Malvern Link Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Strategy
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Malvern Hills District Council Malvern Link Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Strategy Planning and Housing Services Malvern Hills District Council January 2009 Council House Avenue Road Malvern WR14 3AF Malvern Hills District Council Malvern Link Conservation Area Table of Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................. 1 1.1 Conservation Areas ..................................................................................................1 1.2 Planning Policy Context............................................................................................1 1.3 Background to Appraisal...........................................................................................2 1.4 Summary of Conservation Area................................................................................3 2 Assessment of Special Interest .................................................... 4 2.1 Definition of Special Interest .....................................................................................4 2.2 General Character and Plan Form............................................................................6 2.3 Location and Landscape Setting...............................................................................6 3 Origins and Historic Development of the Area.............................. 7 3.1 Archaeology..............................................................................................................7 3.2 Historic Development................................................................................................7 4 Spatial Analysis.......................................................................... 14 4.1 Street Pattern and Key Spaces...............................................................................14 4.2 Greenery and Green Spaces ..................................................................................15 4.3 Key views ...............................................................................................................16 4.4 Contribution of Key Unlisted Buildings ....................................................................16 4.5 Boundary Treatment to Plots ..................................................................................18 4.6 Public Realm ..........................................................................................................19 4.7 Streetscape and kerb stones ..................................................................................20 4.8 Shopfronts ..............................................................................................................21 5 Character Analysis ..................................................................... 23 5.2 Worcester Road South, (between Cromwell Road and Spring Lane)......................23 5.3 Between Redland Road and Merton Road..............................................................28 5.4 Richmond Road and Farley Road...........................................................................32 5.5 Villas fronting Victoria Park Road............................................................................35 5.6 Worcester Road North (between Spring Lane and Newland)..................................37 6 Management Plan ...................................................................... 41 6.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................41 6.2 The Management Strategy Framework...................................................................41 6.3 Modern Development .............................................................................................44 January ‘09 Malvern Hills District Council Malvern Link Conservation Area Design principles..................................................................................................................45 6.4 Specific Guidelines for repair and alteration work ...................................................47 6.5 Opportunities for enhancement...............................................................................52 6.6 Article 4 Directions, car-parking and external alterations.........................................53 6.7 Suggested Boundary Changes ...............................................................................54 6.8 Community involvement..........................................................................................54 7 Bibliography ............................................................................... 55 Appendix 1:........................................................................................... 56 Appendix 2:........................................................................................... 57 Appendix 3:........................................................................................... 58 January ‘09 Malvern Hills District Council Malvern Link Conservation Area 1 Introduction (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and “Planning Policy Guidance 1.1 Conservation Areas Note 15 Planning and the Historic Environment” the duties 1.1.1 Conservation Areas are designated of the local authority and in recognition of the ‘special stakeholders were clarified. architectural and historic interest’ of an area, and the desirability of 1.2.2 Local authorities have a statutory preserving and enhancing that duty to encourage the interest in the planning process. preservation and enhancement This recognises that the benefit of a conservation area, through derived from areas with the planning system. Within a architectural and historic interest conservation area, additional depends on more than the protection is afforded to unlisted preservation of individual buildings and mature trees, buildings of importance, and that allowing greater control over the a mix of factors, including impact of development. greenspaces, commercial 1.2.3 Local authorities are also activity, street furniture and traffic instructed to devise policies for flow, all impact on the perception the conservation areas in their of an area. local plans. The Malvern Hills 1.1.2 The Malvern Link Conservation District Local Plan (MHDLP) was Area was designated in 2000 by adopted in 2006, and contains the Local Authority in recognition policies relating to the control of of the special architectural and development activity within historic interest of the area. The conservation areas. Policies conservation area is largely QL7 to QL9 deal explicitly with linear in form, following the busy the control of development and thoroughfare and principal demolition within conservation shopping street of Worcester areas and their setting. In Road and the perpendicular addition, policies QL3 to QL5 residential streets of terraced contain clauses dealing with properties. The area is largely specific types of minor 19th century in character with development within conservation isolated surviving examples of its areas, including shopfronts, pre-19th century rural advertisements and boundary development. features. 1.2.4 In addition to general conservation 1.2 Planning Policy Context area policies, the MHDLP also contains site specific policies for 1.2.1 Conservation Areas were part of the Malvern Link introduced as part of the Civil Conservation Area. Relevant Amenities Act in 1967, with policies include Policy EP9 for further amendments in 1972 and development within Town and 1974. Under the Planning District Centres and Policy EP10 1 January ‘09 Malvern Hills District Council Malvern Link Conservation Area relating to primary and Policy Guidance 15: Planning secondary shopping frontages. and the Historic Environment (PPG15). 1.2.5 The Malvern Hills District Local Plan covers the period 1996- 1.3.3 A combination of on site analysis 2011. Under new planning and documentary research has regulations, the local plan system been undertaken to provide an has been replaced by a ‘Local assessment of: Development Framework’ • existing activity and prevailing or system. Some local plan policies will eventually be replaced former uses, and their influence on through the Local Development the conservation area and its Framework process after full buildings; public consultation. • the architectural and historic qualities of the buildings and the 1.3 Background to Appraisal contribution that these make to the conservation area; 1.3.1 The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 • local building details and materials, imposes a duty on Local and Authorities to designate areas of • special architectural or historic the quality of the public realm and interest. Section 69(2) of the Act the contribution made to the places a duty on the Council to conservation area by green spaces. review and appraise its 1.3.4 Guidance will also be provided on conservation areas on a regular the future management of the basis. This obligation is conservation area through the monitored through a series of adoption of a management Best Value Performance strategy, with specific reference Indicators (BVPI 219a, b and c). to: Although BVPI 219c was removed recently, there remains • the extent of intrusion, damage of a requirement for Councils to individual elements and the undertake Conservation Area presence of neutral areas; Appraisals and Management • Plans in order to monitor change the general condition of the and informed decision making. conservation area and problems, pressures and scope for change 1.3.2 This Appraisal has been prepared