4 Times More Hot Water at Half
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■ .t,-' ■■ ; TUESDAT^^ M AY SI, IMO p a g e e ig h t e e n Hatirhfrtfr Ettrotng 15»r^ wsrs deadlocked May S, large^ on four caUgorlsa of the propos^ ARTHUR DHUB xriM Judith Rablnow, daughter Voting Heavy new contract. The four S” of Judge and Mrs. Jay K. Rublnow, wages, length of contract, major About Town 49 Pitkin St., took part recently medical coverage and paid vaca- FREE DELIVERY in the annual Tree Day event at On Contract DelU <ampt*r. Royal Arch Wellesley College, Wellealey, M a«. Uons. ' j *ona, wlU meet tomorrow at 7:30 Miss Rubinow portrayed a Spanish' NegoUailons began imd- p.ro. at the Masonic Temple. After child at a fiesta In the pageant. W ith S N E T March. On March 30. tha a bualneaa meeting, the Past Mas She vvas co-choreographer for an gave the company the ter Mason degree will be e a ^ p u - opehing scene in which villagers 60-day notice that It wouW c^ l fled by Warren R. Coons. There gathered for a fesOval. A Ballots mailed by membew of a strike at the end of that Dme Strike Threat HoU* will be refreahmenta ^ d a social of the Chaffee School In Windsor, the Independent Connectfcut Unloh If negotiations were not success hour. Miss Rubinow Is completing her of Telephone Workers are etlM ful, sophomore year of college. trickling In today with Indications Shaughnessy said .last WsHeamnly in Cellar jfoncheater ICmblem Club ^11 strike is not to the union s benefit, LECLERC meet tomorrow at 8 P-™- MaHne Pvt. Donald D.. Carrier, of a heavy response to the union’s but'will occur If riew negotiations FUNEftAL HOME K of C Home. After son of Mr. and Mrs. Harding Car- call for either rejection or ap are not successful. rteeUng, Mrt. Mary C. War^ proval of a new contract. If the membership favors re For Tomfny the Horse rieY, 649 W. Mldle Tpke., was grad Union President JohnJ. Shaugh R ^ . | ^ l l «monstrate and speak uated recently after a course of In jection of the contTEUit, Shaughnes- FUNERAL on "Eaectrolysis.” Coffee and re struction and refresher training In- nesey said about 6,700 of the 8,200- sy said,' It will give the union a freshments will be served. " reconnaiasEince techniques at the member union .have' mailed bal stronger bargaining position. SERVICE * ' By OEBBON YALOW rra ’' Naval Amphibious base, Uttle lots. , The unldn represents 9,000 Con WALTER N. Members erf the K o f f e e J ^ ^ e The official count will not be Chicago, June 1 Tommy, » waif of the slums who Creek, Va. He serves with the sec necticut telephone workers. .LiKOLdlCf strained for years in the liitter world of push carts and group • Of the M a n ch estei»^ C ^ ond Marine division at Camp Le- mai^e until tomorrow, he said Director will ,con9Hide the jeune, N, C. when lEwt minute letters are ex peddlers’ wagons, at last has found idyllic contentment. ties with a dinner at the Walnut pected to finish arriving at union Iceland Interest High Call Ml 9-5869 ^A w av from the tensions of modem living, Tommy Kestayfeit tomorrow at 7 p.m. Memfeers of St. Mary’s Episco headquarters In New Haven. By THE ASSOCIATED FR*M ♦ Other United Aircraft Corp. dl dwells alone, Reykjavik—In connection with 23 Main Street, Maachaater visions In Connecticut having con house, dining and drinking pal Guild, who plan to attend a If . the membersiLlp rejects the Another meeting of medi^ NASA liuts Junior Museum will be luncheon at Ludlow, Mass.,- on contract offer of Southern New an economic-stabilization program tract troubles are the Sikorsky at Ieisui%. tors with both sides in the dis Aircraft Division at Bridgeport Cruel fate, alas, mocks him. elhsed this week because of the Thursday, are to meet In the England Telephone , Co.,, he said, Introduced in Iceland, the Cen and Stratford and the Hamilton State ^eivs Tommy is a liorse. Some illnes.s of Miss Barbara Neill, di church parking lot at 10:30 a.m. the union’s executive board will tral Bank’s discount rate has pute that threatens to bnng rector. The museum will be open been raised from 7 per cent to 11, Standard Division .at Windsor time Monday night he either Tells About for the bus trip. meet to set a strike date. on strikes at seven United next Sunday afternoon. indications are that the mem the highest rate in Europe. Also, Aircraft Corp. plants in Con Locks and Broad Brook. In all, fell or walked down a stair the Interest rate for savings de some 33,000 workers are affected. way Into a basement under his Th^Mailmams will meet tonight bership will endorse a strike by a necticut has ended without a Roundup subatsAitlal margin. An informal posits has been boosted from 5 per stable. He won’ t leave. First Story ] at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. poUihg ‘of the union’s ■various lo- cent to 9. ■ . solution to the deadlock. • (Oontinned on P^^e And whether Tommy ap Lawirence Dunn, 8 Hartland Rd. G«(MV« Buimett, federal proves or not, the Anti-Cruel caYs during May showed the ma Hartford, June 1 </P)—Connec ty Society is going to rescue Notice A plant sale will be held after the jority favored rejection of the SbLrt Day Right tor, and James Donnelly, State ticut’s new ChvlF Defense fanout him. Washington, June ! (A*)—'A business meeting. contract, Shaughnessy asiid. The right kind of breakfsuit with mediator, held aeparate m eeting warning system can beat a mis- yesterday for several hours with Stale Phoiie Union J. J. Shaffer, director of the spokesman ior the National WE HAVE DAILY Blow * Calls his. .’’ The last The contract discussions be meat provides energy and pro The executive board Euid mem motes efficiency for work or play. negotiators from the United A ^ society, said workers will cut Space Agency testified today line and a half are no longer legl tween union and management was the estimate given to- through a 6-inch layer of con DELIVERY TO THE bers of Ladles of St. James will tomobile Workers and from the Turns Down Pact d ay^ y State CD warning attack that high-flying U2 planes ble. North Haven plant of Pratt and crete today and either walk meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the Fresh Wildflowers Decorate To Constable Hunt, who lives officer, Sidney D. Giber ..after the ^ Tommy up a ramp or hoist lave made more than 200 Whitney Aircraft, a division of John F. Tierney Funeral Home, across the road from Smith’s . New Haven, Jun* 1 «V -M em - first test of the system. The teat him away with a winch. weather flights <^mng 219 W. Center St„ to pay final re resting place, the French*flfdian "LEARN-BY'DOtNG"— Ehetrenies-Tatevision . UAC. ... bers of the Connecticut union of went better than expected. Giber Shaffer first heard about 200-Year-Old Andover Grave Like last week’s meeting with about 264,000 miles einCB BOLtON spects to Miss Mary Hillery, a fighter, as well as the desid of later telephone workers have rejected 12-year-old Tommy in a tele member of the organization, and wars, deserves recognition for Day Technicians Course principals in the dispute at the At 10:30 a.m., a test alert mes- by a aubetantlal margin terms of phone call from Julius Pekov- ^^He ’aaid his agency did not know to Mrs. Helen F. Maroney whose fighting for this land. For the past Evening Servicing Course P4W A planU tn East Hartford Ka.ge was flashed from a central sky, a fruit peddler who owns daughter is a member. By Cindy Pfanstiehl sevet^ years he has tended the and Manchester—where the work fered by the Southrt-n New Eng relay point. By thcee minutes Just where the planes flew until AREA repose beneath this. humble Stone land Telephone Company for a the animal. There Is a lonely grave located lonely grave. , Summer Term Starts ers are represented by.the Inter later, eviry town except two or "You’ve got to come out after the fact.” ye last Remains, in memory of new contract. Manchester Grange will sponsor next to Boston Hill Rd. In An Captain Simon Smith of New Lon JUNE 27 Her aves avsseas loliss national Association of Machinists three small ones in the northeast here right away,” PekovsUy "These fUghU nave been eon- __this effort was unable to cause The vote was taken by mall and northwest sections of the state cried. “There's a horse in the ducted In the United SUte*. west a rummage sale Friday at 9:30 dover where 'a veteran of the don who after a series of kind and bpwL Stardll'v caa* May 25-27 with 6,900 votes being PINE LENOX Extended tuition plan. Write o either side to change Its poaltlon. had received the message, accord- cellar and he won’t come out.” ern Europe. Turkey and Japan, a.m. Members and friends who French and Indian Wars rests were iiseful labours, Publick and Do itnitteA Issilr rietssd. cast. A union spokesman said have articles for the sale may de mestic, Particular hazzards FOR RENT call for full information. No further meetings of mmiage- Ing to Giber. Society workers who went Hugh L. Dryden, deputy admin he fell. He Is not forgotten. ment and union in the North Ha-1 5,444 members voted to reject the to the seen said the animal PHARMACY liver them to Orange Hall Thurs hardships o f ye late Campayn 8 and 16 mm.