1.1 Background of Problem

Language plays a key role in all aspects of human life as it means of communication. Language is used to provide information, ask others to do certain things, as means to express feelings, moods, ideas and experiences to others. Sapir

(1921: 7) states that language is a purely human and noninstinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires to use voluntarily produced symbol systems.

According to the World Economic Forum report at Davos 2019, the world's population currently reaches 7.7 million. English is the official language of several major countries, and based on data it is estimated that the number of people in the world who use English as a medium to communicate about 1.5 billion people, for more details can be seen in picture 1.1 below:

Picture 1.1 The Most Spoken Languages Worldwide (speakers and native speaker in millions)

375 English 1500 982 Chinese 1100 460 Hindi 650 330 Spanish 420 79 French 370 Native Speakers 260 Arabic 300 Total Speakers 165 Russian 275

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

(, accessed on November 18, 2018



In addition, English is compared to Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and

Spanish. It is the one of the languages used by the United Nations Organization

(UN). The correct interpretation and translation of these six languages, both in spoken and written form, it is of great importance to the Organization of the

United Nations, as it allows for interaction and communication amongst members that are clear on issues of global importance.

According to data reported by in 2018, English is the most widely used language on the internet that is equal to 51.6%, followed by Russian

6.6%, Japan 5.6%, Spain 5.1%

Table 1.1. Usage of content languages for websites

Rank Language Percentage 1 English 51.3% 2 Russian 6.7% 3 Japanese 5.6% 4 German 5.6% 5 Spanish 5.1% 6 French 4.1% 7 Portuguese 2.6% 8 Italian 2.4% 9 Chinese 2.0% 10 Polish 1.7%

(, accessed on November 18, 2018)

Today, it is widely believed that English is an international language or a global language. There is no official definition of "international" or "global" language, but basically refers to internationally learned and spoken language. It is not only characterized by the number of native speakers and their second


language, but also by its geographical location, distribution, and use in international organizations and in diplomatic relations. (Mastin: 2011)

English as an international language acts as a "lingua franca", a common language that allows people of different backgrounds and ethnicities to communicate on a more or less equal basis. Therefore, English in the center of such an international activity by itself will have a global status. (Crystal David,

2003: 10)

Considerations as International language, English proved widely used by a number of international and domestic airplane company operating in Indonesia to conduct marketing activities. Advertising and sales promotion activities choose to use English slogans using offline media (brochure, pamphlet, newspaper, magazine, banner, TV, radio) slogans are usually rarely installed on the fuselage and also use media online via internet websites to communicate messages, convince, and also remind customers of their products / services. English slogan can be regarded as a series of short words in English that are generally interesting and memorable, serves to influence the audience as desired slogan maker.

According to Guy Cook (1998: 106) the slogan used by companies that sell products with the aim of attracting consumers to buy their products. In addition, the company chose to use the acttractive words and image though for the customer or audience, for example: low-cost international Air Asia

Airlines with English slogan "Now every one can fly". Whereas domestic low- cost Lion Air with English slogan "We make people fly".


According to Graddol (2006: 44) sometimes people misunderstand what it means in English itself that has a uniqueness in realizing the meaning contained in the slogan, so that English is often used as slogans for Airplane companies.

However, the meaning contained in an English slogan is not directly understood only by reading or listening because the language used is different from English used in general.

The meanings contained in the writings of English slogans are closely related to semantics. Chaer (1990: 6) said that the object of semantic study is the meaning of language. Again, the meaning of language units such as words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourses. Stephen Ulman (2014: 65) stated that meaning is the most ambiguous and most controversial term in the language.

Ambiguity in terms of semantic (meaning) overview on sentences or phrases in English slogans are likely to occur because they are so designed by the

English slogan's maker. There is any impact if the target or audience has difficulty in capturing or understanding the meaning of the contained in the English slogan, meaning that the English slogan's message is not understood by the audience or in other words the purpose of creating the English slogan ineffective.

In this study the researcher will be focused and completed on a number of

English slogans of airplane companies operating in Indonesia using theory of meaning (Leech, 1981: 23) there are 7 types of meanings. Before carrying out the actual research, the researcher conducted a preliminary study intensif which was to get a job that made it possible to be clear and focus in its position (Sugiyono,

2018: 53), the researcher had conducted preliminary research to find information


on interviews for several informants, namely 10 students to be sampled comprise :

5 people English Literature students from Al Ghifari University and 5 people

Management students from STIE STEMBI Bandung (Appendix 1). The following data are the results of preliminary research that the researcher did as in table 1.2

Table 1.2 Preliminary Research

No Answer Options Statement Agree Percentage Disagree Percentage 1 Do you agree with the 8 80 % 2 20 % following statement that the good phrases in English airplane company slogans can be an effective advertising objective to inform the consumers. 2 Do you agree with the 5 50 % 5 50 % following statement that the good phrases in English airplane company slogans can be an effective advertising objective to persuade the consumers. 3 Do you agree with the following statement that the 5 50 % 5 50 % good phrases in English airplane company slogans can be an effective advertising objectiveto remind the consumers.

Based on the preliminary research results, showed that the informants 80% agreed to the statement that English airplane company slogans is an effective advertising objective to inform the consumers, while the informant disagreed to


the statement is 20%. Furthermore, the informant 50% agreed to the statement that

English airplane company slogans is an effective advertising objectivefor the company to persuade the consumers, and 50% informants disagreed with the statement. In the same way, the informant 50% agreed to the statement English airplane company slogans is an effective advertising objective to remind the company to consumers, and 50% informants disagreed.

Preliminary research will clarify the English airplane company slogans is an effective advertising objective to inform, persuade and remind consumers.

Currently there are large airplane companies in Indonesia do not use English slogans to advertise the company's products. In the preliminary study also conducted with literature study to sort out companies that can only use the English slogan. The number of airplane companies in using to the English slogan can give good influence but the other side to improve the company performance, for example: Sriwijaya Air with English Slogan “ Your Flying Partner”.

Currently, the number of companies in doing marketing communication activities still use the advertising activities by creating English slogan. The role of

English slogan here as a good advertising objective to inform, persuade and remind for customers to the company. In this study the researcher wants to analyze the English slogan changed based on semantic meaning on the phrase or sentence in the airplane slogan. Therefore the title of this study is "The Meaning in English Airplane Company Slogans : Semantic Studies".


1.2 Identification of Problem

Based on the description of the background of problem and the phenomenon of the research, the researcher can identify the problem as follows.

1. What is the meaning of each English slogan of international and domestic

airplane companies in semantic study?

2. What is the purpose of each English slogan of international and domestic

airplane companies in semantic study?

1.3 Research Objectives

1. To know the meaning of each English slogan of international and

domestic airplane companies in semantic study.

2. To know is the purpose of each English slogan of international and

domestic airplane companies in semantic study.

1.4 Research Significances

Academically, this research is expected to increase knowledge about the meaning of words, phrases and sentences in English slogans, especially in the aviation industry. The results of this study are expected to be also useful for knowing the meaning of English slogans in semantic study that are usually ambiguous, so that readers can find out the meaning and message contained in the

English slogan clearly.

Practically, this research is expected to be clarify the understanding of other researchers and readers regarding the presumption and meaning of the English


slogan and also to be a reference material for the practitioners of Marketing and


1.5 Conceptual Frame Work

In principle, the frame of thinking put forward some arguments, laws, theories relevant to the problems studied, so as to bring up the assumptions..

Sugiyono (2018: 91) suggests that the frame of thinking explains the theoretical link between the variables to be studied. Based on the above explanation, the scheme can be created as shown in Picture 1.2 below.

Picture 1.2 Frame of Thinking


Conceptual Connotative Phrases Social

to inform Advertising Slogan Consumer Company to persuade to remind

Affective Reflected Phrases Collocative Thematic


Grand Theory : Supporting Theory : Semantics: The Study of Meaning Marketing Management (Leech ,Geoffrey : 1981) (Kotler, Philip&Keller, Kevin Lane : 2009)

Source : Dalrymple, Douglas J., Parsons, Leonard J. (1980). Marketing Management: Text and Cases. USA:John Wiley. p.483 (Processed)



2.1 Previous Research

In this study the researcher used previous research as a reference to solve it.

Previous research makes it easier for researcher to define systematic steps for the preparation of research in terms of theory and concepts. The clarity of direction, originality, and usefulness of a research that will be done will be obvious if able to deeply explore some of the previous research findings related to others. The previous research is used as a reference to facilitate researchers in creating this study.

In connection with this, then this section will be presented some previous research results associated with the slogan and semantics studies. The researcher found five previous researches that related to semantics analysis. It is used to avoid similiarity with this research.

The first research is from Mehwish Noor, Raza-e-Mustafa, Fakharh

Muhabat, Bahram (2014) conducted a research which is entitled “The Language of TV Commercials’ Slogans: A Semantic Analysis”. The study focuses on the analysis of linguistic tools used by the copywriters of TV commercials to influence the target audience. Leech’s (1981) associative meaning with its sub- types provide a theoretical basis to the study. The research displays multiple strategies used by the copywriters.



The researcher conclude that the language of TV Commercial slogans has been found very rich in its semantic underpinning. The underlying mechanisms of meaning making and interpreting processes depend uponvarious strategies used by the copywriters. The comprehension of encoding and decoding the language becomes easy as well as interesting with the application of Leech’s Associative meaning and its sub-types.

The second research, Murtala Ibrahim (2015) conducted a research which is entitled “Semantic Analysis of Language Advertisement in Daily Trust and

Vanguard Newspaper”. The study investigated in enigma aspects of Nigeria newspaper i.e Daily Trust and Vanguard.. Furthermore, the research work has shown that Nigeria English helps to project its speakers as Nigerians.

Researcher concluded that The language of advertising suits the advertisers aims which are to inform, entice, excite induce, the audience to buy. The novelty and freshness of advertising language is justified for the purpose of attracting people’s attention, winning their trust and swaying their thinking.

The third research, Sri Sugiharti and Rafani Yurike (2016) Universitas Riau

Kepulauan,Batam, Indonesia. In this journal entitled, “A Semantics Analysis of the English Billboard Advertisement on Roads in Batam”, an International

Seminar Prasasti III Current Research in Linguistics. This study is aimed to

English Billboards along the road side in her hometown, Batam. Researcher investigated, how are the English billboard advertisements on roads in Batam and how is the word meaning of those English billboard advertisements. This was to find out how is the word meaning ofthose English billboard advertisements by


applying theory of semantics G. Leech (1981). The source of research data obtained was from the English billboard advertisements on roads in Batam.

Researcher concluded several results. There are two kinds of Billboard

Advertisements that use English as its language; Brand Advertising and

Institutional Advertising. The most type of Lexical Meaning that used in English

Billboard Advertisements is Conceptual Meaning, the second is Connotative

Meaning, and the last is Social Meaning.

The fourth research, Asep Hilmil Irfan (2017) conducted a research which is entitled “The Analysis of Associative Meaning in Samsung Advertisement

Slogan”. The research aims to investigate types ofassociative meaning Samsung advertisement slogan based on Leech’s theory of semantics. The research uses descriptive qualitative method, and collects the data by library research. The data are obtained from

Researcher concluded thatthere are several types ofassociative meaning, they are connotative meaning (11 data), social or stylistic meaning (1 datum), affective meaning (1 datum), reflected meaning (2 data), and collocative meaning

(0 datum). The advertiser uses connotative words to maketheir advertisement more meaningful and sense able. It can be identified that connotative meaning is the most dominant in Samsung advertisement slogan

The last research, Ginting, Enda Christiani Nora (2017) conducted a research which is entitled “Semantic Analysis of Fast Food Advertisement

Slogans”. The aims of the study are to find out the types of meaning, and explain the ways of fast food advertisement slogans. This research is conducted by


usingdescriptive qualitative design. The data are analyze by using The seven types of meaning is conducted by using Semantics theory by G.Leech (1983).

Researcher concluded that the conclussionof data are taken 75 text data from 10 data Fast Food in Fast Food Advertisement Slogans. There are found

Seven Types of Meaning, There are found Seven Types of Meaning, they are:

Conceptual meaning, Connotative meaning, Social meaning, Affective meaning ,

Reflected meaning, Collocative meaning and Thematic meaning. The Dominant

Types of Meaning in Fast Food Advertisement Slogans is Conceptual Meaning.

Based of Conceptual meaning is dominantly in Fast Food Slogans beacause the meaning of conceptual meaning is refer to logical, cognitive, or denotative content, focus the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts, primary is concerned with the word and thing denote. The successful application of Leech’s types of associative meanings because used The types of meaning in language

Advertisement Slogans to persuasive the readers, it is a major commodity in the world of advertisement.

The relevance of the previous researches with the research that will be done by the researcher, is that they have the same focus of research on English

Advertising or Slogan and the study of Semantic. The distinguish among this research and the researches, is that those researcher use only one product or brand, while this research use more than one airplane companies operating in

Indonesia so more than one product or brand. Furthermore, what distinguishes that this research is based on the interest in thesis writing is not in the form of basic research but in the form of applied research. Based on the explanation


above, there are several differences between previous studies with this study.

These differences can be seen briefly in the following table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Previous Research

No Researcher Title Grand Research Conclution Theory 1. Mehwish The Language (Leech, It is evident that the Noor, Raza- of TV 1981) languageof TV Commercial e-Mustafa, Commercials’ Fakharh Slogans: A slogans has been found very rich Muhabat, Semantic in its semantic underpinning. Bahram Analysis (2014) The underlying mechanisms ofmeaning making and interpreting processes depend uponvarious strategies used by the copywriters. 2. Murtala Semantic (Leech, The language of advertising Ibrahim Analysis of 1981) suits the advertisers aims which ( 2015) Language Advertisement are to inform, entice, excite in Daily Trust induce, the audience to buy. The and Vanguard Newspaper novelty and freshness of advertising language is justified for the purpose of attracting people’s attention, winning their trust and swaying their thinking. 3. Sri A Semantic (Leech, There are two kinds of Sugiharti; Analysis of 1981) Billboard Advertisements that Rafani The English Yurike BillBoard use English as its language; (2016) Advertisement Brand Advertising and on Roads in Batam Institutional Advertising. The most type of Lexical Meaning


that used in English Billboard Advertisements is Conceptual Meaning, the second is Connotative Meaning, and the last is Social Meaning 4. Asep Hilmil The Analysis (Leech, Almost all of language of Irfan (2017) of Associative 1981) Samsung advertisement slogan Meaning in Samsung covers the extrinsic aspect of Advertisement language or it can associate and Slogan connote with other things. it can be concluded that applying semantic theory in communication is very important and it has advantages especially in the advertising 5. Ginting, Semantic (Leech, The dominant types of Enda Analysis of 1981) meaning in fast food Christiani Fast Food Nora(2017) Advertisement advertisement slogans is Slogans conceptual Meaning. Based on

Conceptual meaning is

dominantly in fast food slogans

beacause the meaning of

conceptual meaning is refer to

logical, cognitive, or denotative content, focusingon the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts, primary is concerned with the word and thing denote.


6. Supriyoso, The Meaning (Leech,19 The dominant realization Patria in English 81) (2019) the meaning of the airplane Company Slogans: company slogans is thematic Semantic Studies meaning. The main theme that is

usually carried is usually related

to safety. It is not surprising that

there are many words of "safety"

that are the focus and emphasis

in their slogans. This research is

conceptualized in the form of

applied research to concentrate

more on marketing areas that are

different from previous studies.

2.2 Semantics

According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (2010: 1342), semantics is "the study of the meanings of words and phrases". This is in line with what Kreidler (2002: 3) suggests about Semantic is the systematic study of meaning, and linguistic semantics is the study of how languages organize and express meanings. Further explanations are given by Griffiths (2006: 1) states that semantics is the study of the "toolkit" for meaning: knowledge encoded in the vocabulary of the language and in its patterns for building more elaborate meanings, up to the level of sentence meanings. Based on the number of


definitions in general the researcher can convey that semantic understanding is the study of language and its meaning.

Semantic science into a new field of science began with the work of

Michael Breal in 1983 in a scientific journal. In an article entitled "Les Lois

Intellectuelles du Language", Breal makes the framework of a new science program clearly mention the semantics of a new field in scholarship (Ulman,

2014: 6). At that time semantics was still a pure-historical science, ie more studies related to elements outside the language itself (Aminuddin, 2008: 16).

2.2.1 Meaning

Meanings are closely related to language and are an integral part of semantics. Meaning itself has a very wide and diverse understanding. Kriedler

(2002: 46) states "meaning is more than denotation and connotation. "While

Aminnudin (2008: 16) argues there are some basic elements covered in the meaning is the result of the relationship between the language with the outside world, there is agreement with the user meaning, and the meaning that can be used to convey information so that there is a mutual communication understanding related to description above. It can be drawn the conclusion that the meaning is a relational association of words that is not just denotation and connotation only, but here is an agreement used in communicating very closely related to elements of the environment outside the language.


2.2.2 Types of meaning

Word has a big role in our lives, especially in communicating and most words have more than one meaning. Words are used to express something and also convey feelings about what we describe.

Some linguists have different views on the division of the seven types of meanings of the words, according to Leech (1981:23) that types of meaning as follows:

Table 2.2 Seven Types of Meaning

1. CONCEPTUAL MEANING or Logical, cognitive, or denotative content Sense 2. CONNOTATIVE What is communicated by virtue of MEANING what language refers to.

3. SOCIAL What is communicated of the social MEANING circumstances of language use 4. AFFECTIVE What is communicated of the feelings MEANING and attitudes of the speaker/writer. ASSOCIATIVE 5. REFLECTED What is communicated through MEANING MEANING association with another sense of the same expression.

6. COLLOCATIVE What is communicated through MEANING association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word. 7. THEMATIC MEANING What is communicated by the way which the message is organised in terms of order and emphasis.


1) Conceptual meaning

Conceptual meaning (sometimes called denotative or cognitive meaning) is widely assumed to be the central factor in linguistics communication, and it canbe shown to be integral to the essential functioning of language in a way that othertypes of meaning are not (which is not to say that conceptual meaning is the mostimportant element of every act of linguistic communication). (Leech, 1981:9)

Conceptual meaning is completely absent of emotion, so it is defined as distinguished from its connotation (its associated meaning). In other words, conceptual meaning is a word’s “dictionary definition” rather than its associated emotion or definition.A word or phrase’s denotation is what we would find in the dictionary, so it is important for one main reason—it provides clear, literal definition.

Conceptual meaning is valuable when you want to be clear and straightforward with the meaning of your words. It is the best way to choose your words when you want to be objective and informative, without creating other feelings or alternate meanings.

For example, denotation of the word “blue” is the color blue, but its connotation is “sad”—read the following sentence:

The blueberry is very blue.

The sentence is adenotative meaning. It describes the literal color of the fruit.


2) Connotative meaning

According to Leech (1981:12) connotative meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. Someone associates with an expression when someone uses and hears it. The fact that if it compares connotative meaning with denotative meaning is that connotations are relatively unstable; that is, they vary considerably, it has seen, according to culture, historical period, and the experience of the individual. Connotations play a major role in the language of literature, of politics, of advertising, and a greeting card.

Connotation is an additional meaning for a word or phrase; thus, the examples are endless. Many words will share the same literal meaning, but may connote different feelings or ideas. For example : Susie is very blue. If this second sentence is denotative meaning, it will mean that Susie is literally the color blue. However, this sentence is connotative meaning, which means that Susie is sad.

3) Social Meaning

Social meaning is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its used.It refers to the usage of language in and by society which has big proportions in determining the meaning that certain speaker has to use and wants to convey, those factors include social class of the speaker and hearer and the degree of formality. Only part of the social meaning of a conversation is carried by words (Leech, 1981:14). Take saying hello or talking


about the weather. Often such talk has little dictionary meaning. It is a way of being friendly or polite.

Social meaning relates to the use of language to establish and regulate social relations and tomaintain social roles. This type of language use is alternatively described as socialcommunication. Social meaning is hence communicated through ritualistic use oflanguage as found in greetings, apologies, blessing or condolences (Alice, 2004).Social meaning varies considerably according to such factors as culture, historical, period, social class and the general real life experience of a speaker or group speakers. For example : I paid about 50 bucks.The Oxford English Dictionary lists a usage of “bucks” to mean “dollars” from the Democratic State Journal in 1856: “Bernard, assault and battery upon

Wm. Croft, mulcted in the sum of twenty bucks.”

4) Affective Meaning

The affective meaning proposed by Leech (1981: 15) that affective meaning is how language reflects the personal feelings of the speaker, including his attitude to the listener, his attitude to something he is talking about.

Affective meaning is how language describes the feelings of the speaker, including his behavior towards the listener or something that is discussed. Leech

(1981: 15) also revealed that affective meaning is often explicitly conveyed through the conceptual or connotative content of the word used.

The tone of voice is really important to show the emotion since the listenerwill understand the feeling of the speaker if he is sad, angry, bad, or happy throughthe intonation of the speaker,for example : Shut up your fuckin mouth!


Based on the sentence, it can be seen that speakers use rude expressions in the speech partner in a connotative form, which means asking the people around them to be quiet.

I am sorry to interrupt you, would you mind to keep silent please.

On the contrary in the sentence above, it can be seen that speakers use polite or subtle expressions that ask the surrounding people to be quiet.

5) Reflected Meanings

It deals with lexical level of language which raises in case of multiple conceptual meaning. In other word, reflected meaning is what being communicated through association with another sense of the same expression or the meaning which arises in case of multiple conceptual meaning when the sense of word parts of our response to another sense (Leech, 1981: 16). This is usually caused when one sense of word affects our interpretation to another meaning.

Therefore, it is possible to make either secondary or substitution meaning for the same words which are reflected to familiar reference of the word in society.

Moreover, this meaning mostly refers to the taboo, sacred condition, and attitude, for example: Tomorrow is holiday right? Yeah.

In the example above, see that the speech partner responds to the expressions expressed by the speaker by answering “yeah” which means confirming that tomorrow is a holiday.

6) Collocative Meanings

Collocative meaning deals with word which is associated with another word in order to make the word becomes a good phrase and sounds correct. According


to Leech, “collocative meaning communicated through association with words tends to occur in the environment of another word” (1981: 17).

The meaning of collocation is the word meaning consisting of word associations of words that exist in the environment. This meaning is concerned with certain meaning traits that have a word from a number of synonymous words, so that the word is only suitable for use in pairs with certain other words.

So the collocative meaning must be commensurate and in place.

You are a beautiful girl.In the example, the word beautiful only matches the word girl, the word beautiful cannot match the word boy because the right equivalent is the word girl. You are a handsome boy. The word handsome is only intended to accompany the boy's words, the word handsome cannot be compared to the word girl, each of the above sentences cannot be exchanged.

7) Thematic meanings

Thematic meanings according to Leech (1981: 19) The meaning of the theme is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.

Janet brings the bookIn the example, it is an active sentence that answers the question “What did Janet bring?” The book is brought by Janet. Whereas in the next example is a passive sentence which is the answer to the question “Who brings the book?”


2.3 Advertising and Slogan

2.3.1 Advertising

Advertising is one form of communication from the company to consumers who are sent through certain media. Advertising deals with the creation of messages and sends them to others in this case are consumers in the hope of reacting in a certain way. If the consumer acts as the advertiser wants, then the ad is considered effective.

According to (Kotler & Armstrong 1999: 450) the definition of advertising is "any paid form nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or service by identified sponsors." Kotler here more emphasis on advertising in the marketing corner as a promotional tool that can help advertise the product or services that are produced or provided by the company.

Meanwhile, a more complete definition is obtained from Betsy-Ann Toffler and Jane Imber (2000: 13) in his book Dictionary of Marketing Term states that advertising is :

“paid form of a nonpersonal message communicated through the various media by industry, business firms, nonprofit organizations, or individuals. Advertising is persuasive and informational and is designed to influence the purchasing behavior and/or thought patterns of the audience. Advertising is a marketing tool and maybe used in combination with other marketing tools, such as sales promotion,personal selling tactics, or publicity.”

Related to the a definitionabove of Toffler and Jane Imber is not only emphasize advertising from the standpoint of marketing alone, but from the point of view of communication and also psychology that states that advertising is a process in conveying creative messages and also persuasive delivered through certain media in order to influence consumers.


2.3.2 Advertising Objectives

Companies often look for ways to increase their product or service consumption by repeating the image or the name of their product or service, in order to link the quality of the product in the consumer's memory. Advertising uses a variety of media to send communication messages to the minds of consumers in order to attract awareness and to embed information to consumers in the hope that there will be further action (purchase) after seeing or knowing the ad in accordance with advertising purposes.

According to (Kotler & Armstrong 1999: 451) stated that the purpose of advertising is to to inform, persuade or remind. For more details can be seen in table 2.3

Table 2.3 Advertising Objectives

. Telling the market about a new product . Suggesting new uses for a product . Informing the market of a price a change TO INFORM . Explaining how the product works . Describing available services . Correcting false impressions . Reducing buyers’ fears . Building brand preference . Encouraging switching to your brand TO PERSUADE . Changing customers perception of product atributes . Persuading customers to purchase now . Persuading customers to receive a sales call . Reminding customers that the product maybe needed in the near future . Reminding customers where to buy the product TO REMIND . Keeping the product in customer’s minds during off seasons . Maintaining top-of-mind product awareness (Possible Advertising Strategy, Kotler&Armstrong. 1999: 451)


2.3.3 Slogan

According to Moeliono (1989: 117) the slogan is an interesting, striking and memorable sentence to convey something. The slogan is made to inform, invite or influence readers. From the understanding of the experts above, it can be concluded that the slogan is an interesting, striking word or phrase used as an expression of ideas or goals that are memorable to convey something so that people who read the slogan can know the purpose of writing a slogan.

2.3.4 The Purpose of Slogan

The purpose of the slogan is for the reader to know, understand, interested or act in accordance with the message displayed (Nurhadi, 2002: 94). Slogans can also work for community education, spurred passion, ideals, commercial advertising or political propaganda. The use of a successful slogan, seen from how far people know the slogan.

2.3.5 Characteristics of Slogan

In slogans or taglines; language is themimportant tool. The advertisement language aims at persuading the consumerto buy the products.

An effective slogan has the following characteristics: (Dan Taylor, 2018)

1) Simple and memorable

2) Short and straight to the point

3) Reflects the identity and brand of the business

4) Calls out the attention of potential customers

5) Consistent with the business products or services

6) Reflects the company’s goals and vision


2.4 The importance of effective communication for the company

Kotler claimed that companies must ask not only how can we reach our customers but also, how can our customers reach us. (Kotler, 2009: 564). This shows the importance of communication marketing between company and its customers. According to Kotler today communication is an interactive dialogue between the company and its customers that it takes place in all the stages i.e. pre- selling, selling, consuming and postconsuming.

Communication plays a vital role in the fulfillment of all marketing objectives. Understanding communication is essential since it is the basic process through which managers specifically and organizations in their entirety accomplish their set objectives culminating in their success. Smith, Berry and

Pulford (1997: 23) described communication as the act of sending information from the mind of one person to the mind of another person. Therefore, communication as the process by which information is transmitted and understood between two or more people. There are six components must be present: a communication source or sender, a message, a channel, a receiver, feedback and the environment.

Message is the purpose or idea to be conveyed. Many factors influence how a message is received. Among them are clarity, the alertness of the receiver, the complexity and length of the message, and how the information is organized.

A full understanding of communication requires knowledge of the environment in which messages are transmitted and received. For example, the organizational culture is a key environmental factor that influences


communication. It is important also to mention that distractions have a pervasive influence on the components of the communication process. In this context, noise is anything that disrupts communication, including the attitude and emotions of the receiver. Noise includes work stress, fear, ambivalence, blurred visibility and strong advocacy for an opposing position.




The chapter provide the research methodology which is used in the research.

It covers the research design, research site and participant, research instrument, sample of data, techniques of collecting data, technique of analyzing data, and

Organizing of writing.

3.1 Research Design

This research aims to explore various English slogans from international and domestic airplane companies which low-cost and full service carriers using the Semantic approach. Therefore, the research method used by researcher is a qualitative research method. Qualitative research methods based on postpositivism or enterpretative paradigms are used to evaluate the condition of natural objects (not manipulated) where the position of the researcher itself is the main instrument (Sugiyono. 2018: 9)

Qualitative research instruments are data collection techniques carried out in triangulation (merging non-observations, interviews and documentation), data obtained requires qualitative data, inductive / qualitative data analysis, and higher qualitative research results to gain meaning rather than generalization (Sugiyono,

2018: 10). Researcher used triangulation techniques to explore the truth of certain information through various stages and sources of data acquisition from collecting data, displayed, reducing and then determining the last data as needed.


3.2 Sample of Data

According to Sugiyono (2018: 95) in determining the sampling technique in this study researchers used a saturation sampling technique given the relatively small number of population members or studies that want to make generalizations with very small errors where all members of the population are sampled.

In this study the total population of 42 was chosen as the object of research or sample members. The population is still in detail again based on the type of service, namely as many as 29 Full Services Carrier (FSC) airlines and 13 Low

Cost Carrier (LCC) airlines.

Furthermore, out of 42 total members, consisting of airlines operating in

Indonesia, which have the following criteria: 1) international and domestic airlines, 2) using English slogans, 3) Airline with AOC 121, AOC (Air Operator

Certificate) 121 is a certificate given to airlines that operate aircraft with a capacity of more than 30 seats, 5) non cargo passenger flights and, 6) international and domestic full service and low cost carrier airlines.

The list of 42 members of the sample airlines with English slogans are classified into 2 groups originating from International and domestic airlines which are Full Services and Low Cost Carriers. Those are the object of research includes: the name of the airline, the country of origin, the slogan, can be seen in

Table 3.1 below.


Table 3.1 Lists of English Slogan in Several Airplane Companies

No Nama Country of origin Slogan 1 Air Asia Malaysia Now Everyone Can Fly 2 Airfast Indonesia Indonesia We’ll Fly You Safely 3 Air China China Land Your Dream 4 Jepang Inspiration of Japan 5 Korea Beautiful people create a beautiful world. 6 Batik Air Indonesia Journey Begins 7 Hongkong, China Fly with Us and Travel Well 8 Cebu Pacific Filipina Let's Take to the Sky 9 China Airlines China Journey with a caring smile 10 China Eastern China World-Class Hospitality with Airlines Eastern Charm 11 China Southern China Fly into your dreams Airlines 12 Citilink Indonesia Better fly, Citilink 13 Uni Emirate Arab Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering 14 Ethiopian Airlines Ethopia The New Spirit of Africa 15 Uni Emirat Arab Flying towards a better future 16 EVA Air Taiwan Just Relax, Your Home in The Air 17 Flynas Saudi Arabia The Kingdom's First Low-Cost Airline 18 Garuda Indonesia Indonesia The Airline of Indonesia 19 Japan Airlines Jepang Fly for it 20 Jetstar Airways Australia Australia's No. 1 Low Fares Airline 21 KLM Royal Dutch Belanda Journeys of Inspiration 22 Korea Excellence in Flight 23 Lion Air Indonesia We make people fly 24 Malaysia More than just an airline code. 25 Malindo Air Malaysia Not Just Low Cost 26 Nam Air Indonesia Your flying Partner 27 Oman Airlines Oman Modern Vision. Timeless Traditions 28 Philippine Airlines Filipina The Heart of the Filipino 29 Qantas Air Australia The Spirit of Australia


30 Qatar Going Places Together 31 Royal Brunai Brunei Giving the world Asia's best Airlines 32 Scoot Singapura Get Outta Here! 33 SilkAir Singapura where the world unwinds 34 Singapura A Great Way to Fly 35 Sri Lankan Airlines Srilangka You're Our World 36 Sriwijaya Air Indonesia Your Flying Partner 37 Thailand Smooth as silk 38 Tigerair Singapura Get The Real Deal 39 Turkish Airlines Turki Widen Your World 40 Australia Now You're Flying 41 Wing Air Indonesia Fly Is Cheap 42 Xiamen Airlines China New horizons with Xiamen Air

Furthermore, 42 sample airline members with English slogans are sorted into 13 international dan domestic low-cost carriers according to customer segmentation. It can be seen in Table 3.2 below.

Table 3.2 Lists of Low-Cost Carrier (LCC)

No Nama Country of origin Slogan 1. Air Asia Malaysia Now Everyone Can Fly 2. Cebu Pacific Filipina Let's Take to the Sky 3. Citilink Indonesia Better fly, Citilink 4. Flynas Saudi Arabia The Kingdom's First Low-Cost Airline 5. Jetstar Airways Australia Australia's No. 1 Low Fares Airline 6. Lion Air Indonesia We make people fly 7. Malindo Air Malaysia Not Just Low Cost 8. Scoot Singapura Get Outta Here! 9. SilkAir Singapura where the world unwinds 10. Tigerair Singapura Get The Real Deal 11. Virgin Australia Australia Now You're Flying 12 Wing Air Indonesia Fly Is Cheap 13 Xiamen Airlines China New horizons with Xiamen Air


As for the data from 29 international and domestic full service airlines can be seen from table 3.3 below.

Table 3.3 Lists of Full Service Carrier (FSC)

No Nama Country of origin Slogan 1 Airfast Indonesia Indonesia We’ll Fly You Safely 2 Air China China Land Your Dream 3 All Nippon Airways Jepang Inspiration of Japan 4 Asiana Airlines Korea Beautiful people create a beautiful world. 5 Batik Air Indonesia Journey Begins 6 Cathay Pacific Hongkong, China Fly with Us and Travel Well 7 China Airlines China Journey with a caring smile 8 China Eastern China World-Class Hospitality with Airlines Eastern Charm 9 China Southern China Fly into your dreams Airlines 10 Emirates Uni Emirate Arab Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering 11 Ethiopian Airlines Ethopia The New Spirit of Africa 12 Etihad Airways Uni Emirat Arab Flying towards a better future 13 EVA Air Taiwan Just Relax, Your Home in The Air 14 Garuda Indonesia Indonesia The Airline of Indonesia 15 Japan Airlines Jepang 16 KLM Royal Dutch Belanda Journeys of Inspiration 17 Korean Air Korea Excellence in Flight 18 Malaysia Airlines Malaysia More than just an airline code. 19 Nam Air Indonesia Your flying Partner 20 Oman Airlines Oman Modern Vision. Timeless Traditions 21 Philippine Airlines Filipina The Heart of the Filipino 22 Qantas Air Australia The Spirit of Australia

23 Qatar Airways Qatar Going Places Together 24 Royal Brunai Brunei Giving the world Asia's best Airlines 25 Singapore Airlines Singapura A Great Way to Fly 26 Sri Lankan Airlines Srilangka You're Our World


27 Sriwijaya Air Indonesia Your Flying Partner 28 Thai Airways Thailand Smooth as silk 29 Turkish Airlines Turki Widen Your World

3.3 Research Instrument

According to Sugiyono (2018: 101) In research that is an instrument or research that is a research in itself, which supports this researcher as a planner, executor of analysis and data collector as well as being a breaker of research results. Therefore researchers must have extensive insight into what will be announced.

Furthermore according to (Arikunto, 2013: 203) research instruments are tools or facilities used by researchers in collecting data so that their work is easier and produces better in the sense of being more careful, complete and systematic so that it is easier to process. Type of research instrument questionnaire, checklist

(checklist) or checklist. Ceklis is a list of variables whose data will be collected.

In this case the researcher only gives a sign or tally for every appearance of the proposed sign.

3.4 Techniques of Collecting Data

Data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research, because the main purpose of the research is to obtain data. Without knowing the correct data collection techniques, the study will not get data that meets the specified data standard, Sugiyono (2018: 104).


Various types of data collection techniques :

3.4.1 Data Collection with Observation

Nasution in Sugiyono (2018: 106) states that observation is the basis of all science. Scientists can only work based on data, facts about the world of reality obtained through observation. Marshall in Sugiyono (2018: 106) states that through observation, researchers learn about the behavior and meaning of the behavior.

Sanafiah Faisal in Sugiyono (2018: 106) classifies observations into:

1) Participatory Observation

In this observation researchers are involved with the daily activities of people who are being observed or used as research data sources.

Susan Stainback in Sugiyono (2018: 107) states, In participatory observation, researchers observe what people are doing, listen to what they say and participate in their activities.

As it has been stated that this observation can be classified into four : a) Passive participation, in this case the researcher comes to the place of activity

of the invited person, but is not involved in the activity. b) Moderate participation, in this observation lies among researchers being

insiders with outsiders. The researcher in collecting data participated in

participatory observation in several activities, but not all of them. c) Active participation, in this observation researchers participate in doing what

the resource person does, but it is not complete.


d) Complete participation, in carrying out data collection. This is part of the

highest research compared to the activities offered.

2) Non Disguised Observation or Disguised Observation

According to Sugiyono (2018: 108) in the case of researchers conducting data collection stating frankly to the data source, that he was conducting research.

So those who were studied knew from the beginning to the end of the research activity. But in a moment the researcher is also not Non Disguised Observation or disguised in observation, this is to avoid if the data sought is data that is still kept secret. Possibly if done frankly, the researcher will not be allowed to make observations.

3) Unstructured Observation

According to Sugiyono (2018: 109) Unstructured observation is observation that is not systematically prepared about what will be observed. This will be done because the researcher does not know exactly what will be observed. In conducting observations, researchers did not use standardized instruments, but only in the form of observation signs.

3.4.2 Data Collection with Interviews

According to Esterberg in Sugiyono (2018: 115) defining interviews is a meeting of two people to exchange information and ideas through question and answer, so that meaning can be constructed in a particular topic. Furthermore, it presents a number of types of interviews, namely: structured, semi-structured, and unstructured interviews.


a. Structured Interview.

Structured interviews are used as a technique for collecting data, if the researcher or data collector knows for sure what information will be obtained.

Therefore in conducting interviews, data collectors have prepared research instruments in the form of written questions that are alternative answers have also been prepared. b. Semi-structural Interview.

This type of interview is included in the category of dept interviews, where in its implementation it is freer when compared to structured interviews. The purpose of this type of interview is to find problems more openly, where the parties invited to interview are asked for their opinions and ideas. In conducting interviews, researchers need to listen carefully and record what was said by the informant. c. Unstructured Interview

Unstructured interviews are free interviews where researchers do not use interview guidelines that have been systematically arranged and complete for data collection. The interview guide used is only an outline of the problems to be asked.

3.4.3 Techniques for Collecting data with Documents

According to Sugiyono (2018: 124) the study of documents is a complement to the use of observation and interview methods in qualitative research. Research results from observations or interviews will be more credible if supported by a personal history of life in childhood, school, community, and autobiography. The


results of the study will also be more credible if supported by photographs or academic papers.

3.4.4 Triangulation

Triangulation is defined as a technique of data collection that is related to various techniques for collecting data and existing data sources. If the researcher conducts data collection in triangulation, the researcher actually collects data which simultaneously tests the credibility of the data, namely checking the credibility of the data with various data collection techniques and various data sources.

The data collection techniques used in this study are as follows:

1) Literature review

This literature review was conducted to obtain secondary data, namely by searching for and studying various theories that have to do with the problem being studied. In addition, researchers also collect and process data from journals and articles and through various internet sites.

2) Interview

The interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information and ideas through question and answer, so that meaning can be constructed in a particular topic (Sugiyono, 2018: 116).

The researcher uses semi-structured interviews. The aim is to find problems and solutions more openly. Through semistructural interviews researchers also prepare a list of questions or interview guidelines so that data sources can answer


questions according to a list of questions that the researchers have prepared in advance.

3) Observation

According to Nasution in Sugiyono (2018: 109) the data decided by the researchers will be able to discuss data, and a holistic view and not be revealed by interviews. With matters relating to observation, researchers can find things that will not be revealed by the respondent, things outside the perception of the respondent so that researchers can learn more and obtain personal images that are developing social situations of the objects discussed .

4) Triangulation

According to Sugiyono (2018: 115) In the technique of collecting data, triangulation is interpreted as a Data Collection Technique that is a combination of various Data Techniques and existing data sources. If the researcher conducts data collection using triangulation, the researcher actually collects data which simultaneously tests the credibility of the data, namely checking the credibility of the data with Data Collection Techniques and various data sources.

Based on Leech data collection (1981), literature review, indepth interview , observation, and advertising model objective Table 2.3 by Kotler & Armstong

(1999), the characteristics of seven types of meanings are carried out to reduce and avoid ambiguous meanings as in table 3.4.


Table 3.4 The Characteristics of Seven Type Meanings

No Meanings Leech (1981) Characteristics

1 Conceptual Logical, . It refers to the dictionary meaning Meaning cognitive, or which indicates the concepts denotative . It is completely absent of emotion content . It provides clear, literal definition. 2 Connotative What is . It refers to the associations that are Meaning communicated connected to a certain word by virtue of what . It refers to the associations the language refers emotional suggestions related to that to. word . It is an additional meaning for a word or phrase . The connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings. 3 Social What is . It refers to the usage of language in Meaning communicated of and by society which has big the social proportions in determining the circumstances of meaning that certain speaker has to language use. use and wants to convey . those factors include social class of the speaker and hearer and the degree of formality . Only part of the social meaning of a conversation is carried by words. . Social meaning relates to the use of language to establish and regulate social relations and to maintain social roles. 4 Affective What is . It refers to the speaker’s feeling / Meaning communicated of attitude towards the content or the the feelings and ongoing context. attitudes of the . The tone of voice is really important speaker/writer to show the emotion since the listener will understand the feeling of the speaker if he is sad, angry, bad, or happy through the intonation of the speaker . It is important to remember that each individual will have a different affective meaning for a word.


5 Reflective What is . It refers to terms which have more Meaning communicated than one meaning surfaces at the through same time, so there is a kind of association with ambiguity. another sense of . The meaning which arises in case of the same multiple conceptual meaning when expression the sense of word parts of our response to another sense . . it is possible to make either secondary or substitution meaning for the same words which are reflected to familiar reference of the word in society. . This meaning mostly refers to the taboo, sacred condition, and attitude. 6 Collocative What is . It refers to the associations a word Meaning communicated acquires on account of the through meanings of words which tend to association with occur in its environment. words whichtend . it is that part of the word-meaning to occur in the suggested by the words that go before environment of or come after a word in question. another word. . This meaning is concerned with certain meaning traits that have a word from a number of synonymous words. . The word is only suitable for use in pairs with certain other words 7 Thematic What is . It relates to or constitutes a topic of Meaning communicated by discourse the way which the . The meaning that the word conveys message is is that of something that is connected organised in terms with the theme of something of order and . The meaning of the theme is emphasis. communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.

Data obtained from observations, semi-structured interviews and documents that can be linked to clarify what is on the object of research. So that through data


triangulation can be guaranteed the certainty of the data obtained and at the same time the credibility of the data has been tested.

3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and compiling data obtained from observations, interviews, field notes and documentation. How to organize data into categories, describe into units, synthesize, arrange into patterns, choose which ones are important and which will be learned and finally make conclusions so that they are easily understood by themselves and others.

According to Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2018: 133) argues that activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out continuously until complete, so that the data is saturated. Activities in data analysis include: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing / verification.

The steps of data analysis according to Sugiyono (2018: 134) are shown in the following picture 3.1:



Picture 3.1 The Steps of Data Analysis


3.5.1 Data Collection

According to Sugiyono (2018: 134) the combination of the three data collection (triangulation) is carried out for days, maybe months, so that the data obtained will be many.

3.5.2 Data Reduction

Data reduction is a sensitive thinking process that requires intelligence and breadth and high depth of insight. For researchers who are new, data reduction can be discussed with friends or others discussed by experts. Furthermore, through the discussion, the researchers' insights will develop, so that data reduces data that has significant findings and theoretical development values (Sugiyono,

2018: 137).

Data that has been reduced will provide a clear picture thus it will facilitate the researcher in collecting further data. The researcher will focus on the goals to be achieved by selecting the data to be used, and will discard it if the data has nothing to do with the context of the research objectives (Sugiyono, 2018: 137).

3.5.3 Data Display

This display data can be done in the form of tables, graphs, phie cards, ictograms and the like. Through the data display, the data is organized, arranged in a relationship pattern, so that it will be more easily understood (Sugiyono,

2018: 137).

3.5.4 Conclusion Drawing / Verification

The third step in this research is conclusions and verification. The initial conclusions put forward are still temporary, and will change if no strong evidence


is found that supports the next stage of data collection. But if the conclusions put forward at the initial stage are supported by valid and consistent evidence when the researcher returns to the field of collecting data, then the conclusions are credible.

The conclusions in qualitative research are new findings that have never before existed. The findings of the data in the form of a description or description of a project that was previously still dim or dark so that after being researched it becomes clearer, it can be a causal or interactive relationship, hypothesis or theory

(Sugiyono, 2018: 141).

Based on the description from points 1 to 4 above, from the unit analysis object, there are 42 airlines that use English slogans operating in Indonesia and supported by accurate data. As an initial conclusion according to Picture 2.1

Frame of Thinking that one of the International airlines that received a positive response from customers was Air Asia Airline and the domestic company that received a negative response from customers was Lion Airline.

3.6 Organization of Writing

The research is organized into five chapter as follows :

Chapter I : Introduction

This chapter presents the research foundation including background of problems, identification of problem, purposes of research, significances of research, frame of thinking, and organization of writing. The keys of comprehending this research are provided in this chapter.


Chapter II : Literary Review

This chapter discusses the various theories relevant to the problem under study.

The literature review is the result of a search of literature on the same topic of research. This is supportive evidence that the topic or material under study is an important issue.

Chapter III : Methodology

This chapter describes in detail the methods used in the study which include: data resources, methods of research, techniques of data collection, and step of analysis.

Chapter IV : Analysis

This chapter displays all results of data analysis. The research questions meet the answers in this chapter. To make it clearer for the readers, the researcher conveys the discussions of the findings.

Chapter V : Conclusions and Suggestions

The conclusion is the crystallization of the results of analysis and interpretation.

Conclusions may be new opinions or correction of old opinions. Suggestion is a continuation of conclusion, often a recommendation



4.1 The meaning of each English slogan of international and domestic airplane companies

In this chapter the researcher will focus on discussing the problems that have been displayed in the background and set out in two problem questions such as those presented in point 1.2 of problem identification.

In discussing this research, researcher has collected and processed data from

42 airplanes using English slogans operating in Indonesia. After that the second step is to discuss english airplanes slogans by the researcher to find their meaning by linking the objectives of airplanes to carry out advertising activities according to Kotler (1999: 451) which includes: to inform, to persuade, and to remind.

The first step is the English slogans of the airplanes by researcher to find meaning by using the semantic study approach namely Seven Type Meaning according to Leech (1981: 23) consisting of: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, and collocative meaning.

According to characteristics of seven type meanings Table 3.2, conceptual meaning is logical, cognitive, or denotative content.

1. It refers to the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts.

2. It is completely absent of emotion.



3. It provides clear, literal definition.

Based on Leech Theory, analysis of Conceptual Meaning on 42 airlines that use English slogans. The results of the analysis of a number of airlines including

Conceptual Meaning can be explained as follows:

Data : Air Asia (1) Slogan : Now Everyone Can Fly Analysis :

A word Fly according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition is to travel by aircraft, or to go somewhere or cross something in an aircraft. A word Now has meaning is under the present circumstances; as a result of something that has recently happened. Everyone Can Fly can be considered that flying is possible and achievable by everyone around any corner of the world.

Based on data company in website Air Asia, the meaning of Now Everyone Can

Fly is traveling by aircraft is possible and achievable by everyone around any corner of the world under the present circumstances of low cost carrier. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Conceptual Meaning because it refers to the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts and it provides clear, literal definition.

Data : Etihad Airways (15) Slogan : From Abu Dhabi to the world

Analysis : A word From according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

4th is used to show the place where someone or something starts. From Abu

Dhabi to the world can be considered the airlines focuses on promoting the airline’s services and its global reach. Based on data company in Etihad, This is not a rebranding exercise, but a continuation of the brand story drawing from the


values of our home in Abu Dhabi and our inspiration from around the world.

Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Conceptual

Meaning because it refers to the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts and it provides clear, literal definition.

Data : Flynas (17) Slogan : The Kingdom's First Low-Cost Airline

Analysis : A word low-cost according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary 4th is cheap, or not costing as much as other things of the same type.

The Kingdom's First Low-Cost Airline is the national Saudi Carrier and the leading low cost airline in the Middle East with a fleet of 30 Airbus A320

Aircraft, operating over 1,100 flights weekly to 17 domestic destinations and 53 international destinations. Based on data company, Flynas was the first Saudi

Airline to display 'On-Time Performance' and staying true to their motto “The

Kingdom’s First Low-Cost Airline”. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Conceptual Meaning because it refers to the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts and it provides clear, literal definition

Data : Garuda Indonesia (18) Slogan : The Airline of Indonesia

Analysis : A word Airline according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary 4th is a business that operates regular services for carrying passengers and/or goods by aircraft. A word of used to show possession, belonging, or origin.

Based on data company website Garuda Indonesia, The Airline of Indonesia is airlines owned by the Indonesian or the national flag carrier. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Conceptual Meaning


because it refers to the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts and it provides clear, literal definition.

Data : Jetstar Airways (20) Slogan : Australia's No. 1 Low Fares Airline

Analysis : A word Low Fares according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary 4th Edition related to low-fare tickets and flights are much cheaper than the usual ones. Based on data company Jetstar Airways, Australia's No. 1

Low Fares Airline is an Australian low-cost airline headquartered in Melbourne,

Australia. Jetstar’s mission is to offer low fares to enable more people to fly to more places, more often. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Conceptual Meaning because it refers to the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts and it provides clear, literal definition.

Data : Lion Air (23) Slogan : We make people fly Analysis : A word

Fly according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition is to travel by aircraft, or to go somewhere or cross something in an aircraft. Based on data companyLion Air is an Indonesian low-cost airline and the country's largest privately run airline in Indonesia. We make people fly has meaning that the company can make people travel by aircraft because because of the low cost.

Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Conceptual

Meaning because it refers to the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts and it provides clear, literal definition.

Data : Royal Brunai Airlines (31) Slogan : Giving the world Asia's best

Analysis : A word Giving according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s


Dictionary 4th Edition is to offer something to someone, or to provide someone with something. Giving the world Asia's best is a safe, reliable and commercially viable world-class boutique airline which aims to offer personalised services to its customers based on its rich cultural heritage in asia. Based on data company,

Royal Brunei Airlines is constantly transforming to make sure we are well positioned for the future. The growth in middle class population and rising disposable incomes has opened up new opportunities for us and our tourism industry. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is

Conceptual Meaning because it refers to the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts and it provides clear, literal definition.

Data : Wing Air (41) Slogan : Flying is Cheap Analysis : According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word Fly has meaning is to use a particular company to travel by aircraft. Based on data company website, Wings Air’s slogan, “Fly Is Cheap,” has been criticized for its poor sentence structure and grammatical errors. It has also been criticized for only presenting the cost of airfare and not the safety or integrity of the airline. Wings

Air has since changed its slogan to, “Flying Is Cheap,” and expressed that the slogan emphasizes the affordable cost of airfare due to short flight routes and aircraft that are incredibly fuel efficient. By keeping operational costs low, Wings

Air is able to offer some of the cheapest ticket rates in the industry. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Conceptual Meaning


because it refers to the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts and it provides clear, literal definition.

According to characteristics seven type of meanings Table 3.2, connotative meaning is what is communicated by virtue of what language refers to.

1. It refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word.

2. It refers to the associations the emotional suggestions related to that word.

3. It is an additional meaning for a word or phrase.

4. The connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative


Based on Leech Theory, analysis of Connotative Meaning on 40 airlines that use English slogans. The results of the analysis of a number of airlines including Connotative Meaning can be explained as follows:

Data : Qatar Airways (30) Slogan : Going Places Together Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, Go places has meaning to go to many different places/rooms, one after the other, this is denotative meaning. Go place has also another meaning that to be likely to be successful in the future. Related to the company slogan on the website, Going

Places Together can be defined the airline and the passangers taking a life of its own with a future that blossoms into a treasure each and every day. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Connotative Meaning because it refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word, it is an


additional meaning for a word or phrase, and The connotative meanings of a phrase Go place exist together with the denotative meanings.

Data : SilkAir (33) Slogan : Where The World Unwinds Analysis :

According to macmillan, Unwinds is to become straighter or looser after being wrapped around something else, or to make something do this.

Unwind has another meaning that is to relax and allow your mind to be free from worry after a period of work or some other activity that has made you worried.

Related to the company slogan on the website, Where The World Unwinds it can be defined that the airline can be a place to relax, traveling by airplane to be more comfortable you don't have to worry about anything. Just sitting and enjoying the flight. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is

Connotative Meaning because it refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word, it is an additional meaning for a word or phrase, and The connotative meanings of a word Unwinds exist together with the denotative meanings.

Data : Thai Airways (33) Slogan : Smooth as silk Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, smooth as silk has meaning extremely smooth. Smooth as silk has another meaning Lacking impediments or obstacles, unhindered according Related to the company slogan on the website, smooth as silk often used in conjunction with the brand signature, highlights our philosophy of service. The connection between

THAI and Thai silk has been close since the airline was founded, for instance in


the use of lustrous Thai silk for cabin attendants’ in-flight costumes. Another linking element, seen in our advertising and printed material, is the specially designed ‘curve graphic’, which is symbolic of the traditional ‘Thai Wai’ gesture of greeting. . Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is

Connotative Meaning because it refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word, it is an additional meaning for a word or phrase, and The connotative meanings of a phrase Smooth as silk exist together with the denotative meanings.

Data : Xiamen Airlines (42) Slogan : New horizons with Xiamen Air

Analysis : According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary International

Student’s Edition, Horizon is the furthest that you can see, where the sky seems to meet the land or the sea. Horizon also has meaning the limit of your desires, knowledge or interests.Related to the company slogan on the website,New horizons with Xiamen Air in the text slogan has meaning the airline tried to expand its presence in the world with new route. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Connotative Meaning because it refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word, it is an additional meaning for a word or phrase, and The connotative meanings of a word Horizon exist together with the denotative meanings.

According to characteristics of seven type meanings Table 3.2, Social meaning is what is communicated of the social circumstances of language use.


1. It refers to the usage of language in and by society which has big proportions

in determining the meaning that certain speaker has to use and wants to


2. those factors include social class of the speaker and hearer and the degree of


3. Only part of the social meaning of a conversation is carried by words.

4. Social meaning relates to the use of language to establish and regulate social

relations and to maintain social roles.

Based on Leech Theory, analysis of Social Meaning on 40 airlines that use

English slogans. The results of the analysis of a number of airlines including

Social Meaning can be explained as follows:

Data : Scoot (32) Slogan : Get Outta Here! Analysis : According to, Get Outta Here has meaningan exclamation of surprise, disbelief, and/or incredulity. Get Outta Here also has meaning to leave or depart from a specific place. Related to the company slogan on the website, this is a common idiomatic phrase to express disbelief. Often times it is used in a positive way. The American slang was chosen by the board of directors after reviewing the 10 shortlisted finalists. The slogan is the essence of “scootitude” – defined as "a daring attitude to be positive, uncompromising on safety and efficiency. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is

Social Meaning because the meaning of a phrase shows the user's social environment. The presence of phrase as dialects shows the origin of speakers


according to the geographical or social environment. This meaning also shows something about social relations between speakers and listeners. There is a book called Gus the Bus and Evelyn, the exquisite checker published in 1917 that uses this phrase in its literal form.

According to characteristics seven type of meanings Table 3.2, Affective meaning is what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker/writer.

1. It refers to the speaker’s feeling / attitude towards the content or the ongoing


2. The tone of voice is really important to show the emotion since the listener

will understand the feeling of the speaker if he is sad, angry, bad, or happy

through the intonation of the speaker

3. It is important to remember that each individual will have a different affective

meaning for a word.

Based on Leech Theory, analysis of Affective Meaning on 40 airlines that use English slogans. The results of the analysis of a number of airlines including

Affective Meaning can be explained as follows:

Data : All Nippon Airways (4) Slogan : Inspiration of Japan

Analysis : According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition,

Inspiration has meaning someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something. Based on data company website, Inspiration of Japan can be defined it represents many aspects of the Japanese culture and spirit, including skills in


innovation and technology, Japanese courtesy and precision, and the spirit of customer service at the heart of ANA. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Affective Meaning because it refers to emotive association or effects of words evoked in the reader, listener. It is what is conveyed about the personal feelings or attitude towards the listener.

Data : Asiana Airlines (5) Slogan : Beautiful People Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, Beautiful has meaning having an attractive quality that gives pleasure to those who experience it or think about it. With the Beautiful People slogan, the airline was famous for choosing campaign models who became leading celebrities in the

Korean entertainment industry. Based on data company website, Beautiful People create a beautiful world. A beautiful corporation is not criticized and keeps its promises sound and trustworthy takes social responsibility and fulfills its corporate responsibility gives back to society. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Affective Meaning because it refers to emotive association or effects of words evoked in the reader, listener. It is what is conveyed about the personal feelings or attitude towards the listener.

Data : China Airlines (9) Slogan : Journey with a caring smile

Analysis : According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition,

Caring has meaning a caring person is kind and gives emotional support to others.

Smile is a happy or friendly expression on the face in which the ends of the mouth curve up slightly, often with the lips moving apart so that the teeth can be seen.


Based on data company website, Journey with a caring smile can be defined the airline tries to keep passengers' safety by continuously improving, implementing systematic and instant responses to flight safety, risks and emergencies, to become a trusted airlines so that passengers can smile satisfactorily. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Affective Meaning because it refers to emotive association or effects of words evoked in the reader, listener. It is what is conveyed about the personal feelings or attitude towards the listener.

Data : China Eastern Airlines (10) Slogan : World-Class Hospitality with

Eastern Charm Analysis : According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary 4th Edition, World-Class has meaning someone or something world- class is one of the best that there are of that type in the world. Hospitality is the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors.Related to the company slogan on the website, World-Class Hospitality with Eastern Charm can defined that the airline try to act being friendly and welcoming to passangers according to eastern customs. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is

Affective Meaning because it refers to emotive association or effects of words evoked in the reader, listener. It is what is conveyed about the personal feelings or attitude towards the listener.

Data : EVA Air (16) Slogan : Just Relax, Your Home in The Air

Analysis : According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition,

Home is a place where people or animals live and are cared for by people who are not their relations or owners. Relax is to rest and allow yourself to become calm.


Based on data company website, the airlines continue to elevate standards, add amenities and enhance passengers’ check-in and boarding experiences with a customized approach that includes consideration, interaction and mindfulness.

Telling clients to “just relax” is too familiar and too negative, especially for an airline with a wide range of clientele. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Affective Meaning because it refers to emotive association or effects of words evoked in the reader, listener. It is what is conveyed about the personal feelings or attitude towards the listener.

Data : KLM (21) Slogan : Journeys of Inspiration Analysis :

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary International Student’s

Edition, Journey the act of travelling from one place to another. Inspirationis someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something. Based on data company website, Journeys of Inspiration refers to their level of service after, before and during the flights. It also stands for the aspire to offer more than just a flight. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Affective

Meaning because it refers to emotive association or effects of words evoked in the reader, listener. It is what is conveyed about the personal feelings or attitude towards the listener.

Data : Korean Air (22) Slogan : Excellence in Flight Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, Excellence is the quality of being excellent. Flight is a journey through air or space in a vehicle such as a plane. Based on data company website, Excellence in Flight can


be defined the airline pursue excellence in all it does. To shine in the global airline industry, an airline must offer something more than adequate service and good routes. It must provide memorable service that exceeds expectations. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Affective Meaning because it refers to emotive association or effects of words evoked in the reader, listener. It is what is conveyed about the personal feelings or attitude towards the listener.

Data : Oman Airlines (27) Slogan : Modern Vision. Timeless Traditions

Analysis : According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition,

Vision is the ability to imagine how a country, society, industry, etc. could develop in the future and to plan for this. Tradition is a belief, principle, or way of acting that people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time, or all of these beliefs, etc. in a particular society or group. Based on data company website, Modern Vision. Timeless Traditions can be defined a modern fleet allows Oman Air to offer all passengers enhanced comfort, also Oman Air is committed to ensuring that services provided at all levels are of high quality, with safety as our priority as a tradition. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Affective Meaning because it refers to emotive association or effects of words evoked in the reader, listener. It is what is conveyed about the personal feelings or attitude towards the listener.

According to characteristics seven type of meanings Table 3.2, Reflected meaning is what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression.


1. It refers to terms which have more than one meaning surfaces at the same

time, so there is a kind of ambiguity.

2. The meaning which arises in case of multiple conceptual meaning when the

sense of word parts of our response to another sense .

3. It is possible to make either secondary or substitution meaning for the same

words which are reflected to familiar reference of the word in society.

4. This meaning mostly refers to the taboo, sacred condition, and attitude.

Based on Leech Theory, analysis of Reflected Meaning on 40 airlines that use English slogans. The results of the analysis of a number of airlines including

Reflected Meaning can be explained as follows:

Data : Ethiopian Airlines (14) Slogan : The New Spirit of Africa

Analysis : According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition,

Spirit is the characteristics of a person that are considered as being separate from the body, and that many religions believe continue to exist after the body dies.

Spirit also has meaning the form of a dead person, similar to a ghost, or the feeling that a dead person is present although you cannot see them. Spirit according to way of feeling is a particular way of thinking, feeling, or behaving, especially a way that is typical of a particular group of people, an activity, a time, or a place. The New Spirit of Africa is the pride of Africa. Related to the company slogan on the website, Over these years, Ethiopian has managed to maintain its corporate identity of providing excellent air transport service even in the times of economic recessions and political turmoil in Ethiopia and most parts


of Africa. At present, Ethiopian Airlines is the prime airline in Africa, and it flies to more destinations than any other carrier on the continent. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Refleted Meaning because it refers to terms which have more than one meaning surfaces at the same time, so there is a kind of ambiguity about spirit meaning.

Data : Philippine Airlines (28) Slogan : The Heart of the Filipino

Analysis : According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition,

Heart is the organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body. Heart also has meaning used to refer to a person's character, or the place within a person where feelings or emotions are considered to come from. Heart can be defined to as the central or most important part, Based on company website, The campaign, which kicks off with an online video this September 2017 in the United States,

London, Canada and Australia showcases the best of the Philippines and celebrates the best of Filipino values on which PAL was built. This unique brand of hospitality that’s proactive and selfless, and a disposition and attitude that’s resilient and always cheerful, is what sets Philippine Airlines apart from its competition as the airline with More Heart. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Refleted Meaning because it refers to terms which have more than one meaning surfaces at the same time, so there is a kind of ambiguity about heart meaning.

Data : Qantas Air (29) Slogan : The Spirit of Australia Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, Spirit is the


characteristics of a person that are considered as being separate from the body, and that many religions believe continue to exist after the body dies. Spirit also has meaning the form of a dead person, similar to a ghost, or the feeling that a dead person is present although you cannot see them. Spirit according to way of feeling is a particular way of thinking, feeling, or behaving, especially a way that is typical of a particular group of people, an activity, a time, or a place. Related to the company slogan on the website, The Spirit of Australia in aviation terms it's us, as a people, and across the world it is perceived as the face of our nation.

Everything Qantas does reflects on Australia and Australians. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Refleted Meaning because it refers to terms which have more than one meaning surfaces at the same time, so there is a kind of ambiguity about spirit meaning

According to characteristics seven type of meanings Table 3.2, Thematic meaning is what is communicated by the way which the message is organised in terms of order and emphasis.

1. It relates to or constitutes a topic of discourse

2. The meaning that the word conveys is that of something that is connected with

the theme of something

3. The meaning of the theme is communicated in a way in which a speaker or

writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.


Based on Leech Theory, analysis of Thematic Meaning on 40 airlines that use English slogans. The results of the analysis of a number of airlines including

Thematic Meaning can be explained as follows:

Data : Airfast Indonesia (2) Slogan : We’ll Fly You Safely Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition,a word Fly has meaning is to use a particular company to travel by aircraft. Based on data company website in the text slogan the airline want the people to be able to proudly say that the Airfast Indonesia is safer today than yesterday and its management is committed to be even saver tomorrow. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan We’ll Fly You Safely is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.

Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic

Meaning because Fly You Safely is part of a sentence that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan We’ll Fly You Safely is different with text slogan You will be flown by us Safely, the change of subject change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Air China (4) Slogan : Land Your Dream Analysis : According to

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word Dream is something that you want to happen very much but that is not very likely. Based on data company website in the text slogan Land Your Dream, this new global


creative platform is the latest step in Air China's commitment to helping people land their dreams by connecting business travelers and tourists alike with all the possibilities that China and the rest of the world holds. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because Land Your

Dream is part of a sentence that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.

Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Land Your Dream is different with text slogan Your Dream is Land the change of subject change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Batik Air (6) Slogan : Journey Begins Analysis : According to

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word Journey has meaningisthe act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle.A word Begin is to start to do something. Based on data company website, Batik Air is just starting operations in May 2013 and is the second Indonesian airline, after

Garuda Indonesia is offering full service flights, or flights which include qualified facilities such as entertainment in this case television on each seat, free music listening and food facilities during flight. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan Journey Begins is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because

Begin is part of a sentence that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In


the text slogan Journey Begins is different with text slogan A begin Journey, the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Cathay Pacific (7) Slogan : Fly with Us and Travel Well

Analysis : According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word Travel has meaning is to make a journey, usually over a long distance. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan Fly with Us and Travel Well is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.Based on data company website, the

Airline want to put safety first, provide outstanding products and services and consistently deliver service straight from the heart.Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because Travel Well is part of a sentence that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Fly with

Us and Travel Well is different with text slogan Travel Well and Fly with Us, the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Cebu Pacific (8) Slogan : Let's Take to the Sky Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word

Take has meaningisto move something or someone from one place to another.

The meaning of the theme in the text slogan Let's Take to the Sky is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in


terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.Related to the company slogan on the website, there is a sense of freedom about Cebu Pacific flights, backed with a fleet of 47 Airbus planes. With the latest models set to be replacing older planes in

2018, you can expect a tight and efficient service. This is an airline whose flight staff wear bright yellow t-shirts, and are well known for their friendly attitude to service in the sky. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because Take to the Sky is part of a sentence that has a thematic meaning in terms ofordering.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Let's Take to the Sky is different with text slogan To the Sky, Let's Take, the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : China Southern Airline (11) Slogan : Fly into your dreams

Analysis : A word Fly according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

4th Edition is to travel by aircraft, or to go somewhere or cross something in an aircraft. A word Dream according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

4th Edition is something that you want to happen very much but that is not very likely. Based on company website, China Southern will adapt to the new situation, new changes and new requirements in this new era. With positive actions and innovative spirits, we will build a healthy, efficient and more competitive new

China Southern. With Fly into your campaign, A new China Southern that is caring, responsible, ethical, dedicated, honest and credible; a new China Southern


that is for the people. . Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because Fly into your dream is part of a phrase that has a thematic meaning in terms ofordering.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Fly into your dream is different with text slogan Your dream into Fly, the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Citilink (12) Slogan : Better fly, Citilink Analysis: According to

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, A word Better has meaning is used to say that a particular choice would be more satisfactory. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan Better fly, Citilink is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.Based on data company website, the Better Fly, Citilink campaign as part of its marketing strategy. This campaign offers a 0% installment program via credit card, IDR 100,000 cashback, shows boarding passes to get discounts at several hotels, car lottery for loyal passengers, and much more

( on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because Better fly is part of a phrase that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Better fly, Citilink is different with text slogan Citilink is better fly the change of grammatical construction change the


meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

.Data : Emirates (13) Slogan : Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word

Discovering has meaningisto find something for the first time, or something that had not been known before. Based on data company website through this slogan, the airline gives a new dimension of visiting places. It tells you that the journey to a new discovery begins with the flight you take. It is telling you that you should fly on that airline.Emirates is now becoming more of a lifestyle brand globally.

The campaign will strengthen this brand proposition as they move public perception while expanding global footprint. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.

Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic

Meaning because Keep Discovering is part of a sentence that has a thematic meaning in terms of ordering.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering is different with text slogan Keep Discovering. Fly Emirates, the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

. Data : Japan Airlines (19) Slogan : Fly for it Analysis : : A word Fly according to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition is to


travel by aircraft, or to go somewhere or cross something in an aircraft. Based on company data on website “Fly for it!” is JAL’s new slogan for 2020 and beyond.

The endless efforts of athletes who challenge themselves resonate with the efforts of JAL to become the most valued and preferred airline. The slogan represents the valiant spirits of the people running towards their dreams. To further share this vision with the world, JAL will provide opportunities through various events and communication initiatives, which will encourage everyone to take action and tackle their challenges. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because Fly for it is part of a sentence that has a thematic meaning in terms of ordering. Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Fly for it is different with text slogan

For it Fly the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also.

Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Malaysia Airlines (24) Slogan : More than just an airline code

Analysis : According to, airline code has meaning is two or three character alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies an airline. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan More than just an airline codeis communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.Based on data company website, the whole campaign not only revisits the essence of Malaysia Airlines as the national carrier of the country, but also re-emphasises to the world what the values of being a


Malaysian are. The slogan aims to treat every passenger like a guest in its own home. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is

Thematic Meaning because just an airline code is part of a phrase that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan More than just an airline code is different with text slogan Justmore than an airline codethe change of grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Malindo Air (25) Slogan : Not Just Low Cost Analysis : According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, low-cost has meaning is cheap, or not costing as much as other things of the same type. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan Not Just Low Cost is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis.Based on data company website, the airline focus is to deliver exceptional air services while offering low fares with added values and to meet beyond customer expectations while ensuring actions result and profit to the company and maintain a low-cost operation. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because Low Cost is part of a phrase that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Not Just

Low Cost is different with text slogan Just Not Low Cost the change of


grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : NAM Air (26) Slogan : Your Flying Partner Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word

Partner has meaningis a person or organization you are closely involved with in some way. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan Your Flying Partner is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis. Based on data company website, the airline acknowledges that nowadays everyone can fly, however the airlines fliesthem with pride and prestige by implementing our quality of services before flight, in flight and after flight. The airline assures that the flights are affordable yet comfortable. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is

Thematic Meaning because Flying Partner is part of a phrase that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Your Flying Partner is different with text slogan Flying Your Partner the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Singapore Airlines (34) Slogan : A Great Way to Fly Analysis:

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word Way has meaning is a particular choice, opinion, belief, or action, especially from among several possibilities. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan A Great


Way to Fly is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis. Based on data company website, Singapore Airlines has been for several years, consistently profitable,persistently the world's most awarded airline, and perennially customer focused. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is

Thematic Meaning because A Great Way is part of a phrase that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan A Great Way to Fly is different with text slogan Fly is a Great Way the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Srilankan Airlines (35) Slogan : Ready to Fly Analysis:

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word

Ready has meaning is prepared and suitable for fast activity. Based on data company website SriLankan Airlines asks all our customers to 'help us to help you' and be 'Ready to Fly' by arriving at the departure gate at least 40 minutes prior to the scheduled time of departure. Our new 'Ready to Fly! ' initiative is the result of feedback from a wide circle of customers. . Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because Ready to Fly is part of a phrase that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis. Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Ready to

Fly is different with text slogan To Fly Ready, the change of grammatical


construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Sriwijaya Air (36) Slogan : Your Flying Partner Analysis:

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word

Partner has meaning is a person or organization you are closely involved with in some way. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan Your Flying Partneris communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis. Based on data company website, the airline acknowledges that nowadays everyone can fly, however the airlines fliesthem with pride and prestige by implementing our quality of services before flight, in flight and after flight. The airline assures that the flights are affordable yet comfortable. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is

Thematic Meaning because Flying Partner is part of a phrase that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Your Flying Partner is different with text slogan Flying Your Partner the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Tiger Air (38) Slogan : Go for it Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word Go to travel or move to another place. Based on data company website, The airline has created a new brand platform ‘Go for it’, based on a consumer insight which


revealed the main reason people travel is to see their loved ones. Developed by

McCann Australia, Tigerair has also created a 30-second commercial which encourages Australians to travel by taking advantage of low-cost airfares, because

“escaping is sometimes exactly what you need”. . Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because Go for it is part of a sentence that has a thematic meaning in terms of ordering. Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Go for it is different with text slogan For it Go the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Data : Turkish Airlines (39) Slogan : Widen Your World Analysis :

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word

Widen is to allow or encourage influence by something else. Based on data company website , Widen Your World campaign is launched on February 2013, the message was Turkish Airline is a global airline providing flights to all around the world. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is

Thematic Meaning because Widen Your World is part of phrase that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan Widen Your World is different with text slogan Your World is Widen the change of grammatical construction change the meaning also.


Data : Virgin Australia (40) Slogan : Now You're Flying Analysis:

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 4th Edition, a word Fly has meaningis to use a particular company to travel by aircraft. The meaning of the theme in the text slogan Now You're Flying is communicated in a way in which a speaker or writer arranges the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis. Based on data company website, over the last two years, Virgin

Australia have fundamentally changed the domestic airline industry. They launched with a mission, to put the magic back into flying, and give Australian travellers a choice next to Qantas. At the same time, Qantas were stumbling, lurching from one bad news story to the next. For decades they were one of those unquestioned, fabric of the nation brands, but their crown was slipping. Based on the meaning, the most suitable meaning of the slogan is Thematic Meaning because flying is part of a sentence that has a thematic meaning in terms of emphasis.Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning. In the text slogan NowYou're Flying is different with text slogan You are being flown nowthe change of grammatical construction change the meaning also.

Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

Next to find out the description of the Seven Types of Meanings used in 40

Airplane Companies that use the English slogan in this study, the data found can be seen in Table 4.1 below:


Table 4.1 Data Findings : The Seven Type of Meaning in each English Airplane Company Slogans

Type of Meaning TM TM TM TM TM TM TM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

English Airplane Company Slogan

1 Air Asia Now Everyone Can Fly

2 Airfast We’ll Fly You Safely Indonesia

3 Air China Land Your Dream

4 All Nippon Inspiration of Japan Airways

5 Asiana Airlines Beautiful people

6 Batik Air Journey Begins

7 Cathay Pacific Fly with Us and Travel Well

8 Cebu Pacific Let's Take to the Sky

9 China Airlines Journey with a caring smile

10 China Eastern World-Class Hospitality Airlines with Eastern Charm

11 China Southern Fly into your dreams Airlines

12 Citilink Better fly, Citilink

13 Emirates Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering

14 Ethiopian The New Spirit of Africa Airlines

15 Etihad Airways From Abu Dhabi to the world

16 EVA Air Just Relax, Your Home in The Air

17 Flynas The Kingdom's First Low-Cost Airline

18 Garuda The Airline of Indonesia Indonesia

19 Japan Airlines Fly for it


20 Jetstar Airways Australia's No. 1 Low Fares Airline

21 KLM Journeys of Inspiration

22 Korean Air Excellence in Flight

23 Lion Air We make people fly

24 Malaysia More than just an airline Airlines code

25 Malindo Air Not Just Low Cost

26 Nam Air Your flying Partner

27 Oman Airlines Modern Vision. Timeless Traditions

28 Philippine The Heart of the Filipino Airlines

29 Qantas Air The Spirit of Australia

30 Qatar Airways Going Places Together

31 Royal Brunai Giving the world Asia's Airlines best

32 Scoot Get Outta Here!

33 SilkAir Where the world unwinds

34 Singapore A Great Way to Fly Airlines

35 Sri Lankan Ready to Fly Airlines

36 Sriwijaya Air Your Flying Partner

37 Thai Airways Smooth as silk

38 Tiger Air Go for it

39 Turkish Airlines Widen Your World

40 Virgin Australia Now You're Flying

41 Wing Air Flying is cheap

42 Xiamen Airlines New horizons with Xiamen Air


TM1 : Conceptual Meaning = 8 TM2 : Connotative Meaning = 4 TM3 : Social Meaning = 1 TM4 : Affective Meaning = 8 TM5 : Reflected Meaning = 3 TM6 : Collocative Meaning = 0 TM7 : Thematic Meaning = 18

In this study, researcher has collected and processed data from 42 airplane companies that use the English slogan. Furthermore, the researcher will conduct a study of 42 airplane companies which uses English slogans regarding the purpose of implementing advertising activities according to Kotler (1999: 451) which contains: to inform, to persuade, and to remind.

Based on Kotler's Theory, an analysis of to inform on 42 airlines that use

English slogans. The results of the analysis of a number of airlines including those that use to inform customers in advertising objectives can be explained as follows:

Data : Air Asia (1) Slogan : Now Everyone Can Fly Analysis :

Now Everyone Can Fly in the text slogan telling about the fact that everyone can easily travel by plane now. This is due to low-cost carrier. Based on data company website, AirAsia became a pioneer in the aviation industry, and became the first to pioneer the development of the low-cost travel market in the Asia Pacific.

Based on advertising objective is to inform because the informative about Air

Asia became pioneer the development of the low-costcarrier is used to introduce a brand new company product to the marketing.

Data : All Nippon Airways (4) Slogan : Inspiration of Japan

Analysis : Inspiration of Japan can be defined it represents many aspects of the


Japanese culture and spirit, including skills in innovation and technology,

Japanese courtesy and precision, and the spirit of customer service at the heart of

ANA. Following the “Inspiration of Japan” high quality of service, ANA has been awarded the respected 5-Star rating from for 5 consecutive years starting in 2013. Additionally, ANA has been recognized by Air Transport World as "Airline of the Year" three times in the past 10 years - 2007, 2013 and 2018, becoming one of the few airlines winning this prestigious award for multiple times. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.

Data : Asiana Airlines (5) Slogan : Beautiful People Analysis :

With the Beautiful People slogan, the airline was famous for choosing campaign models who became leading celebrities in the Korean entertainment industry.

Based on data company website, Beautiful People create a beautiful world. A beautiful corporation is not criticized and keeps its promises sound and trustworthy takes social responsibility and fulfills its corporate responsibility gives back to society. “Asiana Airlines, while in second place to Korean Air, created a clean image with its slogan ‘Beautiful People’,” said an official in the airline industry who requested anonymity. “It was the first airliner in the world to ban inflight smoking on all routes.” Based on advertising objective is to inform because it creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces


new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.

Data : Batik Air (6) Slogan : Journey Begins Analysis: Carrying the slogan Journey Begins, as the name implies, Batik Air uses batik motifs as an icon on the fuselage with the back of the plane decorated with batik motifs as a characteristic that distinguishes Batik Air aircraft from other airlines as well as carrying a distinctive motif. originating from Indonesia. Based on data company website, Batik Air is just starting operations in May 2013 and is the second

Indonesian airline, after Garuda Indonesia is offering full service flights, or flights which include qualified facilities such as entertainment in this case television on each seat, free music listening and food facilities during flight. Based on advertising objective is to inform because the slogan tells the market about the product, explain how the product works, provide information on pricing, and build awareness of both the product and the company.

Data : China Airlines (9) Slogan : Journey with a caring smile Analysis:

Journey with a caring smile in 2006, the current slogan was introduced to complement the new uniforms and to celebrate its 47th anniversary. Based on data company website, China Airlines agrees to provide the best quality and safety, and they really support every encounter with you. Based on advertising objective is to inform because the informative slogan is used to introduce a brand new company product or service to the marketing.


Data : China Eastern Airlines (10) Slogan :World-Class Hospitality with

Eastern Charm Analysis: Related to the company slogan on the website, the slogan concept of World-class hospitality with Eastern charm, China Eastern will create splendid travel experiences for global customers with an "accurate, delicate and precise" service quality. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it re-launch / up-date of an existing product.

Data : Ethiopian Airlines (14) Slogan : The New Spirit of Africa

Analysis : The New Spirit of Africa is the pride of Africa. Related to the company slogan on the website, Over these years, Ethiopian has managed to maintain its corporate identity of providing excellent air transport service even in the times of economic recessions and political turmoil in Ethiopia and most parts of Africa. At present, Ethiopian Airlines is the prime airline in Africa, and it flies to more destinations than any other carrier on the continent. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.

Data : Etihad Airways (15) Slogan : From Abu Dhabi to the world

Analysis : From Abu Dhabi to the world can be considered the airlines focuses on promoting the airline’s services and its global reach. Based on data company in

Etihad, This is not a rebranding exercise, but a continuation of the brand story drawing from the values of our home in Abu Dhabi and our inspiration from around the world. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it creates


awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.

Data : Flynas (17) Slogan : The Kingdom's First Low-Cost Airline

Analysis : The Kingdom's First Low-Cost Airline is the national Saudi Carrier and the leading low cost airline in the Middle East with a fleet of 30 Airbus A320

Aircraft, operating over 1,100 flights weekly to 17 domestic destinations and 53 international destinations. Based on data company, Flynas was the first Saudi

Airline to display 'On-Time Performance' and staying true to their motto “The

Kingdom’s First Low-Cost Airline”. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.

Data : Garuda Indonesia (18) Slogan : The Airline of Indonesia Analysis:

The company slogan used by Garuda Indonesia is more oriented towards the movement to provide air transportation services that are affordable and reach all regions. Based on data company website, the slogan itself comes from a phrase

(merging 2 sentences) that aims to be easily remembered by the general public and strengthen people's memory of the services provided by the airline. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.


Data : Jetstar Airways (20) Slogan : Australia's No. 1 Low Fares Airline

Analysis: Jetstar is a low-cost airline with headquarters in Melbourne, Australia, and is a subsidiary of Qantas. Based on data company website, Jetstar aims to have the lowest fares on all the routes it operates and backs every fare with a Price

Beat Guarantee. Should any customer find a lower fare online, on the same day, same route and at a comparable time, Jetstar will beat the fare by 10 per cent.

Based on advertising objective is to inform because it creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.

Data : Lion Air (23) Slogan : We make people fly Analysis: We make people fly in the text slogan the message to be conveyed was that the airline provided an opportunity for people who had not had the opportunity to travel using airplanes because of the relatively high cost. Based on data company website, the airline make anyone now able to fly with cheap ticket prices. Based on advertising objective is to inform because the informative slogan is used to introduce a brand new company, product or service to the marketing.

Data : Malindo Air (25) Slogan : Not Just Low Cost Analysis: Not Just

Low Cost is campaign slogan that Malindo is not only a low cost carrier but also an airline that provides superior products and services. Based on data company website, the airline focus is to deliver exceptional air services while offering low fares with added values and to meet beyond customer expectations while ensuring


actions result and profit to the company and maintain a low-cost operation.Malindo Air is a Malaysian premium airline with headquarters in

Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. The name Malindo signifies a cooperative pact between the two countries, derived from the countries’ names – Malaysia and

Indonesia. Based on advertising objective is to inform because the informative slogan is used to introduce a brand new company, product or service to the marketing.

Data : NAM Air (26) Slogan : Your Flying Partner Analysis : The meaning of the theme in the text slogan Your Flying Partner is the airline acknowledges that nowadays everyone can fly, however the airlines flie sthem with pride and prestige by implementing our quality of services before flight, in flight and after flight. The airline assures that the flights are affordable yet comfortable. Based on advertising objective is to inform because the informative slogan is used to introduce a brand new company, product or service to the marketing.

Data : Oman Airlines (27) Slogan : Modern Vision. Timeless Traditions

Analysis : Based on data company website, Modern Vision. Timeless Traditions can be defined a modern fleet allows Oman Air to offer all passengers enhanced comfort, also Oman Air is committed to ensuring that services provided at all levels are of high quality, with safety as our priority as a tradition. Based on advertising objective is to inform because the informative slogan is used to introduce a brand new company, product or service to the marketing.


Data : Philippine Airlines (28) Slogan : The Heart of the Filipino

Analysis : Based on company website, The campaign The Heart of the Filipino , which kicks off with an online video this September 2017 in the United States,

London, Canada and Australia showcases the best of the Philippines and celebrates the best of Filipino values on which PAL was built. This unique brand of hospitality that’s proactive and selfless, and a disposition and attitude that’s resilient and always cheerful, is what sets Philippine Airlines apart from its competition as the airline with More Heart. Based on advertising objective is to inform because the informative slogan is used to introduce a brand new company product or service to the marketing.

Data : Qantas Air (29) Slogan : The Spirit of Australia Analysis: The

Spirit of Australia in aviation terms it is us, as a people, and across the world it is perceived as the face of our nation. Related to the company slogan on the website,

Everything Qantas does reflects on Australia and Australians. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it tells the market about the product, explain how the product works, provide information on pricing, and build awareness of both the product and the company.

Data : Royal Brunai Airlines (31) Slogan : Giving the world Asia's best

Analysis : Giving the world Asia's best is a safe, reliable and commercially viable world-class boutique airline which aims to offer personalised services to its customers based on its rich cultural heritage in asia. Based on data company,

Royal Brunei Airlines is constantly transforming to make sure we are well


positioned for the future. The growth in middle class population and rising disposable incomes has opened up new opportunities for us and our tourism industry. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.

Data : Scoot (33) Slogan : Get Outta Here! Analysis: After going through some 3,000 submissions for its slogan competition, Singapore Airlines' low-cost offshoot, Scoot, has finally revealed its official slogan: Get Outta Here! Related to the company slogan on the website, the American slang was chosen by the board of directors after reviewing the 10 shortlisted finalists. The slogan is the essence of “scootitude” – defined as "a daring attitude to be positive, uncompromising on safety and efficiency. Based on advertising objective is to inform because seeks to tell the market about the product, explain how the product works, provide information on pricing, and build awareness of both the product and the company.

Data : Silk Air (34) Slogan : where the world unwinds

Analysis:Announced as a new brand strategy and new strategic direction, Silk

Air’s switch from The Regional Wing of Singapore Airlines to being Where the

World Unwinds” did not cause tidal waves with the stock markets in

Singapore.The new brand campaign, worth S$3 million (US$1.72 million) over two years, reflects a need for new Asian customers at a time when European


feeder traffic is drying up.It also indicates a time when SilkAir, with a low-cost positioning, may have to stand alone from its mother brand of Singapore

Airlines.Based on data company website, Silk Air is trying to brand itself as

Asia's preferred leisure airline. Based on advertising objective is to inform because the informative slogan is used to introduce a brand new company, product or service to the marketing.

Data : Sriwijaya Air (36) Slogan : Your Flying Partner Analysis : Based on data company website, Your Flying Partner, everyone on board is our partner.

We acknowledge that nowadays everyone can fly, however we fly them with pride and prestige by implementing our quality of services before flight, in flight and after flight. We assure that our flights are affordable yet comfortable).Based on advertising objective is to inform because it tells the market about the product, explain how the product works, provide information on pricing, and build awareness of both the product and the company.

Data : Thai Airways (33) Slogan : Smooth as silk Analysis :

Related to the company slogan on the website, smooth as silk often used in conjunction with the brand signature, highlights our philosophy of service. The connection between THAI and Thai silk has been close since the airline was founded, for instance in the use of lustrous Thai silk for cabin attendants’ in-flight costumes. Another linking element, seen in our advertising and printed material, is the specially designed ‘curve graphic’, which is symbolic of the traditional ‘Thai

Wai’ gesture of greeting. Based on advertising objective is to inform because the


informative slogan is used to introduce a brand new company product or service to the marketing.

Data : Virgin (40) Slogan : Now You're Flying Analysis : Over the last two years, Virgin Australia have fundamentally changed the domestic airline industry. They launched with a mission, to put the magic back into flying, and give Australian travellers a choice next to Qantas. At the same time, Qantas were stumbling, lurching from one bad news story to the next. For decades they were one of those unquestioned, fabric of the nation brands, but their crown was slipping.Related to the company slogan on the website with this brand campaign

Now You're Flying the airline wanted to dethrone the competition and celebrate what sets us apart; showcasing our brilliant people against a backdrop of the

Australia they serve, and in doing so cementing our place as the airline of choice for Australians. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it tells the market about the product, explain how the product works, provide information on pricing, and build awareness of both the product and the company.

Data : Wing Air (41) Slogan : Flying is Cheap Analysis :. Based on data company website, Wings Air’s slogan, “Fly Is Cheap,” has been criticized for its poor sentence structure and grammatical errors. It has also been criticized for only presenting the cost of airfare and not the safety or integrity of the airline.

Wings Air has since changed its slogan to, “Flying Is Cheap,” and expressed that the slogan emphasizes the affordable cost of airfare due to short flight routes and aircraft that are incredibly fuel efficient. By keeping operational costs low, Wings


Air is able to offer some of the cheapest ticket rates in the industry. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.

Data : Xiamen Air (42) Slogan : New horizons with Xiamen

AirAnalysis:Related to the company slogan on the website, New horizons with

Xiamen Air, looking forward, Xiamen Airlines will continue to deliver its customer-focused service, help employees to succeed and give back to society. "It will continue to pursue innovation and excellence by upholding the spirit of fighting for success. It will continue to bring its passengers a travel experience with unique Chinese characteristics beyond their expectations and build a global network reaching every corner of the world with its international horizon. Based on advertising objective is to inform because it tells the market about the product, explain how the product works, provide information on pricing, and build awareness of both the product and the company.

Based on Kotler's Theory, an analysis of to persuade on 40 airlines that use

English slogans. The results of the analysis of a number of airlines including those that use to persuade customers in advertising objectives can be explained as follows:

Data : Airfast Indonesia (2) Slogan : We’ll Fly You Safely Analysis :

Safety is the way the Airline will conduct its business, the airline continuously strive to accomplish the safety culture they have set to attain. Based on data


company website, the airline want our people to be able to proudly say that the airfast is safer today than yesterday and its management is committed to be even saver tomorrow. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.

Data : Air China (4) Slogan : Land Your Dream Analysis : Based on data company website in the text slogan Land Your Dream, this new global creative platform is the latest step in Air China's commitment to helping people land their dreams by connecting business travelers and tourists alike with all the possibilities that China and the rest of the world holds. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.

Data : Cathay Pacific (7) Slogan : Fly with Us and Travel Well Analysis :

Based on data company website, the Airline want to put safety first, provide outstanding products and services and consistently deliver service straight from the heart. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.


Data : Cebu Pacific (8) Slogan : Let's Take to the Sky Analysis :

Based on data company website with the slogan Let's Take To The Sky, there is a sense of freedom about Cebu Pacific flights, backed with a fleet of 47 Airbus planes. With the latest models set to be replacing older planes in 2018, you can expect a tight and efficient service.This is an airline whose flight staff wear bright yellow t-shirts, and are well known for their friendly attitude to service in the sky.

Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.

Data : China Southern Airline (11) Slogan : Fly into your dreams

Analysis : Based on company website, China Southern will adapt to the new situation, new changes and new requirements in this new era. With positive actions and innovative spirits, we will build a healthy, efficient and more competitive new China Southern. With Fly into your campaign, A new China

Southern that is caring, responsible, ethical, dedicated, honest and credible; a new

China Southern that is for the people. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.


Data : Citilink (12) Slogan : Better fly, Citilink Analysis : Based on data company website, Citilink started the Better Fly, Citilink campaign as part of its marketing strategy. This campaign offers a 0% installment program via credit card, IDR 100,000 cashback, shows boarding passes to get discounts at several hotels, car lottery for loyal passengers, and much more. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.

Data : Emirates (13) Slogan : Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering Analysis :

Fly Emirates. Keep discovering, through this slogan, the airline gives a new dimension of visiting places. It tells you that the journey to a new discovery begins with the flight you take. It is telling you that you should fly on that airline.

Emirates is now becoming more of a lifestyle brand globally.Based on data company website, the campaign will strengthen this brand proposition as we move public perception while expanding global footprint.. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.

Data : Japan Airlines (19) Slogan : Fly for it Analysis : : Based on company data on website “Fly for it!” is JAL’s new slogan for 2020 and beyond.


The endless efforts of athletes who challenge themselves resonate with the efforts of JAL to become the most valued and preferred airline. The slogan represents the valiant spirits of the people running towards their dreams. To further share this vision with the world, JAL will provide opportunities through various events and communication initiatives, which will encourage everyone to take action and tackle their challenges. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.

Data : Qatar Airways (30) Slogan : Going Places Together Analysis :

Qatar Airways invites customers to achieve great things together and take journeys that will help them achieve their dreams and ambitions with its global brand campaign, Going Places Together. Based on data company website, the emotive and modern brand campaign reflects Qatar Airways’ core values as a contemporary and innovative company that is really going places and wants nothing more than to inspire its customers to do the same. This campaign captures the essence of the Qatar Airways brand which is about inclusiveness and bringing people together for a better future. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.


Data : Singapore Airlines (34) Slogan : A Great Way to Fly Analysis :

Great Way to Fly an advertising campaign launched, the Singapore Girl was thrust into the limelight and placed on the forefront of SIA's branding which had evolved and transitioned to messaging on fleet expansion, routes, features and in- cabin facilities.Based on data company website, Singapore Airlines has been for several years, consistently profitable, persistently the world's most awarded airline, and perennially customer focused. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.

Data : Srilankan Airlines (35) Slogan : Ready to Fly Analysis: Based on data company website SriLankan Airlines asks all our customers to 'help us to help you' and be 'Ready to Fly' by arriving at the departure gate at least 40 minutes prior to the scheduled time of departure. Our new Ready to Fly! initiative is the result of feedback from a wide circle of customers. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.


Data : Tiger Air (38) Slogan : Go for it Analysis : Based on data company website, The airline has created a new brand platform ‘Go for it’, based on a consumer insight which revealed the main reason people travel is to see their loved ones. Developed by McCann Australia, Tigerair has also created a 30- second commercial which encourages Australians to travel by taking advantage of low-cost airfares, because “escaping is sometimes exactly what you need”. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.

Data : Turkish Airlines (39) Slogan : Widen Your World Analysis :

Based on data company website , Widen Your World campaign is launched on

February 2013, the message was Turkish Airline is a global airline providing flights to all around the world. Based on advertising objective is to persuade, the airline use a variety of approaches, including emphasis on product quality, service, unique features, environmental friendliness, the cool factor, cutting-edge technology and low costs. Emotional appeals are common in persuasive slogan.

Based on Kotler's Theory, an analysis of to remind on 40 airlines that use

English slogans. The results of the analysis of a number of airlines including those that use to remind customers in advertising objectives can be explained as follows:


Data : EVA Air (16) Slogan : Just Relax, Your Home in The Air

Analysis : Just Relax, Your Home in The Air in the text slogan, the airline works to make your flying experience as delivers on its promise of a comfortable, enjoyable, convenient flight as it feels like home. Based on data company website,

Eva Air is largely privately owned and flies a fully international route network. It is the second largest Taiwanese Airline. EVA Airways Corporation is a

Taiwanese international airline based at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport near Taipei, Taiwan. Based on advertising objective is to remind because reminder slogan simply reinforce your brand message to a well-established marketplace. The general idea is to maintain top of mind awareness and protect against competitors coming along and stealing your customers.

Data : KLM (21) Slogan : Journeys of Inspiration Analysis : Journeys of

Inspiration in the text slogan providing a greater flying experience to all its passengers and to continue offering the genuine service and reliability that the

Dutch airline is synonymous with. Based on data company website, KLM operates worldwide with their three primary services: scheduling of passengers, cargo transportation and aircraft maintenance. They serve 133 destinations in 69 countries across five continents from their hub at the capital city of the

Netherlands; Amsterdam. The airline is doing remarkably well and is the oldest airline in the world to retain its original name. Based on advertising objective is to remind because reminder slogan simply reinforce your brand message to a well-


established marketplace. The general idea is to maintain top of mind awareness and protect against competitors coming along and stealing your customers.

Data : Korean Air (22) Slogan : Excellence in Flight Analysis : The

Korean airline want to be a Respected Leader in the World Airline Community with mission operational excellence, innovative excellence, and service excellence. Based on data company website, at the end of June 2019, Korean Air owned 169 aircraft and operated scheduled flights to 126 cities in 44 countries worldwide, including 13 cities in Korea. Based on advertising objective is to remind because reminder slogan simply reinforce your brand message to a well- established marketplace. The general idea is to maintain top of mind awareness and protect against competitors coming along and stealing your customers.

Data : Malaysia Airlines (24) Slogan : More than just an airline code

Analysis : More than just an airline code, the whole campaign not only revisits the essence of Malaysia Airlines as the national carrier of the country, but also re- emphasises to the world what the values of being a Malaysian are. Based on data company website, the slogan aims to treat every passenger like a guest in its own home. Flying to over 50 destinations across Asia, Australia, Europe and the

Middle East. The airline carries up to 40,000 guests daily on memorable journeys inspired by Malaysia’s diverse richness. Based on advertising objective is to remind because reminder slogan simply reinforce your brand message to a well- established marketplace. The general idea is to maintain top of mind awareness and protect against competitors coming along and stealing your customers.


Table 4.2 The Purpose of Each English Airplane Company Slogans in connection with Advertising Objective to customers

Advertising Objectives To To To Inform Persuade Remind

English Airplane Company Slogan

1 Air Asia Now Everyone Can Fly

2 Airfast Indonesia We’ll Fly You Safely

3 Air China Land Your Dream

4 All Nippon Inspiration of Japan Airways

5 Asiana Airlines Beautiful people

6 Batik Air Journey Begins

7 Cathay Pacific Fly with Us and Travel Well

8 Cebu Pacific Let's Take to the Sky

9 China Airlines Journey with a caring smile

10 China Eastern World-Class Hospitality Airlines with Eastern Charm

11 China Southern Fly into your dreams Airlines

12 Citilink Better fly, Citilink

13 Emirates Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering

14 Ethiopian Airlines The New Spirit of Africa

15 Etihad Airways From Abu Dhabi to the world

16 EVA Air Just Relax, Your Home in The Air

17 Flynas The Kingdom's First Low- Cost Airline

18 Garuda Indonesia The Airline of Indonesia

19 Japan Airlines Fly for it

20 Jetstar Airways Australia's No. 1 Low Fares Airline


21 KLM Journeys of Inspiration

22 Korean Air Excellence in Flight

23 Lion Air We make people fly

24 Malaysia Airlines More than just an airline code

25 Malindo Air Not Just Low Cost

26 Nam Air Your flying Partner

27 Oman Airlines Modern Vision. Timeless Traditions

28 Philippine Airlines The Heart of the Filipino

29 Qantas Air The Spirit of Australia

30 Qatar Airways Going Places Together

31 Royal Brunei Giving the world Asia's Airlines best

32 Scoot Get Outta Here!

33 SilkAir Where the world unwinds

34 Singapore Airlines A Great Way to Fly

35 Sri Lankan Airlines Ready to Fly

36 Sriwijaya Air Your Flying Partner

37 Thai Airways Smooth as silk

38 Tiger Air Go for it

39 Turkish Airlines Widen Your World

40 Virgin Australia Now You're Flying

41 Wing Air Flying is cheap

42 Xiamen Airlines New horizons with Xiamen Air

To Inform : 25 To Persuade: 13 To Remind : 4


4.2 Company’s purpose of each English slogan of international and domestic airplane companies

In this discussion the researchers are guided by Conceptual Frame Work, as shown in Figure 1.2 Frame of Thinking, which is the entire research process including input - process - output linking research problems, conducting research conducted alternately between data collection and data analysis until finally the whole research problem can answered.

Firstly, In this study the total population of 42 was chosen as the object of research or sample members. The population is still in detail again based on the type of service, namely as many as 29 Full Services airlines and 13 Low Cost

Carrier airlines.

Furthermore, out of 42 total members, consisting of airlines operating in

Indonesia, which have the following criteria: 1) international and domestic airlines, 2) English slogans, 3) Air Operator Certificate (AOC) 121 provisions with a capacity of more than 30 seats, 4) scheduled commercial flights , 5) non- cargo passenger flights and 6) international and domestic full service and low cost carrier airlines.

The list of 42 members of the sample airlines with English slogans are classified into 2 groups originating from International and domestic airlines which are Full Services and Low Cost Carriers. Those are the object of research includes: the name of the airline, the country of origin, the slogan, can be seen in

Table 3.1.


Furthermore, 42 sample airline members with English slogans are sorted into 13 international and domestic low-cost carriersaccording to customer segmentation. It can be seen in Table 3.2.

Secondly, As for the data from 29 international and domestic full service airlines can be seen from table 3.3.

Thirdly, if it is associated with the preliminary research activities, the response is to inform, it reaches 80%, while the airplane company which use

English slogans is associated with the goal of doing advertising slogans the results are the same namely the most dominant one is to inform are very precise and reasonable.The results of the discussion shown in Table 4.1.3 show the response that the highest to inform followed by to persuade and the lowest is to remind.

Fourthly, based on the description of point 3.6 Technique of Analyzing Data precisely from point 1 to 4 above to the unit of analysis for 40 airplane companies using English slogans operating in Indonesia. After the discussion, the phenomenon in the field of aviation industry management in Indonesia has been linked in the period of mid-2017 to the present in mid-2019. Furthermore, based on the Frame of Thinking research, the researchers concluded that one foreign airplane company that received a response tended to be positive by customers are Air Asiaairplane company and while the national airplane company that get the response tend to be negative from customers are Lion Air.

Why did this happen? Similarities: 1) Air Asia and Lion Air Airplane company are both flight-based companies. LCC (Low Cost Carrier) is an airplane


company that offers low rates to its customers, with the consequence of elimination / reduction of services / facilities that regular flight customers will get.

2) The two airplane companies referred to as "Discounter Carrier" are usually synonymous with the aviation service business that adheres to "efficient, simple, and concise" services. 3) The two companies used the content of the relatively similar advertising slogan, Air Asia Airplane company slogan "Now Everyone

Can Fly" and Lion Airplane company slogan "We make people fly".

The difference: 1) Lion Air Group companies have a market share of almost

50% and Garuda Group has a market share 46% of the two airplane companies are suspected of carrying out a business strategy to regulate ticket prices so that Lion

Air tickets are not cheap anymore means they don't match the slogan anymore.

Whereas Air Asia, despite its small market share, sells at affordable rates according to its slogan. 2) Stakeholders of Lion Airplane companies such as the

Government, the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI), the Indef Research

Institute (Institute for Development of Economics and Finance) expect that Lion

Air flight fares will be reduced to normal rates. Whereas Air Asia can still sell at its normal rates because it carries out an efficiency strategy and not predatory pricing / the price of turning off opponents. 3) Strong customer rejection of high tariffs resulted in a decrease in the number of Lion Air passengers to more than

20%, affecting the financial health of the company. While Air Asia tends to be stable and slightly increase. 4) Kompas July 10, 2019, Researcher Indef Nailul

Huda, reviews "Four Mistakes in Managing the Aviation Industry in Indonesia


and at the same time conveys that the expression "We Make People Fly" owned by Lion Air Group seems to be irrelevant.

In conducting the next analysis the researchers grouped 42 units of analysis for the Airline Low Cost Carrier group into 3 sub groups namely: 1) International

Low Cost Carrier VS International Low Cost Carrier, 2) International Low Cost

Carrier VS Domestic Low Cost Carrier, 3) Domestic Low Cost Carrier VS

Domestic Low Cost Carrier , As for the Full Service Carrier group, there are 3 sub groups: 1) International Full Service Carrier VS International Full Service Carrier,

2) International Full Service Carrier VS Domestic Full Service Carrier, 3)

Domestic Full Service Carrier VS Domestic Full Service Carrier.

Researcher in conducting an analysis of the International Low Cost Carrier with Airline Different Test Analysis Standards using Airline Key

Performance Indicators (KPI) which includes: Safety, Flight Operation and

Finance, the following results :

International Low-cost Carrier vs International Low-cost Carrier (2018)

No Difference Test Cebu Pasific Air Asia X Let's Take to the Sky Now Every One Can Fly 1 Safety On 23 April 2018, the crew Zero accident needed to stop the aircraft due to a nose gear steering fault. no passengers or crew were injured 2 Flight Operation 53 24 3 Finance Revenue : US$ 1.12 billion Revenue : US$1.43 billion Finance Performance : Profit Finance Performance : Loss

(processed from various sources)


Although with a smaller number of airline and finance performance loss,

Air Asia X had a zero accident in 2018 which places it better than cebu pacific.

International Low-cost Carrier vs Domestic Low-cost Carrier (2018)

No Difference Test Jet Star Airways Lion Air Australia's No. 1 Low Fares We Make People Fly Airline 1 Safety Zero Accident On 29 October 2018, Lion Air Flight 610, a Boeing 737 MAX 8, crashed in the Java Sea 12 minutes after takeoff from Jakarta, killing all 189 people on board 2 Flight Operation 71 117 3 Finance Revenue : A$3.636 billion Revenue : IDR 36 T (est) Finance Performance : Profit Finance Performace: Loss (processed from various sources)

Jetstar is better than Lion air with zero accident meanwhile a Boeing 737

MAX 8, Lion Air crashed in the Java Sea 12 minutes after take off from Jakarta, killing all 189 people on board. Jetstar is one of the world's top 10 safest low-cost airlines.

Jetstar Airways financial performance is profit while Lion Air financial performance is loss.

Domestic Low-cost Carrier vs Domestic Low-cost Carrier (2018)

No Difference Test Citilink Wing Air Better fly, Citilink Flying is Cheap 1 Safety Zero accident Zero accident 2 Flight Operation 57 66


3 Finance Revenue : US$76.03 million Revenue : IDR 36 T (est) Finance Performance: Loss Finance Performance: Loss

(processed from various sources)

The advantage of Citilink is segmentation and consumer shots that have been firmly stated from the start. With a holding company working on premium business, Citilink has a clear segment that is targeting the lower classes. Garuda's support can also be an advantage for Citilink. Wing Air and its parent airline still have to fix a number of problems that are often complained by consumers. This

Rusdi Kirana-owned company is expected to be able to improve its quality of service and safety standards. As per the company's Slogans, Citilink and Wing Air both inform the Airline Low Cost Carrier publicly, but in reality they are Full

Service Carriers. The management of the two Airlines is inconsistent in doing business.

International Full Service Carrier vs International International Full Service (2018)

No Difference Test Singapore Airline Emirates A Great Way to Fly Keep discovering 1 Safety Zero accident Zero accident 2 Flight Operation 127 256 3 Finance Revenue : S$11.6 billion Revenue : US$ 13.3 billion Finance Performance: Profit Finance Performance: Loss

Emirates and Singapore Airlines are known for their high standards of service, with both airlines being ranked high among the top airlines in the world every year. One can be better than other that is all and things are dynamic. In the


field of finance, Singapore Airline is better because its financial position is profitable.

International Full Service Carrier vs Domestic Full Service Carrier (2018)

No Difference Test China Airlines Sriwijaya Air Journey with a caring smile Your Flying Partner 1 Safety Zero Accident Zero Accident 2 Flight Operation 88 12 3 Finance NTD139.815 billion IDR 1,2 T (est) Finance Performance: Profit Finance Performance: Loss

(processed from various sources)

China Airline is the national carrier of Taiwan so in all aspects it exceeds

Sriwijaya Air specifically in the field of Finance, China Airlines Finance performance profit position while Sriwijaya Airlines loss.

Domestic Full Service Carrier vs Domestic Full Service Carrier (2018)

No Difference Test Garuda Indonesia Batik Air The Airline of Indonesia Journey Begin 1 Safety Zero Accident Zero Accident 2 Flight Operation 139 54 3 Finance Revenue : US$3.86 billion Revenue : 36 T (est) (Rp53.08 trillion) Finance Performance: Loss Finance Performance: Loss

(processed from various sources)

Garuda Indonesia Passengers most business people and tourists are looking for excellent services while Air Batik passengers are "upgraded" passengers from low-cost airlines, looking for slightly better services. Garuda Indonesia is better


than Batik Air in all aspect although both are full service carrier. Only in the field of finance performance the two airlines was loss

Based on the response of the strong stake holders according to Frame of

Thinking Picture 1.2 that the company's goal is to make the Advertising Slogan not fulfilled and preferably if there is no change in company policy rates, we recommend that the Advertising Slogan content be changed because it is not in line with the company's business behavior and is counterproductive.



5.1 Conclusions

Based on the results of the research and field findings to be able to answer the identification of problems in chapter 1, In conducting semantics analysis the researcher used the seven types of meaning theory Leech (1981) to analyze each advertising English slogan from 42 airlines as an object of research. To maintain consistency in analyzing the researchers first need to arrange the characteristics of the seven types of meaning. The next step of 42 advertising English slogans researchers grouped into seven types of meaning, namely: Conceptual meaning,

Connotative meaning, Social meaning, Affective meaning, Reflected meaning,

Collocative meaning and Thematic meaning.

The final results of analyzing the activities of 42 English slogans of airplane company slogans operating in Indonesia were found using Thematic meaning. It means airplane company are service companies engaged in the field of air transportation, the main theme that is usually carried is usually always related to safety, so it's not surprising that there are many words of "safety" that are the focus and emphasis in their slogans. Some other airplane company try to say in their slogan that the company is better, more friendly, warmer in terms of comfort in traveling using their airplane company.



In conducting an analysis of 42 advertising airplane company slogans associated with the purpose of advertising to customers, the researcher used namely: to inform, to persuade and to remind.The final result of the analysis of 42

English slogans of airplane company operating in Indonesia that the researchers found that the company's goal of advertising slogans was to inform customers.

Only when it comes to implementation on the ground requires consistency between the slogans being communicated to the public and company policies.

Furthermore, by conducting different tests on airline slogans grouping based on the type of service, namely: Full Service Carrier Airline and Low Cost Carrier

Airline using Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Airline includes the elements:

Safety, Flight Operations and Finance shows that it contains meaning the low cost carrier flight model is developing rapidly in the world. Through unique service offerings, almost anyone can fly comfortably to various destinations, without having to pay high fees. The results show that domestic low cost carrier companies such as: Citilink Airline, Lion Airline, Wing Air with low cost carrier slogans are in fact Full Service Carriers with normal fees.

In contrast to other International and Domestic Low Cost Carrier groups such as: Air Asia, Jetstar, Malindo Air, Cebu Pacific, Silk Air and others are consistent according to their slogan as low cost carriers.


5.2 Suggestions

Based on the research discussed in Chapter IV and from drawing some of the conclusions raised above, it can be submitted a number of suggestions, especially to future researchers who are interested in continuing the research, namely: For higher education

Considering the limitations that exist in researchers and researchers acknowledging that this research is still lacking. Therefore researchers expect this research to be an object of further research in English in the Semantic fields as well as to make their output more efficient.

This research conceptualized in the form of applied research is expected to be a reference for marketing and sales practitioners. The airplane company Air

Asia, which is consistently an example in making good advertising slogans because it goes through a good process too. Air Asia airplane company have succeeded in the hearts of customers tested and informed because the best managed company, the best low cost airline and the slogan of making everyone can fly is tested now.