
URJ Transliteration Guidelines and Master Word List Prepared by Debra Hirsch Corman and Rabbi Hara Person February 1, 2001

Transliteration See Word List for exceptions to the following guidelines, based on dictionary spelling or common usage. “ch” for chet and chaf “f” for fei “k” for kaf and kuf “tz” for tzadi “i” for chirik “e” for segol “ei” for tzeirei “a” for patach and kamatz “o” for cholem and kamatz katan “u” for shuruk and kibbutz “ai” for patach with yod Final “h” for final hei; none for final ayin (with exceptions based on common usage): atah, Sh’ma, but Moshe. Apostrophe for sh’va nah (with exceptions based on common usage): b’nei, b’rit, Sh’ma, but ketubah. Hyphen for two vowels together where necessary for correct pronunciation: ne-eman, samei-ach, but , Shavuot. No hyphen for prefixes unless necessary for correct pronunciation: babayit, HaShem, Yom HaAtzma-ut, but Va-eira. Do not double consonants (with exceptions based on dictionary spelling or common usage): t’filah, chayim, but tallit, Sukkot.

Capitalization In transliterated text, capitalize only proper nouns. In general, capitalize transliterated word if the word would be capitalized in English (exceptions: pronouns referring to God): Adonai, Eretz Yisrael, Gan Eden, Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam, but atah, hu. In transliterated text, use lowercase for prefixes in running text, but capitalize prefixes in titles and proper nouns: “Ki MiTziyon” (title of song), Ki miTziyon teitzei Torah (running text); V’zot HaTorah (title of prayer), V’zot haTorah asher… (text of prayer); l’Adonai; HaShem; Rosh HaShanah. Capitalize references to God: the Divine, the Divine Presence, the One, HaShem, You, Your, but who, atah, hu. Use lowercase for derivatives of references to God: godlike, godly, messianic. Capitalize the names of religious denominations and words derived from them: Chasidism, Chasidic, Judaic, Sephardic, Reformers. Capitalize titles of prayers: Kiddush, , Blessing after Meals, the Four Questions. Capitalize the names of the service or parts of the service: , Yizkor. Use lowercase for life-cycle events: bar mitzvah, confirmation, b’rit milah.

Italics, Roman, & Quotation Marks Generally use italics for transliterated words that do not appear in the dictionary (see Word List). Generally use roman for transliterated words that appear in the dictionary (see Word List); but use italics if the word appears in a transliterated phrase where other words are in italic: , Oneg Shabbat. Use roman or italics for foreign titles according to whether they would be roman or italic in English: the song “Hava Nagila”; the book Mishneh Torah. Use roman for titles of classic Jewish texts: Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, midrash. Use italics for the Hebrew titles of prayers, roman for English titles: Kaddish, Kiddush, Sh’ma, the Four Questions, Blessing after Meals. Use roman for foreign proper names, including organizations: Yochanan ben Zakkai, Magen David Adom. Use roman for Hebrew months: Adar, Elul. Use roman for holidays: Pesach, Lag BaOmer. UAHC Press Master Word List 2

MASTER WORD LIST, UAHC PRESS Copyeditor: Debra Corman acknowledgment bar mitzvah Adar (month) Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haolam, Adar I (month) asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu Adar II (month) Baruch Shem bat Adonai bat mitzvah Adonai Melech bayit (house) Adonai Tz’vaot Bayit (the Temple) afikoman B.C.E. (SMALL CAPS) aggadah beit (house of) agunah beit din Ahavah Rabbah beitzah ben Akeidah bet (letter) Akiva biblical Al Cheit bikur cholim alef (letter) bimah alef-bet binah Al Hanisim Birkat Kohanim aliyah, aliyot Birkat Shalom A.M. (SMALL CAPS) Blessing after Meals Amora, Amoraim B’nai B’rith amoraic b’nei mitzvah B’nei Yisrael Am Yisrael Book of Exodus anti-Semitism Book of Life aravah boshet arbaah minim b’rachah, b’rachot ark (synagogue) b’reishit Ark of the Covenant, the Ark B’reishit Rabbah Aron HaB’ritAron Kodesh b’rit Ashamnu b’rit hachayim Ashkenazi, Ashkenazim b’rit milah Ashkenazic b’rit olam b’tzelem Elohim atzei chayim aufruf candlelighting blessings Av (month) C.E. (SMALL CAPS) avanah Central Europe ” avodah chag Avot chai Avot D’Rabbi Natan challah, challot ayin (letter) chameitz Chanukah Baal Shem Tov chanukiyah Babylonian empire charoset Babylonian exile Chasid, Chasidim bal tashchit Chasidic baraita, baraitot Chasidism Bar’chu chatan Bar Kochba chatimah UAHC Press Master Word List 3 chavurah Elohai N’shamah chayim Eloheinu chazan Elohim chazanut Elul (month) cherem e-mail cherubim Emancipation chesed emet Cheshvan (month) emunah chet (letter) the Enlightenment chevrah kadisha Eretz Yisrael Children of eternal light chochmah etrog chol hamo-eid the Exodus (from Egypt) Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot the Chosen People family education chug the Festivals Chumash firstborn chuppah the First Temple classical Reform the Flood (from Noach) confirmand the Four Questions confirmation Conservative Judaism Gan Eden the Creation gelt Gemara daat gentile dalet (letter) ger, gerim Days of Awe get, gittin “Dayeinu” gimel (letter) a diaspora, the Diaspora Gittin (Talmud) din giyoret, giyorot divine (adj.) g’matria the Divine g’milut chasadim the Divine Name (God) godlike the Divine Presence (God) godliness d’rash godly dreidel Golden Calf D’varim Rabbah goy d’var Torah G’ulah gut yontiv (Yiddish) Eastern Europe G’vurot East European echad Habakkuk Eichah (Lamentations) hachnasat orchim Eichah Rabbah hadas, hadasim Ein Adir , haftarot Ein Kamocha Haggadah hakafah, hakafot Ein Sof halachah Eishet Chayil halachic eitz Eitz Chayim Hi Hallelujah (English translation) el (to) hall’luyah (transliteration) El (God) hamantashen Eliyahu HaNavi (the prophet) Hamavdil “Eliyahu HaNavi” (the song) HaMotzi haolam UAHC Press Master Word List 4

HaShem keva k’hilah, k’hilot “” Ki Anu Amecha “Hava Nagila” kibud z’keinim kibbutz hayom kibbutznik Hebrew school Kiddush Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of kiddushin Religion (HUC-JIR) [en-dash for spelled out; Kiddushin (Talmud) hyphen for abbreviation] “Ki MiTziyon” hei (letter) Kingdom of Israel hidur mitzvah Kingdom of Judah High Holy Days kippah, kippot High Priest Kislev (month) Hilchot T’shuvah K’lal Yisrael Hillel kodesh “Hinei Mah Tov” kohein, kohanim (priest) Historical Prophets Kohelet (Book of Ecclesiastes) Hodaah Kohelet Rabbah the Holy Ark kol the Holy Land Kol Nidrei the Holy of Holies the Holy One (God) kosher k’riah Hoshana Rabbah (holiday) K’tuvim (Writings—Bible) House of David k’vod hamet House of Israel kuf (letter) House of Judah kugel

Iyar (month) l’Adonai Iyov (Book of Job) Lag BaOmer lamed (letter) the Jewish Federation Jews-by-choice lashon hara Judah HaNasi Later Prophets judgment latke laypeople Kabbalah L’chah Dodi Kabbalat Shabbat l’chayim kabbalistic lev kabbalists Levite Kaddish Liberal (referring to denomination) Kaddish Yatom life cycle, life-cycle event kadosh Literary Prophets kaf (letter) L’maan Tizk’ru kaf sofit (letter) lo anochiyut kallah, kallot lo l’vayeish karpas loving-kindness kashrut lulav kavanah kavod Maariv (Evening Service) k’dushah maaseh K’dushah (the prayer) Maaseh Merkavah K’dushat HaShem maasim tovim K’dushat HaYom Maccabees ketubah, ketubot machzor UAHC Press Master Word List 5

Machzor Vitry Morning Blessings Magen David Motzi Magen David Adom Mourner’s Kaddish Mah Nishtanah Mount Sinai Mah Tovu m’tzaveh Major Prophets musar malach mamzer, mamzerim Naaseh V’nishma mamzeret, mamzerot Nachman of Bratzlav Manasseh Nachmanides maror N’chemyah (Book of Nehemiah) mashiach n’divut the Matriarchs ne-eman matzah, matzot nefesh mazal tov ner tamid m’chabeid zeh et zeh New Moon M’dinat Yisrael New World megillah (Eng.; e.g., “the whole megillah”) New Year melech nidah mem (letter) Nidah (Talmud) mem sofit N’ilah menorah the Ninth of Av (holiday) mensch Nisan (month) a messiah Kol Chai the Messiah nisuin messianic nitzotzot mezuzah Noach m’gillah, m’gillot (Heb. “scroll”) Northern Kingdom the M’gillah (Book of Esther) n’shamah M’gillat Esther nun (letter) Mi Chamochah nun sofit (letter) midah, midot N’vi-im (Prophets—Bible) midrash, midrashim, midrashic Mikdash (the Temple) Ohel Mo-eid (Tent of Meeting) mikdash m’at ohev zeh et zeh mikveh olah Minchah (Afternoon Service) olam haba minhag, minhagim the Omer Minor Prophets ometz lev minyan onah Mi Shebeirach Oneg Shabbat Mishkan (the Tabernacle) onein mishlo-ach manot Oral Torah a mishnah Orthodox, Orthodoxy (referring to the Mishnah denomination) Mishnaic Oseh Shalom mishnayot Outreach (Reform program) Mishneh Torah mitzvah, mitzvot parashah, parshiyot mixed marriage Parashat Noach mixed-marriage family the Patriarchs m’nuchah pei (letter) modern Orthodoxy pei sofit (letter) Modim Anachnu Pentateuch mohel Pentateuchal mohelet Pesach UAHC Press Master Word List 6 pidyon haben the Second Temple pikuach nefesh seder (Passover) Pirkei Avot sefer Pittsburgh Platform sefer Torah (a Torah scroll) piyut, piyutim Sefer Torah (tractate) P.M. (SMALL CAPS) seiver panim yafot pomelos selah postbiblical Sephardi, Sephardim prayer book Sephardic priest (but High Priest) seraphim Priestly Benediction the Seven Blessings Promised Land s’firah, s’firot a prophet, prophets Shabbat Prophets (book of the Bible) Shabbat HaChodesh a psalm, psalms Shabbat HaGadol the Psalmist Shabbat Shuvah Psalms (book of the Bible) Shabbat Zachor p’shat Shacharit (Morning Service) Purim shalach manot shalachmanos rabbinic shalom Rabbinic Judaism Shalom Aleichem Rabbis (ancient Sages) rabbis (contemporary) shamash rachamim shamayim rasha Shammai shank bone Reader’s Kaddish Shavuot Rebekah Shechinah Shehecheyanu Reform Movement shem Reformers (in denominational context) Sheva B’rachot reforms Shimon bar Yochai reish (letter) shin (letter) religious school Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs) responsum, responsa shivah Revelation sh’liach tzibur r’fuah sh’leimah sh’lom bayit rimonim sh’loshim rodeif Sh’ma Rosh Chodesh sh’miat haozen Rosh HaShanah Sh’mini Atzeret R’tzei Vim’nuchateinu Sh’moneh Esreih ruach Sh’mot Sh’mot Rabbah Saadyah Gaon Shoah the Sages (ancient) shofar samech (letter) shofet, shoftim samei-ach b’chelko Shoftim (Book of Judges) sandak shul the Sanhedrin Shulchan Aruch savior shutafim s’chach Sh’vat (month) Scripture (the Bible) siddur scriptural sidrah, sidrot Scroll of Esther simchah UAHC Press Master Word List 7

Simchat Torah t’shuvah, t’shuvot Tu BiSh’vat sin (letter) the twelve tribes Sivan (month) tzaddeket the Six-Day War tzaddik, tzaddikim S’lichot (the service) tzadi (letter) s’michah tzadi sofit (letter) sofer tzaraat Southern Kingdom tzedek Star of David tzedakah State of Israel, the Jewish state tzelem Elohim s’udah tzibur sukkah, sukkot Tziyon Sukkot tzitzit tz’niut the Tabernacle tzur tallit, tallitot Talmud Un’taneh Tokef talmudic United States (noun) talmudist U.S. (adj.) Talmud Torah Tammuz (month) V’ahavta Tanach V’al Kulam Tanchuma vav (letter) Tanna, Tannaim Vay’chulu tannaitic Vayikra Rabbah Tanya Vidui Targum V’shamru Tashlich V’zot HaTorah tav (letter) the Temple (ancient) Western Europe Ten Commandments world-to-come ten lost tribes World War II the Ten Plagues worshiped Tent of Meeting worshiper tet (letter) Writings (section of Bible) Tetragrammaton Written Torah Tevet (month) t’filah Yaaleh V’yavo T’filah (Amidah) yad t’fillin Yah t’hillim (psalms) Yad Vashem T’hillim (Book of Psalms) yahrzeit tikkun bayit yarmulke tikkun midot yeshivah tikkun olam yetzer hara Tishah B’Av yetzer hatov Tishrei (month) Y’hudim t’nai-im Yih’yu L’ratzon Torah Yism’chu Tosafot Yisrael Tosefta Yitgadal v’yitkadash tractate Yitro Tractate Yoma Yizkor tribe of Judah Yochanan ben Zakkai trope yod (letter) UAHC Press Master Word List 8

Yom HaAtzma-ut Parshiyot Yom HaShoah Acharei Mot Yom Kippur B’chukotai Yom Tov B’haalot’cha Yotzer B’har B’midbar zayin (letter) Bo Zichronot B’reishit Zion (English) B’shalach z’mirot Chayei Sarah Zohar Chukat z’rizut D’varim Eikev Emor Haazinu K’doshim Ki Tavo Ki Teitzei Korach Lech L’cha Mas’ei Matot Mikeitz Mishpatim M’tzora Naso Nitzavim Noach Pinchas P’kudei R’eih Sh’lach L’cha Sh’mini Sh’mot Shoftim Tazria Toldot T’rumah T’tzaveh Tzav Va-eira Va-et’chanan Va-y’chi Vayak’heil Vayeilech Vayeira Vayeishev Vayeitzei Vayigash Vayikra Vayishlach V’zot Hab’rachah Yitro UAHC Press Master Word List 9

Tractates P’sachim Arachin Rosh HaShanah Avadim Sanhedrin Avodah Zarah Sefer Torah Avot Shabbat Avot D’Rabbi Natan Sh’kalim Bava Batra Sh’vi-it Bava Kama Sh’vuot Bava M’tzia S’machot B’chorot Sof’rim Beitzah Sotah Bikurim Sukkah B’rachot Taanit Chagigah Tamid Challah T’fillin Chulin T’harot Derech Eretz Rabbah T’murah Derech Eretz Zuta T’rumot D’mai T’vul Yom Eduyot Tzitzit Eiruvin Uktzin Gerim Yadayim Gittin Yoma Horayot Y’vamot Kallah Zavim Kallah Rabbati Z’vachim Keilim Z’raim Kiddushin Kil’ayim Kinim Kodashim K’ritot K’tubot Kutim Maas’rot Maaseir Sheini Machshirin Makot M’gillah Midot Mikvaot M’ilah M’nachot Mo-eid Katan Mo-eid M’zuzah Nashim Nazir N’darim N’gaim Nidah N’zikin Ohalot Orlah Parah Pei-ah