University of Windsor Alumni Magazine Summer 2008 view

Challenge and Opportunity The Cross-border Issue Dr. William Anderson, Chair, Cross-Border Transportation Policy

University of Windsor Alumni Magazine Summer 2008 inview

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DEAR READER 3 COVER: ALUMNI NEWS 35 CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITY 10 RESEARCH: EVENTS CALENDAR 39 Dr. William Anderson comes to campus STRESSED OUT! 4 as the new Research Chair in Researcher Fuschia Sirois measures anxiety. LANCER NEWS 44 Cross-border Transportation Policy. ALUMNI PROFILE: CLASS NEWS 46 ALAN WILDEMAN 40 THANK HIS LUCKY STARS 6 UWindsor welcomes its sixth president. Assistant Director Dan Murphy keeps finding work in one of the toughest industries around.


ON THE COVER: Dr. William Anderson on the site of North America’s busiest border crossing.

Photograph by Kevin Kavanaugh

view . summer 2008 1 view

EDITOR Jennifer Barone DESIGN & LAYOUT Sophia Tanninen ALUMNI OFFICE LIAISON Trevor Dinham CONTRIBUTORS Jennifer Barone, John Carrington, Mike Clark, Stephen Fields, Amanda Gellman, Susan Lester, Elisa Mitton, Paul Riggi, Alan Wildeman PHOTOGRAPHY Tory James, Kevin Johnson, Kevin Kavanaugh, Jason Kryk, Doug MacLellan View is published three times per year by Public Affairs and Communications, University Advancement, University of Windsor. Editorial Correspondence: Public Affairs and Communications, University Advancement, 400 Huron Church Road, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4 Phone: 519.253.3000 Ext. 3240 Fax: 519.973.7067 E-mail: [email protected] ClassNews/address changes: Alumni Affairs Fax: 519.973.7063 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Save a Tree Internet: The views expressed or implied herein do Read View Online and not necessarily reflect those of the Alumni Association or the University of Windsor. forward it to a friend! CPM Agreement No. 40063423 60,000 copies of this issue of View were printed and RETURN UNDELIVERABLE mailed to University of Windsor alumni and friends. CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: Office of Alumni Affairs, You can help lessen the impact on the environment by University of Windsor, reading your View magazine online. Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4 E-mail: [email protected] Simply call 519.971.3618, toll free at 1.888.561.5551, e-mail [email protected] or fax 519.973.7063 with PAC #3934 your name and e-mail address and we will send you ISSN 1489-0534 a reminder when a new issue of View is available at

2 view . summer 2008 Goals and aspirations

Dear Reader,

It is with pride that I write my first letter as President of the University of Windsor to you – its valued alumni and friends. This University has a distinctive legacy and unique potential among universities in Ontario and beyond. UWindsor graduates are making a difference in all walks of life. It is fortuitous for me that this issue of View was already in preparation when I began a few weeks ago. It has helped me to learn more about the University we now share. In my early days at UWindsor the question I am most frequently asked is what I plan to do as president. I must of course concern myself with the quality of the University’s teaching and research programs, the experience our students have on campus, the day-to-day operations, fundraising, external relations and more. The good news is that in all of those areas there are dedicated faculty, staff, administrative teams, alumni and volunteers who do what needs to get done to make the campus vibrant. They are the heart and soul behind the creative experience we want our students to have. But the simplest answer to the question is that my goal is to help ensure that all alumni – present and future – have a lifetime of pride in their university. When I was growing up in Saskatchewan, I was told that if you put your ear to the railroad tracks you can hear a train coming before you can see it. Our world is changing rapidly, with global shifts in the environment, demographics, commerce, technology, and the arts. UWindsor faculty and staff have interests and expertise that span all of the disciplines critical in this changing world, and are engaged in research and teaching that help all of us prepare for the future. They allow UWindsor to be a place where, metaphorically, our students can put their ears to the tracks. View gives us a glimpse of some of these people, and of alumni whose lives contribute to the greater UWindsor story. I want to close with a word of appreciation for Dr. Ross Paul. Many of you know him personally and understand the tireless commitment he brought to UWindsor during his time as president. In handing over the pen for me to be the one who now writes to you, he also shared with me his continuing, unwavering passion to see your university excel.

ALAN WILDEMAN President, University of Windsor [email protected]

view . summer 2008 3 research

4 view . summer 2008 Stressed Out!

By Stephen Fields Measuring our anxiety and promoting positive responses

recent series of print advertisements aimed at Health-seeking behaviour is another Sirois focus. She plans reducing on-the-job accidents caused controversy to conduct a study that would involve drafting drama students to in Windsor when the organization that governs the develop mock enactments of announcements about certain diseases city’s public transit system decided they were too and conditions that would vary in their level of alarm. The subjects Agraphic for commuters. People waiting for a bus did not need the in her lab would be exposed to the enactments, with the aim of anxiety of seeing someone lying in a pool of blood, declared the determining how anxiety can be used effectively to motivate people transport committee. into health-promoting behaviour, without causing a sense of However, the effect of such ads – which were placed by the near-mental paralysis. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and depicted a series of “To what level do you have to raise people’s anxiety to get sometimes gruesome workplace accidents – are what intrigue them to seek help for a symptom, but without alarming them?” University of Windsor Psychology Associate Professor Fuschia Sirois asks rhetorically. Sirois. With her team of students, Dr. Sirois operates a Health People may intuitively know that they need to see a doctor if and Well-Being Lab in UWindsor’s Chrysler Hall. The lab is they’re experiencing light-headedness or shortness of breath, but used primarily for measuring the physiological reactions people may put off going if they know that the consequence might be experience when they are subjected to anxiety-inducing stress. The discovering they have life-threatening heart disease. equipment they employ includes galvanic skin response finger clips, Sirois has reviewed the existing literature on the subject and has as well as devices that monitor cardio-respiratory status. “Rather found that, at low levels of anxiety, people do not tend to look for help than just asking someone about how anxious or stressed they are,” or treatment, though they become much more active attention-seekers, she says, “we can take the actual physiological measures.” “At what point is (anxiety) a threat?” says Sirois. “There are cases One of the group’s studies involves surveying people who are in the literature where people have had full-blown heart attacks and making healthy lifestyle changes and monitoring their progress to haven’t even gone to see a doctor. People can go undiagnosed for determine, among other things, what sorts of mental strategies they years and go through a lot of suffering. A wide variety of things can use when they delay acting on their commitments. Procrastination happen to people without them ever doing anything about it.” is one of Sirois’ major fields of interest and she has published The ultimate aim of Sirois’ research, she says, is to convince numerous articles on the subject. people to get the care they need.❍v “We know that people who put things off engage in thought processes to minimize that stress,” she says. “What happens in that thought process? What is it that they tell themselves to make it okay?”

Opposite: Psychology Associate Professor Fuschia Sirois (Kevin Kavanaugh Photo) view . summer 2008 5 alumni profile

6 view . summer 2008 Thank his Lucky Stars

By Paul Riggi Assistant Director Dan Murphy keeps finding work in one of the toughest industries around

t is mid-summer and Dan Murphy is busy. He’s behind the Adoration, nominated for the Palme d’Or, the top award at Cannes. scenes on the set of Cairo Time with director Ruba Nadda, Murphy’s successful film career has taken him to many places capturing images on film in the blistering heat of Cairo, and introduced him to such actors as Julie Christie, Olympia Alexandria and the White Desert in Egypt, where “they say Dukakis and Keith Carradine, as well as prominent filmmakers, it’sI 95 degrees in the shade and there is no shade.” including Polley, Egoyan and Ken Finkleman. A lifelong student The BA Communications ’85 grad is first assistant director in of film, he decided to work in the industry after taking Eugene a movie about unrequited love, starring Patricia Clarkson and set McNamara’s Literature of the Cinema and Jim Linton’s Advanced for release next year. He will spend three months in Egypt before Documentary courses. returning to Windsor, where he relocated with wife Erin Picard PhD “If I sort of step back from it and think about it, it’s a pretty Psychology ’95 and their children in December 2006. magical profession when the stars are lining up,” he says. “But He could just as easily be – and was – in the Yukon for three the downside is you’re a freelancer. You don’t get Workman’s months. Or in northern Ontario, helping debut director Sarah Polley Compensation. [You] don’t get Employment Insurance.” on her award-winning 2006 feature film,Away from Her. In an industry that has been severely tested recently because Then again, Murphy could be in Saskatchewan, busy on the of the high Canadian dollar and strikes by the Alliance of Canadian CBC comedy Little Mosque on the Prairie. Or in , living with Cinema, Television and Radio Artists and Writer’s Guild of America, his old roommate and fellow alumnus Glenn Warner, while working Murphy still counts his blessings. By early spring, the number of alongside celebrated director Atom Egoyan on the 2008 film films shooting in Toronto fell to about a quarter of the usual volume,

Opposite: BA Communications ’85 grad Dan Murphy (Kevin Kavanaugh Photo)

view . summer 2008 7 though analysts expect the situation to camera” and repeating “cut” to get more improve through the summer. involved in the creative side of filmmaking. He says he hears accounts of people , his job brings challenges. getting out of the business after 20 years. Murphy relates how actor Christie He looks at the Director’s Guild list of refused, at first, to be filmed in a 4x4 available first assistant directors and sees in Away from Her because she had only six of more than 80 people working. “campaigned against those things in “It’s nuts. It’s crazy. “And when I’m working now, going to England.” She had to be convinced that in Cairo, it’s like I’m thanking my lucky stars.” such a cold, snowbound country, that’s what He got his first assistant director job people have to drive to survive. It’s things you just don’t – working with fellow UWindsor alumni John Does it make him sweat at times? May, Jeff Hewitt, Peter Freele and Jim “Totally. It’s nuts. It’s crazy. It’s things you you just cannot count on.” Soda on the YTV series Deke Wilson’s just don’t – you just cannot count on. But Mini Mysteries. it’s also, because it usually does work out, DAN MURPHY Murphy’s career has followed the it’s part of the juice. It really is. It’s a real traditional route of filmmakers. He moved adrenaline thing.” up to third assistant director where he He says he dreams of directing his first says you “got your hands dirty.” Next was major film but concedes that he’ll leave the second assistant director, taking care of a making of the next great Canadian feature lot of paperwork and administration behind to other people. He’s just happy to continue the scenes. For the last 15 years, however, assisting other directors and blending he’s been a first assistant director and filled into his neighbourhood where he’s known in occasionally as director; once on the as just someone who works in business, last season of Finkleman’s comedy The said Murphy. Except to one neighbour, a Newsroom, three times on May’s CBC show woman who was disappointed when she Our Hero and on nine episodes of The learned he never worked with actor Richard Comedy Network’s Puppets Who Kill. Chamberlain (Shogun, The Thorn Birds, Finkleman has allowed him to do and Bourne Identity).“She thought he was more than scheduling, calling out “roll the the greatest.” ❍v

ON AWAY FROM HER DIRECTOR SARAH POLLEY: “I worked with a lot of first-time directors and sometimes, because first-time directors can look as though they’re floundering or spinning their wheels a bit, the first A.D. has to step in and really shepherd things and it looks to the crew and some less-informed viewers that the first A.D. is directing the picture or the TV show. There was never any question that Sarah was the director. Never.”

ON ACTOR JULIE CHRISTIE: “She can be extraordinarily disarming. She’s a fantastic performer and she can look through you with those blue eyes.”

ON ACTOR KEITH CARRADINE, DURING THE FEATURE FILM ALL HAT: “He’s an actor who had a day off and he phoned up my second assistant director and said, ‘I’m sitting here in the hotel room not doing squat. You guys need me, you gimme a call because I’m here to make a movie like everybody else.’ That never happens. It’s crazy, but he’s such a gentleman and he was fantastic.”

ON DIRECTOR ATOM EGOYAN, who after hearing Murphy compare scenes to Antonioni or Bergman gave him a gift following the shooting of the TV movie Gross Misconduct, about hockey player Spinner Spencer: “I unwrapped it and it’s a book on the cinema of Atom Egoyan.”

8 view . summer 2008 Alumni and Friends PROVIDING ASSETS FOR STUDENT SUCCESS

Scholarships and bursaries open a world of Growth in University Endowment

opportunity to students every year because people Endowment Balance as of April 30 like you contribute to the growing endowment that $60 Million

funds them. For students today, higher education is $50 Million about thinking forward. $40 Million Donations to the university help build scholarships that attract and retain top students as well as $30 Million bursaries that provide financial assistance to students $20 Million in need of support. In 2006/07, the University $10 Million provided more than $16 million in scholarships, bursaries and awards to students. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Investing in Knowledge

For more information on supporting scholarships, visit 10 view . summer 2008 BY PAUL RIGGI

Challenges and Opportunities

IT IS NORTH AMERICA’S BUSIEST TRADE CORRIDOR, AND IT ANCHORS THE RICHEST FREE-TRADE AREA IN WORLD HISTORY. In short, the Windsor-Detroit border crossing, a study in challenge and opportunity, is big. It is so big, in fact, that in a recent report, the prestigious U.S. Brookings Institution said: “If it stood alone as a country it would be the second-biggest economic unit on earth, second only to the U.S. economy as a whole and larger than Japan, the rising powers of China and India, and the traditional heavyweights of Germany and the U.K.”

Opposite: Dr. William Anderson, chair, Cross-Border Transportation Policy (Kevin Kavanaugh Photo) view . summer 2008 11 nd the area now has a new To be sure, the benefits of NAFTA and champion in Dr. William the Windsor-Detroit crossing are bringing Anderson, formerly of Boston major benefits to Canada and the U.S., as well University, and recently as to Mexico: namedA Ontario Research Policy Chair in • For one thing, U.S.-Canada trade has risen Cross-Border Transportation Policy at the at nearly double-digit rates annually since University of Windsor. As Chair, Anderson NAFTA’s implementation in 1994, and “Improving and expanding will head UWindsor’s new Cross-Border the number of daily crossings between Transportation Institute, overseeing its twin Windsor and Detroit is expected to trade is the key to tasks of providing policy options and expert increase to 90,000 in 2020 from 54,000 in opinion to decision-makers, and developing 2008, the Chamber of Commerce, says. greater prosperity for an interdisciplinary graduate program. • Chamber President and CEO Perrin Beatty Just how important the Institute is estimates that three million Canadian jobs our peoples.” to UWindsor is highlighted in the Vice- and 7.1 million U.S. jobs flow directly from President Research’s five-year plan for greater bilateral economic integration, PRIME MINISTER STEPHEN HARPER 2006-to-2011. The report identifies the with $1.5-billion in trade moving between Institute, along with health issues, as the two countries every day, 40 percent of areas that will become “nationally and which travels through Windsor-Detroit. internationally renowned by the end of Anderson, who holds dual citizenship and this planning period.” studied the economic effects of infrastructure Among the challenges facing Anderson projects while he was at Boston University, and the Institute, as well as the entire as well as statistical analysis and research on NAFTA trading bloc: Canada-U.S. trade when he previously taught • A soaring Canadian dollar and increasing at McMaster University, seems well suited for global competition are threatening to his new job. erode the tight Canada-U.S.-Mexico trade His former Boston University professor, relationship under NAFTA. Dr. T.R. Lakshmanan, said he possesses • Since the 2001 terrorist attacks in the “tremendous intellectual curiosity and United States, security concerns, in the openness to other points of view,” adding U.S. particularly, have led to occasionally that he has the “imagination and the ability to severe delays at the border crossing. bridge different viewpoints, which is needed • The thickening border and the failure – so to build institutes.” Dr. John Eyles, who far – of governments in Canada and the knew him at McMaster, describes him as a U.S. to build a better gateway between “passionate investigator, a warm and funny their countries have hindered business colleague”, who did “careful and thoughtfully and put future investment at risk, says produced” research. “He engaged with all the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ stakeholders in a measured and respectful Association. Indeed, the Ontario way,” said Eyles. Chamber of Commerce estimates Anderson, who took up his position that border delays cost the province on July 1, will need all the imagination $5.25 billion annually. and engagement he can muster because • In spite of such attempts as Free of the breadth and depth of the issues and Secure Trade (FAST) lanes to surrounding the border file. Still, he’s starting speed the flow at the border, there are on the job just as authorities appear to be inconsistencies between Canadian and finally breaking down some of the most U.S. regulations. The Toronto-based C.D. troublesome political roadblocks that Howe Institute, for example, cites the have developed over the years. There are requirement for anti-theft immobilizers in recommendations on the table for a new new cars in Canada, while U.S. lower- border crossing between Windsor and cost, entry-level vehicles are exempt. Detroit, as well as a feeder route to Highway

12 view . summer 2008 UPDATE: NEW BRIDGE ANNOUNCED

On June 18, 2008, the federal government announced plans to spend $1 billion on a new international crossing just a few miles west of the Ambassador Bridge. Calling it the country’s “No. 1 priority” for transportation infrastructure,” government officials said construction would likely begin in late 2009 with a target completion date of 2013.

Following nearly six years of meetings, debate and consultation, the final recommendation of the binational Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) team is for the new bridge to be located in west Windsor.

“For the economies of both Canada and the U.S., this certainly is important to get this up and running,” Federal Transportation Minister said. “It’s extremely significant for the economies of the two countries.”

The cost for the bridge will be about $800 million, with another $200 million spent on the Canadian plaza. The length of the crossing from end-to-end is expected to be around 2.5 kilometres, with the span over the Detroit River to be about 850 metres in length. It has not yet been determined whether the new bridge will be cable-stay or a suspension crossing.

“The announcement of the plaza and bridge locations will not surprise many people. That’s a good thing,” says William Anderson, head of the University of Windsor’s new Cross-Border Transportation Institute. “Those locations enjoy broad support from a range of stakeholders.”

“But the announcement itself, especially with the the strong sense of commitment conveyed by the federal Minister, is very important. The construction project will be a shot in the arm for the local economy. More importantly, the announcement should reduce the current high level of uncertainty over whether governments on both sides will act quickly to improve cross-border transportation. Less uncertainty makes it easier for firms serving the North American and global markets to make long- term plans for doing business in Ontario – not just in manufacturing, but also in agriculture, tourism, business services and other sectors.”

< Border delays cost the province $5.25 billion annually.

401. Also, the border issue is now on the A 2004 study commissioned by the presidential nomination campaign by international political radar; Prime Minister Border Transportation Partnership, which pledging to re-open NAFTA. While security Stephen Harper, at a spring summit with involves both federal governments, as well is perhaps the main “complicating factor” President George W. Bush and Mexican as those of Ontario and Michigan, said that to the efficient movement of goods across President Felipe Calderon, said the three 150,000 jobs and more than $13 billion the border, Anderson says the new institute leaders are putting a “special emphasis” in annual production may be lost if there will look at a wide variety of issues: politics on the crossing. are no border crossing improvements at all governmental levels, as well as the Improving and expanding trade, Harper in the area by 2030. The challenges are logistical, engineering and environmental said, is the “key to greater prosperity for formidable, Anderson said, though he is challenges of border transportation. our peoples.” The prime minister added, prepared to meet them. In fact, it is the complexity of the however, that security since Sept. 11, 2001, “I don’t think there’s any choice,” he border file that attracted him to the job in has created a considerable thickening of said, adding that manufacturers in Canada Windsor, Anderson says. “To me that’s very the world’s longest least-defended border. and the U.S. that rely on exports face exciting; I’m essentially a social scientist Both the Canadian and U.S. chambers the tallest hurdles. In fact, just-in-time who works in the sphere of transportation, of commerce have joined 40 other deliveries have become unreliable and so these political issues and economic organizations in recommending short-term more companies are closing down their issues in particular are things that I have measures to promote cross-border traffic. shops across the border and manufacturing experience with and am very interested in In 2003, the C.D. Howe Institute said at home. studying further.” He says that UWindsor’s that the region is especially at risk because At the same time, some voters in multidisciplinary research and high level of of security-related disruptions. Of 30 the U.S. oppose the whole notion of free interaction among departments is one of its top export industries, it rated automotive trade arrangements, he says, a sentiment great strengths and he returns to that theme assembly and parts manufacturing among that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton repeatedly. Examples of cross-departmental the five most vulnerable. seemed to play to in the Democratic Party synergy range from the Canadian-American

view . summer 2008 13 Research Centre for Law and Policy, which in Ontario. Toyota, in fact, is starting has been affiliated with UWindsor’s Faculty production of its popular RAV4 vehicle in UWindsor’s Cross-Border Transportation of Law since 1992 and focuses on legal Woodstock this year. Anderson says that Institute will have no shortage of intriguing and policy issues between Canada and one of his main concerns is: “Does the possibilities to study and recommendations the U.S., to the Great Lakes Institute for border being difficult ultimately become to make for the Windsor-Detroit border. For example, Dr. William Anderson says Inter-modal Environmental Research and Humanities enough of an impediment to outweigh the rail -- the movement of freight using at least two Research Group. advantages of doing business in Ontario.” different methods of transport – is one way to Anderson, who will put together the He says there is tremendous potential in relieve some pressure on the border. Shippers new institute’s advisory board, made up the quality of trained workers in Ontario who need goods moved quickly and reliably and are willing to pay for a higher level of service of faculty members, says cross-border and in the university system, adding that currently do not have a way to do that. transportation studies eventually can UWindsor will be the hub of his institute. become as important as automotive “I want to do some basic simple sorts of Anderson would also like to look into other engineering at UWindsor. “When somebody economic analyses, understand the system types of movement across the border: services and people. In Boston, for instance, the asks the question about the issues at the as well as I can, and pull together as much movement of people and services is “(the city’s) border, one of the first things they should of the resources” at UWindsor as possible. whole bread and butter” because there is so say is, ‘Well, what have they done on this Anderson will also involve people from little manufacturing. Most movement involves in Windsor?’” government, academia, corporations businessmen travelling to other cities. Anderson dismisses what he calls “big and the tourism industry on both sides “Here we are in Windsor, sitting on the edge idea” solutions to relieve border problems of the border. of a massive metropolitan area in the United and improve overall Canada-U.S. relations. He says he will work closely with States. There’s no reason that we couldn’t also He says that there already are enough alumni. One of his first tasks will be to be exporting a lot of these high-level services. I’m talking about technical services, engineering “intelligent” people in government and reach out to those in industry. He wants services,” he says, citing the example of a Seoul industry who have studied and understand to understand their needs and their company that runs the computers for public the issues: An academic’s role is to provide perspectives, and involve them in regular transportation in two Australian cities. “cutting-edge research” and objectivity. activities where they can work together. High-speed rail is another area with far-reaching “For me good academics are those who When construction on a new border potential, Anderson says. He envisions a study a problem before they try to come crossing gets underway, he says it will seamless connection between a Quebec City- up with solutions,” says Anderson. “I think be the largest civil engineering project in Windsor line to a high-speed rail linking Detroit people may find it a little frustrating talking Windsor’s history. The process will become and Chicago, where one plan calls for that city to be a major transportation hub with a series of to me for the first year because I’m going a valuable subject for students monitoring spokes connecting it to other large centres in the to be very careful about making very its engineering, as well as environmental, U.S. Those connections could create the kind of strong, blanket statements about things. impact and its effects on the economies of ridership levels and economics that financially “In the long run, I’m a pretty plain-spoken both the U.S. and Canada. Anderson says justify such a project, he says, again citing a foreign model – Sweden and Denmark – person, but I really want to understand the that while security threats and clampdowns worth emulating. situation well.” at the border will persist, those who claim Says Anderson: “Windsor-Detroit is part that there must be better security regardless of a massive regional industrial complex of cost are wrong. “I don’t think you can with an international border running ever have anything at any cost, unless through the middle of it, and there are very you’re willing to give up the whole level few situations like that anywhere in the of affluence that we have around here,” world. Even in the European Union I don’t says Anderson. Companies have better think there’s anything bigger than what we contingency plans to deal with emergencies. have here.” “So if (an attack) happens again, I think that In spite of domestic manufacturing both sides of the border will be prepared problems, he says, many companies, such better, but I may worry more about the as Toyota Canada Inc., want to locate politics that happen shortly after.” ❍v

14 view . summer 2008 advancing the university DONORS, SCHOLARSHIPS, SUPPORT To Greater THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR Heights The University of Windsor greatly appreciates the generous support of its alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends.


The Marilyn Wilson Nursing Scholarships During her nurses’ training program, at the University of Windsor celebrate the a mutual attraction developed between life of Marilyn by saluting the importance Marilyn and a patient’s son, Sandy Wilson. of the nursing profession and the nurse- Their marriage lasted almost 50 years. patient relationship. During her illness Marilyn required a Behind the scholarships is a story of diversity of medical and hospital care. That romance and friendship and the hope that care was greatly appreciated by her and they will inspire and help people entering her family, though it was the quality of care the nursing profession. she and others received on the oncology “When the scholarship idea was floor during her final hospitalization – in proposed to family, friends and business the institution where she had trained – that associates, they all agreed to it instantly,” convinced the family of the importance of says brother-in-law and professor emeritus direct patient-care nursing. Dave Wilson BComm ’61. “We have been The Marilyn Wilson Nursing thrilled with the response to it and are Scholarships will help to bring care looking forward to the first two scholarships and comfort to other people and their being awarded later this year.” families by supporting the education of Marilyn Wilson Marilyn (nee Pyne) was born in Nova those who seek careers in direct patient- To award the scholarships as quickly as Scotia and received most of her education care nursing. possible, the earnings from the University’s there before moving with her family to Sri Contributions to the Scholarship Fund investment of the fund’s initial endowment Lanka (then Ceylon) where her father taught were made by friends, neighbours and of $20,000 will provide for two annual $500 fishery management. As she completed her nursing and business associates, as well Marilyn Wilson Nursing Scholarships, one studies at the American School in Kodai as by members of her family, and were to a student entering third year of the BScN Kanal, India, Marilyn searched for a nurses matched by the Government of Ontario. Program and one to a student entering training program that would match her Future contributions to the Fund, which fourth year. interest in direct patient care nursing. also will be matched by the Government of She found it at the (then) Metropolitan Ontario, will be used to increase the value Hospital in Windsor. of the scholarships to offset inflation.

view . summer 2008 15 Windsor Welcomes Future Doctors

David Dudok wants more young people from were Windsorites from business, labour, (CPSO) reported that less than five percent local high schools to follow in his footsteps education and government. A new of Southwestern Ontario doctors were and pursue careers as physicians in Windsor. medical school, however, is an expensive accepting new patients. Dudok enters his fourth and final year proposition that would normally take many In addition, many health care this fall at the Schulich School of Medicine years to start. professionals have expressed concern & Dentistry at the University of Western The UWindsor program is happening that the Windsor-Essex region has a Ontario. In year three, Dudok opted to do all quickly and for a lot less money, because particularly high incidence of heart disease, of his clinical training in the Windsor region of an agreement between the University stroke and Type 2 diabetes, well above the through the Southwestern Ontario Medical of Windsor and the University of national average. Education Network (SWOMEN), which has Western Ontario. In 2001, the Windsor-Essex District its office at the University of Windsor. The Windsor medical students will be Health Council concluded that there is a Clinical training is a demanding stretch part of the well-established and prestigious correlation between physician access in the road to becoming a doctor, yet Dudok UWO Schulich School of Medicine & and wellness. managed to act as an ambassador for the Dentistry, though they will study at the new CPSO statistics support what David Windsor medical education program that state-of-the-art medical education building Dudok says he learned at Western – begins this September. at the University of Windsor. communities with medical schools tend Medical students in Windsor will lift The building is on the UWindsor to attract and retain higher numbers of morale across the community, says Dudok. campus and is on schedule for moving doctors and other health professionals. “Young people choose medicine because into during the summer. It is connected to Research also shows that medical students they want to help. They are optimistic the Toldo Health Education Centre, which who study in their own communities and will bring that kind of energy to the includes UWindsor’s Faculty of Nursing and will tend to set up their practices close community.” new modern lecture theatres. to home. Dudok says that a significant number of Windsor and Essex County have one Dudok, the son of a Windsor skilled the medical students he has met in London of the lowest physician-to-population tradesman and a registered nurse, says he is are interested in staying there to practise. ratios in the country. In 2005, the College eager to add to that trend by returning to his “That same kind of thinking will happen of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario hometown to practise. here in Windsor,” he said, “when our medical school has all four years going and enrollment is close to 100 students.” He says that the students who come to Windsor through the SWOMEN program for their clinical training have found the medical community and others to be welcoming and friendly. The medical education facility at UWindsor has a price tag of $24 million. The Ontario Government committed $8 million to the project and the University of Windsor is launching a local and national fundraising campaign. This spring and summer, the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry selected the 24 students for the first class at the Windsor campus. The group, the class of 2012, will be the first to receive all of its medical education in Windsor. Supporting the campaign to bring David Dudok, fourth-year student at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at the medical education to the community University of Western Ontario.

16 view . summer 2008 Presidential Scholarship off to $140k Start

The University of Windsor is honouring At UWindsor, Paul will be remembered Dr. Ross Paul, its fifth president and for leading the institution’s first strategic vice-chancellor, by establishing the Dr. Ross planning initiatives, and for introducing H. Paul Scholarship in Graduate Studies. greater accountability and openness into the Board Chair Dave Cook announced the academic planning process. scholarship at a gala dinner recognizing His name will also be synonymous with Dr. Paul on June 13, at the Ambassador the introduction of medical education to Auditorium in the CAW Student Centre. He the Windsor region with the September finished his second five-year term officially opening of the Schulich School of on June 30. Medicine & Dentistry – Windsor Campus Donations toward this tribute will be at the University as well as securing a matched dollar for dollar by the Ontario major provincial grant for the Centre for (LIST INCLUDES PLEDGES ALSO) Trust for Student Support (OTSS). Engineering Innovation. RECEPTION SPONSOR: ($5000+) Pre-dinner reception was generously sponsored Paul was president of the University At UWindsor, Paul spearheaded the by the University of Windsor Alumni Association of Windsor from January 1998 to June evolution of the learning-centred campus DONORS: Leadership Circle ($10,000+) Jackman Foundation 2008. He led UWindsor through a period of through new faculty training, more flexibility Chancellor’s Circle ($5,000+) growth and outstanding accomplishment. in learning options for students, and through E. & G. Odette Foundation Paul has also served higher education in the architecture of new buildings and P. & L. Odette Foundation Edward & Patricia Lumley Ontario in many other capacities, including renovations. Ross Paul and Jane Brindley his years as an active member and chair of President’s Circle ($2,500+) the Council of Ontario Universities. Detroit International Bridge Company Neil & Mary Gold McTague Law Firm LLP Patrick Palmer Pinnacle magazines on-line Windsor Family Credit Union Governors’ Circle ($1,000+) AUTO21 Articles and photos from the third and Nations and newcomers to Canada. Other Ranjana Bird last in the University of Windsor Pinnacle articles touch on the ongoing struggle to Jane Boyd James & Jacqueline Frank magazine series are now available on the end violence against women, the value Amanda & Mitch Gellman web at of media literacy, and contributions Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, LLP Pioneer Construction Company The social justice edition of Pinnacle to international issues being made by Michael & Doreen Solcz was distributed this spring. students, faculty and alumni through Norman Webster The three Pinnacle areas for research service and research. Ambassador ($500+) Art Gallery of Windsor and scholarship at the University of Windsor The automotive issue, published in Dave & Diane Broadfoot – environment, automotive and social justice 2006, included a look at advancements in John & Norma Brockenshire – are set out in the University’s strategic automotive technology being developed Kevin Doyle plan, To Greater Heights. The University through research at the UWindsor, and Martin & Dorit Girash Steve Radin of Windsor has been a Canadian university showed why a hands-on approach gives the Graham & Carol Reader leader and continues to allocate resources University’s engineering graduates a head Bill & Rochelle Tepperman Anne & Clare Winterbottom to strengthen its leadership in these areas. start in careers in the sector. William & Jean Wright The magazines focus on students, The first issue in the series, Pinnacle – Janet Wright & Associates Inc. alumni and faculty who are making a the environment, showed how University of WINE SPONSOR: Viewpointe Winery difference through education programs, Windsor research and teaching are having TABLE SPONSORS: Gold Sponsor ($2,500) research and community service. an impact on understanding and managing Higher-Edge Articles in this edition of Pinnacle show air pollution, water contamination, industrial ORANO/ORION the University’s contribution to the region’s waste, watersheds, invasive species, KPMG LLP Detroit International Bridge Company most vulnerable neighbourhoods, First recycling and many other issues.

view . summer 2008 17 Anniversary Celebrations to Take the Stage at Jackman Dramatic Art Centre

This year is the 40th anniversary of the events. Expect to be dazzled with staging, commitment to the school, we know they founding of the School of Dramatic Art; it pageantry, colour and characters. will be thinking the same as we are. What is also the 50th season for the University Wednesday, Sept. 10 at the Jackman do we do now? Where do we go from here? Players. Celebratory events will take place Dramatic Art Centre, the Hip Hip Horray! What do we need to keep moving forward?” throughout the fall 2008 and winter 2009. Anniversary Party will have birthday cake, says the School’s Director Lionel Walsh. Drama plans four major events, with a champagne, surprise guests, prominent Says Walsh “Our University Players spotlight on alumni and supporters who, alumni, performances and displays. Endowment Fund was created as an over the decades, have made the School one Thursday, Oct. 23, also at the investment in the future; it will provide of the best in Canada. Jackman Centre, Devilicious Don Juan much-needed funding for equipment and “We have a wonderful facility, brilliant Soiree, a pre-event before opening night of production, ensuring an ever-improving

faculty and staff, fabulous students and the University Players’’ production of Don experience for our students, our patrons, marvelous people throughout the industry Juan on Trial, will mix decadent desserts and faculty. with roots in UWindsor and commitment and chocolate with music, song and dance. “This will be important in continuing to to our School,” says former director Diana Saturday, Feb. 28, the stars will bring great students to our School. Now, we Mady Kelly. “We will celebrate what we be out for Starry Starry Night. Earlier intend to launch a second endowment fund, are, but also all the accomplishments of the that day, alumni will be invited to a this time for the School, with the proceeds past and the opportunity and dreams for the special opportunity to get acquainted from this year’s celebrations. It will be used years ahead.” or reacquainted. for things such as workshops and classroom She adds: “When our star shines Sunday, April 5, famous women in equipment that support student learning.” brightest, it lights the way for an even history will be on the call list for High Tea The School of Dramatic Art Endowment better future.” Drama, a delightfully original ovation for the will provide a source of funds each year Professor, film-maker and choreographer University Players’ 50th Anniversary Season. that may be directed to a current need Gina Lori Riley has accepted the mantle “As we bring together actors, teachers, or opportunity, such as attracting visiting as creative director for the four celebration and so many others who have roots and instructors or acquiring equipment.

UPlayers 50th Anniversary Season

University Players will celebrate its 50th Anniversary season with a strong lineup of plays that combine appeal for the audience and a challenge for the students.

One of Shakespeare’s most unpredictable works, Measure for Measure, a story of blurred morality and remarkable humanity, opens the season Sept. 18.

In Don Juan on Trial, opening Oct. 23, former conquests force the famous lover to choose marriage or the Bastille.

An Agatha Christie whodunit, A Murder is Announced, opens Nov. 20.

Widows, a powerful and poetic drama of political resistance, resilience and retribution opens Jan. 29.

The Man of Mode, a lavishly witty restoration comedy opens Feb. 26.

Bringing the anniversary season to a close, the popular comedy Good Night Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), opens March 26.

All performances are in Essex Hall Theatre at the University of Windsor. More information about the productions, tickets and subscriptions are available by phone at 519-253-3000, ext. 2808, or online at

Keep informed about the anniversary celebrations by checking Reason to celebrate - shown above: past performances put on by the University Players. updates at

18 view . summer 2008 To Greater Heights 2007 Stewardship Report

he University of Windsor’s eligible for the dollar-for-dollar matching by To Greater Heights Campaign the Ontario Trust for Student Support. Tcontinued in 2007 to receive Many donors continued in 2007 to outstanding contributions to education support important projects at the academic and the future of the university. Through level. For example, theoretical Engineering Annual Giving and special donations, education comes to life when students there was a boost in support for endowed can apply what they’ve learned to real- scholarships and wonderful progress in life projects. Mechanical Engineering University of Windsor students make capital projects. Donations also helped students build nearly life-size Formula, advance campus enhancements and Baja or Supermileage vehicles, while Civil thousands of calls to potential donors facility renewal. Engineering students design and build a each fall. Donors in 2007 were excited about the concrete canoe. And this year, Electrical new Medical Education Building, which is and Computer Engineering students Annual Giving Program on schedule for moving in this summer and developed two miniature robotic vehicles, welcoming the first class of 24 students one of which won first place in a Levels of Giving in September. This project affects every national competition. Executors $2,000,000 + person in our community, from babies In 2007, approximately 95 companies, Founders $1,000,000 + to seniors, not to mention the economic both local and international, donated Pillars $500,000 + impetus that improved health care will just over $179,000 in cash and in-kind Builders $100,000 + have for Windsor and Essex County. We donations to make these projects possible. Principals $50,000 + Benefactors $20,000 + can all be proud that the Windsor Medical Adding the 3-E donation from Chrysler, Education Building will be among the which is used to support the teams, it puts Circles finest, most technically advanced in the that total over $200,000. Leadership $10,000 + country, and has attracted an exceptionally Total cash donations kept pace with last Chancellor’s $5,000 + accomplished cohort of applicants. year’s high with a total $4.8 million gratefully President’s $2,500 + Governors’ $1,000 + More than ever, donors appreciate received from 8,651 individual donors. the value of giving to build endowed For students today, higher education Clubs scholarships. Merit-based scholarships is about thinking forward. Our students Ambassadors’ $500 + attract and retain highly motivated are eager for the future and demand the Dillon $250 + students. The University of Windsor knowledge and experience to advance on Century $100 + Stewards’ up to $99 remained the Ontario pacesetter in their goals. Through their generosity, our growing its endowment for student alumni and friends share in the success of Page Reference for support. Last year, the Blue and Gold these students. Giving Categories Campaign launched a new scholarship As we say so long to 2007, we once Alumni & Friends ...... 14 program to support varsity athletes. With again thank all of our donors and supports Legacy Circle ...... 26 our Masters and PhD enrollments growing, for their dedication, enthusiasm and Corporate Donations...... 27 the public responded to a call for increased generosity. Community support is the Gifts-in-Kind ...... 31 support for graduate scholarships. foundation for growth and advancement Donations and matching dollars totalling at this university. Your commitment is Please note: Because some donations were received after January 1, 2008, they are not almost $1.7-million boosted scholarships contagious and appreciated. included in this listing. in 2007. Needs based scholarships were

viewview . summer . summer 2008 2008 19 19 2007 STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Alumni & Friends Support for the University of Windsor continues to grow, thanks to the generosity of our alumni and friends. Your donations to the Annual Giving Program reaffirm your affiliation with the university and remind us that you believe in the strength of a UWindsor education. When you equip students with financial resources to succeed and provide them with enhanced facilities for learning and research, the possibilities for their future are endless. Thank you!

Builders Wing-Keung Cheung Mary and J. Dancey Helen Moore John T. Bart John and Joanne Gibbs Gordon and Mary Louise Claude David Richard and Mary Moriarty Michael and Laura Bates Wallace Givens E. Peter and Terry Farmer Drake Alex S. Davidson Jerome R. Morse and Diane and J. Beattie Susanne R. Goodman John B. Dupont Bradford J. Davidson Catherine M. Lawrence Christopher Beckett Anthony Grenon Principals John D. Ferguson Elda Del Bel Belluz John Murray Judith A. Beckett Mary Jo Haddad-Forster and William and Anna Fisher Frank and Mary DeMarco Ernest Ng Dawn Benson Jim Forster Patrick and Patricia D’Amore Amanda and Mitch Gellman Dennis and Lucy DesRosiers Kwai-yung Y. Ngai John M. Bernik Alan Hall Mina Grossman-Ianni Robert I. Duddy Metz L. Ngan Jeffrey B. Berryman and David A. Harris and Maria Benefactors Jamie Haggarty Michael and Karen Dunn Gene Ogino Carol A. McDermott Harris Harold P. Hands Stanley Dupont Jill E. Paterson John G. Birch Adrian and Deborah Hartog Bernarda C. Camello-Doctor Nayaze A. Khan Donna-Marie Eansor Mark and Kathy Pfaff Robert C. Bisnaire Catherine M. Heffernan and Antonio P. Doctor Michael Kuhn Janice L. Elder James R. Pfafflin Barbara G. Bjarneson George Helleis Roy B. Lacoursiere Tzy-Ping Lin and Maryhelen Bruce Elman Michael S. Pohanka Christopher M. Bondy and George Hendry Jeanette McGrath M. M. Tso Frank J. Ewasyshyn Fred and Lisa Quenneville Sharman Sharkey-Bondy Harry R. Hendry Gordon and Vera Noakes T. Craig and Katie Mallender Mary E. Ewasyshyn Steven and Sheri Radovich Gordon and Gabriella Bonn John and Anna Herhalt Richard A. and Colleen Brian M. Mazer and Candice Dennis and Janet Fairall Harold Remark Larry Bookman Francine A. Herlehy Peddie L. Schachter David M. Fisher Paul Rennick Helena M. Borges James Higginson Harold Remark Marc D. Odette Craig Fleisher Joseph P. Robich James Boyko Myron Hlynka Izzy, Harry and Sol Sigal David and Alonna Palmer Mary Margaret Fox Patricia Rogers Gina Brannan David and Lynn Hoath John H. Simpson Patrick A. Palmer Robert and Heather Gaspar Richard Rohde Michael F. Brieda Eric N. Hoffstein David A. Wilson Gregory T. Gaudette Edward Rosenbaum Brian E. Brown Michael G. and Margaret Leadership Circle Russell M. Raikes Patrick and Arlene Goggins Kevin L. Ross Craig Brown Horrobin Larry Ruskin Susan B. Gold Smith Nancy E. Ross David Bussiere William Howison Norbert Becker Ante Saric Anthony P. Gomez Byron P. and Carolyne J. Paschal J. Calarco Peter and Denise Hrastovec Frederick W. and Purita Robert and Betty Sellars Robert F. Govaerts Rourke Robert and Lynn Cameron Taras Hrycyna Bristow William and Rochelle Robert O. Gutwein Mike and Angela Safranyos Mark Bates and Angela G. Anne W. Hsieh Meta Brownlie Tepperman Paul L. Haefling Andrew and Vivian Capannelli-Bates David Sandy S. Hsieh Michael F. Charette Andrew Truong Rosemary Halford Sanfilippo F. Cape Ian M. Hull Maurice A. Daniel Stefano and Loredana W. Jason M. Hanson Tony N. Sauro Richard J. Caron Carrie and Robert Hunting Estate of Robert Whitehurst Vagnini John and Carol Harcarufka Zoia Sherman Kim A. Carpenter-Gunn John and Cornelia Huschilt Anne Forrest Dina Van Roosmalen Dennis and Judy-Lynn Thomas Sitar John and Joan Carrington Cindy M. Hutnik and Marc Jay and Caterina Kellerman Ronald H. Wagenberg Hastings Jerry Slavik Barbara J. Caruso and Frank St. Amand Shirley and James Linton Lucia Yiu (Matuk) Kai Hildebrandt Lois K. Smedick Biamonte Judy Inch Peter McGovern Norbert Hirth Alan G. Smith Stephen M. and Barbara L. Marica Janisse and David Robert V. Sperandio Margery J. Holman Sherianne Smith Cheifetz Janisse Bill and Carolyn Horkins Nanci and Walter Soderlund David Cherry Kevin Johnson Governors’ Circle Chancellor’s Circle Cecil Houston Michael A. Steen Eric Comartin and Pamela James and Elisabeth Kanasy Kurt Adman and Susan A. Michael C. Houston Larry Stout Miehis Valerie Kasurak Martin Abbott Adam-Metzler Paul M. Huschilt Frank H. Sweet Paul J. Courey Allen R. Keele Ivana Baldelli Stephen and Vicki Adams Jennifer Jaco Myra J. Tawfik Penny Craig Fred P. Khoury Alexandra K. Brown J.Brian Atkinson Sushil and Christine Jain Keith and Barbara Taylor Eleanore A. Cronk Anna-Maria Kirby P. Kumar Chatterjee William E. Baylis Andrew James Roger and Audrey Thibert Carol Crooks Lawrence J. Klein Cyril R. Drabinsky William Bernath Sr. Amy L. Kapasi and Mark Richard C. Thrasher Darryl A. Currie and Yvonne Paul N. Klie Robert and Bonita Drago Saul Bluestone Rossi E. Bruce Tucker and M. Vandehei Allan and Anne Knickle Estate of Thomas Kunito John and Deborah Boots Pauline Kidd Christina C. Simmons Amy M. Curtis Frederick W. Knight and Shoyama Jane Boyd Thomas and Jan Knowlton Sybila K. Valdivieso Joan T. Dalton Beverly-Mae Knight Carl and Viola Glos William J. Braithwaite Robert E. Krivoshein Rosemary A. Venne Gary A. Daniels Martin and Janis Komsa Jerry and Geraldine Glos Roy Bristow Peter and Mary Kryworuk Rudolph and Edith Vezer Carol D. Darocy Alwin Kong Neil and Mary Gold Daniel J. Britten Aldo Lacchia Allan G. Vinni Michael J. Daypuk Nestor and Catharine Wilma N. Hannon John H. and Norma Alexandra Lee David G. Waites Gina Delicata Kostyniuk Gregory and Dawna Harrison Brockenshire Frank J. Liburdi Lionel R. Walsh Carol Derbyshire Marvin H. Kurz Edward A. Kukiel Graham J. Brown John B. Lott Harold Wargon Veronica Didoszak Anne and Dennis Lauzon Carol B. Libby Heather A. Brownlie Hugh J. MacIssaac and Angus Watt James M. Douglas Roger C. and Elia Lauzon Edward and Patricia Lumley Hana Bruhova Jaimie M. Loaring Susan E. Whelan Janice Drakich Mark D. Leach Michael and Margaret Lisa and Dan Brush Robert G. MacIsaac Bruce and Carol White Jeanne M. Drouillard James B. Ledger Mueller Andrew and Elaine Angus R. MacKay J. Brooke and Steven White Brian C. Ducharme Paul Ledroit Ross Paul and Jane E. Buckstein Alistair and Anita MacLeod Joanne Wills John C. Dundon Mel S. Leiderman Brindley Barbara P. Carney Jonathan D. Makepeace William and Jean Wright Perry and Gillian Dunmore Frank Lemire Graham and Carol Reader Connie and William Marc S. Katzman and Helen Ellis-Govette and Charles W. Leonhardt Steven Rogin Casanova Marilee A. Marcotte Stephen J. Govette George R. MacDonald Irene Catford Rowland C. Marshall Ambassadors’ Club Patricia Fagan George and Brenda Marshall President’s Circle Joe Chandler Gloria McCaffery Lisa K. Abe Joseph and Lillian Fairhurst Greg Maxwell Jan J. Ciborowski and Lynda Warren and Maryann Vincent and Anna Aleo Garnet Fenn Steven B. and Susan A. Patricia H. Beale Corkum McCann Constantine Alexiou Ronald G. Fisher Mayo Gary and Sandra Beecroft Anna Clark Daniel McConvey Matthew Alter Simone R. Fisher Margrette McCaffrey-Piche Gerald Berks David M. Cohn Daniel Mennill John L. Anderson Jeff Flacks Karen L. McCleave Philip and Pam Bezaire H. Allan Conway James Molnar Brent Angell Kevin Flood John H. McGivney William and Linda Bogart David S. Cooke Linda L. Molnar Peter Arpin Thomas E. Foster J.Gerard McPhail Vincent and Janeth Boyd Carole Curtis Gregory and Suzanne Sandra N. and Tony J. Steve Fox Vaughan Minor Roderick R. Catford Scott D’Amore Monforton Aversa Denise C. Ghanam James Moore William C. Chapman

20 view . summer 2008 Please note for the Legacy Circle, see page 26, and for Corporate Donations see page 27. TO GREATER HEIGHTS

Kim and Calvin Moore Jack C. Albert David P. and Wendy A. David Foulds Suzette R. Killen David A. and Kathleen I. Sheila E. Mosley Brian and Penny Allen Bussey Douglas R. Fox David M. Kiss McEwen Michael E. Murphy Guy B. Allen Patricia Busteed Gregory W. Frederick Mary K. S. Kitching Bruce R. and Mathilde Brian R. Mutterback Bill and Sylvia M. Allison David J. and Valerie Butcher Jack L. Freeman Aruna S. Koushik McGarvey Bulent Mutus David M. Amyot Murray L. and Lynn Butler Melanie A. Gardin Bernhard J. and Lucy A. Paul D. McGarvey Barbara Niewitecka Floyd W. Anderson Michael Byrne Dennis and Jan Gazarek Kroeker Erma L. McGuire Kevin P. McGuire Dora A. Nipp Mary-Ann-Kate Andrews John M. Carron Edward R. George Wai P. Lam Andrew T. O’Brien David T. and Barbara L. James Georgiou Richard M. and Lenore K. Kenneth A. McInnis John Ansems John G. Ohler Carter O’Brian Gibbons Langs Heather L. McKechnie Peter A. Arison Rachel Olivero Jane E. Caspers John A. Giffen Guy W. Laporte Bruce J. McLean Renzo Orlando Robin Toffolo and Michael Dr. D.Rosemary Cassano Martin and Dorit Girash Raymond E. Lappan Gary and Kaye McMann Ruth and Ian Orton-Pert Arnold Stanley B. Cassin Brian and Judith Glover William Laughland Sam M. McNicoll Pratt Bonnie L. Ostroski Robert Arnold Danny A. and Rita Castellan Anna M. Godo Wallace Lauzon and Cheryl Virginia McRae Christine M. Ozimek Donald E. and Christine William Chamney Roger H. Goldson Lynne Mitchell David C. McWha Michael and Irene Paraschak Arpin Gary L. and Mary Champ Dennis J. and Valerie Michael J. and Frances Mark B. Meldrum Victoria A. Paraschak Robert and Jenny Arquette Benjamin K. Chan Goodman Lavelle Karl G. Melinz Nancy Parker Karl and Penny Arvai William and Marisa Chang Ethel Gorrill Sandy and Paul Layfield Judy Mellor Linda K. Parks Wendy B. Asher Mark and Vicki Chauvin Debra Goulding Martha F. Lee Ronald B. and Wendy John and Francis Parr Geoffrey W. Astles Michael A. Clark Gregory Goulin Peter W R Lemon Melvin Kathleen, Jack and David David A. Avard Joe Cohoon Daniel Green Joseph E. Leonard and Honi Linda J. Menard-Watt and Paterson Adam J. Bain Dennis and Jane Collison Douglas J. Green R. Huyck Daniel F. Watt Lawrence T. Patrick Anne Baird Lynda D. Corkum James Green Joseph J. and Tina Lepera Win V. Miller Thomas C. and Meg Peddie David A. Cotter Maureen E. and Emod Greff Maxine L. Leslie Marc Mills Michael C. Balsdon John R. Peddle James Coyle James L. Gretes Wayne Lessard Diane G. and Giancarlo Deborah Banks Marie T. Perlstein-Rock Mincone Anna Petrozzi Helen and William Ronald G. and Darlene Pfaff Mogyorody Thien T. and Phuong Phan Veronika A. Mogyorody Ronald A. Phaneuf Outstanding Scholar, Hasan Shinar has been Denis P. and Martha Moher R. Daniel Philips Carl J. and Barb Montcalm Lorna Pominville working with Professor Waguih ElMaraghy on Mr. Robin Moodie Marga and John Pomponio Calvin W. and Kim L. Moore Nancy M. Pringle curriculum revisions for his program, Industrial Michael G. Moosberger Roderick J. and Brigitte Antonio and Marie Morga Quinney and Manufacturing Systems Engineering. This A. Sandy Morgan Katherine M. Quinsey Sean M. and Jacqueline P. Janis E. Radford work has given Shinar some insight into university Moriarty Diane M. Rawlings Donna M. and Andrew J. Micheline A. Rawlins education. “I would like to earn a Master’s and Moro Vivien Ray-Mailloux Gene Moscicki Erika Rebello PhD and perhaps take a job in Canada,” says Mary Jane Mossman Aiden G. Renouf Michael J. and France Christine A. Riley Shinar, who is from Nablus, in the Palestine’s Mugan Dexter and Barbara Terry J. Mulligan Robinson West Bank. Beverly A. Mullins Nancy and Jonathan Romsa Rita Mullins James and Joann Scarfone Angus M. Mumby and Joan Nancy B. Schepers Angus John Schwab Melinda Munro Stephen W. Semeniuk Cathy A. Crowley Sander Grieve Jeffrey W. Lewin Sharon Munro Edward E. and Lynn K. Charlene Y. Senn Brad Cullen Florence P. Gushue-Tulk Bob Leyte Stephen Musy Barber Alan Sims Patrick J. Curtis Gary Haines Pamela E. Lightbody Tedfred E. and Nancy T. Jennifer L. Barone Margaret Smole Michael Da Ponte and Christopher C. Hales Snjezana Ljeti Myers William A. Bastianon Ken Snowdon Jacqueline M. Da Ponte Tom Hannan Terrence I. and June Stephen Nava Tom Bass Josephine Stark Christine De Santis Mary E. Hansen Loebach Mary Jo Nolan Christine M. Beaudin and Dennis and Brigitte Staudt Michael P. Deans Sr. Janet Harris Rachel L. Loizos Patricia A. Noonan Kevin J. Vandolder Linda E. Staudt Mary A. and John DeBruyn Gisele C. Harrison Elio Lori Saul and Nancy Nosanchuk Jeanne D. Beaudoin Darcy R. Steele Frank S. DeMarco Wilhelm Haust Ginetta Lori-Riley Erwin W. Novac and E. Robert N. and Claudia Andrea and David Steen Elaine Dennis Victor F. Hawkeswood Martin F. Lowman Adele Glass-Novac Beaudoin Allan and Sari Stitt Mario C. and Joan Di Salle Deborah J. Hellyer Nicole M. Lucente Elizabeth A. Oakley Alfred and Adele Beitler Michael R. Stoddart Joseph J. DiBattista Paul F. Henshaw Bradley J. Lucier James E. Oates and Lillian Kathryn Bernard and Roger Edward and Sylvis Suttor Dino and Joan DiGiuseppe J.Michael Hickey Mary-Kaye and Dale Lucier Saar Foster G T. Tanevski Veselin Dobrota Donald B. Hill Joanna Luft Virginia M. and Zdzislaw G. Raymond J. and Sandra Nelly Tedesco Richard and Margaret Carl W. and Christine Hiltz Brett D. Lumley and Karen Obierski Bettridge Avinash Thadani Donald Jeff, Marcus and Abbe A. Metcalfe Richard O’Callaghan William J. Bies Cyndra MacDowall Marlene I. Thomas Neil A. and Carolyn F. Horowitz Karen and Dan Omahen Barbara Biggar, Richard Donald J. and Nancy Donald and Joanne Donnelly Aase E. Houser John C. Ottenheimer MacDonald, Kyle and MacGregor Thomson Richard A. Dumala Brennan Howard and Tanya David M. Owen Sean MacDonald Craig D. MacKay Mark A. Trudell Karen P. Earl E. Kuzmanovic Leslie A. Paterson John J. Bisetto Heather MacKay Chantal Vallée Susan A. and Robin Leslie Howsam Ronold S. Pazik Dean J. Blain Kevin MacNaughton Gilles Vallée Easterbrook Elizabeth Hoyle Iva Peklova Mansell J. Blair Gary Malloy George and Lucy Vasic John F. and Mary A. Ellis Jocelyn P. Huculak Lionel J. Peltier Susan Blight Elias and Graceyamma Rose L. Voyvodic John Emerson Richard K. Hung Robin E. J. Perry and Marcia J. Claude Blouin Manavathu Christopher G. Walsh Thora H. Espinet Thomas R. and Michelle H. Roitberg Antoinette S. Blunt Rocco Mancini Jack P. Warmenhoven William E. Everitt M. Hunt Arla L. and Michael F. Peters Ehor B. Bobby Barbara and John Manera James and Annette Watson Marilyn D. Eves Maureen F. Irish April P. Peterson George Bodnar Claude Marchand Gary J. Weir Christie Ezeife Rena Isenberg Robert and Julianna Petruk Daniel N. Bondy George W. Marino and Tina and Graham Wilson Jean Fancsy Danielle C. and Robert David J. Piche Cynthia L. Boogaart Nancy A. M. Houde- Larry C. Wilson Md. Abdullah Al Faruque R. Istl Dathathry T. Pillay William and Valerie Bowlen Marino Clare E. and Anne Carol and Victor R. Fathers Usha J. and Satish C. Jacob Stephen Martin Garnet T. and Mary-Lou Lee Bowman Winterbottom George D. and Diane T. Ryan C. Jacobs Lori Marzinotto-Spyropoulos Plant Evano Bozzetto Jean M. Wright Faught Christopher J. Jaglowitz and Vassili Sypropoulos Richard L. Pollock Ryan A. Brelich Joyce E. Zuk George and Vicki Fiddler Nancy K. Jammu-Taylor Ronald Matysek John and Marga Pomponio Tammy Brown Michelle L. Fitzgerald Gerald Janisse Griffith W. Maxwell Donald Poole Fiona M. Bryden Alan C. and Frances Flint Lea A. and Brian Janisse Mike J. Mayer Curtis A. Pope Lori Buchanan Dillon Club Justin R. Fogarty Jane E. Jennings Rosa Mayer Gordon Pope Christopher S. and Tricia A. William H. Abbott Kenneth L. and Kathryn Sylvia Jimenez-Mena Jennifer Maynard Brenda L. Porter Bumbacco Barry D. Adam J. Foley Richard Johnson Paula McAllister Judith M. and Ronald Potter Stephen D. Burks Philip Adamson Tony Ford David W. Jones Kathleen E. McCrone Norman P. Presello Howard Burshtein Brigitte and Salvatore Ala Flavio R. and Assunta Forest Mark Kaplan Jeffrey C. McDowall Robert A. Prince

view . summer 2008 21 2007 STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Thomas J. Puskas Mark D. Tims Jay and Sandra Armeland Robert L. Billand John C. Brown Yoon and Jennifer Chin Peter C. Quick Joan E. Tinkess M. Louise Armstrong Stanley R. Birch John and Helen Brown Pamela J. Chittim Stuart M. Quick Brian L. and Helen Tomsich Arthur J. Arner Judith A. Birchall Lucy A. Brown William S. Chng Laurie S. Redden Remi Tosti and Kelly Remi Isabelle and William Arnoff Dawn Birchard Randle W. Brown Benjamin S. Chow Ray R. Refcio Christopher Towne Harrison Arrell Maureen Bird Trudy L. Brown Sing and Yolanda Chow Thomas M. and Lynne M. Harold P. Unroth Juhachi Asai Niharendu Biswas Yvonne M. Brown Alan K. Chun Reid Michael D. Urban Brent and Kelly Ashby Joe Bitonti David F.and Anna Maria Irene Chyz Richard and Marie Renaud Lawrence E. Vadori Michael J. Atkins Gerald J. Black Brownlow Ernest B. Cicchi Donald W. Reynolds Adam N. A. Vasey David Y. Au John F. Black Herbert and Ellen Brudner Joseph and Mary Ann Cimer Michael M. Ricketts Helen Vasilic Siu-Hung and Anita Au Matthew Blain William and Judith Brugge Joseph B. Cira Frank W. Ries John Verhaegen Andreas J. and Elizabeth Derek S. Blair Ricky Brundritt Brian Ciuciura Liliana Ripandelli Thomas L. Vida Auch Michael Blakney Patricia A. Brunelle John M. Clancy Alistair T. Riswick Chau L. Voo Deborah J. Austin M. Blass and W. Stachura Donald and Monika Bruner Christopher J. Clark Craig S. Rix George Vuicic Monique A. Aversa Barry G. and Joanne Blay Joyce L. Bruner Derek M. and Janet M. Clark Mary E. Robb William J. Waldron Philip and Susan Aylesworth Ronald Blizchuk Dwayne M. and Susanne Heather J. Clark Michael T. Robert Alden H. Warner Catherine E. and Barry Brian W. Blommaert R. Brunet Joseph E. Clark Gregory W. Roberts Erin M. Warriner Babcock John V. Blonde Roger D. Bryan John and Anne Clifford Paul D.and Katherine M. Gwyneth J. and Kenneth Dorothy A. and Jim Baby Ruth A. Blonde Howard F. Buchan David J. Cluff Roberts Watts Tino D. Baggio Joan P. Boase Deanna L. Bucko F. Michael Cogliati Karen Rockwell Lynne Watts Carol A. Bailey B.J. Matheson-Bodnar Steven M. Budinsky William G. Colborne Jonathan D. Ross Gary J. Westfall Raymond O. Bailey Henry Bohm Roy Bull John and Patricia Cole Peter J. Roth Gloria M. White Robert H. Bain Donald L. Bojin Patricia Burden Vicki A. Collavino and Paolo Ronald F. Runstedler David S. Whitfield Vladimir and Audrey Bajic Mary-Ellen and Brian Bolt Lisa and Michael Burke Collavino Peter Sale Betty F. Wilkinson Douglas K. Bakes Jack A. Bolzan Ralph Burke William A. Collins Matthew T. and Yvette M. Ed/Connie Wilkinson Shelley L. Balanko Joe G. Bonasso John Burkhart Sharon L. Colman and Bill Saliba Kim Willis-More Gabriel Balassone Salvadore D. Bondi and Margaret J. Burnell Colman Geraldine R. Salinitri and Jeffrey F. Willms Sathishkumar Balasunderam Yvonne Bondi Brian and Jill Burnie Catherine A. Comiskey Vince Salinitri David Wills Linda L. Balazs Aline M. Bondy Denis Burns and Carrie A. Comstock Brad Sanger Fraser R. and Shelley Wilson Darrell R.and Colleen David E. Bondy Gerald L. and Krystal Burns John and Nadine Condon Andrew G. Confente Zora Sanson Frederick Wilson Baldock Joseph R. Bondy Peter J. Burns Joy Patricia Connelly Richard W. Schauer Jeff and Lisa Wilson Lesley M. Baldwin Marjorie L. Bondy Bruce E. Burton Doug and Sue Connolly Chris Schnurr Scott Wilson Katharine Ball Patricia A. Bondy Brian and Mary Burtt David A. and Carmelina Jonathan A. Schwartzman Gerri L. Wong Subir Bandyopadhyay Rosaire Bondy Dennis L. Buset Connor James D. Scott Alan Wright Maria D. Bannon Turvey and Ulysses J. Bondy and Mary John and Leslie Busser Katherine Conrad James E. Seidewand Lloyd A. and Debra Wright Edward Turvey H. Bondy Patrick J. Butcher Suzanne and John Conroy Stuart A. and Suzanne E. Chester Wydrzynski James S. Barbour Diana A. Bon-Pickering and Donald B. Butler Anne Gillis Conway Selby Christopher J. Wydrzynski Michael J. Barichello Bruce Pickering Eileen Butler Geoffrey Cook Susan G. Martin Sellick Charlene M. and Shawn Margaret and Thomas Daniel A. Boots Wendy E. Butt Evan A. Cooke Massimo R. Sementilli Barlow Claire Borders E. Yates Dominic A. Buttazzoni Joan and Robert Cornwall Rahul and Nita Shastri Veronica A. Boretsky Jennifer R. Yee and Albert Gerald N. Barnes Tom G. Byng Trudy Cornwell Raymond L. Shaw Schumacher Barbara Barone Matthew and Charlene Julia and John Byrne Mary Cory Kelly A. Sheardown Lauren Yee and Jerry Tan Deanna M. Barratt Borowiec Mary Louise Byrne and Uta and Jack Costello Jim Shreve Martha B. Young C.Fred and Annette Barth Janet B. Borrowman Alain Pinard Kathy Cote Nancy M. Siew John R. and Nicole Zangari Tanya Basok Dana M. Bortolin Rosemarie C. Caille David Coulson Wallace and Anne Simpson Bernice Zub Alphonse J. and Diane L. Gloria Bortolin Joseph M. Calabrese Patricia A. Cousins Meredith Smye Colleen M. Zubyck Bastien Susan Bortolin Denise Callaghan David S. and Anna Coutts Frances L. and Martin D. Lorne P. Zwaresh Claude L. Bastien Pauline Bortolotti John F. Callaghan Isabel Cowan Solcz Victoria Batters and Paul Steven M. Bosacki W.Sheila Cameron C. Bruce and Donna Cowen Derrick Soong Oliver Aldo Boscariol Christopher J. Campbell Century Club Fred N. Cowlin Egidio L. and Liliana Sovran Doriano and Carmela G. Elizabeth A. and Frank Malcolm and Patty Campbell John Cradock Jerry Sovran Jack and Shelly Abbruzzese Battisti Bottos Susan and Alan Campeau Elizabeth D. Craig Denise L. Spadotto Robert Ackert Richard D. Bauer Pierre J. Boulos Jacqueline and Ron Susanne Reeves Craig John M. Speirs and Elaine Camilla Ackroyd Susan Baxter William T. Bourque Campigotto Gregory W. Cranker Mailloux Gregory J. Ackroyd William T. Bealor Roger and Judith Boutette Pratibha Canaran Jamie and Tim Crawley Charles D. Spence Sandra E. Adie and Robert John C. Beaudoin Elizabeth J. Bower Robert G. Carey Theodore Crljenica Kimberley M. and Christos Adie Mary Anne Beaudoin Helen W. Bowie Ralph J. Caria Mary Crnkovich Spirou Raymond L. Adkin Pierre M. Beaumier William Boyce Jill and Michael Carlone Bette Crnkovich-Grant Andrew Sprague Tammy M. Adkin and Sean Danielle J. Beauvais Elizabeth Boyd John P. Carrico Olga L. Crocker Ann M. Sprague and Robert Roberts Ron Becht Beverley J. and Stephen Renee J. L. Carriveau and Karen A. Crone Orr Paul S. Ahima Lawrence A. Beck Boyes Tim North Patrick S. Culhane Margaret W. Squire Charles G. and Pat Ainslie Terry and Josephine Beck Frank J. and Nancy Bradacs Hugh and Sandra Carroll Douglas L. Cummings Michael D. and Adele Stebila Robert C. Ajersch Wayne R. Beger Beverley A. and George Diana A. Carter James D. Currie James S. Steel Pam and Michael Albert Paul E. Begin Bradley James W. Carter Yvonne Currie Brian J. Steer and Suzanne Louise R. Alexitch Thomas E. Behr Douglas Branch R. Julian Cattaneo Wayne and Edith Curtin M. Bouliane Heather B. Allan Elizabeth M. Behrens James and Rose Branoff Patrick and Bette Catton Sandra Curtis David K. Steffen Dana Allen Manfred and Carole Behrens Diane Brescacin Nelson E. Cavalheiro Anthony E. Cusinato John E. Stein Pamela J. Allen Marlene R. Beitz Jolaine N. Breton Craig R. Cavanagh Denis and Ann Dadalt Voy T. and Boguslawa Helen and David Allin Mark R. Belanger James and Lucy Bricker Kelley M. Cavanagh Nella L. D’Agostini Stelmaszynski John and Alison Allore Gerry and Margaret Belec Sharlene T. Brimo Julie and Gerard Caverson Janis and Erwin Daichendt Dr. Vern Stenlund Christina Allsop Larry F. Bellis Robert Britton Robert and Denise Cecile Helen T. Dajczak Robert J. and Margaret Duncan Almond Arie Benaich Klaus M. Brixa Karen E. Ceman Patricia M. Dale Stevens Olga S. Almond George A. Benak John Brkljacic Nino V. Cervini Mary T. Dalton Lisa L. Stiles Mark S. Alzner Winfred G. Benedict Milan M. Brkovich Judy Chaif Simko Joan F. Daly-Bertoia John and Julia Stoiko David Amato Monique M. Beneteau David and Frances Hing-Poon and Laura Chan Thecla Damianakis Lorna M. Stolarchuk Bernard P. Amlin Theresa M. Beneteau Brokenshire Mark S. Chandler Tony and Angela D’Amore Tamara K. Stomp Eiman M. Anderson Ivan and Susan Benko Jennifer and Mark Doug K. Chang Russell A. Daniels and Diane David L. Strelchuk Martin E. Anderson Denise Benning-Reid Brockington Abderrahmane B. Chaouch F. Daniels Raymond Michael Stunden Mary Lynn Anderson Richard Benson Anne-Marie and Kearns M. Robert J. Charko Chris D’Annunzio John M. Susko Sandra E. Anderson and Alex Fabian C. Bento Brode Robert E. Charney Robert G. Daragon George and Maddie Anderson Joseph R. Berecz Donna M. Brode Joseph R. Charron Lada Darewych Szczepski Sandy L. Anderson Eva D. Bernachi Patrick and Maureen Brode Aurobindo Chatterjee Friends of Holly Berton Michele M. and Daniel David Andreozzi Mary Ellen Bernard David Brombal Tom and Diep Chau Hilda and Lloyd Davenport Tarailo David Andrews George Bernik Doug N. Brombal Diana and Winston Cherry Dorothy M. and Ken Davis Caroline Taylor Peter G. Antaya Mohan Bethur Jacqueline D. Brooks Barbara M. Chery Carol Davison Sharon Taylor Sherry Antic and C. Antic Sheila L. Betker Robert J. Brooks Robert D. Chesnik Margaret A. Davison Lynn Teahan George M. Antinori Lewis Bevan Bonnie Brown Rajendra Chetty Jo-Ann M. Dawe Cheryl D. Thomas Biagio Antogiovanni Sanjive K. Bhatia Constance J. Brown Danielle M. Chevalier Emma Dawkins Anthony Thompson Peter J. Archambault Rudy A. Bianchi Iris E. Brown Steven J. Chevalier James and Paula Dawson Jacob and Bernadette Thun Samuel S. Archer and Elsie Brian and Valerie Bigelow Jerome V. Brown Rodney W. Child Deborah L. and Frank E. Anastasia Timakis Archer Tamara Bilec Joanne Brown Timothy R. Child Dayus

22 view . summer 2008 TO GREATER HEIGHTS

Joseph R. De Angelis Kassim M. Ebrahim Douglas D. and Heather Thomas J. Gorham Margaret A. Hayes James R. Hrycay Paul De Francesca Daniel Edelstein Freeman Daniel A. Gosselin Thomas and Margaret Hayes Syed S. Huda Fabio and Anna F. De Lorraine A. Edinboro Stephen and Claudia James Gosselin Dennis B. Healy Peter P. Hudec Menech Mary R. Eidukas Freeman Noel E. Gotha Craig E. Hebert Shane W. Hudson and Mary- Tyrone Deacon Jiku J. Elamathail Stephen L. Freeman Elizabeth Gowanlock Daniel J. Hebert Ann Candussi Donald G. Deathe Mary and John Ellis Laurie and David Gibb Maureen Gowing Denise M. Hebert John W. Huggins Peter G. Deboer Winson and Irene Elzinga Kathryn M. Frerichs Gordon Grace Paul D. Hebert Joseph E. Huggins Anna Maria Decia-Gualtieri Lawrence L. Emmert Daniel Friesen Izzy Grafstein Victor and Marilyn Hebert Paul G. Hunter Colleen Decou-Jones and G. Scott Essery Nancy J. and Daniel P. John F. Graham Violet R. Hecnar Wendy C. Hunter Joe Jones Elizabeth A. Essex Friesen William T. Graham Nigel E. Hedgecock June C. Hurley Brian S. Deegan Brian and Anne Evans Peter R. Frise Jill Grant Philip and Erica Heil Al and Lois Hurst Remo Del Col Eugene G. Ewaschuk Adrienne E. and T. D. Fulford Charles Cathi Gravelle Ingrid A. Helbing Jody and Sheldon Hurst Jean-Paul G. Delaire Jason D. Facey Janice A. Funkenhauser Herbert E. Gray Linda and Bruce C. Michael D. Hurst Mike Delany Rose A. Faddoul John R. Funnell Ken W. Gray Hemming Peggy and Thomas Hurst Michael M. DelGobbo Robert Fallenbuchl Ronald P. Gagel Leroy L. Gray Faithlyn M. Hemmings Mary Jane Hutchinson Colleen Haywood Falls Carmen D. Della Valle Pierre and Janis Gagne Thomas J. Grayson Phyllis E. Hencher Dorothy A. Huynh Marilyn and Adrian D. Jeffrey and Anne Dello Gasper Galati Reuben Green Mary A. Henderson Alfonso A. Iacobelli Farnworth George Demarco Beverly Gallagher Mason Greenaway Paul N. Henderson Ronald V. Iacobelli David G. Farwell Guy F. DeMarco Eric W. Gangbar Kevin and Evelyn Greenwood Samantha Hendricks Joseph A. Iagallo Mark P. Fathers Thomas DeMarco Patricia Gangnon Roderick G. Henning Dorothy M. Faulkner David A. Greig Daniel Iannicello Charlene M. Gannage David A. Demchuk Richard D. Fazecash Jaroslaw J. Grenda Brian T. Henry John A. Iannozzi Susan M. Demers Paul and Lucy Fazio Margaret A. Garabon Luke and Laurie Grewe Paul D. Herage C. Idler Stephen E. Dempsey Elizabeth S. and Onorio Cookson Eleanor M. and Michael Alan E. Herron Suzan Ilcan Patrick and Wendy Dennis G. Felet David M. Gardner Groh Douglas R. Hertz Catherine M. Iles-Peck and J. Arnold Denton John Peck David A. Depiero Janice M. Imeson-Johnson Peter S. Desimio Linda Ingram Michael L. Deslippe Charlotte A. Innerd John and Reta Desmarais “My scholarship has given me a way to get Wilfred and Jane Innerd Dan M.and Brenda D. Devin Carol A. Ivison Luigi A. Di Fazio and Elena myself through school without having to rely Carol E. F. and Stephen R. DiFazio Jackson Denise C. Dickie on loans,” says fourth-year Concurrent French John T. Jackson John F. Diederich Arunita Jaekel John G. Dignan and Education student Leila Lajevardi. She Dolores and Raymond L. Lisa A.and JohnCarlo DiMaio Janisse Maria S. DiMartino works with French Linguistics Professor Tanja Mark and Karen Janisse Richard A. Dinham Margaret A. Jaques David R. Dinner Collet-Najem to learn why Dutch immigrants Sheldon Jarcaig and Bethe Donald Diubaldo Jarcaig Mildred Dmowski to North America tend to assimilate and lose Roberta A. Jennings Helen Doan Deborah A. and Warren Robin R. Dobson their original language in only one generation. Jestin David Docherty Allan M. Johnson Sharron L. Docherty Lajevardi is thinking ahead to a master’s Margaret K. Johnson and Robin A. Dodokin and James Ralph H. Johnson R. Chaffe program in linguistics. Stephanie Johnson Anne Donald Carla L. Johnson-Hicks and Walter K. Donaldson Raymond Hicks John and Kathryn Donnelly Andrew W. Johnston The Honorable Justice George A.and Laurette M. William G. Gawley JoAnn T. Grondin Charles R. Heward G. Edmund Johnston and Joseph M. Donohue Fellbaum Babatunde O. Gbadamosi M. Shirley Grondin Paul Hewitt Nancy M. Carr M. Rosemary Doran Sarah K. Feore Tina Gelinas Roger Grondin Calvin H. Hewlett Willow Johnston Marilyn J. Douglas Judith Ferne William E. Gelinas Judy and Gilbert Grossutti Kristin M. Hickey Brian Jones Christine Dowerk Alan and Nancy Figgins David A.and Dianna Genik Randolph C. Groundwater Mary E. Hickling Donald E. and Linda M. Eric H. Downing Sheldon Finkelstein and Margaret A. George C. Thomas and Carol Grubb Olive D. Hicks Jones Jeffrey P. Drexler Miriam Finkelstein Michael L. George Antonietta A. Guidolin Charles M. and Mary Hillier Marion Jones Ronald L. Droste and Marie Janet D. Finlay Thomas and Uda Gerginis Margaret S. Guillet Pamela G. Hines Mark L. Jones L. Durocher Michael F. Finn Joseph and Maria Betty L. Gulak and Bruce April K. Hodgins Gadoury Robert H. Jones John R. Dryden Missy Fiorino Germanese T. Hale and Luc J. N. Gadoury Mike and Edie Jubenville Mary A. Dryden Elizabeth A. Fisher Raffaele A. Giannotti Anna Gupta Daniel W. Hodgkin Florence A. Jucker Paul and Patricia Dubois Michael B. Fisher Ronald G. Gibb John M. Guthrie Brian Hodgson Claire G. Jullien Catherine Duboisson Natalie A. Fisher Frank Giblin Barbara Habib David W. and Edith A. Joseph Kadman Mary Anne Ducharme Shannon E. Fisher Susan Gibson Edwin E. Habib Hodgson Purna Kaloni Dale F. Dudley Paul F. Fixter Kate Giffin Frederick F. Hafner Charles E. Hoffer Sandeep M. Kamat Walter R. Duffield Dianna G. Flannery Domenic A. and Giovanna Andrew M. Hahn Cathy A. Hoffman Dorothy I. Kamp Elizabeth C. Dufour Karen A. Fleming Giglio Linda C. Haist James A. Hogan Aris Kaplanis Roger B. Dufour Lenora and Ian Fleming Dennis G. Gignac Stacey Haliday Richard and Kelly Hogan Peter F. Kappel Doreen Dulmage Mary J. Fletcher John and Mary Gilbride Rebecca L. Halko Richard and Mona May Diane L. and S. Karnay Liliana and Richard Margaret E. Flett Calum I. Gillespie Brian Hall Hohendorf Thomas and Zoe Karpinetz Dumouchelle Maurice Fochesato Timothy and Lise Gilmor Jeffrey S. Haller George R. Holovaci Gregory P. Katchin Elliott and Bonnie Dunlop John B. Foglia Sr. Gerald P. Girard Jim and Lee Ann Halpin John R. Hope Jay A. Katz Gary S. and Sandra Dunlop John N. Foglia Franco Girimonte Helen and John Hanak R. William and Elizabeth Donald M. Kavanaugh John J. Fontaine Robert and Shirley Dunlop Danielle C. Giroux and Paul W. Hancock Horne Elayne J. and Anthony Scott C. Forbes and Sharon Brian R. Dunn and Denise Robert Alldritt Laura and David Handsor Marion and Harold Horneck Kazlauskas Forbes Dunn Sasha E. Gladwish Michele E. Handsor A. Dale and Paula Paul J. Ke Ellen Forrest Shaun M. Dunn Larry and Twyla Glassford Forrest C. Hansen Horniachek John P. Keating Janice E. Forsyth Greg Dunning Deborah K. Glatter Claudia M. Hanson Irene and Adrian Hornich Wladyslaw Kedzierski Johanna M. Foster Jesse N. Dupuis Nancy Gloger Jens Hanson Stefan Horodeckyj Kathy D. Keeler Robert E. Francella Kelly L. Dupuis Christopher F. and Andrea Irene and Eugene Hardy Tom F. Horodniczy and Breen and Judith Keenan Walter V. Francic Leon T. Dupuis A. Glos Gail D. and Paul Hargreaves Catherine A. Dwyer Gerald Keller Jermain K. Franklin Dwayne E. Durocher Michael J. Gloster June and Jack Harris Ben Horowitz Jeffrey and Lori Kelly Lisa M. Fransen Scott E. Durocher Shirley Glover-Ludwig Marc Harrison Pat Horstead Lawrence Kelly Paul R. Frasca Margaret and Luigi Gobatto Mark A. Hartman Stephanie M. Kelly Sheona J. Duthie and Mr. Susan S. Frasca Mark W. Houghton Philip A. Goggins Patrick McHugh David Fraschetti Norbert and Gisele Murray B. Howard Kathleen M. Kelm Dennis C. and Susan H. Gerald L. Fraser Brian R. and Susy M. Hartmann Robert D. Howe and Lynda Elizabeth J. and Alan J. Dutry Jody L. Fraser Goldstein Drew Harvie G. Hutchison Kendall Samiran Dwivedi John D. Fraser Jim Gomes Kathleen J. Harvie Jason P. Howie and Lia R. Deborah F. Kennedy Edward J. Dydo Rev. Stan Fraser Robert W. Goodearle Elizabeth B. Haugh DelDuca-Howie Linda J. Kennedy Jonathan L. Dye T. Earl Goodeve Jeffrey J. Hayes John A. Hoy Richard F. Kennedy

view . summer 2008 23 2007 STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Cynthia Kennedy-Huggins Christopher E. Lanoue Charles and Heather Malone Thomas MacFarlane Nancy Mooney Scott D. Paisley Michael G. Kenney Roger and Carol Lanoue Susan Z. Mancantelli Michael McGarvey Bonnie and Michael Moore Michael S. Palenchar Kenji and Claire Kenno Eric A. and Diane Lansdell Ronald and Linda Manchen Debbiel and Wayne C. Ellen I. Moosberger Julie M. Pallot Darlene Kenny John and Suzi LaPorta Anna Mancini and Paul McGill Andre and Marisa Morassutti Dr. Sally Palmer Nicholas F. Keren Frederick K. Larkin Kalbfleisch Donna C. McGillis and Jean- Nancy A. Morgan Angie Palumbo Claude R. Kerr Grant T. and Anna Larsen Dino J. and Anna Mancini Claude Demers Daniel M. Moriarty Marjorie A. Paolini Jane Kerrigan-Brownridge Len Laurin Gina A. Mancini Frank A. McGilvery Maureen F. Morkin Enzo A. Pappini and Gordon Brownridge Charles Lawand Harry G. L. Mancini Bess C. McGirr Ron and Jeanne Morris Michel R. Pardal Ludwig G. Khoubesserian Joan E. Leach Amelia Manera Vera McGrath Harry M. Morrow John C. Parent and Helena Boen Khouw Catherine G. and Cedomir Elsie G. Manera Elizabeth A. McHugh Lawrence L. Morton Parent Al Kidnew Leatherdale John L. Manera Kathryn J. McIlwaine John R. Mountain Leonard E. Parent Joseph L. Kieczor Brent Lee Edgardo and Josefina Ian and Dianne McIntosh Phil Mousseau Wayne T. Parent K. Kielly Wai-Nar Lee Maniago John M. McIntosh Mary Jane and Thomas Carol A. Park David T. Killen Carole Lemieux Karin P. Manley Stuart R. McKay Moynahan Michael D. Park Marliese Kimmerle Betty M. and Emanuele Robert Mann Mary and Douglas McKeen Rita E. Mueller Wansoo Park Darlene H. Kindiak Lemmo Roger H. Mannell John and Angela McKeown Nancy A. Muir Claude L. Parker Charles G. W. King Nathan S. Lennie Douglas J. Manning Donna G. McLandress John J. Muirhead Bryan J. and Karen Charles King Susan G. Leonard and Andrea E. Manning-Kroon John P. McLaren Maureen H. Muldoon Parkinson Edward G. and Pauline Suzanne and Gerald Lesa David J. Manoochehri David A. and Vicki L. Bryan M.and Marianne Danelle A.and Craig A. E. King Philip W. Lesperance Ilija and Patricia Maodus McLean Mulhern Parkinson Randy J. King Anne B. Lessard Gail Maples Joan M. McLean Joseph Multari David L. and Valerie J. Basil D. Kingstone Charlene E. Lester Caryl Marcellus Rosenberg William G. McLean Lori A. Multari Mason Jason Kinnear Susan C. Lester H. Leeann Marchand Dorothy J. and George A. Kevin and Patricia Mulvey Teresa D. Paron Peter G. Kirby Stan Levesque Tom Marcocchio McMahon Paul F. Mulvihill Gary Parsons Allen E. Kirkpatrick Randy L. Levinson Gina Marcon George A. McMahon and William Mundle Margaret Parsons Richard A. Kish Bob Levo Dawn M. Marcotte Stephanie McMahon Glenn J. and Sara Murray Paul and Sandra Parsons Andrew J. Kizik Sr. Jay D. Lewis Gregory Marcotte Nancy M. McMahon Jane A. Murray Edward W. Paschin A. J. Klein-Lebbink John F. Lewis Vincent Marcotte Virginia H. McManus Abdelmonem M. Murtadi Luciano U. Passador John Klempner Scott E. Lewis Leo and Lynn Marentette Edmond R. and Mary C. and Tahani Buhlaiga Walter and Barbara Ashley Klunder Wu Li Gerard M. and Sandy A. McMath Fabio S. Muscedere Pastorius Christopher D. Knack Rick Libman Marier Matthew and Nicole Harold D. and Elizabeth A. David J. and Susan Paterson Pauline A. Kniaziew Angela Liburdi Gordon T. Markham McMillan Musson Bonnie Patrick and Greg Blaire and Matthew Gervais Nick Liburdi and Ornella James G. Marsh Edward A. McNabb Stuart J. Mutch Goulin Eric J. and Cindy Knight Bertoni-Liburdi Donald G. Marshall Christine McNeil Mark G. Mutterback Linda J. Patrick Sin-onn Liew Shirley A. Knight Catherine A. and Harvey R M. McReynolds Ermes D. Muzzin H. Richard and Anna M. Karen B. Lim Christopher G. Knowles Martel Scott D. McTaggart Eugene J. P. Nadeau Patterson Richard Limoges Kevin W. Knox Craig W. Martel Melanie J. McWilliams Michael and Barbara Christopher C. Pattison Janie Lin Richard Suek Jin Ko Helen E. Martin Mary J. Meanwell Naismith Barbara Paul Aaron J. Linton Mary C. Kolody James E. Martin Paul T. Meanwell Gediminas A. Namikas Richard H. Pawlowski Rodger S. Linton Mary C. Kolowicz Randall V. Martin Mary E. Medcalf Philip T. Nantais Margaret A. Payne John and Simone Lira Gary J. Komar and Jane F. Robin A. Martin Karen Mee Alessandro V. and Joyce L. Allan D. Pearce Hing Y. Lo Fox-Komar Sheelagh Martin and Roger Reno and Lena Melatti Nadone Douglas R. Pearson Phyllis T. Lockrey Vickie L. Komar Martin Vincent J. Melito C. Craig Nash Hugh R. Pearson Lawrence and Patricia Tyler R. Martin Harold J. Konrad Loebach John P. Meloche Rosemary L. Nash John C. Pearson Allison and Wayne Martins Herbert and Clara Kornelsen Jack and Ruth Logan Kathy J. Meloche Kristina Navarro Lynn and Darrel Pearson Jorge D. Marzetti and Joan Adelheid K. Koronovich Lynn E. Logan Jose L. Menendez Leisha C. Nazarewich Robert C. Pearson Stanley and Colette Korosec Mary Lonsbery Hurst-Marzetti Antonio Meriano Sr. and Eric W. Neill Gregory A.and Victoria L. Peter J. Koshulap Lisa M. Lortie Robert J. Masino Jane Meriano Phyllis F. Neilson Peck Joseph J. Kostroman Armand J. and Cathy Losier Gary T. and Heather Maslen Richard Merlo James Nelson Ann M. Pekaruk Richard S. Kosty Robert W. Love Marilyn A. Mason Ronald G. Merrett Gary and Beth Ann Newton Sandra J. Pelka Randal E. Kott Dianna M. Lovell Mona Massad Robert J. Merrifield Cary S. Ng Tadeusz Pelka Frank Kovacic Paul A. Lucier Paul T. Massie Philip and Betty Mersch Janet Ng Brenda Pelkey Bonnie Krakana Peter Lukasewych Dan Masterson Karen A.Metcalfe and Brett Oliver K. T. Ng John and Patricia Peloso Greta Krapac Einar Lund and Giovanna and Steve D. Lumley James A. Nicell James M. and Helen Peltier Lucjan Krause Jane and George J. Lung Mastroianni Leo and Lillyan Meyer Douglas G. Nickleson Victor E. Penner Michael J. Krech Felix C. Luppke George Mather Karen C. Meysick Marion Nishizaki John A. Pentland Christine S. and Donald E. Jane K. Lyons Heather E. Matheson Gordon L. Miall Verne and Wanoa Nishizaki Scott D. Perdu Kreibich Pat Maaten Diane F. and Stuart Mathew Margaret J. Miall Michael B. Nolan Harry Perets Edward R. Krizman Drew R. Macaulay Douglas J. Mathieu John M. Mickle Sue Novakovich Janis Peters Christopher R. Kruba Cheryl A. Macdonald Richard and Ruth Matthews Sandra D. Micsinszki and Susan and John Novosad Susanne Peters Diane M. Kruger John and Dihah MacDonald Camillia F. Matuk Jerry Micsinszki Keith A. Nugara Richard Petley Jane Ku Mark G. MacDonald John H. Maus Keith Miller Maureen C. Nye Dennis J. Petras Geri Kubicki Philip A. Macdonald Evelyn J. and Robert Mayo Margaret Miller Milan M. Obradovic Jason J. Petro Steven Kubicki Penelope MacFarlane Betty A. and Terrance P. Robert J. Miller Michael and Susan O’Brien Louis Petro Akira Kubota Roy D. Macgillivray Mayville Loretta M. Millinoff and Kevin J. O’Connor Silvio and Mary Pettovel William and Kim Kulchycki Roger H. MacGregor James E. McAllister David T. Millinoff John F. O’Donnell Bryce S. Phillips and Liz M. Teliang and Beth Kung Ian M. MacInnes Neil and Cheryl McBeth Delores J. and W. J. Millman Anna J. Ogilvie Pettapiece-Phillips S. Leonard Kupisz Maureen MacKay Elizabeth J. and Michael Craig R. Mills Bernard and Joyce Frank F. and Maria Philpott Steve Kuziw H. Angus MacLachlan McCartney Bruce K. Milner O’Gorman Allan J. Phomin Timothy Kwan James MacLean David C. McCloskey Gerald F. Minard Timothy and Norma Matthew E. Piatek Katherine M. Kwiatkowski Sandra J. MacLean Mark W. McComb Kenneth and Lisa Minello O’Hagan Donna J. Piccinin-Craig and Rosemary Kyryliuk Loris Macor Kristi A. McConnell Martha A. Mingay Michael H. Ohler David Craig Lisa S. Labute Leslie MacPherson Michael and Sherry Peter Mingay Jeffrey R. Oleynik Maxim J. Picco and Velma Mark S. Lacasse Donald C. MacTavish McConnell Henry Minton Jodi Oliver M. Cocchetto-Picco Robert W. Lacey Philip J. Madden Ron and Lori McConnell Vincent Mior Patricia M. O’Neill Gerilynne Pickett Rita LaCivita Illean D. Madrid Harvey E. McCracken Don B. Miskew Theo Anne Opie Sharon Pickett and D. Lisa M. Lafond Diana Mady Kelly Kathleen McCready- Bradley and Marilyn Mitchell Thomas W. Orchard Pickett James B. Laforet Joan Magee Donaldson Colleen A. Mitchell Sandro L. Orlando and Edith Pike Kathryn D. Lafreniere Shirley D. Magee William J. McCullough W. Robert and Goldie Brenda Orlando Mirela Pilaf Dorothy Lake Franco and Jelena Magliaro Heather M. McCurdy Mitchell Lisa S. Osak John P. Pilutti Colette C. Laliberte John A. Mahood M. Elizabeth McDermott and Barbara D. Modesto and Janet and Ken Ouellette William and Kelly Pinnell Robert J. Laliberte Patricia M. Mailloux David E. Fougere Joseph P. Mokanski Michael A. Ouellette Gail A. Pirie Tracy and Vincent Lally Sharron Mailloux John F. McDonald and Noelle W. Mollard Marion E. Overholt and Thomas Pister Chak-Kwong Lam Mabel Mak Elizabeth D. Keen Karen A. Momotiuk Norman Barnoff Marian and Donald Pitters Maurice G. LaMarre Yuen Fan Constance Mak Matthew and Kimberlee Sean G. Monahan and Jerrold Owen Trevor Pittman Gianni Lametti Linda A. Makuch McDonald Patricia Monahan Melchior Pace Shirley D. Plant and David George P. Lan Mark and Adele Malenfant Gary and Sharon McDonald Gerald G. Monforton Theodore and Denise Pageau Plant Terry W. Landry Jacqueline R. Malette Scott A. McDowall Lance J. Montigny Sandra M. Pagliaroli George Plantus Glenna C. Lane Richard E. Malicki Ian K. McEwen Douglas C. Montrose Cheryl L. and Carmen Frederick and Anne Plexman Edward K. Lanktree David A. Mallender Sharon M. McEwen Kenneth I. Moon Paglione Stewart and Sandra Plotnick

24 view . summer 2008 TO GREATER HEIGHTS

Edward B. Polewski Christine Rogers Marjorie Sidebottom David M. Steacy Patricia S. Thorpe Wayne and Shanon Vipond Paulette Pommells Gerald Romsa Peter-John Sidebottom Ihor and Anne Stebelsky Michael and Susan Tilka Joseph Visenberg Lucian Pop Mary F. Romsa Jay M. Silber Walter N. and Milda Virginia M. Tinti David Viveash Dale B.and Kathleen Pope Edward P. and Nancy David P. Silcox Stechyshyn Carole M. Tobin Carolyn Vogt Kristina E. Potapczyk Rooney Gary R. and Johanna Silk Apollonia Steele Anthony P. Toldo Rokus R. Voogt Kathleen Poupard Jeanne Rosati Celia C. Silva Michael B. Steer John K. Tolmie Mike Vorkapich Rosalyn M. Power Janet N. Rosenbaum Pilar Silveira Ron Steer Nicholas Toltl Steven Vorkapich Richard A. Pracey Darwin N. Rounding Jennifer J. Silverman Colleen Stein Fulton Tom Judith Kelly Waalen Atul D. Pradhan Michael and Mary Rovers Susan M. Simard-Fisico Maurizio Stellato Nick C. Torchetti Kendall R. Wadsworth Michael S. Pranschke and John H. Rowland John Simes Harold S. Stephen C.A. Wayne J. Tousignant and Ronald M. Wagler Susan E. Pranschke Dino Rubli Katherine A. Simon Gloria M. and D. Stephenson Mary C. Edwards Lucy Wakabayashi Andrew L. Precop Paul and Patricia Rupnow Albertina Simone Alexandra J. Stevenson Donald R. and Jean M. Douglas B. Walker Edward M. Predki Diane L. Russell Robert E. Simpson Robert Stezycki Towsley John G. Walker Judith Sinanga-Ohlmann Christian Prekratic Kimberly and Mike Ruston Judith and John Stickney Shelagh M. Towson Marie Walker Alan G. and Betty Sine Dr. Michael J. Pretli Robert M. Ryall Michael K. Stinson Raymond J. Tracey Leila Wallenius Michele R. Preyde Garnet E. Ryan Douglas J. Singbush Josephine Stomp William and Karen Traynor Anthony P. and Antoinette Sid Walman Amy I. and William Pribac Kevin B. Ryan David M. and Jane E. Stone Alan S. and Susan Y. Virginia A. Walsh Rita Primorac R.P. Ryan Sirizzotti John L. Stout Trenhaile Waldemar and Lydia Kurt and Berta Walter Michael W. Prince Elizabeth A. Sabara David S. Stoute Rhys W. Trenhaile Skrzydlewski Alexander L. Ware Eric and Lisa Proksch Francine B. Saby Joan Stoute Marc J. Trepanier Mirdza M. Skulte John P. Warren David W. and Mary Prpich Michael and Elena Saffran Jill and Matthew Howie Triano James M. Slavens Lyle Warwick Joe M. Prsa Alexander M. Sagan Stoyanovich Lisa M. Tripp Michael Sloboda Siek Wassenaar Kenneth and Kathleen Pryke Geraldine R. Straus-Moser Evelyn and Raymond Parminder S. Saini Allison L. Small Catherine P. Watson James M. Prytula Kerri A. Salata Ruth Strausz Tronchin Michael V. Watters Erminia M. and Ralph F. Michelle L. Watters Pugliese Susan A. Waymouth Norman and M. Eileen William and Jeanette Purdie Chemistry student Michael Stinchcombe has Waymouth James Purvis James M. Wear Asma Qadri medical school in his plans. Through the David B. Weaver Donald J. Quattrini Mary Weber James C. Quenneville Outstanding Scholars program, the third-year Norman J. Webster Luc Mark M. Quenneville Arthur and Madelyn Bernard V. Quinlan student helped Professor Charles MacDonald Weingarden Catherine Quinn-Boroski Mary and Robert Peter Racco study complexes of the rare metal, indium. Weingarden Steve Radin Robert Weir Victor and Diane Radovich With top marks out of high school, scholarships Marc S. Weisz Joseph and Angela Raheb John H. Wellington Dale L. Rajacich tipped the balance to choose the University of Gary M. and Carmelina M. Janice and Joseph Ralbosky Wellman Leela C. Ramaswamy Windsor. Now, with undergraduate awards from Glenn P. and Lisa Linda O. Wenner Ramsumair a national science council, Stinchcombe will add Janet Leigh West Andrew E. Ramsz Lyn T. Westfall-Tramble and Brad Randall his research experience to his resumé. Rod Tramble Ronald G. Randall Joel and Diane Westlake Chitra Rangan Leah O. Whalen and Renald David C. Rau A. Richer Alan C. and Jane Ray Timothy J. Salayka Deryck E. Small Annette and John Strong Janet I. Tsai Theresa Whelan Michael C. Ray Stuart A. Salonen Alexander and Izabella Wilhelmine Strybosch Edward P. W. and Gloria Cameron and Lynn White Pauline Reaney Tim Samson Smith William and Sheila S. Tsang Jane White Arlene G. Reaume Julie A. Sando Arpa Smith Strybosch Jon-Carlos Tsilfidis Joseph C. White Carl G. Smith and Ann N. Danielle K. Stuebing Tylene L. Reaume Geraldine C. Sandre Tony Tullio Linda A. White Seely-Smith Kathleen Sturba Laurie and James Regan Tina Santos K Tulloch Paul J. White John and Rosy Sarnovsky Clayton Smith Sheila M. Sullivan Linda A. Regan-Pasternak George S. and Marjorie Steven and J. Brooke White John Sasso Darrel C. Smith Siona V. Sullivan Henry and Sarah Regts Turton John W. Whiteside Walter W. Scase Diane J.Smith Enio P. and Linda Sullo Wayne and Kathryn Reid Paul Tushinski Larry W. Whitson Jeffrey L. Schaafsma Mark T. Smith Joseph D. Swain Lucas Reindler Debbie L. and James Tyler Lee N. Whitwell Linda A. Scheer Olga M. Smith James E. Sweeney Robert and Heidi Reinhart Anne-Marie Tymec Carol A. Wiens Irene and Jerry Schen Robin Smith Maryellen Symons Jeannine M. Renaud Caroline G. Ursulak E. Irene Wigle Mary C. Schisler Timothy and Elaine Smith Michelle Synek Mary-Ann and Tom Rennie Marilyn and Eugene Ursulak Garnet J. Wigle Reuben L. Schnayer Trevor K. Smith Adam M. Sztorc Dominic E. Renzetti Vytautas J. Valaitis and Ruta Letitia and David Wilcox Doris A. Schroeder William and Eleanor Yvette C. Sztorc Chris and Liz Revenberg K. Valaitis Joanne Wildgoose Earl T. and Susanne M. Snelgrove Antal B. Szullo Adriana J. and George Richard J. Valenciuk Yvette and Robert Wiley Schulthies Elizabeth F. Snider Mary M. Taabazuing Reynolds Jennifer L. Valente Mark J. Wilk Randy Scotland Dwayne Snihur Eric A. Tamm Barbara Plant Reynolds Paul Valentine William and Frances E.A. Margaret Scott Lisa M. Soda Daniel Tang Gregory Reynolds Fulvio B. Valentinis Wilkinson Kevin M. Scott Sylvia Solar David Tanovich Joanne Rice John Valero Stephen Willetts Corrinne T.and Rob Scullion John and Marie Solarski Mark and Pam Tarbush Michele M. Rice Kevin W. Van Balen Sue M. Williams Cordell S. Seaby Eugene Somerville Robert V. Tartaglia Kerry Richards Joanne L. Van de Wiele- Andrew J. Willis Beverly and Robert Searcy Mario Sonego Stephen Taub Dr. David Richardson Kimura and Michael William J. Willis and Dina Anthony J. Segreto Hope Sorokowski Gregory F. P. and Janis M. David Riddick Kimura Mejalli Cara Y. Seguin Aline E. Soules Taylor John C. Riddle Michael W. Van Eesbeek James B. Wilson William and Cindy Sellars Danielle M. Soulliere Kevin S. Taylor Robert A. Rideout Christopher J. Van Neck Kenneth R. Wilson Olga Z. Semeniuk Kelly and Dustin Soulliere James and Inge Telford W. Gordon Rigby Ed and Janet Van Veen Paul G. Winnett Mary Senese Jody A. Sourlis James and Sandra Tellier Michael V. Rinaldi Marcia Vanderheyden James Wittebols Thomas L. Seymour Gino Sovran Nicole D. Tellier Victor and Pat Rivest Janice Vansickle Ronald D. Witton Mary Lou E. Shafer Donald Spafford Robert E. Temmerman Nelsa Roberto Roderick and Mary Vanstone Jan E. Wojcik Grace B. Shafran Antonio and Luisa Spagnuolo Murray C. Temple Janet and John Roberts Gary A. Varsava Gunther Wolf Leo and Catherine Shapiro Mario M. Spagnuolo Larry and Judi Tesarski Patricia and Kevin Roberts Michael and Arlene Veitch A. Wollin Frank V. Sheehan James Sparrow Holly L. Tesselaar James D. Robertson George R. Vella Althea M. Wong Joseph Sheehan Richard C. Spencer Rita Thachuk Keith M. Robertson Lillian A. Shery Suzanne F. Thibeault Elaine Venne-Dufault Andrew J. Spicer Tony W. T. Wong Christopher G. Robillard Celina (Seto) Shoji Stanley J. Thomas Quinn R. Verhaegen Claire O. Splint Sean M. Woodall David L. Robins Mark Shore Stephen Thomas Karen and Marc Verhoeve Krishnaswamy Sridhar John T. Woodard Kyle R. Robinson Rick R. Shore Anthony A. Thompson Dorothy J. Vermeulen Ernest J. St. Denis Millicent J. Wormald Constance Robson George D. Short Patricia E. Thompson Margaret and James Vickery Janee J. Stallard-Cogliati Sheila Wright Thomas S. Robson Pamela H. Shuren Robert G. Thompson Terry Vida and F. Michael Cogliati William Yee William and Patricia Roddy Kathleen and David Douglas A. and Kathryn H. David Vigar Marilyn I. Stawecki Johnny C. Yeung Eleanor J. Roe Shuttleworth Thoms Carey R. Vigneux William V. Youdelis

view . summer 2008 25 2007 STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Brian M. Yuskow and Susan Paul R. Anonen Everton Bastiampillai Chris Bitove Wayne Brooks Barbara and Robert Cancian E. Yuskow M.Jacqueline Antonio Diane L. Bastien Kathryn E. Bjorkquist and Natasha L. Broomfield Lori D. Cannon Anniss Zakaria Hilda A. Anyison Scott A. G. Bastien and Thomas Bjorkquist Ruth Brouwer Man M. Cao Barbara A. Zakoor Karla I. Arauz Maunzer Batal Cheryl A. Blacher Jennifer Brown Gerry A. and Valeri Cappussi Beatrice Zalev Mary Arbic John P. and Mary-Jo Dennis J. Blonde Jennifer N. Brown Tony Capuano Carl and Victoria Zalev Rachel M. Arbour Battaglia Fred W. and Lisa Blowes Judy A. and John Brown Dianne Cardella Danilo Zannier and Margaret Louise and Joseph Arbuckle Robert Batten William P. Blum Kimberly E. Brown Nick Cardone R. Zannier Judith A. Archer Cassandra L. Bauer Elaine B. Boccioletti Michael R. Brown Ronald F. Carducci and Lia Zannier Timothy J. Armaly Nancy A. Bauer Mary J. Bodfish and Richard R. Brown and Madelaine Carducci Earle F. Zeigler Shirley I. Armour Charlotte Bautista Barry J. Boghean Jennifer L. Graham- Jane M. Carere Mike C. Zenteno Faith E. Armstrong Joy M. Baxter Rudolph J. Boisvenue Brown Gene Carey J. Terence Zinger Neil Arner Wayne Baxter M. Theresa Boland Sherrill A. Brown Kristine and Stephen Carey Kerri S. Zold Janet M. Arnold Maryellen Bayer and W. Peggy A. Bolsby and Bruce Kirk A. Brownell William W. Carey and Suzanne M. Zonneveld Prem K. Arora and Bayer Bolsby Jonathan M. Browning Laurette C. Carey John J. Zubyck Joseph D. Artiss Marcia A. Bear Stephen C. Bolton C. Lloyd Brown-John and Nick Carlan Angelo Arvanitis Hugh Beattie Mark G. Bomben Marilyn J. Brown-John Louis B. Carli Kwame O. Asare Catherine J. Beattie-Chittle Diana Bommarito Paul Brownlie James F. Caron Steward’s Club Robert Ascah and Gaynor Chittle Angela and Paul Bondy Tom Brownlie and Linda Jean R. and Rachael Caron Nancy C. Abati and Piercarlo David and Marie Ash Darlene S. Beaudet Cathy and Clare Bondy Brownlie Robert J. Carricato Abati Bruce F. Ashton Thomas Beck Jessica A. Bondy Roger C. Bruggeman Brian J. and Catherine April and Matt Abbott Paula Asschert and Vince Marianne Beckstead John H. Bondy Anka Bruic Carroll John A. Abbott Asschert Bryan and Joanne Bedard Martha M. Bondy Marlene E. Brunet and Patricia J. Carroll and Robin L. Abbott Tracey B. Atin Donna C. Bedard Mary B. Bondy and Joseph C. Brunet Douglas Carroll Ahmed Y. Abdul-Gawad Elizabeth Atkinson Julaine M. Bedard Paulette M. Bondy and Mel R. Brunet W.B. Carruthers Donna Abraham Mary T. Atkinson Robert A. Bedard and Maria Thomas J. Boniferro Sharlene M. Brunet and James R. Carson Maureen H. Abu-Zahra and Paul M. Atras and Maxine Bedard Arthur and Barbara Tim and Ann Marie Brunet Bob Carter Hakam Abu-Zahra Atras Ellen D. Beglaubter Bonsignore Frank J. Brunetti and Patricia Carter (Hunt) Peter P. Accadia Melissa B. Auger and Gerry C. Marcel Beharry Paul A. Bonsignore Margaret Brunetti Paul Carter and Sandy Carter John D. K. and Johanne Auger Edward A. Beharry Paula M. Boomsma Tom Brunt Robert Caruso Acton P. Dawn Augustine Debra L. Beiko-Nemec and Caroline R. Boone Eric G. and Pamela D. Brush Carmela L. and Nino Anthony and Mary Aczel Angela S. Au-Yeung Bohdan Nemec Dean G. Boose Phil J. Bryan Casalena Caroline M. Adam Helen Avdoulos Mary M. Beland and Ruth Booth Margaret A. Bryant and Michael S. Casasola Mary-Anne Adam Elisa T. Aversa Julie M. Belanger-Hogan Paul J. Boots and Sherilyne Wayne Bryant R.Guy Cassady and Lee-Ann George D. Adamidis Glynnice V. Avery-Cappellani James W. Belcher M. Boots Lucy Buccella M. Cassady Robert D. Adie and Dan Cappellani Brian and Barbara Bellaire Judith A. Bore Anna L. Buchanan Shalagh J. Cassidy Nancy L. Bork Brian E. Adlam Athena Avgousti Victor R. Bellaire David A. Buchner Lori Catenacci David P. Bornais Adam Adler Helen R. Avigan Sean Belle Catherine M. Buckley Guy M. and Lynne M. Cayen Belinda Clara Borrelli Richard A. Adler Diane Awram Ron G. Bellefleur Dorothy Bulat Ellen Cerchie Danny J. Bortolin Rob Agnew Babatunde C. Ayodele Barbara Bender Jean Bull Peter J. Cerra Christine E. Bottomley Scott P. Ainslie Dennis R. Babcock Mark A. Benedet Maurice Bull Brian M.and Virginia Cerutti Robert D. Bouchard and James H. Aire Joshua M. and Vicky Bach Marcella M. Beneteau and Premila Bumma Giuliano Cervi Brenda Bouchard Leonor Aires Melissa A. Bachalo Thomas A. Beneteau Jill L. Bundun David R. Chalcraft Suzanne M. Bouliane Tracy A. Airhart and Mark Madelyn Bacon Richard M. Beneteau Linda G. Bunn Jody L. Champagne Debra A. Boussey Airhart Stanley Bah Stanley G. Beneteau Kevin C. and Lidia C. Bunt Chin Lei Chan Donald G. Boutette Daniel C. Aitken Robert and Helga Bailey Wayne L. Beneteau Lidia C. Bunt Frank and Katherine A. Chan Sheila E. Bowyer and Elfreide and John Alb Heather Bennen William R. Burdick Hon C. Chan Ms. Roxine Bailey Warren Bowyer Thomas D. Bain Pamela A. Burford Sari Albert Mark W. Benner Murray Boyce Katherine and Frank Chan Alastair W. Baird Paul Ernest Burgener David J. Albu Joan L. Bennett Donald and Lindsay Boyd Margaret Fellows Chan Barbara S. Alderman Rebecca Baird Pamela M. Bennett Dina Bozzetto Arthur Burggraaf Richard Chan and Sheryl Armand Aldighieri Barbara J. Baker Richard A. Bennett Shelly Bozzetto Peter L. Burgher L. Inns Giorgio G. Aldighieri Diane E. Baker Mrs. B. Lynn Benoit Steven Bozzetto Judith Burke Robert K. Chan Ann W. Alexander Terry Baker Janet E. and William J. Kathleen R. Brackeen Kelly Burke Veronica H. Chan George Alexander and Fran Thomas P. Baker and Benson Ken Bracken Timothy A. Burkhart Ivor A. Chandler Sr. Alexander Georgina Baker William H. Bentley Don and Linda Bracken Lilla G. Burnett Robert G. Chandler Melanie Alexander Caine Baldassi Karen A. Benzinger Mary K. Bradburn Elvira M. Burry Maryanna Chang David R. Allan Mark G. Baldisera Elizabeth M. and Randolph Neil Bradbury Diane B. Burton and Brian Phyllis Chant Katherine and Craig Allan Franca R. Baldo W. D. Berends Paula S. Brady and Burton Catherine A. Chapman Barbara A. Allen Michael D. Balo Donna M. Bergamin Nikolaos Braiannis Heather A. Busby Biltcliffe Mary Lou Chapman James S. Allen Thomas J. Balogh Alan Berger Duane T. Bratt Janice O. Busch Shawn B. Chapman Larry W. Allen Tony Baltulis Jeffrey Berger David B. Bravo Jordan L. Butcher Michelle M. Charette Sharon A. Allen and Tim Anne Louise Bannon Joan L. Bergwerff Gary A. Bray Vanita D. Butchey Annette J. M. Charlebois Allen Josip Banovic Dianne M. Berkeley-Frenette J. E. Breault Joan M. and Tom Butler Christine A. Charlebois Steven Allicock Abdul and Khaleda Baqui Fay C. Berlie Peter F. Breault Jane S. Buttery Sally Charlton Jenne C. Allin Irvine Barat Alan B. Bernick Stephen E. Breault Doreen J. Byrde Santosh Chaudhry E. Merilyn Allison Nancy R. Barat Judy A. Bertram Michael L. Bredeson Monica M. Byrne and Prad M. Chaudhuri and Gale Ethel I. Allison Paula C. Barata Rolf W. Beutler Robert J. Bremner Richard J. Byrne Chaudhuri Jill M. Allison Gerald J. and Marilyn Barbe Mary Alice Beyer Gammon Kathryn J. Brennan and Reni A. Caccamo and Jeannette C. and Walter Sylvia M. Allison Alan Barbesin and Richard Gammon Stephen J. Brennan Robert R. Caille and Chauvin Alison and John Allore Gary A. and Donna Barbesin Jacquelyn R. Bezaire Sean P. Brennan Madonna Caille Xin Chen and Zhou Hong Helen L. Allworth Paul E. Barbisan and Alison Laura and David Bezaire Sheena Brennan Mike Calamita Nancy E. Cherry and John Jessie J. Alonsozana Barbisan Marlene Bezaire Sheila Brennan Judith M. Calcott Cherry Mohammod M. Ambia Charles W. Barclay Patricia A. Bezaire and Gerry Siobhan Brennan Naomi E. Calla Janine T. Chevalier Ann Amendola Leo F. Barei Bezaire Samuel P. Brescia and Joan Bernard J. Callaghan Lisa J. Chevalier and Donald G. Ames Louise Ann Barei Noel Bhumgara Brescia Ralph Callen and Patricia Christopher F. Chevalier Mohammad Aminzadeh Linda L. Barei-Lister Louie F. Biagi William J. Bridgeman and Callen Dorinda L. Chiang Urban R. Amlin Theresa M. Barichello Edward Bialek Annette Bridgeman Ivana Campagna Richard C. Chiarcos Diane and Mike Amormino Jane Barlow Nancy A. Bianchi Anna Maria and Frank John and Joanne Campagna Patrick J. Chiarelli Joseph L. Amort Kevin R. and Marian E. Catherine H. Bickerton Brieda Kevin Campagna Khalil E. Chidiac Kelly A. Amyot Barltrop Carol L. Biddle Raymond F. Brien and Claudio Campagner David and Mary Chiesa Jennifer B. Andersen Patricia A. Barnes Jean F. Bielecki Carol J. Briglio Teresa Campanaro Dolly Chiesa Alan J. Anderson Pamela J. Barnett Antonio Bietola Michael Brkljacich Brian H. Campbell D.M. Child Rosmarie Anderson Ronald D. Barnum Mary M. Bilek James A. Brock Diane Campbell Spyros Chionos Sam Anderson Jennifer A. Barranger Cindra L. Bilick Ann Broderick Gordon and Barb Campbell Kevin G. Chisholm Susan M. Anderson and David E. Barras Mike Billette Thomas E. Broderick Ingrid G. Campbell Eddi Chittaro Fraser Anderson Karen L. Barrett Claire H. Birch Marten H. Brodsky and Jody D. Campbell Joan and Dominic Chivot Monica L. Andreatta Sheila E. Barron and Joe David M. Bird Mary R. Bromley and Judith A. Campbell Karen P. Chomniak Catherine V. Andrew and Barron Ranjana Bird Catherine L. Brooke Theresa B. Campbell and Dennis Choptiany Rob Beriault Matt Barry Christine E. Bisetto George M. and Nancy Kevin Campbell Robert W. Chorney Hock L. Ang Liana A. Barton and John David and Monika Bishop Brooke Tracey L. Campbell Peter C. Chow Harry M. Annan K. Barton Paul Bisson Marilyn Brooks and H. Paul L. Campeau Margaret C. Choy

26 view . summer 2008 TO GREATER HEIGHTS

Elizabeth M. Christie Jennifer L. and Daniel Mark A. De Cesare Marcela Diaz Howard S. Drukarsh Walter J. Enns and Hilda Jacqueline Christie Cowan Willem De Lint Lavinia J. Dickenson and Sheila M. Drummond and E. Enns Amy L. Churchman Donna G. Cowie Linda A. De Vos Robert Dickenson Donald P. Flaming Sunhan Eren Marcela M. Ciampa Robert Cowper Linda S. Dean Brian R. Dickie Richard J. Du Perron John Erent Joe S. Ciaravino Timothy C. Coyle Paula E. Dean Cameron F. and Elizabeth Renee L. Dube and Melanie K. Erickson Valerie Ciavaglia David F. Cozens Christian Deane Dickie Linda E. Dueck Nancy C. Esposito and Melisa A. Cichon John L. and Wendy L. Cragg Andrew Debenedictis Albert Dicks Andrew M. Duffy Renzo Esposito Lily Ciganovic Dale and Janet Craig Thomas Debevc and Melissa Kimberly A. Dicks Robert Dufour Mervin C. Essery and Hardy Cigler Lee A. Craig L. Debevc Maria R. DiCocco and Carlo Tammy Dufresne Marilyn Essery Paula Cinicolo W. Cramp Rajat Debgupta and Sraboni DiCocco Ivanna R. Dugal Brian and Marilyn Donald L. Clapper Mary L. Cranston Debgupta Frank W. Dietzel Lynn J. Dukelow Etherington Janet D. Claridge Al Crema Britney DeBruyn Michael J. Dignan Kenneth W. Dunbar John R. Evans Brenda S. Clark Mark Crestohl Marla DeBruyn Janice and Dino DiLaudo Robert B. Duncan Sheila V. Evans Ronald G. Dunk and Linda Shannon L. Ewing Dane and Suzette Clark Robert A. Criddle Arlene and Gord Deeming Andrew R. Dilkens Dunk Victorina Exaltacion Elaine Clark Daniel Cronin Jason R. Defoe Marisa A. DiNallo Geraldine V. Clark Gregory J. and Shelley E. Paul E. Eyraud and Connie Kevin L. Cross Mary DeGoey Huong T. Dinh Steven W. Clark George H. Crowell Sheila G. Dinnendahl and Dunlop Eyraud Franco F. and Melanie Del Susan M. Clark Pamela K. Crowley and Henry Dinnendahl Judith M. Dunlop Gregory Fabris Papa Thomas W. Clark Michael Crowley M. Lucille A. Dinyarian and Gene J. Dunn Maria F. Facca Ernie Del Pup Bryan G. Clarke Lynne S. Crozier and John F. Dinuyarian Lora F. Dunster Janice and Anthony Joseph A. and Marian Gayle S. Clarke Crozier Sophia DiPaolo Louise M. DuPerron Facecchia DelDuca Lorna M. Clarke and Lorna Mallory Crozier Dante A. DiPonio Rita Dupon and Michael Christopher and Susan Fader Clarke James F. Cruickshank Loredana F. DelDuca and Roger F. Dittburner Dupon Adam E. Fallenbuchl Moe Clarke Hezhi Fan Robert L. Clifford Nicolas Fanizza Anne E. Cloutier Patricia Fantin Marc Coates Fourth-year Bachelor of Commerce student Peter R. Farah Theresa Coccimiglio Bruce A. Farber Joan C. Cochrane Yinyan He says the financial assistance Justin Farina Clara Coco Dennis V. Farnham Mike G. Coffey has been very important for her family as Mary Ann L. Fathers Dale J. Coffin Paul G. Faucher Donald and Frances Coghill she makes ends meet as she upgrades her John and Margaret Faust Miriam Cohen and Frank Favot Steve Cohen Canadian credentials. Ms. He immigrated from Karin and Richard Fedak Joanne M. Colautti Malcolm M. Feeley David R. Cole and Sharon China and has earned a business diploma in Nancy C. Fejes and Dave Cole Vickerd Tony D. Coletta China, but needs a Canadian degree to qualify Irene Fejes Smith Jim Collacott Laurette M. Fellbaum David W. Collins as a Certified Management Accountant. John V. Feloniuk Vivienne R. Collinson Neville Feltham Onorio Colucci Holding a 11.5 GPA, she is well on her way to Adelaine H. Fenech Joseph J. Comartin Gary J. Fera Suzanne M. Comartin a successful career in her adopted country. Paul S. Ferrara Rosemari Comisso Aldo V. Ferraro James A. Conlon Pedro S. Ferreira Julie M. Conlon Emidio Ferrelli Christopher J. Ferris Margaret A. Connelly Beverley G. Dupuis Vincenzo DelDuca Tania L. Ferrone John Connor Petar and Janice C. Cuckovic Donald V. Diubaldo Kathryn A. Dupuis Cheryl L. Cook Mira Cucuri Christopher A. Deline Edward A. Dixon John F. Fetter and Carolyn Angela E. Dell Eric S. Duquette Constance L. Cook Gina Cuglietta Jess C. Dixon Jennifer L. and Bruce Durfy Fetter Lloyd A. Cooke and Cheryl Melanie M. Culina Cynthia R. Delorenzo Krence Dizon Suzanne C. Fetter and Bianca M. DeLuca Jennifer Durocher R. Cooke Dubravko and Laura Lois Dobson John Durocher Wayne D. Fetter Chris Cooper Culumovic Gabe Deluca Donna S. Dodd Pamela N. Fiala and Anita Deluca-Carlini Vince Duronio Darren A. Cooper Philip E. Cummings and Denise Dodman Lucia E. Durward Anne Marie V. Filbey John D. Cooper Margaret R. Cummings Glen W. Delvecchio Robert S. Doiron Denis P. Filiatrault Heidi A. Demartinis Rita Dwornik Kenneth Cooper Bernard J. Cummins Concetta Donato Sonya Dykstra Terry Fink Steven M. Cooper Corinne E. Curtin Gary Demmans Connie F. Donato Mary Jane Finn Edward and Mary Denduk Kimberly J. Dykxhoorn Frederick J. Cope Tracey Curwen Jennifer A. Donohoo Steven S. Dzibela Anna and William Fisher Vincenzo Coppola Annette M. Cushman Maureen Dennis Anne Dorion Gaelen Fisher Howard A. and Judith Sheila M. Eagen and Erin John and M. Caroline Elsa A. Cusinato Pat Dorion G. Eagen Maria Fisher Corbett Joseph Czikk Dennison John Dorner Paul J. Fisher Windsor Dennison P. Frances D. Eagleson and Matthew P. Core Edward J. Czilli Mona Dosen and Milan G. E. Eagleson William Fisher and Deanna Mary-Teresa Denomme and John and Diane Cormack Teresa Da Costa Dosen Carmen R. Eaton M. Fisher Mark A. Denomme Brian D. Cormier Ferruccio Da Sacco Alan R. Douglas Simone Ebbinghaus and Charles M. Fitzgerald Philip C. Denomme Lindsay Corneal Kileen M. Dagg Centurione Arlene Douglas Joyce D. Edmonds Eugene L. and Anne Gary and Linda Denys Helen Cornett Lilli Dailide James B. Douglas Marlene D. Edmondson Fitzhenry Emilia DePaola Jane E. Cornett Stella R. Dale Jonathan J. Douglas Christopher J. R. Edwards Mark P. Fitzmaurice Mary L. Derbecker Derek P. Coronado Andrew Dallabona Diantha and Leslie Dowdell and Elaine S. Weeks Joan Fitzpatrick David M. Derfel John Corsetti Linda D’Aloisio Mary Anne Dowell Darl R. Edwards Melissa E. Fitzpatrick Paul T. Dertinger Lawrence M. Corso and Karen and Dave Dalpe Julia M. Downes Sharon C. Edwards Donald and Sheila Flaming Alan and Anne DeShield Angela T. Corso Murna Dalton Christopher A. Dowson Patrick S. Egan Henry D. Flaming Melissa A. Cortijo Beth A. Daly Josette and Scott Desjardins Marion Doyle Jacqueline Eisenberg Susan J. Fleming Kenneth P. Cossoy Marie R. D’Amato Jeanne P. Deslippe Predrag Dragicevic Laurie Eisenberg Leslie M. Flemming George and Marian Costaris Mary-Louise Damolin Patricia A. Desmarais Anne-marie Drapeau Lisa J. Ekblad Robert W. Flewelling and John C. Costella Gabriel D’Amore Claire M. DesRosiers Sheila Draper and Mel Abdusalam A. Elalem Janice Flewelling Sylvia Costella and John C. Claudio and Lori D’Andrea Annmarie Devon Draper Karen and Dan Elash Joseph S. Foglia Costella Yvette Daniel Michael R. P. Devoy Douglas W. Drew Timothy L. Elcombe Angela L. Folino Darlene M. Costello Debra M. D’Aversa Janine N. Devree Robert and Judy Drobitch Audrey I. Elford J. Luc M. Forand Ivana A. Costenaro-Jean Linda M. Davies and Robert Andrew C. Dewar Barbara and Raymond Tammy M. Elkie James Ford Charlene M. and Gerald T. Hugh Diana M. Dewar Drouillard James W. and Shirley E. Sandra Ford Costigan Maureen F. Davis Christopher C. Dewart Christopher Drouillard Elliot Christopher C. Forrest Daniel and Gloria Costigan Sandra Davis John F. Dewhirst Jerome J. and Rebecca Bonita and Robert Elliott Margherita Fortais and Penelope C. Coughlin and Anne E. Dawson Sanath Dharmaratna Drouillard Eve F. Elliott Florence H. and Edward Patrick Coughlin Elizabeth Dawson M. Di Domenic Louis A. Drouillard Vaughn Embro-Pantalony Fortune Palmer Couillard Janice L. and Chuck Dawson Irene M. Di Domenico Samuel Drouillard John F. Emery Harry Fowler Sherrilyn L. Coulter and Shulamit S. Day Rita Di Ponio Sarah L. Drouillard Nelson S. Eng Louis E. Frangakis Eileen M. Courtenay Michael A. Day-Savage Ramon S. Diab Stephanie A. Drouillard Sven F. Engmann Edith F. Frankum Connie D. Courtney Peter P. De Angelis Kevin D. Diachina Daniel F. Drouin Susan M. Enns Kaitlyn Fraser

view . summer 2008 27 2007 STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Karen M. Fraser Olga P. Gill Michelle D. Hamelin Jeffery S. Hewitt Nancy H. Jacko and William Susan E. Kennedy Wendy C. Fraser John K. Gilliam Patricia M. Hamilton Rita Hewson A. Jacko James E. Kennelly Natalie M. Fraser and David Peter O. Gilmore Terri L. Hamm Frank Z. Hidi Joanne L. Jacobs Francis W. Kennette and J. Siksay Patrick E. Gilson Gerald L. and Anne Handsor Stacy B. Hill Ron Jacobs Marylynn Kennette Victoria L. Frederick Henry Gingell Peter T. M. Haney and William J. Hill Yvonne M. Jacobs John D. Kent Peter D. Freel Stephan J. Girling Elizabeth L. Sproule Constance C. Hillgartner Mark L. Jacques Graham Keogh Beatrice and Edward Robert J. Girvan Glenn D. Hanselman Anita M. Hillis Mary F. Jaffray Linda Keon and Freeman James G. Glasier Heather L. Hansen H. Richard Hird Jo-Ann F. Jamail Pamela Keppie Cynthia L. Freeman Anne Y. Godbout Stephen Hanson Victoria N. Hlady- Ashima James Gordon E. Kerluke Jacqueline L. and Michael Nitish Goel Kim Hara MacDonald M. June James and John Brandon Kersey Friest Dolores Goggins James P. Harcus Geoffrey P. Ho James Kate Kersey John and Louise Fry Michael Golanch and Anita and Gerald Harder Ian R. Hoare R. C. James and Frances Josette M. Kett Daniel R. Fryer Jeannine Golanch Jeanne Harding Elizabeth R. Hobbs Jaems Clare E. Kettlewell Douglas and Daphne Fuerth Marlene S. Gold Mary Anne E. Harding and Lindsay M. Hoberg William G. James Shakil M. Khan Shaun T. Fuerth and Kolleen Kenneth D. and Miriam Ronald Harding Nancy J. Hoberg and Kamaljit K. Jammu Mary T. Kidd and Geoffrey M. Fuerth Goldstein Mary L. Hargreaves Michael Hoberg William B. Janes J. Kidd Frances J. and Ralph Harper Yoon J. Kim Janet M. Fulgenzi Dennis N. Gonsalves Brenda L. Hobson Albert and Stephanie Janisse James W. Harrington Donna C. Kimball Warren S. Fullerton Christine A. Goodchild Simone G. Hobson Cathie Janisse Carla L. Harris Johnny King Sasha M. Fulop Lorretta L. Goos and Michael Syed A. Hoda Paul N. Jankulovski and Ernest Harris Norma M. King Mark W. Fulton Goos Lisa M. Hodgins Biljana B. Jankulovski Matt Harris Richard E. King and Ming H. Fung Margot A. Goossens and Jan Orval W. Hodgkin Lean E. Janosik Stephanie E. Harris Margaret King Tak-shing Fung Goossens Cameron M. Hoepp Robert P. Jaques Vera Furmanek Janice H. and Michael Gore Tanya L. Harris Paul R. Jarman Melissa King-Anderson Aline and Ray Harrison Irene Hoffman Barbara and John Kingdon Carolyn Fuschi Alexander Gorelick Kathleen M. Hofmans and Yasmeen Jasey Arleigh H. Fysh Rick V. Gori and Stacey K. David Harrison Leonard Jennings Heather A. and Ronald Mary E. Hart and Robert Robert P. Veteri Kingham Adelheid and Gary Gagnier L. Gori Brian and Cindy Hogan Margaret I. Jennings Gabriel and Joyce Gagnon Edward S. Gorski S. Hart Rebecca Job and Kevin Ilias Kiritsis Chris T. Harvey Colleen Hogan Carolynn Kirwan Lanthier Jane E. Gagnon Martha A. Gould Theresa E. Hogan W. Job Rodney A. Gagnon Jonathan D. Gowing David J. Haskins Howard P. Jobin Andrew Kiss William J. Hassett Joy A. and Bill Hogarth Allison M. Kissner Anna Galka Suzanne Graham Allan Johnson Cliffie and N. Coleen Hasson Susan L. Holiga and Diane L. Kitowski Chris Gall William F. Grainger and June Deana S. Johnson N. Coleen Hasson and Cliffie Kenneth P. Holk Evelyn Kivisto Cynthia L. Gall Grainger Eric W. Johnson R. Hasson Christine and Wayne Morrie M. Kleinplatz Richard R. Galloway Andrew M. Grant George A. Johnson Anne L. Hatch Holloway Margaret Kloostra Stuart E. Galloway Linda L Grant H. N. Johnson David Hateley Kathleen E. Holly-Wilcox Theresa M. Knarr Anupom Ganguli Robin Gras Jeffrey E. Johnson Gloria Hatherley Carol D. Holm Ian L. and Nicole Knowles Shan Gao Charles Grattafiori Anthony J. Johnston Marissa Hatt Adriana M. Holmes Terrence J. Knuckle Gregory D. Garant Barbara Gray Donald C. Johnston Roger Hatton and Mrs. M. Casey J. and Diane Homick Katherine L. Kobelski Linda R. Garbutt Leon A. Gray and Locketa J. R. Johnston Louise Hatton Gary R. Hong and Nicole Angela M. Kochan Penny A. Garcia Gray Jackie Johnston Christine A. Hatt-Pyne Huynh Jacob W. Koehl Kevin M. and Sharyn Penelope J. Gray Kimberley A. Johnston Gordon W. Hau Roger L. Honsberger and Catharine M. and John Gardiner John and Fran Grebenc Leah M. Johnston Bradley J. Haughey Mary Honsberger Koekuyt Andy Garlatti Angela A. Green Matthew T. Johnston Elizabeth L. Havelock Jennifer A. Hooper Lisa D. Kolody and Lisa D. Hartley A. Garshowitz James A. Green Ross Johnston and Norma Allison D. Hawkins Ellen L. and James Hope Rivelis Joan M. and John Garside Sarah D. Green Teresa J. Hawkins-Jacoby Johnston Elizabeth R.and Joe J. Karen E. Gascoyne Thomas W. Green Joan E. Hope Spencer R. Johnston David Hayes Bob Hope Kominek Jennifer A. Gates and David Douglas G. Greenfield David M. Hayes Ryan G. Jolie Carol K. Kong Monroe Paul Greenglass Joanne M. and Kelly A. Frances P. Jones Donna M. Hayes Hoppe Zoran Konjicija Alba Gatto Steve A. Greenidge Peter J. Healy Ronalda M. Jones Dorothy M. Konyha Claude and Debbie Gauthier John E. and Anita Greenway Carl T. Horn Rob Jubenville Janice L. Hearn Lynne Hornby Sandra L. Konyu Michele Gaynor Angeline L. Grenier Mary R. Heath and Rick Gloria M. Jung Mary C. Koopman Peggy Gaynor Darren D. Grey Irene Hornyak Anna Jurak J. Heath Shannon M. Hoskins and Ann Korenic Mary-Ellen Gazarek Ethel E. Griffith Mark E. Heavens and Linda John S. Kain Myron Korpan Kevin Hoskins Malcolm S. Geast Jason C. Griffith J. Heavens Lynn A. Kainz and Arthur Arie L. Korteweg Seyed M. Hosseini Patricia O. Gehl and Jenifer L. Gritke Gail F. Hebert Kainz Leane L. Koskela Donald W. Hotchkiss Roland M. Geissler Brigid and George Grode John Hebert and Julie J. Dzana Kalajdzic John F. Kosnik Shannon Houde Lily Gen David and Lorraine Grondin Chambers-Hebert Ljeposava Kalaver-Susnjar Thomas A. Kosnik K. Shelley Hoye Jo Ann N. Gendreau Florence M. Grondin Ronald G. Hebert Leonard M. Kane Konstantin and Jennifer Glenn H. and Angela Genik Sheila M. Groombridge and Terence E. Hebert and Robert A. Hrvatin Michael Kane and Mineko Kotzeff Eveline George William Groombridge Louise Henert William J. Hryniw A. Kane Karin and William Kouvelas Stacy G. George Jo-Anne Grozelle Camilla J. Heckadon Xiaoping Huang Mineko A. Kane William K. Kovacs Frances A. Georgeff Christine A. Gudas-Murphy Jo Ann C. Heil Bunny Hubbard Kulwant Singh Kang Nicole Kovats Lucy Gerardi and Robert Urmi Guhathakurta Ruth A. Henault and Claude Scott B. Huber Jill and Arthur Kanwischer Christopher J. Kowalsky and Gerardi John Guido Henault Louise Hudak and Morton Kaplan Pauline T. Matthew Patricia J. Gertsakis and Henry and Maria Guldie M. Lynne Hendershot and Mary C. Hudecki Mark and Louise Karch Hilda Kowalsky Tom Gertsakis Edward and Jean Gut John Hendershot Joseph F. Hueglin Natalie Kardasopoulos Paul J. S. Kowalyshyn and Pierre L. Gervais Lynn Guthrie and Larry Alana L. Henderson Kulmeet K. Huggins Mohammed A. Kashem Sandi Kowalyshyn Vinka Gervais Guthrie James A. Henderson Theresa A. Hughes Tejpal Kaur Leslie V. Kozachuk Nabil Ghobrial Mary A. Guthrie and David Patrick J. and Cheryl John W. Humphries Sandy Kauric Paul Kozak David Giamos and Christina Guthrie Henderson Thomas S. Hunt and Marie Karen E. Keech Suzanne Kozar Sofos-Giamos Linda Guy and Bill Guy Ronald D. Henderson Hunt Carolyn M. Keegan John and Heather Kozolanka Maria A. Giampuzzi Maxine E. Guyitt Mary Catherine Hendrican Mark S. Hunter Wanda Keeling-Walter Arthur Krahn Paige L. Giardina Margot K. Gyorgy Gay L. Heney Maureen R. Hunter and Ruth I. Keenan Kenneth J. Krapf Albert R. Giardini Vincent J. Gyori Sharon Henrich and Gary Irene H. and Larry S. Hurajt Christopher N. Kehoe David A. Kraus Edwin G. Gibb Donna Habsha Henrich Linda R. Hurdle Sonny Kekelj Catherine E. Krebs Sarah Gibb and Christopher George Haddock Edward and Nancy Henrie Christina J. Hurlock- Norbert W. Keller Lidwina M. Krieger J. Gibb Richard A. Haeussler Judy Lynn Henry Chorostecki Carol M. and Kenneth Kelly Ann V. Kristo Adrianne C. Gibbons Marilyn L. Hageniers and Terry Henry Laurie A. Hurst Dawn M. Kelly Mikael D. Kriz Doug G. Gibbons Omer L. Hageniers Cheryl Henshaw Thomas P. Hurst John E. Kelly Scott M. Krueger Joanne L. and John R. Gibbs Alan T. Haines Ralph G. Hepperle Janice L. Hutchison Marlise L. Kelly Stephen A. Kubica Linda L. Giddings C. Kim and John D. Hall Nick Herberholz Samia M. Ibrahim Patricia L. Kelly and Gordon Mary E. Kuchta Patricia M. Giesler Craig R. Hall Joseph Hered Elise Inselman Kelly Sharon E. Kuepfer David W. Gifford Dianne L. Hall Harry T. Hergash Sonia Iovino Patricia N. Kelly Barbara J. Kuker Danielle Gignac Eric G. Hall and Stephanie Grant D. Hernden Karen Ip Sean C. Kelly Jason Kuli Nancy J. Gignac M. Burlein-Hall Glenn Herrell Amy D. Irving Marion K. Kelterborn Leslie F. Kummer Joan Gilbert Sharron D. Hall and Ralph Rodney A. Herring Arlene Irwin Daniel J. Keltika Lynne J. Kuntz Paul A. Gilbert and Joanne Hall Ute G. Hertel and Irma I. Isaac Robert J. Kemler Kenneth J. Kupisz Anthony J. Kurecka and Gilbert Elizabeth A. and Robert Earl Hesketh Angela Italiano Darlene A. Kennedy Tracey L. Heslop Martina Kusi-Mensah Thomas and Donna Lee Halliday Lisa Ivans Julia H. and Gary I. Kennedy Frederick N. and Anita L. Shirley A. Kussner and Gilbert Linda P. Hallinan Kalid Jaboo Mary-Catherine Kennedy Heuchan Arthur Kussner Nicole M. Gill Katherine Hamel David T. Jack R. Lloyd Kennedy

28 view . summer 2008 TO GREATER HEIGHTS

Jennifer L. Kuta and Jennifer Harry Leffley Aurelia and Joseph Terrence Magill Anthony Mascaro Barbara and Donald L. Russell David E. A. Lefrancois and Loschiavo Jelena Magliaro Bill Masino McGregor Harold W. Kwasnicki Maureen M. Pollard Amy Losier Greg and Dorothy Mahoney Brian Masse Lisa M. McGuire Michael D. Kyryliuk Robert B. Leggat Denny B. Loucao Mary F. Mahovich Donald Masse Marie T. McGuire Cathy and Tony La Tona Jillian M. Leggatt Debra G. Loughlin Don and Catherine Mahuran Maria G. Mastronardi Elizabeth M. McHugh and David L. LaBute Richard R. Lehoux and Wayne Louie Marc G. Maillet Morton E. Mates Elizabeth M. Bethell Guy M. and Darlene Helen J. Lehoux John P. Lovecky Danielle S. Mailloux Adel G. Mattar Kevin C. McHugh Lachance Diane L. Lein Joseph Lovrecich Jeanine L. and D. Mailloux Richard J. Mattson Terrance E. McHugh Trudy M. Ladanchuk and Kimberley M. Leitch Gregory A. Lowe Valerie G. Mains Denise L. Matzold Alison McInnes Jerry Ladanchuk James J. Lekavy Shirley E. Lowes and Amitabha Majumder Janet N. Max Kathleen E. McIntosh- Catharine Ladouceur Zivko Lemez Kenneth Lowes George Mak Jeffery G. May Authier Paul L. Ladouceur Claudette and Michael Sharon E. Lozinski Ning Mak John R. Mayhue Janet A. McKenzie Michel Laferriere Lemire Stephen J. Lozinski Edward J. Maksimowski Elaine Maynard Sharon J. McKeown Michael J. Lafreniere Aldona M. Lenauskas Carole A. Lucier Ruth F. Malenda Kevin A. Maynard Michael P. McKinley John J. LaGaipa Vincent LePage Richard M. Lumley Michael Malkoun R. Michael Maynard and Michelle D. McKinnell Jenna M. Lain Filomena Lepera John Lyall David and Jennifer Mallick Elspeth Maynard Jean E. McLaughlin Linda L. Lajeunesse Jonathan Lerman Thomas W. Lynd Michelle Malo Tom and Elaine Maynard Robert B. McLean Vanessa Lajeunesse Lynn M. Leroux Andrea R. Lyons Michael P. Malone Brian R. Mayo Mary-Anne McLellan and Eileen Lajoie Patricia A. Lescinsky Joan H. and E. Lyons Sanchita Mal-Sarkar Daniel E. Mazur Colin McLellan Ali E. Lalani Wayne A. Lesko Kathy G. Lyons Devon M. Maltby Carolynn L. and O. M. Donald and Allison McLeod Annette C. Lalonde Randi Leslie Margaret M. Lysecki Mark P. Mamer Mazuryk Elizabeth McLeod Mark Lalonde Susan I. Leslie Anna M. Lysy Veronique Mandal Janice E. McAdam Lynn McLeod Raymond L. Lalonde Howard Leung Rayann L. Lyttle Verne A. Mandolesi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray McLeod Bon and Cynthia Lam Gerald J. Levac Lynda Maaten Kenneth P. Mandzak McAllum Stuart D. McLeod Joseph A. and Donelda Dawn and David McMahon LaMantia Kathleen and Andrew Marnie Lamb McMahon Angela Y. Lambing Earth Sciences student Michael Babechuk, of Marie McMahon Rick Lambombarbe Rita C. McMahon and Ghislain L. Lamothe Windsor, has been the recipient of the Peter Kaye and Gary McMann David R. Lamoureux M. K. McMillan Gary L. and Antoinette and Jean Sonnenfeld Scholarship and the Lily R. McMorine and Ken Lamphier McMorine John A. Lancaster Robert K. Jull Memorial Scholarship. His Terry McNally Mary S. Land Brian and Bonnie McNichol Robert F. Landgraff undergraduate work explains how sources of Marilyn A. McPhail Denis and Maureen Landry William M. McRae Sandra L. Landry drinking water are threatened by the release of Jacqueline McVittie William H. Landry Kay P. Meagher-Nantais Amy E. Lane arsenic by certain bacteria. It’s an issue with Winnifred A. Medcalf Christine A. Langlois Gino P. Medina Joseph G. Langlois groundwater aquifers in parts of China, India, Kelly M. Meehan-Ladouceur Marie T. Langlois Kathy F. Melanson Erica A. Langpeter Moir Bangladesh and other countries. Ernest E. Mellanby Lenore K. Langs and Richard Timothy E. Mellanby and M. Langs Vicki M. Mellanby Richard W. Lanspeary and Wendy Mellanby Patricia Lanspeary Robert J. Mellon Richard W. Lanspeary and Jeanne M. Meloche Janet R. Lanspeary Paul R. Levac Peter J. MacAulay and Bav Grace M. Manias James McArthur Richard J. Meloche Maureen Laporte Claire-Marie Levesque MacAuley Tamara Manicom Bonnie E. McAuley Thomas E. Meloche Margie MacCallum Nelson D. Laporte Simone T. Levesque and James S. and Angela L. Peter D. McBean and Hui Meng and James E. Laramie Brian R. MacCoubrey Margaret McBean Gerard P. Levesque Manser Sharon L. Menzel and Wendy L. Laramie A.Hughene MacDonald Donald W. Manzerolle Emily M. McBride Sharon L. Garswood Gerald J. and Barbara Levine Andrew J. Larmand Elizabeth M. MacDonald Christopher and Maria Sheila A. McCabe Gina and Raffaele Meo Ian and Sheila Levstein Heidi J. Lasi Eric D. MacDonald Manzon Sean P. McCann Kalju Merimets Sheila A. Lewandowski Gerald S. and Kathleen N. John H. MacDonald Daniel L. March Janet D. McCarron Mary A. Merrett and Mary Jo-anne M. Lewicki Lasoski Mary E. MacDonald Mary A. Marchand Marilyn D. McCarthy A. Baradel Andrea M. Lewis-Longmuir Della M. Latella Mary L. MacDonald Pierre Marchildon and Ellen Molly A. McCarthy and Gary Alyssa D. Merritt Bradley J. L’heureux Ahmed Latif Michael G. MacDonald M. Marchildon McCarthy Alan Metcalfe Zhanbiao Li and Michael V. Latin Patricia MacDonald and Barbara Marchini Patrick J. McCarthy and Alisa M. Metcalfe-Haggert Lynda A. Lieberman Pui Yan B. Lau Thomas S. MacDonald Toni Marcon-Stewart and Joanne Y. McCarthy Paul T. Metzger Nick M. Ligori Thomas A. Laube Ray F. MacDonell and Ruth Rob Stewart Sandra M. McCarthy and Brian and Frances Meyer Bruno Limarzi Nancy L. Lauzon and MacDonell Richard J. Marcotte and Thomas McCarthy Deborah M. Meyer Paul C. Lawhead Sylvia Lindquist Loretta MacEachern Carole Marcotte Sarah E. McCarthy Matthew R. Michalik Terri M. Lawrence-Tayler Andrew J. Lindsay Barbara A. Macedonski Bethany A. Marcuz Daniel and Suzanne Venessa L. Michalsen Thomas J. Lawson and Carol L. Lingard Gordon A. MacGibbon Heather A. Marcy McClean Andrew Michalski Lesley Lawson John R. Linn Ian MacGregor Marion Mardegan Ron McCloskey Lloyd Michaud Derek R. Lawton Linda J. Linnell Kristy L. MacGregor Paul Mardegan Barbara McConnell Gordon E. Michie and Richard J. Lazar and Doreen Carole J. Linz Mairi E. MacGregor Walter Mardegan Janet M. McConnell Heather F. Britten Lazer Corona and Lawrence Liscio Zygmunt J. Machelak Donna and Raymond Linda R. McCormick and Shane G. Miersch Brian E. Lazarus Joyce Liska F.S. MacKinlay Marentette Gary McCormick Clark A. Mifflin Franco Lazzarin Kim M. Little Steven G. MacKinnon Keith A. Marentette and Susan C. McCracken Jerry J. Mihoren Mark A. Lebert Chunsheng Liu Lorraine L. MacLachlan Jennifer Marentette Mary Ann McCrae and Dan Maria Mijac and Elaine M. LeBlanc David T. Liu David C. MacLeod and Monique J. Marentette McCrae Beverley R. Miles Robert LeBlanc and Patricia Junzhen Liu Cheryl Ann M. MacLeod Paul S. Marentette Julia McCrea Helga Miletic and M. Miletic A. Soulliere Susan S. S. Liu and Lewis Tracy A. MacLeod Viola Marentette Shannon McCullough Ursula I. Miletic Sylvain R. Leclair Liu Borden D. MacMillan Jerome E. Marion Diana McDonald Carlin Miller Susanne C. Leddy and Jim Scott J. Livingstone Lianne S. MacMillan and Stanislava Markovich Paul J. McEachen Connie K. Miller Leddy Deborah Livneh Todd MacMillan Anthony S. Marra Jr. Mark McEachern Joan M. Miller Alfreda C. LeDonne Jewell D. Lofsky William A. Macmillan Norman H. Marsden Kandi J. McElary John C. Miller Larry and Helen LeDuc Joanne M. Lombardo Margaret J. MacQueen Cynthia E. Marshall J. M. and Kenneth McEwan Sheryl A. Miller and James Roy R. Lee Salina R. Lomonaco Helen M. Macri Darlene and Larry Marshall Kathleen I. McEwen Miller Laurie A. Leeming Donna M. Longmoore Jennifer MacTaggart Ann Martin Linda J. McFadden and John Therese A. Miller Barbara Lefaive Andrea N. Longstaff Geralyn Mady Annette L. Martin McFadden Walter H. Miller Jerome P. and Judy Lafaive Gary K. and Marilynne Donald G. Maedel Constance A. Martin Diane G. McGary and Paul Diane Milliquet William Lefaive Lonnee Peter Maeumbaed Laura J. Martin A. McGary Dr. Pamela J. Milne Eugene L. Lefebvre Heather Loree Lynn E. Magda and Sharon Martin James F. McGee Santa F. Minardi Kimberly Lefebvre Richard A. Loreto and Carol Kathy M. Magee and Mark T. Michael A. Martin Christina M. McGill Sandra Minato Valerie Lefebvre Loreto A. Magee Francesca S. Martino James McGinlay James A. and Patty Minello

view . summer 2008 29 2007 STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Mindee Minos Barclay C. Nap Rebecca J. Orton and Todd Leila G. Pepper Sandra W. Prevalus Thomas H. Riesz and Gregory L. Minton Sam Nardi Orton Margaret Pepper Paul Pribojan Rieszbetsy Elizabeth Mireault David C. Nash Lynda Orton-Hill Michelle M. Perfect and Dawn A. Price Mr. Michael R. W. Riley Vivian L. Mitchell Bernie Nausse Cynthia E. Osborne Darrell Perfect Monique Prieur and Gregory Kevin Ringrose Edward Mock Kathleen A. Navarre Janice L. and Gary J. Osley Stanko Perica Prieur Roxann Ritchie Kay Moderwell Leslie R. Navarro Margaret S. Ostropolec Jamie G. Perissinotti Patricia Prieur Dennis M. Rivard Rosemarie Moher Robert A. Navetta and Nancy L. Ottenbrite Carol A. Perkes John W. Primrose George and Marjorie Robarts Joseph J. and Mary A. Alessandra Navetta Nai-ying T. Ou Conrad A. Perl Catharine A. and James Larry M. and Monica Molinari Constance G. Naylor Christina J. and Eli-Hadj Fred Pernal Proctor Robbins Steve Molnar Robert W. Nebel and Carol Ourchane Christine D. Perrault Joanne Profetto-McGrath Michael E. Roberts and Clifton and Diane Molyneaux Nebel Shona E. Outridge and Mario Perri Lorne H. Propas Diane M. Roberts Steven and Nancy Bruce I. Nelson Jean M. Overholt Susanne N. Perroni Fernand G. Proulx Owen A. Roberts Monaghan Gregory R. Nemcek Sheri Overholt Christa L. Perry Mark R. Provost and Maria Derek Robertson Jean C. Mongenais David M. Nemerofsky Kristyn B. Owers Valeria Perry Provost Elizabeth R. Robertson Maureen A. Monk John R. Nettleton Louis L. Ozbolt Erica L. Persichilli James L. and Nadia Pryce Jack W. Robertson Nicholas M. Montagano Richard E. Neumann and Rachel M. Pabisiak Katarina Pestaj Anthony F. Pucci Sandy Robertson Angelica V. Mooney Laura R. Neumann Gerri and Vincenzo Pacecca Tibor T. Peter Carolyn E. and Gregory T. Janine H.and Daniel J. Kit P. Moore Allen F. Newman Thomas D. Packwood Carol A. Peterson-Mcarthur Puklicz Robillard Sandra G. Moore Anita and Bernard Newman Dante Pagliaroli Rosemary C. Petrakos Florence R. and Livio Pullo Susan M. Robinet Wesley J. Moore Barbara E. Newton Peter P. Paisiovich John E. and Joceline Barbara A. Purdon Bonnie and David Robinson Pauline M. Morais and T. George T. and Amy Ng Maria T. Palaikis Petrasovic Murray Purdy Dawn L. Robinson Morais Tah M. Ngo and Clara Ngo Elio and Edda Palazzi Edward L. Petryschuk Franca Purificati Douglas and Victoria Deborah A. Morden Thao T. Nguyen Larry F. Palazzi Walter R. Petryshyn Wayne E. Pye and Rosemary Robinson Janice M. Moreside Susan L. Nicholas Robert Palazzi Paul D. Pfeiffer Pye Helen Robinson James Morettin Donald H. Nicholson Faye Palazzolo Sandra S. Phelps and Shawn E. Pyle Crowell Lee Robinson Lynda M. Morgan and Jim Linda M. Nicodemo Linda S. Palcit Eva E. and Rudolph Philipp Janet L. Quinlan Lara S. Robinson Morgan Virginia Nicol Betty S. Palenkas Ian G. Phillips Jeffrey R. Quinlan Rachel M. Robinson and Marion Morgan Karoline Niejadlik John P. Paling Lynne P. Phillips Larry and Carol Quinlan Scot Robinson John F. and Denise Morneau Iviec Nikola Ernest Paliy Richard C. Phillips and Irene Brenda and David Quinn Rosemary A. Robinson Mitch Palmer Russell Morren Christos J. Nitsis Phillips Nancy Quinn John Robson Pauline C. Morris Frank Palumbo Christina M. Picado Irene L. and Albert Nizzero Rita Quinn Mark A. Rocheleau Robert N. Morris John Palumbo Ornella Piccolo Patrick R. Rocheleau Joe Noble Allan D. Quinton David and Marla Morrison Domenic Panetta Ranieri M. Picotti Mohammad H. Rahman Frank Roe Keiko Noble Karen A. Morrison Elaine A. and John Panikkar Beth and Richard Piet Kevin R. Rajaratnam Sharon M. Roebuck Lisa M. Noble and Terry Moragh J. Morrison and Joanne Pannunzio Marianne I. Pieters Rita Rajput and Sateesh K. Geoffrey G. Roeszler Noble Nicholas Morrison Gina G. and Jeff Panopoulos Marcel E. Pigeon Rajput Jenny L. and Brian Roffel Sabrina Notarangelo Paula M. Morrison Donna J. Pantin Wendy Pigott Charles M. Ramin Barbara A. Rogers Anne Novak Richard Mortson Angela M. Papas Maria Pillar Carol A. and David A. Bruce E. Rogers Beverly and Randy Garvin S. Moses Carmela P. Papp David W. Pillon Ramsdale Craig A. Rogers Novakovich Janet Mosher Emilienne Paquette Janice L. Pillon David Ramsdale Ryan S. Rogers Jo-Anne and Fred Novice Shirley M. Mosher Angela M. Paradis Lilianna Z. Pillon and David Elizabeth A. Ramsden Marian K. Roks Marie Nowak Tony L. Mosna Jeffrey S. Parco W. Pillon Lorie L. Ranieri Karen A. Roland Ositadinma Nriagu Rose M. Mousaly and Adnan Marylou M. Pardo Lynda Pinnington and David David Raniga Scott Rollins Mousaly Alice Nuevo Barbara Pare J. Pinnington Eleanor J. Rankin Andreia A. Rolo Danielle Mousseau Stephen J. Nuspl Catherine Pare Joseph Pintur Peggy V. Rankin Margaret J. Romain Darrell Mowat Grace O’Brien Lawrence W. Pare Rosemary Pipitone Donald G. Ranson Linda Romani Karl G. Mroczkowski Kathleen A. O’Brien Michelle L. Parent Barry F. Piquet Mike D. Rao Todd R. Romiens Ann Mueller Paula J. O’Brien and John Joseph and Cynthia M. Rosetta Pisciuneri Nancy Rap Elisabeth Roosen-Runge Jane N. Mukongolo J. O’Brien Paribello Joseph V. and Teresa Dorothy and Nick Rapaich Franklin B. Rosar Bernard J. Mulhern John T. and Suzanne Dree A. Park Piskovic Donald J Raper Irlma Rose Mary A. Mulhern O’Connor Grant J. Park Zoravko Piskovic Idalia H. Rappe Cheryl A. Ross Bernadette M. Mullen Leo J. O’Connor Joan M. and Grant Park J. Darryl Pistone Susanne M. Rau and Larry Norman K. Ross Jeffrey P. Mulligan Diane L. O’Dell Michelle J. Parkes Nicholas Pizzacalla Rau Angela Rotatore Connie Mullins Hisashi Ogata Cheryl Parkinson Al and Julie Plant Laurence R. Raymond Jennifer (Cormack) Rourke Kimberly Munro Kazuko Ogata and Hisashi John and Kamille Parkinson Helene Plante Jennifer C. Rayner Susan E. Rousseau and Paul Robert A. Munro and Judith Ogata Salvatore Parlatore Angela M. Plaunt Anthony and Sharon Rea R. Rousseau Munro Damian and Ruth O’Gorman Michelle B. Paron Kathleen Playle Robert Rea and Chiara Rea Anna M. Routledge Anthony and Helen Muratori Marcel M. O’Gorman Linda Parrotti Dawn W. Pocock Shavaun Reaney Janice L. and Lee Rowe Loris Murer Margaret A. O’Gorman Donald R. Pastorius Donald L. Pohlman Thomas D. Recine Ananya Roy Gloria Murphy Olumuyiwa A. Ogunbadejo Dina L. Pastovich Marlene M. Poisson and Michael J. Reeb Patricia M. Roy Rosa M. Murphy Vartan Ohanessian Dushyant and Anjanadevi Marlene M. Ghanam Jennifer L. Reed Susan D. Roy Walter J. Murphy and Violet Robert Ohrling Patel Julie M. Policella David and Elizabeth Reeves Todd W. Roy Murphy Emily J. Oldenburg Marie Paterson Mary Jo M. J. Policella and Lisa M. Regan John R. Royiwsky Barbara A. Murray Timothy E. O’Leary and Patterson, Agostina Marie Policella Matthew Regis Gaspare Rubino George G. and Margaret Stanley Oleksiuk Beatrice and Bruce Patterson Donna R. Pollock Karyn N. Reichardt Emily A. Ruch Murray Joseph L. and Lisa Olivastri J. Kathryn and Harry Linda A. Polsinelli and Frank N. Reichhardt William Ruch Lisa A. Murray Jim Oliver Patterson Michael Polsinelli Mary P. Reilly Brenda Rudiger Scott K. Murray Rosemarie H. Olivero Jan Patterson Kelly A. Ponic Henry J. Reimer Deborah and Christopher Stephen P. Murray Monique N. Oltrop Jane F. Patterson Victoria Ponterio and David Ralph C. Reiser Rudy Susan L. Murray Carol A. O’Mara Rick K. Patterson Ponterio Hildegarde Reis-Smart Bern E. Ruel Marija M. Musa Karen and Michael O’Meara Clifton and Margarita Mary T. Poole Beth A. Reitsma Julie C. Ruel Judy A. and Roy Musgrove Kathryn A. O’Neail Davis Pattison Michael C. Poole Lisa M. Reive Alice June Rummerfield Edward J. and Christine and Edward Davies Jenny and Earl J. Pattison Gerald Popa Doreen J. Remmen M. Karen Rundell Mutterbeck Mary A. O’Neail Michelle D. Paulley Margaret Porter Denise C. Renaud James B. Rundle Irene A. Mycak Cornelia S. O’Neil Richard A. Pawelek and J. David Postovit John A. Renaud Lynda M. Rush and J. Rush John P. Mysak David C. O’Neil Margaret Pawelek Kelly L. Potter Roland J. Renaud Susan I. Rusk and James Gloria Nacinovic Douglas L. O’Neil Hilary G. Payne Ioannis J. Poulimenos Sandra J. Renaud Rusk Luke Nagel Brian J. O’Neill Stephen C. Payne Dominique J. Poulin Michele M. Rennie Lorne A. Russ Elisa Nageleisen James V. O’Neill Ray Pearlberg William J. Poulos John C. and Sheri L. Revell Gerald and Beverley Brian C. Nairn Andrea M. O’Neil-Lowe Sharon M. Pearson and Rick Poupard Mike Richard and Carol Russette Robert Nairn Nzenalu O. Onuoha and Larry Pearson Deborah and Peter Powell Richard Victor Ruszczak Susan E. Nairn Nzenalu O. Obinelo Terry and Denise Pegler Dan Power Debora A. Richards Robert E. Rutherford and Pam Nakano Goolam M. Oozeer Tracey Pegler Kristen Power Janet L. Richards Carol A. Rutherford Stacey Nakano Edward G. Orendorff Suzanne M. Pellarin Michael P. Power Amy M. Richardson Lisa Ruttle-Maavara Abby Nakhaie Lorenzo Orense Peter H. Pelletier William P. Power Danielle M. A. Richer and Patrick Ryall Irene M. Namespetra Michael R. Orenstein Barbara and William Norma J. Powers Paul G. Finlayson Bridget L. Ryan Timothy A. Namespetra and Marilyn J. Ormandy and Penhale Greta M. Poysa Michael and Michelle Tom and Heather Saba Marcy Namespetra David J. Ormandy James B. Pepper Catherine J. Prekupec Richling Jenny P. Sabina Patrick G. Nantais Louise V. Orr Joan K. Pepper Marjorie G. Preston Vernon D. Riediger Judy and Keith Saby Bonnie M. Nantais-Bauer David J. Orshinsky Laurie A. Pepper P. Prete Virginia M. Riedman-Dangler Frank J. Saccucci

30 view . summer 2008 TO GREATER HEIGHTS

Rachel Sadler Fred F. and Jacqueline Maria I. Soares Douglas and Kathleen Paul T. Taylor Paul R. Trombley Theresa Sadler Shady Richard S. Solcz and Mary- Stocco Stanley R. Taylor Curtis G. Trothen Apoorva Saini Heather I. Sharp Ann Solcz Raymond G. Stone Teresa Taylor Leslea L. Trudell Troy D. Sajatovich Kevin Shea Christopher J. Solet James P. Stopford Kevin R. Tedford Paul J. Trudell Thomas Saks Francis J. and Allison Hali Solomon Paul J. Stothers Diane C. Tellier Kenneth R. Trudelle Nick J. Salomone Sheehan Margaret J. Sonnenfeld- David J. Stoyanovich Lesly A. Temesvari James Truman Anna Sandor Teresa D. Sheehan Karcz Matthew S. Stoyanovich Tina and Andrew Tepperman Maria C. Tsafos Meagan E. Sandor Omer Sheikh Tina M. Sorge Nels Stoyanovich Paul F. Tesar Pagona N. Tsokos Lido A. Sandre W. Richard Shelson and Darcey A. Sorrell Clifton J. Strabac Sophy Theam Denise M. Tunstall Patricia M. Sanford and Dorothy Shelson Ninia M. Sotto Ute I. Strah and Alan M. Thibert Graziella M. Turchi Robert D. Sanford Robin C. Shepherd and Carol Lisa A. Soulliere and John John D. and Paulette A. M. Charles Thibert Anne Turgeon Lou Ann Santarossa Shepherd Soulliere Strang Donald and Sandy Thibert Justin J. Turkington Margurrite Santarossa Andrew B. Sheridan Tony Sousa Dana and Dan Straus Mary E. Thibert and A. Marguerite Turnbull Mary L. Santavy and Mark Brian J. Sherman Cecil C. Southward Barbara A. Strauss Thibert Christine and Jeff Turner Santavy Karen E. Sherris Moira S. Spain Robert J. Street Sherry Thibert William J. Turner Stanley J. Stromski Nithiyananthan Jeff M. and Bev Shnier Mary R. Sparrow Mary Thiessen Alice H. Tyler Kelly M. and Brad Stronach Saravanamuthu Art Shulds Murray J. Speers Dr. Barbara E. Thomas Sandra L. Tymczak Gerry and Jantine Strong Sal Sarkis Alex Shuren Barbara R. Spence James L. Thomas Amina Uddin John Strybosch Julia and Michael Saruna Mary Shuttleworth Porter Rita Sperduti and Ennio Mark L. Thomas Gary J. and Chris Ulicny Barry C. Saunders Gurkiran Sidhu Sperduti Mr. Martin Strybosch Zelda B. Thomas Sue and John Strybosch John J. Ulicny Jennifer L. Saunders Mildred A. Sillett and Brady A. Spetz Gordon H. Thompson Mary Stuart Melanson and Louise Uphoff Mark and Lorri Sauve Brian Simard Leah M. Spicer Kathryn L. Thompson Michael J. Melanson Kenneth J. and Annette M. Susanne C. Sauve Andrew Simmonds Ronald A. Spina Marion R. Thompson William P. and Kathleen Urban Robert Savage Barbara and Frank Simpson Carl Spinarsky Bradley Thorne Sturkenboom Michael W. Urquhart Sherrie A. Savelli and B. Dallas E. Urwin Savelli George N. Uza Michael C. Savo Dean M. Valentino Joseph Savoni Regi Valentinuzzi Peter C. Sawatzky and Hilde Kathleen and Keith Sawatzky Laura J. Van Dam Ritch Schaafsma Robyn M. Van Damme Mary Ann Schachowskoy Carol E. Van Der Heide and Edward Christine and Trent Van Schachowskoy Egmond Carrie and Paul Schaffner Patricia J. Van Egmond Paul O. W. Schaffner and Mary A. Van Koughnett Carrie P. Schaffner Ann and Randy Van Wagner Gisela Schartner Leo J. Van Wezel Sydney Schatzker Brian P. Van Wyngaarden Richard A. Schertzer and Liz Sandra A. Van Zetten Schertzer Gertrude M. VanBeekveld Brian G. Schiefer Edna F. Vander Muren Bruno L. and Pat Schincariol Together Mies VanEgmond Karen and Robert Schives John F. Vani Ernest S. Schmidt Agnes E. Vanryn-Service Fran Schmidt in Giving Kevin C. Vantyghem Patricia L. Schoenberger Tracie A. Vanvrouwerff Markus R. Schoger Shirley Varcoe Catherine E. and Charles Janet E. Varga Schooley Margaret A. Simpson Eugene L. and Evelyn Stutz Mark Varga Margaret G. Schram Phyllis Spivak Judy A. and Richard Thorne Patricia J. Schroeder and Jay John R. and Deborah Larry O. and Sharon A. Nick Vecchio Brian A. Spooner Scott Thorpe M. Schroeder Sinasac Suffield Penny D. Vegh Christopher M. Spourdalakis Charles Thurgood Michelle Schryer Mark N. Sinclair Sang-Chul Suh Mireille M. Vegso Gloria A. Sprague Dawn M. Tiessen Brent E. Schultz John A. Singleton Gisele M. Sullens Valerie V. Veinotte Michael L. Sprenger and Jerry M. Tiessen David T. Schultz Daniel R. Sionov Elizabeth Sullivan Maebel F. Velasco Spring Sprenger Amy Tiffin Jennifer Schulz Marina Sionov Pamela L. Sullivan Thomas Vella-Zarb Anna I. Sproule Terri L. Tighe Mary Schwarz Michael D. Sirizzotti Shagufta K. Sultan and Sam Anthony Venerus Brian Sproule Ronald M. Tilden Elizabeth J. Schweitzer Pamela E. Skillings Sultan Dennis and Carolina Venerus Larry Squire Mary E. Tilson Wendy J. Scilley Jeanette A. A. Skinner Don and Christine Maria F. Ventura Rosanne St. Denis Elizabeth A. and Joseph Andrew Scott Karen and Michael Sklash Summerfield Dina E. Venturini Catherine A. St. Louis Timmermans Colleen P. Scott Julie L. Skodak Michelle Surace Francesca Verelli Kathleen M. St. Louis Mariann C. Timmers Jennifer L. and Toby Scott Theresa Slack Craig E. Sutton Gary P. Verslycken Hazel St. Pierre E. Allan and Beverley Carolyn R. Scoyne Laurie A. Slingerland Marilyn A. Sutton Christopher S. Vertz Anne M. St.Louis-Blain Timmins Denise M. Scratch Robin B. Smallwood Geri J. and Patrick Sutts Rudy A. Viale and Elizabeth Carl Stadler Nancy Tobis Cindy L. Sealy-Duquette and Dennis J. Smart Susan M. Svete Viale Helen Stadler Duane Todd David Duquette Michael Smiles Marc E. Swayze Donna J. Vickers John E. Staley William R. Todd Michael R. Sear Arlene and Donald Smith Catherine M. and Bob Sharon A. Vickers Carol A. Stalker Luigi G. Tomaselli Mary-Alice Searles Colleen and Gerald Smith Swyers Lillian D. Vignone Paul A. Stanko M Tomicic Edward G. Sears Constance L. Smith James J. Sykes Nicole Vignone Kenneth R. Stanton Karen A. Tompkins Lynn Sebele Earl Smith Angele A. Sylvester Julie M. Vikken Elizabeth Starr Richard S. Tong Margaret R. Seech Kary M. Smith Jeannette Syroid Paula L. Vincelli and Barry and Carol Statchuk Murray A. Topliffe and Jenna Linda A. Seewald Kimberley A. and Jeff Smith Pawel M. Syska Nicolino Vincelli David A. Stchyrba Topliffe Terry Sefton Mary Ann Smith Eva C. Szabo Ellen E. Vincent Dan and Marilyn Stecher Enzo V. and Gayle Torcoletti Jeffrey J. Segeren Murray R. Smith Mrs. Linda M. Tahill-Dalley Rosanna Vitale John W. Steel Ann Torrie Gabe Seguin Nancy M. Smith and Mr. Kenneth G. David Vitiello Sandra E. Steevensz and Christopher G. Tortorice Jeffrey F. and Daniela Seiler O’Neil B. Smith Dalley Zina C. Vivier and Fred Vivier Philip A. Smith Richard S. Steevensz Dr. Anne Toth R.S.W. Mary M. Seliga-Lenover Shirley Takahashi Dennis M. Voakes Tina A. Smith Jennie and Ross Steeves Miss Katie Toy Deborah A. Selkirk Tesha Takahashi Nancy Vogan Nancy L. Smith-Wilson Robert W. Stefanovich Patricia Tranter Shannon M. Selkirk-Ferrier Tiffany Takahashi Harold K. and Marie-Joanne Robert Smykal Robert B. Steidl Jaclyn Traverse Bryan Sellan Marijke Taks A. Vogt Gay Smylie Claire M. Stepp Ann Tremblay James B. Sellan Emil K. Talacko John and Catherine Voight Noella and David Smyth Roula Stergianis Candace P. and James Heather L. Semchism Matt Tales Donna A. Voinaroski Patricia D. Smyth-Lauzon Betty A. Sterling Tremblay Olga D. Semple R. Bruce Tallon Kathleen J. Vossen and John Lauzon Donna L. Stevenson Carol A. Tremblay Aerin Semus Kathy Y. Tang Dante Vozza Dalton and Margaret Snelling James K. Stevenson Pamela R. Tremblay Joseph Serapiglia Shih I. Tang and George Vudrag George C. Snider Julie Ann Stevenson Theresa M. Tremblay Anastasia Serra Karl and Jennifer Tanner Audrey E. Waddell Love Servey Nicholas and Mary Snider Linda L. Stevenson and Mark D. Trenholm Arthur and Jennifer Tanouye Leslie A. Waddell Warren J. Seton and Beryl Dean Snihur Bradley Stevenson Celeste M. Trepanier Janet I. Taylor Helen M. and Robert B. Seton Joan Snihur Paula M. St-Gelais and Kenneth G. Trickett Kim Taylor Wade Mark A. Seupersaud Philip L. So Daniel St-Gelais Kristina S. Trim Mary Taylor Thiloka R. Walaliyadde

view . summer 2008 31 2007 STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Barbara L. Walchuk Carol C. Weale Erik A. White and Sandra Christine I. Wilschut Johannes P. Winzinger Michael Yu M. Yim Evelyn M. Walker Thomas R. Weber White Clarris Wilson Sheila E. Wisdom Gia C. Young Jessica M. Walker Catherine A. Websdale Jennifer G. White Erin Wilson Evelyn and John Woelk Jolayne Young Susan V. Walker and John David J. Webster Kirk White Helen I. Wilson Mark Wolfe Josee J. Young Walker Frances X. Wegman Lisa White-Johnston and Jean W. Wilson Holly L. and Bernard Wolter Gillian A. Young-Strilets Brian Walsh and Jo-Anne Barry Weingarden Rodney Johnston Karen E. Wilson Sean Wong Fady Yousif Rainville Kerri A. Weir Jill E. and Scott J. Mary C. Wilson and Thomas Tony T. T. Wong and Dung Lowesa Yousif Justin J. Walsh F. Michael and Catherine Whitmarsh Wilson L. Wong Dennis J. Yurke Lorelei Walsh-Park Weiss Elaine M. Whitmore Melinda M. Wilson David M. Wood Judy and Joe Zabukovec Shouye Wang Helmut Welker Richard A. Widdifield Muriel Wilson Janice L. Wood Adam Zacharjasz Xinchao Wang Gregory D. Wells Nelzie C. Wieden Shirley Wilson Kevin B. Wood Ronald V. Zaldin David G. Ward Michael J. Weniger Ronald W. Wieleba Thomas H. Wilson Stephanie M. Wood John C. and Del M. Zangari Angela and Timothy Brian W. Werbinsky Peter J. Wigle Kristen T. Wilton Glenda L. Wootton Susan M. Zanin and Ronald Warnock James C. Wesenberg Catherine M. Wilbur Michael Wilton and Janet Denise A. Wright Zanin Shelley R. Waronchak Anna West David J. Wilbur L. Wilton Sherry L. Wright-Palcit Renee C. Zarebski Margie Warren Jon P. Zavitz J. Paul West Gordon K. and Claire Wilbur Kenneth R. Winch Jeffrey and Doreen Wyatt Rafid M. Warsalee David and Letitia Wilcox John A. and Janice Hong and Hond Xie Ed Zemla Steve K. West Christopher Waters Mary J. Wilk Winchester Hao Xu Zouchen Zhang B. Peter Westfall Abby M. Watkins Lewis Susan B. Wilkinson and Sheila A. Windle Jianzhou J. Xu and George J. Yasheng Zhao Barbara A. Westlake-Power F. Stuart Watson George Wilkinson Ron Wingelaar Jianzhou Lawrence P. Zilli and Eldred Mark J. Wheatley Graham S. Watson William C. Wilkinson and Alister and Diane Ping Xu Zilli Judith Wheeler Judith A. Watson Ted Willcox Winsborough Heather Yamoah Monica R. Zimmer Kenneth J. Watson Eugene F. and Elizabeth Jeremy E. Williams Janet E. Winter Tie B. Yang and Yi Han Nicole M. Zimmer-Stewart Kim M. Watson Whelan Victoria R. Wills and Peter Carla M. Winterbottom Patrick J. M. Yap and John Zmiejko Jacqueline Wayner Duncan S. White A. Wills Don Winterton Elaine Yee-Howarth

Legacy Circle Legacy donations, usually made through wills and insurance plans, are directed by the donor following much care and consideration and often reflect a life of dedication to the University of Windsor. Thanks to all members of the Legacy Circle who have honoured this institution and its students with a planned gift.

§Anonymous *Elizabeth Gillespie George A. McMahon *Robert Noel Whitehurst Mary Ayris Janice O. Goldman *Stewart Moore *Jerry Clayton Williams *Guy Ballard *Marie Gott Austin Mousseau *Elizabeth Jane Williamson *May Doreen Beatty Austin J. Gravelle Alan and Diana Orman Anne M. Winterbottom *Edith Margaret Bowlby *Dorothy Gray *Joseph Ozad *A. Maud Woodall *Caroline Margaret Bradley Bill Hallett *Michael L. Petras *Hilda Woodall *Lola E. Buckley *Amanda I. Hanson *Lily Pillon Sheila Wright Bernard Leo Buhlman Howard J. Haskings *Joseph Fabian Pollard *William McKay Wright Kenneth Calmenson Richard and Donna Hassard *Norman Ramm *Michael Zin *Henry John Carmichael Robert and Margaret Evelyn Hewitt *Robert Spencer Rayson Phyllis Zin *William John Leonard Carter Graeme Hutchinson *Gertrude Alice Rock *Liisa Maria Chappus Leo Anthony Innocente *Seymour Schott § Several individuals have asked the *J. Robert Charette *Agnes Ireland Douglas Schwegel university to remain anonymous *Manley Chew Sushil and Christine Jain *Gail Sheard in donor listings. *Willis Lumgair Clark *Nadia Jarkowiec *Thomas Shoyama * Deceased *Anne Cristescu *Lucie Erika Joseph Harry, Izzy and Sol Sigal *Eleanor J. Cruickshank *Mervin M. Katzman Jean Sonnenfeld *Nellie Anne Dagger *William Kurry John Stoiko Olga Delvecchio *Helen Norma Laframboise *Bernice Stone Bernarda C. Camello-Doctor *Amrit Lall *Clarice Fayil Tapson Robert and Bonnie Drago Susan C. Lester Lynn Teehan Mary Louise Drake *Elena Loaring *Helen Margaret Tebbs *Rachel Leary Drummond Paul J. Liut *William Tovinsky *Mary Catherine Evans *George F. Macdonald Robert J. Tschanz *Harold Peter Fast *Norma Rose Macdonald *Lady Deborah William Umeh Gerald and Miriam Freed *John Arthur Marsh Kenneth J. Van Meer *Abram David Froese Marilyn Mason *Helen Isabel Vuckovich *Mary Margaret Fuller *Walter McGregor *Ernest William James Waddell Pasquale J. and Janet E. Galasso Ian and Sandra McLeod *Marie Mireille Lydia Whissell

32 view . summer 2008 TO GREATER HEIGHTS

Corporate & Foundation Donors The university’s partnerships and ongoing relations with corporate communities inspire and encourage students, faculty, staff and alumni. Pace-setting support from business, organizations and foundations is greatly appreciated and is a crucial component of our fundraising and capital expansion plans.

Builders Blonde & Little Financial Italian Canadian Gowling Lafleur Henderson Golder Associates Ltd. Higher Education Services Handicapable Association LLP Grant & Mingay Insurance Publications Inc. Casino Windsor Limited Chrysler Jewish Women International Holy Name Council #3305 Ltd. Hogarth, Hermiston, Severs Cassamarca Foundation Coachworks Inc. of Canada Holy Names High School Guardian LLP Chrysler Corporation LLC Dr. Kenneth Montague Joshua Leeman Enterprise Human Resources I.A.T.S.E. Local 828 Huron Automotive Services Edmette Holdings Ltd Dentistry Professional Kiervin Family Foundation Professionals Association J.P. Thomson Associates Ltd. Hydro One Networks Inc. Laurco Holdings Ltd Corporation Koskie Minsky LLP of Windsor Architects & Engineers Inspect X Inc. Ministry of Research and Kel-Gor Limited Lakeshore Logistics Limited IBM Canada Limited John McMahon Insurance Jahn Engineering Ltd. Innovation MEDA Limited Lexis Nexis Canada International Fabricating & and Financial Services The Ladies Friendship Circle Syncrude Canada Ltd. Ogilvy Renault Maxims Limited Partnership Machining Inc. Jones Personnel Inc. Laser Looks The Canadian Transit Phillips, Hager & North McLean Budden KPMG Management Services Kalleitner Construction & Lyndon Security Services Company R.J. Cyr Co. Inc. McTague Law Firm LLP LP Development Limited Inc. The Jackman Family Stantec Consulting Mercer Human Resource LMI Technologies Inc. KSR International Metro Richelieu Inc. Foundation Jackman Business Solutions Consulting Mckellar Structured Lamoureux, Gauthier Nancy Johns Gallery & Foundation, 1964 The U of W Track & Field Alumni MJV Management Inc. Settlements Inc. Professional Corp Framing Henry N.R Jackman Club Nemak of Canada Mousseau DeLuca London Life Insurance Niagara Helicopters Limited Foundation Windsor Construction Corporation McPherson Prince LLP Company Ontario Nurses Association The Toldo Foundation Association New Star Canada Inc. Neal & Smith Meloche Monnex Financial Local 11 University of Windsor Ouellette’s Musical Old York Tower Non-Profit Services Inc. Pfizer Canada Students’ Alliance/ Instruments Seniors Housing Miller Canfield Paddock & Playdium Recreation Organization of Part-Time President’s Circle Quality Safety Systems Co. Ontario Nurses Association Stone PLC Raphael Partners LLP Students Canadian Association of Radovich Chiropractic Local 8 Windsor Modern Niagara Riverside Community Black Lawyers Rotary Club of Windsor Parkwood Gospel Temple National Bank Of Canada Programs Principals Enwin Utilities Rotary Club of Windsor - Pricewaterhouse Coopers Ojibway Transportation Inc. Royal Windsor Chapter IODE Federation of Chinese- Roseland LLP Olde Riverside Winery Inc. Sandwich West Dental The Joan & Clifford Hatch Canadian Professionals RTO of Ontario District 7 Primo Foods Inc. Ontario Reg. Music Teachers Centre Foundation (Ont) Sky Investment Counsel Inc. Research Plastics Inc. Association Sleightholm Insurance University Of Western Foyston, Gordon & Payne Society of Automotive Roberts Employment Law Power Vac Services Tamar Building Products Ontario Inc. Engineers Sherrard Kuzz LLP Prince and Associates Ltd. (1981) Ltd Windsor Family Credit Union JMB Wealth Management The Boiler Inspection & Stoneham Drilling Inc. Roth Mosey & Partners LLP Tim Hortons Inc. Insurance Co. Sun-Brite Foods Inc. Royal Lepage Binder Real Triple G Hardware Company Benefactors Miller Thomson LLP The Co-operators Sutts, Strosberg LLP Estate Limited Ontario Power Generation The Guarantee Company of The Essex Terminal Railway RS Material Handling Inc. United Automobile & University of Windsor Alumni Ontario Professional North America Company Sila Investments Aerospace - Agricultural Association Engineers Foundation for The Insolvency Institute of The Way That Works Society of Automotive United Way of Chatham Greater Essex County District Education Canada Thomas Leonard Consulting Engineers Dayton Section Kent School Board Oscar Construction Company The Morris & Beverly Baker U.O. Construction Ltd. Mini Baja Westside Esso Green Shield Canada Limited Foundation WECSSAA Sterling Mutuals Inc. Worldwide Mailers Inc. Istituto Italiano Di Cultura P & L Odette Charitable The Rotary Club of Chatham William Trudell Professional Sullivan, Istl, Bornais LLP Wyandotte Dental Centre Pelee Island Winery & Foundation Thomson Carswell Corporation Swine Health Management Zehrs Vineyards Inc. The Birks Family Foundation Torkin Manes Windsor Curling Club Ltd. Ronald Mcdonald House Windsor Credit Bureau Ltd. Torys LLP Windsor Essex Catholic Technicut Tool Inc. Charities Windsor/Essex County Real Trend Millwork and Cabinets District School Board Tepperman’s Furniture Steward’s Club Scotiabank Estate Board Inc. Windsor Federation of The Northern Trust Beddazzle The E. & G. Odette Waterloo Law Association Musicians Company, Canada Caltab Air Balance Charitable Foundation Winclare Management Windsor Laser Eye Institute Union Gas Limited, A Canadahelps.Org Governors’ Circle Services Inc. Windsor Police Services Spectra Energy Company Canadian Federation of Leadership Circle Actors Theatre of Windsor Windsor Endowment for Board Wallis Sarnia University Women Abuse Program Of York the Arts Windsor Professional (Windsor) 684474 Ontario Inc. Region Windsor Factory Supply Firefighters Benefit Fund Canadian Tire Sarnia Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Limited The Century Club Cooperstudio Inc. Education Student Society Adine Builders Limited Bartlet & Richardes LLP Windsor Port Authority 1443073 Ontario Limited Donald Bergeron Art & Friends U. of W. Inv. B/Ball Windsor Pride Festival The Dillon Club AGAPE Basketball/Windsor Frame Shop Tournament BASF Canada Inc. Canadian Tire University Young Canadian Benevolent 11:00 A.M. Coffee Club Valiants Encompass Health Systems H & E Comfort Controls Ltd Association 1152841 Ontario Inc. Aleo Associates Inc. Inc. Manor Tool & Die Ltd. Mall Cassels Brock & Blackwell 1656901 Ontario Inc. Atikokan Pharmacy Limited Essex Golf & Country Club McCarthy Tetrault Ambassador Duty Free Store Aurora Celtic Supporters Essex Law Association LLP Foundation Ambassadors’ Club Arlen Tool Company Ltd. Club GAC Management and CCH Canadian Limited Siemens Automotive VDO 452194 Ontario Limited Bell Canada Bakerlaw Consulting Ltd. Centre for the Study of Stitt Feld Handy Group Arbor Management Beta Sigma Phi Windsor City Brisebois Law Office George Murray Shipley & TD Friends of the Education & Work B & B Tool & Mould Ltd. Council Casa Rugantino Bell LLP Environment Foundation (CSEW) Bereskin & Parr CAW Local 2458 CAW Local 1973 Haroon International Limited Transition to Betterness Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Capaldi Corporation CAW Local 444 Compufreight Service Ltd. Hart Educational Support Windsor Legion Track & Criminal Lawyers’ Chevalier Tile Drainage Chatham-Kent Chiropractic Convoy Supply Ltd. Services Field Club Association Club Riverside Centre Crystal Enterprises Lambton County Law Assoc. Deloitte & Touche Dayus Register & Grille Chrysler Financial Services D & A Collection Corporation Lemmo Chiropractic Chancellor’s Circle Foundation Canada Dow Chemical Canada Inc. Canada Inc. Dan Devin Financial Services Professional Corp. Freed Orman Families Duke Energy Foundation Clairmont Financial Group Dillon Consulting Ltd. Mills Marketing Management 780922 Alberta Ltd. Charitable Foundation EDS Canada Inc. Clarks Law Office EGF Associates Inc. Acura - A Division of Honda G. Caboto Club Engineering Week Clearsight Inc. Elgin-St. Thomas United Near North Realty Ltd. of Canada Inc. Gates - Windsor Operations Faculty Association Coco Group of Companies Way Services Noble Solutions Inc. Alumni Association - Greenspan, White University of Windsor Deloitte & Touche LLP Family Health Centre Rafi Systems, Inc. Reunion & Special Events Halsall Associates Limited Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Ducharme Fox LLP Forest Machine & TD Private Investment Becker Elzein & Associates Hub International Ontario LLP Emerald Group Windsor - Manufacturing Inc. Counsel London Ontario Limited FJD Disability Management Essex Inc. Greater Essex County Weiler, Maloney, Nelson Blake, Cassels & Graydon Limited Human Kinetics Canada Frank Lafferty Limited Financial Management Elementary Teachers’ Zone Kent Farms LLP Gladswood Trust (North) Inc. Local

view . summer 2008 33 2007 STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Gifts-In-Kind There is no substitute for experience, know-how and enthusiasm that comes with dedication. Those who provide in-kind support to the university are important to our students, faculty and staff. Much appreciated in-kind donations can include equipment and supplies that offer an enhanced teaching and learning environment.

Leadership Circle Dillon Club Jerry Slavik Uta Doerr Paul McIntyre Robert R. Renaud President’s Circle Beryl W. Haines Lucjan Krause Century Club Mary Kamen Franco and Jelena Magliaro Governors’ Circle Jason G. Tong Doreen Shantz

Ambassadors’ Club Stewart Dawson Sushil and Christine Jain Cliff Peters Dennis and Pam Renaud


Join our LegacyCircle The Legacy Circle is a special group of alumni and friends who honour the University of Windsor with a planned gift. Legacy gifts can have significant tax advantages, making a bequest a win-win for your loved ones and for future generations of our students.

You can designate your bequest to the University of Windsor for a named scholarship, research in an area of personal interest, a building campaign, or a program or faculty of your choice.

Thank you for remembering your alma mater – your university is on the path to greater heights!

To inquire, contact Amanda Gellman, Vice-President, University Advancement 519-253-3000, Ext. 2097 E-mail: [email protected]

34 view . summer 2008 Join the online community: visit Alumni News


EXECUTIVE Now that another school year is complete, I can say with great President confidence that a sense of true progress and optimism exists and Jeff Flacks BHK ’96, MBA ’98 is gaining momentum on the University of Windsor campus. Immediate Past President As of June 30, 2008, Dr. Ross Paul stepped down as president William F. Wright BA ’70, LLB ’73 President-Elect of the University of Windsor. Having been with us since 1998, Tom Porter BA ’74, LLB ’78 Dr. Paul has certainly shared his passion, knowledge, and genuine Treasurer concern for all aspects of the University. Numerous successes David Bondy BA ’72, MBA ’74 have been achieved during his tenure, and they are truly a DIRECTORS testament to his vision and dedicated leadership. The University Michael Bates BHK ’95, MBA ’04 of Windsor is definitely a better place for having been influenced Richard Dumala BA ’73, HonsBA ’74, MA ’88 by Dr. Paul, and we wish him, and his wife Nancy Fejes BA ’81, BEd ’82, MEd ’90 Dr. Jane Brindley, every success in all of their future endeavours. Terry Fink With the departure of Dr. Paul comes an opportunity to welcome new leadership - Stuart Galloway BComm ’87 Dr. Alan Wildeman. It is obvious to me that this institution is continuing with its mandate James Minello BA ’77, BEd ’78 of attracting highly talented individuals with whom to nurture and enhance the learning Peter Neubauer LLB ’73 experience at our fine institution. On behalf of the Alumni Association, I extend Dr. Neil Ouditt BA ’86 Wildeman an enthusiastic welcome, and look forward to working closely with him over the John Renaud BComm ’01 Hugh Sheldon BA ’76 course of the coming years. Michelle Watters BA ’94, HonsBA ’04, MEd ’06 Another item of significance revolves around the University’s athletic stadium and the Susan Whelan LLB ’88 new artificial turf field that is currently being installed. The Alumni Association led the way Sue Williams BHK ’85, MHK ’88 on this important initiative by pledging $500,000 – the single largest donation in our history. Sheila Wright BA ’61 Additional funding was gained from a 10-year user’s agreement with the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board, as well as an extremely generous donation of $100,000 EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Dr. Ross Paul, President from Richard Peddie BComm ’70, proud alumnus and president and CEO of Maple Leaf University of Windsor Sports and Entertainment. The artificial turf will enhance campus pride, while providing Brian E. Brown BFA ’74, President dramatically increased usage opportunities for students and the community alike. Faculty Association The contribution symbolizes tremendous progress, and we continue to engage our Tiffany Gooch, President membership, looking to our Board of Directors and our entire alumni community for U.W.S.A. direction. During the past month we sent out an e-mail survey to 2,000 graduates. The Dr. Ed King MA ’61, BEd ’76, MA ’91, MA ’01, President survey will provide feedback that will be integral to our efforts to refine the Alumni O.P.U.S. Association’s vision. Should you be among those who received the survey, I encourage you to take a few minutes to complete it; your ideas are truly welcome, and BOARD OF GOVERNORS REPRESENTATIVES tremendously valuable. Michael Horrobin BComm ’86 Once again – a warm welcome to our new president, Dr. Alan Wildeman. Audrey Thibert BA ’62, LLD ’04

SENATE REPRESENTATIVE Mary Schisler BA ’88 JEFF FLACKS BHK ’96, MBA ’98 DIRECTOR, ALUMNI AFFAIRS Alumni Association President Susan Lester

view . summer 2008 35 Participation Makes it a “Win-win-win”

The Alumni Association forms partnerships with organizations who we believe provide valuable services at excellent group rates. These partnerships are unique because they benefit alumni, students and the institution, creating a win-win-win situation. You can take advantage of group savings on home and auto insurance through TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, get investment advice with the Clearsight Investment Program from Wellington West, obtain life and/or disability insurance from Manulife Financial and show your UWindsor pride with a MasterCard from MBNA. You will enjoy the benefits of these programs and your Alumni Association will benefit too! Through your participation, you will be helping support the Alumni Association’s programs and initiatives in support of both students and alumi.

Alumni Field at University Stadium

Turf has arrived! Just in time to host the 2008 Canadian Track & Field Championships (Olympic Trials) and the 2008 football and soccer seasons, the University’s stadium now features a state-of-the-art artificial turf playing surface. The addition of a turf field in the stadium will allow more users to access the stadium, providing for a longer playing season. Varsity athletes will not have to miss a practise or get moved to an auxiliary field. Campus Recreation’s intramural programs will now have access to the field, as will groups from the greater Windsor-Essex community, such as high school football and area soccer leagues.

Alumni Field

Events, Reunions and Special Initiatives

Each year, the Alumni Association sponsors numerous events, alumni reunions and special student/facutly-based initiatives. Successful proposals range from $250 to $10,000. These initiatives add significant value to the lives of students and alumni and foster mututally beneficial support systems. For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Affairs at 519-971-3618 or [email protected]

Engineering SAE competition.

36 view . summer 2008 Rewarding Outstanding Achievement

Throughout the year the Alumni Association takes many opportunities to reward some of the University’s best and brightest. Below is a sampling of students whose campus involvement stands out.

The Alumni Association’s UWSA Student Leadership Award was presented to Craig Campagna at the annual UWSA Awards event.

The Alumni S.O.S. (Students Orienting Students) Volunteer 1 2 Spirit Award was presented to Jennifer Fiorini for her work with the Head Start program and Windsor Welcome Week. Recipient of the Alumni VISA (Volunteer International Students Assistance) Spirit Award is Mallika Padmanabhan who demonstrated leadership with a number of groups on and off campus such as Habitat for Humanity, the Social Science Society and the University’s Emergency Response Team. Lancer track and field star Noelle Montcalm was the female recipient of the Alumni Super Sophomore Award. 3 4 Darren Dielemens was the male recipient of the Alumni Super Sophomore Award for helping take the Lancer men’s soccer team to a quarterfinal appearance. Neal MacLean won the Alumni Drama Award for his behind- the-scenes work with the University Players. Faculty are directly responsible for the high quality of education UWindsor students receive. Acknowledging their commitment, the Association recognizes faculty with the Alumni Award for 5 6 Distinguished Contributions to University Teaching and the Excellence in Mentoring Award. 1 William Ma, former president UWSA with Alumni Association President, Jeff Alumni who bring honour and prestige to the university are also Flacks ’96, ’98; 2 Jeff Flacks and Adinda Van Espen, recipient Head Start Program recognized. Each year awards are presented to athletes and teams Free Tuition Draw; 3 Padruig MacIntosh ’01, 2007 Odyssey Award recipient; at the Alumni Sports Hall of Fame induction ceremony and awards 4 Terry “Duke” Snyder ‘58 and Jeff Thiessen ’90, Sport Achievement Award recipients, 2007 Alumni Sports Hall of Fame; 5 Craig Campagna, UWSA Student presentation. Alumni in the early years of their career can receive Leadership Award recipient with Jeff Flacks; 6 Neal MacLean, Alumni Drama the Odyssey Award, and the most prestigious honour presented to Award recipient a graduate is the Alumni Award of Merit. Nominate a deserving recipient at E-Communication Annual General Meeting a way of life Notice is hereby given that the University of Windsor Alumni Association will hold its 2008 Annual General Meeting and Awards Be sure to update your e-mail. Don’t miss invitations to alumni Presentations on Wednesday, November 26, 2008. events or class reunions. Stay up-to-date with what’s happening at your alma mater by receiving the latest edition of the Alumni eNews. The meeting will take place on the university campus in the Take a moment to log on to Ambassador Auditorium. All members of the association are Use this address to update all of your information, including notes invited to attend. for the class news section of this magazine. Check for further details.

view . summer 2008 37 Alumni Partners Olympians honoured at

Life, Auto, Home Insurance reception Preferred group rates Olympic Ice Dancers Aaron Lowe ’03, ’07 and Megan Wing ’03, ’04 and exceptional service were the guests of honour at an Alumni reception held in Vancouver on home and auto as they were formally presented with their 2007 Odyssey Awards. insurance Alumni and friends gathered at the Four Seasons Hotel to mingle, We’d like to introduce you to the logical solution in home and auto network and reconnect with their alma mater. In addition to Aaron insurance. TD Meloche Monnex partners with more than 250 and Megan, fellow Olympian George Short MPE ’73, was also on associations, offering professionals and alumni preferred group hand with wife Margaret. If you are living in the Vancouver area rates, high-quality insurance products and exceptional service. Your and would like to be informed of upcoming events, please contact special status gets you outstanding value! To discover more about the Office of Alumni Affairs at [email protected] your insurance coverage options with TD Meloche Monnex, visit

Life Insurance The University of Windsor Alumni Association has done the shopping and comparing for you! Now you can take advantage of specially negotiated rates on Term Life Insurance, Income Protection, Major Accident Protection, and Health and Dental plans. To see how much you can save, simply go to

Investment Services Program As an alum of the University of Windsor, you have exclusive access to some of Canada’s most From left: George Short MPE ’73, Megan Wing ’03, ’04, Margaret Short and Aaron respected investment professionals Lowe ’03, ’07 at the Vancouver Reception. through the Clearsight Investment Program from Wellington West. The Clearsight Investment Royal Ontario site for Program was created specifically to serve the investment and retirement planning needs of alumni. At Wellington West, we have Toronto Golf a client-centric philosophy – always work in the best interests of the individual investor. Visit for more. It was another successful year for the Humphrey, Ianni, Landry, Memorial Golf Tournament played at the Royal Ontario Golf MasterCard Club. Run by the Toronto Chapter, this was the 14th edition of this event. It appeared that rain would be a factor when the golfers Get the card that shows headed out to the tees, but the clouds soon passed and all 18 holes your Windsor pride! were played without a drop. Golfers were treated to a wonderful No matter where life takes buffet meal and a wide array of prizes as well as a silent auction. you, stay connected to Since its inception, this event has raised over $400,000 for student your alma mater with a UWindsor Alumni Association Preferred scholarships and other university priorities. Thanks to all of the MasterCard or Platinum Plus MasterCard. Every time you use the sponsors and volunteers, especially co-chairs Peter Neubauer ’73 card to make a purchase, a donation is made to the University of and Ken Alexander ’87, ’92. If you’re interested in helping organize Windsor - at no cost to you. or participate in the 2009 event, please contact Katherine Simon, Visit to apply Alumni Officer, Events and Reunions at [email protected]

38 view . summer 2008 For full event details, please visit stay in touch... UPCOMING ALUMNI EVENTS AND REUNIONS

alumni – mark your calendars! For more information or to register for alumni events, please contact Alumni Affairs, 519.971.3618, e-mail [email protected] or visit

JULY Windsor, ON Windsor, ON UWindsor Alumni Working on HRG Speaker: Witold Rybczynski Windsor, ON Campus Breakfast Professor of Urbanism, School of Human Kinetics Class of ’76 Reunion Friday, September 12 - 8 am Design, University of Pennsylvania July 17, 18 & 19 Ambassador Auditorium Thursday, September 25 – 7:30 pm Contact Ian McMullan Contact Katherine Simon, Alumni Officer Freed Orman Centre of Assumption [email protected] 253-3000 ext. 4052 University Toronto, ON Windsor, ON Alumni Night at Tennis Canada’s 40 Years of Lancer Football Windsor, ON Rogers Cup Touchdown Club Reception HRG: Philosophers’ Café, Thursday, July 24, 2008 Friday, September 12 – 7:00pm Dr. Jeff Noonan, Philosophy Rexall Centre at York University Radisson Hotel, Riverfront Room A discussion on philosophy and love Monday, September 29 – 8:00 pm Patrick O’Ryans Irish Pub (Upstairs) AUGUST Windsor, ON Gino Fracas Wall of Honour Windsor, ON Unveiling Windsor, ON Windsor Alumni & Friends Golf Saturday, September 13 – 12:00 pm HRG: Rosemary Sullivan, Canadian Tournament St. Denis Centre – West Lobby author, poet, biographer, anthologist, Monday, August 11, 2008 and University of Toronto professor Ambassador Golf Club Tuesday, September 30 - 7:30 pm Windsor, ON Freed Orman Centre Lancer Football vs. Guelph SEPTEMBER Saturday, September 13 – 7:00 pm OCTOBER University of Windsor Stadium Windsor, ON Windsor, ON Dramatic Art – University Players Windsor, ON HRG: Marty Gervais, local poet, Anniversary Event 23rd Alumni Sports Hall of Fame journalist, editor, and University of Hip Hip Hooray! Anniversary Event, Induction Ceremony & Awards Windsor lecturer “That Summer in Wednesday, September 10, 2008, Presentation Iraq: Travels into a War Zone” 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Sunday, September 14 – 1:30 pm Wednesday, October 1 – 7:30 pm Jackman Dramatic Art Centre Ambassador Auditorium Freed Orman Centre

view . summer 2008 39 By Jennifer Barone

UWindsor Welcomes its Sixth President

n July 1, 2008, Dr. Alan Wildeman officially took Q: What do you consider to be the major challenges the reins of the University of Windsor as its sixth that the University faces? President and Vice-Chancellor, succeeding Dr. A: Challenges which aren’t unique to this University – to keep Ross Paul. Earlier, as he and wife Debra Henderson the focus on what we’re doing really well and build upon that. Oprepared for their move from Guelph, where Wildeman was Vice- To get the message out about the great things that are going President (Research), he chatted by phone – “surrounded by packing on and that have gone on. I really believe that one of the roles cases” – about the University and community to which he has of the president is to try to keep the institution on the high committed the next six years of his life. road as much as possible, to keep our sights on the future.

Q: Why the move to the University of Windsor? And that takes us to the need to develop a strategic vision, a plan, for the next five years. We are entering the final phase A: It is a very exciting university. It has a unique location in a very of the strategic plan To Greater Heights 2004-09 and there’s a interesting part of the country. It sits in a very important part of wonderful opportunity to build on the strengths of that. There Ontario – next to Canada’s major trading partner. It has a strong has to be a lot of dialogue on where we should go and how to reputation as a place with a great learning environment for students. work with the community to articulate a vision and plan. We There are many people who are committed to Windsor and there is a lot of enthusiasm for the University and its great faculty and staff. need to take thinking forward into moving forward. It was a real chance to be a part of a distinct university in Canada. I don’t know if this needs to be a five-year plan or a longer horizon, or whether it should be a shorter, discrete action Q: What is most exciting about starting this new position? against a longer vision. It’s a very exciting time here – the medical school, the Centre for Engineering Innovation, and a A: To be able to work with the people at UWindsor and to help them articulate why it’s a great place to be. To make sure the community that is gearing up to prepare for the future. That University is part of what the region is trying to achieve and to was part of the attraction of coming here. make the message even stronger about the quality of the academic programs and the research. Q: What role do you see for the University in the community? Q: What do you hope to achieve here? A: The University of Windsor has a very important role to A: I think about that a lot. I feel a responsibility to every student play. This is a pattern that is beginning to occur in other – present and past – to do everything I can to make sure this is an cities, where universities are helping to reinvigorate the institution they can be proud of. To do that, I need to understand economic, social and cultural life of the community. I’m what they think about it and what the challenges and opportunities already aware of a variety of ways in which the University are. I have to understand what the faculty is trying to achieve and contributes to the community through such programs as the things that faculty members are doing to make it a great place to engineering, law, business, medicine, kinesiology, nursing, be. But I’m not so naïve as to think significant challenges won’t need and the arts. That speaks to the broad contribution that to be dealt with. can be made.

40 view . summer 2008 Photograph by Kevin Kavanaugh Dr. Alan Wildeman view . summer 2008 41 Dr. Ross Paul, outgoing UWindsor president, with his successor.

Q: Do you envision major change to deal with our A: Being engaged with the community really interests me, as well as challenges? my wife, Debra Henderson. A: Once I’m there and talking to people, it will help me to I believe that it’s vital for the president to be out there understand the opportunities and constraints. It is critical to developing relationships of trust that help us go forward. The initiate a fairly lengthy consultation process. president has an important role to facilitate the interaction of other people in the University with the community. I’m just one Q: How do you propose to deal with the University’s person; there are hundreds of people on campus and that is the reputational issues? real engine that will help drive change. I recognize, though, that at the core, it is essential that I be out there. I was very involved in the A: There has to be a continued effort in knowing and telling community at Guelph. It is particularly essential if you’re trying to what it is that we do well, a message about the quality of the attract resources to the University. I think the federal and provincial institution, the excellence of faculty and staff, and the great governments are increasingly looking at funding opportunities experiences we create for students. That must to be coupled that clearly derive from a sharing and an alignment of vision and with some distinct messages about why coming to UWindsor capacity with the key parts of the community – the university, civic is different than going to any other university. I’m looking government and key industry people. That shared vision makes a forward to working on that kind of messaging and branding. It’s compelling argument to governments. incredibly important.

Q: Describe the need for a strong university research Q: What do you consider to be the University of Windsor’s culture. greatest strengths? A: In Canada right now, much of the research happens in the A: The people. The students, the faculty, the staff, the alumni, university sector. It’s extremely important for all sorts of reasons. and the board. That is an awful lot of heart and commitment. For one thing, it leads to new ideas that society may be able to be put into practice. For another, if we support a strong research Q: What about the role of the president and the university in culture, we will attract and keep the best faculty. There are many the community of the 21st century? who would not come to a university that they felt wasn’t supportive

42 view . summer 2008 of their aspirations. As well, research is a critical part of change in and staff needs, resource challenges, the services we provide to society, whether artistic, social or cultural. Where better to foster students, and our external relations, whether with government or it than in a university? To be studying at an institution where you industry. are exposed to research is to learn how exciting research can be. That’s the kind of learning environment you want to create for your Q: How can you connect with alumni to make them feel part students. of the University? In a very practical sense, governments look at universities as A: View magazine’s Dear Reader column is a part of it; it gives me helping to drive the economic and social agenda of the country. a chance to communicate with 60,000 alumni and friends of the Research engages partners, people and organizations that care University. I want to develop a good relationship with the Alumni about the university. We don’t make products. Our job is to come up Association executive and take part in alumni events on campus with the ideas and discoveries and then hand them off. Mastering and elsewhere. And I’ve signed up for the alumni golf tourney in the art of the hand-off is something we have to learn to do better August in Windsor. I’m not the best golfer, but I enjoy the walk. and better. That requires partnership. Q: What would you like to see the alumni do to benefit the Q: How will you spend your first six months? University? A: I am already setting up meetings. There are some priorities. I A: There are all sorts of things. Let me list three. First, it’s important need to get to know the administration and support staff, the ones for me to do what I can during my term so they can have a lifetime that give a tireless commitment to making sure the University is of pride in their alma mater. And they can help me do that by being running well. I want to meet and talk with people across campus, a sounding board. I’m sure many would not be shy about telling the with students, faculty and staff. I want to hear what they have to say. president if he’s doing something they don’t like. They will be great It will be particularly important to have dialogue with the groups people to go to for feedback. that represent students and their interests. I want to understand the Second, many want and have the capacity to help the University history and relationships with Iona College, Canterbury College move forward by helping it fund some of the things it wants to do. and Assumption University. I need to meet with some of the key Those kinds of contributions are obviously extremely important. external interested parties – St. Clair College, the City and County, And they need to be valued and appreciated. People need to know local media. I want to connect with alumni, beginning with the how they are helping to make a difference and create a legacy of alumni association executive. I know that is a lot of listening that pride. will take some time, but it is very important. Third, alumni can play a huge role in the recruitment of I want to give them a better sense of who I am and what I can students; better than anyone, they can talk about the UWindsor bring to the mix. Then, I want to engage in dialogue about the experience. They are the ambassadors for the University. ❍v process for setting the framework for developing a new plan, a vision that addresses the quality of the student experience, faculty (Dr. Wildeman’s first Dear Reader column is on page 3.)



Bachelor (Honours), Masters in Biology (University of Saskatchewan) • Faculty member, Molecular Biology and Genetics, University of and PhD in Genetics (University of Guelph) Guelph (1985) • Vice-President (Research) University of Guelph RESEARCH INTERESTS: • Medical Research Council (review panel) Cancer cell biology and biotechnology • Canadian Institute of Health Research (review panel) AWARDS: • National Cancer Institute of Canada peer review panel on Virology, Gene Expression and Structural Biology (Chair) NATO fellowship for postdoctoral work in France, where he developed • Ontario Council on University Research (Chair) new methods for studying the mechanisms that control activation of • Board of Directors, BIOTECanada DNA tumour viruses. • Guelph’s lead participant in the original Ontario Genome Project • Advisory committees for a number of national research centres • Guelph Economic Development Advisory Council

view . summer 2008 43 sports Get the latest on the Lancers by visiting Lancer What’s been happening with your teams, celebrations, News events and other activities.

Dranadia Roc and Andrew Coates Named Athletes of the Year

Lancer standouts Dranadia Roc and Andrew Coates captured the Banner and Olympic Shield, respectively, as the University of Windsor’s Athletes of the Year. They claimed multiple awards as part of the Evening of Excellence that highlights Lancer accomplishments. Coates, a fifth-year distance runner from Newmarket, Ont., walked off with the Olympic Shield as Male Athlete of the Year. Coates became a CIS First Team All-Canadian for an outstanding season in both Cross-Country and Track and Field. Roc, a third-year women’s basketball player from Montreal, captured the Banner Shield as the Female Athlete of the Year. Roc became a CIS All-Canadian after she led her squad to its best-ever record and a spot in the OUA West Championship game. The DeMarco Awards, which go annually to the top female and male students who best combine academic achievement with athletic prowess, went to basketball’s Ryan Steer and volleyball’s Brianna Binder. Chantal Vallée, head coach of the women’s basketball team, won the Gino Fracas Coach of the Year Award. Vallée led the Lancers to their best record in program history, and a trip to the OUA West final – also a program first. The female rookie of the year award went to women’s basketball’s Iva Peklova, while Harrison Oake from men’s volleyball won male rookie of the year. “A” Awards, marking major contributions to Lancer Athletics, went to Jeff Flacks, President of the University of Windsor Alumni Association, as well as Bill Wright, former president of the Alumni Association. The evening featured more than 100 awards and capped off another successful year for the Lancers. Dranadia Roc, left, and Chantal Vallée.

44 view . summer 2008 Kevin Hamlin Becomes Head Coach Of Men’s Hockey Program

Windsor native Kevin Hamlin BEd ’89, is Gord Grace. “He has been extremely the new head coach of the Lancer men’s successful in coaching both collegiate and hockey program. Hamlin ranks among the junior hockey, and he has a proven track top collegiate coaches in the province. He record of recruiting and developing student- brings an outstanding record as a winning athletes. We are looking forward to seeing hockey coach, as well as impressive our Lancer hockey program develop under credentials as a former player. his leadership.” He spent the past seven seasons as the Hamlin earned his Bachelor of Physical head coach of the St. Clair College hockey Education Degree from the University of program, during which he led his team to two Toronto and his Bachelor of Education provincial championships and was a three- Degree from the University of Windsor. time Ontario Collegiate Coach of the Year. “I’m excited to be joining the University Hamlin also served as an assistant of Windsor as the head coach of the Lancer coach at Cornell University and with the men’s hockey program,” said Hamlin. Windsor Spitfires. “I’m looking forward to the opportunity of “We are excited and gratified to have building an elite university hockey program Coach Hamlin lead our Lancer Men’s that will challenge for provincial and Kevin Hamlin Hockey program,” said Athletics Director national championships.”

Lancer Football @ 40

As the 2008 Lancer football season approaches, the Department of Athletics and Recreational Services is preparing to honour four decades on the gridiron. While football dates back to the 1920’s at Assumption, UWindsor introduced Lancer football in the fall of 1968 under the leadership of legendary head coach Gino Fracas. The Athletic Department, along with the football program, has lined up an exciting weekend of activities to complement Alumni Weekend on September 12-to-14.


Friday, Sept. 12: • Touchdown Club Reception @ 7pm at Radisson Riverfront Club Saturday, Sept. 13: • Gino Fracas Wall of Honour Unveiling / Locker Room and Stadium Tours • Chili Tailgate Party @ Stadium • Turf Field Donor Recognition Event @ 6pm • Lancer Football vs. Guelph Gryphons @ 7pm at University of Windsor Stadium Sunday, Sept. 14: • UWindsor Alumni Sports Hall of Fame @ 1:30pm at Ambassador Auditorium Recognizing the 1969 Lancer Football CCICF Championship Team

For complete weekend details and event information, please visit Andy Parici

view . summer 2008 45 Any Questions? ClassNews Contact us at [email protected]

ClassNews is published James Ingram BSc ’72, MA ’74, 1980s Geoffrey Gaul LLB ’88, appointed based on available space. CFO, Medair Humanitarian judge, Supreme Court of British Samuel Aird LLB ’84, lawyer, For a full version of Organization, Ecublens, Switzerland. Columbia, New Westminster, B.C. Pavoni, Patton, DiVincenzo ClassNews, please visit: Jack Logan BAS ’76, SUBsection Barristers & Solicitors, Ron Gauthier BComm ’88, MBA ’89, head submarine communication Hamilton, Ont. Gauthier Roofing & Siding, celebrating their 40th year in business ’08, systems, National Defence Dianne Ascroft BA ’84, debut 1960s Windsor, Ont. Headquarters, , Ont. novel, Hitler and Mars Bars, Trafford (Dolores) Tanya Tkach BA ’66, Lynda Monik BA ’78, executive Publishing, April ’08, UK. Ida Goodreau BComm ’81, MBA ’86, author, , board of directors, Vision Critical, That Damn Voice Again director, Sandwich Community Steven Bacic BHK ’88, portrays Vancouver, B.C. Communication from Beyond, ’08, Health Centre, 2008 Athena Award Duty Captain Miro DaSilva on the Shefford, Que. recipient, 18th Annual Business all-Canadian television series, The Jan Hodgson BA ’81, BComm ’83, Excellence Awards, April ’08, Guard, B.C. senior manager, Human Capital Windsor, Ont. 1970s James Boyle LLB ’85, board of Advisory Services, Deloitte Consulting, Toronto, Ont. Robert Bouchard BA ’76, retired Doreen Remmen BA ’78, CFO, directors, Columbia Metals after 30 years, North Shore Board of Tasker Products Corp, Fairlawn, NJ. Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Ont. D’Arcy Marentette BComm ’83, BEd ’05, teacher, Windsor-Essex Education/Algoma District Board of Pasquale Saroli BA ’76, LLB ’79, Joan Butler BA ’81, senior Catholic District School Board, Education, Blind River, Ont. member, the Canadian International instructional designer, Memorial University, St. John’s, N.L. Windsor, Ont. Kevin Bowyer BA ’76, senior VP Trade Tribunal, March 10, ’08, Murray Mateyk BComm ’84, CFO, sales, Sendio, Irvine, CA. Ottawa, Ont. Kim Carpenter-Gunn LLB ’81, appointed judge, Superior Court of Paulin H. & Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ont., James Singh BComm ’74, MBA ’75, William Chng BAS ’76, Justice, Hamilton/Wentworth, April 7, 08. executive VP and CFO, Nestle, distribution engineer, ATCO Electric, April ’08. Switzerland. Jamie Pitts BSc ’81, MSc ’85, senior Edmonton, Alta. Danny Castellan BAS ’80, received policy analyst, Ministry of Citizenship Bruce Thomas LLB ’79, appointed Terrance Coomber BA ’76, Canadian Italian Professional and Immigration, Toronto, Ont. judge, Superior Court of Justice, Business Association Professional of co-owner, Jaltemba Bay Rentals, Peter Proszanski MBA ’85, LLB ’85, March ’08, Windsor, Ont. the Year Award, Awards of Nayarit, MX. board of directors, Bassett Media Excellence Gala, April 25, ’08, Christine Thrasher BSN ’77, Group Inc., Toronto, Ont. John Fazekas BPE ’75, BEd ’76, BA ’77, chair, Erie-St. Clair Regional Windsor, Ont. retired principal, Esten Park Public Karen Thiessen BA ’87, presented Infection Control Network, Roger Cortina BA ’86, BAS ’90, School, Elliot Lake, Ont. the Shadow series, Carnegie Gallery, Windsor, Ont. MAS ’97, product engineering March ’08, Dundas, Ont. Robert Gallagher BA ’70, BA ’74, manager, Chrysler Corporation LLC, Jerry Udell BA ’71, LLB ’74, Auburn Hills, MI. Carla Winterbottom BFA ’87, president and CEO, InfoSol Canada, certified specialist board, Law Society exhibited photographs, carbornundum Windsor, Ont. of Upper Canada, March ’08, Janice Courey MEd ’87, retired prints and collage works at The Artist Toronto, Ont. June 30, ’08, executive director/ Roger Kung Heng BComm ’79, Project, Chicago’s Merchandise Mart, principal, Lakeview Montessori received the Great Wall of Friendship April ’08. James Wallace MBA ’70, board of School, St. Clair Beach, Ont. Award, presented by the Mayor of directors, FNX Mining Company Inc., Thomas Cribbin BComm ’89, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China, Toronto, Ont. 1990s March ’08. author, Cribbin Unplugged, ’08, James Wesenberg PHD ’77, Sarnia, Ont. Mark Bannon BA ’90, national sales Michael Hennessey BComm ’77, appointed, International Federation manager, Programmed Insurance Adeline Daabous BA ’86, founder, VP sales & marketing, Philburn Inc., of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Brokers Inc, Elmira, Ont. charity, Toronto, Ont. Mississauga, Ont. Medicine, Milan, Italy 2008-2011. Michael Bates BHK ’95, MBA ’04, Donna-Marie Eansor LLB ’80, published Health Fitness Management Paul Huddleston MA ’74, research Alexander Zonjic BMA ’75, named among Ontario’s most and editor, Foundations of associate, Institute for Regional Broadcaster of the Year, 2008 outstanding university teachers, Professional Fitness Training, Development, University of Western Canadian Smooth Jazz Awards, OCUFA Awards, May ’08, Windsor, Ont. Australia, Perth, AU. March ’08, Toronto, Ont. Toronto, Ont.

46 view . summer 2008 CLASS NEWS

Michelle Butt BA ’92, testing and Stephen McGrail BEd ’98, teacher, Cheryl Baldwin BA ’03, creative Lee Ellen Pottie MA ’00, executive technical analyst, CIBC, Toronto, Ont. Lambton Centennial School, manager, WSI Internet Consulting, director, New Brunswick Provincial Petrolia, Ont. Mississauga, Ont. Capital Commission, Fredericton, N.B. Richard Desmarais BComm ’93, director, service operations, Premiere Bonnie Missens LLB ’90, corporate Byron Barcelona BA ’04, corporate Adeepto Saha BComm ’05, senior Global Services, Toronto, Ont. solicitor, Saskatchewan Indian recruiter, Softchoice Corporation, analyst, Deutsche Bank, Mumbai, Gaming Authority, Saskatoon, Sask. Toronto, Ont. India. Anne Devereux-Abel BA ’96, LLB ’00, HR manager, Ontario Lottery and Mark Monaghan BComm ’93, Edward Bosveld MBA ’06, member, Vanessa Shields BA ’02, producer, Gaming Corporation, Toronto, Ont. advisor, Reservoir Capital Corp., Immigration and Refugee Board of Suede Productions, freelance writer/ Vancouver, B.C. Canada, Toronto, Ont. photographer, Windsor, Ont. Sajjad Din MSc ’99, environmental specialist, Golder Associates, Ferruccio Pugliese BA ’92, BComm Lisa Bullock BA ’06, advancement Sarah-Jane Siddall BCO ’06, HR Whitby, Ont. ’94, executive vice-president, WestJet services clerk, Carleton University, advisor, Quest University Canada, Airlines Ltd., named as one of Ottawa, Ont. Squamish, B.C. J. Paul Dube LLB ’90, appointed Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 published Canada’s first Taxpayers’ Christine Daly BSc ’03, MSc ’07, Minh Su BAS ’05, project engineer, in The Globe & Mail, Toronto, Ont. Ombudsman, Ottawa, Ont. wetland reclamation research and Toromont-Cimco Refrigeration, Craig Rix LLB ’93, board of development co-ordinator, Suncor Toronto, Ont. Charles Fitzgerald BComm ’98, directors, federal representative, The Energy Inc.-Oil Sands, Fort director of strategic purchasing, Allan Vinni LLB ’00, senior partner, Toronto Port Authority, Toronto, Ont. McMurray, Alta. Accucaps Industries, Windsor, Ont. Vinni & Jakeman, Fort McMurray, Julie Roy BA ’98, owner of The Amanda Dodgson BA ’03, Alta. Sarah Fitzgerald BA ’99, BA ’99 Children’s House Montessori, awarded constable, Royal Canadian Mounted (DRED), director, Boeing Boeing, Geoffrey White MBA ’06, LLB ’06, Large Company of the Year Award, Police Coquitlam detachment, Theatre Windsor, March ’08, lawyer, Bennett Jones LLP, Toronto, 18th Annual Business Excellence Coquitlam, B.C. Windsor, Ont. Ont. Awards, April ’08, Windsor, Ont. Marianne Elder BFA ’02, senior Brian Garner BMT ’96, founder/ Bilal Zia BCG ’04, BComm ’05, senior Judit Schonwald BA ’92, BA ’94, curator, The Art Gallery of Calgary, director, Spark of Harmony Choir, principal consultant, Oracle Corp., procurement specialist, IBM, Calgary, Alta. Guelph, Ont. Reston, V.A. Budapest, Hungary. Vince Fiore BA ’01, ordained priest, Mariella Greco BA ’90, country Lisa Senay-Zannese BComm ’91, Roman Catholic Diocese of Sault Ste. director, Plan International, Peru, Births senior rulings officer, Canada Revenue Marie, April ’08, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. June ’08. Jennifer (Magri) Bourdeau BA ’01, Agency, Ottawa, Ont. Mohammad Mozamm Haque BCS Lori Hasulo BSc ’91, family BComm ’03, BEd ’07 and Grant Bradley Shoebottom BA ’92, ’04, projects manager, Therap physician, Guelph Community Bourdeau, a son, Michael, June 30, lecturer, Division of Continuing Services, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Health Centre, Guelph, Ont. ’07, Belle River, Ont. Studies, Defence Management and Patricia Hinschberger BA ’00, Rochelle (Richards) Dickenson BA Tammy Kenyon BComm ’95, Military History, Royal Military teacher, Toronto Catholic District ’02 and Eldean Dickenson, a son, director, financial examinations, College of Canada, Kingston, Ont. School Board, Toronto, Ont. Canadian Investor Protection Fund, Ezekiel Samuel Salmah, Oct. 10, ’07, Jodi Skeates BA ’93, CWS ’93, MA Toronto, Ont. Patricia Hrynyk MBA ’04, Oakville, Ont. ’95, LLB ’98, legal counsel, Canadian performance enhancement Jenie Fligg BHK ’05 and Craig Hans Kompasz BComm ’94, Life and Health Insurance Association designer-vaccines, GlaxoSmithKline Thibodeau, a daughter, Eris Evelyn, financial adviser, Desjardins Financial Inc., Toronto, Ont. Inc, Mississauga, Ont. Security, London, Ont. Feb. 22, ’07, London, Ont. Jenie is a Stuart Sutton MBA ’92, President, Thom Hunt BA ’00, MA ’07, city registered massage therapist, certified Christopher Laskey BA ’94, MA ’98, GPSNet Technologies Inc., planner, City of Windsor, Windsor, kinesiologist and laser therapist, supervisor, technical services, CHCA Entrepreneur of the Year Award, 18th Ont. LaserMed Rehabilitation Clinic, TV Red Deer, Red Deer, Alta. Annual Business Excellence Awards, London, Ont. Adrien LeBlanc BA ’02, president, Peter Lee BComm ’93, industry April ’08, Windsor, Ont. board of directors, Franco Sol Janine (Cameron) Galloway BA development manager, Association Garderie et Centre de Resources, ’94, MBA ’97, and Rob Galloway, a of Process Industry, Singapore. 2000s Windsor, Ont. son, Cameron Ian James, April 11, ’07, Leslie Lefebvre BComm ’90, Mohammad Ali MSc ’06, software Mississauga, Ont. Pamela Livara BCS ’05, game director, Global Active Equities, development engineer, designer, Slant Six Games, Vancouver, Robert MacNeil MHK ’01, and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Canada Development Centre, B.C. Laura, a daughter, Sophie Elizabeth Richmond, B.C. Board, Toronto, Ont. Jean, Feb. 8, ’08, Toronto, Ont. Rob is Michael Pearson BEd ’06, Cynthia Luciani BComm ’96, head Md. Anwarul Aziz MAS ’07, piping web producer, Rogers, secondary school teacher, Halton of training, Canadian operations, materials engineer, Jacobs Toronto, Ont. Disctrict School Board, Oakville, Ont. Sutherland Global Services, Engineering Inc., Calgary, Alta. Windsor, Ont.

view . summerfall 2006 2008 47 CLASS NEWS

Timothy Sullivan LLB ’00, and Anna Lavin BA ’37 of the Sisters of Lauri Sullivan, a daughter, Hannah, St. Joseph, April 21, ’08, Jan. 1, ’08. Timothy is a litigation London, Ont. associate, Gibsons LLP, Ottawa, Ont. Jessica Ondejko BA ’08, May 8, ’08, Windsor, Ont. In Memoriam Leon Paroian BComm ’58, Audrey Bedford BA ’71, May 10, ’08, Windsor, Ont. March 17, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Alan Pavan BA ’74, BEd ’76, Gregory Bick BFA ’90, March 1, ’08, March 11, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Windsor, Ont. James Plank BA ’57, Feb. 29, ’08, Daniel Bonk BA ’73, BEd ’76, MA ’77, Windsor, Ont. Jan. 1, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Homer Plante BA ’34, Feb. 25, ’08, Leo Bouckhout BSc ’68, Windsor, Ont. March 16, ’08, Calgary, Alta. Norma Popovich BA ’91, Arthur Carter DTE ’72, BEd ’73, Feb. 17, ’08, Windsor, Ont. BA ’73, MEd ’76, April 9, ’08, Howell, Mich. Alice (Pula) Rohatynski BA ’77, Feb. 27, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Edwin Clifford BA ’42, April 11, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Michael Ronan BA ’62, May 10, ’08, Tottenham, Ont. Andrea (Colautti) Mason BA ’99, BEd ’00, Feb. 23, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Ruth Schloz BA ’76, retired teacher, GEDSB, Feb. 1, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Gary Coomber BA ’78, April 28, ’08, Windsor, Ont. John Sherman BA ’50, Feb. 19, ’08, Windsor, Ont. John D’Antonio BComm ’95, Feb. 26, ’08, Windsor, Ont. N. Norman Shklov Jan. 31, ’07, retired professor, statistics, University Robert Dorrell, Jan. 15, ’07, retired of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Linking grads... professor, Dramatic Art, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Judith Sneddon BA ’72, retired past, present and future teacher, GECDSB April 23, ’08, Gary Dumala BA ’76, BComm ’78, Windsor, Ont. April 18, ’08, Morristown, NJ. Donald Tupling, librarian, Mary Eckert BA ’60, Sr. Mary Acquisitions, Bibliographic Services, Stephen of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Leddy Library, University of Windsor, Feb. 13, ’08, London, Ont. March 9, ’08, Windsor, Ont. GET CONNECTED Gail Gardin BA ’76, Jan. 17, ’08, Glenn Watkins BSW ’81, CSW ’81, Windsor, Ont. March 18, ’08, Windsor, Ont. John Genik CBA ’67, April 17, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Weddings Take advantage of these great Reuben Green BA ’64, MA ’66, Sarah (Thomson) Heinrich BA ’06, Online Community features: Jan. 27, ’08, Windsor, Ont. and Stefan Heinrich, Feb. 23, ’08, Sarnia Ont. • Alumni directory Allan Greig BA ’87, May 9, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Samantha Lord BA ’02, MA ’04 and • E-mail forwarding Steven Richter BA ’01, MA ’05, May Dorothy Hallam BA ’78, March 31, • Keeping in touch 11, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Steven is data ’08, Bracebridge, Ont. • Online career mentors archive administrator, Social Justice Elizabeth Havelock BA ’68, & Globalization Data Archive, • OLC Bulletin Boards April 20, ’08, Windsor, Ont. University of Windsor and Samantha • Business card exchange Bryan Head BA ’70, Feb. 7, ’08, is a freelance editor, website Windsor, Ont. • Travel and relocation advice

Bonnie Kernaghan BA ’80, Claude Parker MA ’69 and Verona April 8, ’08, Windsor, Ont. Gale Andrews, Jan. 19, ’08, Waco, TX

48 view . summer 2008 Unleash Your Potential

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*a one-year option is available for recent BComm graduates For upcoming information sessions near you, visit or call 866.419.0685 ext. 21 Building for Better Health

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