Feminist-Press Spring-21.Pdf

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Feminist-Press Spring-21.Pdf CONTENTS 2 Mission & Vision Statements CONTACT INFORMATION INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER 4 Lauren Rosemary Hook Spring 2021 Titles lauren@feministpress.org SENIOR SALES, MARKETING & PUBLICITY MANAGER Jisu Kim 11 jisu@feministpress.org Fall 2021 Titles 17 Amethyst Editions 20 Backlist Highlights 31 Rights & Permissions THE FEMINIST PRESS 365 Fifth Avenue | Suite 5406 New York, NY 10016 EDITORIAL VISION The Feminist Press publishes twelve to fifteen books a year and specializes in an array of genres including cutting-edge fiction, activist nonfiction, literature in translation, hybrid memoirs, children’s books, and more. FP seeks to champion intersectional and nuanced works that spark much-needed dialogue and move the feminist conversation forward. Current editorial initiatives include the Louise Meriwether First Book Prize, created to highlight debut work by women and nonbinary writers of color, and Amethyst Editions, a queer imprint founded by Michelle Tea. MISSION The Feminist Press publishes books that We are seeking political and cultural activist ignite movements and social transformation. nonfiction that furthers our understanding of Celebrating our legacy, we lift up insurgent intersectional feminism. We gravitate toward and marginalized voices from around the voice- and vision-driven stories as well as genre- world to build a more just future. defying texts. Other topics of interest include feminist dystopia, environmental justice, and VISION immigration stories. We do not publish poetry, To create a world where everyone dramatic works, doctoral dissertations, or recognizes themselves in a book. literary criticism. 2 MISSION & VISION STATEMENTS MISSION & VISION STATEMENTS 3 THIS IS HOW WE COME BACK STRONGER BLACK BOX Feminist Writers on Turning Crisis into Change The Memoir That Sparked Japan’s #MeToo Movement Edited by Feminist Book Society Shiori Ito Translated by Allison Markin Powell In essays, short fiction, poetry, and more, writers In 2015 an aspiring young journalist named Shiori SHIORI This is how we come back stronger. Edited by Feminist Book Society from the United States and the United Kingdom Ito charged prominent reporter Noriyuki Yamagu- n essays, short fiction, poetry, and more, feminist writers respond to the personal and the political This respond to the personal and the political in the chi with rape. After meeting up for drinks and in the time of pandemic. Marking the one-year I anniversary of lockdown in the US and the UK, this time of pandemic. Marking the one-year anni- networking, Ito remembers regaining conscious- ITO transatlantic collection considers where we go from Feminist here – and reminds us that, despite it all, we are is not alone. Ten per cent of every book sold will be writers versary of lockdown in the US and the UK, these ness in a hotel room while being assaulted. But donated to Third Wave Fund to support youth-led on turning gender-justice organizing and activism. pieces consider where we go from here—and when she went to the police, Ito was told that how crisis into FEATURING change remind us that, despite it all, we are not alone. her case was a “black box”—untouchable and Amelia Abraham n Yomi Adegoke n Rosanna Amaka Laura Bates n Fatima Bhutto n Lauren Bravo unprosecutable. Molly Case n Catherine Cho n Sara Collins we This Is How We Come Back Stronger is an essential Melissa Cummings-Quarry and Natalie A. Carter Juli Delgado Lopera n Lindsey Dryden collection for our times, featuring contributions Black Box is a riveting, sobering memoir that Stella Duffy n Sarah Eagle Heart n Fox Fisher Shirley Geok-lin Lim n Mireille Cassandra Harper come from Fatima Bhutto, Layla Saad, Juliet Jacques, chronicles one woman’s struggle for justice, call- Kerry Hudson n Akasha Hull n Juliet Jacques Jude Kelly n Dorothy Koomson n Kuchenga Kate Mosse, Michelle Tea, Lisa Taddeo, Akasha ing for changes to an industry—and in society Helen Lederer n Francesca Martinez n Gina Miller n n n back Jessica Moor Kate Mosse Jess Phillips Layla F. Saad Hull, Amelia Abraham, Virgie Tovar, and more. at large—to ensure that future victims of sexual Radhika Sanghani n Jenny Sealey n Shaz n Lisa Taddeo Michelle Tea n Virgie Tovar n Sophie Williams stronger. It provides both an intimate, immediate look at assault can come forward without being silenced life during lockdown—amid the political turmoil and humiliated. With careful and quiet fury, Black ISBN 978-1-952177-90-3 $25.95 US Edited by THE FEMINIST PRESS and everyday insecurity—as well as a reflection Box recounts a broken system of repression and AT THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Feminist Book Society FEMINISTPRESS.ORG on what has changed. Ten percent of every book violence—but it also heralds the beginning of a THE MEMOIR THAT SPARKED JAPAN'S #METOO MOVEMENT sold will be donated to Third Wave Fund to support new solidarity movement seeking a more equitable “ What you’ll find in these pages is a truly TRANSLATED BY ALLISON MARKIN POWELL youth-led gender justice activism. path toward justice. exhilarating and honest creative response to crisis.” FEMINIST BOOK SOCIETY is a UK-based literary orga- SHIORI ITO is a freelance journalist who contributes “ Ms. Ito’s story is a stark example of how —FEMINIST BOOK SOCIETY, from the introduction nization of writers and publishing professionals. news footage and documentaries to the Econ- sexual assault remains a subject to be omist, Al Jazeera, Reuters, and other primarily avoided in Japan, where few women report non-Japanese media outlets. She was named one rape to the police and when they do, their complaints rarely result in arrests or of TIME magazine’s 100 most influential people prosecution.” in 2020. —NEW YORK TIMES ALLISON MARKIN POWELL has been awarded grants from English PEN and the NEA, and the 2020 PEN America Translation Prize. She is based in New York. April 2021 • $25.95 • 978-1-952177-90-3 • 376 pages • Rights: US & Canada July 2021 • $17.95 • 978-1-952177-97-2 • 238 pages • Rights: US & Canada 4 SPRING 2021 SPRING 2021 5 TASTES LIKE WAR WE ARE BRIDGES WINNER A Memoir A Memoir The Louise Meriwether Grace M. Cho Cassandra Lane First Book Prize Grace M. Cho grew up as the daughter of a white When Cassandra Lane becomes pregnant at thirty- American merchant marine and the Korean bar five, the knowledge sends her on a poignant explo- hostess he met abroad. When Grace was fifteen, ration of memory in order to prepare for moth- her mother experienced the onset of schizophre- erhood. We Are Bridges is the realization of this nia, a condition that first developed in their xeno- journey, a memoir that weaves personal narrative phobic small town and would evolve for the rest and speculation together in order to rescue the of her life. lives of Cassandra’s great-grandparents, Mary Magdalene Magee and Burt Bridges, from his- Part memoir, part sociological investigation, torical erasure. Shifting between present-day Los Tastes Like War is a hybrid text about a daughter’s Angeles and the early twentieth-century South, We search through intimate and global history for the Are Bridges is Cassandra Lane’s love letter to her roots of her mother’s schizophrenia. In her moth- ancestors, a declaration of her own story, and a er’s final years, Grace learned to cook dishes from lyrical blueprint for her child’s future. her mother’s childhood in order to invite the past into the present, and to hold space for her moth- CASSANDRA LANE is a writer and editor based in Los er’s multiple voices. And over these shared meals, Angeles. Lane received her MFA from Antioch Grace discovered not only the things that broke University LA. Her stories have appeared in the the brilliant, complicated woman who raised her New York Times’s Conception series, the Times- but also the things that kept her alive. Picayune, the Atlanta-Journal Constitution, and “ Both an exquisite commemoration elsewhere. She is managing editor of L.A. Parent GRACE M. CHO is the author of Haunting the Korean “ An exceptional memoir of self-discovery and a potent reclamation.” magazine and formerly served on the board of the Diaspora: Shame, Secrecy, and the Forgotten War. through family histories, even without —BOOKLIST (starred review) AROHO Foundation. Her writing has appeared in journals such as the official records.” New Inquiry, Poem Memoir Story, Gastronomica, —FOREWORD REVIEWS (starred review) and Feminist Studies. She is associate professor of sociology and anthropology at the College of Staten Island, CUNY. May 2021 • $17.95 • 978-1-952177-94-1 • 296 pages • Rights: World April 2021 • $17.95 • 978-1-952177-92-7 • 256 pages • Rights: World 6 SPRING 2021 SPRING 2021 7 ALEJANDRIA FIGHTS BACK! / ¡LA LUCHA DE ALEJANDRIA! Estoy afuera de la pulpería del Sr. Amir terminando mi raspado cuando escucho a alguien gritar “¡Ale!” Es mi mejor Leticia Hernández-Linares and the Rise-Home Stories Project amigo, Edgar. Estaba visitando a su abuela en Guatemala, y siento como si él hubiera estado lejos por una eternidad. “¿Qué me perdí?” pregunta Edgar. Illustrated by Robert Liu-Trujillo “Qué verano tan laaargo,” le digo, y comienzo a contarle la historia de cómo casi perdimos nuestro hogar. For nine-year-old Alejandria, home isn’t just the apartment she shares with Mami and her abuela, or nine-year-old Alejandria, home isn’t just the apartment she shares Alejandria Fights Back! Fwith Mami and her abuela, Tita, but rather the whole neighborhood. Home is the bakery where Ms. Beatrice makes yummy picos; the sidewalk Tita, but rather the whole neighborhood. Home where Ms. Alicia sells flowers with her little dog, Duende; and the corner store with friendly Mr.
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