EFiEI PORTLAND DAILY PRESS ED ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 39. PORTLAND, MAINE, TIIURBDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1900._i^RtVJSigl_PRICE THREE CENTB. bureau for June taken at 1 ■IICELU5IROVB. and N. 8. Pnrlngton, Esq now mes- yegtertfay, 27, nicridnn the observation for senger to the Governor and Con noli, Is p. in., time, mentioned for the post. Mr. Purtngton his section being given In this order: of state of ha* a wide acquaintance and would Tenipemture, direction wind, weather: make a good man for the place. The New HILL Governor also ha* a military secretary, PROBABLY SAVED. Boston, 80.SW, eldv; York.7ft.8W, NOMINATED. Wash* rain; fft. 8, cloudy; who Is a member of the staff and for this Philadelphia, ington, 84 degrees, 8W,partly cloudy;A1- position Mr.Frederick H. Parkhurst, the Imny, SB. 8. char; Buffalo. 70, SW, young Bangor man who has played a cloudy ; Detroit, 78, W.p cloudy;Chicago, St. part In the politics of the 78, W.p cloudy; Paul, 84, NW, clearj prominent Huron. Dak 84,N W, clear; Bismarck, has several terms In oounty and served 74. NW, ck*ar; Jacksonville, 84, the legislature, Is understood to be a can- cloudy. of Leaders didate. It is Supposed Belief Expedition Has Big Gathering Republican Other coming events cist their shadows KILLED AN AMERICAN. before. At the next session of the legis- at lature, Hon. George M. Beiders of Port- In Cuba This Is Not Considered a Bangor Yesterday- land will be elected attorney general. Reached Admiral Seymour. Crime. Four years ago Mr. Beiders was a candi- date against Uon.W. T. Haines of Water- Havana, June 27.—A Cuban policeman vtlle and came within a-few votes of win- who recently killed an American named ning out, Blnoe then he has been the Welsh, and against whom evidence was I, -.-.-^Tl only candidate and hit election Is as- apparently complete In the opinion of I sured. Today there has appeared a can- He Could Only Hold army officers and others who saw the didate to suooeed Mr. Beiders four years Heliographed whole affair, has just been aoqultted by hence. Mr. Bertram L. Bmlth of Patten, the judges In circumstances so extraordi- Acts gently on the the present oounty attorney of Penob- Out Two Days. nary that Governor General Wood will soot oounty, announces that be Is an as- order an investigation. The fiscal said pirant for the higher plaoe. Mr. Bmlth the case had been completely proved and Kidneys, Liver argues that as Penobscot has not fur- he demanded * sentence of 14 years. nished an attorney-general since 1*78, the Americans In Havana yo very indig- and Bowels claims of ths oounty should be consid- nant over what they claim is a studied but It 1* too to how to show the Cubans that It ifl the ered, yet early say Americans and British First to En- ottemot lEANses System many other gontlomen may appear as no crime to kill an American. contestants against Mr. Bmlth. NOT WANTED HEUB. ^EFFECTUALLY Straws are eagerly grasped at tho time ter Tien Tsin. The chief of of >%., O' £$^®Tc of a convention. The fact that Michael police Burlington, Clark remains the Aroostook member yesterday wired the police authoritDfl of the state committee without a contest of this city that he had arrested a mas on staJ* *' was the subject of comment. Two years in that city the charge of having OVERCOMESiijrf® rf£. en a horse and team. The hit ago Mr. Clark hod a competitor In Mr. man gave Thomas Phalr of Presque Isle and the Russians Stormed Arsenal and Sustained name as George Milo, and stated that he 1UAU had been a man named hABlTUAlCONSTlPATIONPERMANENTLY contest was a lively ono. This year the employid by Milo who lived a mile outside plaoe was not contested and there ore Greatest Loss. Douglass, thoce who see In this state of things of Portland. The case was investigated at this end and was could tie signs of a coming event. The Aroostook nothing who to the of found regarding any such man. Later Bur the GENUINE MANT O By Republicans belong wing the party headed by Gov. Powers, sup- in the day the Burlington authorities port Mr. Clark. Mr. Boutelle will be telephoned that the team had been the (3uIvKNIA|Tg,Syrvp