Auta Big-3Hits
’ 'h O ^ -V?- '■ r >\\r •V N 1. ■ ■ - , . ■ ■ 'I ■ V MOI^DAY, JANUARY' 18, 1958 PAGE TWELVE j.v. Average Daily Not Preiis Run 'The Weather _L lEtt^ntns IfmUi Far the W e^ Ended ~7T Jaansry 11, 1958 Forecast of V. S. Weather Buraae Norman A. Miller, son of Mr. and Hom Co., No. 1, 8th Dtotrlof ilton was elected chairman; Floyd X Freezing rain mixed with anow, Mrs. Clarence Mfller, 07 Ridge S t, Fira Dopartmont, will meet tonight Chapman, vice chairman; Thomaa Speaks to PTA C of C Backs O L L I E R S ending' bite’ tonight. Lew 30-83.- About Town and husband of the'former Dorothy a t '7:80 at the flrehouaa. Past Priests Maxwell, aecretaty; George Proc- 12,612 Wednesday, little mijder. Hlgti 33- M. Chambers of Memphis,, Tenn., tpr, treaaurer; Fred Clough, chap AUTO Member of the Audit / 40. Hazardous road eoiliHtiona this The Aseodated LJtUe Theaters, has been promoted to the rank of baiightara of LibOrty. No. 130: Lairs lain. ' Fluoridation Bureau of Clrrulationx afternoon nnd tonight, Tnc. will hold it's monthly meeting staff .sergeant while serving with IX)LI, will meet Ip Orange Hall at Col. WQUiam A. Bpatlg brought it W ELDING V M mtchie$ter-^A City o f ViU agO ^harm this evening at 8 o'clock in Studio the Marine Xir Group. 31, at the 7;40 tomorrow night. ' Following many precioua atones for display, Town Directors have been in 2 of station WNBC-TV. The dele* Marine Corps Air Station, Miami, the meeting a aocial time wrlth-re- Delta'Chapter, No.
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