Of Finance Board to Meet Friday in Democratic
Hie Best Advertising The .Onljr. Medium Newspaper i-v-inV^«: Published •Norther# in the Connecticut . Town of Enflsld, Ct. BY 30,000 PEOPLE •f...»» Fifty»Year-—No. 23. THOMPSONVlLt,E, COI?N^ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1935 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. This Sticker Is Now Net Indebtedness Amounts to $571,993.62; 5 Ready For Signers Summary of the Selectmen's Accounts Recording to Report of Town Treasurer t Of Driving Pledge IVSl For- the Fiscal Year Enting August 3| IN DEMOCRATIC ' - RECEIPTS Appropria- Amount Over Balance Balance on hand September 1, 1934 $129,648.19 " tion Expended drawn Unspent Refund %it OF Borrowed in anticipation of taxes 226,000.00 State Aid Roads $ 7,600 $ 7,600.00 CAUCUS CONTEST Authorized by Special Town Meetings 37,300.00 Roads and Bridges*; 35,000 37,979.98 2,979.98 2,248.54 Former Selectman Gets Sewer Bond Issue, 1935 102,645.00 St. Cleaning, Ashes, First Selectman Defeats Received from taxes and tax liens 470,174.^6 Moist Garbage ... 7,500 12,143.43 4,643.43 & :& Nomination For Posi- Receipts from other sources 48,695.61 DRIVING Office Expense 7,000 10,614.13 3,614.13 Miscellaneous •. 7,000 7,596.47 596.47 Former. Rep. Hullivan I tion at Caucus Monday ,013,463.06 Welfare Worker 1,200 1,560.81 360.81 By Decisive Majority— DISBURSEMENTS Unit. Vet. Memorial '•& \ : f LaiAont Wins Collec ' - i - «1 - '' , Day Fund - ~ V 400 400.00 Caucus Was Largest Selectmen's orders $282,039.83 Vet. Headq., rent—« 540 540.00 tors Nomination.
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