
Inconsistencies in the current thermodynamic description of elastic solids

József Garai1 and Alexandre Laugier2

1 Department of Earth Sciences, University Park, PC 344, Miami, FL 33199, USA 2 IdPCES - Centre d'affaires PATTON, 6, rue Franz Heller, bât. A, F35700 Rennes, France

E-mails: 1 [email protected] 2 [email protected]

Abstract Using the contemporary thermodynamic equations of elastic solids leads to contradictions with the fundamental statements of . Two examples are presented to expose the inconsistencies. In example one the internal between the initial and final states shows path dependency while in example two changing the of a system at constant produces mechanical . These results are contradictory with the fundamentals of thermodynamics and indicate that the contemporary description of elastic solids needs to be revisited and revised.

In solid the relationship between the and volume is described by the isothermal bulk modulus [K T ] :  ∂p  K T = −V  (1)  ∂V T It is assumed that the solid is homogeneous, isotropic, non-viscous and that the is linear. It is also assumed that the stresses are isotropic; therefore, the principal stresses can be identified as the pressure p = σ1 = σ 2 = σ3 . The function between temperature and volume is characterized by the volume coefficient of expansion [ αV p ]:

1  ∂V  α = (2) Vp   V  ∂T p The volume of a solid system at a given temperature and pressure can be calculated by employing the equations of the volume coefficient of expansion and the bulk modulus. Allowing one of the variables to change while the other one held constant the calculation can be done in two steps (Fig. 1),

p T 1 α dT − dp ∫ Vp=0 ∫p=0 K V = V e T=0 or V = V e T=0 (3) ()T p=0 0 ()p T=0 0 and then

T p 1 α dT − dp ∫ Vp ∫p=0 K V = V e T=0 or V = V e T (4) ()T p ()p T=0 ()p T ()T p=0 where V0 is the volume at zero pressure and temperature. These two steps might be combined into one and the volume at a given p, and T can be calculated:

T p 1 αV dT− dp ∫T=0 p ∫p=0 KT Vp,T = V0e (5) According to the first law of thermodynamics the differentials of the [U] of a system can be calculated in the same way in solid phase as in gas phase thus the differential of the internal energy is equal with the sum of the differentials of the thermal and the mechanical .

dU = δq + δw = ncVdT − pdV (6) where q is the , supplied to or taken away from the system, w is the mechanical work, done by or on the system, n is the number of moles, and cV is the molar at constant volume. Heating up a system at zero pressure from zero temperature to temperature T the internal energy of the system will increase as:

T ()∆UT = ncVdT (7) p=0 ∫T=0 Applying pressure on the system at constant temperature and increasing the pressure from zero pressure to pressure p will change the internal energy of the system ∆U by the mechanical ( p )T work ∆w done on the system. Besides the exponential nature of the isothermal curves (Eq. ( p )T

3-4) the area (isothermal work function) under these curves almost identical with a triangle area.

Small deviation could occur at extremely high . The mechanical work, therefore, will be calculated as: 1 ()()∆U = ∆w = − p(∆V ) (8) p T p T 2 p T where

T p 1 α dT  − dp  ∫ Vp ∫p=0 K ()∆V = V e T=0 e T −1 (9) p T 0     The internal energy of the system at temperature T and pressure p is

T p 1 T  − dp  1 αV dT ∫p=0 ∫T=0 p  KT  Up,T = Up=0,T=0 + ()∆UT + ()∆Up = Up=0,T=0 + ncVdT − pV0e e −1 (10) p=0 T ∫T=0   2   Using subscript i and f for the initial and final state respectively and assuming that

Up=0,T=0 = Ui (11) and

Up,T = Uf (12) then the internal energy difference between the initial and final state is:

T p 1 T  − dp  1 αV dT ∫p=0 ∫T=0 p  KT  ∆Upath−1 = Uf − Ui = ncVdT − pV0e e −1 . (13) ∫T=0   2   Subscript path-1 indicates the path which was followed between the initial and final conditions. The internal energy is ; therefore, the internal energy change between the initial and final states is the same no matter what path has been followed between these two states (Figure 2a). Using the previous example the internal energy of the final state should be the same if the pressure is applied on the system at zero temperature first and then the system is heated up to temperature T at constant pressure (path-2).

Uf ,path−1 = Uf ,path−2 ⇔ Uf ,path−1 − Ui = Uf ,path−2 − Ui ⇔ ∆Upath−1 = ∆Upath−2 (14) At zero temperature the pressure increase from zero to p will do work on the system. 1 ()∆U = ()∆w = − p(∆V ) (15) p T=0 p T=0 2 p T=0 where

p 1  − dp  ∫p=0 ()∆V = V e KT −1 (16) p T=0 0     Increasing the temperature at constant pressure from zero temperature to temperature T involves both thermal ()∆qT p and mechanical energies (∆w T )p . ()()()∆UT p = ∆qT p + ∆w T p (17) These energies can be calculated as:

T ()∆qT = ncVdT and (∆w T ) = −p(∆VT ) (18) p ∫T=0 p p where

p 1 T − dp α dT ∫p=0 K  ∫ Vp  ∆V = V e T e T=0 −1 . (19) ()T p 0     Summing the energies between the initial and the final state gives the total internal energy change for path-2.

1 T ∆Upath−2 = Uf − Ui = − p(∆Vp ) + ncVdT − p()∆VT (20) 2 T=0 ∫T=0 p Using the internal energy equivalency for the two different paths and deducting the internal energy change of path one from path two gives: 1 p[]()∆V − ()∆V + p()∆V = 0 . (21) 2 p T=0 p T T p After simplifications it can be written:

T p 1 α dT  − dp  1  ∫ Vp  ∫p=0 K pV e T=0 −11+ e T  = 0 . (22) 0    2    At pressures higher than zero the equality implies that either the factor

T p 1 α dT  − dp   ∫ Vp  ∫p=0 K e T=0 −1 = 0 or 1+ e T  = 0 . (23)         Since

p 1 ∫ − dp e p=0 KT > 0 (24) then

p 1  − dp  ∫p=0 1+ e KT  ≠ 0 (25)     Assuming positive value for the volume coefficient of expansion at higher than zero

T α dT ∫ Vp e T=0 > 1 (26) results that T  αV dT  ∫T=0 p e −1 ≠ 0 (27)  

It can be concluded that the equality ∆Upath−1 = ∆Upath−2 is incorrect in this framework. Another discrepancy in the current description of elastic solids can be noted by heating up a system at constant volume. The internal energies for the initial and final states are

Tf Tf Ui = qi + w i and ()Uf = qi + w i + ncVdT = qi + ncVdT + w f . (28) V ∫T ∫T i i Keeping the volume constant resulting that the initial and final are the same.

Vf Vi = Vf or = 1 (29) Vi Using equation 5 it can be seen that the volume remains constant if the equality

Tf pf 1 αV dT − dp ∫ p ∫p e Ti e i KT = 1 (30) is satisfied. The mechanical work, stored by the system in the initial state is

p Ti i 1 α dT  − dp  1 ∫ Vp ∫p=0 K w = − p V e T=0 e T −1 . (31) i i 0   2   The work in the final state can be written as:

p Tf f 1 α dT  − dp  1 ∫ Vp ∫p=0 K w = − p V e T=0 e T −1 . (32) f f 0   2   The mechanical work of the final state (using Eq. 32) can be factorized as:

T pi 1 pf 1 Ti f − dp − dp α dT αV dT   1 ∫ Vp ∫T p ∫p=0 K ∫pi K w = − p V e T=0 e i e T e T −1 (33) f f 0   2   and

pi 1 T Ti − dp f α dT  αV dT  1 ∫ Vp ∫p=0 K ∫T p w= − p V e T=0 e T − e i  . (34) f f 0   2   According to the first law of thermodynamics when a system is heated up constant volume mechanical work is not done on or by the system. The of the system in the initial and final state should be the same.

()w i V = ()w f V (35) Using the equality of the initial and final mechanical work it can be written pi 1 pi 1 Tf  − dp   − dp α dT  ∫p=0 ∫p=0 ∫ Vp pe KT −1 = p e KT − e Ti  . (36) i   f       and then

pi 1 Tf − dp dT ∫ αVp p=0 KT ∫Ti e()pf − pi + pi = pf e . (37) Since

pf = ()pf − pi + pi (38) then

p i 1 Tf Tf − dp α dT α dT ∫p=0 Vp Vp KT ∫Ti ∫Ti ()pf − pi e + pi = ()pf − pi e + pie (39) Assuming that both the volume coefficient of expansion and the bulk modulus are positive and that the final temperature is higher than the initial one and the initial pressure is nonzero then

pi 1 Tf − dp α dT ∫p=0 ∫ Vp eKT < 1 < e Ti (40) resulting that

p i 1 Tf Tf − dp α dT α dT ∫p=0 Vp Vp KT ∫Ti ∫Ti ()pf − pi e + pi < ()pf − pi e + pie (41)

This result contradicts with the original assumption wi = w f indicating that work had been done at constant volume. The inequality of the initial and final work can be easily justified by the visual inspection of Figure 2b. In both examples the currently accepted thermodynamic description of elastic solids gives erroneous results. These erroneous results indicate that either the original assumption, the internal energy is a state function, or the thermodynamic equations used for the calculations are incorrect. It is very unlikely the state function of the internal energy can be questioned leaving no other chose then assuming that the inconsistencies in the thermodynamics of elastic solids arise from incorrect thermodynamics equations.

T = 0 T = 0 T = T p = 0 p = p p = p

()V) T-comp p Legend

()V)Tp=0 = )VT ()V)Tp Actual Volume p, T

(V)Tp V or

(V) Vp, T Tp Expanded Volume

pT=0 V)= (

V0 V0 Compressed Volume

()V)pT=0 = )Vp ()Volume changes are exaggerated.

Figure 1. Schematic figure of the volume changes caused by the pressure and the temperature. The analytical description of the different volumes is given in the text.

V V Elastic Energy Stored by the System V 1 P ath 1 Final State Final State i Vi

Vf f T V = V i f T P f i f f ath 2 V2 T Initial State T Initial State i i

p = 0Pa p p p p p i f i f

Figure 2. Examples for the existing inconsistencies in the current thermodynamic description of elastic solids. (a) The internal energy between an initial and final state shows path dependency if the current conventional thermodynamic expressions are used. (b) Heating up a system at constant volume changes the mechanical work stored by the system. According to the current thermodynamic establishment no mechanical work is done by or on the system if the volume is held constant.