Masonic Token: July 16, 1877
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MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 2. PORTLAND, JULY 16, 1877. No. 1. MASONRY IN MAINE. lain, andbther masons of high position took Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, part. No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. Lodge Elections. After the friendly dedicatory exercises, the audience adjourned to the grove on the Twelve cts. per year in advance. Papers stopped Saco, 9, Saco. Stephen G Dorman, m; shore of the pond, where a platform had when time is ont. iGJ^Tostage is prepaid. Winfield S Dennett, sw; John Quinby, jw; been erected and seats arranged, making a Geo A Emery, s. beautiful retreat, in which to listen to the able oration of Hon. Josiah H. Drummond, Advertisements §1.00 per inch, or S3.00 for St John’s, 51, South Berwick. George H half an inch for one year. The money should be Wakefield, m; A G Nealley, sw; Otis E of Portland. His subject was the Work of remitted to insure insertion. Moulton, jw; George II Muzzy, s. Masonry. At the close of the oration an adjournment No advertisement rcceivcd unless the advertiser, Monument, 96, Houlton. Sabine F Berry, or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in was made to the village green, where Ori m ; John Z Swanton, sw; George G Bick- good standing. ental Lodge had set out tables for the enter ford, jw ; John II Bradford, s. tainment of their guests. After all the Ma- Whitney, 167, Canton. James Ripley, m ; WOUNDED. sonic Orders had been entertained, an invi- Alpheus Packard, sw; Joseph S Mendall, tation was extended to all present to partake, BY ELIZABETH AKERS ALLEN. jw ; Wm II H Washburn, s. and there was enough and to spare. The lodge enter again upon their work, Chapter Elections. June’s loving presence fills these green-arched with good courage, notwithstanding repeated glooms; ill-fortune, and that a bright future is before King Hiram, 9, Lewiston. F E Sleeper, From broad-leaved branches, drooping cool and them is the wish of all who participated in low, nr; II E Moriscy, k ; AW Larrabee, s ; the enjoyable occasion of the dedication of Drop down the purple-veined catalpa-blooms, John Given, sec. Chasing each other lightly to and fro their new hall.— [Lewiston .Journal. As dainty as new snow. St. John’s, 25, Dexter. Ephraim Gee, tip ; John W Barron, k ; Wm II Dustin, s ; New The great ripe roses nodding by the way, elebration of t ohn s ay Drunken and drowsy with their own perfume, ell II Bates, sec. C S . J ’ D . Heed not that bee and butterfly all day Make in their very hearts a banquet-room Council Elections. In Portland, the day was celebrated by And rob their royal bloom. , Ley oloue, U, China. J E ' Crossman, m , Port! md and St. -’.Ioan Commandcries, who Xiie chestnut lights her mimic chnndeHers, John Taylor, dm ; W S Hunnewell, rew ; W invited Bradford Commandery, of Biddeford, The tulip-tree uplifts her goblets high, The pine and fir shna balmy incense-tears, W Washburne, rec. and .St. Omer Commandery, of Waterville, And the magnolia’s thick white petals lie Expiring fragrantly. Scottish Rite. to join them in an excursion down the har The silver poplar’s pearl ami emerald sheen Yates Lodge Perfection. Joseph A Locke, bor. These guests were received by the city Glimmers incessant, shadowing the eaves; m; Gordon R Garden, dm; Benj F An Commanderies at the Eastern depot, and The willow’s wide, fair fountain-fall of green drews, sw ; Lamuel F Bearce, jw ; A L Fox, marched through the city to Portland Pier, Whispers like rain; a pulse of gladness heaves s. The world of waving leaves. where they took the steamer Charles Hough In yonder room that fronts the dusty street, ton for Little Chebeague Island, the scene of Hushed and white-bedded, curtained cool and Masonic Dedication at Livermore.— dim, The hall erected by Oriental Star Lodge, other happy reunions. There a clam bake There lies as brave a heart as ever beat, Bound down and tortured by a shattered limb— Livermore, in place of that destroyed by fire was served, and the day was spent in friendly last year, was dedicated, on Thursday, June Ah! what is June to him? converse and rustic games, until the time 21st, at 10 o’clock A. m. To him, poor homesick sufferer, how fair came to return and escort the visitors to their Would be this wealth of bloom, this sunny sky, The day was fair and the gathering of These gushing sparrow songs, this gracious air! masons as well as their friends was very large. trains. Yet he. with stronger right to all than I, It is estimated that at least fifteen hundred Pines in captivity. On this occasion the Commanderies both people were present. Strings of teams came appeared in new uniforms, Portland number With breath of cannon hot upon his brow, in from adjacent towns. From Canton a pro- In glorious strife it had been sweet to die; cession nearly half a mile in length filed in, ing 7,6 and St. Alban 75 Knights. Each But no ennobling purpose fires him now, headed by the Hartford Brass Band. The His soul is nerved by no proud battle-cry had also new banners. That of St. Alban To this long agony. Livermore Band was present also. From Buckfield, Canton and Livermore Falls was painted by Schumacher, at a cost of What was the boldest charge, the bloodiest fight, Lodges were present, besides members of §250. It is very rich and elegant. The The wildest rally over heaps of slain, To this unequal contest day and night many other lodges. front is of white silk with red and gold trim With the fierce legions of disease and pain, The building is a handsome two story mings, the device being the Cross of Calvary Repulsed so oft in vain? structure. The upper story contains the hall Heroic was the bravery that inspired of the lodge; and on the lower floor is another in red. The reverse is black silk with the His heart to daring deeds; but nobler still hall used by the Grange, and for other public seal and title of the Commandery in gold This bravery of strong patience, which, untired, puposes. The building cost about §2,500, and silver. The banner of Portland Com- Waits calmly, while the tedious months fulfil and is entirely paid for, and the lodge still Their work of good or ill. has funds in hand. mandery was painted by Harry Brown, and Sacred we hold their names, who in the strife During the sessions an address was made cost $350. It is like the old Beauseant or bat- Of righteous war—our nation’s noblest sons— by Past Grand Master, Reuel Washburn. Have done their work and given up their life tie flag of the Templars, one-half of which was Amid the smoke and thunder of the guns, He recounted with pride the prosperity and Beloved and honored ones! adversity of his lodge. It has parted with white and the other black, signifying that And thou, brave heart, although no trumpet-breath members to found three other successful they wero fair and white to Christians, but lodges. Twice their hall has been burned, Proclaims thee martyr, yet thy name shall be black and terrible to their enemies, adopted Halloweil as these; for even more than death and they now for a third time dedicate for Oh, hero, hast thou suffered patiently themselves a house. perhaps to meet the significance of the black For right and liberty! The dedicatory exercises were prefaced by standard of the prophet, which, in the hands [This poem, which has not been included in any G. M. E. P. Burnham, of Saco, assisted by of his amiable proselytes of nautical tenden- of Florence Percy’s” published works, alluded P. G. M. David Cargill, of Augusta, and Al- to our gallant Governor, Gen. Selden Connor, bert Moore, of North Anson, Rev. O. H. cies, with the slight addition of a death’s who was wounded in the Battle of the Wilderness, and lay in hospital many weary months.] Johnson, of North Jay, acting as Grand Chap head, has given us the black flag of piracy. 2 MASONIC TOKEN JULY 16, 1877. On the front, as upon their former banner, is Harmon, Portland, is an admirable work, Commandery, and later the first Commander a picture of Jerusalem in the distance, with filling an oetavo volume of nearly one thou of Bay State Commandery, was the inspirer a band of Knights Templar in armor, with sand pages. The place of local historian is a of this pleasant meeting. white mantles, on the left, and a band of pleasant one to fill, for a man who is proud of Knights of Malta with scarlet mantles, on the his native town, and Mr. Williamson will not Wanted. Proceedings Grand Lodge of right, bearing battle flags and advancing only have this satisfaction, but also the pleas- Maine, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1853, 1854, 1855, towards the city. On the upper part is the ure of knowing that he has made a contribu- 1856, 1857, 1859, for which cash will be paid Passion Cross and motto of Constantine, “Zn tion to the history of the State, which 'will on receipt at this office. hoc signo vinces.” This cross and motto, seen place him in the first rank among our writers. Grand Chapter of Maine, all before 1855, by the Emperor in a dream, are said to have Masons will find interesting allusions to dis- also 1865.