n Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Accelerated Study Benefits High School Students Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1944 — Permission to Reproduce, Except on I f ) »>« ord.ined for .ervice in the Archdioce.* of Denver, and one for Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue the Dioceae of Cheyenne, hi impre*)iive aervirea to be eonducled in the Denver Cathedral by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr Saturday morning, June 3. Those pictured here include three in the top row from Colorado Springs, four from Denver parishes in the second row, and one each 39 Complete Courses from Rock Springs, Wyo.; Firming, Sterling, and Della, Colo.— (Photos by Ijiinson) DENVER CATHaiC Ahead of Usual Time This Year, 25 in 1943 REGISTER Some Youths Able to Take Up College Work The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Before Being Galled Into Service; Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. Strict Standards Kept VOL. XXXIX. No. 39. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1944. $1 PER YEAR The accelerated program of studies in six Catholic high schools of Denver and vicinity has proved of great benefit. STUDENTS RECEIVING Some 25 superior students last year were enabled to finish 17 GtS. I their high school courses and take a semester of study in Regis college before being inducted into the service. This DIPLOMAS AT JOINT year there were 39 students who completed their high school TO ETT lOOTITO courses in less than the usual four years. Several of these were able to take some college study. The others, because of the increased demand for young GRADUATION LISTED men in the armed service, already have been inducted. Diplomas will be awarded to uates are also in the armed forces A remarkable thing about the accelerated course is the fact that 3.35 students of six Catholic high at present and will receive their schools in Denver at the annual diplomas in absentia. Seventeen girls and two Loretto the students eagerly did the extra joint commencement in the City nuns will receive degrees from work required. There has been no Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will lessening of standards. The full auditorium .June 4. Sixteen boys Loretto Heights college, Denver, award the diplomas and speak at course as required by the North from Regis, who finished their the exercises June 4. The Ca­ at the commencement May 31. The Central association has been car­ course early this year, received complete program for the week thedral high school choir of 100 ried out in every case. A few their diplomas in a mid-year cere­ voices, under the direction of For­ follows: mony and are now in the armed seniors who were called into serv­ rest Fisher, will sing. William Commencement week ceremo- ice before completing their studies service. Some of the. other grad- Olsen of Regia will be the student nie.s open Sunday evening, May 28, in the Chapel of Our Lady of Lor­ were permitted to make up credits chairman and Gerald Morahan of by private work, after which they St. Joseph’s high will be the vale­ etto with the traditional May take the usual examinations. The dictorian. The complete program crowning programs.^ Katherine accelerated course was of direct Denver Youth Is will be printed next week. Dean, retiring prefect of the sodal­ benefit to the war effort in some ity, will have the distinction of Cathedral high .school will have cases, for certain students were crow-ning the statue of the Blessed 100 graduates; Annunciation, 44; able to take up advanced study To Be Ordained Virgin Mary. Her attendants will Holy Family, 33; St. Frai^gis de in fields related to the service. Sales’, 96; St. Joseph’s, 57; and be the sodality officers, Betty Ba­ Regis, 25, besides the IS^gradu- der, Mary Catherine Jaeger, and Regis Leads in As Redemptorist ated earlier this year. ‘ Catherine Duffy.‘ The seniors, at­ tired in white formal gowns, will Number Affected The names of the graduates who The co-operating schools in Den­ will receive diplomas at the joint carry lighted tapers, which will be A Denver family with 11 chil­ commencement are as follows; deposited at the May altar. ver have been Cathedral, with dren that has already given two eight such students this year; Holy Cathedral High School ■The entire student body in cap to the religious life will have a and gown will form the guard of Family, two; St. Francis de Sales’, son in the ranks of the uriest- Teresa Jane Anderson, Pauline honor to the sodality queen, the at­ six; St. Joseph’s, five; and Regis .Apodaca, V’iessa Beavers, Mary tendants, and the senior cla.ss. The 16. Mullen high school near Fort Catherine Bellm, Alicia Bondy, speaker for the evening will be Logan had two such students this Joana Bowdern, Philip Braaton, the Rev. I^orenzo Lacasse, chap- year. Regis’ 16 students received Yunette Brownell, Mary Ellen (Tin-ii to Page S — Column 2) their diplomas in a special mid­ Burcher, Mary Loretta Burgett, year ceremony and most of the Richard Chase, Geno Carollo, boys have now entered the armed Naomi Coffin. Philip Collins, Alice forces. Some of the acceleration Condon, Rosella Crocker, Richard Academy Will program students of the other Coupe, Mary Rose Dalton, Arline .schools have entered army, navy, De Herrera, Bernard Deidel, Phyl­ or marine corps, but others will be lis Derrig. Betty Lou Dolan, Lois Graduate 27 at present to receive their diplomas Elliott, Charlene Eppich, Robert June 4 in the joint Catholic high Esher; school commencement. Jacqueline Finch, Patricia Flan­ Service May 31 The plan of acceleration, which agan. Audrey Gallagher, Theresa is similar to the program being Godec, Josephine Gonzales, Cath­ St. Mary’s academy will gradu­ carried out in other school systems erine Grannell, Eleanore Gran- throughout the nation, permits nell, Dolores Greenwell, Patricia ate 27 girls this year. The com­ certain students, both boys and Haggert.v, .Stephen Halpin, Norine mencement will be held at 10;30 girls, who have the ability to carry Haskin. Genevieve Hiester, Frank­ a. m.. May 31, with a service in extra subjects to do so. The re­ lin Hight, Patricia Hill, Richard the academy chapel, followed by sult is that the requisite number Hodges, Louise Job, Rita Jones, Solemn Benediction of the Most of credits for graduation is ac­ Robert Keating, Mary Catherine Bles.sed Sacrament. Archbishop quired by the end of the first Kennedy, Mary Jane Kennedy, Urban J. Vehr will confer the di­ semester of the senior year, or Ramon Kerr, Barbara Kinnamon, plomas and the Rev. David M. Ma- sooner, as is true, in the case of John Koehl, Cecilia Kovalesky, toney, chaplain, will give the ad- some of those who will be grad­ Mae Kuhn; dres. to the graduates. The Sai- uated this June. Rosemary Lewis, Irene I/om- mara y Cappella choir will furnish bardi, Elaine Mapelli, Dorothy .Mc­ the music. A formal reception of Bride, Shirley McDaniel, Virginia the graduates will be held in St. Pontifical Masses McGarry, Suzanne McGroarty, Mary’s auditorium immediately Beatrice McLellan, Madelcne after the exercises. The junior 1944 Class Is Largest to Slated on Pentecost Miller, Virginia Niebauer, Pa­ class will act as hostesses and the tricia Molitor, Mai-y Frances Saimarac orchestra will play. At| Nolan. Pauline Noone, Patricia 12:15 p. m. the clergy and gradu-i And Memorial Day Oberhauser, Elaine 0 ’ Brien, Leo ates will be guests of the Loretto j Be Ordained at One Time Oehrle. Martin O’Fallon, Jane Si.sters at a luncheon in the acad­ ' Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will Ann O’Grady, Regina O’Neil, emy diningroom. | I celebrate two Pontifical Masses Suzanne Orr, Bernadette Pepin, The senior cla.ss roll of St.j within the week. The Solemn Bernice Pohndorf, George Pohn- Mary’s academy is as follows: For Work in Archdiocese I Pontifical Mass in the Cathedral ilorf, Margaret Pond, Hugh Classical diploma— Mary Jane Cos­ III II. S. SEREon Pentecost Sunday will begin Porier: tello, Rita Marie Kennebeck, Pa­ at 9:45. On Memorial day. Tues­ Sharon Ransdell, Lois Roach, tricia Marie Morrissey, Theresc The largest class ever to be or­ time course inaugurated in St. day. May 30. the annual Solemn ifcugene Rochford. Delia Rodri- Marie Muto, Clare Marie O’Keefe, A Solemn Mass will be sung in dained at one time for service in Thomas’ seminarj' last summer. Work for service men was the Pontifical Mas.s of Requiem will Res. Vincent A. LangSeld, C.SS.R. gupz, Priscilla Rodriguez, Frances and Margaret Mary Oyler; honor of .St. Joan of .Arc for the the .Archdjocese of Denver will be Four of the Denver students are item of greatest current interest be sung in Mt. Olivet cemetery made up of 10 young men who will taken up by the state convention of Russell, Sally Russell. Charlene English diploma — Marjorie end of the war and the welfare of from parishes in Denver, three at 10 o'clock. hood next monih. The Rev. Vin­ receive priesthood from Arch­ the Knights of Columbus in Boul­ Shavlik, Mary Cletus Shell, Dolo- Christine Barrett, Dorothy Anne Fiance this Sunday at 10:30 in Sa­ are from St. Mary's parish in Colo­ cent .A. Langfielrl, C.SS.R.. son of bishop Urban J. Vehr in the der May 21 and 22. Many councils Assisting officers for the Pente­ (TumtnPage2— Column i ) '(Turn to Page 2 — Column 5) cred Heart church, Denver.
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