K&H Bank Zrt. H–1095 Budapest, Lechner Ödön fasor 9. phone: +(36 1) 328 9000 fax: +(36 1) 328 9696 www.kh.hu •
[email protected] GENERAL CONTRACTING TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR BANKCARD AND CREDIT CARD SERVICES Effective dates: December 13, 2017, January 13, 2018 and February 13, 2018 Date of announcement: December 13, 2017 These GCTC are amended pursuant to Sections XIX.1 and XIX.2 hereof with the scope and effective dates specified below. Amended provisions in Section X.6 – effective date: December 13, 2017 (the effective date is referenced in the footnotes as well) Amendments due to amended legal regulations on payment services, or required for more precise and accurate wording of these GTC – effective date: January 13, 2018 Amended provisions in Sections IX.2 and XV.8 – effective date: February 13, 2018 (provisions becoming effective as of February 13, 2018 are specified also in the footnotes. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. TERMS: ................................................................................................................................................... 4 II. BANKCARD AGREEMENT AND ISSUING BANKCARDS ................................................................. 14 DETAILS OF THE EXTERIOR OF THE BANKCARD ....................................................................................................... 14 EXPIRY OF A BANKCARD ....................................................................................................................................... 14 APPLYING FOR A BANKCARD, CONTRACTING ........................................................................................................