NESCoM Research Report (2019) Leandro Costalonga1 , Daniel José Custódio Coura 2, Marcus Vinicius das Neves3, Fabiano Araújo Costa4, Helder Roberto de Oliveira Rocha5. NESCoM – Núcleo Espírito-santence de Computação Musical Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo 1, 2 Campus São Mateus BR 101 Km 60 – 29932-540 São Mateus, ES 3,4,5 Campus Goiabeiras Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910
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[email protected] Abstract Electronics Department (Campus São Mateus-ES). The NESCoM is a multidisciplinary research center Despite the challenges of the remote collaboration, being formed by musicians, engineers and computer scientists. geographically apart gives us the opportunity to stretch out The main research interest lies with sonology, to a vaster audience and to serve students (undergrads and audiotacticle musical analysis, ubiquitous music, postgrads) from different degrees, such as: music, interactive multimedia installations, and the design of computer science, computer engineering, and electrical computer music technology in general. Overall, the engineering. common ground for the NESCoM projects lies with the The main research lines are: soundtrack human-aspects, both cognitive and motor, behind a composition and sound-design for cinema and digital musical activity. This can come, for instance, in the shape games, audiotactile musical analysis and applications, of an audiotactile analysis of musical interaction applied interactive multimedia installations, ubiquitous music, and to a new digital musical interface designed to overcome new interfaces for musical expression, as detailed and human physical constraints or the composition of a cinema exemplified by the ongoing projects.