ESTD.-1948 JAGANNATH KISHORE COLLEGE PURULIA (Undergraduate & Postgraduate) Affiliated to SIDHO-KANHO-BIRSHA University Formerly affiliated to The University of Burdwan P.O. & Dist.: Purulia. PIN: 723101 e-mail:
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[email protected] website: Ph. : (03252) 222416 / 228744 Fax : (03252) 228744 NAAC Accredited (2nd Cycle) PROSPECTUS - 2017 [ 1 ] UNIVERSITY (B.U.) TOPPERS FROM OUR COLLEGE UPDATED UPTO 2013 Sl. Passing Name of the Student Subject No. Year 1. Sri Gopal Karmakar Mathematics Hons. 1977 2. Sri Debabrata Ghosh History Hons. 1985 3. Sri Bidyapati Kumar Mathematics Hons. 1985 4. Sri Sujit Kumar Khan Mathematics Hons. 1987 5. Sri Ganesh Chandra Gorain Mathematics Hons. 1990 6. Sri Apurba Saha English Hons. 1993 7. Smt. Suprabha Misra Mathematics Hons. 1994 8. Smt. Arpita Dey Mathematics Hons. 1996 9. Sri Angsuman Kar English Hons. 1997 10. Sri Sahadeb Pradhan Chemistry Hons. 1997 11. Sri Shyam Singh Political Science Hons. 1997 12. Sri Sunil Kothari Accountancy Hons. 1998 13. Smt. Batasi Bandyopadhyay Mathematics Hons. 2001 14. Smt. Moumita Dubey Geology Hons. 2002 15. Sri Subrata Duari Philosophy Hons. 2002 16. Sri Kirity Mahanty Mathematics Hons. 2003 17. Sri Vivek Kumar Hansia Accountancy Hons. 2007 18. Smt. Khusbu Jhunjhunwala Accoutancy Hons. 2008 19. Sri Rajdeep Das Computer Science Hons. 2010 20. Smt. Sanchita Chowdhury Mathematics M.Sc. 2011 21. Smt. Rinku Kumar Education Hons. 2012 22. Smt. Santana Majee Mathematics Hons. 2013 ACHIEVEMENT IN GAMES & SPORTS :- Several times champion in Sports Meet in District Football Sports Champion (DPI) Several times champion in Football Championship in District Football Sports Champion (DPI) Sri Arvind Singh, Champion in State Level Sports (DPI) in 2011 [ 2 ] UNIVERSITY (S.K.B.U.) TOPPERS FROM OUR COLLEGE UPDATED UPTO 2015 2014 Sl.