
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Accelerated Study Benefits High School Students

Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1944 — Permission to Reproduce, Except on I f ) »>« ord.ined for .ervice in the Archdioce.* of Denver, and one for Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue the Dioceae of Cheyenne, hi impre*)iive aervirea to be eonducled in the Denver Cathedral by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr Saturday morning, June 3. Those pictured here include three in the top row from Colorado Springs, four from Denver parishes in the second row, and one each 39 Complete Courses from Rock Springs, Wyo.; Firming, Sterling, and Della, Colo.— (Photos by Ijiinson) DENVER CATHaiC Ahead of Usual Time This Year, 25 in 1943 REGISTER Some Youths Able to Take Up College Work The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Before Being Galled Into Service; Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. Strict Standards Kept VOL. XXXIX. No. 39. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1944. $1 PER YEAR The accelerated program of studies in six Catholic high schools of Denver and vicinity has proved of great benefit. STUDENTS RECEIVING Some 25 superior students last year were enabled to finish 17 GtS. I their high school courses and take a semester of study in Regis college before being inducted into the service. This DIPLOMAS AT JOINT year there were 39 students who completed their high school TO ETT lOOTITO courses in less than the usual four years. Several of these were able to take some college study. The others, because of the increased demand for young GRADUATION LISTED men in the armed service, already have been inducted. Diplomas will be awarded to uates are also in the armed forces A remarkable thing about the accelerated course is the fact that 3.35 students of six Catholic high at present and will receive their schools in Denver at the annual diplomas in absentia. Seventeen girls and two Loretto the students eagerly did the extra joint commencement in the City nuns will receive degrees from work required. There has been no Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will lessening of standards. The full auditorium .June 4. Sixteen boys Loretto Heights college, Denver, award the diplomas and speak at course as required by the North from Regis, who finished their the exercises June 4. The Ca­ at the commencement May 31. The Central association has been car­ course early this year, received complete program for the week thedral high school choir of 100 ried out in every case. A few their diplomas in a mid-year cere­ voices, under the direction of For­ follows: mony and are now in the armed seniors who were called into serv­ rest Fisher, will sing. William Commencement week ceremo- ice before completing their studies service. Some of the. other grad- Olsen of Regia will be the student nie.s open Sunday evening, May 28, in the Chapel of Our Lady of Lor­ were permitted to make up credits chairman and Gerald Morahan of by private work, after which they St. ’s high will be the vale­ etto with the traditional May take the usual examinations. The dictorian. The complete program crowning programs.^ Katherine accelerated course was of direct Denver Youth Is will be printed next week. Dean, retiring prefect of the sodal­ benefit to the war effort in some ity, will have the distinction of Cathedral high .school will have cases, for certain students were crow-ning the statue of the Blessed 100 graduates; Annunciation, 44; able to take up advanced study To Be Ordained Mary. Her attendants will Holy Family, 33; St. Frai^gis de in fields related to the service. Sales’, 96; St. Joseph’s, 57; and be the sodality officers, Betty Ba­ Regis, 25, besides the IS^gradu- der, Mary Catherine Jaeger, and Regis Leads in As Redemptorist ated earlier this year. ‘ Catherine Duffy.‘ The seniors, at­ tired in white formal gowns, will Number Affected The names of the graduates who The co-operating schools in Den­ will receive diplomas at the joint carry lighted tapers, which will be A Denver family with 11 chil­ commencement are as follows; deposited at the May altar. ver have been Cathedral, with dren that has already given two eight such students this year; Holy Cathedral High School ■The entire student body in cap to the religious life will have a and gown will form the guard of Family, two; St. ’, son in the ranks of the uriest- Teresa Jane Anderson, Pauline honor to the sodality queen, the at­ six; St. Joseph’s, five; and Regis .Apodaca, V’iessa Beavers, Mary tendants, and the senior cla.ss. The 16. Mullen high school near Fort Catherine Bellm, Alicia Bondy, speaker for the evening will be Logan had two such students this Joana Bowdern, Philip Braaton, the Rev. I^orenzo Lacasse, chap- year. Regis’ 16 students received Yunette Brownell, Mary Ellen (Tin-ii to Page S — Column 2) their diplomas in a special mid­ Burcher, Mary Loretta Burgett, year ceremony and most of the Richard Chase, Geno Carollo, boys have now entered the armed Naomi Coffin. Philip Collins, Alice forces. Some of the acceleration Condon, Rosella Crocker, Richard Academy Will program students of the other Coupe, Mary Rose Dalton, Arline .schools have entered army, navy, De Herrera, Bernard Deidel, Phyl­ or marine corps, but others will be lis Derrig. Betty Lou Dolan, Lois Graduate 27 at present to receive their diplomas Elliott, Charlene Eppich, Robert June 4 in the joint Catholic high Esher; school commencement. Jacqueline Finch, Patricia Flan­ Service May 31 The plan of acceleration, which agan. Audrey Gallagher, Theresa is similar to the program being Godec, Josephine Gonzales, Cath­ St. Mary’s academy will gradu­ carried out in other school systems erine Grannell, Eleanore Gran- throughout the nation, permits nell, Dolores Greenwell, Patricia ate 27 girls this year. The com­ certain students, both boys and Haggert.v, .Stephen Halpin, Norine mencement will be held at 10;30 girls, who have the ability to carry Haskin. Hiester, Frank­ a. m.. May 31, with a service in extra subjects to do so. The re­ lin Hight, Patricia Hill, Richard the academy chapel, followed by sult is that the requisite number Hodges, Louise , Rita Jones, Solemn Benediction of the Most of credits for graduation is ac­ Robert Keating, Mary Catherine Bles.sed Sacrament. Archbishop quired by the end of the first Kennedy, Mary Jane Kennedy, Urban J. Vehr will confer the di­ semester of the senior year, or Ramon Kerr, Barbara Kinnamon, plomas and the Rev. M. Ma- sooner, as is true, in the case of John Koehl, Cecilia Kovalesky, toney, chaplain, will give the ad- some of those who will be grad­ Mae Kuhn; dres. to the graduates. The Sai- uated this June. Rosemary Lewis, Irene I/om- mara y Cappella choir will furnish bardi, Elaine Mapelli, Dorothy .Mc­ the music. A formal reception of Bride, Shirley McDaniel, Virginia the graduates will be held in St. Pontifical Masses McGarry, Suzanne McGroarty, Mary’s auditorium immediately Beatrice McLellan, Madelcne after the exercises. The junior 1944 Class Is Largest to Slated on Pentecost Miller, Virginia Niebauer, Pa­ class will act as hostesses and the tricia Molitor, Mai-y Frances Saimarac orchestra will play. At| Nolan. Pauline Noone, Patricia 12:15 p. m. the clergy and gradu-i And Memorial Day Oberhauser, Elaine 0 ’ Brien, Leo ates will be guests of the Loretto j Be Ordained at One Time Oehrle. Martin O’Fallon, Jane Si.sters at a luncheon in the acad­ ' Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will Ann O’Grady, Regina O’Neil, emy diningroom. | I celebrate two Pontifical Masses Suzanne Orr, Bernadette Pepin, The senior cla.ss roll of St.j within the week. The Solemn Bernice Pohndorf, George Pohn- Mary’s academy is as follows: For Work in Archdiocese I Pontifical in the Cathedral ilorf, Margaret Pond, Hugh Classical diploma— Mary Jane Cos­ III II. S. SEREon Pentecost Sunday will begin Porier: tello, Rita Marie Kennebeck, Pa­ at 9:45. On Memorial day. Tues­ Sharon Ransdell, Lois Roach, tricia Marie Morrissey, Theresc The largest class ever to be or­ time course inaugurated in St. day. May 30. the annual Solemn ifcugene Rochford. Delia Rodri- Marie Muto, Clare Marie O’Keefe, A Solemn Mass will be sung in dained at one time for service in Thomas’ seminarj' last summer. Work for service men was the Pontifical Mas.s of will Res. Vincent A. LangSeld, C.SS.R. gupz, Priscilla Rodriguez, Frances and Margaret Mary Oyler; honor of .St. Joan of .Arc for the the .Archdjocese of Denver will be Four of the Denver students are item of greatest current interest be sung in Mt. Olivet cemetery made up of 10 young men who will taken up by the state convention of Russell, Sally Russell. Charlene English diploma — Marjorie end of the war and the welfare of from parishes in Denver, three at 10 o'clock. hood next monih. The Rev. Vin­ receive priesthood from Arch­ the Knights of Columbus in Boul­ Shavlik, Mary Cletus Shell, Dolo- Christine Barrett, Dorothy Anne Fiance this Sunday at 10:30 in Sa­ are from St. Mary's parish in Colo­ cent .A. Langfielrl, C.SS.R.. son of bishop Urban J. Vehr in the der May 21 and 22. Many councils Assisting officers for the Pente­ (TumtnPage2— Column i ) '(Turn to Page 2 — Column 5) cred Heart church, Denver. The rado Springs, and the three re­ cost Ma.ss will be the Rev. Francis Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Langfield, 221 Mass is being sponsored by the Denver Cathedral Saturday, maining come from Sterling, Flem­ in Colorado have begun sending S. Hazel court, will be ordained June 3. An eleventh, the letters of parish news to memEters Kappes, assistant priest; the Rev. Committee of “ Prance Forever.’’ ing, and Delta. The large num­ Arthur Lucy and the Rev. Duane June 22 hy .Archbishop E. Rev. William Delaney, will be or­ ber from outside Denver is un- in service. Resolutions urged sup­ Kiley of Milwaukee. He will sing One hundred and fifty invita­ port of the USO and NCCS. The Theobald, deacons of honor; the General Given British tions have been issued to the dained for the Diocese of Chey­ sual, since most of the vocations his first Solemn .Mass in the Pre­ enne. The record class is almost order has been active in the work Rev. Frederick McCallin, deacon; French .soldiers in training at for the archdiocese have pre­ sentation church at 10 o’clock double the average number raised of the Colorado Veterans’ .Advisory the Rev. Stephen Krieger, S.J., Lowry Field and French residents viously come from the see city. July 2. to the priesthood for this arch­ committee, which was set up 10 subdeacon; and the Rev. David and sympathizers in Denver. Mrs. Short biographies of those to diocese yearly. The large class months ago. Maloney, master of ceremonies. Two sistcr.s, SisUr M. Davidica Decoration Is Catholic Laplace Koched is president of the be ordained follow: brings to 15 the number of pric.sLs of Chictisro and Sister M. Joseph committee and Judge Elliott Wat- Rev. John B. Ebel A net membership increa.se of Assisting officers for the Mt of Pueblo, tire members of the rous, vice president. ordained for Denver in the past The Rev. John B. Ebel was born 324 in Colorado was reported by Olivet Mass will be the Very Rev. Franctscan community that con­ Colorado Springs.— (INS) —Maj. Leaving West Point in 1911, I six months. All these students are Sept. 17, 1918, in Bellwood, Nebr., State Deputy Bernard B. Carraher George Tolman, C.M., as,sistant products of the accelerated war- priest; the Rev. Gregory Smith ducts the St. Ro.se residence and | Gen. Terry Allen, who was deco­ without a commission, he entered The officers for the Solemn the son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. of Denver, who said the total St. Clara s orphanage in Denver. rated with the Order of Comman­ membership in thdl .state is now and the Rev. D. .A. Lemieux, dea­ the Catholic university in Wash­ I Mass will he the Rev. Martin .A. Ebel. His mother is still living in The ordinandus was born May! der of the Bath by Lord Halifax, jSchiltz, S.J., celebrant; the Rev. Columbus, Nebr. He attended St. about 2,800. The Sterling council cons of honor; the Very Rev. IS. 1015. in Denver. He attended British ambas.^ador to the United ington, D. C.: took an A.B. degree, ;A. F. Vcr.savcl, S.J., deacon (he Catholic Law 's grade and high will initiate a class of 50 July 11, Joseph O’Heron, deacon: the Rev. St. .lo.sejih's. Sacred Heart, and States, is a Catholic and a grad­ won a competitive army examina­ will also address the .soldiers in schools in Columbus, before com­ and a Greeley class is scheduled Matthias Blenku.sh. subdeacon; Prt si’titation schools in Denver and uate of the Catholic L’niversity of tion, and was commissioned a sec­ F'rench); the Rev. William M. Mar- ing to Denver in 1932. He fin­ for July 4. The Sterling council and the Rev. David Maloney, mas­ then went to the Redemptorist America, .Although this Camp ond lieutenant Nov. 30, 1912. koe, S.J., subdeacon. The Rev. A. S. Schools Coining ished his last two years of high has added more than 100 new ter of ceremonies. The Verj' Rev. seminary in Kirkwood, Mo. Carson officer has had a distin­ General Allen went overseas in Dimichino. S.J., will preside at the school at Regis high. He entered members this year to make the John Buttimer, C.SS.R., will give guished career in both World wars, 1918 as a captain. He enrolled in I organ and direct the Senior choir. St. Thomas’ seminary in 1936, and Century Club honor roll. the sermon. The Mass will be sung he ascribes his succe.ss to his men, a French officers’ school, from , The following is the program: after two years was awarded a The convention drew 54 official in the chapel of the Gallagher me­ rather than to his own leadership which he was graduated, and later Rece.ssional with soldiers marching To Forefront Basselin scholarship to the Catho­ (Turn to Page 8 — Column 8) morial. Rev. J. F. Dietz, and ability. Conver.sely, his sol­ led a battalion of the 90th infantry into the church with the .American lic University of America, where diers look up to him as to few offi­ into battle at St. Mihicl as a tem­ and French flags. The Proper of (By Rev. Francis Syrianey) he received his A.B. in 1940 and cers in the armr. porary major. He was awarded the Mass: his M.A. in philosophy in 1941. Who Served in Maj. Gen. Terry de la Mesa the Silver star for distinguished Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Nearly 2,500 Denverites, includ­ He returned to St. Thomas’ for Religious Training Asked and exceptional gallantry during Bencdictus, and Agnus Dei from ing almost 200 representatives of his theology course. this action. the “ .Missa Eucharistica,’’ Fr. A. a score of foreign countries, who had become American citizens in His first Solemn Mass will be Colorado, Dies Following his return to the S. Dimichino, S.J.; offertory, offered in St. Bonaventure’s "Veni Sanctus Spiritus;” and re­ the past year, heard a personable For Every Catholic Child United States, he met and married young Irish-American extol the church, Columbus, Nebr., on June (TurntoPnge2— Column 5) cessional, “Jubilate Deo,’’ Fr. A. S. 11. The Rev. George M. Sipchen, Dimichino, S.J. advantages of United States citi­ The Rev. John Francis Dietz of zenship in the “ 1 Am an American" S.J., formerly of Regis college, A challenge to Colorado Cath­ religious, philo.sophical, and eco­ the Diocese of A'oungstown, Ohio, celebration Sunday evening in the and now in St. 's nomic reasons against the per­ who served for a number of years (Turn to Page 6 — Column i) olic women to see to it that there Denver auditorium. He was Fran­ be no Catholic child in the arch­ nicious doctrines. in the then Diocese of Denver, died Parochial Students Buy cis Shea, a.ssistant United May 14 in Sebring, Ohio. Burial diocese without adequate religious The members of the Arch­ States attorney general since 1939. diocesan Council of Catholic was held May 17. St. Joseph’s Student education in either parochial or His speech was the principal ad- vacation school was voiced by (Turn to Pages — Column 5) Father Dietz came to Colorado $320,000 in War Bonds dre.ss on the civic program which Archbishop Urban J. Vehr at the in May, 1024. His first official also included Gov. John C. Vivian, Wins Second Honor luncheon of the annual ACCW appointment was in .September, Mayor Ben F. Stapleton, and meeting in the Shirley-Savoy hotel Dispensation in Fast, 1926. He served successively in Judge J. Foster Symes. For the second time within a in Denver Tuesday noon. The Canon City, Delta, Cripple Creek, Parochial school children of the report of war activities was given in the May meeting of the league. The legal profession is still in week, Geraldine Madden, senior of Archbishop was one of ttvo fea­ Abstinence Is Outlined and Corpus Christi parish, Colo­ Archdioce.se of Denver purchased tured speakers at the gathering, $320,000 in war stamps and bonds Other projects under Mrs. Ducey’s need of many able and intelligient St. Joseph’s high school, Denver, rado Springs. He was pastor of was named a contest winner, when which also heard a ringing con­ the Cripple Creek-Victor parish in the pa.st school year, it was an­ charge were the collection of 100 leaders to take their place in de­ Attention again is called to the fending, on the home front, what V.F.W.A. announced that her es­ demnation of divorce by the Hon. following section concerning a dis­ from Jan. 8. 1028, to April, 1934, nounced by Mrs. W. J. Ducey, war tons of paper and 35 tons of cans William A. Lewis, State Senator. chairman of the Catholic Parent- our armies are fighting for on the say on "Unity for Peace” was pensation from the law of fast when he returned to the Diocese for the salvage drive. Five hun­ awarded third place in the annual of Cleveland. At the time of his Teacher league. This outstanding battlefronts of the world, said Also present at the luncheon and abstinence in a recent letter dred blood donors were secured Mr. Shea when he was inter­ all-city contest. Students from meeting were Governor John C. death he was pastor of St. Ann’s from the PTA groups affiliated from Archbishop Urban J. Vehr; viewed, and Catholic schools are South high school took first and Vivian and Mayor Ben Stapleton, In virtue of the faculties church, Salem. The Diocese of with the league. second places. Last week. Miss Youngstown, comprising part of Maj. Gen. Terry Allen becoming more conscious of the both of whom addressed the granted by the Holy Father, Pius Evergreen Mass Will Mrs. T. J. Morrissey was re­ Madden read her original prize­ the Diocese of Cleveland, was set necessity of training capable lay women briefly. Meeting with the XII, to all local Ordinaries for the Allen, to give his full name, was elected president, making it her winning poem, “ Lyric Vision," in general theme, "The Family— up la.st year. Start This Sunday leaders in their own law schools. duration of the war, a general dis­ born April 1, 1888, in Fort Doug­ fourth term as president of the He particularly commented on the the May crowning ceremonies at Cradle of Democracy," the women pensation is granted to priests, re­ Father Dietz was born in Cleve­ las, Utah. His mother is Concheta CPTL. Other officers elected fine work being done by the law Regis college. Mias Madden, the militantly denoonc^ all move­ ligious, and the faithful of the land .Nov. 6, 1893. He made his Mat! will be celebrated in Alverez de la Mesa Allen of the Church of Chriit the King, were: schools of the Catholic University daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Law­ ments designed to destroy the archdiocese from the law of fast classical studies in St. Vincent’s Brooklyn, N. Y. His father is Col- First vice president. Mrs. Wil­ of America in Washington, D. C., rence F. Madden of 1019 E. Cedar family and the American form of and abstinence on the Vigil of, college, Beatty, Pa.; philosophical at Evergreen, at 10 o’clock each Edward Allen. Sunday morning, beginning liam J. Ducey; .second vici presi­ and the University of Notre Dame. avenue, has won numerous liter­ life. The Planned Parenthood Pentecost, Saturday, May 27, and course in St. Bernard’s seminary, ■ General Allen was truly bom to Sunday, May 28, and continu­ dent, Mrs. F. H. May; third vice He paid high tribute to the Very ary contests, twice being winner group, becoming increasingly ac­ on the Ember days: Wedne.sday.L Rochester, N. Y.; and theological be a soldier. His early life was president, Mrs. G. C. Seibert, Col­ Rev. Robert J. White, dean of the in the Archbishop Vehr religion tive of late, was especially singled May 31, and Saturday, June 3. studies in St. Mary's seminary, ing throughout the lummer spent in one army camp after an­ months, according to an an­ orado Springs; fourth vice presi­ Catholic University 1 a w school, essay contest. This is the fourth out for criticism. Several of the On Friday, June 2, there is a gen­ Cleveland. He was ordained May other with his parents. The nat­ dent, Mrs. Ed McCarry, Fort Col­ which is turning out a number of consecutive year that St. Jo.seph’s speakers described the harm to eral dispensation from the law of 29, 1019. for the Cleveland diocese nouncement by the Rev. Barry ural climax was his entrance into J. Wogan of Golden, paitor. lins; treasurer, Mrs. Paul Keuser; brilliant young lawyers. high school has won awards in the this countrj’ that is being effected fast only: all are bound by the law ‘;i by Bishop John Patrick Farrelly, West Point in 1907. (Turn to Page 8 — Column 8) (Turn to Page 8 — Column S) V.F.W.A. contest. by such groups and told anew the of abstinence. I

-■gT-rr.-. - r r

PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannoc^ Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, May 25, 1944

The Denver Catholic 17 GIRLS, 2 NUNS TO GET * ST. MARY’S ACADEMY WILL Register Students to Be Publishtd Weekly by the LORETTO HEIGHTS DEGREES GRADUATE 27 GIRLS MAY 31 Catholic Press Society. Ino. Just Received 938 Bannock Street, Denver, (Continued From Page One) sermon will be delivered by the (Continued From Page One) tained at breakfast by Rosemary Colo. Graduated June 4 lain of Fort Logan. FoUowing the Rev. Robert G. McMahon. Bromme, Elaine Frarices Courtney, Weston before taking their tradi­ New Shipment of tional Ditch day. The seniors en­ Subscriptioni 81 Per Year address, the ceremonies will close The planting of the ivy will take Nancy Edith Currigan, Theresa Entered as Second Class Matter tertained the juniors at a lunch- at ^ e Post Office, Denver, with Benediction of the Blessed place on the east campus immedi­ Jean Dee, Alice Mary Denver, eon-theater party Monday after­ ately following the chapel pro­ Listed in Full noon. Thursday the boarders will Colo. Sacrament. Mary Dolores Fitzgerald, Mary Tuesday, May 30, has been gram. The activities there will in­ Jane Halter, Jessie Marie Johnson, be guests of the sisters at an in­ chosen for the baccalaureate. The Kathryn Ann Logan, Rita Elaine formal garden party, and the en­ ROSARIES clude the traditional collegiate (Continued From Page One) academic procession will start at Lynch, Patricia Ann Rogers, Helen tire high school will be entertained turning of the tassel program. The rosa Simones, Nora Smith, Marga­ Ford & Mercury Service 10 o^clock and file into the chapel ret Sommers, Barbara Sorrell, .Anne Steinhart, Mildred Agnes by the sophomores at a lunch and IN ASSORTED COLORS of Our Lady of Loretto for the ivy address will be delivered by ThoaiSOtt, and Elizabeth Walsh; movie on Friday afternoon, Larg0 ParU Stock Marilyn Starbuck, Margaret Mary Solemn Mass. The celebrant will Q tf diploma—Katherine Ann GRADE SCHOOL WILL Nia« Skilled Mechaalee Catbesine Pruisner, presideiTt of Sullivan, Patricia Tuckey, Frances be the Rev. Daniel E. Kane, C.M.; the junior class. Mary Elizabeth Ulibarri, Cecilia Valdez, Bessie Kanaly, Barbara Ann Lipseoifib, GRADUATE 5 GIRLS Frances Kathleen Miller, Gloria Also STERLING SILVER ROSARIES deacon, the Rev. Frederick D. Mc- Vallejos, Marjorie Walkensdorfer, St. Mary’s jrrade school depart­ SWAYNE-WIMBUSH Conway, senior class president, will Elaine Moore, Ann Elizabeth Callin; subdeacon, the Rev. Fran­ John Weiss, Rose Marie Wich, ment will graduate Friday morn­ plant the ivy. Schumacher, and Rosemary W'es- 850 Bannock TA, 6113 cis Pettil; and master of ceremo­ Mary Lee Wolf, Donna Worzley, ing, May 26, the following girls: nies, the Rev. Roy J. Figlino. The ton. Archbishop Bryne Elizabeth Zayislan. Dorothy Halter, Mary Ellen Hib- STORE HOURS Annunciation High School A beautiful ceremony in which Will Give Address the new sodality officers of St. Tiert, Patricia McCormick, Peggy Pleasants, and Wilhelmena Shear­ 9 to 5 :30— Monday through Friday — Sat.— 9 to 12:30 Darlene Barbieri, Raymond Mary’s academy were installed by Degrrees will be conferred upon Bowes, Louts Brindisi, Kathryn er, Will Open at Noon Ascension Thursday R e sta u r a n t the class of 1944 on--Wednesday at the Rev. Arthur J. Lucy was held 615 17TH STREET Byere, Catherine Canjar, Joseph in the grotto garden Wednesday The Rev, Frederick McCallin of i S U n n ^ 14 p.m. in' the Little theater of the Cassidy, Ada Cavarra, Eliz^eth Sctwtrn Wciton ind Cslifornla Sti. i college. Dr, Paul J. Ketrick, pres- afternoon. The sodalists, in for- the Cathedral will confer the di­ ptpn. La Verne Dorchak, Jack. mals of pastel shades and carrying plomas. jident, will present the candidates Franlc, Robert Genty, Mary Ann for degrees. Archbishop Urban J. fib e rs , formed the procession. At the grade .school May crown­ SUNDAY DINNER Grebenc, Robert Gold, Rosemary The following officers were in­ ing, Patricia McCormick was the J RIDES ClARKE Special |Vehr will confer the degrees. Harrington, Mary Holzman, Agnes I Archbishop Edwin V; Byrne of stalled for next year: Theresa Mad­ girl choiwn to crown the statue of Roast Loin o f Pork, Fried Gulf Shrimp or Stewedd ChirkChicken Horvat, Laureadell Johnston, John den, prefect; Mary Ann Brannan, the Blessed Virgin. Nancy Week-., 'Santa Fe will deliver the com­ Headquarlert (or Including soup or cocktail, vegetable, pota­ Joyce, Rose Marie Keeling, Dan vice prefect; Alberta Pljnn, secre­ baugh was the crowp-bearer. The toes, salad, dessert and drink. Choice o f five mencement address. Tea, with the CHURCH Krasovich, Porothy Kvas, Dave tary; and Betsy Foley, treasurer. Rev. Frederick McCallin gave the ARTICLES OF DEVOTION other entrees ...... •...... Loretto Heights College. Women’s Mares; 7 5 e club as hostess, will be served in Benediction of the Blessed Sacra- 'bermon and closed . the ceremony, CHURCH FURNISHINGS SERVED 11 A. M. TO 5 P. M. ONLY with Benediction of the Most GOODS the ballroom following the audi­ Angeline Marolt, June Milano, ment closed the ceremony. BOOKS FOR THE CATH­ 4og ORGAN NO Ple-ssed Sacrament. torium program. Jeanne Miljer, Helen Pacheco, Friday the seniors were enter- OLIC LAITY AND CLERGY SEATS MUSIC LIQUOR Carolyn Sue Unger of the sixth' HOUSE The candidates for Bachelor of Edith Padilla, LeRoy Peketz, Margaret Perme, Dominic Perry, grade was baptized bv Father Mc­ I6.36-.3B Tremont Street F’hone TAbor .3789 Arts degrees are: Mary Elizabeth Callin Tuesday in ‘ the Cathedral Conway, Catherine Deus, Bernice Helen Roach, William Rodgers, and on the following morning re­ Jonke, Barbara Murphy, Virginia Leonard Schiavone, Emmett Shea, Francis Slumski, Fred Straface, lfOI[D G U ll ceived her First Holy Communion Piccoli, Rose Mary Reddick, Mar­ REPAIRING-RENTALS Jack Stuska, Geo^e Suchey, Mi­ the academy chapel. Th^ littlein garet Reidy, Janet Richardson, communicant and her family were PRODUCERS CREAMERY PRODUCTS MEAN ON ALL MAKES Patricia Romsa, and Virginia chael TurMnski, Paul Turzanski, Dorothy Ungehire, Darlyne Voss, guests of the sisters at breakfast, QUALITY PRODUCTS AT REASONABLE PRICES Thieler. The following girls will which followed the Mass. All Makes Typewriter Service receive Bachelor of Science de­ Betty Wanezyk, Daniel Zoglo. Holy Family High School Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kanaly Mon­ *3i Uth STREET BARNES SCHOOL BLDG. MAIN U lt grees; Alicia Butler, Katherine day entertained the first and second Ice Cream Dean, Gloria DeRose, Frances Florine Anthony, Emma Bald- grade children and their teachers at Quinn, Bernadette Costello, Bar­ essari, Margaret Bergin, William (Continued From Pago One) a fried chicken dinner and party at Milk • Cream bara Bindel, and Eileen Evert. Blalack, Marguerite Burns, Marg­ Mary Frances Robinsod of El Park-o-tel in Lakewood. The event aret Callahan, Kathleen Doyle, Paso, Tex., in 1928. They have a was i.i honor of their daughter, Therese Duffy, Martin Graber, son, Terry, Jr., J4 years old. Butter ARGONAUT HOTEL Call a Mary Helen’s, birthday. 933 Bannock St. Margaret Haberer, Martha Heinz, In 1940 General Allen received Mrs. H. Monaghan and Mrs. T. A. KEyaiona 3297. Denver, Colo. Whera Oenver'a Society Entartaiaa for Lunchooni and Diooere Rita Hoag, Theresa Hoare, Daniel his first star, being jumped from Sposata acted as chaperons for the Z O N E C A B Horan, Kathryn Jackson, Gregory lieutenant colonel to brigadier gen­ luncheon and theater party given FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES, Jones; MAin 7171 eral. His outstanding record and by the seventh grade to the eighth DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN 3101 Thomas Kelly, Lucille King, ability won him a promotion two grade graduates, Wednesday. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS; ProBpt. S«nlM Rosemary Kirk, Fred Lancaster, years later to major general and Beautiful Ballrooms Private Dinlui Rooms CHEAPER BATES Robert Lasham, Betty Lewis, Leo he was given command of the ■ H CLEAN NEW CABS Madigan, Robert Mengelkamp, famed^irst division. Under his Open Monday Night Rose Ellen Mullane, Gertrude leadership this division engaged in Ryan, Lucille Sagatalian, Mona the hardest fighting of the African Schmidt, William Secord, Made- campaign—at Oran, St Cloud. j line Stephens, Jean Thrapp, Wil Gafsa, El Guettar, Tunis, and liam Wagner, Mary WomF«y. Ponte Olevo and Barrafranca in St. Francis De Sales' High School . Rita M. Bahl, Gloria C. Billings, Returning once again from over­ COOL SAVINGS Annabclle J. BuChen, Gloria J Burger, Neil H. Campbell, Betty seas, General Allen took command of the 104th "Timberwolf" division A. Caragher, Margaret M. Carter, Catherine M. Casey, Betty L. Oct 15, 1943. Cleary, Alice M. Cooney, Marg­ Since assuming command of the on ALL-WOOL TROPICAL uerite S. Diltz, Herman E. Doyle, “ Timberwolves," the general has Mary Dreiling, Betty J. Dugdale, tirelessly devoted himself to train­ Patricia Farrell, Lois J. Fender, ing the outfit for the combat he Evelyn M. Fielis, Benedict L. grew to know so well during the Fishbach, Charline M. Geeck, African campaign. His vigor, im­ Dianne G. Goetzinger, Eileen Gor- plemented with convictions and rell, Arthur J. Graves, Jacqueline sagacity whetted in many months s u m m e r S u i b S. Halbert, Leo J. Hartford, Anne of campaigning against highly M. Hett; trained Nazi forces, is setting the pace. James J. Hodapp, Loretta E. Single- and double-breasted models in neat ' Horrigan, Bernard J. Hynes, TACKLES HARD .Margaret A. Hynes, Mary A. Im- JOBS HIMSELF stripes and the newest plain shades of pastel hoff, Mary J. Jacksoti, Betty L. “ General Terry,’’ as he is called blues, tans and browns. All sizes— longs, shorts, Jackson, Jane E. Johnson, Pa­ by intimate friends, is highly re­ stouts, regulars. tricia J. Johnson, Elaine M. Jun- spected by the men of his outfit. ger, Vivian Kissell, Joseph C. His knowledge and sincere appre­ Kramer, Bertha M. Langfield, ciation of their problems have en­ Regular $29.50 Summer Suits Bernard E. Langfield, Frederick deared him to many. Brass and S. McBride, Jack H. McCabe, Mary gold braid mean little to General C. McDonough, Catherine F. Mc- Allen. You can see him any day Kone, Dolores M. Mahon, Frances discussing training details with A. Mahoney, Paul E. Markham, privates and non-commissioned of $ n f 1 . 5 0 Elizabeth M. Markey, Robert C. ficers. He often takes a difficult Martin, Florence R. Mauro, Ade. task assigned to one of his men line M. May, Rosalie Mazzulla; and tests it himself before pass­ 2 4 Mary A. Mensik, Eugene J. Mi­ ing his judgment. chaud, Gerald L. Miller, Freida His sincere devotion to his men M. Moreno, Robert L. Mulvihill, was exemplified in a citation cere­ Thomas J. Nalty, Therese Nelson, mony. Attcr listening to a high Regular $34 50 Summer Suits Nejl J. O’Byrne, Clare E. O’Con­ nell, Mary A, O’Neill, William H. ranking army officer make the Owsley, Beverly J. Phipps. Mary usual presentation speech. General Allen walked slowly to the middle M. Powell, William McRiordan, of the platform, gazed out into the $ 0 0 . 5 0 •Mary R. Rowland, Anthony W’. Rummelhart, Frances E. Russell, faces of the men in his outfit as­ Mary M. Schrefer, Leo A. Schus­ sembled, and said: ter, Helen A. Smith, Janet M. “ Fellows, this decoration doesn’t 2 8 Smith, Mary V. Smith, Andrew D. belong to me. It belongs to you. Sujata, Patricia A. Sweeney, Earl If it hadn’t been for you fellows, J. Talbott; the job could not have been done. Mrs. JAMES P. McCONATY Nellie T. Tolvc. James W. Tom­ I thank all of you from the bottom Regular $39.50 Summer Suits lin, Madeleine J. Trainor, Rosanna of my heart." 'Tucker, Lorraine Twining. Ruth That was “ General Terry’s" E. Weadick, Thomas E. W’helan, speech of acceptance for one of Bernadette F. Wright, Donna M. the highest of military awards. $ 0 0 . 5 0 Van Swearingen, Dorothy A. The reaction of his men was per­ Varga, Patricia M. Watson, Jo­ haps most aptly expressed by one sephine C. Wenzinger, Ralph E. rugged and seasoned veteran cam­ 3 2 Wilson, Robert L. Wood, Teresa J. paigner who had accompanied Gen­ Woodman, Tarsisius J. Yeggc, eral Allen on several dangerous Con.stance M. Young, Louise D. missions in Africa. Brushing a Zamboni, Antonio J. Zarlenga, grease-stained coat sleeve across I Robert H. Zoellner. his eyes to hide the tears, he St.51. Joicph’i n.,nHigh f.ti""' School grinnKl .h.epiihly ind said:! SPORT COATS Mary Cecilia Augustine. Edna , . ^ „ “Hnw vnii o-nnna Ici Barbaro, Dorothy Barone, Marian I “ How w ■ $ ^ ^ 8 5 Ballast. Doris Bergamo, .George I Bradley, Margaret Cain. John Can- ARE some guys in the outfit that zona, Sue Capra, Jessie Carlino, hate Terrv. Well, let ’em hate him. Jame.s Carroll, Lucille Cattany, THEY CAN’T BEAT HIM.’’ Othire, $19.85 to $21.85 Lorraine Clarke, Lillian Cochrane, Raymond Delio, John De Mers,- CentrastlRg Slacks, $5.85 to $11 John Di Tolla, Donald Eggert, Richard Ferrar, George Fillis, G.l.’s Hungry for Eileen Forbes, Kathleen Galindo, Harold Gotchey, John Glceson; Available A Third Down OB Our — Balance in Gloria Greening, Yvonne Grei- Oldtime Cookies 90-Day-Pay June-July-August sen, Lawrence Harrison, Jo.seph Kilker. Rosemary Klug, Rita Kno- With the arrival of spring and chennauer, Lucille Kuhnlc, Albert Lambrecht, Jerry Madden, Marie nice weather the soldiers, who visit Marque.s, Francis Ma.stin, Eileen the USO-NCCS club. East 16th avenue and Grant street, Denver, McIntosh, Norma Milne, Jerry are hungry for some delicious Morahan, Phyllis O’Donnell, Pa­ cookies like “ Mom" used to make. tricia Patton, Leo Pfeifer; Pauline Powell, Kathryn Quinn, Ten homemade cakes that werei Douglas Rhomberg, Clara Ritter, left over from the buffet supper € Sue Robertson, Donald Roth, served by members of SL Eliza- g Susan Setter, Viola Smith, Dorothy beth’s parish, Denver, were donated Spahn, Mary Walsh, Helen War­ to the cookie jar. ren, Harry Wehling, Herman Although any type cookie is ac­ Wehling, James Wolke, Robert ceptable the following recipe is Zarate, .John Zigler. herewith submitted: ^ Regis High School JACKSONVILLE CRISPS Sidney Bishop, Robert Bruenig, ’A cup shortening William Crews, Robert Dickman, cup brown sugar (firmly Daniel Flaherty, Frank Heit, packed) Robert Hurley, Charles Hughes, 14 cup granulated sugar 1 egg twaten STETSON Raymond Hutchinson, James Jor­ dan, William Joseph, Robert % cup sifted flour Kavan, Thomas Kelsey, James 14 tsp. baking powder PANAMAS and SENNITS Law, Richard McDermott, Philip 1 tsp. vanilla Mahoney, Jack Monaghan, Am­ 14 cup chopped nuts brose Moran, Frank MorfeM, 1 cup cornHakes Charles O’Halloran, James Reed, 1 cup quick cooking oats A Value to All Sizes If Vincent Schmitt, Henri Vellmure, 14 tsp. salt Aloysius Wagner, Harry Zook. Cream shortening, gradually add Take Your $ You Make Your sugar, add beaten egg, stir in flour, Hat Off Tol Choice Now! baking powder and salt (sifted t<^ 5 I Carmelites Report Heavy gether), stir in remaining ingredi­ Losses in War Countries ents and mix well. Drop by tea­ London. — Heavy Carmelite spoon ' on greased cookie sheets. losses in .members and material Bake moderately hot oven 375* 10 have been reported in the various minutes. Makes two and one-half countries at war by Father Hilary dozen. Doswald, Carmelite superior gen­ jiTTire iii/s eral. Monasteries in Poland, Hol- Your PurrhsM of War Bondi jland, Austria, and Belgium have and .Stamps Helpa Secure Your I suffered greatly, he said. Future. Ihc vMaH!s S ipre- 6y.4U(iEENTH-Si

L 1 I ) Thursday, May 25, 1944 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THREE 1

— i^yU'lnuimi mi.1 Iim „ was the Mar coronation in St. LEE C RICHARD Strikingly Beautiful Elizabeth's c h u r c h Sun4d SUNDRIES — LIOUORS Kissel. matinee performance for the sisters 1312 East 6th Ave. of the city on Saturday, May 27, 31, Mt. Carmel school will present 6lh Ave. & York EA. 9932 (>or. 17lh .\vc. at Pearl Miss Faye Sherril Crysler and Phone PE. 4629 **Hsvt Your Doctor Phone Us Voor at 4 o’clock. its annual operetta,. Paints and Prescription" Lt. Herbert J. McCarthy were mar­ Patches, at 8 o’clock in the school CENTER ried prior to a Nuptial Mass cele­ In the cast of characters are MY LADY EDITH hall. Graduation exercises will fol­ ROY'S RED & WHITE brated by the Very Rev. Joseph P. SI. [[\rnunRegina Rowland, James Tomlin, Your Purchase of War Ronds low the operetta. Annabelle Ruchen, Tarsi si us BEAUTY SHOPPE •S'.Slff.'.r- TAbor6557 ind .Stamps Helps Secure Your O’Heron Saturday morning, May Grocery & Market Yegge, Neal O’Byrne, Virginia Wednesday evening, May 24, MINNIE B. KESSELER, Mzr. Fuliire. 20. (St. Elizabeth’. Parith, Denver) [Father Hubert Newell, archdioc­ QUALITY MEATS AND GROCERIES Smith, Charline Geeck, Margaret PERMANENT WAVING AND FRESH AND FROZEN VEGETABLES The bride was given in marriage A picnic for all of the chil­ Hynes. .Neil Campbell, Earl Tal­ esan superintendent of schools, ALL BEAUTY CULTURE ■ by her father, Edwin W. Crysler. Free Delicery E.4. 1844 dren of St. Elizabeth’s school bott, Theresa Nelson, Eugene Mi­ I spoke to the parents of the school 2804 E. 6lh Ave. EA. 0788 Krug’s Meal Market I .Miss Mildred Crysler was maid of was held in City park Thursday, chaud. Lois Fender. Elaine Junger, j children. 2.306 East 6lh Ave, i honor and William A. McCarthy May 2.5, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.. Quality Meats, Poultry Catherine McDonough. Betty Jack- Mrs. Thomas J. Morrissey, presi- I was best man. Mrs. Richard .Mayo under the direction of the officers son, Patricia Sweeney, Helen Ident of the CPTL. was present Fish . was bridesmaid, and Richard Mayo, of the Parent-Teachers’ organiza­ Smith, Mary Schrefer, Dolores and addressed the audience. coinkrtoootN 4 usher. The wedding dinner was A L’s s H O E Drvvfft., Coio ASSORTED LUNCH HEATS tion. Mahon, Janet Smith, and Leo In the last meeting of the board seiwed in the Park Lane hotel. 1233 Essi I3tb Ats. Phont TAbor (47t Graduation of the members of Schuster. of directors, it was decided to hold FOR FINE The bride is the daughter of Mr. the eighth grade class will take The staff includes the following: ;the 13th annual parish school ha- HOSPITAL WINES - LIQUORS and Mrs. Edwin W. Crysler of En­ place 'Thui'sday evening in St. Eliz­ Prompter, Gloria Goetzinger; stage i7,aar on Aug. 3, 4, 5, and 6. The glewood and granddaughter of Dr. abeth's church at 7:.30 p. m. Class 406 East C.olfaz manager. Beverly Phipps; techni­ Management Nadorff Liquors, Inc. and Mrs. Crysler of Littleton. She day exercises will be held imme­ cian, Patricia John.son; head car­ year will be $600. On Tuesday, PORTRAITS •MAin 7480 was a member of the Kappa Al­ diately afterward in the school hall penter, I.oretta Horrigan; prop­ May 16, a general meeting and SCHw' n D ^^P top. Also Home of Good Spirits pha Theta sorority while attend­ when the children will be enter­ erty, Frances Rus.sell and Jose­ party for all the workers of the ing Colorado university. tained at the annual graduation phine Wenzinger; makeup, Ros­ bazaar was held. Expert Repairing • FAMILY CROUPS WHERE TOO GET THE MOST O f Lt. McCarthy is the youngest banquet. The program has been anna Tucker and Florence Mauro; Miss Jean L. Di’Nuzzi, daugh­ Quality Materials • WEDDING t portrait studies THE BEST FOR THE LEAST prepared by Jo Ann .Morletti and son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. costumes. Catherine McKone and ter of Domenick Di’Nuzzi and An­ • COMMUNION, etc. EM 6(77 Colfax at Williams McCarthy of Denver and a gradu­ Mildred Lagrimenta, who are in Dorothy Varga; business manager, toinette Smaldone, was married to Leather Jackets Relined ate of Denver university, where he charge of the class prophecy; Jack Jack McCabe; house manager. Jim Sgt. Ronald P. Weller of Buckley Zippers Repaired STAUFFER SYSTEIR A REPUTABLE DRUG was all-conference fullback and Spahn and Leonard Katzenmeyer, Hynes; publicity, Patricia Watson Field, resident of Altoona, Pa., on SERVICE PHOTO CO. R ED U O N C and POSTURE STORE also received all-American men­ who have drawn the class will; and seat sales, Mary Dreiling; head Mav 14. The witnesses were Ed- 2308 E. 6lh Avr. at Josephine 1127 E. 9th A%f. KEriton* 1432 I Correction tion in football. He was a member Eugene Spahn and Joseph Hakala, usher, Patricia Farrell. jward C. Fellon and Rose Astunno. I FOR WOMEN ONLY of the Kappa .Sigma fraternity. who have compiled a history of the The music program will include! The following were recently I Free Courtesy Treatment His brothers. Capt. William D. and class; and Alfred Krause, who is the following: Before the nlay,‘.‘11 baptized: the class poet. SL Vincent de P a u l a s P a r i s h I 4U Esst Colfsi (Opposlt* CathsdrsI) Capt. Gerald E. McCarthy, were Know a Green Cathedral" and i MarN’ Katherine Besser, daugh- I PHONE CHEERY I8S4 unable to attend, a.s was ,Sgt. Ed­ A meeting of the novices of the ‘‘ Alouett.’’ Glee club, with Mary ter of'Anthony J, Besser and An- to lia z al Downing . . . Denver I I JIRS SUSAN McGlLL. Mei. win Crysler. brother of the bride. Third Order of St. Francis will Anne Imhoff, as accompanist, and gelina Garramone, with John Fraz- KEystone 3217 WASHINGTON Lt. and Mrs. McCarthy left on take place in the parish hall at Miss Ruth Garizio as director la short wedding trip, after which 2:30 p. m. Sunday. May 28. The After the play the orchestra of sors; Paula Josephine Villano. PARK MARKET MAHONEY DRUG regular meeting will be held in St. BILL HUGHES. Prao. |Lt. McCarthy will return to active St. Francis de Sales’ high school daughter of Paul J. Villano and APPRECIATES YOUR BUSLNES3 City Lace Gleaners SPRIGGS GARAGE [duty overseas. Elizabeth's church at 3:30 o'clock. will play "Recessional" under the Rena English, with Jack Simone Complete Food Service The PT.A held the last meeting Prescriptions Called for and .1 L. K IN G S B U R Y . Pror* Now Owned and Operated by direction of Edward Libnnati. land Jenny Simone as sponsors; 598 South Gilpin LEWIS C. KILLION and DAI-E S. SMITH of the season May 10. It was voted I Richard Louis Becker, son of Wal- Delivered Free 218 Ea^t Till .A\e. T A b or 7907 to retain the present officers until Froih Regittration Slated *^t*• Sman t0 B« Tbrlftir^ 2424 E. COLFAX — EM. 1126 Registration for all freshmen iter and Angeline Becker, with 1300 .So. Pearl SP, 7539 Hark thp Attack Junior C. D. of A. next spring. The war service chair­ I Kramtz and Rose Kramtz as Expert Rrpsirint — Gas ami Oil man reported 70 dozen cookies for whn expect to attend St. Francis HI V WAK BONDS de Sales’ high school in .September 'sponsors; and Michael Eugene it> Will Appreciate Your Patronsee the USO. The breakfast for the Worland. son of Paul Worland. First Communion class was held will take place in the high school SNAPPY SERVICE FREE To Meet May 25 and Mary CaYelli, with Francis B O N N I E BRAE May 14. Funds are being pro­ on Tuesday, June 6, at 9 o'clock. JACK SPKECLE. Prop • • • V — The annual May crowning will Worland and Mary Carelli as spon­ vided for the picnic to be held sors. I%RGO,^AUT VI1!\E A The Junior Catholic Daughters either June 7 or 8. The PT.A will be held this Sunday at 3 p.m., with Shopping District K A I t L V S of America will hold their annual sponsor a bake sale. Members are members of the Young Ladies’ so­ dality and junior and senior high LIQUOR CO. business meeting in the Catholic urged to contribute home-baked .school girls participating. Flower TAVKIIIV , Paughters’ clubhouse. 1772 Grant cookies, pies, doughnuts, etc., Sat­ (MPORTKD AND DOMESTIC WINES girls from the First Communion Legion to Stage CRAMPAGNES AND l.IQDOBS 321 E. (XILFAX ! street, Denver, Thursday, May 25. urday, May 27. Preisser’s Red & White CONOCO PRODUCTS FORMERLY STATE BUFFFl class will walk before the queen, ^hon* CH*rr* 4&if I at 7:30 p.m. Mi.ss Charline Greeck 614 Earn (^ifat carrj'ing the crown for the Blessed Lubrication, Car Washing, Batteries ! will preside. Show for Parish Grocery and Market Mother’s statue. Recharged, Tire Vulcanizing Since Miss Helen Dillinger, the Sgt. Plunkett St. Joseph’s circle will hold its FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES. AND Corona Shoe Shop state junior chairman, will be in QUALITY GROCERIES AT BONNIE BRAE Marcove Drug Go. monthly meeting Wednesday. May (Holy Rotary Pariih, Denver) LOyVER PRICES “ Try Oar Fin. Foantsin Lonchts" j Illinois on business, the Denver 31, in the assembly room of the Invisililp ILnlf .Soloing A minstrel show will be staged at Free Delivery SPnire 4447 CONOCO SERVICE court chairman. Mary Rita Book, On 30 Missions rectory at 1 p.m. The hostesses VniR CONTINUED PATRONAGE CUT RATE DRUGS 8 o’clock Thursday evening. May will present the honor pins. Elec­ will be Mrs. Walter Mesch and 2231 B. Ohia Ava. (Be. Unlv. and Ohio) 724 So. University • PE. 9909 APPHECIATED AND LIQUORS 25. by the American Legion for CHA.S F MADAY tion of officers and a talk by the Mrs, Arthur Dnllaghan. (St. Jamei' Parith, Denver) the benefit of the parish. The 8.5.3 (.^K O ^A COLFA.X AT LOGAN T* \ O C nQ Rev. George Spehar, chaplain, are The PTA will hold a baked food show will be given in the Holy B o n n i e B r a e Opp Cnth^rxl x A Uot/O also scheduled. ,S. Sgt. Rob Plunkett of the KENT CLEANERS sale Sunday, May 28, from 8 a.m. Rosary school auditorium, 4664 army sir forces has completed his D r u { $ C o . I Miss Helen Roach, counselor of to 1 p.m. in the grade school Pearl street. MAISIE KELLEY. Mgr [ troop 2, sponsored a successful 30 mis.'ions in the European the­ building. ater of war and is expected home A large audience attended the Downtown Prices " / alvays take my things T H O M P S O N’ S card party on May 18 in the USD Auxiliary Namet Officers lecture Sunday evening by the to Kent" Halchell Drug Slore building. on a furlough. Prescriptions a Specialty Mrs. W. L. Roberts was elected school nurse, Mrs. A. Ussey, who 741 SO. U.MVERSITY *Thf Stor» QualiO and Service* DRUG STORE The children of the pari.'h will Wines and Liquors Special thanks are extended to receive Communion at the 8:30 president; Mrs. S. J. DuBois, rice explained how useful it is to know R.\. 00.35 17th and Waihinjrton KEratona 0712 76.3 So. University PEL 2255 V 701 g r a n t all who donated prizes and cakes. Ma.ss Sunday, May 28. president; Mrs. Edward F. Cas- how to apply first aid. The occa­ FKESH DRtIGS Prizes were won by Mrs. burn, secretary; Mrs. Katherine sion was the awarding of diplomas Cnmpounrtmp prr>Acriplii>n.* i» th(> mo«t Mrs. Thoma.' Degan and Mrs. FOUNTAIN SERVICE Fecly, Mrs. Robin.son. .Mr.'. Andcr- L. Hodge.' represented St. .lames’ Harris, treasurer; and Mrs. J. Ed­ to 5 boys and girls who took in­ impoptani oan nl oui buaineat Your Patronage Appreciated don, Mrs. Gray. Mrs. Taylor, John in the ACCW meeting Tuesday. gar Crowe, press chairman of the structions in first aid. The first Leahy, and Lorraine .Mogar. Mrs. William Carlile wa.s re­ Mothers' auxiliary of Boy Scout part of the program consisted of JTII GAYLORD entertainment by the rhythm band IMttnje K.\m 5 s>86 Weddings Family Groups cently baptized and received into troop No. 126. the Church. William Miller was named a under t>ie direction of Sister Mary PRESTON Iloovcr-Randall Your piirrhasr of VCar Bonds Chopping District Sgt. Eugene Kottenstette of the junior assistant scoutmaster and Maedalen. JEWELERS Studio «nd .Stamps Helps Secure Your marine corps is visiting his brother Robert De Long, librarian. Nearly A games party, sponsored by the WATCHE.S — CLOCKS DISTINCTIVE PORTRAITS ; Future. Frank Kottenstette. Sgt. Kotten­ every scout in the troop earned at adult choir, will be given in the JEWELRY Home Portrait Sittmga for Babica stette had been stationed in the least one merit badge at the school hall at 8 o’clock Sunday eve­ 1080 So. DAD’C Phone and Children ning May 28. The Chrysler Repairing South Pacific for th^ past two monthly court of honor. Gaylord DUD 0 SP. 0574 328 E. COLFAX AVE. years. Italian Sausage, “ The l^ast in 2211 Eaal Colfax At«. Studio: KEjrston. 3654 Rrs. CH. S7SS Mrs. Joseph Dooling and Mrs. Town," Tejon Cash Grocery and Grocery Company Grocery and Market ■JOO-LR. icebox. lS0«lh. icrtiox, iraa alove, Paul Fitzgerald have the care of LoreHo Guild Plans Market, 3758 Tejoa.— Adv. —BtUblUbsS ISOS— trunk, birdcage, S-bumer oil atove, the altar this month. Groceries, Meats and Fancy urunk. birdcage, 3-bumer oil atove, l O f EACH Our Lady of Victory circle will Nuns’ Annual Picnic PHONB T *. 1(11 CORN FED MEATS Veae tablet rake, ahnvel and 3«burner elec, plate, meet this Thursday in the home of The Shirley Garage toaater, aandwich grill. 8 atepladden, —Regardless of Amount 1093 So. Gaylord Call PE. 4801 The Storm of Quality and Price Mrs. Frank Brenner. OFFICIAL AAA GARAGE lurKey roaater and carpet aweeper. Van Dyke PHONE TABliB 5911 The Pinochle club will meet Sat­ The Loretto guild, with Mrs. Da; aod N i^ i Storata, Kapamnf. John’s Bargain Exchange urday, May 27, in the church club- Anna Campbell presiding, met in Portraits and Grexaini. (itaolina and Olla 632 E. 17th Ave. T.A. 9618 room. Miss Marie Kohn and Mrs. Loretto Heights college, Denver, Reasonable Prices HARDWARE :: Gaylord Drug Go.:: I63M7 LINCOLN SI. m SZVENTEENTH ST. ^ B a n k Mary A. Graul will be hostesses. last Sunday afternoon. Sister FUBNACB CLEANING AND REPAIRING 11 J. ROY SMITH. Prop. Denrer 2. Cole. Lester James, infant son of Mr. Francis Marie, superior of Loretto SHEET METAL AND GUTTER WORK .. 1059 So. Gaylord SP. 3345 11 Holy Family and Mrs. George Cornell, was bap­ Heights, described her recent visit I J Prescriptions Caref ully Filled ‘ • MONEY tized recently. Mrs. Phillip A. to the mother-house near Louis­ So. Gaylord Hdw. Co. ,, by Registered Pharmacists ! ‘ Brown and Mrs. Charles Parslow ville, Ky., and delivered personal Holy Cihost . , FINE WINES AND LIQUORS . , r L A R K §0\S HARDW ARF were sponsors. greetings from the novices and 1055 So. (;aylord SP. 2961 Si ORDERS The Ave Maria circle met last postulants to their Denver par­ McMURTRY’S PAINTS AND GLASS ents, relatives, and friends. GARDEN AND LAWN SEEDS AND SUPPLIES FOR SENDING MONEY Thursday in the home of Mrs. A. GOOD CLOTHES NEED M A R Y A X X E A L JOHi\SOI% Gt.. 9283 4034 TENNYSON ST. Le Boise. Mrs. B. S. Bush and Mrs. The annual picnic for the Sis­ ANYWHERE P. R. Gallagher won the honors. ters of Loretto studying and re­ NOT BE EXPENSIVE Bakery Xo. 2 RADIO SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huber siding in Denver in the summer We Service Any Make BILLY’S INN For Quality Bakery Goods SAFE...CONVENIENT have moved to Washington, D. C. was discussed. The event will take THE WE SPECIALIZE IN Mrs. Huber was a member of the place in the college clubhouse early PARTY AND PASTRY ORDERS Home nr Car Radio Try CHAS HITT end ARNOLD JENSEN Cashable without delay on Ave Maria circle. in July. Mrs. H. Zook was ap­ 1024 So. Gaylord PE. 7315 pointed general chairman of the ENGLISH 1067 So. Gaylord RA. 1232 Good Foods WEISS BAKERY identification only. picnic committee. BONNER'S And Your Favorite Drinks Mtmbar Fedtral DapoiR There will be no business meet­ 4024 Tennyson St. Inniraaca Cerp. ing of the Loretto guild in the sum­ TAILORS |4th & Lowell Phone GL. 9733 TEXACO SERVICE mer months. Export Luhriratlon Sorvieo 901 FIFTEENTH STREET BUY WAR BONDS Gat. Oil aaS AccaauriM Your Purchase of War Bonds Combine Quality and Style PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS lU’noiuiBMi: and Stamps Helps Secure Your at Prieea Yon Can Afford 0 n w « OVUM • wna BpMr B M at Baanaek A N D S T A M P S Future. PAGE FOUR Office, 938 Bannopk Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, May 25, 1944

I ^ Home Economics—Defense V •S of Annuncia* Identical Ttvins, Qraduates tioh htgh school ANNUNCIATION PARISH SCHOOL with the class of 1944. are Paul (left) and Michael Turaanski. the OPENS sons of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turaanski of 4539 Pearl, Denver. Mem­ bers of St. Joseph's (Polish) parish, thev attended St. Joseph’s grade ATHLETES WILL BE HONORED chool. With the approach of their 18th birthday in October, the M A Y 2 7 t h boys plan to enter service together. They are the brothers- of Mrs. (Annunciation Parish, Donvor) weekly den meetings under the di­ Annie Otto and Mrs. Alice Triebelhom and the uncles o f little Elaine ENJOY THIS 4-DAY WEEKEND and Patricia^ Triebelhom of Denver.______. Plans are being made to honor rection of the den mothers was the athletes of the high school and exhibited at the meeting. The 16 rade school Monday evening, May scouts in the parish troop who • Swimming in a most unntiial 9 Unexcelled trails for hiking. f9, at 8:30 o’clock in Hagus hall. passed their tenderfoot tests last pool; water from a inex- 9 .Shady and secluded picnic Letter awards will be given fo both week are now well advanced on hauslible radio-active spring grounds. high school and grade school boys their way toward receiving the at 8 0 ’ temperalure, A Requiem Mass was sung who have been outstanding in bas­ status as second class scouts.' 9 Beaulifiil dancing pavilion 9 .Air-conditioned by mountain Wednesday, May 24, in St. Fran­ breezes. ketball, boxing, and baseball. A The grade school baseball team with excellent music. I'm glad mother batcee cis de Sales’ for the repose of the program of boxing and speeches by 9 Horseback riding ovrr nu­ 9 Cottages, Cafe. sou] of Edwin M. Freeman, Jr., won three games last week, defeat­ sport celebrities will be featured. ing Holy Rosary, 16-5, St. Fran­ merous mountain trails. 9 Kales to organizations. luch good cake*. She son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Refreshments will be served. Freeman of 1301 Corona street, cis’, 12-0, and St. John’s, 19-1, to Lt. T. Paul Jo^ph Carr spent lead in the junior parochial league. L n O It A D always use* Pike* Peak who died £riday, May 19, from in­ a short leave with his parents, E o NiPitixfiiS juries received earlier in the week Mr, and Mrs. T. E. Carr. He is The annual high school party, The Family \'acation Spot Cake Flour. So wiH k in a jeep accident in Camp Atter- stationed in Camp Gordon, Fla. sponsored by the PTA, will be held bury, Ind. Burial was in Mt, Olivet. in Hagus hall Fiday evening. May when I grow up. (Olinger service). Cub Scouts Meet 26, at 8:30. The high school room Edwin was bom in Denver The Scout Cub pack of the parish mothers will be hostess and Joe March 10, 1924. He was graduated had its monthly den meeting last Mann’s orchestra will furnish the from St. Francis de Sales’ school Friday, with 50 in attendance. The music. All alumni are invited. and Regis high school and was a cubmaster, George Jackson, award­ The Month End Card club will ^ e a k II student at the University of Ne­ ed prizes to 20 of the cubs present. meet in the home of Mrs. Marcel- braska when he entemd service. These awards included seven serv­ line Couture, 3136 Franklin, Wed­ Surviving, besides his parents, ice stars and 13 lion badges. Some nesday, May 31, at 1 o’clock. of the handicraft completed in the At your are a sister, Shirley: a brother, Mrs. W. E. Robinson, war serv­ Grocers James; his maternal grandparents, ice chairman, was given a cer­ Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ayers, and his tified award from the Department paternal grandfather, Michael Nurse Sodality to of Agriculture at the CPTL meet­ Freeman, all of Denver. ing. ^ i a will be filed in the PTA Private Killed Be Luncheon Host historian's book. PIKES PEAK Ens. Harold Roach and wife of By Accidental Shot Warrington, Fla., report the birth Pvt. Everette E. Gowens, 21, St. Anthony’s hospital sodality, of a son on May 13. He has been FLOUR son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Denver, extended an invitation to named Harold Laverne II. I from CARSON’S Gowens, 1272 Pennsylvania street, the sodality members of St. Jos­ Donors to the cookie jar at the: was fatally wounded Monday, May eph’s hospital and Mercy hospital USO-NCCS club this week were W« Hake Old Shoes Look LUca New 15, by the accidental discharge of COMPLETE LINE OF to attend a buffet luncheon that Mrs. F. E. Brennan, Mrs. C. Ellis, SHOE SUPPLIES a carbine in Indiantown Gap, Pa. will be given on the roof garden Mrs. A. Bahl, and Mrs. John Zupa-| Gowen was a graduate of St. Jos­ of St. Anthony’s nurses’ home nic. I Master Shoe Rebuilder eph’s high school. May 28 at 7:30 p.m. After the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bahl an-i 503 13ih Si. Phone TA. 0812 Funeral services were held Sat­ luncheon, a program has been pre- nounce the birth of a son, Francis' Tableware . . . Fine China and Sparkling Crystal . . . urday, May 20, in St. Joseph's ared, during which Father W. F Keith, in Casper, Wyo., on May 16.j MASTER KEY SHOP church with the Rev. Frederick falloy, chaplain of Mt. Elizabeth Mrs. Bahl is the former Irene Ur-| Gay Pottery . . . Kitchen Gifts, too. D. McCallin as the celebrant. retreat, will P perform his famous ban of this parish. Burial was in Mt. Olivet ceme­ sleight-of-hand tricks. .After that, The son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip tery. games will he plaved, and the stu­ Steid was baptized by Monsignor Denver Native dents’ social will culminate the Charles Hagus Sunday and named C a rso n ’s evening’s program. Martin Phillip. Sponsors were| 15lh and .Stout Streets Reported Missing The student nurses of St. An­ Jerry Urban and Agnes Buff. Mrs. Ens. Albert Sanchez, 29, a na thony's hospital school of nursing Steid is the former .Albina Urban live of Denver, graduate of St. entertained their mothers last Sun­ of this parish. Mr. Steid is with the Joseph's high school, and a student day evening at 8 o'clock with a pro army. at Denver university, has been re­ gram. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Brushes ported mi.ssing in action in the On May 31 at 8 :00 p.m, 20 young Phillip Schweider was baptized BUY WAR BONDS 1.000 BROKEN ALARM 200 LO YO U PUPILS TO TAKE South Pacific. Sanchez, who was women will be received into the So­ Sunday and given the name of PERSONAL BRUSHES CLO(3(S AND W.ATCHES commissioned last September, is a dality of the Blessed Virgin in James Phillip. Sponsors were Mr. | HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES AND STAMPS W'ANTED brother of Mrs. Clara Whitlock, St. Anthony's hospital chapel. Pre and Mrs. W. Schweider. ! WAXES AND POUSHES PART IN MAY CROWNING RITE 3325 Cook street. vious to the ceremony, a Living Ro­ The members of the Altar and HILL & IHLE TA. <798 — IMS ettaara — OtnTtr ★ sary will be presented on the cam­ Rosary society will receive Com­ EXPERT WATCH REPAIRINa Capt. Tierney We Buy (Loyola Pariah, Denvop) Gibson will be her special attend­ pus, in which the student nurses munion in the 7:30 Mass Sunday. Old Gold. W'atrhefl, Clockf, Guns, Etc. May crowning devotions will ants. Richard Dahl and Gabrielle Flies Fighter Plane will carry lighted candles and will Ferdinand Telgmann, son of 918 IBlh Street Va Blk- W. of P.O. take place Sunday afternoon at 3 Guinan will be crown-bearers. Rita Capt. Thomas E. Tierney, son terminate the procession in the I Mrs. F. Telgmann, is home on fur­ BUY WAR BONDS FOR VICTORY p.m. Two hundred children of Nevans will carry the queen’s of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Tierney, 785 chapel for the final ceremonies. lough. Loyola school will take part. The train. Father Edward J. Morgan, St. Paul street, and son-in-law of First Communion class will form a S.J., will take part in the cere­ the late Herbert Fairall, prominent special procession. .The eighth mony, accompanied by the servers Denverite who was killed in an grade girls will form a “ V” in of Loyola school. The ceremony auto accident near Big Springs, mmmmfront of the altar. Mary Louise will close with Benediction of the Nebr., is a fighter plane pilot in 1543 LahmerSt.V cM/?in22bh Daniels, prefect of the sodality, Blessed Sacrament. England. will crown the statue of the The last PT.A meeting of the Recently Capt. Tierney flew so HOM E PURyC M ARKET Blessed Mother. She will be es­ school year was held May 16. Mrs. low in strafing a railroad train in corted by James Sparkman, pre­ Harold Hawley read the yearly Western Europe that he lost the b A Park Free Sh(H) and Save J 0 RUBBER mmsfect of the boys’ sodality; Madonna treasurer’s report Mrs. B. M. tips off the wings of his plane as he Nalty, and Edward McCarty. Mary Patterson, historian, gave a report tore through a tree top. Tierney, MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED Catherine Reischman and Stanley of the acti3-ities for the year. a graduate o f Regis high school TA. 3805 Father Morgan thanked the out and Notre Dame university, has been overseas since March, & Optometrist and Optician going officers, chairmen, and Beautiful JOIN TNE WAVES A. F. R ADIO room representatives, and pre­ Radio and Washins Machina Servlca Helen Walsh sented Mrs. William May with a Fresh Cut Flowers Vacuum Cleanen Repaired crystal rosary, a gift from Rea. Phone Arvada 533-J Aisoelat* the PTA. Mrs. May presented FAGAN’S 423.14th St. Denver. Colorado Camping Program W. R. JOSEPH each officer, chairman, and room Large Assortment of Potted mother with a personal gift. Mrs. MA 0541 Delivery EYES EXAMINED Your Ptirchafc of War Bonds Thomas J. Morrissey installed the Plants and Funeral Designs and .Stomps Helps Secure Your PboDS TAIwr 1 8 8 0 following new officers: President, A Few Warm Weather Suggestions Future. 8 1 8 -3 1 9 H aintle Bldg. Mrs. G. A. Mohrbacher; vice presi­ For Youtk Urged dent, Mrs. R. Hartley; secretary, Mrs. R. Catlett; treasurer. Mrs- JERRY BREEN HANEY EXTERMINATING SERVICE B. M. Patterson: historian, Mrs. D. 'Carbone; and auditor, Mrs. Hunt. By Civic Leaders WHITEFiSH PICKEREL HATES TO INSTITUTIONS FLORIST THE BEST IN PEST CONTROL The follou-ing committee chair­ men were named: Membership, Ants, roaches, beriboas. rats and all other vermin. An extensive program is being 1456 California MA. 2279 To Fry, Boko g Q g Headless, Dressed to Also mothproofina fumiturs and ruas. Mrs. C. E. Williams; hospitality, formulated now for the 26 summer LICENSED AND BONDED .Mrs. John Fitzpatrick; publicity, or Broil, lb. TA. 0303 camps in the vicinity of Denver 3 5 c 226 13th St. .Mrs. W. J. Burke; program, Mrs. by well-known civic U leaders. This Steam, Ib...... John Nalty; ways and means, Mrs. year a strong co-operative effort is E. Wollenhaupt; war chairman, being made by heads of community FILLET OF Mrs. W. Light; health chairman, centers, civic clubs and groups, FRESH RED Mrs. W. May; and refreshments, churches, both parochial and pub­ ; Mrs. W. Heiney, lic schools, the city, and the Den­ BUY BEDDING PLANTS j Father Morgan in%*ited the mem- ver bureau of public welfare for the SALMON Extra select plants of varieties suitable for beds and I bers to the new rectory for the in­ young people in war time. It is stallation tea, at which Mrs.W. felt by these leaders that camp Roll in Cracker porch boxes. Wade and Mrs. M. Valley were experience for boys and girls is To Fry, Broil, A BRILLIANT CAREER COME IN AND SELECT FROM OLTl COMPLETE STOCKS chairmen. Mrs. W. May and Mrs. especially valuable at this time. WAR Crumbs and Bake or C '1 G. A. Mohrbacher poured. Relief from the tension of the city Fry, Ib. 49c Boil, lb...... D I C I J. Reischman, general chairman, makes for better health and a more DENVER FRUIT & THE SIMPSON SEED CO. I called a bazaar meeting for Friday wholesome outlook. The boys near­ PRODUCE GO. EARL PHIPPS. Mar. H. R. ATKINSON, Asst Mar. evening at 8:30 o’clock. ing army age learn to live out­ Belgian Hares I Robert Darlin is stationed in doors together, and away from BONDS To Fry . ,.lb 4 9 c TA, 1369 1525 Champa St. 'Peterson Field, Colo. home. Red Cross work will be in­ ACROSS FROM DENVER POST cluded in the programs of many of the girls’ camps this j’ear. The Repair Your Shoes at Park Theater to Show young people, therefore, will feel Large Colored Rons T, 5.?.” - '! “ ib. 4 0 c that they are contributing to the GREEN TREE _ t 'Song of Bernadette’ victory effort even in their recrea­ LIMITED MMBER OF FRYING CHICKE.NS tion time. It is hoped that boys FLORIDA FRUIT Qraduation Days are . * * and girls of every race, creed, and SNOE REPAIR Wallace H. Rex, manager of the economic group in the city will PRODUCE CO. I Park theater, 1208 S. Gaylord, is take the opportunity of a few WHERE QUALITY AND WATCH DAYS bringing th e picture. Song of weeks of camp experience this sum­ DISPENSE BROS WORKMANSHIP \ Bernadette, to the Park theater mer. ARE COMBINED _ FRLTT HAS MTAMIVS— at Frumess j solely for the purpose of giving Keys Duplicated 25c ]the people of the South Denver Good Things to Eat e a t CITHL'.S f r u it s t o a v o id COI.DS j parishes an opportunity of seeing MALRICE BULOVA ■ GRUEN ithis wonderful production, which Freah and Salted Nuimeata COBB’S MARKET Iwon the academy award for the Candied FruiU and Candies ELGIN - BENRUS I best production of the year. It STEDIOS WHEAT GERM — SOT BEAN ELOUR Formerly Fred Bi-Low I will not be shown anywhere until HERRING TIDEITS Meats Frumett Hat Them All! Pertonality PortraiU il945 at popular prices. ADDISON’S Nice election st Nationtllr Quality Meats and There will be two shows daily, Home Public Market Adwrtised Cajh Price* on a matinee at 2 p.m. and an eve­ Conlirmation- TA. 2758 Poultry CONVENIENT TERMS ning show at 8 o’clock. The pro- IFs Quality [ducers of the Song of Bernadette Gradnation- , -w ie~ ST. do not allow any other picture That Counts! to be shown with it. It is ad­ 1st Commanioii— visable to be on time as there is 1528 Broadway a prelude of special music. The picture will start June 8 and run C H .3926 BUY WAR BONDS FOR VICTORY for three days.


^ 1 Thursday, May 25, 1944 Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KPystone 4205 PAGE FIVE WACS ARE IN URGENT NEED OF ijT COLLEGE-TRAINED WOMEN

The Women'* Army corps in needed as Air WACs and in other e M H l HELD Denver has announced that spe­ branches as well. Geodetic com' cific Jobs are ^*iting for college- puters, physics laboratory assist­ trained women, l^ousands of ants, statisticians, and surveyors Stratton.— St. Charles’ school patriotic women are now serving will work with army men on highly closed ibriday, May 19. Gradua­ as WACs in many overseas sta­ important projects aimed at win­ tion exercises-were held Sunday tions— and in dozens of installa­ ning the war. evening in the school hall. The tions in the United States. But Psychology students are needed exercises were preceded by a short the highly technical jobs are ear­ as WACs to assist in military play given by the students. Tha marked for college women— they training cliyssification tests and to follotdng were graduated from demand talent and ability and re­ work out administrative and soci the eighth grade: Bertha M. Ba- sourcefulness. ological groupings. They may also langa, Raymond F. Seller, Marie College-trained Air WACs are become chaplain assistants here or Evans, Conrad G. Jostes, John needed to do drafting, weather overseas. Luebbers, Aloysius J. Menke, and forecasting, weather observation, Sociology majors are needed by Alice M. Pautler. cartography, meteorology, a n d the WAC to administer army The award for the highest aver­ —As Much a Part of age in the upper grades was given to Rosalia M. Stoflfel of the sev­ enth grade; and in the lower Horan Service grades to Magdalen Agnes Green. Pfc. Leonard Menke is spend­ ing a few days visiting his par­ as Fine Facilities-- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Menke Pvt Menke has participated in battles in the South Pacific. The Society of Christian Moth­ Large Selection ers will hold its monthly meeting Sunday evening in the school hafi of after the May devotions. Officers for the year will be elected. Henry Pelle, grand knijfht of the local council of the Knights Bedding of Columbus, and Frank Hoffman of Burlington attended the state convention of the Knights of Co- lumbns last Sunday. Plants Miss Alice Dischner visited over Saturday and Sunday with her ALSO parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Disch­ AND SON CHAPELS ner. Plans are being made for a va­ cation school. Classes will begin TOMATO PLANTS KEy5tone62Q7 # KEystone 629ft Monday morning. May 29, at 9 o’clock, and will be held every and ISZTOeveiand Ptacc day, except Saturday and Sunday, for two weeks. The classes will Guarding Forever our Founder^ Ideals be taught by the Sisters of the OTHER VEGETABLE PLANT8 Most Precious Blood. THE WACi Handle Vital War Meitagei SPRING and SULPHUR! camouDage work. The army air emergency relief facilities, to com­ BRIGHT SPOT FLOWER SHOP FOR THE BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BLICI VEILS LDD forces need such women overseas pile confidential military informa­ oi

rtf '\Artyf Blc«»ed Virgin Mery, will be bon- Paul Ecklaman, Shirley Weathers, Thais Ann Morrison, Mary Ann irs AN OIL PAINT UJ p^dey tnoming el 10 o’clock in Adams, Teresa Jane Andersen, Leo Oehrle, Catherine Grannefi, Pa­ the Calhedrel convent yard when Teresa Jane Andersen crowns the tricia Reynolds, Nancy Walenta, Steve Halpin, I Carolyn Barker, Lor­ at Lowest ItAsr ro APnr statue of Our Lady. Cathedral sodality officers and repreaentatives who raine Magor, Rita McEnulty, Bobby Bums, John Anderson. Not pres­ will take part, pictured below, are, left to right. Tommy Giblin, Rose ent are Peggy McGovern and May Marie MaU. Pages are Kathleen IF W U t j J Prices Marie Wich, Mary Ann Rabenstein, Marjorie Godec, Helene Hoefflcr, Kelty, Betty Fulham, James Wilber, and Mary Ann Writes. f QUICK TODRY ALKA SELTZER AQfS Your Prescription Large Size ...... O w w — Prompt Service Guaranteed SAL HEPATICA Q7|% BAYER’S ASPIRIN CQa* U rge Six^------V I Is 100’* ...... LAVORIS V 7Qi* SQUIBB’S ASPIRIN CQg* Urge Sise\,____ I WW 200’* ...... O w C ABS0RBINE.4R. 0 0 Q WARNER’S Aspirin ^ 0 Q

Milk of Magnesia, Phillips...... 3 4 c Milk of Magnesia, Squibbs______3 3 c TOOTH PASTES omMsm opoitl 50c PEPSODENT 0 0 g ♦O' LISTERINE 0 0 ^

50c KOLYNOS O Q f * SQUIBB 4 Q # * U rge ...... — W W W Economy Size ...... O w C 50c IPANA 9 0 M FLATLUX Large ______W w C For WALLS CEILINGS and WOODWORK VITAMIIVS (W e Carry a Full Line) Not a fad or substitut* lor point. . . but a thoroughly toitod TJN'ICAPS M A A A CALCIUM 'Oil Base' Flat Wall Paint that will give lasting satisfaction on IH'* ______$ f a * w D PANOTHENATE

RECEIVE FIRST COMMUNION (Shrine of St. Anne, Arvada) THE CAS( ADE LAEADRY KEEP UP THE HOMES Richard T. Schmitt of the na'vy T R Y OUH MEW 8EHV1CE- Dedicate Painting is spending a two-week furlough (Cathedral School, Denver) Richard Morris, Thomas McKeinan, Forty-four children of Cathe­ Brian O’Donnell, Edward Silcott, with hia family. He will return to Complete Ijanndry Service YOU’RE FIGHTING FOR (St. Cajet^n's Parish, Denver) dral school received First Holy Leon Staggs, Robert W'eingarth, the navy training station at Great 1847 M*rkM WH CALL POa AND OEUVEB TA. (37*-I.We Deliver TA. 3662i^ assures you the best roof for F A L B Y ’ S Robson, Nancy Shipp, Bethanath raphers: Mary Loretta Burgett, PAINT — HARDWARE your money. Smith, Mary Ann Writes, John Theresa Godec, Irene Lombardi, 11 Broidwaj PEarl » 4 I Bagnall, William Burke, Harlow Regina O’Neil. Those receiving no­ Elaterite shingles are both tice for eligibility as junior typists Dinsmore, Charles Elliston, John 8 p«cU11m te Phone practical and attractive. Let Fajardo, Francis Jacobucci, James are Mary Catherine Bellm, Joana Bowdem, Patricia Bums, Patricia MILK FED “ Everything us inspect your roof today. Jaramillo, Albion Kirk, William Tabor ‘1776’ Flanagan, Rita Jones, Beatrice Mc- POULTRY Terms. Lehman, Bernard Linnenberger, Under the AWNINGS Robert Linnenberger, John Lohr, Lellan, Bernadette Pepin, Mar-i Gary Martin, Donald Martinez, garet Pond, Betty Zavisian. Sea” Call CH. 6651 Concert to Be Held CHEZ. MARIE Caaplri* Lla* *f THAT SATISFY The Cathedral orchestra and GOWIV SHOPPE SEA FOODS and 1130 E. Glee club will offer a concert in MADAME MINISSALE FRESH FISH Colfax Ave. WESTERN ELATERITE Oscar Malo hall May 28 at 8:15 628 16th $1. CH. 2013 THE DENVER TENT SENIOR SODILIIl p.m. For the second time in five ROOFING COMPANY years the orchestra and Glee club DELIVERY AT 1* A. M. AND I P. EOUITCSlE 3UIICIIIG will combine to present a joint & AWNING GO. musicale. Patricia Molitor, senior, ALFRED 8. PROCTER. Pres. will sing two solos: "Stars in My B. H. BROOKS. Mer. Your Purchase of W'ar Bonds Eyes,” and “ Silver Moon.” MAIN 5394 and Stamps Helps Secure Your The orchestra will open the con­ ^BUY A HOME in the 1647 Arapahoe St. Denver Fiilure. Frances Blea (left) and Pris­ (St. Patrick’* Pari*b, Denver) cert with an overture, "Poet and cilla Sanchez, shown bolding new Peasant,” by Suppe. Other selec­ picture of St. Cajetan. The May meetint; of the Senior Y'oung Ladies’ sodality was held tions will include the “ Desert Parish of Your Choice on Thursday evening, May 16, in Song,” Romberg; “ In a Monastery Ionian choir participating in the Garden,” Ketelbey; “ Bachanale,” LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE EausI to 3-tori jofc riT^oriprka. event are Misses Lupe Mejia, the clubroom of the school, Miss BVY WAR BONDS Virginia Battaia presiding. Host­ -Saens; “ Holiday for Appro^ by F. H. A. Katherine Gonzales, Stella Gon­ Strings,” Rose; “ A World War WITH ANY OF THESE DEALERS zales, Jennie Sanchez, Cecilia esses were Misses Battaia, Bernice AND STAMPS Archer, Antoinette Pastore, and Medley,” Lake; “ Father of Vic­ WOI^AUPAHOE Sanchez, Josephine Ramirez, tory,” Ganne; “ Gypsy Song,” Frances Blea, Lucy Proo, Esther Viola (iinea. The Rev. Maurus Za- ★ for Full Details and Prices. biitsky, O.S.B., pastor of the Louis­ Bizet; “ Zacatecas,” Godina. The (Jeorge Rice, 230 So. Bdway. Gutirez, Rita Comacho, Evelyn orchestra will be under the direc­ IF YOU WISH TO SELL Narvarro, Priscilla Sanchez, Sally ville parish, and Misses Dorothy Gtywide Suburban Sale* HAVE YOU tion of Sister Anastatia and Ed­ Double. Open house Sun., 2 to 6. Cinder YOUR HOUSE get quick Romero, Katherine Johnson, Elsie Beranek, Anna Slazec, Peggy and Your Source of Supply ward Libonati. block. 3 room*, encloud porch, etuched and satisfactory results MODERNIZED YOUR Gomez, Mary Gomez, Bertha Joan Long, members of the Young zarmte e*cb lid e; ahowera, toilcU, .inks, —FOR— The mixed Glee club -will sing by listing with Mejia, Doris Kelly, Margaret Sena, Ladies’ sodality of Louisville, were kitchen rancea, heater.; 3 Iota, lawn, ahade. INSURANCE? three numbers: “ A Bird Song at ahrub*. Owner, 2 to 8 Sun. 4089 So. Frances Sena, Frances Fernandez, guesLs of the sodality. They pre­ CUrkaon. Pictur* 280 So. Bdwy. Protect yourteif against n ets COLUMBIAN VISES sented a statue of St. Patrick in Evening Tide,” •WTitten by Coates FRED LERNER hasardt. Mollie Comacho, Lilly Trujillo, and and arranged by Stickles; “ The 2798 SO. ELATl. OPEN SUNDAY Regular and Woodworkers’ Types the name of their .sodality to the 8 roonu, 3 bedrooma, builtini. combination In Marie Quintana, and John Sanchez SP. 2183 TA. 7147 HORACE W. BEiNTk’ETT young women of this parish. This March of the Musketeers,” by ranxe, new Holland furnace, atoker, 4 lot*, H&B HKNDRIK & BOLTIIOFF and Albert Baca. The services chicken houae, garaze; nice lawn, shade, gift is gratefully acknowledged. FrimI and arranged by Stickles; & CO. DENVER. COLORADO are to be conducted by the Very “ The Nocturne,” by Fibich and ar­ Barden : *8,000, term*. Picture 230 S. Bdwy. Your Purchase of War Bonds Rev. John Ordinas, (T.R., provin­ Miss Virginia Battaia, prefect, OPEN HOUSE. 1825 SO. MADISON 219 Tabor Bldg. Phon. TA. 1272 ranged by Riegger. Directors of 2-year-oId 5-room frame. Baa furnace, and Stamps Help* Secure Your FRANK ENGLAND, Jr., Managtr cial of the Theatine order in the represented the Sodality union in Future. the AACW meeting on Tuesday. the Glee club are Sister Loretta Norse Baa ranse, Weatinthouae rcfrlBer- liuuranc* Orpartin«nt United States. Marie and Forrest E. Fishel. ator. 2 iota, fenced, nice law n: vacant: Your old, out^f-date Sunday, May 28, will be Holy open Son.. 8 to 5 ; 85.260. Mr. Dybdahl. light ftxturea may be The St. Cajetan grammar picture, 280 So, Bdwy. Adnnnion f o ^ ^ e play, sEfiich if school graduation class of '44 wilt Communion day for the children costing you more money of the parish. 4 ROOMS. NEAR D. U „ 14.258 Strictly modem, full ba*ement. B*a fur­ than charming new onet hold commencement exercises im­ mediately after the 8:30 Mass on A meeting of members of the nace, nice lawn, shruba. Picture, 280 So. LLOYD G. COMPANY New Light Fixture would. I.«et US make a Broadway. STEINMETZ Tuesday, May 30, after which a Mothers’ club, both Young Ladies’ FUR STORAGE lighting etnciency teat of OPEN HOUSE. 2245 8. GALAPAGO *01 SOUTH LOGAN STREET. DENVER. COLO. Save* It* G>*t breakfast, served by the PTA sodalities, and other women of the your home today. 2% OF VALUATION— *2.8* MINIMUM Vacant; 5 rooms, bath, coal furnace, 2 Real Estate SCHENECTADY. N. Y. — mothers of the eighth grade pu­ parish inte^ted will be held on lota, lawn, shade: $8,000. See Sun., 5 to Thursday evening with the Rev. 6 p. m. Sale starts 6 p. m. sharp.' Pic­ Sales, Rentals, Loans, Trades Scieniifically accurate laboratot^ pils will be served. Those in the FULLY IIVSURED ture, 280 So. Broadway. SPniro 0904 graduation class include Junior Thomas Barry to plan to serve the FIRE AND LUBILITY INSURANCE tests reveal that new light fixtures dinner to be held in connection ■with Rcpairlfi# — Reetyllnf Cleaninc 2322 SO. MARION. 82.250 of beautiful design can actually save H. J. REID Abeyta, Allen De Herrera, Joseph 4-room brick, xas. Jiithta, water, sink, toi­ the annual bazaar June 15. let. cellar, 2 fenced lot*, nice lawn. Temu. purchasers their original cost in a Espinosa, Charles Hernandez, Joe Call €H. 1901 ELECTRICAL CO. Jaramillo, Frank Lucero, Servando Through the generosity of pa­ Take larBer. Picture, 230 So. Bdwy. short time. Increased efficiency and rishioners who have donated an all- PICTURES SAVE 'nME. TIRES. GAS ELECTRICAL Mares, Marcus Nieto, Paul Ortega, Goorge Rice, Realtor, Midwest Realty I'ompany less toss of illumination are the Danny Ortiz, Jimmy Torres, wool blanket, an afghan, and a CONTRACTING — R*- 230 So, Bdway. PE. 2448 WE — WANT — ' l i s t i n g s answers. George Gallegos, Dorthy Cisneros, handmade crocheted spread the PAIRING & FIXTURES Lupita Duran, Barbara Giano, Altar and Rosary society will be SEE US FOR ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE enabled to offer several prizes in ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S 3421 Ea*t Colfax Wm. T. Henning. Mgr. Phone: EAai 7227 MAin 2303 Eleanor Gallegos. Bernice Her- 501 So. High rara, D&Iores Lucero, Clara Mar­ the annual award held in con­ INSURANtJE . . . LOANS OF ALL KINDS nection with the bazaar this year. 6 Room*, newly redecorated, full bu e- "A QUARTER OF A CENTURY IN THE BUSINESS" 329 14th St. quez, .Lucille Martinez, Priscilla ment^ laundry tuba. Priced right. Can Moya, Corrine Martinez, Flora Mmes. J. Carroll and J. Mriphy arrange rtaaonabla terms. Shown by Nieto, and Irene Vigil. were delegate* for the Altar and appointment. Rosary society to the ACCW con­ The coronation of the statue of ST CATHERINE'S PARISH Specializing in Quality Plumbing and vention on Tuesday. 2778 W, 39th Ave. MOVING-PACKING‘STORAGE the Blessed Mother will take place The beautiful ceremony of on Sunday, May 28, at 7:30 p.m. Lovely 8-room bungalow, .hot water Heating Repairs crowning the statue of the Blessed h«aL Price *8,000. Shown by appt. only. ‘Household Goods To and From Everywhere The entire junior and senior Virgin was held on Sunday after­ sodality will participate. noon, May 21, and all the pupils Luminous Religious With Skill and Care” Miss Margaret Mo^a of St of the school and members of the Wm. F. Stanek, Realtor SUHERY & COMPANY Cajetan’s choir has enlisted in the Junior Young Ladies’ sodality took Statuettes Air-WACs, and will leave for Fort part in it Benediction and ser­ ‘ They gime KE. 0720 THE JOHNSON STORAGE PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS Des Moines, la., June 1. Miss SSO Central SaT. Bank Bids. mon followed the procession and in the Moya has long been a regular consecration to the Blessed Virgin. I HELP YOU FINAKCE 1725 MARKET STREET dark.'’ member of the adult choir. Mr*. J. DiPaolo i* a pgtient in AND MOVING COMPANY JOHN J. CONNOR. President PHONE KEYSTONE 1441 Those in charge of the collec­ St Joseph’s hospital following a Latr* •elec­ Since 1905 tion for the Feast of S t Anthony major operation. Ted Stehone tion — moder- If You Want to are Mrs. V. Valdez, Mr*, R. Lu­ 221 Broadway — Denver — PEarl 2433 is recovering nicely from an Oper­ *tely priced. Sell Your Home cero, A. Salazar, and Mrs. C. Gal- ation in Mercy hospital. UoiHed tia* I legos. enlyl Call Ui and Start Packing QUICK FREEZE We Have the Buyers Four Valedictorians THIS AD e n ­ the veaetablei you grow in your Double Wedding Held Because of Brilliance t i t i e s YOU CLINE Sc HARDESTY REALTY V ICTORY G.4RDEN TO 10% OFF. 7227 E. Celfax EA. 188* Retain the garden-fresh flavor and vilamlnt in a In Fort Logan Chapel Houma, La. — Because all of Bring It them achieved “ first” place in with you.- FOR QUICK AND PIKE’S PEAK FREEZER LOCKER their four years in St. Francis de CASH The Fort Logan chapel was the Available without restrictions scene of a double wedding cere­ Sales’ academy, the 1944 gradua­ I Will Pay Cash for Small Exclusively at our new location, MA. 2288 mony Saturday, May 20, when Fa- tion class had four valedictorians. Pearl Enterprises EFFICIENT. SALE OF ,ther Lorenzo Lacasse, Catholic They are Misses Florence Watkins, Homes in or Near Denver. chaplain, celebrated a Nuptial Joyce Marie Routier, Loia Marie 1639 Curtis St., Denver 2, C<^. YOUR PROPERTY. Thoms Linoleum Studio Mass for S. Sgt. Charles H. Mealey Eschete, and Helen Mary Lecompte. Quick Action—Call or See and Mary Patricia Williams, both 1438 Court Plaee of Minneapolis, Minn., and Sgt. Phone EM. 8837 Joseph William Borgerding and RUSK CHICK STORE Mary G. NebleU, both of Fort DAY OLD AND STARTED CHICKS AND BABY DUCKS T. E. GlIEENE Worth, Tex. The two sergeants are stationed at Fort Logan. Miss FULL LINE FEED. REMEDIES A EQUIPMENT 1643 Stout TA. 6266 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Mary Haley, a post worker in the' MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED—WRITE FOR PRICES reception center, sang at the cere­ Cor. W. 38ih Ave. and Federal Blvd., Denver GL. 5324 mony. . I 4649 £. COLFAX iJ PAGE EIGHT O ffice 9S8 Bannock* Stree! THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TelepKoh#, KEysloins 4205 Thursday, May 25, 1944

PAROCHIAL, PUBLIC SCHOOL ALL-STARS Army, Navy Officers I Of C. STIlfSS O'Brien, Jr., of Oswego, and a WAVE, Ens. Margaret M. Irwin of Newton Center, Mass., were united in matrimony. Chaplain Clemens Schneider officiated and celebrated the Nuptial Mass. Present for the ceremony were Brig. Gen. James E. Baylis o f Camp Grant and many TO BAHLE SUNDAY IN MERCHANTS PARK other dignitaries representing both branches o f the services. Lt. O ’ Brien is stationed in Camp Grant and his wife is a W.4VES pro­ curement officer for the Rockford, 111., area.— (Photo Features, Army) Holy Family Tigers Take Third Game Between Two Teams Will Provide IHII. S. SERVICf Last Half of Stellar Double Header; (Continued From Page One) (Continued From Page One) Parochial Baseball Title Admission Is Two War Stamps Women also took co^izanco of delegates and a total of about 75 the poor housing conditions exist­ members. The banquet Sunday ing in the city o f Denver, ahd Denver’s feature baseball attraction for 1944 will be night was limited to 210. Others The Holy Family battling Tigers Daffler (Gibbi) i. Fined bills; Wolke pledged their support in cleaning 2. Miller 2, GIbbi. W insins pitcher. played Sunday afternoon, May 28, at 3 o’clock in Merchants up this situation. Other pertinent taking part were served in restau­ captured the Denver Catholic Girtrell. Umpires; Luevo end Sehmoll. park on S. Broadway between an All-Star team from rants and a hotel. Both Bishop Time; 2 :S6. resolutions adopted by the women high school baseball league cham­ the seven Denver Catholic high schools and a similar aggre­ included the pledge to support Joseph C. Willging of Pueblo, state pionship Monday, May 22, by gation of diamond talent from the five public high schools the Papal peace plan, and to make chaplain, and Archbishop Urban J. CATHEDRAL HIGH it known more widely through or­ Vehr of Denver spoke at the ban­ knocking over the final hurdle in Player— AB.H. PO.A. of the city. ganization study groups; the quet the race, Mullen high school’s McCl.lUn, 2b 1 1 0 J. JcpiOD, as ._...... 4 1 1 2 An added attraction to the an­ promise of support to the arch A class of 50 wa.s initiated Sun­ scrappy Mustangs, 13-6. A. Jepaon, e ______1 0 5 3 nual Schoolboy Classic has been diocesan youth program; the de day afternoon, following the open­ Roberta, cf-p ...... 8 Play in the league was close this 1 0 1 T provided to start at 1 p.m. be­ cision to set up a continuing schol­ ing Mass offered by Bishop Will­ Utard, Sb __ _ ------3 1 2 2 tween two teams from the Den­ year as was evidenced in the finish MUlt, lb ...... 8 0 10 1 arship at the National Catholic ging in Sacred Heart church. The Seianorth, If ...______8 0 1 0 ver Victory league. The admis­ School of Social Service in Wash­ Boulder officials exemplified the of the race. Had Mullen high Dauabarty. rl ...... 8 0 0 0 sion to the stellar double bill will Colllni, p - c t ___ 2 1 1 1 ington, D. C., for some girl from first degree, a Grand Junction team, won Monday there would have a . be exactly five cents. To get in­ the Archdiocese of Denver. A the second, and a team from Den­ been three teams tied for the Totala ...... _____U....26 6 21 10 nao III HECISside the gate, one must part with tribute to the memory of Miss ver, under the direction of Mr. championship — Holy Family, ST. FRANCIS' 55 cents, hut in return one will re­ Nellie Lennon, prominent Denver Carraher, the third. Among other Regis, and Mullen high schools. Player— AB.H. PO. A. ceive two 25-cent war stamps, and interesting talks was one by the McBride, I f ____ A Friday, May 19, in the Regis Catholic woman who died last De­ As it was, Regis’ Reds finished in 0 0 0 two high class ball games. The cember, was paid by the member­ Rev. B. J. Murray, S..I., of Regis, Hynea, 2b ______2 0 3 4 high school lunchroom, another second place, Mullen’s Mustangs, UalvihiU, lb ._ ...... a 2 11 0 extra five cents is to cover the ex­ ship. who spoke on the lay retreat move­ St. Francis’, and St. Joseph’s Bull­ Riordan, i i ______s 1 2 8 successful “ Baseball Night’’ was pense of the annual tilt Any sur­ ment Donovan, e .«« « ______4 0 6 Meeting Openi W ith Maas dogs wound,up in a tie for third 1 sponsored by the “ R” club, hon­ plus is to go to the Navy Mothers’ Carraher Re-Elected Stale Deputy Owsley, 8b ___ A 1 0 1 center. The annual meeting opened place; Annunciation’s Cardinals Sehuater. rf «...______2 1 0 0 orary monogram organization. with a Mass celebrated in Holy The following officers were were fourth; with the Ca­ Garland. rf>p «. 2 0 2 2 This will be the third meeting Ghost church by the Archbishop. elected: State deputy, Mr. Carra­ thedral Blue Jays in the cellar Walih, cf ...... ______2 1 0 a Members of the Reds, the varsity between the Catholic and the Pdblic Stromsoe. p-rf .______3 0 0 2 team; of the Clovers, the sopho­ The morning session was; con­ her, second term; state secretary, position. — - high schools’ baseball All-Stars. more team; and of the Regis ducted in the Empire room of the Antonio J. N. Valdez of Del Norte, Totals ...... ______80 6 21 13 The first in 1942 was won by the The final standings follow chapter of the National Forensic Shirley-Savoy hotel, with Mrs. J. former treasurer; state treasurer, TEAM— W . L. Pet. Cathedral high ...... 080 002 0— 5 Public schools 3-2. The second game League, the speech organization T. Tierney, president, presiding. Ernest P. Tovani of Boulder: state Holy Family ...... —.... 5 A33 St. F rancis*...... 000 020 0— 2 was taken by the Catholic schools .687 in Regis, were the guests at the After the invocation by the Very advocate, Thomas J. Lynch, Jr., of Regis high ...... - 4 E rrors: J. Jepson 2, Stromsoe, Owsley, 1-0. The rubber meeting promises Mullen high ...... S .800 Hynes. Runs batted in: Seigworth. program marking the end of the Rev, Harold V. Campbell, reports Grand Junction; state wartlen, Si. Joseph's ...... 3 ’.SOO Daugherty. Collins, Owsley, Riordan. &aseball • •• year and . honoring . . the - to be just as close, 'with the Public of the officers and committee John Curran of Longmont, replac­ St. Francis’ ...... 3 .500 Two-base hit: Walsh. Stolen bases: J. schools holding a slight pre-game Annunciation high ...... 2 .333 school’s diamond defenders. heads were made. ing James A. Cline of Pueblo, now Jepson 2. Riordan 2, Hynes 2. A. Jepson edg;e in the predictions. in the armed services. Bishop Will­ Cathedral high ...... 1 .167 2. Roberts. Double play: Riordan to The most important moment of The enormous contribution of ging will serve a second term as The box scores of games played Hynes to Mulvibill. Left on bases: Ca­ the evening, at least for 13 of The squads to represent the two the women of the archdiocese in thedral 6, St. Francis’ 11. Bases on state chaplain. since Wednesday, May 17, follow: the athletes present, came when leag;ues were selected last week. the war effort was shown in vir­ balls: Off Collins 8, off Roberts 2. The coaches of the Catholic schools HOLY FAMILY HIGH Struck o u t: By CoIKns 6, by Roberts Coach Cobe Jones awarded letters tually every report. Constituting Mr. Carraher announced the re­ Player— AB. H. PO. A 1. H its: Off Stromsoe 4 in 5 innings, to Richard McDermott, Phil Ma­ met in the Denver Press club themselves as soldiers of the appointment of district deputies as Ssbdl, •« ...... 4 2 2 2 off Garland 1 in 2 inning, off Collins 6 honey, Walker Nickless, Robert Wednesday, May 17, and selected home-front army, the women have follows: Louis P. Orleans, Fort llaHinan, e ...... 4 8 7 0 in 4 1-3 innings. Pissed balls: A. Jepson their representatives. The Public Gioso, 3b ...... 8 1 3 0 2. Donovan 2. Winning s^tcher: Col­ Sunderland, Frank Heit, Ray been active in Red Cross, war Collins district: Bernard Hu.schke, Hall, cf ...... 8 1 0 0 lins. Losing pitcher: Stromsoe. Um­ Hutchinson, Augrust Raso, Joseph school All-Stars were chosen by the bond drives, USO, and other war­ Colorado Springs: James Castel- Veraldt. If ...... 0 1 0 pires : SchmoU and Lucero. Time of sports department of the Rocky Boy Who Saw Killing of ano, Trinidad; Frank A. Sierra, ' ...... 3 1 1 8 Yannacito, Dan Fiaherty, Paul time activities. Fiorella. 2b ...... game: 2:10. Villano, Guy Gibbs, Kenneth Gar­ Mountain News, which sponsors the South Fork; A. F. Hennesy, Lead- Wagner. !b ...... 4 7 0 classic, after consultations with the The Very Rev. John Flanagan, Samdon. rf ...... 4 1 0 0 trell; and Frank Mayer. Yanna­ S.J., president of Regis college, ville; William J. Callahaji, Grand Lally. p ...... 2 0 0 1 MULLEN HIGH cito, Villano, Gartrell, and Mayer Public school coaches. Junction. Schneider, p ...... «... 0 0 0 0 P liyer— AB. H. PO. A. gave an address on “ Post-War Father Leo Heinrichs Is — Hihn, s. .. received letters for the first time The Catholic hi^h school stars Education” in the morning ses­ Mr. Carraher has been invited Totala ...... 31 10 21 6 Bur.ns, 3b in a major sport at Regis. will be under the direction of Cobe sion. The Jesuit educator empha­ by the supreme knight, Francis P. ST. FRANCIS’ M.rtin.s, lb ...... 4 In a short business meeting be­ Jones, Regis high school coach, as- sized the ethical values that must Matthews, to address the Montana Player— AB. H. PO. A. Gomez: c ...... 3 sisted by JimmieJi Garramone, coach stete convention of the K. of C. in ...... 6 2 2 0 C. Hartford, I f - p ...... 4 fore the awarding of letters, the be placed on the education of Distinguished Scientist McBride. If ...... Hynefi, 2b ...... 4 2 1 0 Cise, rf ...... 8 officers of the “ R” club were of the championship Holy Family youth after peace comes. Kalispell May 28. A feature of his Kiordan. as ...... 4 2 2 2 De P.msiere, 2b ...... 8 elected. James Watson, a letter- Tigers, and Lk)u Antonelli, coach of “ America must not make the mis­ report for the year was the fact ...... 4 1 0 1 D’n'bck. cf ...... 3 Garland, p ...... Cib.rsy. p-lf ...... 8 man in football, was re-elected the St. Joseph Bulldogs. take that Germany made after Thirty-six years ago James J. commencement June 2 and will that that he has visited every coun­ Mulvibill, lb ...... 4 0 6 0 The Public school stars will be cil of the state e.xcept the one in Owfley, 8b ...... - ...... 4 2 2 2 president, and, Thomas Waters, the last war,” he said, “ and plunge Doland was a newsboy in Denver give the main address. But his in­ Stromsel. cf ...... 2 0 1 0 ToUls ...... SO 18 who lettered in basketball, was directed by B. 0. Moles, coach of into a frenzied pursuit of the ma­ Stratton. Donnavon, c ...... 3 1 8 0 HOLY FAMILY HIGH returned to the office of secre­ the strong North Denver Vikings, terial side of education. Only the who had the unusual experience of terest in Denver still continues. The state council again voted Schuater, rf ...... 2 0 0 0 Player— AB. tary-treasurer, which he held the assisted by Sam Waldman, coach witnessing the killing of Father The faculty at St John's, in Hartford, rf ...... 1 0 0 0 Sabell. I...... 2 development of a Christian spirit $300 toward the expense of ob­ — —— llaDlnao. c ...... 8 latter part of this year. of the South Denver Rebels. among the youth of tomorrow will Leo Heinrichs, O.F.M., in St. Eliz­ awarding this honorary degree, taining a teacher of public speak­ Totaii ...... 33 10 21 5 Gioso, 3b ...... A Plans for a Memorial Mass in The rosters of the two clubs fol­ save America.” ing for St. Thomas' seminary. Ten Hall, rf ...... 3 abeth’s church and of getting the recognizes the professional Holy Family high...... 103 800 0— 12 honor of the five members of the low ’. dollars each was appropriated for St. Francis' ...... 002 016 1— 9 Veraldi. If ...... 2 The origins and causes of de­ first eyewitness report of the assas­ achievement and Catholic leader­ Errors: Sab^ll, Gloso, Wagner, Sain- Fiorella, 2b ...... 3 “ R” club who have given their DENVER CATHOLIC linquency were outlined by the the eight Newman clubs in non- don. Lally 2, Riordan S. Two-baic hits: Wagner, lb ...... 3 lives in the service of their coun­ HIGH SCHOOLS sination to his paper. Now he is ship of Dr. Doland, who is profes­ Catholic colleges and universities ...... 0 Rev. Barry Wogan of Golden in Hallinan. Garland, Owsley. Homeruns: [^apra. c f .... try were outlined by Bernard C. PITCHERS—Dick McDermott, Professor Doland, a brilliant figure sor of civil engineering at the Uni­ of Colorado. Fifty dollars was as­ Fiorella. Wagner. Struck out; By Gar­ Schneider, p ...... 2 the afternoon session. The priest land. 2 : by Lally. 5: by Schneider. 2: by Schulte, S.J., faculW moderator Regps high; John Dufficy, St. Jos­ laid the blame of the current wave in the field of science, who will be versity of Illinois, Champaign, 111. signed to be used in street-preacha Totala ...... „..22 7 21 9 of athletics. The five, four of eph’s high; Bob Garland, St. Fran­ ing work in Colorado. Last year tha Kiordan. 6. Baites on balls: Off Garland, of juvenile crime directly on the awarded the degpree of Doctor of In a varied career, which includes 8; off Riordan, 2; off Lally. 6. Mullen hlch ...... 004 whom died within the past year, cis’ high; Bill Schneider, Holy home and the parents. He cited council gave $50 to aid in the publi­ Holy Family high ...... 702 040 x— 13 Science, honoris causa, by St. contributions in both theoretical were Lt. John Furstenberg, navy, Family high; Martin Lally, Holy the results oi a study he made in cation of a Spanish magazine, El MULLEN HIGH Errors: De Pimglere, Fiorblli. Runs who was killed in the Pacific; Pvt. Family hi^h; and Dan Krasovich, John’s university, C ollegeville, jmd practical engineering. Prof. Reino de Dios, distributed abong Player— AB. PO. A. batted in: Sabell 2, Gomez 2. Burns 2, the federal correctional institu­ Hahn, is ...... - ...... 4 1 1 Hartford 2, Schneider, Hallinan, Gioso 3. Robert “ Monk" DeCanio, killed in Annunciation high. tion near Littleton to show that Minn., at the institution’s 87th Doland has advanced the sci­ Mexican nationals working in the Two-base hits: Wagner, C. Hartford. the Admiralty islands; Pfc. Rob­ state. Burn». 3b ...... 3 CATCHERS — “ Skip” Hallinan, criminals do not come from homes ence of construction, both mater­ Martinez, lb ...... 3 Three-base hit: Gomez. Homeruns: C. ert “ Buzz" Goggin, who dftd of Holy Family high; "Teenie" Gli- in which the principles of religion Thanks for interest and co-oper­ Gomez, c ...... 3 Hartford. Gioso. Stolen bases: C. Hart­ ially and artistically, in many Hartford, p-lf ...... 3 ford, Sabell, Fiorella. Gomez. SacriSee: wounds suffered on the Anzio var, Annunciation high; and are emphasized. ation were extended to Archbishop Casey, rf ...... 2 Schneider. Left on teses: Holy Family Beachhead; Pvt. John B. Cran- Sammy Gomez, Mullen high. Mis.s Catherine Hueber of the Famed Windows ways, especially in the fields of Vehr, Bishop Willging, the Boulder HePerre. 2b ...... 2 high 3. Mullen high 6. Bases on balls: deel, fatally injured in training Catholic Charities staff told of the water engineering and bridge con­ council, the Denver Catholic Regis­ B ’ehke, cf ...... 3 Oft Clberay 4. off C. Hartford 6, off FIRST BASEMEN-Bill Wag­ in the United States; and Cpl. Ed­ head of trained Catholic social struction. ter, broadcasting systems and inde­ Cibary, If-p ...... 2 Schneider 3. Struck out: By Ciberay 1, ward Freeman, who died after a ner, Holy Family high; and John Attractive to by C. Hartford 3, by Schneider 4. Hits: DiTolla. St. Joseph’s high. workers and asked the women Dr. Doland attended grade and pendent stations. Resolutions of 6 21 8 off Ciberay, 1 in 2 innings; off Hartford. jeep accident in Camp Atterbury, Totals ...... 25 present to support any move that high school in the city of Denver sympathy to the families and re­ ANNUNCIATION HIGH , 6 in 4 Innings. Pissed balls; Gomez 2. Ind. In memory of these Regis SECOND BASEMEN — Vince Hallinsn 1. Losing pitcher: Ciberay. will remedy the appalling lack of and obtained his B.S. from the gret over the loss of valued mem­ Player— AB. H. PO. A. athletes and all other Regis men Fiorelli, Holy Family high; Ronnie Lovers of Art bers in death—Herbert Fairall and Carbone, rf ...... 4 3 0 Umpires: Burns and Edwards, Tima of St. Joseph’s" ■ h:high; ■ and ■ ~ Bob ■Cupp, such workers in the U. S. today. University of Colorado in 1914. Joyce. 2b ...... 4 game: 2:16. who have died in the service, a Officers Re-elected the Very Rev. Raymond Newell— Memorial Mass will be offered Fri­ Burns, Mullen high. For two terms after graduation he Cassidy, ss ...... 3 The entire slate of officers was was instructor in engineering and were adopted. ComniJlo. lb ...... 3 ANNUNCIATION HIGH day morning, May 26, at 8:50 SHORTSTOPS — Bill Riordan. Sumter, S. Car.—The May m at­ re-elected. They include Mrs. J mathematics at the University of The annual corporate Commun­ Ar'l’sc, Sb ...... 3 Player— AB. H. PO. A. o’clock in the students’ chapel. St. Francis’ high; and Joe Cassa- Wares, cf ...... 3 Shee. c ______«. 4 1 4 0 T. Tierney, president; Mrs. J. F. ing of the Sumter Art association, Colorado before he was named en­ ion of Catholic men sponsored by The "R ” club members will at­ dav. Annunciation high. pekett. if ...... 3 Joyce, 2b ...... 3 2 0 1 Murtaugh, first vice president: which has an almost entirely non- gineer and superintendent of the the K. of C., participation in the Kras'ch. If ...... 0 Caasidy. ss ...... 3 0 3 2 tend the Mass as a unit. THIRD BASEMEN—Rocco Gi­ Shea, c ...... 3 Cbmnillo. lb ...... « 2 0 0 Mrs. Emmett Knight, second vice Catholic membership, was held in Hoy Construction Co., St. Paul, lay retreat movement, and the cele­ 2 Movies, including baseball and oso, H^Iy Family high; and Joe president: Mrs. J. Fred McCourt, Strafacc, p ...... 3 Ap’glis. Sb ...... « 9 0 0 St. Anne’s parish hall, with the Minn., builder of the St. Paul Ca­ bration of Columbus day were Straface, rf*p ...... 2 0 1 0 swimming shorts, followed by re­ Yannacito. Regis high. third vice president; Mrs. W. C. stressed by Mr. Carraher in his ..29 10 19 thedral during the days of Arch­ Totals ...... Peketz, If ______... 2 0 0 freshments, concluded the last OUTFIELDERS — Loui.a Hall. Weldon, historian; Mrs. Fred W. Rev. John P Clancy, pastor, as bishop Ireland. During the World report. The year’s activities re­ Annunciation high ...... 100 000 0— 1 Mares, cf ...... 0 0 1 0 meeting of another successful Holy Family high; Fred McBride, Mullen high ...... 100 000 1— 2 Krasovich. p*r£ ...... 2 0 1 0 Gushurst, treasurer; Mrs. L. U. host and guest speaker. St. .Anne’s war he served as engineer and first flected a healthy condition of the year for the “ R” club. St. Francis’ high; Frank Roberts, T wo- base hits: Carbone 2, Casey 1. Cooke, lb ...... 1 1 3 0 Wagner, recording secretary: Mrs. ia one of the few churches in South lieutenant of a construction di­ order in Colorado. Nine major de­ Stolen bases: Gomez. Hartford. Casey, FeeleJ:, p ...... 1 0 0 0 Arrangements for “ Baseball Cathedral high; Leo Pfeifer, St. Thomas Kerrigan, financial secre­ Carolina having imported stained- gree classes were initiated in tho Gramett. If ...... 1 0 2 0 vision, United States War depart­ Marev Struck out: By Hartford 2. by Night” were made by the officers, Joseph’s high; Jim Hartford, Mul­ tary: Miss Barbara Bach, corre­ glass ■windows. An unusually large ment, and returned after the ar­ first 10 months of the council year, Cibarv 5. by Straface 6. Base on balls: Roche, cf ...... 1 0 0 0 len high; Frank Heit, Regis high; Off Strafecc 3. Passel balls: Hartford 2. •Carbone ...... 0 ■ 0 0 James Watson and Tom Waters, sponding secretary; and Mrs. L. attendance of members and their mistice to work with the Hoy Co. with others scheduled. l.efl on bases: Mullen high 9, Annun* and Moderator Schulte and Rich-iApd Fred Straface, Annunciation J. Holmes, auditor. guests visited the church to study until 1923. cintjon high S. H ui and ^ n s : Off Hart- Total...... 25 5 18 3 ard C. Harrington, S.J., coach of;high. The following were elected as its Norman Gothic architecture and -Batted for Krasovich in aeventb. He was named designer and en­ fard. 9 and 1 in B innings; off Cibary, the Clovers. PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS directors: Mrs. J. T. Tierney, Mrs. the remarkably beautiful windows I • « A >> T 1 and 0 in 2: off Straface. 5 and 2 in 7 ST. FRANCIS' PITCHERS— Virgil Jester. East gineer of the U. S. Bureau of Re­ Winning pitcher: Cibray. Losing pitcher: Player— AB. H. PO. A L. U. Wagner, Mrs. L. J. Holmes, of the sanctuary and transept clamation, Denver, in 1923, and Legion A 1 earn Btrafsce. Umpires: Edwards and Brady. McBride. If 2 2 8 2 high; Chuck Dove, South high; and These ■windows were made in Ba­ and Miss Rita La Tourette, all of after working^ver two years in the Tim e: 1 :50. Hynes, 2b __ 4 1 Don Carlsen, East high. Denver: Mrs. Thomas Garrison, varia to special designs and spe­ Riordan, as ...... 6 1 Former Regis Boy CATCHERS—Don Cook. North cifications of the late Rt. Rev. West accepted a position as pro­ Seeking Players REGIS HIGH Garland, p .... __ 3 0 Golden; Mrs. Catherine D. Fagin, fessor of civil engineering at the PUvfr— AB. H. PO. A. Mulvibill, lb 4 7 Is on Sodulo NinO'^i'^*’’ Landrum, North Colorado Springs; and Mrs. Ralph Charles Dubois Wood—pastor at University of Illinois, in 1926, a Rsso. rf ...... 3 0 Donovan, c ...... 8 high. Fischer, Greeley. Sumter when St. Anne’s was built Owsley. 3b ...... 4 position he has held since that The Bankers’ Union Life base­ Flaherty, ss ...... 4 3 FIRST BASEMEN—Bill Jen­ Mrs. Thomas Garrison of Gold­ —who introduced the personal ele­ ball team, new East Denver entry McDermott, cf ...... 4 3 Walsh, cf A former Regis high school boy, sen, North high; and John Larson, time. 2 Schuster, rf en was chosen as the Denver ment by using the portrait of the in the American Legion class A Heit. H ...... 3 William “ Bill" Cooke, is making During his years at Illinois, Yannocito. 3b ...... 4 Dyer, rf ...... Manual high. province representative on the na­ donor or peraon commemorated. league, is composed mostly of good in athletics in Seattle, ac­ Villano. lb ...... 4 SECOND BASEMEN—Bob Kar- tional board of directors. The St Charles Borromeo win­ Prof. Dtnand has often been called Cathedral, Regis, Annunciation, Mahoney, 2b ...... 4 Totals ...... 82 11 21 9 cording to word received in Den­ batsch. South high; and Roy Jus- dow, honoring Monsighor Wood’s upon by various federal agencies and East high school boys. It is Miller, c ...... 2 Annunciation high ...... 000 010 0— 1 ver this week. to act as counselor and superin­ Oartell. p ...... 4 St. Francia' ...... 812 231 X— 12 sel. North high. patron saint, actually reproduces coached by Sarge MacKenzie, Papal Peace Plan Gets tendent of engineering. He super­ Gibbs, c ...... 0 Errors: Riordan, Gramett. Runs Bill is attending the O’Dea SHORTSTOPS —Tom Bock, the face of the R t Rev. Augu.stine Cathedral high school coach. Sunderland, rf ...... 2 hatted in: Riordan, Mulvibill 2, Hynes North high; and Bob (Red) Nel­ Praise From Professor J. McNeal, the saintly “ Father intended a strip coal mine in Mis­ school in Seattle and is a member The team started practice this Nicklcss. rf ...... 1 McBride 2. Owsley, Walsh. 'Two-base of the varsity baseball team. He son, So'jth high. Mack,” who during his 40-od(l years souri, 1920-23, and in 1930 was con­ Malone, rf ...... 1 Ottawa.—Principles for Peace, week, and regular practice days hit: Garland. Three-base hits: McBride, formerly was a freshman letter- THIRD BASEMEN—Don Ev­ as pastor of the Sumter parish ad­ sultant of the War department in Mulvibill. Stolen bises; Wilsh, Mc­ from PapalPaselections documents were announced by Coach Mac­ Totals ...... 36 18 17 man at Regis and played center ans, North high; and Lacy Curry, ministered the sacraments to three connection with power and irriga­ Bride 6. Sacriftce; Walsh. Double play published for the Bishops’ Com­ Kenzie as Tuesdays and Thursdays CATHEDRAL HIGH Riordan to Hynes to Mulvibill. Left on field with a Denver American Le­ Manual high. mittee on the ’ Peace Points generations. The memorial to the tion on the North Platte River Player— AB. H PO. A bases: Annunciation 6. St. Francia’ 9 at 6 p.m., on the diamond at 16th 0 gion baseball club. He is playing OUTFIELDERS—Ray Thoms- by the National CathoHc Welfare Confederate dead, said to be the project. From 1936 on he served Bridges. If ...... 2 Bases on balls: Off Krasovich 2, off berry. North high; Duke Bradford, only window of its _ kind in any as consulting engineer of the Na­ avenue and Columbine street. J. Jepson, ss ...... 3 1 Straface 8, off Feeley 3, off Garland 2. left field on the Seattle school Conference at Washington. D. C., Tr>’outs for the team still are A. Jepson. c - ...... 3 4 Struck out: By Straface 4, by Garland 7. ■club. East high; Jack Baxter, West as well as Problems of Peace, a church in the South, includes in its tional Resoures Planning Board, Roberts, cf ...... - ...... 2 0 Hits: Off Krasovich 3 in 0 innings, off Washington, D. C., and in 1941 open to boys living in the East high 10 A brother, Leo Cooke, who is in high; Ernie Baber, East high; and pamphlet of the Catholic Associa­ design the “ Stars and Bars.” Mills, lb ...... 2 Straface 6 in 4, off Feeley 2 in 2. Hit was principal engineer for the school district. Any boy who wishes McLetland. 2b ...... 2 2 by pitchier; By Garland (M aret). Balk the navy, is a former Annuncia­ Tony Pavelka, South high. tion for International Peace, have War department, on lend-lease air to try for the team can appear at Utard. 3b ...... - ...... 3 0 Krasovich. Passed balls; Shea 2, Dono tion high school athlete in Denver been recommended for study by Collins, cf-p ...... — 8 0 van 2. Losing pitcher: Krasovich. Um­ Grade School bases in Trinidad, Antigua, Santa the diamond on one of the prac­ and played with the American Le­ Thomas Greenwood, professor at Hamilton, rf ...... 8 0 pires; Bums and Jonea. Time of game Annunciation Team Lucia, and British Guiana. He has tice nights, or telephone Coach Sigew'h. if ...... 1 0 1 ;60. gion here. the University of Ottawa, in arti­ MacKenzie at GL. 6218. cles appearing in Le Droit. He is Pupil Is 69 designed major structures for irri­ Totals ...... — .....24 17 Remains Undefeated a regularla contributor to this inde­ gation works in Western United | Catbedrsi high ...... 001 000 0— 1 pendent evening daily, published States, and is special consultant Rfgis high ...... 093 000 0— 12 engineer for the Ohio River Val­ Two-base hit: McDermott. Homeruns: Mullen High Athlete Dies In Junior League by the Syndicate of Social Works. Sisters of Sick Poor Yannocito 2. Mahoney, McDermott. ley basin. Struck out: By Gartrell 10. Base on 17 Latin America Nuns At present he i.s directing per-i Bazaar Committee balls: Off Gartell 2, off Collins 8. off The undefeated Annunciation haps tne biggest task of his career, I Roberts 2. off Collins 4. Pissed ball: In St, Joseph’s Hospital grade school team is undisputed Miller. Hit by pitched ball: McLelland Now Here, Study Nursing the new gihnt air port being built' Will Meet May 29 (by Gartrell). Umpirea: Burnt and leader of the Denver Junior Paro- by the University of Illinois nearj UitchelL When the last great Scorer rites of the Church from the Rev. chial^eague as the baseball season Savoy, 111. As consulting and su­ enters its last week. The power­ Chicago.— A group of 17 Cath­ Marks against your name; Thomas J. Barrett, C.M., he died. pervising engineer for this project, The Dominican Sisters of the REGIS HIGH ful St. Vincent de Paul team is olic nuns from various countries He marks not if you wen or With him at the time were Brother he is performing a service vital to Sick Poor bazaar committee Player— AB. H. PO. A. second, having lost only once so in Latin America has arrived in Rato, rf ...... ______3 0 leit, Bernard, director of the Mullen the United States under the aus­ the war effort in America. will have a round-up of plant Flsherty, st ...... ______4 0 But HOW you played the Home for Boys, and Brother Ray­ far this season. 0 pices of the State Department to In 1929 Prof. Doland was co­ at they are unfolding for the McDarmott, p.rf ______4 game I mond, and the prayers of all the The standings: Jleit. If ...... ______8 I w, t. study hospital work, and will re­ author with H. E. Babbit of Water 21st annual bazaar, when the Yannscito. 8b .. ______4 1 boys at Mullen. AnnunciatloD taam ______6 main from one to two years. The Supply Engineering, editor of the general committee meets Mon­ ■Villano. lb ______4 12 Monday afternoon, the Mullen St. VInenit da PBal’ a . _ _ . _ _ . _ „ 6 Water Supply section of the Gen­ day, May 29, in the siatera* con­ Hanson, cf ------_____ 2 0 The boys of the Mul\en high project, part of a developing plan boys played another game of base­ Cathedral team ...... 8 eral Engineering Handbook, and vent, 2501 Gaylord street, Den­ Mahoney. 2b ----- ...... 4 school baseball squad know that Holy Rotary team ------8 for interchange of visits between Gibbs, c ...... ball and lost, but their hearts were St. Ffincis de Salea’ ______t Catholic leaders and students in co-editor of Low Dams. He repre- ver. The bazaar dates are Girtrell. p ...... iizr. 1 when Bob Guild’s name appears not in it. Their hearts and minds Bleated Sacrament team ____ _... 1 sents'the University of Illinois in June 29 and 30 and July 1. ______2 the two continents^ was spoken of Nicklest. cf ...... in the final box score, the record and prayers were up there with St. John'I ______1 the American Institute of Consult- The Loyola pariah grounds will Miller, c ...... I St. Phllomena’a ...... ——— ...... 0 at Loyola university’s new Insti­ ing Engineers. He also belongs to be used for the booths and the will be clean, Robert’s soul, striving with all Results of games not before tute 'o f Inter-American Affairs. Totals ______88 8 24 16 Robert died in St. Joseph’s hos­ their mights to bring him safely Some 250 Catholic educators from the American Society of CiviTEn- home-cooked dinner. Chairman ST. JOSEPH’S reported: pital Monday. He was taken to across that last Home Plate. week of Hay 14— Annanelatlan team, many parts of the country at­ gineers and American Geophysical Harold Kiley requeata a report Plsyer— AB. H. PO. A. .4120 the hospital some time before, and Robert was born in Denver Feb. 12, St. Francis’, 0; St Vincent de Peal't. tended. union. from each of the various lead­ Cretzer. rf-lb ...... 26, Blessed Sacrament team, 4; Cathe­ Wolke. e ...... 8 last Thursday, May 18, the boys on At the University of Illinois he ers at the May 29 meeting, 26, 1927. He was the son of Mrs. dral team, 6, St. John’s, 4; and Holy Cupps, 2b ...... 8 the baseball squad heard that his has been chairman of the student which begins at 7:45 p.m. Blanche Guild. He entered the Rotary team, 7. St. Philomena'a, 8. Many Work in Charity Milner, if ...... 3 condition was serious. The team grade school in St. Vincent’s home Week of May 21— Annanciatlon team. affairs committee for many years, L. Pflefer, cf ...... 4 played the Annunciation Cardinals 19. St. John's, 0 : Blaised Sacrament Drives Quarter Century handling all disciplinary matters McNellis, lb ------0 May 25, 1937, and was graduated team, 22, St. Francia’, 17: St. Vincent H. Pfiefer. 3b ...... that day. Before game time, their May 29, 1941. June 11, 1941, he de Paul’a, 1^ Holy Rosary team. 9. for the university’s 10,000 stu­ Malone, as ...... efforts ■ were dedicated to Robert entered the Mullen high school. He New York.—At the conclusion of dents, as well as programs and en­ Dufficy. p ______tertainments a p p e a r i n g on the Azure-A DiTolla, lb ...... through prayers to the Blessed Vir­ was completing his junior year Former Football Star the 26th annual appeal of the New Rust, lb ...... gin when he died. Robert was a good York Catholic Charities, the R t campus. Mattie, rf ...... — His teammates won the game, student and took an active part in Decorated for Bravery Rev, Robert F. Keegan published In all these positions, especially Totalt ..28 6 24 but there was not much cheering athletics. He was the regular end the names of more than 450 men counseling and advising students ii Flower Shop Regia high ...... 602 001 02— 10 or laughter afterwards, just a on the 1943 Mustang football team. New York.—For braving the at Illinois, Prof. Doland has al­ and women veterans who have com­ ORDER NOW FOR St. Joseph’ s ...... 000 062 00— 8 grim hope that the news might Funeral services were held at fire of two Japanese machine guns pleted a quarter of a century of ways striven to apply the Church’s Errors: H. Pftefer, Di Tolla. Yanna 9 o’clock Wednesday morning in ■‘le moral principles to American life. DECORATION D.AY cito 2. Hunt batted in : McDermott 2. help their “ pal” up there in the on Bougainville in the to servit: as volunteer Catholic Chari­ Villano. Yannacito 2, Nieklets 2, Malone hospital. And it did. It gave Rob­ the Cathedral. Father Barrett rescue a wounded comrade in arms. ties appeal workers, having par­ He has carried his Catholic outlook Bedding Plants . 2, Crctxer. Two-baae bi^a: Malone, ert a good feeling deep in his celebrated the Requiem Mass. The Marine L t John A. Witkoski, 25, ticipated in each of the 26 fund on life into every phase of his ac­ Geraniums . . . 40c each Cretier. Stolen beset: Raao, Villano, L. heart that his companions were boys’ choir from Mullen high of Duryea, Pa., former Manhattan campaigns since the foundation of M n . Joaeph Montone o f Newark, tivities, and has combined Cath­ Pfiefer. Steriflee: Dufficy. Left on N. J-, went to gramm.ai' school be­ beset; Regis high 10. St. Joseph's 6 out there battling and winning try­ school sang for the services. college football star, .has been the organization. As a gift from olic culture 'with scientific excell Vegetable Plants Bases on bails: Off McDermott 6. off ing to help him over a crisis. Robert is survived by his awarded the Silver Star medal. Archbishop Spellman, each of the cause, she claims, a bus driver ence to such a degree that he has TOMATOES — CABBAGE Dufficy 7. Struck out: By McDermott But Robert’s ailment was too mother, and three brothers, Roy, Lt. Witkoski was quarterback on veterans received an autographed snarled at h en “ Whatsa matter, been recognized as an outstanding PEPPER PLANTS 6. by Gartrell 2, by Dufficy 4. H its: Off can’ tcha read?” She was gradu­ Catholic man of science and engi 3931 Tennyson Gr. 4319 McDermott 4 in 6 inoinae; off Gartrell much,, , for , him to withstand, , ,and , Walter, and Rufus, all in various the Manhattan team from 1938 to c o ^ o^f his recently published book. t in 3 inninst. Hit by pitcher; By Monday after, receivug the last branches of the armed forces. 1942. Risen Soldier. ated on May 24. neering in the United States. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■I-*

J Thursday, May 25, 1944 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE NINE

saw four reppeseniative* from ihe atiident body of Intercollegiate Conference Websler college, Webaler Groves, Mo., meeting in Den­ DISPU! OP GIFTS ver with delegate* of Ixireito Heighla rollege. The conference is the first of pniposed annual meeting* belneen ihe Ih o rolleges conducted by the Sisters of I>oretlo. The purpose is the discussion and solu­ Quality ^ , PHONE tion of student'cullegiale problems. From left to right, Virginia Tliieler, president, lAiretto Heights col­ CHcMrr 656® lege student boretto Heights. iJowntouin Prictt at Your Dnorttep PUPPIES PLAN YOUR STI TOO JOHT 10 Beautiful Singing Canaries, Parakeets, Love Birds, What might be called a house- VICTORY GARDEN NOW w'arming shower on a large scale Turtles, Tropical Fish, Aquatic Plants, New and will be held Sunday, June 18, Used Aquariums, Potted Plants. THIS YEAR MORE THAN EVER ORDER from 4 to 7 p.m. by the Archbish­ op’s guild for the Missionary Cate­ YOUR SEED EARLY. DOG, BIRD AND FISH REMEDIES chists, a social service order of nuns that will be introduced to Headquarter* for Dog Foods the archdiocese in September ROCKY MOUNTAIN SEED CO. when a convent Ls opened in Gree­ FRESH FROZEN HORSE MEAT . . 10c lb. ley. A varied and colorful display 1325 15TH ST, of linens, bedding, dishes, uten­ Lucky Dog - Napoleon Dog Loaves sils, and household provisions will be arranged in the Catholic Char­ 14 POPULAR DRY DOG FOODS ities annex, 1665 Grant street, Denver. All the items, made or purchased by members of the guild nmusEmEiiTS— Dinins through their individual circles, ’ BOYD’S BIRD STORES will reflect the personal interest taken in the Catechists by the 1513 Glenarm and 3539 E. Colfax 260 young women, whose object is RECRERTIOn to serve the missionary causa in Colorado. ♦ ♦♦♦ I I M I » <"!’♦* < Matieal Program THEATRE A tea table centered in spring flowers will provide refreshments PARK 1028 S. Gaylord for guild members and their PE. *877 guests, and* a musical background Recommended Firms THUKS., FRI.. s a t ., m a y 15. 16. 17 will be afforded by a special com­ Humphrey Bojtart In mittee. In order to acquaint others with ^Tassage to Marseille” the project of equipping the small for AUTO AND residence in Greeley, outsiders will ♦ South Marion be invited to the tea and exhibit. < I “ ROOKIES IN BURMA” Donations toward furnishing the SERVICE Enjoy Your Fa%’orite home will be welcome at any time. Committees for the tea and dis­ OPEN HOUSE TO BE HELD IN COCKTAIL SUN., MON.. TUBS.. WED., play include Catherine Maloney, Westside Parish Mar 16. 16. 30, 11 chairman; arrangements, Marga­ Maniha Hunt in ret McCallin and Madeline Nalty; ST. JOHN’S CONVENT MAY 29 DENVER FRAME, NYE AUTO food, Mary Nadorff, Kathleen THE BEAUTIFUL “ None Shall Escape” Flynn, and Mary O’Connor; serv­ AXLE & BODY GO. AND ing, Margaret Volk; invitations, To Serve Snnday SERVICE COCKTAIL LOUNGE (St. John’s Parish, Denver) given in the Brown Palace hotel H. C. KEMPER. Optritor I Marian Kelly, Jessie Pasquale, “ SAILOR’S HOLIDAY” An open house will be held in following the 8 o’clock Mass on Axle and Frame Service . . . i Margaret Lynch, a n d Helene the St. John’s sisters’ new convent, June 1. Complete Washburn; music, Wilma Gers- Shimmy Stopped . . . Steering J .\iitnniotive Tlie Colonial Dining Room MATINEES — 8ATUBDAT 2830 E. Seventh avenue, Monday In the final PTA meeting of the Corrected . . . Body and Fender SUNDAY AND ALL HOUDAY8 pach; gifts, Jeannette Dunn, Clella evening, May 29, from 7 until 10 season on Monday, May 22, the of­ USD Club Snpper Service Featurei Fine Food Daily AT 1 P. M. Carter, and Marie Dinan. Circle Repairing . . . Wheel Alignment o’clock. The Loretto Sisters will be ficers for the coming year were in­ . . . Wreck Rebuilding. PARTS AND ACCES.SOR1ES presidents will be invited to help 680 S. Broadway PE. 2549 hostesses to the members of the stalled by Mrs. Thomas J. Morris­ (St. Joseph’s Parish, Denver) 4 >*»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*'■ serve. parish. Another open house_ will sey, president of the CPTL. Mrs. 934 Speer Blvd. TA. 4933 Circle* Have Shower* St. Joseph’s parish members be held the next afternoon oii Me­ John J. Reilly, retiring pres­ will serve supper Sunday night, OLINGER BROTHERS Mrs. Volk, chairman of the morial day from 2 to 5 o’clock for ident, was presented with a crystal Tom Flaherty’s kitchen donation committee, and May 28, in the USO-NCCS club. the sisters of the city. All are rosary in appreciation for her Sunday, May 28, the young peo­ MOTORISTS Stables Miss Pasquale, chairman of the f o r t h e b e s t o r a d e cordially invited to come and in leadership in the past year. A pro­ ple will receive Holy Communion linen donation committee, request spect the new convent, which was gram of modern and classical RECAPPING Woodrow Wilson that each circle signify as early in the 7 :30 Mass. COLONY GRILL il(blessed by Archbishop Urban J. dances was presented by the pu­ Monday night, May 29, the Inimtdiatc Srrrict Riding as possible what items have been Vehr last Saturday morning. pils of the seventh and eighth CH. 7131 collected, so as to preclude any games party will be held at 8:30 Horses One hundred and fifty members grades. A social hour followed with in the church hall. Great Western Tire Co. Auto Upholstery JFhera Friend* Meet Friattd* duplications. the eighth grade room mothers in Member St. Francis de Sale*' Pariah Among the circles of the Arch­ of St. John’s Altar amd Rosary Novena devotions will be at 3 860 Broadway at 9lh Ave. for society were the guests of the charge. and 7 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, May Auto Tops — Seat Covers • PINE FOODS $2 bishop's guild that have already Hrs. priests of the parish in the final Mrs. Janies Henry and her son, 30. 2 had individual showers is the Walter, are visiting with members Cushion Repairing • MIXED ORINKB Precious Blood circle, which is meeting of the society in the school Brother Bonaventure, C.SS.R.,i PACKARD Cliirkrn Dinner — Ridea hall on Friday, May 19, with Mrs. of their family in California. local sacristan, went to Glenview, SERVICE 263 So. Bdwy. SP. 9945 • BEES • WINS giving a set of dishes. Ave Maria Theodore McCarthy is spending a Downtown Location Every Tuesday and Thursday had a linen shower; Guardian S. J. Lewis presiding. A feature of 111. for his annual retreat. The Hayrack Ride* Friday Niles the meeting wa.s the awarding of short leave with his parents, Mr. Rev. Robert K. Kreutzer, C.SS.R., Tho Only Packard Serrico In DenTcr 569 E. Colfax .Angel circle, a glassware shower. the $25 cash prize to Mrs. Frances and Mrs. Thomas Uaine. will conduct a retreat for the Sis-i PHONE EA.ST 9526 group do­ Mrs. Benjamin Howard, who has Packard Denver Co. EXPERT 14S STEELE .ST. (4th Avc. Bun.) nated a spice shelf, complete with Griffith. The society is grateful to ters of Mercy in Raton, N. Mex., ‘ Mrs. J. F. Prinzing and her com­ been ill in the hospital for more next week. Diitributora AUTO REPAIR supplies. Stella Mari.s has planned than two months, has returned to 210 16(h St. TA. 5386 a kitchen linen shower. Little mittee for their co-operative ef­ Paper Drive Pushed AU Makea forts in making the project a suc­ her home at 641 Detroit street. AUDITORIUM HOTEL Flower circle had a pantry .shower. Lynn Ann, infant daughter of Grade school pupils have E aif Tim* Payratntj A blanket is being given by St. cess. A very appreciable sum was opened their final paper salvage TELEPHONE EM. 2761 Denver’s Favorite Dining Room and Coffee Shop Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huber, was Northwestern Auto Co. James’ group. realized, which will be used to help drive of the year, spurred on by TEXACO GAS AND OILS furnish the dining-room of the new baptized Thursday afternoon, May 549 Broadway TAbor 6201 Complete Sunday Dinner, 65c & np 18, by Father Roy Figlino. Spon­ the award of an honor certificate convent. presented to them by A, Kaneke- ABLES MOTOR CO. Banquet Room for Bridge and PiivaU Partiee sors were Thomas H. Ryan and A. E. ABLES Mmes. T. .A. Cosgriff and Frank berg, chairman of the Denver waste 14TH & STOUT — PHONE KE. 1341 — DENVER Mrs. George Laier. Authorized Sales and Service Freeman are in charge of the al­ Sidney John and William Mich­ paper salvage campaign, in a spe­ RUICK SPRING tars this month with Mrs. Louis cial assembly last week. Before the Old Frienda* Patronar* Appreciated Northside Group ael, sons of Mrs. Adis Hoskins, 8520*36 E. Colfax Ave. at Monroe McMahon as a mid-week assistant IT« Invilm You to Vitit were baptized Saturday evening last drive of the year, the pupils Mrs. Edward Madden will bq ir Yonrs to Enjoy by the Rev. James O’Sullivan, (i. have already collected 32,670 charge of the vigil lights. Mrs. For added pitsaure. cntertaiD at the M. George DeRusha and Mrs. C. pounds of waste paper. Drain and flush Radiator^ John Murtaugh gave an excellent In the recent national essay con­ $10 Buys a New Car Install radiator AnU-Ru*t Inhibitor Ingram’s Cafe Cosmopolitan PIONEER DINING Chooses Officers B. Perkins were sponsors. ('heck and tighten entire coolinf srstein report on deanery activities, and ROOM . . The Cub Scouts of the parish test conducted by Timeless Topix, (In Appearance) Clean and adjuft spark plnire asked that all di.scarded articles COFFEE will be hosts to their parents at a Donald Kersting, fifth grade pupil, No Rfpalntint — Renew* Color Clean and adjust diatrlhutor pninU be saved for the St. Vincent de Cheek and adjust Ignition timing SHOPPE (St. Catherine’* Pariah, Denver) movie to be given in the school won a $5 prize for his theme on Permanize FinUh With Super-Glaze and Bar Paul salvage shop. The illness of “ What the Song of Bernadette Adjust carburetor idle rate BAMBOO The Young Ladies’ sodality hall Friday evening, May 26. Boy Clean and adjust automatic choke SALPH B. INGRAM. Prop. ROOM. Ree- Mrs. B. K. Sweeney and of Mrs. Means to Me.” In the same con­ EMERSIKV GARAGE Clean and re-oil carburetor air cletAar elected the following officers; Scouts of the parish are also in­ ommend t h a J. P. Akolt was reported. * test, but in the second division, 1516 EMERSON TA. 6886 Clean fuel pump sediment howl Rosemarie Campanio, prefect; vited. The movie equipment is be­ Check all electrical connection* For Better Foods Coamopolitan Members who joined the society Lawrence McGreevcy, seventh Helen Gannon, vice prefect; Betty ing furnished through the courtesy ('heck battery and terminal connection* to ouVoI-tosm at this meeting are Mmes. S. H. grade, won $5 worth of merchan­ Inspect light! Ann Kellagher, secretary; Virginia of Richard Morroni. and Drinks fHtndi. Prior, E. S. Casbum, Pat J. Man- dise. Adjust fan belt for proper tension Geising, treasurer; a n d Lucille Sgt. and Mrs. George Steck are “JOE” YOUNG gan, A. P. Deu.s, John Casey, Ade­ the parents of a boy born May 17 Paul Ochs, 1943 graduate of St. COMPLETE Motor Tune-Up for more OPEN ALL NIGHT Cosmopolitan Hotel Archer, corresponding secretary. laide Faris, D. C. Milks, and T. J. Joseph’s high school, now a mem­ efficient operation* The meeting was held in the home in St. Joseph’s hospital. Mrs. Steck Auto Service Station 15 SEPARATE ITEMS 58 BROADWAY J. B. HERNDON. JR , Gan. Mgr. Lowe, and Miss Joan Widholm. was formerly Kathryn Buckley. ber of the maritime service, visited of Virginia Geising, 3136 W. 36th Miss Bessie McCarran has signi­ the school this week. Bannock and Twelfth CH. 8234 Material* Extra avenue. Lt. (JG) and Mrs. George fied her willingness to help organ­ Air Cadet Richard Crandall, also bolt— or an overhaul— Valerie Ann, infant daughter of Rienks, Jr., are the parents of a / / it'* a FOR ONLY $ 5 .9 5 ize new circles, and any one who boy born May 17 in St. Joseph’s a 1943 graduate, was transferred te e Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Elliott, to the Santa Ana, Calif., air base. was baptized recently, with Aileen wishes to join a circle is asked to,hospital. Mrs. Rienks is the for­ get in touch with Miss McCarran. Raymond Dooley, who left Den­ and Edmund J. Hahasey as spon­ mer Rosemary White. Your Purchase of ar Bond* DENVER BUIGK A report on the work accomplished ver April 21, qualified as an air sors. and Slampi Hcipa Secure Your 700 Broadway Main 3201 by the Altar and Rosarj’ society cadet in Amarillo Field, and will Mrs Mark Dunn of Little Rock, Future. for the past year was made by | take his pre-flight training there. I Ark., and her two small daughters He is the .son of Mr. and Mrs. John are visiting in the home of ^ e F. Mrs. Bernard Wright, and Mrs. | George Reinks, parish defense I Camp Plans Made Raymond Dooley, formerly of 616 J. Dunns of the parish. Fox street, and was graduated SHRADER'S The following is a list of host­ chairman, compiled a report of de-| fense work done in the parish for i from St. Joseph’s high school in esses for the sisters’ card party, 1943. which w-as held Friday, May 19, the past year. These reports were Service Station in the school auditorium: sent to the president of the Arch- By Social Center dioce.san Council of Catholic Wom­ FALLON ESTATE DIVIDED Mme^. F, Bruno. W. G. Joytic. M. J. 1st Ave. & Logan St. SP. 9930 Doyle, F. Schr«nkler. J. M. T«lk. F. L. en. After the meeting the mem­ John T. Fallon, who died May Brady. A. Piscetela. F. Oleaion, E. bers enjoyed a social hour. Preparing for a record attend­ 8, left an estate of $45,000, it was O'Connor, B. Oestereicher, W. Scavo, R. MOBILGAS — OILS — GREASING Lonff. R, Slattery. W. N. Lawle*», H. The following members of St. ance of neighborhood children at disclosed before County Judge C. Zarlenffo. V. M. Dwyer, E. Cooke. W. John’s parish attended the con­ Edgar Kettering. A. Farrell, D. Shannon. G. Rowe. R. M. vention of the ACCW in the Shir- Camp Bendemeer this summer, Mr. Fallon left no will and his BRAND NEW 42 MOTORS INSTALLED Murray. C. H. Ruwart, Tanko. Koliander. Little Flower Social center super­ Faulkner, Fourarhan. Sparacino, Me* ley-Savoy hotel on Tuesday, May estate will be divided equally be­ IN %'S to '42 CHRYSLER. ri-YMOCTH. DESOTO AND DODGES Cune. Latham, l^ o a k i. M. Miller. H. 23: The Rev. John P. Moran, the visors, Mrs. Mary Hooper and Miss tween two sisters. Miss Margaret A $2 Investment May Save a $1,000 Car Ruwart. Maye.4, Junger. Pearaon. Rev. Roy Figlino, and Mmes. J. Nellie Valencia, completed special M. Fallon and Miss Anna E. Fal­ T. R. Young. Liadig. E. C. McCabe. Zanol, T. Tierney, John Murtaugh, M. J. lon, both of 1515 E. 9th avenue. Six Full Time Master Mechanics to serve you. No Waiting, No Delay. 10 King. RounaavUle. Sartore, Lewis, Hayes. training courses this week in the month* to pay. Many pre-war acccssnrire in stock. Floor mats. Steel muffler*. Grannell. Perc, M. McAndrews, C. Cer« O’Fallon, Ella M. Weekbaugh, S. Custom seat covers. Let us relink and overhaul your brake*. Best equipped enzia. W. J. Keough. Lombardi. Sullivan. J. Lewis, Louis McMahon, “T. A. Denver Camping institute. Camp shop in the city. Marg Denny, J. J. Pitt, M. J. Doyle. Cosgriff, Clem Kohl, Ernest Beck, F. J. Kafka. Guy l)parth, Rose Astuno: Bendemeer is sponsored by the Mmes. John De Foe, J. P. Ditplla, Virginia Beck Smith, John F. Ton­ Denver deaneiy. Thomas Fox, J. Trunck, J. P. Golden. M. er, J. P. Tufts, J. J. Reilly, C. 0. HOLT CHEW MOTOR CO. K. Ball. E. Pizzini. W. Purcell. F.. Perria Arnold, T. A. O’Keefe, J. H. Mon­ Mrs. Hooper will conduct the 20th at Downing "ONE CALL DOES IT ALL” H. Woodend. N. Comnillo, V. Ijithrop. aghan, F'. H. Kemme, Lito Galle­ Bendemeer outing for younger WHEN YOU JOIN Carter. F. E. Phelan. W. J. Kellaghan, La A Aj6*.A^ikA A m.A D. Halltnan. A. Scahdina. P. Jamca. M- gos, Gil Graber, Leroy Volk, E. boys of the community from June Myera. R. Morfeld, P. J. McDermott. W. ClouRhesy, W. W. Scherrer, CEIMTRALS R. Wehrle. M. Thompaon. D. Flaherty. 28 through July 12, when Miss R. Craig. Stephens, Wanebo* Anderson. Anlon^ Beringer, Sr.; and F. J. Siems. V’alencia will take over with the Stevena. O'Urien, Wilkina. Davidson. girls’ groups through July 26. Saunders. Dominico, Clark, Cnlaiano. Mrs. Edward Madden enter­ ---NEW TIRES— Dewhurai. Belmonte. Hahe.^y, Morrow. Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts who (’ . Cerenzia. F. Veltrie, A. Real. M. tained Little Flowet circle in her Phillips. HaifiUton. Spacese. C. ChHstie. home on Wednesday, May 17. are unable to take advantage of , PASSENGER AND TRUCK J. J. Sullivan. E. Lutz. A. E. Copelli. A Recital to Be Given facilities at Camp Tahosa will You aro Qualified J. O'Hara. H. E. Proae, R. Manns. M. The music pupils of St. John’s assist in leadership and counseling for P. Lehnerz, J. Merkl, L. Pieko. L. activitie.s at Bendemeer, accord­ V,-'-E.4SV''TE«MS' Jacques; school, who study under Sister ing to Miss Mary Ellen Dougherty, Mme.a. J. SebmittHng. M. Lucy. T. George Mary, will' present their Lilly, F. L. Brady. J, Rocotta. C. V. annual recital Thursday evening at Little Flower center director. FREE Classes Beck. C. 2^rlengo. A. 'B. Griasora. G. 7:45 in the school auditorium. The Girls at the center who have de­ Reischmao. George O'Day. Steinhart, F. veloped scouting programs "un B. F. Goodrich O'Brien, J. O'Brien. E. Spam. T. Moran, following children will present se­ N. A'Hern, T. F. Sullivan,* T. Floyd. J. lections: Connie Brown, Ruth Mar- officially” for the past year, under DENVER HOME 14TH AND GLENARM KE. 0175 Hennesty, C. Gerali, J. B. Davia, G. the direction of Mrs. Mary Hooper, Abromeit. C. Schweiger. T. H. M an 0 . oney, Mary Clare Burnite, Dianne Prinzing, Mona Lea Swigert, Pa­ became full fledged scouts this PLANNING INSTITUTE 53 SO. BROADWAY PE. 3739 A. Dell. Campbell. Downing. R. Dough* week, with the national registra­ erty. M. lacino. A. Persiebitte. and Egle. tricia Sawyer, Mary Virginia In­ SPONSORED Sr THE Mrs. W. Scavo won the cake: other graham, Mary Hinterreiter, Carol tion of 30 members in troop 129. winners were Mmee. Veigb, Sullivan, Interest shown by young ath­ DENVER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Bruno, Hamilton, Ptacek, Ljiwler, Halli* Johnson, Norman Prinzing, Pene­ lope O’Grady, Gerry Ann Hughes, letes in the center indicates ex­ nan. Flannery, Blakley Junger E. A. cellent participation in the all-city Floyd. laclno, Gleason, l^awless, J, J. Catherine Maroney, Mary Clare ATTENTIO.N, GARAGEMEN, FILLING STATIONS A.ND SullWan, and Mauro. boy and girl field meet sponsored Cervi, Mary Catherine MeInnis, CL4R OW.NERS, SEND US YOUR ORDERS Patricia Kennedy, Robert Sawyer, by the health department of the Your Purchase of War Bond* John Burnite, Lauretta Jean Denver public schools. The track and Stamp* Helps Secure Your Howe, Mary Earley, Wendy Kay and field competition for young­ 14th and L L O Y D ’S o f Future. Hughes, Ann O’Brien, Mary sters of all ages will be held in the University of Denver stadium on SILVER'S Champa Streets 1617 COURT PLACE TA. 9274 Ahem, David O’ Brien, Ann Brown, Marj' Louise Kelly, Charles O’Fal­ Saturday, June 3. G>mplete Stock for the Car at Lowest Prices We are Famous for our Delicious Food OPENS FOR lon, and Betty Blanchard. While the older boys of the Little Flower center have entered SMI WITH A PUHPOSe HIIME — BEER MIXED DRINKS 25e SEASON PTA to Honor Graduate* Tools, Tool Boxes, Fog end SpotlichU, Cb*in*. Csr Hesters. Floor Mat*. Spark Mothers of the eighth grade summer softball competition in the Plugs, Jgnitioii Wire, Gaskets, Piston Rings, MuRlers, Sponges, Chamois, Tire Y'MCA sponsored “ 23rd and Wel- fPEE Friday, cla,ss will be hostesses to the grad- Pumps, Jacks, Hub Csps,' Steel Cost Auto Enamel, Clutch Plates, Pressure Tou get a special longing for kUation class at a dinner and social ton” league, boys ynder 14 years something very satisfying to eat May 26 to be given Saturday, May 27, in of age have squared off in a six- Plaite*, Brake Linings, Generators, Magnetos, Carburetors, Truck Flares, team circuit comprised of spon­ The CENTRAL visit— the school. The 36 graduates will Homs, Reflectors, Cigarette Lighters, Electric Fans, Seat Covers, Car Batteries, NEXT TIIIE Hsar* li;3 6 Nson sored teams within the neighbor­ to 16:16 P.M. be honored at a reception to be Bank & Trust Co.i Fan Belts, Hub Discs, Radiator Caps and Ornaments, Lubricating Oils, hood. held in the school auditorium on Trailer Hitches, Curafy Cushions, Rubber Floor Mat*. Fishing. Tackle, Electrical Thursday, June 1, following the 15th AND ARAPAHOE STS. PROGRESS commencement exercises in the Favor Acknowledfod Jaa— laaarW ap fa ^ fha Appliances, Wire, Sockets, Radio Tubes, Batteries, Aerials, Garden Hoac, a E D E L W E I S S church at 7 :45 p.m. Alumni of St. Public acknowledgement is Oapaaff laufaaaa CaiperwHa# Garden Tools, Sprinklers. Open evenings and Sundays. GLENARM John’s, relatives and friends of the made by a reader of the Register Open 11 a. m. ’til 3 a. m. PLUNGE graduates are invited to. attend. tor a special favor received after GOODYEAR TIRES & TUBES 3300 ^ . Florida The PTA will also honor the prayers to ,' leper graduates at a breakfast to be I priest of MolokaL i

I A i L V l-'TTi-. "'V''"7f V.

PAGE TEN Office,. 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER g A ^ L i a REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, May 25, 1944

riKonere o f war was celebraled First Field Mass in Trinidad Camp prreenee of Bivhop Jnneph Keep an Eye on Your Eyes C. Willaina of Pueblo Aseeniion Thursday. Below are two scene* from ihe Solemn Ma»».— (Official COFFEE Army pholoa) EDWAQSS, Actually no one's eyes are so perfect that they can be neglected 1 lb, clu a ____ 29c indefinitely. Periodic examinations and immediate care may SsULTS AIRWAY, save you much distress and cost in the future. Our standing 1 lb. ba*...,,___ 21c assures you the best professional eyecare. NOB HILL, 1 Ib, baa__ 26c DEL MONTE, SWItiERT BROS. 1 lb. a lu a ...... 32c

Better J'itlon O ptom etrU ^ Good Service (Picture on Beck Pefo) for EccJj' Age At Right Prieet Miss Gladys Etta Wilson, daugh­ ® - — / ORANGE PEKOE 1550 California KEyitone 7 6 5 J ter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wil­ CANTERBURY, son, 1307 Spruce street, Pueblo, was married to Sgt. Kenneth Bond GLASSES INDIVIDUALLLT STYLED a at 4 p. m. Thursday, May 18, in the East chapel in the Pueblo army air base. Chaplain James J. Hag­ gerty witnessed tbe ceremony. _ W'earing a white satin bridal * ' ■ M i l b r e a d THEODORE gown, a net veil edged in lace, and . I JULIA LEE WRIGHT’S REQUIESCANT carrying pink roses, the bride was / • a a a \ attended by Mrs. Prentis Wright f« a '’—-*1 I CRACKED WHEAT, _ IN PACE of Pueblo. Pvt. Frank Johnson ' • ‘ • 1 ----- 1 Jb. loaf...... „ 9 C Eh a c k e t h a l ! of New Orleans was best man. Sgt Bond, a cook in the officers’ club of the Pueblo base, is the son UARV E. KANKAN. 8610 Cbeitnut 25 Lb. b.a... 99c ' ...— Air Conditioned place. Sarvivioff art a aitter» EUcabtth of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bond, 754 A. Riffel: a nepbev. John A. Riffel; a CresBon avenue, Pleasantville, N, cousin* Mrs. Marie Greene, Los Angeles. J. He attended parochial schools Pikes Peak Flour LUX MORTUARY Calif. Requiem Mass was offered Tues* in McKeesport, Pa. Following the v-a.-.v-.r-v. TOILET SOAP day in Annunciation ehurcb. Interment ENRICHED ^ 1449>51 Kalamath Sc Mr. Olivet. W. P. Horan A 8on lervice. ceremony a wedding reception was KATHERINE A. BOWMAN. Arvada. held in the USO lounge. The young b a r ------i C ► Phone UAin 4006 Surviving are three daughters. Sister 10 lb. bag...... 3 w U A o n # * ► Mary Dominica. Edna Ecke, and Mary couple will live at 1401 East EVans Kinsler: two sons. Frank W. and Charles avenue. Cl OC WBAR.stUC E. Bowman. Requiem Mass was offerH 25 lb. bag...... I ■ C O - Monday in St. Francis de Sales' church. Htekt-NorUi Wedding Interment Mt, Olivet, W. P. Horan A The afternoon of May 15 Miss Son service. Ruth 0. Hicks, daughter of Mr. $2.46 BRITE-IZE CHECKER MARGARET M'GOFF, 5^6 High street. Formerly of Victor. She is survived by and Mrs. James Pitre of Denver, Pike* Peak Flour roupont cut from paper CLEANSER, Q#% CABS a nephew, A. J. Tolan. Requiem Mass and L t Lorrey R. North of the will be redeemefl at Safeway. —. O C was offered Tuesday in St. John's church. Pueblo air base were married in ED DUNDON. UgT. Interment Mt. Olivet. W. P, Horan A Son service. the chapel. Cpl. Margaret E. XA* 2 2 3 3 Lewnt Zanti RaUc MINNIE RUSClOs 8426 Pecos street. Stonebridge, WAC, and Lt. Rob­ PICNIC LUNCH lOEAS Surviving are her husband, Andrew ert W. Owen were the attendants. Ruscio. Sr.: a son. Andrew, Jr., with the navy: two daughters. Rose Marie Calkins Lt. North is the son of Mr. and PEANUT BUTTER 23c “.“ 42c and Helen Pergola; four sisters. Mary Mrs. Lorren E. North of Manhat­ Gagliardi, Lillian Mustari, Elisabeth tan Beach, Calif. He is a pilot in a \o Detail Is Overlooked in Roberts, and Rose FregosI: and aix SPICED LUNCHEON MEATS „ ___ 37c grandchildren. Requiem Mass was o f­ combat crew. The couple will live a Correct Catholic Service fered Monday in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Pueblo. POTATO CHIPS _ 25c church. Interment Mt. Olivet. W. P. Horan A Son service. EMILY B. LAVALLE, Mullen home SALAD WAFERS Supreme. 2 Ib. box...... 34c for the aged. Requiem Mass was offered Thursday in the Mullen home chapel. baa Interment^Mt. Olivet, W. P. Horan A m i sueie SALTED NUTS Mixed.«ox. «uo _____ 39c Son service. PAULINE VILLANO. 8808 Navajo POTTED MEAT i.,bbv. no i...... 6c street. * Surviving are her husband, Jerry Villano: four sons. Joseph. Michael. An­ drew, and Isouis Villano: three daugh­ ters. Mrs. Michael Lotito. Mrs. Michael FOB TEEN-IEFRS SPAM 12 oz. ran.. 34c MUSTARD -»rai. 10c Comniilo. and Mrs. Eugene Messina; 14 grandchildren, and eight great-grand­ IFI I Y IS ox. al«. 0 1 children. Requiem Mass was scheduled PREM 12 o». can___ 34c JE eL iL il 2 poinn and___ 4< 1 C for Thursday at 9:80 In Our Lady of Mt. The members of the Daughters Carmel church. Boulevard service. MOR 12 01. ran...... 34c GEORGE B. HUGHES. 8800 E. Colfax of Isabella, Our Lady of Victory MARMALADE avenue. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. D-Lite OranRe, Lucien A. Bastin, Denver, and Mrs. circle, sponsored a social for the TREET 12 nx, can . 35c 82 oz. k )b**...... 36c Leonard D. Bowhay, Burlingame. Calif. Catholic teen-age youth of Pueblo Purple* Plum. Starr, T E D D A Y D IT 7 Crarken. JAM Requiem Mass was offered Tuesday in lb. box 'so. 303 k1*. 34c Holy Ghost church. Interment Mt. in Cathedral hall the evening of 1 24c Olivet. Olinger service. Wednesday, May 17. One hun­ EGGS Brrakfaal Grm*. CIRILA OLIVAS. San Luis. Surviving TUNA Grade A. doz. 39c DAY MORTUARY are a daughter. Lucenda Maes; a hroiher, dred and seventy-three boys and Chicken o f the Sea, I.anre F.xtraa Alfred Olivas, Greeley; three sister*. girls ranging from 1.3 to 17 years White. No. can.... 41c Braakfn*t Gemi, 2406 Federal Blvd. GL. 5709 Felipita Tafoya. Felis Apodaca. Fort L V J U d r.rade A . doz. 35c Collins, and Tomita Garcia. New Mexico. of age were in attendance and OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED BY i Medium Kxtraa Requiem Mass was scheduled for Thurs­ CANDY - day in Sacred Heart church. Interment enthusiastically applauded this Am I. Fniil Drop*. r u r r e r B!uhin.*mi. Mt. Olivet. first effort for social activity in 1 Ih. bajr...... 33c L n C i L u C f pkjf.. 2 pta. and 15c LUDMILLA TOON. 440 Emerson ST. PHILOMENA’S PTA GROUP 12134671 Spiliane Mortuary street. Surviving are her husband. Matt favor of Cathiyic youth on a city­ THFFSF 2'sr Toon: a daughter. Mrs. Myrtle H. Ander­ wide scale. It is hoped that this PEANUTS .^H7ii!lb.’" 29c 1545 So. Bro.adway PEarl 0723 son. Los Angeles. Calif. Requiem Mass affair can be held monthly. ______■ was offered Wednesday in St, Frtncii de (St. Philomena’i Parith, Denver) pupils making the highest sales' lUrt. John R . Spiliane Sales' church. Interment Mt. Olivet. The committee' in charge con­ St. Philomena’s PTA convened record were Betty Bell, Bob JANE DONALD. 1820 E. 85th avenue. sisted of Mrs. E. J. Pettit, chair­ for the final meeting of the cur­ Speier, Charles Astler, Bert Gil­ Funeral Director and Emhalmer Surviving are two sons, William P. and WAV .Tames Donald, Denver: three sisters. man, assisted by Mrs. Louis Krasi- rent school year, Monday, May 22, bert, Jimmie Hanson, Robert Blat- Trinidad.— Miss Ethel Racket Mrs. Mollie F. Wilberts. Mrs. Hannah vich and Mrs. M. B. Andrew of St. at 2 p.m. in the school auditorium. nix, and Rqbert Rumbarger. Mrs. Potter, and Mrs, Belle Dwyer: two presented a recital in connection Th« But (a Patrick’s parish; Mrs. Joseph Ob- Approximately 60 women were F. L. Schirk reported that mem­ brothers. Hugh and Edward Gorman. Chi­ bers of the PTA had donated 504 with the Glee club of Holy Trin­ USED cago. Requiem Mass was scheduled for rin. St. .Anthony’s; Mrs. George present. Mrs. F. I... Schirk, vice Thursdav at 9 in Annunciation church. .Arthur, St. Francis Xavier’s; Mrs. president, presided. dozen cookies to the USO-NCCS. ity school on Sunday evening. May FURNITURE ROSE ETTA GILLESPIE. Wheat- A. Verlengia, and Mrs. A. J. Harry J. Speier talked on behalf 21, in Community hall. There wa.s a l s o n e w ridge. Surviving are three daughter*. Mrs. T. J. Morrissey installed a large and appreciative crowd Mayme Agnes Amato. Mrs. George Pa- Dooner, Cathedral; and Mrs. How­ of organizing a Cub Scout troop C*ih or Crodlt the officers for the .coming year. present for the performance. The “ Why Pay More?” lore. and Lillian E. Lc Haven: and four ard Barger, St. Leander's. They are: President, Mrs. Esther and firie need of securing a den A FULL LINE grandchildren. Requiem Mass was o f­ mother for the work, program included Shubert’s ‘‘Sere fered Monday In St, Anne’s church. Ar­ The attendance figures of boys Deike; vice president, Mrs. G. A. (Trademark) OP OFFTCE and girls by parishe.s was St. Pat­ o V o " I I ~i on .. I jinade,” Chopin’s “ Valse No. 64,” FURNITURE vada. Interment Mt. Olivet, Schwartz; secretary, Mrs. Robert Girl Scout troop 130 presented,j^^^hlnaninoff’s "Prelude” and DOROTHY SALAZAR. Denver. She is rick’s 75; St. Francis Xavier’s, 36; Reardon; treasurer, Mrs. J. R. a nag drill. [“ Arabesque,” and Mendelssohn’s survived by her husband, Henrv .^alaxar. St. Mary’s, 7; St. Anthony’s 5; W# boy your hourrhold iind offtco foral- The Rosary will he recited Friday at S Plank; and historian, Mrs. H. J. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor William' “ Rondo Capricciso.” The Glee lor. for CASH, or tzchtngt Oirm (or Cathedral, 25; St. Leander’s, 26. Wm.W.Myer Drugstores P.m. at 112 E. 14th avenue. Requiem .Mcl.ellan. M. Higgins addressed the group. club presented "There’s An Old anything In nock. Mas* will be offered Saturday in St. Activities sugh as these are Wo rent Folding Chairr, Card and Ban­ The Rev. Paul Reed commented Refreshments were served with Fashioned Hou.se,” “ Because,” INCORPORATED Patrick’s church. Interment Mt. Olivet. needed more than ever before in quet Tables. Dishu, Silverware, any­ on the recent CPTL meeting and re- .Mrs. George A. Pease, Mrs. D. R. “ Kentucky Babe,” and “ Look for thing in stock. the city of Pueblo in order to fur­ Colorado Owned Stores marked that St. Philomena’s PT.A Osbhrne, and the mothers of the the Silver Lining.” Established ISIS MRS. KATHERINE J. CROKE nish properly supervised entertain­ had made a splendid record of students of Sister Mary Charles’ 800 SantaFe Dr. PHONE KEYSTONE '*^.'>2 Mrs. Katherine J. Croke died Monday ment for Catholic young people. The members of the Glee club Englewood in her home. 509 Osden ulreet, from com- achievements in the various phases room as hostesses. OPEaN FROM 8 A. hi. to • P. M. Youth clubs are now operating un­ are Clara Frian, Rosalind Del Broadway and Ellsworth T6th and C-tOfornia plicationa arising from a hip injury suf­ of work undertaken. He extended The following parish bridge Margo, Wilma Griffith, Charlotte fered three months ago. She w-as 78. der YMCA and Tri-C supervision. clubs met in the week; On Tues­ Mr*. Croke came to Denver with her his appreciation to the officers and Kimball. Bernice Leyba, Lottie M. l.^th and California The Catholics of Pueblo should do to Mrs. G. A. Schwartz, war chair­ day Mrs. Harry O’Day entertained parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Henry, all possible to make these efforts Marra, Marie A. Mazza, Mary F. many years ago. She took an active man, for making the year’s work her club ill her home; Mrs. J. D. ITe Do l\itt Dare Special Sales Rut Sell You at Our Lowest Miles - Dryer - Astler part in Church and charity organisation*. a success. Outside of attending Naccarato. Virginia Putaturo, a success. Father Reed also thanked Goodrow’s club met Wednesday Helen Salvatore, Rosella Sando­ Prices Every Day on All Qrug Merchandise, Surviving are two daughters. Mr*. C. W moving picture theaters some times the organization for the gift pre- with Mrs. Mary L. Reide; Mrs. .Mien. Denver: Mr*. A. W. Braxeau, St. showing questionable releases, the val, Helen Sicco, Margaret Wil­ Printing Go. Peterahurg. Fla.; three sons. C. C. and .sented to him on the occasion of'Sidney Bishop was hostess to Mrs. opportunities for clean recreation liams, Mary Helen Williams, Bob R. R. Croke. Denver; C. K. Croke. Sao his birthday. ! P. F. Giblin’s club on Thursday; Gleason, Bill Hathoot, John Mar­ Programs ami Circulars Paulo. Braxii; and three grandions. Re­ on the part of both boys and girls Mrs. G. L. Schwartz was re-lMr.s, T. E. Carey’s club will be quiem Mass was offered in Su John’ s are very limited for Pueblo’s youth. tinez, Frank Massarotti, George Tickets for fhnrrh. Interment Mt. Olivet. W’. P. elected CPTL secretary. | entertained in the home of Mrs. Sandoval. William Schooler, and Horan & Son service. The total sale of war bonds and j George P. Clarke on Friday, Bazaars aiul Carnivals Robert Tapia. i Quirfiiy Produced stamps since the inception of the] Lt. John E. Donohue and Lt. CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING MRS. MARY E. RYAN Bishop Yu-pin Hopes campaign a year ago amounts toiHutrh Applequist of Lovell, Tex., Chaplain I* Viaitor i Rjasonahly Priced Requiem M«*» w«# offered Saturday $21,161. Sister M. Edna’s room spent Sunday in the home of .Mrs. Chaplain D. B. McNamara, S.J., i in the Cathedral for Mra. Mary E. Ryan, Yankees Will Hurry wa.s a visitor in Holy Trinity par­ 4 UNION LABKI IF DK.SIRED who died Wedne«day in her home. 1822 won the $5 award for having the|.M. L. Dyer. Miss Agnes Dyer, a 4'lassined Ad.« ish May 17. Formerly in a camp 4 DowninK atreet. after a lonjr illne**. Born highest .safes record. Sister M. student nurse in the Glockner san- It will pay you to read ALL of the following adTertiaementa. 1936-38 LAWRENCE ST. in Chicago. Mr*. Ryan waa brought to San Francisco. — Bishop Paul Charles’ room was second. The | itorium in Colorado Springs, spent in Alabama, Father McNamara is 4 KKvsIone 6.^4^ Denver by her mother at the age of Yu-pin. Vicar Apostolic of Nan­ ------I the weekend at home. being transferred to Prairie du three. She received her education In St. Chien, Wi.se. He wa.s formerly an * A A A Mary’ * academy and had been employed king, declared in San Francisco, .Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Zook en­ in the *taiehouae offices for the past 30 "Admiral Chester Nimitz’ forces tertained 26 guests at a buffet assistant in Holy Trinity parish. WANTED TO BUY RADIO SERVICE years. Mr*. Ryan had been granted a must break through to the coast Mother - Daughter supper in their home Sunday eve­ The annual religious vacation leave nf absence la*k June because of WILL PAY CASH lor 6 room* of furnl- Batteries for nil Uortnblc and Farm Radios school will open June 5 in Holy fJSTEU/S UADKJ 106.» Broadway ill health. Her husband. William Ryan. of China just as soon as possible ning, May 21. Each guest received lurt. piano and aewing machine. KE. 8944 Denver contractor, died a number of because the Chinese are in grave a telegram that announced the Trinity school with the Rev. Theo­ years ago. Surviving are a daughter. danger. Rite Is Held in engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Zook’s dore Yoch, S.J., in charge. Special W O O D SA LE Mr*. Leonore Arnold. Denver: and two "The Japanese know the Amer­ daughter, Dorothy Ellen, to M. Sgt. classes will he arranged for high KINDLING. aUive, range, furnare, fire- grandchildren. Interment Mt. Olivet. placr, hlorlui. No yard aalra. KE. 2480. ALl'AR BREADS W. P. Horan & Son service. icans are coming,” Bishop Yu-pin Henry H. Carroll, son of Mr. and school students. All Catholic chil­ .said, “ and that is the reason for Puehio Parish Mrs. Henry H. Carroll, Jr., of Chi­ dren attending public schools FURNITURE SEWING should be in attendance. MISS MARY E. BURNS the present Honan drive. We will cago, 111. Miss Zook is a graduate BMUtiful bedroom, lieinxroom and braak. Llttla Girls* Dresses. Kvibroldcrr. Mu» Mary E. Burn*. 3160 W, STth do our best, but the attack is just (S t. Franei* Xavier’ * Pariah, of the Cathedral high school. Sgt. laal aet. aacrific* '34 Santa Ka Monograming. Fte. a>enue. prominent Denver nurse, died beginning. With our equipment, I Pueblo) Carroll attended the University of May 17 in St. Joaeph’s hospital after did not believe it po.ssible that we Illinois and is at present chief in- 1 J 2 0 Denver Smithsk. PAINTING & PAPERING THE SISTERS OF THE an illness of two month*. She was 59. The senior sodalists of St, A native nf Denver, Miss Burns was horn could hold as well as we have.” .structor of convale.scents at the Painlinit and PaperinR rea.«onablr. E. T GOOD SHEPHERD Francis' parish and their mothers Yeager. 87 W. Maple. SPnice 2954. March 29. 18S.5. She was graduated received Holy Communion to­ Fort Logan technical school. No Are to Donate Blood TELEPHONE PEARL 24,1 from St. Joseph's achool of nursing in 1911 and began a career of nursing. In gether in the 7 o’clock Mass on j definite plans have been made for TOWN SERVICE j 1918 she enlisted in the army nuraes* Memorial Mass Offered Sunday, May 21. .After Mass, a the wedding. Offer* a I-yc*r cerUfied GUARANTEE on | It is e.stimated that some 1.720 • II mnkea of waahine maebinea. rrfrigera- onrp* and a year later was appointed breakfast wa.s held in the Vail Mrs. R. J. Ryan returned re­ chief nurse in Fitxaimon* hospital. In Denver Smiths will donate their Lora, inrluding navr parta, regardleaa of age ' First Communion For Pfc. Buzz Goggin hotel. Each mother was iriven a cently from St. Paul, Minn., where TA. 7592. _____ ‘ r.U9 she received an honurahle discharge she visited her son-in-law and blood during Smith week in the from the army and returned to private corsage. Mias Esther Garino intro­ local blood bank. To date, 304 FEMALE HELP WANTED PICTURES nursing, being a leader of her profession. A memorial Requiem Mass for duced the Rev. Patrick Stauter, daughter, Lt. and Mrs. Fon Mont­ Denver Smiths have been blood Middle aged woman or girl for general 2 That You’ll Be Proud of Jllemorp She retired three years ago. She wa* Pfc. Robert (Buzz) Goggin, who jfue.st speaker for the occasion. A gomery. past president of St. Joseph's Nurses' died from wounds received in ac­ donors. houaework, two in family, plain cooking. Alumni association and the Catholic Fed* iano .solo was given by Lena Cadet Joseph L. Ryan is enjoy­ Room with bath, good home. Near Pauline U an invariable force In God's tion April 17 on the Italian front, ing a 10-day furlough with his In the United States there are Chapel. Broadmoor, Colorado Spring*. 1400 United Photo Studios eration of Nurses and a former member artinelli. Misses Lucille Broth­ 2,000,000 Smiths. One Smith in miraculous plan of life. .Mem- of the American J.egion. Surviving are was offered Wednesday at 8 in St. ers and Edith Riva entertained parents. Meaa Ave. Main 2579, ______TA. 3412 1521 (jrrtia five brothers, James W., l>awrence E.. Catherine’s church, Denver. The Pvt. Henry C. Cooper, who was eight has already given blood to Robert M.. and John R. Burns, Denver: with two songs. Miss Dorothy 35 centers in the country. PRINTING or)' holds us close to those we and Hugh E. Bams. Pueblo; and one son of Mrs. Charlotte Goggin of Lakner spoke on behalf of the called to Denver by the illness of sister. Mrs. A. W. Liefgreen. Phoenix. 4670 Elm court, he won fame as an sodalists, and Mrs. Carmella Sarlo his mother, Mrs. Claude Cooper, Ceiling prieea on buaineaa eardi, letterheada. love and c i'c s us the inspira­ Requiem Mass was offered Saturday in envelop**, wedding and achool announce­ athlete in Regis high school. A .spoke on behalf of the mothers. returned to his post May 18, ac­ ment*. Rodger* PrinUng Co.. 811 14th St St. Catherine’* church. Interment Mt. younger brother, Dud Goggin, is BIRDS­ tional comfort of their guid­ Olivet. Boulevard service. Mothers and daughters attend­ companied by Mrs. Cooper and Home & Car 1! stationed in Laredo Springs, Tex., ing were Mrs. Rose Harris and their children, Claudia and Charles. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS EYE with the army. ance. not for just a day, week, GENEVIEVE E. ROBINSON Eleanor, Mrs. Mary Eurich and Mrs. Harry T. Zook will be the BacoDditioned puiDo*. playar*. grands Genevieve Roblneon dted Friday in her Betty, Mrs. Mary Riva and Edith, parish representative to accept organa (pip* and r*ed). orchestral inatm- FROZEN home. 717 EUti etreet, after a abort .Mast was offered Wednesday in Holy month or year, but through Ghost church. Interment Ml. Olivet. Mra. Litezia Brothers and Lucille, donations of old gold and sterling mentt T. R Walkar. 23« Broadway 8P illneaa. Born in North Platte. Nebr.. Radio Service i 7384 Theodore Haeketbal service. FOODS every moment of our lives. Dee. 29, 1876. Mra. Robinson came to Mrs. F. S. Jagger, guest mother, silver for the Tabernacle society. I Denver 44 year* tso. Survivintt are a and Bertha Elich; Mrs. Joe Vigil, I 15 Years’ Experience DRUG STORES Don't wait Plan a memorial daughter. Ruth Hohn, Denver; a brother, HARRY M. TODD William T. Frailer. Cheyenne: and two Harry M. Todd, 729 F„ 16th avenue, and Veronica and Stella, Mrs. Pick Up & Delivery Groceries - Meats • Bakery grandchildren. Funeral servieea were pioneer resident of Colorado, died DiMartino. Mrs. Masterantonio Erickson Memorial Co. Hutchinson’s Pharmacy, NOW and make every day Wednesday in Mercy hospital after a held Tuesday with the Rev. Carl Schwarr. and Rose Marie, Mrs. Mark Elich MONUMENTS . MARKERS Your Naborhood Druggist C.SS.R-, ofTiciating. Olinger aervice. short illness. Born in Urhana, 0.. in Pbona SPruca 0888 700 So. Paork MURRAY’S your own ME.MORIAL DAY! 1864, Mr. Todd came to Colorado in the and Pauline, Mrs. Mary Yenko and Prompt Erection JAMES HUTCHINSON Anne, Margie Pershin, Mrs. Nora ii FISTELL’S RADIO ii Founded by M. T. Murray— 1888 early 20’s. Before his retirement in 1926 from on* of tb« mott eomploto .. CALLIE SMITH he was a mail clerk for a local railroad. Garino and Esther, Mrs. Kather­ digpUjra In this region. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Phones GR, 1613-14-15 Requiem Ma«a waa offered Monday in Surviving are his wife, Gertrude Todd; ine Deverich and Rose, Mrs.; 929 Speer Blvd., OppoaiU Soakew !! 1065 Broadway K E.8077 11 West 82nd A Julian St. John's church for CalHe Smith. 59, a son. Harold J. Todd: a sister. Mrs. Ida Gardena, CHerry 4728 BEAUTIFUL whit* porcelain Coal Range, JACQUES BROTHERS 259 Columbine street, who died Thurs> Maude Medonich and Anne, Mrs.; Oil Circulator and Radio. Saerifiea. 716 Patton. Flora. III.: and two grandchildren. 4tt*****************i day after a long Ulness. Born in Hayes. Requiem Mass was Friday in the Cathe> Dorothy Kirch and Theresa, Mrs. Santa Fe. Kane., Mr. Smith came to Denver with dral. Interment Mt. Olivet. Your Purchane o f War Bonda Since 1902 his parents when he was nine. For the Cornelia Motoski and Mary Lou,' PHOTOGRAPHS past two yeara he had been employed by and Stamps Helps Secure Your MRS. NEL'^IE STOUDER Mrs. Josephine Croshal and Vir-| a local bakery. Surviving are his wife, Anderson pbotoa. 1200 IBtb St. at L .e Requiem Mass was offered Tuesday In ginia, Mrs. Carmella Sarlo and! Future. Mrs. Rose Anna Bmitb: three sons. Pvt. QUALITY ATMOSPHERE renc*. MAin 1871, Fra* new* eot*. 28 E. 6th .\\e. T.Abor 6468 St. I/Ouis* church] Englewood, for Mra. riiprq John C.a Pvt. William R.. and Air Cadet Mary, Mrs. Severa Roldan and i Nallie Stouder, wao died Friday In her Robert F.:*nne daughter. Mrs. Rose Anna Margaret, Mrs. Marie Rivas and home. 4301 S. Bannock atreet, after a Vogel. Denver; and a sister, Mrs. Anna long DIness. Born in Ontario, Canada, Hilda, Mrs. AJta Raigoza and Eva,: The quiet, luxurious, homelike atmosphere of this modern Keeler. Interment ML Olivet. Olinger Oet. 20, 1858, Mrs. Stoader moved to Mrs. Lillie Martinelli and Lena; service. Mortuary provide facilities not available in a home. This Colorado in 1916. Before coming to Mae, Mrs. Mary Strilich and Mary; STORE QUALITY COAL NOW! Colorado she rested In Michigan. Min* is YOUR DRAWINGROOM. Avail yourself of its many JOHN P. YOUNG nesota, Kansas, Idaho, and Oklahoma. Anne, Mra. Anna Srdoc and Anne' KOCKVALE — KEBLER — LUDLOW — CEDAR CO LD SPRING John r . Young died in his home. 2689 Surviving are two daughters. Mr«. Oma and Regina, Mrs. Nora Vigil and advantages. CANON — GORDON — PINNACLE — WADGE Reed. Coquille. Ore.: Mrs. Lula Sbapley. MONUMENTS Irving street, after a abort lllneas. M r Henrietta, Mrs. Filka Chorak and , MOFTAT IHAUTIFUL CMfflTCS Young received Ms eduention in Denver Shattuck. Okla.; two sons, William Katherine, Mrs. Rose Rivas and snd was graduated from a local la Stouder; Denver; Robert Stoader. KU arhool and admitted to the bar in 1982. Carson; two sisters. Mrs. Effie Wilkinn Rose Marie. Geo. P. llaekethal He was a salesman for a local paper Wichita. Kans.; and Mra. Johnson. Mus* UNITED FUEL—KE. 6391 kogee. Okla.: two brothers, Martin Ke* company for 16 years. Surviving are hia Your Purchase o f War Bonds Funeral Director Your Purrhaac o f War Bonds wife, Mrs. Marian Young; a daughter. hoe. Genosee. Kana.: and John Kehoe Pick of the Mine Preparation and Stamps Helps Secure Your Margaret Young; and three aiaters. Mrs Seattle: 21 grandchildren; 26 great­ and Stampa Helps Secure Your EAst 1857 R. J. Riger. Mrs. M. A. Fade, and Mrs. grandchildren: and one great-great 2205 EAST COLFAX future* M. W . Bradley, all of Denver. Baquiem grandchild, Inicrmest Mt. Olivet. Future. r ‘ i i i i i Thansday, May 25, 1944 Office, 988 Bannodt Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telsplume, EEystone 4205 PAGE ELEVEN T h e Denver Catholic Register OF President______Most Rev. Archbishop Urbtn J. Vehr, D.D. Editor______R t Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. Manapngr Editor...... Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D. Associate Editors— M. F. Everett. Jour.D.; Rev. Walter Canavan, Let the Soldier . Three Years of armies; they have sent their sons tiOIIP TO SHOT J.C.D.. Litt.D.; Rev. John CavanaKh, M.A., Litt.D.; Rev. Edward A. Return to School Price Regulation and daughters off to war and have Breen, M.A., Litt.M.f Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A.; Leonard Tangrney. learned o f their death in battle or What about yonr boy after the (By Hubert A. Smith) their capture by the Naai hordes. A.B., Jour.D.; Max Greedy; Phil Hewitt; Mary Eisenman, A.B.; war? W'e saw figures the other May marks the third anniversary L They have tasted the bitterness of Linus Riordan, A.B., Litt.M. day that told us only one in six o f a system that has brought down defeat and the presenre of a foe o f the armed forres wants to go on the heads o f its directors prob­ on their very soil. They have seen to rollege. Except for the mar> ably more outright cussing and A progrram of dance, song, and Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. liberty replaced by despotism. They ried men, we would like to see the abuse than have fallen to the lot of comedy will be presented espe­ have labored in the fields and have Catholic proportion made 100 per ail the other bureaus in Washing­ cially for the members of the seen their produce go off to feed cent. Thongh we realise that this ton. It is just three, years ago this Queen of Heaven Aid society and Published Weekly by their oppressors while their fellow is impossible, yet we think that month that the Office o f Price Ad­ their friends on Sunday after­ rounlrymen slowly starved to death. THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) parents ought to do their best to ministration put into elfect the noon, May 28, at 2 o’clock, in the They have fell the terror o f re­ encourage the lads to seek higher maximum prices that' could be Queen of Heaven home, Denver. In 938 Bannock Street prisals in the death o f loved ones learning. charged for goods, both wholesale order to help defray the expen.se and retail. whether they or their aeighbort of costumes, scenery, etc., a nom­ Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 Some men, it is true, are able arose to cast off the foreign yoke. Tlie OP.A tells the merchant how inal charge of 25 cents will be to rise to no little prominence and Even after they have been lib­ much he ran charge for almost asked. All members are re­ to achieve no small intelligence erated by the .Allied armies, as has every article he sells. The OPA quested to be present. The prograni Subscription: |1 per year. without college training. But or­ happened in .Sonihem Italy and in sets the point value for meats and will be repeated for the parents dinarily leadership goes to the Africa, the fate o f the war victims canned goods, tells us how much and friends of students on Sunday, trained man. Famifiei rise to is not a happy one. Their fields gas we can use in our car, tells us June 9. Thursday, May 25, 1944 proiaminenre and star there chiefly have become battlegrounds. Their berause their rhildren are edu­ whether we are eligible to bur homes hsve become the targets of The program follows: Patriotic tires, restricts us to two pair o f cated, generation after generation. opposing armies as the tides of greeting, intermediate group; shoes per year, which is ample Educated people are uiiially able battle have swayed bark and forth. "Come and Dance in a Circle," OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER for adults but entirely inadequate to make a good living. Wealth is They have rome In know the sick­ babies; The Dutch Twins, Lena for growing children. The OPA The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. not essential. Wealth in itself ening fear that results when the and Lela Ter Horst; La Com- is a nice thing for ns when a ruling We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ brings no rniture. Ediiration is drone o f an airplane ia heard in parsita, dance; piano selection, ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or the mother o f culture, and it ran holds down the price on something the sky. They know from experi- "The Blue Danube,” Betty M’est; we want to buy, but it is a pain of owning your own those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. be arhieved by the middle class enre the long black pencils o f de- “ MTien the Bloom Is on the Sage,” We hope The Register will be read in every home of the as well as by the wealthy. Our in the nerk when we have some­ strurlion that can drop from the Rebecca Shaw; ‘"rhe Master Is home, buying your new people ought to sacrifice them­ thing to sell or rent, and the ceiling underside of a bomber. They have Coming,” dramatized poem. Rose­ Archdiocese. hits IIS in the pocketbook. cars, eliminating your We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in selves to give their children a seen the spurts made by marhinr mary Maurantonio, Rosemary Ap- the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. higher ediiration. That is how We have heard some choice gun hiillrls striking the ground in elhans, Ruth M’ille, and is’ancy overburdening obliga­ families get started on the up­ language used by butchers and If.,ee Roberts; piano selection.*, “ La + URBAN J. VEHR. front of them while fighter planes tions, or buying those ward climb. grocers when they talk about the Donna e’ Mobile.” Stella Aragon; Jan. 29, 1942. Archbishop of Denver. went hurtling by, scarcely above Under old systems of rivilixa- lime that is involved in keeping their heads. and “ A Rose in My Garden,” things you have always tion, with aristorraries and nobili­ their points account straight, and They have known hunger and .Mary Catherine Rafferty; dreamed of can be we have sensed that the air turned “ Drowsy Head,” babies; piano se­ ties, it was possible to keep alive rold and disease and the loss of yours when you do a rontiniiance of rniture. But it blue when others talked about the everything they possess. They have lections, "Santa Lucia,’ Joanne was not through position or wraith long and complicated forms that heai^ the wails o f hungry children Beers; “ Beautiful Dreamer.” Lil­ business with YOUR OFFICERS TO BE INSTALLED ihr OP.A demands. lian Beers; "Pink Pearl.*,” Joanne that this was done, but through and have seen the despair in the BANK. ediiration. Wealth and position, The poor OP.A is in the minds eyes of their fellows. Even In the and Lillian Beers; "M'altz of the BY BLESSED SACRAMENT PTA of course, lielped to pay for the o f many people the demon of aftermath o f war their lot has been Flowers,” dance; waltz ballet. ediiration, but any family that demons in the biireaiicrats. It has a sad one. The Allief have tried The Repentant ChiM will pre­ larked the wealth bnt got the been an exasperating bureau, but it to help them, but the problems of sent Nancy McCready, Mary Alice (Bletted Sacrament Parish, Mrs. David Douglas entertained hunger for learning established in has done a good job in the matter transportation have been surh that Nothaft, Marie Potvin, Joan Noth- Denver) members of St; Anthony’s circle its members soon rose above the o f ^holding down inflation in the scarcely more than enough food aft, and Beverly J. Fortunate. The American National The Ble.'sed Sacrament PTA will in her home on Thursday, May 18. multitude. H ie greatest writers fare o f constantly mounting pres­ and supplies to care for our armies Piano selections, “ Little Fairy hold its next meeting Monday, Bridge honors went to Mrs. Agnes and artists, and many of the great­ sure. e think it is a necessary have been shipped in. Schottische,” Rosemarj' Mauran­ Bank of Denver, pri­ Keyser. .Mrs. Thomas Lloyd was a est statesmen, through all the ages, bureau, but we frankiv admit that tonio; “ Air de Ballet,” Norma May 29, at 2 p.m. in the school 'The I ’niled Nations Relief and marily a sendee institu­ hali. .As th.s is the last meeting guest and Mrs. Anita Farley was have come from the middle class. we will lie very happy when another Rehabilitation service baa been do' McGuire; "Little Indian Chief," of the year, all members and their welcomed as a new member. Our American system of life al­ three years passes by if It has out­ ing as good a job ai poisible under N. McGuire and Rosemaiy. tion, has its entire fa­ lived its usefulness. A comedy, That Awful Letter. friends are invited to be present Members of St. Norbert’s cir­ lows a number to achieve great the eireumslance*. TTie represent cilities, services and for the installation of officers, cle enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. wealth. When it is honestly ob­ stive* of this organization have features Mabel Mae.stas, Nina Fisk, Frances Rice, Violet Del staff ^at your disposal: after which a tea and social hour Giles Foley for their May meet­ tained, they have a strict right to Real Friendliness dislribiiled shipload* of food and are planned by the sixth and sev­ ing on Friday, May 19. .Hostess it. Rut we ought to insist more riolhing; they have secured sorely Ponte, and Ruth Mpreno. | Investigate them. Use iSeen on the Farm "In a Monastery Garden,” ” Si-| enth grade mothers. The hostesses prize and bridge honors were won and more in this roiinlry that needed medical supplies, but the them. will he Mmes. J. G. Gannon, A. A.: by Mrs. L. W. Roy Koerber and urallli is not the desirable goal, I (By Millard F. Everett) demand so far has been much honey,” “ Say a Prayer for the Menard, C. C. Fellers, and W. T. | Mrs. Thomas Ord. Guests included but eduralion and culture. If peo­ I It is a paradox of civilization more than the aupply. The per­ Boys Over There,” Glee club. O'Reilly. Mrs. Emmett Dolan and Mrs. J. J. ple ran get a good enough income i that the closer logellver homes are sonnel o f the administration ha* May Crowning Sunday Dowds. to enjoy the decencies and a few j built, the farther apart are the peo­ not always been the be»l. M'itnea* ple who live in them. Tliere is an The annual May proce.ssion and USO Cookies Donated of the luxuries o f life, they are the appointment of the Rev. Mr. ladling lark of neighborlincss in crowning of the statue of the Donations of cookies for the happier than the very wealthy. Edgar M. M'ahiberg of Denver to Let us help you remenf- Ediiration is the open door to 'crowded apartments of a big city. Westside Church I Blessed Mother will be held on USO club last week were sent in the organization just reeenlly. M'e Persons living with only a wall be­ Sunday evening. May 28. at 7:80 by Mrs. Charles Robertson, Mrs. siiffirieni inronie. ran plrliire the reverend gentleman ber "Y o u r Banker Is tween ibem are often tiller strang­ The children of the school will: We want iiiglirr education for approarhing »ome poor, hungry E. C. Werner, and Mrs. Peter er*. But in the roiinlry, where Your Business Friend." take part in the procession. The ('.alliolirs also because we want Italian with bread in one hand and Amato. homes may be miles apart, the crown will be placed by Ann Frei- more anil more lay leadership. a tract on birth ronirol, printed In To Be Remodeled Mrs. Frank Davis, Mrs. Mark residents lake a real and active in­ berger; the eighth grade class will The way to get to heaven is to use llie Italian language, of course, in J. Felling, and Mrs. Chester Wibel terest in one another. attend her. entertained members of the Lit­ the means furnislie«r by the (,atli- the other. Me suspect that the In the Midwestern fami com­ (Pra*cntation Parish, Denver) tle Flower circle in the Davis home olic CJiiirrh. M e want as many as Denver rlergyman i* not above munity in which we lived as a giving some propaganda for one of Contracts have been let for the on Friday, .May 19. Mrs, Bradley possible to be saved— to be rich youth, a greeting between two per­ Lane i^nd Mrs. A. Freppel won in eternity. An educated man nr his pet idea* along with whatever remodeling and decorating of the sons meeting on the mad was auto­ relief he is railed upon to admin­ church. bridge honors. woman ha* an amazing influence New Sodalists on the lives of others. Every one matically passed, whether they ister in his official rapacity. .At The solemn novena in honor of % e ^ Mrs. J. J. Falkenberg suffered o f our lairs ought to have enough knew each other or not— a practice least he did that venr thing in hia the Holy Ghost is being held every' a broken arm in a fall in her home I l f the priest in him In want In in- that mystified city folk. If they rhiireh in Denver. TTve good Ixird evening this week at 7 :30. last week. fliienre others towards a happy were acquainted, horses were pulled alone know* how many nnfortu- The Needlework club will meet Received in Rite St. Jude’s circle member* en­ eternity. to a slop while the owners chatted. nales were aiipplied with birth con­ in the home of Mr*. E. Sedlmayer. joyed luncheon and bridge on May The boys at war, however, feel Men would swap work on any pre­ trol applianeea in the clinic 712 Lowell boulevard on Thurs­ American National text, just to be working together. 19 as the guests of Mrs. Carlton they are losing some of the most operated by the Grace C.ommiinity day, June 1, at 10:30. The regular (Sacred Heart Parish, Denver) If women were a little prone to T. Sin* in her home. Mr*. J. valuable years in their lives. This rhiirrh, o f which the Rev. Mr. meeting of the Altar and Ro.sary A reception of candidates into Andrettji and Mrs. Eva Miller were listen in on the parly line, it was M'ahihrrg wa» pastor before his society will be held at 1 o’clock. the sodality was held Sunday is true, hut youth is inclined to guests and bridge honors went to exsggerale. It is never loo Isle to more frequently because they appointment to the UNRRA. The annual school picnic will be morning after the 7 ;80 o’clock Mrs. W. J. Mulligan, Jr., and Mrs. craved companionship than heraiise *BanK of seek a higher ediiration. Even if Me feel aorry for the war vic­ held in Bamum park on Monday, DENVER Mass. Following are those who George Cattermole. a man did not gel a college de­ they wished to pry into neighbor's tims of Europe. They must take May 29. were received into the society: affairs. Members of the Flanagan Fans gree until he was 35. the lime death and famine and cold and The .Altar Boys’ club is conduct­ Mrjies. Rol Martinez, Helen Gossip could be carried loo far, were guests May 17 in the home •pent getting it would be well disease and the Rev. Mr. Vahlberg. ing a campaign for the awarding FRANK KIRCHHOF Kline, .Anthony Larcher, .Tuanita but we rarely met any malicious­ of a war bond. Members are also AIKHLPH KUNSMILLEB of Mrs. Chester Wilder. spent. Viet PfBiidfl m d Ciibi« Pacheco, and .Angela Miller, and ness. .And when real trouble came, collecting scrap paper to raise Misses Marie Larcher and Lefi'ore Wallace Hancock, stationed in The (jilholir Church, by the the lime “ when a feller needs a Farragut, Ida., with the navy, is grim experience of renliiries, has funds for an outling at Camp St. Woodard. friend," solicitous aid was instantly Malo. ■At the meeting of the Altar home on leave. found that she must insist on long forthcoming. The women folk Jesuit Provincial In a meeting held Tuesday, May Mr. and Mrs. James J. Palmer training for her priests. Aa a rlass, sodality Wednesday afternoon, would rook aperial dishes for a 23, Carl Ott, the scoutmaster of May 17, the following officers were entertained guests May 19, cele­ the Catholic priests are among the sick neighbor. .Men would lake brating their 13th wedding anni­ best educated men alive. .Many of troop 126, St. Fianci.s de Sales’ elected: Mrs. F. Montano, prefect; over the chores. Many a lime we pari.sh, explained the organization -Mrs. .lohii Gonlon, first assistant; versary. Those present were Mr. them are not at v*ork in or near have seen a plowing bee or a husk­ and • aims of scouting. J. H. MAin 5314 Mrs. Thomas Lee, second a.ssist-j and Mrs. E. .A. Splear, Fred A. great centers of learning; yet the ing her organized In help a man Visits in Denver Browne, from the Boy Scout head­ ant: Mrs. J. J. Lynch, secretary-1 Peterson, Thomas J. Rogers, James Church will not listen to any at­ sirirkeii ill at planting or harvest quarters, gave more details, par­ treasurer; and Mrs. Julia Gers- P. Ca.ssells, Lester B. Smith, Henry tempts to shorten their course. lime. The reason is that she ha* found (Regis College, Denver) ticularly on cubbing. The Rev. pach, instructor of candidates. The B. Nadorff, and Shannon Smith. .Sometimes words carry a great F . J . K i r c h h o f an educated clergy essential for Visiting Regi.s college for the Barry Wogan, archdioce.san direc­ new officers of the .Altar sodality Mrs. Stephen L. R. McNichols, meaning. tS'eighhnr is derived from first time since his appointment tor of Boy Scouts, spoke of the will take office in September. Dur­ accompanied by her son, Stephen, I the most efficient work, even in two .Anglu-.Saxnn terms meaning small towns and in workingmen's to the office of provincial of the value of scouting from the Catholic ing the month of June, Mmes. Jr., will leave Saturday to -oin neor and dire//er or farm er. As s C onstruction F o . Mi.ssouri province of the Society viewpoint. Smith, .'tioniano, and Lee will look her husband. Lt. .McNichols. They parishes. verb, arrording to modem dielion- will live in Hyattsville, Md. of Jesus, the Ve_.y Rev. Joseph P. Organizations were then set up after the altars and sanctuary. Me have always admired the arie*. it signifies “ to he or associate Zuercher. S.J., spent two day* in Jews for their willingness to un­ for Boy Scout troop 200 and Cub There will be no more games Robert Dooling Takes Bride on friendly terms.” M'iihoul much the local Jesuit college. Father BUILDERS dergo almost any sacrifice to edu­ Pack 200 with the following par­ parties this summer. They will Miss Mary Virginia Hartnett, stretching, one could say that a Zuercher arrived Friday, May 19, cate their children. O tholirs ticipants: The Rev. M. J. Blenkush, he resumed again the fall. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. neighbor is a friendly farmer. O r- and left the following day. It waa We Appreciate Your Patronage ought to have the same spirit— Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. .Mclner- Father William .Maikoe, S.J., Hartnett of Omaha, Nebr., and lainly we have never seen true merely a routine visit, since he conducts instruction cla.sse.s for Ens. Robert J. Dooling, son of ■ Monsignor Matthew .Smith. nrighbnriines* belter exemplified ney, Mr. and Mrs. Gu.stave .A. had been in California attending Ibold, Mr. and Mrs. Francis La- 708 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. Catholics and nnn-Catholics Mon­ Mr. and .Mrs. R. J. Dooling. were than among farm folk— just an­ the conference of the provincials day evenings at 2828 Lawrence married Wednesday morning in other indication that the niral life Verne Lee, and Martin L. Purcell. Plans Completed for of the eight American province* A Boy Scout moving picture, in street, on Tuesday evenings for Corpus Christi, Tex., Cathedral. is the most natural for human of the Society of Jesus. From Den­ convert.* at 2828 Lawrence .street, Miss Edith Polasek of Corpus brings. color, is to be shown at the next ver he departed for St. Louis, Mo., meeting, which will be held in Pre.s- and on P'riday evening.* a convert Christi was bridesmaid. Charles Lay Women's Retreat the headquarter* of the Missouri ESTABUSHED 81MCR !*•» class ,ai 2.'il)8 (ilenai ni place. These Crapo, Denver, aviation cadet, was entation school on Friday, June 2, A Friend province. Father Zuercher took at 7 :30 p.m. All the boys of the instruction clas.scs begin at 7:30 best man. Mr. and Mrs. Dooling over his present duties last spring. o'clock. will reside in Corpus Christi. En.s. The Catholic Lay Women’s Re­ Has an Idea parish who wish to join either the treat to be held in Boulder June (Br Max Greedy) He succeeded the Very Rev. Peter scouts or cubs are urged to attend The vacation school for chil­ Dooling is stationed in Cabiness A. Brooks, S.J., now president of The American Fixture Co. 15 to 18, in Mt. St. Gertrude's My friend Gene O ’ Fallon, en­ the meeting and bring their dren attending public schools will Field. Marquette university, Milwaukee, Mutafartarir* of academy, will open with confer­ terprising proprietor of radio sta­ parents. open June i:i jn Sacred Heart Robert Louis Tomsir, 14.52 Hud­ Wise. school and will be taught hy the son street, a student of CajJiedral ence and Benediction at 7:45 tion KF'EL and idea dynamo, has The annual May procession and CmJBCH PEWS AND ALTARS Thursday evening, with the Very The Rev. Emmanuel T. Sando­ reception of new members into the Sisters of Charity, who also are high school, was baptized ^ a v ^ . an idea that congregations of wor- CHURCH FURNITURE Rev, John Buttimer, C.S.R., as sliipers should be e\en more con- val, S.J., librarian in Regis college, Sodality of the Blessed Virgin in eharge of the parish school, Sponsors were R. L. SmitTi and has been spending a busy month Chiltlren who wi.sh to attend the Estelle Tomsio. retreat master. Supper will be scioii* o f the war. He thinks there Mary will be held Sunday, May 28, BANTC, BAR, AND STORE FIXTURES served by the sisters to all thoac should be offered up more and lecturing and giving retreats. at 7:30 p.m. in Presentation summer vacation school should Dorothy .Alice Herburger. .sec­ Early in May he gave two retreats register as soon as possible. arriving before 6 p.m. The fee more prayer* for an early victory church. Miss Eileen Dufficy, pre­ Milluork of AH Kindt ond grade student of Blessed Sac­ in the Good Shepherd convent in The ■)'oung Ladies’ sodality will rament school, was baptized May of JIO to cover the expenses of and a ju»l peace, and for those in fect of the sodality, will crown the the tliree day.*; J8 will be charged service, especially now that D-day St. Louis. Shortly after this he statue of the Blessed Virgin. All FRANK KIRCHHOF 1232 ARAPAHOE ST. receive Communion in the 9 20 and received her First Com­ gave a conference to the Fran-, o'clock Mass Sunday morning. munion on May 21. Sponsors in thoac living in Boulder who wish is apparently so near. girls of the parish who have com­ DEN'VER. COLO, to return to their homes at night. Mr. O'Fallon suggests that serv­ ci.scan Sisters in their mother-1 pleted the eighth grade are eligible Baptism were .John P. Rotolo and house in St. Louis. His next stopl Elizabeth C. Keethers. Each woman is asked to bring her ice men m the iinifnriii take up for membership. Practice for this own towel* and soap. mllerliunfl, particularly at Sunday was in Chicago, where he attended i occasion will take place on Thurs­ The Tra.lways bus leaves the services. He say* that men in uni­ the Inter-American relations con­ day. May 25, at 7 :30 p.m. bus station at 501 17th sti-eet, form moving up and down the ference in Loyola university. Ir The Young Ladies’ sodality will Fr. Salmon Denver, at 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., I aisirs with collertioii baskets should Milwaukee, Wise., he spoke to the sponsor a dance in Redman hall. Sterling Silver and 5 p.m. The round-trip ticket niake worshiper* mindful of the nurses of St. Joseph’s hospital, 'Vv. 8th avenue and Knox court, on may be purchased for $1.61. The I war and cause them to be more and to the sister* of St. Michael’s Friday, May 26. Admission will Sing First Mass tramway bus stop.* directly in I generous in their prayer* and in hospital. His next stop was St be 55 cents per person, including front of the Boulder bus station their offerings. Gene *ay* that Mary's college, St. Marys, Kans., tax. All parishioners are invited. Cruciform Medal and also in front of the academy. I hr is certain that post rnmmanders where he confened with the libra­ (Holy Family Pariah, Denver) rian and the Jesuit* of the Mexican The Rev. Charles Salmon will No announcement cards are being in the Denver area would be will­ mailed to the women of Denver ing to ro-operatr to the extent of pi-ovince studying in St. Mary’s. A- Bishop O'Hara Here celebrate his first Solemn Mass retreat to the sisters of Mercy in in Holy Family church Sunday and so anyone wishing to make I periiiitling members of their per- and Chain re.servations should call Mrs. j sonnel to volunteer for the Sunday Mercy academy, Marshall, Mo., To See Sick Nephew i morning, June 4, at 8:30. will be the last stop. Father San­ Father Clifford King, S.V.D., Thoma.s M. Carroll, 515 S. Logan rollection tasks. Hr also say* that .street, PE. 5842. Boulder and sur­ service men with whom he ha* doval will return to Denver, (Scapular, Miraculous, St. Joseph who is visiting his brother, Peter June 1. The Most Rev. Edwin Vincent' ' King, of this parish, addressed the rounding town residents, please talked are eager to share in such and St. Christopher) with hea'vy a program. O’Hara, Bishop of Kansas City, student body of Holy Family call Mrs. F. J. Brady, 1935 Pine, Mo., left Denver on Tuesday after­ 24 inch endless sterling silver school on Monday. Father King phone Boulder 1017, or call I can see whit to me are objec­ Dr. Ketrick to Speak DEPEND ON tions to .Mr. O’ Fallon'i proposal. noon at 3:40 after a brief visit chain. In attractive gift box ready is a missionary to China. Mother Mary Victor at the acad­ In the first place, I imagine that At Alumnae Banquet with his nephew, James O’Hara, a for mailing. ' On Friday evening, May 19, emy. HOPPERS manr usher* would feel imposed federal government employe, who; ; Jeannette Marie, infant aon of Mr. upon if outsiders, even ten-ice Dr. Paul J. Ketrick will deliver has been ill in a local hospital. Mr, { $ 2 5 0 and Mrs. Hladek, Jr., was bap­ the principal address at the annual O’Hara was stricken while on a tized by Father Edward Fraezkow- Waste Paper Record men, came in on .SiinHar* to share ^ S c iC H t ^ U their duties and prerogative*. Every Alumnae association banqqet Sat­ business trip for the government i ski. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hladek, pastor know* only loo well how dif- urday evening, *May 27. Denver, in and was found seriously ill on hisj Sr., were the sponsors. Set by Grade Pupils firull it i« to gather a band o f men the Loietto Heights college fining return, although he will recover, i pos*essing •iiitable peraonalitie* hall. Honored guests at the Affair SICK CALL Pupils at the Blessed Sacrament for ushering and having the vir­ will be the seniors of this year and 2% of valuation grade school recently collected tue* of pronrplne** and loyalty. In the 10 and 20-year graduates. Mrs. CRUCIFIXES 19,140 pounds of waste paper in «nnie pari*he« there are ii*her* who Glen Dickman, president of the MORCAN, $3 minimum charge Moving and Storage what school officials said was the have *ened for two or three dec­ alumnae, will be toastmaster. Mrs. largest pa^er salvage drive yet ade* without being ab*ent from Norman O’Deg will present a toast $ 2 5 0 -k Call TAbor 3353 SPRU(3: 2671 conducted by a Denver parochial their .Sunday po«li more than a to the clasites of 1924 and 1934, a LEIBM AN RES. PHONE: 8PRUCR »U1 school. feW lime*. number of whom will attend from Our Bonded Messenger 1258 .SOUTH PEARL ST. The 300 pupils averaged more^ Nrvertheles*, a* O n e »ay*, "it i> out of town. Miss Mary E. Eisen­ and HICKEY COMPLETE LINE OF RELIGIOUS ARTICLES FOR CHURCH AND HOME W'lll Call for Your Fur* than 60 pounds each. Sold to a i an idea." man will toast the graduates. Denver dealer, the old newspapers Music during the dinner will be and ma^zines brought nearly provided'by a string ensemble from Insurance Since 1897 $100, which will be divided among Pity the Poor SPECIAL RATB8 TO SOLDIERS the college music department. Mrs. A . P . W a g n e r the grade rooms and used for ap­ Victims of War LOWEST PRICES IN THE James J. Johnson, 66 Ash street, 1040 Can and Electric Bldg. propriate school activities. Mrs. (By Rev. W , J. Canavan) Hqllit (TTY ON STORAGE Denver, the dinner chairman, an­ CHIltdl GOODN rO: Emmett Digman is president of YTe are sorry for the virlim* of nounce* that a few late reserva­ TA. 1395 1626 rallfnrnia Street the school■ Parent-Teachers’Pat asso- war in Europe. They have »een tions can be taken care of if phoned TOO PAY OHIY 5 0 ‘ A ROOM A MONTH ciatioD, which sponsored the drive. their countries overrun by foreign into her at EAst 6833. i s%. oor» H ill

a r - . -..L il

PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, May 25, 1944

Lena Martinelll, Florence DeVencenty, Henrietta Vigil, Veronica Vigil, Lt. James P. Garrett was held in St. Francis Annual Betty Eurich, Anne Srdoc, Regina Srdoc, Anne Medonich, .Anne Yenko, Is Home on Leave May Croiuning:Xavier's church, Pueblo, SLATE OF OFFICERS CHOSEN Sunday evening. May 14, -when Miss Irene Yusko, queen (in center Dorothy Lakner, Emma Jean Fabian, Helen Fabian, Eva Raigora, of pict'ure), crowned the statue o f the Blessed Virgin as Queen o f May. Shirley Jones, Margie Pershin, Pauline Elich, Hilda Rivas, Margaret CANON CITY LIEUTENANT HAS Members of the sodalitv participating were Misses Irene Yusko, Virginia Roldan, Mary Ann Strilich, Esther Garino, Rose Deverirh, Mary Lou BY LA JUNTA C. D. OF A Ooshal, Jac^eline Sl^be, Eleanor Harris, Lucille Brothers, Edith Moloski, and Rose Marie Rivas. The crown-bearer and train-bearers Marie MasteiRiva, Rose MMarie arie Masterantonio, MasteiRiva, Stella Vigil, Rose Marie DiMartino, were Joanne Andrews, Joann Shawgo, and Charlene Prutch. (Continued From Last Page) of Mr. and Mrs. Cassins Martin, FLOWN 30 BOMBING MISSIONS the faith. Other Baptisms were with Jack and Julia Bradish as those pf Laura Lynn Ann Strait, sponsors. Canon City.—Lt. James P. Gar- was shipped to England first and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mary A n n DeLorenzo and rett is home for a three-w«k leave was followed nine months later by Strait, with John Batistella as Marion Reilly were married Sun­ with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. his brother, John. Neither was sponsor; Ruben James Martin, son day afternoon ttnth the Rev. Leo P. Garrett Behind him are 80 aware of the other’s location until Thome officiating. missions as bombardier, navigator, this chance meeting. They are the A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. and leader of his Eighth air sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris Dawson of Swink, Colo., force squadron. His missions took Strubel. Gunnison Plans and a boy was born to Mr. and him over Berlin, Frankfurt Pvt Tony Lippis, son of Mrs. Mrs. James Richards. Srhweinfurt, Pas de Calais, and the Theresa Lippis, will be graduated Ruhr valley. L t Garrett was on a Parishioners ill include Mrs. Au­ from the U. S. marine radio school gusta Matern, Mrs. Jim Malouff, B-17 Flying Fortress. As he was in San Diego, Calif., May 19. He w’ith a strategic bombing group, his Vacation School and Miss Mary Malouff. has been Mere several weeks un flights were nearly all deep into dergoing extensive training. After Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sisson have Germany, ranging from seven to his graduation Pvt. Lippis expects returned from Ellington Field, (Continued From Last Page) near Houston, Tex., where they 124 hours. He wears the Distin­ a transfer to active duty. Zugelder, Dr. J. P. McDonough, guished Flying cross with one Oak witnes.sed the graduation of their Rocco Freda learned recently John Zugelder, J. J. Pogna, M. J. son, Thomas Sisson. He received Loaf cluster, and the Air medal that his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fisher, Charles Eilbrecht, Joe Gal­ with four clusters. After his leave his wings and is now a sfecond lieu­ Michele Freda, in Pesche, Pro-vince legos, Frank Eilbrecht, and Milton here L t Garrett will report to tenant in the armed forces. Campobasso, Italy, were safe and Zugelder. Banta Monica, Calif., for further Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mays re­ well although the Italian fighting The recent May card party, assignment had surged,around them for a con­ turned from a week’s visit in Den­ sponsored by the Altar society, ver to their home in La Junta. There were 45 women present to siderable period. The word was was well attended. Games were enjoy the Altar and Rosary soci­ brought to Mr. Freda through played both in the afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. .Tack Haberman ety’s covered-dish luncheon Thurs­ Capt. George Cherrie, a veteran of evening. The following were in spent two weeks with their son in day, May 18. Mrs. E. J. Bower, Loui.sville, Ky. the North Africa and Sicilian cam­ charge: Mmes. John Rozman, Jack president of the group, presided paigns, and now in Italy, who Houser, Charles Eilbrecht, M. J. ’ .Mrs. Raymond Matern and her over the meeting following the wrote to his wife, Mrs. Cleorge Verzuh, and E. J. Fortenberry. three children from Utah are visit­ luncheon. The reports of the dif­ Cherrie. The Altar .society will meet ing with Mrs. Augusta -Matern and ferent committees were given and Pvt. Joseph Balagna had a delay Mrs. Taylor. the president then introduced Mrs. Thursday, May 18, in the home of en route from Camp Fannin, Tex., Mrs. Pete Venture. Mrs. F. Burshears is spending a Clyde Williams, chairman of the to an undisclosed destination, and camp and hospital committee, and The Knights of Columbus will short vacation with her sister in visited with his parents, Mr. and Trinidad. explained the splendid- work that sponsor a big fish fry in Gunnison Mrs. John Balagna of Lincoln Mrs. C. E. Goetz is making her has been done for the hospitalized for members and Catholics in gen­ Park. He is employed by the gov­ home temporarily with her sister, soldiers and what is still needed. ernment in Santa Fe, N. Mex., and eral on the Western slope some Mrs. John Coffelt. This was the last meeting of this time in July. was granted a short vacation. Mrs. Clyde Abbott is now with society until September. The patients of the St. Thomas her mother, who is seriously ill in As a result of the American More hospital were given a pro- Longmont. fighting in the Hollandia area of ram of music by the Roosevelt School Picnic to Dutch New Guinea late in April, unior high school orchestra, di­ Your Purchase of War Bonds Lt. Gen. George C. Kennedy of the frected by Miss Inez Egner, Sunday and .Stamps Helps Secure Your I’ . S. Fifth air force, on May 7 afternoon. May 21. The orchestra Be Held May 27 Future. awarded the Distinguished Flying played from the east porch of the cross for the third time to Lt. Jim hospital. The treat -was arranged Sterling, troop-carrier pilot, for (St. Laander’* Pariih, Pueblo) by Eddie Alarcon, custodian of the The annual school children’s outstanding courage and persever­ hospital building. ance while flying under combat in picnic will be held on May 27 in Manafactnrer enemy territory. Lt. Sterling pilots Mrs. Clyde Merlino, who has Mitchell park. Each family will an unarmed C-47 plane taking in been confined to the S t Thomas FLORENCE ALTAR AND ROSARY MRS. MARY CONKLIN IS furnish a basket lunch. The Moth­ OF CHOnCAL troops and supplies to combat More hospital for about two weeks, ers’ club will supply refreshments remains the same. areas and bringing out wounded and entertainment. PRODLCTS and prisoners. In addition to the Mrs. Barbara Hawkins is get­ SOCIEH MEETS IN RECTORY GRAND REGENT IN DURANGO Our Lady of Victory circle was DFC he has won the Air medal ting along nicely following her ap­ entertained in the home of Mrs. twice. pendectomy. During her absence, Lee Murphy last week. ESSENTIAL WAR PLANT MAK- Dorothy Steven.s is substituting for Brassea, Carol Jean Scuttl, Dottie Durango.— (St Columha’s Par­ Lester; financial secretary, Mrs. The members of the Ave Maria Florence.— The monthly meet­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barger LVG PETROLEUM CHEMICALS. her as office nurse for Dr. Knapp. ing of the Altar and Rosary so­ Camerlo, Bemardine Brassea, ish)—The new officers el^^-d by study club closed their year’s work Regina Miemyk; treasurer, Miss attended the K. of C. convention in SYNTHETIC RUBBER. SYNTHET­ Pvt John Fontecchio and FVt ciety was held Thursday after­ Nancy Berardi, Carol Jeanne the C. D. of A. are as follows: Monday night with a covered-dish Mary Kennedy; monitor. Miss Boulder. IC CA.MPHOR. DYE STUFFS, John Rossi are both stationed in noon, May 18, in the rectory with Latta, Rose Marie Provenzano, Grand regent, Mrs. Mary Conklin; dinner party held in the home of Helen Gorman; sentinel, Mrs. Mrs. M. B. Porter has been ETC.. HAS OPENINGS FOR THE Mrs. Glen Justus. Following the England now and met each other Mrs. Gus Vendetti and Mrs. Matt Jimmie Provenzano, David Evans, vice grand regent Kathleen FOLLOWING: Easter Sunday. Graham acting as hostesses. Mrs. Tommy Camerlo, Leslie Kinsley, Pearce; prophetess. Miss Lena Fra- Helen Brennan; organist, Mrs. spending the week visiting rela­ dinner the -women spent the re­ tives in Colorado Springs. Mrs. Pat Alarcon received an Matt Graham substituted for Mrs. and Ralphie Ortez. Jackie and Cassini; historian, Miss Cecilia mainder of the evening playing Augusta Davidson; chaplain, the Mrs, Howard Barger entertained court whist Hawaiian tablecloth for Mother’s Carmine Alberico, who was unable Joseph Guiliano, cousins, were un­ Sponsel; lecturer, Mrs. Kathleen Very Rev. F. P. Cawley; trustees, MALE day from her son, Cpl. Anthony able to appear because they are St. Lucy’s sewing circle in her Pvt. William Strubel was -walk­ to attend. Following the business Mrs. Regina Gallavan, Miss Marie home May 19. Alarcon, who is stationed with an meeting, refre^ments were both patients in St. ’s MILLWRIGHTS ing along a path at a United States Andrews, and Miss Mary Sheehan. Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Murphy infantry unit in Hawaii. Cpl. Al­ served. Mrs. C. J. Caldirola and hospital in Canon City, where they air force field in England recently The court voted to purchase and plan to go to Florida to visit their OPERATOR HELPERS AND arcon has been overseas for two Mrs. John Guiliano will be host­ are recovering from emergency IS PHD -when his attention was attracted iim donate a chalice to St. Columba’s TRAINEES son, Lt. Lee M. Murphy, Jr., who is years. esses for the June meeting. Those appendicitis operations. Three by the familiar stride and ap­ church. assigned to a naval air station Mrs. Victor Koch has returned other pupils were unable to pre­ PIPEFITTERS pearance of a soldier ahead of him. present were the Rev. Urban there. from Los Angeles to visit indefi­ Schnitzhofer, O.S.B., spiritual ad­ sent their pieces. The kindergarten A class of 17 children received He quickened his pace and over­ ELECTRICIANS - MAINTENANCE nitely here wnth her daughter, Mrs. folk who appeared on the program their First Holy Communion on took his brother, John Strubel, viser, and Mmes. James Perino, GUARDS Peter Padgett. Pvt. and Mrs. Pad­ Joseph Berta, C. J. Caldirola, Tony were Eddie Camerlo, Barbara Gar­ May 14. The group included Rich­ whom he had not seen for more ard Thomas Cummins, Richard UIVIOIV PACIFIC than two years. Both were in­ gett are the parents of twins, Rita Cingoranelli, Matt Graham, Gus cia, Earleen Leturgez, Patsy Kay and Petie Jay, born April 27. Vendetti, Mary Valanzano, and Moschetti, Jackie Martin, David Peer, Rita Ann Quintana, Doris ^ RAILROAD ducted from Canon Citv in 1942 (Continued From Last Page) Joyce Dayton, Kenneth Dwight Dil-' MALE & FEMALE and were assigned to different en­ Mrs. Phillip Gereaux, formerly Nellie Sullivan, and Miss Ann Mc- Resendez, Larry White, Jerry NEEDS Walker, Eugene Yellico, and David 17 to elect officers for the ensuing ley, Kenneth Joseph Tozer,'Mary, gineering training units. William of Chandler and now living in Morrow. RAILROAD WORKERS TYPISTS Walaenburg, visited in the home of Hawksworth. Miss Cecile Falgifti year. Helen Stimack was chosen Evelyn Gomez, Mary Margaret! Sister Julitta, music teacher, president; Rose Marie Lisac, vice Quinn, Mary Claire Mason, Ronald STENOGRAPHERS her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Sister Eileen, kindergarten presented a recitation. MxehinuU. BoilermAken, Biaekamiths. Requiescant in Pace and Mrs. Phillip Baccarella of Cal- president; Carol Jane Brunelli, sec­ Damon Quintana, Jerene Helen Electriciani. Carman. teacher of St. Benedict’s school, Mrs. Mary Cingoranelli, Mrs. retary; and Gloria Vallejos, re­ iente, Nev., for tw’o weeks and Fleck, Jo Ann Noble, Shirley Ann Sbtet M«Ul Worktra— Pipefltt«rs. presented their students in a joint Mary Valenzano, and Mrs. Flor­ porter. I.NTF.RESTING WORK. GOOD stopped in Denver to -visit her sis­ Jakshe, Thomas Edward Ryan, Meehanic’a Hclpera and I.Abortn. recital in the Florence Elk home ence Mink were presented with Sunday afternoon. May 21, a Sandra Jean Frandsen, Alice Mae PAY. ADVANCEMENT OPPOR­ Diocese of Pueblo ter on her return trip. silver pins on May 8 by the Ameri­ Brakeman. Switchmen and Firamen. TUNITIES. HOUSING AND UKIOSTE— Joi* Diurio, of 245 Ponn May 21 at 3 p.m. Piano students graduation recital was given by Aspaas, and William Donald Noble. Pfc. and Mrs. F. E. Cra-wford Teltarrapb Operatora~(Paid whila ron BOOMS AVAILABLE. TRANS­ •vfnuo, P^iobloi Ronident of Pueblo 26 who participated were Catherine can Red Cross. They have been Norma Lou Brunelli in St. Mary’s The music pupils of St. Colum­ learn). recently moved from Salt Lake PORTATION PAID. EX-REMING­ yc«r». Died M»y IT. Survived by one Camerlo, Margaret Irene Telck, blood donors three times. school auditorium. Miss Brunelli is ba’s school gave a recital Thursday Chair Car AttendanU and C oach da'i^hter. Amelia Baca. Pi^mo Beach. City to Lincoln, Nebr., where Gene Lois Meadows, Jacqueline Falgien, Ruben Ortez has received a a piano student of Sister M, Tar- evening in the high school. Cleanert. TON EMPLOYEES CAN RETAIN Calif.: one non. Crecencio Urioate, is stationed in the air base. SENIORITY RIGHTS. Pij«^blo. BcQuiem High Mast in Our Lady Marian F a y Penny, Laveme medical discharge from the army, sila. Extra Ganc Laborera and Section Men. Mrs. Minnie Lovejoy sold her Sherry Ann, infant daughter of of Mf. Carmel church M»y 20. Inter­ and has spent the past few days Dining Car Cooka and Waltera. ment Rosela^. home on S. Ninth street and moved Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Daugherty, regaining his health at the home Fr. Flanagan to Signalmen* Linemen and Helpera. LEST— Frank, of Pueblo. Died May to 621 River street. was baptized May 11 by the Very Apply in person at ■of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Steel Erectionmen and Maaona. Survived by hit children. Mrt. Arthur Landry, 10, son of Mrs. Fr. Pascual Gives Give Address Rev. F. P. Cawley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pnblek. Mr^, Andrew Zupaocic Ortez. He had been seriously ill Graduation exercises for the sen­ B. A 6. Carpenter!* Paintera and War Manpower Commission, Mrs. Erne»t HaeWett. Mrt. Sam Pannun- Bertha Landrj', fractured his right Henry Davis were the sponsors. Helpera. ! for the past four months in a hos- ior class of 1944 'n-ill be held in United States Employment rle. Mies Catherine Lest. F ^n , Adolph, forearm Thursday, May 18, w’hen May 12 was also Mr. Daugherty’s Aa well as manr other claaaiflcationt. and John Lett, all of Pueblo. Mrs. Max Diplomas to Four Ipital in Amarillo, Tex. Ruben St. Mary’s auditorium on Friday he fell from a fence while playing. birthday, the day he left for a Recently Increased Rates of Pay Sendee, 550 Broadway Buh. Pittsburg. Calif.; Cbrittine Lest, served two years in the army, dur­ evening. May 26, at 8 o’clock. The training camp in Idaho. Now in Effect. San Francitco. Calif.; Mrt. Rote Good­ He was taken to a hospital where ing which time he advanced to the win. Oakland. Calif.; Mrs. WiUiam Nixon. it was found that both arm bones commencement addresses will bo Flight officer of the Pan Amer­ If yoa art not employed in an eaaentia] Euclid. O . and Pfc. William Lett with Durango.— (Sacred Heart Par­ rank of sergeant in the air forces, delivered by the Very Rev. John indoatry at your hlgheat ikili and want LOCAL ESSENTIAL EMPLOYERS had been broken about an inch and ican Co. of Treasure island, Rob­ to help In the war effort apply at the infantry overseas. Member of St. ish)— Eighth grade graduation di­ and was a graduate at the air­ Flanagan, S.J., president of Regis WILL RECEIV-E FIRST PRIORITY Jofcph's society and the Holy Trinity a half above the wrist. ert Ayers, who has been here! either— plomas were given out by the Rev. plane mechanic school in Amarillo. college. The salutatory will be FOR WORKERS IN THE ABOVE teriety. Requiem Mast in St- Mary't In a large, midland industrial Michael Pascual, C.R., at a cere­ Later he was assigned to a train­ on furlough, left Saturday morn-; Union Pacific Railroad church May 22. Interment Rotelawn city in Engfland, Capt. Edwin H. given by Anne Fink and the vale­ ing. May 20, accompanied by his, CLASSIFICATIONS. ANYONE rH.AVEZ— Mrt. Helen F.. of Boone, mony held after the 8 o’clock Mass, ing squadron. dictory by Gladys Styduhar. Nine­ Employment Office, PRESENTLY EMPLOYED IN ES­ pjerl May 20. Mother of Mescio Chavei. Stinemeyer, Jr., and Capt. Frank G. wife and little daughter, for his. Sunday, May 21. The choir, under Cpl. Oreste Tollis, who has been teen members will receive their di­ 1221 17th Street, Denver, Colo. SENTIAL INDUSTRY OR LEAV- Pueblo. Alfonso Chavez. Mrt. ManuaU Stinemeyer, Canon City brothers, the direction of Mrs. Sophie Rom­ headquarters in San Francisco. I Maecarents. Mrs. Serafina Maecorenai. met recently. The reunion was the stationed in Fort Riley, Kans., the plomas. Music will be furnished by Calif. I Or ING EMPLOYMENT TO APPLY and Joe Finn Chaver. all of Boone. Re ero, sang the Mass in honor of St. past 82 months, has been trans­ the high school girls’ glee club. U. S. Railroad Retirement FOR THESE JOBS WILL NOT BE Quiom Maf.^ in Sacred Heart ‘church. first in four years for the brothers. The Knights of Columbus held} Cecilia. The pupils from the eighth ferred tq Camp Campbell, Ky. Members of the class are Louis Board, 1717 Champa street, CONSIDERED. Avondale Mty 22. Interment in St. Frank is with the U. S. army air gnrade who graduated were: Flor- their meeting Monday evening in Vrain cemetery. Lt. Joseph Goglio, who had been Aldretti, Mary Gregory Atencio, Denver, Colo. force intelligence. He was associ­ ma Romero, Martha Mae Fanto, the parish hall. BON.ATO— Alberta Jo. of Soprlt. Serv­ stationed in Fort Benning, Ga., Edith Baione, Paul Dissler, Norma ice?. in Catholic chapel May IS. Inter­ ated with his father in the prac­ Benny Duran, and Agripina Gal­ has been transferred. He is the Daher, Anne Fink, John Laner, ment in Catholic cemetery. tice of law prior to entering the legos. '“ARDENAS— Anthony, of Redwing. service. brother of Mrs. Mary Valenzano, Agnes Jacques, Cora Sanchez, Mar­ D;od May IS Survived by hit wife. Communion Sunday for the so­ Pfc. M. Mike Ruybal, son of Mr. and the son of Joseph Goglio, Sr. jorie Lenich, Virginia Rice, Rose Josephine; two tons. Fermin Cardenat and Mrs. J. Ruybal, was home on Marie Ritz, Gladys Styduhar, dality and all high school boys and Lt. M. J. Ruffatti and his wife, of Redwing and Emetiro Cardenas in furlough visiting his parents and Helen Musso, Robert Martinez, The army, two daughters. Mrs. Dan Sent girls will be next Sunday, May 28 who had been visiting in the home relatives. He was stationed in Ala­ Bertha Maldonado, Angela Maes, and Mist Amelia Cardenas, both of Red­ of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike wing. one brother. Juan N Cardenat of Mary Trujillo, and Mercedes Vigjf. Needed Immediately! bama. For* Csrland. Requiem High Matt In Ruffati, have returned to Okla­ Catholic chape?. Cbtma. May 16. In­ Peter M. Babey, seaman first homa City, Okla., where he is as­ terment in Redwing cemetery. class, left Durango to return to the sistant post engineer. He has been' f^A.VTARELLI— Mrt. Michelina. of 526 South Fork Gets Great Lakes training station, fol­ stationed in Will Rogers air field j Harrison avenue. Canon City. Died May On Construction Project Near Pasco, Wash. 13. She had lived for many years in lowing a 10-day leave in Du­ there for the past six months. Brooktlde and Chandler.’ Survived by Sodalists End rango with his family. Having Sgt. Charles Lujan, who had! her huvband. John Santarelli. retired coal just completed his boot training, miner, three daughters, Mrs Elieabeth been stationed in Alaska for the I LABORERS SHEET METAL Telia and .Mrs .Mildred Dell Monache of New Confessionals Babey has been assigned to a pa.st 16 months, gave his wife a; Canon City and Mrs. Josephine Madonna special fire control school. Mrs. pleasant surprise early in the week WORKERS of Seattle. Wash ; two aoni. Joe of Babey, the former Lena Baudino, Novena to Patron MILLWRIGHTS Soa’ tle and John of Chicago. Member by calling her from Denver. After of Maria Isabella lodge of Brookside. Del Norte.— New confessionals is making her home in Durango a 21-day furlough, he will go to Requiem Matt in St. Michael’t church have been erected in the church of with her parents, while her hus­ Fort Sam Houston, Tex., where he CARPENTERS STENOGRAPHERS Mav 1!>. band is in naval service. (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel VILLAGRA.VA—John Terry. Three- South Fork, The beautiful design­ will be reassigned to active duty. Parish, Pueblo) month-old ton of .Mr. and Mrs. John ing and neat work are the products Mrs. Domenica Perino receivea The following were baptized Sunday, May 21, the members REINFORCING IRON PATROLMEN Villag*^na of Florence. Died May 20. of Manuel Martinez, a member of a message through the mediation Sunday by Father Urban: Michael of St. Rita’s Altar sodality con­ Survived by his parents; one sister. of the Holy See. giving her the WORKERS. Janet, one brother. Donald. Services in that mission. Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. cluded the annual novena to their PROTECTIVE FIREMEN St Benedict's church May‘ 22. Masses on Sunday, May 28, will news of the death of her father, Arthur Telck, with Mr. and Mrs. patron by attending the 8 o’clock be offered in Del Norte at 8:30 Signor Giovanni Spandre. He died Joseph Cristelli as sponsors; Mass in a body, dressed in the garb AUTO OILERS LEGAL NOTICE and 10:30, in Center at 9:00, and in Balangero, Italy. Anthony Thomas, son of Mr. and of their society, and receiving I LINEMEN in St. Michael’s at 10:30. Mrs. Joseph Sanchez, sponsors, Holy Communion. Their spiritual HEAVY EQUIPMENT The Young Ladies’ sodality of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Raj-mond Rodriguez and Guada­ director, the Rev. Charles J. Mur­ OILERS GROUNDMEN ESTATE OF Florence McCuen, dtecajed the Immaculate Conception held a lupe Barber; Selina Louise, daugh­ ray. S.J., celebrant of the Mass, No. 73648 social meeting on Monday, May 22. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph San­ spoke of the acomplishments of I ELECTRICIANS Notice It herebr eiven th«t on the 20th Refreshments and games were en­ School Out June I STRUCTURAL IRON­ chez, sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ the sodality during the past year, dey of April. 1244. letW t of admisietrm- joyed throughout the evening. tion were Itiued to the undeniurntd at nard Leyba. and offered the example of its Special plans were made for the WORKERS (Riggers) ELECTRICIAN HELPERS edminietrator of the above named estate Cpl. Albert Di Rito of Camp members as an inspiration to all and fill persoTis having cltima asainit Mid study club meeting to be held on Chaffee, Ark., is spending a 16- women of preaent society. estate are required to Ale them for allow­ the second Monday of June. In Grand Junction In the evening the members m- ALSO OTHER SKILLED AND SEMI-SKILLED OPENINGS ance in the County Court of the City and The Holy Name of Mary parish day furlough with his parents, Mr. County of Denver, Colorado, within six and Mrs. Nick Di Rito of Penrose. thered in the Minnequa club for months from said date or said elalma will credit union was host to the other the annual banquet. More than 70 be forever barred. credit unions of the valley on Mrs. Frank Carochi underwent Transportation Advanced Attractive Scale of Wages B. C. HILLIARD. Jr.. Grand Junction. — St. Joseph’s members attended. Guests included Wednesday, May 24. school will close Friday, June 2. a tonsil h«r«t)T riven that on tha l2th liam D. McCarthy and H. L. De­ day of May. 1944. lettero of adminiitra- of the month Mass will be offered first class, is spending a few days Victor Cornelia, and to his wife. laney. Other guests were John tion were i^eued to the underairned aa ad- at 7:00 with exposition of the here visiting his wife. He has His APO is New York. Mrs. Victor Pagano, Cpl. Walter Dawson, and GUARANTEED HOUSING FOR ALL PEOPLE EMPLOYED mini.trator of the above named e«tate and Blessed Sacrament been in service 22 months. Cornelia also has two other sons Pvt. Nick Dominick of the Pueblo all penoni havinr elainu atainat said ee- Members of the Knights of Col­ in the service. Joe Cornelia, Mar­ late are required to fiia tham for allow­ Mrs. H. E. Chambers has re­ base. Applicants must bring draft registration' and classification, social security ance in the County Court of the C i^ and umbus who attended the state con­ turned from a visit to Minneapo­ shall islands, sent his mother a John Pagano favored the group County of Denver. Colorado, within six vention in Boulder were: Tony lis, Minn., and Chicai cablegram, and Victor Cornelia, with some popular songa. Pvt card and proof of citizenship. months from said date or said claims will Valdez, state treasurer; Frank R. Phillip Paul Burke, gunner's with the navy somewhere in the Dominick entertained with the ac­ be forei’cr barred. Sierra, district deputy; and Teddy Pacific, sent his mother a special B. C. H|mazd. Jr.. mate third class, in the navy, cordion, and CpL Dawson offered Anyone presently employed in essential Industry or leaving essential em» Administrator. Espinosa. The acting delegates left last weekend after visiting delivery letter that she received a number of impersonations. were Joe G. Lobato, district treas­ his father, M. F. Buike, and the same day as the cablegram. All the priests congratulated the ployment to apply for these jobs will not be considered. , _-2b ^Bps'PLcr/vnvT urer, and Jose I. Valdez. Three brother, M. J. Burke, here. He Mrs. Rosa Jennings received members. In th e program the candidates for degrees were also enlisted in the navy in December, eablejgram from her husband, Lt. president Mrs. Frank Krasovec, present. 1941, and served 23 months in the Jennings, who is somewhere in on behalf of the sodality, presented Gertrude Garcia, Estella Cha­ SouUiwest Pacific. England, last Sunday, their first a check for |100 to the director COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE I iM N IS DISFASE5 con, Helen Schmidt, and Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prinster, w’edding anniversary. He also sent for the purpose of buying vest­ will interview applicants at :5;H>Dr.RM[F0F Worker were graduated from Del Jr., 1302 Rood avenue, are the a Mother’s day cablegram to his ments. In acknowlednng the vift. ------Norte high school in the past week. parents of a girl bom May 20 in mother-in-law, Mrs, C. J, Butz Father Murray described it as typ­ Km Pr*vr, CsUrfk nMEnMaTStew. The Altar society of Del Norte St. Mary’s hospital. Mrs. James Fabrizio underwent ical of the spirit the sodsdity has War Manpower Commission Qtiifw 1W •h'eias e b r will have its monthly meeting in Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wilson, an operation in St. Mary’a hos­ shown from its beginning. He C«up»ft Ankmiih NetriMik the parish hall on Wednesday, May 606 Belford avenue, are the par­ pital in Pueblo Tuesday. called on the chairman of ^ e so­ United States Employment Service Ki*h ue e »Mk ?»

•ehool lore* Gonzalea, Loretu Maea, Andy Eatoda, Ralph Seapalo, Roaemarie RHEUMATISM Kindergarten Qraduatesj^ I’j.kKlare ahown Jakovich, Carol Ann Miklich, Carolyn Scarafiotta, Jeanette Medved, Bishop Pays Visit to ArthrlUi Nmrltl* Scittics b«lows Left to righti Richard Koaak, Joaeph Brantun, Beverly Ann Why contlno* to lolfor th« Charlotte Mitmaah, Rarbara Jran Gorahe, and Gloria Jean Mohorich. ■conliini pain* of tha* dl*- Golob, Velma A, F.tcarcida, Mary Jo Culig, Beverly Ann Braninn, Do- «a * « whoa tho twaal rtmtdioo " «*bm foo OM rich. two*EoM hart (ailed? L ean abont a StatieMrv withlife^kepboto* v l Prisoner-of-War Camp rrapbofebonalf atth e^. Amamlowa^ new. troatworthy, modoni, non-enncleal rale bollacr Ided flft wit* a frieod'* piotore. troatmont method. Thia marvalou* troatmenl tPICiAL OfftB’ ** ia eompleUb axplainad In the Ball Clinle’a aer*tive for now FREE Book. Writ* todar No oblintlen. Ball Clinic, D*pt-7MI, Kxeilator Sprint*. Uo. (Continued From Last Page) Emeat Dannegger, SJ., were pres­ lain Daleiden and executed in the ent for the afternoon’s ceremonies. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE C. & E. shop. The altar dossals The minor offices of the Field A DANGER SIGNAL and canopy are in burgundy, the Mass were filled by the camp per­ Often aaaoelatad with Bardonini o( tb* borders in gold cloth, marked with sonnel and altar boyt from Holy Artarlea, a Stmk*. ParalTai*. Heart Troo. Trinity parish. bla Kidney Din***, and other trar* com- red crosses. The backdrop of the plicalion*. Baeultfnl treatlnt method* ot large wooden crucifix is red da­ The inspection tour of the hos­ th* Ball Ollnlo have proren dependable for mask and gold cloth, set o ff by pital showed a wealth of the most nearly a quarter of a century Send (or FREE B lo^ Proeaur* Book- t^ay. No ob- borders of gold satin. The valence modem equipment and many new lltation. Ball Clinic, Dept TOGO Excelalor of the canopy or baldachino is facilities that are not available Sprint*. Uo trimmed with a gold-tassel-balled at present in similar civilian insti­ NDOGEN fringe and carries six gold crosses tutions. The operating room is Mast H*U ••OlinilS and four tassels. The entire altar lighted by a series of lights in tri­ •AFK — ■PFIOTIVI — WANT TO BECOME A PRIEST? PROVID — Xo« tnlltbl* took two weeks to complete. angular shades fitted into the ceil­ to too. Job th* nasT ttti*. Wc u> our Society eeeleui young ing. The light thus obtained is Sn issn. SanS tor futl d*. On the altar itself rests the Ulli u Dapwtmant ttV. men anxit>u« to devote their tivet Salvatorun red and white wood tabernacle, much superior to the usual oper­ Th* Rsndoqtn Oo., ItSS ■. Prie5ts to the Apoatolate o( ptrUhamm*oru» re* B7 St., Oltvtlin* S, Ohio trtau. tecturet: to the education of the laity covered by a cream damask cloth. ating room illumination. From the and of atpiranu to the priesthood; to the A burgundy carpet covers the pharmacy to the department of cause of the Catholic Preai, etc. steps and platform of the altar. dental surgery, the whole hospital No Results-No Pay Craduiiea of the elrmentaiy achool. and The entire sanctuary will soon be is admirably adapted to its work •uch as have had tome or complete high achool carpeted in burgundy. Outside the of taking care of the camp person­ or college, or are advanced in yeart* arc wel­ nel and prisoners. come to cormpond Immediately. Advanced chapel the ground is landscaped ttudefiU but deheient in Latin credita receive with;h newly plantedP grass, trees, special courses. — If you are too poor to pay shrubs, and flowers. How Devoted Are Yon (he full fees we shall seek to solve your problem At noon an informal dinner was through the aid of special benefactora. To the Little F loic^? served in the officers’ mess, after Such u have had six years of Latin enter iPillETIl II B[ (he novitiate immediately. No charges! Write which the entire guard company, What favors do you seek of to the address below j^icating age and extent led by a band and followed by the St. Therese? of education. motor transpo^, staged a parade VERY REV FATHER PROVINCIAL, in honor of the Bishop’s visit aociiTY or Tin: pivimc savior GIIEIIBIPIRISB The parade over, the Bishop and ST. WlSCONSm his party were escorted by Col Cain and his staff on a visitation of the compounds of the officers THE ABBEY SCHOOL and the enlisted men. The visitor Canon (Jty, Colorado here is tom between amazement For boyc (rom 12 year* eld *nd op. CATHEDRAL TO HOLD SOLEMNiprpcjJpnf Spnilq Thorousb tr*lnine by Benedictine prtcet*. at what has been accomplished and Idwl mounuin climet*. lersc eempui. All Pueblo Catholic the hope that similar treatment is (Continued From Last Page) sport*, includina horseback riding and In* PENTECOSTAL CEREMONIES « being extended to our countrymen the presentation to the graduates. dian Lor*. AoerediUd. Inquire i the Headmaater. in like camps abroad. Conferring of the diplomas and The Field Mass and Confirma­ an address by the Rev. Daniel High Schedules (Continued From Last Page) what is parched. Real what is Scroll liting tion took place at 4 p.m. near the Gnidica, O.S.B., will come next ert Click, Charles Granata, John wounded. Bend what is stiff. headquarters of the post on an The class will then sing “ Veni Hudson* Frank Kinnaird, Robert Warm what is cold. Guide what altar set up between the officers’ Sancte Spiritus.” club and mess hall. Col. and Mrs. LaFoe, Frank Lopez, Arthur Lu­ is astray.” Thirteen first aid certificates Enroil Now Cain, the officers and their wives, will be presented to those com­ Closiug Eveuts cero, Paul ^u ce ro , Gilbert Mar­ Red is the color of Pentecost Hero Lieutenaut tinez, Sai^el Mitchell, Anthony the guard company, under arms, pleting the course during the year. Mulay, Pasquel Robles, Leo San­ On this great feast the Church dis­ the sisters from Holy Trinity The program will close with the THE SACRED HEART (Continued From Last Page) chez, Edward Santistivan, William plays her utmost splendor; priest (Continued From Last Page) school and Mt. San Rafael hos­ recessional played by the accom­ pital, civilian employes o f the tend a High Mass for the Rev. Talbow, Anastacio Urrutia, and and altar are clothed in crimson Charlotte Douglas. Members of the panist, Harriet Boziacb. post, and civilian guests from MASS LEAGUE W, D. McCarthy, superintendent, Gilbert Zamora. The adult mem­ special procession include Henry The following pupils will be on the last day of school, June 2. red, emblematic of the ardent Trinidad were in attendance. graduated: Gabriela Anzlovar, bers are Joseph Neary, Glenn Sut­ flames of the Spirit of God, who Pettit, Thomas Jagger, Robert Ita member! (both Rrlut *nd daeeaaeil) The Ma.'otlan to her. Help worked by the element o f water Mingoia, and Pvt. Michael Tripodi Father McCarthy will preach the language imparted to the Apostles Ka.sic. the kindergarten graduation exer­ Imploro God'* mercy upon *11, a* did St sermon. In the afternoon His Ex­ —the Spirit of God in the very be­ Junior servers and grade school Tne soldiers’ choir joined with cises, a piano recital took place. T)ierM«, by the united and continuoua by the Holy Ghost. This was ac­ prayer of all lovers of the Little Flower. of the cellency, the Most Rev. Joseph C. ginning of the world moved upon choir members were guests of the the girls’ choir from Holy Trinity Those in the recital were Evelyn companied by a mighty wind to the waters: By the deluge He Participate in th* spiritual benefit* and Willging. will award the diplomas direct the attention of the people Rev. \V. D. McCarthy acting pas­ in furnishing the music. Pvt. Mohorcich, who played “ March­ fndulsences which the Society of the 'at the commencement exercises in washed away the crimes of a guilty tor, at a picnic in City park Charles Calabrese sang Franck’s ing;” Eileen Kocman, “ Clouds,” Little Flower offers to members. Rosary of Fatima to the descent of the Holy Ghost world. The water is dirided and 'the City auditorium. The ^ est and to assemble them to hear the Wednesday, May 24. The children “ Panis Angelicus” at the Offer­ and “ The Drummer;” Beverly LIFE ME.MBEREHIP.._...... JIO.OS speaker for the occasion will be some scattered toward the four played games and had box lunches. tory, and Pfc. Charles Fensterer Papish, “ Song Without Words;” Enroll for life. Avoid the bother of re- ST. BRIGID’S CHURCH sermon of the .Apostle Peter. On quarters of the earth in anticipa­ newtn, membership yearly. Enjoy til Capt. James Haggerty, chaplain of Additional refreshments were rendered a trumpet accompani­ and “ Waltz in D Major,” Narry HA.NFORD, CALIFORNIA this day the Church of Jesus be­ tion of the words: “ Go, preach the spiritual advantaces of the Society the Pueblo army air base. served in the afternoon. ment to the choir at the Gloria and Narod: “ Viewing the Parade.” of the Little Flower for your entire life. came vi.sible as a community to the Gospel to every nation.” PERPETUAL MEMBERSHIP ... 125.00 Commencing Trlduume to m*rk the the world, and publicly professed The dAy's outing was a reward Sanctus and played the fanfare and “ Sailing;” and James Butler, Produce* Special Effect* The piwisions of Perpetual Member­ epperitloni of Mery *t Fetim*. Portu- OUR COLORED MISSIONS her faith in her crucified Savior. of faithful service. The boys have at the Consecration. The impres­ “ March” from Norma, and “ Wave­ ship sppeal, esptcielly, to tho,* who are gel. in 1917. M tu in tb* Shrin* tvtry NEED PRIESTS ft BROTHERS The special effects the Holy served Sunday and weekday sive Mass closed with the post lets.” more or lea, ,lonE In Ilf, and who (ear Saturday for the petitioni went to oa. Would yoo Ilk* to Or *on**ergtt In the Alleluia verse the Church Ghost produced in the Apostle* band playing the national anthem leat after death there be no one to offer Addrcaa your prtitlona a* abova. Will b* • prl«*t-»trafn- yobr Ilf* *• • invokes the Holy Ghost in these Masses and have taken part in prayera and Maatea (or them. Th* meat LAY BROTHER were these; He freed them from and retreat. e«nd information. Ing OQ*n for th* terms: “ Alleluia, Alleluia. Send processions and adoration of the contoling and satitfactory raemberahip. ooiMlon* I or b* • helping th* all doubt and fear; gave them His At the supper in the officers’ Entitle! you to all bleuinci and privf. mlMiooaJT your* prloiU, **p*elaUy forth Thy Spirit and they shall Blessed Sacrament throughout the BEAUTIFUL HAND MADE light for the perfect knowledge mess Bishop Willging addressed lesea and Indulgences during Ufa and ••If 7 in th* mlMiona* be recreated: And thou shalt renew year. The girls have sung for all iftar death. In th* trials and needs of Suptrior of truth; inflamed their hearts the High Masses, Sundays and Col. Cain and his staff, thanking ROSARIES $ 3 * 5 0 the face of the earth. Alleluia. life, and after death, you will ba In­ W w J + o f n • F»th*r* of BL Edmond. with the most ardent love, and in­ them for the rare opportunities Sufferers cluded daily at Matt for repot* of souls. VV ru e 10 . lUndalph. V.nnont Come, 0 Holy Spirit, fill the hearts weekdays, and have been regular VALUES UP TO 110.00 cited in them the fiery zeal for they had extended him. “ You have in their attendance and singing at At th* praaent tfzna when a »hortaga of FAMILY PERPETUAL MEMBERSHIP of thy faithful and kindle in them 1100.00 t ] DARK (IRRIDERCENT) [ ] CRYSTAL the propagation of the kingdom made the occasion one that cannot Docton ajclata* many the fire of Thy love.” The Alleluia evening devotions. May Include aa many perpetual mem- t } BRONZE of God; strengthened them to bear be forgotten. I know that this trib­ neopla will appraciata berahipi aa you deaire for members of S^nd Ch^k or Monty Ordtr. Q.O.D. Plui CLASSIFIED ADS verse implores the sending of all sufferings and persecutions; Mothers of the seventh and ute was principally intended to tha valuabla informa­ 6m*U Pottaf* Ft* (No Currency). the Spirit Creator, that He may eighth grades will entertain the tion ffivan in your family, living or dead. Or, you and gave them the gift of speak­ honor the office I hold, but your may Include not only your chUdren but HOUSE OF GODDARD National rata Z5e per word per leaoei mini­ renew not only the face of the pupils in the school hall May 29 Fatbar Heumann'a SO W. Wftihlnglon St.. Chlcaco, lit ing in various languages, and of truly gentlemanly attentions to all alto living or deceased parent*, brothers mum 12 word*. If four or more eonaaeotlve earth by awakening the life of na­ at 2 p.m. The occasion is a fare­ and sitters of husband and wife. All laauea *r* naed, tha rata la tOo per word per discerning spirits. the members of my party made us ture, but also the face of the human well party for the eighth graders. FREE will be beneficiaries of tha daily Holy Academy Of The lien*. Payment muat eecompeny all order* With the conclusion of the Fes­ feel the courtesies were quite per­ Ma*s, the weekly devotions at tha Ada.rceeiTMl on Monday will appear is th* world by the light of truth and the tival of Pentecost the Paschal Mrs. M. B. Andrew, Mrs. T. E. sonal. , . . You could not have Shrine of St. Therese, and included in iasu* printd for tha following week. (Sea power of grace, until all things are Carroll, and Mrs. Carl Skiff are HEALTH numeroui Maaset constantly offered up Immaculate Conception your local Regliter for local rate*.) cycle, that portion of the Church done more in regard to any de­ by the Carmelite Father*. perfected and transformed. The year that centers around Easter, in charge of arrangements. tail of the day’s pro^am. . . .” BOOK Conducted by the Sisters of St MISCELLANEOUS Church beseeches the Holy Ghost Membership Due, M*y b* Sent In Full Francis. State Commissioned. Res­ closes. With the descent of the The day closed with Low Mass It axpUina tha a m p * ' or on Installment Plan, Us* Application to strengthen the faithful writh the toma of many die- Now, ident and day students. For cata­ SHAVERS WANTED—ANY CONDITION. Holy Ghost the great work of Meeting Is Conducted by celebrated by Chaplain Daleiden ordara aueh aa la ■ ■ ■am.a* a ■ ■ a.iLa a.aa.a * ■ ■ * ^ ONLY THESE, Shicks. 28; Sh*Tim*at*r, blessing of His goodness, and to logue address the in the presence of the Bishop in ■ Carmelite Father*, 641S Dante Ave„ $.i. and poatage return mall. L A. Andre**, enkindle in them the pure flame K " St. Rita's Altar Sodality the Stonewall camp, some 30 miles Narroaa diaetaea, atomarh diaaaaat* raB Directreaa, Oldenburg, Indiana Shaver Speeialiat, Shoreland, Miami 12. of heavenly love. and liTar, bronchial irritation, rhenma- * Chicago 37, 111.-; Florida. drama of the world’s salvation is west of Trinidad. Bishop Willging tiam. anemia, leg aorta, headache, blad­ * I wish to obtain a der and kidney, constipation, aegema, A special feature of the Pente­ fully presented. The regular meeting of the St was accompanied on his visitation a Q Life Membership (tlO) NURSES TRAINING 8CBOOLB cost Mass is the Sequence, “ Veni, asthma, acna and otbar*. How to ra- Dioce*an Pr**iilent Attend* Rita Altar sodality was held in by the Rev. Joseph S. Garcia, the dace and how to inercaaa weight! tha jj □ Perpetual Membership ($25) MAKE UP to S2&*$B5 WEEK m * Trained Sancte Spiritus,” known as the A C C W M**t Our Lady of Mt Carmel hall, Rev. John J. Kelley, and the Rev. wisa combination of foods! proper mod* a □ Family Perpetoa I Membership I Practical Nunc. Ltam quickly at home “ Golden Sequence,” for its beauty Pueblo, Thursday, May 11. The Patrick Stauter. The Rev. Francis of Uringt car# of children* etc. a . ($100) ! Booklet Fr*«. Cbicaco School of Ntinlng Mr*. Clarence Bellinger, presi­ I and simplicity constitute it one meeting was well attended. L. Sebastiani, S.J., and the Rev. A ipoclaJ ehaptar tails you how to reliant ■ in tha Society of th* Llttl* Flower. D«pL R*6. Chicago. dent of the Diocesan Council of of the masterpieces of sacred song. minor iHa by tha uaa of madiclDal prapara> [[ □ I enclose $...... duet In full for Catholic Women of Pueblo, at­ tiona moat auitabla for homa medication. JEWELRY The wants and indigence of man’s g this membership. tended the convention in Denver Thla raluabla book based earthly pilgrimage are represented ■ □ I enclose $...... Initial offering WATCHI<:S WANTED—Broken or ueabh May 23 of the Archdiocesan Coun. DIPLOMAS ARE GIVEN TO 32 on th* original by Father ■ ^ for this membertbip, and will send •II kindi. even IngenolU. Highest price* in a manner exceedingly simple Haumann* contatna in> ■ in S...... each month until full and touching. cil of Catholic Women. formation that will h«lp paid for jewelry, rings, ipectaele*. alarm Mrs. J. M. O’Brien, mother of * duos have b«;n sent. JwM rub 0 l*w d?op« of pl*osant'im«fling clocke, razors, cigarett* Ifghtera, gold teeth, “ Wash what is soiled. Water you to batter understand etc. Ca.th mailed promptly. Low*’*, Holland Mrs. Arthur Grove, moved from GRADUATES OF ABBEY SCHOOL your body. JITTER lU O on onltl*!, I*q<, wriifi^ (oc*, Name— Bldg. Sl laOuU 1, Mo. Mall coupon now and yon n*ct ond fof*h*od ond you con til out Dawson, N. Mex., to Pueblo, and is living at 29.31 I^igh street. will get thia valuable Add real.. «n yovf porch go comping, fiiKing or PHOTO riNISBINO Canon City.—Thirty-two gradu­ years in the abbey made him book by return mail. [ .I— ., ------Mrs. Richard M^onna of 2507 City. State.. ptcnickmg without worrying obovt mo4* ates of the Abbey school received knoTni throughout Catholic prep ' ROLLS DEVELOPED—On* Da> 8«vle*, I Salida Seniors N. Main street and, Mrs. Elizabeth L. HELHa.N'N a CO.. Dtpt. I7i-CK»« — FREE PREMIUMS — cpfito biiti, ch(QQ*f bit*i. r*d bugt, lond I Nev*r Fad* Deckle Edge Print* 25c. CEN< Bradley of 1212 W. 16th street their diplomas in the Abbey chapel circles, was awarded the Best Ath­ US BrosSiraj, N'*w York S, N. T. For a LIFE membership, the Little C*oi or lond flttg. Jitter Bug worni th*i* It URY p h o t o s e r v ic e . U Croa*c Wi* have been seriously ill in their Flower Preyerbook (large leatherette Thursday, May 25. These sixth lete medal. Ploaa* iend Fathor Haununn'a bli edition) is sent. For s PERPETUAL J p*iu not to b't*. Com only 35<-giv*g homes. 'T R E E ' BaaJth Book. 8 i :m m e r c a m p s Eight states, ranging from Cali­ membership, a genuine arulpturette— l r*of pror*cttoa At drug, grocery, T. Sgt. Francis W. Mooney, formers, members of an extraor­ three dimension — ideal lor drawing c deportment, hordwor* or>d ron*ty Send joMT bor to Camp S t Malo neat Receive Eucharist dinarily large graduation class, al­ fornia to New York, were repre­ room: for a FAMILY membership. * L J son of Mrs. Josephine Mooney of Rocky Mountain National park. In the complete sick-eall set and wall cru ^ ix. { Rtoreg Atk for ond get genuine most to a man will find their way addr**a______heart of America’* most majestic moun 2433 Court street, is stationed sented in this year's graduation lies with that of most American / tains. Open this summer July 9 to August Salida.—The members of St. Jos­ near Long Beach, Calif. He was class. The graduates, together 27. Under persona) direction of the R t recently home a few days on fur­ youths today, in the armed forces Your Purchtse of War Bonds Rev. Monsignor Joseph Bocetti, care of eph's parish who are being gradu­ with their respective home states, U j allmant la_ lllT EH g u G lough. of the couutry. : and Stamps Helps Secure Your Chancery Office, 1636 Logan, Denver. Colo ated from the Salida high school are: Daniel Adamic, Brewster; (PI**** nMntion It) Fee $10 a week. this year received Holy Communion Alvin Nelson, seaman first class, Ceremonies Bernard F. Brown, Bernalillo, N. ^ Future. in a body Sunday, May 21, in the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nelson Mex.; Peter C. Create, Brookside; of 1604 Atlanta avenue, is in the Open With Mass Robert L. Cribbs, Florence; Mau­ TWO MONTHLY NOVENAS TO THE 8:30 o'clock Mass. The students ' wore their caps and gowns and oc­ navy and Is doing coast guard duty In their honor a Solemn Mass rice M. Delehant, Lincoln, Nebr.; cupied reserved seats. near New Orleans, La. offereo by the Rev. Stephen Sus- Gerald Dignan, Denver; Arthur Di INFANT JESUS OF PRAGUE trick, O.S.B., headmaster, opened Rito, Canon City; John Erro- 'HOW CAN W£ The Most Rev. Joseph C. Will­ S. Sgt. I^eo Korber, formerly of the ceremonies at 9 o’clock. Assist­ monspe. Rock Springs, W yo.; Rob­ ging, Bishop of Pueblo, adminis­ 112 W. 11th street, is a test pilot ing in the Mass were the Rev. ert D. Etcheverry, Cokeville, EVER GET lal to 9th, and tered the sacrament of Confirma in the am ^ and is stationed in Michael Jankowski, O.S.B., dea­ Wyo.; Roland Faricy, Florence; 17lh to 23th tion to a class of fiO in St. Joseph’s Bowman Field, Ky. His wife, con; Frater Baldwin Haydock, l/ouis R, Filosa, Salida; Joseph T. church the evening of May 17. The Maxine E. Korber, ia a WAVE and RIO OF THESE = NOVTNA INTENTIONS I O.S.B., subdeacon; and Brother Francis, Leadville; Harry A. Rev. Joseph U. Segourn, the Rev. is stationed in Corona Beach hos­ pital, Calif. Louis Mangus, O.S.B., master of Funke, Jr., WMchlta, Kans.; Rob­ victory and Peace John Wogan, the Rev. John J. Kel­ ceremonies. Students of the lower DEBTS?* ley, and the Rev. Bernard J. Gillick Sgt. Ignacio Cash, son of Mr. ert W. Gillespie, Sioux City, la.; Our Men in the Service forms sang at the Mass. Directing Vincent Jacquier, Wichita, Kans.; Intentiona of Benefactora were present for the service. and Mrs. Samuel Cash of Brag- don, route 3, is in the medical them was the Rev. Bonaventure James E. Kane, Leadville; Jer^ May Crowning Held We Invit* you to aend In YOUR .Intentiona. corps of the army and is stationed Bandi, O.S.B., with Frater * Cle­ E. Kelly, Wichita, Kana.; Marvin Offeringc are requeeted (or the support of our The senior sodality, attired in in the South Pacific. ment Lafferty, O.S.B., at the or- R. Klein, Fowler, Kans.; William fount Carmelite* who sr* prepariot (or th* formal gowns of pastel shades, and an. The Rt. Rev. Abbot Leonard S, Lord, Santa Fe. N. Mex.; James half Prieethood. Pvt Joseph Silva, son of Mrs. each accompanied by a flower girl Jchwinn. O.S.B., gave an inspiring Ida Silva of 606 W. Eighth street, A. Marron, Colorado Springs; dressed in white, participated in talk to the graduates and also con­ NOVENA LEAFLETS SENT is with the coast artillery and Is Thomas A. Meekin, Sinclair, Wyo.; ON R E Q U E S T the May crowning procession on ferred diplomas and awards. Robert L. Moore, Pueblo; Michael Sunday, May 14. stationed in the Aleutian islands. John Gallegos, son of Mrs. Leo- Awards Are E. McKenna, Kingman, Kans.; Warren E. Orton, Alamosa: James SHRINE OF THE INFANT JESUS OF PRAGUE Coat*llo-Fink Nuptial* nore Gallegos of 606 W. Eighth Conferred Miss Joann Fink of Buena Vista .street w u honorably diMharged D. Russell, Del Norte; Philip J, DI8CALCED CARMELITE FATHERS Reynolds, Florence; Patrick J. was united in marriage to Arc^e from the armv and it working in The religion awards, which took • There is a way.' Merge all your; BOX 551-B PONCA CITY, OKLAHOMA Costello before a Nuptial Mass in the navy yards in New York. the form of a subscription to the Rooney, New York, N. Y .; Robert St Joseph’s church on May 17. Mr Louis Amaya, son of Hr. and Catholic Digest, were awarded to J. Schloss, Los Angeles, Calif.; and Mrs. Julius Costello were the Mrs. D. Amaya of 2019 N. Albany Roland Faricy, Florence; Jerry Walter J. Sobba, Fowler, Kans.: obligations into one Personal Loan' attendants. A wedding dinner was avenue, ia a teaman firat clau in Kelly, Wichita, Kans.; and Gerald Dwight C. Wertz, Center; Lionel served in the home of the bride’s the coast guard and is atatlohed Dignan, Denver. Winner of the J. wich, Denver; Harry L. Wilson, at this bank. Pay off your scattered parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fink in Honolulu. George, another son, Latin medal, given for excellence Salida. Scouts of the Abbey school, to­ COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS of Buena Vista. Archie Costello ia with the military jiolice and is in Latin composition, was Walter debts, then concentrate on repay- WORCESTER 3. MASSACHUSETTS is the son of Mrs. Louis Costello. .stationed in Fort Cutter, Mich. Sobba of Fowler, Kana. Jerry gether with their troop leaders, Sr. The couple will reside in Sa- Dave Amaya it with the signal Kelly, Wlchit^ Kans., received the acted as hosts here Monday, May Entrance by Certificate or by Examination lida. corps of the army and is stationed coveted Dr. Burke award. This 22, when the meeting o f the Roy^ ing the one loan from income. You Conducted by tb« Jaiuits Mrs. Louis Costello, Sr., is recov­ in tha Aleutian islands. Pvt gift, given annually by Dr. E. J. Gorge district was held. Leaders ering in her home from a broken James Amaya ia with the para­ Burke of Canon City, ia given to of Fremont and Custer counties may save considerable interest ia, discussed the regional activities DEGREES A.B., B.S. bone in her heel, suffered two troopers of the army and is sta­ the most representative Abbey weeks ago. student on the campus. of their troops, and made plans for BACHELOR OF ARTS tioned in Camp Forrest, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Lanari and Helen Martinez, daughter of The award in music was be­ future scouting in this vicinity. the process. Just come in and applyj BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonough at­ Mr. and Mrs. Remigio Martinez of stowed upon Bill Lord of Santa Fe, Together with a regional band PHYSICS, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, HISTORY tended the state convention of the 422 W,. Sixth street, underwent N. Mex., an outstanding trumpet of horseback enthusiasts, the SOCIAL SCIENCE AND EDUCATION. K. of C. an appendectomy in a local hoi- player. James Kane, Leadville, Vaqneros, boasting Abbey’s top Lt, John McNamara, USN, has pital. was adjudged the winner of the horsemen, rode to the top of the reported back to duty in Corpus The Rev. Louis Wahlmeler„ for­ sixth form English award, a tub- Royal Gorge Sunday, May 21. THE PUEBLO SAVINGS Next Freshman Entrance July 1, 1944 Chriiti, Tex., after spending i mer pastor of Cawker City, Kanz., scriptlon to the Reader's Digest, The boys making the trto, all mem­ New coarse* eipecially adapted to short leave with his parents, Mr has been visiting in the reetory a Two athletic awards were pre­ bers of the Trail and Bridle club, the D a tion ’ * officer training program. and Mrs. W. J. McNsmars. few days during the illness of his sented. For outstanding co-opera­ were Earl Livinntone, John GJel- School Entertainmont to Be Held brother in a local hospital.hotp tion and aasiitance to the atUetic Inm, Spencer Schwartz, Phil Rob- AND TRUST COMPANY Bulletin of Information on Request The annual closing exercises and Baptized Sunday,F. May 21. was department, aa well aa a fine sense ben, Jerry Dignan, Bob Crlbba, ADDRESS DRAM OR ntBBBMEN. school play by the pupils of St. Joaepnino Ann, daughteringhtei o f Mr. of fair play, the sportsmanship and Buzz Hock. The Rev. Bona­ COLLEGE OP THE HOLT CROSS. WORCESTRE I. H A8I. Joseph’s school will be held on and Mrs. Eugehe Alt of route 8, medal went to Eugene Robl, Elm­ venture Bandi, O.S.B., and Father Wednesday evening. May 81, in the ipon wood, Kans. Walter Sobba, out­ Dennii Langdon, O-S.B., riding in­ Member Federal Depoiit Insurance Corporation high achool auditorium at 1:46. Mrs. Harold Alt. standing Bruin athlete, whose four structors, accompanied the boyi. NEWS OF THE PUEBLO DIOCESE BISHOP PAYS VISIT TO PRISONER-OF-WAR CAMP — ------— ------1 ■ + + + + ++ + + + + + 1 ^ . Bishop Asks Generous Visit to Prisoner-ofWar Camp pital, Trinidad. The picture at the right shows seven o f the soldiers at the camp Ordinary Is confirmed 1»7 the Bishop with their sponsors standing in the back.— (Official Army of Pueblo. Below are shown the Bishop, center of picture at left, with Ll. CoL I.ani- Offering Be Given for h w B. Cain, commanding offlcer, and the Rer. Joseph Garcia of Ml. San Rafael ht>s- photos) Post Guest Annuai Peter’s Pence In Trinidad

The annual Peter’s Pence offering will be taken up In Preiafe Says Mass for the Diocese of Pueblo on Pentecost Sunday, May 28. In a I letter read in all the Masses on Sunday, May 21, the Most Internees and Con­ Rev. Joseph C./Willging, Bishop of Pueblo, points out the special needs which the Holy Father faces at this particular firms Eight time, when Italy has become a battleground of the war. Bishop Willging’s letter is as follows: Trinidad. — The Most Rev./ May 16, 1944. Joseph C. Willging, Bishop ofL Dear Reverend Father) Pueblo, was the honored guest The annual collection for our on a day-long vi. on page 10. con, the Rev. Patrick Stauter; sub­ MONUMENTS All forms of Insurance and to Drink Brennan, Emma McCarney, and deacon, the Rev. Henry A. Delaney, Ai\D DYER GRAVE MARKERS NO ODOR-NO DELAY—NO 321 THATCHER BUILDING (Turn to Page IS — Column 5) S. J.; first master of ceremonies, Phone 930 817 E. C Street the Rev. W. D. McCarthy; and sec­ REGRET PHONE 757 PUEBLO. COLO. PUEBLO. COLO. 707 S. Main St. • Plione 260-W ond master of ceremonies, the Rev. 625 (Aiurl St., Pueblo $2,500 Is Paid John J. Kelley,- Students from the Pueblo high ...... » ' Your Business Is Appreciated school will fill the minor offices of THE D. E. BURKE Petros Motor Sales HOTEL On Parish Debt the Mass. Boys from the Sacred 215 North Victoria At# * Phon* 1952 Heart school will serve as torch- The Palace Drug Go. Plumbing & Heating Co. USED CARS bearers. Ed WHITMA.\ train-bearer. 318-320 N. Sam. Fe Are, GaneraJ Auto Repair*. Oraaalnc* In Walsenburg ! Tlip Repair Work a Specialty Car Wftjihlnt Pueblo’a IS'ewest Choir Will Render Special Mutic 8TORACB OPEN 24 SOUSS A OAT The Pentecost music program I Phone. 27-28 406 N. Main St. Office Phone 909 and Finegt Walsenburg.— In the past few will be rendered by the male choir. 6THICTLY nREPROOr days St. Mary’s parish debt was The KjTie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, reduced by $2,500. The money for and Agnus Dei are from the Mass Food You Will Enjoy Ser»-ed in this purpose was obtained princi­ in Honor of St. Augustine. The Hardware Our Dining Room pally as a result of the efforts of Introit, Alleluia and Offertory Robinson Bros. the students of St. Mary’s school. verses, and the Communion anti­ MAJOR Music - Good Service Grackery This marks the first payment in phon are from the chant melodies 830 N. Main Pueblo the plan to reduce the parish debt arranged by tlie Rev. Carlo Ros­ DAIRY by at least $10,000 during the pres­ sini. 'The Sequence,'“ Veni, Sancte Glassware ent year. Pure Milk and Cream € The clergy conference of the Unlooched by Human Hand'I ' l Cooking Utensils 1 Walsertburg deanery was held in Walsenburg Nun’s Home Delivery St. Mary’s rectory Tuesday after­ FLOUR “A THOUSAND OTHER THINGS” noon, May 16. His Excellency, the WE SELL FRANaS JOHN M. Most Hev. Joseph C. Willging, and Brother Loses Life all the priests from the deanery ICE CREAM The standard of quality for Try life before you utyt " / can’t were present. The conference was Walsenburg.— Ena. Phillip Phon* 59 713 E. 4»h St. $ perfect baking. MACINDOE presided over by the Very Rev. Ed­ find it anywhere.” % Merrianif, brother of Sister ward J. McCarthy of Alamosa. |x Mary Jude of St. Mary's Plumbing and Monday evening, May 22, at the parish, has been killed in Holy Hour and novena services, ii;] action while on active naval Healing the May crowning devotions were duty, according to word re- Pueblo Hardware Go. : held. The church was filled to ceived here this week. GROVE DRUG STORES Special Attention Given capacity. Ens. Marriamf was a pilot, JACK ADAMS, Mgr. The Junior Catholic Daughters to Repair Work ij; No further details have been n V E BETTER DRUG STORES of America assembled in the PHONE 1 0 0 Phon* 464 110 W. 2nd Sc received. CENTRAL BIXMX F i n ’H A MAIN Knights of Columbus hall on May 24TH & GRAND 726 E. 4th ME.SA JUNCTION (Turn to Page is — Column S)

4 ■ I v -’V liMLL __ . . ‘