Sweetness Light
A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Qearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Published Every Thursday VOL. XVIII—NO. 21 FORDS, N.-J., THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1956 at 18 Qreeja Street. WoodtirMge, IT. J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS Sweetness and Light By CHARLES £. GREGORY Avid and competent stu- dent of baseball that I am, I have learned that the ef- fective pitchers derive their superiority out of variety. Holiday Is s When their high, hard ones get belted out of the park By Auto . To be Decided they come up with a flut- WOODBRIDGE — The Fourth tery change of pace. Maybe of July holiday was anything but At Conference a quiet day for the police depart- there's a lesson for me in this ment and the first aid squads, WOODBRIDGE — Prosecutor system. * * * judging from the number of ac- Alex Eber, whose term of office cidents reported on the police expires Monday and his successor, The going here has been blotter. Warren W. Wilentz, who was Two persons were injured the sworn Into office last Friday, will a little sick]y of late as meet with Attorney General Gro- my best friends and severest night before the Fourth, a car ver C. Richman, Jr., in Trenton critics delight in reminding owned by Muriel Geller 147 N or- at noon' today, prior to the con- ris Avenue, Metuchen, and driven ference of prosecutors on gam- me—and so perhaps I better by her husband, Milton, 33, on bling. work up a little froth as a Route 27, collided with another It is assumed the .topic of dis- switch from the ponderous car, owned and driven by Doug- cussion will be the naming of las McLeod, 33, 223 Delaware Mr.
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