
and : A Patient’s Nightmare and an Opportunity for Learning A case of severe smell and disturbance resulting in and impaired quality of life offers an opportunity to clarify terms and understand treatment options.

By Ronald Devere, MD

patient who recently presented with the any . He said the triggered smell was like most impaired quality of life that I have seen feces and would last five to 10 minutes and recur since I established my Taste and Smell frequently. ADisorders Clinic in 1996 offers an opportuni- At about the same time he developed parageusia ty to review the challenges of diagnosing and man- whenever he put any or drink in his mouth aging and parageusia. Before beginning, and began to chew. The taste he described was a it is worthwhile to define parosmia and parageusia “horrible,” sour, metallic taste. Over the next three and the related phenomena of and months this horrible smell and taste continued to phantageusia. be more frequent, and he lost 80 pounds. He Parosmia is a form of dysosmia that refers to a required a feeding gastrostomy tube because he usually very unpleasant odor triggered by any or couldn’t even sip water without getting these specific environmental odor. Phantosmia is a form symptoms. All food and medications were given of dysosmia that is usually unpleasant and occurs through his gastrostomy tube. spontaneously without a trigger. Parageusia is a His past history revealed excellent health with- form of dysgeusia that is usually unpleasant and out any recent history of head trauma, , or triggered by any or specific . Phantageusia is upper respiratory tract infection. He was treated a form of dysgeusia that is usually unpleasant and for long-standing with lisinopril. occurs spontaneously without a trigger. He was extensively tested by his family physi- cian and otorhinolaryngologist to include nasal Case Presentation endoscopy; MRI of the brain, including medial My patient is a 73-year-old male who about a year temporal lobes; CT scan of sinuses; Upper GI; and ago developed parosmia that could be triggered by standard lab work, which included thyroid func-

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tion, Vitamin B12 and folate level, sed rate, ANA, gluconate is not clear. To help his parosmia, I told protein electrophoresis, and blood level. him to put 5-10cc of normal saline in a syringe Every one of these tests was normal or nonspecific and, in the head down position, to gently drop this in results. He went through a hip replacement sur- amount into each nostril. When he raised up, he gery three months after his smell and taste prob- was not to sniff so that the saline would stay in lems, and his symptoms did not worsen. He had the high nasal cavity to try to block any outside no and lost total interest in . He odor. He was to do this four to five times per day became very depressed and didn’t know how long for a week to see if it helped. I also gave him a he could live in this condition with a feeding tube prescription for gabapentin to try to reduce his and no enjoyment in life. bad smells and tastes. This treatment had been His general medical and neurological exam was successful in six of my past cases of dysosmia and completely normal, except that he looked emaciat- two cases of dysguesia. He started at 300mg at ed and was very depressed. His mouth, , bedtime and over the next four days increased the gums, and palate all looked normal, and he had dose to three times a day by gastrostomy tube. adequate . The patient called me one week later and he noted that his parosmia was decreasing: it was of Evaluation shorter duration and less intense and not triggered I tested his smell using the University of by all environmental smells. His paraguesia was Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test. He scored unchanged, and he still required all feeding by 18/40, which placed him in the moderate micros- tube. Three weeks later his parosmia was 90 per- mia range. He was administered the Taste Strip cent gone and the paraguesia was 50 percent less Test, which evaluates sweet, sour, bitter and salt at (less intense and shorter duration). He was now different concentrations. He scored 4/16, which is taking his pills by mouth and was able to eat veg- moderately abnormal. A normal score is 9/16. It etables, some soups, and fruit, although chicken or was surprising to find that none of the in the beef still triggered parageusia. I increased his gaba- UPSIT smell test or the tastes in the taste strip test pentin to 1200mg per day. He also discovered that triggered any bad tastes or odours. During my if he ate very spicy French fries before he ate his evaluation, I gave him samples of MSG, spicy regular food his symptoms were much less. In the salts, and chili powder to see if he could “taste” last 30 days he has gained 10 pounds and no them. He actually thought they were “tasty” with- longer has a feeding tube. His markedly out triggering any of his symptoms. improved. He is still on gabapentin and zinc glu- I believed he had moderate , parosmia, conate tablets. He no longer uses saline nasal , and paragusia of undetermined cause. drops. I decided to try to treat his parosmia and parague- sia, which was potentially treatable and was the Discussion main reason for his inability to eat, depression, This case was unusual in my experience because Peg tube, and horrible quality of life. of the occurrence of parosmia and parageusia at the same time, both contributing to weight loss Treatment and inability to eat and requiring the need of a I put him on tablets via gastrostomy feeding gastrostomy tube for survival. The exact tube 40mg TID to see if this would improve his cause is unclear. Reviewing some of the literature paraguseia as described by Heckmann, et al. in on the subject of causes, natural history, and treat- 2005.1 He previously was on a short course of zinc ment of dysosmia and dysguesia, there are very sulphate early on in his disorder, which was not few “large” studies. Most are case reports and effective. Why Heckman’s publication chose zinc many of the treatments are anecdotal. Bonfils2

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studied 56 patients with parosmia. The duration of A central theory of parosmia is still viable that their parosmia ranged from three months to 22 states that the integrative or interpretive centers in years with an average of 55 months. All patients the brain form parosmia. Leopold3 stated in his reported olfactory dysfunction. Seventy-five per- paper that the support for a central theory of cent had diminished smell, and 25 percent had parosmia development is that olfactory auras can total smell loss. All cases described their parosmia accompany and that excising the olfactory as foul, rotten, sewage, or burnt smell. Eighteen epithelium in some of his patients still leaves a percent of the patients were unable to identify an feeling of the “bad” smell coming, but it never odor that triggered the parosmia. occurs. Eighty-two percent of the studied subjects were The fact that gabapentin or other antiseizure able to identify a trigger, which included gasoline medications can improve parosmia, and that they (30 percent), tobacco (28 percent), coffee (28 per- act peripherally and centrally, supports both of cent), perfumes (22 percent), fruits (mainly citrus these theories. 15 percent) and chocolate (14 percent). Ninety per- cent of the patients had trouble identifying . Treatment of Dysosmia The causes of parosmia in this large series were Patients need to be reassured that their condition upper respiratory tract infection (43 percent), does not represent a progressive disorder and in chronic paranasal sinus disease (12 percent), head time will eventually disappear. Since the majority trauma (10 percent), toxic chemical exposure of dysosmia patients have a smell loss, they need (seven percent), nasal surgery (two percent), and to be counseled about safety issues like smoke and idiopathic (26 percent). The temporal relationship carbon-monoxide detectors, not to eat open between olfactory dysfunction and development of not date labeled, and have family members moni- parosmia is not simple. In 57 percent of cases they tor their perfume and deodorant use. occurred simultaneously. In the remaining 43 per- There appears to be no particular reference cent, parosmia developed after olfactory loss. This about using normal saline in the nose for paros- ranged from three months (34 percent) to after mia. Leopold3 mentions this in his article and three months (nine percent). The mean time was states it is effective in 50 percent of his patients. I 1.5 months after olfactory loss. find a similar experience. The treatment is done by There are two theories regarding causes of taking 10cc of normal saline and putting it in each parosmia: Peripheral and Central. In the peripheral nostril in the head-down position. After 20 sec- theory, evidence suggests that abnormal olfactory onds, the person is to sit up and let the saline are unable to form a complete picture of block the nasal upper passage where the olfactory the odorant. This goes along with the clinical fea- organ resides. This is recommended to do three to ture in this study that all the parosmic patients four times a day. Its main purpose is for the saline have an intensity odor loss. to block odors from coming in contact with the Leopold3 states that the peripheral theory is sup- olfactory organ. ported by the histology of the olfactory organ in The use of in dysosmia is most- individual patients, which shows a decreased num- ly anecdotal without a published series. Dr. ber of neurons, more immature than mature neu- Leopold mentions its use but does not describe any rons, and distorted growth of olfactory axons. details. I have used gabapentin to treat eight For patients who develop immediate parosmia patients with dysosmia including this case. Six had with olfactory loss, ephaptic transmission between parosmia and two had phantosmia. There was a 90 disconnected axons and others that innervate the percent improvement in five out of six parosmia might result in a distorted signal in patients and one with phantosmia with 900- response to an odorant. 2000mg daily in three divided doses. I only use

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gabapentin in cases that do not or incompletely Treatment of Dysgeusia respond to the normal saline nasal drops. The You may question whether my patient really had majority of my patients received gabapentin for six dysgeusia. Couldn’t putting food in his mouth months or longer, because when the dose was allow the food to travel retronasally to reduced earlier than six months, the symptoms the olfactory organ and produce a very altered fla- returned. Only two of my patients are completely vor? The patient told me that when food entered off gabapentin without symptom recurrence, prob- the mouth and just touched his tongue, he devel- ably due to the spontaneous recovery of their oped the paraguesia, and his taste testing was very symptoms. I have tried zonisamide in one case of abnormal, leading me to believe he had primary parosmia at 100mg/day with 75 percent improve- paraguesia. ment. None of these patients had any significant In my review of dysgeusia, I couldn’t find any side effects from these medications. It is important reported large series other than by Heckmann.1 In that the doses of each drug be increased slowly their 116 cases of dysgeusia, 50 were idiopathic every week to get to the appropriate dose levels and the remainder were due to allergy to dental mentioned above. Because of the severity of this material, poor oral and dental , poorly con- case being reported, the decision was made to trolled , decreased saliva due to some increase his dose much more quickly—in less than medication or diseases of the , low a week. zinc, low thyroid and side effects from many med- Leopold3 described his first experience, in 1988, ications.4 excising the by nasal There are many anecdotal reports of treatment endoscopy in intractable phantosmia. His patient of dysgeusia suggesting improvement and worth a recovered completely from dysosmia (phantosmia) try. I have used these treatments in some of my and had some residual smell loss. He has patients with varied success. described 18 of these procedures in 10 cases over a 1. Cepacol Lozenges with Benzocaine. Patients 13-year period. His criteria for surgery were should take lozenges before mealtime. May help intractable phantosmia preferably in a unilateral paraguesia. nostril and eliminated temporarily preoperatively 2. Xylocaine 0.5-1.0% mouth gel. Apply twice a with intranasal . All cases except one made day. a complete recovery from their phantosmia. The 3. Gabapentin (Neurontin). . This intent of the surgery was to cut all the olfactory category of medications likely works by altering or axons and destroy all connections between the blocking abnormal electrical discharges arising nasal cavity and olfactory bulb. from the peripheral damaged smell or taste organ It is not clear why he only chose phantosmia as well as altered central brain connections. Begin cases, not parosmia. Despite this, I was contem- 300mg at bedtime and increase slowly over seven plating this surgery for my patient if he didn’t to 10 days to 900-1200mg in divided doses. I have improve, although he may have still been plagued had success in four patients when options one and by his severe paraguesia. Follow-up smell tests in two (above) have failed. I believe this was success- Leopold’s patients over 11 years showed no change ful in the current reported case. in five of 10, improvement in two of 10, and 4. Zonisimide (Zonegran). Anticonvulsant. Start at decrease in three of 10, compared to preoperative 50mg in a.m. daily and after one week increase to level. Histological changes as previously men- 100mg per day. This agent has been helpful in tioned in his cases showed peripheral dam- some of my cases of dysosmia or dysgeusia. age with large fascicles lacking neurons. The big 5. Zinc Gluconate 140mg/day. This intervention puzzle in this treatment is why olfactory function hasbeen moderately effective, with improved taste, returns after cutting all the olfactory nerves. mood and dysgeusia in 50 percent of patients.1

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Heckman randomized 50 patients with idiopathic 6. Artificial saliva. If there is insufficient saliva, dysgeusia to 140mg zinc gluconate and . try artificial saliva before each meal. They rated response to a taste test and self rated 7. Mirtazapine 15mg at bedtime. Kalpana, et al.6 the dysgeusia and reported no side effects from reported a case of an elderly woman who devel- treatment. No significant increase in zinc was oped media. She was given antiobiotic lev- found. This is probably because zinc is a trace ele- ofloxacin 500mg a day. After 10 days she devel- ment and is rapidly transferred into cells. Higher oped a spontaneous metallic taste. Her food tasted doses above 140mg/day have been known to cause like bile, causing loss of appetite and weight loss. anemia, leukopenia and GI symptoms.7 Zinc’s This dysgeusia continued three weeks after her value has been reported to help regenerate taste was stopped. She had no smell problems bud cells and influence the activity of carbonic but smell was not tested. She had a long history of anhydrase in saliva, which is important in break- depression and was on fluoxetine for many years. ing down foods in our mouth. A psychiatrist saw her and changed fluoxitine to 6. Ice cube stimulation. The patient should put Mirtazapine. Patient reported complete resolution one small ice cube in the mouth for one minute of her dysgeusia in four to five days after starting just before meals. Fujiyama5 described an elderly Mirtazapine. Mirtazapine is a noradrenergic and patient who lost the ability to . specific serotonergic . How and why Whenever she ate foods that were very sweet she it worked in this case is not clear. More studies developed a bad sour taste. Her taste test showed need to be done. high threshold for saltiness. The author decided to Most of the treatments mentioned for dysosmia put an ice cube in her mouth for one minute and dysgeusia have not been scientifically studied which lowered the oral temperature by 5 degrees. to show their benefits. However the symptoms and They retested her taste capabilities and her salti- impaired quality of life these disorders produce in ness recognition improved. She was told to place our patients should prompt us to try these treat- an ice cube in her mouth before every meal. After ments singly or in combination. The majority are a month the patient reported to her physicians that very safe, and patients, like mine, are very grate- she could recognize sweet again and lowered her ful. ■ threshold for all other tastants. There has been evidence in the literature that A version of this article appeared in the journal the gustatory nerve fibres are sensitive to tempera- Chemosense. Dr. Devere has no relevant disclosures. ture changes by thermosensitive ion channels. A thermosensitive channel called TRPM5 is present 1. Heckmann S.M., et al. Zinc Gluconate in the treatment of Dysgeusia: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Journal of Dental Research 84(1) 2005 p35-38. in cells and can confer a steep tempera- 2 Bonfils P, et al., Distorted Odorant , Archives of Otolaryngology head ture dependence on the processing of taste percep- and neck surgery ,Volume 131 Feb 2005 pp 107-112. tion. Therefore, the authors say, the demonstrated 3. Leopold D. Distortion of Olfactory Perception: Diagnosis and treatment. recovery in this patient of her taste sensitivity may Chemical 27:611-515 2002. be caused by interaction between taste and cold 4. Doty R. et al. Drug induced taste disorders, Drug Safety 2008, vol 31 (3) signals. The patient reported complete recovery of pp.199-215. her sweet taste after the cold treatment and previ- 5. Fujiyama R, et al, Ice cube stimulation helps to improve dysgeusia, Odontology ous sour taste (dysgeusia) was eliminated. The 98: 82-84 2010. authors speculate that cold treatment may improve 6. Kalpana P., et al, Mirtazapine therapy for Dysgeusia in an elderly patient, circulation in the tongue and that subsequently Primary care companion to the journal of clinical psychiatry 2006, 8 (3): p 178- 180. taste sensitivity recovers. More studies are needed, 7. Salzman MB, et al, Excessive oral zinc supplementation, Journal of Pediatric however, this intervention should be tried in some Hematology Oncology, 24: 582-584, 2002. of our patients.

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