Our Film Folk Now Under Way at the Universit the Public Is Cordially Invited by HELEN ZIGMOND Fdr Tbe Casting and Setting Df Thy Flor'a Avenue
, ,. ' '.' ",,', ' " '~,';c' " " . ,' .. 'J ' I,r ",," " .... , . , : .. "'.:, ::' .. , ... , ':: .' Page Four '~, I THE JEWISH POST Thursday, July 29, 1943 --.....:...:::...:----------==:::::.:::..::::....:~ Thursday, July 29, 1943 T'lI'E JBWISH 1"0.., ................................. - Sunday in honDr of Mr. and Mrs Hebrew characters was published t ~_ Bologna, Italy, in 1477. a ,\ '. ! ; Charles Baal on the occasion of their •• _••• _•••• . _•••• -•••• _-•• ____ •__ •••••••••••• ••• ---•• ___ .a_ •• 25th anniversary, at the home of Revealing that preparations are their mother, Mrs. A. Karetrtik, 744 Our Film Folk now under way at the universit The Public Is Cordially Invited By HELEN ZIGMOND fDr tbe casting and setting Df thY Flor'a avenue. The tables were cen type, Dr. Magnes said that the u .. NOTE DATE: Speakers: (Copyright, 1943, J.T.A.) 't . nl- . tred with spring flowers and white ye~,Stl y Pb~~~hs assoc~ahon' s purpose IS 0 pU J.lli an accepted text w·th tapers. Guests numbered 50. l Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Greiss and Hollywood - "The Strange Death Order in Germany. "Now when you scrupulous fidelity to every det il Wednesday, August 4th, Judge Hamilton Mrs. Abe Silver, formerly Edith and to follow the Jewish tradition ~ • • family, 'of Brooklyn, N.Y., are visit of Adolf Hitler" will have a ninety sit down to breakfast," she 'exhorted, t t' CHINA DINNER II . "P' m TO NeillY, of this city, left recently Ior. a mmu ae. rm mg the Bible' , AID , . 1 . m , . ors in the city, guests of Mrs. Greiss' per cent European cast-all of whom j,you must never forget to say, H e b rew Invo ves a tremend .
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