The Reluctant Famulus 116 March-April 2017 Thomas D. Sadler, Editor/Publisher, etc. 305 Gill Branch Road, Owenton, KY 40359 E-mail:
[email protected] Contents Introduction, Editor 3 Where The Media Go, Frederick Moe 8 The Off Center Viewpoint, Joe Napolitno 11 The Horror Master, Eric Barraclough 14 Mystery at Moundville, Alfred Byrd 19 The Crotchety Critic, Michaele Jordan 25 NAE, Part One, Gayle Perry 29 NAE, Part Two, Gayle Perry 35 Letters 40 Artwork/Photos Steve Stiles, Front Cover Anna Byrd 19-24 Teddy Harvia 40 Locs header A. B. Kynock 41, 43, 45 Robert Limós (Internet) 6 Denny Marshall 7, 46, 47 Spore 40,42,44 Milt Stevens 44, bottom left Internet 7,14, 24 bottom right, 28, 49 Me (Ed.) back cover The Reluctant Famulus is a product of Strange Dwarf Publications. Some of the comments expressed herein are solely those of the Editor/Publisher and do not necessarily reflect the thoughts of any sane, rational persons who know what they are doing and have carefully thought out beforehand what they wanted to say. Material not written or pro- duced by the Editor/Publisher is is printed by permission of the various writers and artists and is copyright by them and re- mains their sole property and reverts to them after publication. TRF maybe obtained for The Usual but, in return for written material and artwork, postage costs, The Meaning of Life, and Editorial Whim. 2 The Reluctant Famulus Entering its 29th year! Introduction: A Trip Down Fannish Memory Lane I hope no one was offended by Kurt’s front If my memory is correct the first convention I cover and my pathetic back one.