMS CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE l £ i | FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE OAK Forest. Beautifully STEP. Right up. Hoping to COVENTRY. This home FLEXIBLE Terms. A S p e d o l i decorated 3 bedroom Sellers will entertain purchase a larger has been designed and unit with I'/i baths, the town-DUi agreement / creative financing home for an affordable built with a bit of central air and garage. price? This tremend­ luxury In mind. The Ideas on this Immacu­ $133,900, Sentry Real late 5 room Condo ous 9 room Raised master bedroom has a Estate, 643-4060.D Ranch on West Vernon fireplace and a lacuzzi townhouse at Beech- w i m m / St. In Manchester may In the priyate bath . EAST Meadow. Conve­ wood In Manchester. 3 CMLOCME NOROmLiNfl aE cm cA L be lust waht you're Some of the features nient first floor unit bedrooms, 1'/i baths, looking for. 4 bed­ are: 4 nice size bed­ with open floor plan. all new kitchen ap­ NCW Enoland Nanny. FHA approved. $77,900. pliances, tasteful de­ HOLIDAY H o m r N e f l^ rooms, 3 full baths, rooms, 3’/i baths, 3 Il«f*rrols itos nonniet- Complale IMbt. Riid menf livtnd. ombiiip- family room with wet < fireplaces, green- Sentry Real Estate, 643- cor, private basement, /mottiBrs helper- GEL$0 NIIN0 4060.O ample parking. Asking Exter. Home i > forv, hPide-llfcA. bar, stunning Vermont ' house, atrium door to 8/home ntonoDers for' Meintenenoe duel om . E U ^ T W e Dtmoshperd. Odilf ft marble fireplace. Acre 13X38 deck and sky­ MANCHESTER. A smart $119,900. Ja ck so n 8, lonfl/short term child Jackson Real Estate, Peinttng end Peptidng plus lot. In-law set up lights. There are allo­ buy. Spacious 3 bed­ core ptaoemenfs. Per- SM ntHiy possible. $193,500. wances for carpet, ap­ room, 3'/i bath central 647-8400.O tonollzed, professional Repetr or Ronow 'OoH* m LL PAINT TO Jackson & Jackson pliances, and electrical air conditioned unit servictr. Telephone: 1- PLEASB Real Estate, 647-8400.D fixtures. Call today and teoturlng a full base­ 401-7834556. Cerpontry Roofing, aaeeeefteipdeeeeee' f n m jraar pictura ar tUda let us show you this ment with 3 finished MORTGAGES uttor Ropetr epd In taataraalar a r aarylie rooms and a private beautiful home. Realty gtoenlng. ■ DUNMS dECTmC Barftari h tp p tm . manrhrHtpr Mrralft NOTICI OP DISSOLUTION World, Benoit, backyard with patio. FAUINfi BEHIN077 Notice Is hereby elven thot Frechette Associates, VA, FHA approved. UMMMVStPitML U i - m o the Ademssen Cerperetlon 64«-7709.d______________ $139,900. Century 31 Ep­ STOP FORECLOSWEII TcMfiy. of 34 Cole Street, Manches­ stein Realty, 647-8895.0 If you are falling behind on CLEANING Service. fW^4lQlll0 fNMMfltft ter, C T has fUed Certificate MANCHESTER. Just re­ Home-Dr offlee. Ooy. nMBYHANaa of Olsselutten with the Secre­ duced and what a buy. your mortgage payments... OmM i#Nk tlewpli Oumw «t Friday, N d v . 18, 1988 nlDht, weekend. M liim .«'lr.M ie8iM Manchester, Cenn. — A City cf Viliage Charm 30 Cents tary of the State of Connec­ This spacious, lovingly O R ...If your hom e la In fore­ Weekly speckits. Reo* • 4ftG2SSar«l04ia t(M t H A U U N B ticut on November 7, less. d e c o ra te d 3 b e d ro o m , closure, WE CAN HELPI m i M l M i i c • «e'e#*«e’e*.e.e.ekee Creditors are hereby notified TOWNHOUSE lim Ronlerl, 0454682. that any claims against the I'/i bath auallty built No payment program avail­ • eeeeeeeeeeeeeea §4o m H 8764488 Corporation must be moiled Colonial Is waiting for CONDOMINIUM able for up to 2 years. Bad Cdiftmi to the ottentlon of Milton K. CL.6 ANIN 6 you. First floor family Three bedroome, 2'/a credit Is not a problemllAsk larvkttieiee WlewiiwNr S WIL Adams, President, to the room, fireplaced living how LOW payments can m above address. No claim re­ b a th s w ith 1 BOO sq. Hrnmiic taWB, HaMitane r « ll» ceived otter March IS, 1(09 room and cheery help you SAVE YOUR kto eewMa te ctaa* vaur tMnw, will be valid and will be breakfast nook over­ ft. of living apace In HOME TODAYI ante* ar v4w8aivs. 9 wars ax- NAME your own reoso- PJ-innM gSM lllI •rtek. Meek and Nene< barred per statute Section 33- look a private treed aarlaaea aad rsttrancas. Call cererntc tlia, marMe and Teacher contract talks stall on pay this oversized unit. Lawtafarattea sWtiwati. noble price. ilRilher ft ANCMMOsirtii 379. yord. $144,000. Century Swiss CBBservatlra firoap Boilers, pumpft hoi waitr cencrate. 31 Epstein Realty, 647- Extras Include ■t (203) 4S4-1336 or Son Polntlnoiond Pop- NOlebttfeesmeliT Milton K. Adorns 7 4 2 -0 2 4 7 erlna. Removal. 291- tankt,nowand By Andrew J. Davis within the next 20 days. President e89S.D fire p la c e , (203) 4S4-4404 replacements. t it » m iD r 427-0 !P t settlement. “ We think all our which represents teacher’s aides. ning in 1990. The paraprofession­ $10,925 yearly. •567. Manchester Herald S3S-1I air conditioning, 80UTH90LT0N eeweeeeaee^ksee^p F n e e e $ n m n $ Deakin made his comments items are resolved but salaries. The current teachers’ contract als had asked for a 63 percent In August, the School G8L Bullliiltt M o tn fW ' We haven’t made a lot of NOTICI OP DISOLUTION AND washer-dryer, rear w all Popiirlaa A Thursday at a meeting of the expires on June 30, 1989, Deakin increase the first year of the Association and school board CLEANING SfRVIl^ nonce The Board of Education a nd the progress.” NOTICI TO CIIDITORS deck with view, plus Rentals Board of Education at 45 North said. He said that contract contract. approved raises of 8.9 percent OP P a in tin o ol/ResIdenttdl Manchester Education Associa­ INC. School St. The president of the Manches­ included salary increases of and 7.9 percent the last two years SAL'S RISTAURANT AND DILLY, INC. a third full bath in Commeroiel /ReaMentlsl Resldenflot, Cofpmercial. IfBKBJiiiaui repairs 68id N........... tion will go into arbitration after The school board is scheduled Referaneat ft I'nsuronce. provomattfk. Mferior about 14 percent in the first year, of a three-year contract. The Notice It hereby elven pursuant to Section 33-379 of the partially finished Fully kMutad • Bendad. iGaW ICEl being unable to reach a contract In mediation, a mediator or ter Education Association, Val­ to vote on the contract with the General Statutes of Connecticut, os amended, thot SAL'S ond oxterlof potnfthD. about 13 percent in the second nurses, who wanted an increase walkout basement. ROOMS Morly Molfton,, 44P4431 settlement.. team of mediators agreed upon erie Sady, would not comment on paraprofessionals at its Nov. 28 r e s t a u r a n t A N D O E L L Y , INC., o Connecticut corpora­ 6I71645 Ilohf corptnffy, Dori' the dispute. year, and about 12 percent in the of about 65 percent, saw starting tion having on ofttceond principal place of business In Man­ FOR RENT Oary McHuetu 4 4 > .m i • piofo lontforwi to r Assistant School Superintend­ by both sides attempts to work out meeting, Deakin has said accep­ chester, Connecticut, has been dissolved by virtue of o Re­ Available at third year. salaries rise from $14,575 to eeeeeeeee'vie e • e BuefctL truck ft ehlppar. Stump vtco. Expotitflcodr rtf' ent Wilson E. Deakin Jr, said differences by compromise. In The two sides have agreed on a tance is practically guaranteed. solution adopted bv Its Board of Directors and Shareholders MANCHESTER. Room In The paraprofessionals recently $15,885 in 1988-89. That would on October 37,19SI. FOREST RIDGE ICAHraiTNY/' isfflomL FraeetUmaiaa. loblf. fret sdfimofts. mediation with the state Media­ arbitration, the two sides present three-year contract, Deakin said. quiet rooming house. 64343M. ratified a contract agreement If approved, paraprofessionals increase to $17,155 and $18,525. A Certificate of Dissolution has been filed with the office N aN 0l».N I8 SpMoMi contMtnikNi lof tion and Arbitration Board Wed­ their positions on each issue and a A 6 0 -u n lt Off street parking. $80 Deakin would not release fig­ that calls for a raise of 12 percent will see starting salaries increase resftectively, the final two years. of fhe Secretory of State on October 31,19M os reoulred bv per week. 646-1686 or aldarly and hmrnetppad. nesday was unsuccess^! and panel of arbitrators rules on each law. condominium at mwoMlde Free ures. but did say the two sides are the first year and more than 8 from $6,555 to $7,342 a year. The school board also is nego­ community located 569-3018.______________ _ esfiinateB. IbasideBtial Oroaory ehoppina deHveiy arbitration is imminent. He said of them. closer than in the recent contract All creditors of said corporation ore warned to present r/ummmmotim 847-7SS3 000400. Open 24 hours, f percent beginning the second Paraprofessionals with five or tiating with the administrators’ their claims to Ford, Oberg & Manlon, P.C., P.O. Box 600, on 24 beautifully ROOM tor Rent. In home, PM30FW MOTMMMlik vMOMl, fOOTIII9» glut oonmiierclel. he was unsure when arbitration "What else?” Deakin said dispute with the Manchester year of a two-year pact, while will Rockville, C T 06066 on or before March 31,1919.
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