The Unfathomable World of Amazing Numbers By
BOOK REVIEWS chapter titled ‘Microsporidia: eukaryotic mathematics expert in order to under- intracellular parasites shaped by gene stand the concepts explained in the book. loss and horizontal gene transfers’ ex- It explains the properties of numbers as plains how the microsporidian genome small as 6 and as large as 31,415,926, has evolved and its implication in cellu- 535,897,932,384,626,433,832,795,028,841. lar pathogenesis under selection pres- The book dwells on Fibonacci num- sure. Bacillus anthracis is an etiological bers, Tribonacci series, Lucas series, agent of anthrax that results in disease Tetranacci series, special numbers such among livestock and has the potential to as narcissistic numbers, Armstrong num- pose a threat on human health. Anthrax bers, Filzian numbers, factorion, sphenic toxin comprises protective antigen (PA), numbers, pronic numbers, Leyland num- edema factor (EF) and lethal factor (LF), ber, Lucas–Carmichael number, auto- and association of PA with either LF or morphic numbers, trimorphic numbers, EF which determine the mode of patho- amicable numbers, triangular numbers, genesis. The chapter titled ‘Anthrax etc. pathogenesis’ summarizes the results In the domain of prime numbers alone, from various studies to provide insights the book dissects emirp, primorial num- into the mechanism underlying anthrax bers, father prime, Sophie Germain pathogenesis. The Unfathomable World of Amazing prime, prime quadruplet, prime quintu- Septins play an important role in Numbers. Wallace Jacob. Notion Press, plet, prime sextuplet, Wilson prime, asymmetric division, the chapter titled Chennai, 2014. xx + 354 pp, Price: Rs Weiferich prime, Woodall prime, Euclid– ‘Septins and generation of asymmetries 345.
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