M.R.No: Dated: Sri/M/S. for Chief Admn Officer/Con/SC. F O R M 'A' 1. NAME OF
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13/CAO/C/SC/2016 Dt.29/03/2016 (Item No:05) Page 1 SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY Issued to: M.R.No: Dated: Sri/M/s. For Chief Admn Officer/Con/SC. F O R M ‘A’ TENDER NOTICE No: 13/CAO/C/SC/2016 Dt.29/03/2016 (Item No:05) 1. NAME OF WORK:- Vijayawada Division - Vijayawada - Visakhapatnam Section - Proposed Construction of 3rd line between Duvvada - Vijayawada Stations - Dismantling of Existing tracks, Transportation of P-Way materials, Supply of stone ballast, laying and linking of BG track, Assembling and insertion of Points & Crossings and other connected miscellaneous works in NARASINGAPALLI yard. 2. Approximate Value of work : Rs.1,56,84,523.00/- 3. Earnest Money Deposit : Rs.2,28,430/- ( in Cash or Banker’s cheques/ Demand Drafts Only) 4. Cost of Tender document a) in person / Down loaded : Rs. 5,000.00 b) By post : Rs. 5,500.00 5. Completion period : 06 (Six) Months including monsoon period 6 Validity of offer : 90 days from date of opening of tender 7. Date & Time of Closing of : 10/05/2016 at 11.00 AM Tender Box 8. Date & Time of Opening of : 10/05/2016 at 11.30 AM Tender Box 9. Tender document is not transferable and the amount paid for is non-refundable. 10. Cash remittances will not be accepted by Chief Cashier or Divisional Cashier/Pay after 10.00 AM on 10/05/2016 (i.e., Tender opening day). Signature of the Tenderer / Contractor 13/CAO/C/SC/2016 Dt.29/03/2016 (Item No:05) Page 2 NAME OF WORK: Vijayawada Division - Vijayawada - Visakhapatnam Section - Proposed Construction of 3rd line between Duvvada - Vijayawada Stations - Dismantling of Existing tracks, Transportation of P-Way materials, Supply of stone ballast, laying and linking of BG track, Assembling and insertion of Points & Crossings and other connected miscellaneous works in NARASINGAPALLI yard CHECK LIST (FOR THE GUIDANCE OF TENDERER WHILE SUBMISSION OF TENDER) Sl. Confirm Action required No. ed ( 9 ) 1 Signing the tender documents on all the pages by Tenderer / Authorised Signatory. 2 Submission of offer on Original printout of the tender document downloaded from the website as per Para No.11 of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender. 3 Submission of Demand Draft towards the cost of tender document downloaded from website as per Para No.11 of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender. 4 Submission of Earnest Money Deposit as per Para No.9 of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender. 5 Submission of Certificate in support of Technical Eligibility, self attested photo copy, as per Para No.1.1 of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender. a) In case of Railway works, the certificate should be issued by an officer not below the rank of JA grade. b) In case of any other Government departments/ PSUs (other than Railways), the certificate should be issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer / equivalent grade. 6 Submission of Certificate in support of Financial Eligibility as per Para No.1.2 of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender. a) Audited Balance sheet duly certified by Chartered Accountant (clearly indicating contractual payments). b) Certificates from the Govt. department or Semi Governments / PSUs for the work done for them. 7 Submission of Ballast test certificate as per Para No.1.1 of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender (in case of tender schedule having item for Supply of Ballast). 8 Submission of documents of Tenderer as per Para No.3.0 of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender to consider the offer for further evaluation as below : In case the Tenderer is a Proprietary Firm or HUF : Affidavit on stamp paper of appropriate value to the effect that he is a sole proprietor (or) has consent / authority to act on behalf of HUF. In case the Tenderer is a Partnership Firm(s) : i) Notary certified copy of the Partnership deed (or) Partnership deed duly attested by Gazetted officer. ii) Power of Attorney in favour of one of the partners to act on behalf of the firm and to enter into liability by signing the tender / agreement. Signature of the Tenderer / Contractor 13/CAO/C/SC/2016 Dt.29/03/2016 (Item No:05) Page 3 Sl. Confirme Action required No. d ( 9 ) In case the Tenderer is a Private Limited / Limited Companies, the following documents: i) Notary certified copy of Resolution of the Directors of the Company authorizing the one of the Directors / Managers of the company to act on behalf of the company. ii) Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company. iii) Power of Attorney by the Company authorizing the person to act as per (i) above. 9 Submission of Declaration regarding Employment of Retired Engineer/Retired Railway Officer as per Para No.3.5 of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender - as per Annexure-V 10 Submission of NEFT FORM - as per Annexure-VI 11 Submission of Method statement as per Para No. 2.0 of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender. 12 Submission of Details of Personnel to be deployed on work as per Annexure-II of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender. 13 Submission of Details of Plants & Machineries to be deployed on work as per Annexure-III of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender. 14 Submission of Statement Showing the particulars of Works on Hand & Works Completed as per Annexure-IV of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender. 15 Submission of offer on amended document in case CORRIGENDUM is issued for the subject tender. 16 Perusal of conditions of Tender including submission of documents as per Para No.18.0 of Instructions to Tenderer and Conditions of Tender. 17 Quoting of Uniform percentage rate Below/ At par/ Above over the total value of each schedule both in figures and words. Note: The above check list is not exhaustive. Tenderers shall go through the contents of the tender notice and tender document carefully and ensure that all the relevant documents are filled and submitted along with the tender. Signature of the Tenderer / Contractor 13/CAO/C/SC/2016 Dt.29/03/2016 (Item No:05) Page 4 SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY INDEX Sl. Page No. Contents No. From To 1. Top sheet 1 -- 2. Check List 2 3 3. Index 4 -- 4. Tender Form (First Sheet) 5 -- Regulations for Tenders and Contracts for Guidance of 5. 6 9 contractors Instructions to Tenderers and Conditions of Tender & 6. 10 19 Eligibility criteria 7. Programme of Mile stones - Annexure–I 20 -- Details of Personnel to be deployed on work - 8. 21 -- Annexure-II Details of Plant & Machinery to be deployed on work - 9 21 -- Annexure-III Statement showing the particulars of works on hand & 10. 21 -- works executed - Annexure–IV Form for Reporting of Employment of Railway Officers - 11. 22 -- Annexure-V 12. NEFT FORM - Annexure-VI 23 -- 13. Form of Bank Guarantee - Annexure-VII 24 25 14. Awareness of provisions of GCC 26 -- 15. Certificate of Familiarization – Annexure-VIII 27 28 16. Special Conditions & Specifications of Contract Variation in quantities 30 32 Seigniorage clause 39 41 VAT, Building & Construction Workers Welfare Cess 41 42 Price Variation Clause 47 52 17. Particulars of work 58 60 18. Special Conditions of contract (Technical) -- -- 19. Special Conditions in Annexure 61 86 20. Schedule of Rates & Quantities 87 108 Note: The Page Nos. from and to are to be indicated before uploading the tender document duly verifying the same by the concerned uploading staff. Signature of the Tenderer / Contractor 13/CAO/C/SC/2016 Dt.29/03/2016 (Item No:05) Page 5 To The President of India acting- Through: Chief Administrative Officer (Construction) South Central Railway, Secunderabad. 1. I/We …………………………………………………………………have read the various conditions of tender attached hereto and hereby agree to abide by the said conditions. I/We also agree to keep this tender open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for opening the same and in default thereof, I/We will be liable for forfeiture of my/our Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 2,28,430(Rupees Two lakhs Twenty Eight thousands Four hundred and Thirty only). 2. I/We offer to do the work Vijayawada Division - Vijayawada - Visakhapatnam Section - Proposed Construction of 3rd line between Duvvada - Vijayawada Stations - Dismantling of Existing tracks, Transportation of P-Way materials, Supply of stone ballast, laying and linking of BG track, Assembling and insertion of Points & Crossings and other connected miscellaneous works in NARASINGAPALLI yard at the percentage rates quoted by me/us in the attached schedule and bind myself/ourselves to complete the work in 06 (SIX) months from the date of issue of letter of acceptance of this tender. I/We also hereby agree to abide by the IRS GCC and Special Conditions of contract and to carry out the works according to the IRU Standard specification of materials and works, 2010, laid down by South Central Railway for the present contract. 3. A sum of Rs.2,28,430/- is herewith forwarded as earnest money deposit. The full value of the earnest money shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any other rights or remedies if – a) I/We do not execute the contract document within seven days after receipt of notice issued by the Railway that such documents are ready: OR b) I/We do not commence the work within fifteen days after receipt of orders to that effect. 4. Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender shall constitute a binding contract between us subject to modifications, as may be mutually agreed to between us and indicated in the letter of acceptance of my/our offer for this work.