Religious Program Set up at Federal Prison
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National Circulation, Above 475,000; Denver Catholic Register, iO,OiO RELIGIOUS PROGRAM SET UP AT FEDERAL PRISON Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1940— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting Youth Are Enlisted on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given. After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Directors Welcome n o t g o o d t o h a v e By N Y A to Learn V CITIES TOO LARGE Catholic Work as Do not let us boast too much over the fa d that Denver has DENVERCATHOLIC g r o w until it is now the twenty- fifth largest city in the Unit^ Jobs, Fuller Life Rehabilitation Aid Mates, instead of the twenty-ninth, •8 It was at the Ume of the 1930 census. It is not good for the Important Work Carried on at Donvor Center; Ex state to have its cities become too Mass Said Each Sunday at Correctional Institu big. Life in smaller towns is often tensive Training in Speciai Lines Aids •*®*'mal. Urbanization grad- REGISTER tion; Fr. Wogan Spends Two Days ^ lly kills o ff the human race. The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have S o ^ types do much better in large Cut-ef-School Groups j Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. Weekly Advising Men cities, and would not be happy in I ■ little places, but modem sociolog- (By Fban& La Tourette) Because the federal government believes that religion *9®^ *tudies prove that it is de The youth of America have been enlisted by the VOL. XXXV. No. 51. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, AUG. 8, 1940. $2 PER YEAR plays an important part in the rehabilitation of those who sirable to have more people live government! For the past five years it has gone into the in rural sections or villages. First Held in Bishop*s Chapel have been convicted of transgressing the laws of the United streets, homes, foreign settlements, and slums to gather States, Mass is being said each week at the new federal cor Howard Vincent O'Brien, noted young men and women into centers'in almost every city rectional institution near Morrison and the Rev. Barry rolumnist of the Chicago Daily of the country to teach them how to live. The enlistment Wogan, pastor of St. Joseph’s church. Golden, and chaplain neici, on a recent visit to Emporia, that is a feature of the National Youth administration is a Sullivan'O^Neill W edding Unites of the institution, is spending two days each week at the Kans., found that incomes are not voluntary appeal to the youth of the nation to learn how to large— S30 a week rates as a good prison to advise the men there. live more fully through a concentration of energy in useful ulary— but people live in paid-for Father Wogan said Mass for the homes, own automobiles and all occupation. The NYA is doing Two Prominent Denver Catholics first time last Sunday for the sorts of electrical gadgets, and have Franciscan Nuns important work in Denver that has many things to make existence not been publicized. The following prisoners. He plans to celebrate story about the youth-training For the first time, the Bishop’s of Denver, were married Wednes attendants knelt on priedieus dur CilPll TO Sffl worth while. “ Life is not without the Divine sacrifice there each salt.” Plan Investiture, phase of its activities is the first private chapel in his home at 777 day morning. The Most Rev. ing the marriage ceremony and Urban J. Vehr officiated at the the Mass. The Rev. Edward Sunday at 8:30 except one in every He wonders what will become of to appear in a local paper: Pearl street was the scene of a wedding and celebrated the Nup Woeber of the Chancery office month, when Mass will be said the large cities, “ those singular Profession Aug. 20 Most persons are familiar with wedding when John J. Sullivan tial Mass. He wore the mitre during and the Very Rev. William M. Hig agglomerations where men spend The Sisters of ,St. Francis of the National Youth administration and Miss Anne O’Neill, two of the earlier so that the Catholic men the wedding. The couple and their gins, pastor of St. Philomena’s, so many o f their shining hours in its relations with high school most prominent Catholic leaders may go to Holy Communion. Last Marycrest convent, 5200 Federal served. Attendants of the bridal struggling uncomfortably towanl boulevard, Denver, announce the and college students. One of its couple were Mrs. Helen Bonfils Sunday 25 of the prisoners at their toil and away from it; where investiture of six young women, most important features, however, Somnes, prominent in the thea tended the service and the number their search for recreation is so the profession of temporary vows is little known, the training of the XITVEOGOETN trical and newspaper world, and fevered and so wearying. A cur by three novices, and the profes out-bf-school group, which includes will be probably increased when Harry Luckenbach, a boyhood rent magazine article tells o f Phila sion of perpetual vows by four sis boys and giris from 17 to 24 whb the priest has interviewed all the friend of Mr. Sullivan. delphia, dying amidst ita crumbling ters to take place in St Elizabeth’s are unemployed and not in school. inmates of the correctional home. brick. There are stories of migra church, Denver, Tuesday, Aug. 20, In Denver in the past year more Others present were Mrs. Julia Two days have been set aside Permission has been secured tion from New York. Chicago’s at 8:30 a. m. The names of those than 1,000 in this category have O’Neill, mother of the bride; each week by Father Wogan for from the Most Rev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr to have the Chapel of decline is visible to the naked eye. who will participate in the cere received specialized work-experi George Somnes, the famous the consultation with the prisoners. Christ the King at Evergreen re • . Life seems good in Emporia mony will be announced next ence on various projects through atrical director; Mrs. Luckenbach, The men have free access to him main open all winter to accommo at twilight. I wonder why people week. out the city and in the main edu and the following clergymen: The on these days to discuss their date the more than 20 Catholic leave such towns to seek fame and cational center, located at 901 Ban Rt. Rev. Monsignors H. L. Mc- problems, to secure Catholic liter Marycrest, formerly the Con families who reside in the vicinity fortune amid the surge and thpn- vent of the Immaculate Heart of nock street, according to Gene Menamin and Matthew Smith, the ature, prayerbooks, and rosaries, Hammond, appointment supervisor. Very Rev. Monsigmor John R. Mul- and to arrange for catechetical and for the convenience of the der o f places where every man Mary, is the mother-house for the sports enthusiasts who throng the stands in the shadow of another Midwestern province of the Sisters Mr. Hammond, a member of the roy, the Very Rev. Robert M. courses. As a result of the priest’s Cathedral parish, was assistant Kelley, S.J., president of Regis interest in the prisoners already mountains for skiing and other man. What, after all, is fame and of St. Francis of Penance and winter sports. A non-Catholic, fortune, anyhow?” dean of men at the Colorado State college, and the Very Rev. Thomas one non-Catholic has made ar Christian Charity, who also teach George Saunders, secretary of at St. Elizabeth’s school, Denver. College of Education in Greeley i D. (ioyne, C.M., president of St. rangements for instructions pre before he assumed his present post. | Thomas’ seminary. A wedding state and a Democratic candidate Rome, which has been growing DENVER GIRL INVESTED; paratory to entering the Church. breakfast was served in the Bish for governor, is helping to make at the annual rate of 40,000 in re ANOTHER TO TAKE VOWS Variout Tradet Taught Altar, Ve*tment* Furni*hed op’s house after the Mass. Mr. The government supplies every the all-year program at the cent years, expects to reach 1,360,- Miss Rose Heiney, daughter of The purpose of the administra chapel a possibility, the Rev. 000 inhabitants in 1940. It will Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Heiney of Den tion’s program with regard to this and Mrs. Sullivan then left on a thing necessary for the conducting honeymoon trip to the Canadian Barry Wogan, pastor, announced then have the same total as it at ver, received the garb of a Bene little-known youth project is to of religious services in the prison. Rockies, after which they will live this week. tained under the ancient empire. dictine Sister at a ceremony in conserve and to build up the re An altar was purchased and has At the beginning of the 19th cen sources, energies, and abilities of at 1407 E. Tenth avenue. been set up in the auditorium of In order that Mass may be said Atchison, Kans., Aug. 4, presided .at the chapel in the winter months tury, it had only 200,000 people over by the Rt. Rev. Abbot Martin young people in an endeavor to fit John J. Sullivan was given the the main building. All the vest and was smaller than Naples or them properly for private employ honorary degree of LL.D.